What We Can Learn From The Collapse Of Glenn Beck’s Empire

The 2016 election cycle is one that will be remembered by many as both a divisive and entertaining affair. Although these observations are both positive and accurate ones, the election’s most important legacy consists of the fact that it has signaled the end of many “conservatives” or “republicans” who have turned against their own allies for short term political points. While this list is a long one that includes the likes of Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro and the National Review, the most prominent one is undoubtedly Glenn Beck, whose meteoric decline makes the fall of the Roman Empire appear childish in comparison.

While the immediate events surrounding the collapse of his network have been well documented by news outlets on both sides of the political spectrum, they fail to address a deeper issue, namely “when did Beck’s fall from grace begin, and what precipitated it?” In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to briefly examine three key errors that Beck made as both an individual and a political icon. By understanding these critical mistakes, our readership at Return Of Kings will gain greater insight into what makes individuals fail beyond the point of no return, and how to avoid making those mistakes themselves.

Beck caved to the SJWs


The face you make after you let the left win.

As masculine men, we have many truths to use as a basis for living our everyday lives to the fullest. While the diverse array of rules concern topics game, self-improvement, and keeping your word as a man, there is one commandment that towers above all else. This rule consists of NEVER GIVING INTO THE LEFT’S DEMANDS. It doesn’t matter whether they have a rare but valid point or if they exert unwavering pressure on their target, we must never admit defeat because we suffer irreparable losses if we do so. To make matters worse, leftists share many similarities with crack addicts or attention whores, in that giving them what they want will just make them demand MORE from you with no end in sight.

An important example of his cheese-eating surrender monkey personality occurred when the left launched a broadside of personal attacks against him after he aired a “controversial” segment on campus rape statistics. After he was attacked by the likes of feminist sites such as Jezebel, Beck had two choices.

Behind door #1 was his first choice, which would‘ve consisted of him striking back and mocking the left to such an extent that they would never even consider the possibility of attacking him again. His other option, behind door #2, was to give in to the left by accepting and adopting their narrative. Unfortunately, he chose the latter by opting to disclose personal aspects of his family’s history in an effort to show that he had a right to discuss the issue.

This was a major miscalculation on his part because not only did his actions have no effect on the left, but also because he revealed his true nature to his supporters. When faced with adversity, Beck is the type of person who would rather curl up in the fetal position than endure hardship.

Beck lost the last vestiges of his sanity

How many sane Americans would dress like this outside of Oktoberfest?

How many sane Americans would dress like this outside of Oktoberfest?

If one does even a small amount of research on Beck’s past, it is apparent that he has endured countless struggles and internal conflicts. While his comeback from alcoholism is an admirable one which shows that most men are capable of redemption, it can be argued that his downhill spiral began again after the left targeted his family in a New York City park. This is especially true for his business ventures, which have suffered immensely over the fast few years due to his decision-making. As a result of these decisions, the worst being his decision to shift away from news and into film-making, his media empire is on the verge of bankruptcy and is the subject of a pending lawsuit.

Although his bad business decisions are indicative of his flimsy grasp on reality, what’s even more troubling is the manner in which Beck has conducted himself while all of this was occurring. In addition to his well-known Cheetos incident, Beck’s decline can be measured by the manner in which he has turned on his close friends and associates and a video he released in which he attributed his 2009 comments on Obama to a form of brain tumor.

In a business context, what normal person would make the decision to move away from the market which has made him successful, into a series of half baked plans and ill-advised ventures? What’s even more disturbing is that he seemingly made these decisions while lacking any sort of plan that would enable his media empire to absorb the ensuing risk, which is one of the main reasons as to why his empire is currently on its last legs. As far as his personal conduct is concerned, I can’t think of many sane individuals who would turn on longtime friends at the drop of a hat or who would fire loyal employees.

Beck failed to properly assess the political climate

Yes, this guy thinks Trump supporters and the Alt-Right are "nazis".

Yes, this guy thinks Trump supporters and the Alt-Right are “Nazis”.

While Beck put himself in a difficult situation by caving to the left and allowing himself to lose touch with reality, these issues alone wouldn’t have ruined him forever. This is because, even in the midst of personal weakness or a mental breakdown, a strong willed person can find a way to overcome their circumstances to improve their situation.

Some of history’s greatest leaders, philosophers, and artistic figures were able to achieve success only when their world was figuratively burning around him. Unfortunately for Beck, however, this will never happen for him because he failed to properly assess the political climate around him, thus alienating many of his supporters and permanently destroying his political credibility in the eyes of most normal people.

This all changed with this Presidential Election cycle and the rise of Donald Trump as a symbol of a larger shift in American politics. Traditional conservatism, which at best is a watered down version of leftist beliefs, is no longer a viable political platform. Instead, the key themes of this election include border security, economic protectionism, non-interventionism, nationalism, and the rejection of the political elite. These themes, coupled with the threats America currently faces due to mass migration, deteriorating race-relations, and terrorism, all clearly demonstrate that the traditional conservative agenda has failed and that it is time for a new movement to succeed where it has failed.

Beck could easily have profited and perhaps delayed his empire’s inevitable collapse by embracing nationalism. Instead, he decided that he was going to become a “libertarian” and proceeded to label anyone who disagreed with him as an enemy of liberty or as a Nazi. His abhorrence of nationalism is so strong that it led him to describe this election in messianic terms, which culminated in him pretending he was a minister and suggesting that Ted Cruz was anointed by God to win this year’s election.

Arguably, it was his conduct over the course of this election that has sealed his fate as a public figure and as a businessman. Although there are legitimate criticisms of Trump that can be made, the possibility of another Clinton in the White House overrules all of those arguments. Even some of the more intelligent NeverTrumpers are realizing that if Clinton gets into the White House and has her way with our immigration system and the Supreme Court, then there will be no America in 2020. In spite of what’s at stake in this election, Beck is still coming down on Trump, Alt-Righters, and nationalists harder than he did any leftist. It is through these actions that Beck has displayed his true colors for all to see. He is a social justice warrior, and the fact that many of his former supporters have realized that was the final nail in his media empire’s coffin.


The current state of The Blaze.

The current state of The Blaze.

In ancient Chinese culture, a cycle was used to describe how dynasties rose to power and then subsequently collapsed over time. If a leader was able to overcome hardship and adversity, he achieved “the mandate of heaven”, which enabled him to build a powerful empire and lasting dynasty. However, he would eventually stray from his core principles, at which point he would lose the mandate as well as everything he had struggled to build.

Beck lost his mandate when he caved to the SJWs, because when he responded to them by validating their complaints, he slowly began to adopt their characteristics. By subconsciously adopting these traits, which were at odds with his supposed beliefs and business strategy, he began to unravel both professionally and personally. Finally, as his world was collapsing around him, he squandered his last chance to turn things around by moving against the populist surge that is dominating this election cycle, revealing his true nature in the process.

As a result of all of this, there is a real possibility that Beck might commit suicide soon, as evidenced by his response to Ted Cruz’s endorsement of Donald Trump. The only silver lining that can be drawn from his meteoric decline is that it serves as a lesson to all of us at Return Of Kings to stay on the straight and narrow, never give into the SJWs, never turn our backs on one another, and to approach politics in a detached manner.

Read More: The Humiliation Of A Great Empire

250 thoughts on “What We Can Learn From The Collapse Of Glenn Beck’s Empire”

    1. Seems to me like even the likes of Faux News, Daily Mail, etc, loathe themselves for having to cater to you guys. Keep watching and buying their literary manure.
      Beck is and always was a parrot who regurgitated whatever the masters wanted and danced for banana shekels like a little bitch monkey.

      1. My comment was not a defense but a much more general observation on leftism and wider on cuckism. These people cannot understand when an idea fails even when that happens. No modern news outlets will survive for long if change continues some cannot even adapt to the times.
        Beck is one of the first ones to fall, many more will follow and the ones who will survive will genuinely have changed.

    2. Beck didn’t jump on the Trump Train and was exposed as a fraud. Just look at the so called Conservatives who are opposed to Trump and then you know who is for real.

  1. He essentially became the type of conservative/repub that everyone on the alt-right hates. I was really resistant to being a ‘conservative’ at first because I saw people like him, bush et al and was like ‘I am not like those chumps’. Soon we will have real leaders and the movement will explode.

    1. The movement wont explode in US. Trump is a black swan because he’s rich. But any other candidate would need money, and no alt-right candidate can reach the money right now.
      Not only in US. In France, for example, the FN from Marie Le Pen, which is right now the FIRST political party in France in the polls, had to get financing from Russian banks since French ones refused to finance them.

      1. His money and his DGAF personality make him a black swan.
        I think the money will be there if Trump wins. Give the nevertrumps a taste of what they wanted in Hillary and cap donations from corporations (Citizens United). The TEA party raised a lot of money off small donations. As long as it doesn’t get co-opted by parasites like eventually happened with the TEA party then the money will be there.

      2. It shows how strong the Left has a hold on France.
        In her time of need the fact that Nationalist forces can’t muster a credible electoral threat to the pathetic commie Hollande really shows the realit of the situation..

        1. The Left is done in France. Right now they’re the 3rd party in the country. The only ones that still vote for them are the immigrants.

        2. Hope you’re right but have my doubts. I guess the next elections in Germany and France will show whats whats though and they are close I think??

        3. About 10-15%. While it’s a lot, it’s still far from the 40-50% of black+hispanic population in US (I mean, not cultural americans).

