American Woman In Bikini Desecrates French Catacombs For Her “Female Indiana Jones” Brand

The Paris catacombs are a place dear to my heart. Born in this very city, I had a front row seat to see it turn into a giant museum. Every wealthy asshole wanting his own piece of the “city of lights,” and Paris being one of the most visited cities in the world, I could see year after year the streets taken over by luxury clothing shops and expensive venues. The middle and lower classes have been pushed aside by rising living costs so that the rich globalists, the bobos and a never-ending trail of tourists could stroll around.

Yet, go twenty meters below the Haussmanian hurdle, and you will find something very different.

South of the Seine, the lands have been deeply dug to extract building stones. Most of the voids have been filled since, but more than a hundred kilometres of quarries galleries are still there. Exploring the place is officially forbidden. Which is a good thing, as one can go there unofficially, provided one knows how to enter and not get lost in the labyrinth, without bothering with swarms of tourists or wasting money in an overpriced bar.

Officially prohibited, actually more or less self-managed by a loose community of cataphiles, the Catacombs are one of the most interesting places today in Paris. It allows for genuine explorations and friendly meetings while also teaching some masculine virtues to those who venture there seriously.

The underground network being fragile and the officials not enjoying when too many visitors tread on their jurisdiction, the cataphiles have a complex relationship with exposing it. On the one hand, we like to show the place and share its atmosphere with passionate newcomers; on the other, we are afraid that too much exposition will attract too many visitors and stifle the officials’ relative toleration for unofficial activities.

Well, today, other cataphiles won’t chastise me for mentioning the topic in public, for this has been already made recently by an attention whore of international scope. Alison Teal, a Hawaiian 28 or 29 years old girl, made a show of herself down there and sent ludicrous photos to the Daily Mail.

"So, I'm here to teach you about protecting the planet, y'know"

“So, I’m here to teach you about protecting the planet, y’know”

"I love bringing surfboards in places without waves. By the way, I'm the feminine Indiana Jones, especially with the help of a crew I'll never give credit to. Follow me on Instagram and YT!"

“I love bringing surfboards in places without waves. By the way, I’m the feminine Indiana Jones, especially with the help of a crew I’ll never give credit to. Follow me on Instagram and YT!”

Here we are not talking about attention whoring lightly. The Daily Mail photos already tell much: a blond girl in a pink bikini carries a pink surfboard in a narrow underground network where there is, by definition, no waves to surf at all, to take some photos of herself, herself, herself, and a bit of the catacombs, as they could be used as the setting of the latest of Alison’s Adventures™. I’m not joking. These “adventures” are literally Hitler a trademark.


Since she was at least 18, Teal seems to have taken advantage from the nomadic lifestyle of her parents to make photos, movies, and promote herself heavily along the way. With the help of her dad, a well-connected photographer and self-promoter who claims to master yoga, she got a bunch of awards and media promotion. Long-haired Alison was thus handed a niche that allows her to travel the world, take pictures of herself in various places, and claim to be concerned about the environment.

Her résumé shows a massive ego associated to minor lies. “The world was my school and playground”—I guess smaller places would be too small for her giant ego, and this may explain why she suffered from claustrophobia under Paris, as we are to see below. Between name-droppings, references to media awards and other big pictures of Alison, Teal, and Alison Teal, we learn she was styled “the ‘Female Indiana Jones’ by Time Magazine (2015) and the ‘Oprah of Adventure’ by The Huffington Post (2016).” Really?

Actually, Teal said to the HuffPo she aspired to be “the Oprah of adventure” in 2014 before branding herself as “the female Indiana Jones” to the Time a year later (2015, not 2016). Then she said on Twitter and on her résumé how they had referred to her as such. Not a big lie, but a lie indeed. By the way, she also branded herself a “Tarzan child” in the HuffPo interview. Would someone who really “grew up in the wild” be so obsessed with linking herself to famous icons?

Excerpt from the HuffPo article, 05/20/2014. The same articles adds she is a "self-described 'Tarzan child.'"

Excerpt from the HuffPo article, 05/20/2014. The same articles adds she is a “self-described ‘Tarzan child.’”

Excerpt from the Time, 11/08/2015.

Excerpt from the Time article, 11/08/2015.

Named by the Time Magazine... or self-styled?

Named by Time Magazine… or self-styled?

And now on her résumé. Not only does she lie by misattributing to famous media outlets self-characterization, but she can't even put the right years while referring to said media pieces.

And now on her résumé. Not only does she lie by misattributing to famous media outlets self-characterizing and lavishly flattering labels, but she can’t even put the right years while referring to said media pieces.

So, self-styled “female Indiana Jones,” no less, went through what seems to be a joint undertaking with the Daily Mail by descending into the Paris catacombs with the symbols of her Adventures™, namely a pink bikini and a surfboard. The English tabloid released the photos, video, and testimony of Indiana-Jones-In-A-Bikini-Surfing-The-Catacombs the 30th of October. Days after, a bunch of French outlets copied the Mail content, often translating it verbatim.


What struck me first are the stunning inaccuracies the tabloid published. First, the Mail claims Teal went 150 meters below the ground, whereas the actual depth of the Catacombs goes between 10 and 30 meters depending on where you are in the network. Can’t Indiana Jane tell the difference between 30 and 150 meters?

Second, she also claimed to have lacked oxygen and witnessed the water level suddenly rising. This is at best extremely unlikely. The water levels can change from month to month and even from week to week, but to my knowledge it never changes abruptly in seconds. As for the oxygen issue, I have witnessed some only two times: at a big party, when so many people were in the same room that there was not enough oxygen to light a cigarette, and from claustrophobic newcomers who could not stand the place.

Either she completely made up the sudden water change and oxygen issues in order to give her story a sensational aspect, or, more likely, got a panic attack due to claustrophobia, but preferred to twist it into a grandiose plot rather than acknowledging her own limitations. The Mail just ate that up and published without question. They did not ask any actual cataphile for sure. Had they done so, anyone with a decent experience of the catacombes could have told them what I just wrote above.

