How Advertising Shows The Decline Of American Culture

Commercials are a convenient window into the culture. Even when commercials don’t exactly reflect the culture, they still speak to what the culture aspires to. Unfortunately, a comparison of the commercials of today with those of the past reveals that our culture has degenerated in several areas.

Male And Female Roles


In commercials from the 1960s, it is clear that society was still structured around a patriarchal model with the husband being the head of the family. As time went on, the traditional male and female roles diminished but it was still evident in the 1980s. As hard as it is to imagine, there was a time when slim and feminine wives actually cared about making their husbands happy as demonstrated by the following advertisements.



Also notice how both men and women did not dress like slobs.

Today, men are not portrayed as respected members in a marriage. At best, husbands are portrayed as being hapless idiots. At worst, husbands are shown to be impediments to women’s happiness. Take this Roomba commercial. The husband is portrayed as a jackass. And what mother thinks of her children as pigs?

The Kingsford charcoal commercial below demonstrates the trend that husbands are ignorant dolts who are only deserving of a wife’s disdain.

 Where’s Dad?

Products aimed at families like breakfast cereal, soup, or TV dinners used to feature traditional households. When the entire family sat down for dinner it meant, mom, dad and at least two children. The modern equivalent paints a much different picture.

In the Banquet foods commercial above, mom comes home from a hard day of work to greet her hungry children. She is praised for her many roles—coach, artist, and even zoologist, as they sit down for a high carb, high fat, nutritionally deficient meal which will encourage obesity in her children. But there is no chair for dad at the table. Dad must have been an ignorant dolt so mom divorced him. Now, she is free—free to ride the cock carousel and free to work in a soul-killing dead end job.

Dad Is Gay


In the rare event that fathers are portrayed as competent and loving, they are usually gay. Gay men always make wonderful fathers. In the following Campbell’s Soup ad, gay men are cast as being funny, creative, and nurturing fathers—the complete opposite of the modern portrayal of heterosexual fathers.

The reality is that homosexuals comprise only about 2% of the population and the number of them that want to adopt children are even lower. These ads are probably trying to target heterosexual women who seem to have a soft spot for gay men raising children. And gay men are not necessarily the wonderful fathers that they are portrayed to be in commercials. A British man claims he was molested by his gay father and his father’s boyfriend. When he went to social workers to get help, he was ignored because of the wholesome image gay men have in the media.



The idea that real women are fat and beautiful is another common theme in current advertising. Almost all clothing commercials feature at least one plus size model. And of course, Dove beauty products has made it a mission to highlight “real” beauty. Obese acceptance is inserted everywhere.

In this case, commercials are reflecting the changes in society. Americans are getting fatter. The average woman now weighs as much as the average man did in the 1960s. Advertisers have a nearly impossible task. They have to make fat women feel like they are still attractive.

The ads in the past did not have to contend with this dynamic. Many magazine ads from the 1950s and 1960s were drawings that showed the ideal woman to be tall, thin, and feminine.



Wimpy Men


Gucci runway show

It is not just the images of women that have changed. Men, too, are being portrayed differently in ads. Even though men have gotten fatter in the real world, you will not see obese, body positive male models. Instead, you will see ads featuring extremely wimpy men.

As an example, take Versace, the Italian fashion house. It was started by Gianni Versace, who was a homosexual, and it has always had a reputation for edgy ads that frequently featured gay themes. Yet, in the 1990s their ads featured somewhat muscular models.



Compare the Versace ad to this 2016 ad from Gucci, another Italian fashion house. It looks like the girl in the photo could easily beat the tar out of the weak male model.


Sweet parrot shirt!


These are just a few examples of the trends that can be detected by viewing advertisements. Of course, there are exceptions. Most women in ads are still thin because we find thin women attractive and you will still see intact traditional families in some commercials—but the overall drift of society is apparent. Our culture is stamping out the last vestiges of patriarchy, family, and traditional masculinity and femininity.

Read More: 40 Pictures That Show The Decline Of American Women

462 thoughts on “How Advertising Shows The Decline Of American Culture”

  1. I’m so glad I cancelled TV service! I encourage everyone of you to do the same.

    1. I haven’t had cable since something like 2007 and I quit social media a few weeks back. Feels good!

  2. “But there is no chair for dad at the table. Dad must have been an ignorant dolt so mom divorced him.”
    One other scenario from that Banquet commercial is that they don’t know who the father was. The kids don’t even know if they all had the same father.

  3. These ads shows the microcom of the world in which the advertisers live in. Living in media hubs of NYC, LA, or Chicago that are steep with the cultural trends of society and insular from the greater world. Add into the mix the lives of the advertisers as inspiration, show the shallow and mess lives of these people. Ads are subtle avenues of social change has they impose subconsciously what to expect from the world.

  4. It’s not just the advertisers. Advertising regulators will block any ‘sexist’ ads etc usually because one or two fat women complained. Unfortunately it may be necessary to follow suit

  5. Dove obviously “cut” a deal with the liposuction business in return for advertising for women to get fat to collect that fat from lipo clinics to make more soap
    Fight Club style

  6. It’s amazing, too, that tv shows and movies and commercials really make you feel like every other person is either gay or trans, when in reality they top out at 2-3%. Then I talk to friends who haven’t done any research and they think everything they’re being fed is truth and I have to spend time showing them otherwise, all while my dissenting opinion backed up by real numbers and facts makes me look like “the uncaring asshole”.
    And that’s how progressives get you. People really are that easily led and the rest of us that think for ourselves have to work that much harder to snap everybody else out of it. It’s really satisfying when we do, though.

    1. If someone thinks I’m an uncaring asshole with regard to LGBTRXZY issues they are being optimistic. I honestly detest that shit actively.

      1. The amount of times I mutter ‘fucking faggots’ under my breath these days while out in the scrum of people.

        1. There was a guy I used to work with who was about as “country” as one could get, and I remember him saying once “If one guy wants to suck another guy’s dick…there’s something wrong with him.”
          He was a lot of things, but holy shit did that hit the nail on the head.

      2. So do I. I’m honestly embarrassed for the milquetoasts I’m friends with for even having to argue my points with them. To me it’s all just common sense.

        1. I made the ‘mistake’ of going off about the rainbow superbowl to my friends and they all got genuinely angry at me. The brainwashing goes deep.

        2. It does, and it’s really sad, too. At least for me, there’s always that wedge that’s there now, that will always make me think less of them. There’s a couple that I’m friends with how are total leftists and 100% in for Sanders, and it’s to a point where I can only make small talk with them and that’s it. I don’t even want to be around them at social gatherings.

        3. I’d say I have one friend whose somewhat redpill, still a little purple round the edges but within the spectrum youd encounter in the sphere. My cousin is crimson to the core so that’s a nice connection to have, but everyone else is blue as fuck.

        4. There was a baseball game on the other day where they were basically forced to wear that faggoty “breast cancer awareness” pink on their uniforms. I openly stated that this was emasculating and foolish to people at the bar I was at, and most of them actually agreed and added on to the sentiment. All hope is not lost, yet.

        5. Where is this bar and how old were the patrons who agreed with you? Finding guys under 30 in the general public in western countries who aren’t supportive of all this faggotry is becoming increasingly difficult. And the ones who do voice their thought crime opinions get so chastised for them, a lot of them start to stay silent, or worse, accept the faggotry.

        6. This is why I have basically no friends anymore. I even had to cut off one of my brothers when he said “gender is a social construct”.

    2. Not entirely related, but it strikes me as funny that blacks were fighting against segregation and now the LGBTs want their own toilets.

        1. Self-segregation was happening before official segregation laws and been going on since. Not limited to any one group either. China Town, Little Tokyo, areas of New York that were pretty much solely Italian, places in Ohio/Indiana where it is pretty much Amish, Polish, or German exclusively.
          Heck, even members of my own family prefer to stay on the reservation with other Navajo or Cherokee than not.

        2. And you can apply the same thing to the sexes. Maybe it is not just the men who do not want women in construction. Maybe it is women who do not want to be there and have their own spaces of power.

        3. STEM fields bear this out. Women, while being overwhelming preferred, and given an easier road decide to opt out.

        4. Hypothetic future: Matriarchy takes over. Women are in power everywhere. Now that they truly have a free choice, they say “Men should do the hard work. You can not expect women to do that. Also, we do not want male nurses!” Here and there, meninists protest and want to be nurses without being shamed!
          Maybe it is not even about the WHAT but about the WHO DECIDES.

        5. Agreed.
          There was even an article about Harvard University recently where they have been trying to force male-only groups to include women. But to get around Title IX, they banned single gender groups.
          So, the guys claimed to be transsexual or at least bi-sexual to keep their organizations going, and no one can say otherwise without being called a bigot.
          It was a pretty ironic read, but the truth is you can’t legislate behavior. Trying to make men include women or likely vice-versa is only going to build resentment and eventually, rebellion, same with race issues, or “gender” crap. You can’t force acceptance, you might bully tolerance out of people for awhile, but that’s about it.

        6. Well, I am becoming very philosophical about the acceptance thing to the point that I accept anything I can not change.
          But in relation to people, you just gotta see that there is a difference between acceptance and submission. I accept that some women want to invade male spaces and feel rejected, but I also have boundaries and my own free will and no matter how much I have compassion for almost anything, it does not mean I will bend over backwards to please them.
          “If you love me, you gotta do ….”
          Nope. My love for you has nothing to do with my actions or decisions. It does not need to be proven. I do not love you for you. I love you for me.

        7. That’s actually been my go-to argument with entitled feminists who say: “What makes it alright for you to judge me on my looks or whatever?” or “I’m the best thing that could have ever happened to you.”
          I’m not supposed to be the one who gets to decide who I want to associate with and what qualities I find acceptable or not? I’m not allowed pick what I think is ‘best’ for me or who I let into my life?”
          Shuts ’em down every time so far and the same mentality I have with all this race/gender bs.

        8. These people obviously are in pain and feel judged and I get it. But there is a difference between not judging and not choosing.

        9. The truth they don’t like to accept (or be confronted by) is that we all use prejudicial thought every day, most of the time, because we have preferences/favorites.
          Food, color, song, body type, hair, vocal tone, parts of town we travel, stores we frequent, friends and social circles, people we avoid or dislike, concepts we accept and reject.
          The world is built on preferential treatment and judgement, frequently at face value without any depth or meaningful consideration. Coping with that is their hangup as far as I’m concerned and not my responsibility.

        10. Not your responsibility – unless you pursue a path of universal love. This world is built on judgment, indeed. I find it less and less necessary. I find that the most time I judge somebody, I subconsciously do it to pass on my own pain of having been judged. Go figure, it is actually much less painful to be nonjudgmental in the long run, so I want to pursue that path. Judgment creates negative emotions and why would I want to feel a negative emotion when I meet somebody who is an idiot? Like they say, “hatred is like trying to kill your enemy by poisoning yourself.”
          The fun thing is that I actually had/have big difficulties accepting that I am not being judged. When you meet someone who is actually not judging you – but you emotionally expect it – you realize that a lot of the pain is self-created.
          I think the path of being non-judgmental is nothing that is to be demanded from others so that you feel accepted. It is something you freely choose for yourself so that you feel better about life and everything.

        11. There’s definitely a difference between consciously and subconsciously/unconsciously judging, but as you say in most cases it is more about coming to grips with the fact that either you aren’t being judged or that someone else’s judgement upon you isn’t very relevant (not talking about legal judgement here).
          That idea you describe, self-created pain sums up what I mean nicely, I think. That is what many of these people are reacting to, their own insecurities, low self-esteem, feelings of not fitting in or being accepted, that’s something we have to deal with individually. Some turn to religion (only God is my judge), others to point around them and say “Your fault,” others yet invent fantasies to filter out the reality and try to live safely in their particular denial.
          If everyone would take your last paragraph to heart, we (humans collectively) might not suck so bad.