        4. Angela Merkel wanted to reduce legal (!) migration in September 2002, when she was part of the opposition. So she basically didn’t want any migration. This video is proof that voting doesn’t matter:

        5. I dream about all the things I would do to that bitch, and not in the sexual way of the term.

        6. Glad that you showed a map of my federal state Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz in german)
          I pretty much live in the middle of this map 😉

        7. The last time the left was “done” in France the “Republicans” party there (Nicolas Sarkozy) simply joined forces with the socialists, and soundly defeated the FN.
          If anything that shows how little difference there is between the two parties.

        8. A western tribal awakening is happening that supercedes any political restraints. It’s part spiritual and boy oh boy is it a motherfucker of a force when western man gains full consciousness.

        9. Hispanic is 17% and black is13%. For a total of 30%. They ALL vote Dem. The scary thing is Trump has to get 50 of the remaining 70% left! And with women voting 67% Dem and Manginas and other assorted fags voting 100% Dem then it is a steep upward climb. Not to forget the illegal immigrant vote and the Zombie vote, which is the large voting block of people dead for years who continue to vote election after election. I have never once seen a dead person vote anything other than Democrat. So the zombie vote is 100% in Hillary’s pocket.

        10. Women are quite emotional, and love can turn hate. Women vote Dem as long as it makes them feel safe. Reps are failing in conveying how bad it goes in US, and how unemployement stats and GDP are faked. Show women that Dems will bring scarcity and love will turn hate.

        11. I have to wonder if there’s much point in separating black and hispanic as most all hispanics have significant black ancestry.
          The number of hispanics who are “pureblood” indian, white or a mixture thereof has to be miniscule.

        12. Yes there is a huge spiritual component which is brimming with power. The reason is that heroism in the west has been dead for a long time. With no places to experience or display this masculine urge, many males have been soul searching for meaning to their urbanized and cosmopolitan lives.
          In the past whenever I made these desires known to those around me I was treated like i was weird,out of touch, “crazy” and peculiar. This seemed very strange to me since I felt this urge as something natural. What is natural should be common among all men.
          It wasn’t until I found places like CH, ROK and others that I heard the same urges talked of by other men. This lead me to create my own space to record my ideas and knowledge. I shared it here and some other places.
          It was eye opening to me when I saw people from all over the world contacting me and commenting on this very same desire. Moral of the story here is do not allow people around you to give you the impression you are alone. Like I said earlier…..if it is a natural desire you have, there is an extreme likelihood said desire is common among men.
          Only in recent times with the power of modern technology has the ability to socially engineer people and mold their minds en masse away from their natural inclinations been possible.
          This is why I say to embrace the VIllain archetype. When society has transvaluated all moral teaching from the ancients, we become the arch villains to this cesspool of mediocrity.
          This fire has awoken inside of us. Like a spark on gasoline we are going to ignite it within others as well.
          Then we will burn this motherfucker to the ground like it needs to be.

        13. Women run purely on emotion. You cannot use logic to show them anything. So that strategy is just never going to work in 1 million years

        14. I like how talking/posting Hitler has become exponentially more popular since the introduction of that e-law.

        15. It would be far smarter politics, and more honest also… to not take the opportunity to bash hard leftists, and instead emphasize that while you do not share many views, the official ‘left’ parties are all neo-liberalists. They are trojan globalists, and they will work screw the working class far more than the nationalists… who themselves are not leftists, but serve the interests of working class people more than the globalists.
          BTW, Hollende isn’t a communist, he’s a NWO lier. They only use ‘leftish’ culture, they in fact oppose the working class. Their post-modernism proves their true allegiances, Neither to the working class, nor to even the general public of France.
          IF the far-right wants to win, and get rid of these animals and monsters completely… they need to begin to repair relations with the far-left… You can start by not calling people WE BOTH HATE, by leftist terms out of context.
          New alliances must be forged, the time for pettiness must be done, we cannot let them dominate us any longer…. in that respect I’m voting for Trump… Who do you think pulled off the surprise Brexit victory? Many were Marxists, let their be no doubt, the Globalists never saw the cross-over coming.

        16. Their is no actual diffrence in the officially recognized left/center-left and right/center-right. Maybe a tiny sliver on the edges, but nothing worth much, considering that sliver can’t get across any proposals anyway.
          Only the far-left and the far-right actually oppose the Globalists, and only the two in coalition can defeat them. Nothing else will ever do it, it would only pretend.
          Short of a forth-way style coalition, then direct working class organization towards revolution the last option… eventually it will happen if no other way off our path is undertaken, just how history of social conflict works out given enough time under oligarchy.

        17. Screw society’s current norms of good and evil, morals or immorals, right or wrong. Make your own choices, adhere to your own moral principles and ally yourself with those who share your destiny and then fight, together, as one.
          Here are two link’s that will push you in the right direction.
          thepressureproject.com & redice.tv

        18. Only the far-left and the far-right actually oppose the Globalists, and only the two in coalition can defeat them. Nothing else will ever do it, it would only pretend.

          True. We saw that exact same scenario play out with the Brexit vote. I was quite surprised to see how the “fringes” of both the left and right were united to quit the EU.

        19. Hey, no wonder I’ve always hated the guts of the supposedly moderate middle more than the extremists. I’m ultra far right my self, but I always respected the ultra far left more than the mugwumps who are obviously opportunists who straddle the fence with their mugs on one side and their wumps on the other.

        20. Yup, you said it, TechZilla. The neoliberals shine on the working class the way the neoconservatives shine on the middle class. I see it as the ruling class bamboozling all other classes, because they can.

        21. There is one point I will concede to the nationalist far left… that if the government is to spend insane amounts of taxpayer money, that it should be for the interests of the citizens of that country, not on other countries.

        22. It was the the single greatest political moment in my life, and I’m not even near the EU.
          We are the only ones willing to work together to take them on… and they are damn animals. …. I’m voting for Trump also, was gonna write up a Marxist analysis on why this is the best move for the working class.

      3. I don’t think it explodes yet, but if trump loses (he might) it grows huge in the next 5-10. I mean the alt-right has grown insane since the 5 years I got into it.

        1. It’s too late for US. Even it grows huge, white people will become a minority in 10-20 years. It’ll be a huge movement inside a minority.

        2. Nah. Not too late. Never forget my ancestral homeland, Portugal where we were enslaved under islamic rule for 500 years. Was it too late then? Never too late as long as they’re still the willpower. And let’s not forget how well armed the average American is.

        3. Well, I’m not gonna dismiss Portugal, among other things because I took after my grandmother whose family came from the Algarve. But… Portugal is not doing very well, really.

        4. Portugal once ruled the world, not that long ago it had an empire, and now it can’t even run its relatively tiny European nation anywhere but into the ground.
          It’s a mystery.

        5. Yes , but that’s because of socialism and the EU. The fact remains that we did free ourselves from Islamic rule.

        6. When did the Germans bomb Pearl Harbor you ask? In the movie “Animal House,” when John Belushi gave his rousing inspirational speech to his Delta Tau Chi frat brothers, telling them not to give up just because they were being put on “double-secret probation.”

        7. A great movie is like great literature, it can reveal depths of truth that straightforward recitation of dry facts never could. In this instance, my point is that it’s not important who bombed Pearl Harbor, what’s important is that Americans did not give up. They chose to listen to Winston Churchill and refused to give up, but instead chose to fight them on the beaches, and on the landing grounds, and in the fields, and in the hills, and in the streets; they chose to never surrender.

        8. Would Europe have been better under Germany, and the Far East under Japan?
          Maybe they would have
          And the only way we can fight demographics is by having kids. Are you working on that? I am

        9. I’m all for people having babies, but I don’t see the point in having babies if our degenerating society is going to hell in a hand basket. I think that first the liberal scumbags have to be defeated and then it will be safe to have babies. Some people will have to sacrifice our selves so that you can have your babies.

      4. There is a great mass of people, flyover heartland people to whom trump will be answerable and accountable because we put him there. We’ll be his boss for once. He may sway but the sway we had to exhert to put him up will maintain momentum throughout his tenure. The ‘wake up call’ epidemic will continue with citizens everywhere. And the force of inquiry and openness of the web will pry the censorship of the old guard gatekeepers off for good.
        AND FAT WOMEN sentenced to stupid cubicle work will marvel at the most fit and beautiful first lady in a century and they will stampede the office doors down headed to the parks to jog and planet fitness to hog and fight over the treadmills. Melania will do her part setting the example how to MAKE AMERICA BEAUTIFUL AGAIN!

      5. Disagree: If Trump manages to win the Presidency and his policies work it will be a bit easier for the next candidate.

      6. Putin is financing someone who wants to save Europe? That’s different from the tradition of Europe bankrolling someone who wants to topple Russia.

    2. No, Glenn Beck is different from other Conservatives because he is fundamentalist Mormon who believes in the ‘White Horse Prophecy’. Seriously.
      While Beck did some interesting things on his show on Fox, it became clear he was peddling lots of Mormon ideas on his show, including the idea that Jesus appeared in the Americas and all of the myths that support that claim. More common for Beck was his promotion of various ‘Multi-Level Marketing Schemes’ that plague Mormon communities. This is why Beck would so often promote things like vastly overpriced ‘nutritional’ drinks, foods, and other schemes which is a common dynamic among Mormon communities.
      What changed for Beck was that when Ted Cruz ran for President, Beck revealed himself to believe in the Mormon ‘White Horse Prophecy’ which claims that when the ‘US is hanging by a thread’ a Mormon savior would appear and rule America with other Mormons as a sort of God-appointed ruling class and theocracy.
      Seriously. Beck believes in this nonsense as do other politically powerful Mormons. Mitt Romney equivocated when asked about the White Horse Prophecy as do many politically powerful Mormons when the subject comes up.
      The surprising part to those who are familiar with Beck and the White Horse Prophecy is that he adapted it to Ted Cruz who proclaims to be a ‘Conservative Christian’. What many suspected is that Beck adapted this prophecy to include Ted Cruz.
      It was essentially confirmed when Cruz withdrew from his presidential campaign and Beck went into various stages of mourning, then realization that Cruz was not, in fact this ‘White Horse Prophet’ who would save America with the Mormons. This is why Beck has been so divisive towards Trump. He believes that the White Horse Prophet will be another so Beck has gone back to his normal schemes of selling ‘Multi-Level Marketing’ nonsense.
      It is Beck’s belief in this ‘White Horse Prophecy’ which led him to behave the way he has in the past election cycle.