I also noticed from her quotes that she does not mention anyone from her crew, gives no credit to the men who opened the manhole cover, helped her go down the humid ladder, showed her the way, filmed her… She would never have found the entrance if no one already in the know had accepted to be her guide. Neither could she lift manhole covers of more than a hundred kilograms with her thin arms—even the round butt she likes to display couldn’t do that.

The first photo displayed by the Mail. Notice how she strategically displays (some of) her butt.

The first photo displayed by the Mail. Notice how she strategically displays (some of) her butt.

I could bet she did not have sex with any of the guys who enabled her display to happen. As Julius Evola hinted, she is likely the kind of woman to whom “the possibilities of physical love are often not as interesting as the narcissistic cult of her body, or as being seen with as many or as few clothes as possible” (Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World, chap.20).

In this respect, the only thing that makes Teal “special” compared to all other look-at-me twats is the adventurous label she tries to put on herself. Exploiting people and places to garner attention is definitely not special. Yet, a lot of comments have noticed this behind the weird mix of glamour and pseudo-adventure: some are offended that she treaded on bones, i.e. remnants of real past men, in a pink bikini. Doing so is not only a proof of bad taste and self-aggrandizing mania—it is also utterly disrespectful.



This is indeed a blatant example of pussy pass. Imagine going to Hawaii, bringing a skateboard at a local cemetery and start skateboarding over the graves in a pink thong. What do you expect would happen? You would probably get beaten by locals, and if the media gave you attention at all, they would label you as a disturbed troll or something like that. All this, I think, would be fair. But when a self-important Oprah Jane of super-adventure does the same, the mainstream media reacts completely differently and celebrates her without the least hint of criticism.

Though she treading and surfing on bones of actual past people is not very respectful for sure, I think especially appalling the outlook Teal seems to carry on the place. The Catacombs are just another background for Alison Adventures™. Whole places, some loaded with historical and spiritual significance, are reduced to a set for the egotic show of another vapid character. The entire world was her school, or so she said, meaning that the world is turned into a mixture of Disneyland and Hollywood studio where her picture can stroll around.

Some weeks ago, Alison Teal was busy showing herself near an erupting volcano. Notice another strategic part-displaying of her butt.

Some weeks ago, Alison Teal was busy showing herself near an erupting volcano. Notice another strategic part-display of her butt.

Usual newcomers to the Catacombs come there with a genuine interest in the place. They come to find out, sometimes drink, and have an actual adventure. They cannot help but feel some humility, perhaps even awe, when meeting with the bones of millions of nameless dead, most if not all of them having lived before the nineteenth century, and having been carried there so that Paris could grow.

This is very different from using the place to play adventure, treading on bones in a rather inappropriate outfit, depending on a crew of real cataphiles but forgetting to give them the slightest credit, and showing utter carelessness to the historical and spiritual significance of the place, all so that Alison’s Ego Adventures™ Show continues.

As you can see above, a lot of the comments are negative—especially those from cataphiles—and Teal has discreetly withdrawn the video of her trail from YouTube, putting it into private mode.

Teal’s circus has at least one merit: it symbolizes pretty well one of the worst aspects of the Westernization of the world. In the West, there is no wilderness, no sacredness, no magic. There are tons of potential places for tourism, but ultimately, all these places are losing their soul and turning into Disneylands. The Catacombs are worth it because they are definitely not so, and should never be.

Fortunately, there can be some immanent justice. The wave of criticism under Teal’s disrespectful show is well deserved. More harshly, a young libtard who thought she could hitchhike through Middle East to prove Muslims peaceful got raped and killed by the “peaceful” ones she theatrically claimed to care about. The event shew, or should have shown, that the world is not a giant kindergarten for Western “strong and independent” narcissists.

In a world of self-marketing and self-centred cunts, everyone is too busy caring about one’s image and about meaningless representations to truly care about a place or about family members.

Truly respectable women are not the ones we spot the most easily, and true cataphiles are often discreet as well.

Your humble servant bathed there before Teal pretended to "surf" the place, but I would definitely not exhibit myself treading on bones in a pink throng

Your humble servant bathed there before Teal pretended to “surf” the place, but I would definitely not exhibit myself treading on bones in a pink thong

Read Next: 7 Things I Learned About Masculinity From Wandering The Paris Catacombs

238 thoughts on “American Woman In Bikini Desecrates French Catacombs For Her “Female Indiana Jones” Brand”

  1. Trashy fame-seeking narcissism in a new format, and nothing more. There’s an explosion of this stuff with the YouTube Selfie mindset enabling it all. Globe-trotting in a bikini with a camera crew, she reminds me of those staged “huntress” bimbos who have to pose in makeup-laden glamor shots with dead giraffes.
    At least the Daily Mail readers ripped her a new one in the comment lines — deservedly so.

    1. I am thinking writing a book, or an article, called “Selfish selfies” the selfie is really the epitome of narcissism and it is to a strong personal belief that in traditional societies (like the medieval ones or that of Ancient Greece during the Heroic Age of Homer) that if they could take a selfie they would have been condemned in a way or another by the law…

        1. There is a reason for that: these leaders where given, either due to myth or to reality, some characteristics that were exceptionally good. Worshiping, or exalting them and their lives made them role models, the selfie treats the selfer as a role model… for not any particular reason.
          Let us take some examples of exalted people to understand the thought process and be able to make a domparisson:
          Theseuphs the first king of Athens was a person who managed to rid the land of barbarians and crime, giving stability to the city. Not only that he is also exalted for giving it freedom and prosperity, that man deserves at least a bust.
          Saint Nicholas was a man from a wealthy family, instead of partying he decided to give his wealth to the poor, save women from brothels, and giving presents to children (here, Greece, protecting the sailors, instead of giving presents) and on top of that punching heretics in the face. He does deserve at least an icon.
          Instead today we have the average woman and man or loose morals, low dignity but gigantic self-esteem treating himself or herself as an icon worthy of admiration, probably also of mimickry.
          You get the idea, in the end though it is a better an exalted King or a Saint with lives designed or tailored to make them role models instead of what we got today.
          selfie ahead:

        2. Meh, I don’t know. Whether someone did something great or not, it’s still narcissism in a way.
          I mean, it’s not their ‘beautiful face’ that did those deeds. So depicting it is quite pointless. If they were truly such selfless servants, they would not have cared to have their faces put in stone. And this is not about them ‘deserving’ it. This is about it being pointless. Ego shit. Who cares what your stupid skull looked like.
          In fact, who cares what great deeds you did. Who cares what great thoughts your brain created through some more or less random electrical impulses or what actions resulted from these.
          But that’s just me.

