3 Emotions Men Should Master

We are all too familiar with the SJWs’ “muh feelings” pose. We are also familiar with the Leftists’ manipulative stance, be it through their sanctimonious bullying, guilt-tripping, appeals to a pseudo-consensus, veiled threats, or constant emotional blackmailing. The maelstrom of emotions the Left plays with makes tempting to withdraw emotionally. We might be led to think that the higher good lies in “cold, hard facts” alone. But if we do so, we easily forget that cold facts do not prompt for any action, and if we merely describe while trying to get emotionally disconnected, we cut ourselves off the game.

Passions are part of the game


When the infamous Karl Marx wrote that modern capitalism “drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation,” he had a point. The bourgeois world of classic modernity is emotionally lacking, and both the bohemian artistry and Communist radical politics stepped up to fulfill the void. This historical point is still relevant today. Conservatives fail to make stands because they are much more passionate about their personal interest than about defending anything they pretend to stand for. SJWs, on the other hand, went very far into shrieking and bullying because they are usually passionate for their points. Different motivations lead to different outcomes. And a strong motivation, not to say a deep or passionate commitment, greatly helps to build a strong character.

The far-left was able to pick up people’s passions because the bourgeois would not, and perhaps could not, do that. The bourgeois idea of progress was about people becoming farm animals, individuals reduced to the status of producers and consumers in a world where nothing really new or interesting could appear anymore. In such a world, there is no need for passions and no need for politics, isn’t it? Well, the individuals would not let themselves get boiled down to the status of mere economical agents, and many preferred embracing some ridiculous strand of new-age spirituality, worthless artistry or even becoming Communists than living through the bourgeois-conservative nothingness..

Rejecting the passions and emotions, or at the very least trying to put them aside as to ignore them, made men weak and unable to take a stance. It has also made women unhinged, shameless, and willing to do anything for short-term pleasure, as no men were able to give them a proper sense of boundaries. Plus, passions being powerful motivators, the far-left mastery when it comes to stirring some made it tremendously powerful as well.

We must face passions, not as an annoyance, but as a resource that has to be mastered. This is true for ourselves and others. First, when we are aware of our emotional states without being directly prompted (“triggered”) by them, we gain the ability to choose consciously what we do and want to do, and can follow our own intuitions instead of getting framed by an alien narrative. Second, when we are also aware of others’ emotional states, we can steer them in a specific direction.

The latter is especially true for women: today, they follow fashions and MSM approval, when not following their own sluttiness and attention-whoring… but if men were able to reward, shame, and inspire proper passions in them, they would follow us instead. If we want this to happen, we have to take over the empire of passions and stir up some emotions in the public’s hearts, be it through discourse, artwork, or daily conversations. Here are three emotions I think we should be keen to stir.

1. Empathy


According to Dr. Neel Burton,

Empathy can be defined as a person’s ability to recognize and share the emotions of another person, fictional character, or sentient being. It involves, first, seeing someone else’s situation from his perspective, and, second, sharing his emotions, including, if any, his distress. (Burton, Heaven and Hell, chap.21, p.153)

As empathy fits well with maternal instinct and motivates nurturing tendencies, women are naturally prone to it. Up until a very recent time, they took care of babies and small children, participated to local charities, worked in shelters for the homeless or went through menial but important tasks as nurses. They did so because their natural empathy motivated them to act this way.

By contrast, a striking feature of feminism is that it destroys womanly empathy and nurturing tendencies. From a feminist point of view, men are enemies or at the very least potential oppressors and children are a burden. Feminism reverses the empathy, turns it into defiance or even hatred. Worse: after women have lost their ability to feel positively towards the men they should at least respect, cultural Marxism stirs their natural empathy towards “minority” identities. Thus we see grrls caring about thugs, invaders, or weirdos, who are all positively portrayed in the media, more than they care about what should be their community.

The lack of empathy is also a problem among white men. Though black men often exert violence against each other, the majority of them always bonds when it comes to attacking the depleted white majority. The same goes for any community out there: they empathize with each other more than they would ever empathize with us. We, white men, are the only ones who do the exact opposite by being hypercritical against each other when we should actually be supportive and look at the positive rather than the negative.

There should be a lot more empathy towards us than there currently is. Others should be more sensitive to our plight, suffer when we suffer, or at least feel compelled to suffer when we do. We are the proximate [prochain?], not the Big Other. We, too, should have more empathy among ourselves: nice guys, for example, should not be considered as “jerks” or “bastards,” as say some red-pilled guys who seem to have internalized a negative framing, but as misled victims who proved some nobility by trying to conciliate “respect” for women with the healthy desire to get a deeper relationship. Along the same lines, the working- or middle-class average Joe who got disenfranchised should be painted on a positive and humane light so that wealthy liberals cannot ignore or merely sneer at him.

