4 Important Lessons For American Women From Pai Mei

He hates Caucasians, despises Americans, and has nothing but contempt for women. – Bill

I am master Pai Mei. You might remember me from the Quentin Tarantino double film “Kill Bill” which was released in the 2000s. In that film I helped this petulant yellow-haired white woman from the United States become a contract killer. Her time with me was most irritating, like 95% of women who hail from that country, but I was able to make her somewhat agreeable due to months of a highly active and regimented schedule where degenerate western female behaviors are severely curtailed and restricted.

Having seen firsthand how far American women have fallen as worthy domestic partners due to rampant obesity, bitchiness, man-hating propaganda, and culinary retardation, I have developed a program for the masses which will make females from the United States into potentially marriageable ladies again.

I call it the “Cruel Tutelage Of Pai Mei”, and the following article will address four ways that the program will be most beneficial.

1. They Will Get Off Their Fat Ass And Lose Weight

“Just looking at those steps makes me ache. You’re gonna have plenty of fun carrying buckets of water up and down that fucker.” – Bill

Per head of population, among any westerners I have witnessed, American women have got to be the fattest and most slovenly looking females my poor old eyes have ever seen. They are like gazing upon an enormous factory farm animal, who should be harvested for her whale blubber (to make something useful like soap) rather than sitting on her bloated behind in some useless “marketing” or “human resources” job they love so much.

Even worse, their idea of after-work relaxation is not going to the gym or learning how to make a healthy new recipe, but curling up under the covers to “Netflix and chill” and gorge themselves on high calorie sweets like some morbidly obese pig. Observe an American woman in her natural habitat…


At the cruel tutelage of Pai Mei, I will teach these “HR” (or whatever they call themselves) swamp donkeys how to get into shape and to stay in shape through rigorous and unrelenting physical training, discipline, and repetition. Weeks on end of carrying buckets of water up and down temple steps in 30-something degree weather will help shed that whale blubber and (hopefully) instill a regimen that will keep that weight off for life.

2. They Will Learn Humility And Respect For Men


Too many American women think they are “just as good as any man”

At the cruel tutelage of Pai Mei, we understand that young American women have absolutely no humility and that their arrogant egos have spiraled completely out of control.

Social media has given very average looking women the impression that they are “goddesses”, and that their impotent non-profit venture or virtue signaling is supposed to “change the world” somehow. Furthermore, this thing called “feminism” in the west is infecting women with the crazy idea that they are either equal or even superior to men in most facets of life, and should be able to do exactly the same things that men do.

Well under my tutelage, American women are quickly going to come to the realization that men are far stronger physically, and have much greater capacity for accepting sound logic and reason, rather than what simply “feels” right about society. They will also learn to respect men, rather than treating them as disposable utilities, and learn to take full responsibility for their malevolent actions and face the consequences of such actions.

So do you think American women can attempt to strike a man and he’s supposed to do nothing about it? Or that some white knight chump is going to jump in and save his “mi’lady” when that man exercises his natural right to self-defense and suitable retaliation? WRONG.

If you attempt any physical altercation with a man under my tutelage, you can expect to be painfully struck back and subdued using the full weight and force under that man’s disposal, which is going to be a LOT more than what a comparable woman can muster.

Respect men, and they will respect you. Far too many American women think they are immune to retaliation for being physically aggressive with men, and thanks to master Pai Mei, we are going to forever wipe that psychotic idea from their feeble yankee brains.

3. They Will Learn Discipline And Understand Real Suffering

Timeless Eastern Wisdom

American women have got to be the most sheltered, protected, and coddled women on planet Earth. No other type of female inhabiting this blue marble floating in space has their hand held longer, and has their problems magically disappear via financial contribution, public forgiveness, or an “empowerment” narrative, than a national of the stars and bars.

Under my cruel tutelage, bogus yankee 1st world “problems” like the gender pay gap lie or a mythical “rape culture” will be forever removed from their feeble female minds.

Long days of carrying heavy buckets of water up and down steps, rigid military-style kung fu routines, and repeatedly smashing their knuckles against heavy wooden boards will also teach them about the stress and suffering that billions of less fortunate people around the world endure on a daily basis.

So there’s no Iphone’s, Instagram, All-Night Happy Hour and In-N-Out Burger where you’ll be going young lady! But when it’s all said and done, your newfound rudimentary Kung Fu skills will be able to help fend off those storybook “rapists” that you are so concerned about.

4. They Will Learn To Cook Healthy Meals And Eat Properly

“If you want to eat like a human being….PICK UP THOSE STICKS”

Finally, there was a man on this stupid piece of western communications technology called ‘Twitter’ who once mentioned “If you walk up to a western Millennial girl with a cast iron skillet, 97% would rather take a beating than use it to cook dinner”.

I had my obligatory laugh, followed by the emotionally painful realization that his Confucius-like wisdom is hardly very separate from reality. Young American women just cannot cook anymore, and compound that problem by consuming awful and fattening pre-packaged diets.

Along with these American female tubs of lard shedding massive amounts of weight via the water-and-steps routine, my tutelage will include basic home cooking skills and mealtime etiquette. Rest assured they are going to use that cast iron skillet dammit.

Foods high in carbohydrates, fats, sugars, salts, and flour will be neither prepared nor consumed. This is pretty much epitomized by obese Americans’ obsession with these nutritionally bankrupt monstrosities called doughnuts, or as I like to call them “crumbly cunt cakes”.


When it is all said and done, American women will finally be of an agreeable weight, have adequate cooking skills, stop acting like spoiled and petulant children, and have a much greater appreciation for western men, due to their greater understanding of the high quality of life that their workmanship and sacrifice provides for them.

