6 Reasons Why You’re Not Happy

Happiness: it’s what we all want as human beings no matter the differences in where we seek them. We are motivated to do things to be happy and we avoid things that may detract from it. Even those who claim that they don’t care about happiness or that they’re living for a higher purpose is doing what they do because it makes them happy. In that way, happiness is beyond a state of feeling; it is a state of being.

Now, although you don’t want to be obsessive about happiness and make your life revolve around attaining it, there are few things you can do to live a more fulfilling life and improve the quality of your being. And as it’s often the case with self-improvement, I believe that addressing the bad habits will lead to a healthier life than trying to gain the positives.

Here are some ways you may be sabotaging your own happiness.

1. You are chasing it

“I’ll be happy once I finally…”

The more you chase happiness, the less you have of it. And not only are people today chasing happiness, they’re chasing all the wrong things in hopes that it will bring them everlasting joy. Money, women, and status may elevate your life, but they can’t be the source of happiness alone. They will especially fail as being compensation for some void in your life that you’re trying to fill.

Also, know that your mood will naturally fluctuate over time. Constantly obsessing over how you feel and getting stressed over your emotional state will not help you. So, rather than jumping from one thing to another in hopes that it will boost your mood or dull your pain, focus on things that matter to you. It’s far better to work on self-improvement and enhancing the overall quality of your life than be wavered by feelings.

2. You don’t have the basics taken care of

Good sleep is extremely underrated in our busy society. It affects your mood, testosterone level, mental capacity, and more. Prioritize sleep as much as you do with healthy diet and working out.

It’s often the basics that are overlooked. Ask yourself: Are you sleeping well (it’s harder to tell than you think)? Are you eating healthy? Are you keeping yourself fit? Are you getting enough sunlight? Do you ever take the time to connect with nature? Do you have a stable life? Do you have a purpose or a meaning? I doubt most people have all of these basic needs checked off. But I’m willing to bet that an improvement in even one area will significantly improve a person’s mood and well being.

3. You concern yourself with things you can’t control

“No! Something bad is happening in the world and I can’t do jack shit about it! Time to complain about it on the internet.”

The more you sweat over issues which you can take no practical action over, the more helpless you feel and the more unhappy you will be. Of course, being able to tell the difference between what you can control and what you can’t is an art in itself that you need to master through experience. One thing I’m personally doing to lower stress is to reduce my news consumption and be less concerned with events around the world that are irrelevant to my personal life. I’ll read enough to get a general awareness of what’s happening around the world, but I refuse to be emotionally invested in things I have no control over.

4. You lack intimacy and deep human connection

If you don’t have any friends to be vulnerable with, you didn’t have any to begin with.

I would argue that this is one of the biggest, if not the biggest factor in causing anxiety, depression, and general unhappiness in the modern world. Humans are social creatures and we need to bond with others. And beyond simply spending time with people to chat and drink, deeper connection needs to be made with people. The quality matters much more than the quantity.

In today’s society—especially in North America—it seems people have all become superficial and afraid of intimacy whether it be for friendship or romance. Without opening up your true self due to the fear of being rejected or ridiculed, all the relationships you have with others will not be genuine and it will not be fulfilling.

5. You are not living in the present reality

You may be conscious, but are you aware?

If you live in the past or the future, you lose touch with the present reality. That disconnection will cause longing which can only lead to dissatisfaction and loss of joy.

The lure of nostalgia and daydreaming of a better life or an improved world is actually quite insidious because of how intoxicating it is. When your mind drifts to imagining a pleasurable experience or a more exciting life, you are tricked into thinking that the longing is happiness itself, sort of like how mirages work. On the contrary, studies have actually shown that you are actually happier (and more productive) when you focus on what you’re doing right now even if the task is boring. So, stick to the reality and forget about your fantasies. Either make things happen or accept that you’re just wasting your time and energy on wishful thinking.

6. You engage in junk activities

“I’m happy, I’m happy, I’m happy…”

Just as there are junk foods, there are junk activities that may feel pleasurable at the time but dissatisfying and even harmful in the long-run.

Ask yourself: do you really need entertainment? I’ve squandered my youth by immersing myself in long hours of digital entertainment day after day. I barely even noticed that I was unhappy the whole time because I was so sedated. And what did I even get out of them? Those were several hours everyday that I could have spent reading, working out, learning new skills, meeting new people, and experiencing the world.

The fact is, giving up on entertainment has no negative impact on your level of happiness. Sure, you might miss them when they’re suddenly gone, but overall, as long as you find more valuable things to do, your life can only get better when you ditch them. Learn to enjoy things that give you value rather than seeking enjoyment in things without value.


Unlike what many people today say, no one deserves happiness; that’s something you’ll have to earn. I’ll go as far as to say that “happiness”—as defined by modern standards—isn’t even necessary and hard to come by for certain individuals. Everyone has their own path towards living life to his unique potential and there is no universal rule that applies to all. So while I haven’t really listed anything specific for the reader to strive towards, I hope I laid out some pitfalls that you can avoid in your journey.

Read More: Why Money And Sex Will Never Make You Happy

249 thoughts on “6 Reasons Why You’re Not Happy”

      1. Really. Where is the anti-clock-touching movement this year? They seem to pop up with some irregularity, but can’t ever reach critical mass.

    1. Makes sense why people in unny climates are always happier and have lower suicide rates than those living in cold places.
      Vit D for the win

  1. I’m enjoying the upbeat articles recently. This is all useful stuff. Places like this are the only place young men can get non blue pill advice.
    Fingers crossed our boy wins on Tuesday and then we can know for the cultural tide has turned. Get everyone you know to vote, Brexit showed the pills are bullshit and the wikileaks confirms it.

    1. How the fuck can you praise the upbeat articles on this website …
      …but then hope “our boy” wins on Tuesday? That asshole has spent over a year attacking, ridiculing, insulting, and gaslighting the American people.
      I’m with you on the usefulness of RoK but will NEVER understand how you and others refuse to acknowledge the nihilism of his campaign.

      1. Unless you directly control how 65 million people are about to vote, I will never understand how you keep going on about Trump as if there was another viable option.

        1. Because he has the worst character in the history of presidential politics. Nobody comes close to the amount of toxic lies he’s spewed. I would vote for a mentally retarded paraplegic first.
          Notice I’m not even mentioning his policies. They don’t matter. It’s his shitty, shitty, shitty, shitty, shitty, shitty character.

        2. Ah well. I don’t want to speak for anyone, but I’d happily guess that’s exactly the way most people here feel about Hillary.

        3. She has impeccable character- she used funds from the foundation to pay for her daughter’s wedding

        4. Something about “long trail of suspiscious dead bodies behind her” just doesn’t inform me of her having good character. And that’s not even to mention her open corruption, her documented hatred of “little people” (average normal people), her indifference to human life and her vile, nasty, arrogant language that the press ensures that they don’t leak onto the airwaves (her horrible mouth and terrible way of treating people would make “grab her by the pussy” sound more like a solemn Latin mass)

        5. She’s a garden-variety lying politician. He’s a pathological liar. He cannot stop lying because he no longer knows that he’s doing it.
          There’s no comparison between the two.
          The fact that Trump voters cannot see this basic fact fills me with rage. As well as most members of my family. FYI I didn’t feel this way towards Romney or McCain. They were decent people.

        6. She’s a garden-variety lying politician. He’s a pathological liar.

          Your ideology blinds you to reason. I’m not a huge Trump fan, but anybody with pulse and ears can tell after ten minutes of her bilge that she’s a sociopath and congenital liar on a scale that a piker like Trump could never hope to reach.

          The fact that Trump voters cannot see this basic fact fills me with rage.

          Perhaps the fault isn’t on their end? When it seems like “everybody” is wrong about something except you, then maybe it’s not “everybody” where the issue lies.
          You may want to re-read the article, specifically the part about getting hyper about things over which you have no control.

        7. haha- I didnt know that! didnt the father in law go to jail for insider trading??

        8. We only just found out. I think it was part of the Podesta email leak.
          DNC Leaks 2 (#DNCLeak2/#DNCLeaks2) is equally damning for the entire campaign. There’s a lot of swamp to drain.