2. Hope


Here is an emotion the Left has really abused from. Remember 2007-8, when the first “black” president was supposed to end the racial tensions in the US as well as the neocon foreign wars? Democrat activists at that time wrote without batting an eyelid about their hope for a world without losers, for an outcome where everyone would win. Then, the racial tensions have never been so high, the white majority is more dispossessed than ever, and the same liberals who were trumpeting about a world without losers have no shame calling us losers—from their choices and politics. Hope has been abused from, and we have to take it back. In fact, we have already started to.

Hope can be defined as the desire for something to happen combined with an anticipation of it happening. It is the anticipation of something desired… To hope for something is to desire that thing, and to believe, rightly or wrongly, that the probability of it happening, though less than 1, is greater than 0. (Neel Burton, Heaven and Hell, chap.14, p.103)

Trump is a wild card who comes with no guarantee, for sure. He still gives us something no Obama could ever give us—hope. The Alt-Right, manosphere, and the whole flourishing of high-quality dissenting intellectual efforts give us hope as well. Someone wrote that “the Alt-Right represents the first new philosophical competitor to liberalism, broadly defined, since the fall of Communism.” Someone else, here on ROK, noticed that more and more women were fed up with misandric grievance-mongering and longed to become mothers. These trends are more than interesting: they seem to point towards a better future that we still have to conquer.

On the other side, the liberal status quo and Hillary in particular mean pure hopelessness. If Hillary gets elected, we will have even less jobs, anti-white and anti-male organized groups will attack even more, the wealthy globalists will get fatter at our expense, and so on. Interestingly, liberals today use arguments of a conservative kind: when they shriek something as “the 5 last US presidents tell you not to vote for Trump” or “the Alt-Right and deplorables are un-American,” they look more like McCarthyists than hippies. They are the establishment clinging to the status quo and worsening. We are the embodiment of hope for a positive change.

3. Love


While hope should be spread among any decent people and is pretty straightforward once we agree on the intrinsic value of its object, love appears a bit trickier. In a relationship, whoever loves the other most is dominated whereas who loves less has more room to take action. If a man falls in love, he falls in the sense that he gets dumbed down, pedestalizes the girl, who in turn will get bored and look for a more challenging partner. Thus, seduction must be used to stir love in women: they must love us as well as their children. Both as a mistress and a mother, both as sexual and nurturing, a woman exerts love.

In men, love must be exerted in a more distilled and thoughtful form: when we protect our dear ones, toil for them, care about their interests, these efforts are an expression of love as well—although this form of love must be more distant as to allow ampler room for action. In any case, the feminine element must love the most and more directly.

It should be added that masculine and feminine can be conceived, not only as absolute, but also as relative terms. Esotericists consider that we are all “feminine” when considered under a higher point of view: the most fierce, courageous and risk-taking warrior remains “feminine” relatively to a genuine spiritual authority, and any human is “feminine” relatively to God as the ultimate Father. The Bible compares the good ones to a bride that shall get married to God (Revelation, 19). Hinduism recommends bhakti or devotion, i.e. religious love, to those belonging to the warrior caste, whereas the spiritual authority is more “masculine” as it enjoys a higher and more direct knowledge of God. These considerations might seem a bit far-fetched, but they were already highly relevant before the tiniest stint of modern degeneracy was born. Just remember that being in love is acceptable for a man as long as it never equates to pedestalizing a woman.


Passions and emotions matter. If we set them aside as irrelevant, someone else will push our emotional buttons—and the girls’—and spin us in no time. The philosopher René Descartes wrote that “all the good and the bad in this life depend from the passions” and that we had better be able to use them wisely. Ironically, the word “Cartesian” now denotes a logical, rationalistic, supernatural-denying mindset. This is accurate for the young Descartes, who was among the top scientists of his time, but tosses aside an important twist: the philosopher eventually lost his only daughter, Francine, and the sadness he felt while mourning her made him aware of the power of emotions. Yet, instead of being dominated by said emotions, Descartes strove to gain cogency about them, and he wrote a very interesting little treatise to expand a whole theory of the “passions of the soul.”

Our case is the same. Most if not all of us have been blue-pilled since infancy. Cultural Marxism was shoveled down our throat by school teachers, media figures, movies, social pressure. At each step of this process, our emotions were stirred and directed by spinsters so that, for example, we would feel a high empathy for so-called minorities while ignoring the homeless “white males” dying of cold at winter.

Ride the tiger of your own emotions and of (some) others’ as well if you don’t want sinister globalists to.

Read Next: How To Control Your Emotional State

192 thoughts on “3 Emotions Men Should Master”

  1. Don’t agree 100%. IMHO, you should master fear foremost. It’s a recurring requirement you read in descriptions of great men through the ages. It is a valuable adviser, but should not be your primary counsel.

