20 More Degenerate Cultures Of Our Dystopian Society

Our society is declining so fast that there seems to be new form of degeneracy popping out every week. In addition to the twenty degenerate cultures I’ve listed in my previous article, here are twenty more that you should be aware of for your enjoyment. Really, we’re living in a special era that will be studied by anthropologists or aliens in the distant future when all this madness leads to its eventual conclusion. So, instead of getting all flustered, try to enjoy the show when you still can.

1. Electronic Screen Addiction Culture

You don’t realize just how much we worship the electronic screen until you see others do it. How long do you think it’ll be before the screens get permanently attached to our heads or even our irises?

2. Internet War Culture

I’m also guilty of internet jockeyism.

The internet has become the safe-space battleground for the plebs to fight amongst one another while the elites are robbing the people blind and destroying nations in the real world. But forget that, let’s go back online to insult someone for having a different opinion!

3. Pleasure Uber Alles Culture

“Oh, eating this “food” is going to make me fat and give me diabetes? Who cares, it’s delicious.”

“Bored? Life sucks? Oh well, I’ll play video games all day. Screw the real world.”

“Marriage, family, and children? lol, I’m too busy drinking like a whale and riding the cock-carousel.”

4. Attention At All Cost Culture

Speaking of pleasures, attention is the easiest way to fire dopamines in your brain without having to give up anything (and unlike food or drugs, you can’t crash or wreck yourself). It’s no wonder that attention today is the most highly sought currency in our world of Facebook, Tinder, Instagram, and more.

5. Assault Through Disgust Culture

Being disgusting on purpose to get attention is exactly what they’re aiming for.

The best thing about attention is that it doesn’t have to be positive; it can be won just by being disgusting enough for people to notice. Some people turn it into a game where it is both a weapon and a competition to see how much reaction can be provoked.

6. Celebrity Worship Culture

You know the civilization is due for the reset button when these skanks are put on television instead of going on the guillotine.

Serious question: Why do people even worship celebrities? What do they even get out of it? Are the stars supposed to be surrogate gods and heroes in a world without any? Are people today so stupid and inane that they have to look up to entertainers to feel good about their own worthless lives?

7. Spectator Culture

Judging by his reaction, he appears to have just accomplished something profoundly valuable for the advancement of his own life.

No one wants to accomplish anything for themselves anymore. People are spending more and more time watching movies, sports, porn, television shows, news, and so on so that they can go on the internet and talk about them as if they’re actually important.

8. “Get Rich” Culture

We all know that life’s only purpose is to make money and get rich. If you don’t like that, you’re just a loser who can’t make it. Now, click this link within the next ten seconds to learn my secret on how to make money FAST—but you first have to buy my books and products that show you how awesome my life is.

9. “It’s so hard being me” Culture


“Oh, boohoo, you don’t know how hard it is to be a [woman, black, homosexual, Jew, Muslim, trans-whatever, etc.]. Now give me your tears and cash you oppressor scum.”

10. Supplicating Male Culture

Men are becoming increasingly domesticated in a world that tries to subjugate and exploit them. The white-knights and male feminist chihuahuas among them will bark at you and defend the man-hating feminist pukes just because they have a vagina. I wonder if these rag dolls even realize that the “misogynists” they hate are having sex with the women they’re defending while they themselves are getting nothing for picking up the tap and throwing themselves down as doormats.

11. Letting Yourself Go Culture

Why make any effort in the world to be decent when the society itself isn’t? When you see someone who just seems to have lost any and all sense of shame, it’s their way of saying, “I don’t care about anything. I have no control over my life.” This is what happens to a dying civilization with no values and no standards.

12. Reaction Formation Culture

This is what Freud calls a slip.

This is what Freud calls the slip of the unconscious.

Reaction formation is a way of covering your true nature by behaving the opposite way. It shouldn’t be a surprise for us to find out that there are many feminists who secretly crave being dominated and have fantasies about getting raped. I’m also certain that most male feminists are secretly perverts or closet rapists. The MGTOW’s do their part too by screaming about how they don’t care about women via bitching about them non-stop.

13. Victim Faking Culture

Wishful fantasy gone too far or an unbelievable lie for attention whoring?