        9. No, I’m right.

          Then you front me two left wing “fact check” organizations.
          Yeah. So anyway, enjoy stewing in your rage, dude. Your politics come first and foremost, I get it.
          Hope your day gets better.

        10. Romney is a self-serving psychopath, not unlike Trump, but at least Trump has a noticeable interest in America.

        11. do you think the TPP is a good thing for Americans? Under this deal, all member countries have equal voting rights- one country has 3% of our GDP. How is this acceptable to you?

        12. Yes, Romney’s supposed “most decent man running” schtick was utter garbage. Not for the reasons the Left dredged up, which were bullcrap, but based on what he’d done in life in the political sphere.

        13. It will. And I’ll be really happy at about 9 pm tomorrow night when this long horrible nightmare of a campaign comes to an end.

        14. He’s a big-mouth, and talks a lot of shit. Despite the medias best efforts, I’m just not convinced of a lack of character.

        15. I’m gonna get drunk and crank out a batch of knuckle-babies no matter who wins, so I’ll be happier than you both!

        16. A bigmouth who talks a lot of shit? That’s someone fit to lead the free world? Last time I checked, that person usually sits at the corner of the bar with a tallboy taking bets on the Cowboys game.

        17. after he lost, he was spotted with a pina colada in his hand at Trader Vic’s

        18. not mutually exclusive. Sometimes, rarely, someone who talks a lot of shit is just fed up and trying to reach people.

        19. Kind of hoping to avoid the knuckle babies tomorrow night. Fingers crossed – lots of drunk college girls up here will need consolation no matter who wins or what local ordinances pass.

        20. The actual character of the Republican candidate doesn’t matter anyway. If HRC wins four years from now they’ll be another “horrible, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic” candidate that just can’t be voted for because it’s “too important”.
          The left will also say something to the effect of “Trump was no picnic but THIS GUY…!!!!!”

        21. Yeah, I know. Seen it every election cycle since I’ve been politically self aware. This year they even rehashed the old 1960’s Barry Goldwater smear of “He’s going to start WW3!!!! OMG!!!!!” I mean a direct fucking lift. It’s so shameless.

      2. IF you don’t support or vote for Trump then you hate the USA.
        That’s all that has to be said about it.

        1. That might be a little harsh….most of Hillary’s supporters love the USA but are simply misinformed and/or don’t see what form such ‘love’ should take.

        2. Hillary wants to import tons of 3rd world minorities into America. You can’t really say she loves America when she wants to drastically change its demographics. Importing refugees is going to damage the US. Or would you call that tough love?

        3. I said “her supporters”, not “her”
          I suspect sinister motive in her. Too many people don’t see it.

        4. I don’t care. Sometimes you have to call a spade a spade.
          Anyone who wants to can find out just how outright evil Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife is.

        5. You’re bitching about Trump in your previous post and then you want to play the “respect” card?
          Typical USA-hating leftist.

        6. Oh, they see it. They just tamp it down in practiced doublethink and don’t acknowledge it. We’re dealing with dogmatic people here bem. If reality goes against the priest of your dogma, then reality is wrong, period, full stop. They have no other way of processing obvious contradictions than this.

        7. Normally, you wouldn’t be worth the response, but maybe you ought to go back and read all 1144 comments on my public Disqus account before you call me a USA hating leftist. Have a great day. P.S. America always was great.

        8. There are many Libertarian who support Gary Johnson and are just as patriot as the die hard Republicans. By your statement, you can also assume that there are MANY Americans who hate their own country huh?

        9. That is typical low binary thinking from you. Just because someone doesn’t support Trump then that makes them America hater? LMAO!!! smh
          You automatically think that anti-trump people are automatic liberals huh?

        10. Yup exactly America was always great. There are reasons why many million immigrants want to come to US so badly.

        11. The problem with Johnson is that he’s not very libertarian at all, outside of the WOD thing and maybe non-interventionalism.

        12. Yes.
          Because you see nothing wrong with Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife being president.

        13. And many of these Libertarian voters, such as Penn Jilette, are swapping their votes for the LP candidate and voting for Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife.

        14. Yeah, Welfare, mostly. We don’t even ask them to prove where they were born. Welfare, free shit, socialist treats by the truckload.
          Hardly something “great”.
          This is ONLY in regard to your “why many millions” comment, and nothing else.

        15. Most of Hillarys supporters are misinformed and love this country? What idiocy is going on inside of your head? Or are you just excusing them because of your pathological altruistic instincts that got us (the west) here to begin with. BITCHES AND SPICS AND DINDUS don’t love this country!!!!! They love to milk it and consume it. They are never going to be true patriots of a constitutional America. NEVER!

        16. It’s the latest phrase for an inner city black person. Mr. Dindu Nuffins. As in “I din do nuffin officer!”

        17. Immigrants also start business in America.
          You ever visit 7 eleven, Dry cleaners, Chinese restaurant, Gas stations and wonder why they are owned by foreigners?

        18. Where do you insinuate that I support Hillary Clinton? Again, typical low binary thinking from you. You want my opinion? To tell with both Trump and Clinton.

        19. Thanks. sorry to involve you in the ramblings of my angry friend here.
          “he really cares – about what I have no idea…”

        20. And I’m fine with those kinds. They are the ones doing the process legally. I’m down with that.
          I’m *not* down with letting in hordes of nearly illiterate in their *own language* scum who come in to suck up socialist services.

        21. “I’m *not* down with letting in hordes of nearly illiterate in their *own language* scum who come in to suck up socialist services.”
          I absolutely agree with you on that.
          On my original comment on America being the great and why it was attractive to immigrants, I was referring to immigrants who come to America to be grateful for opportunity and work hard with traditional values just like in the old days.
          Not the ungrateful welfare recipient, poor me me me me entitled leeches.

        22. You are on the right path about many progs. They only love America if they can milk it and consume it, not to mention exert power by proxy over those they disagree with. A prog, especially an anti-gun type, is like the bully that smashes the sandcastle of the peaceful child. They aren’t happy unless they destroy or take something away from someone else.

        23. Fuck them, they create unfair competition for the local restaurant by charging less for dog and telling you it’s beef

        24. Charging less for dog and telling you it’s beef? Any evidence or personal experience on this?
          Unfair competition? That’s what businesses do.

      3. A trump presidency would be largely ineffectual. But it’s a message that the culture police have lost thier grip.
        Has the UK become a utopia since brexit? Nah.
        But we have sent a message to the elite that they don’t control everything and there are people who aren’t buying what they are selling.
        Will Trump fix everything? Obviously not but when he wins the sjw shills and thier globalist masters will know their time is up.

      4. The nihilism of his campaign? You should look up the definition of nihilism, or at least explain yourself because that sentence hardly makes sense.

    2. I’m feeling unhappy that I lost my job to an East Indian H1b worker with less skills than me. I get unhappy when I see hoards of them in my vicinity and everywhere I go to. Every time I go somewhere new, I see them. Even when I tried to go to Vegas, all of a sudden, I see hoards of them at the Bellagio. They are everywhere thanks to the F1 and H1b program. These are fresh off the boat Indians and it’s disgusting to see them around. I get along with the sikhs and the ones raised here, but these fresh off the boats ones are annoying. It’s given me anxiety. I refuse to work for a tech company anymore that hires an Indian on an H1b. Looking at them has made me stressed what our beloved country is becoming. I can only hope that Trump takes care of them and kicks them out and abolishes the H1b program. But then again, he’s more concerned on illegal immigration and he has cozied up with the PM of India, Modhi. So I’m afraid, nothing is going to be done about H1bs. I guess it’s not in my control and I should not stress. I’m just sad what my country has become. It gives me nightmares.

  2. Fantastic article, completely agree with all of your points.
    One I would add is gratefulness. Thinking of 5 things you are greatful for every day has been a big one for me.

  3. The whole concept of find hapiness in life, live a happy life, etc is, in my opinion, a wrong concept.
    Life is not hapiness or the search of hapiness, and if you measure your life in levels of “hapiness” you will never get enough, and thus you will be forever that man usatisfied with life and what life brings to you…..in other words, you are fucked.
    Life is duty. Life is purpose. Life is mission. You must live a life worth living:
    “Cattle die,
    kinsmen die
    you yourself die;
    I know one thing
    which never dies:
    the judgment of a dead man’s life”

    1. A while back a commenter said something to the effect that “I care more about creating great men than happy men.” He was kind of a nutter who reckoned that it would be better for a man to live in Somalia than the US, but still, I tend to agree with the sentiment.

