What You Need To Do If Hillary Wins

Nearly all the writers at Return Of Kings support Donald Trump. We believe that he represents a genuine threat to the hegemony of the oligarchs that control US domestic and foreign policy. While we are hoping for a Trump win, we recognize that it is far from a sure thing and that we should always be prepared for the worst. Here are some things we should do if the unthinkable happens and Hillary wins.

Realize that the game is over

INF85742 The Return of the Crusader, 1835 (oil on canvas) by Lessing, Carl Friedrich (1808-80); Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn, Germany; Interfoto; German, out of copyright

If Hillary wins the election, trying to change the country democratically will become impossible. Hillary promises to grant citizenship to the 12 million illegal Central American immigrants already in the US. She also promises to flood the country with more third world immigrants from Islamic countries. Once this happens, the US will change from a center-right country to one that is hard left. The change will be permanent.

There are people who disagree with my conclusion. These “principled conservatives” believe that Islamic and illegal immigrants are “natural conservatives” who will become Republicans if the party is true to its “conservative principles.” They imagine that Muslims and illegals will join white and black Christians in voting for a government that opposes socialistic welfare programs and supports conservative positions on marriage, abortion, and small government.

Although these principled conservatives are good people, they are hopelessly deluded and naïve. In reality, over 90% of blacks, 70% of Asians, and 60% of Hispanics consistently vote Democrat. Despite all of the pandering the GOP has done over the past 50 years, they haven’t moved the needle in their direction. The only thing preventing the US from going full SJW is white men. Once white men lose their demographic advantage under Hillary, the US will permanently become a leftist state.

What that means for us is that it will not make further sense to pay attention to conventional politics or participate in the democratic process. But that doesn’t mean that we should be passive. We’ll just have to recognize that any positive change will have to come from more difficult, less appealing avenues.

But opportunities will arise


An opportunity to storm the gates will arise

A state built on constant racial agitation, tax laws that protect the wealth of the super-rich while making it difficult for everyone else to get ahead, unchecked immigration, proxy wars, and globalist trade policy that eviscerates the country’s manufacturing sector is not sustainable. It will not happen immediately but it is just a matter of time until things begin to unravel. Your job will be to prepare for this inevitability.

Don’t expect one huge collapse. Rather, expect a long series of small collapses followed by periods of stability as the government gradually becomes unable to manage the chaos it has unleashed. This will create opportunities for local action to fill the gaps that the crumbling system is unable to address. This process will take years, but you will not be able to fill the gaps unless you begin preparing today.

Arm Yourself


A more immediate concern is ensuring that you are exercising your Second Amendment to bear arms. Hillary has repeatedly made it clear that she favors more stringent gun control. So far, Democrats have been stymied by the Supreme Court that has tilted slightly conservative. If Hilary wins, that protection will be removed. Justice Scalia’s slot is already open and Justice Ginsburg is ancient and not doing well. Justice Kennedy is already 80 and Justice Breyer is not far behind at 78. It is possible that Hillary could fill four to five slots during her supposed presidential reign—tilting the Court in a liberal direction for the next 20 years.

Conservatives like to think that liberal justices will still feel bound by the text of the Constitution. This is just more naiveté. A liberal Court will interpret the Constitution as a “living document” where it means exactly what the Court wants it to mean. You can expect a Court case that holds that guns are intended only for state regulated militias like the National Guard—not regular citizens.

But before that case comes down the pike, Hillary will move to regulate firearms and ammunition. After all, if you can’t obtain ammo, your gun is useless. If Hillary gets in, stock up while supplies last.

Prepare to lose your platform


Ravens are used for communication in Game of Thrones but we’ll need something better.

Americans are proud of their First Amendment right to free speech but even today that doesn’t mean that you have the right to say anything. For example, no one has the right to yell “fire” in a crowded movie theatre because it would endanger lives. Expect the same reasoning to be applied to speech that might hurt other people’s feelings. President Obama has already signaled that he prefers a more limited First Amendment.

Does what you are saying offend Muslims and cause them to blow up? It can be banned. If an article makes feminists feel bad, it can be banned. If your speech is in any way racist, it can be banned. The newly upgraded Supreme Court will interpret the First Amendment in the same way as it interprets the Second—in a more limited fashion.

Expect the currently damper on free speech to accelerate on the private social media platforms. It has already happened to Facebook. You are allowed to freely espouse any political opinion as long as that opinion comports with what Mark Zuckerberg deems acceptable political discourse. The same is becoming true of Twitter. If Hillary wins, we can expect that trend to continue with the encouragement of the federal government.

By the way, this may jeopardize Return Of Kings which is guilty of just about every “sin” that the left wing hates.

Prepare now by developing alternative methods of communicating with people electronically. This will necessitate the development of alternative communication platforms and the technical know-how to stay one step ahead of the censors.

Build your tribe


It follows naturally from what has been said above that face-to-face relations will increase in importance in the future. This applies whether or not Hillary gets in, but will happen faster if she does. It is imperative that you build a network of men (and it has to be limited to men) locally. This is a group of men that you work out with, train with, and socialize with. Ideally, you all know why you are getting together. General agreement of world view is important as well. You can’t have soy-eating, Hillary-supporting, transgender otherkin as part of your crew.

It is possible to meet your tribe members online, but try to make use of existing face-to-face networks as it makes it more difficult to infiltrate. I personally spend time with a group of very traditional men from my local church. Not everyone of them realize the depth of onslaught we will face in the future, but they all know that traditional society is under attack. We share the common goal of wanting a healthy society where we can raise our children in safety.


Of course, I still hope that Trump wins in November. In the best case, Trump will not only be able to arrest the decline but begin reversing it. If that is the case, we will able to begin rebuilding a healthy society. But we have to remember that Trump is only one man and the forces arrayed against us are great. In any case it is prudent to adopt the old Boy Scout motto: “Be Prepared.”

Read More: What Would Happen If Hillary Clinton Wins?

579 thoughts on “What You Need To Do If Hillary Wins”

  1. On bearing arms: realize that possessing them is not enough if you are not willing to use them. What is advised here means nothing if when government agents come to your door you just give up your arms without a fight. Don’t kid yourself, there is real personal danger in this strategy. Personally, I would rather die on my feet before I beg on my knees, but that is just me. Before you go thinking that throwing a gun in your closet is enough, you need to really consider whether you are willing to use it, under what conditions, and make sure that you have accepted the consequences of doing so. And also realize, just buying a gun makes you a target for an administration that wants to ban and confiscate them. So if you cannot stomach violence, best to walk past the gun store.

    1. And if you have made the decision to fight, then get to a damned range and start training with that rifle. And when you’re good at iron sights, get good at tactical combat shooting scenarios which don’t allow lots of time to get a good bead on something. Then start hiking state park trails with your entire kit, including rifle and backpack, etc (state laws permitting). And more, and more, and more….. Just buying an AR-15 and going to the range once or twice a year will benefit you almost 0.0%.

      1. All of this too. I was only going after the philosophical point about violence. I suspect many people think owning the gun is enough. There is a lot of bluster from them about defending themselves, but when the FBI is knocking at the door, there will be no fight, there won’t even be lies and an attempt to hide them. they will turn over their weapons without question. That’s fine if you are afraid of violence, but folks should realize that once you are on the “bad” list, it really doesn’t matter whether you comply or not. You’re not getting on the “good” list just because you’ve voluntarily disarmed. Instead, you’ve marked yourself as a target for future prosecution because they understand that they can get away with it with you.

        1. I’d say the odds of resistance are pretty high. Connecticut had an estimated 10% or less compliance rate when they ordered people with semi-autos to “register” them after that school shooting. That’s a whole mess of civil disobedience. Which is why the MSM didn’t report on it and tried to make the entire situation fade into the background.

        2. I agree, but I also think men should be honest with themselves about the risks. Civil disobedience is fine, but what if the agents come back with a warrant to toss your house? What if they attempt to arrest you?
          From our previous discussions, you and I are largely on the same page, so please understand that I’m not aiming this at you, and am speaking more to others who may consider the advice in this article.
          I speak only from the reality I observe on the ground around me. When SHTF, I will be in enemy territory surrounded and cut off from support. I know some who own guns in my neighborhood, and I suspect many, if not most of them would be among the 10% who would comply, either willingly, or because their wives would turn them in, etc… I will be fighting a lonely battle, and I will likely be overrun. Eh. So be it. I fight with a happy heart! Perhaps my resistance will make them think twice about coming into your backyard where people will be less compliant.
          As I like to point out to the liberals I’m surrounded by on the rare occasion that I’m in the mood to discuss this subject with them, our country has almost more firearms than citizens. Virtually half the homes in this country own at least one weapon. This is just what we know because people are willing to report it. Looking at AR-15s alone, there are an estimated 5-10 million of them in civilian hands. The low number is more than twice the size of our entire military, active and reserve. If only 1% of those AR-15 owners decided they were willing to violently resist – a virtual certainty in my opinion – we would have a huge problem. And there are far more weapons than just AR-15s, and they are just as deadly if used correctly. In other words, we’re talking existential level issue if it ever comes to confiscation in this country.
          People here often talk about how eager they are for the collapse. I am not. This will not be pretty, and many on our side would die too, including possibly me and my family. I honestly hope that if Hildebeast gets elected (I hope she doesn’t) that she has enough sense not to push this. But like I said, I am reconciled to whatever happens. I made my peace with this a long time ago. I have been watching for two decades as I have slowly been labeled the enemy by the country I fought for. I am happy to fight at the ballot boxes for as long as that is tenable. But I am not going to have my children grow up as second class citizens in some quasi slave state that demands blind obedience and can inflict violence upon them at will. I know where my line is. I only pray that our “leaders” stay well on the correct side of it.

        3. Check out NY safe act compliance percentage … Just about All of upstate NY is in total rebellion to it. Gov Coumo didnt want to release the numbers of registered weapons under the safe act, because it was utterly embarrassing how few complied with the law.

        4. Why is it surprising (honest question)? The 2nd Amendment community has been getting this kind of treatment as long as I can remember, at least as far back as the early 1990’s. We’ve had major demonstrations across the nation, simultaneously, with 5k-10k per state capitol, and it didn’t even show up on the news (this was 2012). Armed demonstrations. Not one peep from the MSM.
          Censorship isn’t just changing the news, it’s also in what the media chooses NOT to report, in a strange way.
          I don’t think that they’re divorced from the reality of it, they know it’s going on, they’re intentionally not giving it coverage so as to not embolden others to challenge government authority.

        5. That’s interesting, I didn’t know that. Fascinating.
          I suppose the trick is: If people believe that everybody else really agrees with the prevalent ideologies, then they will be much more scared to speak up. (When in reality many think the same). I heard this from my father too, who lived in Soviet-invaded Czech Republic back before 1988 or so. And another, older guy who lived there. Basically, they said that everybody just pretended to go along with the ‘mainstream’ while secretly everybody knew it was bullshit.
          (That is what I meant by ‘people adapt’, btw)

        6. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
          “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

        7. News professionals call it the spike. It was where the editors of papers in the old days put articles the reporters brought in that the editors didn’t want to see the light of day. It is key to the propaganda we get in MSM today, but has been around for a very long time.

        8. And it all fell to pieces once the first move of opening the society came about. The first conversations people were allowed to have openly proved that everyone did not agree with the party line.

        9. It all depends on the rationale used. You are thinking with a logical mind. The scenario is likely to be one of emotion and propaganda. Perhaps after a wave of mass violence, imagine the events of France occurring in every state in America, and the government says we are going to stop this once and for all, we’re sorry to do this, but in the interest of security and safety we will begin curtailing freedom to travel without search, and we will begin confiscating weapons in order to prevent more death and destruction.
          If the media shows enough footage of bloody babies, I can see the majority of people nodding their heads and readily turning in their weapons. Remember how most of the right was fully taken by the Iraq propaganda (and that was in no way a threat to our actual safety or way of life) and gave up tons of freedoms under the Patriot Act.

        10. It’s quite true, that even if 5% of us rebelled, there is no way to contain it. They simply don’t have the numbers.

        11. How was the school shooting in Connecticut not pure 100% emotion, and emotion laden propaganda. That was a turning point in the gun rights movement. We had a school of little blonde haired white kids gunned down, and nobody complied with the orders to “pony up” by the government despite nuclear levels of weeping sad propaganda.

        12. I hope this is correct, but the masses completely caved and surrendered their 4th amendment. It may take more drastic efforts to get them to do the same with the 2nd, but once the other bill of rights protections are all gone, what good is a gun anyway?

      2. If sure as hell is a start though. And way better than most. Get sighted in. Shoot at various distances and get comfortable. Hunt if you can

    2. “So if you cannot stomach violence, best to walk past the gun store. ” I sort of disagree with this because how we feel now whilst things still appear normal and peaceful for the most part is not how we will feel when the SHTF and the zombie apocalypse is in full swing. Today, I cannot stomach violence my self, but, I’m smart enough to know that tomorrow I may not be able to stomach non-violence. Lots of people who would normally never hurt a fly find that shooting a burglary caught in the act is not difficult for them. But yeah, learning how to use the gun makes a lot of sense compared to stupidly just tossing it in to the back of the closet.

      1. Indeed. My general sentiment is this: “Can’t stomach violence? How well do you stomach your family being raped and killed before your very eyes because you can’t stomach the violence it takes to protect them? Does your delicate stomach handle that any better?”

        1. You took the words right out of my mouth, Unabashed. You speak unabashedly, and I like it. You expressed graphically what I was saying abstractly. I can understand how someone might freeze with fear when the situation called for them to employ violence when they are unaccustomed to it, but I cannot understand someone who precludes all violence pre-emptively and before the fact, in principle. The former I judge wimpy, but the latter I judge wicked and evil and a friend of the devil.

    1. Indeed. BLM niggers attacking white people with impunity, muslims being more and more demanding and aggressive, Christianity being more and more pushed aside from public life…The States are pivotal to a strong and proud Western Civilization. Lets hope and pray, Trump gets the victory.

      1. You’re still the vast majority in the USA so stop whining like you’re a 80 yo Afikans hag in the middle of Johannesburg.
        If the blacks attack you use fists to reppell attack and if you’re too afraid then there’s the fact that you haven’t a pair. Till then it’s all good.

        1. I am not American, i am Portuguese…Still, even if they are a minority, if the State protects then with the media, and even the police…Are numbers that good in this case???

