Society Has Awakened From The Collective Delusion Of The Television Age

The dominance of television has obviously ended in the early 21st century. People still watch television, but they will never again believe it the way they used to. Television “news” and feel-good storytelling of the type that dominated from the 1940s through the 1990s has become laughable as the Information Age continues to destroy once dominant cultural myths. During this time, the media were able to create the illusion that powerful, elite interests were on our side even as they undermined the nation and laid the groundwork for today’s socialist revolution. They were able to shape beliefs and control all the information the mass mind got to see and hear.

Media-driven myths were hugely successful in keeping people blindly participating in a consumption economy and government tax farm system for half a century, while keeping them largely oblivious as to what was really happening in the world and their government. For 50 years the entire population was essentially mind-controlled by a medium that provided them with sugar-coated fantasies and half truths about reality, and nobody seriously questioned the fact that big business and the government had Americans’ best interests at heart. (Even if they did raise valid concerns, those concerns never entered the Overton Window of the mass mind.) Over this peculiar and interesting period in human history television’s effects of society followed to this ideal, paraphrasing theologian and social critic Reinhold Niebuhr:

Rationality belongs to the cool observer, but because of the stupidity of the average man, he follows not reason, but faith, and the naive faith requires necessary illusion and emotionally potent oversimplifications which are provided by the myth-maker to keep ordinary person on course.

In essence, a centralized communication model was able to delude the masses through mythmaking, putting them to sleep as they blindly put their faith in a “system” that would only be exposed as totally corrupt and amoral after communication shifted online.

Network (1976) depicts a madman news anchor trying to wake up the masses from the delusion of television

Network (1976) depicts a madman news anchor trying to wake up the masses from the delusion of television

The 1976 classic Network perfectly describes the mass delusion the public was under when television was dominant through the fictional news anchor Howard Beale, for which Peter Finch won an Oscar.

But you people sit there, day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds… We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality, and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you! You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube, you even think like the tube! This is mass madness, you maniacs! In God’s name, you people are the real thing! We are the illusion! So turn off your television sets. Turn them off now. Turn them off right now. Turn them off and leave them off! Turn them off right in the middle of the sentence I’m speaking to you now! TURN THEM OFF…

One need look no further than the top television shows of all time to see Niebuhr’s observations and Beale’s frustrations playing out in a business model that made the Big Three networks’ fortunes. In everything from dramas to sitcoms to the nightly news, the plot seldom deviates from the good guys come out on top, the bad guys ultimately lose, truth and justice win the day, the American way is the light of the world, and our politicians, while not infallible are the “good” guys. And, of course, women are virtuous and morally superior to men was another lesson drilled into the American mind, even as men descended back into legalized slavery in a country that pats itself on the back for abolishing slavery. People thought this way for 50 years.

As evidence of how taken in the public was with the media propaganda of the day, the following NBC News documentary takes us all the way back to 1993. In A Day At The Clinton White House, Tom Brokaw hosts an hour long, warm and fuzzy special on the first 100 days of Bill Clinton’s presidency. The sycophantic nature of the documentary is astounding by today’s standards—but in its day nobody batted an eye as to its legitimacy as a piece of “journalism.” However, even as this pablum showcasing Clinton as a demigod was broadcast and taken seriously by a credulous public, a new way of communicating was just beginning to show up in homes around the nation that would later destroy the power of the mythmakers to push propaganda like this down the throats of the masses.

Back in those days, the Internet was only in 10% of homes, and Brokaw makes a brief reference to it towards the end of his knob polishing session in the Clinton White House. But that humble invention would eventually destroy the centralized communication business model he was a part of as well as the dominance of corporate and government mind control in America and the world.

Just look back in awe as to what passed as legitimate reporting even as recently as the 1990s.

Waking Up

Even though one of today’s alternative media majors, Matt Drudge, got his start during the Clinton regime and the genesis of alternative narratives was underway, according to Gallup, trust in the media peaked in 1998 and 1999, the era of Clinton. Despite the fact people started using the Internet en masse in the 1990s, there wasn’t a lot of information challenging political and cultural narratives of the puppet masters in America at that time. People still tuned into and trusted television news and newspapers, and believed their government had good intentions, no matter if they were selling out American jobs via NAFTA, turning the White House into a “coke den” with mistresses running in and out of it according to Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne, and making shady deals with the Chinese.

But, the Clinton presidency would be the last to be able to fully leverage Big Media to control political and cultural narratives and keep the public in the dark about the reality of their political machinations. The end of trust in talking heads and network news was drawing near. Ironically, Howard Beale imploring the public to stop trusting everything they saw on television in 1976 has become reality 40 years later. That shift started in earnest during the Bush administration.

As Bush and his band of Neocons attempted to use their tried and true method of mythmaking to keep the military-industrial complex running in high gear, a major platform of his administration became selling a false narrative about weapons of mass destruction in order to invade Iraq.

The feat of creating myths in order to legitimize the war would have been easier to pull off in the Television Age, but unfortunately for politicians and their spinmeisters people were increasingly communicating online. Thanks to tireless work of bloggers and truth seekers, a mountain of evidence grew proving the Bush administration pushed the WMD narrative knowing they invented it out of whole cloth. As reported by Washington’s Blog:

Everyone knew the WMD claims were fake. For example, Tony Blair – the British Prime Minister – knew that Saddam possessed no WMDs. If America’s closest ally Britain knew, then the White House knew as well. And the number 2 Democrat in the Senate -who was on the Senate intelligence committee – admitted that the Senate intelligence committee knew before the war started that Bush’s public statements about Iraqi WMDs were false. If the committee knew, then the White House knew as well.

But we don’t even have to use logic to be able to conclude that the White House knew. Specifically, the former highest-ranking CIA officer in Europe says that Bush, Cheney and Rice were personally informed that Iraq had no WMDs in Fall 2002. Former Treasury Secretary O’Neil – who was a member of the National Security Council – said: In the 23 months I was there, I never saw anything that I would characterize as evidence of weapons of mass destruction.

The CIA warned the White House that claims about Iraq’s nuclear ambitions (using forged documents) were false, and yet the White House made those claims anyway.

The truth is much of the information exposing the WMD fraud would have never surfaced—and more importantly persisted—if people were not communicating online. The media performed their usual drive-by reporting and glazed over the issue, giving it a half-assed treatment, then another sensation came up and the WMD fraud fell into the talking heads’ memory hole. But, it was given new life by documentation and video people could call up years or decades later with just a few keystrokes. This type of information would have never been so easily available before. The exposure of the WMD fraud is perhaps the most important case of the internet causing a significant deviation from the “official” narrative as the Information Age replaced the Television Age.

So, why was the internet more important than the liberal media when it came to exposing the WMD fraud? Even though the media is 90% Democrat, one must realize “journalists” are typically intellectually lazy groupthinkers who do not challenge authority unless it becomes profitable for them to do so. The business runs on emotion as much as politics, which is why they grilled one of their own in the 90s with the Lewinsky scandal but glazed over a huge scandal that could have been much worse politically for Bush than the other scandals they tormented him with. The Intercept reported on the failure of the mainstream media to report on this issue properly in the article Twelve Years Later, US Media Still Can’t Get Iraqi WMD Story Right:

Thanks in part to the failure of centrist and liberal media to explain this clearly, it’s now cemented as an article of faith on much of the right that Iraq was concealing weapons of mass destruction.

Without the internet, its reasonable to believe the WMD narrative could have been much more successful in influencing public opinion to this day. We certainly wouldn’t be discussing it right now without the internet. The Bush administration nearly pulled the feat off anyway, despite the liberal press!

Newsweek and other leftist media have openly worshiped Obama from day one

Newsweek and other leftist media have openly worshiped Obama from day one

As Obama replaced Bush, trust in the media continued to wane. During the 2008 campaign, it became painfully obvious the media was in the tank for Obama, from Chris Matthews’ obsequious thrill running up my leg commentary to a complete and total failure to emphasize Obama’s connections to terrorists like Bill Ayers, his Muslim upbringing, his shady association with Mr. Goddamn America, Jeremiah Wright, and call into question his lack of any significant legislative or political successes while Illinois Senator. All these counter narratives only survived because of the internet. Perhaps more than any other event, the 2008 Presidential Election exposed the Marxist media in the minds of the American public as the leftist hacks they are.

During Obama’s 2008 campaign in which the media were least partially successful in turning him into the Messiah, two narratives—an “official” narrative pushed by mainstream media, and a popular narrative arising organically from free and open mass communication online—emerged and only grew further apart over two terms of a far left Obama presidency. The exposure of the mainstream media as nothing but propagandists who push Marxism instead of living up to their vaunted reputation as the Fourth Estate, horribly failing in their primary task of providing an unbiased account of events, was underway. From Obamacare to Fast and Furious to the latest fanning of the flames of racial division in the country, the “official” and popular narratives continue to grow farther apart.


The “official” and popular narratives have once again clashed in the 2016 Presidential campaign. The successful campaign of Donald Trump to with the GOP nomination would never have been possible in the days of centralized, one-size-fits-all communication. It’s obvious the leftist media seethed at Trump and hated him from day one, but it did not matter because they had so discredited themselves their narrative was not the only one people knew of or had to listen to. They could just turn off the TV, download a podcast, or read a blog to get a more factual version of events rather than having a talking head read them something from the New World Order script.

The elite despise the fact the masses have awakened from the mass delusions they were spinning. Rather than try to balance their reporting, mainstream outlets have doubled down on their Marxist narratives. Despite what elitists in the media will say, as Ernest Hemingway said: The truth has a certain ring to it. The old media regularly tries to discredit new media, and even insinuate the people who subscribe to the new media version of events are everything from idiots to racists for not swallowing suicidal leftist talking points.

One group of mainstream media executives even shamelessly told two whistle blowers embroiled in a legal suit for making them report false stories: We paid $3 billion for these stations. We’ll decide what the news is. Other possible media driven myths of the past 50 years, now being called into question by legitimate questions and facts include:

  • A worldwide ban on DDT based on the book Silent Spring is being challenged by authors, scientists, and even journalist John Stossel
  • A coming Ice Age pushed in the 1970s which encouraged countries to stop using fossil fuels failed to materialize
  • AIDS was supposed to become a heterosexual pandemic, it remains confined to homosexual risk groups and CDC’s own statistics say there is a nearly as low as a 1 in 10,000 chance of vaginal transmission through normal heterosexual intercourse—in other words more sex than some people have in a lifetime would be required to contract it this way
  • The ozone hole over Antarctica was going to fry the world, a hole a number of scientists are now saying has always been there because of the way rays from the sun produce ozone and that oceans produce more chlorine annually than man ever did
  • The coming global warming Armageddon is said to be caused by the gas that all life on earth needs to survive, CO2, and is only fixable by ludicrous tax on an element on the periodic table, carbon
  • The current Bee-pocalypse narrative says the world will starve to death unless the world eliminates certain pesticides and some suggestions call for eliminating microwave i.e. cellular and other forms of communication, while other sources are saying bee numbers were manipulated to create another problem out of whole cloth
  • The media continues to fudge gun statistics as pointed out last week with the fact gun homicides are at an all-time low while over half the public believes gun violence has increased
  • The media operate in a way that creates profit by stirring up racial problems and hysteria as evidenced by its BLM narratives and facts which directly contradict the narrative of “racist white cops” such as a police officer is 18 times more likely to be killed by a black suspect than vice versa

These worrisome stories are only the tip of the iceberg of possible media myths that have been perpetrated on the American public. No wonder the establishment is up in arms, they need citizens to be pliable sheep that listen to their dictates and buy their products. They definitely do not want a public capable of figuring out how much they’re being lied to, but the internet has yielded just that. George Carlin put it best:

You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls…They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interests.

As proof the elite want to crush the popular narrative arising from the so-called unwashed masses the elite openly hate, a Harvard-educated propagandist, and son of a CEO James Traub of Foreign Policy magazine published It’s Time for the Elite to Rise Up Against the Ignorant Masses just last month, an article befitting a Mao or Hitler regime in that it openly calls for stripping the rights of voters to influence public policy.

Look for the two narratives to grow ever more disparate in the coming years and decades. The mainstream media will look increasingly disconnected from reality and ridiculous as they spew talking points from society’s puppet masters, while we the people talk amongst ourselves in a manner that produces a phenomenon seen in the book The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few. Our version of reality may differ from that written by a small elite, but nonetheless an increasing number of people believe the “unwashed” and unvarnished truth over the elite’s sugar-coated myths. Importantly, the emergence of the popular narrative is credited with helping the Brexit movement successfully challenge an organizing Soviet…er…European Union.

That leaves us with this conclusion. The fantasies of the Television Age have been replaced with the harsh truths and nightmares of reality. It’s a cruel, corrupt, and often evil world we live in. The deal is, it always has been that way, even when we were collectively put to sleep and tranquilized by the mass delusion created by television. Where this new chapter in human history ends nobody knows, but the world will never be the same now that large numbers of people are awake, and they’re angry.

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

Read More: How Higher Education Feeds Female Delusion

433 thoughts on “Society Has Awakened From The Collective Delusion Of The Television Age”

  1. Putting the masses in constant fear of something is nothing new. In the past it was God, now it’s all the shit listed above. Fear paralyzes people and makes them good puppets.

  2. The thing is, the elites know this as well. In the next few years, expect more and more laws designed to limit free expression on the internet, and to take back control of the narrative from the “ignorant masses”. It’s already started with laws like PIPA and SOPA, and sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Google becoming more and more blatant in their censorship and attempts to manipulate public opinion. We NEED to be vigilant.

    1. Don’t forget the constant fight against the Deep Web. The governments claim that they do it because of all the pedophiles, hitmen, drug dealers etc. While it’s true that you can encounter such people there, I don’t really think that’s their main target. All they want is censorship.

      1. You mean Freenet and it’s affiliated Darknet I assume?

        1. Well, there are many different names and I don’t really know the difference between them. I’m talking about that part of the web that can be accessed via Tor. The links are some gibberish that ends with “.onion”.

    2. Agreed, when they can’t manipulate us they will use force, either legal or brute physical force.

    3. I expect a false flag Internet 9/11 to be conducted in the next few years. I think it’s likely government will halt communication and e-commerce for a few days, blame it on hackers/terrorists and in the ensuing chaos propose Draconian security measures and regulation to “fix the problem.” Free speech loses, bureaucrats win.

