Rigged: FBI Reveals It Has Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke Law, But Will Not Prosecute

Via Breitbart:

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director James Comey said Tuesday at a press conference that he will not recommend an indictment against Hillary Clinton, though he found “evidence” that she might have violated laws pertaining to the handling of classified information.

Comey announced a number of conclusions that support the findings of Breitbart News’ coverage of the Clinton private email scandal, including that she sent and received information on her private server that was classified. Comey said that 110 of Clinton’s emails were classified at the time they were sent.

Comey said that “although there is evidence of potential violations,” no reasonable prosecutor would take on the case.

Comey at least shared details about that damning evidence.

He also said that seven of Clinton’s email chains contained “Top Secret” information.

“That is excluding any later up-classified emails… None of these emails should have been on any unclassified system, but the presence of these emails is especially concerning,” Comey said.

“There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position… should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that information,” Comey continued.

“There is evidence that they were extremely careless,” he said, referring to Clinton and her aides.

Comey also noted that individuals in a similar situation would not necessarily be let off the hook with no charges, but would probably face penalties. “But that’s not what we’re deciding now,” Comey said. “We are expressing to Justice our view that no charges be made in this case.”

Comey said that “no outside influence of any kind was brought to bear” on the investigation, even though Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently held a secret meeting with President Bill Clinton.

Comey said the investigation was conducted in an “apolitical and professional way… I couldn’t be prouder to be part of this organization.”

Then he walked off.

Read the entire article

Don’t Miss: Why A Hillary Clinton Presidency Would Destroy The United States

130 thoughts on “Rigged: FBI Reveals It Has Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke Law, But Will Not Prosecute”

  1. “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”
    “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

  2. I followed this story for months. Back in February, I calculated that (no matter what the ultimate findings) she was guilty of at least four felonies. Given that we knew by then that several documents should have been marked Top Secret (and weren’t), we knew she had a private server to handle government business (which she is forbidden to do), and many of her documents were originally inaccessible through the Internet, she was guilty no matter which way the winds blew.
    I also figured that, given her history of felonies, she’d get off scott free under almost any administration. If she wins she’ll exempt herself from all responsibility, and if her
    behind-the-curtain power isn’t checked swiftly she’ll “disappear” anyone
    who comes after her.
    Last hope is that Trump wins the election and decides to find someone with the balls to prosecute her. Otherwise, it’s just Whitewater all over again.
    (For a fun read, check out “Dereliction of Duty” by Robert Patterson. He talks about a white plastic brief-box that was never out of Hillary’s little “First Lady Zone of Privacy” while she was under subpoena.)

    1. I don’t think many people realize what a huge deal having a private server at home with classified data on it is. I used to have a secret clearance and work with such data (although nowhere near the level of classified data a Secretary of State would be able to access). If I had dared do anything like set up a private server at home and put classified data on it, I would be in prison right now, no question. But yeah, I knew this was never going to stick to a Clinton too.

      1. I’m not allowed to have work-related documents (including the code I design) on my private computer, and I’m not even working on a government project. If I can be sued for having my company’s proprietary information on a machine they don’t actively monitor (though their machines and documents are accessible on the Internet through VPN), shouldn’t she be punished for storing information that was NOT ALLOWED ON MACHINES THAT TOUCH THE INTERNET on an unsecured server?
        Ridiculous. What good are laws if there are people they cannot (or will not) touch?

        1. Same here – the company I work for (a multinational) have a very strict policy of company information and non-company computers mixing. It is actively written into my contract that any unauthorised exporting of company information is punishable by instant dismissal and criminal/civil proceedings. This is not an idle threat, either; I know of at least one instance where a person found to be guilty unauthorised transmission of company info was sacked, sued and jailed. Personally, I have no problem with the company’s policy as all the information we handle is proprietary and often sensitive. I would expect my own information to be handled in a similar fashion. It is such a pity that a clown – such as Hillary – is allowed to occupy high public office without the slightest regard for protocols. I feel sorry for you SOB’s in the USA if she gets in later this year.

