Today’s Mainstream Conservatives Only Serve The Globalist Establishment

Earlier I had some pretty harsh words about the liberal establishment. This concerned both the big shots and all the toadies helping them run the show. (Indeed, it’s quite a clever scam. So many caring, idealistic people think they’re fighting for social justice, when they’re really helping corrupt globalist plutocrats consolidate their power.)  For that matter, many of their revered “heroes” aren’t all that and a bag of chips.

So how does establishment conservatism fare? At best, they stand for slowing the decline—sort of like driving toward a cliff at 40 MPH rather than 60 MPH. At worst, they give false hopes to the public that they’ll do something effective.  The government is supposed to work for the people, but the influence of big money is a major problem: deep-pockets donors, big business lobbyists, and foreign powers.

How conservatism changed


Neoconservatism explained in one photo.

As early as 1968, George Wallace famously said, “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Republicans and Democrats.” It wasn’t always like this. Many conservatives in times past—including Wallace—were a different breed from most of today’s variety. Some never compromised their principles. Pat Buchanan is still out there. Joseph Sobran and Sam Francis are gone but not forgotten. Ron Paul takes a different angle, but is honest and principled. The Republican leadership is certainly not interested in promoting anyone like them, no matter how much they resonate with the grassroots.

In the 1970s, the neoconservatives—former liberals (though not always very former)—came onto the scene. Although they were lightweights ideologically, they were welcomed into the Republican party. Eventually these entryists started calling the shots, taking it upon themselves to tell conservatives how to be conservative. By the 1990s, this effectively neutered conservatism. Neocons like globalism, and they like spit-in-your-eye wars (many are in bed with the military-industrial complex, and others with foreign powers who like our soldiers doing their fighting), but they’re not much help defending our civilization from cultural Marxism and population replacement policies. Today, we speak of RINOs—Republicans In Name Only. The unkind name is cuckservatives.

The Republican platform used to be approximately the following:

  1. Opposition to Communism
  2. Traditional values and rejection of policies detrimental to the majority
  3. Economic policies

In the early 1990s, the first two broad planks disappeared. The only places Communism is taken very seriously any more are Cuba and many faculty departments. As for item 2, it became taboo to discuss many of these matters very openly. Cultural Marxism was still very much alive—basically a religion by then—bringing us political correctness. Conservatives failed to properly assert themselves then, which the neocon faction wasn’t interested in doing, and now opposition is needed more than ever. So all that’s left over is item 3. Middle America likes low taxes, but globalist policies favoring big business are uninspiring.

Since then, the Republican Party isn’t the answer; it’s just the lesser of two evils. If you want your country to remain basically the same as the one you grew up in, no mainstream Republican politician is going to do anything effective. The situation is absurd. Many rhinestone conservatives even sink to virtue signaling: for instance, “Why, no, I’m not an extremist, unlike this other guy to my right.” The only reason the Republican voter base puts up with these shenanigans is because they have nowhere else to turn.

The controlled opposition


No matter who you vote for, you get the same thing.

Joe Sixpack might imagine, “Boy howdy, when my party comes into power, then they’re going to clean house and everything’s going to be okay.” When it comes to pass, things turn out to be business as usual. Still, the Blue Pill public keeps falling for the scam. The Republicans are basically a soothing salve, giving false hopes that they’ll reverse the decline and stop cultural Marxism.

Although conservatism is the opposition to liberalism, in practice they don’t really diverge too much. Politicians argue with each other quite a bit, but even when one party gets the Presidency and controls both houses of Congress, major policy changes are rare. When the Republicans are in power, they don’t do anything about immigration, welfare, abortion, or affirmative action and set-asides. Likewise, when the Democrats are in power, they don’t stop fighting spit-in-your-eye wars, much less go after the military-industrial complex. Today, the Democrats and Republicans are effectively the left and right wing of the globalist agenda.

The Democrats—formerly the working man’s party—support open borders.  They’ve also supported globalist trade deals (such as NAFTA, GATT, most favored nation status for China, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership), They serve the ones who matter: wealthy interests holding their purse strings. Ironically, the Democrats appeal to the common people (the disadvantaged, as some put it) but their policies aren’t really doing much for the masses, other than promising more handouts. For example, they used to have a large voter bloc of organized labor. However, the Democratic leadership doesn’t have to worry about appealing to unionized factory workers any more, because most of them had their jobs shipped overseas, and now in their own country they have to compete with all the cheap labor imported from the Third World.

The Republicans are basically the controlled opposition. They put on a good show for their voters, but aren’t allowed to veer too far away from the globalist agenda, as this would displease the masters holding their own purse strings. Their grassroots base is with middle Americans who value independence, smaller government, and traditional values, but the party isn’t looking out for them either.

Why things don’t change


Sometimes politicians have trouble remembering who they’re supposed to work for.

In the USA, it’s extremely hard for a third party candidate or an independent to get elected even to a Congressional seat. As for the Presidency, it’s practically impossible. Ross Perot had a decent chance in 1992 until he made a series of missteps. Still, his 18.9% popular vote was the best return from a third party candidate since Theodore Roosevelt’s 1912 run under the Progressive Party ticket.

One reason for this is the Electoral College. The majority results for each state determines all the state’s electors, with the exception of Nebraska and Maine. That, and the nonexistence of runoff elections if nobody achieves 50%, is a very high bar to cross. Citizens often have to vote for the “lesser of two evils” rather than someone they really like.

Also, most voters are attached to one party or another; the real contest is for the much smaller fraction of uncommitted voters. If either party went too far from the center, it would appeal to the grassroots but turn off the uncommitted public. Half of the electorate doesn’t vote, either from apathy or cynicism, so they’re actually a huge, untapped reserve.

The final reason is the influence of big money from corporate interests, wealthy contributors, and foreign powers, as I’ve mentioned. The one who pays the piper, calls the tune. It’s effectively a legal form of bribery.

Effectively, the voters basically have a Coke versus Pepsi choice between the Stupid Party and the Evil Party. Many other countries have parliamentary systems with three viable parties, often two will work together to form a coalition. The differences are mostly superficial, and parties with real differences have a great deal of trouble gaining any traction.

Managed democracy

The citizens of democratic countries will pride themselves on their freedom and openness. Still, there are other factors beyond the nominal political system in determining how free the country really is. Whether or not the government truly represents the will of the people is a big one. (Media bias is another factor, and we’ve covered the presstitutes here before.) If a group of oligarchs happen to be heavyweight contributors to all major parties as well as having the media in their back pocket, that’s managed democracy.

In the USA, there are two major parties, and 90% of the media is owned by six mega-conglomerates, making things quite convenient for them. So you have two parties, and both are working for the oligarchs, not for you. What a choice! This makes the President—the “leader of the free world”—more or less a figurehead. The Democrats and Republicans do play to win. Still, they’re not working for their party grassroots, but rather those who fill their coffers. For both parties, these happen to be largely the same people.

Each party’s leadership certainly plays favorites. The leaked DNC emails show that they were in favor of Hillary, confirming what Sanders supporters suspected all along. As it happens, the Powers That Be don’t like people peering behind the curtain. Someone thought to be the source of those leaked DNC emails was murdered; make of it what you will.

One particularly telling gem was from one of the DNC emails, by Bill Ivey to John Podesta concerning the Trump phenomenon. Res ipse loquitur:

And as I’ve mentioned, we’ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking—and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging.

Just when you thought you’d heard it all, right? With this kind of attitude, our “kingmakers” might as well just drop their pants and moon the peasants on national TV. It amazes me that the public puts up with this kind of crap. Maybe it’s because they’re so unaware and compliant? This is the problem that demands serious thought on fixing.