        12. BLM is slowly trying to segregate themselves.

          It can’t happen fast enough. I’m fed to the teeth with all this nonsense.

      1. Well, a certain people spent a long time fighting for integration… and then immediately self-segregated upon earning it. I believe segregation is a natural tendency. The quickest factors to judge a person off of are race and sex. Our ancestors survived mostly by trusting people they could believe to have the same or similar values.

        1. I’ve never understood the problem with “separate but equal”. The issue back in the 60s was that the schools weren’t really equal, but there was no reason they couldn’t have remained separate.

        2. It’s funny how white liberals are always hell bent on diversity, but when given the choice they choose to live in predominately white neighborhoods.
          People naturally choose to live around people who look and act like them. It’s just how it is.

        3. Exactly, the problem was that they were not equal, and equal standards should have been enforced, however they should have remained separate. The same goes for other stupid policies in transportation and housing.

        4. That could actually have turned out pretty cool, you could have tiny little neighborhoods like the Italian section here, the Jewish section here, etc. As someone who appreciates other cultures and especially their food, it would be great to have little areas that celebrate and support their historical culture and customs. Plus, it would be easier to find specific type of girls. Want an Asian GF? Head to Chinatown.

        5. They pretty much WERE equal as far as facilities are concerned.
          And, where education was valued, it sunk in. Washington DC and NYC had some all or nearly-all black schools that turned out educated students. Same with the south. It is where education is considered “acting white”, or where the available stock of students is of inferior intelligence and inferior upbringing, the results are low. That, and black kids have more of a tendency to destroy things like desks, books, and other equipment found in their schools.

        6. In the south, especially the rural south, the facilities were definitely inferior for blacks. I wish they weren’t, then perhaps separate but equal could have been allowed to exist, but they were.

  7. In places where you have a democratic society where the majority rules, (the majority being beta males)the ebb and flow of what transpires is going to be in line with what they want. The social conditioning is going lead women to go for these abstract, unnatural man made things like money, fashion, bling bling and other crap that these beta males can provide. They can’t have women going for good genetics as they would in the nature because they wouldn’ t get any. It is important to understand this social engineering. It may disappoint many of you but the reason ‘ game’ works is not because you are learning to be alpha, rather you are acquiring these beta male strategies that women have been programed to go for.

        1. Well I guess that gives me time to focus on the important things in life.

        2. We might just be better off with an apocalypse at this point then. Gender roles would revert and the weak would be trampled.

    1. When I look at those old ads, I can not help but wonder how anyone could have not cringed and taken it seriously. But then, I guess we are just hardened up today.

    2. I wish i could buy a million frown eradicators and give them out to all those sour looking females.

    3. Women who are not taking care of themselves should feel insecure and want to better themselves. Nothing wrong with that.

  8. Large corporations and advertising agencies have spent large sums of money on studies and experiments which find the best ways to influence the stupid sheeple.
    I talk about these studies here
    Its pretty simple. Throw your fucking tv’s out. It’s a mind control device and if you don’t believe me read that article then come up with a refutation to that evidence.
    Your mind will form around the stimuli which you let into it.

    1. By that rationale, we should only date women who are tv-less. Hard to find in America, but I do come across them abroad. Actually got one girl to get rid of her TV in latin America.
      I’ve never been able to fathom those stats of 5 hours a day on AVERAGE of tv watching. That means for every person who watches only an hour or two, there are people watching 8 or 9 hours a day. How the hell is that possible? Even when I had full satellite access with all the porno, I only watched maybe 2-3 hours a day.

      1. I watch probably less than an hour a day. By the time the kids are down, I don’t feel like doing much of anything but getting ready for bed myself. Plus there’s nothing interesting on. I’ll usually just piddle around on a video game for 45 minutes and call it a night.

      2. We are in full idiocracy now. Really when you think about it what does a red pill man have in common with a chick stuck to that programming device? The more you unplug the more insane these people seem.

        1. “Hello, I’m the manager of Black Sabbath. Where did you guys get the idea for that tune?”

      3. Actually I have dated a number of girls without TVs. They just watch all their bullshit on smartphones now.

        1. See? Its too late. they all have a pocketful of propaganda c/o the “smart phone”….

      4. Worst of all, it is complete crap programming they watch too. You never hear about people binge watching 9 episodes of NOVA.
        My only responsibility in life is a dog and I can barely find time to watch the idiot box. Then I think back to all the useless crap I watched in my 20’s and it makes me kind of depressed how much time I wasted where I could have been learning new skills or experiencing adventures.

      5. How is that even possible? That would mean that the average American is glued to the TV for every waking hour after they get home from work.
        I don’t watch TV, I watch films. I rewatched two red pill films the other day on my day off: The Last Detail and U-Turn.
        Fuck Tv!

      6. How is the TV watching defined? It’s easy to turn a TV on and not pay attention to it. If the digital cable box is clocking it’s saying the person watched hours upon hours of TV even though he watched very very little.

    2. No, don’t throw out the television. That was good advice fifteen years ago — at the time, I went six years without a television — but not anymore.
      Today we’ve got excellent programming on Amazon, Amazon Prime, and Netflix — millions of documentaries and international movies and historical series — ALL WITHOUT COMMERCIALS.
      I’ve worked in Hollywood. Take it from me.
      tl;dr While commercials have never been worse, television has never been better. It’s a golden age.

      1. I’ve hooked up PCs to TVs and been downloading specific worthwhile content to watch since I was 13. Up until that point I almost exclusively read novels. I pretty much was never influenced by advertising from television, its been a golden age for me for a long time.

        1. Yeah that is the way I do it as well. I own a TV but it isn’t plugged into the antenna socket. I think that’s the best way to go about it. All just online. Basically my TV is just a giant computer monitor.

        2. When I first started doing this streaming was in its infancy and video quality was horrid, basically unwatchable. Download limits were also something to consider so I started storing everything on Discs because HDDs were too expensive back then. Then when they became affordable I switched to them, now I have a media server with 24TB of storage.

        1. A lot of them do, thats true, but you can filter that shit out. I prefer good old fashioned unauthorized media acquisition.

      2. Yes! We now can pick OUR OWN entertainment with more options than ever. Blows my mind when I see somebody still channel surf or pick the local Pop 40 shit station on the radio. That, and I simply never could understand why anybody would want someone else making their choices for them! Do your homework and you’ll find that there are several great TV shows and independent music avenues!

        1. FALSE, (in Netflix) you can watch what they have decided wht you can watch.

        2. Thats like saying you should never read a book because you are reading what the author wants you to read.

        3. You are correct. But, Better Dead Than Red needs to whine about something.

      3. There is NOT a single American TV show that does not push feminist agenda. And yes, Netflix is the same crap as TV. It gives you the illusion that “you choose” what you watch… after they have PREVIOUSLY chosen what you can choose.

        1. The Man in the High Castle.
          The Sopranos.
          Married With Children.
          Those are just off the top of my head. Extreme statements are easy to disprove.

        2. I would have to watch them. I was also told that Breaking Bad was masculinist and… no way.

        3. Yeah because women could beat single-handedly battle experienced men who double their weight in muscle mass and Viking armies were fully integrated…yeah right.

        4. I was also told a similar lie about Breaking Bad.
          When all of the characters had crying fits/ emotional breakdowns over what they did and when Walter White’s termagant wife ruled the roost, I knew I’d been sold a bill of goods.
          Worst was when the “badass” brother-in-law DEA agent who always talked a strong game broke down like a little girl after he actually shot someone as part of his job.

        5. Longmire is pretty great on that front. It’s why I keep my Netflix account going.
          I haven’t seen The Americans, previews made me think it was anti-American 🙁
          Outsiders? Can’t say I’ve heard of it, must’ve repressed everything related to it after US public school.
          Guess I’ll have to check ’em out. Thanks

        6. Man in the High Castle? Ultra-lib Jeff Bezos, a notorious gay crusader who was hellbent on using Amazon Studios to crank out critic-pandering pablum to win awards, made a show with a respectable portrayal of masculinity?
          You’ll have to pardon my incredulity on that one.
          Man in the High Castle, the original work, seems like it borrows extensively from Heinlein’s Sixth Column and I enjoyed that.

        7. They really went full monty stupid with that didn’t they? A perfectly good, highly masculine show and apparently they hired some SJW “writers” and pussied it up. Pissed me off, big time.
          I believe there have been two burial sites found where a female has a sword as a grave item. Two. So we’re to infer that there were armies of wild Swedish women with swords fighting alongside of men. That’s bullshit. The swords may well have been her already passed husbands or fathers or brothers for all we know.
          Additionally we DO know from Anglo Saxon culture, a Germanic culture that nearly mirrored Scandinavian cultures at the time, that women did NOT participate in battle and only stood in the background to kill men who retreated in the face of the enemy. Which, frankly, I find kind of cool. You don’t defend the tribe and run and a mob of Brunhildas stab you to death, as it should be. But no warrior princesses, for a fact.

        8. Third season was when they succumbed to the feminist pressure to “include female role models”. I will never forget the episode when the wife takes the car wash. 100% feminist agenda. That’s why I don’t rely on any “masculinist” American TV show. All of them are rotten.

        9. Whenever a non-feminst show appears, it almost always gets high ratings. Then, the feminists interject with their cultural appropriation for season 2…that begins the slow spiral down the toilet.

    3. I worked in media for over a decade and I must concur, throw your TV out. I haven’t had one in 7 months, and my mind is clearer than ever. Live your own awesome adventures in reality rather than vicariously living them through others.
      Even non degenerate shows subconsciously promote agendas. I don’t want my girl picking up on American degeneracy and Cultural Marxism by watching TV, either. I refuse to have one in my house.
      Eliminating TV also frees up an average of 28-35 hours a week for nobler, more masculine pursuits.

      1. 28-35 hours a WEEK? What red-pill man watches 4-5 hrs a night? Srsly?
        Protip: You can get all sorts of interesting, non-degenerate stuff on Amazon Video, which is built into my “smart” tv. Films and docs and series you’ve never heard of. It’s a better selection than streaming Netflix.

        1. Now we’re just disagreeing over the size of the screen.
          Look, television is now — for the first time ever — educational. A red-pill man can enrich his life with some modern programming. And he can avoid commercials. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

      2. Yeah I did this, But i found I just spend more time on my computer, gaming watching shows etc. I figure its slightly better because at least you are engaged in some way. Would still like to go full off it though.

      3. Funny the way you’re all making excuses for the hours per day you spend watching”good” tv.
        It’s ALL minbending propaganda.

    4. I like using my big screen TV to watch classic Westerns and documentaries. Lots of awesome free stuff on Youtube. There is some annoying advertising, but less bad than on the network or cable stations and for free, I won’t complain too much.

  9. The Versace ad is a highlight of a different trend. High-end labels have taken to pushing slim-fit clothing in an attempt to sell high-end items while using less total expensive fabric.
    But yes, whether it’s in ads, tv, or cartoons, typical white males will be portrayed as stupid, slobbish and generally worthless, and white fathers will always be portrayed as dorky, uncool, out of touch whimps. The gays are always flawless, compassionate, whitty and stylish, and the black males are wise and cool.
    And I wouldn’t call any of those girls obese, outside of the two conveniently on the ends. They obviously aren’t slim, as the pooches denote, but much of their general mass comes from their hip-proportions.

  10. I like that old school pepsi ad she is pointing at his dick…and he seems to have his gaze targeted at something else.

  11. The coffee commercial was funny, but went on way too long for an ad, I thought. Also, the ad with the farm animals isn’t totally inaccurate. My siblings and I have been called pigs many times.