        3. The only reason is that people can better relate to a human rather than a book for most a people a face is needed to mimic it and a story behind that face so that they may get inspired to fix their ways, also many of these beautiful faces where made post mortem.
          I get you, but you get me too, I personally consider it sad that such measures are required for most people to get motivated, it was even pointed out by a church father in Greece (I think Chrysostomus) that “people should name their kids after people who did great things so that they may get inspired to live as such too” as most people cannot be motivated except when shamed or forced to it.
          Some few do not require such measures.

        4. Frankly, I am convinced many of those ‘great ones’ were just psychopaths who played the game cleverly. One can certainly doubt whether their deeds were truly that great or whether history has just painted an optimistic picture of them.
          And even then, I wouldn’t care. Why force or shame people to be ‘great’? If they want to be, they will be. If not, then not. What’s it anyone’s business? As long as they work to earn their money instead of murdering people to make a living, hell, who cares.
          This whole ‘greatness’ thing in itself is kinda narcissistic. Yeah, I mean, you want the people around you to have some basic decency (although that may depend on one’s standards). For example, I personally despise politeness and streamlined gestures and cultural norms (like clothing and shit).
          I mean, I can, in some distant part of my heart, feel the ‘greatness’ when I see a speech by Trump or something. But it’s just a feeling. It does not mean anything objectively. Objectively, civilization could vanish overnight and it would matter not. All these puny humans thinking they matter … heh.
          But then, sure, why not allow those feelings. That’s me being a bit arrogant there. Taking the life out of life, right? Why not bask in those glorious moments and deeds. On the other hand, when one gets attached to this stuff, one ends up sacrificing everything ‘normal’ for some ‘greater good’ and fighting pointless wars etc.
          In fact, if some random person on the internet can evoke feelings of greatness … oh well, why not. Much less harm done.
          Actually, I even kinda enjoy the opposite. Take Bukowski’s work for example. Sure, he is not a great man by any standard. But that’s not what he is selling. He is selling ‘realness’. I love that aspect of life as much as the ‘greatness’.
          I guess there’s many perspectives to everything.

        5. my idea on shaming is for the need of civilized standards (today they are used against us) hence these role models. Although I agree on Trump’s greatness, although because he faces successfully odds that no one else did before him after the 60’s shift. Bukowski? Nah, no that much he faces just criticism not real danger. Also Trump has managed to become quite the Patriarch, his family supports him through all this and they do not appear for spoilt rich brats for a man who has married three times this shows some character.
          Unlike you I am not that much nihilistic, not that I find thre is something bad with it, except for po nihilism which is glorification of materialism. For greatness to be achieved a man needs to do something that remains, fight against impossible odds stay true to one’s conviction and that while understanding the spirit of the age (zeitgeist). Needless to say greatness is taken most of the time post mortem (Leonidas, his 300 and 400 Thespeans that refused to retreat from the Thermopylae, which translates to hot gates)

        6. Heh. I didn’t mean to say there was anything great about Bukowski. Just that I like the fact that people like him have a voice and I get to read his perspective.
          Nothing else to add. You are a very fair and good conversation partner, sir.

        7. Oh, I don’t know. I want my mind to be small and flexible, so the best conversations are those that clear it up. Heh. Just fucking with ya. Yea, as I said it was a good conversation. 🙂

        8. One could argue whether or not we should worship or venerate other men. But the evidence is, there is a natural tendency to raise up men and value them. In a land like the US where we lack good role models and leaders, people idolize athletes, Kardashians, porn stars, rappers, and sluts.
          Therefore, there seems to be great rationale for having good, virtuous, strong, positive role models. If it is human nature to find something to celebrate, then we should celebrate the virtuous and the sacred.

    2. “Trashy fame-seeking narcissism in a new format, and nothing more. There’s an explosion of this stuff with the YouTube Selfie mindset enabling it all. Globe-trotting in a bikini with a camera crew, she reminds me of those staged “huntress” bimbos who have to pose in makeup-laden glamor shots with dead giraffes.”
      Excellent points made good sir!

  2. Wow, this really was written by a mangina who was offended that a 7/10 (from what I can see), has decided to take some photos in an area he thinks belongs to him.
    Yes she’s a typical 2016 woman who likes getting half naked to get likes, who cares? You wrote this article then at the end put a photo of yourself in a similar situation to her.
    I got bored halfway through, too many flaws in your argument to carry on. Gave up after you compared what she did to going to Hawaii and skateboarding around graves. It’s not the same thing, firstly, the catacombs are not seen as a traditional grave, more of a historic landmark like the pyramids or Stonehenge (which if you take a surfboard with you, nobody would care). Secondly, people in Hawaii who attack the person with their skateboard? No shit, they might know someone there. Do you know someone in the catacombs? That why your panties in a twist?
    I never comment on ROK, I don’t feel the need to as most content is great. But you sir, gave me cancer.
    Edit: glanced over again briefly. It really does come across that you are jealous, seems like you wantedd the publicity for being a real “catophile”, rather than the woman who was smart enough to realise that showing a bit of bum probably pays for her adventures.

    1. The sheer inch-deep contrivance of it all doesn’t dawn on you?
      Speaking of contrived — maybe leave the up-voting of your posts to others, J.

      1. I’m not even going to pretend I have a clue what you’re talking about.
        As for the up vote, I’m on my phone and must have touched it by mistake. I have corrected it now.

