Anybody that has been involved in physical fitness for a substantial length of time has undoubtedly been confronted with militant fatties yelling at them (the vast majority of whom, I should point out, appear to be women). Indeed, the mere existence of your fitness is a grave affront to the lives and well-being of these particular people. To justify their own obesity, they will claim that they are “literally incapable” of getting in shape or losing weight, referring to a number of medical conditions that they have, or allege to have, that keeps them from losing weight. But is there any truth to this?
Being that I like to consider myself a nice person, I’ll give these claims a fair shake: Here are a few commonly claimed medical reasons for obesity, and the legitimacy of these claims for the average…heavier than average person.
1. Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disease in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone, which is predominantly necessary for regulation of body metabolism for various nutrients. It stems from a lack of iodine in the diet.
And here, indeed, is a possibly legitimate reason for uncontrolled weight gain—a low metabolism will lead to a lack of calories utilized, which will cause adipose cells to retain more fat. With that being said…
Hypothyroidism has other symptoms beyond weight gain in adult patients, such as: Poor ability to regulate body temperature, low energy, constipation, and depression, as well as an enlarged thyroid gland known as a goiter (for your sake and mine, I won’t include pictures).
The point I’m trying to make is, it seems unlikely to me that a case of hypothyroidism would ONLY cause weight gain without the other symptoms. And while fat women often seem emotionally unstable—seemingly giving credence to the depression symptom—there’s probably a variety of other reasons for that.
Even if a case of hypothyroidism had just the one symptom, statistics show that iodine supplementation has caused rates of hypothyroidism to decrease through the world. In the United States, less than 5% of the population aged 12 and over has hypothyroidism. So while it is possible that the vengeful fatty in your life has this disorder…it’s not likely.
2. Diabetes
Diabetes is a family of disorders characterized by high blood sugar levels, and the inability of the body to process this. There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 is characterized by the inability of the pancreas to create insulin (a hormone that promotes the absorption of glucose from the bloodstream and into the skeletal muscles), and Type 2 is characterized by the cells being incapable of absorbing the insulin that is produced.
Diabetes is indeed an ailment associated with weight, but unfortunately for those using it to justify their weight gain, type 1 diabetes is actually associated with weight loss, as well as blurry vision, fatigue, and eventual organ failure and potential death.
And type 2 diabetes is a consequence of obesity and lack of exercise, not a cause of these two things. Simply put, if you are overweight, not getting enough exercise, and eating a bad diet, you are more likely to get Type 2 diabetes. There are also certain populations and ethnicities that are more likely to get it, suggesting a genetic component, but this does not negate the individual human factor of this illlness.
3. Stress
The area surrounding the human kidney contains a gland you might have heard of: the adrenal gland. This is another endocrine gland that provides hormones for internal use in the human body. The actual adrenaline hormone is produced by the adrenal medulla, the inner portion of the gland. The adrenal cortex—the outer portion—secretes a variety of steroid hormones, including the one that is of importance to this discussion: cortisol.
Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is released in response to stress. It suppresses normal immune and metabolic function to free up bodily resources for a “fight or flight” response. While it is very useful for short bursts of fear or violence (this is where the archetypical “turning white with fear” comes from—blood rushes away from the face and into the muscles so you can run away from danger faster), long term stress and thus long-term cortisol exposure has been associated with numerous deleterious health effects such as increased susceptibility to illness, stomach ulcers, difficulty sleeping, cardiac arrhythmia, and yes, weight gain.
Stress brought on by external circumstances can indeed cause weight gain and fat retention. With that being said, I have to ask: Is your life truly that stressful? Isn’t the whole concept of fat acceptance the absolute epitome of “First World Problems,” which is to say, not actually worthy of being called stressful?
In other words, while fat acceptance people may be fat, and they may be under stress, perhaps they’re overreacting over comparatively minor problems. And there are numerous ways to actively deal with stress. Physical exercise does it for me most times, and that is an enormous hint that I am dropping for the benefit of the amply sized. If exercise isn’t your thing, try meditation or talking to somebody about your problems.
The point I’m trying to make is, stress is a factor in weight gain, but it’s not some sort of mysterious miasma that just comes upon you and forces you to gain weight. It is a negative, but manageable, facet of life.
4. Genetic predisposition
And when all else fails, these people will just claim that their genetics give them a predisposition to weight gain. And again, there is some truth to this: Some individuals are endomorphic and naturally more likely to be large, as are certain races and ethnicities.
But, much like the stress issue discussed above, this is a bump in the road that can be overcome. While I share the belief of any red-pilled person that human existence is not entirely an issue of nurture, a genetic predisposition to weight gain should not force you to give up even trying. And that’s not even getting into how ironic it is that a facet of Social Justice Warriordom, which fat acceptance undoubtedly is, is utilizing an argument based on human genetics, a field that they ruthlessly suppress when it can’t be used to argue for them. Which is to say, most times.
Also, this argument fails to stand up to statistical scrutiny: In the United States, 65% of people are overweight or obese. Is it likely that an overwhelming majority of people in a nation are “genetically predisposed” to being overweight? Either the United States’ 300 million people all can be traced back to a small “Founder’s Effect” population that had a predisposition for obesity (not likely, considering the massive amounts of immigration the US had from 1830-1880, and 1965-present), or this excuse is full of crap. I think for most people, it’s the latter.
So in conclusion, there are indeed legitimate reasons that can cause people to be overweight against their will. The ones I analyzed here are just a few of them. But the likelihood of every fat person having one of those reasons is astronomically low. If you’re overweight, it’s more likely that you don’t have these issues, and proper diet and exercise can help you more than any excuse.
Read More: NA[X]ALT Is Not A Legitimate Argument For Any Group
I’m the first one here? That never happened before.
Anyhow most obscenely obese people do have a common problem, they are LAZY and eat TOO much, just that simple.
Back in the day in school there was always “the fat kid”, nowadays almost all of them are “the fat kid”.
yup, I bet kids will be bullied in the future for being skinny…
I’m going to steal that line Mr. Cheeseburger.
“Hey look! he only sweats during gym class! What a freak!”
“I can hear your bones clanging together!”
“Hey skinny, eat a sandwich!”
“I bet your penis looks like a Slim Jim!”
And then the kid will develop depression, be put on drugs, and those drugs, of course, slow your metalbolism down, and you will get fat as a result. Rinse, repeat…
I was a really skinny kid. My mom used to say I could run home in the rain and not get wet because I would run through the rain drops. Everyone gets teased as a kid but there was never a sense of hatred because of being skinny. Everyone was skinny…i was just a little skinnier. That said, there is real bile and hatred now for anyone not conforming to fat averages.
That’s okay… All they have to do to escape is walk briskly, away from the bully.
great line.
future? I would double you up and bet that that shit is going on right now.
“haha! he can only eat one Baconator!”
I remember that kfc has a commercial for a sandwich that was bacon and cheese and instead of bread they used two pieces of fried chicken.
It literally looked like it could kill you
Women of course have always despised their skinnier and more attractive “sisters”. Daisy Ridley was recently accused of not having enough curves to look like a real woman and was able to milk the backlash attention from being a more-popular attractive woman. Catty nonsense.
“Check your thin privilege.”
It’s a vicious cycle, where as the fatter you get the less inclined you are to move around. I think it’s fair and reasonable to say that some people for myriad reasons are more susceptible to gaining weight and being fat than others. I think there is still a lot that science has yet to learn about what actually induces and reduces fatness. Just recently I’ve read articles about the time of day that people consistently eat their meals and also the types of bacteria in the gut having a yooge impact on how fat or skinny a person will tend to be, other things being equal. I read that a woman who gained a lot of weight during her pregnancy was not able to lose it until she stopped eating large dinners late in the evening; once she shifted her eating to earlier in the day she went back to her previous weight without changing anything else about her diet. Weird, isn’t it?
“Back in the day in school there was always ‘the fat kid’, nowadays almost all of them are ‘the fat kid’.”
A look back through old photo albums would probably reveal that the “fat kid” everybody remembers wouldn’t even be considered “fat” now.
There’s some evidence that, in old people, having a little extra helps you survive longer.
Wait until age 70 to open the chips.
Could some people be addicted to food? My friend is morbidly obese, when we go out for some quality food, he tends get a look on his face as if he just had an orgasm
“could some people be addicted to food”? Answer yes. I don’t know why they don’t label obesity an “eating disorder” like they do with anorexia nervosa/bulimia . Eating food ,esp high carb/sugary foods stimulates the same “pleasure centers” of the brain like cocaine and drugs..
Adrenal fatigue can lead to hypothyroidism btw…not trying to shoot down the premise of the article entirely, but most people make excuses, but some may have food addiction or fried adrenals
Yes, probably…but still no excuse. Heroin is addictive….people on heroin can quit.
I think it’s possible, in the same way people can become addicted to pornography-eating food gives you a dopamine release, you unconsciously associate food with feeling good, lather rinse repeat. Just like with masturbation.
I suffered cardiac arrest while jogging due to genetic cardiomyopathy 11 yrs ago and I haven’t been able to exercise strenuously since then. After putting on 35 lbs in the first 10 years, I managed to drop 20 lbs in 6 months last year simply by cutting out rice and pasta and filling up on water-laden vegetable soup as meals and snacks. I guess a good thing about being male with calorie-burning muscle mass is the ability to passively lose weight solely thru caloric restriction.
well done man. I didn’t have anything nearly as bad as cardiac arrest but i gained about 35 pounds when I herniated 2 discs in my spine last year. It was there legit because I was not able to walk too well and i was eating from depression…drinking to much booze too…but since feeling better I took all the weight off and am looking at new PR’s in the gym. If I did’t eat like a pig I don’t think I would have gained the weight.
Will you ever be able to get your heart rate up again or is it a permanent thing?
PRs = Puerto Ricans?
yes….i lost the weight and now many rican bitches be calling me papi
papi chulo!
aye conyo
Ay papi chulo u look like Daddy Yankee.
ha, reminds me of when I used to drive my R1. Man, nothing gets a puerto rican girl hotter than a white guy with blue eyes on an insanely dangerous race bike.
chupa tu pinga, verdad?
Then I suggest you go to Mexico. The brown skinned girls go crazy for fair skinned men. In both cases, I blame the Spaniards.
Yeah, latinas have always had a sweet spot for me. But the R1 really put it over the edge.
They are born to do it.
No, they’re obese just like Middle-Americans.
The only time I ever lost serious weight was when I got diabetes. Gym and exercise isn’t so easy if you’re asthmatic
it isn’t so easy if you aren’t asthmatic either. I am not saying everyone needs to be an olympian but eating healthy and being active just makes good sense.
Yeah eating right and keeping the calories down is a lot simpler than undertaking major workouts whatever the benefits
major workouts aren’t for everyone. Neither is cooking or building furniture. The interwebs seems to have convinced the world we need to be walking around in perfect physical form (ironic since everyone is so fat) but the truth is, what is important is that we are healthy.
exactly. You’re less likely to die of a heart attack by eating modestly and doing moderate exercise / keeping busy than if you’re a marathon runner (at least I remember some statistic to that effect). I actually rather enjoy workout sessions, but because of my asthma my recovery isn’t great. There isn’t a one size fits all
Ive read raw milk helps with asthma- can you get any where u are?
My father was a serious marathon runner in the 70’s and 80’s then became a gym rat lates 90’s after being out of shape., suffered a serious heart attack at the gym (they were equpied and ready ambulance came in 5min) recovered
still exercised hard.
Blew out his knee trying to do a 5k run when he shouldn’t have almost died again from a pulmonary embalism from the surgery.
Recovered walked with a cane still tried doing hard walking exercise.
Died in his sleep after a long walk the night before..
Unpasteurized I presume. Never heard that one before. I’m in a city so short of hanging out at Mothercare not really. It’s not that bad actually but I can’t really push myself as I’d like
Sorry to hear that. It seems unfair, but that does seem to be the way it is for a lot of people. Both physical and mental stress can be healthy when carefully calibrated (not easy to do) but the problem is you can get addicted to both. In the case of physical stress I think it’s mainly the endorphin high which is so addictive (I used to feel dirty and restless if I didn’t swim even one day when I was in my twenties) and that high (whatever it’s nature) doesn’t seem to relate to what the body is actually capable of.
I can do a bit of upper body work to maintain muscle mass. My problem was fatal V-tach and V-fib during cardio work on the treadmill, so I need a beta blocker to keep my heart from racing during stress. My ICD device will shock me if needed, but it hasn’t needed to do so yet.
wow man, that is really serious shit. If you don’t mind me asking, was it just genetic, just one of those things or were you like a huge coke guy….I am curious because that is something that, if it is in my power to avoid, I would like to avoid at all costs.
Purely genetic. I’ve always been the epitome of clean living, and I was doing my usual Saturday AM cardio work like I had been doing 3-4 times a week for 8 years or so. To say that I didn’t deserve this is a huge understatement, but freakish things happen all the time, and things could always be worse. I’m not in a wheelchair, I can still enjoy my work and other sources of stimulation in this life, but I’ve lost a lot of physicality since then.
You’re attitude is really great. That is a shit hand to be dealt, but you are playing it well man.
Good for you, mate.
If possible, I’d recommend trying to get your calories in the following ratio:
1g carb : 2g protein : 5g (mostly saturated) fat
The ratio is the product of Dr Jan Kwasniewski’s clinical practice and experimentation. He called it the “optimal diet ratio”, and it was very effective in getting clients to lose and keep off weight without caloric restriction. Basically, carbs are metabolized into fat prior to consumption, but the insulin response that goes with it causes you to store that fat. Without the insulin response, you tend to need fewer calories in a day because none of them are going into storage.
Therefore, high fat intake (which has no impact on insulin), moderate protein intake (which, after a certain point, is treated as a carb by the digestive system), and low carb intake tends to be very effective.
As someone in the medical field, this article is medical sound.
Why don’t we have fat pride marches? Too much like exercise?
More chance of Triggly Puff stealing the Democratic nomination from Hilary
U see that rage meter animated gif of her performance? brilliant.
She’s actually so outrageously and stereotypically SJW I can’t get enough of her. She is a gift from heaven
We should have a national fat pride parade. All will be given vouchers for airfare and hotel. This first(and only) parade will be held in Death Valley in July. It will be an enormous, one-time expense to the tax payer, but it will be worth it
Why not combine fat pride with the marathon too?
LOL. They could let em melt in the desert. It would be akin to how they dispose of fat-laden waste in Las Vegas – haul em out into the middle of the desert and dump em.
Nah, that would make em smell a rat 🙂
They would grate some cheese over it and eat the rat
fucking hilarious.
yes in this case one just has to look at the ROI. and I would say it might be even higher than the ROI on Trumps wall.
Yes, too much exercise. Also, They’d have to have bariatric ambulances on standby, to haul their 1/4 ton asses to the hospital. Those ambulances are every expensive.
If they had floats they’d also be well advised to rename them as “sinks”
I can see the AMA pushing for a fat pride parade as a conspiracy to make money for cardiologists.