As I’ve said in my previous article, being recognized as a victim is a privileged honor. It is so precious that people will go as far as to fake it by lying and committing hate crimes against themselves to achieve it.

14. Social Justice Culture

How dedicated you are to social justice is directly co-related to how little self-worth and discipline you possess. In other words, the less accomplished you are and the less self-control you have over yourself, the more you need to compensate by being an “activist” and the more you need to control other people’s behaviors to relieve your anxiety.

15. Give Up Culture

Give-up-itis is a disease that comes in several forms:

“I’m so used to getting everything from my parents and the government, don’t make me make an effort in life!”

“If I talk to women I’ll automatically get divorced and go to jail for rape, so I’m going to bitch at other men who are more successful.”

“People should just accept me for the fat and disgusting pigturd that I am, I don’t live my life to please anyone except my stomach and my taste buds!”

16. Internet Witch Hunt Culture

“Hey, look! Someone has a political opinion we don’t like, let’s ruin his life!”

17. Technological Serfdom Culture

“It’s okay, no one’s forcing us.”

More technology means less freedom. Every new invention will become normalized and you’ll be forced to choose between “getting on with the times” or cutting yourself off from the society. I can’t wait for the sheeple to start telling everyone who resists that we can “moderate” or choose not to use technology when they become requirements for jobs, communication, and basic social function. They’re already trying to ban cash and are employing surveillance in every technological device we use, where are we supposed to run away to?

18. Virtue Signaling Culture

I think virtue signaling is a side-effect of today’s education that is more interested in spreading degeneracy than actually teaching the youth something useful. The kids who were trained to be “good” for listening to the teachers are now adults doing the same thing to get praise from the society. The people who engage in these shenanigans want to get the figurative pat on the head for expressing opinions that the current culture tells them to have. It’s also a form of attention-whoring for those with low self-esteem.

19. Self-hate Culture

“Look how progressive I am! Isn’t it hip that I hate my race so much?”

It’s now not enough to just feel guilty about your own identity (ie. cis-gender, white, male) while propping up the “oppressed” group, you must now show off how enlightened you are by actively hating your own identity for the public to see.

20. Using Children As Culture War Cannon Fodders Culture

Guess which societies of the past indoctrinated children for ideological battles?

In a dangerously bigoted world like today, children need to be brainwashed educated from a young age to become the foot-soldiers for social justice lest they grow up and start to think for themselves.


Degeneracy doesn’t just stop on its own; the rot will continue on because it can. And whatever you may hope for, there has never been an instance where social degeneracy was reversed by a counter current without vehement force or a full collapse. Know that the societal decay of today cannot last much longer—you must brace yourselves for what is to come.

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

Read More: 20 Degenerate “Cultures” That Have Formed The Dystopia We’re Living In 

142 thoughts on “20 More Degenerate Cultures Of Our Dystopian Society”

    1. The Mom in that story? A shit Mom. She throws the screen in front of the kid to shut him the fuck up and leave her alone so she can enjoy her glass of wine and do whatever she wants to do.
      She didn’t realize how bad it was until the kid was obsessed by the game, which apparently was Minecraft
      Imagine that. Shitty parenting equals shitty outcomes.

    2. I updated from a fairly small screen smartphone to a slightly larger one (still nowhere near as big most of the new ones) and have only recently realised how much more mesmerising it is than the last one. It must be so much worse for kids in a smartphone culture

      1. but you can drop your giant cellphone in a puddle of Brawndo and it will still work!

        1. Mines at 5 years. I figure 5 years or battery failure is a good length of time before switching.

        2. HDDBVDVD. So advanced that it’s already obsolete before it’s even released.

  1. Internet war culture is the biggest problem on this list. The internet is enslaving us and keeping us confined to our screens. We can say what we want here and face almost zero consequences but real life meet ups terrify the government because they know things can be changed.
    I think some kind of ROK secret society would be a cool way to take things offline without attracting too much attention.

  2. Good job on pointing them all out. Oddly enough, the only one that really annoys me is the self hate culture. Self hate doesn’t exactly help resolve an issue but it will place it in the limelight and potentially allow one person to live un encumbered. No one is responsible for their birth but more so the actions they wish to take part in in this life. It is just sad to hate the one gift that you had no real control in receiving and the main vehicle for joy, yourself.