        2. I just add that the afro-americans are only the 13% of the USA. They are just too vocal, too vulgar and too criminal, for that watch Jared Taylor’s channel on youtube (amren), if you want more info.

        3. It’s like the end of the world for some folks here on ROK. Small riot is small.

        4. Fists to repel? Dude…you are so European.
          We gots guns. Lots and lots of guns.

        5. It all starts from small events, then it gets out of hand…With Obama, this is the new norm, with the super cunt Hillary, it will be normalized as she already made promises to these bastards.

        6. We adore fist fights in Europe, namely with some fancy clothes and colours. Nostalgia from past glories! hehe.

        7. You seem to be perpetually angry and bitter. I have no idea why.
          We “use our guns” against Vibrant Diversity almost 40,000 times a year, it’s just not reported.
          As to “younger than me”, that’s to laugh. An army of flabby, flaccid Hipsters is hardly a thing to be frightened of. My arms are larger than any two of their legs strapped together and I’m fitter than your average college quarterback.

        8. Hell, I’m not a particularly large guy, not nearly as big as you, but I’ve yet to see a hipster that has elicited any threat response from me. I mean, how can you be scared of a guy who can’t even fill out skinny jeans?

        9. They’re kind of opposite of a “threat response”. When I see them, I generally get this gleeful urge to punch them in the face just for the sheer joy of doing it.

        10. Those damn skinny jeans. I was shopping last weak to buy a pair of trousers and its all about those shit paints…How can a men fit on those??? I guess, lack of testosterone.

        11. I have done that too. I bought a pair of jeans in my size whiteout trying them on not realizing they were skinny cut. After about 8 minutes of trying to pull them past my quads (extra absurd from years of deadlifting) I figured out what happened.

        12. My point exactly. Those paints have to do serious harm to circulation. I could not fit one leg in one of those things.

        13. this is another one of those times I wish I could make cartoons. Set up a classic 19th century battle field with one side being skinny jeans wearing hipsters fag lisping “attack!!!!!” against an army of men.

        14. 8 minutes? i gave up after 20 seconds. Its like a prison to the balls. No wonder men are so effeminate today.

        15. Just had a funny visual. You know the old shows where a guy would get kicked in the balls and his voice would go up 3-4 octaves? I can imagine it being the same with those jeans.

        16. I was sitting on my bed not understanding. I kept taking them off, looking at the size, looking at myself in the mirror and trying again. Then I went to my closet and got another pair of jeans that were that size and put them on. I was literally (hitler) confused. I was wondering if the size was mislabeled. It was really a fucking funny scene.

        17. There is a new Chevy ad. the people are supposed to react to the cars using emojis. There is this 100 lb guy who whispers “strong”. He sounds like the gay kid from Revenge of the Nerds

        18. Hehe, imagine Farinelli with a skinny jean! What about those guys that when they bow down, their ass is shown in full display? Why on earth can a men use this type of clothing is beyond imagination…Is not that women find them attractive and above all, its just to bad your your health.

        19. lol!
          I haven’t seen many commercials that I didn’t intend to see by looking them up for lulz on youtube ever since learning how to torrent……I just assume that this is very much the norm now….

        20. Ho men, you gave me the idea of Hitler with one of those paints…Imagine the Nuremberg rallies lool So much for national socialism!

        21. I wish I remembered the nameplate, but I focus on the dipshits they interview. Asian chick saying “Like, WORD, Chevy!”

        22. The fact that you’re an Amren subscriber says something…
          Jared Taylor, like most white nationalists, cherry picks data to put groups he dislikes in an extremely unfavorable light while refusing to even entertain the possibility that his own group is not perfect.

        23. That’s kind of strange to me, I honestly picture you being more or less my size. Must be your massive amounts of Grizzly Adams level hair that creates that perception.

        24. Approximately 60 percent of the population whites.
          App. 30 percent white men
          App 15 percent military aged white men.
          App 5 percent non hipster/gay/SJW.
          Still enough to rebel, but those numbers are getting worse every year, and will accelerate fast with Hillary in office.

        25. Attacking refugees in the night.
          Real heroes…
          Let’s see one of these Patriots come out from the dark and confront their own defective government for unleashing the migrant hordes.

        26. But of course they’d be texting ‘atack’ (mispelled of course) to one another in between checking twitter, facebook, Instagram, snapchat, reddit……

        27. Attacking refugees in the night = hurt as many refugees with minimum risk + destroying their shelters. BTW, Are you aware that most modern military operations are carried during night?

        28. Don’t worry, she’ll just remind them that rapists shouldn’t rape and everything will be fine.

        29. that would be racist seeing as she has white privilege. She should just lay there and enjoy it and really she should wiggle a little so it is better for them in order to help repay the debt she owes due to that privilege.

        30. Weren’t you complaining about “good, old Southern boys” not standing up for what they believe in?

        31. Yes, but in cities, where they don’t live. This would be “where they live”. Apples and oranges.

        32. Yep i think rule one of being a hipster is you must have as little muscle as physically possible

        33. My 19 year old son played Defense in high school lacrosse and lifts crazy amounts of weights. He has his pick of “desperately trying to find a man in our generation” chicks.

        34. i tried them on just to try and i could barely get them up, i couldn’t go up stairs or bend at all, idk wat these dweebs are doing

        35. That’s the thing many of these hipsters u see are going around with land whales or those creepy chicks with the dyed hair, piercing all over and and ugly ass thigh tats. Oh how i hate thigh tats

        36. But that guy getting his ass beat is pro gun control and will wife up that slut he’s with.
          Why are you panties all in a bunch?

        37. did I count wrong or are you suggesting that blondie is going to love what happens next? either way, hilarious.

        38. Did you know slavery still exists in Uzbekistan?
          No? That’s because it’s not reported. Muslims enslaving people is bad pr for pc.
          Same thing with guns. 200,000 crimes prevented a year, yet no one speaks because that would interfere with the ‘guns actually make you less safe’ narrative.

        39. They don’t squat. Never will know what its like to be strong. A terrible, and ruined, form of life.

        40. Blondie there is my kind of girl. I mean, literally (Hitler). I’ve dated exactly two brunettes in my life (one which I enjoyed immensely), the rest have been nearly standard issue “her” in the picture.

        41. They’ll probably just repeat their usual sjw pattern of assembling an army of limpdick drones to take down a single giant.

        42. it is funny, with your Viking blondie saturation demographically I would think your type would be something else. People often get bored by what they have in abundance. I remember an Irish (from Ireland) girl telling me that I had boring blue eyes. The same eyes that Italian girls and Ricans usually cum over. Since there isn’t just one demographic here I basically look to bone whatever the opposite of what I am currently boning is (it is basically the fucking version of gladiatorial fights….a small guy with a spear and net fights a big guy with a huge sword and a shield). But if I had demographic homogeneity I feel I would probably be looking to bone anything other than what was around me.

        43. Well, I have played Chess and enjoyed it immensely. Like, probably way more than I should have. But otherwise, hey, look, if some great patron said “Every day you shall have the finest banquet meals prepared by the most experienced chefs in the world” you’d probably take it. I mean, in that situation, I wouldn’t start suffering a sudden craving for White Castles, you know what I mean?
          Besides, the dark haired women here are of only a few types. Italian chicks who, due to “the other kind” are not interested in a dark haired me, the Greek girls of which I’ve found exactly one who was a beauty, and then the average type brunettes probably of Irish stock who generally just don’t have the vavavoom in other categories that I like. And that Persian girl I told you about. Dunno.

        44. No normal muscular guy will fit those crap paints, i agree with you. When i stopped being skinny as hell, the most tasty thing i could do was to try out a new shirt or paints and feel happy, by feeling my muscles and body shape be like silk in those garments.

        45. I have never found the irish potatoes to be real tomatoes. And while your buffet example is apt….there are days when I would stay at the side of the table with the prime rib and other times I would stick near the blufin tuna.

        46. The case in point is not a simple example but the drive behind all of this. We see more and more cases of black on white violence, orchestrated, programmed and nobody seems to care. Im not american but i would be highly concerned with these animals running wild like this.

        47. Only .5 percent of american blacks are violent. However, the damge they do comes from stupidity; only 20% have 100+ IQs.

        48. I have no idea what the fuck is going on in that video, but if it is to the death I approve.

        49. I usually appreciate your comments but, this blanket statement is ignorant to say the least.
          If you have never travelled extensively into the heart of America or lived there, you have no clue what the real American is, let alone what he looks like. There are stone cold killers all over the countryside, in the mountains, prairies, forests. Are they going to rush to defend urban ghettos against these monkeys? Hahahaha
          When you see blm jigs running amok in the boondocks, then you will be able to see what Americans with guns are made of.

        50. No, those are just frivolous, unsupportrd claims, combined with a nice strawman at the end.
          Ironically inane dullard.

        51. “Ironically inane dullard”
          Why are you describing yourself, bro? The first thing a “race realist” should know is that there is no such thing as “the white race” or the European race. Europeans are the same race as Middle Easterners and South Asians.
          Does Jared Taylor admit that, for example?
          I thought not.

        52. Its called calcio and its played in Florence with teams representing the cities neighborhoods. Its seen as one of the ancestors of modern football and its bloody brutal.

        53. I was suggesting what you thought I was suggesting.
          I am happy you have a sense of humor.

        54. Read an article about that recently…some black migrants were lured from Africa to Saudi Arabia for jobs…when they arrived their “frank & beans” we’re chopped off and they were sent to work as slaves.

        55. I just typed a long reply and for whatever reason it won’t be displayed, so I’m not sure if you received it.
          I will now keep this short and sweet.
          You and I agree, to an extant. When true leadership comes true conservative, patriotic Americans will rally and lay their lives on the line. Do not doubt this, also don’t doubt that it will happen in our lifetimes, this I’m almost certain.
          Anyway, shoot me your contact information before you come to America, it would be my pleasure to show you the rural west, where I currently reside, though I’ve lived in the rural south, north, Midwest. That last comment is only to show that I know what I’m talking about.
          Good explanation. I appreciated it.

        56. I did not receive any long explanation. Roosh really needs to get rid of the “Deus Vult” banner.
          Let’s hope that true America solves this ASAP, because from the European side, things look even more terrible. Only if America moves first, Europe may follow later, not the other way around.
          Sure, let’s keep in touch. I appreciate your invitation.

        57. Yes, America must lead. Unfortunatley, it will be atleast another decade until we get our shit together over here, I’m afraid that may be too late for Europe.

        58. It wasn’t the pop up, I’m starting to think my account is being censored. Maybe it is paranoia, but it’s been happening a lot lately and not just this site,it may
          be disquis.

        59. Change the associated email or at least, the password. Be careful. Weird stuff happened to me as well.

        60. Honestly, I don’t think there is time for a decade. The demographics clearly play against us.

        61. Is it cherry picking to point out that men are more violent than woman and consequently arrested more?
          The same is true with violent black vs white criminals
          Don’t be a cuck

        62. Archeologists know there is / are white haplogroups in any DNA test Ie a white race born from/ of 12 tribes.
          Your stupid thesis is akin to saying that hereby is no African race
          Middle easterners are Arabs.
          ARab means mixed race.

        63. 1 million annual interracial black In white violent assaults in America.
          DUde. This is a war

        64. Some piece of belligerent Eurotrash once told me I couldn’t go five minutes in a fight with him. I told he was right, If he laid hands on me I’d shoot first. “God made Men and Henry Winchester made them Equal.”

        65. “My 19 year old son played Defense in high school lacrosse and lifts crazy amounts of weights. He has his pick of “desperately trying to find a man in our generation” chicks ”
          Sounds like you are doing things correctly as a father, GOJ.
          Your son is 19 and gets his fair share of desperate women – do you mean he gets spinsters passed their prime? The reason I ask is that it is my impression that American females your son’s age are not desperate whatsoever, unless a new generation of young girls are changing their preferences in what they want in a guy.

        66. You go that right. Portuguese media is a echo of other media namely anglo saxonic. Its all about how Trump is evil and how Hillary is the next JFK.

        67. Demographics in the U.S. need to be looked at on a more localized level, as counting the nation as a whole is misleading.
          Whites are a majority maybe at best in specific isolated localities and sparsely populated rural counties. In urban areas, whites are definitely a minority in the U.S. Non-hispanic whites are 28% in Los Angeles, 33% in NYC. Some areas of the Southwest are 80-90% Mexican origin.

        68. That’s downright Game of Thrones.
          I shouldn’t snicker but I can’t help it.

        69. And it would only need to be done a few times to get the message out and others would be discouraged from even trying to come here.

        70. I can’t help but imagine that chick packin’ some heat. Maybe a snub in the small of her back. Check and mate, and all that.

        71. The ultimate source of authority is violence. Had only a couple of migrant boats been shot down some years ago…

        72. BDTR raises a valid concern. The will to use a tool is as important as having it. Clearly here a Molotov was more useful than lead.

        73. Ourlove for hipster chicks is why 4chumblr worked before moot sold out. The ones who only sleep with smalldicked hipsters remain unstretched and hungry.

      2. Sounds like what happens in South Africa after apartheid.
        The bros new favourite sport is to hunt and slaughter white farmers. And of course the government treats the issue with kid gloves, so as not to seem like “racially profiling” the perpetrators.

        1. In former Rhodesia it was even worse. But hey! Only causasian people can be racist right???

        2. The only reason why they haven’t it’s simply because of the massive red tape they face to get visas. Believe me, those who aren’t fortunate enough to claim British or whatever ancestry in order to get a First-World passport would trade their kidneys for a passage out if they could.

        3. I have a cousin that did a lot of business in south Africa before the fall of apartheid. She said that it was really a fantastic place to be. A lot of fun and a ton of opportunity. Some of my more liberal cousins are put off by her pro apartheid sentiment. However, she spent 10 years doing business there and they are butt hurt about Bernie sanders. I take her first hand experience over the more…errr…hippyish opinions I have heard.

        4. The king of the Zulus has commented: “History will judge black people harshly as they have failed to build on the successes of the Afrikaners,” he said, before continuing to explain that “black people loved to use matches to burn down infrastructure” built by the white government.
          My views on South Africa have changed from the common “Africa for Africans” mentality with what I’ve read recently. For instance when the Boers got there large parts were uninhabited and they negotiated with the nearest tribe the Zulus for the right to their settlement territory.