    1. As far as the top emotions to master, I would agree that fear ranks near the top. That’s actually the first thing that came to mind when reading this article: “Why isn’t fear on this list?” Perhaps it was too cliché and the author was looking to go against the grain a bit.

      1. “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is
        the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I
        will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone
        past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone
        there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

        1. Where’s that from?

          I…..um….I…..I just…can’t even….wow….just wow.

        2. “Call me Ishmael”
          Unabashed: “Where’s that from?”

        3. ONLY….if I had an AR15, which shoots the AR15 caliber.

        4. again with the guns…SHIT !
          hey, you guys vote a legislation on arming Romania’s citizens.
          We’re like your 51st state, don’t cha’ know ?
          Cheers !

        5. It’s a semi-inside joke. Lolknee calls all rifles AR-15’s.

        6. You know you got freedom when you can make jokes about all the types of guns you own.
          Bless you, guys !
          Well not really envy, but a sort of admiration that I would like to have in my country.
          Because my people need it.

      2. Perhaps, but truth is truth. Lots of guys need to learn this or have it reinforced. I care less about originality, and more about accuracy.

  2. Respectfully, men should strive to master all emotions. What does mastery entail? The capacity to accurately gauge, suppress, and channel your emotions.
    We’re always told that nothing good comes from anger and rage. That’s true, if it isn’t being channeled towards constructively resolving the problem. Same thing applies towards jealousy, love, despair, hope, fear, every emotion.
    Emotions are a double-edged sword. Properly wielded, it is a great weapon. Improperly wielded will result in you stabbing yourself.

      1. Yes, I believe so. The key to channeling any emotion, including rage, is to keep it from ever rising to a level where it can no longer be controlled. A deep, simmering rage can give you strength to get things done, primarily physical undertakings in my experience.

      2. absofuckinglutely!
        Take that rage and put it into your work, into your determination to succeed. in to your physique

        1. And also into how you approach eating.
          Be Beefsquatch! Beefsquatch!

        2. I dunno about ragin’ at work-although I was right, it almost got me fired once.
          Rage might work at the gym. Turn you into a giant green Italian with hearing problems

        3. If it almost got you fired than it was the rage that was controlling you rather than the other way around. I have had times at work where I was in full rage and used it as energy to work very long and sleepless nights to make absolutely sure I didn’t lose. Channeling it doesn’t mean letting it explode out of you in a negative way. No one should even know what your motivation is. They should always see you calm and collected. The fact that there is rage in your heart pushing you is for you to know.

        4. I dont think you are in control when you are in rage mode- you are too far gone. I just dont think you can turn rage into something positive. The more I think about it, the same applies to those who despair- you are too far gone to make this a positive headspace

      3. That’s part of the USMC training. To utilize rage to kill your enemy — in the most controlled manner possible (therefore maximizing bodies. . .I mean, effect).

        1. controlled….yes……this is key. If you learn how to harness your rage and use it in a controlled manner it can do all sorts of good for you.

    1. Agreed 100%. Everyone has emotions. But some people control their emotions and some people are controlled by their emotions. You can dam a river and generate power from it or you can drown.

    2. I don’t think any emotion is bad. In fact, I think suppressing emotions is the root of most problems. Take fear for example. If fear is loved and allowed, it is a useful mechanism to keep us out of trouble. If fear is avoided, it cripples us and directs us towards the wrong path, because we fail to see the information hidden within the fear.
      This is why I think that SJWs are not really emotional – they are anti-emotional. They want to eliminate the darker emotions of human and male existence.

        1. Well, is it really the emotions controlling us? I may just be obsessing over phrasing here, but I think it’s a bit inaccurate. It’s not the emotion that controls us. It is our denial to face that emotion which controls us.

        2. That’s better, but I’d personally go with a simple ‘avoiding, fleeing or denying emotions’. I guess it’s not that big an issue for those who get it, but I personally struggled from misinterpreting the meaning of the common ‘control your emotions’ phrase. It made me think I have to dissociate from my emotions and not feel anything at all, which only makes everything worse.

        3. I believe it’s stoicism that basically says: Let the emotion flow through you and trace it with your inner eye.
          That sounds very fine to me. Non-attachment instead of fight.

      1. they are anti-emotional because they want everything about a person to be comodditized, transferable, ownable, sellable…..

  3. What in the hell does having empathy have to do with that gay graphic used for that emotion? I mean literally (Hitler), gay.

    1. you know I didn’t even pick up on that? what is that, a fag gangbang of the ghosts of queers that died of aids?

      1. Right? It’s not like they’re amorphous, they clearly have male figures. One is giving a behind hug (which men should *never* do to other men) and one of those spirit-queers is kneeling and reaching for the crotch of the hug recipient.
        I mean…yikes!

        1. “Never” is too much. Behind hugs are OK if they are bear hugs and the intent is to pick up the other man and smash him face first to the ground. In fact, those behind hugs are awesome!