      1. I could definitely see something like that happening. They simply aren’t going to stand for the freedom of communication and ideas we have now. It’s too dangerous for them.

        1. Next stop: Ham radio. Although you need a federal licence to legally transmit…but not receive.

      2. To your point, while the world celebrated the departure of Britain from the European Union one bank tried to get ahead of the problem. Citibank, for about 40mins between 5:20 and 6pm EST, shut down access to consumer accounts. ATMs all were out of order and the maintenance symbol was posted irrespective of the Citibank location. If you called in, you got a never ending hold time. Eventually access to accounts came back online but funny enough no reports about the momentary freeze or any accountability from Citibank. Imagine this spread to Google and all of it’s Marxist agendas and you have the new form of silenced.

      3. A wide-scale disruption to the internet would be massively devastating to a huge number of people. The level of internet addiction and dependency in our society is completely underestimated. I think you would have a significant number of people literally freaking out. The results would be astounding. And lulz-tastic.

    4. “The thing is, the elites know this as well. In the next few years, expect more and more laws designed to limit free expression on the internet”
      China is logistially censoring the net.

  3. There have been some moments in entertainment, but in particular, movie history where the message of awakening has been spread. For example, the year 1999, was perhaps the most iconic in the sense that not only was it the year before the start of a new millenium, but also the year in which movies were released that gave a subliminal and subconcious message about the kind of environent we had cultivated and harvested over a long period.
    For example, The movie “Office Space” depicted the life of the average white collar corporate slave while perfectly illustatrating the fact that corporate America will do anything to run over its employees through offshoring and outsourcing while also displaying the truth that to receive promotions, one must not rely on meritocracy but office politics to advance his way in the white collar world. The movie “Fight Club” was another great masterpiece with themes associated with masculinity. It helped the audience to identify the many aspects of traditional masculinity that was eviscerated by the culture of consumption and advertising as well making statements about the crisis of male culture continuously thrawted by single motherhood.
    Lets also not forget the other but commonly forgotten “American Beauty” in which it perfectly captured and portrayed the typical life of the suburban middle class American while exploring the themes of materialism and mid life crisis.But without further ado, the most iconic film 1999 which would be the movie that helped to cement the red and blue pill analogy which is commonly referred to here in the manosphere- “The Matrix.” A great science fiction movie with some of the most amazing action sequences and special effects at the time, set in a backdrop of great philosophical story telling and capturing the audience attention from the beginning right to the end.
    Yes, the year 1999 without a shadow of a doubt, brought to us some of the greatest movies without the insane feminist driven propoganda you are witnessing in today’s utter garbage that comes out of Hollywood. Also, there have been many fantastic television shows throughout the 2000 era such as the “The Wire”, “The Sopranos” and “True Detective” that required the audience to process the material with an actual brain, rather than to simply watch it for entertaining purposes. But the sad reality is that no matter how many people are waking up and finding the so called red pill, the reality is that most people will continue to remain asleep. That is why so you seeing the surge and rise in feminism, the emasculation of men, people staring at their smartphones all day and not even being to answer some of the basic questions of life in relation to economics, history or science.
    The information age of the internet can be useful in helping us to learn the truths of the world. But at the same time, let us also not forget the fact that what we also read, should carefully be scrutinised and free from any propoganda, something which many still fail to do in this day and age.

    1. Good post, except I do not share your pessimism. I’m hearing more red pill terms in real life than ever these days. While they may not know what the manosphere is, clearly our memes are starting to spread into meat world. All movements take time to become part of the cultural zeitgeist, we’re just at the beginning stages of our movement. Go back to news stories ten years ago and look at the comments, compared to today. Ten years ago it was all Blue Pill All The Time. Today you can’t escape the comments where men are starting to flip the bird to feminism and the Establishment. Good things come to those who wait. Give it time.

      1. We Dirt People owe ‘journalists’ nothing but scorn. They deserve public treatment reserved for child molesters and traitors. I was impressed with Roosh’s press conference following the big Meet-Up meltdown. He called them out and predicted what kind of coverage he’d get from their programmed asses. They delivered. I laughed.

      2. Nature will always win out. Male=dominant sex. Either we get it right or go extinct. Even the most Omega male will only put up with so much from women before he wakes up.

        1. This. Nature always wins regardless of how arrogant we humans have become.
          Very few people under 45 trust the (((media))). Perhaps women as they’re usually not critical thinkers but, otherwise people are awakening and that leads to questioning which is only good for us.

        2. Feminism has helped men see through the propaganda and lies told to us about women. They showed their cards and now men are responding accordingly. Men with any self respect will no longer play the game by their rules.

        3. The thing is there are some women that know the media and government are wrong but you know why they stay with them like they stay with their abusive boyfriends? It’s because they know the media and government are powerful, have great control and are rich. Women always hang onto who is more powerful, rich and in control, women do not have brass balls and to fight against all odds, they’re not men and that’s why the female characters that oppose oppressive rule in movies make no sense at all…. they aren’t very convincing as well which is reflected in the real actress’s submissiveness to real government and stronger figures.

      3. I respectfully disagree.
        Being aware and having the power are two different things. The elites have firm control of the levers of power, and they won’t give them up without a fight.
        I see the trend towards 1) creating a high-tech surveillance state, and 2) mechanizing law enforcement / the military with robots and drones and creating the surveillance state [which removes the human element to disobey orders (and creates a disposable army], decreasing the success rate of a revolution or ‘bugging out’ in the middle of nowhere.

      4. Can you give some specific examples? I’m genuinely curious.
        I do remember about 4 years ago when James Taranto of the WSJ used the word “hypergamy” in one of his posts, revealing that he followed the manosphere.

      5. I’m even talking to the occasional kid and even super beta like young dudes that are being extremely picky in the women they let into their lives and are recognizing that, “something” is wrong. I think a lot of them read ROK, but since we are strangers, rarely does one say, “Did you get that from ROK?” Now, these guys still have a long way to go to make themselves men, but I’m impressed that they are trying to get the women in their life in line at the same time as they put everything else together.

        1. My son is extremely beta 12 year old…being raised by his extremely neurotic single mother in Toronto…ug…I try to teach him about bravery but he is so damned scared of everything…he is afraid to sleep in the dark even…

        2. So tell us about your other sons then. No?
          Have another then. One that you can raise.

        3. My other son is five and is a natural born athlete, artist and has great empathy. He is turning out ok! Probably because he is being raised by both mother and father in one house. Go figure.

        4. The manosphere is expanding and YouTube has thousands of red pill videos now. Unfortunately most of them just whine and complain about the problems instead of preaching self improvement and acceptance like ROK.

        5. Dude, youre in T.? And are now re married with another son? Have you tried for shared custody?

        6. and why you left him with his extremely neurotic mother? you know how is that going to end, into being an emasculated politically correct boy.

      6. “Into the meat world”…nice! Realize it or not, that is straight out of the book “Nueromancer” by William Gibson, arguably his only good book.

      7. “Good post, except I do not share your pessimism. I’m hearing more red pill terms in real life than ever these days”
        I hear ya GOJ but are any of these red pill expressions coming from women? And that said, awareness is one thing, but taking action to change is something else. I still sense we are on the same path to the dystopia.

        1. Women are never going to “take the red pill” because it means they have to give up some power to create harmony. As any man in a LTR can attest, its not in their nature to compromise or surrender control and power. Men have had to force them into submission for centuries.
          Divorce, alimony and child support laws are the enemy of the modern man and must be rewritten for any hope of progress.

    2. Excellent post man, really good stuff.
      What I will point out however is that the scary brilliant and ultimately dangerous part about stuff like fight club, the wire, the sopranos and all the material you, rightly, say “required the audience to process the material with an actual brain, rather than watch it for entertaining purposes” is that they were so multilayered that there are more than one way to watch them.
      You can watch the sopranos for very complex themes or, like the lolitalians near me watch it and think “oh cool, that’s like my uncle louie” You will have these wanna be mobsters eating out at crappy Italian restaurants mimicking the speech patterns never realizing the layer of mockery let alone the extra layers under that.
      The same with fight club. I mean, this is a brilliant movie. It really does explore societies shaming of masculinity and how masculinity, it its rawest form, is becoming a mental illness yet there is a craving in the good beta boy to let it free. It discusses materialism in the world and the contribution to the problem by “advancements” in the medical profession. And I know plenty of guys, even guys I liked, who were like “dude, awesome movie, did you see when Norton beat the crap out of Jared Leto”
      There was a time when movies (and before that classical music and opera or literature or plays) was either brainy, multilayer brilliant bits or made for pop consumption.
      Eventually, the brainy stuff couldn’t compete and so it either merged or evaporated. So now you can watch tony whack a guy and be like “ooohhhh!!!!!” or you can think about projected responsibilities of an alpha man being torn between a basic love of family and desire for a simple life and a psychological inability to stop moving due to internalized guilt over being a sociopathic murder and having to constantly justify it.
      It is your choice.
      While this is very good on an artistic level, it is actually very dangerous culturally.

      1. Speaking of Italian mockery, Will Sasso at his best:
        “Tell you what, why don’t you stop breaking my b-”

        1. I have seen this a lot. It’s great. I work in construction in NYC so I have a lot of intersection with people which makes this kind of stuff funnier for me than most.
          I actually know people who have offered me some “gabagool”

        2. OOOH FUCK! 15 years later I still laugh at that like a fucking dork. If you saw me watch this you’d look at me like there’s something wrong with me. Best comedy sketch since Chapelle’s show.

      2. I noticed that many people’s takeaway from Sopranos seemed to be that Tony was cool and somehow admirable, rather than an evil man drowning in the misery he’d created for himself. Seems to me that the showrunners’ intent was the latter.

        1. I think the writers on that show were brilliant. They were able to show in with an incredibly complex character in every shade of gray while at the same time putting out enough idiot fodder so people with no hearts, brains or cocks could just think “oh cool!”

    3. I’d add Inside Man to your 1999 movies. Basically: big money interests don’t give a fuck about you, and will do whatever it takes to keep you under their thumb.

  4. Great article, the power of the government media complex is indeed decreasing. It becomes more apparent each and every day too as the narrative becomes increasingly tenuous to uphold. Things like Muslim migrant violence which 20 years ago, in order to find out, you would have to travel to each country and view government records are now easily accessible with the click of the mouse. Indeed I think we can trace the resurgence of ethno-nationalism back to the fact that the powers of the world no longer have a monopoly on information.
    This is very much evident also with the fact that after the Persian Gulf war King George the 1st (H. Bush) declared a new world order on national TV, which would be administered by the UN. So why hasn’t this come into fruition? The answer is the internet with its free exchange of ideas and information has crippled the propaganda arm of these forces.

  5. I stumbled across this guy Alex Jones of InfoWars of late and he is saying a lot of things about how blind the general public is due to the illusion by MSM.

    1. Michael Yon commented about what happened in Dallas and he thinks the Illusion of control is wearing thin. Short, but poignant article.

      Unrest: Many veterans of Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and other such wars, likely view this through a different…
      Posted by Michael Yon on Friday, July 8, 2016

      “Millions of people around America are upset and often for different reasons, but in most cases they share a vision that justice no longer exists in the United States, or has been so undermined that they no longer respect it.
      The BLM movement has its own agenda and though not baseless is itself on the verge of terrorism. Meanwhile a completely different sort of people see the FBI as a puppet for the Clintons and other ‘elites’ who are not just above the law, they are the law.
      The problem at hand is straightforward: millions of Americans see injustice and disrespect for the population coming from the government, and the people arrive at this conclusion from different roads.”

      1. What really sucks is that police and policing policies really do need reformed and changed. I mean seriously, they do. Cops should not be able to use the amount of force that they do against people who are doing little to nothing to warrant it. Reform is needed.
        But BLM made it all about race right out of the gate. I can’t get behind a movement so fucking ignorant and based on nothing but “hate whitey!”. Whites die at the hands of cops at the same rate as blacks, what in holy fuck does race have to do with any of this? But no, now it’s all about race. I can’t support it, nor can many others who might otherwise have been sympathetic to fixing the problem with have with police in this nation.

        1. If you want to be completely put off:

          Especially try around the 20:00 min. mark.
          This perfectly illustrates what any reasonable
          attempt to discuss and find real solutions is likely to devolve into. And when you really think about it, a lot of the folks have a significant investment in the narrative (or at least the status quo) as it is their livelihood.

        2. BLM was all about undermining the movement against police militarization IMO.

        3. It can be pretty easy to jump to that conclusion.

        4. BLM is actually about undermining the traditional nuclear family and pushing the agenda of equality of sex and sexual orientation and the championing of the single mother family. no dads allowed. They clearly lay that out in their mission statement on their website. Its a little better hidden now and maybe taken down since a Black female professor called them out on it recently. Of course that isn’t in the news.. lol

        5. BLM is a leftist front that is financed by Soros. All for review and reform for the departments that need it, but I would say even the word “reform” has been so twisted as is usually means getting poltically connected people in head roles and more diversity hiring– which leads to an even more corruption and abuse. Good cops will leave bad departments which ensures it stays a bad precinct. In the end, it is usually the poor SOBs in the transient neighborhoods who pay for it. These situations don’t change because people don’t want to change it. Power and graft I assume, but nobody seems to want to dig that deep.

        6. Soros doesn’t want police reform. He wants local LE eliminated and replaced by a federal police force. Race is the lever, but it has worn thin and his types are panicking that whites are waking up and shedding their media-imposed guilt complex. The problem is, once the demons are released, you can’t control them. BLM is metastasizing into an organization that will create blowback these guys can’t imagine.

        7. I won’t disagree with you. But as I remember there was a movement picking up steam to demilitarize the police, people were questioning why cops were rolling around in MRAP’s, full body armor, and AR-15’s. BLM I believe served the purpose to polarize the issue by creating a racial divide to what would have been a unified front. As usual black people are siding with the radicals which is the most counterproductive thing they could have possibly done just like welfare, child support, ect. There does not seem to be a limit to how many times the black community will shoot itself in the foot to perpetuated their fabricated racial grievances.

        8. “BLM is metastasizing into an organization that will create blowback these guys can’t imagine.”
          (Sorry, misread– I agree.) For every black bigot yelling “kill whitey” they are awakening people to the fact what they are. There will be counter-groups (read the Yon article) and me thinks the police will have little sympathy for the screams for protection. Aaron Clarey posted something about the BLM people who were arrested in MN. Check the pics.

