5 Cultural Milestones Where Leftists Assume Zero Responsibility For Their Choices

Being red-pilled and pushing on the world means that, sooner or later, libtards get mad and try to push us back. This happened to me, of course, and at least twice educated conformists tried to shut me up by appealing to “consensus.”

The first time was on Wikipedia. An article over a controversial historical fact mostly, if not only, relied on a single version of what supposedly happened, and the only historians quoted came from the left. I wanted to mention that one of these “experts” was an unrepentant Maoist—leftists never forget to mention that this or that guy was a member of a “far right” party even if this was decades ago, why don’t we have the same with them?—and add a reference to a politically incorrect albeit impeccably credentialed historian, Bernard Lugan. Two libtards opposed me, systematically reverting my improvements, and argued that their sheer number was “consensus” worth. Are two over one unanimous? Obviously not. Eventually, these two rounded up other leftists to pressure me and others into not editing the article.

The second time was here on ROK. A venturing leftist revealed himself through shrilling comments about how feminism and babbling star Michel Foucault are beyond legitimate criticism—because “consensus.” Of who? “Scholars” and “scientists.” Whom exactly, it is never said. The hypocrisy runs rampant here as SJWs have been hysterically anti-science about biology, but also claim that we should bow down to the latest invention from “humanities” and global warming departments, which are dens of well-paid narrative crafters pretending to do science. Facts tagged “from the right” are not acknowledged as facts, when “facts” created by leftists are shouted at dissenters as if certain.

The point is, those who pretend to embody unanimity appeal to something extrinsic to themselves to justify their ideological dictatorship and space seizure. They never admit how much they construct illusions of reality. Instead, they constantly refer to these illusions as something obvious or natural, which allows them to be never held responsible for their choices, their arguments, their attacks, or how much they “changed the world” for the worst.

Liberals are strong because they manage to wield a tremendous power while never being blameable for the consequences of their choices. White, masculine guilt is the other side of the “minority” and liberal pass. Even when faced with evidence that they are wrong, SJWs will always double down, shriek more, attack more, and put the blame on those not represented in the media-academia system and not blessed with mainstream hype. They are so accustomed into straining the others’ shoulders they are not even aware of their doing it. Here are some examples of how the really powerful escape their responsibilities.

1. Feminism, sex wars, and the breakup of families

“Sexual liberation” caused the rise of the hookup culture. Women being naturally hypergamous and now able to put men into a SMV hierarchy, men had to adapt to women’s preferences through learning game. Without manly solidarity, game merely increases intra-masculine competition and the women’s value. Divorce rates soared, women became party animals, let free rein to their attraction to antisocial types, and feminism ensured that their choices were beyond criticism no matter the consequences. 80% of divorces are initiated by women, many reconstructed families are hell on Earth as step-parents have no desire to care about children who are not theirs, and, guess what? Feminists have been on the forefront to whitewash divorces and reconstituted households.

As Tyler Durden said, “we’re a generation of men raised by women.” We have been too much influenced by our mothers, with many of us being exposed to the “strong womyn” and the “men who pick up are pigs” memes, have had no real father figure, and many friends among girls but only to realize later than being “friend” meant getting locked up in the friendzone and despised.

Feminism bears an embarrassing responsibility here. Millennials were born well after it took over the mainstream. Why such a partial, unsatisfying, potentialities-denying education? Why shaming guys who want to get laid, which is quite natural and healthy, while praising the “freedom” of girls to slut around? Because the Andrea Dworkins of this world willed it. And yet, when we get frustrated or unfit to their world, because of their education, they put the blame on us.

2. Allochton trash

In Europe, a racaille (“trash”) culture of scorching the national language, exploiting the host country, attacking white autochthons (natives) in the streets, replacing the native population, promoting crime and gangsta rap… has grown out of large strips of immigrant populations, mostly North African and Sub-Saharan. This culture has been constantly apologized for by Leftists, because these “young” guys are victims of “racism”, y’know, promoted by mainstream music labels and MTV, and benefited from police impunity. Many suburban whites have been converting to the racaille style and sometimes to Islam instead of the other way around. Integration has been a failure: allochtons remained wilfully defiant and hostile. The American reader can easily draw the analogy with black ghettos.