Maybe, just maybe, the tide of men looking towards Brazil, Colombia, Russia, Ukraine, Japan, or Vietnam as places to find an agreeable life partner can be reversed if these obese land whales from North America follow my teachings.

Read Next: 10 Reasons Why Foreign Women Are Better Than American Women

273 thoughts on “4 Important Lessons For American Women From Pai Mei”

  1. Any right thinking father – who wants a future for his daughter other than pain, suffering and ill health – would sign his daughter up in a heartbeat.

        1. Incorrect- what is wrong with you people? Jackie Brown was better than Pulp

    1. One of his worst. Superwomen beating up all comers? Absolute utter trash and an example of the problem with TV as discussed in the article.
      No disrespect to you though P.

      1. You can’t deny the storytelling, There’s nothing wrong female protagonists as long as they’re written right. Tarantino shows how Uma Thurman had to train hard to be a badass

        1. You’re making the mistake I referred to in my long post above. No amount of training will turn a woman into a badass. You are right: nothing wrong with a well-written protagonist. But the writing in this movie was bullshit.
          When I watched it in the movie theater I didn’t know whether to laugh or vomit. Honestly, I thought it was so bad a law should be made preventing Tarantino from making any more movies.
          I’m glad he’s got off his “girl-power” fad now.

        2. Its a comic book scenario- Res Dogs seemed as real as a crime story could be

        3. You realise that Hollywood has been engaged in social engineering and propaganda practically since inception? Switching off your brain is precisely the intended result.

        4. Almost any woman, no matter what her training, can be dropped by one punch from an average guy.
          Women are weak, their bones are thin, nothing can change that.

        5. Christ bob, a good movie should be able to entertain you for a couple hours, break you out of reality and then end. Sitting around worrying that Hollywood is sneaking mind control into your head while watching a movie and having a few laughs is literally one step away from sitting in a soup kitchen with a tin foil hat ranting about communists and aliens reading your mind.

        6. With respect you are naive and confused. There is no point in complaining about constant SJW messages in the media if you’re going to excuse them when it suits you. I’m not worried because ha, I’ve taken the Red Pill and I wear the They Live sunglasses. I see the messages clear as day. You should be worried because you can’t.
          Tin Foil Hat? The use of media as propaganda is well documented. I suggest that you look into it. Start with George Orwell.
          Literally the entire purpose of TV today is to indoctrinate you. Same as public education. When you use slurs like “tin foil hat” you are simultaneously falling for the propaganda and making the mistake of substituting insults for rational thought.

        7. Actually, probably 90% of women would go down from a full force open handed slap from an average man.

        1. Yeah the scene where Lucy Liu got the top of her head cut off. And when Uma Thurman got buried alive. I wish she was still there now.

      2. Ah think its ‘k..I dont see a “girl power” message in it. Let’s be careful not to always overreact because then we would be no better than the SJWs

        1. Mate, that was pretty much the only message. Are we talking about the same movie? Come on virtually all of Taratinino’s recent movies are clear SJW messages.

        2. What SJW movies have in common is that they are never entertaining because they destroy any good story to push their message in our face. I think his movies are good and entertaining. Though you could make a point of “girlpower” in this movie, it’s not blatant, like the new Starwars.
          Remember Pai Mei was still her master and she was helpless against him. She also submitted to him in order to learn. A true SJW movie would have her kick his ass after 5 minutes. Also, Michael Madsen defeated her effortlessly.

        3. Totally disagree. All the top shows are loaded with SJW messages, entertaining or not. Clearly this stuff works because all you guys turn Blue Pill the moment your favourite bullshit ass movie is criticised.
          Be more like Denzel in training day. It’s ok to be entertained by bullshit as long as you recognise that it’s bullshit.

        4. When did I say the top shows are not loaded with SJW messages ? Of course they are. THIS one is not. She is taught by a man, beat up by a man, defeated by a man, has to struggle to ger her skills…how is that SJW ? Give me just one reason.
          No doubt Tarantino loves it when Pai Mei says that US women are only good for spending a mans money. Trust me, Tarantino is the perfect troll.

        5. Ha ha you said it in your previous comment. Dude try and keep up.
          One reason? Only one? You must be in a hurry. This movie right after another Tarantino made female focused movie and right before another. The toughest characters in the movie are women. Little girls killing big men. Thurman effortlessly mowing down hordes of men. All the classic signs of girl power. And let’s not forget Tarantino righting the wrongs of the Holocaust and slavery. Sorry dude, but your favourite movie director is an SJW. Time to put on the big boy pants and get used to it. How on earth do you think he gets to make Hollywood movies?!
          Madsen… Got defeated by a woman effortlessly right?
          Let me just add one more piece of knowledge for you son. I’ve been doing martial arts for 30 years. I’ve seen it all. You can’t teach a woman to fight. They simply can’t do it. They are too weak. Teenage boys are tougher. The idea alone that if a woman “struggles” she can fight better than men is feminist and SJW. So stop white knighting and stop making excuses for this bullshit feminist movie. Listen to those that know!

        6. Sorry I just don’t see it. I refuse to see SJWs when there is none. I’m not a fanatic. And btw he is not my favorite director at al.

        7. I think you just refuse to see SJWs. Almost all of his movies carry strong and typical SJW messages. You would have work very hard not to see them. How much clearer is it when he has three movies in a row with increasingly unlikely female heroines defeating men?

  2. Nah, can we just replace them with foreign women? It’d be pretty easy if the laws didn’t make it so complicated.

    1. If you going to marry a non-US woman, you are better off emigrating.
      Why allow her to become twice the daughter of Belial?