        2. Eh, I don’t really put a martial art maneuver in the “hug” category.
          And really, that wasn’t coming across on the fag-toon either. Dude was getting rutted from the back while another faggy-Wojak is reaching for his dick.

        3. You’re in Germany. It’s much gayer over there.

        4. Lol. That guy was a badass, GOJ. As far from hipster/gay as one can be. Kid from the street/seen a lot of shit kind of guy. But he had heart.

      1. Thanks for the meme name. Bunch of faggy-Wojaks.

  4. “We are the embodiment of hope for a positive change.”
    I fail to see how transforming the U.S. into a nuclear-happy wasteland presided over by a fascist billionaire pathological liar demagogue who has alienated the entire world is a positive change.

        1. Dates back to Abraham Lincoln. From what I understand the Lincoln Douglas Debates were, primarily, about hats. After Lincoln was elected he worked with habadashers and hatters around the country. Of course, while at a theater wearing that big hat he enraged the person sitting behind him who was heard to yell Sic Semper Chapeau. Lincoln was dead but the CIC continued to grow in power. By the turn of the 20th century, in NYC, all men were, by law, forced to mill about wearing hats (cf. Johnny Dangerously). Really, have you seen people from the early 20th century without a hat? No. No you haven’t. Truman, of course, elected with money from Big Haberdashers and the CIC, used nuclear weapons on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki because of their development of the headband (cf. Mr. Miagi and the Karate Kid). Of course, the fall of the CIC really began with the inauguration of Kennedy who was sworn in without a hat much to the fury of the CIC. Some years later, while in Texas, a place where the hat market had deep footholds….some lasting to this very day…..he was shot to death. The warren commission concluded that had he been wearing a hat there would have been no way for the peculiar entry wound to have been fatal. However, it was too little and too late.

        2. That scene where Johnny pulls a dildo outta his elderly Ma’s purse haunts me to this very day

        1. I’m busy today and won’t get drawn into another debate. But please note my original comment was about Trump, and only about Trump — don’t deflect, reflect, or otherwise change the subject.

        2. Well isn’t that a nice bit of ad hominem? Damn dude, chill out, get some coffee.

        3. No, you’ve misunderstood. First principle of debate: Argue the proposition. The proposition was the lack of character of Donald J. Trump.

        4. Eh, no, the proposition was a sneering ad hominem against a political candidate. You didn’t present any actual debateable content, only a snarling smear.
          Which, as we all know, except for the “billionaire” part perfectly describes Hillary Clinton.

        5. first time i’ve ever been accused of that. oh well, these things happen as one gets older, i suppose.

        6. Then let me remove the “snarlingness”.
          Proposition: Donald J. Trump is unfit for the presidency of the United States of America.
          Discuss, if you wish. I’m out.

        7. Why would I discuss something with you if you’re not going to participate? Illogical.
          You don’t like Hillary either, so I’m guessing you were for….Bernie?

        8. Yeah, Sanders had problems too — old, intransigent, idealistic, doesn’t play well with others — but at least he was discussing what are to me the most important long-term issues.
          HRC is more than ten points ahead in my state, so at least my non-vote won’t contribute to Trump.

        9. He’s a socialist. An open, self identified socialist. If you think he had any solutions that wouldn’t turn into tyranny within a New York minute of being implemented, you’d be wrong.
          Besides, he has no integrity. He folded like a cheap lawn chair and sold out to Clinton and suddenly he gets a new really nice house (coincidence, I’m sure).

        10. Au contraire, Sanders had (note past tense) too much integrity for politics. He was rigidly independent in Congress for decades.
          Then again, this new lake house … hmm. I hadn’t heard about it. I don’t buy the idea that poverty equals nobility, but if you like your socialists to be authentically poor, then Jose Mujica of Uruguay was your man — a former flower farmer who drove a used Volkswagen Bug and donated most of his $12,000 president’s salary to charity.

        11. Interesting use of past tense.
          It’s not that he has a house. That’s fine, dude’s gotta live somewhere. It’s just that suddenly out of thin air he has a brand new house, apparently built and waiting for him, when he drops out of the race and then, so coincidentally, starts pimping for the Witch.

        12. Tax returns, yeah, I’m sure they’re fair and honest. Because those Leftists, they sure are pure people without an inch of corruption, and they’d never circle the wagons to defend of Leftists. Yeah.

    1. Exactly! He has the mindset of Ren- he just wants to push the shiny red button!

    2. transforming the U.S. into a nuclear-happy wasteland
      Actual campaign promise or unmitigated hyperbole?

      1. I admit the hyperbole. But giving that thin-skinned malignant narcissist the nuclear codes is asking for trouble.

        1. He’s not the one sabre rattling against Russia, last check. Of the two, that smear much more applies to the Witch. She hasn’t seen a war she didn’t stoutly support.