        1. She arrived to immediately exploit the place for shallow social gains, and it looks like she’s angling to make money off this media persona of hers. The author, a genuine local, seems to have a much deeper connection. That’s what I’m talking about.

    2. Haha, you both have some points. I mean, who cares? Don’t give her any bandwidth. The reality is Rational Male and RoK likes to troll weak men with ideas that these extreme women are normal. They’re not. They’re extreme. Women fall on a spectrum of this nonsense, naturally.
      This woman is pushing a brand and it sells. I think there are a lot of broke men who are envious that losers fall for this shit. Does it make you mad? Great, learn how to get rich off of it. I did.

    3. I don’t care whether the author was jealous or not. It makes zero impact on whether this girl is acting in a trashy narcissitic way or not. She is. She’s a dumb cunt, and she should be called out for it. We are not here to entertain you, save you from boredom, or meet your emotional needs. We are men discussing ideas and critiquing our culture. Keep your feelings to yourself.

  3. Manhole covers are heavy, even for big construction men to carry on their own. We just removed a couple a few weeks ago. They are no joke. I just don’t see her even attempting to lift one. But she might have enough strength to (hopefully) give the garçons who did do a the heavy lifting a complimentary old fashioned.

    1. Yeah, we need to out the beta schlub who is enabling all of this and taking her ass photos.

      1. Butterfaces are all right once in a while. They make up for their lack of self-esteem due to their fugly mugs by being ferocious fuckminxes in the sack. They know theyre not good looking so they dish out less bullshit and act less entitled. I landed a redhead butterface a couple years ago, 19 years old horny as hell, she had an athletic hardbody, perfect tits and ass, nice lean and gently toned bod, feminine and slender, no tattoos, but kinda beaten with an ugly stick in the face. Beats a tubby/flabby chic with a pretty face. Theres so few women who are in shape anymore, and if I’m only looking for a fuck partner, not someone to promenade around with in public with and show off let alone breed with, then who cares.

        1. Yeah, I feel ya.
          Had this girl whom I used to write letters with. She had a terrible face. I visited her someday and fucked her. When I told others, they were not impressed by her photograph, but damn me if she didn’t have just the kind of body I desired.

        2. Agree. I’ll take butterface all day long over nice face 30 lbs overweight. A girl can’t help butterface. 30lbs overweight tells you something about her character, and it’s not good. 40+ lbs overweight simply cease to exist for me, so I can’t tell you if any of them have butterface or not. I suspect no.

        3. Yup. On the filthy spectrum they are one step above girls who used to be fat but lost weight and one step below girls who had an uncle that fingered them

        4. Shorty please don’t try to figure me out with your intro to bullshit education based on a few online comments. Just take a seat and bask in my awesomeness.

      1. LOL too damned funny Clark.
        Looks like a scene someone might see in the old classic cartoons, like Bugs Bunny or the Flintstones – after a dude wakes up next to something coyote ugly and just runs through a wall. LOL!

        1. And those holes are in the shape of whatever went through. This hole looks like it was made by the kool-aid man.

    1. Christfuckingchrist, another case of a never-got-fat girl thinking she has a “nice body” akin to a person who worked a whole lifetime brandishing theirs. These types of cunts are insufferable in the greatest sense and trivialize why exactly free weights, a boxing ring, wrestling/tatami mats or even concrete streets to simply jog on even exist. They make my goddamn skin scrawl with their unwarranted, self-absorbed 24-hour attention whoremongering!

      1. Oh yeah, she’s Definitely OD’d on The Three Ds that are the death knell for a woman’s looks – drinks, drugs, and dicks.

        1. Sure, yeah, it is ungodly trendy to do now for attention as well so I’m sure it’s also on her track record.

        1. Yeah, only those of us living in the fatpacolypse Murica would see this as young. My first reaction too was “coed body” but she’s just fooling us because we’re so accustomed to seeing overweight bodies. I imagine an Asian guy wouldn’t think she looks young at all.

        2. I had a chance to go on holiday to south east Asia recently to do a kind of top gear style road trip and its embarassing how much better looking and better dressed Asian women are compared to the UK and US. High heels, long legs, long natural hair, short skirts, makeup done well, polite, actually act feminine, shy and generally socially conservative despite the aforementioned short skirts lol etc
          I know I had heard about SEA being good but I didn’t realise how much. (I’m more of a fan of Eastern Europe. There was such a lot of blonde European and western backpackers (just think wannabe instagram girls) but the moment you experience the politeness and general shit test free nature of most Vietnamese women I mean it’s hard to even notice the others.
          Even in terms of hospitality, whether you tip or not, even just going about people will go out of their way to be accommodating. I’m not naive to think that isn’t partially because of western foreigner plus rich, plus taller than everyone else, but it so Goddamn relieving to have proper respect and treatment from women going out and about, even the men are generally super polite. I think it’s because they haven’t been exposed to overblown sex tourism from brits abroad like Thailand and ibiza have. So they’re in that sweet spot of getting tourism but not getting rid of their culture. As sex tourism rises their culture would fall. But have to credit the Vietnamese government on putting strict curbs on sex tourism etc to preserve culture. They love their country and support it the best way they can by protecting it from too negative influences and promoting its uniqueness rather than becoming some diversity goop where everyone tends towards globalised trends. If only the same could be said for the UK.