The Trump factor

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to supporters as he takes the stage for a campaign event in Dallas, Monday, Sept. 14, 2015. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

The Republican leadership doesn’t want their leading candidate to win.

The Republican leadership was unable to contain their disfavored candidate, unlike the way they handled Pat Buchanan in earlier times. They’ve been going berserk about that, furiously trying to sabotage their own candidate. In Trump’s favor are two things: he’s rich enough so he can’t be bought off, and the people are behind him unlike the tepid cuckservatives who were running against him in the primary election. The slogan “lose with Cruz” would be a lot funnier if the future weren’t on the line.

Will Trump deliver? Time will tell, hopefully. At this point, I’ll be cautiously optimistic. I’ll take him over Hillary any day. The way I see it, if we’re going to be ruled by billionaires, it might as well be by a sensible one.

Read More: How The Cloward-Piven Strategy Is Driving The United States To Collapse

278 thoughts on “Today’s Mainstream Conservatives Only Serve The Globalist Establishment”

  1. Excellent article. Those fucks did more to unseat my ass than the commie faggot liberals did. Wallace called them the Jew Crew.

        1. and the people who killed him all died meaningless deaths as well. IN the end, everyone dies and politics is just sportsball meets reality tv with people who are neither physically fit or attractive.

        2. Rofl. Best answer ever.
          All this fighting, sometimes you gotta wonder what the point is. Assuming that there is something like reincarnation going on, all the fights are utterly moronic. What will you achieve by killing someone? Having them die, but basically exist on as if nothing had happpened after a while of suffering.
          It’s even more petty when you don’t kill someone. The most petty thing is these flame wars on the internet. Oh wow, you had a big win hurting someone’s feelings. Tomorrow they will have forgotten; if they’re oversensitive, in a week.

        3. I like scotch, rare rib steaks and girls under 27 with no pubic hair.
          In the meantime, when I look at people getting overly passionate and destructive about this stuff it looks just like the Football Club of Thessaloniki, PAOK, “getting excited for a game”
          This was about kicking a ball which is, as far as I can tell, no more or less important than any of this other noise

        4. it’s all the same to me. Like my man, newly awarded Nobel Laureate, Bob Dylan said: It’s all just a dream babe, a vacuum a scheme babe and it sucks you into feeling like this.

  2. Perot didn’t make a series of missteps. His entire aim was to derail Bush Sr, and he succeeded.

    1. Didn’t Perot dynamite a huge coral reef in the Bahamas to make room for his yachts and call the fines for doing so the cost of doing business. HA! Liked him. However, the most honest thing I ever heard a politician say was when someone asked Steve Forbes “What would being president mean to you” and he responded “taking a pay cut and moving into public housing”

      1. Yeah, that’s pretty much what he did to the US as well by handing Clinton the presidency.

    1. Yes you make a fair point – however the medium for knowledge in the country (the press largely) has completely colluded to block out bad news for H and obsess about bad news for T days on end, even with contravening evidence.
      Not all people are or can afford to be news junkies. They may not have the time, interest or energy.
      I can tell you if the press was covering the wikileaks and o’keefe evidence in proportion to it’s seriousness Hillary would be 15 behind Trump.
      No matter what happens. The right in this country will need to organize and find every way possible to legally dismantle and destroy existing press organs.

      1. I think the point of no return for doing things legally is long passed. The Clintons (and Obama) routinely flout the law. If we were to start getting legal “wins” they’d simply ignore them or disobey them with a smug knowledge that nothing will happen to them.

        1. The utter disregard for the law while smugly expecting their opposition to follow it is going to eventually land them in hot water. People resent those who abuse their power or position. This problem is working its way down to the leftist proles. They are all smug because they think they are safe behind the legal system. My bet is if they keep pushing, they’ll be in for a rude awakening.
          This is what we’re in for. This type of arrogant behavior really boils my blood:

        2. Indeed. It is actually the reason I’ve come to believe that we’re eventually going to have an American Pinochet at some point. These scumbags are becoming absolutely intolerable and also increasingly violent. It’s not like you can sit down and reason with them, they are impervious to it. So really, as their numbers increase it will become clear to normal people that they need to be…handled.
          And when that day comes and these turd burglars and assorted nutbars are crying in the streets as a sad, sad violin plays in the background, screaming “No, please, not me, not this way! Why?!!!!” I’ll sit quietly watching their demise and not lift a finger to help them.

        3. Rofl.
          Now, here’s one thing to consider. If those people did not know each other, it’s kinda madness.
          But hey, look at that little fatty. She was probably bullied her whole life by the pretty preppies. Now she gets a little revenge. There’s always two sides.
          I don’t know. I mean, I also kinda want to punch her fucking nose in, but then, I can also kinda get where she’s coming from. Not sure what to make of it.

        4. Being an outcast in school, or not learning to stand up to the bully, does not justify what’s going on now. These people are too stupid to understand that. Eventually it’s going to bite them in the ass.

        5. It amazes me. I never thought I would see the day when the higher ups are really untouchable. If someone from congress starts raising sand about wrong doing it’s simply laughed off and mocked by the president and lap dog press and nothing happens after a while it just, goes away

        6. It’s nevertheless one problem in our society that I think should be tackled. Bullying leads to all kinds of madness. It leads to school shooters. Now you may argue ‘they are weaklings and should take responsibility etc etc’, but that’s idealistic shit. It’s not reality. Those people are lost. They don’t have the emotional, social, physical or financial resources to deal with what they are dealt. They see no other way out. I get it.
          My personal favorite solution would be for every child to be able to choose the following things:
          1. Whether to live at home or somewhere else (if the opportunity is available through, say, private organizations). This would allow kids to get away from toxic parents.
          2. Whether to go to school and the freedom to apply to any school they wish (but without obligation to be accepted). That way they can escape bullying.
          One of my patented elegant solutions, heh.

        7. I absolutely disagree with you.
          Bullying serves a very good social purpose and creates social hierarchy as well as inspires a “fight back” attitude. I think nearly every kid gets bullied at some point or another. Learning to fight back and stand up for oneself, win or lose, is invaluable. Those who cannot physically fight back learn other navigation techniques (mostly) to get around bullying. For example, humor (many comedians say that they learned to deal with being outgunned physically by being the “funny guy”).
          You will never “escape from bullying” no matter how much you shuffle kids around. Even if you homeschool, Junior is eventually going to walk onto a ball field some day or join a Tae Kwon Do class and encounter some form of bullying.
          There’s been bullying for all of human history and likely before homo sapiens sapiens even appeared (in fact, great apes also do it). It does not “cause school shootings”, that is a very, very recent phenomenon and likely has almost zero to do with actual bullying (although the MSM likes to cast blame there first and foremost). Kids had much more access to firearms in the 1950’s (you could order a surplus/captured Kraut 7mm from a comic book actually, being serious) and nobody shot up schools despite there being a much larger culture of bullies and such.

        8. “Yeah, I was going to help those tatted pierced up hipsters and clown haired feminists, but I had an urgent need to trim my toe nails. Sorry man, my bad”

        9. everyone there, both sides including the reporters made the same mistake….being there in the first place. Isn’t their a beach or a park or a bar or a concert or something where these people come from?