      1. Anyone who marries or adopts internationally and DOESN’T move to the homeland if their wife/adopted child obviously has no concern for their wellbeing.

  3. Most girls can be pretty if they weren’t so goddamn fat. Their face would improve as well as their body.
    The whole thirst epidemic is from obesity: girls are ok with an overweight guy if he does well in other areas of life, but no guy likes overweight girls.

      1. Fat man = sloth, gluttony, greed, apathy, laziness, otherwise the fucker would be ripped, lean and mean, from hunting down all that food

        1. That doesnt make sense. If he is fat it means he hunts so well that he barely use any energy doing it…if you are lean and mean it means you suck at hunting…I think you need Pai Mais cruel tutelage.

        2. There is a cultural component, too. I had a totally fit Mexican friend who told me that he hoped that he’d get “corpulent” as an older man. Not formless cottage-cheese-fat… kinda like hard fat, like an overstuffed sausage. He said it was considered a sign of status and authority in his homeland.

        3. Mexico has surpassed the US as the fattest country IN THE WORLD. I live here, I see it with my own eyes.
          Whatever these 80 IQ morons think is a sign of status means less than NOTHING.

        4. Yes, they do. The fatness is astounding.
          The 80 IQ makes it even worse.

        5. what i find surprising, for a country located between an ocean an a sea it has no weel known fish based dish. Only meat everywhere.

        6. They are only an arms length away from cutting out hearts on a ziggurat and praying to animals for rain.
          Stone age without Whitey and his learnings.

        7. Wildredo Brimley agrees that “el diabeetis” is serioso problemo

        8. The Chief of the tribe was usually fat. It was a status symbol in many cultures.

        9. perhaps..
          but this time is done, and they could have changed a lot of their culinary traditions since then..

        10. yeah the problems of third world countries aren’t corruption and other things, THE REAL PROBLEM IS LOW “I.Q” AND A LACK OF LOGICAL THINKING

        11. Deep down, women despise fat men. While fucking a fat rich dude she thinks of a ripped guy she saw in the gym.

        12. Which man would you rather be; the guy she is fucking or the guy she is thinking about? Who gives a rat’s posterior what a woman is thinking. Anyway they don’t think very often.

        13. She is fucking the ugly rich dude, but not for long. She will meet me, then we will have sex and spend that rich man’s money together. That is what will happen. And after a couple weeks she will start making sex more and more scarce for him so he will pay more. The whole idea women only care about status and money is BS. She wants to feel muscular arms, see your sixpack, be pinned down like she is almost raped. A lot of women want that.

        14. Have never understood the love of muscled up guys. (Or women.) I have always been attracted to regular guys, definitely not fat, but guys are always stronger than I am, no need for bulging muscles.

        15. I agree. Being in shape, living healthy, having a higher IQ, being good in a skill that makes money, having a degree, good with people. That is all worth much more than being a meathead at the gym. I see those guys when I’m there (every other day), they are big, sure it looks impressive. But they have fruitfly IQ’s for the most part.

      2. Not quite….Fat dude – first to be eaten by sabre tooth tigers on a mammoth hunt.

        1. Not quite…sabre tigers will kill you easily if you are fat skinny or muscular. We win by using our brains simple as that.

        2. Sure running builds stuff like building skyscrapers guns etc..ok..keep running.

        3. Saber tooth tigers were ambush hunters. They couldn’t run any distance worth a shit. You either walked into their ambush unaware, and were killed, or you didn’t. Being smarter was way more important than being a faster runner.

        4. This is so stupid and you are moron.
          There is a time and place for both and Im pretty sure Ive got the jump on the two of you pedantic boobs.
          Look at you two! What a pair.

        5. That brings to mind the joke, “I don’t have to outrun the (fill in blank), I just have to outrun you!”

    1. Make up can go a long way to turning any girl into a 10… as long as the body is right. And that is in any woman’s gift.

    2. Girls are almost by default attractive if they’re fit and take care of themselves. Even plain girls improve a lot with effort. At the park with my kid today, I was surprised at the number of reasonably attractive women. The men looked like shit. There was one guy who looked fit, had good posture, wore an MMA shirt so might have been a fighter. Practically no one else looked as if he cared to take care of even basic health. The state of men in the West is shocking.

      1. Agreed. As much as we complain about fat cunts too many of the men in this country are slobs and lazy. smh

        1. Why get in shape (I know, for personal reasons of health and life satisfaction, but those are second order goals when most men just want to get laid)? If you become the Alpha you still have to deal with the world’s most entitled cunts and most of them will still be land whales. Even if you get a good looking one, she will be 100X more of a bitch than the average.

        2. Don’t do it for the heartless and soulless bitches; do it for yourself.

      2. No wonder, because men in the west grow up playing videogames, riding on scooters instead of bicycles, eating fastfood, jerking of to porn, drinking alcohol like it’s lemonade.

  4. There are parts of this movie where you will see; even with all the trick photography, off screen martial arts training and special effects, Uma Thurman still punches like a dainty little girl.

    1. Really? I would have thought the environment would help Aussies of both sexes keep more fit than most other nations.

      1. Nah most are fatties even the Asian girls here are a bit chubby my mind was blown the first time I travelled to Europe and when I went America I noticed on average there were more thinner women

        1. no kidding….I thought at least 60% American girls are fat, seems like Aussie girls are even worse

    2. Varies. There are some that are waddling balls of lard to be sure-I would say the ratio of fatsos to fine ladies is about 75-25.