    3. Thankfully “Dubya” did much to distance himself from conservatism as there’s no way he ever was one, he’s the living embodiment of “centrist” or, more aptly, “neocon”.

    4. yeah it’s almost as if those types of “leaders” were thrust into public consciousness in order to discredit the movement as a whole. hmmm….remind me again, who are the Bushs voting for this year?

    5. When he transitioned from CNN to Fox News, he went from being the type of commentator that most of us here could and did get behind to being a garden-variety GOP gigolo, just like everyone else on that network.
      ClusterFox appears to be coming apart at the seams, and as a proud Paleocon, I’m loving every minute of it.

    6. Beck I think also had some medical problems that might have effected his sanity. I think a near death experience made him goofy and he started trying to kiss the asses of people who hate his side of the aisle. Then got all preachy and pretentious when many of us refused to shake hands or compromise with those hiding daggers behind their backs. It think the slow and repeated failure of Ted Cruz really shattered him, and again when Ted endorsed Trump last month.

    7. the alt right side is sadly not immune to the same problem, how many compromised masculinity and values at the alter of the gay man, Milo Yianpolopolous? Including that attention whore dude who waxed about masculinity, anti feminism, married to a woman… then made out with Milo?

  2. The MSM will try to pander to the right in the future to not lose all of the viewers and readers. Just a short recent example:
    One of the three biggest german newspapers, the ‘Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)’ made a head article with the headline ‘Sweet mice are dangerous’ about young female politicians who try to get to the top by accusing established old white male politicians of sexism.

    1. btw, I want to learn some German next months… some interesting youtube channels in German? (to get used to the sound, I can play them with automatic subtitles).

        1. Well, actually there aren’t any interesting youtube channels in german. That’s why I’m here.
          That’s also why I will start my own redpill blog in german language in january 2017 at straightalpha.com
          On the one hand I hate the fact that there is no such thing as a true redpilled community in germany (we have guys on youtube who are talking about propaganda and the elites like KenFM, but he never talks about migration and its demerits and is therefore a cuck. He worked at a german TV channel but got fired because he said that he doesn’t believe the official story of 9/11 and thinks it were the zionist who did it – that’s why he started his youtube channel but he has proven to be just an enemy of capitalism and a cuck in general…) on the other hand I am happy about it because when I start my project I will be a pioneer.
          I could just translate a few of ROKs articles and still would be the spearhead of german redpillers.

        1. I recall a funny story about Jim Henson and the Swedish Chef. Apparently a Swede wrote a letter complaining that the Chef didn’t speak real Swedish. Jim Henson wrote an apology, saying he would try to get the Chef some language lessons, but that he (the chef) has a wife and kids and language lessons are expensive.

  3. You can tell Glenn Beck wants to be the head of a cult so bad, but the problem is the only person dumb enough to follow Glenn Beck is Glenn Beck.

  4. Apparently he was let go by Fox bc he kept shining a light on the “spooky dude”.

  5. Back when I used to listen to talk radio on my way to and from work every day I couldn’t stand this guy’s show.
    Savage Nation was where it was at. But we know how that ended…
    Yes, (((Michael “borders, language and culture” Savage)))

  6. “Yes, this guy thinks Trump supporters and the Alt-Right are “Nazis”.”
    Actually the Alt-Right is simply rebranded Nazism*. Trump Supporters though – no, they’re just Anti-Hillary or in it for lulz, or simply Republicans who are stuck with Trump.
    Anyhow, caving to SJWs will destroy just about anyone who does it. Which is why its important to continue to shift the Overton window right. Say radical things, push that window right. The farther right it is, the more powerless SJWs and Politically Correct thought will be, not to mention it’ll become rendered useless and incompatible with society as a whole.
    Be outspoken my friends, the reign of the SJWs is coming to a close. Do your part, piss off an SJW every day by saying something radical and smiling when they call you a racist/bigot/homophobe/pedophobe/transphobe/etc. Smile, accept the insult, and ask what their point was. Infuriate the hell out of them.
    (* – Brief disclaimer. Yes, the Alt-Right is composed of Nazis. Accept the correlation, and the left will be unable to insult you. Its like smiling and saying “Yes, I AM a Racist. Your point?” It denies giving marxist scum ammunition to continue their mindless arguing against you. Its basically flipping off Marxists by rendering their insult-and-conquer technique null and void.)

    1. “Alt-Right is composed of Nazis…Therefore, Alt-Right is simply rebranded Nazism” is fallacy of composition.
      e.g. David Duke likes Donald Trump…Therefore, Trump voters support the KKK and/or are KKK members.

      1. Donald Trump has German blood running through his veins just like the Fuhrer. DT is literally Hitler.

        1. The ancestors of Donald Trump come from a small village in West Germany. COINCIDENCE??? I think not.

        2. If Trump gets elected I will drive to Kallstadt (80km from here) and I will make a few pictures of his ancestors house.
          Funny coincidence: Not only Trump, but also Heinz (Ketchup) emigrated from Kallstadt to the United States.

        3. and now Heinz’s fortune bankrolls the leftist idiot who wants to see the world burn, “Jawn” Kerry, US SecState.
          The wife of the Heinz heir, who was a center-right Senator, dies in a plane crash and then she goes and hooks up with an infamous leftwing gasbag who was also a Senator?

      2. For the life of me I don’t understand why the left wants to marry David Duke.
        At least that’s what it sounds like to me. I couldn’t care less about him or his views on things.

    2. Alt right are not Nazis re branded but a Nazis trying to make gains among the ruins of the artificial thing you call the American right wing establishment. You guys finally get a taste of what right wing is like, and my oh my you don’t like it. GW Bush sealed the lid on their coffin and Trump attached a 50 ton anchor so that they’ll never surface for a long time.
      The alt tight is a reaction to the unveiling of the true face of the cuckservatives, who, as you and many more realised, are only for themselves and their close circle. As the wealth dwindles, these coackroaches plotted with the dems and chucked you lot under the bus. Are they not representing you anymore? Awwwwwwwwwwwww that’s too bad. Keep voting them, bro.

  7. The moral take away for us on the manosphere beyond the penalitmate “never give in and never apologize” is:
    Hold your cards close. Do not share personal info and feelings/opinions at work or in other public spaces.
    It’s a great weakness in the West where we share our feelings and personal details at work or in other public spaces.
    Living a number of years in Japan I could clearly see how the Japanese will almost never share these details, opinions, and especially feelings in a work environment.
    They hold their cards close. You really don’t know who they are at work..It’s smart IMO
    It’s called Honne: “private face” and tatemae “public face.”
    It’s a cultural legacy of Confucionism, and carry over from their feudal past where one mistaken utterance, omission or commission of could lose you your head very quickly.
    The image we need to project is public is of cool masculine, controlled allooffness. It’s key for your well being!
    Glen Beck was always a gibbering idiot IMO but he serves as a model of what happens when a man bitches out and loses frame..

  8. Glenn Beck was always a douchebag w/a messianic complex. You were just the last to find out.

    1. Exactly. The freak used to cry on tv all the time. I can’t take a man that is willing to cry in public seriously.

    2. Being a douchebag isn’t that bad of a thing. It only becomes bad when combined with being a creepy ted Cruz supporter.

  9. I have listened to Beck on and off during my lunchtime drive home. One day I heard him bawling and listened to see what happened. Did one of his children die or suffer serious injury? No, his dog died.
    Now contrast this with Joe Pags, whose 16 year-old daughter recently went missing (and thankfully was found unharmed). Joe kept his cool like a man. If any man had an excuse to cry in public before millions, it was Joe. But he didn’t.
    Michael Savage had criticized men who cried in public. He specifically referred to an audio clip of George H. W. Bush, not the son, crying during a speech over something seemingly trivial compared to the loss of a family member. I have heard before that in our society men were permitted to cry only for two reasons – the loss of a loved one, and the sight of great human suffering.

    1. Or like in the case of David and Jonathan meeting a long-lost comrade after all the suffering that he had to go through.

  10. This guy has always been a very immature adult. I remember him from his fox days. He was always making weird faces, crying, and he always came off as a complete emasculated emotional pussy who thought he was a man. The other men on his network had a very stoic and professional decorum on tv.
    Overly emotional wackos like beck are made for radio. If they get on tv, they need to just do voice overs on animal planet or funniest home videos.