        3. Yes, all things equal I would far prefer European to an Asian, as I am of European descent (Asian = mostly flat ass, little boob, and very short, and the facial features are different) but I fully concur with your analysis and they have raised themselves several points above western women even if genetically they start out a point or two lower (to me anyway).
          The internal conflict I have is I live in America, so I’m not gonna LTR or wife up (at least not today, I may one day) a girl living in VN. So if I am there I would be really wanting to get the bang with a hot, slim, feminine girl. My sex drive boosts into overtime when I’m around conservative, sexy, attractive, long haired, well dressed, polite, submissive women. Of course, these are much less likely to let you bang them without a relationship. I’m thinking if I pipeline one and talk for a few weeks before arriving, then it would be possible. After all, this is the land of “me love you long tine”

      2. thats the case with most people of northern european and anglo genetics. they look twice their age, especially when they hit 30

        1. She probably has a room reserved for the refugees…all in the name of cultural enrichment…

      1. Yup. I live in the face job capital of the north east. Some of the really good jobs can actually fool you, especially if you are a few scotches in and she is dressed really nice and the lighting is right, but when you look at her hand she you know….this girl that I’m chatting with probably used this every hands to give Abe Lincoln a JO

      2. Not ‘never’. Mostly. If they take collegen suppliments, it makes a big difference and can take a decade off.

        1. It is neither of those. Collegen is what makes the skin tight, and it decreases with age. Taking suppliments, or eating collegen rich foods, like broth with pigs feet stewed in them, slows down aging of skin dramatically, and conversely consuming alcohol and sugar destroys collegen, and speeds up aging of skin (hence alcoholics age so badly).

        2. black don’t crack. they have collegen well into 70s. also fat people often look years younger – in the face. when they lose weight they get gaunt and old.

        1. I was being serious- how else would you find out “top men” are looking into her?

      1. I have to disagree, the Asians themselves came up with the 25 years of age cut off point and from what I’ve seen they were spot-on.

        1. Asians hit their peak at 28. Not saying they’re always their best at 28. Im saying ALL OF THEM are worse when they’re 29. Im referring to thorough breds. You know, the ones born and raised over there.

        2. Asians have a reccessive gene which makes their 18 year old women have flatter asses than 90 year old white women. People with yellow fever as closet peadophiles, as 95% of asian women are as developed as a0 year old white girl.

        3. Asians for Asians, Africans for Africans and Europeans for Europeans. People who race mix are just following jewish programming to hate their own and dilute their genetics and heritage. The jewish model is a mass of mixed people with no history and jewish monoculture as their culture, wh are ruled over by a white jewish cast – stealing out genetics whilst telling us to dilute our own. God knows why anyone would find a stubby little rice picker attractive when compared to European women. It is inherently beta to seek out less attractive from the other side of the planet, when the most attractive are in your own towns.

        4. Alpha decides for himself what kind of woman he finds attractive.
          He doesn’t need your approval of what is alpha and what is not.
          Any men with common sense would rather commit to “a stubby little rice picker” than a white cum dumpster who’s proud to suck an army of anonymous dicks as a symbol of empowerment.
          Wait, maybe that’s just me.
          Oh shit. I’m a pedo.
          Watch for your underage daughters, guys!

        5. An alpha doesn’t pick a yellow miget over a tall blonde. Go to Japan and see what type of non-Japanese go there – autistic omegamen who can’t pull a decent European women, so they then have to make up bullshit excuses that Europes women are fat hardline feminists (when only 5% of them are). If you want to settle for fucking some under developed woman with recessive genes (no ass) that sounds like some weird sqeeky toy when being fucked, fair play to you, but don’t pretend that it is anything other than a weird fetish born out of an inability to pull a quality European woman. You aren’t kidding anyone. I live in a historical city that is full of yellow tourists, they just look like slanty eyed 10 year old girls, hence they have to resort to microskirts to get attention and to make their legs look longer than the miget legs they are. You know there was a French study which got a group of people in a bar, amles and females, and watched basically speed date. The red haired woman got the least amount of attention. The guys were asked why the red haired wasn’t getting their attention and they stated that they thought she was out of their league, so settled for brunettes. There are natural levels, and only a liar would put a yellow miget as a worthy mate in a world with European women. It is inherently beta to go for Asian women. It is like buying a Prius and trying to pass it off as equal to a BMW 3 series – you’re fooling no one. Look, you go for little Asian midgets as you want to feel like a big man, just a pedos fuck kids to feel like big men.

        6. You’re somehow sound like a bitter old obese feminist woman that shame men for their preference.
          So, a man aren’t supposed to be attracted to a woman who doesn’t have big tits and ass? I’ve seen adult women with no tits and ass from all races; Caucasian included –> Taylor Swift. Plus, white girls aging badly due to drinks, drugs, dicks and excessive exposure to sunlight.
          Beside, Asia is not only Japan, y’know?
          I don’t usually use this word, but man, you are racist.

        7. Do you think I care about being called a racist? I’m white and think white women are much much more attractive than yellow midgets. They are taller, better ass, tits, face, more curves (jesus, most Asian women could be boys!). “White owmen age badly because of drink and drugs and dicks”. is that a comprehensive study asshole? My missus doesn’t drink, smoke, do drugs and the carosell and looks 15 yars younger than her age. She makes the Asians in my city look like ugly yellow ladyboys (they might be ladyboys). You are not foolin anyone; men fuck Asians as they have low standards and are scared to take a risk on approaching a European woman. Men with Asian chicks just look like they have dick size issues. Look at the Victoria Secret models, where are the yellow midgets on that level? Take a hike you deluded bitch.

        8. Oh, I love women equally. I bang the whites too. But commit to them? Fuck no.
          Your woman looks 15 years younger? By your own theory, doesn’t that make you a pedo?
          Nice try on pretending to be a man though. You’re just a fat ugly old feminist cat lady that nobody wants to deal with in real life. You are not fooling anyone.

        9. ” It is like buying a Prius and trying to pass it off as equal to a BMW 3 series -”
          What kind of gas mileage does the BMW3 get? Prius gets 50 miles per gallon.

        10. You aren’t banging Euros if you are resorting to yellow women. By definition looking for yellows makes you a bottom feeder, and bottom feeders don’t eat high up the food chain.
          My woman looks 15 years younger that the 34 years of age she is dumbass, not 15 years younger than 20.

        11. Depends what model 3 series, they go from 40 to 85 mpg. But aside from mpg, comfort, ride quality, speed, acceleration, handling, style, features, and ability to retain value for resale, the 3 Series wins hands down.