      1. “Just one more mouthful honey…. no you’re arse looks *lovely* in that!”
        Actually he realised early he’d fucked up by marrying the cunt, and he’s now systematically implementing his genius plan to feed her to death, which she is willingly and enthusiastically complying with. He then collects the *massive* life insurance policy he took out at the beginning of the marriage when she was fit and slim (lasted 6 weeks post honeymoon), and will then spend the rest of his life banging ho’s as a result of his finely honed multi-millionaire widower game….
        The guys is as Alpha as fuck!!!

      1. Thirded!
        More like this please – redpill wisdom delivered with suitably redpill humour!

    1. Western women are trash and should be treated as such. WW3 almost sounds like a good option if for no other reason than being able to go abroad and get some decent Slavic wife.

      1. The romance from The Godfather got to me recently.
        It’s sad that feminists and modern women think this way of life to be so terrible, when to me it looks utterly natural and honest.

    1. Just read this list. From the year 1955. Wow! I wonder if this still happens anywhere on Earth today.

      1. Probably not verbatim, but some cultures still have some of these values. My wife does many of these things automatically. She’s not over the top about it, but she does realize that it is part of being married to make the home a happy environment. Eastern Europeans seem to have a bit more of this left in their culture, even after communism.

        1. Mine does the same. She is Asian. Took me two years to get her to stop ironing my boxers. She claimed it was all about taking care of her man. This was not for my benefit, but part of scoring points against other women. No woman anywhere in the world ever did anything just to make a man happy.

        2. Most probably BECAUSE of communism.
          What we’re going through now (rabid feminism, state-supported divorce and family breakup, misandry, marriage strike by men, etc.), the Soviet Union went through in the late 1920’s – mid 30’s.
          It ended after WW II started, and Stalin was made aware that there probably weren’t enough men for the armies to repel the Nazis, so he put an end to the worst excesses of feminism and started honoring women who married and had large families.

      1. A ship cannot have two captains. This is why our society is lost and going in circles. Nature gave us adequate clues in terms of physical size, boldness, and capacity for achievement as to which sex the captain should be. If more women followed this guide the world would be a happier place, for them too. This is not to say the first officer’s role in assisting the captain isn’t important; it certainly is. Nearly every society on earth sees male and female spheres as separate, different, but complementary and equally important, except modern western ones.

        1. Back then they sure had a funny way of showing that the ‘first officer’ role was just as important.

        2. The importance of “her” role in charge of the orderly household and family, and the very important task of helping to maintain the breadwinner is all through that list, but your post sexual revolution conditioning causes you to see these honorable things as demeaning rather than uplifting.

        3. Advertisements just paint a different picture. So do the movies and tv shows during those times.

        4. Idiots like you have always gotten their “facts” from tv advertising.
          Thats why you prople seem to care what a heroine addicted ‘actor’ says about pop culture and politics.
          Your standard bearers are madonna and that ugly ass schumer pig. You go grrrl.

      2. Reading that, realising what I am missing in my life that is lost for me forever, I am really ready to put all Feminists to the wall and shoot them. I mean, I would personally volunteer for a place in the firing squad.

        1. Wow. You’re a little fucked up, aren’t you? Just because you can’t get your way, you want to murder people? I hope they lock you up.

        2. No. Cultural Marxist ideologies, just like oldschool marxism, is responsible for destroying our societies, destroying countless lives. The negative effects of Feminism on the lives of both males and females are self-evident.
          The moral highground is with us, truth is with us, positive intentions are with us. Liberal-Bolsheviks, Feminists, etc… are evil, and they are enemy. Just like their marxist elders who are responsible for 100 million dead people, we will get the same from the new ones if we do not resist. And just as they want us all dead, I want them dead. Nothing fucked up about self-defence of a society.

        3. I saw the #killallmen hashtag Feminists use. There is no arguing with these people, they want us dead, so we should kill them preventively.
          It is not nice, but at least we would not destroy countless lives like Feminism, just the few Feminist would be dead.

        4. kill all men was started by a man who doesn’t identify as a feminist. it was related to gamer ghazi.

        5. Listen, kid: the Feminist politicians in Sweden are letting in the colored 3rd world islamist migrants in the country en masse, who are gangraping the local Swedish girls.
          In my country, the Feminists are pushing for opening the borders for the same scum.
          So tell me please how Feminism is promoting anything positive for women? Feminism want White, European girls being raped by migrants!
          These bitches will kill us all, by proxy, we will die at the hands of the Islamist boys.
          Yeah tell me I should speak nice, because it may hurt some little girl’s precious feelings, my oh so cruel words. Ahh…
          Why the fuck do you come here then? Making sure boys are minding their language and mincing their words, so the Feminine-primacy world order is maintained?

        6. Nothing is moved. I elaborated on my views, trying to make you understand what I am on about and why.

        7. We were talking about the starter of ‘kill all men’ and you went on some Swedish diatribe.

        8. We are talking about Feminism, its disastrous consequences – in Sweden for example- , and why I think it must be stopped and with deadly force if need be.

        9. Feminists are not “people”…they are actively destroying our society. I dont want to kill them but they at least deserve to be stripped off all privileges and to never be heard of again.

        10. Raping of Swedish girl is fake news?
          Fuck off, bitch. You are a Feminist, right?
          Well, sis, just that you know: communicating with you convinced me that there is no point in arguing with Feminists.
          We should indeed kill them all. Maybe a bit of correctional rape thrown in for luck. With the help of the rape giraffe, as in ancient Rome.
          You included.

        11. Global race war and revolution are coming and in the aftermath there will be no more liberals, insane evil kikes, feminist cunts or non-white subhuman vermin left alive to pollute this earth with their filth and evil. 14/88!!!!

        12. Be honest-the thought of them being tossed off a building does appeal to you on some level 😉 It’s alright-I find the idea of it hysterical myself.