Fuck, maybe the AMA is behind the fat acceptance movement in general. Doctors making a fortune.
And you know who often becomes doctors right?
Noooo, lolknee’s turning into one of those guys who have Tourettes about the Jews! 😀 I’ve decided to call it Torah-rettes.
maybe not marches but perhaps fat pride scooter derbies in the not too distant future
really terrific article.
“Are there legitimate reasons to be fat”
No, just excuses.
Not everyone is a Gym Rat, but everybody can ‘CHOOSE’ proper dieting with minimal exercise to achieve an average physique/slim frame (don’t have to be a Body Builder, but being average/slim is easily achievable). Look at pictures from the 1950’s-1970’s, everybody is slim. Everybody moved around, walked , was outside, used their bodies in physical tasks. People in 2016 are stationary, static, less movement, their muscles require less fat and carbs for energy, and the Fat is stored , and the result is Obesity.
The reason people are Fat, is because they choose to be.
That’s the problem. People associate exercise with gyms exclusively, which is a bad thing to do. And anyone who goes out shopping at a big mall or sees people waiting for
30+ minutes at a fast food drive thru line has seen this. They not only are too lazy to get out of their vehicles to walk the counter, they are too lazy to walk the extra feet of parking at the mall and so they burn gas looking for the closest spot to the door. All because they don’t realize your can burn a few calories. But just excuses at the end.
I think its more than that – sometimes a visit to a chiropractor for the neck can fix the problem, sometimes a visit to the psychologist. We have to look at healthy wholistically. I have seen chiropractors and psychologists help people lose weight, meditation, neurofeedback
better to fix it yourself – yoga is a great tool. looking for others to fix the problem is the reason the west is in a big mess to begin with.
actually it depends what’s broken – Yoga sometimes helps, sometimes its kick boxing. It’s key to see things holistically and keep tinkering and trying different things until the weight isn’t a problem
Almost across the board it is spine problems. Although I do advocate for men to partake in sports like kickboxing, that won’t fix the spine. Only yoga can do that.
What’s even more amusing is watching people circling around in the gym parking lot looking for the spot closest to the entrance. The irony of it is astounding.
I will admit that when I first started going to the gym I did it out of habit. Then one day it occurred to me how silly it was.
Ha! I’ve noticed that too. And also the incessant whining about it.
You are right. I am a lard butt. Why? Long hours at an office job, too tired or lazy to do exercise, and grabbing food on the run because the next client will be here in ten minutes. I began to get angry at myself. I thank ROK for their help (fat shaming does work!). While not a gym rat, I take a long walk before bed, I made changes in my diet by drinking more water, and having an apple or a salad before lunch, and park far away. It is working. Hell, why make excuses? Get angry and get to work!
I’ll back you up on that one, especially the pictures from the 50’s thru the 70’s!
I had friends who had legit hormone problems, tumors, hormone medication – everything designed to make them into a cow. They all worked on their weight. The one who recovered from the tumor had a hard time, but put work in it, is slightly fat, but not American obese. Everyone else I knew got a nutritionist, went to the gym, figured out what was going on with their body and worked hard to stay in shape and stayed in shape. Some of the most fit people I know. In 99% of cases its effort. Obesity is a choice. With work and effort, people with the problems in this article in my experience in Yemen are not thin, not fat. But being fat is a choice in 99.9% of cases. In the others, if they work on it, they become “not skinny not fat” and fit.
yet liberals make laws as if 99.9% of the cases were due to genetic misfortune and therefore all of society should give fat people safe harbour and also pay for their healthcare. these fatties are going to have a rude awakening once we all come to the agreement that fatness is highly correlated with laziness and lifestyle choices.
and the 0.1% who have the legit problems outside the west are slightly plump but not obese as they work on themselves to stay healthy due to social shaming which works on keeping people from dying from heart attacks and obesity
Most people don’t make choices at all. They just go along, and go along, and go along, and then — BOOM. 5’7″ and 250 lbs. What happened? they wonder.
Our society needs to build incentives to health. Just like economists view the world. We need incentives to movement, incentives to healthy food.
Could obesity be linked to welfare ?
all those potato chips and soda aint gonna eat themselves
Not welfare specifically, but there is definitely a correlation between poverty and obesity.
Not sure how strong the correlation is but honestly I don’t care. When I see someone, fat or thin, buying a bunch of junk food and sodas on the taxpayers dime, I get pissed. They eat better than I do and I work a full time job and also have side hustles.
welfare people have time on their hands. tons of urban rooftop space available. rooftop gardens for food and for the win. but you would never hear that idea come out of a politicians mouth…I wonder why.
trust me, they don’t eat better than you
if you like those cheetos, you can keep those Cheetos! Thanks Obama!
Decent food can definitely get pricey. Past a certain point of hunger you just want to feel full and you need the volume to get you there. Combine that with the wrong time preference and it’s all aboard the train to ChubbTown, population Diabetes.
Biometric screening is the future of employment qualifications. It’s already happening in the healthcare industry. You will have to meet certain BMI/cholesterol/etc targets, to be employable.
It’s always scary because every year, I fail the BMI measurement. I am at 25, due to weightlifting and am considered “overweight”. They let it slide because my waist is 32 inches and my cholesterol is good and therefore I am deemed healthy.
Interesting. Working in health care, they should already know that BMI is a fraud.
Just offer to do deadlifts or power snatches to the HR people, and when they see that you can do that and they can’t… maybe they’ll continue to leave you alone.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice!
yeah, you can careless gain 5 or 10 pounds, but in the process of going from not fat to totally fat there is enough time for you to see what is going on and decide to or not to change it.
Yes, it takes a long time to become morbidly obese. Plenty of time to make a change.
It’s just hard for me to have sympathy for smokers who get cancer, alcoholics who get cirossis, morbidly obese people with get diabetes or women who get cats. They asked for it.
We don’t need to build incentives for good health, we need to discourage bad health.
We should reward something we should be doing
discouragement such as fat shaming? living in thailand is a breath of fresh air because fat shaming is alive and well here. In the USSA I might get thrown in jail for speaking the truth when I indicate someone is a disgustingly obese heffe-lope.
Fat shaming would do but, In my draconian world there would be a higher income tax/ lower benefits for fat people or those with fat children, maybe extreme but fairer than taxing sugar for everyone just because some people have no self control.
It just shows how infantile the western world is now, instead of facing out problems people cry and run to the government so they can’t hear what they don’t like
This is so true.
Recently I saw that my company’s health insurance policy is offering 500 dollars once a year if you have a gym membership and average check in of 3 times per week. Further, they have weight loss cash incentives. The girls in my office are all in a competition for who can lose some percentage of total body weight first and get the however much money the insurance company is giving out.
This is great. I am sure some fucking land whale will ruin it though.
weight loss cash incentives. won’t be long until the liberal anti-fatshamers completely destroy those policies. cuz dats racist.
I would bet every penny I have on that.
all the incentives now are for “unhealth”. Because we live in a Brave New World.
I said something like this earlier but I shudder to think what governments would incentivize if they got involved in something like this. “Heart healthy grains”, low fat, low-T Dr. Oz inspired chicanery.
I know society isn’t government but the public health argument can lead to some dangerous places.
One solution: Make it illegal to drive to a grocery store. Make people haul their groceries home in carts, the way people did in the Great Depression. Burn a couple hundred calories every time you want to eat.
I’d worry about my butter melting away before I got home.
Ever noticed how people fight to get the closest possible spot to the door? They’d burn a few calories if they just took whatever spot worked and walked in.
It’s the little bits of laziness that add up.
True I always park at the end of the lot whenever I go shopping. Nothing wrong with taking a few extra steps to get where I want to be.
Besides, if you’re going into a super store (whether a Walmart or a sporting goods store), you are going to walk. No reason to save yourself a hundred yards in parking when you’re on your way to walk a mile.
butter will be fine. I don’t even refrigerate it.
And are men blue pill because they choose to be? What happens if youve never even been exposed to the truth? I was nicknamed steroids in high school and started gaining weight. Nothing i did allowed me to lose weight until i spent years studying medicine and diet..and figured out how much bullshit we are told even from our own doctors. I mean grade A bullshit that doesnt stand up to the weakest analysis. I should mention too go to a trader joes or similar and see how fat the people are then go to a walmart or costco and see how fat the people are.
I have walked into restaurants, seen how everyone there is fat and walked out. I don’t have a scientific reason, but I knew that if this many disgusting fat pigs are eating there this is not going to be healthy.
on the flip side, some restaurants you go to you will find extremely healthy people in attendance. this isn’t rocket science…
Yes. There is a Mediterranean place near me. Everyone in the restaurant is always fit. They serve lean meats, grains and veggies. The best thing is that it is next door to a hip burger place. Both places have out door seating. Last summer I noticed (this year Ill get a picture) it’s literally all land whales sitting at one place and all fit people at the other.
You actually have to be a fucking moron to not know which place has food that is better for you.
Mediterranean diet ftw. Have you heard of the french paradox lolknee? Their diet is full of saturated fat, they smoke and yet they have much lower rates of obesity and life expectancy is higher. There are a number of factors but in my opinion the top ones are portion size, cultural meal timin and food quality. Lunch is the biggest meal of the day while dinners are quite small.
Totally agreed except for the smoking. That shit is just no good for you.
A French diet is perfectly sensible to me as is a Spanish one.
Portion size is hugely important. In the us the standard “sushi regular” plate will be lik 12 pieces of sushi and a roll and Americans will order an appetizer with that. And that’s “healthy”
The smoking is clearly unhealthy. The point of the paradox is that despite the prevalence of it, life expectancy is still relatively high.
It’s also a less stressful life (at least compared to NYC or Tokyo). Between the insanity of my job and the general levels of billshit I deal with my hypertension will probably kill me sooner rather than later which is good seeing as in an American and retiring and being poverty stricken is nearly impossible now. This hypertension is sometjinh the French don’t experience.
Sad thing is, I have the fucking ennui too!
The only time that can even be acceptable, is if you just came from the gym and had a legit workout. Gotta provide proper nutrients after all.
However, if all someone has done for the day is get up from their chair, walk to the water cooler and back, then they should be eating a kid’s meal.
I had some English friends who were horrified at the monstrosities we saw in a fried chicken place in oregon. The expessions on their faces was priceless.
never exposed to the truth? walking into a Walmart IS the truth, laid bare for all to see. You really can’t claim ignorance these days, sorry Charlie.
So you walk into a walmart and realize everyone is fat. This is like a blue pill guy realizing hes always had to beg for sex….there is no solution only a realization of the problem.
exactly, the realisation of the problem is seeing the red pill. I’m simply refuting your claim that some people have never been exposed to the truth. they’ve been exposed many, many times. Morpheus is everywhere.
I think it’s a little more complicated than just “choice” by itself. The world was very different 60 years ago. There weren’t mega supermarkets and one stop shops, you had to go to multiple places just to do your grocery shopping. There was probably less dedicated gym gym, but people were much more active because they had to be. We live in a much more efficient and convenient world now. The food business wasn’t what it is now and people ate far few processed foods because they didn’t exist.
I’m not excusing choice, but ones environment certainly plays a role.
I dimly recall a study of Sub-Saharan Africans in Africa and the US. They determined that the African women only exercised about 30 minutes more than American women, and at similar levels of intensity, but they were much healthier.
It’s not totally clear how much of that effect was dietary in nature and how much was exercise, but it is clear that something in the US is making us fatter.
It’s insulin from all the sugars and carbs we eat now.
Processed shit… especially carbs and sugar. Cut out all junk food and watch your body slim down quickly. Working out is secondary to eating habits.
When I was growing up in the 1950’s, there weren’t that many fat people! Looked at my grade school class photos & maybe one or two fatsos, but that’s about it. Same with my high school yearbooks in the 60’s. We didn’t have all that fast food & junk so prevalent today. Also, no computer games, cable TV & other forms of hi-tech entertainment. If you wanted some extra cash, you did manual labor like mowing lawns. You went outdoors regardless of the season. Today, it’s entirely different world. Keep in mind we all pay for this obesity epidemic. It adds several hundred billion dollars annually to our bloating (no pun intended) healthcare system.
Also, I might add, people dressed a whole lot better in that era. In essence, we’ve become a nation of slobs. Too bad. By the way, it was a great era, not perfect by any means, but a hell of lot better than today.
this is a great comment and the same goes for the 70’s. There was like one fat kid. Everyone teased him. No one walked anywhere, everyone ran. Staying inside the house was quite literally a punishment for doing something wrong. And though we hated it, we dressed like young ladies and gentlemen for school.
I hate to be the “in my day things were so much better” guy but now kids are loathe to leave the house because their games are all there and when they do they are attached to cellphones like robots. It is not a shock that “average” is probably about the same size as that one fat kid we made fun of.
Odd thing is, as I recall, there were like 3 people in the world with cancer. I mean you would hear that so and so has an uncle who married a woman who has a brother who had cancer and go “oooohhh I’m so sorry”
Now it is like everyone is just sitting around waiting to see which brand of cancer they will get. Its not just a sedantary lifestyle/shitty food choices thats doing it. These endocrine disruptors in plastic have wrought havoc
Its not just not moving/shitty food thats doing it; I think theres a lot to the stories Ive read about the endocrine disruptors in plastic- they have wrought havoc on the younger generation. Increasingly, I am seeing teens/twentysomethings who are roughly the same height and weight, the boys are slightly shorter, skinny or skinny fat, girls slightly taller than the used to be, and the big-boned
i don’t know much about it, but seeing the incredible changes that have happened over the last 20-30 years I am willing to believe it.
Dont drink anything that comes in plastic bottles. the BPA in the plastic messes with your hormones
I carry around a 1 quart water bottle that is BPA free. I didn’t get it for that reason, I got it because it is 1 quart so i know if i drain it 4 times i drank a gallon of water. However, I am glad it is bpa free now.
no such thing as BPA-free its a lie. Glass or metal
I will seriously consider a metal one. I will break a glass one for sure….and more than likely in the most hilarious way possible….
And dont forget the massive numbers of children on Ritalin and other drugs that slow them down and otherwise fuck up their chemistry-combined with ‘stranger danger” bs, the prevalence of manufactured food in the home, and a parent who can’t/won’t instil the value of work in teir child, what chance to be healthy does a kid today have, compared to kids 50 years ago?
Modern foodstuffs tend to be stuffed with absolute evil:
1. Wheat. We’ve got almost a century of data detailing the hormonal disruption, mineral absorption inhibiting, and appetite increasing effects of wheat. The first great study was done by a dentist who had the crazy realization that people’s teeth weren’t supposed to rot out when they were kids.
2. Soy. Estrogenic effects in men are ridiculously understated. Fermented soy (miso, etc.) has greatly reduced effect, but that’s rarely on the market anymore.
3. HFCS. Fructose causes buildup of visceral fat, which produces estrogen and is difficult to eradicate. It’s a key cause of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and other intestinal issues.
