What Are Other Websites Teaching About Fitness?

We here at Return Of Kings have dedicated ourselves to promoting the interests of masculine men. In our multiple demographic appeal, we discuss fitness, sex, philosophy, science, and many other topics, to the point where I don’t think it is an exaggeration to say that Return Of Kings is one of, if not the best, men’s magazines out there in the world today.

But that raises a question: what is “the establishment” publishing? If we have an iron grip upon the truth, then what is legacy media pushing in their periodicals and publications intended for viewing by a masculine audience?

Being something of a minimalist, I never held a subscription to any of the standard men’s magazines you will find—however, one night while at physical therapy for my foot (and in case anybody is wondering, they estimate that around April or May I’ll be able to get back into the gym and start lifting again), I managed to get my hands on a men’s magazine, more specifically the December 2016 edition of Men’s Journal magazine, which can be deemed, at least tangentially, a fitness magazine, as it was placed along with other magazines such as Men’s Health. And upon reading that magazine, I decided to write up a list that essentially compares and contrasts our content to theirs. And so without further ado:

A Walk Through Men’s Journal, With Related Links 

The front cover of December’s edition advertises two articles that immediately turned my head: One was a list of the “must buy” items of 2016—of course, the very idea of there being any consumer good that one “must buy” immediately rankled me, and this antipathy towards mindless consumerism is a nigh-universal trait amongst masculinist websites.

As if that weren’t enough to raise the ire of the reader, the main cover story was an article on how to be a better husband under the tutelage of…Bill Clinton


Any reader of Return Of Kings already knows how ridiculous citing Bill Clinton as any sort of moral authority is. The byline then goes on to describe how “he told the world that his wife is ‘slaying’ her career and he’s behind her—and that’s what women always say they want.” In other words, the same Narrative we’re force-fed everywhere else, but you wouldn’t expect to see in a magazine ostensibly for masculine men—at the very least, you would expect a men’s magazine to point out that women do not, in fact, like “kitchen bitches”. To top it off, this article was replete with the sort of faux-“edginess” you would see on Jezebel, where the author peppers his language with profanity (far more profanity then I use) in a vain attempt to pretend that he’s something other than a propagator of establishment narratives.

As a side note, that article propagates the “slut or frigid” feminist dogma, and cites Michael Kimmel as an authority on men, Michael Kimmel being a guy that Jack Donovan has thoroughly eviscerated in print.

Despite the fact that the magazine promises advice on exercise and fitness, there was surprisingly little of that—there are plenty of articles about OTHER men doing great physical feats, both in the realms of mainstream sportsball and other, more exotic sports. However there was very little about the reader’s fitness. Indeed, were I of a conspiratorial mindset, I would think that they were promoting the watching of sports as something of a “panem et circenses,” to quote Juvenal. But that would just be ridiculous, right?

Is There Any Good In This Magazine?

For reasons unknown to me, I am something of an optimist, and generally I try to “throw the dog a bone” when it deserves one. And in this case, there were indeed a few worthwhile things that this magazine had to say. More accurately speaking, there were two articles that weren’t complete bullshit.

The first was an article on men’s fashion, which wasn’t half bad considering that the article was a blatant plug for a particular clothing line’s wares. At the very least, the clothes were what one would actually identify as “men’s clothing,” which is more than you can say for most fashion lines these days.

And it was in the last 30 or so pages that there was some actual fitness related writing: to be precise, it was a halfway decent shadowboxing workout for beginners, buried in the middle of a celebrity puff piece about actor Miles Teller’s training for his playing of boxer Vinny Pazienza in an upcoming movie. And seeing as I see nothing wrong with taking inspiration from those men who have transformed their bodies—the key being inspiration, i.e.: following in their example—I will give that article my seal of approval.