As the car-burning, drug-dealing, normal people-beating racailles have been let off the hook by Leftists, white victims were constantly ignored or blamed. If a white person mentions having been harassed or assaulted by immigrant thugs, the typical libtard will answer something like “well you likely deserved it because otherwise you wouldn’t complain or it wouldn’t have happened.” Victim blaming, anyone?

Leftists constantly say immigrant hostility comes from a “social problem.” How exactly? Non-white suburbs in Europe have received a lavish attention from urban elves, billions in public money, and an unofficial toleration for drug trafficking. Many North Africans go seek their welfare check in luxurious cars. The real victims here are the outskirts-pushed whites who must live under the double domination of smug liberals occupying the institutions and racailles occupying the streets.

In truth, leftists bear a huge responsibility in the gangsta culture: they have told non-whites how “oppressed” they were and how they should hate Whitey instead of being good citizens. They have constantly suppressed incentives for good behaviour and made immigrant crime taboo. Had Leftists not created race wars and an excuse culture, non-whites would not stand out as a problem.

3. The rise of the red pill, alt-right, and other brands of dissenting

Liberals love to hate us. They have a very essentialist view of whom they call the “far right”, as if it was a kind of autonomous enduring species rather than a place where they dump pre-existing points of view once they don’t want them to be mainstream anymore. By doing so, they blind themselves to the obvious responsibility they have in our uprising. Their culture, their choices, their environment is depriving and frustrating—and it is primarily from them we have been seeking to free ourselves.

We appeared as dissenters primarily because we were denied or forced into playing inauthentic roles to subsist inside the system. Many millenials have to bear blue pilled baby-boomers parents who live inside a narrative and shrillingly refuse to step one foot aside from. We can’t speak about what really matters with such parents. Chronic joblessness, minoritist hostility, the toughness of the seduction market—or even the very existence of a seduction market—are topics we mostly debate amongst ourselves, because old Leftists keep cutting us off when we try explaining it to them. They cling to the 60s myths and legacy and deny, of course, all responsibility in the shortcomings of the world they hand us over, thus ignoring how their feminism, minoritism, pro-immigration stances caused and whitewashed what have been coming back at us.

4. The 2008 subprime crisis

As this piece explained well, “the [American] government pressured the financial industry to accept loans from people whose credit ratings made them bad risks.” Threated by accusations of “racism”, steered by State-engineered policies that wanted to democratize mortgages with someone else’s money (obviously), banks have been building a house of cards with commodified loans. The end result is well known, but the responsibilities behind have been carefully tamped down.

Indeed, blaming the banks amounts to telling only one half of the story. The other half, constantly unmentioned by the mainstream media, features Bill Clinton repelling the Glass-Steagal act, the Federal Reserve smearing and blackmailing (quote) banks into lending risky borrowers, Democrat senator Barney Frank denying in 2003 that Freddie Mae and Fanny Mac were undergoing a potential crisis, Democrat senator Chuck Schumer defending the financial status quo because “they have done a very good job” at housing people (who exactly?). In 2005, some Republicans who had listened to the warnings tried to regularize the house of cards: Democrats unanimously blocked the effort.

Claiming to desire an end to “racism” and operating on the premise of racial egalitarianism, [house activists] put into place the very policies that wrecked the global economy—and then took control of the narrative to shift the blame onto their victims (which included both the banks and the poor individuals who subsequently took out bad loans that the banks were forced by government policy to extend).

5. The Théo Luhaka case

On February 2nd, a “French” black guy was apprehended by policemen after he tried to prevent them from apprehending another black who was an alleged dealer. Another criminal incident, with one particular feature: word spread that one policeman had rammed his police stick between the thug’s cheeks. Immediately, the French mainstream media stood up as one man for the “cause” of this alleged poor victim, forgetting presumption of innocence or even any investigation report. Théo, only designated by his first name, ignited a storm of leftist hysteria that lumped together the police, “racism”, and repeated the minority-victimhood narrative. “A black guy got raped by a white policeman!” Following the media trend, President Hollande visited Théo at the hospital—something he never did for any policeman or assaulted bystander.