4. Vegetable (Polyunsaturated) oils. Canola oil in particular oxidizes at a very low temperature, but most PUFAs have this problem. The result is fat molecules that are arranged wrong for proper use in the human body (left-handed instead of right-handed). Not only does it absolutely mess with your brain’s composition, but any hormones created through fat metabolism (read: most of them) are also warped.
It may not JUST be shit food, but that’s a huge factor.
“Exactamundo.”- Arthur Fonzarelli
This is another popular myth. Wheat has been eaten for centuries and if you speak to Eastern Europeans, they all recall their Grandparents surviving on large amounts of bread.
HFCS is not used outside America (here in Europe we use mainly sucrose for sweetening – corn syrup is uncommon), however many Europeans are still extremely fat.
There IS definitely something in the PUFA theory as it relates to cancer and heart disease (e.g. PMID 23386268) but there is no evidence to suggest that PUFAs cause obesity. Please correct me if I am wrong on this, but please not with some random diet-shyster website (PMIDs always welcome).
You missed Aspartame which is pretty much in all conventional foods, often labeled as “natural flavors,” or not labeled at all:
Ritalin is largely (though not exclusively) an American problem. There are large numbers of fat people outside America.
Carrying a bottle of water is a pathological sign in itself. Contrary to popular belief, you hardly ever need to drink. Thirst (in the absence of very hard exercise) is a pathological state which indicates poisoning or a serious endocrinological anomaly.
I mean this with all due respect: you are an idiot
You are an idiot (and I can’t type)
Not a myth- wheat aint the same- a hybrid was created back in the 50s(grew taller, more yield). That is what most of us eat nowadays, probably lead to a spike in folks being gluten- intolerant…
Best comment I’ve seen so far on this. I’ve cut most of these from my diet and the results are amazing. HFCS is a killer while soy killed your libido.
“Wheat has been eaten for centuries and if you speak to Eastern Europeans”
Yes, but GMO wheat hasn’t been. There’s a reason that Russia has banned GMO and has become the world’s leading wheat exporter.
Russian Organic Wheat takes world by Storm, US GMO Glyphosate losing out!
You are right – GMO wheat has not been around round for long, but again: GMO wheat is NOT used in Europe and Europe still has fatties.
Western Europe’s lack dietary discipline is beginning to rival that of North America’s.
“You are right – GMO wheat has not been around round for long, but again: GMO wheat is NOT used in Europe and Europe still has fatties.”
Yes, but Europe’s obesity rates are about 1/6 compared to the USA’s 1/3, and nobody you’re been replying to has claimed GMO wheat to be the only contributing factor.
this is just a longer version of the “bread has been around forever” argument which is, at best, a mildly amusing bit for a comedian and nowhere near a valid opinion for people.
We can eat pretty much anything so long as we are burning it off. If you had an eastern european grandfather who was toiling in the wilderness farming copper and walking uphill in both directions or whatever shit jobs eastern european grandfathers had and then he would come home and have some fresh baked bread fried up in bacon grease then yes, fine, great. His arteries would be shit and he would probably drop dead at 60 but he is an eastern european grandfather so dropping dead is probably a solid option.
This in no way means that after driving to work, eating a 1000 calorie breakfast, sitting at a desk and looking at a computer all day while snacking out of habit, having a bunch of pizza for lunch and then driving home and having a 3 course meal that would count as dinner for an entire family in pretty much every other country in the world is just fine.
Of course, you can’t JUST remove carbs and be healthy magically, but the fact that we are shoving way too many carbohydrates into our fat mouths and it is killing us is pretty fucking clear.
Europe’s portion sizes are also about 1/6th and their daily routine involves a lot more walking.
Absolutely. And without GMO or HFCS.
The question is whether it is a factor at all. There is no real scientific evidence that it is – it’s a popular story but not backed up by hard science.
While I’ve been thinking about it for a few months now, your comments here prompted me to finally replace my 5-year-old Nalgene bottle with a stainless steel bottle.
I was a very naughty boy over the years… I used to put piping-hot coffee in that thing and drink from the bottle at work as if it were a thermos. At least I got a proper, steel thermos about a year ago, but I still use the Nalgene bottle at home and at the gym.
I went to Walmart and nothing jumped out at me as being appropriate in size (I’m picky about volume and height), so I checked Amazon. “The Alaska Life” bottle looks good to me and it got really good reviews (no metallic taste, durable, good seal at the top, etc.), so I’m considering pulling the trigger at $24.95 (pictured below).
Do you have any recommendations that might sway me another way? For me specifically, I want something 30+ Oz. and less than 10” in height; circumference is negotiable for me (I’d like it to be less than 11.5” so that it fits in my cup holder, but no biggie).
Thanks man, I don’t know much about nutrition, BPAs, etc., but sometimes I can just feel it in my guts that something is not right and I’m ready to upgrade to an S.S. water bottle.
Never mind that a few centuries mean little when compared to hundreds of thousands of years of evolution.
Methinks the guys just looking for a reaction.
One problem is that removing carbs is currently in vogue just as removing fat was two decades ago. Neither approach is quite right. Good evidence suggests “Any diet works” (for weight loss) – PMID 25182101.
A diet that does not lower energy intake will simply not work. It’s all down to calories and that is it. It doesn’t matter if your 1000 calorie breakfast comes from doughnuts or bacon, eggs and sausage – you will still gain weight if you sit down all day.
And by the way, the idea that saturated fat causes CHD has long been disproved. The lastest science on this is at PMID
“I went to Walmart and nothing jumped out at me as being appropriate in size”
Same for the people that shop there that I’ve seen.
The idea that calories is calories is an incredibly bad one. Taking macronutrients out of the equation of weight loss will lead to unhealthy habits.
Of course calories matter, but having your macros in a healthy balance matters just as much. I am not saying that everyone needs to go into ketosis and limit carbs to under 20g a day..that is extreme. It does work, but there is a level of dedication to it.
I know there are people out there who will agree with you. But you find me someone who gets their calories from fast food and someone who gets identical calories from chicken breast, eggs and vegetables and I will show you two people in very different states of health and shape even if they have identical caloric expenditure
Yeah…suggesting that people are drinking too much water is a level of stupid that has to be intentional.
Regarding 4- I read frying anything (even in olive oil) is no bueno; however, frying in animal fat(organic butter) is totally fine- can you confirm?
Anyone who gets this reference with googling is instantly promoted to awesome in my book,
The idea that calories is calories is the only true one. The point is that adjusting macronutrient ratios can (and frequently does) affect overall calorie consumption. Fast foods are very calorific due to high fat content and it’s hard to keep your calories to appropriate levels if you consume them.
The fairly well-known “protein leverage hypothesis” suggests that we all need a certain amount of protein per day (depending on height, age, musculature, activity etc) and we will eat until we get that amount of protein. This means that if we are fed low protein foods (e.g. doughnuts, chocolate, cornflakes), we will need to eat far more of them to get our protein compared to eating chicken breast or salmon. Again, this is scientifically documented unlike some of the popular claims made here (e.g. PMID 15836464) – it’s still a hypothesis currently though.
I would toss in here that intermittent fasting is the bomb for actual compliance with reduced calorie. You can’t underestimate the psychological effect of being hungry all the time on a calorie counting style diet. It will impact your life really negatively and your body will hate you for powering through in a myriad of ways.
I used IF to drop 60lbs (yeah I’m a former fat guy) and it was great. It was Leangains style mostly, you’re hungry a bit during the day, but you never go to bed starving and my energy levels were fine. No weird restrictions either.
To those who say that you’ll just overeat to make up for it, you just about physically can’t, you don’t even want to because your stomach(the organ not your gut) is still the same size.
“Just make healthier choices!” I did and my blood sugar, T levels, et al thank me for it. Don’t be afraid of starvation mode either, you will only be fasting for at most 24hrs and you’re not even doing it every day. Look up the Michael Mosley doc from the BBC and google Brad Pilon
You know, science isn’t one conscious entity that says things. For every single quack you find who says this is true Ill find 5 that says it is bullshit.
I can’t figure out if you are a troll, if you are selling stuff or if you are generally fucking clueless but the idea that a calorie is a calorie isn’t just wrong it is dangerously unhealthy (eg lolknee 123456789)
I wouldn’t mind trying IF – I have about 6kg to drop at the moment (something I can normally do in a week with effort). However, you don’t necessarily need to be hungry on a restricted-calorie diet – if you like lean meat, lean fish and broccoli (or other similar vegetables), you can eat until you are completely full. In this sense, the “eat smaller portions” mantra can mislead – if you eat quarter-calorie-per-gram vegetables, you can eat huge portions. Sure they are more satisfying with a pound of cheese on top, but you can go without the cheese for a few weeks 🙂
Well as a purely physical one ignoring any form of biochemistry, a calorie is a calorie. Its how the body processes them and their hormonal (grehlin, insulin, etc) effects that have the greatest impact on your health and weight. Protein is thermogenic and 20% of the calories you ingest of it go to digesting it. It also causes significantly higher satiety due to the grehlin spike it induces than the other macros. Carbs cause insulin spikes because thats how we process sugar for energy. And high insulin leads to weight gain.
you sir are correct.
police academy 2
nope. Much more obscure.
The point is that you can only find quacks and not published science. According to published science, a calorie is a calorie.
The point about giving out links to publications is so that people can verify the science behind the claims.
Where is there even one single respected scientist with a good reputation who believes a calorie is not a calorie?
What would I be trying to sell? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition? The British Medical Journal?
I can no longer take you seriously.
MSG and other additives also. I’ve always wondered if Japanese men are becoming so effeminate because of the large amounts of soy in their diet. I had a Japanese roommate in college and everything he ate was made from soy.
Wheat isn’t bad in its natural state, but this GMO wheat we are being fed is nothing close to the wheat our parents grew up eating. They are actually going into the DNA of the plant and changing things. Corn, soy, and milk are all to be avoided now because of the ridiculous amounts of pesticides and chemicals injected into plants and animals.
Protein also causes high insulin levels – for example beef causes a greater insulin response than muesli or white pasta: (That link is actually a copy of the AJCN journal article which I believe needs a subscription). This is very easy to verify scientifically but unfortunately a great number low-carbers seem to want to believe anything without scientific proof. The point is that if low-carbohydrate diets work (and they do, but no better than low fat ones) then they certainly don’t work by reducing insulin (unless they are fat-only diets, but these are not well researched).
Produce some serious evidence yourself. It is clear that you have none.
you want me to produce serious evidence that people don’t drink enough water and that eating clean foods like chicken breast, eggs and vegetables is better than eating doughnuts and fast foods? You sir are fucking retarded. Peace out.
No, protein does not cause high insulin levels, just higher than one would expect compared to the slight change in blood sugar. As your source notes, this may well be a good thing:
The beta-cell “exhaustion” theory is about as well supported as the idea that egg yolks are full of cholesterol, therefore cause heart disease. Plausible inference, no direct data that would support that over the more plausible high blood-sugar hypothesis despite studies, therefore likely not true.
So why have lab rats of the same genetic lines fed the same diets in the same amounts years gained weight decade after decade? What about every other sort of lab animal also gaining weight? (Review of paper on “cross-species analysis of the plurality of obesity epidemics”)
Sure, a given amount of energy is that amount of energy, but that shouldn’t be taken to mean that it will have the same effect on two different people, or even the same person at two different times. People have different metabolisms, and metabolisms adapt and may be changed by many environmental influences.
Yep. I cut out white bread but still eat rye. You can always find a substitute that works for you. Cutting out bread completely made me feel sick and weak.
Lol. But all the YouTube trainers believe in “if it fits your macros”….
Confirmed. Saturated fatty acids appear to be fine even at their smoke points, but PUFAs (vegetable oils aside from coconut and palm kernel) oxidize and become effectively poisonous.
PUFA isn’t related directly to obesity – it’s related to mental health and hormonal issues (and potentially immune response). As stated here and elsewhere, the primary fat storage mechanism is powered by carbohydrates and the insulin response mechanism.
HFCS is actually only about 55% fructose, compared to the 50% found in sucrose (table sugars or honey). Fructose in general is the issue, but HFCS is one of the primary sources for fructose in the American diet.
There are several forms of wheat. Emmer and einkorn wheat (“ancient grains”) do not seem to cause issues at the same rate that the modern Bulgar-derived breeds do, but the ancients also tended to rely less on unfermented wheat products than we usually suppose. Furthermore, it appears that fresh wheat (within a few days of the harvest) has fewer issues – the primary theory is that the wheat germ contains oils that go off fairly quickly. Whatever the cause, there is much clinical and anecdotal evidence to suggest that wheat is detrimental to general health for the reasons provided above.
Information on all the sugar alcohols is less prevalent than it probably should be. That said, I agree that what we do have on Aspartame suggests it has many negative effects and should be avoided as much as possible.
modern wheat is best avoided. bombarded with gamma rays and manipulated to produce greater yields, it’s not the same as the wheat the romans were making their bread with.
google dwarf-wheat or norman borlaug for more info.
wheat is not GMO, in the modern sense of the word, but most wheat (high yield disease resistant dwarf wheat) produced worldwide has been manipulated to produce vastly greater yields. as a result it is vastly less nutritious, much higher in gluten, and, probably, not good for you.
google norman borlaug, “the man who saved a billion lives”
But protein produces higher insulin levels than some carbs – that is clearly tested and stated. So the low-carber claim that protein does not cause an insulin spike is false.
If you compare the examples you have chosen (chicken breast etc. vs doughnuts and fast food), then it is clear that anyone eating fast food and doughnuts would be consuming more calories (mainly due to the high fat content). Calories are king.
Just watched a good Documentary about this…
Also, to think the negative price tag of our diet’s are costing us over 500 billion a year is insane. Where are all the SJW’s when it comes to the billions we waste on fatties and their blatant disregard for their own life style’s dragging the rest of us down?
Actually… its the same principle as with everything else, which is common sense. Natural fats in a healthy, active lifestyle are good for us. Just as natural carbs are good for us. There are many good carbs in vegetables and I promise you, these carbs wont make you fat or sick. Essentially, just avoid processed shit and you will be fine.
Exactly… I keep hearing morons sprout the same ole nonsense of… ‘it does not matter what you eat, people who lose weight just eat less, its simple. Your making it more complicated then it is dude’… FUCK ME.
You can eat a pound of spinach, a pound of celery and a pound of grape fruit every fucking day and I promise you your not gonna get fat. You eat half a pound of snickers or high fructose corn syrup a day and soon your gonna be a walking talking human dumpster.
It is all important what you eat. Quality is everything. Quantity only matters if your mixing your foods. So if you like dairy, then yes, quantity matters. If you like to eat both healthy food and junk food, then yes, balance is all important and calorie counting is probably a good idea. But if your eating nothing but healthy, clean foods and living an active lifestyle, then your body won’t let you eat more then is needed unless you force fed yourself. Believe me, force feeding healthy foods will actually cause you pain because your body will know it’s got all the nutrients it needs.