        9. Nice trolling GoingSane, but the 20 minute mark of anything by someone named Megyn is never something I intend to see, ever…….but nice try. You are now suspect.

        10. Oh no, you mean a discussion panel filled with talking heads and BLM members and sympathizers arguing about racism, police, shootings, etc. isn’t relevant?
          Oh woe and agony, I am undone…or you could skip to that part instead of listening to the blonde bimbo?

        11. exactly what I was thinking…exactly. I mean, the idea that I would listen to 20 minutes of a woman talk in the first place is frankly absurd. I have dated girls for 2 or 3 months and never listened to a combined 20 minutes of what they said. But certainly not one with an alternate cultural spelling of her name.

        12. I didn’t say it wasn’t relevant…just that I would never listen. I’ll read the bullet points.
          I didn’t even know until just now that BLM members and women had voices. I thought it was all just some low thrum.

        13. but I am a nihilistic narcissist. The influence on mankind is not important to me….lol

        14. Like you had to make an effort. There you are, magnificent in the darkness and they just bleat happily along in your presence.

        15. Apparently her parents did. I don’t blame a person for his or her name. That being said, she’s not really a journalist in any sense, when she was younger and attractive she used her looks to snag a job at a news organization that was looking for hot chicks to put in front of a teleprompter. Now old, frazzled and bob haired (because yeah, that helps you Megyn, look like a man, baby), she’s searching for relevance in an occupation for which she had zero qualifications.

        16. Yep, leggy blonde eye candy with nice knockers. Precisely my type. It’s sad how much she’s doing these days to destroy what little remains of what was once a beautiful woman. And man, did her face square out or what? Geesh.
          But we’ll always have memories of a better time for the poor lass.

        17. This conversation has gotten me in the mood for some Bible study. Weird.

        18. I don’t know why Garth is so worried about a wee pixie who’s only interested in protecting his lucky charms. Besides they play simply marvelous Mexican music.

          That Christopher Walken is a prophet or something:

        19. It’s not just policing policies that need to be reformed. It all starts with the ridiculous over-criminalization of American life. You hear the three-felonies-a-day line. Realize that was coined over five years ago. Since then the regulatory state has done nothing but expand and pass new laws. Hell, Congress uses the quantity of new laws they pass as a metric for their success.
          We are getting to a point where any nosy cat lady can complain about anything and convince some elected official to pass some ordnance to criminalize her bizarre pet peeves. That may sound far fetched, but consider this, in my city, sparklers (yes, the little handheld fireworks kids have played with for decades) are illegal on the 4th of July. Why? I’ve never hear of the kid killed by a sparkler, but no doubt some goody two shoes with too much time on her hands decided to launch some public campaign to criminalize this shit “for the children”. Also illegal; trapping animals like raccoons or opossums – my house is their “natural habitat”; leaving your car parked on the street without a current registration sticker (also illegal to drive it this way, so fucked if you do, fucked if you don’t); and allowing weeds in your yard to grow more than 12 inches in height (hope you’re not on vacation when it rains). The municipal code for my city runs to almost 1500 pages! That’s on top of the federal and state laws and regulations that are already there.
          What people don’t realize is that every word on a piece of paper gives police a reason to fuck with you over something. You’re right that we need reform in police training – they shouldn’t be trained to deal with civilians the same way I was trained to deal with enemy combatants, which is what I perceive as the case. But at the end of the day, you could train your police to be absolute psychopaths, and there would be little harm to the average citizen so long as you so narrowly circumscribed the instances in which they could be deployed and used so that there was basically no interaction between the police and the public.

        20. Boom. Headshot. White marxists agitating. Go figure. One day, the people they are spinning up will eat them alive.

        21. You’ll get no argument from me that we have too many laws. Last I checked, and this was during the mid 1990’s, we were seeing 200 pages PER DAY added to the Federal Registry. That’s just freaking *insane*. There is no way NOT to be a criminal.

        22. “Society prepares the crime. The criminal commits it.”
          Read this on a fortune cookie once.

        23. I received a fortune cookie back in March that said, and I swear I’m not making this up:
          “If you hold this cookie to your ear, you will hear the sounds of Kung Fu”.
          I shit you not. I laughed like you would not believe.

        24. The anti male part follows from it’s founding by three radical feminist lesbians who were black. So, apparently, it is really about black feminist lesbian lives matter.

        25. “leaving your car parked on the street without a current registration sticker (also illegal to drive it this way, so fucked if you do, fucked if you don’t)” Solution: Register your car…

        26. It seems as though they are doing something quite complicated just to get a Federal Police Force. Even if they do, who cares? It’s only going to enforce federal laws, which means it’s just gonna do the same stuff the FBI, DEA, ATF, and Justice Department have been doing for a long time…

        27. Alternate solution: if it’s not being driven, no need to register it.

        28. “What really sucks is that police and policing policies really do need reformed and changed. I mean seriously, they do. Cops should not be able to use the amount of force that they do against people who are doing little to nothing to warrant it. Reform is needed.”
          This is something I want to do an article on. America has grown into the world’s biggest police and prison state, and reform is desperately needed, but trying to thread the needle and making people understand you aren’t a cop hater when calling for reform like defanging the police and prison state a little has been made infinitely more difficult by the BLM mobs.

        29. Which is what I did. You seem to be missing the point about passing stupid laws.

  6. When I see the “A Day in the White House Special”, I can’t help but expect to see Aaron Spelling or Peter Engel listed as the creator/producer at the end. It’s that scripted and phony.
    The still on the video (which comes in around the 7:12 mark) is even in line, you’ve got Mr. Belding talking to Zack while he grins with a smile that never reaches his eyes and hides “the plan” in his pocket certain he’ll get away with whatever scheme he’s hatched.
    Screech is even there, in the back, contemplating the inconvenient truth that he’s a nimrod.

    1. Good job in general.
      +100000 for saved by the bell reference.
      Side note: College years. Slater goes, with no explaination, from being Italian to being Mexican. He starts eating a lot of burritos and then can’t go with the gang on a ski trip because he is going to some Mexican protest. Zach: boy, you really picked the wrong week to become a Chicano.
      This, more clearly than 1000 books by 1000 academics, sums up the feminist position behind race and gender.

  7. The media is exists to gaslight entire populations. It serves megalomaniac oligarchical collectivists who have a pathological need to accumulate power and dominate populations into total submission. History shows that those who serve as handmaidens to such people ultimately become the focus of their ire when everyone else has been put in their places.
    I take perverse pleasure thinking that the ultimate fate for many of these tools will be at the end of a manila rope from a lamppost courtesy the unwashed Dirt People they manipulated and enslaved, or strangulation by the Cloud People hands that fed them a la Winston Smith and Comrade O’Brien.
    A good refresher from Orwell’s 1984, Part Three, Chapter Two:
    How many fingers, Winston?

    1. Do you think the analogy holds. Like the world has gone from Sheep and Shepherds to Sheep and Wolves.
      The question is, did the wolves chase off the shepherds or did the shepherds, after centuries of appreciation from the sheep, finally just succumb to the temptation and become wolves themselves?

      1. I always viewed the song was about the naive general public unaware of what’s going on around them, being led by someone they trust that leads them to their slaughter. Just like all the dictators throughout history.

      2. The shepherds went from Protector of the Faith to interbreeding with the (((wolves)))

    2. Few outtro guitar solos are so righteous. Instant sustained goosebumps and adrenaline rush.

  8. Most excellent. I am surprised you resisted using ((())), since this article really is an extension of Corey Savage’s article the other day.
    The phenomenon you speak of is mostly generational; only baby boomers really bought/buy into TV. Those geriatric bums, who complain about smart phones and video games, still watch 7 hours a day. TV IS a boomer’s life.
    A couple of missed points:
    Academia is another branch of the TV, radio, print mind control machine.
    The controlled media fucks are attempting to lock down online expression. Look at the shitpile YouTube is becoming. It’s always pushing John Oliver and crap like that.

    1. You are dead right about academia. It wasn’t always that way and this is one of the huge reasons why I jumped ship.
      As a side note, who the hell is this John Oliver. I have never heard of him once before and this is the 5th time in 3 days that someone has mentioned him either in real life or here.

      1. He is a “comedian” who got some fame on the Daily Show. If you’re on YouTube, he’s usually got some video being hyped. He’s the Devil.

        1. I googled last night. I watched about 2 minutes of him so I can’t say whether I find him satantic or not. I can say that I didn’t find him funny….He is a left leaning comedian which isn’t always the kiss of death. I admit, I think Colbert is hilarious at times. While Jon Stewart has had a few funny bits, on the whole I don’t find him funny at all and this guy is probably in the same category. He is a comedian though.
          I guess I still can’t wrap my head around the idea that comedians and actors wield this much influence over peoples opinions. I am not denying they do, I just can’t get my head around it. My only question about a comedian is “do I find them funny” and about an actor is “do I enjoy their roles in movies”
          I hear a lot about the lib politics of Clooney or Sam Jackson, but I still like them. I like their movies. I honestly don’t give a shit what they think about anything. I don’t care what tequila they like, who they will vote for or what they believe. They are the help.

  9. The comments are deeply amusing. I see people rejecting one part of the narrative while happily reciting another part of it. Skepticism doesn’t run deep enough.

    1. It’s just how the brain operates. We can’t question everything all the time. It would be mentally exhausting. I can at least respect the fact that many of the commenters hear come to discuss ideas, engage in civil discourse, and learn from each other.

  10. Excellent article. I’ve long since stopped going to TV for my source of information. Occasionally will watch it for entertainment purposes but even then never in large quantities. My parents and in-laws however, TV is always on watching the news or reality shows. It’s really quite a stark contrast.
    My sources of information are local conservative talk radio and websites such as ROK, D&P, etc. I find the information much more accurate without the liberal bias clouding up the truth.

    1. Since I don’t watch television and haven’t for over a decade I’m far removed from it’s daily propaganda, which is rather freeing. What little television I see, either in a bar or at a friend’s house, gives me nothing. The only takeaway I get from it is when I see a commercial, which generally is a pretty good gauge at how far the propaganda has progressed. The amount of sheer man hatred even in commercials is shocking to me, probably moreso than to the normal plugged in person, since I’m so out of the loop. Looking at it from an outsider’s perspective it is horrifying how far it has gone. And people remain blissfully unaware. The mind boggles.

      1. Most of the time I see TV at an office, most of the dentists, optometrists, and family doctor’s keep it locked on Fox News or some sports channel (as do several clients). Watching the folks in the waiting room can therefore prove just as entertaining.
        Or I see it when I visit my parents. They called me the other day, in fact, complaining the bill was over $120 a month. I suggested cancelling it and using some of the money they would have spent on it to buy complete series and the rest to take a really nice trip. It was like I suggested having something amputated.
        I’ve not had TV for nearly a decade now, my pop-culture references comes mostly from recall and reading quick blurbs online. But I can’t help but wonder what could be filling those parts of my memory that are instead taken up by TV watching as a kid.

    2. “My sources of information are local conservative talk radio and websites such as ROK, D&P, etc.”
      Nah, you just switched biases. There’s a ton of lies, exaggerations, misinterpretations, and half-truths on conservative talk radio. They say crazy stuff to get their listeners riled up.
      You think Ann Coulter is a source of unbiased news?

      1. Ann Coulter doesn’t pretend to be unbiased, she’s quite open about her trolling, just as is Milo. They are the shiny spear tip to a deeper movement. They get people pissed off and riled up, which then functions as a way to get them at least trying to think for themselves.

        1. That’s because you recognize people like that for what they are. Others, however, actually rely upon people like Coulter for their information, which is sad.

        2. Previously, people like Coulter were denied an audience. That has changed. We are getting viewpoints from all over now, thanks to distributed publishing via digital channels. ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/PBS/NPR/Fox are no longer the only gigs in town. And of that list, only one gives ‘alternate’ view points. Sort of.

        3. I’ve not met one person, not one, who relies on Ann Coulter as a source of their factual news information. Not one.
          But I have met a lot of Leftists who hold your conceit as delivered wisdom without actually having, you know, spoken to actual real life conservatives.

        4. Yes, there are blinkered people on both sides of the aisle. Some of it depends on geography.

        5. Ann Coulter has to blast away or no one would listen. She would be unknown to the left if she was measured.

      2. Not those I listen to. They walk through their arguments logically and will acknowledge if they make a mistake. I don’t think I’ve ever listened to Ann Coulter in my life.
        I have a feeling you think I’m talking about people like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh….I’m not.

  11. the HIV/AIDS thing is probably on of the gravest lies in human history.

    1. Especially when the CDC’s own statistics say you can fuck unprotected your entire life and if it’s heterosexual intercourse you’ll never contract AIDS. You might get other STDs, but what it amounts to is a campaign to make people scared to fuck.

      1. I read an article back in the late 80’s or early 90’s in of all publications, Rolling Stones. A doctor gave an alternative explanation about AIDS and said HIV virus had existed forever. It just doesn’t mutate that fast. It was harmless. The AIDS was homosexuals shooting up and then taking the HIV medications that eventually weakened their immune system.
        Rolling Stone magazine was a bit more credible back then compared to today, but who knows. We were blind then without the internet.

        1. You’re absolutely right. The establishment HATES Dr. Peter Duesberg. Which is exactly why I like to listen to him. Duesberg says basically what you said. AZT killed people by destroying DNA, and AIDS remains a homosexual disease.

      2. The average man`s ignorance about AIDS is just astonishing.
        Most people believe there is actually a test that finds HIV virus in a patient.
        What they actually test for is just a depressed immune system.
        (which could be a result of pretty much anything under the sun)
        Little do they know the HIV virus has probably never even been isolated once. (Of course there is an intricate scientific debate thereof.)
        AIDS just means acquired immune deficiency (syndrome.)
        It`s probably acquired by drinking contaminated water etc. in Africa, and having anal sex and doing hard drugs in America.

        1. None of what you said actually explains what is causing AID’s, and nothing you said explains why the medications work…
          Edit: Also you don’t explain why so many people who needed blood infusions got AID’s and why straight people who have anal sex don’t have problems with AID’s.