      3. The truth is things will likely be far less dramatic. Patriarchal, masculine men will slowly shrink and decline to the point where they won’t stand up to the state anymore. In fact, I’d argue this has likely already happened.
        This is not so much a criticism of today’s men, as a realization that the water is already boiling and we are the frog. The time to take action passed years ago.
        And let me tell you, when this new generation, raised on safe spaces and rape culture myths and affirmative consent, reaches the age of majority, the days of masculine men are over.
        America will likely just whither into a shadow of its former self the same way Italy, Greece, Byzantium, Napoleonic France, and the British Empire did.

        1. Perhaps, perhaps…I always say: either the shit is going to burn and from the ashes a new civilization will rise, or…there is still hope and brexit and a possible win by Trump, are signs that could mean the end of the collapse. Any way, its going to be a painful experience as all falls/great transformations are.

        2. You are probably correct about the society just slowly succumbing to the scientific management. However the people who run fedgov just aren’t the type to go quietly into the night. When they cannot maintain empire I just have a bad feeling they won’t go quietly but rather cause the world to burn.

        3. “This is not so much a criticism of today’s men, as a realization that the water is already boiling and we are the frog. The time to take action passed years ago.”
          I hear ya, and I agree. Action should have been taken years ago.

        4. Masculine men might not stand up to the state anymore but they certainly won’t stand up FOR it either, I suspect. Expect lots of silent disobedience, passive-aggressive ignoring of laws, crimes of omission rather than commission and so on. Stuff not working, people deliberately gumming up the works.

        5. This happens because they still have things to lose. Watch the anger rise as the economy crashes. No fear of losing your job for lynching a terrorist if you have no job.

        6. I strongly agree but trump would have never gotten this far if it was already gone. The 2012 election was when I realized how powerful the anti masculine men group really were and how organized they become

        7. Young men expect everything to be epic and glorious, when reality is more often a gradual, relentless rot

        8. Big! The more thety tax and overegulate the more small businessmen work for $$..
          These are honest people simply tired of being screwed over and watching these retards damage the economy and waste our tax dollars..
          The State is too large and consuming too much of my energy and givng to their lazy employees and charges.
          That old communist saying “They pretend to pay, we pretend to work” seems to be the dirrection we’re heading..

      4. People seemed to be silent about this but the number one growing ethnicity and largest migrant group coming to the United States are East Indians. They have already destroyed the UK, Australia, and Canada because of their laxed immigration laws, but when Hillary becomes president, guess who will be coming in hoards when she provides an easier path to green cards and citizenship? Indians! The state of NJ is already overrun by them. Certain areas of Chicago are now all Indians. And California and Texas are beginning to see a huge influx. Stop the Indians!

        1. I already read, that their are ruining computer jobs in the states by lowing incomes. Its a globalist wet dream!

        2. in NYC the east indian parade has turned into a violent riot pretty much every year since its inception. The cops have a containment policy for this parade. Even notoriously rowdy parades like Puerto Rican parade or Saint Patricks where there is a fairly open hand…rules are given out and enforced. St. Pats is a zoo in new York….but not the parade. The parade is a fairly calm and organized thing. I wouldn’t be caught dead in certain bars at 2 am after half the cities population, irish or otherwise, have been drinking all day but the parade is fine.
          The east indian parade is really fucking terrible. I know a guy who is a detective and he told me about containment. Basically, they have a section that is just going to be a lawless zone and as long as they don’t spill out of it they are free to beat, rape, murder or do whatever.

        3. You must be thinking of the WEST Indian Parade…. Haitians, Dominicans, and various other Carribean negroes, “hispanics,” and mixtures thereof. Trouble always guaranteed with those groups getting together.
          The “East Indians” the other poster speaks of would be the peeps from the Indian subcontinent, who on the whole work hard, are educated, are very little trouble and never engage in civil disobedience… at least here in the USA.

      5. Broad violence or civil war is on the menu in the next 20-25 years, if there is not some form of release valve or actual change. The anger is already there, but rebellion leadership and organization is not. It is no longer an echo chamber effect. I sometimes ask others in my area about this. ~75% give you the ‘fluoride stare’, and act like you are somehow excited about the idea. (Not the case). ~25%, usually older white men or the odd older black guy actually agree it could happen. Would be an interesting poll, if conducted beyond my local bar/friends.

        1. Its seems pretty unstoppable is it not? Our “leaders are driving these politics by promoting racial and economic tension, religious and ethnic conflict. And guess what: they do it on the open! Is there no shame for this open betrayal??? Lajos Bokros, MEP for Hungary recently said… ‘Admitting economic migrants is a national interest to replace the aging Hungarian population.’ Do i need to say more???https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d820f508012df3b4b12832c635b0a5019ff6825f516cf206654a011b3915aecd.jpg

        2. If this guy isn’t a biological jew, he is certainly a spiritual one.
          Another culture vulture.

        3. That schnozz and eyebrows should be condemned under UN conventions as weapons of mass destruction.

      6. wow this guy’s post was able to show, and yet somehow this site is for those who have taken the red pill lol
        so tell me the black guys that are here, how do you rationalize this post?

        1. There is a difference between normal and proud black americans and niggers that have a slave mentality and are nothing more than puppets. Respect for them??? None in a million years! This scene from Glory shows what i mean: Denzel plays the equivalent to the blm of today, Freeman, the emancipated black men. I choose Freeman.

        2. yep, nothing but a racist drivel from you. my question was not directed at you but for those black men who are on this site. why they are silent? i guess they like being call a “nigger” huh?

        3. I am sorry to disappoint you brother but i am not a racist. I used the word nigger directed at those who still have a slave mentality and are puppets of the democratic party. As for the black people around here, i am willing to guess they agree with me in relation with those idiots from the blm and all the others that have a inferiority complex. Hence, the scene i posted.

        4. Please. I am not your brother. I am unsure how Sharpe can even continue to write for this site. But keep at it.

        5. Really? You are not my brother? How did you found out?…Now seriously, save the crap racist card to your american race paranoia aka “identity politics”. I am really sick and tired of this crap. If you want to have a mature conversation on the subject, lets do it, if not, go to some safe space because that is all you convey from you posts: a insecure guy that got “hurt” by the word nigger.

        6. “I am really sick and tired of this crap.”
          you can go to Antarctica
          ” if not, go to some safe space because that is all you convey from you posts:”
          or you can simply not respond
          “a insecure guy that got “hurt” by the word nigger.”
          seems like you know me well. hence why you can’t have one black person to come on here and defend you
          you might be right. there might be some would defend it. there were black Africans selling slaves as well

      7. You’re a dumb beta cuck.Take the fact that things a changing and be a man..evolve aand lead for the greater good. Dont cry with a bunch of dying whites on the net..men are men regardless of race. Lets be men and move forward. If women are getting too strong dont whine..Tate your place! Cuck!!

        1. Denouncing the negative aspects for the West, of a Hillary victory, are far from crying…However, funny that you only use the race card when that was just a part of my argument, and only applied to BLM. BML are niggers, not proud african americans. Here, i just took my place…Now, go and run to your safe space.

    2. Ode to HRC:
      “There’s something ‘bout your features
      And you know it too
      It’s not that you’re some “Creature”
      Just your face looks like a shoe
      A shoe that’s cracked and soiled
      And rotted through and through
      That moldy feet have trod upon
      And daily trudged through poop
      It isn’t that your husband
      Doesn’t have a clue
      He’s bedded plenty slatterns
      But leaves you to screw the pooch
      There was that time he dipped
      His spoon briefly in your stew
      Like a con who’s on death row
      The poison’s his to choose
      You’re the leftovers of modern art
      Or perhaps completely new
      Like a captured painted fart
      That some mad cow drew
      A tangling of crooked lines
      Blood red, bone white, cyanosis blue
      I’d show you in the mirror
      But it’s crumbling from the view
      Back to the dust…it’s but a part
      Still reflects what makes you, you
      A living mummy without heart
      An endless cavity of gloom
      Yet you are a “special lady”
      All must agree this true
      With so many things you’ve got away
      No convictions, denying proof
      Careful though, dear sour tart,
      The election isn’t through
      Don’t place your ass before the cart
      Even donkeys can throw shoes.”
      -Me (what can I say, she inspires this from me).

    3. I think it all boils down to swapping continents. The African and Arab refugees/invaders/migrants (you name it) will take North America and Europe, so we have to flee to Africa and the Arab countries.
      “Make Africa great again”, we will probably shout. Well, could be without the “again”.
      Edit: And by the way, we will make that continent great within a few years if we have to.

    4. The only race should be between us and women. You racist!! Skin doesn’t matter genitalia does…we can’t lose!…weather Clinton..fuck trump…I want a man in office not a baby!!

    1. When danger reared it’s ugly head, Sir Robbin bravely turned and fled…

        1. When danger reared it’s ugly head,
          He bravely turned his tail and fled.
          (“I never!”)
          Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about
          And gallantly he chickened out.
          (“You’re lying!”)
          Swiftly taking to his feet,
          He beat a very brave retreat.
          Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin!

    2. Straight up. Leave all the “Stand and Fight” Larpers to…what? …Go out on the porch and swing their broadswords, I guess.
      All they’re really doing is working like bitches to fund leftist bullshit. Big garage though! And wave that flag! (as you pay for your own demise)
      I’m an expat for life. That’s the only way to be a true, non-collective, independent American these days.

  2. Any sort of decline will be a valuable opportunity to assert ourselves in a dramatic way. Our message will resonate more than we can imagine once maintaining the facade of egalitarianism no longer makes sense to the average person.
    Really, the most promising aspect of all is a potential partnership with the emerging far-right governments of the Visegrad Group, and potentially even Russia. As the bureaucracy begins to fail, and the average Westerner begins to look for support among other players, we will have a major opportunity to build edifices of influence and power. Now, if we are able to gain support from Visegrad, or even Russia, we would be very much in the running for a major victory. If, during this period of decline, we could secure an “endorsement” from a major party that sees value in the usurpation of the current establishment – then we might begin to see some real progress.

  3. Meanwhile Merkel uses tanks in Germany to prevent #Pegida and #Nationalists from protesting. Just watch what happens in Germany. It will happen with America too once Killary is elected. Pay close attention to what happens over here in Ger. If we fight back and fail – Analyse that and do it better.
    Best wishes for my murrican nationalist and alt-right brothers.

    1. I’ve not heard about tanks being used. It’s not beyond our media to not report that. Do you have links to these kind of stories (specifically tanks/military preventing protests) that you can provide please?

        1. That’s fucking frightening stuff right there. Thank you for the link.

        2. Dude, you are misrepresenting stuff, I think. This clearly says that it’s for “Tag der Deutschen Einheit”, a German holiday. My guess is that they are being driven around in celebratory fashion in this video.

        3. My formal German is awful, can you translate the comments in the Twitter feed by chance Tom? I thought I saw some real bitching about it, but I may be misinterpreting or not grasping nuance.

        4. You mean the responses to this particular tweet?
          The comments are basically like ‘Now they use the military on the inside so that the common idiot gets used to it!’ and ‘They treat us like animals!’ and ‘Government against it’s own populace’, reductio-ad-Stalinum etc.
          But as I said, I wonder what the context of this video is. It may (not saying it necessarily is) be misrepresented. Surely many nationalistic people would find some joy in seeing some kind of parade of tanks for a festivity.

        5. ‘Now they use the military on the inside so that the common idiot gets used to it!’ and ‘They treat us like animals!’ and ‘Government against it’s own populace’, reductio-ad-Stalinum etc.
          Well that’s good to know, I was actually taking away exactly that. Yay feeble memories of formal German classes!

        6. Pegida and Nationalist were intervening speeches with “merkel muss weg” shouts. They do not drive tanks here to show their military power, That would be nazi. Dont forget that.

        7. Well, maybe some kind of historical demonstration? Or maybe kind of an anti-nationalist show?
          I don’t know, man. I just wonder where that video came from. The internet is full of videos that are put out of context to support some cause. Doesn’t mean the cause is ‘wrong’ of course, just that the video is misrepresented.

        8. you have a healthy sense of doubt. I wasn’t there so I can not validate it. Still, Tanks are a rare sight for germans. When germans use tanks you can be sure that there is some fucked up shit happening.

      1. That, and maybe blood with little david stars. I heard a rumour about her having jewish blood. I cant confirm it, but if true, does not surprise me at all.

        1. In relationship to Jews…One thing is the Jewish people, one thing is the State of Israel, another thing is zionism. I dont have anything against jews, i am a Christian, i follow a Jew…I dont have anything against the State of Israel as i consider them a spear on muslim land and a close ally to the West. As for Zionism, that is different and its influence on American policy is too much i postulate. Merkel, more than all of this is above all a product of marxism, Deutsche Demokratische Republik style. She is simply the greatest danger to Europe as we know it.

        2. No, she was definitively Lutheran. Bad people exist regardless of ethnic, religious or racial context.

        3. Of course, there are scum of every race, just look at The Cunt and Billyboy, they are as white as they get, but they are white trash, in the real sense of that term. However, statiscally speaking there a more perfidious jews (and half-jews) than perfidious whites, because jews are less than 1% of the global population.

        4. Christ was not a joo.
          The word joo first appeared in the king James second edition. 18th century printing.
          Joos are Asian mongol converts from the 8th century.
          Christ was an Israelite of the tribe of Judah

    2. Germany is closeish to civil unrest.
      Back when I had some problems with some of the ultra nationalists here in London I took to the internet and the search has lead me to NPD in Germany. One news source was talking about how police kept a vigilent eye on the Nazis as they were rumoured to have stashed guns cashes all round the countryside. That’s some next level shit.

      1. Well, for one, it would not surprise me if those ‘rumors’ were simply a planted piece of information to justify going against the right wing. For second, what’s the big deal if it is true? Weapon stashes? In the US, people carry weapons normally.

        1. Yeah I agree, the media is always full of it but we’ve seen some strong sentiments being expressed in Germany over the past year as well as asylums big burnt down. Mainly in E. Germany

  4. Of note as well is that they are even now gearing up to ban our voices. The Internet apparently no longer falls under the 1st Amendment and is beholden to foreign interests, as of a few days ago.
    Now, in Congress, Dems reject laws that would protect online and radio news from regulations that restrict freedom of speech. You can practically hear them smacking their fat, greasy lips waiting for Queen Bitch to take the helm.

    1. Because the government can’t dictate what goes online as opposed to the radio and TV airwaves, they pulled this. It will be interesting to see how the websites will suddenly start to disappear or if we’re being put on watch lists.