Then, more information popped out, and the media quietly forgot the subject of their weeks-long hysteria. After investing the case, the general inspection of police forces reached the conclusion that no policeman raped the apprehended that day and that security cameras recordings corroborated the policemen’s version, who denied the whole rape story and had been conspicuously ignored by the media. It was also revealed that the apprehended’s family had diverted almost 700.000 euros through a publicly funded association, a case far from exceptional. Finally, the criminal-turned-victim retracted his testimony, and it seems that he got raped by another black drug dealer before he had been apprehended.

No mainstream media did apologize for having spread fake news fuelling anti-white, anti-police hysteria, and complacency for criminals. Instead, they passed to other topics as if nothing had happened, in a blatant display of shameless irresponsibility. The example is French, but once again, the analogy is easy to draw: American or international mainstream media have spread fake news about President Trump not shaking hands with Angela Merkel (he did shake hands), wrongly accused our own Matthew Forney of having shot Muslims in Montreal, and numerous other ones.


At best the fake news media tell half of the story while ignoring or normalizing the other half, and at worst they outright lie and smear. Leftists don’t care much about truth. What matters to them is having the upper hand over what can be said or not. How many times did I see Leftists go from “there is no correlation between immigration and crime” to “okay there is but… [pick your choice:] it is caused by the environment, it has been caused by white reycism, non-whites are poor and lack self-trust, the CIA gave guns to the initially non-violent Blood and Crisps gang” and so on?

Great power should go along with a great sense of responsibility. The left turns this principle on its head: the more power one has in their system, the less accountable he is, and the more those not in power—the average dispossessed, the middle class, the conservative who has no cultural power, the “far right”-tagged dissenter—are blamed instead. Better be the powerful and greedy Clintons than a 15 years-old 4chaner.

A healthy society considers people accountable for their behaviours and choices. The first cause of dissension, low trust and perpetual wars is how those who mess up at a grand scale are allowed to go away untainted while the affected must bear everything in silence. All currently privileged categories lack accountability—and we carry the weight of their poor choices and their blame instead. Time to set the records straight.

Read Next: Feminists Attack Lincoln University President For Saying Women Should Be Responsible For Their Actions

302 thoughts on “5 Cultural Milestones Where Leftists Assume Zero Responsibility For Their Choices”

  1. This reminds me of the Swedish girls who don’t turn in their Muslim rapists to police because…………racism.
    “It’s ok when a Muslim does it ”

    1. Speaking of sweden- a truck was just driven into a crowd over there. they really have bad drivers, dont they??

      1. Speaking of which can you guess whom was behind the wheel?
        a) A fanatical christian crusader
        b) A radical islamist
        c) Militant Atheist
        d) None of the Above
        e) All of the above
        f) Fuck you, i dont give a shit

        1. Choose the correct answer and Kratomman will haunt you tonight….

        2. Kratomman doesnt haunt you, he takes you to the Spearmint Rhino and pays for your drinks

        3. All of the above, they were together at a multicultural party in the gay neighborhood in Malmo; they get drunk and high and b) suggested to get out for a ride.

        4. “Why not you cis-gendered, white, christian, male, misogynist, gun-totting, sexist…..”
          – A cultural marxist
          I might even earn extra points in slandering people like you in the west since im asian but i choose not to do so instead

        5. A toy? I would have preferred older ones with wooden shoulderbutts if i had the chance like the M-14 or 1903 springfield

        6. those are also AR-15s
          Every gun is an AR-15 didn’t you know? Even revolutionary muskets are AR-15s This is America….Land of AR-15 and Home of the Whopper

        7. Well i still prefer old guns since they have a lot of story to tell.

        8. funny, you don’t look it. My mother is toxic masculinity and my father is patriarchy

        9. I don’t know much about guns at all. All I know is that every gun ever made is an AR-15

        10. yeah, I am currently on a conference call I couldn’t fucking care less about

        11. not kidding at all. All guns, tanks, missiles, attack helicopters etc are AR-15s

        12. oh “work out” sorry misread.
          No, I don’t comment on ROK in the gym

        13. Why dont people invest in weights, barbells, bar benders and a yoga mat at home? at least you don’t have to hit the gym in the long run.