      1. I think that the US/westernEurope environment is more hostile than Somalia. In Somalia you only have to worry about the basics: food, clean water, and defend yourself from the local savages; in the US/westernEurope you must defend your very existence, your mind, values, and principles against a dictatorship who wants to literally destroy you, your people, your civilization, and your brain.

        1. Actually, I think they’re still more or less in a state of anarchy over there. Regardless, I can’t see myself buying a ticket for Mogadishu anytime soon.

        2. While I think Somalia is not the best example, I do wonder if I would be happier in a poor-ish low 2nd world or high 3rd world nation with feminine women, strong family bonds, and a strong connection with nature. I’ve spent time in dirt floor shacks with the family of girls from these places and they are tightly connected to their families and get so much pleasure out of daily life. Compared to the stress and problems of our modern society.
          Yeah I love my hardwood floors and central air conditioning and video games and Netflix but I feel like I’m missing out on a fundamental part of life that they are experiencing.
          As I told a friend yesterday, if I lived in a more primitive society, I’d probably be married with several kids by now. When traveling, I rarely see a sad father or mother in a big traditional family.

        3. You can get the same net effect moving out into the nearly deserted rural areas of America, which are basically all rural areas. You get the best of all worlds. Down to earth traditional people without having to wake up every night sweating and covered in mosquitoes and spiders.

        4. GOJ,
          As the resident ROK hicks, I feel compelled to add to this comment and say, “absolutely”. Get the fuck out of the cities and there’s an entirely different America. Sure, there’s TV there so the women still need some training, but, it’s NOTHING like dating or trying to bang a city girl. If you want to up the notch count, stay in the city, that’s what it’s there for. If you want a wife/kids and a “traditional” life, get the fuck away for the liberal hellholes that are most city environments. You don’t need to move 400 miles from a highway in Montana. Simply 1-3 hours out of any major city and you’re in a whole different atmosphere. You’ll find people are friendly, women are feminine and the values are totally opposite most of the women you know from city life.
          And, as a bonus, men are far more valued in the country. Their skills are the skills that matter out there, working on gear, figuring things around the property out, imagining how to transform the land into whatever you want. And there’s not a “service” for everything, so women really struggle there without a strong man by their side. Sure, you can call AAA to change a tire, but they might not be there for a few days. Driveway needs to be plowed? Better get on the fucking tractor and plow it, no city services coming by to bail out princess.

        5. I was out at my farm chainsawing what seemed like a large army of arboreal invaders on my property. Spent all day doing it. Around 4 the farm family who leases my arable land at a per acre rate came in to harvest. Four of them, combines, semi-truck, other machinery. Worked like a well oiled machine in hooking things up and transferring between vehicles. End of their time one of them said that he’s swing by and give me a hand stacking the wood if I needed the help. He’d just spent all day working, but offered without even a hint from me, to help me with my own task like it was just “the right thing to do”. I declined of course. We were all covered in corn husk flakes and corn dust and ready to call it a day.
          Went from there to Rural King (a store that basically sells everything) and looked around at ATV prices, then headed home. The whole time out there I saw at most three cars on the stretch of road my farm is on (excepting the guys who came to harvest). By the time I got back to my neighborhood out in the burbs and turned onto the main drag back to my place it was bumper to bumper traffic. This was at most a 40 minute separation in distance. Two utterly alien worlds.

  4. Precious article, with valuable recommendations.
    Happiness is, as metioned, something deeply personal. In that sense, things like “intimacy and deep human connection” are both lived in varying ways and differently valued by each person, and at each moment of our lives (think of children, who need teachers for basic skills, teens who need role models, and adults who need “moderators” for their reactions -> these are interactions from different spheres, but not necessarily exclusive).
    Interesting to notice that many points (1, 3, 5 and 6) revolve around projectional lifestyles (someone living in a virtual time, or a digital reality, or in a dreamt set of goals). Acceptance of reality provides better judgement, and frees resources for pragmatic action. Pragmatic action TRANSFORMS the world around us, and allows satisfaction (maybe even happiness, in the long run).
    Point 2… Well, of course. One can only achieve mental satisfaction after physical comfort is secured (at least, a common man: here enters religion, a great resource, as spiritual comfort can overcome physical pains and weaknesses).

  5. To problem with happiness is that it is usually vaguely defined.
    In our pursuit of happiness what most of us fail to understand is that our mind is an analytical tool that requires well-defined concepts and well-specified goals in order to function properly.
    Now, listen up.
    What we strive for throughout our life is to justify our existence.
    And since our minds haven’t evolved in a way that allows us to answer the infamous “Why do we exist” question, our only purpose should be to make this existence as enjoyable as it is humanly possible.
    Enjoyable is nothing complicated. Enjoyable is finding a way to experience more positive emotions and also manage to control the negative ones.
    Understanding the last sentence is a very critical moment for your life and future development.
    Here are some ways to do that:
    – Embrace monk mode (Article here: http://bit.ly/2frMzGz)
    – Learn game
    – Lift weights
    – Become financially independent (and location if it is possible)
    – Increase your value gradually
    If you internalize the above concepts and make them a practice, you will be happy within the premises of a capitalistic environment.
    If you don’t like capitalism, you can always search for alternative societies throughout the world and practice alternative lifestyles.

    1. Why do we exist? To continue our lineage and the species IMO.
      That’s the purpose of life – continue and create life in our image.

      1. Why do we exist?
        To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.

  6. Well, I work on animation and videogames. My job is to feed people, specially young boys, with entertainiment. I know how useless and stupid this can be, but there’s a big part of it that outsiders (I mean, people who are not into this “nerd” world) seem to don’t understand, or they simply don’t know it exist.
    I don’t know if you guys have ever heard of the incident known as GamerGate. If you don’t, you should learn about it. This event opened the minds of millions of boys around the world about the so called “Politically Correct”. Believe it or not, many boys openned their minds to the stupidity of the SJWs, the Left and their agendas because they tried to censor video games.
    What I mean with all this is that, believe it or not, Videogame had become a great tool to open the eyes of young boys to what is happening in their society, what is happening in politics, and even what it means to be a men. In a time where the family structure is cracked, society that encourages selfishness and immorality and demonizes masculinity, It is understandable that young boys starts to seek another forms to express their instincts. In this process, interactive entertainment could fill a hole that in healthier times would be filled by familiar teaching, religion and social interactions. Because video games gathers music, image and literature and even a social experience under an interactive digital experience, it has a great power of teaching young minds, and sometimes even matured ones, and unlike Hollywood, videogames in majority were NOT infected by the liberal morality. In certain countries video games have even began to be seen as a “manly thing”, almost like poker or sports.
    I’m not denying that this stupid nerd world of meaningless entertainment exist, and I’m not trying to say that this can replace social interactions or anything else we consider essential, but there’s an interesting movement occurring among young people. It is an movement that can be very constructive to masculinity in new generations. So I challenge you guys to learn more about the influence of video games in modernity.

    1. First, let me say that I’m biased because video game addiction almost ruined my life and set me back almost ten years. I quit four years ago, but I’m still trying to get my life back and catch up with the rest of the people my age.
      I have to say that the society is in a sad state when video games become the conduit to teaching boys about the world. It’s understandable why kids these days are flocking to video games to escape this insane world, but it’s not acceptable. If they really want to wake up from the Matrix, they should unplug completely and trash the games as I did.

      1. I take you were a hard core gamer. I used to play 4 or 5 hrs a week, what did you- 4 or 5 hrs a day? MMOs like World of Warcraft seemed to be the worst offenders; you could find yourself obsessing about it

      2. Agreed, games are insidious. I work in the IT department at a large corporation in the US. The guys I work with are mostly in their twenties and thirties and single and it’s dawned on me recently that most of them haven’t touched a woman in years in spite of their being highly intelligent and having plenty of money. Indeed, the very concept of chatting up a girl and attempting to get her number fills them with existential dread. Instead, they seem to spend every waking hour when not at work playing some kind of game. It’s sad. I was not “red pilled” when I was a single man, but I kept fit, traveled the world, and experienced many of its women, so it’s hard to watch these guys who should be crushing it waste their lives as incel gamers.