      1. I’m already on a watch list. It gives me a surprising amount of freedom, in an ironic way. I held a top secret clearance, it was made crystal clear to me on my debriefing from the military that I had a “watch this man” X mark on my back for the rest of my life. Knowing that however means that I don’t sit around worrying about “being put on a list”. I’m on a list now, fuck them. Even if I hadn’t been in the military, I have a Concealed Handgun License and buddy, we’re on a list by definition.

        1. Quite possibly, I really don’t remember. I do recall that they arrogantly mentioned that if I were to write anything that I’d be “checked on” in a sense, for a solid 70 years. Which makes me laugh today in the world of the Internet.
          Even if I’m off that list, I’ve never acted differently because I was once on it. And the CHL puts me on a list by the very fact of having one, and I don’t think for a second that those rolls won’t be consulted if shit goes bad.

        2. When I was in the military my job included handling the nuclear go codes (process for releasing and using nuclear weapons). I was told I would be on a watch list for life, and would not be allowed to travel to certain countries (the list changes over time).

        3. Hmm. I was told don’t mention what you seen for at least 10 years. Meh. What you are alluding too, if I understand correctly, is SHTF scenario and I think they will bigger matters to worry about.

        4. I was in separations with an enlisted man that I had served with for years. He turned and told me that since he had served his full 6 years he would be forever exempt from future military service. I informed him that he had failed to read the fine print on his enlistment. First, all enlistments are for ten years. You just are told about the years of active duty you are signing up for intentionally, the rest you are serving as active/inactive reserves. Then the finer fine print says the service reserves the right to recall you to service for the rest of your life if they need you. His eyes bugged out and he accused me of lying. I told him to ask the presenter at the lecture on separations. He found out I was telling the truth. He said they would have to hunt him down and he would leave grooves in the floor from his fingernails as they dragged him out.
          BTW, I am in my 60s and have been out of active duty/reserve duty for decades. I am still officially listed as being in the fleet reserve. In WWII they recalled a lot of guys in the same situation that I am in now.

        5. I figure I’ve been on a list since about 1993. (writing government office holders, letters to the editor, mouthing off on usenet) So I just keep mouthing off. If someone is going to shove me in a rail car they are going to do it. If they aren’t going to do it then they aren’t going to do it. Doesn’t matter what I say at this point.

    2. The machines of telecommunication are technically private property – so free speech will always be at the pleasure of the owner of said property. Never rely on anything beyond face-to-face communication.

      1. There were provisions put in place over the organization that prohibited them from violating the 1st Amendment, in order for them to be allowed to deal in all the domain names. That prohibition was lifted by Obama.

        1. Or maybe you are being paranoid?
          Some people don’t understand that the 1st amendment was the 1st, not the 2nd, 3rd or 4th for a good damn reason.
          They also don’t understand the government by passes the 1st amendment by privatizing censorship ie. controlling the corporations.

        2. Yeah kid, sure.
          Here, let me do what you did yesterday to me, in reverse.
          You’re too young to have ample experience in watching how these kinds of events unfold and you haven’t had time to develop competent predictive powers based on observed data from experience. You should retire from the discussion as your views hold no relevance.
          Isn’t that fun?

      2. It ain’t really private when the government tells them the rules…. FCC,FTC, DOE etc.

  5. I’ve been doing this and more since she lost to the to the half Kenyan. That evil bitch running again was not a surprise.

    1. Unfortunately, if Trump loses, he is toast. No one will listen to him again. He will never win a Republican primary again. Republicans don’t renominate a losing candidate.

      1. “..Trump loses, he is toast”
        LOL. $10 Billion toast. No. He aleady stated that if he loses he goes back to a pampered and comfortable lifestyle. He won’t waste his valuable time running for political office again.

  6. Excellent article. Guys, print this out, literally make a hard copy for your refrigerator – because if the fat-ass marxist cow does get in, it will be a matter of months, or possibly 1 year before ROK gets pulled. In fact I would encourage sny of you to archive any TOK articles that are of significance to you.

    1. It ain’t gonna happen. Please let’s stop the paranoia.
      ROK ain’t going anywhere, even if Hitler were to win the next election.
      There is a little inconvenience called The First Amendment.
      A million Hillarys cannot touch that.

      1. You haven’t been keeping up on current events it appears. The Internet no longer is under 1st Amendment protection. Obama, last week, signed it away out of U.S. 1st Amendment protections.

        1. I am as current as they come. It is not the internet but the person, that is protected by the amendment. As long as we live under the territories of the US, we are covered. No other country, as far as I know, I might add, has an equivalent of the 1st amendment.

      2. The 1st Amendment won’t be destroyed outright. It will slowly be whittled away to nothing. In the past decade we’ve seen people getting fired for their views, hate speech laws being pushed, and private businesses being forced to do things that go against their religious beliefs. Not with a bang, but with a whimper will our 1st Amendment die.

        1. Again, it’s not gonna happen, but I understand what you mean. Just as their nonsense gave rise to someone like Trump, further push will give rise to someone more aggressive than Trump, and the blowback will be horrible.

        2. I tend to agree that the pendulum will swing back as harder the more they push, but the question remains: “What damage will they do before the pendulum finally swings back?”

        3. The more aggressively they push, the quicker the pushback. Unlike the feminist progress which occurred while men were sleeping, the men are now awake to their machinations. They can’t cause much damage.
          Believe it or not, they fear the citizens more than they care to let off.

        4. “Not with a bang, but with a whimper will our 1st Amendment die”
          This is probably a most likely case scenario.

        5. In the future, they will say that Western Civilization died not with a bang, and not with a whimper, but with a ‘meh’.

        6. Exactly. They won’t just ban speech outright or seize websites. But what if, cuz terism, they made it where no anonymous internet usage was allowed. How many of us would be here posting under our real names? Of course we’d still be “free” to if we wished, so they can claim free speech is not being infringed.

        7. This is almost certainly true; however, no guarantee anything will happen in our lifetime.

      3. Now why would a first time poster would say that there’s paranoia when everything points in a certain direction and that being the suppression of our rights.
        You’re more bait than Stephan Molyneaux’s latest caller. Just a closet Hillary supporter.

        1. You obviously don’t know how to count. I have made countless posts on ROK.
          If a president Hillary will do any crazy thing it won’t be in her first term as president. Even then, there is a lot she can’t do. Obama tried to push his gay agenda on the third world; he failed miserably. Even Kenyans rejected his perverted moves.

      4. She doesn’t have to, all she has to do is fill Scalia’s seat with an SJW, and she has a domestic policy version of the FISA court, which will just rubber stamp anything that’s leftist.
        Once that happens, virtually any left wing group with the money to afford litigation will start bringing lawsuits in the name of “equal protection”, or other shady reasons.
        HRC would only need to create those conditions.

      5. “There is a little inconvenience called The First Amendment.
        A million Hillarys cannot touch that.”
        Sure pal, sure.

  7. This was a pretty cool article to read and I enjoyed it. That said, after seeing a few decades of life, ebbs and flows, waxing and waning and all that bullshit I think a much more realistic response to the question of what to do if Hilary wins is “Wake up in the morning, go to work and continue to live your life.” It really isn’t much different than the fact that the Mets were knocked out of the playoffs last night. Step 1: Shrug shoulders Step 2: continue life as usual.

    1. So you’re telling me there is no discernible difference between the world you lived in, in the 1970’s and 1980’s, and now?
      Political policy and directives have made huge changes in this nation since the 1970’s (I use that decade since it’s when both you and I likely started remembering events outside of birthdays and Christmas).
      Folks in big cities may not mind police state scenarios much, but flyover country does…a lot. What may be temporarily justifiable in big cities to curb The Diversity from mugging everybody and throwing their furniture in the street, has zero application or applicability in Hooterville, Ohio, and will not be tolerated out here.
      The difference in the world from 40 years ago to today are pretty damned vast. We can think that politics does not affect our lives, but it does, whether we want it to or not.

      1. of course there has been change from the 70’s to 80’s to 90’s to blah blah blah. And maybe political parties had some small impact over that change…as did music and the generational rebellion from the former generations and styles and whatever.
        In the end, for all the highminded talk about values and policies and rights and what will be justifiable in Hooterville Ohio (is that a real place…lol, fantastic) you will still go to work, still work on your retirement plan, still hope to marry your daughter off to some nice young man with good values and bounce a couple of grand jeffersons on your knee I am sure.
        All of that goes away the moment you decide that a presidential election is going to send you off the grid.
        To recap from yesterday’s argument you had with better dead than red…I agree with you about being a nuisance….voicing your opinions…..but if you tell me that Hilary being elected will mean that you will take the last 40 years of organizing yourself a nice life and toss them out of some notion of liberty I will say I don’t believe you.
        Pretty sure she will win by hook or by crook (more crook than hook for sure but nevertheless) and while that might upset you, open rebellion in the street isn’t going to happen. It is the same shit I told democrats when they said they were going to move to Canada if dubya got elected.
        No. No it isn’t happening. We are all going to go to work in the morning and continue on with our lives.
        While there are, as you point out, huge differences in the world today and the world you and I grew up in…there are also a lot of similarities. One of which is that people want peace, prosperity and to enjoy their lives. It will take a shit load of bad to cause a situation where people like you and I (despite our cultural and ideological differences) will throw away all we have worked for all our lives on principle and I will not believe anything to the contrary.
        EDIT: If Microsoft Edge keeps making me edit these posts for content I may come out blasting myself

        1. There’s more to life than comfort and routine. People married their daughters off to nice young men and had grandchildren in Stalin’s Russia. Lots of folks got up and went to work too.
          Yes, it will take shitloads of bad to happen, agreed. Shitloads of bad accrues one election at a time. Sitting it out and throwing up your hands and saying “We’re not there yet” only aids the process of the shitloads, per se, going bad. I’m not suggesting revolution, but I am cautioning against apathy. Why sit back, do nothing and let things continue to deteriorate now, when a bit of precautionary dabbling in politics (peacefully) today can save us from that Shitloads of Bad revolution ten years from now?

        2. It is easier for me to be apathetic because I don’t have future generations to protect like you and some of the other fellows here. The truth is, my apathy isn’t an act. I genuinely don’t care. I am gambling on the fact that there will not be enough significant change to inconvenience me in a meaningful way before I die. Like all gambles, I know there is a measure of risk involved but after thinking of it long and hard it is a risk I am willing to take
          The only thing that could possibly make me give a shit would be a legitimate degradation to my own quality of life and plans for future retirement and I don’t think a Clinton presidency will be even close to that — more like an annoying thing that will make already intolerable feminists with huge senses of entitlement be more intolerable and even more entitled. That is like saying it is going to make 300 pound women weigh 320 pounds. The extra 20 pounds won’t bother me because I stopped considering them bangable at 150 and stopped considering them human at 180.
          As for Stalin’s Russia….the men having kids and the men getting up and going to work were all, by most accounts, fucking miserable, poor and had no better alternative other than dying before they were aged out of whatever shithole job they had. Let me know when you start seeing breadlines in Hooterville and I will start taking the idea that there will be a revolt a little more seriously. People are well fed, comfortable and entertained and, while many will accurately point out that that does not constitute a life well lived, it is the surest insulation from revolution.
          If Hilary gets elected and then sworn in without dying (her living to inauguration would be more impressive a feat than her winning this election as her lack of scruples is far stronger than her health) the next day will mean nothing to you. The next year you will see no change. More likely than not it will be the catalyst in 4 years to find a fire brand republican if the GOP can hold their dicks together and actually put forth a non-ridiculous candidate (I am all for the second amendment but maybe if they took some guns away from republican party they would stop shooting themselves in the foot every 4 years)…and life will go on…..

        3. Let me know when you start seeing breadlines in Hooterville and I will start taking the idea that there will be a revolt a little more seriously.
          That actually wasn’t my point. Let me rephrase it.
          In Soviet Russia under Stalin there were sunny days, warm weather, family gatherings, birthday parties, Christmas observation (well, kinda, underground anyway), weddings and other events we associate with normal and happy. But it was still Stalin’s Russia.
          I don’t know what will happen under Hillary for certain, except the SCOTUS point in the article which is 100% valid and WILL happen due to basic logic dictating reality. Scalia is dead, she’ll at a minimum put somebody in his seat, that swings the court drastically Left in and of itself. That matters. That’s a dump truck load of shit being piled on the ol’ Shitload, in and of itself.

        4. It does make quite a big swing in a direction that I truly believe is ideologically opposite of both the majority of Americans as well as the foundational principles of the nation…but I think in the end it simply won’t be drastic enough to impact your life to the point of you risking everything you have to fight against it.

        5. hey, question…not baiting…actually curious. I know you are a vociferous gun rights activist.
          If the day ever came that the second amendment was repealed what would the force and weight of that be. I just don’t know how the law works well enough. My thought was that it would wind up becoming a states rights issue in which case not much would really change but that is just me guessing and I defer to your knowledge on this stuff.

        6. It really depends on the culture at the time that it’s repealed. If they’ve programmed the mind numbed mush brained kids out of ever even knowing what a firearm is, then it won’t matter a whit. If, as is happening now, young men are rediscovering their masculinity (and the younger half of Millenials seem to be rejecting Hipsterism with a passion, based on what I’m seeing at high schools and my son and daughters circle of friends, as well as the shooting ranges and motorcycle rallies having lots of 18-24 year olds showing up now), then it could go a completely different direction.
          States rights…possibly. Every state Constitution (that I’m aware of anyway) enumerates its own version of the 2nd Amendment (actually, I don’t know that for certain, maybe Hawaii doesn’t, maybe New York doesn’t, I just haven’t read them to verify one way or the other). Currently there are a couple of states that are already nullifying Federal gun laws (Wyoming, Montana) in their respective states. I could see it swinging that way. At that point it depends on how the Federal government reacts. If they “live and let live” (unlikely, or there wouldn’t be a repeal in the first place), well, ok then. If they tromp in with troops, expect lots and lots of blood.