        2. I can tell that you have done exactly zero amount of research on this, but still you speak like you know it all.
          “What they actually test for is just a depressed immune system.
          (which could be a result of pretty much anything under the sun)”
          In other words AID can result from very many conditions.
          So whether you are defined as positive or not depends on how you answer certain non medical questions.
          If you have a low t cell count due to say pneumonia or some sort of infection, not necessarily showing symptoms, and you fill
          out a form saying youre gay or an IV drug user, you will probably be diagnosed with AIDS in a test.
          Its in other words ASSUMED, rather than proved, the same goes for blood transfusions.
          A straight, non drug user in the exact same circumstances would be deemed negative even if they had a T cell count lower than the aforementioned person.
          The drugs is actually what causes the typical AIDS symptoms.
          The idea that the drugs have gotten better is false, they have only gotten less toxic,
          Now they will break you down over decades, instead of killing instantly like in the beginning.
          Also straight people usually do not have large amounts of unprotected anal sex, but it does not matter, even if they get an STD, and have low T cell counts, they are not assumed to have AIDS, because they are not identified as being gay.

        3. “‘What they actually test for is just a depressed immune system.
          (which could be a result of pretty much anything under the sun)’
          In other words AID can result from very many conditions.” Actually no it can’t, because the test doesn’t diagnose a suppressed immune system, it tests for antibodies the body creates against HIV. This is why they figured out many people with HIV (Magic Johnson for example) for they develop HIV. This is also why HIV treatment CONSISTENTLY WORKS…
          “The drugs is actually what causes the typical AIDS symptoms.” Drugs? What drugs are you talking about? HIV drugs?
          “The idea that the drugs have gotten better is false, they have only gotten less toxic,” I never said that, I said the drugs do work, and have for a long time. By the way, the drugs just prevent HIV from turning into AID’s, they do not cure aids in anyway…

        4. They only test for antibodies in some test,
          far from all.
          The simpler tests are only for T-cell counts.
          (meaning your immune system is in high alert, or not.)
          Testing for antibodies does not mean a thing, since your body has antibodies for very many conditions, there is no way of specifying whether it`s specific for HIV, and as I said in an earlier post, HIV has never been positively isolated, there is no finite evidence that HIV, as a specific retrovirus that is harmful to the immune function, exists.
          (There is of course claims, but no real clear evidence.)
          As I said, the drugs cause the symptoms of AIDS, if you treated the underlying condition, for example a person in Africa that has a severely tested immune system due to poor sanitation and nutrition.
          If you corrected these conditions, the person would i most cases get well.
          Instead these (now less) toxic drugs are administered, and the body is gradually broken down. All the ailments that follow are interpreted as the disease running it`s course, but it`s really just the side effects of the drugs.
          It`s a horrible way of killing someone, all the while big pharmaceuticals and Government officials get richer.

        5. The most common test uses antibodies. I don’t know what country you live in, but it must be third world, because even in the US with it’s shitty healthcare they use the antibodies test as the standard.

  12. The Information Age has fragmented the market for information so completely that the average person now has zero trouble finding an outlet that reflects his confirmation bias, no matter how weird it may be. Always wanted to be a furry? There are furry forums, furry magazines, furry books, furry YouTube videos, furry t-shirts. You’ll never be lonely again.
    Once in a while, a few of us visit other islands of information, to get a different perspective. It’s like going to a foreign country.

    1. I wil visit sites like HuffPo, slate and salon just to shake things up and to avoid the echo chamber effect, but it’s rare I can even finish half an article. I usually ditch after the fourth logical fallacy.

      1. That’s my issue with Leftist sites as well. I try, but man, they peddle shit so fast and so deep that you’re left reeling with incredulity after the first two paragraphs. You have to literally mine for facts like you were mining for gold in the ocean, it’s nearly impossible.

        1. I will also go on other less overt lefty sites like LA Times, New Yorker, Washington Post and shit like that. Same thing, if it isn’t Marxist in leaning, it is usually some kind of Statist propaganda. But the most frustrating thing about these sites, are their commengs moderators. Good luck getting a differing opinion to pass. Even asking simple questions that respectfully critic the material in the articles is difficult to get past the censors.

        2. In all fairness, I feel the same about Breitbart. Or maybe it’s their bombastic Web design that looks like something that I would have designed in high school. Still better than XOJane.

        3. Yeah, BB can be pretty biased. That being said, I like reading Milo and making anti-feminist comments to the cuckservatives, so it has its place as one of my bookmarks.

        4. Milo is an oddball guy, not just because he’s gay. That doesn’t stop him from going against the current.

  13. I started watching TV way back in the late 1950’s when programs & shows were still pretty much tame & cigarette advertising was still permitted. A lot has changed since the days of “Leave it to Beaver” (I still think Eddie Haskell is the ultimate dickhead) & by the early ’70’s I gave up watching the boob tube. Quite obvious why when you look at the little screen today & watch the _____ that regurgitates out of it on a constant basis.
    However, somebody got it right well over a half century ago. I can still remember, Newton Minnow, the FCC Commissioner under President John F. Kennedy, calling television, “a vast wasteland” during a speech before the National Association of Broadcasters way back in 1961. It sent shockwaves through the industry at the time. Instead of cleaning up the airwaves, the companies & executives continued to gradually shove more______ down a growing audience with increasing amounts of nonsense, sex, stupidity & violence. Well as they say, the more things change the more they stay the same. By the way, the 91 year old Minnow has no regrets about that controversial speech he gave 55 years ago. When asked if he still watches TV, his usual reply to the interviewer is, “what for.”

  14. “The coming global warming Armageddon is said to be caused by the gas that all life on earth needs to survive, CO2, and is only fixable by ludicrous tax on an element on the periodic table, carbon”
    This weakens your argument. Climate change isn’t ONLY fixable thru a tax, but a tax is one of many solutions. BTW, the global elite didn’t want to recognize climate change for the longest time. They’re coming around, however, since the data can’t be ignored, and because a destabilized world means loss of power for them. Even the Kochs have changed their tune.

    1. Why solve a problem that doesn’t exist?

      1. Climate change is real. Why, GOJ, I will bet you that in your State oh Ohio, in a mere 6 months the average temps will drop by at least 30 degrees and white flaky substance may even fall from the sky. It will happen my friend, it will happen.

        1. There’s no denying that. Damn! Foiled again! And I would have gotten by with it too, if weren’t for you meddling nihilists!

        2. Climate has always changed. I don’t want driving or flying to be taxed for that.

        3. of course. I was being a bit cheeky because it is such an insane thing to be nuts about.

        4. Just a question, not being snarky. How would you ROKers interpret California’s drought? Just trying to pick people’s brains.

        5. 1. Most of California is either semi-arid mountain ranges, or totally arid desert.
          2. It don’t rain much, in semi-arid and arid areas.
          3. Same for Las Vegas. Big ass desert. That it doesn’t rain there doesn’t come as a surprise.
          4. Environmental restrictions which basically have artificially cut off a lot of their water supply from public consumption to “save XYZ animal!”

        6. It’s my understanding CA has always had water issues in certain areas. I believe they even have the infrastructure set up to get water from Nevada(?). The only reason it’s an issue is because the government shut off a lot of their access to water to save some endangered fish. I remember watching a documentary about it years ago where farmers were begging the government to turn the water back on so they could water their crops.

        7. What about the Sierras not receiving snow? My understanding is, the Sierras were constantly receiving snow until the last few years. Not going to jump the gun gun and say it’s climate change, but it is a severe change.

        8. What about it?
          See the issue here? We expect the weather to do what we think it should do, instead of realizing that it will do whatever the fuck it wants to do. The reality is that it’s unpredictable past a certain point, and we’re not even on the tiny tip of understanding anything beyond the very bare fundamentals yet. This is why weathermen can be wrong 70% of the time and still hold their jobs.
          The Sierras “were constantly” in our living memory means nothing, maybe 200 years ago they didn’t get much snow either. We really are not even vaguely ready to make any certain proclamations regarding weather yet.

        9. As I stated above and many here believe, there IS such a thing as global climate change. It happens in a cyclical pattern and has been since our planet’s creation. We simply don’t believe humans are having any impact on said climate change by driving our cars and eating cows.

        10. Didn’t CA build water Reservoirs about 100 years ago to for the dry years? And didn’t the the state govt. drained them on some environmental reason?

        11. See, “little” changes like that are occurring all over the world, with more frequency. Climate denialists just say, “Hey, weather changes! So what?!” — not looking at things in the aggregate. It’s like that idiot politician who brought a snowball into Congress to show that climate change was a lie. LOL.
          BTW, the drought was one of the reasons I left California a few years ago. The climate had changed so severely in SoCal, just in a decade. It was noticeable.

        12. Nobody denies that there is a climate.

        13. Partly, that could be caused by the agribusiness conglomerate feeding itself off of that water.

        1. I knew somebody would mention that. Difference is, RS is doing its job in this piece, interviewing the Navy’s chief oceanographer and other professional people who are very much unlike Jackie.

        2. Or…you have a strong sense of Confirmation Bias and are willing to grant them credulity in this instance because they say what you’ve already pre-determined is truth, where otherwise they have clearly demonstrated in the past that they’ll make shit up out of whole cloth to serve an agenda.

        3. There have been repeated ice ages throughout Earth’s history. Humans have not even existed through one of them, let alone record it and pass it on.
          Ice caps form, recedes the ocean levels. It then melts and floods the continents. It freezes again and the cycle repeats.

        4. How long have you been using reframes to ignore facts that don’t suit your worldview?

        5. Carbon Dioxide levels have been WAY higher than they are now, in the past. Strangely, humans had nothing to do with it.

        6. So the spike in CO2 that occurred at the time that we started burning fossil fuels en masse is one HYYOOOGE cosmic coincidence. Right?

        7. Huge. Heh.
          And yeah, it could in fact be, get this, nature doing it’s normal cycles, and we just happened to start measuring as one started up.
          Strange, I know, right?
          The sky ain’t falling and when climate changes it changes on it’s own. To think that human beings can do anything to alter the meta weather patterns is an exercise in extreme hubris, at best.

        8. What facts?
          Show me a scientific study that proves humans cause global warming? And be sure to link the political leanings of the publishing scientists.

        9. “other professional people”
          Right. So you’re taking their findings on faith, basically.

        10. This reminds me of my idiot receptionist. Every day last week she came in and the phone wasn’t working. So she unplugged it and plugged it back in over and over again until it finally work.
          When I came in yesterday I found an aggrieved receptionist who was probably ready to call BLM to complain about this telling me that the IT director (who is directly under me) hasn’t done anything about the problem.
          I asked her to show me what was wrong and surely it was true the phone didn’t work. She unplugged it and pugged it back in repeatedly and then it started working……at exactly 9 am….and she said “see”
          Noticing the time I asked her if, for the 4th weekend, she had changed the settings of the auto attendant. She had. It was auto until 9.
          Today she told someone “i fixed the problem with the phone” in an attempt to throw IT guy under the bus. I responded “there was nothing wrong with the phone, only with the receptionist”

        11. When I visit a pulmonologist, I trust his expertise in pulmonology.
          When I read the opinions of a oceanographer, I trust his expertise in oceanography.
          You’re grasping at straws.

        12. There are no facts. There is, however, a narraive recycled endlessly by a handfull people with discreited junk science that ties in with a political agenda.
          I know a Professor who spent a few years on the Kyoto study and he called in back in 94′. What being pushed is junk science with nothing to do with fact finding, but power.

        13. The human body is well studied, researched and understood, almost to an atomic level at this point.
          Meanwhile, weather men cannot predict with any certainty what the weather will be this weekend.
          So yeah…trust…

        14. Yeah because people never go to other doctor’s for a second opinion and oceanographer’s can never be wrong about their line of work. Why even bother with peer reviews and critical analysis. You seem to have this silly notion in your head that an expert in a field isn’t swayed by human desires (money, power, status, etc).

        15. I’ve had this argument with denialists many times in the past. They always fall back into the same shitty conclusion: since there’s not yet a smoking gun that humans contributed to this round of climate change, we should do nothing.
          That’s horseshit. We need to make plans for the future.
          Furthermore, if you’d like to discredit every major scientific body in the U.S., feel free — but I tend to trust the opinion of experts, especially when 97% of them agree on something, independent of their paychecks. They usually tend to be right.
          But you keep on sitting at the back of the bus, complaining that the driver is trying to avoid disaster. We’ll continue sitting up front and ignoring you.

        16. Actually, thanks to the very new media that this article lauds, “they” have been proven not only wrong, but fraudulent, countless times in the last 10 years or so.
          Trying to sneer and imply that those who don’t share your eco-religion are somehow deficient and inferior only weakens whatever case you may think that you have.

        17. Look, I know coal country isn’t far from your door, and I know that you have a whole set of local biases that that entails. I don’t live too far from you, and my grandfather and great-grandfather were coal miners in western Pennsylvania. I’m saying that there has to be a better way to provide energy than what humanity has been doing for the last two centuries. If you don’t want to ride that train, so be it. Lots of people are figuring this stuff out without you.

        18. And again more condescension. You can’t help it can you? It always comes to this, when dealing with this topic and its adherents.
          Nuclear energy is a great way to counter coal if you’d like. The rest of the eco-solutions are found to be highly wanting. Too little power for too much effort, not enough bang per unit, so to speak.
          So if you want to Nuke up (I do, actually) that’s great. Otherwise you and “your people” are not contributing anything but a nearly dogmatic drum beat devoid of actual facts and fraught with enough fraud and deceit to fill a football stadium.

        19. Not to mention how loose and fast we generally play with the word “expert”.
          This candidate can’t win.
          That law won’t stand.
          Our security can’t be breached.
          This will be the standard for decades to come.
          Eat more fat. Eat less meat. Eat no sugar or sodium.
          Let’s bring on our body language expert.
          And now the expert in fat-acceptance.
          Let’s create artificial reefs out of used tires.
          And so on…

        20. The expectation that science is some kind of delivered wisdom from the gods, infallible if the proper lab coat wearing priest says the proper ritualistic prayers, is laughably absurd. Yet that’s how most people treat “experts” and “science”. In fact science is NEVER settled. The person that tells you it is, is trying to scam you.

        21. “I’m saying that there has to be a better way to provide energy..”
          And collective government and higher energy prices based on lies isn’t an issue with you or the others in the cult? Private enterprise will lead the way as they are doing with space exploration and fracking, not the graft loving big govt.

        22. No condescension: it’s a plain fact. You don’t want to be part of the solution, and you aren’t. Other people are trying to solve this stuff without you. Just don’t mock those who your grandchildren are going to erect monuments to someday.

        23. There is no solution, since there is no actual problem. That’s your conceit, you assume dogmatically that your way is correct and any who don’t go along with your view are neanderthals. I watched your kind running around in panic in the 1970’s screaming about the impending ice age, so you’ll forgive me if I don’t actually take you seriously here.
          And now you prophesize monuments erected on your behalf. Talk about an inflated sense of self, lol.