  11. Does Beck wonder if MrsTrump, her child, husband, & family were PROFOUNDLY SAD when Beck called her LESBIAN PORN STAR?
    Does Beck wonder if MrsPalin, her children, husband, and family were PROFOUNDLY SAD when Beck called her a CLOWN?
    Does Beck wonder if Malia Obama and her family was PROFOUNDLY SAD when Beck MOCKED A CHILD?
    Does Beck wonder ifMegan McCain and her family were PROFOUNDLY SAD when Beck Mocked her for an advertisement she did on awareness of skin cancer?
    Does Beck wonder if Whoopi + BarbaraWalters were PROFOUNDLY SAD when Beck LIED about what happened on a train ride with those 2 women?
    Does Beck wonder of Oprah and her family were PROFOUNDLY SAD when Beck said of Oprah “You disgust me”
    Does Beck wonder if THE BOSTON MARATHON VICTIM & his family were PROFOUNDLY SAD when Beck claimed he was the “money man”
    Does Beck wonder if MrBundys family were PROFOUNDLY SAD when Beck MOCKED this elderly man who was in CRISIS?
    Does Beck wonder if Christina Amanpour and her family were PROFOUNDLY SAD when Beck said she was the biggest fraud he’d ever met?
    Does Beck wonder if Evangelicals and their families were PROFOUNDLY SAD when Beck questioned our faith by voting for Donald Trump?
    Does Beck wonder if Donald Trump supporters were PROFOUNDLY SAD when Beck called us Brownshirts, Nazis, and racists?
    Just wondering?
    I’m still wonder why #MSM NEVER holds Beck feet to the fire when he attacks women + minorities

      1. Just because you are a cucked fag doesn’t mean it is indicative of everyone’s experience

  12. I quit listening to Beck about three years ago for one simple reason. He bored me. Always harping on the same points and no longer funny once his BFF became a permanent fixture on his show.

    1. I was able to make it about 6 months before I stopped. That was back in ’09, and I simply ignored him up until the news surrounding his collapse started coming out.

  13. It’s so slow in here today, I saw a pit bull chasing a cat and they were both walking…

      1. Now that is a very good point you made there…next time, I will ask the cat what it is…

  14. Fishing for feedback on this, bc it’s been on my mind lately:
    How does a person succeed politically in our current culture without being at the absolute extreme pole of an ethos, whether that’s the left or the right? It seems to me that it’s nigh unto impossible. The loudest & most active members of a movement always seem to be the ones whose views are the most extreme. And those people never rest until their hard-line extremist beliefs are adopted by the masses–in fact, they just get louder and more active as the paradigm begins to shift in their direction, and they think they smell blood in the water. We see this now with the far left, who in the wake of several small victories, now see an opening and are trying to capitalize on it by pushing for legislation on completely bizarre things that run contrary to nature itself. We can also see it within our movement when anyone who doesn’t capitulate to the most extreme brands of conservativism is called a cuck, no matter how much damage he or she inflicts upon the left, or how many lost souls they’ve brought into our ranks.
    Now, I’m not standing up for Glenn Beck, I agree that one can’t try to kiss & make up with the SJWs, because as this piece correctly states, it just opens the door for them to proceed to storm the castle. But I think all thought can be viewed as a bell curve, with extremists on either end and the vast majority somewhere in the middle. If all matters are eventually hijacked by the extremists, how then do we preserve the sanity and “correctness” of our movement if we’re part of that critical center mass?
    So many people talk about how we have to hide ourselves away, so that we don’t risk our careers and relationships if we’re exposed as being on the “alt-right”, and I’m sure lots of us are sick of that bullshit. Where will we find our next Donald Trump, should he lose? Hillary kowtows to the far left’s most radical agendas, and even if I was a Democrat, I’d have issues with that. I don’t want our next champion to be some woman-beating skinhead, the same as I don’t want it to be a capitulating worm like Glenn Beck…
    Anyway that’s plenty of rant-slash-question for one day. I hope it stimulates some conversation, bc I’m really looking for good answers to a grim, grim question. I don’t want to admit that “Things fall apart, the center cannot hold”…even if I know it’s probably true.

    1. Anyone who is capable of winning an election Is totally incapable of holding the office. End of story

      1. “The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
        To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
        To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”
        ― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

        1. Have you ever heard the story of Cincinnatus? It’s one of history’s great political stories, in my mind. TL;DR, he was a Roman leader who gave up his position to go work on a small farm in the country. Eventually his plowing was interrupted one day by messengers asking him to assume leadership of Rome due to an impending invasion. He accepted, led the state to a resounding victory, then immediately stepped down & went back to plowing his fields.
          We need men like that.

    2. The solution may be eliminating the politician from government. What if representatives were chosen by random lottery and replaced frequently?

      1. While that’s not a completely terrible idea, I think it relies on a certain baseline intelligence level being shared by the common, ordinary average citizen. And that seems clearly unattractive in today’s America. Just look around–would you, would you want to place leadership privileges/responsibilities in the hands of 90% of the people you see here? Yikes.
        On a completely unrelated note, there was an article here a while back talking about who exactly should be able to vote. This idea didn’t occur to me until I started giving it serious thought, but–what if there was a 50 question test at the beginning of every voter’s ballot? Say the first half is made up of questions about America & Americanism, similar to the citizenship test that immigrants must pass; and the second half is composed of fact-based, objective questions about the current state of the world. Once you finish the quiz, you move on and fill in your ballot — but your votes only count if you scored a passing grade on the quiz. The voter would not be informed if he or she passed or not. This would do 2 things: first, it would discourage the lazy from voting, as they’d balk at the idea of doing anything other than punching a gimme-free-stuff card. Second, and more importantly, it would only allow people to have a say in governance if they’re astute enough to actually understand the factors currently at play in the world. I am in love with this idea…although maybe one or two people is all that will probably see it way down here, I thought I’d share.

        1. Land owning, business owning, or sufficient tax paying men vote. No women, no leeches.
          Combine this with local government soviergnty, like we were supposed to have, and most our problems are solved.
          Throw your test on top of this and we are good to go!

  15. Worse, he’s a gamma in the VoxDay scale, but doesn’t have the sense of Cruz. He’d drown rather than let an Alpha rescue him.
    But even worse, he surrounds himself with his sycophants (“friends”). The problem with Pat, Stu, and Jeffy is they are the antiphonal chorus that echo what he says.
    You will find in the comments section, letters, etc. people trying to point out how he was losing it. Worse – he couldn’t even see it, now that Cruz has come to his senses, Glenn finally sees him as calculating (where every Trump supporter knew it from the Iowa Voter’s Violation and Jeff Roe’s dirty trick on Carson). He worrys that the the Church will accept Trump, but none have used the messianic words Beck used to describe Cruz – and it may have cost Cruz as legitimate questions (e.g. Heidi’s working for the Vampire Squid) were never asked or pressed. How dare you argue with God’s choice?
    The best friend will challenge you, argue with you (not quarrel but debate), and try to warn you when you see danger.
    Beck will still be rich, but anyone else remember Howard Hughes that could afford to indulge his paranoia and isolation? Beck has a family, but apparently even his wife either doesn’t know or won’t or can’t tell him.

  16. This is such a sobering article.
    When Beck was on CNN and subsequently on Fox News he was the the type of guy that removed the wool from over peoples eyes…..a truth teller.
    After he started losing sponsors because of left wing attacks,compromising on his views and straight up retracting statements in the name of civility(A left wing buzzword used to stifle opposition) he lost his way.
    I used to be a fan of the man but not anymore.

    1. I guess for Beck it became paycheck over principles. He shamelessly promotes his own books which he seems to write every few months. He receives millions from his sponsors some of which are shady like Goldline. Then when Trump started running for president he attacked him without mercy for reasons that I still don’t understand. Ideologically the only difference between Trump and previous Republicans is he wants to address the issues of trade and immigration. I believe Beck and Mark Levin are receiving money directly to criticize Trump even if it means Trump losing. These cucks all sound the same when they start with, muh Constitution. Like a Hilary presidency will preserve the Constitution any better.

      1. They get more listeners/viewers when folks are disgruntled. When folks are ideologically satiated, it’s bad for revenue.

  17. Another example of how politics brings out the worst in people. I wish the house niggers would quit fighting over which Massa would be best for running the plantation. Cuz it’s us field hands who mind our own business that get screwed the most. As long people think they need a master…oops “Leader”…and as long as people think they have the right rule….oops I meant “lead”….people will have these problems. I wish people would stop looking to politicians to fix problems they created in the first place.

      1. IMO Cruz would have gotten killed by Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife in that first debate. Cruz is too much of a straight shooter.

        1. Cruz isn’t a straight shooter in the least, he’s a conman through and through.
          The problem is that he isn’t as good a conman as Hillary.
          While he can fake sincerity better than she can, but far worse than Bill Clinton can, he’s too high on his own hubris to be relatable and Hillary Clinton would’ve destroyed him by highlighting the hypocrisy of his political career.

        2. Never underestimate how much of a conniving snake Cruz can be. Cruz’ real problem is that unlike, say, Frank Underwood, Cruz doesn’t even attempt to hide how much of a turd-burglar he is.

    1. For that, I am glad. Glenn Beck’s one positive contribution, and a hilariously ironic one to boot.
      Cruz was the Republican version of Hillary Clinton. Thankfully he was torpedoed in the primary as he never would have been able to best the “genuine article” in the general.

  18. I never understood conservatives who embraced this guy. Even when he was drawing on his chalkboard at Fox and acting somewhat normal, his points were ill-informed and his delivery buffoonish.
    Throw in his alcoholism and Mormonism and you have a whackjob who’s helped the left more than hurt it.

  19. he went after Trump supporters like a demon and Cruz is “just so much better” and the only True republican. I just about gagged. I liked the guy once.

  20. I’m rather apolitical; incidentally just discovered Ben Shapiro yesterday in a video where he was triggering a room full of trigglypuffs. What did he do that was so bad?

    1. He’s buying into the whole “alternative right = nazi” thing, which is at best a logical fallacy.

        1. Read some of his material prior to muff worshipping that Trump shit-tester. His Trigglypuff provoking is a Johnny Come Lately effort to slip back into the fold and SJW for Pissrael again.