        2. Good point. About any employer I’ve worked for, even the ones who weren’t government contractors, would fire me for copying proprietary company data to a personal computer.
          The really disturbing question is why she was doing it. Her protestations that it was for convenience or that she somehow wasn’t fully aware it was prohibited are pretty hard to believe.

        3. I almost feel sorrier for everyone else. Her husband kept losing the nuclear codes, but she’s crazy enough to launch ’em for no adequately explained reason..

      2. Because its rigged and the authorities don’t even feel the need to deceive us anymore.
        Look at what he said, today in this press conference to our faces. Principle means nothing. This is the future they have planned.

        1. Correct. That’s him telling you, “Listen up peons, if you try any of this BS, you WILL go to jail. Unless your name ends in Clinton or you are a current office holder that can hold sway over my job. Other than that, you rubes are on notice. Do not create private servers to store classified info. OK? Remember, Big Brother loves you and is watching.”

        2. That suggests a potentially interesting idea for mass protest – obviously you’d have to be prepared to lose your job, but if it was orchestrated, and clearly designed to highlight inconsistent standards passing on sensitive governmental / company info to some external server or whatever could be done as a form of mass protest (i.e. it could be safely and securely stored with no actual risk of getting into the wrong hands) and the purpose of the protest could be lodged with a lawyer or something. Just imagine 1000 people who hated their jobs signed up for such a noble form of civil disobedience

        3. Better yet, dumping the private data on the net.
          E.G., dumping the stock prospectus online ahead of time (illegal, highly profitable.)
          Or proprietary Microsoft code, showing the back doors.
          Or the CEO’s compensation compared to the line and file.

        4. I’m not sure I’d agree. It would be hard to make a point about irresponsible / illegal use of data if in doing so you dispose of it irresponsibly as well as illegally.

        5. No reason to play honorably when the game is rigged.
          You’re not “more honorable,” just a sucker.
          As for the legality of it: When the laws protect the criminal and imprison the honest man, why bother? There is rule of men, not rule of law. It is merely proof that our system has been destroyed, and to cling to the high ideals is futile. Our survival must take priority. If it can be accomplished with their death – I’m Ok with that. Remember, too: “If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.”

        6. it’s nothing to do with ‘honourable’ or sticking to a ‘fair fight’ but about maintaining the moral high ground in a discursive arena that requires you to demonstrate you have the best of the argument. Sure direct action / “terrorism” / anarchism or whatever can can sometimes work but ultimately power is also about winning the argument in the public arena. Mimicking Hilary Clinton’s own illegal actions is a way to lose that battle

        7. Not much time these days, so way late…
          There is no moral high ground. There is only victory. This is war, you win or die.

        8. sure, but its also a question of identifying the best way to achieve victory. If you win a technical victory without a moral one, that may be self-defeating