        12. Are you genuinely retarded? Feminists want men to settle for the lowest kind of women, so they become attractive. Feminism is just a tool for ugly women to sabotage attractive womens potential, knowing attractive women get better quality men/ husbands. It is pure jealousy. I’m encouraging men to not feed from the shittiest source of females and to date their own women who are the most sought after in modelling and acting as they are 100x better looking than yellow midgets. I’m doing the exact opposite of feminists.

        13. You know when you see niggers with fat ugly white girls, or geeks who fuck old women (there are niggers on YT who go into old peoples homes to fuck old old women, they are that pathetic), that is because they are bottom feeders and can’t get a 8+ fertile woman, so they just get a cum dumpster. That is how I look at men with yellow fever. Anyone that dates outside of their race has issues and would rather virtue signal and create a child with an identity crisis than have a healthy family life with a woman of their own kind. I’ve lived in all multicultural hellholes and know the dysfunctional mindset of the bottom dwelling virtue signalling race mixer; people who literally lower their standards (and genetic potential) just to appear like they’re novel. Have some self respect man; you would recognise it if someone was saying “I have a thing for black women”. The natural heirachy is niggers at the bottom, asians in the middle, then latinas, then Northern Europeans at the top. The model agencies don’t lie, nor do your own eyes.

        14. Model agencies are created by women and faggots, for women and faggots. Straight men with healthy level of testosterone would never get involved in that. They look pretty to you? Ssshh.. it’s called MAKE UP. Without it, they look average. I know, mind blown. Look it up.
          Pussy is pussy. The only difference is whether I want to commit with the person attach to it or nah.

        15. Pussy might just be pussy to you, but that is because you are a beta male that accepts low standards. Look at any rich man, and on his arm is a beautiful wife, and they produce beautiful kids who have a natural advantage in life. You are trying to mix heroin addicted catwalk models, who work for lazy faggot fashion designers (its easier to cut clothing for a woman with no hips), with actual models. Newsflash for you: there are attractive women without make up, who have the features to be models. Models aren’t ugly women with make-up, they’re attractive women made more attractive for the camera with make up. That is pretty basic, and if you had been around women you’d know that. You write like you’ve only been with one woman and have no perpective. Go onto a female clothing website and youll see attractive white, female models; if they took off their make up, they’d still be 8+. Essentially you are implying that beauty doesn’t exist, and they are all just females. That is pure beta male excuses to justify the fact that you have low standards. You need to tighten up your logic as you are exposing yourself as a bottom feeder. Do you even consider what you are writing, or are you just being adverserial to deflect from the obvious? You aren’t fooling anyone. Talk about testoserone, whilst going after little yellow girls, what a joke.

        16. “It is pure jealousy.”
          Exactly. It’s Western women’s jealousy over their Asians counterparts.
          You are afraid that someday there would be no white men left for you; simply because they just don’t give a fuck about your endless shit test anymore.
          Maybe Asians start at 3 points lower in SMV compared to western women, but they excel 3 points higher for their femininity, kindness and empathy. Plus, their youthful looks are more likely to last longer.

        17. Why are you such a cuck that you can’t talk man to man, and try to infer that I am a female, just because my logic is water tight and you are losing an argument?
          You are deluded about Asian women; I know Asian women and far from being feminine and empathic, they are insecure and have the temper of a jack russell, or any other small dog which lash out and overcompensate with aggression. Asian women age as bad or good as every other female. If they eat high anti-oxidant foods they’ll age well, if not they’ll age poorly. Individual diets determine that; genetics determines if someone will be tall, which good hips/waist ratio, long legs, a decent rack and a nice face. By your logic, settling for an ugly woman that keeps her ugliness at a youthful stage is somehow preferable to a beautiful woman that ages naturally. You are just arguing shit points for the sake of arguing. I know that you do not look at yellow midgets and consider them as equals to blondes, or any other 8+ European women, nor could you honestly suggest that Asian women have higher empathy when they are infamous for having bad attitudes and short tempers. If you are Asians, then fair enough, you are a little yellow midget that finds your own women attractive, and that is to be commended, but if you aren’t, you are just brazenly lying for all to see, or you have genuinely lost your fucking mind. It is like someone saying “That nigger woman might not be quite as attractive as that Spanish girl, but she has more empathy and femininity” when it is obvious to everyone that it is untrue and that the nigger is wholey inferior in every respect. Be honest. Why lie??

      2. Get a woman that doesn’t drink alcohol and you’re fine mate. My missus is 35 and looks 18, doesn’t touch alcohol, smoke, eat sugar or dairy. Clean living is the key to youth.

        1. for white people the sun is the killer. in florida and southern cal, texas, etc, white people in their 30s look in their 50s. and 55 year old whites look 78

        2. The sun is a killer if they sit in the sun all day drinking alcohol and destroying their vitamin c levels, which protects the skin. Whites also got brainwashed to use sunscreen, which filtered/ blocked the less harmfull UVB rays, and allowed the more damaging UVA rays; if it was a plot by Rockefeller cancer industries, they couldn’t have come up with a better way of giving skin cancer to people.

        3. the ones who sit in the sun tanning all day without sunscreen look 117 at 45. the ones who live a healthy life getting healthy amounts of sun as they go about their days look 68 at 42.
          most white people age horribly, at least here in the usa. im not talking about junk food eaters and smokers either. i know plenty of super healthy yoga babes (and fit bros) with knockout bodies and skin that looks twice their age. and they do not sun bathe. its the low level of melanin in their skin.

    2. With a face like that, she can stay in the Catacombs. Forever. Maybe the worms will appreciate her better or whatever lives down there.

    3. Look on youtube and there are a few channels that do transvestigations, and I’m pretty sure that they would transvestigate that photo and show that she is actually a He.

      1. I was going to get in the requisite “call her a tranny because I don’t like her” post, but you beat me to it.

  4. This is what happens when people have lost compeletely their sense of respect. The dead, God, the family, art, religion, science and truth are the first to suffer. Respect’s base in the person is taken by his self-respect, or dignity, people without that can have no standard in their life. These people may have a culture but never civilization.

    1. In the quest for equality and freedom, the West has pulled down the sacred and hallowed, and wonders why the culture has got to the gutter.
      If I hear “culturally-relevant” in relation to the Christian Church one more time, I may pull a St. Nicholas.