I will say that its possible to drink to much water… but its so hard to actually do that its not even worthy of consideration in this conversation.
You are wrong about wheat in general. GM wheat, maybe you have a point. Natural wheat is a very healthy food, rich with minerals and vitamins, and the basis of healthy traditional diets, like the mediterranean. Millions of people were fed through the ages with wheat and they were absolutely free from disease.
The celiac disease (epidemiological) myth and other wheat defamation are a nonsense, created mainly to promote the soy and other GMO industries.
The other things you mention, I agree.
My friend, you gave a good rebuttal on this topic, from the right perspective. The problem is not wheat or a specific (non modified) food, but rather if that food is adequate to a certain lifestyle. Knock yourselves out. This is the big issue here.
You are forgetting that macronutrients require energy to be broken down, whose their simpler, shorter counterparts don’t. 2000 kCal of amylum represent a different caloric intake (which is individual, unique as a fingertip, as it depends on the specific intestinal flora and enzymes of each person [which can vary both in chemical expression and relative quantities])
than 2000 kCal of glucose (almost immediatly absorved, almost 100% of it, and pretty much the same way for everybody.
In other words, there is inefficiency in absortion of macronutrients. That inefficiency is genetically and microbiologically determined. The rate of inefficiency allows one to absorb less, avoiding weight gain. So, macronutrients ALLOW less weight gain while theoritically possessing the same absolute caloric value of monomeric or oligomeric nutrients.
You are retarded
I took the liberty of answering him in a more elaborate way to explain your view, which I agree with.
I mean I am sure there is some line but to suggest that people in general drink more water than they need is insane
You are right. You mentioned the endrocrine outcome, but there is also a a difference in absorptive income. Thank you for bringing biochemistry into this.
Yes that is certainly a factor. I’d argue the endocrine outcome has a greater affect than the absorptive in the sense that while different individuals will certainly process a specific kcal quantity of the same macronutrient differently due to microflora, the difference between the same individual eating the same quantity of glucose vs protein over time is going to have a much greater effect on their weight. Then again, microflora transplants are going to be an increasingly common means of helping people who have dysbioses which lead to weight gain right their system. Too bad the current model is a faecal transplant, hard to spin that one in an enticing manner!
Correct! I just had to mention it, as most of our reasoning in the medical field (practical, not only theoretical) is at this moment pointed towards modifying absorption, to treat overweight patients (BPD, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, microflora transplants as you well mentioned, etc).
The endocrine view promises great revolutions in this field, but protein polimorphisms in receptors, possible hormonal correlations with oncogenesis and inaccessibility to a specific hormonal source (I mean, I can ressect an adrenal gland, but how can I control millions of different adipocytes?) make it somehow still “in the future”.
About faecal transplants, and beyond the major taboo they (possibly) are, I’ve read some of these bacteria (which keep being mostly unknown, with us only studying the hardiest and ubiquous ones, as E. coli) are easily self extinguished when moved from the original environment, and that more serious results would require a transplantional environment either 100% equal to the donnor’s intestine or the intestine itself, for a short period of time…
You have given no evidence for any of your claims. All you do is toss insults.
bombarded with gamma rays
You really….really….need to investigate gamma rays before you post something like that again.
I see that you may not be able to read so well so I will try again and be more simple about it.
I do not need any evidence to say that 2000 calories per day of mcdonalds with a sedentary lifestyle versus 2000 calories a day of healthy food with an active lifestyle will not even be a thousand miles from one another when it comes to the end of 3 months.
Further, 2000 calories of mcdonalds per day versus 2000 calories of healthy food per day with identical amount of daily activity and mcdonalds will end being in far worse shape.
You, sir, are a fucking retard. I suggest in the strongest possible world that you find the nearest tall building and hurly yourself off of it for the good of the rest of the species. If you haven’t procreated, then don’t and if you have please take the children with you to this building.
Now, I must stop conversing with you. I feel I must heed William Burrough’s sage advice and offer you no more of my time as you are, indeed, a terminal fool.
I’ve heard from some sources they’ve had promising results with faecal transplants, but I have heard the hypothesis that the effects are largely temporary as well. Its a fascinating field nonetheless.
Indeed. The moment we can do faecal transplants keeping the whole micro-biodiversity from the donor, those results will be long lasting and the key to treat a plethora of diseases (auto-immune, metabolical, gastro enterelogical, of course, also even in neurology or in dermatology).
As you say, they are already very promising.
2000 calories of any food per day will have the same effect on weight gain or loss – that is well known to all nutritional scientists. You need evidence to prove otherwise. You don’t win arguments by swearing more and being more insulting – at least not in the scientific field. Provide evidence for your claim that 2000 calories of McDonalds is any different to 2000 calories of “healthy food” in terms of weight gain or loss.
There are rigorously controlled scientific studies on the effects of calories from different diets – here is one:
The study was setup by a well-known low-carber to try to prove that there is a “metabolic advantage” in low-carb eating. There turned out not to be.
what part of “i can no longer talk to you” or “you are retarded” are you failing to understand? Go away.
Why are you still talking then?
Most food coloring too is harmful(you would think they would have been able to find colorants that were harmless). But wanna bet they go for the cheapest colorant rather than the healthy one?
Wheat has changed drastically, and look at any indigenous culture that is eating a western carbohydrate, diet, and they have the worst rates of diabetes anywhere. Mexico has actually surpassed the US with diabetes despite being a poor(usually means calorie restricted) country. You can actually pick indian reservations out on a map of diabetes.
One very respected doctor discovered in his practice his patients taking dessicated thyroid(dried, ground pig thyroid) for hypothyroidism, had almost zero rate of heart attack. So a formal study was done testing it. 80% reduction in heart attack!-which is the number one killer. The medical community yawned.
If food is cooked you generally get 20% more energy(same calories of food, but different resultant energy), if you aren’t producing enough stomach acid, liver bile or pancreatic juices, who knows how much food you are even absorbing. If you recently took antibiotics, you likely don’t have enough of the right kinds of bacteria breaking down food in your gut. Lots of things can go wrong with digestion. One fascinating old custom is taking Aperatifs before dinner. For some reason these bitter substances(like agnostura bitters they would put in drinks), make you produce more acid, bile and pancreatic juices. There is a evidence that certain pancreatic juices are one of the things your body uses to fight cancer.
I think the bacteria treatment is a red herring. The Koreans make kimchi and largely control what bacteria is created even though they make no innoculation, but with only salt the main bacteria are the same. Its not hard to show that all kinds of people dont produce enough stomach acid or bile(surgical removal of the gall bladder for stones is almost the number one surgery). My question is why would you expect someone who isnt making enough gastric juices or bile to have anything normal about the bacteria in their bodies? Its like not boiling water and being surprised strange things grow in the water when left in the sun. Aperatifs had a long history as medicine before they became a drinking custom..could it be they were correcting these things, just we didnt realize what was actually going on?
You are being too generous, why even use mcdonalds. We are talking calories here, so straight sugar should suffice. We probably shouldnt eeven include water since it has none. So do you think scurvy, pelagra, and beri beri, help or harm weight loss?
In general, we are a severely dehydrated group of people. So good hydration practice is common sense.
Modern wheat bears almost no resemblance to wheat we ate just 50 years ago. Modern dwarf wheat is about 2 feet tall and has a higher glycemic response that refined white sugar.
I was looking for this comment. In short: if you eat clean you don’t need to count calories. If you don’t eat clean, then you have to count them or you’ll get fatter. It gets more obvious the less active you are.
You wouldn’t believe how often I still need to argue and convince people that are telling me that all calories are not equal. It is mindboggling.
Yes, it is the excuse makers, the “magic-pill” hunters and those who are not very scientifically literate that believe in magical diets where calories do not count.
Pretty much. There are a few caveats to this however. If you live a healthy and active lifestyle, then clean butter is good for you. However, if you take it to the extreme then it becomes a negative. Eat a whole stick of butter every day and think a 10 minute walk will work it off? Then no, you better (butter) prepare for the reality of getting fat pretty quick.
It’s pretty much common sense. I work as a nutritional adviser (part time). Over the years I have read a ton of conflicting literature. All the way from, Vegan, to Raw Food, Atkins and the Paleo fad and so much more.
All of them have good points. However the neutral zone within all of them comes to one aspect. Cut out crap and consume natural products. That’s what I like to focus on! If your vegan, cool, focus on getting alternative sources of protein, B 12 and essential fats and cut the crap. I have met vegans who drink Coca cola like it was crack and are as sick as the majority of obese people in the USA. This pertains to the other lifestyle advocates as well.
It’s the crap food and drink that you want to focus on getting rid of. The body can adapt a great deal to differing life-styles. It comes to simplicity. If you eat nutritious foods then your body will get the nutrition it desperately desires. If you eat shit foods, then your body will expend untold amounts of vital energy trying to process that shit.
I like to focus on simplicity. There is so much diet fad jargon out there that most people get very confused. I can’t blame them. I got confused as well and I was suppose to be the expert.
Bottom line. Eat non processed shit and most likely your good to go. Don’t consume a ton of meat from a GMO (Monsanto, not all GMO’s are bad), hormone and antibiotic whore-shipping factory. Get it from a clean, natural source. This goes for all foods and liquids consumed on all levels.
Avoid most fads. Avoid most adds. Keep it simple in your mind and that will take over 80% of the stress out of the situation.
Most life style’s are good if you follow these rules. I have met healthy individuals who practice pretty much ‘everything’ under the sun. The ones who stay clear of obviously crap foods and utilize a decent, active lifestyle, are almost always the healthiest ones.
You can do it as a meat eater, as a vegan, as a raw foodist and as a everything-ist. It just comes down to very simple equations.
I know I ranted here for a bit. I just needed to get this out there lol. People do end up defeating themselves far to often because of confusion.
‘Should I eat honey or maple syrup as a sweetener? OMG, I don’t know.. one is vegan and one is not.’ My advice? Just don’t gobble the whole container in a binge frenzy one day and you should be just fine, either way. Moderation and common sense consideration is KEY!!!
While it is true that calories are equivalent, the problem really comes from a lack of minerals, vitamins and whatnot in fast food.
There may be no difference in weight gain/loss, but mcdonalds food is likely much poorer in micronutrients like vitamins and minerals. Therefore less healthy in the long term.
20% more energy from cooking? That does not make any sense unless water contains something that can be processed into energy, which I doubt, as it lacks Carbon.
That is one of them. Also different calories burn at different rates. 1 protein calorie is really going to be 80% of one calorie because of the thermo effect that protein digestion has.
Also, what calories are used for counts? Bodies can be trained for ketosis.
And what you say about minerals and vitamins is also true.
The body is an incredibly efficient machine which is complicated in its details and how it works.
Actually, at least in Germany, the protein kcal amount is already compensated for the thermo effect.
I don’t know how it works in Germany, but that’s cool.
The missing energy is ending up in poop undigested.
Let’s extend the explanations a bit:
1. Bread and other baked goods may be contaminated with bromine (at least in the US), much of which comes from the process of bleaching wheat;
2. Soy is a natural goitrogen and affects the thyroid;
3. Commercial HFCS may be contaminated with mercury, and in fact this may be the case with up to half of it in the US (seek Google for articles on this as well as any of the rest);
4. Canola oil is another natural goitrogen and also affects the thyroid.
If your diet is low in iodine, this recipe is a one-way ticket toward thyroid problems, or hypothyroidism to be more precise. If you’ve been exposed to medical or industrial mercury, as well as bromine in your food or from contact with flame retardants, that’s going to make matters worse.
In fact, there’s a certain Day-Glo soft drink that’s sold in the US which will increase your bromine levels substantially if you drink too much of it, which is what many gamers can expect. (There are also medical papers on “unusual” cases that have involved the elevated bromine levels in such consumers — again, seek Google for these medical papers.)
There is Absolutely No Substitute for QUALITY! – Period! Comparing 2000 calories of ShitDonalds to 2000 Calories of Quality “Real” food is like saying you can run 87-Octane in a Top Fuel Funny Car and get the same performance!
The “Fat” guy at primary school in my time 80’s, played prop for the first Rugby team. He was the only fat guy we had in school at the time and he was still fit enough to play 2 x 40 Minutes of rugby and we played barefoot.
Sometimes it works that way. It’s rare but some people are nfl centers and power lifters
Always amazes me when I hear the older generations complaining about kids these days. We didn’t choose the environment we grew up in, it was made for us by our parents. Don’t like that your kids are addicted to video games and cellphones? Stop buying them this crap and stop micro-parenting them.
As a 90s kid in a low income family, i still had a pretty good early childhood, outside playing all day til the lights came on, playing hockey across the street all winter long. Once i was 9 or 10 things changed, parents did the trendy divorce thing, parents gave up on real parenting and bought video games and cell phones to fill the void.
Combine that with a massive fear a their child experiencing anything wild or real like they did in their teenage years and you have teens left to their vices, now being some combination of technology and drug abuse.
Leave it to the generation that was given it all and threw it all away to bitch and moan about their deadbeat children as if they didn’t have anything to do with them.. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree they say?
I think you are mistaking my comment. I was merely pointing out the path that technology has put us on. Obviously it is impossible to put the toothpaste back in the tube. This is just life. No one is complaining about kids here or, for that matter, the technology….only pointing to the fact that it has drastically changed the world and the people in it and is a road that is leading is far away from any kind of authentic connection with ourselves and our world.
Also, it apparently hinders reading comprehension . I mean you are a child of the 90’s and did t understand my comment.
Let me guess….you’re a Millenial. Amirite?
Every generation was handed shit by the previous generation. We got over ourselves and made something out of life anyway. Millenials get all whiney and bitch about “you did this to us”.
hahaha, I state i’m a 90s kid and you guess I’m a Millenial? Great detective work! I’m still making something out of life, I have a trade and work hard every day to make a better life, was more making a point about how parents need to take responsibility for their kids and not act like it’s all out of their control. I’ve always had the greatest respect for the older generations until the trend of bitching about their “entitled” children came along. Their your kids, the result of your parenting. I know I will raise my kids better.
Was really just responding to one of your paragraphs in particular. I understood your comment fully and took the opportunity to make a point that I wanted to make, not really disagreeing with you in any way. Same could be said about fat children, the result of poor parenting.
“Now it is like everyone is just sitting around waiting to see which brand of cancer they will get.”
Kids don’t even want to learn to drive now!
Fucking nuts
Yeah, these days don’t get the right exercises, eat too much crap, and let their minds destroy their health.
Just to add on: hypothyroidism is not a legitimate reason for being fat for many reasons. For one, your metabolism does not determine (i.e. thyroid hormone) whether you are fat or not, it merely determines how quickly you can convert nutrients into energy (in other words how energetic you feel).
It is due to the calorie myth that people associate their metabolism with weight gain or loss. You will usually find however that fat hypos eat a lot of crap. But as a counter-example one of my exes had hypo and she was a skinny as a rake. And she suffered from low energy, as you would expect from a proper understanding of human metabolism.