        10. Hm, good points.
          Nevertheless, you can’t just turn a blind eye to it. I mean, yeah, you can call those people deplorable animals or whatever. That doesn’t mean the deplorable animals will not shoot up schools.
          And the MSM does not talk about bullying much at all. They usually blame it on video games or stuff like that and want more censorship and security guards etc.
          Here’s one other idea. I read in a book about empathy about group sessions that were held with some kids where basically someone was displaying some emotion and others were supposed to guess what it was. They often guessed wrong and thus misinterpreted the other person, leading to conflict etc. Apparently, this kind of session helped with that.
          And even if school shootings are a recent phenomenon (assuming that old incidents actually didn’t happen and were not just kept under the rug), there have always been murderers, rapists, etc. Those are the same kinds of weak people who are lost.
          Some people are just badly damaged. They can’t handle the social hierarchy games and then they flip. Look at how many people are in prisons etc.
          Other ideas would be to legalize drugs like LSD and marijuana, which I think are great for introspection.
          What I would never suggest is to find ways to ‘restrain bullies’. That leads nowhere either.
          Either way, I think my idea is good because it would give people a way to actually escape the source of their pain – often their homes.
          Say you have a father and a loving mother. You come home, were bullied, cry a little. Mommy caresses you and daddy tells you to grow balls and fight back. Cool stuff.
          But imagine the same scenario, except the bullied child comes home and mother says ‘You were bullied? You piece of shit likely deserved it’ and daddy is not around anyhow, just a few boyfriends who come around to fuck mommy brainless while she passes out on some drugs.
          This is not about ‘safe spaces’ in universities or shit like that. This is a suggestion that allows people to withdraw from common social life until they can heal and come back with more strength. Hell, I know this is currently helping me a lot. I never had this chance in my life until now.

        11. Gotta agree with GOJ here. Bullying is an important part of youthful socialization. Now don’t get me wrong, there are always going to be some extreme cases you can dig out where shit goes too far……but bullying is the nature of the world and it will be waiting for people when they get out of school. If they have already encountered it they will be better equipped to deal with it. Saying “we need to address the issue of bullying in schools” is akin to sayin “we need to make the world totally fair all the time for every person always.” There are certain things that people are just going to encounter in reality and people who are better equipped to do so will succeed.
          I have been on both the side of the bully and the side of the bullied as, I would imagine, many people are. What I learned from being bullied is that there is strength and power in standing up to someone and often times they are hiding insecurity or cowardice. What I learned from being a bully was that, in the end, the momentary pleasure of humiliating someone doesn’t give any real and lasting value.

        12. there is bullying and there is bullying tom. If you find 8 older kids beating a kid half to death or raping (actually rape) some girl that is one thing. But if you are called short or fat or wierdo or even if you take a couple of boxed ears or slaps to the back of the head that is just part and parcel of learning to be a person.

        13. “I have been on both the side of the bully and the side of the bullied”
          So have I. Well, I personally wasn’t even bullied that much.
          But if you read closely, I didn’t say anything about abolishing bullying altogether or change people. I suggested that people who can’t deal with it get time off. And if you wanna say ‘thats just escapism’, I have to disagree. Yes, you can grow from challenges. But you have to be ready for them. If you overburden a nervous system (or whatever), it just stops being able to do anything and learns that it is helpless and from there it goes downwards.
          There was a nice experiment with rats. One group of rats saw two holes behind a little abyss. In one of the holes was food. The rat learned to jump towards the food. In another group, there was a glass wall in front of the food and the rat just fell down. Those rats gave up. Later they removed the glass. The rats still couldn’t be bothered to even try.

        14. As long as it’s not taken too far, then I actually encourage the rite of passage that bullying creates. I celebrate it.
          You don’t teach people to “escape”, you teach them to cope. Escaping creates Hipsters. Coping creates men.

        15. I look forward to the day when I can sit on my grandma’s old porch swing at my dad’s cabin in the woods with a cold lemonade while live streaming on my tablet the zombie riots at Walmart and welfare offices as the lefties lose the fight they started.

        16. Sure. But some people can’t even deal with the more harmless stuff. And they won’t just ‘grow up to the challenge’. We get a distorted view here on ROK, because the guys here have, in some form or another, had some exposure to red pill knowledge and are on a way to deal with their shit. Others don’t have this. They’re the guys who aren’t on ROK.

        17. You won’t be ready for them until you experience the challenge. This isn’t a test you can prep for, you only grow when you directly encounter it.
          Some people are just weak. Really fucking weak. So learn to cope with it other ways (as I noted, humor, or other social skills). If you can’t, then well, guess what, life has winners and losers. Hard cold fact.

        18. Well then you missed my point. Rites of passage are cool. But you have to be ready for it. There is no point in facing a rite of passage you are not up to.

        19. I’m right there with you brother. I have a rather sizable parcel of land way out in the middle of nowhere Ohio that the zombie hordes won’t even get to before they die off of violence and starvation as they fight among themselves. Should a situation like that come to pass, I will simply have no choice but to smirk.

        20. How does one become “ready” for something like that Tom? You don’t. Nobody is ready. It’s the bullying that gives you the experience to deal with future bullies. There is no How To manual on this, it’s a social skill that is learned at the time it is required, and not one minute before.

        21. Sure. But those losers become a pest to society. They will murder, steal, rape, manipulate, become frauds. They become what those aggressive feminists are now. They become the weakness that brings down the country, as we can see. You don’t really think that politicians just manipulate people that easily, do you? They manipulate the weak. They give them a nonverbal promise that they will get the recognition and love and strength they never felt in their lives.
          And hate them as much as you want, these people are a problem. What’s better than fighting a problem? Preventing it from becoming a problem.

        22. And that’s why we have prisons.
          You aren’t going to hug away criminals Tom. No matter what, they’ll find a way to be losers in life. And no matter what situation you put them in, there will be a social hierarchy established among the group and eventually some form of bullying will occur. It will probably just be more feminine in nature (women’s bullying is usually psychological, not physical). Which is the opposite of the kind of world I want to live in, to be frank.
          Your idea is just too Utopian Tom. I appreciate the sentiment and sympathy you feel for the losers in life, but there’s no getting around people being losers in the long run.

        23. Every Friday after thanksgiving, me and my family like to watch the various news reports about Black Friday Nut Cases. And every year, I say the same thing. “This what the ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ will really look like.” Just a big fat swarming mass of uselessness eating each other in a frenzy of mindless consumption.
          Damn, I almost wish it would happen, just to thin the herd a little.

        24. In a way, that’s true. But you still have to have some basic trust in yourself. When the fight or flight kicks in, you have to have enough strength and confidence in you to fight.
          You say escaping is bad. But what do you think people do when they can’t deal with what they are facing? They escape! They turn to video games, TV, savior politicians, messiaeh, drugs, alcohol.
          And I am not talking about a permanent escape either. I am talking about a time off. To regain some basic trust in the world. Even you need that, GOJ. You wouldn’t be as strong as you are now had you grown up in a shitty-as-hell home. You may doubt that, of course. But I think you’d be naive to.
          Hell, you don’t even have to feed them through. Let them be bums. Just give them a way out.

        25. Or…not.
          It’s enabling escapism that is allowing society to become what it has become today. Escapism from a hard days work is fine, escapism from the entire social order on a constant basis ends up with “Create safe spaces and hug circles!”.

        26. I’ve been going through a lot of zombie audiobooks while I work and you nailed it right on the head. From a philosophical standpoint, zombies are a good representation of rampant consumerism; unfeeling, undying, insatiable.

        27. No one is born being able to deal with it. Sooner or later someone smacks you in the back of the head and you deal with it….one way or another…..and then you know something about yourself. If you are unhappy with it you have a chance to change it.