    2. He went complete “blue pill” and supported the bogus anti-Trump story of some harlot who fancied herself a reporter.
      He was another “hero” of the right-wing who revealed himself to have been a leftist in disguise when he went all-out in a bid to take down Trump. He outed himself as a “double agent”.

    1. Y’know, Stephen King may be a leftist asshole…
      But when he called Beck “Satan’s mentally challenged younger brother,” I have to say he wasn’t entirely off.

      1. Though the comment more aptly describes Stephen King himself.
        I was hoping he’d flee Maine for “lefter” pastures when LePage got elected and backed Trump.

  21. I don’t mind beck for the most part. I wouldn’t call him a social justice warrior. i have some problems with him (including his former almost worship of Ted Cruz, and his continual crying) but on most issues I agree with him. I have no problem with him trying to empathize with people.

    1. You don’t “empathize” with Black Lives Matter, especially since their M.O involves beating people, destroying property, and leaving communities (all of the major ones being black, ironically) worse off than before.

  22. Beck is a Cuckasaurus Rex. Basically, a huge cuck who’s also a paid shill.

  23. Beck was one of the first mainstream media figures to bring to the public Agenda 21 and its depopulation plan, as well as publically call out the FEMA camps. He was very critical and suspicious of both.
    Then he did a 180 on his position and it was like hearing an entirely different man speaking. It was eerie….. as if maybe he was pulled aside and threatened by, shall we say, very ‘important people’.
    Ps: the header image of Beck – is that shit on his face?

    1. Something similar happened to an old news commentator. He was a firebrand voice against the powers and the corruption until he was inducted into freemasonry and began earning his degrees. It was then he became very drab and dull, no longer going for the juggular of the establishment. Could Beck have managed to get himself sucked into a secret society?

  24. Don’t listen to a supposed small government guy that wants full SJW power over Israel and other nefarious causes?

  25. I wouldn’t be surprised if Beck bounces back – crazy or no – but the author of this piece will remain a jackass.

  26. Him and Ben Shapiro would have been fine if they got on board with Trump. Sean Hannity is doing great.
    Pat Buchanan had it right with nationalism, America first and border security.

    1. Shapiro’s one-time nemesis Piers “Musket” Morgan has stood up for Trump and has gone up for it.
      I’m glad that Shapiro wouldn’t deign to claim that he’s for Trump as it means that the diminutive conman is finally done, never to be heard from again.
      Even his pals at Breitbart turned on him, most spectacularly their chief “neverTrumper” Joel Pollak.

      1. This election is really scrambling my brain. Sitting on the same side of the fence as Piers Morgan….

        1. I understand that, I thought “Musket” was an irredeemable caricature but then he went and stuck his neck out for Trump while the people expected to back Trump were tripping over themselves trying to stab him in the back.
          I’m no fan of Morgan, but the more I think on it, the more I realize that much of my dislike from him came from Shapiro, and that might not be justified.

        2. My dislike of Morgan stems completely from watching and listening to him. Didn’t even really know Shapiro until the Fields scandal (She writes for HuffPo now, shocker).

      2. I think it’s unfortunate as I think Shapiro’s IQ is really high and he would have been a good ally. Now I don’t know what he is destined for.

        1. Yeah but the right needs as many allies as we can get. The demographics are stacked against us.

  27. informative article. but… you compare the state of Beck’s network with a pile of corpses in Dresden? ok.

  28. Glenn Beck was THE voice of the Right during Obama’s first term. He was like Oprah but for white men. The fact that your guy completely turned tail is an egg on your face.

  29. Beck’s achilles heel is his mainstream LDS affiliation. If he were impartial to the ‘renegade’ FLDS, then he would be more rational and could stand up stronger against a certain beta sheeplike strain that runs throughout some parts of mainstream LDS.
    LDS has a little problem of its leadership kowtowing excessively to get along with what they percieve as a western culture that will persecute them. ‘Mormon guilt’ is their overcompensating for past persecutions by in turn sanitizing their faith for mass ad marketing appeal by in turn persecuting their own founding orthodoxy.
    They even go so far as to circumcise their newborns not for scriptual reasons but to keep in vogue with the national trends. Always trying to blend in and stay legal at any cost. They’re also very milquetoast on civil disobedience – staying private and not making too many waves.
    But they crack the hardest on their own polygamists now, disowning them and clusterfucking them with criminal charges. Shit the best thing about Mormonism was the polygamy and the mainstream church wants to kill it. The poly family structure is incredibly hardened and strong in the face of any omnipresent outside governing collective and a poly clan can educate and typically feed and house its own and can throw off forced intrusion of any outside governing body. A poly clan (2-3 women/1 man) is a self governing body in itself and is just a skip and a jump from affording the means to break free from the system completely if it deems necessary. It’s 2ND AMENDMENT CALIBER immunity against unwanted nanny state intrusion.
    LDS leaders are largely cherry picked (called) individuals that will kowtow to the letter of the law and throw out the polys with the bathwater. I see the extreme patriarchal polygamist system as the main redeeming and attractive feature with Mormonism. I would never consider joining a church that wasn’t somewhat open or impartial to polygamy. All western families today need an iron fist to beat back the anti family collectivist forces and TWO WIVES just may be that pair of nunchakas that gouges the eyes of the beast system before it gets it’s toe into your door!
    A monogamous family on the other hand is a vulnerable sitting duck. One phone call away from being obliterated. One woman alone can rarely stay in check. Neither can she alone throw off a snake like a socialist worker or a witch masquerading as a friend or shitlib relative.
    Like I said, LDS has a lot of sheeplike followers that will kowtow to liberal trends if their leadership green lights it. Any church is suceptable to this and Catholics have the balls to break and splinter away, but the Mo’s need to become a bit more revolutionary and stand their ground on principle.
    Beck with his crying, I’ve seen a bit of that with the modern crop of Mormon leaders. Some early childhood discipline that leaves one perplexed?? Heh . . that’s nothing that a little Scientology auditing couldn’t get to the bottom of.
    But still, LDS Mo’s need to make peace with the (polygamous) FLDS, otherwise mainstream LDS will go the way of Beck and vice versa. He’s a slice of what’s happening with the more sheeplike of mainstream LDS. The true nature of women will change maybe when the moon falls to Earth. Mainstream LDS and the west must open its arms to polygamy. It’s a MANDATE. DO IT!!

    1. Not this again.
      Polygamy leads to a society of clannish, inbred retards (due to a few men spreading their genes) and a lot of sexually frustrated young men looking for women, boys, and goats to rape.
      You know, like the Muslims and Africans.

      1. Polygamy if legalized would reign back in the numerous whoring western women who effectively practice ‘polygyny’ or one slut screwing many men. It would put the brakes on or better yet REVERSE the trend in whoring hypergamy.
        Whores and gold diggers practice the opposite of polygamy with one woman extrapolating the resources and services of several men concurrently. At the ghetto level it is common to have one fat welfare breeding mare who has a number of offspring that are each sired by some different motherfucker. That’s a ‘diversity that no coherent culture can survive. But just imagine the ‘diversity’ that a poly patriarch dad enjoys. A different flavor snatch every other alternating pop. In the afternoon, it’s the ‘pumpkin spice’ wiggly bubbly redhead wife and before bed it’s the french vanilla. I’m not talking a baskin robbins double or triple mixer cone, but sometimes that’s nice you know.
        But the inbreeding issue, I believe clannish Jews (Tay-Sachs) and royalty especially suffer more negative effects of inbreeding than poly mormons. The Mormon religion is very young and they could stand a few refinements. They haven’t fully evolved and won’t evolve further unless they reclaim their poly roots. They need to cease and disallow circumcision and they need to begin enforcing menstrual isolation (chhaupadi) if the creed is to survive and claim its place in the coming patriarchal resurrection.
        MOST INBREEDING is not due to polygamy. Other non polygamous groups that have had incidences of inbreeding are mountain communities of white Germanic/Dutch/English/Irish who settled in Appalachia. Isolated communities of these Euro settlers mixed and clashed and began the mixing to produce the American ‘white’. The turn of the century communities were crafty and built to Victorian code, but you can see a century later with inbred areas, a lethargy sets in. Strewn across mountains sometimes you see a trailer house with plastic that has been covering the roof for years. The people who live slovenly in perhaps the richest terrain in America are likely inbred somewhat and are too mentally challenged or tired to improve their lot or to make use of the resources with the same acuety of their pureblood eurotribe ancestors.
        They forefitted their distinct Euro tribelines to mix with all the other Euros in America. With hillbillies, not all but some of the women are just plain stoopid and forget who their spouse is. But you must note that the small number of hillbillies that do inbreed aren’t polygamous. There’s nothing old school Mormon poly about them. The ‘American white’ is a product of Euro mixing and in many cases, the forebears abandoned their native customs to don the dominant culture ‘Germanic’. There is much pork and schnitzel eating in the hills. Still the American ‘white’ is far above the mixed ‘afro american’ in resourcefulness but I’ve also seen some of the most godforesakenly dummest white bitches in places like Charleston WV who can’t even tell you what race or tribe they belong to. One black guy with a gumbi haircut walks in the neighborhood and the fat white hillbilly retard bitches trade him from poarch to poarch depending on the day of the week.
        So is ‘gumbi’ nigga effectively a polygamist? Many men, white and black alike have one or two ex’s and children by them respectively. One man may produce separate broods by 2+ women but the system basically has always licenced what you might call a ‘shame mob’ similar to todays ‘sjw mobs’ to act extra judicially (outside of the law) and enforce a prohibition of a man cohabitating with his wife and also taking in his ex (or ex’s). Such henpeck-bitch society encourages women ex’s to hate on each other instead of streamlining and getting along. An example of the ‘shame mobbing’ would be when nibby neighbors talk shit and get a clusterfuck going against a man who keeps his string of LTR’s in cohabitation and keeps them in line instend of kicking them out, forefitting the service of one to accomidate another.
        Can you imagine a man with every one of his ex’s getting along and cohabitating instead of caving in to the societal norm of living separately and coughing up subsistence blood money to the system that polices the family unit? Can you imagine all of YOUR ex’s getting along, cohabitating for once in peace and then after dinner, they all STACK THEIR ASSES UP like a three-high rueben sammitch?? Hmmm?? Nummy nummy you know it!! Pretty nice arrangement your little head would say and your prefrontal cortex would do a Buzz Lightyear and say “To infinity and beyond” with your mighty western seedline. But the three stack up, mmm mmm mmm. Valhalla or your choice of words. Man can you imagine all your ex’s with their asses lined up for once in peace and harmony and naked, stacked? Shit your dick would be like a three year old kid in a piano store gone wild, running up and down those pussies like piano keys “bbleeeeing-tinkle-tinkle-f-sharp-ping” and then “plewdeldy-dewdeldy-dooodeldey-bloooom”.
        But the divorce rape industry has it’s death grip on the west and keeps its hooks in whatever blood game it can poach off our beleagered civilization and our tribes. I’ll stick by my premise that polygamy acts as a tremendous hedge against the anti family system. ‘Inbreeding’ only occurs when there is a lack of domestic patriarchal rule and when there are limited options or when you’re too retard to hone real game. Any intelligent guy of means and game should be able to propogate his seed with the finest he can game and without the intrusion of the slave farm nannybitch system. The elitist bitch system is threatened and crumbling at every corner and the sperm wars are on in the west. The MIGHTY DICKS of the chief alpha western men will finish the job of blasting the last of the culture destroyers from the land and the seeds sown will reforest the west with richness and culture.