And just a word on stress: If you were so stressed that it made you obese, you probably would have already died from a stroke or a heart attack.
I’m no longer surprised seeing fat people riding those scooters anymore. I’m surprised though, when they don’t run me over.
you know, when I am on the subway at rush hour and look at the seats and realize that those seats were designed to fit the average frame and now there is literally not one person who doesn’t spill out over the sides I get all sorts of depressed. People here are always talking about needing more frequent train service during rush hour to stop the congestion, but if everyone weighed a healthy weight I don’t think the trains would be so packed.
Same with airlines. True, they might still be capitalist fat cats, but one can see where obesity affects them. Not just gas consumption. People are surprised how excessive weight affects even the most efficient plane out there. But now you must modify seats to fit those people. I haven’t flown in 4 years, but I do recall cabins being really cramped. Imagine how normal sized passengers would feel when the wider seats would be reserved for bigger people.
There was a woman who flew from New York to Budapest and couldn’t fly back and died from complications of her weight because the airline couldn’t fit her in a seat. Heck, they tried firefighters to get her in a seat and when guys that fit can’t do it, you know you got problems.
It is amazing where poor health is promoted, where I grew up unhealthy people with hormonal problems struggled but succeeded to lose weight and be slightly fat after slaving away at the gym and eating right as opposed to normal people without severe health conditions are getting themselves obese. Worse Triggly Puff is a fat positive activist – fat kills more than cigarettes in the west these days.
On the plus side, it’s pretty clear that airports have more than their fair share of people who are well off, well dressed and in shape. The poorer, fatter people are still there, no question. Everyone gets in a situation where they find the person next to you spilling into your seat. They fortunately can’t afford to fly as frequently though.
People are not being taught what is eating healthy. They have it backwards.
We in the western world got bigger in as people. I used to ride the bus to uni a couples of years back and there were 16,15 and even 14 yo my size or bigger, boys and girls and I’m not that small (6ft with decent shoulder width).
I sometimes think that I caught the tail end when 6ft was actually a decent height, but nowadays it’s the new 5ft9 for the new generations of kids.
5′ 7″ guys like me feel shorter than ever.
Lower centre of gravity. Stressing about height is pointless. You can’t do anything about it so don’t worry about it.
Triggly Puff is an advocate of ignorance and death.
Fat kills more then cigarettes, booze and fatal auto accidents combined these days. Seriously, its a morbid epidemic and SJW’s just want to continue to promote it?
I have… no words!
I almost got ran over by James Doohan (scotty from Star Trek) while he was riding a scooter at a comic convention! True story!
Now that’s a story. Sad, but a great story.
He was probably running low on di-lithium crystals
Admiral! There be whales here!!
Scotty won’t get beamed up for sure.
Food supply basics, like wheat, started changing around 1970.
No doubt. Who knows what has been added to our food supply. One thing for, there’s a hell of a lot more additives in everything from cereal to salad dressing than there was in the first half of the 20th century. My dad is in his early 90’s & still can recall when most foods were free of such things as added sugar, fats & so called preservatives.
Sugar is a drug in itself! I had a Krispy Krème doughnut on Friday after a sleepless night and I went from sleepy to Sunday morning fresh in about 10 min! Sooooo much sugar. I used to get this rush when I was smoking cigs.
Same here in the 1970s. I can name the few fat people we had in my high school of 3500 kids. Outside of a few extra pounds that came and went with the summer. Being truly fat was very rare
And those one or two guys who were fat were probably the real genetic cases.
I really hesitate to make it a public health issue and here’s why:
Government policy will be used to push us into government recommendations on diet (through taxation etc.).
Government recommendations will be a low T shit show. Reduced meat and fat consumption, “heart healthy grains”, etc.
Only because the govt allows it. Let insurance companies operate on their own—–without any govt. intervention whatsoever——and premiums for the fat and unhealthy will skyrocket.
Yupp..Agree..Same conclusion… Most of the people then lived well past the seventies, Diabetes type 2 was unknown, Most of men smoked 20 a day, lung cancer never heard, obesity was rare, you had to go to circus or the Opera to see a fat lady ?? Then we had all those atomic tests all over the world &……………. Guess what has happened since then ??
Is there any research on how much money is “saved” due to people starting to die earlier since we are the 1st generation that won’t live as long as the previous ones?
It’s a sign of our going down-hill. The average fat content of Americans can be correlated with the loss of national IQ and identity. When people were thinner (healthier) we didn’t have the social and economic problems we have today.
Muh thyroid
Enough of the excuses already. The population is weak-minded and lazy. This came about with the advent of feminism. All permissions were given for our women to engage in hedonistic practices which violate their health, and the general public, including males are now deeply infected with this.
The result is a widespread passive attitude towards being vigilant and even aggressive about one’s good health. This is not to mention the passivity in other important aspects of life that one must strive for (such as a man passionately pursuing his dreams/projects.)
There are documented cases of genuine health issues which cause difficulty in controlling one’s weight, but it is a minority situation which cannot be applied to general population of the obese West.
also, since women’s sexual market value is mainly based on their looks and health, this sort of behavior is extremely disruptive to the economics of the sexual marketplace. Artificially low supply of healthy, fit women leaves many men out to dry. Then we get depressed and confused men who are easier to control. Now we see how the social marxist agenda is served by the ever increasing percentages of land whales per capita.
every other sentence on South Park used to be ‘that’s so gay’ but that’s gone now (at least I don’t recall any recent episodes in which they’ve used it). How long before they decide Karl can no longer call Cartman ‘Fatass’?
I haven’t watched South Park in a while, but I do recall Mr Slave no longer saying “ooh, Jesus Christ!.” Now it’s just “Jesus.” I bet it was the Evangelicals who got triggered and offended.
Lemmy winks……
:saying ‘ooh, Jesus Christ!.’ Now it’s just ‘Jesus.’ I bet it was the Evangelicals who got triggered and offended.”
From a Christian perspective, the one is just the same as the other.
Anyway, the writing was on the wall for South Park when they didn’t dare go through with depicting “the Prophet.” If a civilization allows the religion that civilization was founded around to be mocked, then they’re always on the verge, or already in process, of being overrun by another civilization with a different religion.
The only thing that has bigger bones than you is Godzilla.
I’ll just leave this here 😀
butterfly effect
butterfat effect
I grew up in Yemen, a friend had all sorts of hormonal treatment for an illness she had, that had an obesity side effect. My friend slaved away at the gym, was strict about her diet. No she wasn’t super-model thin, more like Sports Illustrated model, slightly curvier but not by much. I would not say she was fat at all. Another friend, her sister is fat, mother isn’t thin, also Yemeni. She has two kids, goes to the gym regularly, has an ideal body. Her genetics scream whale, but she’s a hot, happily married banker, house wife type and mother, cooks all by scratch.
One Yemeni friend recovered from a brain tumor, but he’s putting and effort and went from overweight to slightly fat. There are some cases, but discipline can make 99.9% of people a healthy weight. Life is not fair, some people need more discipline in food, some need more discipline in finances and so on.
You forgot the number legitimate reason for being fat: Parents, mostly single moms probably. Up until mid- to late teens, every outcome for a person is completely controlled by their parents: their attitudes towards food, their food choices, the timing of meals, amount of food, types of food allowed, etc. When a young person is fat, the parents are to blame. All studies agree that early childhood obesity is almost 100% corelated with adult obesity. Parents, ingrain good eating and exercise habits in your children; its your job.
That’s the thing, I didn’t really consider “shitty parenting” to be a “legitimate” reason.
Do you make exceptions for Fat-letes….say an NFL Center or Sumo wrestler. Those guys are in spectacular cardiovascular shape despite having a ton of excess weight and being way north of a healthy body fat percentage.
Of course! Sumo wrestlers are indeed an anomaly. They’re big fellas, yet they are pretty active and have surprisingly diverse diets. And chakonabe food looks hearty and delicious as hell.
Those are extremely unusual circumstances and I think it’s fair to say that the vast majority of fatties are not at that level of athleticism. With that being said, those types of athletes tend to have shorter lifespans than the average male, and I would assume the excess weight is part of it.
Absolutely correct. They Are probably just as rare as being 6’10 and athletic for the nba or being able to run like an Olympic sprinter.
You are prob right about weight. You just never see old fat people. Never. I have never once seen a fat little old lady
Yeah, too bad Junior doesn’t have access to outside information to make better choices. Just imagine if he had a magical device that allowed him to study diet and nutrition all on his own, why, that would change everything.
Everything is a choice. Blaming parents is a cop out. Maybe when the kid is actually a kid, sure, but once he hits 18 and is out the door he takes full responsibility and agency for his choices. I was born into what you’d call a not-so-prosperous family. I could have made the choices they did and remained in that state, or I could have made different choices. I made different choices. I prospered. So much for “it’s the parent’s fault”.
I haven’t been in the US yet, but the main reason I want to go there is to see if peoplefromwallmart is a real thing. Now here in the Netherlands we have overweight people, the overweight-crisis (not yet calling it obesity) is getting worse, due to the spreading American culture.
People with diseases can be overweight without any problem. We can all get sick right. But most fatties I knew just ate and drank the wrong stuff. Simple as that. And of course we also have a lot of stuff available that is pure terror. Transfat, glucose syrup that’s in everything, too much salt. Nobody is slimming down without eliminating these.
I’ve had multiple exes who were overweight. Some slimmed down and looked amazing because they already had cute faces, others I just couldn’t help losing weight. They still would buy soft-drinks and cookies. Not doing that again. Never gonna date a overweight girl again. The chances of her getting into shape are like: 20% or something like that.
fat tourism….that’s fucking great dude. If I had the money I would pay for your trip and be your tour guide and go all around showing you fat people.
That’s a fantastic business model. I want to be a partner in this new enterprise.
I bet the Japanese would pay a fortune to be taken around and shown grossly obese people and then eat at fast food restaurants.
You could give the Japs miniature harpoons to pretend hunt the whales! Also employ a few teenage girls in Sailer Moon outfits to cheer them on, they like it!
Funny you say that. I just took a bike ride around Central Park. I guess it’s Japan day. There is a whole section of the park that looks like a sailor moon porn
It’s funny when the Japs get out en masse
When I got married it was in Edinburgh, Scotland. I was in my formal kilt/tux ensemble. There was a horde of Japanese tourists taking my picture as I strolled with my new bride through Edinburgh Castle.
We all look alike to them, you see. Apparently I came off as a Scottish Laird. Heh.
Well, I’m happy to pay for it myself and also pay you to be my tourguide for a few days. I think it’s a cultureshock going into the US. All the guns, the fake wooden houses, the crappy food around every corner, the political correctness. The contradictions in people. Must be a strange experience.
well i live in manhattan and we have no guns here and no wood houses, real or fake…might need better guides than me…but I am so down
Your country would be infected soon. Don’t worry.
It already was, since 1945. We have Oprah and Dr.Phil since it came out. We have the fastfood places, the feminism. Western countries also adopt each others laws, so please don’t install that sexual consentlaw next year or we’ll have it a couple years later also.
Manhattan sound really boring, and expensive. Probably the reason why the Dutch traded it for Surinam.
I thought New Amsterdam and Haarlem was taken by force by the British?
Wikipedia says it was burned to the ground in the revolution. But NY was traded for Surinam.
I like living here but couldn’t imagine being a tourist and enjoying myself.
As for the Dutch trade, judging by price per square foot, adjusted for inflation they got royally fucked. I would take an upper west side town house over the entire nation of holland any day of the week
Don’t know what you are talking about now. The trade was about cultivating spices.
Well not about how all of Dutchland would be too little for an upper west side condo, but a joking don’t nonetheless
You Hollandaise people must be kicking yourselves now
Why are wooden houses “fake” precisely? They house people, families are raised there, the roof keeps water off of heads and the walls keep the heat in. Seems real enough to me. Is there some advantage to a house made of something other than wood that I’m missing from a utilitarian perspective?
“All the guns”, heh. The only place you have to worry about that is in deep blue zones where guns are “forbidden”. Out in flyover country you’ll be surrounded by guns and not even know it, and our violent crime rate out here is at or lower than Switzerland’s.
When you live in a cold climate it makes sense to build with wood. But wouldn’t it be better to build with stone with all those tornado’s.
My friend took me to Walmart when I visited the US for precisely this reason. It exists. That and Justin Bieber Duct tape…..
The US is so big that there are places with normal weight people and in the south people that are humongous. But I guess the godzilla’s are everywhere. The places that aren’t interesting for tourists house the most fatties probably. I mean, what do I have to look for in Alabama. I’d better go to Los Angeles or Miami right.
yeah, LA, Manhattan and Miami are not indicative of the land whale culture that is the united states.
New York isn’t interesting to me. I’ve seen that place for 20 years in movies, tv-shows, heard stories about it, saw so much pictures. Walked around in google street view. A roadtrip from east to west would be nice, but that’s costly. So I have to trim it down to a couple of cities. Yellowstone park is something what I want to visit, or the Grand canyon. Not Las Vegas so much. You get what I mean.
I agree actually. I’ve never understood why tourists come here. I am from here and feel comfortable here so it makes sense for me but if I was from somewhere else I’d never visit.
vegas is Vegas. I’ve never been to the other places you list but they seem cool. I’m more of an urbanite though
Those red spots aren’t interesting places I guess. The strange thing is that The obesity stops at the border of Texas. What are they eating over there in the South? Buckets of KFC?
There are better people here to answer that than me but I feel that biscuits and sausage gravy have a lot to do with it
Southern states have the highest %s of blacks, and they are the most obese ethnic group in America. That fact is what skews the stats and makes the southern states “fatter.”
USA obesity rates: Blacks > Latinos > Whites > Asians
Yes, America (especially the Southeast) is basically chubby chaser heaven. I’m very lucky to have been born here.
Now here in the Netherlands we have overweight people, the
overweight-crisis (not yet calling it obesity) is getting worse, due to
the spreading American culture.
Nobody is forcing the Dutch to accept and spread American culture. That’s on you folks. You can readily choose to reject it. Don’t blame your embrace of American culture on America. We can’t hypnotize entire nations into building McDonalds, hoss.
My old man was a bit on the fat side, he was a child of the great depression and one of nine children their father a disabled veteran from Mr. Wilson’s War aka WWI, you can pretty much bet a square meal was not an every day occurrence for him and his family back then which left him a predisposition to eat whenever food was present. Only thing that stopped him from overeating was smoking which he picked up as a soldier serving his country, he found smoking killed his appetite, eventually both bad habits killed him.
We have a culture that is poisoning our food and water. Exercise is not enough. They did a study following the biggest loser contestants after their weight loss and most gained back the vast majority of weight some ended up even heavier. So much for the magic bullet of exercise. Vaccines are no longer tested for safety or effectiveness. Carcinogenic pesticides that end up in our food supply are used. Bromide is used in bread. Fluoride that has a toxicty about that of lead is actually put into our water supply. Etc etc etc. And developed countries that are fanatics about food like japan? Thin and healthy.