        9. History tends to whitewash things to enable TPTB… If you ARE TPTB, even better – Betas and such will enable you, and most of humanity is Beta or lower.
          Take a good look – most of history, written by the victors, then generalized to be fed to the proles… And the proles being taught to follow “authority” (which always ends with “Because I said so” / ” Or Else”) …
          Had Hitler won, we’d read how wonderful and prescient his policies were, after all.
          Let me put a very different spin on this: Transsexuals, post surgery, when asked? Relate they are MUCH happier.
          Many still commit suicide. Even if they have a good life!
          Some, because of injuries they suffered along the way. (I was assaulted, not because I was Trans, just because I was small and didn’t fight back. Monkeys do the same… And remove the lowest Omega, they just find a new Omega. But the scars of the Omega? That’s just “how life is.” So…. 😛 )
          Once you filter that out…
          Why would someone relate they are happier after this surgery, which is for many the culmination of their life goals, and then go into a tailspin?
          Besides the “Buzz Aldrin effect,” (https://www.returnofkings.com/100138/buzz-aldrin-is-a-warning-of-how-success-can-lead-to-depression), and he accompanying effect of “Did it! Won! Now WTF?” – same as getting independently wealthy, Now WTF? Money doesn’t buy happiness, right…? How many women can you fuck? Does it ever get old…?
          You made it, now what? It’s irreversible.
          Time moves on…
          If it’s not perfect, you justify it and lie to yourself….
          That post-op transsexual? Can’t admit there’s any weakness or issue. It’s the “sunk cost fallacy” that keeps people in bad relationships, too. I worked so hard, for so long, made it all perfect, there MUST NOT be anything wrong..
          Hope that makes sense.
          To bring it back to the history part… We whitewash things a lot. Just as BLM is “blackwashing” things. As Scott Adams put it on his blog re: Pizzagate, you look for things that meet your worldview.
          One of the reasons to not argue with a Leftist – their ideology is all that matters. You can’t convince them because they’re not interested in facts. E.G., doesn’t matter that slavery was practiced in Africa for centuries before whites got there. Doesn’t matter that the first black slave in the US was owned by a black man. Nor that the Republicans were formed to combat slavery, and passed the 14th, 15th, 16th amendments almost on their own. Nor that slavery is STILL practiced in other countries (predominantly moslem), and that Indians discriminate based on skin color the same way, and did so before there was an India or they were part of the British Empire…
          It’s all confirmation bias.
          It’s not wrong, it’s just that the facts of X meet our expectations of A, so A must be true. In fact, the facts of the matter meet conclusion B as well… But our frame of reference doesn’t allow for though B.
          So, we’ve got a war – we need to deal with the here and now, because if we don’t deal with the problem here and now by any means necessary, there won’t BE another version – they’ll whitewash the events. All the terrorist attacks? Will be glorious martyrs dying for the cause. (They did the same thing WRT IRA, Catholics vs. Protestants. Took forever for them to be willing to work on a peace accord. meantime, Christians and Protestants would abuse each other, and sport injuries and scars with pride, as examples of how evil the “other side” was. )
          So there is no “moral high ground.” It’s made up in our common mythology.
          E.G., another one, the American Indians.
          Also the Babylonians.
          And the Hoplites, WRT the Spartans.
          The American Revolution. (American mercantilists wanted to throw off the British mercantilists… They didn’t want to free people thy just wanted to change who was in control. Who would profit from it. And in work for some of them…. They’re psychopaths, and they admit it, the SPDRS blog being a favorite source – they SPECIFICALLY tell the mass public what they’ll do, and spin it as a profit for everyone. Then they screw the readers. If you read between the lines, and knew what sort of volume of trades, and timing of trades, occurred, it would be a flashing neon nuclear explosion… They’re the same ones who predicted and planned on a Hitlery win, and now they’re telling everyone how good Zero interest rate and Negative interest rate will be, and at the same tie – thought this is good business – they’ve planned how to profit from Trump or Brexit. It ill impact their assets under management, but the customers – and therefore the institution – won’t get hurt. Might even profit, if they’ve timed it correctly – such timing taught by, for example, Online Trading Academy. And if you’re moving 10 million shares of, for example, IBM, in ONE order…? Yes, you can move the market so you make profit. Which isn’t wrong by itself – what’s wrong is that they’re willing to take money from others, and “it’s just business.” “A million people will be out of a job, but we’ll make money, so it’s OK.”
          Think history will even mention Occupy Wall Street?
          Did you ever hear of the Bonus Army…? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonus_Army)
          Well, we don’t want the proles aware and awake, right…?
          Agent Orange, Gulf War Syndrome, Zika… Theories on Ebola and AIDS, too. The war on (some) drugs, the Great War on Poverty, the New Deal, the Great Society… All the same thing.
          All whitewashed…
          So, we do what’s necessary, and bear it. Very good point made, in “The Patriot” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD6pHdB_SFc) – “Your mother asked me that question about the time you were born. I was drunk and foolish enough to answer it. […]” I recall somewhere in the dialogue that his wife wouldn’t look at him for some time afterwards… I was unable to find it.
          Point was, again, history will whitewash it.
          But we’ll do what needs to be done, or we’ll end up extinct… And someone else will write history.