    2. To reply to your comment about not understanding the second paragraph (which was removed for some reason) of my comment:
      ‘Culturally relevant’ is a trend in the Christian Church to make
      Christianity more appealing to the masses. In doing so, they tend to
      water down the truth or make the sacred profane.
      St. Nicholas (according to legend) punched a heretic at the Council of Nicene.

      1. I removed the comment because I felt my tone was bad.
        Thank you for the story on Nicholas, I did not know that, the churches should remember their roots better, especially during these dark times.
        Here in Greece, this story is not told at all for some reason… He is also quite popular…

  5. “Choose Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and hope that someone, somewhere cares”
    This reminded me of the sequel, of one of my cult movies: Trainspotting. We have a generation of narcissistic pricks, that cant live without a “like” or without a follower on some stupid social media. This women is a part of that waist land. And i do not even want to talk about the Indiana Jones comparisons…Jesus!

        1. Showtime’s softcore porn features some truly ugly bitches…she’d be an 8 in their lineup. I think it’s part of the push to make guys think ugly women, and fat women, are attractive.

        2. Jesus. In times of the internet, who would watch something like that?
          I guess she could do fine in an old 8mm porn movie transferred to VHS, then copied to another VHS and then transmitted through a TV station and received with a 10″ satellite dish in the rural countryside.

        3. Yeah, so long as the TV features a dimmer switch so you can make the screen entirely black…

        4. Er, um…gosh I have no clue. I need to make sure I’m PC at all times…suggestions are welcomed.

    1. Serious question, do you actually make the bulk of these yourself, or are you just a master of finding things from the underbelly of the interwebz?

  6. Well … who cares.
    So some bitch in a bikini went under the surface for a few hours, took some pictures and then left, never to come back again.
    I may find this a bit silly and annoying, but it’s hardly a catastrophe.
    As for the bones … meh. They should give them to dogs. You know, recycling and shit.

  7. So, the French filled these catacombs with bones exhumed from other resting places in order to give Paris “room to grow.” Sounds like the usual French attitude towards humanity, especially the common man. Highly symbolic of the soulless French elite and their attitude towards the sanctity of, well, anything but their own narcissism.

    1. The bones were unearthed and carried to a deeper underground at night during ceremonies with torches and priests chanting prayers for the dead. These remnants were scrupulously respected when their “home” was changed. Before the change took place, a lot of lively Parisians suffered from the toxic gases of overcrowded cemeteries, so, it was basically unavoidable.

  8. I think this is one of those bullshit, intelligence-agency, totally made-up stories. The magazines that have run pieces on her – Time and HuffPo – are both known to be CIA-controlled. And she allegedly went “150 meters below the ground”; as the author pointed out, the catacombs don’t run that deep. And if an Average Joe tried doing this, he’d be arrested or stoned to death by locals. I think these are simply staged photos of her, which were taken somewhere else, and she’s just a cardboard cutout, wholly invented in the basement at Langley (her bio, most especially), and sold to malleable women, to further the “Empowered Nomadic Female” psyop, which will lower the population of dimwitted mud sharks, after they embrace it and get raped and murdered by unruly hordes of dark-skinned religious zealots. But that’s just a hunch…a hunch that I’d say has about a 90% chance of being accurate.

    1. You know … what does it actually mean when we say ‘xx % chance’?
      And good points. Those details are so blatantly false that you would think that nobody would come up with them unless they really didn’t know better.

      1. I like to quantify things sometimes. It’s meaningless in this case, because we’ll never know. That being said, the whole thing just doesn’t make sense. It appears to be made-up. So it probably is. They do this kind of shit all the time. Whoosh, right over people’s heads…effective stuff. Just make it up and sell it via the media and most people will blindly believe it’s real. (Like, Hillary is 2 points ahead of Trump – wink, wink.)

        1. But what does ‘probably’ mean? It either is or it isn’t. It’s not some kind of Schroedinger’s cat. And even Schroedinger’s cat is not ‘probably alive’ or ‘probably dead’. What does ‘probably’ just really mean? As if us saying something is probable was making any concrete statement reflecting something in reality while it doesn’t.
          On the other hand, saying something is ‘possible’, that’s much more logical. That is us acknowledging that there are various ways of filling in the blanks, the missing variables. Acknowledging that we just don’t know.
          But what the hell does ‘probable’ mean?

        2. It’s definite, not probable, in this case. But I try to coax closed minds into being open, by using the world probable. You can’t get somebody to open their minds a crack, by saying “definite”. If their minds are closed, they won’t budge. And you…why, you-you-you…you are just naturally contrary, Mr. Gemini. Heh. And there is no doubt about that one, that’s definite, too (wink)…

        3. Why is virtually 100% of the news made up…for purposes of mind-control. I’d say that’s definite, but I want to use the world probable here, just to provide a slim chance that some people might actually stop and think about it. They even lie about the weather (reported high temperatures). In the end, I don’t really care, because I make a lot of money off of people’s ignorance. But I have a good heart, so I sometimes try to leave a trail of bread crumbs for people who might have a shot at waking up. Somebody did that for me once (and I still hate them, and love them, for it – heh).

        4. There are no answers, only questions. Until you know things directly. I think I mentioned this before. And that will wreak havoc on a Gemini’s brain, no doubt about it. Definitely. Not probably.

    2. A lot of these female magazines are owned or partially owned above the level of the CIA; the royal family owns a lot of media, and their family are big into public / media relations. The british royals are are all now kikes, as are most of Europes royalty, hence they have non-stop worship of the ‘goddess transvestite’ Kate Middleton (a Goldsmith/ kike) in their womens magazines. When you see those womens magazines, its nearly all royal worship, and women lap it up with their fantasies of being part of a royal/ elite hareem.

      1. The decadence knows no limits among royal families. They needed to be “violently replaced” like they used to be in the early beginings of the Dark Ages.