  30. The moment when he became utterly unlistenable was the moment in which he wept, whined, and begged “for the children,” where “children” in this case is the millions of underage advance troops sent through Mexico into the United States. He completely failed to recognize this tactic for what it was. It was pathetic. The on-air bawling was too much to take.
    And those theme songs. Ugh! Even John Lennon couldn’t write such maple-syrup covered dreck. Utterly puke-inducing.

  31. I find many comments below about an “awakening” very funny.
    You alt-right fanatics are by far the minority, the only reason Trump has the 36% he does is because the Right Pundits have trained the echo chamber peanut gallery to hate Hillary at any cost, for any reason and usually without cause.
    Like Pavlonian dogs salivating at bells the right immediately become angered at the mere mention of HRC without knowing why.
    Your “movement” is merely benefiting from a rage of those being left behind in a world moving forward that THEY are too shallow minded to keep pace with.
    I look around and see this country giving opportunities and wealth to be envied by the world.
    According to Trump “times is hard…”
    Really? How do you account for;
    Expensive cell phones owned by all, including children,
    Almost every person owns a car,
    Everyone has high price cable, computers,
    People eating out more than ever,
    Driving luxury cars, designer cloths,
    So many luxuries that our grandparents only dreamed of that you all take for granite because either your a spoiled crap stain or so inept to reality you refuse to find where the jobs are.
    I offer jobs all the time that pay above average that people refuse due to the hard work required.
    America is already great and the last thing we need is someone who:
    Short pays vendors just because he can, knowing litigation is unlikely due to lacking the funds to fight his team of lawyers.
    Does deals with countries that are against America’s interests
    Treats women horribly
    Lies, lies, lies at any opportunity
    Always uses the most questionable/illegal means of doing business
    Files bankruptcy while maintaining his personal wealth as others lose.
    (Bankruptcy should be to keep someone from complete financial ruin NOT to allow someone to keep planes, mansions and billions)
    Sells his name and deceptively gives the impression he is the developer on condos as people lose up to $500,000 in deposits.
    Are these the things you think will “make America great”?
    Wouldn’t it be great if you did not receive a paycheck this week because your boss claims you did not work hard enough for him?

    1. An awful lot of needless typing to say nothing but Leftist boilerplate. Maybe you aren’t suited for internet blogs?

      1. I’m sorry my thoughts are not as deep as the alt-right memes like “cuck”, “kitteh” or “pepe” your ilk can relate to but I figured this being a free country and all I would express them anyway.
        Did you have a intelligible response to my accusations of Trump not being good for America?
        How about we start with my last question?
        How would you feel and how wold it “make America great” if all our employers or contractors decided to not pay us in full claiming “you just did not meet my expectations this week so you don’t deserve being payed in full”?

        1. That’s a long accepted tenant of contract law that goes back well before the United States ever existed.
          I’m going to safely assume that, contrary to your original post, that you’ve never actually owned or operated a business.

        2. 1. Since you did not answer the question asked should I infer you are incapable or just uncomfortable?
          How would you or your family feel?
          How does that make AMERICA great?
          2. I actually am a manager for a private company that employs a couple thousand and has 100’s of millions in sales annually.
          I hire, fire, manage, have worked with planning commissions, city councils, public relations and a multitude of other responsibilities.
          But your more than welcome to make silly assumptions based the auto spell on my cell phone or my lack of time to edit in some kind of defense against childish ad hominems.
          3. You seem to be saying it would be perfectly fine with you if your boss did not pay you in full based on his “claim” you had not worked enough in his opinion.
          To that I say wow!
          Boss wants to buy a boat-
          “You guys didn’t work hard enough so I’ll pay you 60% this week”
          I would love for you to elaborate on the ethics of these types of practices.

        3. I’ll gladly elaborate: if Person A enters into an agreement with Person B to do x,y, and z for a sum of money; you have a contract. If Person A only does 2/3 of what he agreed to do, he’s breached his agreement and is at best only able to recover for what he DID do.
          Ethics has nothing to do with it, it’s the way common law works, as simple as that.
          *On a side note, you’ve copied and pasted that pathetic line of reasoning on multiple mainstream sites. The difference here, is that we on this site know you for what you are: a leftist troll*

        4. 1. Yet again not answering the question asked.
          How would you like to not get payed in full because a “trump” arbitrarily decides to not pay you?
          Is this good for America and how?
          But I suppose you could continue to dodge, throw ad hominems and create red herrings instead of directly addressing my objections to your line of reasoning.
          2. I don’t believe for one second the average American agrees with your pathetic defense of horribly subjective standards to pay employees.
          Your simple out of hand dismissal extends further than just the ethical ramifications, it also goes to the heart of trust that the worker will be able to feed his family this week base on nothing more then the good will of the employer.
          The American workforce would not stand for such arbitrary standards due to OBVIOUS possible and LIKELY abuses.
          *”on a side note”
          When I “copy/paste” I will give citation so sources may be confirmed.
          In the meantime I can say your silly accusation is nothing more then a pathetic attempt to dismiss my objections without having to confront them.
          Keep trying, your kinda getting funny to me since I can’t take these juvenile arguments as serious.

        5. I gotta admit, you’re pretty funny. If you’re this triggered now, after not being able to handle “big-boy” debating, I can’t wait to see how triggered you’ll be in November.

        6. “Big boy debating”?
          You think what you’ve done constitutes debate?
          Perhaps you could start by answering the simple questions being asked.
          Even you stealing my line about your being funny is damn hilarious.
          You are most definitely a Trump guy!
          Let me know if you have any coherent rebuttal or even a near comprehensible response to the specific questions asked, that would be great for the “big boy debate” you believe your having.

    2. Virtually everything you list is generally obtained on credit cards….Americans don’t own anything, they are owned…..you really stupid naive fucker!!!

      1. “She” (I’m guessing based on the idiocy of the argument) also fails to address the fact that you can have all of the things that were mentioned and still be poor.
        Remember, 50 Cent has more money and fancy stuff than many people, but he’s “poor” because his debts (child support, alimony, etc.) FAR outweigh his assets.

        1. No, the point is your poor because you have not prioritized your fiscal responsibility.
          In other words people buy more crap than they need just because they can spend every dime they make AND put even more on credit.
          I don’t care they do this but I do see the hypocrisy when they cry about not having money and convince themselves it’s because, well, reasons.
          You guys are clearly missing the point.
          We have PLENTY in america. The average American has enough income to live a very comfortable, secure, healthy life.
          But pundits/Trump get the dolts worked into a frenzy because it cost $90 to fill up their $75,000 pickup truck, their kid needs the new $500 cell phone, the cable bill is $250 and now they don’t have the money to take the family to Ruth’s Chris AND THEIR MAD AS HELL!
          Sure, America is in horrible shape.
          (Says the guy that borrows, files bankruptcy, borrows again then buys a gold toilet and personal jet)

      2. Nice way to create a red herring and ad hominem arguments.
        You failed to address so much yet believe your justified in calling me a “naive fucker”.
        It doesn’t matter if morons have elected to charge their luxurious lifestyle because the point is Americans act as if they are owed these types of luxuries and CRY about having to pay for them.
        If you want to respond to what I actually illustrated that would be great!
        It’s fucking hilarious you think people that borrow money are “owned” all the while Trump is “the king of leverage” and has shown his entire business model and lifestyle is to borrow other people’s money.
        You guys don’t even see how hypocritical you are for backing the guy that really is what’s wrong with America.

      1. Rob
        Thank you for your concise, well reasoned, rational response.
        Your profound point of view has me reassessing my entire worldview!
        My eyes have been opened to your well founded ideology and I am now a believer in “the Trump movement”!
        Oh, wait, the only movement going on is yesterday’s enchiladas I just dropped off at the bowl.
        Sorry, I was confusing your mere rage filled response with a person giving a justified argument based on sound evidence and valid inferences.
        You know, kinda like you morons confuse Trump for an actual rational human being.
        When you have something to add to a discussion more than anger and vitriol towards the real world let me know, maybe I could assist you with your irrationality.