        28. This is not about utopia. I don’t want to make the world perfect. I simply see a way to improve shit. What’s the problem with that?
          If we have a way to strengthen those people at least enough to be able to function and accept their place in the world, we have less bullshit to deal with later on.
          I appreciate the Darwinistic elements in your thoughts, but I think you are a bit naive about your assumptions about people. To you, it seems there is not more to human psychology than strength/weakness. There is surely a place for that, but why would you outright reject a suggestion to improve shit solely on the basis of ‘bullying is important’? I never said it wasn’t. It has a part. As has social hierarchy. But it would be greater if more people were able to at least participate without going havoc.
          Prisons are a shitty and inhumane solution. They don’t improve shit. They make the prisoners even more resentful, and when they are once again released into the world, they are terribly likely to snap just once more. Frankly, if prisons are your solution, I’d counter with: Let’s kill them all. That will be more humane and better for society.

        29. this is right and we have never been in a better time for it. If you learn you are weak and have very poor social skills and are just prone to getting bullied without pushing back—-welcome to your future in high paid computer jobs.

        30. more likely the losers will become computer programmers, engineers or scientists and do fairly well in their lives.

        31. Oh come on, forget about safe spaces for a second here, GOJ. Those are moronic.
          But there’s just no point in keeping pushing someone into something they just aren’t able to handle. If you can’t see that, I must conclude you are being deliberately ignorant out of your disgust for leftist bullshit.

        32. Just one more thing to the cold hard fact thing.
          If it’s a fact that some people ‘just are’ fucking weak, what’s the point of pushing them to the edge? None.

        33. They’ll fail regardless of bullying or not bullying. It’s just that simple.

        34. “I’ll sit quietly watching their demise and not lift a finger to help them.”
          Rorshak, is that you?
          But seriously, I too will not interfere when the Animal eats itself – let the assholes kill each other.

        35. there is no escape from bullying….it has to be faced at some point, in some way, or the subject will never fully develop.

        36. I am talking about people who are already severely underdeveloped.
          Think about it like this … if a fat guy with extreme social anxiety, acne and whatnot was to learn game – would you send him out to chase 10s in some noble establishment? To add to it, would you do it without providing that person with any form of guidance?
          That guy would not accomplish anything and despair.
          We need to grow into challenges. A man who doesn’t even remotely love himself or have confidence in himself will not rise up to bullying. It’s just not happening. Hell, you may say ‘it’s a part of life, it’s okay’. This man doesn’t even know or believe that.

        37. Lol. I am among the smarter ones. What lolknee said applies to me. But I was also a teacher in this computer stuff and I know that some people just aren’t cut out for it.

        38. The Left in a position of absolute power always culminates in the same thing: with large numbers of people lying face down in some ditch with a bullet in the back of the head.
          They have to be opposed. They must be opposed.

        39. Actually humor and diplomacy can win you big strong friends who will stick ip for you. It’s not just about talking your way out of a beating, it’s about influencing others prior to or after a beating to become allies.

        40. And not one shoot’em up, and I guarantee you that some of those boys with guns in their pick’em up truck windows were bullied. It’s something else at play with school shootings, that has a lot more to do with a general societal attitude of working against nature, than with anything else.

        41. It is. And I’m not trying to do away with all the unfortune in the world, that would indeed be utopian. But there is stuff we could improve and I see no reason not to give it a go. I mean, cold hard facts are nice and all that but I think it’s also a cold hard fact that psychology does follow certain, say, ‘laws’, and navigating those laws cleverly is definitely a rational thing to do, not an utopian.

        42. Absolutely. Men don’t escape from adversity. They face it, learn from it and adapt. Adversity breeds resilience.

        43. Yeah, it was really the Assange leaks that sealed the deal on that. With Kerry’s inappropriate meddling with Ecuador, the law has less and less meaning.
          With the Brexit and Trump’s nomination, something like the Revolutions of 1848 could arise, but Trump would have to win the General, which is increasingly unlikely.
          Tonight, Trump is in the same position as Marlborough at Blenheim, in which he said: “Today, I conquer or die.” The debate this evening will be Trump’s Trafalgar or his Leipzig.

        44. The improvement has to happen on the individual level; I dont think any group movement or legislation can help the unfortunate, beyond the existing laws of – “hey stop pikcing on the kid” and such

        45. Ultimately, that’s true. But it can be made easier for the individual, for instance by that person being able to choose their own speed at which to face challenges. I am not advocating safe spaces of policing kids who are stronger. I am advocating being able to withdraw to heal.
          As it is, we basically grow into this stuff without pause. Kindergarden, school, university, job. There is no time-out. If you get stuck in a phase, you’re basically fucked. You have to keep fighting through and no, it doesn’t make you stronger. It just means you suppress vital needs of recovery to just somehow make it through and survive. And you come out on the other end more badly damaged and more weak than when you went in.

        46. Yup. Saw a guy walk through our HS with a rifle and no one batted an eye. He was going to shop class to repair the sight post with a welder.

        47. You make a good point GoJ, I was discussing this very thing with my mother this morning.
          The sheer hostility Trump is taking on is the establishment reaction to a genuine challenger. Jeb! would have been accused of your garden variety “isms” and pussed out immediately, inspiring no one but the initial attackers. Even if he prevailed nothing would change.
          No, this is a bird finally getting flushed after all these years.
          God Bless Trump for waking us up. If it had been another couple terms there would have been that much more consolidated power and surveillance systems to overcome.
          My emotions swing wildly but I see reasons for optimism long term.
          The left seems to have a primal based hatred for firearms and we all know why.

        48. I agree with your stand on this. Also, another thing that the “hard” right, especially the Christian right is probably against is peaceful suicide (them being pro-life and all). Truly weak bullied people have absolutely nowhere to hide. If you hate weak people at least let hem go.

        49. Agreed. Also, the most vicious bullies people will encounter won’t be in middle in high school. They’ll be their backstabbing coworkers, domineering girlfriends/spouses, freeloading “friends,” and dickhead bosses. Getting bullied some in middle school helped prepare me for the hornet’s nest that is the real world. If you wind up offing yourself because you got trolled online by your middle school peers, then you’re unequipped to deal with the shit that happens when you become an adult.
          With regard to the school shootings comment, there is very little correlation between that and bullying. Most school shooters are portrayed by the MSM as kids who just suddenly snapped. The reality, however, is that most of them carefully planned their attacks. There was no breaking point, as most people believe. Most school shooters displayed sociopathic tendencies during early childhood. Some others had undiagnosed and untreated mental illnesses, like the kid in Kentucky who shot up a prayer circle. He had undiagnosed schizophrenia, had shown psychotic tendencies in the months leading up to the shootings (hiding knives under his mattress to fight the monsters, placing towels underneath the door to keep the snakes out, hopping from the chair to the couch to avoid the lava), and his parents lacked the common sense to get him some help despite observing these behaviors.
          It’s easy to say, “oh that kid was bullied, that’s why he snapped!” or “It’s those goddamned violent video games kids play these days.” People wants simple solutions to complex problems, and saying, “oh the schools should deal with bullies” is a terrible solution. That only leads to young boys being suspended/expelled for innocent acts like poking fun at a friend, being competitive on the playground, etc. Or having the fucking cops called on them. That’s what happens when feminized schools are asked to deal with those behaviors.

        50. The way I see it, the problem is bullying per se. It is how schools handle cases where a kid fights back. A lot of kids don’t fight back because they are more afraid of “getting in trouble” for fighting than any assistance kicking they might take.
          I was pretty lucky cuz I had a pretty quick wit and wasn’t afraid of getting my assignment kick by bigger guys. But I knew a lot of kids who took a lot of shot because they were afraid of getting suspended while the bully didn’t care about the consequences.
          But we live in a world where defending yourself can get you in almost as much trouble as assault.
          They “fight back” mentality necessary to even the balance and toughen a kid up, are inhibited by leftist “violence is never an answer” bullshit, and so results of kids getting the asses kicked without the ability to fight back. I think that leads to a lot of the issues Tom Arrow was talking about.