        2. Exactly where I was going with it. You’re getting good with the ninja fingers, padawan.
          Who would we most likely get into a nuke war with? Russia.
          Who hates Russia and is blaming everything on them? Clinton.
          Who wants to get on friendlier terms with Russai? Trump.

        3. are there really codes and a button? They make it sound like there is a huge red bond villain button that the president can just push to automatically shoot nuclear weapons wherever he wants. Like a few scotches and your team loses…fuck it, their toast. Have an intern wiggling on the desk. Boom. No more Laos. I mean, it can’t actually work that way right. I mean you need to jump through 2 weeks of hoops to get a parking ticket dismissed. I would assume that the president has to at least have a chat with a few people before annihilating the whole world.

        4. It’s actually a very protocol driven process that involves multiple people and, at some point, two keys turned by two people simultaneously across a distance too far for one person to do both successfully.
          Ok, I’m lying. It’s actually a switch like this, where electricity flies between the leads and the person pulling the lever is required to make an evil scientist laugh.

        5. Genesis??!? Dude, they were fantastic in their prime! Du fuq?!?

        6. the 80s- where a guy can overcome a comeover, a mullet, wearing a sweatervest on stage and still become a superstar

        7. yeah they were, Duke was an amazing album. In too Deep? In The Air Tonight? My personal favorite, Sususudio!

        8. Duke was a work of art. An album you put on when you were depressed so that you could feel better because, turns out, somebody was *way* more depressed than you’ll ever be.

        9. haha- Easy Lover and Against All Odds are good tunes. The 80s musta been a good time to be an adult

        10. Indeed. Which is why you always want to elect Capitalists. They make rational decisions and don’t like war (except the arms dealers) because it disrupts markets and investments. A perfectly rational position.

        11. Rationality is great, but sometimes enemies attack you for irrational reasons, and then you’re left holding your reason in one hand and your dick in the other.
          Russia is disrupting us, purposefully, and Trump won’t admit it. That’s not helping to solve the problem.

        12. I meant instigating a war, not fighting a defensive war.
          There is no proof on Russia at all. None. I’m in IT, I know that Clinton and her state hacks are blowing smoke. They might suspect Russia but they have no real evidence to back up any claims.

    3. Hillary is the one who wants to wage war with Russia. Trump wants peace. Which is what the disingenuous democrats use to accuse him of being too close from Russia. And Trump is supported by millions of untold Whites all over the world.

  5. Good, positive article. I have particularly noticed that a quick way of judging the quality of a woman is to gauge her level of empathy.

    1. So true. I have had a number of experiences with women who lacked exactly that.
      One appeared to while times were good, then went into bitch mode / no empathy when they weren’t.

      1. It’s scary how quick they can flip that switch. I’ve seen it up close in my former marriage, and it makes you wonder if some women are basically playacting their entire lives. There is no there there.

        1. I am starting to think that as well.
          We tend to think women are more emotional. But maybe they aren’t. Maybe that’s just superficial. When a woman cries out in pain, we wonder ‘what would make me cry out that much. she must be in intense pain’, but maybe that isn’t true. Maybe women just express their emotions much more intensely while underneath being rather calculating.

    2. How would you gauge her empathy? Let her babysit your sister’s kids, ask them how she treated them? Or is there an app for that?

      1. I’ll have to pay attention to the next one. I think usually it will become very obvious to you how she is *not* empathetic.
        It gets more and more obvious to me with age and experience. After reading the internet dating sites article I was browsing OK Stupid and it was like the horrible ones were jumping off the page at me. When a girl says something like “No kids and I don’t want them” and goes on to make further comments in her profile about how she hates children, that’s a pretty clear sign.

        1. They hate babies and they’re proud
          of it, like it is some sort of achievements. and they
          expect men to fall for them for their “baby hating and man hating” personality.
          The fuck.

    1. Falling in love is for teenagers and star-crossed lovers. Otherwise it’s just familiarity and oxytocin.

      1. Teenage boys don’t have the life experience to see that women age sexually a lot faster than men. I turn 57 next month, and yet women in their 30’s and 40’s look too old sexually to me.

        1. It may mean that you had a bad relationship with your parents or it may mean you had a very good one that satisfied all your needs – leading to you not feeling the need to satisfy unmet needs from early childhood with women you met later on.

        2. Yeah, my mind is a wreck. Lousy memory, impossible to fell complex emotions and not being able to dream.
          If I wrote a book about myself I would be a fucking milionaire. Come to thing about it isn’t such a bad idea.

        3. Have you tried psychedelics? They do wonders in putting the rational mind to rest and revealing those emotions that are under the rug.