  12. You guys should check out the “Pre-Feminist” art work at Ian Ironwood’s old site, “The Red Pill Room”

    1. She’s smug with satisfaction while hovering and passive-aggressively ignoring her man; he’s annoyed with her for distracting him while he’s trying to read the damn paper in peace.
      I’m not sure if this is the point of why you posted this picture, but from the looks of it, she’s about to be on the receiving end of a ‘Tony Danza.’

      1. I thought that after I posted the pic but went ahead with it anyway due to the volume of pics contained at Ironwood’s site. I believed the number of pics would form a visual context greater than any message that could be conveyed by this single pic. If you get a chance, check out the site. Ironwood has not posted in a very long time so I am not sure if he’ll keep the site going.

    2. Find a woman, any woman, in the U.S. who even has half the femininity of this fictional woman. Can’t be done. And women like this did exist as the norm not so long ago, I remember them as the “adult women” when I was a kid.

  13. I don’t know, man. I see plenty of pictures of muscular men all around. Not sure if you can draw this conclusion without some kind of deeper research.
    That said, this article is supposed to portray today’s degeneracy. When I look at those old posters, though, I see the same kind of braindead shit that goes around today. Actually, it is a bit dumber even; it is so bluntly ridiculous that it feels like comedy against today’s realism. And while I am not against the classical family, I still can not help myself but see that shit as cheap propaganda. If you want to have a classical family, you should do so because it makes you happy. Not because you want to suck up to society’s standards and give in to shaming tactics.

      1. I mean the style of production, going towards shaky / organic cameras with more natural lighting. Also, the acting style which has gone from somewhat theatrish shit to method acting. Whether the content portrayed is more or less realistic or valuable stands open to debate, but the style of production is more realistic today.

        1. I liked the goofy skit-acting. The closest thing to that in today’s society would be the goofy commercials out of Japan.

        2. I liked it when I was younger. Made me feel like I am better than others for appreciating the old stuff. Nowadays, I don’t care that much, but those old movies from before the 70s I can barely watch without being annoyed by the bland acting style.

        3. I’ve become way too critical to even be able to enjoy movies. I’ll slice them apart while I’m still in a theater. My professors told me in the past that I should be some kind of professional Critic.

        4. Sometimes I find movies enjoyable, but I also often had that issue. When something just feels wrong about that movie and I feel this deep need to understand what is being done to my subconscious…
          I loved reading the critic Armond White. Many think he is a troll. He has some stupid points about racism sometimes (he is black), but aside from that I very much enjoy his ideas and insights.

    1. “I don’t know, man. I see plenty of pictures of muscular men all around.”
      It’s a time of extremes, either the men depicted are jacked and juiced to the gills, or are frail, toothpick-legged hipsters.

    1. You know they’ve retired him right? I shudder to think at what they will replace him with….

      1. The Most Empowered Woman in the Word!
        “Stay Strong and Independent, my Sisters!”

        1. That would be fucking boss if they created a trolling character like that.

        2. Is there a way to make it funny with Bruce Jenner? He will do anything for a dollar, and he’s not liked by the gay community because he is just play-dressing and won’t remove the Johnson.

        3. Latest rumor: Bruce is considering becoming a man again. These plotlines write themselves

        4. Hah, wow, I predicted that. So what should we do? I say welcome him back. He was surrounded by insufferable cunts like ___ Kardashian(s) (I don’t want to know or repeat their horrible names), which has to seriously fuck with your head, and throughout the whole event he has claimed to still like women. He had people telling him how fucking awesome it was to wear a dress, and even the president, a guy who he would have never met otherwise, encouraged him to go for it. Meanwhile he got a front cover shoot on a major magazine. So he’s a celebrity starfucker narcissist. Agreed. But he never took a dick or chopped his off. If all he did was have a temporarily mentally breakdown and wear a dress for a while, I can forgive the guy. IF he embraces his masculinity and makes a proper apology.

        5. You predicted that? I was betting on suicide within a few years.
          If he chopped the tits off and started doing steroids, then I’d welcome him back.

        6. Yeah, all along I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I think he is a narcissist just like his step daughters the Kardashian Kunts. Bruce, a powerful, masculine, gold medalist, who accomplished things and has real accomplishments to be proud of in his life, was being sidelined while his slutty cunty stepdaughters became even more famous than he was simply for screwing a thug. This pissed him off, so he did whatever he could to get more attention than them. It worked. It’s a bizarre way to get attention, but is wearing a dress any worse than screwing thugs and filming it for the world to see? Then I bet he would never get the operation, and eventually go back to being a man. This is mostly wishful thinking, I don’t know much about the man as he was before my time. But it would turn the whole tranny movement on its head, so we should all be rooting for this.

        7. Bruce Jenner was always suspected to be a homo since way back.

        8. You’re right about that. I remember hearing these jokes about him becoming gay/woman for years before I even knew who he was. So he probably *is* mentally ill. But I wonder how much of that was caused by living in close proximity to Kris Jenner and the Kardashians for a couple of decades.

        9. I believe the only reason he is doing so is: he was a publicity whore, and the attention is starting to fade. May as well go back to how he was.

        1. Perhaps not, but, as the old show-business saying goes: “Leave ’em shouting for more.” If they had gone on too much longer, the ads would have become stale and cliché.

      2. “I don’t always retire, but when I do, I retire to poosy paradise”

    2. You know why he was so effective? Cause the American public hadn’t seen a character like that — so unapologetically male — in years, thanks to the feminist opinionmongers. It was past time. Though I would’ve liked it if he were younger… the man is like 73 yrs old.

      1. He sort of reminded me of the “Old” Indiana Jones idea from that Young Indiana Jones Chronicles show in the 90s. Lived a full life and was now recounting it and imparting wisdom.

      2. He may be, but he at least appears to be a vigorous, virile, erudite, and interesting man regardless of age. The western world needs one heck of a lot more like him.

    3. I am GhostOfJefferson, and I approve of this ad campaign.

    4. Yes, but some posters here may not like the idea that this man is a “(((((them)))))”.

  14. I think Bernays started it all, if I remember well.
    Also I want advertising to be forbidden in public spaces.
    I sometimes try to imagine a world in which my environment is not always trying to sell me shit.

    1. Yes, Bernays started it all, but we’ve moved past his top-down form of public opinion influence. Social media has wiped out his ideas. Crowd-sourcing of everything, including ideas, is here to stay. Advertisers have watched revenue fall as traditional forms of selling shit have disappeared. This is the true reason for the death of newspapers.

  15. Just stop for a second and imagine a scenario where your biggest problem with a female was you didn’t care for the taste of her coffee, and you carried on about that relentlessly. Just think about that.

    1. my baloney has a first name, its O S C A R….my baloney has a second name, its M A Y E R

  16. Saw another gem just last night: daddy dressing up as a princess/fairy god mother for the amusement of his daughter and her little friends. Two questions: why cant mommy dress up, you know, like a woman? Why, yet again, is there a commercial with no little boys to be found? Chase bank really doesnt want my money I suppose

    1. Wasn’t this an actual thing? Like a reddit/imgur post or something? I swear….

    2. I sure as hell won’t eat Wingstop. My favorite example of the pussy man with his big dick girlfriend is a wingstop commercial, where the woman is holding his wings until he proclaims in his Twitter that he officially loves his girlfriend better than lemonpepper chicken wings.
      After he fixes his Twitter account to her satisfaction, she condescendingly allows him to eat his food, where he sccops it up like a starving orphan boy who is afraid of his own shadow.

      1. Those commercials are the worst. There’s a series of paper towel commercials where the wife walks in and the father is doing some stupid shit like changing the baby’s diaper on the kitchen counter or plopping a huge fish he caught and the wife just looks at him like “Really?”

        1. premise: man is wandering around the front yard, trying to get tube socks off his arms. Oblivious to the fact his house is on fire. his beefy, blue haired wife pulls up in her Ford F350(she is a lumberjack). has exasperated look on her face, Then you cut to that deep voiced black guy(whatever his name is, the president from “24”)

      1. again: why doesnt mommy put on the dress? what a fucking pussy

      2. Holy mother of god… I just threw up a little, look at his shit eating grin!

  17. The Ray Romano everyman of modern America. Slump shouldered, hen-pecked subservient wuss. While Everybody was Loving Raymond, I wanted to kick his ass for being such a twat, and I wanted to stick my cock in his wife Debra’s mouth so that she would shut the fuck up and learn some damn manners for once.
    I have been calling this pussy”man” phenomenon the Ray Barroning of America for the last 10 years. It kinda goes along with my Paris Hiltonization theory, for which Kim Kardashian is the primary purveyor of today.
    “Shallow, malcontented women, and the men too wimpy to love them, on the next Oprah.”

    1. On occasion, I would watch that show with my wife, and use Ray’s wife as a model to show her how to NEVER behave. Not that she ever did, but it was a soft warning that it won’t be tolerated.

      1. My step mom watches everybody loves Raymond and she outrage laughs at it. I think it is irritainment for her. She says it is like watching a cartoon that is so over the top unrealistic that it’s funny. “There is no way any real man would put up with this crap!” But laughs her ass off like she’s watching buggs bunny.

        1. I guess she is a little out of touch when it comes to modern marriage. Unfortunately, I have some married friends who are completely hen pecked. Pathetic.

        2. Yeah…my step mom is a rather traditional wife, and my dad is pretty alpha. Hes the kind of guy that doesn’t have time for such stupid TV shows when there is a good book to read.

        3. Glad to hear it. You have a good father model to work from. Boys need that more than people are willing to admit. I grew up without a father, but thankfully it is in my nature to be a manly man. My mother did her best to teach me, but that was from a woman’s point of view. Had to learn many things on my own.

        4. That is one thing I have to give my mother credit for. Even though her and my dad ulitmately weren’t right for each other and split rather amicably, she never bad talked my dad and always referenced or referred to him whenever me or my brother were in need of male influence. She always made sure there was as much dad time as was possible, and always took his side through my rebelious teenage years whenever we butt heads. I used to think she was just being a bitch, but now I see she was trying to make us into the best men we could be with my dad being the best example she knew.

        5. You’re lucky. My mother and father divorced, and in this case I don’t blame mom for having initiated it. My father was NOT a man to consult about anything. Later, I had a step-father who was great.

    2. The fact that the show was as popular as it was is just sad. Millions of people thinking that a wife talking shit to her husband, while he did nothing, was acceptable behavior. I bet modern feminists are trying to remake it as we type. A show dominated by the weaker sex, who make the hetero males act like effeminate, kowtowing assholes, and the only one allowed to speak honestly (from time to time) is the old man, under the guise of comic relief.
      Personally, I prefer Married With Children. The show where at least the man ran the household, unabashedly talked shit about women at every opportunity, started a goddamned group called “No Ma’am” which battled feminist ideologies, cracked jokes about homosexual behavior, etc. Not to mention that women were objectified in ways that women freely objectify themselves in current society. The wife does nothing, yet is always asking for something. The daughter, getting through life solely on her looks. The son just wanting to get pussy. This show should be more relevant now than ever. It represents a man who put his faith into marriage, only to end up living a mostly miserable existence, due to the women in his life.

      1. What a great point. Married with Children when it aired always seemed like a ridiculous characature of a fictional family. But this family dynamic (if the family is still married at all) seems to be the norm today.

        1. You’re totally right…
          When I was young me and my mom and dad would watch the show and laugh our asses off. We knew that this was a sketch of what a horribly dysfunctional family looked like, and it was never meant to be emulated.
          How fucked up is it that nowadays I consider Al Bundy an American hero?