        7. New York Civil Rights Law art. II, § 4 provides that “[a] well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms cannot be infringed.”
          Also, no license is necessary to own or hunt with a rifle, shotgun or pistol. You do need a permit if your gun falls under “assault rifle” as defined by the state. The sticky wicket is, of course, how an assault rifle is banned and NYS defines it very broadly. The draconian restrictions against gun ownership stop at the city boundary and NYS has a very big hunting culture.
          So, for instance, if local government was put in charge of who can have a gun I would imagine that NYS would not change at all and NYC would ban every gun in the city limits other than the police which would be a change of, well, very little.
          I imagine by the way you describe Ohio make up, if Ohio was left to its own devices wrt gun ownership that if any change occurred it would get less restrictive if that were even possible.
          As for young men forgetting about guns…that might happen in the cities but I doubt that would ever happen in rural areas.
          As for Hipsterism…it is all the same old song. My yuppie cohorts in the 80’s were rebelling against the free lovin’ 60’s folks….and in the 90’s the grunge people were rebelling against the excess and consumerism of the late 70’s and 80’s. This silly hipster culture seems to be just another basic rebellion which will eventually be subsumed, internalized and then rebelled against….in the end just another case of kids seeming like a bunch of wierdo fags to the generations before which is exactly how my grandfather’s generation probably looked at my generation and how I am looking at these Millennials now.

        8. You two have an interesting argument here.
          I start to think more often than not that politics is really just kind of a sideshow to real life and to get focused on it is kinda deluded. Let them all fight their stupid ideological wars, live with the petty laws that come and go, and otherwise just live your damn life and realize that it all doesn’t really matter in the end.

        9. A perfect attitude to usher in the return of Gulags. It’s easy to think nothing matters when you’re fat and happy (not you, I mean in the general person). When you have to start watching what you say and who you say it to so that you’re not “disappeared” in the middle of the night though, yeah, I’d say that politics does matter. You get from Point A (fat and happy) to point B (Gulags) via apathy.

        10. Hm. Well, you have a point I suppose. But still, ultimately, people survive. Even in Gulag-version, people find ways to adapt until the time passes. I mean, how much control do you as an individual have over these things? Sure, you can engage in some political discourse on an online site and maybe try to convince a few friends, but that’s about it for most people. Maybe the true wisdom lies in just letting these ‘political waves’ wash over one’s existence like a financial crisis and then come out on the other side with a handful of scars, but alive. (Alive maybe just in a spiritual sense)

        11. I would do one further and say politics is a side show to other, more amusing, side shows….and that you should pick the sideshow that you enjoy the best and ignore the ones that anger, frustrate or annoy you.
          See, this way I undercut there being a “real life”

        12. The goal is to not have to adapt to life in an oppressive tyranny. Of course people survive, no question. Many do not however, who would without that tyranny in place. It’s a pretty big gamble to hope that you don’t piss off the wrong bureaucrat whose standards you’ll never know until its too late. Seems much easier to deal with the issue today when we don’t have thta framework.

        13. Sure, but how do you deal with it? Seriously, I wouldn’t know where to start. And outside from writing my blog and my comments here, I frankly don’t have the motivation either.

        14. Consider the Founders time. They considered themselves free natural born British subjects. What was being done to them was almost trivial compared to what we have going on today, or what could happen in the future. Christ, I’d give a cool $5.00 cash on the barrel head to live under King George’s version of “tyranny” today, if that was all I had to contend with. It would be nearly like a conservative-libertarian paradise, nearly anarchy really. But the Founders got their dander up.
          Point being, it’s not really a question of “how high does the shit pile have to be”, it’s a question of how the public perceives the shit pile. If that makes sense.

        15. hey that’s ok. I know a lot of people who derive great meaning from their anger. I am actually a pretty mellow dude in some ways. I hate being angry.

        16. I can buy that….that it is how the public perceives the shit pile. I think I agree with that all the way down to the bottom.
          The difference, or one of the differences, between the founders and (even the good) citizenry today is that we have a culture built on a simulation of media and entertainment, religion has been pretty much totally displaces and the distance between the king and the colonies helped (I can believe that If it ever suited them to the tune of 5 bucks per barrel of rum that Puerto Rico would have no problem recalling their non voting congressional member…but would Atlanta? I mean, they are necessarily connected to a larger national tapestry)
          So yes, I agree with you about the public outrage being the key…but if given the chance of a comfortable life, a job which gave them a sense of meaning, even if it was false, and an easy and comfortable retirement at the age of 62 with all of their rights as the cost….yes, I think most people would fort them over

        17. Not allowing yourself to feel natural anger because of shame or guilt or fear is a terrible feeling I am sure. Not feeling anger because you just don’t default that way is, in my opinion, very good for the cardiovascular system.

        18. I imagine by the way you describe Ohio make up, if Ohio was left to its
          own devices wrt gun ownership that if any change occurred it would get
          less restrictive if that were even possible.

          We’re on the road to Constitutional Carry. Outside of defying Federal requirements to buy machine guns and silencers, you basically cannot get closer to the Founders meaning in the 2nd Amendment. Even with those two things, we kind of have a non chalant attitude and Sheriff’s sign off without a worry (except maybe in Cleveland).

        19. yes, I think most people would fort them over
          That’s because you’re used to the City view of life. Naturally folks in NYC and Chicago would (and pretty much already have). Try to pull that bullshit in Hooterville Ohio though and you’re going to be staring down all the armed men in the town. Stop and Frisk? Frisk this, bitch, would be our response.

        20. Maybe. But if anyone trying to take your rights has a brain there is always a stick and a carrot. No one is going to come out and say “stop and frisk” it is going to be “stop and frisk for you to be safe and prosperous” and to the degree they can get people to believe it I think they will relinquish their rights. One thing I know about all people is that in the end they will do what they believe is best for them…whether they are right or not is a different story….so yes, I try to pull off swap and frisk in Hooterville and there may be a problem. But I say “hey, here is a summer home and you can use it for retirement and here is money for your kids to go to college and here is you never being in debt and owning a home and blah blah blah and by the way….stop and frisk…I think the line of people handing over those rights would be around the block….and the way I can tell is by the dronish popularity of the NFL in places like that.

        21. You are correct. Principled angst and idealism is for the very young. At forty I’ve been on this earth long enough to realize historically human behavior has more similarities than differences and whatever happens, the world will keep spinning. At best, I’ve got another 40 in me and I’m looking out for number one henceforth. That said, I’m a non resident American and I don’t envy my fellow citizens with voting rights. This election will go down in the annals of history as the biggest race to the bottom the US has ever seen. Hillary will probably win. The better of two evils perhaps? It remains to be seen I suppose. I like your optimism that her victory could be the impetus for the a Republicans to put forth a more reasonable candidate, but I’m not convinced. Where I live, I watched the exact same events unfold, albeit on a more local level, and the right continued to shoot themselves in the foot. Polarizing politics forces people to pick the least offensive option, and in today’s world, that generally falls left of centre.

        22. I am not convinced either about the republicans. It will give them the chance. That I am sure of. Whether they take it without tripping over their own dicks and fucking it up even worse is about 50/50.
          I am in total agreement with you about principled angst and idealism. Give me liberty or give me a nice retirement!

        23. If you’re a non-resident American then you have no real news on Trump that is not highly doctored and slanted. I’m not particularly fond of him, but he’s not as bad as the media makes him out to be, most of the shit they make up about him is taking quotes out of context and twisting them and omitting words, etc. So don’t believe what you hear. As to who will probably win, honestly, you’re not here. City folk like lolknee only see the city, but outside the dark blue zones there is some really, really big type anger going on. Don’t count on the Witch to take this without massive, and I mean huge “Stalin Won The Election” type voter fraud.

        24. A crook or a maniac, those are your choices. Think of it like picking a meal on an airline. Choose the option that is least likely to cause a gag reflex, order a strong drink, and wait patiently for the fight to land in the desired destination ( ie: retirement). I, like you, don’t have children. Perhaps our perspectives would be different if we felt responsible for another generation. As it stands, I want my legacy to be that I left the biggest environmental foot print a single human could create. Everybody needs a greater cause. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go back to burning fossil fuels on my balcony while enjoying a kitten smoothie.

        25. yupperific.
          I plan to write a will that ensures that any money I didn’t manage to spend before dying goes to making a large statue of me. Enjoy your footprint friend.

        26. Those are all very fair points. I don’t pretend to be receiving an unbiased presentation of Trump. Actually, at my age, I look at all left wing media with a healthy degree of skepticism. I’ve being saying this all along: hey there my country of origin, instead of trying to take some naval grazing “intellectual” and supposed moral high ground, why don’t you address the fact that this guy is tapping into something with a large percentage of the electorate. That there are this many angry Americans needs to be addressed regardless of your political leanings. My concern is that protest voting a candidate rarely ends well. I live in Toronto, and a few years ago we inadvertently voted a morbidly obese crack head into power. That he was morbidly obese and smoking crack defies science, but I digress. In any event, the fallout was pretty bad. What’s really sad is that the crackhead actually did a far better job of running the city (while on crack no less!) than any of his predecessors, but his failings caused a huge swing in the next election. And now we’re back to the bureaucratic nightmare that is the status quo in this godforsaken city. I realize my example is very small and local, but I think the same principles apply with respect to voter attitudes.

        27. If you have any money left, you’ve done something wrong. Don’t even worry about burial costs: your body will be disposed of before it becomes a health hazard. That much is true, regardless of who is in power. I like the statue idea though, will it involve pyrotechnic displays?

        28. I had thought of the LOLKNEE Memorial Brothel and Whisky Emporium but I just can’t abide people enjoying their lives with me dead. To be honest, I am not 100% sure that the world won’t cease to exist the moment I die.

        29. They have been gaming the polls to make it look like a tight Clinton victory and that’s probably what it will be unless Trump wins in a landslide. In which case he’ll win by a little. Voter fraud still can only push a little bit. Unless of course these polls are prepping us for an entirely manufactured election.

        30. Country folk are just as easily bamboozled as city folk, just needs a tuning of the technique.

        31. Stalin was a joo who killed 66 million white Christians.
          HE married 3 jewesses and his daughter to a joo. May he rot in hell

    2. We are frogs in the boiling pot. They have been turning up the heat slowly for decades. They are getting bolder, turning it up even faster now. But we still aren’t jumping.

      1. I was raised blue collar and am for all intents and purposes, in my soul, a country boy. I say that in order to say this: Have you ever actually seen frogs brought to a boil? They may sit and paddle around a little when you fire up the burner underneath them, but when it starts getting too hot they scramble like the dickens trying to escape.
        Don’t ask me how I know this.

  8. No. Just as William Wilberforce rejected the idea of armed revolution when pressed by Thomas Clarkston, a Trump loss is not enough to justify such action.
    Roosh has rejected my proposal for defeating the left. It is regrettable, as he said it’s ‘the long game’.
    Well yeah. That’s how the left won the culture war. And that’s how we can beat them.
    -Start pushing mainstream conservatives here through female anti-feminist sites (like Janet Bloomfield). Most of America isn’t swallowing the whole red pill at once, the change is gradual.
    -encourage RoK readers to financial success. It’s not only good for us personally, but will provide the funding required to start a real movement.
    -Start taking over the news media, entertainment and academia through influence of our money. Activist investors can be influential.
    -in about 40 years, even with some hiccups, we have returned America to the right path.

  9. ” General agreement of world view is important as well. You can’t have soy-eating, Hillary-supporting, transgender otherkin as part of your crew”
    I have to admit that as much as I have friends and acquaintances whose politics is on the left end of the spectrum I never talk politics, hence enjoy common ground topics with them e.g.: archtecture, etc. But I have already decided to distance myself from them. I thankfully do not have a facebook account so I do not have to go to the awkwardness of ‘unfriending’ people. But the last thing I want to hear is just how lucky we are to have Hilary as president, as well as any other incendary, marxist shit in a time when we are witnessing in real time the elimination of freedom.
    That said, the majority of my family is quite left – and this is where it gets difficult. As the expression goes, “you can pick your ass, but you can’t pick your family” and the most difficult thing about having to contend with a dystopia is dealing with one’s family who supports the status quo.

  10. Guys… can someone well-versed in the bullshitery that is feminism tell me why the following is total bullshit:
    it’s very easy to brush off each individual incident. Why should people care about seemingly small instances of sexism?
    One thing the project has shown really clearly is the connection between the “minor” things and the more serious abuses. We’re often told not to make a fuss about street harassment or that we’re getting upset about nothing if we talk about media sexism, but you can see from the stories we receive that these things have a [domino] effect. So, for example, the same words and phrases that might be used against a woman in the street are used against a woman in the workplace or against a victim of domestic abuse. We can also see how incidents can escalate. If a woman rejects or ignores a street harasser, she might find that he becomes angry and sexually assaults her or follows her home.
    I don’t think it’s realistic to compartmentalize these things, to say it’s OK to treat women as second-class citizens in one arena, or it’s OK to see women’s bodies as pieces of meat in public spaces, but you have to treat them equally in the workplace. I don’t think it works that way. When you normalize these everyday pinpricks, they create an environment that makes the more serious incidents possible. In the U.S., where three women per day are killed by a current or former [male] partner, I think it’s acceptable to challenge discourse that is suggesting women are inferior to men.”
    I’m trying to pick it apart for certain reasons (I can explain to anyone that’s interested), but I’m not sure where to start

    1. Where to start? How about just the logical fallacies: slippery slopes, false premises and assumptions, false dichotomies, logical leaps and strawmen to name but a few.
      But here’s the best start – women have undeniably been making headway in gaining more rights and legal protections in the past 50 years, and violent crime rates against women have been falling. So the premise of death by a thousand cuts just doesn’t add up. The evidence points that the trend is going in precisely the opposite direction that this hysterical shrew asserts. Look at this woman – do you really think anyone was sexually harassing her? For fucks sake – someone told her to smile and when she bitched about her wardrobe, someone told her to consider wearing nothing. Yes how oppressive. I’m sure ISIS sex slaves feel her pain. She’s just one subjective comment away from a society that normalizes gang rape.