      2. Oh come on…
        Falling in love doesn’t mean marrying the bitch.
        It’s just means falling in love.
        It’s like when you buy your first car.
        and then you get another one.
        No big deal.
        The problem is not making the whole fucking world revolve around her pussy. That’s not love, that’s crazy.

        1. Those jobs are like the infamous ‘digging a hole and closing it back up’. What did they really do? Did they produce food? Never saw that. Did they produce goods, aside from swords and armor? Never saw that. They basically just created warriors who seemed to just work to take over everything else.

        2. Yeah, they really glossed over the tremendous problem of provisioning their unholy army of the night…

    2. “Love” is only possible with a healthy biochemistry, the proper production of dopamine, oxytocin, and vasopressin. You might be missing one or more of these hormones if you were physically beaten or neglected as a child.
      To be honest, you’re not missing much. I’ve been in “love” with a couple of bad women. It’s not a good gauge.

        1. No worries, our species is probably going to self-destruct before any hypothetical children you might have would reach old age.

        2. Marry more for its practical reason then. Just like our great-great grandparents did.

    3. That’s a pity, man.
      I fall in love every season.
      Even if I have a girlfriend I suddenly get ,,the hit” when another attractive woman flirts with me.
      Her perfume, the way her neckline whispers me to take her out.
      Her sweat, her boobs….
      You get the idea.
      Only dirtbags treat people like dirt so don’t beat yourself about it too much.
      I recently overcame a toxic work environment where everyone , from cleaner to middle-manager – big manager included, had it in for me.
      After exploding on them strategically, they now avoid fucking with me.
      Simple as that.
      People treat you like dirt if you let them.
      Make sure you let them know, you won’t take it any longer.
      And work it out.

  6. Good article.
    I’m beginning to believe more and more that it’s critical to have the wisdom to know when to hold on to & use similar emotions and when not to.
    We definitely are falling woefully short of the 3 listed here. It’s become extremely discouraging being a man in today’s times.
    When you’re primarily just worried about averting disaster, and are continously on your guard (as men are the root of all evil, in today’s SJW agenda), it’s easy to no longer have much energy or passion left.

  7. Someone wrote that “the Alt-Right represents the first new philosophical competitor to liberalism, broadly defined, since the fall of Communism.”

    The Alt Right tells us the truth that most of us don’t want to hear: “Modernity” doesn’t work, at least in its social aspects. “Social progress” cannot happen because human nature doesn’t change, at least not through political means.
    And that blows up the left’s whole agenda of make-believe about women, blacks, Hispanics and all the people with broken sexuality. The way our society worked organically, before the left’s meddling into it, turned out that way because on average people fell into just about their right places in a social hierarchy. (Ironically Hillary says that America has a “place for everyone,” but she doesn’t mean it in that sense.)
    And we can see examples of this in the areas still relatively free of the social-justice bullying. The other day I picked up a couple magazines about drones, and I noticed all the white people, and a few Asians, in the photos of drone hobbyists. The drone hobby, at least for the hardcore people, requires a knowledge of electronics, aerodynamics, 3D printing and software. Blacks and Hispanics generally lack the intelligence and attention span to learn technical things, and especially not for their personal enjoyment.
    The same goes for sabermetrics. Plenty of blacks and Hispanics follow and play baseball. But it takes white male nerds to think about applying statistical models to the game to understand it better.
    And do you see many blacks or Hispanics at Punkin’ Chunkin’ events, BTW? Despite the stereotype about all the “dumb rednecks” in the country, plenty of those deplorables know how to build cannons and trebuchets to throw pumpkins, and just for entertainment. Imagine if they wanted to build real weapons instead.
    White men wind up on the top of the society for valid reasons, in other words. You have to sabotage the natural order to put the left’s poster children in positions of authority instead, and we can see how badly that has worked out.

  8. Hinduism and the Hindu God as masculine is a fallacy.
    Shiva has Shakti. It’s not a superior, its an equal ‘other’.

    1. Remove “equal”. They are complementary. Gods are imeasurable, and “other” implies absence of a need to compare (apples and oranges might be compared; but you’ll never compare your village to the moon).
      Shakti and Shiva are different infinites, a light to the other’s shadow, a rain to the other’s desert. Never will they be equal, as they are superior to comparison itself.

  9. Everyone should have these emotions, but they must be controlled with reason and logic, otherwise you get modern America.
    There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:
    2 a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,
    3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
    4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,
    5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    6 a time to search and a time to give up,
    time to keep and a time to throw away,
    7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    8 a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace.

  10. Valuable article. Im just about to start dating a 9 a true feminine beauty with Russian Orthodox background who im still running thru a bunch of tests (thank you all ye teachers of game).
    I’ve had mild fear and trepidation about showing those initial infatuation thoughts and feelings and as time goes on I can feel myself beginning to fall for her. It feels very different after learning and applying game to get her when I never got a woman before using proper game.
    My thoughts about it are definitely echoed in your article esp when you confirm that it’s ok to exert or show those emotions esp if she has been removed from the pedestal.
    A few weeks ago she said to me, “I like you because I can’t push you around and I always push men around”.
    Again, thank you all ye teachers of game.