        1. No rage, just being sarcastic to point out that your thoughts are not well reasoned, you have no rational argument and really did not bring anything to the discussion except your personal disdain without justification.
          But I do thank you for showing how poor your inferences are to anyone reading.
          People with a grasp on logic that take the time to explain their beliefs to anyone civil are usually not trolls, the trolls are those that do hit and run insults.
          Or attempted insults in your case.

        2. What an insightful response!
          You have yet again illustrated to the world your well thought, reasoned, rational inferences towards…..??, towards…
          Well, I guess not really anything at all.
          Unfortunately for you I find hit and run one liner, emotionally based comments as interesting as the question what color is umpaloompa poop?
          Do you have anything more than your opinions based on your anger?
          A rational exchange of ideas is interesting but for some reason those are few and far between from the Trump folks.

        3. Making you look like a moron is effortless.
          You began this exchange with a silly insults and I have responded by presenting arguments for my beliefs for a reason, even knowing you will never rise to the challenge.
          You on the other hand have only proven you are either too scared or incapable of defending your beliefs.
          I love it when people like you believe your being smart or witty when in reality I am taking this opportunity to illustrate your really a juvenile unable to be rational.
          And you are reveling in this fact!

        4. I think you meant your living in your grandmoms basement rent free.
          I understand your a little sleepy from staying up last night waiting for big poppa Assange to to give his grand October surprise so obviously you need a bit of a nappy to get back to some level of reality.
          It’s ok, I understand it’s tough having to do your chores before you get to play WOW and catch Alex Jones but that’s no excuse to be flat out stupid.
          I love feeding the trolls because ultimately they realize the mouth of shit I feed them by the fist full ends up choking them.

        5. Ah, your still under the allusion you think you matter.
          Sorry Rob, but the truth is I love feeding the trolls.
          I don’t give an inch of ground to one hit wonders that have no interest in discussions but rather choose to be childish and merely insult.
          You have 3 options Rob;
          1. Go away or keep getting smashed
          2. Continue to insult and I can return in spades
          3. Make a cogent, coherent argument for your beliefs
          I have lots of free time to handle gnats such as yourself so I really don’t care which route you take.
          In other words I’m trolling the troll but with a variety of methods from sarcasm to flat out insults that humor me.
          Now, what you need to do is get your cousin to go home and stop letting her “sleep over”,
          walk into the living room and see if your mom is up watching Ricky Lake with your latest step-dad “steve”,
          give your mom a kiss and then slap her in the face as hard as you can for allowing her son to be 38, still living at home and not finding a better job than taco casa,
          ask Steve if you can borrow $3 so you can get a bag of Walmart brand cheetos,
          Walk out the door of your trailer being careful to not slip on the loose masonry brick staircase and start your glorious day!

        6. Your emotional responses are delicious and my can of worms is still full. If you want to keep biting, I’ll keep baiting.

        7. The only emotions I have is sadness for your family and love for troll time to fill my day.
          Back to your day:
          So when you leave “Vista Park” walking down (you have to walk since your sisters bike has been stolen) to the local Walmart to get those cheetos you realize “crap I need some fucking mountain dew red to go with my cheetos”. But since you are not smart enough to ask Steve you decided to weigh your other options;
          Pick up my check from taco casa- shit, didn’t work last week.
          Find a quick job to make a buck like mowing or cleaning- fuck that shit!
          See if “Big C” (your meth dealer) could loan you a couple bucks- no, you owe that “fool” for the last dime he fronted you plus you stole his aluminum foil.
          Visit old dad to get some dollars- hells yes, pops will give me some dew money!
          You decide you better dress up a bit so you take your good shirt that’s been wrapped around your waist and put it on to cover up the barf stains on the wife beater.
          You set out to the right side of the tracks where the double wides have a community pool.
          Stopping for a second you realize you have a deep itch in your groan area and think to yourself “shit, my cousin done have stinky puss again and probably gave me something.”
          You opine “shit, those anal warts were rough last time, I hope it ain’t nothing that bad”
          Thus began the quest for the great dew!
          this is exactly how I picture your day.
          I mean really, really, I do think most of this is applicable to someone of your intellect.
          See ya in a bit;)

        8. I see spellchecker isn’t applicable to someone of your limited intellect. Had you half the logic and reason that you boast, you would have simply ignored me from the beginning. But you had to prove to everyone here that you mattered, because deep down you believe you’re worthless. You were probably eaten alive on a daily basis in junior high school. To bad you’re incapable of learning from your mistakes.
          The fishing expedition is over and you failed.

        9. I don’t use spellchecker on my phone but I’m sure everyone important to you is very proud of your being interested in spelling.
          I will two things in this post,
          1. Continue the story of your day
          2. Elaborate on my knowledge on logic/philosophy since you questioned my rationality.
          Let’s go!
          Your quest for your pops begins with a stroll down by the creek to see if he’s out came pole fishing for breakfast since it’s 12:30.
          No luck there so straight over to his trailer you go.
          Upon arrival you know you must be discrete before entering because ole dad may have company for “work”.
          You have been so mature comming to accept your dad being a tranny hookers turning tricks to support his heroine habit he (she) picked up in prison for child molestation with your sis.
          (Don’t worry I think your safe with your cousin cause she is 17 and you live in a “friendly/understanding” state.
          You peek in the window and fortunately dad’s alone and already high so this should be an easy score, you think to yourself.
          You knock/walk in, saying “hey, what’s up dick sucker”?, immediately you notice her lips are a bit glazed and raw so you know he has your dew money.
          “What the fuck do you want, shit stain?” She spits with the usual vitriol only your dad can spew.
          Suddenly your eyes catch the sign on the coffee table that your not going to be chugging the red necture with your salty, cheesy treat. Under a couple used gas station condoms you spot a damn past due from the trailer park manager!
          “I said, what does my shit stain, useless son want today?
          Tune in next time for more trials in the life of Rob.
          Now onto some logic.
          Do you know what Epistemology is?
          Do you have a theory of truth?
          Do you know the difference between belief and knowledge?
          What qualifies as justification?
          What constitutes rationality?
          What are formal and informal logical fallacies?
          I do and am more then happy to discuss mine and others views to find who has the more rational beliefs.

    3. From reading your comment, I see you are entirely to materialistic for our movement. We want Liberty, constitutional government, good community morals, and jobs that we can excel at and still keep our souls.
      Not luxury cars, eating out at fancy restaurants, etc.
      You may not be noble enough to understand our plight.

      1. We want Constitutional Government.
        No amount of Mercedes Benz and fancy food will distract us from that.

      2. Firsr, you clearly did not understand I was arguing against those that are materialistic and whine about not having more luxuries when the country is flush with it.
        Second, and more importantly, you expoused your desire for a simple life, “…not eating out, Driving luxurious cars…” and yet your “leader” is the MOST materialistic person in the country.
        For fucks sake he has a golden toilet bowl paid for with money he made doing business with an Iranian bank with ties to terrorist!
        Really?, you think your taking some kind of high road on this?
        I suggest you reread my posting again and again until you realize you cannot answer my questions for a very good reason.

        1. My leader? Hahah
          Most on here believe trump is a better option than Hillary, nothing more.
          You, need to do more reading. Majority of trump supporters are worried about immigration, leftism, and growing unconstitutional government and then the economy. You are the only one I see ranting about material objects and how they make happiness.
          Maybe you should learn how to write what you mean.

        2. It is quickly becoming apparent you have some kind of reading comprehension issue.
          I am against the materialistic excesses your leader stands for but especially those crying hypocrites pretending this country is a “third world country” (as Trump has called it)
          Immigration- Trump loves hiring legal and Illegals because they work cheaply.
          But also I suspect strongly you fall in the category of a person using this issue to mask your bigotry and have a scapegoat for your failures.
          Does “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free..” have any meaning in your obtuse world?
          Leftism- I don’t even know what you think that means.
          Perhaps you should consider your minority status is for a reason.
          “Unconstitutional country”-
          I know, I know, any time the country moves in a direction you disagree with it must be unconstitutional.
          What you nuts have a clear lacking of understanding for is if the SCOTUS deems something constitutional it is BY DEFINITION constitutional weather you agree or not.
          1. Can you show me in the Constitution where it says to be constitutional it must be approved by you?
          Economy- let’s see, I had been talking about the economy and how we are actually a spoiled nation crying when we should be thankful.
          I guess you want to continue to ignore what I posted above but I will ask a couple more questions.
          2.Would it make America great and the economy better if everyone that takes a loan says “I take loans knowing I will not pay them back in full”
          That’s a Trump quote so if you think he is the solution to the economy let’s hear how that is good for the economy.
          3. How would it affect the economy if employers could subjectively choose to not pay employees in full for work done based on their arbitrary standards?
          That is the type of business acumen Trump has used in the past so I can safely assume he believes it is justified.
          Can you explain how that would make the economy great?
          4. You say “you want liberty”
          Can you tell me exactly what you would want to do that you are not allowed THAT WOULD NOT AFFECT OTHERS IN THE SOCIETY YOU LIVE IN?
          When you live in a group you have rules to make that group function fairly and safely for as many as possible.
          4 simple questions for you.
          Will you answer them or dodge?