As an older guy who has lived through a time when when most Americans were thin and healthy even as we drank and smoked as soon as we hit 16 or 17 years old. The difference is not working out, its the daily degree of physical work. The push lawn mowers, the daily things we all did, the fact that we walked all over the place. Mom may not have even had a car. If you had something to do you walked of road a bike. That added up to burning a few hundred more calories a day or more. You can not make that up in the gym in one hour.
And its the difference in how we eat. We did not eat what would be called a healthy diet back them. Canned veggies, meatloaf, fried chicken with potatoes. We drank whole milk. But we almost never eat out, we eat a packed lunch from home. Soft drinks were a treat, not what we drank when thirsty. We drank water back then. not sugar loaded sports drinks. And at schools, we ran, played, we did not site 8 hrs with zero physical activity. We started out life slender and in shape. Those food crazy countries. They eat small portions, very small compared to the way we do it now.
I think you can do exercise in short periods. You need only look at the physical difference of sprinters and marathoners to realize this. And you look at the cardiovascular systems of marathoners and they look like that of old people. Long periods of stress can be very damaging. Marathoners even sometimes destroy their kidneys from rhabdomyolosis. You list a few changes but really ther this is the great distraction because there have been so many changes-so which are the ones that really matter?
A few hundred calories a day in a lack of physical activity. and a few hundred calories a day in increase sugar intake plus Big Macs for lunch. I would say that easily explain the increase in obesity all of it. What more magic do you need. We burn lees and eat more calories. That’s the magic recipe if you want to get fat.
The cure to being fat is equally simple eat fewer calories burn more 100 calories change is the difference between being a fat pig and slender.
I’ve seen more than a few slim foreigners move to the US then blow up like a balloon even though they still have all of their customs from home. Its not just food and exercise.
Then we need to spread whatever it is we do, because it sounds like we may be have the cure to world hunger. suddenly humans need fewer calories to survive and even gain weight.
Yeah like this African baby..he needs to put down the fork! Fatty!
Are you seriously equating swollen intestines, on an emaciated frame, with no abdominal muscles left. To being fat?
And you are saying there is no difference between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat?
I’m going to recommend some basic physiology and biology courses to you. and drop it now because I don’t want to insult you
I’m going to recommend some basic physiology and biology courses to you. and drop it now because I don’t want to insult you
How is it that I stay healthy, in great shape and with a flat stomach then?
Of course exercise is not enough. Calorie restriction is king, along with not eating sugars or most carbs.
I can’t stand fat people. Plain and simple. Being fat is a choice.
Yes there are reasons to be a bit fat. But no good reason to be extremely fat. More then 10 or 15 lbs. Its all on you you just eat and drink far to much. And it is likely carbs loaded and sweet crap. I’m packing an extra 20 right now. I make no excuses. And it will be gone soon. I was a glutton this winter and damn our beer is good here in the North West
I knew a girl with both hypothyroidism and diabetes. She was a petite cheerleader. It can be done.
there is no condition that makes you gain weight while only eating one nut, one apple, and one oz a meat a day. As a matter of fact you will be nothing but bones and stave to death eventualy with that diet
Fat people will be eaten during the collapse.
But you don’t want to get fat eating the fat people!
We will be starving. High calory fat meat will be welcome.
You can always burn fat as fuel. But please do that shit outside.
Can do alcohol from it too.
But then how will we toast for the decline of western civilization?
Good question. Also we could make candles from them. Used for the romantic diners that will repopulate earth.
Holy shit you take the cake! I’m laughing so hard… Well done. We can also make soap out of them to give to slim young girls so they can smell like soap for us :D. I wish there was a smiley like the face of Ghibli cat bus but you know what I mean.
Keto Cannibal is going down as the best post apocalypse diet ever
Keto Cannibal Diet. High fat, low carb, all people
Fat American women beat science. They eat nothing, they are exercising every day and they still get fat.
Fat is basically stored energy, so they are making energy out of nothing. We shouldn´t judge fat women, we should give them the Nobel Prize!
Exactly American women have found the cure to world hunger
I applaud your comment.
Nobel invented dynamite. Can we just dynamite fat women?
I’m all for it
Actually we can go further, we can make dynamite from fat women, glycerin is a main component.
Fat Club ftw
First rule of Fat Club: Hey, you gonna eat that porkchop?
I think we just broke the limit on breaking limits.
Broken limit game
You know, knowing what I know about chick behavior I’m sure we could go out and openly say we want to turn fat chicks into soap for skinny girls and still pickup women and fuck em. Posing as fat-women-recycled-as-soap salesmen. I shit you not.
Absolutely. I could walk into any bar, introduce myself to a hot girl and when she asks me what I do tell her that i am a salesman who sells soap made out of fat women and close the deal. 100%
Me too, I have to say it seems appealing to me how to do just for shits and giggles.
absolutely. I went through a phase for a while where I told girls I never kiss. I wouldn’t tell them why. Said it was personal. I was boning girls and not kissing them and they thought it was for some deep reason. Bitches be loving them some mystery.
Hahahaha shit man I did the same thing but I liked it, now it my general set. I don’t kiss. Except my wife that is, but I don’t bone her very often since she is pregnant etc. I don’t kiss even her during sex. Unless you count biting someone’s ass a kiss.
There is no limit to the shit we can get away with.
Ever fuck a girl saying the only way you do it anal? How about oral? I have…
They still take it no questions asked. I bet I could convince a bitch the only way I cum is if I see a woman fucked live by a bull, and they still would be like ok so how do we get a bull?
yeah, i never got kissing and try to refrain whenever possible. The whole act of kissing someone is just fucking disgusting.
As for only anal…I haven’t tried that…mostly because I really don’t want to shove anything in an ass. That’s where they keep the poop. I have had boston virgins (girls who kept their virginity by ONLY sucking and taking it up the dumper) which is a whole different phenomenon.
Rodeo game. FTW
You and me would make a terrible tag team of terror.
yes…bad things would happen.
Well if the girls would have the common sense to go dump it before, you would never be competing with a turd for the space in her ass.
I’m not into that shit anymore, literally.
But it was eye opening in terms of what they will do, ass to mouth? Done it, hence no fucking kissing…
Haha yeah I remember a girl blowing me after I put it in her poop chute and I couldn’t cum because all I could think was “that is just disgusting”
The way I see it, women have 3 holes which can accept cock. Two self lubricate and one is filled with doody. I can live only using the first two
I mean you are talking to a man who fucked a clown in full clown outfit and make up in the bathroom of an Irish bar after she worked a confirmation party in the back room.
I had white makeup all over me.
Then I threw out her card. When asked why I said “I really don’t want to know her as a person…just as a clown”
I haven’t stirred up crazy shit like that in a while but it is always there
I think I took shitlordery to another level. I asked my wife what she would think about me an a dude I met online setting up shop to sell soap made of fat girls. She just nodded and said uh uh.
oddly enough, the fact that we met online is the only thing about it that I find creepy.
Holy shit, that’s good. That I’m not sure I can best. But I did bone my teenage cousins best friend when they both came over for a summer job.
Will you be the godfather of my child?
I spent a long time doing things because I thought they would make a funny story and, with women, I have always taken the approach of “what’s the worst that can happen if you just ask up font, she isn’t going to stab me”
Last night I was having dinner at a local steak house that is pretty young and trendy. The hot bartender told me I have a familiar face. I told her “probably because my face is on mount rushmore.” As soon as she laughed I knew I had her. When I left I gave her my number and told her “we should get together for some dinner and sodomy sometime”
Woke up this morning with an email from her.
Hahahaha good one! class act! Like I met an ex, she was like wanna go? I’m like nah I have a new girl, but I’ll let you blow me for a bit…. She did.
The trick is in how you say it. Girls always think I have a great sense of humor. Then one day they wake up and realize I am just a total fucking asshole.
Delivery is everything
Do you also have girls writing you long ass emails about their feelings? Coz I do. Several last few weeks…
tell that to your wife’s cunt doctor when he pulls the kid out of her fuck hole.
I’ve had that happen, but not often. I think I tend to go for girls who feel pretty much nothing but envy and greed. When I do find one with feelings and they start sharing them I feel icky.
Hahaha, are you from NY? You sound like you are… And I mean that in a good way.
yes sir.
Lucky you. I had a black girl ask me if I didnt fuck her because she was black… Like I’m some dick dispensary with a racism problem.
My theory is perfect, moahahahahaha.
like larry david said after fucking the Palestinian: the penis knows no nationality
which theory would that be.
My sparring partner was from NY hehe. We had loads of fun together, working out and with girls. We ran our own pimp ring almost… We rounded up all the hot enough girls in the office and told them they were our hookers, we slapped their ass and changed to pimp speak hahaha, they took it line and sinker. We would go our twice a week and turn them bitches out hahahaha.
it’s always the nice guy that gets in trouble.
Poor jackass kid fucks that girl up at Columbia university and politely tells her he doesn’t want to be too serious because he is a college kid and she winds up carrying a mattress and attending the state of the union.
I grab a girl by her hair, force her to the ground and put my dick in her mouth until she chokes without so much as a “how you doing” and call her a filthy whore when I blow a load and she won’t stop texting me.
Women are nuts.
Wasn’t that basically the opening of Fight Club?
yeah, i never got kissing and try to refrain whenever possible. The whole act of kissing someone is just fucking disgusting.
Damn, home fries, we are 180 degrees opposite on that count.
We could use them as bacteriologic weapons : drop them from a plane in the enemy water supply. Let them rot in it.
They don’t even have to rot… Just drop live ones and have them wallow around a bit. It will do the trick.
We can even make them eat mexican just before the drop.
I am fat – not clinically obese, but a BMI of a good 24.5 with only a little muscle mass to speak of.
I like to think I could lose weight if I tried to, but I also find myself regularly undergoing surgery as a result of my Crohn’s – doctors always remind me that excess fat is actually beneficial to a degree when it comes to surgical recovery.
See if you can get your doctors to evaluate your fat percentage. If you’re somewhere between 15% and 24%, you’re pretty much in the ideal recovery range.
If you’re above that, you can probably drop a couple of pounds without issue.
You’re hardly fat at all really, my BMI is 27.4, and I’m not sure I’m truly worthy of the title.
BMI is a super bad gauge for being fat or not. I have a terrible BMI as do most weight lifters.
When I used to compete boxing and did a shit ton of cardio I was 155. I looked very skinny. At 170 I looked pretty normal. Now 180 is my summer weight and 190 my winter weight. BMI never takes into account something like 19 inch arms or quads that literally split seams in my jeans.
A much better gauge, I feel, is body fat percentage. I am still a little chubby from the winter as well as from weight I put on during and injury and am holding steady at 188-190. That will come off by summer and will be back to 180. At 180 my body fat percentage will be about 12-13% rather than the 16-17% it is not and that will make an enormous difference. If OP has a BMI of 24.5 with a 20% body fat % it is much different than 24.5 with a 10% body fat %
Good comment. It’s really hard getting down to 12% body fat, at least for me. 15-16% is easier to maintain.
15-16 is a totally legit body fat. I go to the gym twice a day 5 days a week and once on saturday plus bicycle to and from work and generally live an active life while also eating a very healthy and strict diet. Even with that I can’t drop under 10% without basically starving myself. Everyone is different. I know a guy who can maintain 9% body fat without even thinking about it. But I think that, for a man, as long as you stay under 20% you are healthy. 15 is probably a great mix between being active and eating healthy and not making your whole life revolve around the gym and food.
You will hate me but I can’t get over 12% if I try. I hover around 7-9 or so without even working out.
no hate…loads of guys like that. I see them in the gym. Everyone has their own body to deal with. My guess is that you would probably be a hard gainer and have a very hard time building serious size and thickness of muscle….if that is something you wanted. Whereas I will gain weight by looking at food now but am active enough that it basically grows into muscle.
oh, and fuck you lol
Yeah, at 15% I can still enjoy a good piece of toast in the morning and a good gin cocktail at night. I don’t want to give up either. Life’s not worth it otherwise. Plus as we all know, men can still land hotties without bar-of-chocolate abs.
I weigh now about what you did during your boxing days. But I don’t box and I’m pretty sure you weren’t 5’1″ lol.
I like guys who got their “abs” from eating bars of chocolate.
I agree people say not to do things or eat things cause they’re bad for u and im like i rather live my life with thise things then not, even if it means living 5 less years, does it really matter if u die at 90 instead of 95? Now im not talking smoking like a chimney or eating like a fat pathetic pig, but i will drink alcohol or eat bacon but in moderation
Here’s a recommendation on the subject. It’s about a club of big gals who hang out together because they are big. And check out the first comment by a zeldie steward. That sums up the whole film.
I saw some clips. Disgusting. That whole fat acceptancemovement is just a branch of feminism, which is a branch of socialism, which is a branch of Marxism. Pure terror in the end.
I have a friend that I’ve known for over 8 years and he is inexplicably obese. Like the kind of obese where he has fat in places you didn’t think you could get fat. We’ve had many meals together and have worked together at 3 different jobs over the years so I saw his daily routines. I ate more than he did on average. I also worked out every day while he did not but still, his eating habits didn’t add up to his weight problem. He doesn’t seem to be lazy though. He does all the yard and house work around his house and he has helped me do some heavy lifting in the past. It’s almost like he’s a normal sized guy stuck inside a fat suit. It does run in his family so I know genetics play a factor. I always suspected maybe he had some sort of thyroid problem. But he called me a few weeks ago and told me he had thyroid cancer so he’s scheduled for surgery next week to have his thyroid removed. I’m curious to see if the weight will fall off. I’m thinking it probably will.
That’s too bad. Nobody is blaming him for being fat. Stuff like that happens. If he’s given thyroid hormones he will be able to lose weight for sure. But it will go much slower.
My brother has a thyroid problem and he’s been fat or chubby all his life, even from when he was a baby. That stuff is real but extremely rare. I don’t think that guy will change much, none of the meds and stuff have worked on my brother more than for a few months. The rest of us are skinny.
Yeah I think you’re probably right. I told my friend that I think he’ll lose weight from it. He has a weight bench and an elliptical in his garage. I told him to hit that shit hard while he has 2 weeks off for recovery. My thinking is that I can convince him to believe that the weight will fall off but really its just a way to motivate him. But I think there is some possibility that he’ll lose weight from the whole thyroid thing. Just nothing drastic.
WRONG you fat pieces of shit.
I knew it. I knew you were a bunch of fat fucks masquerading as alphas.
Er what?
We’re a bunch of fat alphas masquerading as fucks.
Congratulations, you’ve completely failed basic reading comprehension!
Illiterate game…..
Seriously though…this guy didn’t even read the first sentence.
Nah brah, I’m on a cutting cycle.
I see that you’re put in some hard work on crafting your entry for Dumbest Post On ROK. Well done.