    1. Don’t show any infatuation to a 9. If she even catches a whiff of beta, she’ll scram. ESPECIALLY if she’s a Russian woman.
      You are the prize.
      You’ll keep her as long as you hold that frame. It’s hard to do for an extended period, but the ones who can are the ones who keep the armcandy.

      1. Well said. Its actually been a ton of fun using all her tests and tricks against her.
        I will echo you tho and confirm that total frame control is utterly required right now and likely will be as long as i date her. On one hand I’m a little intimidated because I feel like it will be a lot of work. On the other hand i cant wait for the challenge of running a different kindof game in a more steady dating relationship.
        Watching her squirm and sweat a little bc she isn’t used to it is very gratifying.
        For the record, I approached this girl many months ago but hesitated because I sensed my own neediness.
        Spent the summer learning game and using it in the field before aiming it back at her. It worked.
        I’m a self employed mens custom tailor. I’m tall in shape look good successful incredibly well dressed and very educated….but I could feel myself slipping into beta-dom before I discovered the manosphere.
        This stuff opened my eyes and changed alot of things for me. Almost as much as when I met God

        1. It is a lot of work. Her type is not for marriage.
          Here’s a fun experiment: Keep your rock-hard mental frame, but let yourself slide a little. Stop dressing well, get a little fatter, say ignorant things about other people. If you’re doing it right, she’ll stay with you–thus proving to the world that inner state is what defines alpha, and nothing else.

        2. Since we are talking about emotions, it makes me happy to see a fellow men, a brother, with success and with such confidence. This what we should all aim at ROK, and other such places: helping men. Congrats!

  11. Physiology perfectly explains why SJWs are quick to give into passion over the smallest of slights, but this passion is very thin in the face of resistance.
    Alphas of all mammalian species have low CRF secretion in their HPA stress response, while betas of all mammalian species have high CRF secretion in their HPA axis response to stress.

    1. “Physiology perfectly explains why SJWs are quick to give into passion over the smallest of slights”
      Interesting. That explains why Trump is a SJW. lol

  12. “In a relationship, whoever loves the other most is dominated whereas who loves less has more room to take action. If a man falls in love, he falls in the sense that he gets dumbed down, pedestalizes the girl, who in turn will get bored and look for a more challenging partner.”
    I don’t think this is true, or, ‘love’ can have different meanings. What I would call the purest form of love is the opposite of submission. It is not infatuation or desire, but simply a form of openness to everything that comes. It is not restricted to a particular person, but includes that person.

  13. You know, I sometimes wonder how much there really is to this empathy thing.
    Women are supposed to be good at it. Are they really? Are they really good at reading our emotions? Or are they just very good at telling us how we SHOULD feel by telling us that deep down, we feel XYZ.
    It would suit them to spread the myth that they are natural empaths and very good at reading you better than you read yourself – it invites you to surrender your own judgment and self-observation and hand them over on a silver platter.

    1. But women ARE very good at reading men, better than we men are at reading women. Our species has selected for that.

      1. A little doubt: If they were better at reading us than we are at reading ourselves, how could we ever confirm and believe this (being unable to read ourselves well would make us incapable of understanding their insights)?
        I think the fact that men are bad at reading women is because there are no more initiation rites and men never lay down the rose-colored glasses through which they see the mother. They basically run around projecting some kind of holiness on women – a holiness that is truly their own – and when they think they see women, they truly just see themselves, not the women.

      2. Yeah the married ones, anyway. Taking that deal is evidence a man doesn’t know what’s going on and the woman is having her way. The cads always read women better than women read them, though.

    2. I think they are good at reading body language, however whether or not they have any genuine empathy/concern is debatable IMO.

      1. I don’t think reading body language is that hard. I feel I’m pretty good at it, but I tend to also be very insecure about my observations, which kinda kills that skill. For instance, I feel I’m very good at detecting weakness. There was once this psychopath who stated in an interview how he chose victims: ‘You can see how they walk. Look at that guy. Slouched shoulders etc. He would give little resistance’. Some reactions to that were pretty shocked, while I thought: Well yeah, that’s what I would have said as well. Pretty obvious actually.

        1. Yeah, reading body language is not that hard of a skill. Hawkers at touristy places find their prey in the same fashion.
          I often wonder if it’s just that women having different peripheral vision allowing them to do the reading more without being noticed.

        2. Very possible. One thing that indeed makes it hard is that to do it, I need to intently watch someone, which comes off as creepy and unnatural.