        10. You make some interesting and fair points, although I don’t have time to go into them in depth.
          I’m not denying that the victor gets to write history, although there is also a slightly post-modern relativism about that truism: victors, pronouncing on what’s true, and writing history to reflect the triumph of their truth and their values, can’t necessarily just make it up, even if that often seems to be exactly what happens. What we are seeing now with the whole clash of fake news versus the MSM can be seen as a paradigm shift, or battle over the narrative (i.e. who will get to write or re-write history). The question though arises: how does one do history? How does one write it? Is it possible to simply make it up from scratch, and to lie and lie until a piece of creative fiction becomes something everybody believes in? And if that’s the case (and it might be) does that piece of historical fiction endure? Does it last for decades, a century? Forever? That’s where I think integrity, or if you like the moral high ground may come into play. If it’s nothing but politics, nothing but spin, nothing but the distortion of ego – of the historian, or the people on whose part he is writing, then you might well ask whether that’s a narrative that can stand the test of time. Careful history, where facts are checked, and corroborated, and some attempt to be fair is made, to genuinely evaluate the evidence against some standard of truth – that seems to be a much better basis for writing history than some masturbatory jingoism that can only serve to distort the world around it

    2. If Hillary can avoid punishment or any repercussion for her felonies. If she can still have a support base following this, her excuses for her husbands reported rapes and other sexual abuses, her direct actions resulting in the death of Americans, promoting herself as a “continuation of Obamas policies” and an “advocate for women”, then in all honesty Trump has no chance in hell (unfortunately).

    3. It’s a nice thought but I just do not see it happening…

  3. Bill Clinton draft dodger drug user
    George W Bush draft dodger drug abuser
    Barack Obama drug addict
    Hillary Clinton security breach
    Keep voting for the best America. Happy 4th!

    1. This isn’t my section, but I’ve heard the VP slot for Hillary might be important.
      Like they say, what goes around comes around.

  4. So Comey finds evidence that proves Clinton guilty…but cannot find a reasonable prosecutor for the case…so Hillary gets off scot-free?
    What is Comey’s definition of a “reasonable” prosecutor? One who will let Hillary off? How does it occur so that Hillary gets off while anybody else would have immediately been thrown into prison?
    This whole scenerio is bizarre and the outcome was the opposite of what I expected.

    1. You actually expected her to face charges???!?!??

      Much learning to do b you have

    2. A reasonable prosecutor is any prosecutor that doesn’t want him/her and/or his/her family to die.
      “Sir, do you want to risk your life to put Hilary behind bars.”
      “Perfect, you are reasonable.”

    3. It’s not his job to determine what a prosecutor will or won’t prosecute. His job is to investigate and offer evidence. He investigated and then refused to offer the evidence he openly stated that he possessed over to prosecutors. He literally stepped outside of his zone of authority.

      1. A prosecutor can place a subpoena on those evidence and he will be required to comply and hand them over.

        1. Would be interesting to see if that happens. Doubtful, given, you know, Lynch.

        2. Lynch, like a typical female, would not make a decision, but instead have someone else do it on her behalf. We need to point out that making a decision to prosecute IS HER FUCKING JOB!

        3. The decision was already made for her when Bill visited her on the airplane the other day. No doubt backed up by a little hand written note from Obama saying the same thing Bill told her.
          This shit is so disgusting in how blatant it is.

        4. Don’t worry. Lynch will step up and be accountable here. No one knows accountability, integrity, and personal conscientiousness like black females, right? Right?

  5. If I did even 1/10th of what HRC did at my job (corporate compliance at a big bank), I’d be fired right away and blacklisted from Finance forever.
    But then again, my last name isn’t Clinton, nor am I affiliated with those who run this country and the world.

    1. If she is elected the military is going to be like an adult daycare that gets paid to not give two shits

  6. Sadly the GOVT will pursue Tom Brady for intent of deflated footballs and supposed deleted text msgs. Still trying to suspend him and drain the 4x Champ. Yet Clinton surfs the wave untouched.