In my brief reading of Men’s Journal magazine, I saw that there were a few nuggets of goodness, but overall I wasn’t impressed. Indeed, the magazine really comes off as a “man” version of the Ladies Home Journal, or a slightly “upmarket” version of the dumbed-down “bacon and boobs” masculinity that “The Cathedral” allows us to have. You can get much better articles on general men’s interest, fitness, history, sex, philosophy, and diet—amongst many other topics—for free on websites such as this one you’re currently reading.

Read More: 4 Strategies For Teaching Game To Autistic Men

94 thoughts on “What Are Other Websites Teaching About Fitness?”

  1. I stopped buying newstand magazines years ago. These are just politically correct ragsheets with mundane articles and are in fact just glorified catalogs of advertisements – contentless dreck.
    Today only real information that is far more factual, far more acurrate and more useful to men (provided one does their research on the source) can only be found on the internet. I do agree that ROK is one of the best sites out there, if not the best. But seriously, today newstand magazines have become coffee table items and nothing more.

    1. Soon “Men’s journal” will feature Bruce Jenner on the cover as an ideal example of male strength and beauty

      1. soon, men’s magazines will evolve in tranny magazine.
        Or perhaps does it already exist ?

        1. and if there isn’t a demand our glorious overlords will convince us that there is one

        2. Exactly. I only hope that it’s not too late for men like us to shed light on this emerging depravity.

        1. If he was really brave he would whack the wiener. Every time I see Bruce Transjenner, I think it is Halloween.

        2. He gets to mock the ‘penis envy feminist’ crowd with, “See? You said a woman can have everything? I have… everything. Mwahaha.”

        3. If he was a Real Man, he would jump off a 60 story building wearing a Versace dress and high heals while hacking off his penis. For bonus points he could give us all the finger after he finishes the job, 4 seconds before he hits the ground.
          Flawless victory!

      2. “Soon “Men’s journal” will feature Bruce Jenner”
        Thanks for referring to Bruce Jenner as Bruce Jenner and NOT entertaining the man’s psychosis by referring to him by the moniker he is currently using.

        1. Cait Sith is a guy so I have no problem saying Cait Jenner. If “Caitlin”only was desired, the title I Am Cait should not have been approved
          I respect Matt Kroc enough to call him Janae if he wants. If they go to the trouble of legally changing their names then who cares?

      3. Ya and with side headings like, “6 ways to please her sexually so she will never leave you.”
        And “Dinner dishes fast cleanup tips”

      4. Bruce Jenner proved men can do anything better than women, including winning Woman of the Year.

    2. I stopped buying magazines a Long time ago. Because it is often the same shit inside, year after year, whatever you read, computer magazines (how many times I saw the same covers about, for example, how to build a server on linux or what is the last best graphic card) or men’s magazines (always about the same technological stuff to buy, clothes to wear, exercices to do to gain abs, or the last bitch to admire).
      If one want free unbiased true informations, websites (like rok) are the best source.

      1. Youtube replaced computer magazines for me. You can just find any trick or tutorial on jewtube, I love it, even though it’s turning into one big tool for (((Social Justice))).

        1. I had to switch a 110 outlet for a 220 when I got my new AC last summer. YouTube. I am convinced that with the proper equipment and a good YouTube tutorial I can perform open heart surgery.
          Side note: The ubermensch transcends national identity. Your name is either the funniest bit of irony ever or a little off

        2. Totally doing my front brake calipers soon and saving $300 in labor…
          Youtube has a video for almost any truck repair..

        3. There was that Olympic javelin competitor who learned off yt if I’m not mistaken. Imagine that, normal dude becomes elite jacked world class athlete sitting around watching internet videos all day.

      2. I still enjoy Forbes and the monthly Life Extension is a fountain of info. But I’m old school and always had a few coming in the mail.

    3. “But seriously, today newstand magazines have become coffee table items and nothing more.”
      You can also use them as toilet paper or to start a fire.

    4. In sports, the General Manager of the team can either draft the consensus pick, or look for that diamond in the rough. If the consensus pick is a bust, everyone says, “who could have known?” If he picks the diamond, and it turns out to be coal, he loses his job, because everyone says “he should have known better.” Magazines are no different, preferring to pick middle of the road, peer approved writing that doesn’t change anyone’s life a bit. But alas, it was so popular.