  3. don’t know if I’m the only one but ROK articles aren’t updating / refreshing as they usually do. Ordinarily I would put this down to a browser issue, but it appears to be browser independent. Also I note a fraction of the usual comments at the moment

        1. Credit to ROK for reliably adding new articles at certain times of the day. When this happens usually their is a doxxing attempt of some sort happening on this site. Wonder if the Clinton article has anything to do with the slowdown.

        2. There’s been strange behaviour like this once a few times before I think. Is Hillary Clinton behind it? Most probably. She is behind most evil in the world

      1. I’ve tried it on three different browsers and they all go back to that same article. I found this article after a refresh, and then it reverted back to the sexual assault article

      1. I can get the new article on two out of three browsers so far, but not on ‘opera’. That might be either my end or yours.

      2. Same thing here.
        The most recent article I see is “What to do if police are questioning you about a sexual encounter” at the ROK homepage.
        Got the link to this page from visiting rooshv.com and scrolling to the bottom section “Latest ROK Articles”
        I’m using Chrome browser.

        1. Mine was the same way earlier today and I had to do a hard refresh of the page to finally get it to work. CTRL + F5. Didn’t work earlier this morning but did about an hour ago. Go figure.

        2. This happens frequently to me. I’ll refresh and refresh – nothing. I use Mozilla…

    1. I alway have to refresh the page to get the latest articles, for some reason. Just figured it was a bug in the way the site is programmed.

    2. I grew a beard longer than Roosh’s waiting for yesterday’s articles. I thought maybe ROK got hacked again by SJWs.

    3. it’s the same with me although it seems to be browser-dependent. Some
      browsers won’t load the newer articles for days. e.g. if I visit ROK
      with Chrome the latest article is the one about what to do when
      police are questioning you about a sexual encounter. The weird thing is
      that usually it’s Chrome that loads the page correctly and Firefox
      won’t. what the hell?

    4. FYI – here in Australia also I’ve noticed a lot of delays and inconsistency with viewing the ROK website – updates at different times across different networks and articles appearing 3 days late sometimes. Maybe the folks at Pine Gap can help me out with this.

    5. Same here, would leave and go over to monosphere and see new article link for here that wasn’t showing.

  4. “Electronic Screen addiction culture”, I hope that Lolknee, who reads books on his damned smartphone, is reading this. Nihilist peckerhead.

  5. “It’s so hard being me.”
    My response to that:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dKmgPMDnCI
    I don’t usually get inspired by anything fiction but this hit me hard. BTW, this scene was written by Stallone himself and he knew what rock bottom feels like because that was a part of his own life. There’s no excuses for being a pussy.

      1. Next it will be “Blow a Dog in an Alley” day. Women aren’t gullible at all. Seriously.

        1. Isnt that technically legal in Canada now? No penetration involved so that means a parade in Vancouver at some pt in the near future?

        2. “I love a parade, the smell of the sluts, with thongs up their butts, let’s go and get laidddddd…”

  6. When I was listening to Alan Watt’s philosophy he stated that we do anything to numb the voices in our minds. It is almost as if our minds are incapable of being alone with itself. We’re addicted to thoughts and we go to extreme lengths to stop us from being one with ourselves. Back when he was alive he condemned TV’s saying they were “MORE REAL” than real life ITSELF (he explicitly stated that he didn’t own a TV). In the modern age we have gone to having the whole of the internet literally in the palms of our hands. If Alan Watts were alive today I wonder what he’d say. Depression is currently the second leading cause of disability. Is it any wonder why?
    Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed I go out to my place of worship, secluded and surrounded by wildlife, with monks who wear basic clothing. The only thing you have there is nature, nothing more. You can’t imagine the instant sense of calmness I feel just being away from all the constant noise of today’s society.

      1. It’s interesting how some studies are showing smartphone addiction as a real disorder yet there is no mention of it in the DSM. Same with internet addiction. Corrupt society will be the death of us all. I feel like becoming a monk to renounce this crazy world.