    1. In a deep Southie accent:
      “Look, Tom Brady is an American hero. So Tommy, maybe, sorta, more-likely-than-not deflated one ball one time, so what? Jeter and A-Rod deflated each others balls for years and no one said boo. Fuck the Yankees”

    2. Well, science exonerated Brady but a bunch of lawyers and crybaby rival fans want him punished anyway. Yet another symptom of how degenerate our society has become. However, the fact that this evil bitch Hillary has supporters working to get her in the White House is infinitely more disturbing and important than NFL shenanigans.

        1. Game. Set. Match. Close down the internet. Cheeseburger just ended the internet.

    1. We are not making it. The decision has already been made. It was not even ours to make.

    1. After hearing Loretta Lynch had a meeting with Bill Clinton, my first thought was “Bill’s blackmailing them all.”

      1. With all the child porn and sex slave allegations flying around lately, there has to be some truth…

    2. He doesnt want to end up like the un guy and drop a weight on his throat

    3. That’s just paranoia: it won’t be a ‘mysterious death’; it will be of ‘natural causes’.
      No melodrama required.

      1. If taken literally, no reasonable person would EVER speak out against any Clinton, ever. Too fatal.

      1. Im starting to think she was the bastard Sonny Corleone had in the Godfather…

      2. I remember when hillary was going up against obama before he was elected hillary said obama should be careful someone could kill him

    4. Whoops….another fella who slipped and fell in his own bathtub. Those damn tiles.

    5. Dig into Comey … he is a company man. Sure, he (all of them) risks running afoul of the machine, but he is probably a willing believer in the mission and process.

  7. Just right out in the open now. They don’t even hide it. I mean literally they’re flipping us off.

      1. Perfect analogy of Hillary voters libtards are babies and dont want the wall on mexico because it will cutt off their supply of drugs

    1. Why wouldn’t they? What exactly have we done recently to leave the impression that there will be any repercussions to them flipping us off?

    2. A friend of mine in the know said that 5 years ago. The democrats don’t even bother to hide it anymore as everyone has been so distracted and disected into partisan little groups there won’t be a unfied challenge to their power grab.

      1. They already brainwashed justified the idiot manchildren of the majority of u.s. that they arr the good guys in some disney cartoon flick way i blame those and stupid 80s 90s sitcoms

    3. Yep. They never worked an honest job in their lives but have amassed a huge fortune. The Lynch-Bill meeting last week. The pretend Hillary interview, the announcement a day later after a holiday, and campaigning with Obama while the announcement is happening.
      They really aren’t even trying to hide the corruption.

    4. A guy on talk radio said “once I heard this I now knew I was officially living in a banana republic”. What the hell comes next? There were anonymous rape allegations against Trump recently filed…

  8. Even if she wins the election, her entire presidency will be mired in scandal. She won’t be able to push any big policies and half of the population will be extremely hostile to her. The only reason she’s running seems to be so she can stay out of jail, to fail falling forward.

    1. “She won’t be able to push any big policies and half of the population will be extremely hostile to her.”
      That may have been true 30 years ago, but I think you’re giving contemporary society too much credit. It’s now dominated by degenerates who, if anything, admire the Clintons for their ability to escape accountability. This scandal is a resume enhancement for her.

      1. It doesn’t take that much if you think about it. During the American Revolution, only 30% of the populace supported the revolution, another 30% or so were loyalists, the rest were “neutral”.
        And if you think about it, we’re kind of in the same boat today. SJW’s, though loud, are only powerful because they’re cannon fodder for the elites that don’t want to get their hands dirty.
        As for our side, it’s growing, it’s better informed than most, and many of us likely own guns (in greater proportions than the rest of society).
        The point here is that numbers don’t mean anything as long as we know how to project ourselves and beliefs. That, and to not trust “moderates” or “neutrals”.

      2. exactly. a country full of Mexicans, muslims, and dumb white broads don’t care. that’s the point, get rid of the group most likely to be rational thinkers (conservative white males). and it doesn’t matter.