        14. Now that’s an AR-15 calling the kettle an AR-15. Call me racist, but people are AR-15’s too. Elliot Rodgers for example was an AR-15.

        15. During last years rok meetup, Kratomman was the only one to successfully meet up: with Norris, and Schwarzenegger in his prime (with K it can happen like that).

        16. what about the mooslim who went into the poof nightclub in Orlando and said “free shots for everyone” with a AR15?

        17. Nazi swedish PEWDIEPIE comes to my mind when you said about heterosexual white men.

        1. if we forced everyone to ride bicycles, these attacks wouldnt be possible

        2. I suppose terrorists could still strategically fall off their bikes onto innocent people. Fat terrorists at least

        3. mooslims may turn their bikes into scythed chariots?
          or just drive Macks & Freightliners and run white people over the good old fashioned way.

      2. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the drivers were American White Supremacist Christian Republican Trump supporters that had spent the last 6 months training in Pewdiepie’s secret Swedish Nazi Camp under Russian Special Forces. They attacked a Children’s Hospital for immigrant refugee infants suffering from Global Warming Syndrome. Unnamed sources have confirmed that the truck was loaded with Sarin gas shipped directly from Assad’s personal stockpile. 147,000 innocent babies are reported to have suffered a long and excruciatingly painful death.

        1. Real reporting has gotten so bad that it is often difficult to tell but ainigmaris was enough over the top that I would say no.

      3. I heard the truck was empty. No other way to explain why headlines read “truck kills people.”
        I told ya self-driving cars were tha devil!

  2. Great opening picture.
    I’m gonna print that and put it on my gym wall as a reminder of what I’m fighting against

      1. A bitchy, entitled, whorish, slutty and priveledged women crying rape. NOTE THE HYPOCRISY

        1. Might as well call me old fashioned but me thinks that the old ways have worked exceptionally well. E.g the natural role of men and women since ancient times.

      2. Pregnant sex is good, but your positions will be limited. Fringe benefit: no need for a rubber.

        1. I can’t stand rubbers. It has to be a pretty dirty cooze for me to wear one. I just want to pound out a pregnant girl so good that she thinks of me every time she sees the baby’s face. There is a preggo in my gym and I always think about bending her fat ass over a bench and seeing if I can get the baby to blow me

        2. I laughed out loud at that. I’m guessing you’ve had your tubes tied?

        1. I say this with hesitation or qualification: IN A FUCKING HEARTBEAT

        1. I’m not really an online dating kind of guy but thank you!

        1. Actually it isn’t proof of fertility it is proof of divinity. As far as the kneeman is concerned women are virgins until they fuck me.
          (I have used this line to asstounding success)

      3. Well you sure don’t have to worry about knocking her up. ; ) I’ve done it. You really haven’t missed anything. But then again the worst I ever had was good…

        1. I’m just an experience junky. Kills me that there is something I haven’t done

        2. Yeah I know what you mean. I’m getting ready to sell both my bikes and buy a ZX-14R. I want to be able to say I did over 200 MPH on a motorcycle before I die. Of course it may be right before I die… ☠ 😉

        3. Careful: I didn’t want to get rid of my R1 when I did if ya know what I mean

        4. Yeah, occupied the same space as another vehicle at the same time.

        5. Kneeman, I am really sorry to hear that. I hope it was just the bike and you escaped unscathed. I’ve got a Z-1000 for the street and a KLR-650 I run dirt roads on. They’re both fun, but I’m less interested in running gravel now and a naked bike gets squirrelly up around a buck fifty. I think the ZX-14R will be the way for me to go. I like to canyon carve, so even though it’s a big bike, it supposedly handles well. With a Power Commander, pipes and a K&N filter they’ll top 200. Hey, I own the world’s most powerful production handgun; might as well have the bike to go with it.