        3. So I see you have chosen “dodge”.
          It’s odd so many with your pint of veiw are so damn cock sure your correct yet struggle so much when your ideology is challenged.
          Sure it’s fun giving hit and run talking points but the heart of the differences lay in the details.
          No worries, I understand completely that ignorance is bliss and it’s much easier to have a group think mentality than being able to justify your beliefs.

        4. Dude, I’m not going to debate somebody who clearly has no ideology of his own except the tired leftist chant, live and let be. You seem to love the modern world and that means you are beneath me.
          Write me something that makes a hint of sense, shows you have an ideology, and put it into comprehensible language and we can debate. Your shit so far is weak.
          Good day.

        5. I love it!
          When presented arguments and posed questions the Trump sycophants scurry away like cockroaches in the night.
          Your “ah, um, I’m not going to debate you because, well reasons” is fucking hilarious.
          You have the balls to say things like “your beneath me…” but I have yet to hear anything more than feeble assertions and mere insults.
          Put your big boy pants on and let’s test your beliefs.
          Here, I will get you started down a path of educational enlightenment by asking a few questions.
          What is your definition of truth?
          What is your definition of belief?
          What is your definition of knowledge?
          How do you justify your beliefs as apposed to knowledge?
          These will get you started, if you need help just ask.

    4. Your arguments are simplistic at best, idiotic at worst.
      The Trump movement is an antidote to the “progressive” nonsense that is destroying Europe. Hordes of migrants are diluting the entire continent and destroying the happiness of the people. Trump is not perfect, but his anti-illegal immigration, anti-globalist stance is absolutely necessary. I don’t like his tax plan, however.
      You bring up silly things like smartphones and cars as signs that everything is going well here. You fail to realize that people are bankrupting themselves trying to keep up. Sure, they might have nice things now, but the kids college savings account is empty, and the retirement fund is not keeping up with the cost of living increases.
      You can say Trump’s business practices are shady, and you’re probably right. But as long as it’s not illegal, then it’s fair game. If Trump could screw over people to benefit himself, then maybe he can screw over other countries to benefit America. We are dealing with some real nasty people (China, Russia) and sometimes you need to fight fire with fire.

      1. Wow, your are inept that you made my point for me and did not even realize it.
        You said
        “You bring up silly things like smartphones and cars as signs that everything is going well here. You fail to realize that people are bankrupting themselves trying to keep up”
        It’s the American people’s CHOICES to do those things when what I am saying is the opposite is what we all need.
        Some moderation
        Some saving
        Not using credit
        Not purchasing so any luxuries (as I listed)
        This is the economic problems Americans are causing themselves.
        America is great, fucking stupid Americans trying to be like Trump is the problem.
        So when I hear people chant the mantra Trump spews I want to laugh at them all chiming along.
        He is the epitome of why America is weak for the middle class because his type “screw the little guy”.
        You just said your ok with Trump doing business that screws people as long as it’s legal.
        Who do you think this billionaire is screwing?
        Us, the little guy!
        The painter, the carpenter, the dance group of little girls etc.
        As far as college you can’t seem to remember it’s the right that took away low interest loans from the government and that colleges are free market entities that will charge rates as high as will be paid.
        That’s the free market I’m sure you love!
        Isn’t it strange how “competition” has not kept prices down as the laissez-faire economist predict?
        It’s nice talking with someone proving my points everytime they respond but if you could answer the questions that would promote honest dialog.

    5. I expect things look just wonderful to H1B job thieves like yourself. For common Americans, they don’t.

      1. I know your a little sleepy/grouchy from staying up till 3 am last night waiting for your grand Assange press release but perhaps you would be a bit more coherent if you had a little nappy.
        When you wake up try rereading my posts above where I rebuke the idea that America is in horrible conditions as you guys claim.
        If your confused feel free to ask your mom when you get up and she can tell you about your great, great grandfather and how he survived the great depression and a world war.
        Perspective my boy, perspective!

  32. You know….I want to thank Glenn Beck. when i was first becoming a conservative, he was a strong voice of reason. He was sane and had well done arguments. this was probably in 2008 or 2007. This was the glenn beck that wrote an inconvenient book and seemed to genuinely become enamored with the founding fathers and their principles. He acknowledged republicans had faults but he was pro-america overall. He was pro-God. His televised Fox News show at 5 PM was something worth watching every single day. His show on headline news was pretty good too. The blaze at first was great viewing too. if anyone has his pre-2011 stuff….there’s a lot of gold not found elsewhere there. his old fusion magazines you subscribed too are worth saving too.
    then something happened….2012 and later especially….he goes insane.
    this is not the same glenn beck.
    “they” got to him.
    he was once a great brother in this fight and i attribute the wakening of my conservative to him, at least a good portion of that. so his fall over the years had saddened me.
    that said…this article is spot on…the man has fallen and fallen hard.

    1. Wish I could agree with you, but I don’t ever recall Beck mention in any form how he was against the War on Drugs, legalizing prostitution, and ending selective service, as those three were not on the political cards during the 18th century.

      1. there are literally 1000s of more issues than that, and i’d hardly count those as the most important.

        1. The slippery slope is very real on this one. All it takes is one despotic move on the behalf of either the mob or political leader, and liberty itself is threatened. Think of those three I described as a microcosm in a very big picture.

  33. “This rule consists of NEVER GIVING INTO THE LEFT’S DEMANDS. It doesn’t matter whether they have a rare but valid point or if they exert unwavering pressure on their target, we must never admit defeat because we suffer irreparable losses if we do so.”
    Pure Gold!

  34. Man you guys are just hilarious. I read down there “we will be his boss for once”. You won’t be Trumps boss, he will do as he damn well pleases for 4 years. He won’t get reelected and you will get progressives running the country for the next 25 years, if it lasts that long. Heck trumps daughter is progressive as hell and she might be running some of it.
    “Glen Beck won’t be on our side so he is gonna fall”, Yeah right, I don’t agree with Beck all the time but I just don’t see how 15% of Trumps supporters are going to cause him to go out of business. The Blaze seems to be picking up sponsors, its not just gold and freeze dried food anymore. I haven’t noticed it being as hard as Glen has said to get cash out of the bank with a check. I keep going WTF is he talking about. I write checks to carry cash on vacation or to go to the casino. They just hand it to me.
    Then I read someone say something positive about being a nationalist, get rid of free trade. All those IST’s nationalist, communist, socialist, humanist, the only IST that ever worked worth a damn was capitalist, without the crony part, Donald will keep the crony part believe me, “THE CRONY PART WILL BE YUUUUUUUGE”.
    I see Trump is going to make the net more open and some other shit like that, yeah, as long as you don’t criticize him or his friends.
    Oh I see some of you are for capping political donations, how Hillary of you, none of the Never Trumpers, except for the the democrats, were ever for capping donations or spending but that looks like what they are being accused of down below.
    Melania is gonna cause fat women to go to the gym LOL. Hope not, I like to nail the chubbies. Anyway his daughter, you know the progressive democratic other hot chick he runs around with and who will be probably running the government. Now she might cause women to go to the gym.
    As for the article, seems to me all you Trump supporters think its fine for you to have your own political opinions but Glen can’t have his. I can’t have mine. That not allowing Hillary in office trumps everything NO MATTER WHAT. If Trump were the reincarnation of Mao, you’d still vote for him just to keep Hillary out of office. Yeah I know Donald was born while Mao lived, he’s just an example. I had to explain that because one of you, the really stoopid one, would have used it against me.
    We can’t have our beliefs, no we must conform to the Trump according to you. Jeez how democrat of you. You get kicked to the curb in the dem party if your pro life. Hillary calls you names if you feel the Bern.
    I don’t know dudes, I don’t see the freedom in your movement, I just don’t see people sticking with your movement when they have to conform, I’m damn sure not.

    1. Beck has at least two civil lawsuits that are ongoing against him. That, plus the blaze’s financial troubles have sealed his fate.
      And no one here is saying Glenn doesn’t deserve to exercise his 1st amendment rights. We’re critiquing his judgment, which you would’ve picked up on if you had read said article.

      1. What famous SOB doesn’t have civil lawsuits filed against him? The blaze keeps adding shows and more advertisers.
        I did read it, If you’d read all I wrote you’d have noticed several reason to question the judgement of Trump supporters

        1. People support trump for different reasons, and quite a few of us here do so only because we care about the long term implications of this election.
          In short: you’re an ignorant dumbass

    2. Many of us are banking on Trump’s ego and vanity — the fact he likes to be liked — keeping him on the American people’s side.

    3. I am glad to see that I am not the only one here that won’t be voting for trump. Trump and Hillary may be the two worst candidates we have ever had. Trump is a clown, and he isn’t a viable alternative to Hillary.
      I enjoy reading many of the articles on here, but it has become too wrapped up in politics over the last year. If you’re not a trump supporter then you must be an sjw. Now they have articles about Glenn beck because he won’t support trump. It seems to me like someone has been reading too much breitbart.

  35. Beck is a fool and deserves his fate.
    But…if alt-righters include: gamer gate, atheist edge lords, milo cock sucking fanboys, anti-feminist female white knighters, wannabe mgtows, then I’m not a alt righter.

  36. Fuck ’em. Don’t let the door hit him on the way out. Even if Trump loses, this election season has been extremely cathartic – exposing people like Beck and many, many other “conservatives” for who they truly are – sellout SJWs!

  37. Keep this in mind, you are not conservatives, they are classic liberals…. and yes economic liberalism leads to open borders, off shoring and outsourcing, and domination from globalists.

  38. i hope never to even know of Mark Levin and Ben Shapiro ever again.
    False cuck-servative tribalists secretly bent on Hillary winning

  39. Beck and the Faux Republicans were always Trojan horses. Trump has exposed them. It is naked now for all with eyes to see.

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