        1. I’m already half-monk. The DSM is the Witchfinders’ Manual. It lists believing in conspiracies as being a disease. Curious, since the government convicts people of conspiracy on a daily basis…this makes the government insane, by definition. Tell us something we don’t know.

  7. Several of these “cultures,” so called, relate to the renewed futurist speculations about how the robots will take all of our jobs, we’ll travel in driverless cars, we’ll spend much of our lives in virtual reality, we’ll received guaranteed basic incomes just for breathing, and we’ll even bang sex robots to spare us from the indignity of rubbing up against the flesh of other human bodies.
    First of all, these ideas have gotten recycled for generations. For a long time now many visions about “the future” have had a steampunk look and feel to them that educated Victorians would have recognized. For example, Thomas Paine published a proposal for a guaranteed income for British citizens back in 1797! Given the age of many of these fantasies, I don’t know why we bother calling them “futuristic” any more.
    And secondly, these ideas seem to have a common denominator, namely, an implicit hostility to having to experience the real world and acquiring skills in the process. If all of these proposals turn into reality and converge in the right way, we would see generations of adult male virgins who won’t know how to talk to girls, won’t know how to drive, won’t ever have held even entry-level jobs and won’t know how to do a whole lot of other things we take for granted now. These men would suffer from greatly diminished lives as a result of living in a bubble which cuts them off from experiencing the real world.
    I don’t understand the reasoning of “futurists” who would consider this a desirable outcome. If technological progress has the goal of enriching and empowering us, as we often hear in propaganda coming out of Silicon Valley, you’d think its promoters would try to make the case that we would experience more things and acquire more skills thereby, not fewer.

  8. Read the Elric novels by Michael Moorcock, see how the Melnibone culture stacks up to ours!

  9. The only positive I can see in all this is the fact that they’re keeping themselves busy by being engaged in meaningless tasks.
    I know a lesbian who goes to the same gym as I do, even worked out with her a couple of times. She is part of a gay band (I am not kidding) and all she does is literally go to Pride parades around Europe and celebrate degeneracy. When she’s at home she whines about politics and other such issues on Facebook. Once she mentioned how poor she and her so called “wife” is and how the mass population are totally inept to so called “critical thinking”. It took all the strength of the heavens in me to stop me from typing hypocrisy.

      1. Interesting how she rationalises wasting her life going to parades to play her instrument then be totally complacent about being poor all the while whine about how everyone else is completely irrational compared to her. I haven’t even mentioned what she thinks about religion.

        1. It has gotten to the point where if a person doesn’t display some sort of mental illness – liberalism, feminism, victimism, lesbianism, etc. – there is something wrong with them…what’s her take on religion?

        2. Usual nonsense and mantra of the LGBT group. Religion is the bane of the world even though they know little to nothing about it. It is as if they value gender studies more than philosophy which is interesting since philosophy is all about critical thinking.

        3. Hell critical thinking is the first thing to go for these groups. Then they attack others who utilize it. Programmed assassins of freedom. Sweet, ain’t it…

        1. A mental illness is a deviation from the perceived norm. If the norm shifts to a new paradigm or if there is no norm at all anymore, then there are no mental illnesses.
          That is to say, if there are no more doctors and nurses, the patients run the asylum.

      1. She was a semi-pro weight lifter or something, either way she was part of the competitive scene. I only bench for a hobby so no she benches more than I do.

        1. 200 lbs and you’ll probably best her. I knew a girl, worked out all the time, looks completely shredded, man shoulders and man legs. Was bragging recently about benching her max. 145.

        2. Giving credit where credit is due… but she is (unsurprisingly) overweight and has been on a diet since January. She may lift more than me but I can sure as hell run circles around her.

  10. Why not Serial Killer Pride, or Hypergamy Pride, or False Rape Pride…I mean shit, let’s ratchet it up.

  11. Couldn’t agree more with the conclusion of this article. We are almost at a breaking point of absolute degeneracy and stupidity. It simply can’t last much more than a few years at most. I’ll rejoice when it all comes tumbling down…

    1. What is interesting is the fact that feminists and other neoliberal economists say being inclusive of certain groups is great for the economy. Bring on transgenderism and homosexuality as well as other sexual deviants because it brings in the money. Yet you look at places like China and Japan and wonder why they’re the second and third biggest economies in the world. Us Brits moved down from 5th biggest to 6th and all this started when Cameron was elected. He’s still being hailed as the next coming of Christ by liberals because he legalised gay marriage but he’s done far more destruction to this country than any previous government in history.