        13. You shouldn’t argue with the stupid-they drag you down and beat you on experience. The poor inbred you’re ‘debating’ will learn their lesson when Abdul, Haji and the other Mohammedan retards shear off her genitals with a rusty razor blade, sodomise her and then disfigure her with acid.

        14. Fake news?
          Yeah, nice poisoning the well there.
          It is a fact that just two percent of the Swedish population make up over 60 % of all sexual assaults. Roughly the same goes for violence etc.
          Guess who those two percent are?

        15. It is our responsibility to not let it happen to them, by bringing back the patriarchy, and putting our women back to their place.
          It is our duty, we are men, we must be their leaders. It is not good enough to give them power and watch them fail, because the consequences will be more dire to us. The will be subjugated and fucked by Abdul, because they are women, but our heads will be cut off long before. This nonsense must be stopped, it is our duty, period.
          And part of it, in my mind, is that we do not mince our words, but tell Feminists our opinion of them right in their faces. Not in order to convince them, hell no. What would be the point? I never expected her to come over to our side. I just wanted her to understand that we mean business, and we take politics seriously.

        16. Indeed. Nicely put. I like how viscerally you outline what needs to be done.

        17. He isnt alone.
          You send hoardes of rapists and thieves agaunst us and then pull the crybaby routine and really expect anyone to care?
          When the war comes home, remember;you built that.

        18. I am really passionate about the issue.
          I have a personal stake in putting the world to rights.
          My best years, or rather, what should have been my best years as a young male, were completely wasted, because of the Feminist indoctrination I have received since my adolescence.
          I believed in it, and I have followed its requirements for males to the letter.
          I became the betaest of betas who ever walked God’s green Earth.
          And as a natural, inevitable consequence, no girl nor woman ever wanted me sexually, because of my stupid beta behaviour.
          I thought it must be because of my looks. I thought that I was horribly ugly, bordering on disgusting.
          I wasn’t.
          If I see my old pictures now, I know I was so stupid. I was just a young guy, perfectly ok look-wise. The problem was my beta behaviour.
          If I wanted sex, I had to visit prostitutes and pay for it. As a teenager, as an early twenty-something young male, I had to pay women for sex. In my head, I had no value whatsoever. In my head, my body and my health held no value. I did not care what happens to me.
          And I became a heroin addict and an incel.
          I wanted to die.
          I understood where George Sodini and Elliot Rodgers were coming from, I understood why they did what they did. And I approved.
          And I harboured similar levels of hate against women.
          Without the Manosphere, without taking the Red Pill, without embracing the concept of self-improvement and embracing my Masculinity, I would be dead by now.
          I take full responsibility for my past actions and failures, and I should have known better. The problem is, I didn’t.
          With taking the Red Pill and embracing my Masculinity, I found my inner peace.
          I am at peace with myself now.
          And I love women now. Love them. Love them. Love them.
          And I do not want any young male to go through what I went through in my youth. And the problem is, as I can see on the internet, lots and lots of young guys, young males go through this. Lots of incels, lots of lost souls.
          So as I said, the woman-hating I felt in my youth I overcame nearly overnight after taking the Red Pill, and all that is there in its place is love of women, love of all things Feminine and female.
          But after taking charge of my life, clearing up my addiction and starting to apply Game with succes on women, there is a visceral anger in me towards those people who are responsible for influencing our lives negatively and pushing us into this downward spiral: namely the Feminists, the Cultural Marxists.
          They are destroying the lives of countless young males and females. They are doing covert genocide. This must be stopped. We have to draw the line in the sand, and put the world to rights. No one else will do it in our steed. We have to do it, for ourselves and for our future sons and daughters.
          And we have the moral high ground. We are good, they are evil. They are destroying our lives, our actions are righteous self-defence. We have to win the Cultural War, and we have to win the physical war if push comes to shove. A hundred years ago, politics was life-or-death business. If we are not ready to kill and die for our politics to win, we might as well lay down and cry till the enemy finds us and chops our heads off.
          In my opinion. And here I apologise to all Feminist women who may have hurt snowflake feelings after reading my little text above… just kidding. Screw them and to the wall with them all!

        19. The truth was with the rightists in Chile too. But they were about to be consumed by a communist tyranny until someone (Pinochet) came and started to throw these assholes from helicopters. It will always come down to violence in the end. That is the only thing that ever settled political disputes.

        20. I mean, I was just considering the possibility in another comment that we will have to go full Fascist against Feminism sooner than later, but I was not sure exactly how…
          …and you just gave me the idea exactly how. The solution is FREE HELICOPTER RIDES! No messing about with fire squads and death camps and all sorts of messy, violent shit. Pinochet, you were a genious!

        21. Violence is all that Leftists understand — use THEIR methods against THEM.

        22. Ever hear of SCUM (the Society for Cutting Up Men), started by Valierie Solanas in 1967? It calls for at least 90% of men to be killed.
          Your kind don’t have ‘clean hands’…

      3. It helps us understand part of what feminism destroyed. It does absolutely nothing to help explain why.

        1. That’s cool. Because I don’t think you’ll make a good husband, well for someone like me. Yeah choices!
          Look at what ‘hunn’ wrote below this convo.
          Wanting to kill people because you didn’t get your way. Shameful.

        2. Little bitch came here for a little hate-reading, outrage-reading, maybe thinking she can maintain the Female-primacy order and police the discussion. Plus to tell us what she feels Feminism is and educate us that if she feels then it must be it.
          I gave her outrage reading all right, don’t you think? Hope next time she brings her girlfriends, too. In real-life convos/pick-up situ, the anti-Feminist attitude pays dividends, here it is just good trolling in cases like her.