        24. Climate change is real. It’s the degree of man’s contribution that is in question. Let’s bet on the side of “involved”, because there’s no downside. It’s Pascal’s Wager. Understand me?
          I’m not in the field. I wish I were a professional scientist, though, so I could contribute. I’d love to invent a better battery, which the world needs desperately, but I’ll leave that to the 13-yr-old whiz kid in a garage who finally does it.
          In any event, we’ll agree to disagree. You think there’s no problem, so that’s that.

        25. Climate change is real.
          No shit.
          It’s the degree of man’s contribution that is at stake.
          Which has zero basis in actual science that we’re aware of yet. Plus, you know, the rampant and well published fraud in the “movement”.
          It’s Pascal’s Wager. Understand me?
          The tides recede and come in. The only question is how much man is responsible for it. We need to act on this matter, as there is no downside to not regulating the tides to do what we want. It’s Pacal’s Wager. Understand me?
          Same exact thing you’re saying.
          Hope better batteries come out too. So I can hook them to my fuel cell or nuclear powered electrical outlets and get more bang for my buck per charge. Gotta love capitalism.

        26. OJ Simpson has been arrested for the murder of his wife Nicole. There are outstanding pieces of evidence, but no smoking gun.
          1) She was killed with a knife, which is the weapon of choice of crimes of passion between husband and wife.
          2) Footprints neat the murder site match the brand of shoes he was wearing.
          3) Fibers of a blue sweatshirt are found on her body. He was wearing a blue sweatshirt that day.
          4) Nicole told her friend a week before the murder, “He’s going to kill me and charm the world and get away with it.”
          5) OJ ran away from police in a low-speed chase when they came to arrest him.
          If you’re on the jury, Ghost of Jefferson, you would acquit him, because there’s no smoking gun. No solid evidence that OJ killed his wife.
          But there is a fucking MOUNTAIN of circumstantial evidence that OJ did kill his wife — (he confessed in prison recently) —
          –and there is a fucking MOUNTAIN of circumstantial evidence that a significant portion of climate change (though not all) IS being caused by humans’ burning of fossil fuels.
          You get my point? If you acquit humanity of climate change, you acquit OJ of murder. Because in both cases you’re dismissing mountains of circumstantial evidence.

        27. Circumstantial evidence. Heh. Ok.
          and there is a fucking MOUNTAIN of circumstantial evidence that a significant portion of climate change (though not all) IS being caused by humans’ burning of fossil fuels.
          No, not really, actually. There is a pretty good case to be made that the sun is doing it though. Like it always has. Since the days when we developed an atmosphere.
          If you’re retreating to circumstantial evidence, that’s good enough for me. I like the smell of napalm in the morning, smells like…victory.

        28. “There is a pretty good case to be made that the sun is doing it though.”
          Milankovitch cycles

        29. I’m glad you got it, and I thank you for retreating back into “circumstantial evidence”.
          Back around the year 1998 to around 2007 or so, there was a huge rise in the number of pirates in the world. There was also a large number of Brittney Spears songs on the radio. I can only conclude that Brittney Spears causes pirates. I’ve no other choice.

        30. I looked into this climate debate a long time ago as I had to many acquiantances chirping the rehased “we’re doomed if we don’t submit to our betters.” RF nails it– it is a scam apart of a globalist agenda.

        31. No, I just don’t blindly trust “experts,” particularly when there is financial gain to be had for publishing a certain position.

        32. “I tend to trust the opinion of experts”
          i.e., you act on faith. While I’m not opposed to faith per se, I find exercising it in this particular case to be naive.
          As far as being ignored, I’m completely fine with that. There are ways around bullshit environmental taxes just like there are ways around bullshit gun laws.

        33. “..but I tend to trust the opinion of experts, especially when 97% of them agree on something, independent of their paychecks.”
          John Cook, the publisher of the 97% quote, was find to have doctored the results and was exposed as a lie.

        34. ” since there’s not yet a smoking gun that humans contributed to this round of climate change”
          I like how you admitted that there is no evidence for your claims but you call me a denialist LOL.

        35. Read for comprehension, numbnuts. Circumstantial evidence IS evidence, and there is a fucking mountain of the stuff, too much to ignore. You want to acquit OJ too?

        36. The difference between us:
          You see a two-hundred-foot-high mountain of circumstantial evidence … and deny the obvious.
          I see a two-hundred-foot-high mountain of circumstantial evidence … and admit the obvious.
          And thank you for the tenth grade explanation of correlation v causation. After climatologists report that we’ve reached 500 ppm, and summer is seventh months long, and after New York has long surrendered its subway system to rising seas, and Miami is four feet underwater, you’ll still be there, trying to teach us all about correlation v causation, and telling us that burning fossil fuels wasn’t to blame.
          It’s good to be conservative sometimes, but not on this issue. Cheers.

        37. So now we’ve backtracked to circumstantial evidence and irrelevant analogies, LOL! OJ doesn’t cause my taxes or my small business expenses to rise. Have you ever owned a business? Don’t answer that, it’s rhetorical and I already know the answer.
          And look, I get it, you want to save the planet and you’re pissed off that the adults don’t see merit in your pet delusion.
          By all means, donate your own resources to saving us. You can “make plans for the future” right along with Gore and DiCaprio, and maybe generations from now you’ll all be hailed as the prescient heroes you’ve convinced yourselves that you are.
          But again, your resources, not mine.

        38. Yeah, the world is ending. Eek. Go save us, Captain Planet.
          Been hearing how Miami is going to be underwater for decades now. It remains strangely….not. Weird, right?
          I’d tell you to watch out for pirates, but as we both know, Brittney Spears rarely plays on the radio these days AND, as it happens, the number of pirates has declined. Explain that away!

        39. OJ is a poor example- did you know he was a drug dealer? Did you know he owed a ton of money to his suppliers? Some people do think he was set up

        40. Okay you want different opinions? 97% of climatologists agree, what does that tell you?

        41. “Private enterprise will lead the way as they are doing with space exploration” LOL, with government funding. Private space travel doesn’t exist, it’s just outsourcing by Obama to his buddies.
          :And collective government and higher energy prices based on lies isn’t an issue with you or the others in the cult?” Higher energy prices? What are you talking about? You don’t have to increase prices, just decrease consumption…

        42. Hydro. It’s by far the most efficient mode of power generation, it way better than coal.

        43. Thanks for your illuminating insight Andy. High prices are effective at decreasing consumption, are they not?

        44. Depends, when your government actively does stuff pushes the use of something, increased prices wont actually do anything to lower use. Think about cars, the US government pushed and continues to push car use and suburbanization, yet when petrol prices pushed over 4 USD, the use of cars and petrol still INCREASED…

        45. Consumption dropped as less people needed to drive to work as their jobs disappeared form what I recall. Prices increased due to tax, cut in domestic production (by design) and speculation driving price up. Keystone pipeline— which would have helped working Americans, was intentionally turned down by Obama. Even fascists like Barry only have limited influence on supply and demand on a global commidity in the long run.

        46. scientists are the new priests
          ive seen so many published scientific papers about homosexuality being something you’re born with have almost nothing to do with homosexuality or it can be easily challenged

        47. You seem to not have any sense of time, your post seems to have data stretching all the way from the 1990’s to now. Here is an actual chart of total vehicle miles in the US:
          “Consumption dropped as less people needed to drive to work” As you can see, no significant decline. Even during an economic recession, it only flat-lined.
          During this time, petrol prices also jumped, and this can be seen all the way back to petroleum: As you can compare the two charts, you will see that the high petroleum prices only had a small effect on the actual consumption.
          “Prices increased due to tax” Being that the US petrol tax hasn’t been raised since 1995, I really doubt that would have had an effect on prices, and as I showed you, this goes all the way back to petroleum, which is not taxes.
          “cut in domestic production” Nope. US production wasn’t the only source, it was international too, go look at that chart again. In fact, US production has actually boomed:
          “and speculation driving price up.” Perhaps. But still, my point was not that high prices didn’t happen, my point is that the higher prices didn’t do anything to consumption because the US government promote the excessive petrol consumption. The US government isn’t doing anything that will lower the use of petroleum. If the US government really wanted to lower the use of petrol, they wouldn’t need to restrict it, they would just stop promoting it. They would stop ramming 40 metre wide motorways though cities.

    2. Climate change is inevitable. Our planet has experienced ice ages and warmer periods long before humans ever knew of fossil fuels. I don’t question climate change. I question the claim that humans are making any sort of significant impact.

      1. Yep.
        I can sense that this conversation will take up pages and result in nobody changing a position. Probably gonna bail on it without further comment, heh.

        1. The problem is, after losing the election Al Gore went back to the mountains of Tennesse and built a weather machine to fuck with people.
          Every time there is a freak storm I assume al gore is in a lab coat with crazy hair in his lair at his machine (which looks like the original Frankenstein laboratory) screaming “YES! YES! YESSSSSS!”
          It really does make for a great super villain backstory.

        2. Agreed. That’s all I plan on posting on the matter. I’ve done this song and dance with the climate change people before and I know where it goes: “Accept my stance on the issue or else you’re a moronic skeptic.” Nevermind the fact I acknowledged climate change exists, but merely question our involvement in it. If that isn’t a reasonable middle ground, I don’t know what is.

        3. Yeah, that’s the crux of the issue. No sane person denies that climate changes. What “scientists” have utterly failed to prove even once is that humans cause said change.
          When you combine that failure with the government’s rush to regulate and tax, it becomes obvious that skepticism is the only logical path.

        4. Shit. I always assumed Gore Tex was the name of an alien overlord from the planet Zwambeeno.

        5. Climate change is aka seasons. It’s cyclical and natural. Man really has an insignificant impact.

        6. Don’t be absurd. Dr. Mindbender went into hiding calling himself Dr. Fruitbender and is now working on serpentoring all sorts of fruits like pluots and appriums (which are both appicot and plum but I can’t get a good answer on what is different). I am waiting on Dr. Fruitbender to make some kind of seedless mango.
          You can always tell a mindbender scheme because multiple things need to be senselessly combined. Any time something has been serpentored you can see Mindbender at work.
          As an aside, how do you suppose it went down for the backup singers of the GI Joe theme when they needed to add the serpentor line? ‘Hey we were just thrilled with your work before, could ya come out and do some more work for us?’ Then they get there and it’s ‘serpentor he’s the most evil foe of GI Joe’. I wonder if they even had to do a second take and I really hope that at least one of the singers had to fly in.

        7. It’s 2016, and you’re still saying that the burning of fossil fuels has had no impact upon the CO2 levels in our atmosphere.

          Humanity putters along for a thousand years at the same level of CO2, and then the internal combustion engine gets invented, and that level suddenly spikes off the chart. You’re saying it’s all mere correlation?
          Sometimes I wonder about the manosphere. In a rush to get to the caboose of the civilizational train, you ignore facts.

        8. To make it all seem more legit, Gore does sound a bit like Sideshow Bob

        9. No…it is they hyper cold weather thermal gear that is the legitimate front for Al Gore’s evil empire based around his weather machine.

        10. Was that before or after he unleashed Hurricane Irene on an unsuspected East Coast?

        11. Ok, so tax the shit out of Al Gore and DiCaprio. My “carbon footprint” is the size of a cunt hair compared to their private jets, so why tax me?
          It’s literal insanity. Or at least criminality. Probably both.

        12. If we tax private industry, you still pay the price because they’ll charge more for their goods and services.
          The future will be expensive, no matter how you dice it.

        13. Sure, but less expensive is always preferable, particularly when partisan pseudo-science is the cause.

        14. Given the cash cow that G.I. Joe was back in the day, I’m sure they did whatever was necessary to keep it rolling in. Even if that meant flying back up singers from Bumfuckwherever.
          Of course, the introduction of Serpentor was closely followed by the intro of the Cobra-La era, which seemed to coincide with a slide in popularity. I don’t know if that just reflects me growing up and out of it, or whether that story line wasn’t as successful, but after the G.I. Joe movie, which was awesome – particularly the opening sequence where Cobra paratrooper attack the Statue of Liberty, it seemed to kid of fall of the map.

        15. I knew Al Gore was behind that Hurricane.
          It nearly destroyed the Caribbean. I almost had to cancel a vacation. And you know “me having to almost cancel vacation” is pretty much one of the top 5 bad things that have ever happened in the world.

        16. Cobra-La seemed to coincide with fall off…however, I have a feeling that they just went underground. Yes, that movie was awesome. Also, I wish more people had the reference so I could use serpentor as a verb more often. Just try to talk about the creation of the Pluot without using serpentor as a verb and also not sounding like a tool.
          As for the song, I don’t know. It is possible that they could afford to bring those guys in for just that one line. But it is also possible they just had them record a whole song and only used the one line.
          For instance, the theme song to Bonanza is like 30 verses long, each one more hilarious than the last, and what is used only scratches the surface. I bet there is a ton of hilarious extras out there. You should find them. THIS I COMMAND!!!!!!

        17. Well, I mean, almost destroying my vacation implies a near lack of room service as well! I mean, it is tied up into a lot of things. Oh the humanity!

        18. This is how I feel about subways. I think that the fare needs to be taxed by at least 300% for anyone who is over a healthy body fat percentage who wants to travel between peak times.

        19. “The CO2 concentration is 0.039% which is 15x lower than that which natural variation provided in the past. ” No sh!t. That took years though, a major change in a shot amount of time doesn’t allow live to adapt though…

        20. Taxing ins’t the only solution, not even a good one at that… We really don’t need any taxes to reduce carbon output…

        21. “with the government’s rush to regulate and tax” Ummm, no they haven’t…

      2. Our planet has experienced change, however it’s not on nearly the same scale as what is happening now…

    3. “Climate change isn’t ONLY fixable thru a tax, but a tax is one of many Solutions.”
      Proof? Or even asking for it is why legislators want to imprison those who “deny” or question it.

    4. Whether or not climate change is real is immaterial; the response from the global elites will ultimately have nothing to do with science, or addressing an existential threat, they’ll merely use the crisis to consolidate power. Their useful idiots will be rearranging deck chairs on the titanic, while they use the pending disaster to stage a coup – NEITHER group will be organizing life boats, however.
      These people are utterly insane and disconnected from reality. They can’t even save themselves.