        2. In reality, though, we all know that it was (or would be) the reason why his wife would stay with him. Al always told it like it was at the time. I don’t care what women say…you always watch their actions and women (especially today) would have tingles in the vagina if a man said that shit to them, today.
          There are too many pussies out there and a man like Al (telling a woman like it is) is something that makes women tingle. I’ve done it a few times to a few lippy women and guess what….tingles. They couldn’t get enough of it (came back for more).

        3. It was like dawn breaking the moment, decades ago, that I realized you could insult a woman to get her interested in you. She just wants a roller coaster of emotions, and receiving a mild insult is the same feeling as the one she gets when she starts to plunge down that first hill.

        4. Indeed. Women don’t hear the word “no” enough. Any man willing to tell a woman “no”, insult her or tell her to beat it is a winner to women (because they’ve been walking on men (or boys) for far too long.
          Men need to stop listening to the programming in the media and start being men again. Embrace being a man and don’t let anyone shame you for it. People are being accused of being a racist just for asking questions now a days.
          If that makes me a racist for asking questions, then I’m a racist.

      2. Al Bundy’s insults to fat women are classic red-pill. When you have ten minutes, pour a drink and enjoy–

        1. Agreed, it’s not the dress that makes you look fat, it’s the fat that makes you look fat. One of my personal favorites.

        2. “What say I nail the soles directly to your feet? It’ll give you more traction when you’re pulling the ice wagon.”
          I did a spit take the first time I heard that one.

        3. Nowadays, Al would have been kneed in the face by some ugly cunt with huge daddy issues for merely mentioning the obvious.

        4. Thanks for that. It just hit me, watching those behemoth land mammals in the vid, that another red-pill aspect of the show was Al’s appreciation of ATTRACTIVE women. I don’t recall him looking away from T&A, even in Peg’s presence.

        5. One of my dad’s favorite shows when I was growing up.
          Anyone else notice the fat mom’s shirt at 0:46?
          “Chocolate It’s Not Just For Breakfast Anymore”

        6. This could tempt me from my vow of no TV.
          But you can’t tell much from outliers.

        7. I hate twitter. It’s the medium of hipsters and marxist. In my country it is.

      3. And don’t forget the Bundy credo:
        Lie when your wife is waking.
        Lie when your belly’s aching.
        Lie when you know she’s faking.
        Lie, sell shoes and lie.

      4. King of the Hill i think had the best depiction of a family in recent television history. Hank laid down the law whenever it came to disciplining his son, or dealing with his cucked friends Bill and Dale, and i like how they actually wrote his wife to be more like a real woman with actual character flaws as opposed to the usual sassy perfect wife.

        1. Ya, It was nice to see a female character that wasn’t automatically perfect.

      5. Yes. There is no way that show would be on TV, today, because Al told it like it was (reminded me of All In The Family…from back when). People telling it like it is and not giving a fuck if other people (especially women) get offended.
        That is the key. You need to say what you need to say, no sugar coating and no fucks given if someone’s feelings get hurt.

        1. No, it would definitely be on cable or other outlets. It would definitely NOT be on network TV.

        2. The closest thing to that is Last Man Standing, Tim Allen’s remake of All In The Family where Archie is respected and competent instead of the joke.

        3. I LOVE Last Man Standing! It’s as close to a positive portrayal of a father as you’ll get in modern television.

        4. Archie in his day was what the entire Robertson family on Duck Dynasty was supposed to be recently: the object of scorn, ridicule, and to be laughed at. In both Archie’s and the Robinsons’ case: they became the unintended heroes.

        5. It’s a shame that America (society) today has thrown away some common sense values, morals or just good old common sense in exchange of feelings, empowerment (in the case of women) and any other crazy that comes along. There used to be a time when it applied to everyone and in return you would get a society of all people who used to hold each accountable.
          Today, politicians and corporations pander to those individuals to gains votes or money. It’s sad because in exchange for those votes and money we gave away those common sense values. Shows used to teach (and entertain) but today it’s mindless zombie bullshit.

        6. We also lived in a society where being offended was part of life. One did not throw tantrums or lobby congress.
          I fit two of the groups Archie didn’t like. Yet, I went on with life. The Archies can call me anything they like, and yet I remain the same man I was before they did so.

        7. I survived the first 5 minutes of episode 1. I will, as you suggested elsewhere, try season 2.

    3. That show was so fucking god awful. The whole show revolved around some trivial bullshit like Ray forgetting to put the mayonnaise back in the fridge. Then he would cower in the corner like a fucking pussy while his wife bitched at him. Ray Romano is a fucking turd.

      1. Yeah….my favorite example of the spineless husband is the episode where he “puts his foot down” and says “I am leaving at 6 o’clock on the dot with or without you, so you better be ready to go.” They were supposed to be going to a banquet where Ray was being honored and given and award for his writing. So it was very important to him professionally and personally.
        Six o’clock comes and Debra is in the bathroom dealing with some kind of bad hair day shenanigans. So Ray leaves like he said he would (as any man would) and goes to the banquet without her.
        At the banquet, he is telling his friends about it and they are telling him he is crazy and he is going to “get in trouble!” Ooooooo.
        He gets home and Debra goes full Harpy while he mumbles and stumbles like an idiot…and of course the Coup de Gras….HE APOLOGIZES!
        She fucks up HIS important night, screams like a devil at him and HE apologized! Unbelievable. Makes my blood boil every time I see it on TV yet I can’t look away.

        1. Doesn’t she end up cucking him? Never saw the show but thats what I heard

        2. I remember that goddamned episode. If I recall correctly it was entitled, “Comical Emasculation of Husband, to “Empower” Bored Housewives, Episode R(edundant)” 😉

        3. Watched that episode last night. My wife just laughed that Deborah got what she deserved for being late…..but told me she’d be pissed if I left her. I told her “Be on time and I won’t leave you behind”

        4. They just don’t get it. Recognizes the wrong in their behavior, yet won’t change it or prevent it, and then get angry when there are consequences. It truly is amazing from a psychological standpoint.

      2. Frank Barone was the reason to watch. RIP Peter Boyle.
        He sees his sportswriter son on TV and says, “I could have eaten a box of Alpha-Bits and crapped out a better interview than that!”

        1. Was he the original “old guy who is allowed to be politically incorrect-speak the truth-for humor” character?

        2. In 1970, a year before All In The Family came out, Boyle did a movie called “Joe” where he played a middle-aged guy who rails against the counterculture.
          And in 1977, when Boyle got married, his best man was none other than John Lennon.

      3. I HATE that show….but my wife loves it….so guess what we watch 🙁 At least my wife admits Deborah is a bitch.

    4. I’ve wanted to shut many many women up by sticking my cock in their yapper. It’s always someone at work where you don’t want to eat where you shit. And lousy bitching inlaws, I know the solution. Something tells me ”don’t shit here”. Holding shit isn’t healthy. What’s Mcgoo to doo?

    5. That show was bad but the worst was home improvement starring Tim Allen. He apologized to his wife every episode. It was a pathetic message to send.

      1. He has been making up for it a bit with his current Last Man Standing.
        While far from perfect, it might just be the only current TV show with anything approaching a competent, self-assured male character.

        1. Netflix streams the first few seasons FWIW.
          Show becomes more “All in the Family” starting in Season 2 when it is retooled.
          Kind of Allen’s apology for Home Improvement, in terms of the manliness of his character.

        2. I survived 5 minutes of the first episode, shut it down, and removed it from my list. I’ll give season 2 a try, but am not holding out much hope. Thank you.

        3. IMO to get into it you’d have to have a tolerance for “traditional” family sitcoms and/or be a fan of Tim Allen’s style.
          It’s “claim to fame” is that it pretty much is “man’s last stand” when it comes to TV dads. It’s also rather openly right-wing.
          The best the show has to offer are its Tim Allen monologues on politics and other subjects, put into episodes as the “Outdoor Man VLOG”.

    6. Great point. That first show should have started with his wife bitching about something and Ray telling her “I’m the god damn king of this castle”.
      He should have then opened the door and told her to get the fuck out if she didn’t like it.

      1. It would have been cancelled right then and there, but it would have still been better than the tripe the show actually was.
        I seldom watch network television. To be polite, I would sit and watch fora while when I visited with my mother. But, then ELR came on, I left the room. Even being nice to your mother has its limits.

    7. Henpecked husband is one of the oldest tropes in TV. Herman Munster, Fred Filntstone, Ralph Kramden. And those are just the most (in)famous ones. Plus ça change, y’all. Al Bundy gets honorable mention, though he was more exploited than outright henpecked.

      1. The only one of those even slightly henpecked was Herman Munster. Fred and Ralph were nagged, yes, but they were still head of the house and often made that point crystal clear.

    8. I have to agree completely, Ray Romano was the weakest, pathetic man on tv, always bowing and scrapping to his always right wife. Even in the episodes where she was wrong, she was right and he would bow down. Fucking Bullshit. Watch Thelma and Louise to see Misandry and Feminism dogma, it is a guide to how feminazi’s see the world.

      1. A modern-day, edgy version of “The Life of Riley” played by a castrated William Bendix.

  18. Advertisement is as I see it neutral evil and is entirely reflective of what the advertisers envision will translate to maximum profits. So they need to be relatable to the status quo, and today, the status quo is fucked. I mean could advertisers be pushing some sort of agenda, or at least solidifying the elite agenda? Highly probable, but if there was somehow a cultural renaissance that brought back 1950’s values you can bet Advertisements would instantly reflect that in order to once again – maximize profits.

  19. I’ve been pondering recently how the most valuable thing a woman can give me is respect. And respect is the hardest thing to get from a woman these days. This Firestone tire commercial (aren’t guys typically the ones buying tires?!?) along with so many of the examples above, like the husband *ACTUALLY BEING PORTRAYED AS A JACKASS* depict women utterly disrespecting their man. This is insane. No way are we having a TV if I marry.
    Of course, the sick thing is that disrespecting men is now built in to our culture. That’s the typical depiction of a man, while the woman is depicted as brave and strong and intelligent and witty.
    And re: the jackass.. can you imagine a commercial where the wife was depicted as a female dog in heat (a bitch) or a screaming banshee or something?

    1. The spot where the woman is going on and on about researching a new car, and she mentions “torque ratio” cracks me up every friggin time

      1. I don’t know that particular commercial, but,I often get a real kick out of the technobabble spouted in some movies and in news reports. I think my very favorite was about an emergency landing at an airport in Florida back in the 1960s. The reporter sagely reported that the plane, a “Twin-engined DC8 Super Constellation”, landed safely and that no one was hurt.

    2. How old is this commercial? It’s featuring what looks like an Xbox connected to GameCube controllers (??), so if this isn’t at least a decade old I’m not sure what it was trying to convey as that stuff is ancient today.
      But I agree, that commercial is insane.

      1. I’m pretty sure it came out about a year or 2 ago. I think they were just trying to use a generic “Z box” system so no one who owns the actual system could feel triggered or offended, but the point is still made that the woman is boss and she can disrespect her man with impunity.

    3. Men do buy the tires. And the pickup trucks. And the tools.
      But people will mew on to justify women being in every one of these product commercials with “Buuuuuut women make 80% of the purchases….so it’s good!”
      Which, as noted, is not the case for the items I just mentioned. Yet now all we see are women in those ads. It’s bullshit.

  20. It’s amazing to me that the generation that was born in the 1920s and lived through the Depression and WWII lost control of culture. Those returning GIs enjoyed about two decades of traditional values, then it all went to Hell.

    1. Actually, the Roaring Twenties were pretty much just as depraved as today. The stock market crash put an end to that party.
      This time (((((they))))) are just printing moar munny.
      Only one way this is going to end. It’s not going to be pretty.