Another legitimate reason to be fat is wanting to attract a chubby chaser (like me, I would totally get with the guy in the picture above). But yeah, 99% of people who say they can’t help being overweight because of physical conditions are just trying to excuse themselves for being lazy and/or overeating. I have hypothyroidism and come from an obese family, but I bet if I quit eating junk and got off my fat @$$ once in a while, I’d start losing weight regardless. I’m fat because I like being fat, and while most fatties probably don’t actually enjoy being overweight per say, they got there because they enjoy the obesogenic lifestyle more than they enjoy being thin.
Hypothyroidism is a difficult to diagnose medical condition. Yes, it causes people to become extremely tired, they can eat very little and gain weight, and they tend to either be freezing or burning up. I’ve known two people with the condition. One was really fat, about 400 pounds, and had her entire thyroid removed, the other was not fat but not thin, and managed with medication.
“Low” thyroid can make it easier to gain weight, but is no excuse for being fat. People with “low” thyroid don’t need medication and can lose weight with diet and exercise. They are simply eating too much if they are fat.
Diabetes 1 causes weight gain because insulin promotes weight gain. Diabetes 1 even has a special form of bulimia associated with it. Some girls feel terrible from the weight gain associated with insulin use and quickly find insulin can be used to keep off weight while eating whatever one wants by altering the amount of insulin given. This is deadly.
Obesity is a cause of diabetes 2, not an effect. Most diabetics can maintain their weight and even drop pounds after diagnoses. Losing enough weight and following a proper diet can actually cure diabetes 2, it has happened.
Stress does not cause weight gain, it only alters the way the body naturally stores fat. The hormones created by stress leads to fat accumulation in the mid-section. Stress is why a smaller girl or guy might have a pot belly despite physical activity. Long term, high stress will lead to a rather noticeable pot belly. It also increases water retention.
If someone becomes “obese” from stress, they were likely binge eating to deal with it. Binge eating and stress are two different things even if one sometimes follows the other.
And fat acceptance makes it harder for people with a medical condition to seek serious treatment from doctors.
like smokers or junkies or bikers or marathon runners etc. they risk their health for lifestyle/pleasure.
I know marathon runners and bikers (cyclist or motorcycle) accept some risk for some pleasure….and even smokers and junkies, as you point out, have done risk / reward and made their choice….
However, I have never really seen someone who is grossly overweight and actually happy about it. They are usually very upset and disgusted with themselves. Not only that, it can’t be physically pleasurable to be that over weight. Do you really think that fatties get enough of an endorphin release (like heroin users or marathon runners get) to make that huge downside worthwhile….?
(this is not me being a douche and phrasing my opinion as a question, I am honestly asking)
yeah they are emotional wrecks, but thats their problem same as bikers who made an accident and are now disabled, they knew the risks beforehand. the drug user will also complain about how he could have turned pro haha. eating junk over a long period of time makes everybody fat. people always want the good things without the negative possibilities of it. their problem. its about how much are people willing to bet. its not like the dangers are not predictable.
for a fatty to eat means as much to him as to the junkie shooting heroin.
As I read this i am deciding on my final meal before I go back to keto tomorrow morning. Expect 2 weeks of very fucking cranky posts followed by 4 weeks on posts which are all over the fucking places followed by a summer of posts about how much I a getting blown by strangers.
I’m trying to cut, too. This winter, I was my heaviest, at 190. I’m at 183 now and want to get to 175. I am 6’0″. Been doing caloric deficit for a few weeks now. Pretty cranky. 😛
same height and about the same weight stats. About this time last year I herniated 3 discs. I couldn’t walk let alone go to the gym. The constant pain caused a bunch of depression that I gave in to and I ate like shit and drank way too much for a few months and went north of 200. My first day back at the gym I was so pissed at myself but rather than get all fussy about it I just started cranking it out. I probably wouldn’t even bother going kept and getting down to 175. I could be happy at 185 normally. But it’s like I need to do it for me. I won’t consider myself totally recovered until I do.
I hear that, man. When I tore my hip flexors deadlifting last year, I was out of commission for 4 months. Couldn’t walk for 2 weeks. Then found out I have a bulging L4 disc, from constantly sitting at a desk job. Anyway, I basically lived at Popeyes. It was bad, hence the 190.
Have you considered hiring a corrective exercise specialist? I don’t know about your gym, but LifeTime Fitness has them. Pretty pricey, but that’s what I did, and she got me back on track. Showed me different ways to lift, to avoid re-injury. Sumo deadlifts have allowed me to keep deadlifting. It was worth it.
I do a lot of accessory lifts now and my deadlifting is back at pre-injury levels. I am working through Stronglifts and my 5 rep Deadlift is now at 405 at between 8.5-9.5 RPE depending on how I feel that day and I am currently squating 275 5×5 @8 RPE. I am in a pretty full service gym that has stuff like that but I am doing alright.
I tried to move to sumo squats. People seem to say it is better (I have L3 and L5 bulging) but I just don’t pull sumo well. I suppose I could train it. Toss 135 on the bar and spend a few weeks just cranking out reps until it is second nature, but I am pretty happy with how I feel going regular despite the near constant mild pain in my left ass cheek radiating down my leg.
Nice! Good recovery. I was deadlifting a max of 315 prior to injury and now am at a max of 250. Working my way up, but sumo deadlifts are difficult.
Pre injury I was trying for 500 club. Never made it.
Odd thing is, I didn’t injur myself lifting. I think it was the HIIT springs and the desk job.
Thats interesting- you think HIIT had something to do with your injury? I recently started working out like Mike Mentzer advocated (super slow- 3 sec up 1 second pause- 3 sec down- 6-8 reps per set, 6-8 sets per muscle group) and I messed up my elbow…
I think the impact shook me up.
Mentzer is smart and slow/pause reps are excellent. Arnold advocates them in the encyclopedia of body building (which is just as relevant today as it was back then). I do think that MM makes the mistake a lot of people do of taking something that is very good (like rest/pause or super slow sets) and then saying that you should be doing only that. I think it is great to have that club in the bag, but accessory lifts and, occasionally, light weight rapping to failure over 100 reps or so are good clubs too
Jeez, almost identical. Pushing six feet, hit 202 around Christmas Day. While I was lifting weights, I had to start running and cut out booze and sugar. Down to 185 now, but my goal is 175, just like yours.
Popeyes. order everything on the left side of the menu
I love Popeyes, but you don’t want to know how the biscuits are made. 😮
Do tell. I just ate there yesterday.
Their spicy fries are hands down, the best fries on the planet, real or fake
OK, I guess it’s not that disgusting. It’s basically a giant tube of shortening that they squeeze into a mixer, with white flour. Add water and mix/bake. Watching the shortening come out of the tube is a little gross.
I eat there three times a year; it’s not going to kill you, though that doesn’t sound pleasing.
I just can’t eat at a place where you need to explicitly say “it’s not going to kill you”
You’re not missing anything. I made the unfortunate mistake of going to a joint Pizza Hut/Taco Bell the other day; I took two bites and threw the pizza away.
I would be sick for a week. I was thinking of some pasta or maybe chinese food….but I am starting to wonder about the wisdom of the chinese food too.
If I am going to have fried chicken I am going to go get a chicken, get some crisco and pull out my grandmothers cast iron pan that weighs 8 billion metric tons and fry that shit up myself.
There was a great Chinese place in midtown, used to go there all the time- Chiam?
They dont delivery ha
Thanks to postmates pretty much everyone delivers now. I think I am going to skip chinese though. I can actually sense myself hating myself for it tomorrow. I think I am going to go with something pasty-isa
side note…when I was a kid I had some white castles like once a year. I do not think I have eaten fast food in my entire adult life and I probably have only eaten at a handful of chain restaurants ever.
White Castle is evil. Tasty, tasty evil. I try to only eat there once every 5 years if I can though. Shit is just a horror story in regards to health. But man, it tastes so good.
I haven’t had it since j was a kid and remember really loving it
I’m really hating you for even bringing it up. There is one about two or three miles from here that I manage to block mentally whenever I see it. It literally is a zone where I have no mental image now, out of sheer willpower. Now you’ve made me think about it and I’m craving that shit hard. Fuck you. Heh.
Stuffed crust Pizza Hut with everything on it, and a side of wings and cheesesticks.
I live in manhattan, I can’t eat pizza hut. Like I said below, I don’t think I have eaten fast food in my entire life and maybe, maybe ate at a restaurant chain a hand full of time.
Damn, you’re right behind enemy lines. I need to send you some NRA freedom.
yeah, i have no guns but I did go for a bike ride in central park today and that is pretty hard to beat in my book.
Fuck this shit. I haven’t been running since last fall when I stopped traveling and I haven’t used my treadmill due to complaints. Haven’t moved into my house and its nice unfinished basement yet to put my gym. Nice day, time to run outside. Let’s see how slow I run three miles.
Forget treadmills. Try HIIT + sprints + pushing iron.
This is correct. And I think you can go to either HIIT or Sprints. And, better yet, a 45 minute kettle bell circuit workout 3 times a week to supplement heavy weight lifting and you don’t even need to buy sneakers.
A treadmill is necessary in winter up here, or running on a track indoors.
Damn, that WAS slow, but, at least it was done after six months off.
There is no excuse for a lack of iodine–or anything else for that matter–in the Western diet. Mainly a combination of bad judgment, eating too much, and not exercising enough. Anything to excuse that–unless it is indeed an extreme condition–is bluster.
Many cases of hypothyroidism (including mine) are caused by Hashimoto’s disease, which is when your immune system mistakes your thyroid gland for superdeadlyaidscancer and decides it must die. But I think (mind I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV), if a person has been diagnosed with thyroid disease and is properly medicated for it, their thyroid most likely isn’t to blame for their weight problem.
I’m not arguing against any legitimate thyroid condition; I just believe that no one in the west should suffer from any nutritional deficiencies so badly that their weight is grossly affected.
Right, the article is a little off-base in suggesting that thyroid problems are primarily caused by nutritional deficiencies, they are in many places but not in First World countries.
People in the West do suffer from nutritional deficiencies, but not caloric deficiencies. There is the distinction. Grain based foods lack nutrients and are just empty calories.
Fat people, especially women get down right nasty when you try to control their diet. They’ll do some underhanded crazy shit for a twinkie. They’d rob a damn bank for a cheeseburger and they’d pull the fire alarm on you and call out the enforcers under all sorts of false claims if you try to confine them to a room with a dish of romaine salad and water. They go berserk and snap, crying abuse when you look through the peep hole and say ”yummy, the B vitamins in the broccoli bits means ‘B’ for BRAIN function. MMMM, num num nummy isn’t it?” Preach health to a lard ass junk food addict when you’ve got them cornered and hungry, jonesing for corn sweetened trans fat, red 40 and a twist of MSG and they flip out like a heroin addict, kicking the walls like a gorilla. The government pays for detoxing junkies off of dope but nothing is done about the processed shit food addicts. Some dope addicts dry out in the slammer. There needs to be a fat slammer.
Yeah, I dated a girl a few years ago. She was pretty hot, but you could tell that she was at that age and body shape where she had some serious decisions to make because she was going to either be a knock out or a pig by the time she hit 28.
I used to go into her refrigerator when she was in the bathroom and throw out bad food. I remember her saying “i thought i had a box of doughnuts in here”
Being young, she’d likely benifit from popping diet pills while going out. Sounds like she’s got a little gristle to burn. If you’re moderate energy, she’d be good on a bike ride, hiking, party/dance or monkeyhumping sessions. Anything that produces sweat. When she’s getting tired, turn her on to the natural/herbal ‘phentermine-alternative’ class suppliments. They’re good for energy while reducing appetite. I’ve got a wad of vitamins and herbs to mention too, but I wouldn’t try anything if she’s sedentary. Get her out doing anything first, an amusement park or a simple walk or canoe ride even and then see how she fires up with an appetite suppressant. I rode my girlfriend on a bike ride and when it got dark, we stopped at a park a block from home and fucked up against a tree and then fucked some more at home. Yup indeed.
I’m really enjoying your rants lately. I’m not sure I agree with the “fat slammer,” but I get your point and it’s dead on.
When people whimsically ask me about advice for losing weight, I try to make it seem as simple as possible and just tell them, “eat less.” I go on to explain some of the crazier diets I’ve been on over the years and the results, and they merely respond, “I can’t. I need to eat.” Or, “snacking is my problem, I’ll eat this or that and snack until I feel satisfied. I need to eat ice cream… etc.” Whereby I tell them, “Oh, so you need to learn how to control your appetite. Yeah, you’ll need to do that if you want to lose weight.”
I usually try to recommend something like intermittent fasting since the eating windows seem to have the ability to train people out of the habit of eating whenever they’re hungry. Even so, I don’t waste too much time on these hard cases, I just try to shame them by explaining how easy it is for me to lose weight as if it ain’t no thang–just feel the rumble in your stomach and ignore it if you have the will power, or don’t and keep being fat.
Fat Slammer sounds like that drunk buddy to hits on the girl who is running interference on your game with her hot friend.
That’s a good point about fasting, not just for obese people but for everyone. Fasting should be done religiously one day in seven BY EVERYONE fat or skinny. Every seventh day the body needs to ‘shut down shop’, close its doors and rest. For the entire seventh day, drink water only and rest. Usually a feast ocurrs on the day preceding the fast.
Most churchgoers do the opposite unfortunately. They go to the all you can eat fluffay-stuffay buffet and eat a week’s worth of food in one setting, finishing it off with two bowls of jello with cool whip on top from the salad bar, and they do this after an entire week of nonstop grazing and snacking. Then when they get home from the ‘sunday brunch’, they’re tired and they flop on their belly and sleep. They’re not so much tired as they are overtaxed. Their body isn’t getting actual needed rest but they lay there exhausted because their organs, the liver and kidneys are burning rubber trying to process all that excess shit. The organs never get a rest whereas with fasting, the organs get to rest and sleep basically for a day – the seventh day.
Not giving your organs a break is like buying a new car, starting it and driving it home only you never turn it off. You let it idle the entire night and then drive it to work. You gas it up daily but never turn it off. The poor engine will never make it to the 4 year warranty. The engine DIES prematurely. Organs are the same way. Countless people die from organ failure at a mere two or three times their maturation age which is very low.
Wild animals conversely live to be seven times the maturation age. A dog matures in one year and lives seven. Most species follow the magic number of seven for lifespan EXCEPT HUMANS. Humans mature at twenty years and expire at 40-80 years of age from organ failure primarily. They expire at two to four times maturation age which is a paltry half of the animal lifespan. Wolves eat opportunistically and have no fasting religion, but they’ll gorge on a fresh kill and then sleep for days. The end of their sleep cycle counts effectively as fasting. All species must fast in some form or another.
Also in scripture, farmers are to till the fields for six years and then on the seventh, they are to ‘let the ground lay fallow’. This gives the soil a rest and allows it to rejuvinate. Mesopotamians didn’t obey the ‘seven’ rule, overfarmed and the soil died. Women bitched and didn’t want to store and dry the surplus and clean fish for the seventh year and didn’t want to right themselves with the betas in from the fields for a year and the place turned to desert. Women never shut up and obey when it’s critical.