        1. “I was not “red pilled” when I was a single man, but I kept fit, traveled the world, and experienced many of its women”
          That by definition is red pill.

        2. Yes, I stumbled upon some of the truth on my own. That said, if I hadn’t cultivated an interest in fitness (no red pill required for that) and had the luck to be born with good genetics (tall, pleasing bone structure, etc.) I doubt I’d have ever gotten much past first base with women. My game was that bad, and I was very introverted and shy, but I still had girls chase me from time to time and even then, I’d often manage to screw it up. I certainly would not have married my ex even after she had engaged in heavy flirting and possibly more with other guys if I had been truly red pilled, and that would have saved me from wasting what should have been the best years of my life. And let’s not even get started on the leftist political BS I believed back then.

      3. I agree Corey, to make an argument that gaming can be educational is asinine and ignorant

      4. I agree to some extent. The reason that I decided to work with videogames in first place is because I was addicted to it (altough I think the term “addicted” is somewhat exaggerated on my case). But that never stoped me or my friends from stay in shape and date women.
        I agree with you that it’s not acceptable to have any kind of entertainment media as a main conduit to teaching boys about the world.
        But to demonize video games like if they were intrinsically bad is wrong. The fact that most people nowadays become slaves of entertainment doesn’t mean that people don’t need any extent of entertainment. Everything in excess is bad.

        1. Yeah, many older people still link videogames with gaming arcades and pong… amazing.
          It is a relatively new art form, and the possibilities are enormous. I like history, so when a game like Battlefield 1 comes out, even if it is absurdly unrealistic, I still enjoy the scenery, guns, animations, etc…
          Videogames are a bit like alcohol, millions drink every week and never have trouble with it, yet for others it becomes hell.
          You have to watch out for multiplayer videogames, because they are the ones which become really addicting, since you are playing against real people. Thankfully now gaming platforms such as Steam and Origin inform you of your gameplay hours, so you can control how much you are playing.
          I knew about Gamergate. At first I dismissed it as a minor kerfuffle, but later on I come to see how important it really was. My gaming habits are basically about FPSs so I wasn’t directly affected, although it could be just a matter of time. I remember a good piece about the wider implications:
          Finally, to those here skeptical of grown men playing games, take into account that this a new art form, something past generations could simply not conceive. I bet a 50-year-old in 1909 was equally skeptical of the cinema.
          Also, it sort of goes down as you get older, at least for me. I am in my late twenties and still play, but I notice I get pickier and pickier about what I choose. I don’t feel I could complete GTA now, to be honest. I skiped Far Cry despite being in sale because I am too lazy already to go through it all. Simple FPS like aformentioned BF or Insurgency is what I do.
          In my case one of the reasons I have played till this age is the fact that, unlike some of my friends, as a teenager I did not have access to a good gaming PC. So it was something I wanted to experience.
          If videogames weren’t there naturally introverted people would do something comparable, and alone as well. They are not the root cause of isolation in my view.

        2. “Also, it sort of goes down as you get older, at least for me”
          I was the kind of player who played everything, from RPGs to FPSs to Sports and MMOs. I stoped playing a little when I got engaged, and played even less when I started to work on a Game Developer. Unlike most people think, when you start to work on producing videogames you rarely play. When It becomes your job it is no longer as fun as it was before.
          Recently I started to lose interst in some kind of games, specialy western ones.
          When you go older you indeed start to become more and more selective.

      5. You could make the same conclusion about any addiction, be it porn, alcohol, drugs, spending or any other such activity taken to unreasonable excess.

    2. Well played to the gamers for standing up to the social justice types. It’s about time more groups started telling them to fuck off. They are mere parasites who eventually kill the host organism.

  7. Perfect list. I would add using all this to be naturally more aggressive. Men often complain about things they can’t change because they run away from the things they can.

  8. I think happiness is more of a by-product rather than an end goal. For a number of years, I tried the “living for the weekend” mode of operation. Girls are great, tearing it up in the mountains is great, waking up in a neighbors flowerbed with whiskey laden vomit on the side of your head is great, but none of it is really fulfilling.

  9. All in all a damn good article. Happiness, joy, bliss, all seem to be more of an after effect than something to attain. As an example, I don’t gain any particular happiness from writing, fighting, or even gaming women. Don’t even get any real pleasure from communicating for an extended period with friends or family. What brings me joys is hearing a joke I never heard before, handling a fear or experiencing a pleasure I didn’t experience with a new woman, or even an old one. When I write my joy comes from mulling an idea over until it starts to reveal a new idea that makes it all click.
    In some ways it all sounds like completing a mission although that is hardly the case for meeting with family and friends. I think the real joy of a thing comes from taking a plan to the summit of where you thought it would go and having the end be met by something you didn’t plan for, but was even better than where you thinking it could go.

  10. Anyhow, I think happiness is less important than peace. Seems like that is the one thing that all ancient wisdom kinda shares. Christianity, Buddhism, etc. They do not talk about happiness. They talk about serving / being with God (I think they use different words to say this same thing).
    Emotions like happiness come and go. But you can be at peace with yourself no matter how you feel.

    1. Happiness is having a purpose and religions are known to advise people find that happiness by serving the ultimate supreme being.

      1. Hm. But it’s often more of a ‘accept the pain in this life and be rewarded in the afterlife’ kind of thing. I may be wrong of course. But what use is a religion that promises a life without pain? Nobody will believe such a thing … except SJWs maybe.

        1. Our human nature is geared towards creating a world devout of pain, hunger and danger, things which have plagued us from day one. It’s easy to sell a story of a life/society lacking these things especially to those people who have been affected more than the average.
          As for the SJW, he/she finds purpose in pushing against theor perceived injustices. Nature has this thing where it shittests us from time to time to see if we’ve still got the survival instincts and the will to create a better environment for our tribe (immediate connexions). like every young person the SJWS fall for this shit test, but they don’t see the hidden hand which misguides this young spirit in the direction they desire. Hiseen hand being the proffessors, govt, politicians, etc

        2. Doesn’t mean they’re victims but simply playing the victim to get attention and connect with othe ts who are also faking being oppressed.
          Their group ganging up on peoold is simply human nature, but unlike in nature they’ll never receive a hook to the temple to set their mind straight!

  11. Thanks to modern technology, the internet, free ubiquitous porn, and lifelike complex video games made with multimillion dollar budgets, many men can mask their unhappiness. Even if you’re not really unhappy, are you happy? Or are you just soaking up your free time in these unproductive activities?
    To me, life in America is soul-crushing, which is why there are so many problems, and why there is a huge industry concerned with mental health. Get away, get outdoors, travel, interact with feminine women and friendly outgoing men from another culture and experience life as our ancestors did, away from a video screen.

    1. I don’t think people don’t want to be happy either. I worked with a judge whose reply to the standard “how is it going?” question was “living the dream.” I stole that from him and every time I say it the person says “really?” or with some other sort of disbelief.
      You are correct, the internet has given people false unrealistic dreams. It’s too hard today to grasp that a good job, respectful wife, well trained dog, and lots of hobbies and outdoor activities are in fact “the dream.”

      1. And while I agree with you, that is the dream for many men, society has made the dream for women into something ridiculous. The man should have the body of a famous actor, income of a oligarch, wit of a comedian, fuck like a porn star, alpha as a despot and caring a cuddling. Oh, and rich as fuck.
        Most men just want a woman who’s thin, kind, and likes to fuck.
        So, of course, women aren’t living the dream. Their dream involves private jets, a closet full of 2,000 dollar shoes, designer dresses that cost 5K a pop and are worn once. Most men’s “crazy” dream is to buy a Ferrari. 300K, and yes, a hell of a thing to get to, but SO much more achievable than what women dream about. The shoe closet most women are dreaming about costs a lot more than anything you’ve ever considered in your dreams (unless you want a yacht/chopper or jet).
        Reality and expectations are totally off the rails for women. They are for men too, but only because so many women are eating themselves to the point their only use it to make soap, and then watching feminist BS until they are so awful to be around that you’d rather jerk off with a cheese grater.
        Is thin and nice really such a high bar to cross?