  21. I grew up in the 1950’s as some of you know. Even the advertising was better back then as seen in the first example above. By the way Schiltz beer was one of the most popular brands during that decade. Keep in mind that cigarettes were very heavily promoted during that era. Madison Avenue turned the female marketed Marlboro into a real he-man brand. I recall seeing a guy lifting weights while puffing on one! Athletes even appeared in tobacco product ads. As previously mentioned, people dressed better, too. Once again, quite obvious from the first example. All told, everything has gone down the crapper since then
    If there’s one redeeming quality about YOUTUBE, it’s that you can see a lot of these old commercials at that web site along with many of the old TV programs that the advertisers sponsored. Always get my jollies reading the comments from the much younger or first time viewers. My favorite. A negress wrote to complain that everything back then was so white, TV, movies, ads, etc. Yes it was “girl”, not perfect by any means, but a hell of a lot better than today.

    1. Uh, sir. I think the proper term for today is, “Yes it was guuurl!”
      Fixed it for ya

      1. Thanks Fish! It’s getting to the point where nobody can utter a single, comprehensible sentence anymore!

    2. This is why I love my grandpa. 90 years old and whenever a REALLY black person comes on TV he’ll immediately go WOH, gorilla! Never fails to set me off.

      1. Negroes on TV & in the movies were rare during the 50’s. Might see one singing on a variety show. My dad by the way is in his 90’s.

      2. The ones that would occasionally appear on the 3 stooges were always like that, got really spooked, and jumped out a window.

    3. That’s because the ENTIRE NATION was over 90 percent White.
      Somehow, purely by accident, it’s not anymore.
      Same thing seems to be happening to all the White countries, and ONLY White countries.
      Just a Cohencidence, of course.

  22. …the wholesome image gay men have in the media

    Let that sink in for a moment. How or in what way?
    Aside from this, it has occurred to me that in large part that the reason for this and other problems in society is the liberation of women. Women are fucking out of control. Without man as Lord and Master, they run around in different directions like panicked cats.
    I have now despaired completely of finding a woman without serious problems. Girl after girl is broken. I was with one recently (EE girl) who told me that her boyfriend would never let her leave the house. With good reason apparently because now when she goes out, she acts like a fucking lunatic and thinks its cool. I had to cut her off.
    The other issue is allowing these women to a) choose their husbands and b) let them decide when to divorce them. Women cannot be trusted with these decisions. Invariably they will marry a man unsuited to them and then divorce him when they become “unhappy”.
    Women cannot handle the responsibility that comes with liberation. They fuck up, badly and consistently.
    It is small wonder, when one half of society is no longer pulling its weight that the whole of it is sliding into one massive fucking sinkhole.

    1. Everywhere I go in public, I see women being rude to their waiter, rude to their bartender, rude to the auto repair guy, all while pausing to write a condescending review on yelp about how someone failed to greet her properly or smile big enough at her when she came in to spend daddy’s money on something. How will this end? Social change takes a while. Fifty years from these commercials until what we have today. So we are looking at another 50 to revert back to a strong, stable, patriarchal society, in my view. If not longer, because it’s far easier to slide downhill than to climb back up.

      1. When I see a woman being rude in public — which is occurring more and more — I’m split between
        1) Reprimanding her and starting a huge fight
        2) Being MGTOW
        Somebody please advise.

        1. You cant reprimand them bc of the video recorder in the cell phones…you will be made to look like a monster, she will be called brave

        2. A few years ago maybe that would work, when women could feel remorse or had a modicum of respect left. But no more.
          You could try, but she would just ignore you. And then one of her friends will start yelling at you like this:

        3. This aint the greatest example, but: A guy was hitting on a woman in a store, she wasnt having it, he said something mean, whatevs…she sees him later in another store, turns on the camera, sneaks up on him, accuses him of XY n Z, he runs outta the store she follows, as if the camera is some sort of security blanket that will protect her from harm, yelling “Stop that man! Stop that man!”

        4. Sounds like two assholes clashed in a supermarket asshole supernova. Who gets mean when a broad rejects them?

        5. What an attention whore the girl that recorded is. Was she relevant? A man would have never included himself in such video.

        6. Just look at them in disgust, sort of scoff and look away. Make sure they notice you doing it.

        7. You never truly get to “go your own way”. Will “going your own way” in some way make these women disappear from public view or even from your view? Depends, I guess, on whether you intend to be a hermit or still participate in the general society, albeit without a girlfriend. From what I can tell, they’ll continue to act like cunts and you’ll continue to notice it.

        8. One such occasion, I turned to my friend and said “They’re so cute when they’re angry” and did so loud enough to be heard by others. Several laughed out loud. The sn0tty woman stormed out.

      2. That’s why we need to eliminate TV from our lives completely.
        Imagine that in 10 years all the commercials are pro man… All the women are in the kitchen, and all the men are Chuck Norris.
        Would that really be a victory?? I say fuck that… I don’t want media-sellouts to tell me how to live period.
        The days of Arnold Swarzenneger movies are dead… The days of James Cameron movies are dead…
        The days of mainstream original films and inspired arts is dead…
        The Hollywood industry has become a monstrous propaganda machine of the worst kind, shovelling our own shit back into our mouths and taking our money in the process.

        1. Imagine that in 10 years all the commercials are pro man… All the women are in the kitchen, and all the men are Chuck Norris. Would that really be a victory??

          Compared with what we have today it would be a resounding victory, worth national holidays.

        2. Independent artists is what gives me hope (see below). But I am sick of Hollywood MSM garbage altogether.

        3. That’s some really excellent artwork, as well as music. Made me laugh a few times!

        4. TV is essential for a small number of people to control the masses and engineer society.TV news is the primary method by which the opinions of the masses is shaped and their attention guided once they leave school. The manipulations of society become apparent once one tunes out for awhile.

    2. Without man as Lord and Master, they run around in different directions like panicked cats.

      Women have a weak sense of personal identity outside of the structure provided by a healthy patriarchy. We can see that from the ridiculous things Hillary Clinton keeps doing to try to stay relevant.

      1. Good point, this is why conversing with them is so painful. And they are reduced to talking about their age, occupation, etc. Stuff you couldn’t give a shit about.

        1. Even worse when these bitches run offices that effect your company and you have to be nice to them even when they’re lazy / rude ****s!
          My business insurance guy left last year and this new broad doesn’t get customer service.
          When I fish out the business to a new provider before renewal I’ll make sure its a man.

        2. Your comment made me think of Chelsea Handler, saw something today where she’s got a new show on Netflix. Her whole schtick centers around being a completely unfunny cunt. That made me think of her interview with Russell Brand where he owned her, while she was going out of her way to be even more of an ignorant unfunny cunt than usual.

        3. Chelsea Handler is the rude bitch in the bar who’s out to ruin your night. She makes my skin crawl. I haven’t known a single woman who admits to liking her.

    3. Good points, just one thing caught my eye. The not allowing women to choose husbands. It reminds me of something in a conversation I had with my now wife way back when.
      I don’t remember the full context but it was about how people choose mates. She told me she didn’t choose me, I chose her. She insisted.
      And I can see what she means if I think back, her choice amounted to talking to me or not, past that point she didn’t really chose things.
      Completely random I know, just a funny anecdote.

      1. I know what you mean. I have women choose me too although most recently she was a psycho.

        1. I had one attempt at a company Christmas party, had to have security escort her away. she was drunk (duh) and propositioned me first about going for drinks. I said no. Then what about her place? I said no, really not interested. She started screaming to all in the room that I refuse pussy so I have to be gay.
          She was like 50 or looked it at least lol. I have a rep to protect FFS 😉

      2. Ha, I am the opposite. My wife insists she chose me. I made her wait and gave her more tests than 99% of other modern women would ever have put up with. Finally decided to give her what she wanted.

        1. I did that with several ex LTR’s but they turned bitchy and demanding after a while, I think they felt like they had an equal or superior rank to me in the relationship.
          In part also the lack of me having to pursue and woo etc made it less valuable to me I think, looking back at it. I like the hunt and the risk tbh.
          So I figured I’d just take the time to carefully pick instead of selecting one of the pursuers. Worked a charm sofar.
          Different strokes for different folks, as they say.

      1. Thanks brother. I had a lot of inspiration from my latest girlfriend. Good god almighty…

  23. Let’s also not forget that commercials reveal the vapidity of modern women. Over the past 10 years or so commercials have become mind-numbingly stupid. Most of them place entertainment value over information regarding the products, usually having stupid characters or jokes – You can show me an image of characters from commercials and I’ll know what they do in the commercial, but I can’t tell you what product it’s for. I remember talking with a friend about this, and he said the reason commercials suck is simple: Women spend 70-80% of all money in the US, so the commercials are trying to appeal to women. The thing is they’re so childish in nature that this must mean the average adult woman has the maturity of a child.
    My younger sister is the typical fat consumer female. When we watch TV she’ll often times completely zone out during the show, but as soon as the commercials come on she’ll wake up and get mad if you talk during them. Like, she finds Flo from Progressive to be funny. Yeah. So one day we’re watching TV and there’s a commercial for Johnny Walker aimed at MEN. Did the commercial have funny characters or silly jokes? No, it featured various shots of the bottle and the voiceover basically said “This commercial doesn’t need bells or whistles. This is whiskey” and then told some facts about how it was brewed. Simple, to the point, told me all I needed to know. As soon as the thought popped into my head that this was the perfect commercial, my sister goes “That’s stupid, I don’t get it.” So if you want to appeal to women, use lots of bright flashy colors and silly jokes that would appeal to kids.

    1. Apple is king of this. Did those bright shiny silhouetted people dancing iPod commercials tell you anything about the product or how it differed from a 1/4 the price SanDisk mp3 player?

      1. Right, commercials like that don’t sell the product, they sell an EMOTION related to the product. So a woman might be shopping for an MP3 player online and will choose the more expensive iPod because the commercial gave her a happier feeling than a SanDisk player.

  24. Not to mention all the diversity propaganda we see now in advertising showing interracial couples.
    Seriously, our elites have to stop romanticizing this practice, even though Donald Trump married an Ashkenazi Jewish woman, Chelsea Clinton married an Ashkenazi Jewish man and Mark Zuckerberg married a Chinese chick.
    In general miscegenation results in rootless, alienated children who don’t have a sense of belonging and meaning in life, from President Obama on down to Elliot Rodger, Roosh and Laci Green.

    1. You’re really getting your digs in at Roosh in almost every post. What’s the point of bashing the man on his own website, pray tell?

      1. I find Roosh’s Augustine-like, ongoing existential crisis fascinating to witness. It hasn’t happened in a vacuum, because he instantiates many of the causes of the dysfunctions of modernity that he writes about in other contexts when he wants to show how women have gotten so screwed up. His problems resemble his fellow Iranian-American Laci Green’s for a reason.

  25. The media in general exploit women’s weak sense of personal identity when they don’t have a patriarchal society to guide them in behavior that protects them from their own bad judgment. Just in the last generation young women have adopted this ridiculous uptalk and vocal fry because they see female celebrities like the Kardashians talking that way. They also pick up on feminism and on the coolness of having lesbian experiences from the same sources. Girls simply wouldn’t turn out this way in a healthy patriarchy where the men who produced advertising and entertainment understood their responsibility to future generations.

    1. With a name like Progressive, ya get the ideology along with the insurance!

    2. I still can’t get over the commercial with the Barbie Twink. This poor boy will have a really rough time in middle school.

      1. Are you kidding me? He’ll be fine. If he’s not a fag who gets his own hugbox he’ll identify as a dyke or something.

        1. This kind of commercial also propagandizes girls about becoming fag hags.
          We need to stomp on women’s “friendships” with gay men, because gays enable degenerate behavior in women like promoting female promiscuity and fat acceptance.