        6. Couple broken ribs is all. That was Back in ’10. I got lucky. My vacation last week was the first time I rode since—a little Suzuki 4 stroke I took Around the island. Such a great feeling. The worst part of my accident was that it threw me off my game and I wound up in my one and only LTR which was really fucking terrible.
          I don’t advise against race bikes. Hell I love them (though if I get another I’ll get a triumph bonneville) just suggest caution. I have a GoPro video of me doing 178 on the Long Island expressway. Was the fastest I ever pushed it (that I know, I got the go pro because I was never able to look at a speedometer at those speeds) and it was fun.
          The problem with the race bike is that there is no margin of error. My accident was on a side street, not high speed, but I misjudged which side of a pot hole to be on and wound up sharing the same moment in space-time with a bus. These bikes just do not allow for minor mistakes.
          The 14R will be awesome, it really will be. My advice, should you chose to take it, is get one for a season. The mentality that it is a seasonal bike will help I think. Drive it like you stole it for a few months, tuck the experience away and then sell it.
          Temping fate is one thing. Kicking fate in the nut sack is much different.
          For what it’s worth, of all the race bikes I tried out, nothing felt like the R1 to me

        7. Well I’m sorry about the broken ribs and I won’t comment on the LTR. I swore up and down after my first marriage disintegrated I wouldn’t do it again. Ha-ha! Never say never! We’ve been together 29 years now and she always makes sure there’s nothing left for anyone else; smart lady! I started riding in 1971; on the street in ’78. I had several bikes, but my 1975 Yamaha RD-350 was my favourite; it was a two-stroke crotch rocket that you had to actually ride. These new sport bikes are fast, but very little challenge for me. I rode when there were kick starters and primitive suspension. I took that little oil burner across the Mobile bay bridge-tunnel at a buck twenty plus next to a Datsun 280Z. He kept glancing over at me. I guess he was wondering HTF that little bike was doing that, lol. My ex finally convinced me to give up motorcycling and I did until the boys were grown up and gone. I really appreciate your advice on a super sport being seasonal. I will probably keep it about 3 – 5 years. I’ve had the Zed and the KLR about that long and have become very intimate with them, but I’ve wrung all the goody out. There’s nothing new there for me now, so time to move on. My co-workers’ dad had a turbo 14R. He said it was an absolute blast to cruise along at a buck eighty on the 435 loop, nail the turbo and almost instantly hit 230+! I think that’s a bit excessive, but I would like to be able to say I’ve been up over 200 on two wheels. I had various girls want to ride with me over the years I’d tell “You probably ought to be on suicide watch.” They go with me anyway. I suspect I’m mentally defective, but what the hell, it’s who I am.

        8. Suicide watch! Ha. I know what you mean about the new bikes being almost too user friendly. Even cars. I learned to parallel park without power steering in a car made out of metal but the new machines have some benefits.
          Do you know the new Ferraris don’t even come with a stick shift? Can’t even custom order one.
          Enjoy the bike. You have way more riding experience than I do so trust your instincts and enjoy!

        9. As a side note, I took a Ducati 1100R SS out for a ride and I have to say, it wasn’t an easy bike to drive compared to the Japanese super sports. You had to ride that one I think…maybe not compared to the old 70’s bikes but comparatively today

  3. ” How many times did I see Leftists go from “there is no correlation between immigration and crime” to “okay there is but… ”
    They seem to do this in every argument. They absolutely deny that a problem exists. Then when you show them proof, they always fall hack to ” Yeah, that’s only because….”
    They go from denying that a problem exists to making excuses for said problem.
    It’s a sneaky way of getting around actually admitting that the problem exists
    An excuse for a problem cannot exist without first acknowledging that the problem exists.
    Too often we let them get away with this. We need to stop that. First comes acknowledgement of the problem. Then comes discussing causes and solutions.