        1. Thin and nice?!?!? That’s oppression, you shitlord!
          Women should want a thousand unachievable goals, have highly unrealistic expectations of *everything* including men and never “settle” when there might be something else around the corner that’s “better!” They must Want It All!(tm) And they better damn well want this because this is what the feminist hivemind has dictated must happen! So that they can be “free”!

        2. Shit, should have remembered to put the “trigger warning” into my reply. 😉
          The other thing, the shit that women “dream” about (or “expect”) are almost totally without value. Those shoes you just bought her 2,000 bucks? You’d be lucky to get 500 for them the day after you buy them on Ebay. And a year after, even worn 1-2 times, you be lucky to get 200 dollars. The same thing abounds in high dollar “female” items. Purses that deprecate 90% the second the credit card slip is signed. Dresses that you buy for 1000 and are on sale the next day for 250. It’s fucking insane, and women just don’t seem to realize that they are spending 10-100X the actual “value” of these items for no reason at all.
          The man who buys a 300K Ferrari today will be able to sell it next year for 200-225K. And 10 years from now probably about the same if it’s well maintained. The house you buy yourself today for 100K will likely be worth 200K in 10-15 years. The nice tools you buy today, you could sell next year for just about what you paid for them. There’s razor thin margin in goods marketed to males, and because of that, almost all of it holds it’s value exceptionally well. Also, most things sold to males have a “function”. They actually do something. Most things sold to women are only there to indicate status (peacock) or somehow change the way they feel about themselves.
          The economy would collapse tomorrow if women stopped spending on bullshit. What we’d be left with, however, is a much better and more rational world.

  12. Happiness is chasing the green dragon, you’ll never catch it. Strive for contentment in life. Not everyone can, nor should they, lead a life like Dan Blizerian. Find a good woman, an okay home, and some hobbies that give you a sense of accomplishment. If you are lucky and hardworking, maybe you’ll even find a job that doesn’t drive you bonkers.

  13. Reality + Expectation = Fulfillment (includes winning some and losing some)
    Reality – Expectation = Apathy
    Expectation – Reality = Fantasy (includes hedonists and SJWs)
    ‘Happiness’ is dishonest loser talk.

  14. I like to not have a zero sum day. That means waking up early, lifting, getting projects done at work, getting in time to study for a certification I’m perusing, and learning new skills. Doing things that better myself make me happy. When you’re a lazy fuck doing nothing all day, of course you’re going to feel like shit.
    I recently had a conversation that the pull of chasing women is gone from me now. Sure I still like/do fuck but there is more important things than that. No pussy, job, house or career is going to magically make everything okay. If you don’t have a personal agenda, then you have nothing because you cant get that from anyone else.
    This is core red pill 101 but I’m glad its posted here. Just like your weight training, you don’t do it once then check it off as done. Its something you have to be conscious about.

  15. For those that are overweight…recent studies showed that when obese people lost 10% of their body weight, not only did their health markedly improve, but pretty much so did every other area of their life, including their overall happiness levels and their relationship satisfaction. And the people running the study were stunned by the AMOUNT of the self-reported improvement in the participant’s lives.
    Basically, if a drug did this it would be considered a miracle drug. So for all those reading this who are significantly overweight, make a plan to lose 10% of your body weight and follow through with it. Then reap the rewards!

      1. In the best case scenario, it’s an exhausting experience. They are limited in their movements, including breathing, and you’ll feel the discomfort.
        And then, there is the “happy fatty” addiction, when they’re constantly laughing and ridiculing themselves just to show how happy they (still? regardless of all?) are.
        If there’s a little bit of empathy in you, you’ll be sad for them right away…

        1. Meh, which one? Saint Nicholas?
          Coca Cola’s deliveryman?
          I know you were kidding, but that’s a good question. Aren’t cultural icones a little “polluted” by our gluttonous lifestyles? I wonder how little children imagined Santa before the age of marketing…

  16. I’m actually quite content, and more times than not, that involves a due portion of happiness. Even the bad times, contentment allows me some solace in taking stock of my life and how far I’ve come, as well as what I have left to do. Happiness hooks into contentment, however the opposite is not true, which is where the problem lies. You can be happy in brief spurts but if you’ve not found contentment in your life then that happiness is fleeting and you come out of it feeling empty and cheated and “wanting more!” Happiness that comes from contentment is more enduring and when it passes, as happiness always does, you have just added another small bit to your life that you’re at peace with.

    1. You also come across as a guy who makes his own happiness in spite of whatever the current situation might be.
      That’s encouraging in more ways than you might know.

      1. One part growing up blue collar and not well off, one part Boy Scouts, one part military and one part forcing myself from a young age to not invent reality to cover for my own issues, pretty much was the recipe.

    2. “Happy” comes from the same Latin root as “happen” and “mishap” — all meaning “luck”.

    3. So you’re saying that its better build up your happiness one achievement at a time?
      I had this issue where I felt as if I was missing out on life whilst working towards basic goals like paying off my student loan.

      1. That’s more or less what I was alluding to, yes. Look at every success as a lesson on how to do things right, and look at every failure as a lesson on how to avoid fuck ups in the future. Don’t take any of it personally (except, you know, if somebody tries to murder you, take that really, really personally, heh). The universe doesn’t care about our opinions of it and when shit happens you just learn to deal with it without assigning some kind of cosmic vengeance directed at you personally to those bad events.
        If at the end of the day you’ve either accomplished what you set out to do that morning, or learned a lesson in what prevented you from doing so, and you retire to a roof over your head, a hot meal and pleasant company, then accept it in stride and feel content.

    4. Are you familiar with Teddy Roosevelt’s ‘The Man in the Arena’ quote-
      ” It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
      I think happiness comes from knowing yourself, making your decisions, taking your best shot at your goals and the contentment of not having regrets. Not having been afraid of taking the chance, not suffering from ‘what-ifs’ you’d only had the guts to make the attempt, whatever it was. Ask that girl out or dance, make that career choice, try that hobby…
      Win or lose, I can look in my mirror and like the guy who’s looking back at me with no what-ifs whispering in the background.

      1. Love that quote! I hope DiCaprio still does the movie on him. The most bad ass president of all time!

        1. He was one hell of a man’s man. Unfortunately his politics are part and parcel to what we’ve become today.

        2. That’s for sure. The jackass was screaming for us to enter WWI right from the get-go, practically publicly calling out Wilson as a traitor and coward for not taking us into the war during his first term. Now what the hell did the war have to do within us? Some archduke is shot in Sarajevo, and hundreds of thousands of Americans boys have to die in the mud and trenches?
          Luckily, Teddy lived long enough to pay the price. Once we did enter the war, his beloved son Quentin was killed in action. It pretty much broke Teddy, who died soon after. Live by the sword…
          P.S. The fact that Teddy is Insane McCain’s hero and role model should tell you all you need to know.

  17. At some level, happiness is a choice.
    I think that relates to both point 1 and 5 and echoes GOJ’s notion of having the ability to be content with what you have, what you’re going through now. If you talk to most successful people they’ll quite often talk about the most challenging and difficult times in their lives quite fondly, with a sense of nostalgia. A time when they had purpose, an uncertain future but committed to the now and enjoyed it.
    I’ve been around folks who’ve experienced some horrific things, are disabled but have an admirable joy in their zest for life. They focus on the possible, on the challenges and overcoming them vice dwelling on what can’t be. They enjoy everything about their lives that the do have.
    I find a good motto is rule #32 from Zombieland. “Enjoy the little things”

    1. Right on. That movie had Tallahassee down with the right way of approaching life. Zombie apocalypse happens, he takes it in stride, gets into the ass kicking business (which apparently, was good), jokes around a lot and does not take the reality he is in seriously. Sure he has sadness (his son dying) but he only mentions it a couple of times, both when drinking, but is otherwise a cocky, happy go lucky dude. Has stress relief down to a science. Makes his life goals the fun or silly things (twinkies, go to Bill Murry’s house) and in all ways is just one laid back yet frighteningly competent man in the world he finds himself in.