        2. They forget that while the gay guy may be feminine, he he still is a guy and will live out his biological impertitive to fuck as much and as often with as many people as his options will allow.
          They see this, coupled with femenist you go gurlism, and the hamster wheel will justify any fucked up behaviour that their solipsistic imagination and collective hive mind can conjure up.

        3. hence AIDS. You can do the whole six degrees of separation in the gay community, except with cock in ass.

      1. Guys thoughts: huh, when I signed up for the whole chocolate vanilla swirl thing… Wait a minute! My son is blacker than my wife! Crazy how nature works huh.

      2. Another subliminal message here is to be captain save a ho. That kid does not look like a Prius hybrid meaning that white dude was not the biological father.

        1. I was going for the she cucked him angle. Not sure which is more likely… There is both an epidemic of cucking and captain save a hos

        2. Probably occured to me first because my complete lack of trust in women trumps my expectation for modern manginas to act against their own interests. Though not by much.

        3. The fact that either are equally plausible is very telling of the effects of all the social engineering.

    1. You people really need to get lives if miscegenation is the biggest problem for you.

      1. As I’ve pointed out, Roosh Valizadeh and Laci Green have suffered from disoriented lives because of their mixed parentage – they both have immigrant Persian fathers. They have tried to fill their respective voids with sexual hedonism, and both of them have discovered that this strategy hasn’t worked out for them. Miscegenation has costs in the real world in terms of the happiness of the resulting children, and we shouldn’t ignore those just because our elites push it on us as the wave of the future.

        1. Has it occurred to you that a reason they have chosen hedonism is because the culture in which they have been brought up has left people of all colors (especially men) with little other choice? Laci Green was probably indoctrinated with feminist propaganda throughout her school days, and from what I’ve gathered from the few things I’ve read on Roosh’s early life, he was a typical beta before he discovered game.

        2. I heard L Green say once she was raised in a strict Mormon Patriarchal family.
          Isn’t the shitty culture the reason everyone chooses Hedonism?

        3. That bitch has feminism brain rot. No one is immune from the cerebrum scrubbing. You have political leaders wearing this is what a feminist looks like shirt. Its all fucked

        4. Did she go to college outside of her community? That’s usually what corrupts even the best of women.
          EDIT: Her family moved to California when she was 12.

      2. “Oh great, I’m half black and half white. This will be great, this way I’ll be equally accepted and valued by BOTH of these races!” Said no mix-raced person ever.

        1. Derek Jeter is mixed race yet it didn’t stop him from being a baseball legend. Then again, he probably got the best of both worlds.

        2. Who’s the one making a big deal about it? I’m half white and half black/Indian. Never had a problem with anyone. I’ve known a lot of mixed people, and they’ve done very well for themselves. You make your own value. Trash is something that is found in all races.

        3. Lol! I’m full blood lily white Scandinavian, and I got shit for being born in the wrong country. That’s enough to get people riled when the mood is right. My fellow nationals call me foreigner from my birth country, and those from my birth country call me foreign based on nationality and parents, go figure.

        4. To be fair, I suppose I’m fortunate in that there were quite a few mixed kids in my school. But no, I never got trouble from anyone over being mixed during my school days.

        5. I’m not mixed but I was the foreign kid. And I got a fair bit of shit for that even though I look the same as the locals and speak the language native level. My name was enough.
          But I was then in a 100% homogeneous environment, except for one guy who was adopted from abroad, and he got about the same if not more shit than me, because he looked different, but had local name and parents etc.
          This was back in the 80’s though.

        6. No I’m not personally hating on hybrids, it just seems like black and white mixed race people always caught a hard time around here, in my experience. A harder time than either, like they didn’t fit in or weren’t accepted by either. But yea I totally agree there is trash and ignorance among all peoples and it is up to each individual to rise up and overcome.

        7. In the end I suppose a large part of it depends on location. Where I live it’s not a big deal.

      3. Being mixed race seems to screw with a lot of people’s heads. In their subconscious desperation to associate and belong to one of the two groups, they go FULL ON MAD to act like members of that group, to the annoyance of people who actually ARE from that group.
        This is why every famous African-American that everyone fawns over during black history month is mixed-race with white blood. It’s my theory that they campaign so hard for black causes, more than normal black people do, because of a subconscious frustration knowing that they’ll never be fully white or black.
        It might also explain why trannies can never shut the fuck up about their sexual identity and demand sweeping changes in society like their stupid bathroom laws.

        1. You’re entitled to your opinion.
          Remember that apparently African Americans have on average 25% European blood, so technically almost all of them have some “white blood.” And these days it seems that a lot of the SJWs shilling for groups like BLM are white.

      4. No, it is not the biggest problem. Didn’t say it was. But it is irritating to see an obvious attempt to push it every five minutes on television. We have one too many mulattos in this country right now. They tend to be torn, angry, resentful, vengeful, conflicted, mentally borderline persons, such as Obama.

  26. Great article, couple it with the points made in The Fate of Empires & it is evident we’ve been swirling down the toilet for some time now.

    1. lol.. the wife was assuredly NOT hot but great job Cheerios! I suddenly have the urge to go buy some of your Os. Just kidding. Advertising doesn’t work on me, and I prefer cooked food. But high five for making this.

      1. “Advertising doesn’t work on me” …a marketer’s favorite thing to hear from their target. Maybe not overtly but we are all affected by advertising in subtle ways at least. That’s why it is so dangerous and we must be vigilant.

    2. This is a great commercial. It will reinforce the appreciation of dads.
      This will royally piss off feminists because they didn’t have dad in their lives and they dumped their children’s dads. It should make them feel bad, but instead of admitting guilt and feeling of remorse for the terrible thing they did to their children, they get angry.

    3. marketing asshats from roomba, kingsford, banquet, fucking perverted campbells…observe.

    4. This ad is also just another run of the mill “politically correct” social programming attempting to turn men into subservient wimps. A masculine man would have much better things to do than micromanaging his children’s lives like a nanny; in fact creating a pink clouds and peaches environment for your kids is one of the worst ways to prepare them for real life…
      Not to mention, of course even in this “idealized” dad scenario, the repulsive wife has business to take care of and it’s the poor man’s job to helicopter around the kids as well as preparing coffee for the ridiculous wife… This commercial is like a scene from hell, and yet modern America has it so much worse and stacked against the man that I don’t blame the western viewers for thinking that this is actually an acceptable example of a good family…

      1. I appreciate what you are saying. Like ROK preaches, being a father-husband requires skillful game; Dad’s know pump and dump isn’t helpful for the wife, kids, neighborhood. I wasn’t looking for masculine purism here, just lightening the mood a bit.Have a good w/e.

        1. When can a western man expect to see a great dad / husband portrayed as sailing, hunting, mountain climbing or doing some other leisurely activity that thrills him, while his wife sits at home like a good girl, passionately awaiting the return of her adventurous husband and making sure the kids are taken care of with love and attention.
          Sounds like a scene from a superhero fantasy video game ? This is what life used to be like for every masculine guy with reasonable resources and ability up until just a few generations ago…

        2. Right! Back when, no one owned a TV. We just worked the land, road horseback, worked on our cars….

        3. no man, much more recent than that, as late as about 15 – 20 years ago, but I understand if you’ve never left the U.S., you might have never witnessed a masculine lifestyle in your lifetime…

        4. I’ll give you that. Any discomfort I experience generally is self-imposed here in the U.S.

  27. Miller High Life is the coolest label ever…still used.
    “Champagne of Beers”…. Heard Budweiser’s gonna change their name to something epically lame…

  28. What has happened is that our society no longer produces adults.
    Men, women, and children.
    Notice it’s not men, women, boys, & girls?
    It’s my belief that the plague of androgyny we see is due to people not growing up. First we allowed women to remain children: welfare/affirmative action and alimony/child support let women be taken care of without obligation. Allowing women to flee at the first challenge made the formation of a stable family impossible. Without a father men do not have an adult to model themselves after. Without the promise of a family, men have no incentive to grow up even if they know can.
    Children are denied true parents. Parents are denied progressing beyond childhood.
    As an adult, I find myself lonely. I would like to speak about things other than TV and comic books. Remember when people would brag about their families? Now people brag about participation trophies, about how they “collected them all!”

    1. America produces consumers, nothing more. Capitalism is the religion of this country. Read into the effects of materialism on societies and it will perfectly align with modern Western “culture”. When integrity, morality and virtue are replaced with egocentric, shallow, vain ideals people remain in perpetual adolescence. Maturity isn’t responsibility, strength and wisdom anymore.

  29. Now male cross dressers and trannies are being portrayed. There is one really creepy commercial (I forgot what it’s for) where the dad dresses up as a fairy princess, makeup and all. He’s fat and hairy and looks like he’s about to go scope out the local playground. He then enters the room where his daughter and other girls are having a birthday party. At first, they look at him like the creeper he is, but then his daughter smiles and runs into his arms, making him look like an awesome father.

    1. Got you covered. Scroll down a bit. To add to it, it would be another thing if it was say, playing tea party. At least there you can still reinforce gender roles a bit. Plus, it does teach good manners. And the British do this regularly. It doesn’t take away that they conquered an empire where the sun never set.This though, I dunno. Plus, it already teaches children that what they want goes.

      1. I change the channel each time one of those commercials comes on. If the dad had dressed up as a prince or some other masculine character, it wouldn’t have bothered me. Plus it’s creepy as shit. That dude looked like a unmarked van-driving candy peddler.

  30. Back in the day, they actually had adverts for faggots believe it or not.

  31. Don’t forget the racism in commercials. Here’s the hierarchy : Black females at the top, then blacks in general, then Asian women, then Asians, then white women, then, of course, white men at the bottom who’re the idiots. So, you’ll often see a commercial where the black woman or black man is rolling their eyes at something an idiot white man is doing in the commercial. Blatant racism in much of today’s advertising.

    1. You’re exactly on the mark with this comment. It’s almost 100% as you describe it. “Cool, hip” blacks, Asians, and women…doltish, uncool white men. Obviously, this comes about with great forethought and intent by the creators. An exception comes to mind. The State Farm insurance “what are you wearing, Jake from State Farm”? commercial.

  32. Oh for fuck’s sake, just burn it all down! It’s beyond saving at this juncture!

  33. Great article, so much to say per the cultural nuances etc, but, what comes to mind really is a tremendous amount of confusion. Yes, there is rage, there is indignation. But, honestly, I cannot make sense out of those “modern” commercials. I WILL NOT watch that faggot commercial, I simply will not. I can’t. As a father and a son to a mother I love more than life itself I will not do it. But, for the others, the husband is a donkey, dad is an idiot and dad is nowhere…what the fuck are companies thinking today. Seriously. If someone from s fortune 500 company marketing department happens to wander into this comment section please read this – “what the fuck!” How were you ever and what ever possessed you to ever think that insulting, let me repeat, INSULTING 1/2 the population, which will be some of your customers is a good strategic move? HOW! What fucking planet or drugs are you on that makes it okay for a company…a fucking for-profit company (k, marketing asshats, that means your job, your livelihood is ultimately dependent on sales, which is dependent on people giving you money) to resort to INSULTING their customers and, worse, prospective customers. Hello, ding dongs, this is still enough of a capitalistic society that we have alternatives to just your products. You aren’t the only providers of robots, charcoal or frozen dinners. But, I get it, you don’t like me. I’m a joke to you people. You know nothing about me but hate me anyone, well, I presume you know that I am a consumer with money to freely spend how I wish…but, something tells me this simple concept is above your comprehension. Okay roombah, Kingsford, banquet, fucking campbells, I got you LOUD and CLEAR. Guess what, I hope you laughed your ass off because you will not be laughing to the bank, that much is assured. I will not buy your shit ever again.
    Seriously guys, I cannot understand this bullshit. Yes it insults us, it disrespects us, its an injustice, but worst of all, it makes no fucking sense. Insult 1/2 your customers = profit? The underpants Gnomes have a more sensible plan.