        3. What are those “life goals” of yours, snowflake? Kids, grandkids, happy marriage?
          Didn’t think so.

        4. I don’t think anyone would make a good husband for you.
          Buy some more cats, you’ll be a lot happier.

        5. Slowly beaten to death with a club after a gang rape by 100 unwashed Muslim refugees. Shooting is too quick.

        6. Reading this conversation was interestingly cool.
          Bahahahahhahahahhaa !
          Cats !
          MEOUW, BITCH!

        7. Its pathetic for a woman to come here and run her stupid mouth.
          Just like it would be RETARDED for me to haunt the Cosmo comments.
          Go fuck yourself.

        8. “Life goals”–commenting on men’s forums.
          Your opinion is meaningless and you can get attention elsewhere.

        9. Hello Wynna. Don’t know if you’re trolling us (and kudos to you if you’re doing so. Double kudos if you’re a guy! 🙂 but you do bring up an interesting point regarding feminists and husbands.
          I’m old school and been around for a while and it’s my observation that feminists do often marry and wind up with “feminist” men: beta male supplicants who are afraid to tell her off and certainly wouldn’t read an article like this one. Feminists complain that “strong women” are often associated with just being “bitchy” but it’s also accurate. Strong men usually are the “silent type” who only get nasty if they’re pushed beyond an edge (and that edge or line is usually well defined and clear.)
          In other words, women who need feminism usually wind up miserable.
          For the record, I have been married for 13 years and often tell my wife “no” and stand up to her regularly. It’s something that needs to be done. I wish I didn’t have to do it, really, but this isn’t due the patriarchy telling me I “need” to be this way but rather how women behave. When women act like equals, they’ll have a stable society that supports them as such.
          In the meantime, don’t go to Sweden without packing a burka first.

      4. How dare you live happier, healthier, longer, purposeful lives! Let’s all work twice the hours for half the pay, and lead hollow, shallow empty lives full of pills, materialism and indulgence.
        That’ll show those f-ckinggg meeennn!!!!!!!!!

      5. Because you don’t know what you want?
        Fact is success makes women depressive, house wives and mothers are happiest and women were happier 40 years + ago statistically speaking.
        Which also helps to conclude that feminism makes depressive and women at the time of 1955 were supremely happy.
        You’re just pathetic.

      6. to make women unlovable like you.
        Train girls to think Sex,Sammy and a smile is “oppression” rather than what it really is… low maintenance and you make a bunch of entitled females, that no man wants after he shoots his load.
        How many guys hit and run on you? 30 or 40?

    2. The irony being that a woman who did that would have a husband who absolutely adored her.

    3. This list seems to me simple common courtesy and thoughtfulness, but women are programmed to resist not only their own happiness but any feelings of good will toward men, so the poor ad is inevitably met with dismissive laughter or offended outrage. None of these horrified women ever stop to consider what the husband did all day for the sake of his family. That’s a sad commentary on the average woman’s oppositional state of mind.
      It is disingenuous though to imply that doing all these things would keep a man happy and faithful. That’s really not often the case.

      1. Women complain about men who “don’t do enough housework”, yet they seldom notice the outside work that men do (shoveling snow, cutting grass, pruning trees, etc.).

        1. Yes …. well, they notice when these things aren’t done! 🙂
          Yard maintenance is more physically demanding, but also variable part time work. Something accomplished on the weekends. It’s the daily monotony of homekeeping that presents a challenge for women. It’s a good challenge though, I think; one women shouldn’t run from but sort through and find the meaning behind. It’s a Mary and Martha thing.

  5. Do meaningful work, get in shape, be humble and self-disciplined, respect men, prepare and enjoy nutritious meals!
    Great, honest article.
    Directed toward women, but plenty of men this applies to, too.
    Thank you Pai Mei!
    I no longer watch movies, but I may watch Kill Bill now.

  6. A “swamp donkey” is a colloquialism for a large, wise, old buck that has survived for years because he knows the habits of hunters and hides in places they are too lazy to go. Don’t insult this majestic questing beast by comparing him to fat American cows.

  7. Good article although I must point out that if you are relaxing at the gym you are doing it wrong. Try not to get caught in the rather strange Puritan view that all we should do is work and never rest. Nothing wrong with enjoying a little Netflix at the end of a hard day.
    Speaking of Netflix has anyone seen the superhuman feats of strange demonstrated by women in Iron Fist? This tiny girl entered a cage fight contest and beat up two massive fighters with ease, breaking their bones and liquefying their flesh with her fists. Not because she is super-powered but because… well actually I don’t know how.
    As I often tell people and as this article indicated, people believe that stuff. They don’t believe me, a veteran of 30 years in the martial arts when I tell them that even with training, women are virtually helpless against men.
    But speaking of training with women, I had the pleasure of training with some Russian women, direct from Moscow, in the Russian martial arts. They were some of the most feminine, cute women I have met in my life. In Russia they still understand the difference between men and women.

      1. For the “untrained” it might as well be. But it is shocking how much of people’s worldview is formed through TV. Those of us who actually take part in “real life” know the difference.

        1. “Those of us who actually take part in “real life” know the difference”

    1. Maybe these ultra femme martial babes have mastered the techniques of the art, but not the mentality and emotionality driving it. Or they truly are “masters” and have mastered the art of deception through their feminity.

      1. I think female martial artists are able to master the technical and aesthetics associated with a martial art to a very high level. But there is a physical attribute and savage violence factor which males tend to be more comfortable with when it comes to combat. Mainstream entertainment has a tendency to gloss over this point or outright pretend it does not exist.