    3. Yeah, I think most of these types of fake adventure chick would be rather terrified of climbing over dead bones, probably snapping a few of them in the process. And they don’t even look particularly full of cobwebs or debris.

  9. Another female with a “Hey World look at my ass” attention whoring complex.
    And I’m too put off by the fact that she is surfing in a sewer – hardly a sexy context for me.

  10. Good god, you call that a ‘girl’? Where I come from, that’s a middle-aged woman.

  11. Adieu aux catacombes ! The anglo-saxon backpacker culture has gotten there! Be ready to find hundreds of noisy amerisluts invading that space (and getting lost, or “raped” which will lead women-dominated local authorities to punish the men who were peacefully exploring them.)

  12. Another talent-less bitch with an inflated ego fueled by self-entitled delusions of grandeur. A very competent dissection of yet another western female narcissist.

      1. No, he shows up from time to time to sneer at us from the Hillary Campaign HQ. He’s another sneering, whining Leftist.

  13. Took some effort to get through that one. I wont go into every detail about what I found wrong with this article except to say those last two paragraphs and picture pretty much say it all.

  14. – Strikes me as another Paris Hiltonish, room temperature IQ, narcissistic, “look at me” vapid twat.

  15. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!! WHY IS THERE SO MUCH GAY-PORN HERE AT THIS ARTICLE? ROOSH WHERE ARE YOU? GET OUT HERE AND STOP THIS CRAP NOW!!!!!!! Oh and this woman is a complete jerk! The Gendarmine should arrest her and deport her..

      1. Thank you! I thought I was about to lose my mind! Quick get me some vintage porn from the sixties and seventies before the cooties attack me!!!

  16. the possibilities of physical love are often not as interesting as the narcissistic cult of her body, or as being seen with as many or as few clothes as possible”
    this is just a beautiful quote, it applies to 95% of instawhores, snapsluts and facebookinistas

    1. It’s something I long ago suspected and noticed with egotistical women who happily string men along to get the resources they want.
      Good to see an actual quote confirming it.

  17. Some questions and observations
    1) How does going into the catacombs qualify one as an adventurer. If you can pay a few bucks and go with a tourist group you aren’t exactly Edmund Hilary over here
    2) I had a similar experience watching NY change but I feel it was even more extreme in Paris. There was always the fashionable areas on the left bank and the wealthy areas on the right bank but compared to when I was there in the 90’s Paris really doesn’t seem to have become a shopping mall. It is essentially turning into Dubai
    3) awww don’t be so hard on us bobo guys.

    1. The official Catacombs are a museum you can visit at the price of a long queue. The “real,” i.e. non-official and forbidden to the layman, Catacombs, are quite different. The former have been part re-made to accommodate the tourists, the latter are more wild and much less easy to walk in.

    1. Sometimes, I become really solipsistic about our times. This must be a dream.
      For God’s sake, I’ve done 10^8 more daring things than this and I’m not an Indiana Jones, I’m a curious, active person, who doesn’t care about social networking…
      If my french associates “let” me, I’m definitely going to spend a few months in NYC. Paris is full of crazy people.

      1. Awesome hit me up
        For what it is worth, putting your dick into that bird is much more dangerous than any of her adventures for sure

      2. I once rode my bicycle on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, that was much more dangerous that what this chick did

  18. Spoiled, rich, overgrown child treads on human bones, while here I am trying not to disrupt deer trails and bedding spots while I gather apples. Priorities…

  19. Well, when life hands you lemons in the brains department, you make bad lemonade. I hope they prohibit this kind of activity in the catacombs from here out. I visited them in 1971 and it was a somber and sobering experience for me, but I didn’t bring my surfboard.

  20. Disgusting bird. It’s really sick how the consumerist culture that lets people make money off of simply having people “follow” them enables this kind of degeneracy.

    1. Not sure how this has anything to do with consumerism as an economic theory?

      1. She’s doing this because it benefits her in some way. I saw a 60 minutes episode maybe 3 weeks ago, it was all about these people who have huge followings on social media like twitter, snapchat, vine, etc. They do stunts like this to attract more followers with the hopes that they will profit off it. They showed some guy who makes silly videos and Dunkin Donuts supposedly paid him 6 figures to record a commercial for them. I don’t know how people like Kim Kardashian get paid (other than her tv show) but they do. This girl is likely somehow getting money, either directly or indirectly for doing stunts like this.

  21. The Daily Mail can get annoying to read because of all the pictures of semi attractive women 6’s and 7’s they put in their stories to catch readers attention. What does a 20 year old woman putting a sugar cube in her mouth have to do with diabetes?

  22. Why do some many articles on this site use the Daily Mail as a source? That’s pretty lame. It’s assuming that most of the readers on here are avid readers of the Daily Mail and/or consider it a reliable source. Surely you think better of your readers than that, right?

  23. The french has lost their mind for allowing her into catacomb in the first place. But then again, after seeing Paris full of African migrants, you just have to wonder about the french sanity.

  24. We build something trying to create structure and they do their best to disrupt it JUST because.
    That’s the scary part about all this. JUST BECAUSE. Its not called “Mother Nature” for no reason.
    No real point other than JUST to do it. Its why its a waste to argue with a woman. They are only it in JUST to do it. There is no real completion to it. There is no real ending they are out to seek. They are in it JUST to be in it.
    She could probably care less about the history that, that place represented. She seen a chance to cause waves and we all fell for it.
    Attention, just as pills is not the only legal and dangerous drug out there.

  25. I agree this woman is a twat, but these cataphile people are also coming across as a bunch of preening douchers. Its like you want people to know about it so you can demonstrate how cool you are, but you don’t want too many people to know for fear it will loose its coolness. These guys need their asses beat.

  26. In the catacombs with no clothes on full of bones of the dead…thats disgusting whether male or female

  27. She still has a decent body, but with that snagged-toothed face she is clearly in the process of hitting the wall. She also has crazy girl eyes.
    As for the Turkey bitch, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. A bitch from my high school was trying to save the world in Costa Rica a few years ago. Same thing. Raped and murdered, nude body found in the brush.

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