      1. I just love gay weddings. Nothing says “healthy” like two men wearing gowns and shoving cake into each other’s faces…

      2. On the news they called legalising gay marriage; modernising marriage. I prefer to use a different term, something along the lines of desecrating.

  12. I kinda regret the old times when degeneracy, idiocy or self exclusion from the group result in the death of the fool who chose it.

  13. MGTOW is about simply not giving a woman the legal or financial power to destroy your life. It’s modern Sampson and Delilah theory. Given that countless millions of men, in the US alone, over the past few decades have been destroyed and trillions in wealth and power have been transferred from men to women through marriage/divorce (the ultimate man scam), I really don’t understand why any thinking person has issues with MGTOW. MGTOW is like someone suggesting that you look both ways before crossing the street.

  14. Clip from the movie “Network” (1976)…which proves the more things change, the more they stay the same.

      1. Awesome clip. Describes the world as it really is. Finch was great in that film, wasn’t he. You could feel his anger. Great screenplay. I don’t think they will be doing a remake of this film any time soon…

      2. What a great scene. The CEO seems like such a quiet useless chump nerd pushover through the movie up until this moment, when it is revealed that he runs the world so to speak, and we are the goofy ignorant little nobodies

  15. The internet was originally used for educational purposes. ARP-net was one of the earliest iterations which was used as a form of share-ware. This involved universities and other research organisations to share computational power. However, since then it has become commercialised and as with all things commercialised the flood gates opened. I think I’m done with the internet to be honest. Since my father proudly introduced us to the online world when we received our first computer I’ve been struggling to keep off it. It’s been a decade and most of my ills have been attributed to the blue screen. Seen it all, been everywhere I’m done. Logging off now, think I’ll go take a walk and re-evaluate how I wish to live the rest of my life. Goodbye and goodnight.

    1. Wait! You don’t know what’s out there! You might fall of the edge of the earth, or be eaten by sea monsters! Stay here with us, where we can be safe, and stupid, together!

    1. I am. I’ve started looking into alternate income sources so I can quit the 9-5 and move abroad to enjoy life in a place where there will be none of this insanity, far fewer fatties, and where women are far better.
      It’s actually my dream now, and I’ve made it a priority. I’m honestly depressed about how America is sliding into havoc, free speech may be lost, and women are basically just unattractive & entitled divorce time bombs.

      1. Me too, I live in the not so Great White North. My plan is to take off in 5-7 years or so, head to Latin America. I need to figure out the income part.

        1. Excellent. I started looking into drop shipping, internet (niche) marketing/sales, but I’m looking for more.
          Some guys who already live abroad and have girl/travel blogs often are contractors like software developers.
          I would like to go back, and maybe live in latin america too, as I’ve been there already and speak decent spanish. But would love to stay in Asia in a few parts for a while, and try out the Ukraine and a few other places.
          An awesome dream!!

        2. Drop shipping sounds interesting. My GF is from L. America, we visited her country recently, I did like it there. We want to buy some property (already did) to rent out as one income stream, then possibly some paycheck work part-time (teaching english), and we’ll look into sales (possibly buying on alibaba, selling b2b).

    2. Same idea here. I started studying spanish 3 years ago as my retirement plan. I really met some great people in Medellin, Guatemala, and Costa Rica. It seemed like men stuck together more. I’d make some buddies at a bar, then meet their family and friends a few days later. Obviously women were amazing, nurturing and effeminate.
      I love America, democracy, and capitalism. But I think it will be a very different place for my hypothetical children. In fact, I never wanted kids because of how perverted I thought the world was becoming. Maybe it was just my country’s media all along.
      Depending on your skills, you might benefit from odesk or upwork.com to start. There are online jobs and tasks and many people hire permanently from those sites. Or contact your employer to see if there is a work from home position at a lower income. (It goes a lot further down south).