        1. You are completely right. Women simply cannot match the strength, speed, agility or sheer brutality of men. Teenage boys are better fighters than grown women.
          Men are built for war. Women are built for child rearing. These are very different focuses and as much as men excel at fighting, women excel at looking after children.

    2. Well, in the world of Iron Fist (in comics not sure about the show) you have martial artists, who use their inner energy called Chi. They can harness this power and do lot of crazy stuff. However this stil counts as supower.
      Again, I haven’t seen the show. Only thing I know about is that it has some sexy asian chick over which are beta nerds drooling.

      1. That is explored in the show but the woman in question is just an ordinary woman. She doesn’t have any super powers. And no she isn’t sexy.
        Chi is actually a real world concept, just obviously exaggerated in the show.

        1. I know. It’s a part of traditional chinese medicine and martial arts. Lot’s of the techniques greatly help your health.
          I personaly tried many chi techniques and it helped me build stamina, endurance and overall making me more peaceful.
          I didn’t find the girl sexy but the rest of the internet did. Same thing happened with female protagonists from last two Star Wars movies and Emma Watson. The thirst is strong with geeks and nerds.

        2. Martial arts in western cinema is viewed as a super power. That’s why 1 guy can defeat 20 with axes, old blind guys can defeat young warriors, and chicks can beat down tatted up cage fighters.

        3. Watch it first and then judge. The super powered man struggles. The non-superpowered chick finds it easy.

        4. She’s cute. I’d bang her. But it’s her annoying personality that turns me off.

    3. Haven’t watched Iron Fist though I’m familiar with the character from comic reading as a kid. I quite enjoyed Daredevil, by the way.
      Speaking of martial arts, I remember over a decade ago, in university, when I was working up to blue belt level in Korean martial arts and we would have sparring sessions among different levels.
      The whole myth of the powerful female black belt, even the 2nd Dan ones, began to evaporate from that point onwards when I would have to engage in sparring sessions with them.
      Technically, they looked on point but I remember the frustration and exasperation in a number of them throwing fancy techniques which stung a bit while I would rely on a trusty 3 or 4 moves to more than hold my own. I remember having to consciously pull my shots. I remember them not liking when I switched to upper body combos (standard Western boxing). I remember justifying my approach as “that’s how those street thugs are gonna fight, darling. They’re not throwing fancy leg kicks and spear hand thrusts while backing away from you”.
      I could have easily broken some noses and cracked a few female black belt ribs during those sessions and walked away unhurt if I was so inclined.

      1. Indeed, in fact in many martial arts they don’t have sparring, which serves to protect the myth of powerful black belts. A black belt is just a piece of cloth.
        Yeah I enjoyed Daredevil but even that has sex role reversal, with the woman chasing sex and the man refusing… Like no man ever!

      2. I remember someone telling me that Bruce Lee loved to spar against Robert Wall because Wall was so tall and this presented a fun challenge to Lee. In other words, a giant doesn’t really need a lot of fancy moves to win when he can easily block with his mass alone. I think this was also the reason why the Klitschkos did so well.
        Thinking of this, I saw a recurring guest on Russian TV’s Dobri Ootro who demonstrated some self defense moves and his advice when facing a group of tall opponents surrounding you is to go down and start fighting like a girl, so to speak. Hit their lower calf. Step on their feet. Another good piece of advice I got was to look at the rules in boxing for what’s NOT allowed because those dirty tricks have to work if they’re prohibited.

        1. I’m observing that the East Europeans bring a lot of valuable content when it comes to personal combat.

      3. I agree, I used to do Muay Thai before I went to school. I was one of the new ones but I’m naturally good with my hands. There was this female who was a semi-veteran, but like most women she was easily exasperated & frustrated. All you had to do was be patient with her & withstand her kicks & she would lose her cool & act on emotion, charging in while leaving her face open, etc. In life people need to play their roles.

    4. The show is hyper mystical and she’s an Asian martial arts instructor
      I hate Mary Sue crap as much as possible, but wing is consistent with the rest of the show.
      Note: the hot sister was smacked.

      1. She has no mysticism. Being an Asian martial arts instructor doesn’t mean shit. I’ve done this man. Lol, it’s funny I was just saying how I’m a 30 year veteran but no one listens to me. They just make excuses like you do.

  8. I am not a very good cook. But I was happy to share a recipe with my new millennial colleague the other day. Told her to just throw some stewing beef in a crockpot along with come water, salt, chopped onions, and carrots. Poor girl did not know how to cook anything, nor did her husband. As we say in the Dixie Land in lieu of insults or criticism….
    Bless her heart !

  9. Look, I don’t know why you are banging on and on about women being fat. They have every right to be, but by the same token, should not expect reactions and outcomes as if they were not fat. OK, be fat but pay for your own medical needs. OK, be fat, but don’t complain your dreamboat turned you down. OK, be fat but don’t get shitty when you don’t get that modelling gig – or if you do, it is to model for other fat women.

    1. We men pay for all the taxes on a net basis. Women get every dollar they pay back in benefits. So yes, you and I are paying for their medical needs, and the many other programs catered to women. Many times, when I see one of these “things” on a bus I’m thinking… Yep, I am paying for “that”.
      They will soon pass laws men will be obligated (in rotation) to fuck these disgusting pigs. Or a draft based. Like Jury duty, but this time will be “Fuck a pig duty”. Just wait for it.
      U.K. I believe has a law now where a woman can sue you for damages if you break an engagement.