  15. What I find scary is that the media seems to be shifting strategies a bit these days. I sense that they are cluing into the fact that a great deal of people don’t trust what they see on the news anymore, so they are pushing their propaganda efforts more into the entertainment sphere. Young kids who aren’t taught to think for themselves are being indoctrinated by movies and television. Plus, my wife watches moronic entertainment “journalism” programs like “Extra” and “Access Hollywood” which suddenly are doing more political segments. Those segments usually involve a young celebrity discussing how much they hate Trump. At this point, she’s growing sick of me calling it out every time it happens. But fuck it…

      1. Working on it! Dropping red pills like a mofo, but I find this type of thing has to be done delicately. Too much at once makes you look crazy to a person who is still jacked into the system. Especially to a woman, who while otherwise intelligent, still has an emotional connection to some of these narratives.

    1. Brietbart coined the phrase, “politics is downstream from culture,” and he was on target. It’s the “soft” stuff on TV, schoolbooks, movies, music videos, listicles, etc. It is everywhere. It is relentless. And the dimwitted eat it up like candy.

  16. Don’t forget the influence of commercials, in between the cultural and political propaganda. This is something I plan to be writing about more in the future, but the long and short of it is that advertising is designed to induce narcissism and childhood-regression, resulting in the sort of cry-bully behaviour we see in the SJWs, and (sadly) in much of the political Right, as well.

    1. I was just talking to the boys yesterday after seeing a budlight commercial with amy shumer and chuck roagan talking about the pay gap. I was freaking shocked. I mean, I know it’s out there but this is wild.
      It reminded me of the simpsons where the navy has there forms of advertising. Subliminal (which is through the pro navy boy band), liminal (just posters suggesting to join the navy) and superliminal when Lieutenant L.T. Smash puts his head out the window and screams “join the navy!!!” at people walking buy.
      This was def superliminal advertising.

        1. I don’t drink beer or fuck women who drink beer but I can promise you if, for whatever reason, it comes up that I am buying someone a beer it will not be a bud light.

        2. I am always tempted to have a stout but bubbles bother my stomach. I think it is because I was raised to think that soda was hitler.

        3. I keep telling young chics to stop drinking beer and hard liquor and drink red wine. You wanna get fat and leather skinned or do you want your ass to age like fine wine?
          Also I always say with a bit of snark, “Christ turned the water into wine, not beer or hard liquor.”

        4. Why? Calorie consumption is the important factor, it doesn’t matter what you are drinking…

        5. No it isn’t. I’m a guy and I do it all the time, it’s called being healthy. It’s like keeping track of how much you spend. And no, I am not saying to do it intensely, I’m saying to just make sure you are eating approximately how much you should be eating every day so that you can have a balanced weight. Underweight is just as bad as overweight.

        6. A weight issue is not caused by a lack of counting calories.
          No more than constipation is caused by not counting… you know what. They’re both caused by something disturbing the body’s natural regulatory systems.
          The real problem behind obesity? It could be many things. But today, by far the most likely problem is too much of the fat-storing hormone insulin. Usually caused by decades of ingesting too much sugar and too much processed, rapidly digested carbs. Which is what the Western diet is composed of today. It messes up our hunger and satiety systems, makes us want to eat too much. Voilá: An epidemic of obesity.
          Calorie counting will never cure this problem. It’s just a crutch. And the more we rely on it, the greater the likelihood of it turning into an eating disorder.

        7. “No more than constipation is caused by not counting”
          Constipation in an otherwise healthy person is generally caused by a lack vegetables. Again, not paying attention to what you eat.
          “ingesting too much sugar and too much processed, rapidly digested carbs.”
          You know what those carbs do? They get stored in fat cells. The only way you can eat less calories is by eating less sugar, so I really am not disagreeing with you.

      1. Beer companies trying to get political, in the day and age of 40,000 different beers on the market, may not play well for them.

        1. exactly what I thought. There is such a multitude of choices you have to either attack for a very niche segment or try not to offend anyone.

        2. 40000 different beers produced by how many parent companies and funds? Not that many.

        3. I think you’re wrong. There are tons of microbrews now. Beer is the liquid version of the internet. Everyone gets to play, not just a few monoliths

        1. Whoops! In my defense, unlike you slackers(lol) I don’t dispose much time to post, much less to scroll down the comments section. At least, it’s good that we both know our pop culture.

        2. NOW JOIN THE NAVY
          (also, this is 2016. The term is multi tasker)

        3. Fucking Pauly Shore. The fact that Drew Barrymore married him proves that women will go for douchebags anytime.

        4. Drew Barrymore never married Pauly Shore. You’re thinking of Tom Green, another MTV-created moron.

        5. Lol, good call. I was wondering that today after posting, but was too lazy to Google. In my defense, douches can be hard to distinguish from one another.

      2. I agree with. Join the navy…. Your ideas.
        I saw that commercial recently too….join the navy…. Whic is tricky because i mever watch them. Theybare reallyntryong hard to make their propaganda common knowledge.
        Join the navy

      3. Amy Schumer is the worst. “Look at me, I’m fat and a slut, I’m so funny! I wouldn’t be anywhere if I wasn’t related to a congressman. Blah, blah, Women’s rights and Feminism!”

    2. Yeah that’s a good point. On the few occasions that I watch tv programs nowadays, they’re always downloaded and commercial free. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a tv commercial, I think it’s literally been decades.

      1. Any time I’m at the bar, I wind up staring at the TV in horrified fascination at what they’re doing. With the sound off, you can really detect the subtler messages they’re pushing.

  17. Great article.
    I still watch the occasional History channel documentary and pirate Game of Thrones (because fuck paying for cable/HBO), but otherwise I haven’t watched tv since I was an undergrad in the mid 90s obsessing over Dana Scully. I used to go to the movies twice a week, too, but that stopped once I red pilled.
    It’s funny/disturbing to see how profound the influence of television has been on the boomer generation. My parents still have not grasped the concept of entertainment on demand and they default to that ancient “my show comes on at 9pm” way of thinking. Even though I’ve explained to them a hundred times that they can watch their favorite shows and those godawful Hammerstein musicals any time they want, their lives are largely dictated by the tv schedule because that’s the way it’s been since the 1950s.
    I just hope that there are enough conservative tech nerds around to keep daddy government from regulating the internet.

    1. LOL. At least my folks use TiVo, and my mom has an Iphone. I recently learned that my father doesn’t know how to attach documents to an email, however.

    2. I miss the history channel back when it was the hitler channel with brief interludes to show that 20 part series of the Russian tsars. Now it is all reality shows for some fucked reason.

      1. I switched to the Military Channel because History Chamnel wasn’t giving me my war history fix. YouTube is even better actually. Not sure what the fuck happened at the History Channel but, as you point out, it really is shit now.

        1. yeah, I have pretty much totally switched to youtube at this point.

        2. When Vice gives out better coverage of the Middle East than History, you know something is wrong.

        3. I miss just turning on the TV and hearing “up next, hitler’s body guards, followed by hitler and the occult”

        4. Every now and then, PBS does air the Nazi Mega Weapons series. I’m willing to cut my workout short just do I can come home and watch.

        5. the history channel used to make having the flu fun. Big bowl of chicken soup, box of tissues and an all day marathon was great.

        6. Yeah, but what’s left to say about the Nazis and Hitler? I mean that shit ended nearly 70 years ago, and they were only in power for 12 years, give or take. We’ve gotten to the point where the only thing left to cover about Hitler is what brand of hankerchief he used, and I wouldn’t bet against that already being documented either.

        7. yeah, but when you have a flue and there is black and white hitler stuff on and you are half in and half out of consciousness it’s great. Beats the reality shows now.
          And now I want to know about the Hitlerhankercheif

        8. History can be rewritten. Slowly, they can change it little by little and then becomes the new “truth”.

        9. That’s very true, but I’m more asking what more can possibly be covered that hasn’t been beaten to death ten times over at this point.
          To be honest, I actually enjoy documentaries about WW1 a lot more these days.

        10. Technically, the Russkies won it. The US joined after the end of that war was a foregone conclusion. The Germans never made any progress after the battle of Kursk. And the ratio of Germans killed on the eastern front vs western was 8 : 1.

        11. WWI is the most compelling event in the history of warfare. For a thousand reasons. There is no doubt.

        12. The history channels hitler/nazi mythology mixed with half truths and doing its best to implicate the catholic church is embarrassing.
          It does appeal to American/Allied ego’s and patriotism though that they somehow conquered this mysterious ‘monster’ and the millions of lives lost were not in vain.
          And lets not mention how beneficial this is to a certain people having this victimhood saturation pumped into gentiles.

        13. Im sure they could do a wonderful exposè on Hitlers hankerchief supposedly made from Jewish baby eyelids received as a gift from the Catholic church.

        1. Hell, even as far back as only 5-10 years ago Food TV was great. Remember when alton brown was actually an incredibly informative and entertaining on home cooking instruction. Now he is a twerpy reality show host. Can’t blame him, he is rich as fuck now. Didn’t help him, however, when the cops shot him.

        2. But his first 5 seasons have absolutely amazing and totally recreatable recipies. I really liked him for a long time.

        3. Iron Chef Japan was great. Especially towards the end when they started working in plots and would have all some chefs students in one box with the other chefs sensei in the other…or the one where chef sakai (I think) had his father threaten to disown him if he dishonored the family by losing the battle. Plus, they would be like “ok, now it is time for battle endangered condor” Great show. But first 5 seasons of Good Eats were legit shows teaching people how to good really good food and actually educational about the ingredients.

        4. awww I miss futurama.
          I think Al Gore’s daughter was a writer. Big conspiracy.

        5. the little Japanese girl who would take tiny bites and then giggle was so great.

      2. I think you are confusing History ch with H2. One of the last series they put out before the brand was retired was Hitler. The guy who lead the investigation, Bob Baer, was a big deal at the C IA…they concluded he escaped to Argentina…

        1. Maybe. SOunds interesting. I pretty much am totally on watching stuff online at this point with the exception of very few things I go out of my way to see or if I am sick and lazy.

      3. I wish they would just do real history. The shows have become a vin diagram of nazis, monsters, aliens, and reality tv. Pick two plus, and create a show…

    3. My boomer father literally spent the bulk of his adulthood watching cable tv. The man literally had at least four business ideas worth millions but he would rather sit on his ass and not take risk because the tv said something about how everyone fails at business, or how the Democrats will take his business away, or how he will put his family at risk. To this day, he still cant stop watching fox news, getting mad, and taking out his anger on his family.
      Cutting cable and television viewing is impossible for most boomers. Its 100 times harder than it is for us to cut social media out of our lives

      1. Sorry about your father’s change in personality. You may or may not want to watch this documentary for enlightenment.

    4. Most conservatives are dumbarses when it comes to the internet. They hate censorship unless it’s done by a corporation, but then once they realize CONSERVATIVES are the people being censored, they suddenly decide to hate censorship, and this just goes in a loop.

    5. Are you sure we don’t have the same parents? My mom still has a VHS machine which she uses regularly to watch old movies. Record player too.

  18. One down side of electronic media (Internet) is the loss of the local newspapers. They were the ones watching the local and state governments for graft and corruption.,. The local newspapers are gone now. They made their money from local advertising which is gone now.. So, that corruption will be unchecked.

    1. There are papers still being thrown around my neighborhood. We still get the Sunday paper as a matter of fact (coup-ins!)

      1. Be careful that an out of state corporate conglomerate doesn’t come in, buy your paper, discontinue or cut back daily delivery, fire the qualified career journalists and replace them with 20 year old j-school SJWs, and turn the paper into an online clickbait “media outlet”. That has happened with dozens of papers in the SE.

    2. Local rags publish pablum. They have eliminated comments on-line because the general public called them out on their newsprint diarrhea.
      Sure, they’re fine for finding out what happened at the library and garden club meeting.

      1. Also, the roads, the school bonds, the local Mayor giving his buddies all the local contracts.

    3. Investigate reporting, even at the local level, went out a long time ago. It’s much cheaper to just run all the AP and Reuters stories, which ends up concentrating the power of journalism into a very small group of (((hands))).
      Around that same time, they started bumping all the local radio DJs and replacing them with Howard Stern on Clear Channel. It’s a well-used systematic displacement of individual thought.

        1. The biggest idiot I’ve ever known was a journalism major from Mizzou. What made her such an idiot was her conviction that she had some rare level of intellect. That’s the problem with liberal females; they are told over and over again that every single thought that ever exists in their head is infallible and amazing.

    4. I know, it’s so true. In my area they still have the local media, but not very many people study it at all. It’s insane the amount of corruption in State government…

  19. The issue with Weapons of Mass Destruction was complicated by the fact that in the mind of the typical ignoramus, WMD means nuclear bombs. But technically WMD are NBC, nuclear, biological, and/or chemical. It seems part of the game the neocons were playing was using the confusion to their advantage, or trying to. There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein had and used chemical weapons, which are categorized as WMD, But then there were stories about yellowcake and centrifuges and spies which must have been intended to give the impression that Saddam had or was working on having nukes. Also, the policy publically promulgated long before W became president was that Saddam was to be removed for generalized geo-political reasons and it had nothing to do with him having nukes. It’s a lot of work but we need to be as accurate as possible when we discuss these things. If you say Saddam had no WMD’s I am forced to disagree with you, but without disagreeing about the overall point about the use of propaganda to advance an agenda that people would reject without the manipulation of their opinions.

    1. My issue with WMD is who gives a flying fuck? We had no business even looking askance at Iraq, let alone invading it for no actual real reason. Now the entire region is destabilized to the point that ISIS has become an international force. Say what you about Hussein, but at least he kept those people in check (he ran a secular state, mostly). The direct result of our meddling is now reaching up and biting us in the ass almost weekly now due to ISIS inspired attacks.
      Sometimes it’s best to let a sleeping dog sleep.

      1. I read or heard somewhere back in the late 80’s that the Bush family was really rotten. G. H. Bush was director of the CIA. Saddam was supported by the US until he turned rogue. They probably went there to silence him. Maybe he knee something that would blow the Bush family’s cover. Just like how G.H Bush extracted Noriega from Panama because he was a drug peddler.

        1. I’ve never seen solid proof, other than Pineapple Face Noriega being an errands boy for the cartels. I wouldn’t be surprised though if it was true.

        2. Noriega was burning the candles at both ends. He was in the CIA’s pocket since he was an Lieuntant in the 60’s, problem was he liked soviet goodies and was getting crazy with the drug money. I know guys who went down there in 89′ and later on some Panamanians who grew up under his reign.