    1. If I were European, I would no longer care why all the crimes and rapes were going on– clash of cultures, issues with assimilation, racism. None of that matters. All that matters is this is unacceptable, and it has to stop.
      That is it. The reasons are irrelevant, now. It is unacceptable. It has to stop.

  4. If would be great if a local district attorney would attempt to sue media outlet X for inciting the locals to loot and burn their towns down- any reason why this never happens? Lawyers, chime in

    1. Well, President Trump is being sued for inciting violence at his campaign rallies by the people who got beat up. Trump’s attorneys have failed to get the case dismissed, so that’s a start!

        1. what are my chances with you? 1 in a 100? (Im setting this up for you)

        2. A picture itself can tell more than a thousand words. Hence why i choose not to do so

  5. Hilarious for ROK to run articles decrying “sexual liberation.” Do you want women to sleep with your or not? You can’t seem to decide…..

    1. whats your credit score and outstanding debt level? I dont think you answered the Q a few days ago

        1. broads with credit scores of 770 or higher turn me on. trouble is, they dont seem to exist

        2. So you try to pick up 50 year-old grandfathers online? Whatever floats your boat, Sporto.

        3. Im glad I dont talk to friends about this site, the convo would start like “Not true! I was talking online to God and Darth Vader last night, and they said…”

        4. you just sit there in your basement eating Cheetos Vader….gonna do all the greatest hits

        5. Have you seen “That was Then, This is Now”? I think Mighty Ducks 3 killed his career

        6. hey, do you have any guesses on who molested Corey Haim? Corey Feldman says he is waiting to drop the bomb and that it is a very well known celebrity. My money is in Keiffer. I think it might have actually been the entire cast of young guns II taking turns on him and Keiffer will claim he “never drew first but he drew first blood”
          Also, I am guessing that he totally did it jack bauer style by screaming TAKE OFF YOUR PANTS as if Corey was a terrorist.

        7. Nah man, def Keiffer. I am betting it was during the lost boys. I think we should have a pool. “Who Fag Raped Corey Haim” 5 dollar buy in winner take all.
          Also, I want more credit for keiffer doing it with the rest of the cast of young guns and then saying “i never drew first but I drew first blood”

        8. no way. Keiffer is 5 years older. 17 year old keiffer blew up Haims ass and then said “There is no broken trail to Old Mexico is there”

        9. Seriously one of our tech savvy members should make a youtube video out of the greatest hits.
          “I was beating off in this basement to a bunch of asian porn, too afraid to go out, too sad that I was born / I went to this site it’s called A Return to Lonely Kings / I looked to my forgotten phone, said why don’t you ever ring / I said: Mom, this basement’s getting small, I said Mom, why don’t girls ever call, I said Mom: Ain’t ever gonna find myself a wife, just beat off to asian porn and eat cheetos all my life.”
          Thank you.

        10. that would be awesome. I consider turning this thing on as “savvy” but I am sure someone could do something cool

        11. I love how the video has to be labelled “fake” just in case

      1. I almost responded in a polite way about being a big tent where some people want different things than others and have respectful disagreements but then I noticed it was SFC Sphincter

        1. ha! I was gonna make the “sphincter” dig, but I cant spell it. I went out of a spelling bee in 4th grade on that word!

        2. In your defense, it was cruel to have such a giggle-inducing word in a spelling bee in the first place.

      1. Everytime you get turned down by a girl, you should celebrate her refusal to take part in sexual liberation

        1. You are (wilfully?) ignoring the big picture. That is, the distribution problem: because of unrestrained hypergamy, 80% girls go fuck the top 20% men and let the rest in the cold. You are also “forgetting” how hookup culture and womyn jumping out of relationships forces men into running after short-term relationships, as these are better than nothing or divorce-rape. Many guys have just been adapting to the hookup, women-are-sovereign culture.