      1. My kids latched onto Rule #32 as kind of a family motto. When they were down about things their mom was doing during separation/divorce, instead of focusing on the negatives they’d go play with the dogs, play a game, focus on doing a good job on their schoolwork, put on a good movie, write a short story, go look at a flower, work on a craft, bake a treat, go to the pool. The positives.
        The SJWs (Society of the Perpetually Offended) will never be happy because they are always looking for an excuse to be pissed. They choose unhappiness as a way of life, hence third world problems-upset over the tiniest things. They can’t appreciate the big things that are good in their lives, much less the little things.

  18. “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
    if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if
    so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
    I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be
    compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us”. – Romans 8:16-18
    God gave us the desire to build and create, to become more like he is. The beatitudes are a roadmap to find more happiness in life. Even if on the surface it looks like a chore, if you see someone actively working to improve the lives of those around him, you will find a happy man.

  19. Happiness is…
    1/3 genetic
    1/3 circumstances
    1/3 willpower
    You can change 2 of the 3.

    1. Actually, you can change none, but you can start appreciating/using any of those 3 in a completely different fashion any time you want.

    Watch as this herbivore tries meat

    And Michael Moore, now a pragmatic Trump supporter, has classic archives on meat. Notice how rabbits exhibit alpha/beta competition by chewing the balls off competitors

    After meeting this woman, Moore later protested outside PETA headquarters with a donkey, sheep, chickens and gerbils that were wearing signs reading “You’re wasting your lives PETA”. He then made a speech glorifying meat eating.

    1. That gal seemed too healthy to have been a veggie for 22 years, the other clue was “director of casting for the ONION” lol. I’d like to see a video of a feminist who thought she was a lesbian, get laid for the first time in 22 years by some straight cock.
      Micheal Moore in my opinion is not pro anything except making his wallet fatter. The guy comes off to me as a massive attention whore, playing either side to sell his wares.

      1. Haha . . lol . . I like your comparison of screwing a lesbian. There have been a few articles on ROK about gaming a dyke but I doubt an ROK man of principle would have the gumption to really try to nail one just for the sake of nailing one. What reason would one have? Just to ‘go there’ maybe? What reason? Maybe to see if there is indeed a squashing tightness in her unused snatch that you find nowhere else on Earth other than maybe ramming a small rodent in the ass? Okay maybe not that tight and of course I’ve never ever ever thought of such a morose thing (animals that is) until just now and I was only doing a poor analogy. But I’m imagining the look on a mature lesbian woman’s face. A woman who has sworn off dick with all her soul, getting ploughed for the first time. She’s parted her legs finally and YOU the lucky buck (master at game) are trying to jam and weasel your dong into the tightest snatch in perhaps the zipcode. It must be the most awesome psychological victory for the man. A dyke getting dicked for the first time, especially a dyke who has sworn off dick, with her squealing and her virgin tightness must be for the man like a conquistador or explorer discovering a new land. You can surmise what it might be like.
        Well I (MCGOO) once tried such an attempt. It was years back and the girl was a ghetto rat. A nasty fighting bitch but she was the sister of my ex. The dyke was 26 and never been dicked in her life. She had constant dikey gf’s but reportedly didn’t like putting things ‘into’ herself. Not much for monster dildos either. My ex had told me she was a masturbater and hated men. She was the queer sheep of my ex’s family, always hanging out with some submissive girlfriend. She could game chicks herself and quite well but what she did best was starting drama and getting a bitch cat fight going.
        So why would I ever try to or want to fuck her? Well I thought it would turn her off from starting shit with me. She was sent by my ex to get in my face and start a fight, but the poor dyke was sad over her recent break up with some gf, and something told me I had a chance. I could do it. I could get her DTF.
        I had overextended myself already letting them into my house one day so the bitch ex could retrieve the rest of her old belongings. The dyke was there to try to get a fight going so they could call the pigs and have me hogtied and the whole place would be theirs, lease and all.
        I played mr super nice, helping carry shit from the attic and the dyke pulled her shoulder it appeared. No chairs around but a couch to rest in so the dyke sat down to rest. The bitch ex went outside for awhile and then began making out with her bf waiting outside in their moving van. I sit next to the dyke in the couch and for the first time ever that I’ve known the dyke, it crossed my mind that we could be ‘cool’. I talked about cool shit for awhile. Her shoulder was bothering her and I said she had something on the back of her hair, some cobwebs from the attic. I picked at the back of her hair a bit and said there was some black gunk on the back of her neck.
        Now I know that spot on the back of the neck. It is like a sensitive whatchamacallit g-spot on a woman’s body. So I scratched it a bit and she relaxed. I was gaining inches with her. I knew her volatility but I persisted. Keeping it non ‘petting’ or sexual I rubbed the spot for a munite trying to get the ‘black gunk’ off (lol). She wasn’t backing off, no she looked like she was relaxing, getting comfortable with it like the ‘barber shop chill’. So I went on for another muite, picking at her hair and rubbing the nape of her neck like it was a vulva. I was getting swell headed myself, thinking my god, I’m actually working this insatiable brawling dyke. She was so relaxed. I wanted to put my arm around her BUT NO that would be a mistake. She gouges eyes out like a cougar.
        I had an idea. She didn’t neg or resist the gratuitous ‘neck cleaning’ I was doing for her. So I continued rubbing with my left hand as we sat on the couch. I knew she allowed it but she’d squirm and make like she was backing away when the ‘circle rub’ extended outward too far. By then, my ex was getting her ass pumped by her new bf in the fucking van outside but fuck her. The stupid whore. The dyke sister was going to get it and I imagined I’d be pumping her until the ex walked in and I’d continue flacking her sister in front of her until I WAS DONE. Then I’d have the nerve to ask my ex for some tissues to help clean up. That would make my day. But I was only half way there. The dyke wasn’t quite DTF yet.
        So as I rubbed her neck dry with my left hand, I secretly spit into my right hand and got some slimy booger hock from my nose. I sneakily passed the slime wad to my left hand and hit the spot on her neck. Round and round and round and her eyes suddenly looked glazed over and intoxicated. Diddling and and diddling and then pinching her neck with the added ooey gooey greasiness of my hocker, it was like working a pussy. My armpits reeked like a hobo but the pheromones must have thoroughly engulfed her oldfactories by then. She was piss ass dyke drunk off me and I just knew it. So I diddled and diddled onward at the nape of her neck. “Diddle diddle dumpling MCGOO will soon be HUM-PING” . . . or so I thought . . meh.
        She was DTF and I was so certain of it. It was all non verbal by now and I knew her years of rejecting dick had to be ready to explode upon me. I had her practically in my lap. So I reached between her legs. She wore grey sweats, easy to reach in and the dyke sat manspread style always of course.
        I REACHED IN with another blob of boogey slime and her camel toe was soooo smooth. Waxed for some daggy lez gf no doubt. And there it was. YES. Tighter than a motherfucker. I only got one finger in and I knew how I’d play with her a bit, get ‘er loose to handle my dick. She was still not moving though, mesmerized. It was freaky. Dykes are freaky. I tried to reach the labe to diddle. Never got there.
        Out of nowhere she snapped like a snapping turtle in my face and screamed “What the fuck are you doing to me?” She was a man hating dyke. What was I thinking. . or expecting. She threw shit and went berserk. She went waay overboard. Breathing hard she stood up as the bitch ex walked in. A part of her liked it. Loved it. It was coming on and a whole new world was about to unfold for her with MCGOO THE DICK DOCTOR. But she blew it. Stupid lesbian cunt. The two bitch sisters then proceeded to trash the place, screaming and cursing, throwing silverware, clawing and scratching. To be honest MCGOO almost got his ass killed that night. But nope. Here I am. Grinning about it all two decades later. . . heh . . lol. Stupid dyke bitch. Stupid whore ex.

        1. LOL, maybe she came and then went psycho because “man finger”, or she seen her sister returning from the van out of the corner of her eye and put on the show. Regardless, good story man.