      3. I don’t know. She may have overplayed her hand this time. Her supporters are the only ones happy about this. And even then, a lot of them are turning on her, even some of the uber Liberal media like the Washington Post. Everyone else is outraged, especially Sanders supporters, even more than Trump supporters. She may not face criminal charges, but public opinion for is dropping like a rock. People hate that bitch. Although I guess only time will tell what the nation really thinks of her.

        1. I know people in the Center and even Center-Left who sound indistinguishable from the Hard Right at the moment.

      4. Hilarious now how liberals embrace globalization. In 2004 they called it for what is was-profiteering by big business. Now you see ignorant millenials protesting Brexit lololololol when I was in college, the lib teachers would hate out any essay that was pro globalization for business. Cloak it as globalization due to war refugee and youre gtg

    2. I just hope the SJWs are bored enough to form a Hillary lynch mob after she is elected. I’ll enjoy the show, forming up like the French Revolution

    3. Having Hillary for president is like pulling the one block in Jenga that brings the whole tower crashing down.
      It’ll speed up the inevitable downfall, yes. But it also brings everything we’ve built with it.
      She is literally the devil.

    4. The consequences for us if she wins will be disasterous, Roosh. She’ll be able to push all the big policies she wants, because everyone in a position to stop her will fold out of fear, just as they did here, and just as they’ve done EVERY SINGLE TIME in the past

      1. I think she will just start screaming her well known profane language and demand gun confiscation and political imprisonment through executive order.

    5. Roosh, it might be time to take action. “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
      Quoted from the US Constitution, they have the technology but we have the numbers and guns. I for one want to see a new beginning to this failed system.

    6. Yes but the SCOTUS nominees will devastate the country. The lifelong SCOTUS and federal judge appointments are what is scary…

    7. The only major consequence of her presidency will be the appointment of likely 2 or more supreme court justices. Otherwise, I agree. But the court will further change the operation of law in this nation even moreso than we have seen in our lifetime.

  9. Comey just didn’t want his car to suddenly lose control and wrap around a light pole. People who get on the Clintons’ bad side usually don’t have happy endings. Speaking of happy endings, has Bill banged any fat chicks lately?

    1. No cum stained dresses have shown up, but as my mother always said, “a leopard never changes its spots”.

  10. Is it really a surprise to anyone that Hillary is not going to be prosecuted?

  11. Well, Hillary “I never had textual relations with those emails” Clinton just won the “FBI Primary”.
    If I was David Petraeus, I’d want my conviction vacated…..

  12. This is the new America, folks.
    Presidential-hopeful Hillary Clinton has been proven to have (among many, many other atrocious acts to this nation) committed treason, the only crime clearly outlined in the Constitution. However, IT is a woman, and a socialist for that matter, therefore a punishment is “not recommended.”
    Meanwhile, men all around us are being accused of a crime WORSE than treason (imagine that!): being WHITE, CHRISTIAN, and HETEROSEXUAL. While certain laws obstruct the punishment of public execution (Hillary will get to fixing that if IT ever becomes president when IT allows Muslim scumbags to creep past our borders in droves), these innocent men still face fixed court rulings, public shaming, and are accused of being “xenophobic” daily.
    But, hey, thank God for socialist-progressivism (even though, to socialist-progressivists, THEIR only GOD is the DNC).

    1. This is the end game of identity politics. Your life is determined by your demographic not your actions or abilities. This is how women and non-white men want it to be because they GAVE UP on competing directly with white males. They had to resort to Marxist identity collectives.

    1. One law for me, another for thee.
      A peon Marine like me with a Secret Clearance would be doing hard time in federal prison for a fraction of what Clinton did.

      1. Yep. I was in military intelligence. If I’d tried *any* of this bullshit I would have been locked in Leavenworth for a long, long time.

        1. The elites on many societies usually get away with everything, or might receive a slap on the wrist. It is the nature of the world. Doesn’t make it right, although. As I see it, prepare for the comming storm. It will be upon us soon.