        51. Agreed. But you could solve this by allowing them to “go” in a non-lethal way. As I said, make it acceptable for people to become hobos and move to another part of the country or whatever.

        52. Most of them are either sociopaths, or truly insane. A victim of obsessive bullying is more likely to kill themselves in a corner somewhere.

        53. Even if he wins, it’ll be construed as a draw, or Hillary ‘just barely edging him.’ The second debate was a clear victory, but most people that didn’t watch it wouldn’t have any idea.

        54. Again, that sort of social functioning bullying ended in like 1975.
          Since at least the early 1980s many institutions where a child will encounter bullying have instituted systems where fighting back will result in severe punishments. Punishments worse than the actual bullying. It becomes a tool of the overall conditioning. Just being attacked by a bully can result in punishment. It’s a conditioning that sticks.
          If bullying is to serve this social function the person being bullied must be allowed to fight back anywhere and everywhere. No teachers, administrators, cops, or anyone else punishing a kid for defending himself. Traditionally that was the case. Adults let the victim do whatever he could to the bully. But that hasn’t been the case for decades. In the current state of affairs the kid being bullied is in a lose-lose situation. Furthermore even hurting the bully won’t stop them when the school administration has their back.

        55. What leads to madness is being trapped in a lose-lose situation.
          The bullied can fight the bully and be punished by authority more harshly than what the bully can do. Or just absorb the damage from the bully.
          There’s no way to win. That sort of frustration and taking more and more abuse, absorbing it, is what leads to madness.
          Does allowing escape help? Maybe. For the short term. But the new school or whatever will follow the same structure. There will likely be a new bully and the situation will re-assert itself.

        56. The problem here is generational and geographical combined with the refusal of two regulars to accept the fact that the kind of bullying experience they had isn’t the same that others had.

        57. Indeed. But it could even stay the same school. The kid would simply choose how often and when to go there. Whenever it would feel ready for it. Sometimes it just takes time to process an experience.
          And yeah, maybe that’s indeed the problem, that these days you can hardly fight back (from what I read).

        58. Well, I admit it’s always difficult to empathize with problems you never had. For example, I find it exceedingly hard to empathize with someone who is dumb. I just keep thinking “How do they not get this?”

        59. “we’re eventually going to have an American Pinochet at some point. ”
          “And when that day comes and these turd burglars and assorted nutbars are crying in the streets as a sad, sad violin plays in the background, screaming “No, please, not me, not this way! Why?!!!!” I’ll sit quietly watching their demise and not lift a finger to help them.”
          Spot on.

        60. I did and we all carried cased knives on our belts. So did many of the teachers. Nobody shot or stabbed, ever.

        61. Absolutely god damn right. The Great Silent Majority is back with the exceptional coalescing by Trump. If he “loses”, his efforts will be better than any bullshit election. It must, as Conran stated.

    2. That’s real sweet of ya, bro.
      So basically the huge groundswell against Hillary needs to be raped and pillaged, along with Hillary zombies. That’s a fine wide net you cast there, matey.

      1. Having read “My Twisted World”, manifesto of The Supreme Gentleman turned school shooter, I am inclined to take parts of both sides. Rodger was rich, decent looking, and failed to ever score a woman. He was bullied, but always fought back. In regards to this discussion, takeaways:
        -Need of good family. His father was extremely beta. Rodger was quite intelligent and recognized this. He wanted his father to help him, but his father just pandered to the whims of a woman. The problem with implementing a “move away from parents and get another environment” to get stronger is that it can be abused, like the false rape accusations. I agree with the idea though.
        -General society has bred weak people. Bullying is a problem, but its either make or break, and people who had lived in another era would not have grown as weak as they would have in this era. So it ties in to the first point, as parents can help.
        -Have and havenots. Self betterment, typical redpill stuff.

  3. How conservatism changed goes on to list a bunch of ways the Republicans have changed. Infiltration of non-conservatives into the party, party platform shifts, those who were never conservative in the leadership of the party.
    I don’t think it’s conservatism as an ideology that has changed. The party has certainly changed, though, by straying from conservatism.
    I’m unhappy with the concepts of party and ideology being conflated.

  4. Why is Bush pushing against that wall? Are there Mexican’s pushing on the other side?

      1. Maybe President-elect Trump should buy that wall, and have the whole thing re-located to the texas border

  5. There are some other things to consider, if, Trump has a REAL chance at winning the Presidency, the “Owners of Capital” will simply do what they did to Ross Perot.
    Do people really believe, that if someone like Donald Trump wins the election, that he will be able to do what he wants, as apposed to, what the “Military Industrial Complex” wants him to do?
    Anyone who becomes President of the United States has to “cow tow” to the “Military Industrial Complex” and even Donald Trump will not be immune to the guaranteed “CIA pep talk visit” once in office.
    Be assured they will pay him a visit, if he ever wins, and like Ross Perot, Jessie Ventura, Arnold Schwarzenegger and even Obama, he too will be told to “toe the line” and “play ball”, as they dictate.
    For example, why in the world did Arnold Schwarzenegger need to do ANYTHING along party lines? His fame and popularity COMPLETELY transcended political parties, yet somehow he was still answering to politicians who in-theory should have had no affect on his personal life, political career or personal fortune, all of which existed prior to being elected and was held COMPLETELY outside of the confines or influence of the “Military Industrial Complex”.
    Also consider this angle, there is a huge assets difference between someone like Mitt Romney, who has a $250 million net worth and Ross Perot with a $5 billion net worth (Donald Trump has a net worth of roughly $4 Billion). Yet, someone like Romney was and still is a shoe in for party nominations. As I alluded to above, its NOT the money, nor the popular vote that matters, people like Mitt and Jeb Bush are government insiders and both come from families that always have been government insiders. That was not the case at all with Perot and the same goes for Trump, hence neither of them will be allowed to be elected regardless of the popular vote or the public’s desires, nor how much money they spend. We have yet to see how the Electoral College will respond, should Trump actually win the popular vote in contested states.
    Ross Perot dropping out of the 1992 election was not happenstance either, nor was it simply about his daughters wedding:
    Both Trump and even Sanders, in my opinion, were the least likely, currently “visible candidates”, to be heavily affiliated with the established political system. Trump and Sanders weren’t born into the “right kind” of political families, in fact their ancestors were immigrants from the lower classes of Europe. Its actually really too bad they can’t be on the same independent ticket, running as Independents, with Trump as President and Sanders as VP, along with other anti-establishment people like Ralph Nader, Jessie Ventura and Ron Paul filling the various cabinet positions (actually pooling campaign resources, with the intention of trying to win, as a team and not the usual solo campaigns).
    But if they tried to pull a “hat trick” like that, I’m sure quite a few of them would QUICKLY find themselves at risk of being in a “plane crash” or on the wrong end of a “car accident”.
    In hindsight, I truly believe that Ross Perot would have done a much better job than ANY of the “good ol’ boys” that we’ve gotten as Presidents since then. Trump is the nations second chance to get that type of leadership. Again, Perot dropping out of the 1992 election was not happenstance, nor was it simply about his daughters wedding. He was likely threatened in some way, that none of us can imagine. Think about it, why has he been so quiet about politics, for the last 20+ years?
    Donald Trump will be no different, but, if he somehow wins, best case scenario, it will be Arnold Schwarzenegger or Ronald Reagan all over again.

    1. Romney must not have had connections that were good enough. The press turned what had to be by most accounts one of the NICEST men to run for high office in a long time and turned him into Literally Hitler.