  21. That’s nonsense about no entertainment. We all need to unwind, relax, and enjoy ourselves from time-to-time. Just because the author let a video game addiction rule his life for many years, it doesn’t mean we should all deny ourselves entertainment because he says so. Just don’t go overboard with it.

    1. There were alcoholics, that’s why prohibition was a good thing and worked soo well. There are junkies, so all drugs should be illegal don’tchaknow. The government should be the only ones to make money off degenerate gamblers, for their protection! Heavy metal music is the reason those kids killed themselves in the 80’s and violent movies are the reason we have all these scholl shootings! LMFAO

  22. Men lose the will to live. No sense of purpose and no sense of living. No incentive to fight and get up.

      1. A lot of people today think it is Life, Loss of liberty for people I don’t like, and the RIGHT to happiness….at other people’s expense.

        1. agreed…but also “happiness” in this context has more to do with self governance than it does with cumming on a 21 year olds face

        2. It was for quite a long while thought of as “the right to the acquisition, use and disposal of property”. In fact, some state constitutions kept this phrase I believe (I don’t recall which ones). It was not, as you mention, the right to have orgies on the campus commons.

        3. yes. People forget that “happiness” here is actually a responsibility. It is the gratification one gets from being the master of his own world and not the inane joy one might get from a chocolate chip cookie or an orgasm

        4. have you ever read the book of ettiequte that George Washington wrote? We are talking about a bunch of real tight asses. Their concept of “happiness” was pretty much in line with my concept of misery

        5. Actually yes. It’s always important to know when to, and not to, pick food out of one’s teeth.
          It was an entirely different time where there were much higher standards expected of even common men, let alone the meritocracy. Of course you know this, heh. I don’t mind, I always read it in the context of the time it was written in.

        6. Oh yeah. It is the pursuit that often leads to happiness as opposed to happiness being the end goal of pursuit. Of course in this society, people actually believe that happiness is owed to them by the virtue of their very existence, and it should be legislated.

        7. Yeah I believe pursuit is the key word in the phrase. I’m not sure a man is truly ever happy (or at least for very long), content maybe. I know that once I reach a goal, it wears off pretty quick and I need another goal to achieve or I experience a sort of a restless dormancy. I suppose maybe that gives merit to “it’s the journey not the destination” thing.

        8. For once a recent amendment to the constitution (adding a right instead of violating an existing one) worth supporting!

  23. Cut out Porn….. still not cut it out completely, but I’ve drastically reduced it. That and changing my career has given me so much free time! Much more relaxed 🙂

    1. This is one area where I have real conviction. I would suggest 0 porn for men. I honestly believe that looking at porn is as unhealthy as fast food. I challenge any man here who looks at porn to spend 30 porn free days and then be honest about how he feels. I would guarantee you will feel more energetic and confident

      1. I disagree. I think we should all be able to enjoy porn in moderation, if that is our choice. If an individual lets himself succumb to it so that it becomes an addiction, then that is HIS problem.

        1. I have a hard time with this one. I mean, I see the wisdom in what you say. I just feel that porno is a very dangerous road.

        2. So is alcohol. You use the same argument and substitute the word “alcohol”. Should alcohol be banned, too? Do we want to live in a society with more government control, take away choices, and have people be fined and and/or go prison because they looked at some porn?
          This is what they government did when it announced “The War on Drugs”, and we can all see how well that worked out.

        3. I understand your argument, really I do. It is a close call for me. I just am of the opinion that, unlike alcohol, pornography has an agenda that is sneaking into your brain. I won’t condemn someone who believes as you do….I just feel differently.

        4. I actually do agree with you, to an extent. The ease in which we can access porn via the internet has lead to addiction. Gone are the days that snagging a Playboy or a a VHS copy of “Deep Throat” was a rare treat.

        5. correct. It was different. When, say, Drew Barrymore was in Playboy and my buddies all ran out and got one that was one thing. The non stop stream of HD fetish porn is just something I think is dangerous.

        6. Our youth is growing up thinking what they see in porn is NORMAL sexual activity. So enforcing restrictions on those who are under 18 will be advantageous.

        7. You are right. The insidousness of porn is that it is make believe that actually changes your brain (according to experts, check the “Your brain on porn” website). Unlike an action movie where you know everything is unreal, porn does feel as “real”.
          It features absurdly airbrushed models, who as some make-up artist unveiled not so long ago, turned out to be fairly average girls. Yet you come to believe that such faces are real faces, and it can easily lead to less attraction towards real women.
          In fact, one of the few points I might agree with feminists ever is their denunciation of Photoshop in unrealistic magazine covers, because of such negative effects.
          I was a casual porn viewer and quit almost a year ago when I changed computers, since I wanted a clean break and zero chance of viruses. For me porn was basically the mental laziness of not having to dream something up in my mind if I wanted to masturbate, so it was not difficult to quit. I was lucky; from what I heard other people get so hooked on it that they even become impotent.
          Only positive aspect of porn I can think of is learning the basics of sex. I have always wondered how somebody who has seen zero smut or being told anything about sex could know what to do when finally in bed, but our survival as a species kinda renders that irrelevant.

        8. It is funny you should say that. I too was only a casual porn watcher and quite totally a few years ago at first because I got a brand new laptop that I didn’t want infested (surprise surprise, ive not used it to torrent or look at porn and 3 years later runs just as good as the first day I fired it up).
          I agree with everything you say here. Also, I find that the laziness that porn creates takes away from actual sex. Living here in the city I have access to women pretty much 24 hours a day and many, if not most of them are high quality. Between the immense amount of free birth control, general attitude towards sex and relationships and total ease of abortion should contraception fail coupled with the anonymity that comes with a very large city filled with tons of people obtaining actual sex is only marginally harder than watching porn and infinitely better.
          I couldn’t prove it one way or another but I honestly believe that porn will lower energy levels across the board which probably has to do with decreased testosterone

      2. Porn is inherently omega. It’s not even beta. It’s the omega that Watches the “Alpha fucks”. He’s not even paying the “bucks” of the beta. If a man wants to truly step into his Alpha space, he can’t watch porn.

        1. I am not sure what “omega” means but my sense, from the context of what you say, is that you are right.

        2. Omega = Neck beard who will never, ever touch a woman outside of his own mother and maybe sisters. And I mean that only in the platonic sense.

        3. It comes from watching wolf behavior. In the bigger packs, there will often be a runt that is picked on by everyone else in the pack until they are either ran out or killed.
          There is also the gamma – those who hide from anyone. They are the hermits or video gamers. Different than the Omega in that they really don’t care about their social status or women. Very reclusive out of choice.
          And lastly, there is the Sigma – those who are completely outside of normal social structure. They are the MGTOW, they may get women, because they don’t care. Hitchhikers with interesting stories, adventure seekers. My brother would be one of these. He has sworn off women, and is living in a camper, working as a rock climbing guide and photographer.

        4. Girl/girl demolishes your theory just like the one from the bell end above that goes on forever about how tight an old lesbo would be because he never realised old lesbos all own massive dildos the size of horse’s cocks

      3. I’ve gone from almost every day, to every other day, to every 3/4 days. Been using the brainbuddy app. I recommend it, gotta pay for it, but gives me motivation, that and gain impetus to complete the quests, especially when I know if I can hold out an extra day or two I can have great sex with the girlfriend.

    2. Agreed, it helps with the married life. Subconsciously, I used to compare my wife’s libido to what I saw on the small screen and came away disappointed. Not much different than her being disappointed when I am not as classy as James Bond. Stay away, and you will be happier with what you have.

    3. Believe it or not, thinking of porn as something else really helps break that engagement. For example Peter North is well known for his awesome money shots on cute dames. However, not many know his other alias: Matt Ramsey. Knowing that you are spanking it to a dude who let his anus be plowed by other dudes really lends a new perspective.

      1. Though I must admit that I do enjoy the alpha male privilege of spanking it to morgan bailey, as trannies are both strong and sexy.

    4. For anyone that wants to learn about how porn addiction adversely affects the brain and could maybe lead to a population decrease in the future, there is a great podcast on smartdrugsmarts.com titled Porn Addiction and the Brain. I’d post the link but my phone won’t let me or maybe it’s not allowed, I’m not sure.