    2. “but you can see from the stories we receive that these things have a [domino] effect”
      Which is to be proven.
      “So, for example, the same words and phrases that might be used against a woman in the street are used against a woman in the workplace or against a victim of domestic abuse”
      ??? What, like ‘omg, he called me biatch!!!’?
      “We can also see how incidents can escalate. If a woman rejects or ignores a street harasser, she might find that he becomes angry and sexually assaults her or follows her home.”
      Wut? Some data to back that up, please. This sounds like some fairy tale or rare 1% occurence.
      “I don’t think it’s realistic to compartmentalize these things, to say it’s OK to treat women as second-class citizens in one arena, or it’s OK to see women’s bodies as pieces of meat in public spaces, but you have to treat them equally in the workplace”
      Women, women, women. ‘Pieces of meat!’ Gah! How terrible! And then you ask yourself what men are called by women day after day. So what. It’s fucking banter. And when it isn’t, well, it’s simply how things are. There’s conflict and there’s tension sometimes. Big deal. They don’t want equality. Replace the word ‘equality’ with ‘untouchability’.
      “In the U.S., where three women per day are killed by a current or former [male] partner, I think it’s acceptable to challenge discourse that is suggesting women are inferior to men”
      Well, hya, thanks for bringing up a totally unrelated fact! Three women per day in the US, you say? That’s like … 1000 women per year. Or like … 0.00034433962 % of the US Population per year. THAT should SO spark a di-di-di-discassion! And while we’re at it … what discourse is suggesting that women are inferior to men? Sorry, I don’t see any of that ‘discourse’. Where exactly did you come across it? What I usually see is quite the opposite. Women are divine and sacred, men are disgusting and sexist, women are peaceloving and nurturing while men are violent and evil. Etc etc.

      1. “It’s fucking banter.” I am always amused that whenever women first enter a male space, they are taken aback by how men talk and start to demand that it be changed to create a “safe space.” Yet it never occurs to women like the one who wrote this nonsense that men face far worse on a daily basis, and we just suck it up because that’s just how it is. As we all learned at the age of 3, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

        1. I do tend to be a bit sensitive, but I also fucking love banter on the other hand. It’s a growing conflict inside me. I think I just need to kill off a little more of that sheltered ego from growing up with a single mom.

      2. Thank you Tom and Nemisis for fleshing this out….. long story short, the GF and I had a disagreement over the bs concept of “mansplaining”… and she got really upset and emailed me that article yesterday.
        It made me realize that while I think feminism is bull shit… I’ve never actually sat down and thought about WHY I think that, and developed any arguments/counter points.
        Funny thing is… the email took three days to get to me, and while waiting, she thought I’d seen it and just brushed it off which didn’t seem to bother her ha. But after finally getting the email last night and seeing what it was about, I got pretty angry and told her “I think that’s bullshit, first off.. it’s a non-issue, second… why not just come and talk to me if it bothers you THAT much? I don’t want to read that bullshit”.
        Sorry to air my dirty laundry.. I’m trying to keep it simple/vague, this just completely caught me off guard as I’ve been with this chick 3 YEARS and had not once heard her spout any nonsense like this.

        1. “It made me realize that while I think feminism is bull shit… I’ve never actually sat down and thought about WHY I think that, and developed any arguments/counter points.”
          Well, wait. By developing arguments and counter points, you are not getting closer to ‘why you think it’s bullshit’. In fact, you are just crawling for stuff to support a notion that already exists in you. I suggest you meditate on that feeling and thought to get the answer to the question ‘WHY you think that’.
          Also consider that just because you don’t have ‘arguments’ and ‘counter points’ doesn’t mean you have to support some bullshit you don’t care about.
          In fact, maybe life should be much easier.
          Maybe life should be like this: Your GF comes to you with this bullshit.
          You say: Darling, I hate feminism. I don’t know why, I just do. And I don’t fucking give a damn, so fuck off with this bullshit.
          Gut feeling, heh.

        2. I appreciate the wisdom.
          The counter points weren’t requested so I have “ammunition”… more so because that shit article made me feel dumb lol. I read it, and my eyes just glazed over and I was left thinking “I know this is BS… but I can’t articulate why” But you’re right… you wrestle with a pig, you both end up covered in mud.
          I was the one that broached the topic, so I shot myself in the foot on this one lol. I dont remember how it even came up, other than me making an off-handed comment about how mansplaining was a vocal minority making a mountain out of a molehill.

        3. Oh, please don’t interpret it as wisdom. It’s just an idea I voiced. I just like to throw things out there that enter my mind. 🙂

        4. The best way to argue with this shit is to ridicule.
          “Sure, ISIS sex slaves feel your street harassment pain, girl!”
          “But these microaggressions lead to….”
          “[chuckle] I know, I see it happen all the time, didn’t you see that girl gangraped on our street by mansplainers last week? It’s so bad out there that girls can;t even go on a slutwalk anymore!”
          And remember, ALL of this shit is an appeal to MEN to facilitate the solution asked for. Without the acceptance and cooperation of men, this shit gets nowhere. Ridicule, and make it very clear by your ridicule that you refuse to participate in it.

  11. A fun project to learn would be reloading your own ammo. I’m sure democrat fucks
    are working on a way to ban that.

    1. That’s true, and as a matter of contingency planning it’s prudent to acquire such a skill. Keep in mind though that nobody casts their own bullets or makes their own powder for modern weapons (pretty much, you can’t, lacking some serious basement equipment and expertise). So in this case, reloading just moves the problem upstream a little. You can’t buy ammunition, so you reload, but it turns out you need to buy bullets, powder and primer and look at that, it’s nowhere to be found. Reloading DOES help for a while though, if you’re stockpiling the bullets (the literal bullet, not an entire cartridge), powder and primers out the wazoo. That being said, outside of tailoring custom rounds, for general use right now today it’s much cheaper just to buy boxes of ammunition in bulk for storage.

        1. There’s also the old school method of the IRA post WWI. After the initial attack, start taking the weapon’s of the enemy dead.

        2. Heh. I actually own a black powder six shooter (Remington 1858). The problem then is getting firing caps. But they’re *real* cheap right now, as in, I can walk out with a thousand for pennies (virtually). Kinda futile, but a six shooter is a six shooter, it was the highest tech that black powder reached, and it’s still pretty decent in a pinch. So if you have 10,000 firing caps (it’s a cap lock in essence) and a cute little smelter, you can (in theory) scrape together the materials to make gun powder on your own and pretty much be self sufficient. But you need knowledge on how to do that, of course.
          This would be for a survival situation only though, nobody is going to take on any government with any real authority using black powder guns. Might as well charge them with lances.

        3. That’s how you do it. That’s where black powder can still be applicable. Use it to get a real gun.

        4. We could try a brigade of nunchuk wielding men, but odds are they’d do more damage to themselves than to the actual enemy.

        5. I could see muskets being used for hit and run tactics. A group sends off a volley then runs away. But yeah, that’s about it. Muskets lose to semi-automatic weapons every time.

        6. Muskets lose to single shot walled cartridge guns every single time too. Their applicability is quite limited. I can see a black powder revolver being helpful only in a situation where it was used to kill a dude who was toting a machine gun, and then only if you do it from behind before he sees you. If we get to that point though, the game is already lost.

        7. My experience with nunchuks involved a lot of self inflicted injuries. Even when I got “good” with them, every once in a while I’d bap myself in the head. I’ve never seen a more useless weapon in my life. Heh.

        8. I was thinking more along the lines of hiding in forested areas by roads. Let them get in the kill zone, group fires off a huge, single volley, then scatters in all directions into the trees. The other side wouldn’t even have a chance to retaliate. Maybe my lack of formal military experience is making me ignorant, but it seems feasible, at least for harassment.

        9. That doesn’t work any longer. I can see you at night with night vision easily, and can mark you from a mile away for all to see and concentrate on. Even if we’re talking a daytime raid, those slow moving hunks of lead are just going to bounce off of their kevlar. You might even get a few taunting laughs from them if you try it.
          This is why the ME types generally don’t ambush, but rather, plant IDE’s. Can’t get a heat signature on a bomb.

        10. Mainly because most people don’t know how to use them. I was just starting to learn how to use it before I stopped training, and what I was being taught is how it’s primarily a defensive weapon more than anything.

        11. Reminds me of a series on netflix that JJ Abrams actually came up with, where the world suddenly lost electricity and everyone just went back to using black powder and blades as weapons.
          I think it was called revolution, and for an SJW like abrams, it wasn’t half bad.

        12. Actually it wasn’t that simple. They went back to swords because somehow, in America, even after a total power loss and no real government, word was out that “use a gun and we’ll torture you” or some such nonsense like that. In other words, a wholly unbelievable premise that only a Leftist could believe in.

        13. There are ways to defeat thermal sights in the right type of terrain, and using the right kind of gear that isn’t very high tech.
          Dense forests with loose soil for foxholes, you dig them one day, leave for 24hrs, some back, also tarps and similar are needed or at least very useful.
          Night vision is not really that useful in my experience, it’s only useful in certain scenarios which one can avoid.
          I’m sure they have improved by now, but I saw them more as a drawback in use.

        14. If you’re to the point of using black powder muskets, I think you’re pretty much out of options when it comes to thermal camouflage. You have to be on your last legs, desperate and basically have no more logistics, supplies or serviceable clothing.

        15. True, but as the second season demonstrated, no one really cared about the “no-gun” rule.

        16. I didn’t watch it. My younger sister did though. When she started going on about swords, I laughed and asked “How, in any conceivable version of America, would that ever become reality”. And then she told me what I related, and I laughed even harder. Leftists seem to have this built in need to kowtow to Great Authority, so they see it as plausible. I just find it humorous.

      1. Dude, think outside the box. If shit is really going down, we’re just going to plan to seize a few ammunition supply points. There will be no long term need to reload if it is planned correctly. Deny the government ammunition and take it for yourself!

        1. I’m all about logistical warfare. In fact, I have a fairly detailed idea how to conduct a successful internal revolution using late 20th and 21st century tactics as taught to me when I was hanging around and supporting a Special Operations group on Bragg.

  12. It is for those times when the People and the 2nd Amendment are in danger of being obstructed by the forces of Tyranny , that the intended purpose of the 2nd Amendment was specifically designed for.

  13. A well written article, that’s very relevant considering how hard the left is pushing their endgame.
    The secret society route would also be helpful, if the league of Shadows can terrorize Gotham city, then we can theoretically do so as well.

    1. As long as I’m not designated one of the Wonder Twins, I’m in. Or Aquaman. What a stupid power, talking to fish.

        1. I can’t really see an advantage to living under water. You’re slower and more easily ambushed. But ok. Super strength I forgot. I guess that’s ok. For when you, you know, are talking to misbehaving fish.

        2. which is great if there is a crime going on underwater but since there isn’t a corresponding aquatic bad guy he was completely useless. His primary job was to get kidnapped by the legion of doom so superman had something to do on the weekends.

      1. He does have super-strength and a magic trident too.
        Also, having an army of great white sharks would be awesome.
        I grant he’s not the most glamorous hero though.

      2. Oh there is worse than being on of the wonder twins. I mean, If I was apache chief I would kill myself just from talking slowly….actually any of the hilarious “inclusive” guys like like Black Manta, El Dorado or Samurai would be terrible. But the absolute worst would be being the flash. I mean, I get fucking annoyed to the point of murder reading a 2 sentence post by father of three. Imagine if your entire body and mind was brought up to light speed! A 30 second pepsi commercial would seem like the entire history of the united states in length.
        And to make matters worse, when it came time for the superfriends to dole out super hero vehicles (wonderwoman got a plane, batman got a car) they gave the flash a motorcycle. Why in gods name would someone who can walk the speed of light want a motorcycle. Can you imagine being the flash and driving a morocycle 80 mph. IT would be infuriating. And forget about stop signs. Yes, the flash would be the worst.

        1. Yeah, those stupid Super Friends cartoons back in the 1960’s/1970’s show that the social-justice propaganda started way back when the animators felt the pressure to create diversity “superheroes.”

      3. That’s why I’m always a fan of the anti heroes and villains in the DC universe, they’re actually realistic and have intellectual depth to them.

        1. It might. But why would he want to use *that* as a target. Shit home fries, I avoid talking to them now using a simple set of vocal chords, I really don’t want to talk to them telepathically.

        2. Since we’re being nerdy as hell, I’d love it if they made a movie where Aquaman fought Sub-Mariner. It would just be 90 minutes of Sub-Mariner handing Aquaman’s ass to him again and again and again.

        1. right, until the badguy is all of 20 feet from the shore at which point the best super power would be yelling “HEY! IF YOU COME HERE AND GET IN THE WATER I WILL REALLY SHOW YOU!!!! STOP WALKING AWAY FURTHER ONTO THE LAND! COME BACK HERE! IN THE WAAAATTTERRRR! STOP IGNORNING ME”

        2. All hail Cthulhu!
          It used to be fun inside joke with Lovecraft fans, but SP ruined it.

      4. The Wonder Twins could have amounted to something if they could transform into useful objects:
        “Form of – bicycle chain!”
        “Shape of – street fighter!”

  14. Diversify your warchest. Many people focus on guns&ammo exclusively. But what if they have you surrounded or what if you wake from a nap and they’ve stolen the boots off your feet? Or you’re cornered in your kitchen broom closet? Be prepared with a variety, a plethora of creative warcraft. The adrenaline is still pumping. Don’t ever waste that most wonderful high of highs on a hard breather as they hog tie you.
    So I’ll post again the amazing “MOP”!!
    I thought of this a few articles ago while sitting on the pot seriously.
    FIRST the recipe for homemade DIY pepper spray (commercial product can be costly)

    *powdered cayenne pepper
    *lemon juice
    *coffee filter (to filter out particles) the cayenne enzymes and acid remains in the solution
    Brew up a big enough batch to fill mop bucket and also fill some extra spray bottles for added side holster ‘six shooter’ John Wayne action.
    It don’t matter what color you is when you a blinded motherfucker.
    Now here’s the fun part. When the crowd of marauders closes in, dip your mop head in the bucket and swing it round and round. You’ll have to dip the mop head repeatedly to wet it so here’s the ingenious idea that came to me here:
    IMPORTANT: A rubber hose ‘feed line’ must be fitted to the end of the hollow mop handle and inserted into the mop bucket solution. When the hose is kept primed, the swinging action of the mop creates centrifugal force and the flow of liquid is continuous from the bucket to the flailing wet strands of the outer mop head. It’s a great 360° sprayer that will take down the entire crowd surrounding you! Depending on the rate of flow, the bucket could supply up to 5 min of continuing spray action, dropping motherfuckers right and left. Best of all it looks like a common ‘cleaning guy’ set-up. Why you could even inconspicously make money shining shoes and polishing hubcaps before the riot erupts. ‘Keep your bucket filled’.

  15. Couldn’t get past the first word of the article.
    Nearly all the writers at Return Of Kings support Donald Trump.
    Nearly all!? I want names!
    But seriously, I can’t immediately recall an article in support of Johnson. A Hillary support article would be beyond belief. Perhaps it’s fair to also consider writers who don’t live in the US and simply have no opinion..