    2. It’s the golden rule. Whoever has the most gold, rules. You are right about “their” laws. No such thing as laws unless someone agrees and consents to those laws to begin with. Consent still seems to be a big deal to them, hence why they go to so much trouble “convincing” people to consent to being ruled by ink and paper… whether it be verbal, written, tacitly or silent acquiescence.

    3. I want to see them try to excuse how they’re going to have a standing President with a revoked security clearance.
      The timeline hasn’t changed:
      1.) Wait for the Jew to assassinate Donald Trump. (Because they will…)
      2.) Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo.

  13. Comey spent 20 minutes laying how Clinton is guilty as hell, then made a bizarre excuse to not recommend prosecution. Obviously under orders, threats to protect her.
    You could see the look on his face as he traded in every shred of credibility and honor he ever had.

  14. Trump has a better chance of being indicted for calling a fat woman fat.

    1. The full force of the Fed is too busy trying to charge Trump with running a company using the same business model as Amway or Avon. (While ignoring Amway and Avon.)
      Evidence of Shillary lying under oath during an investigation about multiple felony offenses? “Well, she didn’t mean it… it’s no big deal goy!”

      1. Presuming to be able to measure intent is such bullshit. If we all had that courtesy half the convictions in this country wouldn’t hold up….. fuckery.

  15. Hillary was handpicked to be president. And anybody who thinks their vote matters is living in a dream world. First we had the dumb white guy president (Bush Jr.), then we had the first black president (Obama); next we’ll have the first woman president (Hillary), and after that it will be the first openly gay or lesbian president. The elite are handcrafting America to make it the laughingstock of the world. And the warped succession of presidents proves it…

    1. Then the tranny president dressed in a dress with 20 layers of make up going to meet the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Iran. The next president will be the first open pedophile president and after that the first zoophile president and his first lady-er first donkey

  16. If she wins the election then I officially give up on this country. I’ll save up money and jump on the first plane I can to Russia. That way I won’t have to watch the good Lord above burying this degenerate country under a mile high wall of burning lava.

    1. I gave up when Obama was elected on identity alone. But, man, come join the party. Expat life is where it’s at, especially if you’re single.

  17. So disgusting. People are claiming she will ‘step down’ because she is too tainted..NO WAY THEY ARE RIDING THIS BITCH ALL THE WAY IN.
    The average person (NOT anyone on this site) doesnt know or care, they hear her sound bites and love her ‘pro’ black/poor/gay talk and thats enough.

  18. omg Bill and Hill again. More baby boomers running the country. Hillary the sociopath married to a rapist are back in power?? The Clintons are just tawdry. Low rent. Upjumped white trash…

  19. Of course she was allowed to walk. Comey valued his life. Most members of the Clinton Body Count did far less than suggest her pussy pass be revoked.
    The FBI have had enough on Hillary Clinton to send her to the lethal injection chamber for decades. Collecting intelligence on politicians is part of their job. Only very rarely do they actually expose a politician who hasn’t become more trouble than he’s worth. Hillary has been a model Girl Friday to the 30,000 men (they are all men, and wouldn’t have tolerated feminism if it posed any real threat to them) who rule the world with an iron fist. So she can do whatever she damn well pleases.
    There’s only one way to ensure that Hillary ever answers for her crimes. That’s to see that Donald Trump is elected President of the United States, with a mandate to revoke her pussy pass and have her put down like the bitch she is.

  20. When it comes to female leaders throughout history, I’ve noticed a strange parallel, the countries that these women ruled over pretty much “fell” soon after their reign. Egypt is the obvious example but even Russia can go on that list.
    History is repeating itself, America is on a major decline and if Hitlery becomes president, I guarantee America will either be invaded or we will go to war with the wrong nation and ultimately lose.