  14. The emotions this article describe I would put into a mans vulnerability camp. While it’s fine that we all have our vulnerabilities, I would argue that we be very careful to whom they are shown less we be ravaged. That being said, if one has masterful control of himself, there is a bit of an art form to the controlled display of a “vulnerability” to see what the woman is going to do with it.

    1. I seem to recall something about monkeys, a stairway, electric zappers and a banana. A monkey goes for the banana, the rest get shocked and ape rape him. Do this enough times, turn the power off, and they still ape rape him. Then swap monkeys out one by one until they never were shocked, but they still ape rape him.
      This is not a new experiment, just a reenactment of an old one. I would just fuck with them and not stand. However, I’m the guy in the drive through that will, assuming there’s no one behind me, order, then pull forward one spot and shut down and wait for window to be cleared of the two or three in front before cranking and going directly there.

  15. Interesting paradox. Great point.
    When a man becomes truly devoted to the almighty God, admits his faults and submits to God (becomes the bride or acts weak in worldly terms), he becomes strong and superior to the world and everything in it.

      1. was a question for the veterans.
        Quite well, after reading ROK for 3 years.
        Things change and for the better.
        I’m here to give back.
        Ya’ know ?

  16. Meh, Here are the three: Anger, Fear, then Love.
    Hope is an emotion? Hope is an expectation that can have other emotions attached to it, depending on what you’re hoping for.
    Empathy? I think that’s a term used to describe a quality of being able to emote in a way that is in-tune with others’ emotions, and is not an emotion in and of itself. I can empathize with someone who is unjustly accused of rape by being angry at the system. Or I can empathize by greiving with someone who just lost a best friend. The emotions in these examples are anger and grief. Empathy is a quality, no an emotion.
    Love? In my over 5 decades hearing the word and seeing its application to various feelings and situations, the best definition I’ve ever herd is from Matrix Revolutions. “Love is a word. What matters is the connection the word implies.” Therein is the trap of the feeling, the emotion of love. That fleeting feeling is used to enslave an entire sex to the bidding of those who define the connection, and subsequent responsibilities, the word love implies in this deviant society. Love your neighbor as thyself? Then give your fair-share to others who have neither worked for no earned what they demand of you. Love your wife? Why? Is she providing the things you expect, no demand, from a feminine, responsible woman of character? But LOVE says you must also turn a blind eye to all the sins that destroy any connection one would use to define true love in the modern sense. That is why it is the most dangerous emotion of all. You may hurt, damage or even kill in anger. But nothing can enslave a man all the days of his life if he is “in love” with something or someone — real, mythical or simply an ideological mythology.
    Like Love, anger and fear are the other emotions that drive men to irrational actions that can damage him and destroy those around him. So if there is a list of 3, then I’ll stick with anger, fear and love as the emotions to be mastered.

  17. This article is wise advice, but, from my experience, very difficult to apply in a rational way. You can try to, of course… But true mastery comes with experience, or it won’t come at all.
    I had the worst game you could imagine, when I was a teen. Basically, I allowed myself to fall in love like there was no tomorrow, and then (only then) would I approach the girl. Humiliation was inevitable. Frustration ensued.
    Then, one day, I decided to approach girls simply because they were interesting, before any emotion had the time to develop. Now, I was in control, I knew what to say and do, and I had the power to say “no”, to walk away, to tease them to madness. The very doubt “does he like me?” can, if sustained, drive THEM to love you. I could learn what worked, what didn’t, and why. Now, it is all natural and easy.
    Of course, there is another side to this. Emotions became weaker, and their “prize” less satisfactory… But now, I am the only king of my kingdom, and that is pretty nice too.
    My strongest love was the first, a blonde girl with yellow eyes (she was all gold and dawn to me)… Life is that, poetry comes first, experience and success come after…

  18. From “If” by Rudyard Kipling. [held true in 1800s, still true today]
    If you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;
    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
    Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
    If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
    If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
    If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same;
    If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
    Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
    Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
    If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
    Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
    And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son.

  19. Well, I agree and after some thought I think it’s fine.
    I think this article puts emphasis on “soft” emotions.
    Can’t find a better description, sorry.

  20. 3 main emotions men should master in my opinion are…
    Seriously if you can control these three, then you can be a lot more successful with yourself.
    Control your desire to stick your penis into every hole you see. Control your anger and use it to fuel yourself to become the greater version of yourself. Control yourself and do not feel jealous. If your friend succeeded, congratulate him like man and do not become passive aggressive.

  21. “…a striking feature of feminism is that it destroys womanly empathy and nurturing tendencies.”
    True. And you know what I find very weird?
    They claim to hate babies and they’re proud of it (as if it is something cool and against mainstream). Yet they expect men to love them for their not-so-loving personality.
    The fuck.

    1. They abort babies and complain about babies being aborted. The fuck are they talking aboot?

        1. You don’t say. They point fingers at third world countries where female babies are aborted, but they are ok with aborting their own babies as per their whim

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