        1. He is a corrupt domocrat poltician who was Head of the Senate. And a morman.
          Dem pussy privledge.

      1. @UnreconstructedConfedrerate
        Once Hillary was out of the picture, for a Presidential run, Romney was then set to run against the “First Black President” and was not supposed to win the election. Romeny knew the score and accepted the deal. Also, why do you think they dragged him back on stage to “replace Trump” if needed? So Romney could run the same gag, as last time, him running against the “First Woman President”.
        Make no mistake, Romney is a political insider and comes from a LONG line of government influencers. Here is the list of DIRECT ancestors, if I included other government insiders, related simply by marriage, the list would be pages long:
        -Miles Quintin Romney (1919–1998), son of Miles and Laura, was an attorney of the U.S House of Representatives.
        -Clyde Anderson Romney (1943–2006), the son of Clyde and Almera, was the Chief of Staff in Washington D.C. to U.S. Congressman Ron Packard of California from 1983 to 1986.
        -G. Ott Romney (December 12, 1892 – May 3, 1973) His national positions included Chairman of the National Recreation Policies Committee, National Director of the Recreation Section of the Works Progress Administration or WPA, assignments with the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, and membership on U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Council on Youth Fitness. During World War II he served as Chief of Recreation and Club Unit Services to the United States Armed Forces through the Red Cross.
        -Helen Hackett Brown Romney (1917–2004) was the wife of Vernon Romney. She was the Vice Chairman of Utah Republican Party, and served on the State Health Board as well as the State Parks and Recreation Board. She was a Founding and Charter Member of Utah State Heritage Foundation
        -Vernon B. Romney (1924–2013) served two terms as Attorney General of the State of Utah from 1969 to 1976.
        -George W. Romney (Mexico, 1907–1995) was the CEO of American Motors Corporation between 1954 and 1962 and Governor of Michigan from 1963–1969. He was a U.S. Presidential candidate in 1968 and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development between 1969–1973.
        -Lenore Romney (1909–1998) was married to George W. Romney and is the mother of Mitt Romney. She was the daughter of Harold Arundel LaFount, and was a Republican candidate for U.S. Senator from Michigan in 1970
        -Miles Romney Sr. (December 18, 1872 – March 31, 1943) was a Democrat and member of the State Democratic Central Committee in Montana. He was Mayor of Hamilton, Montana from 1902 to 1904 and served as a Montana State Senator from Ravalli County between 1906 and 1910. He was unsuccessful in three primary bids for Montana governor. Romney served as State Director of the National Recovery Act and also organized the Federal Housing Administration in Montana and the National Emergency Council, which became the U.S. Office of Government Reports. He was President of the Montana Press Association and publisher of the newspaper Hamilton Western News.
        -Miles Romney Jr. (December 6, 1900 – February 19, 1976) was a member of the Montana House of Representatives between 1966 and 1970. In 1971, he was elected as a delegate to the state Constitutional Convention and was appointed to the Montana Senate in 1973 and elected to a full term in 1974.

  6. “Well he’s a friend of them long-haired hippie type pinko fags
    I betcha he’s even got a Commie flag
    Tacked up on the wall inside of his garage
    He’s a snake in the grass I tell ya guys
    He may look dumb but that’s just a disguise
    He’s a mastermind in the ways of espionage” -Charlie Daniels Band- Uneasy Rider

      1. One of my favorites. I thought that verse fit well with the article. I reckon I should stop worrying about and enjoy the decline. The only problem is I don’t enjoy it, that is unless I get to dress like the Road warrior and tear around the backroads and fight with anarchists over gasoline.

        1. I really hate the term “enjoy the decline” It is so negative. How about just enjoying life? In the meantime, I can think of no reason why you can’t dress like road warrior and tear around the backroads and fight with anarchists over gasoline.

        2. The 5-0 tend to frown over such activities.
          I just used enjoy the decline because it’s a generally accepted term herebouts.
          I’m not completely doom and gloom cause it ain’t the end of the world just yet. Every day above ground is a good day.

        3. It is simple….and frankly not that expensive. You can rent a party island off the coast of Hondoras. You would be shocked at how little this will cost. You get yourself a dozen local hookers and set them free on the island and make a weekend of going out with your buddies and hunting them with nets — or as I like to call it, my cousins bachelor party 10 years ago

        4. It is defeatist and simply allows yourself to not attempt to better your condition.
          I really enjoy Aaron Clarey’s vids on occassion, his economic advice is sound, but he seems to hold conflicting view points.

        5. LMAO. I will take you on your word. Logistics must have been work or did he have a travel agent.

        6. Out of interest, how much would it cost?
          “You get yourself a dozen local hookers and set them free on the island”
          They will just gobble up all the native species

      2. Just about then
        This guy walked in and said
        Who owns this car?
        With the peace sign, mag wheels and 4 on the floor?
        Well he looked at me and I damn near died
        And I just decided I would wait outside
        So I laid a dollar on the bar and headed for the door.

        1. it was just then when the biggest one
          said you tip your hat to this lady son
          and when I did all that hair fell out
          from underneath

        2. I know this will be hard to believe but I was legitimately the only person in new York who ever heard that song.

        3. “mag wheels and 4 on the floor”
          always stuck with me….since I was a little kid hearing this!
          OK I’m a bit of a gearhead..

        4. Not on a dare my friend…not on a dare. That said, I wrote a comprehensive dictionary defining the names of towns in long island back when I used to take the train out to teach at Stony Brook and Hofstra. If you want it get me an email address and I will send it to you. I must say, it is fairly funny.

        5. I still have trouble singing along with it because I have to stop and laugh.

        6. I feel the same way about nearly all of John Prine’s discography….especially tunes like The Accident, In Spite of Ourselves and Please Don’t Bury Me

        7. No offense meant but, quite a few New Yorkers I have ran across would have a hard time understanding the humor of it.
          A semi hippy country boy from Tennessee or Georgia almost getting in a fight with real rednecks? They just wouldn’t get it.

        8. No offense taken. I have a strange broad base of understanding based on an unusual disparate family and a very unusually and, honestly, uncanny range of experiences that allows me to empathize with things that my peers here couldn’t imagine.

        9. Shocked! If I am not mistaken you will like him. His songs either tickle my funny bone or hit me in he feels every time

        10. You’re peers always told me that I was a “close minded redneck”😝

        11. NYC is, at its heart, a small town. Some 20 miles. Don’t let the museums and population density fool you, it is no different from any other small town. The locals think it is the center of the universe and are somewhat hostile and afraid to venture away

        12. Also look up please don’t bury me but this is my favorite duet love song in the world

        13. Sadly they are mistaken because Arabi Georgia is the center of the universe.

        14. See…no different. I tell people this all the time, natives, transplants and visitors alike and no one ever really sees it. NYC has a small town mentality and they don’t even see it.

        15. OK now this is gettin fukkin wierd – my wife just showed me this song for the first time last week!

        16. hey, how close are you to Vidalia? Could use me an onion hookup for the winter.