  16. Feminism (gynocentrism on steroids) is the greatest thing to have happened to men in world history. To wit:
    Countless millions of men have been destroyed through marriage and divorce. Trillions have been forcefully transferred from men to women through the same. It is feminism that opened men’s eyes to this monstrous destruction of men. Marriage rates and birth rates are lowest in US history thanks to feminism. Millions of men now and countless millions of men in the future will not know the total life destruction that marriage brings to men – all thanks to feminism. It is feminism that has freed men of the slavery of marriage for men.
    Women are becoming the majority of workers and soon will become the majority of taxpayers. What could be better for men than that? Who do we have to thank? Feminism.
    Women have sex freely outside the bonds of marriage (life destruction for men) with the number of men at their choosing. What could be better for men? Again – feminism is man’s best friend.
    With the possibility of a female president comes the possibility of female conscription and an ever growing possibility of mass gender discrimination suits against the government by men to counter the primarily male front line fighting force. This means that for the first time, women will have to fight for their own rights instead of them being handed to women on a silver platter through men’s deaths. Again – we have feminism to thank.
    The benefits to men of feminism are many. I think white knights need to open their eyes and acknowlege what’s right in front of their faces. The single most important benefit to men in world history is feminism. I could go on and on all day with the benefits feminism brings men.
    Feminism is rapidly shifting the burden of maintaining society from men to women. Feminism is rapidly releasing men from life destroying financial and legal commitments to women (marriage/divorce). I don’t know how some people can’t see this as a blessing to all men. Marriage is the #1 place men go to have their lives destroyed by women.
    You need only do one thing to protect yourself from the negative consequences of feminism on men: never engage in legal or financial commitments with women and make sure you can prove consent. That’s it. Follow this one simple rule – and thanks to feminism – it’ll be hard for men not to have a great life. In short – stop sacrificing your lives on behalf of society that sees you as a disposable utility and that openly hates you due to your gender. Be a strong, independent man. Be a free man – by simply avoiding the carefully laid traps of gynocentrists and the white knights that empower them.
    Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. The wrath of a woman scorned is backfiring spectacularly. Go with it. Don’t fight it.
    You get patriarchy – which is ultimately bad for men – or you get matriarchy – which is ultimately bad for women. Chose your side carefully.
    –The Patriarchy

    1. That is a good approach for enjoying the decline, but this kind of system cannot sustain itself forever. We are beginning to see the rot and it won’t be long before the whole house collapses.

      1. I believe that feminism will ultimately be the destruction of hyper-gynocentrism (feminism) and will greatly improve men’s lot in life and the world in general. Someone posted a picture of a snake consuming itself to a comment I made days ago. It was a pithy and apt depiction of feminism.
        Remember – as feminism spreads – all nations will undergo the same ramifications. This trend is already well underway globally – and not just in Westernized nations.
        Feminism will ultimately become the savoir of men from feminism (hypergynocentrism).

      1. Well – If you listen to feminists (gynocentrists on steroids), patriarchy is the ultimate evil for women. When you look at it closely however, patriarchy is far, far worse for men. Think about it for a while. Research history. You’ll get it. You have to release yourself from gynocentric brainwashing to really get it. Be patient. It takes time and independent thought. You’ll see it eventually.

        1. Patriarchy is male quality over male equality. Of course its not gonna benefit all men.
          It requires excellence of men and ensures the future generations are excellent.

  17. Many of these points are facets of the same phenomenon.. a kind of nihilism which has overtaken many people. We have this sense that the world is a sick place, and we just don’t have the will to muster a fuck anymore. Bring on the VR helmets. I feel sorriest for young people.. at least I got to live part of my life before everything went completely tits-up.
    On a brighter note.. kudos for using “puke” as a noun. Haven’t seen that for a while 😉

  18. Let me spread some good news around. Presented by the arab muslim feminist minister of education in France with a choice of subject material 92% of highschools and 70% of highschool students picked Ancient Greek (3/4) and Classical Latin (1/4) as prefered course, while “sadly” brushing aside hot topics such as Barbary Slave Raiding 101 and Burning Buddhist Libraries of a 1.000.000 Volumes – an Introduction. Hmmm, wonder why? Still, not all seems lost…

  19. #13 if I was the judge I would of taken one look at that living breathing Jaba the Hut and said “are you fucking kidding me? How stupid do you think I am to believe somebody would want to rape YOU?!?!”