        3. Back then in my more foolish youth, I wondered how a President of one country (Bush) could just order a special operations and extract/kidnap the President (Noriega) of another sovereign nation? That is an act of war.
          That was my first encounter with “something is just not right.”

        4. Same with Iran Contra and Reagan. Especially seeing it in the context of the events unfolding in the Middle East, why would a born again Christian deal with Islamic enemies? And with Hillary getting away with her shenanigans, I’ve lost faith in American rule of law.

        5. Saddam was only semi supported by the US, really just when he was fighting other US “enemies”.

        6. Yeah, I want to see the ICC (a legitimate extradition organization) authorize countries to arrest George W. Bush. It will be funny to see how America likes world policemen then…

        7. Iran contra? Democrats were aware of it. After all, alot of those weapons were going through a little airport in AK. Three guesses who was governor at the time.

        8. Bill motherfucking Clinton. I guess they were all aware of it. Insidious little clique I tell you.

        9. If you have time, there are a few books out there from 10-20 years ago about what went on under Governor Clinton. As the airport was “off limits”, some of Bills associates were running cocaine through it. It financed his presidential bid. Want to guess which law firm was hip deep in the laundering? Heh. Purging himself for banging an ugly intern was the least of Bill’s problems.

        10. The ICC has no such jurisdiction. In fact, the US Congress authorized the war, so the legality was in place, but feel free to masturbate to your fantasies.

        11. Actually yes it does. By signing the treaty, the US congress authorized the ICC to use that power.

      2. I just want accuracy when discussing these issues. I knew the Iraq policy was pure BS because I knew that those people were not ready to be free. I could have bought the idea that a dangerous wacko needed to be neutralized, but I did not buy that Iraq was ready to become Switzerland.

        1. I agree with you on accuracy (and implied, honesty).

      3. About one week into the war, Trump warned about how its a bad idea!

      4. Yes, even if Saddam did have WMDs, the US had no business really invading and bombing Iraq. That is the main point that seems to always get lost during discussion about the Iraq war and whether Bush, Cheney, and Blair really did believe Saddam had WMDs or not. In no way did Saddam or Iraq ever threaten the US to warrant the war and mass murder and destruction of Iraq at the hands of the Anglo-American war-mongers. Saddam, as much of a monster and dictator as he was, was not a fool. Even if he did possess WMDs, he was pretty much penned in by years of sanctions and would never use any potential WMDs he might have had.. knowing full well he could expect retaliation from the US and Israel if he ever did anything stupid. None of his neighbouring countries feared him anymore.. and we’re supposed to believe the US and Britain felt he was some dire, imminent threat that warranted an illegal war of aggression against him? What a bunch of bullshit.
        Let’s face it: the US public was in an angry, racist and vengeful mood after 9-11 (some Ay-rabs and Moslems were going to get payback for 9-11 whether they had anything to do with it or not) and the Neo-Cons had long viewed Iraq as a thorn on its side after Saddam went rogue and invaded Kuwait. They wanted control of and to develop Iraq’s vast oil reserves (and open those oil fields up for development by US oil companies which had been shut out of Iraq) and the Neo-Cons really believed they could turn Iraq into some American ally they could then use as a stepping stool to transform the Middle East into their image to promote America’s long term geo-political interests in the Middle-East, which according to the Neo Cons also includes ensuring American and Israeli hegemony in the Middle East and ensuring Israel is no longer threatened by anyone and can continue its colonization of Palestinian territories unabated and unopposed.

    2. The U.S. gave him the weapons pre-1991, which is why they figured it was a slam dunk. The problem was the usual Neocon exaggeration, detailed in The Power of Nightmares article I linked up. Nothing of the type they claimed was there was found. I’m pointing put how the popular narrative started contradicting the official narrative, not discussing the politics of the Iraq War in this article.

    1. Well, that’s because he lost his Faded Glory watch while anal-fisting a crack whore and instead of returning it, she pawned it in Eureka Springs.

        1. Yep. And now the imported gays there circle around it every harvest moon and sacrifice the town’s gerbil population to the dark deity Indabut.

      1. Dahaha, I got sucked into that Clinton video. What a couple of slimey honkies. It’s actually kind of a menacing swag-the US President from AR with a cheap ass Timex, I mean how do you interpret that? Has an oddball power hungry wife, what made Bill Clinton tick? Obviously a good ‘ol boy living a lie we discovered.

  20. Society has awakened. They have? I can’t tell, most people just believe silly stuff off the internet now instead of television.
    I used to wonder how all those scammers pulled off some of the things they do. After reading people’s comments on the net though, now I can see why. People are gullible and will believe almost anything no matter how silly it is.
    If it’s on the internet it’s got to be true-Abraham Lincoln.

    1. the thing is, since the internet has an infinite number of opinions anyone can decide what they believe, search it out and have it confirmed for them. boom. no need to look further.

      1. It makes it even easier for them to be lemmings. People just don’t learn to be critical or skeptical and at the same time being open minded to other ideas, all they look for is confirmation of their own biases.
        I have my own biases but am willing to at least try to understand the bias of others.( if that makes any sense)

      2. That’s always been the case though.
        Those of us who think and who take other views into consideration find the internet an amazingly valuable tool.

        1. Agreed. It is a tool like any other. Just because I find a hammer useless doesn’t mean I don’t think it should be taken away from someone who is just bashing testicles with it

      3. People are becoming too stupid to search it out. Already, people get all their news from bs facebook groups. With twitter and google censoring searches and content, it will be difficult to search for the truth.

        1. Yeah. I mean people have always been pretty fucking stupid but the internet is like stupidroids for them.

  21. Great article. Quick thoughts:
    It’s great living in the information age, but if we don’t fight for it, we won’t keep it. It should be very worrisome that Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft, and Twitter wield such enormous control over information and public opinion, especially in light of the kind of people who head those companies. You can bet that a Hillary presidency would usher in a new wave of leftist totalitarianism and thought bans.
    Secondly, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. The internet is a vast sea of information, yet so many flock to the same old corporate megalith sites. We should all be encouraging every one of our male family members to read sites like this one.

    1. I don’t think we are in the clear at all. New media is the same (((tribe))) running it as before. Google and Facebook are already using algorithms to control searches. Twitter can yank an account if the user keeps using “hateful” tweets. Discus will yank an account for the same thing. Yahoo will not only pull an account they will take away your email account and deny you access to your old emails. These guys still want to control the conversation.

    2. very well said, we have to fight to keep our internet safe from government control
      the internet is like if television was slavery free and even more informative

    1. I hope the parentheses takes off. People need to realize what (((group))) is knee deep in this mess.

        1. That’s crazy conspiracy talk. It’s just a (((Cohencidence)))

  22. Good article. There’s nothing more pessimistic than the left wing media. Truly evil. Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth, the depletion of the Ozone layers, and etc. The left has always told us we’re going to die horrible deaths if we don’t do what they say. Excellence and self-motivation has always been time-honored values for all traditionalists, then conservatives, and now those who choose to enlighten themselves.
    However, I do sometimes get disturbed at the pessimism spouted in some (far from all) ROK articles and in the comments section. Yes, it’s true that it’s never wise to bury one’s head in the sand and that there are moral and cultural droughts that should be talked about but I’d like to always see a world of men who are never willing to say quit, even if the cards are stacked against them. Admitting defeat is as good as defeat.

        1. Actually he never said he invented the internet, he just passed a lot of legislation that helped push the expansion of the world wide web (which is not the internet).

  23. The book excerpt below is taken from “The Mass Psychology of Fascism,” by Wilhelm Reich, first published in 1933 (83 long years ago, but as vital today as it was back then – especially in terms of our current state of living in a TV culture, whereby the television itself has become the mouthpiece for the state, otherwise known as the father figure) –
    “In the mass-psychological structure of the lower middle class individual, national and family fixation are identical. This fixation is intensified by another process. The Nationalist Führer means, to the masses, the personification of the nation. A personal fixation on him develops only to the extent to which he actually personifies the nation in terms of the nationalistic feeling of the masses. If he knows how to arouse the familial fixation in the mass individual he also becomes an authoritarian father figure. He becomes the object of all the emotional attitudes which the mass individual, as a child, had toward the protecting and—in the child’s thinking—representative father.
    “In discussing the untenability of the contradictory program of the NSDAP with National Socialist followers, one heard again and again the argument that Hitler knew all these things much better, that ‘he would do it all.’ Here we see clearly the infantile leaning on paternal protection. It is this attitude of blind trust and of seeking protection on the part of the masses which gives the dictators the power to ‘do it all.’
    “This attitude is at variance with social self-determination, with rational independence and cooperation. No genuine democracy should try to build on this. Even more important, however, is the identification of the mass individual with the ‘Führer.’ The more helpless the individual was made by his upbringing, the more strongly does he identify himself with the Führer, the more does the infantile helplessness take the form of the feeling-one-with-the-Führer. This tendency to identification is the psychological basis of national narcissism, that is, of a self-confidence based on identification with the ‘greatness of the nation.’ The reactionary middle class individual believes he discovers himself in the Führer, in the authoritarian state. On the basis of this identification, he feels himself the defender of ‘the nation,’ even though, on the basis of this very identification, he despises ‘the masses’ toward whom he has an individualistic attitude. His economic and sexual misery is drowned out by the exalting idea of ‘Herrentum’ and of the genius of the Führer; it makes him forget to what extent he has become an insignificant, uncritical follower.
    “In contrast, the professionally conscious worker identifies himself with his work instead of the Führer, with the international totality of working individuals and not with the national homeland. He feels himself a leader, not on the basis of an identification but on the basis of doing vital, socially necessary work.
    “It is not difficult to see what causes this difference. The emotions in this opposite mass-psychological type are the same as in the nationalist. But the content is different. The need for identification is the same, but its object is the fellow worker instead of the Führer, the work instead of the illusion, the working individuals of the earth instead of the family. It is a matter of international professional consciousness versus mysticism and nationalism. The self-confidence of the worker is not based on his identification with illusory concepts but on his identification with his work…”

  24. Good article. The (((media))) really knows how to push false bs on people. I remember when i was a kid playing football, if i got blood on me i would be freaking out about getting aids. Those aids commercials from the 90s were some of the worst propaganda ever pushed. The “playing with a loaded gun” ,”russian roulette”, and “anyone can get aids” analogies were a complete lie and were pushed by the (((media))) to take everyone donations for a cure and to discourage adults from sex to push the liberal depopulation agenda. The first time i was tested for hiv the doc said, “have you had gay sex or anal banged black chicks?” I said no, then he laughed and said “you have nothing to worry about”. I didnt even understand his attempt at humor because of all the stupid commercials i saw as a kid. Theres was no need to be as stressed as i was .
    I hope people wake up, but im afraid we will need 8 years of hillary and a civil war before people pay attention to the medias lies.

    1. I’m still wondering how Magic Johnson got AIDS. There is some evidence he might be a homo. His wife still hasn’t got AIDS how is that possible?

      1. Perhaps he did some sort of illegal drug using a syringe… And after all, there still is a very small chance of contracting aids from vaginal sex.
        “His wife still hasn’t got AIDS how is that possible?” Condoms and HIV medication. By the way, he does not have AID’s, just HIV.

        1. He’s actually doing well, he takes his meds and exercises regularly.
          I just never understood how he was the poster boy for AIDS. He would do commercials on TV about the importance of safe sex. This coming from a man who had unprotected sex with over 1000 partners. He was no stranger to STD’s. How hard headed does one have to be? You get the clap one time and after that you always wear a condom. I guess that’s just me, some people just are not afraid of STD’s.

        2. Or optionally, just don’t have any casual sex, and wear a condom the first time too…

    2. You get (((who))) is at the heart of our cultural sickness. More people are seeing it. If cucks would get out of the way even more would see.

  25. Yeah, I took my 65″ TV off the wall months ago, never a better Idea. News isn’t so bad anymore, my kids have to play outside rather than binge Netflix cartoons all day and my wife has lost 15 pounds. It’s so much easier to talk about but hard to do, until you do and wonder why you waited so long. Besides ESPN only caters to a bunch of overpaid full grown children that like to play games. The remote is never misplaced, you get the idea.

    1. Excellent choice, my friend. I threw away the TV in 1999. We will watch a movie off vidangel (website) once a week or so. Other than that, it stays off. Got to keep in mind, surfing on the internet can be just as bad though.
      Honestly, it was tough for me for the first few months. I
      went off to college and rented a small apartment, no computer, and no electronics except my alarm clock. I would do my homework, cook food, sleep, shower. Otherwise, I was out socializing. There was a church sponsored hall
      next to campus that I would hang out at. There, I met several friends, and we set up lots of double dates. One of those dates I married. The boredom at home led to a more exciting time outside of home. Eventually, I became more involved in other activities. I got into rock climbing, cross country skiing, and other outdoor stuff. Also, I do lots of charity work. My suggestion is to do it when there is a change in your life. Moving, marrying, having a baby, or going to college are good suggestions.
      My wife stays at home with our six kids. She homeschools
      them in the morning and will run errands in the afternoon. I will come home from work around six and sometimes help with the chores, but usually play with the kids until dinner is ready. More play, food, brush teeth, then at 9 the kids go
      to bed. We will then either go for a walk, talk over some article, or have sex. The weekends are usually filled with either some repair project or we will go out as a family canoeing, picnic, major errands, or something fun in the city (drag races, museums). Honestly, our schedules are filled. Growing up, my parents never attended any of my football games (four years in high school), but they managed to watch TV several hours every day. Priorities, please.
      Find ways to fill your time, self-improvement can be taken
      to a whole new level with the additional time available. Exercise, learning, hobbies, and socializing are out there. The world is your oyster, if you have the ambition to go out and get it.

      1. A standing desk will keep you from spending too much time in front of the computer.

  26. “Society” has not awakened from anything, for Gods sake. TV is outdated, nowaydays the “elites” have internet to spread their message. Who the hell was in favor of faggot “rights” 5 years ago? We got worse in this aspect. No awakening, dude.