        17. I pay a pretty nickel for them here while they are in season…if memory serves about 3.50 a pound. But I make an onion soup with them that is out of this world

        18. sent…hope you enjoy. A lot of the jokes may be based on a late 80’s midset but I think for the most part they translate. I wrote this taking the train back and forth while teaching on the island

        19. As I get older the importance of produce grows exponentially. I am counting on the fact that the importance of produce will outweigh the importance of getting laid just as I am ready to retire and then I can go down to NC and build a hot house and spend my days cooking fresh food and threatening neighborhood kids

        20. I have to admit, for a guy who doesnt give a shit, you have great taste in music.

        21. Another great song…love this one.
          And hey, I care about things…but only things that matter…like good music, waxed cunt and fresh produce. You can keep your reality tv, sportsball and pLOLotics

        22. She is the only triple threat (plays an instrument well, sings well, writes her own songs) I can think of who is a woman…as far as politics goes, Im starting to believe that whole “You may not care about politics, but politics cares about you” thing…

        23. I want to put a folding table with tomatoesnamd fresh jarred ole doc knees homemade tomato sauce and sit in a lawn chair next to it

    1. “So listen up ’cause you can’t say nothin’
      You’ll shut me down with a push of your button?
      But yo I’m out and I’m gone
      I’ll tell you now I keep it on and on
      ‘Cause what you see you might not get
      And we can bet so don’t you get souped yet
      You’re scheming on a thing that’s a mirage
      I’m trying to tell you now it’s sabotage”
      -Beastie Boys

    2. I was just THINKING of this song the other day! Couldn’t remember who sang it – kept thinking of “gimme three steps” instead.
      THANK YOU!

  7. The left has successfully retconned the word “conservative” into a negative. I was looking at a thesaurus the other day, and the “synonyms” for conservative were literally things like unimaginative, obstinate, redneck, etc.
    It will take at least a generation to reclaim language and thus culture from these lying cunts.

    1. This is the most common game the left plays; twisting and manipulating words.
      A few years ago, I was doing some research into the politics behind slavery, civil rights, etc. Naturally, I went to Wikipedia to just get a base foundation of the history and gather any ideas of other places to look. What I found surprised me. The entries I was looking at all described the Democrats who wanted to keep slavery as “Conservative Democrats.” It’s a very subtle, but sneaky way of passing on the blame to another group. I imagine within a few more years, they’ll remove Democrat from the end of that description and place the blame squarely on the Conservatives, like they had been there all along.

    2. What’s more startling is that we allowed ourselves to stop being called Liberal. In the classic sense, Liberals were small government, pro-gun, anti-tax, anti-slavery, states rights type of people. The 1920’s hit and the pinkos, commies and progressives co-opt the term and turn it into “them”. In a real sense, what’s called “liberal” today is actually “conservative” in the sense that they want a return to big tyranny, big government and dictatorship (kings).

        1. I’m actually still laughing, literally (Hitler), out loud. I pray to God that I don’t get asked a question on the conference call and have to take myself off Mute, heh.

        2. Did a search on Bing for “Leftist Faggot” then hit the images.

        3. You will probably get pop up ads for apple products and a sybian now

        4. I use TOR for those kinds of unpleasant searches.

        5. You should have a separate laptop, with a super secret operating system, doing that thing that makes it look like you are in korea, with the cam taped over, wearing gloves, and a mask, in the dark, on a mountain

        6. Well, I am using TAILS on occasion, so, there you go.

      1. It’s in this sense that I started using Leftist or Regressive to describe what a lot of people call liberal.
        When some moonbat calls themselves liberal, I correct them. I kinda agree with Jeffrey Tucker on his “reclaim the word liberal” stance.

  8. Another topic and another batch of posts from GOJ and his lapdog lolknee; like others who have called them out I grow increasingly skeptical of these ‘alphas’. They tow the altright line slightly but as soon as you mention anything about the real cause of problems (jews in power – kissinger etc) they show their true colors ‘oh its not them you racist!’
    But, don’t believe me, believe these alphas with tens of thousands of posts they dutifully acquire day in and day out.

    1. So find somewhere else to post if you’re so put off. Christ almighty dude, if you want “It’s the Jews!” 24/7 there are other websites to accomodate your fetish.
      Can’t recall anybody even mentioning jews on this thread until you did, btw. So basically you’re being a little pissy bitch stomping her foot and holding her breath because nobody will play with you. Get a grip, Susie.

      1. Roosh’s recent article comes to mind on this issue.
        I see at least three red flags with “EK”, and two logical fallacies in play.

    2. I actually don’t tow the altright line at all. I just think you are a buffoon, a coward and a weakling.

    3. There are no experts here – we’re all seekers. So couldn’t youc onsider that maybe, just maybe
      it might be more complicated (or maybe even simpler) than your own conclusions?

      1. I always find the “but he posts a lot!” thing funny. Because somehow, that invalidates a person’s views.
        Sure I post a lot. Like right now, I’m sitting on a conference call with the Mute button pressed and will be here for at least another 45 minutes. Boring shit. So I post. Got another call this afternoon of the same nature. Same activity will occur on my end. And so on.
        It beats sitting around sulking and falling asleep.

        1. HA! I am on a conf call too. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if it was the same one.

        2. Heh, it would. If you can pipe in on the call and bring up the words “Sterling Engine” we’ll confirm if it’s the same.

        3. I am listening to two people argue about whether or not we can turn a basement apartment that a superintendent used to live in into a legal apartment for less than 50k dollars. I already know the answer is no — it is criminal to be forced to listen to two morons argue over something you already know the answer to. It is like listening to a drunk uncle tell the exact same joke the 8 millionth time but you have to be polite and just listen

        4. I’m waiting for final boarding call sipping a San Miguel.
          Funny how we all spend our little free time exchanging posts with people we shall never probably meet.

        5. It’s our slow time of the year here so, I’m just sitting outside enjoying the weather and fighting off the gnats just to have something to interesting to do. The little bastards have me outnumbered though it’s about time to retreat to the AC.

        6. In a rather humorous sense, I post mostly on my employer’s dime. It’s wrong I guess, but the way I see it, I get all of my projects done on time, and I do value add type work too, and even lend others a hand with their stuff. End of the day though, there’s only so much you can do, and working from home it’s not like I can pick up a broom and sweep the (work) office. So, well, there you go.
          My actual free time, like off the clock, I may post occasionally if I’ve been drinking earlier, but generally I prefer to be out and about and away from the screen.

        7. We have legions of gnats here, the odd thing is how they can find you so fast, as soon as you walk out the door they are swarming.
          What’s really bad is when one flies into your mouth and you start to think of the places that gnats like to hang out.

        8. Well, it is the same principle. Like when you see an old mutt dog walking by with his tail straight up and a ring of gnats around his ass then later one flies into your mouth and you start wondering from whence it came……’s probably best not to know.

    4. Whiny little cunt complains on multiple articles questioning the “alphaness” of other posters merely because they see things in a different way than him and they post a lot.
      Did I miss anything?

      1. nah, I think he has a crush on me and can’t get over that I am not a homosexual the same way that “straightalpha” whines on about his x girlfriend who made out with him with a mouth full of cum on the regular. It is broken records. Not really worth considering.

      1. ___________________________________________________

        1. You know if UnreconstructedConfedrerate’s comment happens to be deleted your post would come across as a standalone comment. The FBI would be all over this page

        2. Something tells me the 14 88ers are likely FBI assets.
          Wasn’t the head of the American Nazi party in the 1940s an FBI informant?

        3. That would be bad. The NSA is already watching me I think there’s a black helicopter over the house now.

        4. Leave the back way. You can never return. Avoid public places and steal only as much as you need to survive

        5. I have found that if I hop on one leg while barking like a dog it renders their mind control beams ineffective.

      2. A hodgepodge of political rebels and dissidents, with a few obnoxious 14/88ers who keep crashing the party.

        1. They’re the guys leftists try to find and film, in order to paint the alt right in a bad light.

  9. Part of me blames the two party system and the misplaced culture war of the 80s and 90s for all of our problems.
    That said, alot of this was inevitable, we are human after all.