  20. Don’t forget the “Bronies” culture. It’s very embarrassing for a grown man to watch and fantasize about a cartoon aimed at little girls. Even worse, some will go out of the closet and show it off to everyone.

  21. Guess which societies of the past indoctrinated children for ideological battles?

    … all of them?

  22. that fat “24” year old woman that falsely accused of sexual assault her physical appearance is a sexual assault to the eyes

  23. “People should just accept me for the fat and disgusting pigturd that I am…”
    Pigturd. Bwahahahaha. Fuckin’ funny.

  24. Behind much weakness lies the cultivation of self-hatred slyly taught over the last near century.

  25. Pretty ironic your posting articles about how degenerate our modern society is, and it’s bad I agree. Then I read the other articles on this site and it’s more like “how to get more pussy”, “how to get women into your bed”. LMAO
    Give me a break, you think you can talk about degeneracy when your obviously a bunch of degenerates? In case you didn’t realize it, banging tons of women is not normal, it does not make you a “good person”, nor some kind of role model. In fact banging tons of women does make you a degenerate.
    The hilarious thing is you pretend that banging tons of women is some sort of admirable ability, as though it should be the male standard that we should all aspire to. The real challenge isn’t banging a lot of women, the real challenge is hanging on to a good one. Any moron can go out and hit on desperate women and get lucky once in a while.

    1. So much boilerplate, so little time.
      Fucking women has always been man’s pursuit, else, we wouldn’t be here. Besides, cads and rogues aren’t born, they’re grown. They gotta learn from somewhere. Fucking lots of women makes one degenerate then, does it? By what standards? Yours? Used to be that the dashing playboy lifestyle was once quite admired in polite society.

    2. Excellent point. Its actually been covered here many-a-time.
      Good of you to demonstrate so clearly your willingness to speak on a subject matter you’ve obviously neglected to research entirely.
      The number one mantra ascribed to in this little, dark corner of the web is that a man’s most valuable and imperative aspiration is the improvement of himself.
      Since your nuts obviously rest securely within your wife’s purse, I’ll inform you that ‘hanging onto a good one’ is of complete irrelevance to a man that women wish to hold onto. Furthermore it is an incredible waste of a man’s most precious and nonrenewable resource to go in search of a ‘keeper’ and then to focus on retaining her.
      In the current cultural climate, seeking a long-term mate isn’t as easy as it once was. Since biological imperatives do exist, yes, getting laid is a bit more of a process. Not everyone wants a 50/50 shot at being divorce-raped.

      1. Libertas, you get the lolknee award for putting twats in their place for this one. Well done.

        1. I don’t enjoy being misrepresented by the lesser-aware of society.
          Any day man.

        2. me neither, but rarely do i see someone put a guy like that so throughly in their place that I don’t see any wiggle room to jump in and pile on. Well done sir.

        3. Come now, it is obvious you can always see some wiggle room to jump in a pile of guys

  26. Ugh! Those “men?” with the “chest papooses” want to make me projectile vomit!

  27. If I want to hear about the end of the world for the 57 billionth time, I’ll go to a born-again website. Praise Jesus.

  28. batten the hatches ; when hillary becomes prez- every day you are going to want to throw up on your tv set. I advise shutting it off or the left will infiltrate your brain with thier stupidity. White males will likely become extinct after all the degenderizing of our schools. Billy will be sedated with meds for making a fist.

  29. The parents of the children in the final photo must be beaten to within an inch of their lives. I mean full on boot stomping.
    Normally, I’m against that, but there is a line, and they’ve crossed it.

  30. Thank you for not posting these 20 things on 20 consecutive pages with next arrows and an even greater multitude of annoying ads and info scraping bits of software BS, like the Khardashian worship sites do.
    Most insightful part:
    “…so on so that they can go on the internet and talk about them as if they’re actually important…”
    I’m waiting for the end times. The rest has been said enough already.
    I’m outta here, bro’s.

  31. The white one gets me. It’s always white hipsters of a well to do background (parents with money) who claim to hate whites. Ironically, they never have ethnic friends or neighbors.

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