    5. I come to RoK to go straight into the comments because often times, the top commenters give out better advice than even the articles itself.

  2. Men’s Journal is fake content written by middle age overweight white females with receding hairlines who think playing scrabble is good first date idea.

        1. There are nuggets of wisdom to be gleaned from some social sciences before they were institutionalized.
          For example, some of the best research into how robotic humans really are was done by Milton Erickson. He had a habit of fucking with people in small, strange ways and studying how it affected them (e.g. having his secretary take dictation of total gibberish with embedded commands to not have a headache).
          In the process, he formed the basis for modern hypnotic practice, which is essentially just taking advantage of our innate weaknesses as a species.

    1. I don’t know about that. People tend to think of legacies as positive.
      Government media, Big Media, Corporate Media, or even (((media))) would probably have a better impact, depending on the audience.

    2. Anything with the word “legacy” tied to it just means it’s long-time obsolete.

  3. I have nothing against Jimmy Fallon, but that gay cuck face cover made me want to steal one of their copies, tear it into shreds and use the cover as toilet paper to wipe the dhiaretic shit out of my fat hairy ass.
    Jimmy, if you are reading this, I recommend getting a machette, some pcp, and going on an insane killing spree in downtown manhatten during rush hour, its the only way to redeem your honor at this point.

  4. Anything that gets published today has to get a seal of approval from the (((Leftist media overlords))). Yes, internet is the only place where you will find something of value.

  5. Men’s magazines are a waste of money and don’t contain anything that you can’t find for free on the internet or from a decent library. Most of is just advertisement and propaganda.
    There are a few decent special interest magazines out there that contain useful things worth paying for. I’m talking about magazines dedicated to one topic e.g hunting or fishing.

    1. not only it is just advertisement and propaganda, and same topics come regularly year after year. Complete waste of money, indeed

  6. I’ve never be a fan of those, and they became worse and worse with tuime. Fuck that shit.

  7. Ah yes, Michael Kimmel. Probably the single biggest reason why men aren’t getting laid at all.
    Nobody cares about a whiner. Get used to it.

  8. Magazines in general are just a dying form of media. You only get a new issue once a month, most of them cost more than they’re worth, and they’re full of ads. That’s not to say that some of them don’t occasionally have useful articles, but it makes way more sense to get things online instead, where information is readily accessible and generally free.
    And as the author said, a lot of these magazines for “men” are just bullshit, PC nonsense. It really doesn’t need saying that RoK and other mansophere sites are far superior with far more practical information for men in today’s age.

  9. That cover of Men’s Journal with Fallon on it just cured my NY’s eve hangover! Laughing my ass off. Men’s Journal used to be a great mag for us(Outside mag too); it devolved into a pub that rehashed press releases for stuff you buy, stuff that, somehow, would make you into a man. I wouldnt be surprised if the Ed-In-Chief is a woman at this point

      1. What are you implying? A man who came out of the closet late in life like Jann doesnt really know how(or care) to publish a mag which has straight men’s interests at heart 😉

  10. Fallon on the cover definitely ruins any cred for that mag to be about anything “men’s” or “fitness”. On the topic of fitness, if anyone’s looking for some good info check out the site below. Will Brink was a creatine pioneer before it was mainstream and has more scientific based fitness info than you can shake a stick at.