    1. I recently came to the awful conclusion that feudalism is
      the natural state of humanity
      The illusion of otherwise was a recent and short-lived

      1. I too have came to this conclusion
        I highly recommend you check out the links below.
        They are from a man named Guido De Giorgio, a contemporary of Evola and Guenon. They come out of a section of his book The Roman Tradition, called the constitution of a traditional society.
        Each link offers a thorough analysis of each class of a fuedal system. Each link has about four parts to it, so it is lengthy but well worth the read. They are in the following order..Priests, Warriors, workers, and the leader. You may never look at feudalism the same.

      2. I wouldn’t go that far, I’m not big on the idea of a pish posh ass hole trying to tell me what to do.
        On the flipside, I’m no believer of “democracy” either.
        Minarchist is the best I can do.

        1. The goal is to end as that pish posh asshole telling everyone what to do.
          At our core, most of us simply want to swap places with the elite.

  10. Wife: where r u?
    Me: outside
    Wife: bring laundry in
    Me: mistake actually kitchen
    Wife: can u do dishes?
    Me: no I’m in bathroom
    Wife: scrub toilet
    Me: now in nursery
    Wife: babies need fed
    Me: can’t I’m in Idaho
    Wife: get potatoes

  11. Of course libertarianism doesn’t offer a real alternative, either. In practice it amounts to a kind of theater for men who want to play-act at defying the state without inconveniencing themselves. Ron Paul, for example, can criticize the Federal Reserve System all he wants, with impunity, because our elites just don’t feel vulnerable through attacks on the Fed. Despite Paul’s self-promotion as an enemy of tyranny, he has had an easy life because he chose safe targets to attack.
    I suspect libertarianism wound up this way in part because of Ayn Rand’s influence. She literally came from a background in theater and cinema, and she created a useless kind of libertarian philosophy called Objectivism, which emphasizes looking and acting in certain ways for spectators, instead of doing practical things to reform the abuses of the state. This comes across clearly in the biographies of her I’ve read.
    But then what would you expect from a philosophy of life created by a girl?
    No, the real opposition to the elites destroying our country has to come from a more mature version of the Alt Right, once these youngsters drop their Nazi larping and dumb cartoon frogs. Go after our elites’ childish utopianism about racial equality, open immigration, sexual degeneracy and feminism, and you’ll see from their response that they feel their weakest in these areas.

    1. Hi fatherofthree. How’s it shakin’, bacon?
      If that’s all you get from libertarianism, then you missed the boat by a country mile.

      1. You have me confused with someone else.
        The anarchist writer Bob Black called libertarianism “the white man’s Ghost Dance,” and I can see why.

        1. No, not at all FO3, not at all bro. When you post things verbatim from your old handle, well, it doesn’t take a degree in forensic linguistics to put 1 and 2 together and come up with….(fatherof) 3.
          Again, if that’s all you get out of libertarian ideology, then you’re really not thinking too hard about the topic to begin with. Any political ideology in its “pure” form has a lot of impractical elements. Even your Mature Alt Right, should one ever emerge, will have a lot of “du fuq?” shit in it. There is a lot of value in libertarianism insofar as it matches what the Enlightenment era thinkers and Founders believed. Their ideology needed fleshed out a bit, they assumed too much was understood by all, when in fact, it wasn’t. There’s where libertarianism fills a need, it defines the philosophical and practical premises upon which Classical Liberalism was built.

        2. “hen you post things verbatim from your old handle, well, it doesn’t take
          a degree in forensic linguistics to put 1 and 2 together and come up
          with….(fatherof) 3.”

    2. “Ron Paul, for example, can criticize the Federal Reserve System all he wants, with impunity, because our elites just don’t feel vulnerable through attacks on the Fed. Despite Paul’s self-promotion as an enemy of tyranny, he has had an easy life because he chose safe targets to attack.”
      Below is a link to a very alternative view on the West’s role in Syria. Sure it isn’t Ron Paul himself doing the interview, but it’s his institute

  12. Drumpf a sensible billionaire? Lol it can’t even establish that he’s an actual billionaire as you have no idea how much debt he’s ergo nobody tax return release
    Ever listen to this guy speak? Hard to understand what exactly he is saying
    Sam Harris had him down pack i he thjnks not much logic not much fact
    Over half of what he says are lies yet you still believe him? Smh

    1. His family changed their name during the 30 years war (that’s the 1600’s, chiefy) to “Trump(f)” and then later to Trump (according to Ellis Island records). But your using “Drumpf” as you did is a clear signal of your Leftistism, as it’s constantly how they lead in a smear on him.
      Look, I’m not fond of the man, but he beats your Witch Hillary by a country mile. If you actually feel a need to vote for the Witch, just put a gun barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger until it goes “click”. Or if not, she probably will in time.

      1. That’s always the problem with folks like you someone pointed something out you don’t like “well they must’ve from the left camp or the right camp” as if that’s the only group that exists smh
        Trumpf drumpf orange little hands whatever meme that you prefer all refer to that loud mouth spewing nothing
        You’re not fond of the man but you want others to be?
        And put a gun in my mouth? Isn’t that the same crap the right was spewing if we had a second term if Obama? Yet here we are still alive and the world didn’t end
        You can call her all the name that you want she’s still beating your orange little hand drumpf so keep on shedding those tears

        1. Aw, I triggered you. How cute.
          Go away now little girl, the men are speaking.

      1. Oh dear
        A couple pages of one of his tax return were leaked.
        Those couple pages showed that he lost close to 1 billion dollar that year so based on that alone it’s hard to determine what his actual net worth silly drumpf follower

      2. Don’t feed the troll, she’s (making huge assumptions on thay one) trying to bait us.

    2. And what do you propose? Voting for a limp wristed cuck that doesn’t know where Aleppo is? Or maybe a sociopathic dictator wannabe, whose political opponents die under dubious circumstances?
      Your ball, troll… your ball.

      1. Everyone to sit their behind home and say “we are better than this” I mean seriously this is the best your country can offer?

        1. You don’t create political change by crying and taking your ball home.
          I’m also gonna assume you’re a foreigner. If you’re from europe, where countries have the multiparty system, remember we have a two party system that’s completely owned by the political class.
          True change entails destroying that system, which trump can do if he’s elected.

        2. Funny it seems that’s what that orange dude been doing just crying about everything “media does not cover, they don’t like me, politicians don’t like me, republicans don’t like me, the election is rigged ” cry 😭
          You think trumpf gives a crap about you? Get real and smell the bacon
          What policy of his do you support? Seriously asking and where have he laid out that exact policy in writing?

        3. You’re “smart”, figure it out. There’s only a few types of logical fallacies out there.

  13. The other day, I was looking through my state’s Republican Platform statement. It sounded great, I believed in each idea put forward in that document. But then, I looked at the politicians that have put their name to that….and I notice a discrepency.
    The biggest thing missing on either side of the aisle is integrity….do what you say and say what you do. They worry more about what the media says about them than what God thinks of them.

    1. This is the overall complaint of the Republicans who split the GOP back in 1971 and became the Libertarian Party. The problem is that they were all the unconnected and “not billionaire” party members, so that never really took off like it should have.

      1. I will hold my nose and vote for Trump, like I did for McCain, but that is as far as it goes. Honestly, I think a person can do more good in their family and local community than worrying about the national scene. I used to get caught up on talk radio, and stress about things I have no control over. Live a good life, raise kids and teach them well, and help your neighbor fix her lawnmower.

  14. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan must have a pretty easy job helping Obama run the Democrat/Republican Uniparty. Look at all the help they get from the media.

  15. All I know is a ton of media went to Hillary for no reason. Its dam near impossible to turn on the tv without lying liberals trying to brainwash you. ….All I see is corruption and money being handed to the big outlets to run ads for her. You want to take America back- you best turn off the tv. Liberals are devoid of logic, reason and an IQ; unfortunately; there are a LOT of them.

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