  16. Consider, realistically, what you will do if the court rules that the 2nd amendment doesn’t apply to citizens, and gun confiscation is enacted (eventually). Will you realistically fight and make them take the guns from your “cold, dead hands” as many of us like to say? Who will fight with you? Are you seriously willing to risk death or jail time to not give up your guns? Do you realize that even if you are armed and have a group of armed men willing to resist, that the US Army and police will kick your ass if they so choose? Is that a hill you’re willing to die (or go to prison) on?
    What about the men here who are married with children? Can you realistically say you will not give up your guns if the alternative is going to jail and leaving your family to fend for themselves (and losing your guns anyway)?

    1. “US Army and police will kick your ass if they so choose?”
      100 million gun owners vs ~5 million police and military personnel? Yea, I’ll take the american citizenry.
      Besides how man of the cops soldiers are actually going to side with communists?

      1. Moreover, there have been incidents where military personnel were tasked with going around and disarming citizens after a disaster (I believe the one I’m thinking of was the Louisiana floods), but were forced out of the homes at gun point. Many will not have their heart in the task and many more will flee after someone puts the business end of a shotgun in their face.

        1. The nerve and motivation the military has in movies to manhandle the citizens it was sworn to protect is a fantasy. These Military personnel for the most part will side with the people. I think some people arguing this point play too many video games and watch too many movies.

      2. They will follow orders. They’re not going to risk losing THEIR jobs (and their guns, and possible prison time) to help YOUR ass not be disarmed. Plus, they are a lot more organized than the citizens and they have far more powerful weapons, so the fact that they are outnumbered won’t matter.
        Plus, will they really be outnumbered? Out of the 100 million gun owners, do you really think more than 5% of them will be willing to fight it out with the army rather than turning in their guns? Look what happened in Australia when they confiscated guns back in 1996. No one fought back.

        1. Every single military and policing officer I know* from Marines down to local police express the same thing, that they will bring ties with their respective agencys if commanded to disarm the public. you over estimate who will follow these orders. I know close to 100 persons like this and im batting 1.000 when if comes to the sentiment to NOT disarm the public if ordered. I doubt even 20% of the US military would carry this out and maybe 50% of the commanding officers would follow orders. your scenario isn’t realistic. The People would win with out a doubt, and the majority of US citizens and non citizens are armed. make no mistake about that.

        2. I hope you’re right and they’re telling the truth. Just remember, though, it’s a lot different what they will say to your face when you ask them “would you disarm the public?” and what they would actually do when their jobs and their family’s safety and prosperity is on the line.
          Also, it’s not necessary for them to disarm the public. Congress could simply pass a law banning guns, but only enforce it if you are caught doing something else. The army and police would not go door to door disarming people, but if you are pulled over for speeding and they find a gun on you, you would go to prison for gun possession. If your house is broken into by armed robbers, and you use a gun to defend yourself and your family, you would be arrested and put in jail for gun possession, regardless if it was self-defense or not.
          If that happens, the military won’t need to go door to door disarming people. Keep your gun hidden at home and don’t ever use it for any reason, that’s fine. But if you’re ever caught using or carrying the gun (even for legitimate self-defense purposes) you will go to prison. Is that really any better than gun confiscation?

        3. I don’t engage these guys on these topics. This is voluntary stuff, im talking phone calls, texts, mass emails by some telling friends and family to stock up on arms etc. As for the congress banning guns that would actually have to be a modification of the Constitution. I doubt they would be able to do it in that fashion, it would more likely be a martial law type of situation for tightening of gun regs. I first heard about the whole gun confiscation thing from a detective friend of mine who one day just called me and told me to make sure all my licenses are in order and not to ever voluntarily give up my firearm.

        4. Any LEO, especially in some remote rural areas, know it would be a suicide mission. How many of them would want to risk their lives trying to confiscate the firearms of a determined opponent? How do they know the otherwise peaceful quiet guy who occasionally talks about deer and duck hunting won’t turn into a fierce tiger if some LEO tries to confiscate his firearms?

        5. On top of that, they disagree with it by and large. Its against what a lot of them believe besides the danger of it.

        6. I love how each state has basically 1 gun per resident, give or take. Heh.

      3. I’m glad to hear you’re willing to fight the government rather than give up your guns, don’t get me wrong. But you should ask yourself, is this really the hill you’re willing to die on? And you WILL die. You will NOT win a war against the US military. I don’t care how many citizens you have on your side.
        Unless a civil war truly breaks out, with half the military turning on its government (unlikely), or with certain states formally seceding (slightly more likely, but still very unlikely) you will lose, and that means being killed or going to prison for life.

        1. Ok, and I’m not saying you shouldn’t fight. I’m just saying you have to be realistic about what the result would be. If that’s a hill you’re willing to die on, that’s admirable and very respectable.

        2. You can’t just go and take on the US army by yourself (or even with a bunch of friends) and have faith that God will let you win. It doesn’t work that way. Faith in God does not negate the physical reality that the US military and police have superior weapons and are far better organized than the vast majority of citizens today, and that, barring a true civil war (states formally seceding) or a military coup, the military and police will most likely follow orders to disarm the public if that is what they are ordered to do.

        3. Who does the military fight precisely? We don’t wear uniforms. We live next door to their families. We look “like everybody else”. We work in power plants and water treatment facilities and nuclear plants.
          You’re thinking WW2 tactics. That’s outdated. Of course we can’t line up on a field in a nice square and win.
          But we can bring down entire cities with a few well placed clicks of a button. And when they try to find us, they find their family’s heads on pikes.
          Modern warfare is not something you appear to be well versed in, especially resistance type tactics. You’re spouting fantasy based on 70 year old assumptions.

        4. If you had a wife and kids, I don’t think you’d be so willing to sacrifice your life.

        5. Now that I think about it, this is kind of a moot point. Even if the military and police would not disarm the public, it is not necessary. Government could simply outlaw guns, and they would not need to go door to door confiscating them.
          They could simply make a law that if anyone is caught with a gun for any reason, they go to prison for a long time. That means that if your house is broken into by armed robbers and you defend yourself with a gun, you would be arrested for gun possession (just like in England). Door to door confiscation is not necessary.

        6. What would you do if congress simply makes a law that anyone caught with a gun for any reason goes to prison? Confiscation would not be necessary in that scenario. If your house was robbed and defended yourself with a gun, you would go to prison for gun possession. If you were pulled over for speeding and they found a gun in your car, you would go to prison for gun possession.
          They would not confiscate door to door, but they would essentially turn all gun owners into criminals overnight. It would be pointless to keep owning a gun because you are risking prison if you ever use the gun for self defense or any other reason.

        7. Ten seconds after such a law was signed, there would be mass armed protests in every capitol in every state, forever. Additionally, some states already are opting out of Federal gun control laws (Wyoming, Montana). Good luck enforcing that stuff.

        8. This is fearmongering. The usurped US government is only as powerful as the veil of media makes you believe it is. There are untold amounts of criminals that never get caught year after year. Once you realize that you must fight fire with fire, the fear subsides. It is the only way to win. You must have the bigger fire.

        9. How are Wyoming and Montana opting out of federal gun control? I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m actually curious to know, since I never heard of that before.

        10. Wyoming back in 2012 (I think, somewhere around there) declared all federal firearms restrictions null and void for weapons made in Wyoming and purchased by people who live in Wyoming. Montana as well. They nullified the Interstate Commerce Clause basically. If it ain’t interstate commerce, which is the justification used to front almost all gun control, then their laws don’t apply.

        11. This is interesting. Can you buy a small haunting shack in Wyoming, register it as your primary address and use that to your benefit the way people get away with avoiding the fucking obscene cost of NYC drivers insurance. There are more Floridians in new York than in florida. Everyone is registered to their mothers house….or at least it was like that the last I paid attention to such things.

        12. Can you buy a small haunting shack in Wyoming, register it as your primary address and use that to your benefit the way people get away with avoiding the fucking obscene cost of NYC drivers insurance
          I don’t think that supernatural housing is done in Wyoming.
          No idea. When I hear “residency requirement” I usually see “meaning you have to live here X months out of 12”.

        13. So a felon in Wyoming can own a gun and not go to prison? Or a person can walk into a gun shop and buy without a background check? Or gun shops can sell fully automatic weapons?

        14. I don’t know about felon. I suspect state law might suggest that would be unwise, but I don’t know their entire legal code.
          Yes to the others, if they so choose.
          Shoot dude, we can sell and buy full auto weapons here in Ohio. In Wyoming I think the Fed restrictions/requirements wouldn’t apply to locally produced full autos and silencers. They would to machineguns made prior to 1986 since they were likely not made in Wyoming. It all comes down to interstate commerce.

        15. The times were waaaaay different. Weaponry is waaaay more advanced nowadays. That’s why first world governments don’t really have to worry about being overthrown anymore.

        16. You’re putting a lot of faith in “advanced weaponry”. Let’s examine that.
          Night vision – we have it too
          Thermal sights – we have it too
          Radio – yeah, got it
          Long range sniping – got that too (Baretts are legal)
          Machine guns – we have those
          Silencers – we have those
          Bombs – don’t have, but they’re not going to bomb anonymous places.
          Uniforms – they have them, we don’t. Advantage ours
          Anti-thermal camo – we got that too
          Jet Fighters – pointless
          Drones – we don’t only have them, we’re the people making them
          Submarines – pointless, there aren’t any sea battles going to take place on Lake Michigan
          Mines – same thing as IDE’s. We got that covered
          Cars – got’em
          Motorcycles – got’em
          Smart missiles – only situationally advantageous, they’d have to know who we were and where we were.
          Satellites – yeah, we work in the companies that utilize them
          Tanks – true, they have them. So did the Soviets when they invaded Finland.

        17. The vast majority of non-military people don’t have all those weapons, just guns.
          Anyway, my only point is that it is far more difficult to overthrow a government today than it was 250 years ago. Technology gives the government more control over us, period. And I’m not just talking about military technology, I’m talking about all technology.

        18. You’d be surprised. I can walk down to Cabelas and pick up night vision stuff on the cheap. Military surplus store, the rest. It’s all here.
          “All Technology” is the stuff that *we* make and use every day. It may scare others, but this is normal life to us, and we have the same stuff.

        19. Just kill the robber and dispose of the body yourself without involving the authorities!

        20. Before 1934, one could buy a fully-automatic firearm. Thompson even had ads showing their iconic “Tommy Gun” being used to protect a ranch from invaders.

        21. The Founders also had immense balls and faith in their cause. They knew they were signing their own death warrant on the Declaration of Independence if the Revolution failed. They knew they’d be taken to London and hanged as traitors.

        22. You can still buy a full automatic firearm in many states. I can drive up to my local gun store here in central Ohio and pick up an M2 today, if I felt the need to blow an absolutely stupid amount of money for no good reason.

        23. What if you shoot him but he gets away? What if there is a witness?
          I’m hoping GhostOfJefferson is right and there would be massive disobedience and armed protest if this were to happen, but if there was not massive disobedience, then the only rational choices for law-abiding citizens would either be to hide your guns and never use them (even for self-defense), or to voluntarily give them up. Kind of like if you were a felon today, those would be your only two reasonable choices, unless you wanted to risk a long prison sentence.
          Sure, if all felons today bought guns and engaged in massive civil disobedience, there would be no way to arrest them all, but that simply isn’t going to happen. They aren’t organized enough.

        24. “Tanks – true, they have them. So did the Soviets when they invaded Finland.”
          Or ask the Israelis what happened to them back in 2006.
          It’s also quite possible that any insurrection might find a sympathetic ear in Russia or other places. Just a few Kornet ATGM’s will make life hard for them.
          Also, since the US military’s pointy, dangerous end is made up mostly of white guys from the south and west, I wouldn’t be surprised id a few Javelins or AT-4s fell off a truck near many military bases.

      4. the military power against its citizenry isn’t the problem. The real issue is the financial power. Ok, so while the US citizenry is fighting their winning war they realize that all of their wealth has gone to nothing and they have totally abandoned their ability to live the lives that they have become accustomed to.
        Out gunning someone seems like a pretty good thing. However, when they take away every penny you have ever earned, turn off your electric and water and you wind up living in tribal conditions…I mean, say what you want…but Hobbes was right. You will start fighting amongst yourselves and other tribes.
        It isn’t the military that keeps americans in check it is the economy. Always just good enough to keep the citizenry fat and entertained.

        1. sorry. maybe I can find echo chamber threads that don’t so negatively impact your fragile sense of self. Then you can sit there and read all about stuff you agree with and jerk off all day……

        2. You don’t fight a nation down to 18th century levels of technology. That’s movie fantasy.

        3. In modern America, no matter how things get, there will always be EBT cards that magically allow you to get your food, and housing vouchers to give you shelter. They will not let us experience the reality of the decline unless our system of credit collapses.

        4. I never said anything of the sort and feel like I may be the most, if not one of the most, optimistic people here. I say you should look at the world, try to understand it, look at yourself, try to understand yourself and then think about the ways you can use who you are to your advantage in this world to attain the things that bring you happiness….be them family, or hedonistic pleasures, or money or being charitable or whatever floats you boat.
          If I ever say fuck it it is because I am optimistic enough to realize that it simply doesn’t matter to me. I will take my life into my own hands and do my best regardless of the playing field. Having done this now for over 4 decades I have realized nothing but unmitigated success and happiness. It is a hard job to convince me I am wrong.

        5. I can tell you aren’t really the readin’ type. It’s ok. We can just walk away. Have a nice day.

      5. Any LEO or military that would attack American civilians should be considered a domestic enemy and dealt with accordingly!

    2. Odds are way in our favor even if 70% of the military didn’t defect to our side (because military comes mostly from red state boys).
      Kick our ass. Sure. They can’t take out a couple of camel humping Hajis in Afghanistan, but they’ll take us out. Sure.

      1. They could easily take out the whole Iraqi army when authorized to do so (under Bush). The reason they “can’t” take out the Afghanis or ISIS today is because they are not authorized to use their full potential. Are you seriously arguing that the US military is not the strongest military in the world?
        I’m no military expert, but it seems fairly obvious that our organized military with state-of-the-art weaponry could easily take out the small percentage of American gun owners who choose to fight back.