      1. Watch porn and learn how to fuck properly and you won’t have to worry your pretty little head about how to link junk science because guys will actually prefer to fuck you rather than beat off to porn. Porn just raised the bar for entitled star fish bitches who think they are curing cancer by just laying there spread eagle like a dead body

  24. Great article Corey. Presence and meaningful human connections are something I’ve learned are vital.

    1. thats why im voting trump….he promises free kratom for all, and clinton wants to ban kratom

  25. Everything in moderation, including moderation – Oscar Wilde
    Happiness is an important goal but the placing too much emphasis on it leads to an underperforming life and society. All you have to do is to look at Latin America to see that. Honduras and Guatemala are two of the happiest countries on earth according to happiness surveys. Do you want to live there?
    The moderate life being the key goes back to the ancient Greeks. Recent studies into happiness find that the Stoic and Buddhist philosophy have more in common with the keys to happiness, by acknowledging good and bad just not getting wrapped up in it, than do all the positive thinking or commercial striving philosophies.
    Enjoy the moment and strive to have a well rounded – physically, emotionally, and mentally – life and you will be fine.

  26. I mean yeah..Hillary covered up rape, deleted over 33k emails, let 4 Americans die in Benghazi, lied to the FBI, is connected to cannibalistic occult rituals and spiritual cooking, involved in human trafficking gangs, under FBI Investigation BUT… dont forget that Trump said the bad bad P-word.

  27. “Those were several hours everyday that I could have spent reading, working out, learning new skills, meeting new people, and experiencing the world.”
    I hear this argument all the time…..
    but honestly….meeting new people? have any of you met people? 95% of people are fucking terrible human beings. once you get past the superficial greetings and start figuring out who they really are….they are fucking horrible people. hell being a liberal makes you a horrible person. or they are spineless cowards. or are otherwise worthless…sure its fun to go randomly stay with a stranger for two days….but what if you became friends with this random person? the odds are they would be a drama queen liberal who is not any good to be around.
    so please tell me all about this meeting new people and why its a good thing.
    experiencing the world you say…thats vague at best. video games are part of the world. tv is part of the world. and yellowstone is part of the world. the problem is i can buy say one video game like call of duty or destiny or whatever and be entertained for a very long time….a trip to yellowstone? that costs fucking money. weekend campout? money and time is spent there too not to mention learning how to camp out. it isnt as easy as just going out and experiencing the world. then we have all the PUA articles here about meeting people at bars….yeah i really have no desire to get shitfaced everynight which is more expensive than any video game hobby.
    i mean i’d love to be able to travel around all the time….but thats also not a way to successfully live and earn money which is a requirement to live.
    reading…depends wtf you read honestly. reddit and internet forums….not healthy….50 shades of grey not healthy….MSNBC again not healthy. reading is only good if you dont video game read that is to say, spend 10 hours a day on it and only if you read GOOD stuff and not just any old thing that crosses your path. why are people i know that spend 8 hours a day reading praised, but if i video game for 8 hours, i get called the loser?
    working out and learning new skills….fair point, but you can’t do that 24/7. everyone needs relaxation time.
    so i hear these arguments on these articles all the time….but i really do have to ask….whats so fucking great about meeting new people? we are assholes.

    1. You don’t have to go on large trip or a world-class bender, just appreciate the things that are available to you -besides consuming mindless entertainment. Hell, consume entertainment so long as it makes you think.
      I suppose the point is constant self-improvement. To be the best man you can be, and to do that you need people to bounce your personality off of to see what sticks. Its not that 95% of people are terrible, it is just that they do not think. They believe the world is a bright, okay place where the TV would never lie.
      Yes, get out there and do stuff (preferably with people), but also relax, but not all the time.
      Personally I’m going hermit until my invention is ready for market.

      1. while i completely get the self improvement part….it just seems most of these self improvement tips center around going out with people when 95% of people suck. and i am going to disagree with your assessment:
        “Its not that 95% of people are terrible, it is just that they do not think.”
        it isnt that they don’t think….its when they do think(and by golly some of them really are trying to think) they reach God-awful conclusions. and beyond that they are drama queens. or their thinking is done through a liberal brain so the thinking is awful which reaches awful conclusions which results in people getting angry at everything.
        oh you said LBGT is a sin….WELL YOUR A DAMN RACIST IS WHAT YOU ARE!!!!
        shit like that….its all over the place….it really really is.
        at times i think i am being too cynical….but i am more and more coming to the conclusion that liberals are fucking idiots not worth any of my time, ever. the time it takes to convert a liberal to intelligence, is just to time consuming. binge watching porn is a more productive use of my time.

        1. “thinking is done through a liberal brain”. That doesn’t seem physically possible lol. It’s cute when they try.
          It isn’t your job to save people. You cannot save those who desire damnation. The trick is to find the 5% that don’t suck. They’re out there, somewhere. There are many opportunities out there besides gaming and fapping all day everyday. A constructive hobby and exercise can help to significantly reduce stress. I always feel better after working with my shopsmith or a page of my comic.
          Whenever I’ve had to argue with liberals, I end up sandblasting the poor little soup cracker. Kinda sad, really.
          Hell, why not look into making a video game? Plenty of free game engines and tutorials out there. And when people ask why you’re on your computer all day you can show ’em something nifty. Spent my high school days doing that sort of thing.

  28. Great list.
    You are unhappy because what you are seeking out is something that SOMEONE ELSE told you would make YOU happy.
    YOU have to know how to sort out the bullshit from what is “Good” and “Bad” advice.
    It will be hard at first but, soon your “Bullshit Radar” will be able to detect who is right for you and who is wrong for you.
    And yet still, YOU have to find out what you really want. Yes, chasing a bunch of women may be cool to others but, maybe that’s not what YOU truly seek. YOU and only YOU can answer that question of what YOU want.
    You can read blogs like this until your eyes spill out of your head trying to find the answers. SPOILER ALERT, you won’t. The answers you seek can only be found by the one who is doing the seeking. And even in that regard:
    “What exactly are you seeking?”
    “When you are “It”, you don’t have to find what YOU already have.” Take some time and really sit down to understand what it is YOU want out of life. There is no dress rehearsal for this shit. Your life is happening RIGHT NOW

  29. “You engage in junk activities”
    Like reading this article?
    “You are not living in the present reality”
    What is reality? Learning what reality is, is actually rather depressing.
    “You lack intimacy and deep human connection”
    If you live in reality you will become disconnected with the majority of humans who live in an illusion.

      1. You only grow into nihilism. Everybody is a nihilist right before he dies, even the delusional optimist who thinks he is going to an imaginary place in the sky as a reward for being beta pussy his whole life

  30. I’m unhappy because my people are being subjected to a world-wide, coordinated extermination policy. Genocide’s a real bummer.

  31. Great advice. One thing I’ve noticed in the past few years is a lack of real human relationships and caring in our society, to the point it is almost unlivable. I envy people that have siblings they are close to and old college buddies that they hang out with all the time. Thankfully I’ve got my little family but I feel horrible for some of the isolated people I see in nursing homes and just living on the periphery of society…I fear for millenials on this as the bonds seem to be getting ever weaker; all is going according to plan and we are becoming a bunch of atomized consumers.

  32. I might add that the last 8 years and all the far leftist lunacy and the possibility of never ever again seeing a normal future had quite a effect too. I am sick of fighting these idiots and want to enjoy the moments of life finally once again. Thanks Trump.

  33. Enough is enough, fucking playstation generation. Forget videogames and become an adult once and for all. Every time the desire to play games comes, go fight picking or pussy fucking. (_|_) Assholes.

  34. you can’t be too extreme about video games, movies etc. Common people need a bit of easy time. It is a bit muslim in nature to completely forbid bad habits, and declare certain stuff “haram” .
    About video games, there is a bad and normal way of playing. Companies use cheap phycological techniques to hook players. Also to make a short, without much original content game to appear longer and give the illusion of greater value. Such is high scores, leveling stats, badges, hidden “secrets”, side quests. Side quests, sometimes are original and fine integrated in main story, but I think most commonly they are compulsive like kill a certain number of enemies, fetch some items etc. If someone avoids certain traps, gaming doesn’t take so much time. It is equivalent to a few movies.

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