    1. The joke is that now that the woman is strong and independent she can just go to the shops herself and buy from them. They know what they’re doing.

    2. From what I understand most of the people who produce these silly commercials are……women.

    3. Sorry, but, as a salesman, the mantra used to be “Don’t pitch the bitch” because it was a waste of time.
      Nowadays, all I have to do is convince the foolish and easily manipulated wife to spend her husband’s money and the cucks go along with it.

  34. Seriously, I am so God damn sick of seeing men portrayed as retards and the woman being the logical one in every commercial. It’s insanity, especially because it’s hardly true at all. I’m also tired of every single commercial being “for women” and advertising entirely to them.

    1. The reason: Women make purchasing decisions. Not men. Simple as that. Advertisers are giving biggest buyers what they want to see and it creates a crazy feedback loop.

      1. I’m not so sure about that. Yes, women are impulse buyers more than men, that much is true. But, charcoal? Come on…a business that is centered on grilling knows that their primary demographic is men. And here they are making fun of how men like to grill and showing them as conceited idiots. Because of that advert alone I will never buy kingsford again. Fuck them. I did nothing to kingsford, but, according to them I’m an idiot. What men, and people in general need to do is start buying with our feet. The boycott of target is very encouraging. Finally people have had enough. And its about time because a fucking business has no business becoming entangled in politics.

        1. Women drive 70-80% of all consumer purchasing, through a combination of their buying power and influence. Influence means that even when a woman isn’t paying for something herself, she is often the influence or veto vote behind someone else’s purchase.
          From Forbes magazine


        2. Right, because when I buy charcoal, I consult with the misses.

        3. Data isn’t the plural of anecdote. It’s well known that women control the spending in the majority of purchases, your charcoal being an exception. It’s up to us to change that.

      2. Before the late 19th century women made no purchasing decisions. It is another horn that must be broken from the beast.

        1. I have a hard time believing that. Female nature hasn’t changed. Wherever there is a market economy, there is a woman spending a man’s money.

      3. Women don’t purchase pickup trucks, that’s almost an exclusively male thing (yes yes, I’m sure there are exceptions). Yet Dodge Ram is making it a point to only have women driving pickups in their most recent ads. Because, vagina.

        1. How wrong thou art. Come to West Texas. Here women are getting trucks at unbelievable rates. Also, sporty cars like Ford Mustangs or Dodge Challengers. Even after the oil boom went bust. True, they, or rather, the hubby can’t afford it, and they can’t drive worth shit. They can barely climb into the cabin of, say, a Ford Excursion. And they tell you they want a Hummer H3 because apparently here it rains so much they need a big vehicle time drive through a flood, turn around don’t drown be damned. Oh, and have you ever seen a woman getting out of a Corvette Z wearing her pijamas? And yet, because hubby is a blue pill wannabe thug, the U have to have big boy toys. And I suspect it’s the same around the country.

        2. More and more often I see more and more women driving the truck…and the man driving “her” compact sedan. I have a coworker who explained it that his wife Drives his Jeep wrangler and he drives her Ford Taurus….because the Jeep is safer and more capable and they both want her safe in inclement weather.
          It’s become a power thing. My Dad could have a truck…but only if my mother was the primary driver on the insurance…meaning it was registered as HER truck and she allowed my father to drive it….not the other way around.

        3. See my above post. It’s become a power trip, women who can’t drive worth shit want the biggest vehicle they can find to prove they have more balls than the guy who paid for it.

    2. Then find ways r o convince men to stop giving their money to dumb hoes

  35. Throw the TV away. Movies are fine, but the sitcoms with commercials will rot your brain (and your wife’s) there are better venues to spend your time.

  36. One thing too, the men in the ads are becoming schlubs too. Dress up, man up and if you can, have her be a full time wife and mother. Create a home that she is dependent on you, and her attitude will improve.

    1. Forget it. You’ll have to cut the internet and smartphone so she’s not on social media all day long. You might get away in a foreign country but not in the West.

      1. We have a flip phone and a land line. I have a big TV on our home computer (you can lock it from the kids). We will do the PPV thing on Vidangel for about 1 movie/week. Of course, it takes self decipline on her part, which I hear is pretty rare. Been since before we got married in 1998 that way, I am amazed how much more conservative and traditional our thinking has became.

        1. My brother solved that dilemma. My soon to be off to middle school nephews were pestering him for smartphones. He held his ground and refused, citing that they already had tablets and one desktop PC in the living room. He got them flip phones. And guess what? They ended up ok with that. Not to mention, those don’t get charged for data.

        2. A good way to teach kids how to budget is: make those flip-phones pay as you go ones. Provide a reasonable number of minutes per a set period, in return for stuff like dish-doing, vacuuming, and yard chores. If the kid goes over that limit, the phone is off until the next refill, or they dip into their allowance for more time.

  37. ok guys, why instead of bitching you why don´t take action like boycotting brands which attack manly values ?????????

    1. Consider that it may be quicker and easier to identify the companies that don’t attack masculinity.

  38. It’s pretty obvious that advertisement is targeted at effeminate men and women as they make up the majority of consumers nowdays. The ideals of yesterday with capable white men with hair on their chests is gone forever and replaced with cucked men and boys, every assortment of minorities under the sun, and women.

    1. It’s not forever. Some of us still exist, and soon are going to have to take out the trash.
      There will be RIVERS of blood

      1. I don’t know about you. But I feel I’m not obligated to fix what these weak people brought on to them selves. They don’t deserve any help. Just take care of yourself, those close to you and other like-minded people and fuck the rest of the weak plebs.

  39. Its simple. If men were gullible and bad with money, spent impulsively on stupid shit then sit com scripts would be pandering to male masculinity and how empowered they are. Every show and ad now is tailored and panders to women because they’re the ones that not make the money but believe and spend money on these stupid ads and the awful shows.

  40. Mixed-race couples or families are added into pretty much all American advertising today too. If I had a dollar for every time a black male/white female couple or family was featured in American media I’d be Donald Trump.

    1. The mixed race theme has been going on full blast for two decades. The full gay will be pushed next. A child growing up their entire life exposed to this won’t know the difference unless kids form groups centered around rebuking the brainwashing and rebelling against it. Parents should steer their children towards associating with packs of other kids with red pill parents. Every treehouse would host tribal pow wows for the neighborhood kids.

    2. It’s always black male White female. Never the other way around, and NEVER something like Asian male Hispanic female.
      Lack of DIEversity.

  41. That’s what a love about RoK. It deals with the important stuff! But seriously, I don’t like ads that portray mudsharks and oil drillers either. Fortunately there aren’t that many of them (the Cheerios one did piss me off). As for the rhoomba ad, maybe that woman is into donkey dick. And the pigs, well, remember the Ziffels on Green Acres? Arnold was the smart one.

  42. This article hits the nail on the head. (BTW it’s not just America, it applies to the Anglosphere over). I noticed there is a strong correlation between advertising aimed at women — which is most, since women are the biggest consumers — and portraying men as absent-minded, or simply absent. Actually the absent father thing is a poignant one.. advertisers recognize that most women still want to fulfill the role of the caring child-raiser, so you’ll see that motif a lot, but the father is noticeably gone. Coz nothing appeals to the modern woman more than “fuck men”. You can thank feminism for that one.
    Another motif which refuses to go away is the rugged alpha male, also appealing to women.. the “I’m on a horse!” dude proved that.
    The only time you’ll see advertising aimed at women/families actually portraying loving fathers, is life insurance. Because here you’re being shamed and guilted into putting a dollar-figure over your corpse.. “You love your family, don’t you????”

    1. Hahahaha. that was funny as hell…I heard of the Pop Rock Blow job, but have never experienced it myself.

    2. Holy fuck! That’s funny as hell! It can’t really be a legit ad though, that has to be a spoof.

    3. Holy shit! I laughed so hard I might end up filling up one of those “male tears” cups feminists show off all the time.

  43. What do the ads prove? Two things.
    1. Women control most of the spending in households where they are present, so advertisers cater to female prejudice.
    2. Women hate the fucking sight of us.
    They tolerate us as long as we’re a regular source of income, but that’s it.

  44. The ads sculpt the thought and behavior of the viewing public. That’s why they call it television “programming”…

  45. My brother works in advertising and he had to change a male mechanic to a female mechanic in order to get it approved.

    1. That’s funny there are very few women in trades in the civilian world. Female auto mechanics represent less than 1% of all mechanics. I’ve never met one although there is an all girls garage not to far from where I live so they might have female mechanics. I worked briefly as a mechanic at a large dealership, the job is dirty and requires brute strength in tight places. Never mind the diagnosing of mechanical problems which requires skills men are better at. Most women cannot excel at mechanics the way men can. Why they ever show women mechanics in movies or commercials is beyond me. Women just don’t do that type of work.

      1. Add plumbers, carpenters, electricians to the list of things females never do. Though I once had a female lesbian carpenter. I have no idea what she did. She came over and put a bunch of staples in the wall, and then left. Luckily I didn’t own the place.

  46. Interesting ads and analysis. The “obese” Women in that ad above aren’t even fat. Most of them are pretty attractive actually. That’s the trick of the ad to tell women it’s ok to be fat but not show any fat women. It’s like Jennifer Lawrence saying accept your body for what it is and she has a hot body.

    1. I agree, I went from right to left checking them off each time. “Would bang, would bang, would bang.” Almost none of them are true fatties except a couple in the middle.

    2. Oddly enough, they look hotter than Amy Schumer, who’s still not decided on whether she’s fat or not.

    1. Good finds. Helps shut down the perpetual feminist myth that “curvy” meant “morbidly obese sea beast that has waddled onto dry land.” The “skinny” girl in that first example is drawn Ms. Skellington spoopy thin, and the ad text describes “scrawny” and “underweight.”
      The feminine form includes defined hips and a narrow waist, not endless pooling rolls of blubber and the appearance of a melting wax statue.

  47. I first began noticing this phenomenon on car insurance commercials, you know the ones that were animated with the woman superhero type helping out the bumbling weak he-bitch man? Or the one with the female insurance agent asking the weak he-bitch if his car was up a pole again?
    There was another, I don’t recall WHAT they were advertising but, it was a guy in the grocery store sending his wife pics off items he was supposed to get in order to obtain the proper products. It was on around the time that cell phone cameras were just getting common. I remember thinking what kind of outcry there would be if the roles were reversed like she was at the hardware store and he replied with something like “no,dumbass, that’s a pair of pliers, not a pipe wrench”.

    1. Good find! I just spent 10 minutes reading that ad and trying to figure out how that system worked and why it isn’t still around. Sounds like some of the recent BMW style shifters.

    2. Oh wow…that would get you killed nowadays! Feminists would be outraged!…..they’d all drive down to city hall to protest…if they actually knew how to drive stick.

      1. The shifter shown is for an automatic. Likely a pre-1961 GM product with Reverse at the bottom.
        For the record: My mother showed me how to drive, and the car was a four-on-the-floor Pontiac. Hers. Not all women were stupid.

  48. The problem, today, is that woman got everything that they wanted in life and it still wasn’t enough. We have, now, swung entirely to the other side where women cry “equality” but only sometimes (selective equality). We’re seeing more men in commercials (usually white men) who are displayed as hapless idiots while women are the “smart ones”.
    In reality, here is what’s going to happen (as it always happens)…shit is going to hit the fan and women are going to look to men (again) for answers.
    Do we really think that women can lead or find solutions to tough problems of the world? They think they can but in reality they are that backup QB that comes into the came to run out the clock, after the game has been won by the starting QB (the man).
    Women know this fact and it’s why they all need to pat each other on the back (daily) and give each other compliments on “how great they are in life”.