        1. Oh please. I am former military and well trained in a variety of very scary things. Iraq fought like it was WW2, which we’re well prepared for (tactics and strategy I mean). I hear your kind of talk a lot from the left, but it’s all talk. Our weaponry is just as “state of the art” as theirs when it comes to troop level manual arms. They don’t stand a chance if they try confiscation.
          Fun fact. Connecticut only saw a 10% compliance rate with their mandatory order to register semi-auto “assault weapons”. 10%. That’s a whole lot of middle finger that they could not do *shit* about.
          Stop believing in the Hollywood Superhero Soldiers. Most of us were them at one time, we’re not helpless.

        2. even without the superhero soldiers. We still have bombs and, ya know, jets and tanks and stuff right? I mean really I don’t know anything about this, but couldn’t this whole war be fought from 30 thousand feet and won in like a couple of hours?

        3. that’s what I want to know. I mean I really don’t understand it at all. My guess is that at the end of the day it is about corporate and financial reasons but damned if I know what they are.

        4. It’s a lack of conviction. Our politicians are so concerned about their image that they don’t do what is necessary to finish those wars: accept collateral damage as an inevitability. The enemies know this and now hide in schools and public areas because they know we will not bomb them there. These are people we have no affiliation with on the other side of the globe.
          Now that being said, do you think they would use such heavy handed tactics against their own people? It would be a PR nightmare and would only spark more resistance movements in the USA. No, they’d be forced to take it slow while resistance factions here would be doing the exact same things as the enemies are doing in the Middle East: guerrila tactics.

        5. One part of that I believe is that our rules of engagement are very very enemy friendly. We are looking to not step on our dicks from a political and humanitarian standpoint. maybe GOJ can elaborate on this, but our combat morals are way to high, IMO.

        6. you are probably right. As for doing it against you own people…as we know from the HIlary Clinton camp they can totally avoid a PR nightmare. Just brand you as a bunch of lunatic yahoos, take away your ability to get on the internet and run the PR cycle.
          It will be very similar to when Koresh was taken down, just bigger. The TV movie portraying everyone as a bunch of fringe lunatics will be on the air before the smoke stops. Again, just my guess.

        7. Ah, but how are they going to accomplish this without collateral damage? Not like these US Rebels will have a base out in the middle of no where. They will be in neighborhoods with their families and kids. How will she cover up bombing neighborhoods full of families?

        8. Ok, don’t get me wrong, I am NOT on the left. I also admitted I am not a military expert. I am 100% in favor of gun ownership, carrying, and everything else, and I absolutely do not want to live in a country with any type of gun control. I am afraid if they take the guns, I will not be able to protect my family and I will have to rely on government and police to protect me. That is not something I’m down with.
          I am just thinking, and I could be wrong, that if the government really wanted to enact stricter gun control, they probably could. You’re probably right that there would not be an all-out civil war, and they probably would not get away will all-out confiscation without lots of casualties, and lots of bad PR for turning on their own citizens.
          My fear is that once Hillary gets liberal justices to overrule the 2008 DC v. Heller decision (ruling that the 2nd amendment does not apply to private citizens), the government will take small steps towards more gun control. The public will not fight back against these small steps, just like they didn’t in the past when small steps were passed. If the government passed a law tomorrow saying requiring a federal license in all states for open & concealed carry, would there be blood in the streets? I don’t think so. People would just apply for their licenses and accept the law. Now, what would happen when an increasingly liberal government over the years (due to more and more immigration and amnesty) slowly makes it harder and harder to get a carry license, eventually ceasing to give out licenses?
          They will take baby steps like that until achieving their end goal of total confiscation, and even if they don’t achieve that end goal, just having them eliminate open and concealed carry (for example) is enough for me to consider the 2nd amendment dead. And there will be no war against the government because it will be done in baby steps, just like every other leftist agenda has been achieved.

        9. no idea. really asking more than telling. Not sure how it can be covered up, but if I needed to hire a consultant to help me cover up killing loads of people….she would be on the top of the list ya know.

        10. Most people except for the hard core aggressive fighters, which are a sliver of the population, would not be involved in the conflict initially.
          Bombs start dropping and your friend or family member is murdered out of the blue, perhaps while not even doing anything “bad.” Now you are pissed and no longer feeling neutral but against the attackers.
          Now your neighborhood gets shredded and more of your close ones die. You lose your job, your family, and now you have nothing to lose and you join the resistance. The enemy forces are less than 1% of the population. If with every week of bombing they alienate another 1% of the population, they are literally Hitler creating a new army of rebels every week.
          Basically you can’t change people by killing because at some point there is rebellion against the use of such extreme violence.
          Look at Pablo Escobar. He had more money and a larger military than the entirety of South America combined, and he killed any and everyone who could harm him, from judges, to politicians to journalists to policeman to army generals. He neutralized every possible threat but in the end he alienated so many through his extreme violence that he was defeated.
          Looking at any modern war will show the same results.

        11. So removing any restrictions on warfare would lead to success in foreign wars but defeat in domestic ones? I don’t follow.

        12. This makes a lot of sense to me and I think you are probably right. I will go back to my earlier thinking that by making sure that sportsball is on tv and that everyone can afford to credit prison themselves into a new truck every few years and a 60 inch high def television and remain fat with salty, grease filled foods that are relatively cheap that the small percent of people who would still revolt are insignificant enough to just mock and move on from.

        13. You going to launch a bombing raid against American cities , where bombs are impartial and kill everybody, including your fellow Americans who are on your side. Bad idea. Good way to lose the war, fast.

        14. Nope. No conviction as Unabashed mentioned. And it’s hard to target a force that doesn’t wear a uniform and plants IDE’s and is one face in the crowd of hundreds. That’s why.

        15. makes sense. The Roman Legions knew how to deal with this. Kill every man woman and child that doesn’t surrender, enslave the ones that do, take all the resources from the land and then salt it afterwards. That is how this problem is solved. That is why the title civis romanis meant that Paul could walk around and preach a brand new heretical religion and local authority wouldn’t put him to death…because the thought of the Roman Empire’s reaction to a citizen being killed overseas was pretty fucking drastic.

        16. no, just curious about the hypothetical. It would be funny to see Hilary spin it as “folksy gardening”

        17. Yes, exactly. And if the opposition has good strategic sense, they ensure that the PTB get blamed for everything and that they swoop in to help the “poor, put upon citizens”. Warfare Psychology 101.

        18. Those tactics don’t work in the modern age. They really didn’t even work in WW2 to any appreciable effect (the Germans tried a bit of “salt the earth”).

        19. I also view any talk of armed rebellion as testosterone fantasy, like what will we do if the commies invade, or worrying about whether W or Obama or the next guy cancels elections and institutes marshal law.
          It’s all an exercise in silliness. There is no need for any of that to happen. Put yourself in the position of “them”, the powers that be. Why would you do any of this? Why would you collect people’s guns? Why would you cancel elections? It’s silly. It would just piss people off, and would accomplish little to nothing. Think about what their goals are.
          If Obama really is a secret Muslim and wants to turn the country gay, then they will just run an even more gay Muslim guy to replace him, and fix the ballots. Far, far safer than breaking the circus show of letting the rubes “vote.”
          If China really wants to control America, do you think they’ll land troops here and make everybody go nuts? Or will they just keep lending us money until we become so indebted to them that they can literally Hitler own our major assets and use our capitalist system against us. They become the capital holders, and we the laborers.
          Really none of these scary scenarios make any sense when you break it down that way. TPTB accomplish nothing by doing any of these extreme actions. The most you will ever see is them taking brief, violent action against a group like in Waco, and agreed, they will use mass propaganda so 95% of the population will support it.

        20. You really think so? I am not asking in an antagonistic way, I am honestly curious. If the United states basically bit the bullet, admitted this was a problem and set out for the systematic destruction and death or enslavement of the middle east with the support of all western nations (and yes, I am aware this would never happen) then would the mechanics of it really be all that hard.
          I mean, if France, England and the US said “hey that faggy chancellor of Germany has a good idea, lets support him” it seems history would have been different.
          Again, please note that I am not actually moronic enough to imagine the politics are possible, I am more curious about the logistics if we assumed the political support.

        21. I agree whole heartedly. I think that, and have said, that armed rebellion is just the rights version of “we are moving to Canada if bush is elected” I am pretty sure exactly 0 people moved to Canada when he was elected….either time….and that armed rebellion is like to be the just as popular.
          As for war…I really don’t think any first world nation wants the disruption in trade and comfort or that any third world nation can pull it off. I mean, ISIS may kick our ass in the fields, but I don’t see them pulling off an armed attack and sustained landwar and eventually hoisting a flag. China….maybe…but why…..the status quo leaves them richer and more powerful.
          In the end, everyone will get up and go to work and it will be life as usually which is where I started this whole brain storm. Nothing new under the sun..

        22. Why would people comply? I have carried oodles of times all over the place, and never once have I been stopped or frisked.
          If your guns are not registered, then you have absolutely no incentive to get some federal permit to carry them.

        23. Thanks man, life happened and I needed to focus my energy elsewhere, glad to be back.

        24. The land standoffs out West as of late shows that there is a bit more spine and ability to put our money where our mouth is, than you assume. The first standoff the Feds literally (Hitler) ran with their tails tucked between their legs.

        25. It’s the Hearts and Minds policies that were developed during Vietnam and then made into standing orders as part of our ROE, yes.

        26. Do criminals give a rip about any gun control? If everybody simple decided to be a criminal and deliberately disobey these unconstitutional laws, they couldn’t possibly put everybody in jail.

        27. Like it was WW2? I can’t agree with that, the Iraqis had an impressively numerous and well-equipped military on paper but they were incompetent and were quickly routed.

        28. If your name is “Hillary Clinton”, then the answer to that implied question is “yes”.

        29. Eh, I don’t think her staff is going to follow that “order”. Not due to patriotism, but because it would turn the entire nation against the government overnight. That’s a bad thing if you’re trying to win a war.

        30. I have my doubts that Hillary Clinton would have anyone on her staff who wouldn’t blindly follow out her “Nero Decree”s.

        31. I don’t think that’s realistic. Even Hitler’s General Staff ended up trying to off him. It makes zero sense to have 40% of the nation on your side one day and the next have them all marching to put your head in a noose en masse.

        32. Hitler didn’t purge his staff of all who weren’t obsequious “yes men”. Hillary wouldn’t have that issue.

        33. Their tactics were WW2. I didn’t mean technology. They were trying to fight a traditional war from days of yore. Big mistake.

        34. I agree with your point about confiscation. The lack of conviction and discipline in the Iraqi military is why ours so effortlessly routed theirs, and I’d like to believe that patriotic Americans would not be so lacking.
          So maybe it’s “splitting hairs” here but If Saddam could have resurrected a WW2 commander like von Rundstedt in time for Desert Storm or Iraqi Freedom IMO then we would’ve had a real contest.

      2. I was just thinking about this. What is the deal with that. I mean, if this was a movie the rag tag group would be the underdog you side with. How is it possible that like 8 guys, 2 pounds of explosives and a couple of women wondering if the bomb strapped to them makes them look fat are actually kicking our ass in a war. I mean, talk about the Bad News Camels. Jesus. Is it just because we are doing that whole slave morality thing of not fighting back? I really don’t understand the whole thing. It is 11:34 eastern right now. I am pretty sure that if we brought general patton back from the dead, gave him full command control, explained the situation and what tools we have there would be no more isis by 230 and that includes the briefing.

        1. Ok. So who does he target?
          Most of these camel humpers are nomads, no homes, and no real ties to anything. They’re armed, and wear the same thing every other camel humper wears. If you say “kill the camel humpers one and all” then sure, ok, but you’ve just genocided the entire nation. Hard to pull that off without it pissing off, you know, the people being genocided.

        2. agreed. So if our current tactic doesn’t work. And if genocide would work but we can’t pull it off because of politics….what is the third option? The typical way we win one of these is to get them to worship our culture. Blue Jeans and Rock and Roll had plenty to do with the fall of the soviet union…but those were civilized people….what do you do with animals?

        3. Does it matter if the people being “genocided” are pissed off? They’ll be too dead to act on it.

        4. Yeah, it kind of does when they catch wind. You can’t do it overnight.

    3. I’d rather die than live as a slave in the hellish and degenerate America Hillary would create!

  17. Hillary and Trump are two paths to the same final destination … so arm yourself anyway!

  18. The game is not over. We’ve got a better chance than trump at taking the country back. It’s the states themselves, in a convention if states.

  19. We have a small tribe in Orlando, Fl, that is consistent. Good men. If you’re in the Longwood / Altamonte / Winter Springs / Winter Park / Orlando area or the like message me. Of course with the hurricane we won’t be meeting anytime soon but we do have each the each other’s back. And I agree with the article in its entirety.

  20. I’d say trying to change the country democratically (in a positive, patriarchal way) has been impossible since women were given the right to vote. Women will vote for more feminism. Some men will, also. Game over.

    1. Sadly male feminists in the USA were giving women the right to vote even before the disastrous 19th Amendment was passed.
      Only the right side of the country had the right idea.

    1. Kind of like saying it isn’t time to panic then reassessing the situation and saying, OK panic is now the appropriate response.

  21. The Asians voting all-Democrat must be the Indians and Filipinos. Chinese people I know respect Trump, or support him outright.

    1. The Chinese enjoy materialism and gambling, so Trump might appeal to that aspect of their culture.

      1. The Chinese diaspora sees things like BLM as the horde of thugs that they are. Stuff like gangsta rap proves to them that blacks live in a wealthy, civilized society yet insist on being criminals. Think about how the Koreans handled the black riots in LA in 1992. Chinese people roundly applaud the armed defense, and understand that having someone like Hillary in charge would probably make it impossible.
        On a popular mainland Chinese q&a site, Trump is the second most popular search entry. Kinda surprising that he hasn’t been blacklisted by the communist party yet.

        1. The Koreans in LA had GUNS pointed back at the rioters, if I remember correctly.
          No wonder why no country in Asia allows firearm possession…

    2. The Chinese see the West as a source of wealth and opportunity.
      If Hillary wins and turns America into a shithole, they will lose out.

      1. Hey! I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for a chance to agitate for Prince Harry to assume the throne instead of his wussy pussy whipped brother! This shit means something to me!

        1. you greedy bastard. You already rule a stout foot in Scotland. And with your alliance with GOJ and I we are poised to take more area there. Now you want to make headways into England?

        2. We are three square feet of formidable might. First we take Scotland, and then the world! (Dibs on Russia)

        3. just don’t invade in the winter…that doesn’t work well. I am taking france. I will clean that place up and put it back to pre WWII levels of urban excess in no time.

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