    1. No. War won’t factor in. It will just be a slow, overall decline. Far more home invasions, people staying in, people avoiding road trips, camping etc. due to the shittiness of people in general. Shittier customer service, shittier services, shittier movies. Smart, white people will start moving towards minimalist living in order to limit their burden. When the jobless, obese (yup, jobless and obese, only in America) inner city people get their first hunger pangs, then….wow. You’ll wish you were in Idaho. Intelligent people will use their intelligence to withdraw from a decaying society. In former times, intelligent people led and invented, now they will simply find ways to quietly cut ties. Now you have a stupid lump of dogshit like Loretta Lynch running the country. It’s insane.

  21. The same FBI that is refusing to prosecute Hillary Clinton is the one which has prosecuted teenagers for illegally downloading music.

  22. Hillary, Loretta Lynch, Obama….All from pseudo-victim classes…Zero accountability…zero integrity…zero class…zero since of true duty…zero character. This is where identity politics leads. Now with Merkel, Hillary, Loretta you’re getting your first glimpse of our “wonderful, superior” females in action. So far it’s pure crap. The lack of character that comes from a gender with all the advantages and zero accountability is appalling.
    Lower your profile
    Pursue hobbies and interests that have minimal ties to spending money.
    Move to rural lands or overseas.
    Reduce your work and tax burden

    1. Women, by their nature, will never be accountable. Blame the male power brokers who choose these women so that they (these males) can remain in control behind the scenes. Women will do ANYTHING to ensure their security and economic well-being, including betraying their own children.

  23. I know I’m in the minority here, and I do not like this woman, but I really don’t care about her damn emails. With all the real corruption and sick plans this woman has in store for our country, by focusing on what email provider she used (which others like Condi Rice and Colin Powell also did), we fall right into the trap of distraction. Make a huge deal off of emails and Benghazi, meanwhile all the really bad stuff she has done and is planning is completely ignored. If there is any conspiracy, it’s working.
    Her poor choice in internet providers was never going to keep her out of the White House. Focus on the things that SHOULD.

    1. When they tried to put away Al Capone for his long list of crimes, they had to turn to the IRS to finally get the job done.
      We’ve attempted to put her away for “those other things…” already. They’ve all been dismissed and ignored. It’s old news; this isn’t. The Clintons are an old crime family that know how to cover their tracks. Having proof of felonies and going after those crimes isn’t a distraction; it’s a desperate attempt at justice.
      All we have learned is the corruption is so deep as to seem untouchable, and the liberals so OK with lawbreaking and corruption their supporters simply don’t care.
      If there is any conspiracy, it’s the Jewish tactic of convincing people to ignore the crimes that have already been exposed “because these other things…” and some handwaving. You know… like you’re doing now.

      1. My point is using a dubious email server is NOT what I’m worried about under a President Hillary administration. There are literally hundreds of better reasons to defeat her. Why not focus on those. I don’t care who her ISP was. I care who her supreme court justice nominee will be. I care where the next war she starts will be. I care what LGBT laws she will pass, incorporating trannies into the classroom, Etc.

        1. Technically, your ISP and your e-mail server are two different things.
          In the aftermath of the FBI investigation it’s pretty clear she lied numerous times, under oath to Congress included.
          I wonder if we’ll see a dump of hacked e-mails soon, instead of having to wait 27 months officially. Her e-mails afforded some insight into the doings of the Clinton Foundation.

        2. trannies in the bathroom while your 8yo. daughter has her knickers around her ankles.

        3. Male adult teachers and janitors that identify as female in elementary girl bathrooms

  24. fbi file gate, during bill’s stint as president. She has dirt on everyone. No one will touch her.

  25. Again, this just clearly demonstrates how rigged the system is and how there is one law for them and one for us.

  26. Funny libtards criticize Bush for fearmongering and being irrational when liberals live ib fearmongering, fear of being labelled a racist, sexist and homophobe. There is no greater hater of homosexuals than guys thay fear being called a homophobe, that’s right it’s the liberals that call others homophobes that are actually more phobic than anyone of being called a gay or homophobe (becausw in liberal logic, homophobes are homosexuals due to insecurity)
    Liberals like to call others against the liberal agenda insecure when in fact they are the most imsecure

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