    1. When shit hits the fan, let most of these women suffer. They made their bed, let them sleep in it.

      1. I think that is the mindset in some countries in Europe at this time. Men are pretty fed up with the bullshit that women have spouted (for years) so they are letting them drown in this soft invasion.
        It’s sad but women never look 2 steps ahead. That did nothing but complain about first world problems for so long (making their men the enemy along the way) that many of them are saying “fuck it, take them….these women are a pain in the ass, anyways”. Sad, but true.

        1. That was always the plan. When you give up on White women, soon there will be no more White men.

        2. White men (actually all men) should be re-learning how to control their women. The dual effect of feminism is that it also relieves the man from his responsibility to pursue and make the booty call with women. Placing the booty call in the hands of the woman is a train wreck. White men pursuing other races lowers the bar for the next successive generation. Mongrel sons will then pursue goats and will then produce slobbering hoof faced anathemas with nothing to further pursue breeding with than rocks and dirt. When daddy didn’t have the balls and the ‘gumpf’ to pursue his own kind, he demonstrated that he was lacking in masculine/tribal maturity and he couldn’t put genes and race first. There is indeed a reason why countless Asian women are being offered up exclusively to certain white men and it is part of the Illuminati plan. It is still mongrelizing.
          But once you can game and control a woman, it doesn’t matter what race she is. You can make a black chick dance like a monkey as easily as you can a white chick spin on her nose as she makes you an omlette with her feet. Then you see the chainbridge of your tribe extending to the horizon or you can go dolly up in the goat field. At least you choose.
          Firstly, you have to develop your ‘game bone’ as you mature. Thereafter, you still have to use it or lose it. Always keep your ‘game bone’ exercised. Once you’ve mastered the game of controlling women, then you can decide. Who would throw away tribe if you had a choice? You do have a choice. Exercize that ‘game bone’.

    1. I know some girls would would purposefully not store test coffee, and let me know, if they read this ad. Heh.

  49. I get physically ill when 1. an inept father/boyfriend 2. a bi-racial couple or 3. a gay couple is used to sell me something I don’t need. At least Homer Simpson, however hapless, was still loved by his family and always tried to do right thing. THE CENTURY OF THE SELF is the most eye opening red pill documentary about advertising and human psychology you’ll find. A must watch

  50. GRAB YOUR POPCORN folks. Here’s some domestic violence ads sponsored by the ad council. They follow the same anti hetero family, anti marriage, anti blood parents, anti male ‘see something say something’ snitch state propaganda guidelines that consumer product ads follow. The public service ads strip away the sales pitch. They sell no product so you can clearly see the bare naked agenda beneath. The only ‘product’ they push is encouraging people to call the nanny state hotline.
    Exibit 1 is anti marriage:

    Who would write and produce such anti family slander? Their name appears at the bottom.
    Exhibit 2 implies all men are like that and is more addictive ‘crack’ for the white knights to watch.

    I can imagine white knights watching that one over and over again and then getting all pumped up to go out and FIND THAT AWFUL MAN and kill him, which is exactly what these police officers did to an innocent man in the NEXT clip. Exhibit 3 shows live footage of white knight cops killing the wrong boogeyman. In their heads is a hallucination of some ‘wife beater’ they never can catch: (cats, like the mangina cops also hallucinate and swat their paws into the air and leap at some unseen nemesis)

    Those cops are dangerous and a menace.Turn on your police scanner and you hear cops running like its a 4 alarm fire whenever a ‘domestic’ call comes on. They’ll scramble like F16’s that just saw a UFO and speed past crack deals going down just to depatriarch another home. They come primed and ready to shoot Jack right in front of the house that Jack built and that JACK paid taxes on. ”[email protected]%€*#F#” – next . .
    Exhibit 4 says ”ALL MEN ARE BAD”. That’s right, anything they say or do to you is like they PUNCHED YOU IN THE FACE and gave you a black eye. The message is that any interaction with a man is negative. They give no hard example of anything said, no quotes so the implication is very powerful to the weak willed woman that anything a man says or does is threatening and should evoke fear. The truth is that girl in sexy black dress will smash into the wall violently and all by herself at 30 though and be childless forever:

    And it’s not just boyfriends or spouses doling out black eyes with their every word. It’s blood parents. Anything a parent says now causes SCARS. That’s right. They’ve got some special effects experts on board making this flick. The quality and high res of the special effects equals that of one of the famed John Carpenter’s horror movie masterpieces. The money and music they put into these pieces demonstrates how despirate they are to destroy family and tribe. EXHIBIT 6 is meant to send women AND kids all running to the phone to call out the nanny state.

    My god I’ve seen enough. My eyes are bleeding now. OMG WHERE’S THE PHONE??
    But wait. It’s halftime at the Superbowl. Oh no, ten munites of commercials. Chevy trucks, Di Giorno’s pizza and . . geez another one?

    Report. Snitch. Call the authorities. It’s too much. They’re trying too hard to make us into tattletale victims. If we don’t call them, what will they do? Will they start calling us next? Rebuke it all. Reject the propaganda and say a prayer. PLEASE let our family sleep in peace tonight Lord. We have no intention now of calling out the nanny state thugs and reapers on anyone, not even on our worst enemy. It would be a nightmare if THEY CALLED US, but for now we know better than to sic the mangina jack boots ON ANYONE.
    So what? . . What do they expect a woman to do? Hmmm?? Dissociate with men altogether? Turn lesbian and recieve the love and adoration of the crowds while NOT REPRODUCING? OF COURSE that’s what’s implied and what they want as we see in the next video.
    Exhibit 5 They don’t want you to breed – period! POPULATION CONTROL equals ”love” is the message. Now that I told you so, watch and be prejudiced towards the truth. I love ruining their party don’t you?

    The only same ‘tribe’ couple are two elderly Asians who can’t reproduce. The only fertile duo is the Asian guy with the whoopi goldberg looking chick – the rarest occurrence on earth. They really go for exacerbating the ”less than .1%” enigmas don’t they?
    Folks I could go on all night. There is more of this propaganda than I could shake a stick at. WORK ON YOUR GAME brahs and don’t let this one last piece get to you. See it for what it is. This ‘ANTI PUA’ or pua-hate ad will be laughed at by any seasoned gamer, but it’s stuff like this that instills approach anxiety in young men. Exhibit 7 I think needs an entire ROK article to tear apart and deconstruct:

    As Sam Kennison would say ”OOOOW” – what an approach killer. So that’s what it was. It was that friggin commercial all along. We NAILED it didn’t we? Meanwhile, let thy schlong hang long and keep on gaming. Good day ROK!

    1. Why would I catcall any of those “I am a woman!” ugly broads.
      Maybe they missed the part where men only catcall *pretty* women who, mostly, seem to enjoy it.
      Or maybe they were actually asking for male attention in the commercial? I mean they are fugs mostly, with only a HB 5 to break up the monotony.

      1. Looking closely at them, I notice they’re all dressed down with no makeup. I think it’s on purpose to give them that feminist presence.

      2. Forget their appearance. Just their attitude is a turnoff. They have that patented bitch American woman® look on their faces that I despise so much.

    2. Can’t imagine (((((who))))) is creating ALL of this shit.

    3. Ironically enough, they show some of these ads for a sport that’s brutal. And it’s that same society that actually teaches these men to slam and tackle each other and glorifying their brand of violence when it’s convenient.

  51. For many years, advertising and entertainment executives have claimed that their product is merely a reflection of society rather than seeking to set new social trends. It is much more difficult for them to find and communicate ways for women to be happy, but they cannot see the eventual conclusion is that western women will only be happy with a muslim man dominating them…….
    Imagine a commercial with a muslim man forcing his western woman to wear a hijab. During the Trump administration, advertising will take on a very different tone.

  52. This is a nice piggy back on the “Don’t Date Women Who Don’t Like Trump” post.
    These modern “womyn” have been pulling their blackmail shit for so long, that it’s time to turn the tables. One good blackmail deserves another…only our promise is for real!!!

    1. … and nothing of value has ever been lost ignoring these women.

  53. Women can’t take constructive criticism anymore. Tell your girl the coffee tastes horrible today, and she’ll shriek, “make your own damn coffee next time you ungrateful jerk!”

  54. Sure we occasionally see intact families with decent fathers, but those are invariably white women with black men, or possibly a black couple. Can’t possibly have a happy healthy family showing a white man with an attractive white woman because oppression or something.

  55. Not only do television commercials denigrate men – namely white heterosexual men, the same can be seen in situation comedies. White men in both commercials and television shows are more often than not portrayed as stupid, slovenly, Neanderthals while women particularly, along with minorities, are depicted as intelligent, competent, and attractive. Television is an accurate mirror of societal misandry.
    We’ve all seen the commercial where the little girl runs out of the bathroom after Daddy discovers Ex Lax’s wonderous powers.
    Just once I would like to see a commercial where a little boy runs out of the bathroom gagging after his fat stupid mother gives birth to Charlie Brown.

    1. This has been going on for decades, and even harks back to radio. “The Life of Riley” in both the radio and television versions had the husband as nothing more than a castrated whiner. Bill Bendix should have been ashamed of himself for taking such a role.

  56. I stopped reading fashion magazines, everyone is ugly, the clothes are unwearable and designed to look ugly. Fashion is like female #GamerGate, basically designers and journalists have conflict of interest relationships, its all fake. I am studying fashion design and everyone is loving my fresh aesthetic wholesome designs that get women that guy or that job. For fashion, I have to read Hello magazine… and it shows a lot of photos of British monarchy and women in Lebanese designer clothing with decent figures, so it’s not ugly. But actually fashion magazines …. sometimes I read GQ. Yes, GQ. I study fashion design these days so men’s tailoring sometimes gives me knew ideas how to cut cloth for a dress.
    My challenge to you all is open a women’s magazine and try to go five pages into it and not through up. Then go and look at “fashion in the 1950s” books that everything is beautiful.

    1. There is a big difference between looking sharp and looking “fashionable”. To look sharp, you have to dress well, look clean and don’t care about the latest trends. Looking “fashionable” is an expensive way to show that you worry more about what other people think than what common sense is.

  57. No mention of white women anamoured with black men simultainously rejecting the cuckold white wimp male.

  58. “At best, husbands are portrayed as being hapless idiots”
    Which your “correct” advertising prove, as your shown advertisements claim that the woman is the one to be the one getting things done and working, thus proving that the man is a hapless idiot that cannot do it.

  59. Talmudic Jews control the fashion and entertainment industries. That is all you need to know to understand why everything is so perverted.

  60. Sounds like the author should have also touched upon the outright theme of misegination being pushed in advertising today as well as the misrepresentation and extreme inclusion of brown people to peddle to a majority white audience.

    1. Twenty up-ticks for that comment. Target and General Mills are the worst offenders in this. I do business with neither.

  61. The adverts made me reflect on my childhood and years past. So many women I remember, starting with my mom, were thrilled to have guests, to make sure the house was clean to be great hosts, it was a matter of pride. Though these values are still present, it’s disgusting to see the assualts on our culture, womanhood and the beautiful and proper roles of men and women. It’s worth defending and fighting for.

  62. What’s that fucking phone commercial, T-Mobile or something? I hate that thing so much that I don’t even catch what product it’s for. All it is is an uppity retired wife and her beaten down submissive husband traveling around the country. It emphasizes how she talks down and controls him, and how he’s so pussified by a lifetime of subserviance and being bullied. The adverisers have got to be going after the feminist/beta male market. Any man who’d think it was a great product has an asshole for a brain.

  63. It get worse than that! I just saw a TJ Maxx commercial that featured a fat woman, an old hag, and a mongoloid!

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