  11. So what do other websites teach about fitness?
    Wasn’t that supposed to be the point of this article?

  12. “The world’s only reliable newspaper” is the caption beneath ‘WEEKLY WORLD NEWS’
    And ain’t it the truth. More ‘reliable’ than the slick MSM rags for sure. When the MSM becomes fully abscent, please periodically buy one of the good old Globe/Enquirer newspapers just to keep it alive. You have to admit it’s the only quality reading left on the stands. They cost about five bucks now but are worth much more than a week’s worth of local newsrag editorial propaganda. I wince at the local newspaper editorial pages these days along with their cherry picked shitlib/fem establishment commenters. Grab an Examiner or WeeklyWorldNews. They’re collectable unlike the MSM fishwrap. You can sit on the pot and read one from cover to cover on unlike the boring fishwrap and they can be read again years later. Keep a stack in each room. It’s not hardback bound literature like the classics, but they’re slightly smaller than standard newspaper, so they do stack nicely. The content never grows old and it beats the hell out of looking at a zombie propaganda rag like USA today.
    Doctor’s offices regularly have a pile of shit propaganda reads laid out on the waiting room table. They get special bulk deals on all the slick propaganda magazines for some reason. Women’s Day, Cosmo, Country Living. It’s all women’s pulp reading brainwash. Nothing red pill ever in the doctor’s office. Cover prices are as high for the throwaway women’s mags as they are for the bigfoot tabloids which are better reading by far. So I’ve mentioned to receptionists whenever I’m in a doctor’s that they need to order the alt media news tabs instead. No one with a fucking brain reads Women’s Day. Not even women. And the scratch off perfume ad cards remind me of douche pail deoderizer and give me a splitting migraine.
    But if I ever came across an old Examiner or Globe in a doctor’s office or waiting room, I’d think seriously about swiping it. I’d skim through the meat of it and get some good chat up fodder for the receptionist. Then if she was a sweetheart, she’d let me keep the mag to read on the road. Some of the covers are hard to find. Real collectables.
    You’d gladly throw a Elle magazine into the wastebasket but you have to admit it would be literally an irresistable temptation to stick this one into your back pocket or at least sweet talk the receptionist into letting you keep it, literally:

    1. I love reception room reading. $aves me tons of money and if I see an article I like I whip out my phone and take a picture of the article to read later or find on the internet. I just don’t need to spend money on airbrush skeletons wearing clothes that I will never fit into, be caught dead in or purchase. And no, that face cream will not make me look 30 years younger.

    2. Those fish-wrap rags were fun A/F to read back in the day. “Star” and “National Enquirer” used to also run hella funny stories (they both pretty much pioneered photoshop) that weren’t celeb gossip. To wit: “My 600 lb Bride is Eating Herself to Death” and “4’10” Woman Marries 7’2″ Boyfriend”.

  13. Magazines are a joke nowadays. I feel bad for the guys working in those sinking ships.
    Women’s magazines are very interesting to understand the female’s psyche though. The key is t understand they will write one thing and act differently. Those magazines can be extremely confusing for young men accidently reading some of their pages.

  14. Men’s Journal, big hit with the limp-wristed USAF officer crowd. Always came across it in cargo aircraft. For guys who discovered pussy at age 28, drink Michelob Ultra, and follow NFL etc. religiously.

  15. Has anyone here ever ‘read’ Oprah’s magazine..i think it’s called O? Before you even get to the table of contents there are 7 pages of ads. In fact, the entire magazine is 90% ads.
    It’s truly bizarre, and says alot about women’s minds and the greed of their holy negress saint.

    1. Women love to rip eachother off. Other examples: fashion, cosmetics, health products, and art.
      Guys, i just re/re my bathroom toilet, and the old one i have encased in glass and labeled ‘le shitter’. Its being displayed at my local art museum. I like you guys so only $14k to the lucky buyer.

    2. Oprah is one scandal away from no longer being a saint. If she slips up on her puppet act, she’s done. That’s no different from any other propped up celebrity bobble head. Her magazine, it’s doubtful she wrote a word of the pulp content, maybe a sweet intro paragraph with her picture. Non profit mags have their mission statement at the front of the publication; save the whales, empower young men, stamp out weeds and so on, but when you open the plastic on an ‘O’ mag, you say ‘Oh nooo’ as a hundred scented ad cards fall out. That’s their mission obviously. To market pulp shit and more shit to impulse spenders. It’s like junk mail that stuffs your mailbox full to the seems. What a waste of good green american trees. I feel sorry for the poor trees now.