        1. You mean the online nodes of the old media (and some new, I suppose, like gawker, huffingtonpost). But, when they force fed homosexualism it relied on a highly coordinated and sanitized narrative that could only come from a highly centralized media. The people did NOT (and do NOT, I believe) want homosexual marriage – – multiple popular referendums in fucking MA and CA proved that. Now, it was judicial fiat that ultimately decided this “issue”, but it still required enormous propaganda. That power still exists and is still at large. Media content is still mostly controlled by 5 corporations. The impact of the web and its potential, even though its extremely disruptive, is yet to be fully realized and exploited. Nothing against anyone, but, I don’t think enough people on ROK even appreciate the real power potential we have. Its bizarre, but, such is the speed of technology. We don’t need to innovate any solutions (at least from a hardware perspective) rather just fill in the blanks. I digress. What I mean to say is that the awakening has not at all begun. When you see the GOP national convention focused on technological solutions then the awakening will be in full swing. Right now, its still nascent, but the process has absolutely begun. We are in the “early adopter” stage” next comes the front runners and sometime after that the “pack runners”. The pack runners is the bulk of the addressable market, once we hit this point…never mind an awakening it will be revolutionary.

    1. You’re half right. Regarding faggot rights, that was rammed through by a shock-and-awe campaign relying upon the old media, corporate money (big corporations pressuring states to allow it and beating up on those who dare try anything against it — and also by promoting it themselves in advertisements) and a coterie of young, vehement SJW bellyfeelers who don’t use their brains at all.
      Speaking of advertisements… there are more and more of them around these days, even as TV is abandoned. They’ve taken over much the same role as the old media has.

  27. Like I been saying for a long time, I think the web is a great tool that will ultimately bring down all this bullshit. The left is all lies and in a centralized media environment lies are easy to conceal…today our media is vastly decentralized so lies are much harder and, theoretically, impossible to conceal. That being said, I think too many people are still conditioned in the old matrix. We have yet to even scratch the surface of the possibilities given to us with all this technology. For instance, we (as in the Neomasculine, conservative, etc) group can easily secede culturally. We can make our own shows, movies, music, news etc. And I think we are heading in that direction. We’ve done a great job with the news whether you measure it by # of people going to alternative sources of the abysmal ratings shit channels like msnbc or cnn get. But we have lots of work to do with the more cultural content. When we get around to that – then things will change.

    1. The reason why the left wins though is because what the left “says” it stands for is usually for the weak and depressed and that’s actually the majority of the population. Most people are weak, unmotivated, victimized and not among the elite, their method of advertisement reaches out to a broader audience
      Same reason Christianity won the religion wars, Christianity stood for the poor and weak and most people were of that stock.

  28. IDK, the internet (and social media) has produced a number of hive minds as well. The echo chamber is certainly more noticeable now than it was then.

  29. The WMD story isn’t a fraud. Iraq did have WMDs. It was found out in 2014.

    1. They had expired WMD’s leftover from before 1980’s. In no way did Iraq EVER have the capabilities to make it’s own “wmd’s” and in no way could they have used them. Even if they did have viable WMD’s, so what? The US has them, why can’t they? Invading Iraq over that is tandem to killing someone because they “might do something bad at some point in the future”.

      1. It’s like arresting drunk drivers because they MIGHT have an accident.

        1. No it isn’t. Drunk driving is actually dangerous and being drunk diminish you ability to think. WMD’s don’t diminish your ability to think.

      2. Yes, a very good point.. which is why what the US and Britain and its
        allies did by invading Iraq wasn’t just some mild “intelligence failure” or something that had “good intentions” and all that bullshit. It was frankly a war of aggression and something that the Nuremberg trials after WWII had postulated as the “supreme international crime” because of all the other death, destruction and evils that flow from illegally invading another country and going to war with a country for an insufficiently good reason.
        To quote from the Nuremberg Princples, which were created and set by the allies to hold the Nazis responsible for their many wars of aggression:
        “The charges in the Indictment that the defendants planned and waged aggressive wars are charges of the utmost gravity. War is essentially an evil thing. Its consequences are not confined to the belligerent states alone, but affect the whole world.To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”
        Even if Saddam did have WMDs, the US had no business really
        invading and bombing Iraq. That is the main point that seems to always get lost during discussion about the Iraq war and whether Bush, Cheney, and Blair really did believe Saddam had WMDs or not. In no way did Saddam or Iraq ever threaten the US to warrant the war and mass murder and destruction of Iraq at the hands of the Anglo-American war-mongers. Saddam, as much of a monster and dictator as he was, was not a fool. Even if he did possess WMDs, he was pretty much penned in by years of sanctions and would never use any potential WMDs he might have had.. knowing full well he could expect retaliation from the US and Israel if he ever did anything stupid. None of his neighbouring countries feared
        him anymore.. and we’re supposed to believe the US and Britain felt he was some dire, imminent threat that warranted an illegal war of
        aggression against him? What a bunch of bullshit.
        Let’s face it: the US public was in an angry, racist and vengeful mood after 9-11 (some Ay-rabs and Moslems were going to get payback for 9-11 whether they had anything to do with it or not) and the Neo-Cons had long viewed Iraq as a thorn on its side after Saddam went rogue and invaded Kuwait. They wanted control of and to develop Iraq’s vast oil reserves (and to open those oil fields up for development by US oil companies which had been shut out of Iraq) and the Neo-Cons really believed they could turn Iraq into some American ally they could then use as a stepping stool to transform the Middle East into their image to promote America’s long term geo-political interests in the Middle-East, which according to the
        Neo Cons also includes ensuring American and Israeli hegemony in the Middle East and ensuring Israel is no longer threatened by anyone and can continue its colonization of Palestinian territories unabated and unopposed.

        1. Agreed. After reading that link about wars of aggression, I started contemplating how the people of the future will look back at the US. I eventually found this empire of japan map in another article: and it made me think. A lot of the areas outside of actual japan were technically Japan, they were puppet states, and I wonder if in 100 years or so, much of the world that isn’t technically part of America is going to be part of the “American Empire” on historical maps…

    2. There was more to the Bush narrative for invading Iraq. The Bush administration implied that Saddam Hussein played a role in 911 and that his intelligence operatives had met with Mohamed Atta. In addition the Bush administration continued to imply that Iraq was a imminent threat to the US and it was only a matter of time before Saddam would use those WMD against us. The Bush administration took advantage of our fears and emotions after 911 to justify an invasion of Iraq, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, and domestic spying by NSA.
      I never thought I could be so gullible as to believe all the crap spewed by the Bush administration. I would guess his administration was my Red Pill moment as to how things really work.

    3. Does anybody remember the whole “Iraq has developed drone planes which they will use to deliver weapons” line they were using to justify the invasion?
      They were showing mock ups and pushing it quite heavily in the lead up to televised war. (televised because the real war was already in motion).
      How did the whole drone angle turn out…?

  30. This reminds me of fight club, when Keanu reeves and Brad Pitt begin to see everything around them differently than everyone else, and are also able to see whom from their lives was in the club with them.
    The same can be said for those of us that have woken up. Both in terms of politics and red pill truths.

      1. It’s very possible, they’re both important and I haven’t seen them in forever.

  31. When I do watch tv there are a few shows I will watch. Also History Channel and other channels with shows like Axe Men, Wheeler Dealers, etc. The vast majority of what is on is total mind mush, truly awful, to keep you in a stupor.
    Go for a walk instead…..

  32. I wonder how many people 1) quote Howard Beale and at the same time 2) saw the whole movie.

  33. State and corporate propaganda is in a free fall. The narrative is in total dissaray.
    A quick perusal of any comments section shows the public is simply fed up and angrily contradicts almost every BS propaganda story put out by the Machine. Lies like “Canadians accept Syrian refugees” don’t cut it anymore.
    They can’t get away with telling us shit is chocolate anymore. Many major newspapers have simply shut down their comments in reposne only to find their slowly dying a slow death.
    Good fuck them traitors to the 5th Estate!
    A recentpoll shows only %6 of the American public trust the media.
    Unable to control the public through the “narrative” laws that muzzle free speech, like in the EU posts critcizing rapugees can get you arrested in Germany, and co-opting social media to de-platform oposing points of view are the order of the day.
    Doesn’t matter events like Brexit and the storm clouds on the horizon in the EU shows that they’re in big trouble and the backlash is already underway at the ballot box!

  34. I could not help but notice the very top part of that Newsweek cover. It makes me laugh out loud while simultaneously being raged out internally.

  35. ok, we know that TV is garbage for a while now. so question, what will happen next? either we get total freedom, or a totalitarian police state

    1. Absolutely true…but skewed towards older audiences. And, nobody believes the bullshit the news spins (4 out of 5 do not trust television news in the latest Gallup poll) so they’re inserting politics into shows and movies now. That alone shows they’re getting desperate.

  36. Due to unemployment and near homelessness, TV, internet is my only source of entertainment.
    I avoid the MSM news since Trump declared his desire to be President thereby clearly demonstrating how rigged the system really is.

  37. I’m sure most of you guys were Bush supporters, and if this site was around during that time, all of you would probably be supporting the cause that Iraq has WMDs and don’t let the liberals say otherwise. Funny how you’re all a bunch of hypocrites.

    1. How is your student loan debt Chris? Keep voting democrat (not like you have a choice).

  38. Mainstream media hates you.
    The contempt for the straight American male is flagrantly blatant. Have y’all seen the latest Sports Illustrated cover? I want to vomit.
    As written here, don’t watch, attend or pay for sports activities. Be involved. Professional sports stink. Overhyped macho b.s. The Sandusky affair should put to rest the idea of “manly” sports.

    1. Oh, why did you have to do that. Just looked up the “si” cover. Fucking A! Can we PLEEAAASSE move on from this whole “women are all tough guy” bullshit. Fuck them, they’re doing this to themselves. The only place I see a fucking “si” is in a doctors, dentist or barbers office. They must be the only fucks subscribing, without them, this rag would be done.

      1. Cool screen name. My brother was in the Marine 3/3 as a Tow gunner in the 80’s.

        1. As written above and the sad reality that if a medical procedure can be monitized, marketed and accepted, to hell with the mental pain it perpetuates. Suicide rates for trannys is horrifying.
          Medicine considers dysfunctional sticking an ice pick in the ear to core out the voices there. We’ll medicate and bind these unfortunate schizophrenics.
          Want to lop you dick off because of your feelings about it? Oh we can help you there!
          Transexuals pay well for their disfiguration.
          The mentally ill are generally broke and are a drag on the social order, thus no sympathy for them.
          I pray about it. Medicine is letting the mentally ill down, including the trannys.

  39. There is a glimmer of hope with the internet, but it is far from free. The majority are still firmly ‘plugged in’ and that doesn’t look like changing anytime soon.

    1. Your search engines (yahoo, google, youtube and others) have a strong left wing bias. Most social media is left leaning. Internet has an advantage in that there are so many sites out there, it is impossible to eliminate all the conservative websites, but they still can avoid showing the better ones.

  40. Keep your defenses up, “they” have now infiltrated internet space as well. They now know giving out money to those that would enforce interest groups such as feminism, homosexuality then crawl that into individuals on the internet that share the same goals etc.
    The smartphones though not sure if it’s a government invention yet can possibly be a tool for them to take an advantage of as well since people have become slaves to them now.
    Keep your defenses up and stay vigilant.

  41. The biggest fear I have is that there’s a development of a mind reader in progress, in fact some say it’s already finished… all your thoughts will no longer be safe and I bet everyone will be okay with even a mind reader by the time it goes public, everyone will forget how important individuality is

  42. My entertainment list:
    Carefully purchased blu-rays.
    Youtube videos
    Fox News
    No cable television. I refuse to pay anymore for zionist propaganda.

  43. I don’t really watch TV anymore. I’ve got either YouTube or DVDs if I need to watch something.

  44. This generation is starting to wake up to the lies and deception of the mainstream media which is why their viewership has gone down dramatically over the last several years. People like myself don’t trust the news media anymore because of left wing bias stories,inaccuracies,and just flat out lies they themselves conjured up. Stories about how Obama Care is “great” even though people still can’t afford health insurance,how unemployment has gone down despite the fact people still struggle to find work having to rely on unemployment checks and food stamps to survive,blaming violent crimes and massacres on guns instead of focusing the root cause of the those incidents,ignoring the fact that migrants have been raising hell throughout the Western world by gang raping its nations women and rioting in the streets because they don’t want those harsh realities to contradict their Globalist narrative , and constantly putting Donald Trump in a negative light by taking his speeches and statements out of context to ruining his chances of becoming President which is pathetic on their part.
    Despite all this what really put the final nail in the coffin that led to the media complete loss of credibility was the world wide outrage towards Return Of Kings because of the International Meetups that Roosh had planned early this year but had to cancel because of the media’s bullshit lies about the intentions of the Meetup claiming it was a “pro-rape rally” and that was not the case what so fucking ever but of course the sheep bought into those fraudulent stories which fired them up to the point where they wanted to hunt down Roosh and anybody associated with him or Return Of Kings.
    This is the reason why alternative media outlets like Info Wars and Rebel Media are gaining more viewers and subscribers because they get their facts right and tell it like it is instead of letting delusional ideals rule over them. To the people who call people like Alex Jones and Gavin McInnes “conspiracy theorist” can go fuck themselves and not be taken seriously because these guys are so fucking emotionally invested in the idea that everything that reported on mainstream news is the gospel truth. To be honest I’m not surprised because the country has its fair share of mindless sheep who can think for themselves and do what do whatever the media tells him despite how batshit insane the narrative is. Like I said before that is the reason why Donald Trump is hated because the media is always putting him in a negative light calling him a racist,fascist,bigot,sexist,and even going as far as comparing him to Hitler without any justification to how or why he is all these labels they put on him which makes the herd react in anger because again they take every they hear in the news as gospel. CNN can make a news story about Trump having sex orgies with puppies and kittens and they’d every word of it without a second thought.
    As Roosh said before in his press conference in Washington D.C. mainstream media will slowly died out in ten years because they haven’t served the needs of the public other than deceiving us and playing lapdog for the establishment. The job of a journalist is the tell the goddamn truth about what going on in our country as well as the rest of the world but over the years they have failed horribly at their jobs. MSNBC,Fox News,ABC,CNN,CBS News have been fucking up big time and people like me are fucking sick of their agenda driven bullshit as well as forcing their delusional twisted narratives down our throats and ruin the lives of those who dare question them. My eyes are wide open now and no amount of shaming will make me turn a blind eye to these dark truths of the mainstream media.

  45. Just check out “(((John Stewart))) on media bias and neglect over presidential candidate Ron Paul” to get a picture.

  46. My favorite is the “in studio” version on CNN that claimed they were live in Kuwait back in the early 90’s. It would be childish today.

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