      1. Can we sue her if she beaks her vows to “love, honour and obey” us after marriage?

      2. To add to this,
        Women live longer and visit doctors/hospitals far more often. Most of my girlfriends college buddies (the single, female ones) are all suffering from some “unknown illness” that no doctor can seem to pin down. With all three of them, it’s the same thing:
        -stomach hurts all day and she can’t seem to keep food down
        -general anxiety
        -dull yet chronic body pain that can’t be pin pointed
        -general neuroticism
        In all three cases, turned out to be in their heads. Nothing physically wrong with their bodies. They’re just so restless/directionless that the only way they can entertain themselves is to bitch about themselves.
        Honestly, it’s starting to become frightening, because that “neuroticism” I mention can be seen in soo many women these days. They’ll be talking to you and saying one thing, while their bodies betray them and say another. Reminds me of an old high school flame I recently ran into…
        She lives up in DC now, and was talking about how she was having trouble finding a guy, so instead, she was ‘playing the field’ (personally, I always die a little bit on the inside whenever I hear a WOMAN say she’s playing the field). Anyway, the faux look of victory on her face as she told me this only barely concealed the bitter disappointment she was hiding underneath. It was like seeing someone try to smile after being punched in the gut and told “cheer up!”
        I honestly wanted to level with her and be like “sweetheart, I feel for you… I know it’s a brutal jungle out there these days”, but knew the cognitive dissonance it may’ve triggered in her would only make her storm outta the place like “ugh I don’t NEED a man! I’ll be fine!”
        TL;DR: keep a look out for the crazy eyes

        1. Heck, you can’t even sue a woman for breaking the joists if she is too heavy…

        2. Oh, you can sue a woman for anything. However, you will always be the one found guilty.

  10. I must dissent on the Lipid hypothesis advanced here, which claims that ‘Fat makes you Fat”. The alternative Low Carb hypothesis seems to be a much more accurate predictor of how the body processes food. If interested, visit this useful – and entertaining – site:
    Other than that, informative, witty, and, I fear, spot on.

  11. “If you walk up to a western Millennial girl with a cast iron
    skillet, 97% would rather take a beating than use it to cook dinner”.
    For most, that’s the only option they are aware exists.

  12. Hilarious article! Fat or puny, skinny jeaned, slovened, Trump bashing, pot smoking/heavy drinking, girlish men are even worse!
    It’s a liberal thing more than an American woman thing!

  13. American women have got to be the fattest and most slovenly looking females my poor old eyes have ever seen.

    Is this counting the stereotypical illegal latinas as American women?
    As slovenly as so many “real American” women are, there are loads of latinas here who are in a whole ‘nother league, spending childhood as porky as Dora the Explorer and going through adulthood with enough mass to make Tess Holiday enter orbit around them.

  14. Calling that video of a pig eating the cookie an American woman is an insults to pigs.

    1. I found that pig more friendly and adorable than the multitudes of western women I see daily

  15. great article Pai Mei, one question, to stand on the blade of a sword while being held by ones adversary do you need to be wearing kung fu shoes?

  16. Good to see you surviving one eyed Daryl Hannah’s poisoned rice meal, Sensei Pai.
    Frankly, there are some weak spined males who could use this type of training too. Males failing to be men who can lead is a major part of the problem. Would help shut down the idiotic notion of some of these Western vagina holders over estimating their worth.

    1. Tell me about it. My older brother could really use this type of training.
      He is 120 kilos fat blob, can’t get laid and thinks he is a center of a bloody universe. The worst part is he compensates his failures by being a total dick to our parents.

      1. Sounds like he is still in a comfort zone. People only really seek change when there is sufficient and sustainable incentive.
        On the bright side it looks like you’re not going down the same path yourself. Seeing as you’re on this site and presumably more awake.

  17. Having seen firsthand how far American women have fallen as worthy domestic partners due to rampant obesity, bitchiness, man-hating propaganda, and culinary retardation, I have developed a program for the masses which will make females from the United States into potentially marriageable ladies again.
    It’s funny because it’s true.

  18. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Or maybe I did? Lol. The only problem is western males (and I use this word intentionally) will never receive respect, not until they start acting in a manner deserving of respect. As long as you have simps treating women as so called “goddesses”, your going to have these problems.

    1. Very funny, drunk skinny guy kicks 3 trained Swedish policewomens arses without even sweating.

  19. I can earn you far more hun if you let me pimp your ass out as a hooker.;)

  20. Pai Mei
    (Tosses sword back into rack)
    “I already gave you a chance…”
    “… for you to demonstrate your proficiency”
    “… I see there”
    “…You, not ONE IOTA of skill
    It’s like he’s speaking to any and every would be feminist that comes here to debate anything, loses, and quickly resorts to childish trolling.

  21. Hi, Pai Mie glad to see that you survived the poisoned soup. Good news Beatrix took Elle’s other eye. I do advise you to learn to speak mandarin.

  22. All thats said and written here is true.
    The root of the problem it is not.
    The women are the water, the men are giving them their form.
    Now I am asking you Pai Mei what form is it, you can see?
    Well I can see weakness. Fear. Man-children who have no skills, are mid20+ and knownothing but have their heads full of shit they consider “truth”.
    I see man-boys in their 40s who have a career but no children. They have lots of money and spend it on things they do not need. Children are not on the list, because they expect their women to work instead of beeing home with the children (plural). No children, no legacy, no future. The children you do not have, mohammed ali agba with IQ 80 will. And they will replace you. Well done!
    I see young males who have given up on life, find refugee in video games. Its easier than growing balls and and build their future.They expect their parents and the overment to solve all their problems and provide for them without any obligation on their end. How sick and braindead is that?
    These are the manlets that walk the streets.
    I am not surprised women step into this vaccum and pretend to be man in the absence of masculinity.
    If history repeats itself, and it always did, then my dear friends we are up for some rude awakening. Nature has no place for weakness. Only the strong survive in the long run.

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