      1. Did some digging on Saint Oprah..holy saint guardian of housewives. From a biography:
        “As a teen, Winfrey was a wild child, promiscuous to the point of prostitution, her relatives said.
        The future star would steal from her mother’s purse, pawn her jewelry and even turn tricks. She was eventually sent to live in Nashville with Vernon Winfrey, who was her mother’s former lover and who is listed on her birth certificate as her father. He has been described as the domineering disciplinarian who set her straight.”

        1. Well, I’m here to tell ‘ya she turned lesbo. Has been for some years, and if you didn’t know, now you do.
          A lesbo nig as the idol/role model/most-admired woman of millions of braindead white women.
          We’re finished.

        2. Alot of insipirational role models of the black community are being exposed as typical kneegrow frauds.
          Bill Cosby, Oprah, Tiger Woods, Beyonce, Barry Soetoro, etc. etc.
          Rip Harambe he was honorable.

        3. It’s like something out of “Precious” (That flick about that fat black chick who gets molestified by her dad or something)

    3. That’s almost every magazine on the shelf now, but it’s true mags aimed at women are the worst, being little more that a deluge of ads with some articles that are recycled everything 2-3 months.

  16. I stopped reading them after I came across a section where men can ask questions of two women about anything. Firstly, WTF?!
    Then, one of the letters was from a 3rd woman (bigger WTF) complaining that her boyfriend was threatening to leave her for a younger model in a process she claims he called ‘grooming’ (like he’s a pedophile).
    Both women answering the questions just proceeded to shame any man who wanted to date a younger woman than themselves. Biggest WTF ever.

  17. The internet is great and I can’t live without it. But I kinda miss the good old days when my monthly magazine subscriptions would come in the mail.

  18. From this article:
    I don’t think it is an exaggeration to say that Return Of Kings is one
    of, if not the best, men’s magazines out there in the world today.

    Suggested reading right after the article ends:
    Read More: 4 Strategies For Teaching Game To Autistic Men

  19. The 3 Week Diet is based on medical science, rational thoughts and real-life
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  20. Great article, and in my opinion it’s not the magazine that makes the difference but the content inside of it. There’s plenty of fitness magazines and websites out there that blog/write great articles on fitness. To someone that’s just getting started, these are of great help.
    Leo Castillo
    Azteca Nutrition & Fitness LLC.

  21. I actually edit them in ink so as to leave the next reader enlightened rather than neutered.
    Also that article on monagmy might as well have been written by David futrelle. It’s that disturbingly blue.

  22. Test to see if you are too advanced for This magazine. When you saw “gear lab” did you think “wow, men’s health is going to write an informative article on steroids?”

    1. I know I did. I wanted to see something about Tren and the like not the consumerist horseshit.

  23. Majority of magazines push consumerism and garbage which leaves a man desiring things but no real way to achieve self-improvement. For instance Maxim has nothing but ads for stuff and the pictures of the women are maybe a page and they are not even photographed beautifully. I’m sorry but I can jack off to a thousand ads of cologne or $1,000 watches and I don’t need to know how to accessorize my Lambo.

  24. I love the Mens Health style section. It’s a veritable clinic on how to be a faggot.

  25. ROK has eliminated any need for me to read that ‘be a good white knight mangina, while getting a six pack, after 2 years on a high carb diet with ridiculously inefficient workouts’ journalistic trash. These are not men’s magazines but rather monthly information pamphlets for reminding you where the good boy beta line is, and then how to assimilate into the burgeoning matriarchy. They’ve already got you to buy into mindless western consumerism by getting a few bucks out of your pocket for the magazine in the first place. And so the great fake masculinity swindle goes on…

  26. fitness mags=pictures of steroid using men in speedos,and supplement advertisements.

  27. Men don’t need magazine for some “fitness” tips…
    Just don’t eat too much and lift heavy.
    I don’t think it can be more simple than that.
    Last time I heard endless push ups was free.

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