I didn’t like watching my bike club members eat and drink this afternoon while I nursed one beer. But I long ago made my choice that thin is in and fat isn’t where it’s at. I would have preferred a less efficient digestive system, but there’s a reason my ancestors survived the potato famine while others perished so I (mostly) stay hungry and am (mostly) a good sport about it.
I’ve never fully understood the potato famine. I don’t know the history or anything, but I haven’t had a potato in like 10 years and I am doing just fine. Did the irish just not know how to cook anything else?
Corned beef and cabbage will only get the Irish so far…
I mean, I know it is funny to say…but really…if Potatoes stopped existing today would there really be trouble?
There’d be a vodka shortage. Rice is the ultimate crop. If there’s no rice, hundreds of millions would die.
Right,…..but not a whisky shortage. I mean, how did not having potatoes constitute a famine. Ireland is a fucking Island. It is filled with sheep. And there is whisky and beer. How is it possible that they were nearly made extinct by a lack of potatoes.
I mean, maybe you don’t want to eat fish every night but it is better than starving to death.
You’d also think grain consumption would not have been affected, but there were the British corn laws, so beer and whisky would have been out of the equation. Agreed with the fish and sheep.
right. Has any inhabitants of a small island ever fucking starved to death. I mean really. You could drop me naked in ireland with no money with nothing i wasn’t born with. I don’t know how long I would survive, but when I did die it wouldn’t be from starvation and I could do it without eating a single fucking potato.
Because the livestock belonged to some rich dude with guards with guns!
get net. Go stand in water. Collect fish. Eat them.
Might answer some of your questions. The hardest hit regions where the interior regions of Ireland.
Also they were serfs running the risk of losing little they had if they left the “plantation”
I totally get this…and I can see that for the first day or so of being hungry. But you don’t starve to death over night. At some point you say “ok fuck it, lets go to where some food is it’s not really THAT far”
Russians drink Vodka. The world would explode.
You wouldn’t have concierge service though. You’d be dead inside of 8 hours. Heh.
True, but not from starvation.
Lack of pillow mints would be the cause, I’d wager.
It is possible. I remember the pillow mint famine of 92 on the upper west side when many people came to trump world plaza and found there un-minted pillows and died from head injuries they sustained while swooning
How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?
How many bumble bees does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
I give. How many?
Two. The hard part is getting them into the lightbulb though.
Oh fuck, that’s funny.
The problem is that it was ‘staple food’ for large parts of the poverty
stricken population. When the potato crop failed, without enough of anything
else to replace it, people died. I think the year was 1845, just around the time rail networks were starting to be built so food did not travel that far, unless both source and destination was near an ocean or river for transport.
I do remember reading accounts of the roads being filled with people wandering from area to area looking for food, and some people being found dead from starvation, after having tried to eat grass, bark or leaves for food; that is how bad it was.
Ok. I get all that. But dying of starvation in the absence of a single food, even a staple food, seems totally bat shit insane to me. Like, prior to the potato famine were they just eating nothing but potato.
I don’t think that there is anywhere in ireland that would take more than a day on horseback to get to the ocean which is like the fish market only free. For that matter they could have just eaten the horse.
People starve to death in mountains and deserts and frozen tundras not on a lush green island….I just can’t wrap my head around this.
As unbelievable it seems to us today, the problem was exactly that, most of the time they were eating nothing but potatoes for most of their calorie intake year round, with a few other small food items thrown in to keep away things like scurvy or other deficiencies.
It also didn’t help that most of the country was broke, so there was little in the way of assets or income to help get any other food into the country from anywhere.
While there was some food brought in, it was no where near enough to replace the calories lost with the famine and that was the problem.
You need to chill bro,here’s a video for your enjoyment!
It was enough to replace my ancestors calories because they needed less than those who starved. Fat is almost always a choice. VC model Adriana Lima was slammed because she fessed up that she doubled down on dieting, plus fasted for days before VC’s runway show. Oh noes – she’s promoting anorexia!
Ireland was exporting food to England throughout the famine.
The Irish understandably have a bit of a grudge toward the English owner class. This cold effort at extermination (as the viceroy at the time described it to the prime minister) was far from an oversight, but was a culmination of conscious policies directed to that end from the 1780s on.
The Irish had lots of food, it was shipped under guard to England as they starved — and that that wasn’t even close to the worst the English did.
Short article
Long article.
The Irish have been bitching about the English worse than blacks bitch about slavery. Time to move on.
See, New Yorkers like you are the reason I designed that “I [mushroom cloud] N.Y.” bumper sticker back in the ’80s. Are there even any actual, unhyphenated Americans in that hole? You all need to be shipped back to Guido-stan or wherever the fuck you come from.
They’re still occupied.
I take it that this is a hyper sensitive comment from an Irishman who feels affronted that the world doesn’t give a fuck about what the English did 5 zillion years ago? Shocked.
move south, leave Ireland or be a UK citizen. No one cares about their oppression.
Sure, but I do think that in regards to the famine, there’s a pretty strong case to be made that if another nation is literally sucking out all of your food by force of arms, except potatoes, then when the french fries go away you’re going to find yourself in dire straights.
I never denied the idea that those straights would be dire. However, this is Ireland not the Sahara or Everest or the frozen tundra. It is a lush island. Yes travel was difficult and peasants had the shit stick but at some point between “can ye pass me anuther spud” and literally starving to death I would like to imagine that someone would have figured out something to eat.
Well technically speaking, people did figure out a way to eat. I mean look at Ireland, there are still Irish there, so I deduce that somehow, somebody said “Oy, there be fish in the wa’er there, lads”. But not everybody lives on a coastline, and England was basically coming in with guns and saying “We’ll be taking that mutton there, boys”.
I’m not a fan of the Irish victim cult, btw. The Scots (who actually are/were Irish) got tired of it too, that’s why we traipsed the fuck out of Ireland and found more productive things to do, back in the day. Hacking heads, drinking beer and wearing kilts seemed more fun than wallowing around in self pity and crying about one’s troubles.
I find that the southern irish (cork, wexford, Kerry) are generally just more fun to be around. I have never once met a scot that I didn’t almost immediately take too. Something about the Scottish fatalistic humor works right with me. The plague of irish seriousness and victim cult which is super strong in American irish for some reason, many Dubliners and nearly everyone north of there is just outrageous.
I guess the Irish Potato famine was a Darwinian solution. The ones who did find the fish survived.
As a side note, the Italians are also guilty of this. In the NY/NJ area there are tons of what I have taken to calling “lolitalians” or “eye-talians” These are the guys who remove the vowels from the end of words like “pro-zhute” or “parmazhan” and call it a dialect……we need to remember that these sons of Italy are not the descendants of Michelangelo…..these are the descendants of people who couldn’t figure out how to feed themselves in fucking naples. I mean, they were on literally the most fertile peninsula in the world. There is literally food everywhere you look. I think you can just eat the dirt there. And they were doing so poorly that they took ships to America where even the boat ride had a fatality rate in double digits. If you had a family of 10 people get on a boat it was statistically impossible for all of them to survive the fucking trip. These are the eyetalians ancestors. The DeMedici ancestors are still in fucking Italy.
(Presumably the dropping of the vowel at the end of words despite Italian being a romance language is so that lolitalians will have plenty of vowels stored up for when they need to say “AAAAA” or “OOOOOO”
The differences in how Scots approached life compared to the Irish are amazing to me, and they’re the *same fucking people*. It’s a good indicator of how a strong, positive culture can make kings out of men, while a whiny victim culture can make those same men into paupers.
Scots kept taking it tough from the British, but instead of give up and be Britain’s bitch they up and held war after war, skirmish after skirmish, raid after raid for centuries on end and gave the English no peace to the point that they beat back those Saxon dogs and launched a counter invasion into England. The Irish? Eh, a few car bombs in the 20th century, inspired mainly by communists, and, well, lots of alcoholism and self pity.
I believe that the average Irish IQ of immigrants to the States during the 19th century was somewhere rivaling black IQ (around IQ 80-85 I think), and they were mostly an illiterate lot and had been since the dark ages. Scots on the other hand were nearly universally literate and generally valued education and inventiveness. There’s a reason all of the video games and movies have their tinkerers speak with a Scottish brogue.
Same. Fucking. People.
Their only similarities after a couple of centuries of separation was a love of drink, the Gaelic language, haunting music and fighting. Outside of that, eh, not so much.
yes to all of this.
The scots have always been able to laugh at themselves. I’ve been to Edinburgh and Glasgow…touristy shit, not like I lived there or anything, and really got on well with the scots. You are right about the strong positive culture too.
And yes, Irish, English and Scots are all the same fucking people. To only a slightly lesser extent is the Welsh. The irish from cork and the other free states are much more like the Scots.
You can really see it in the drinking and fighting habits actually. The irish have a reputation for drinking and fighting as do the scots. But the irish sit and drink and are sensitive and take insult to the smallest fucking thing and fight over it. The Scot on the other hand is drinking deep, enjoying life and laughter and might get into a scrap because it is just generally good fucking fun. They are truly nut cases…but the best type of nut cases.
If you have never seen it, take a look at oor wullie. It is scotlands answer to Dennis the Menace and it is really indicative of a fun loving people who laugh big.
Right, I just meant that Scots and Irish are *literally* the same people. The “Scot” in Scotland comes from the Roman term for the Irish, scocci, pronounced “scoh-chee” (more or less). So Scotland is literally “Land of the Irish”. The Scots referred to themselves as Irish up until the mid 1500’s (I believe, maybe not quite that long) and considered themselves full participants in the kingdom of Dal Riata. They are Gael Celts. Both are also heavily invested in Viking DNA so even on that count, they’re basically the same.
The English are anglo-saxons (Germanics) and Brythonic Celts (like the Cornish and Welsh) which is different from Gaels, with some mixture of Viking blood from the occupation via the Danelaw.
The two strains of Gaelic have been separated for so long now that it takes some time for an Irishman and Scot to get on the same page again with Gaelic, but it’s usually a pretty fast and easy learning curve. Kind of like how it’s hard for us to understand some of the deep mountain Appalachian folk at first but after we listen a while we start to catch on pretty quickly.
Scot culture, at least the traditional culture, is quite jolly. I really enjoy my father’s side of the family and their sense of life and humor, which I think I mirror far more than I do my mother’s English side of the family.
Interesting stuff here GOJ. You are a real repository for honky knowledge.
Irish? Not so much: several ancestors on the Mayflower, Dutch patroons, signers of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, a 170+ year-old manufacturing firm still in the family, donated a significant fraction of the N.Y. Metropolitan Museum of Art collection.
You’re right, my people need to quit indulging in the luxury of universalist ethics and treat you oiks as the English treated the Irish.
Yes, I find your in-depth discussion of the differences between the Irish and the Scots very interesting, as an ignorant American whose previous knowledge of the subject amounted to “Well, Scottish people wear more plaid and won’t kill you because you are/are not Catholic, right?” And this in spite of the fact that I am part Scots-Irish, not sure which though, the name of that branch of the fam is Patrick, always thought we were Irish but an aunt informed me one day that she had somehow discovered we are actually Scotch, but the details of this discovery escape me and she is no longer around for me to ask her about it.
Didn’t I see you on an commercial?
by the way, it isn’t ignorance that American’s have…it is a healthy understanding that it doesn’t fucking matter unless you are particularly interested in it.
The Irish tend to over estimate how much their culture really fucking matters to anyone in the world who isn’t them. The Scots tend not to have that problem.
For all the lambasting of americans as ignorant, most of the stuff they are ignorant too really doesn’t matter in the first place.
Oh you Americans are all so ignorant, you don’t even know the history of this fucking thing that means less than turd to anyone what didn’t grow up 3 miles from the pool hall I was conceived at.
“These are the guys who remove the vowels from the end of words like “pro-zhute” or “parmazhan” and call it a dialect”
You mean prosciutto and Parmesan, I assume. I’ve heard people say “pro-zhute” but it is weird that it’s the Italian-Americans of all people, everyone else I know says it pretty close to the original (Italy) Italian way (btw, I Googled the proper pronunciation just to be sure, was kinda impressed with myself for spelling prosciutto correctly without autocorrect). As for “parmazhan”, most people I know (including me) pronounce it that way or the slightly less lazy/more “correct-sounding” “parmajohn”, and apparently “parmazhan” is the correct English pronunciation. A true Italian would say “par-me-john-oh” though.
I wouldn’t say “par-me-john-oh” though, even though I know it’s the “proper” pronunciation because somehow it feels dishonest to use Italian pronunciation when I am not Italian. Same reason I say “Rio Grand” when I know the correct Spanish pronunciation is “Rio Grohn-day”. Now if I were to discover that I’m part Italian and part Spanish, I would feel perfectly normal eating “par-me-john-oh” beside the “Rio Grohn-day”. Being adopted and only having some sporadic contact with just my mother’s family, I’m not sure what I am, but I’m thinking of doing one of those dna-test kits, could be eye-opening.
I gain weight like a pregnant woman if I don’t work out. My genetic predisposition is fat fuck, so I’ve always fought an uphill battle to stay in shape. I have no sympathy.
The introduction of the commodore 64 home computer in the early 80s was the first step that began the process of kids becoming fat as they played for hours with PAC man and dungeons and dragons while they neglected the world outside.
In the 70s when I was a kid we played outside, we made things, like tree-houses and camps and built make-shift rafts on the near by lakes. This all changed with the home computer generation…..sadly….and we’ve never gone back to these carefree days with our young.
I guess you could say that for TV, smartphones, tablets, social networks, etc.
But it’s fine if you can control your urges. As a kid, I only played games on my computer when the weather was awful. I still liked being outside, enjoying fresh air.
With that said, I actually agree with you. We used to build stuff. Now, a kid would rather buiild it in effing Minecraft.
smart phone tablet and social network are all fruits of the computer tree. TV maybe you could say it about. The difference is that TV is purely passive. When we started interacting with the machines, even at a basic level, that was like the next step. TV is like coke. The commodore 64 was like when that shit got cooked up into crack.
I didn’t have a commodore 64 at home but we had one in school. Kids, myself included, literally huddled together and stared at that monochrome screen as one kid played a game where you type words and it blast the falling letters which was to teach typing speed. Looking back, someone should have saw the massive lure and immediately killed everyone involved with inventing them.
” Looking back, someone should have saw the massive lure and immediately killed everyone involved with inventing them” The computer more than any other machine has robbed us of our spirit I believe…a beautiful car or plane is something to behold as it’s a machine made in the image of the challenges that human’s face- the road- the skies above- these machines give us deep sense of freedom and joy….unlike a computer that diminishes rather than expands our horizons and imaginations.
I really like the way you put this in terms of expansion versus reduction of horizons. I haven’t thought about it like that before and am in total agreement.
Sometimes I think that we’re parts or ciphers in a gigantic simulacrum called the universe, maybe, this is why I’ve a certain dislike of IT?