        2. There’s no “distribution problem,” that’s just another falsehood propagated by silly sites like ROK. 90% of men I know are in long-term relationships. Do I happen to just know a LOT of top-level men, or have you just been sold a bill of ridiculous nonsense? According to you, the vast majority of men should be single and alone.

        3. Most guys in my generation are either single or in short-term, frail relationships. Are you older than 40?

    2. ROK speaks to both PUAs and tradition-minded guys. Actually, PUAtism has been a necessary step to traditionalism for many of us, and that’s related to the world we live in. Take away the deregulated sexual market and you also free us from the “necessity” to fuck plenty of girls to rack up life experience and prove our worth. In a traditional world, the pater familias could have had all his experience with the same woman (his wife) and still be worth something. Nowadays the guy who fucked only one girl is, more often than not, a loser no one gives a shit about.

      1. You don’t have a necessity to fuck plenty of girls to prove your worth – you’ve been sold that idea by sites like ROK

        1. you should remind the ladies who participate in sluts walks of this as well. nothing to be proud of

        2. If you think that, you probably don’t know what a “slut walk” is. Hint – it’s not a celebration of being a slut.

        3. They’re “empowered”!!!
          They’re “owning their sexuality”
          They’re “destroying double-standards!”
          WOO-HOO gurl power!

        4. Its where they walk home in the morning wearing last night’s cocktail dress, splattered with my fluids.
          But in their minds, its a parade like I describe.

        5. No. The rise of guys fucking many girls and the growing importance of having experience and skills on the dating market created this. Men have been adapting to the new deal without determining it. Today, a guy with a very few experience have high odds of being friendzoned, exploited, denied, and ends up married at 30s with some used slut who actually despises him. Worth conditions changed because the context changed. Give us back a world of families, complementarity, and healthy regulations (instead of the Pareto-world of now) and men will revert to normalcy.

        6. Oh please. You’re on a website that LITERALLY advises men and boys on how to sleep with as many women as possible, but you’ll sit there and complain how “men are exploited? No one OWES you anything. No one forces you to “marry a used slut that despises you.” You guys need to man up and start taking personal responsibility for your situations instead of blaming women, society, etc, it’s ridiculous.

        7. So we, who are mostly powerless beyond our very own personal lives, should take the blame whereas decision makers, SJW and the like accept no accountability for their numerous misdeeds. Seems legit.

        8. Decades ago, being prosocial, patient, hard-working landed you fair chances to marry with a reliable and valuable woman. Today, being like that means more often than not being exploited, burned, and if you dare to notice what’s happen you get bludgeoned by feminists and manginas. All that in a world where women get huge amounts of cock, run after parties and career, are commitment-phobic and where it is almost impossible to find a suitable wife. Try to build a family and what you’ll get is divorce rape.
          As we are faced with such a situation, well, we adapt (and here ROK advice comes into play): fucking lots of girls means being part of the cock carousel instead of remaining a friendzoned beta, and most importantly, no one can take away your game accomplishments. Feminists can corrupt women and destroy families but no feminist ever can cancel all the notches we heroically gained.
          As I said, in a different and fairer world, our own behavior and choices would be quite different too. Now take the red pill, would you kindly?

      2. Hank Hill is the only male on TV that had only slept with one woman that I can think of that isn’t portrayed as a loser because of it. In fact, it is kind of a point of honor for him. That is literally the ONLY one in modern media that I can think of.

        1. Mike Judge is one of the few non-crazies in entertainment. He doesn’t get enough credit for this, or his work.

        2. Hahahaha I always loved that. Hank has one of the best lines in television history:
          “Just when you say the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, ya keep on talking.”

  6. “I am sorry to say that we live at a time … when men adopt opinions as they choose their dresses, according to the mode of the hour, when nothing is followed but what is fashionable, and nothing esteemed fashionable but what is new…”
    – Declaration made by Spencer Perceval to a lawyer’s debating club in 1783. ( pg 62 of the book “Why Spencer Perceval Had to Die”)

  7. Sometimes when I read these kind of articles I have to remind myself that it’s not the end of the world….yet.
    The thing about many of these leftists is- some of them may have good intentions (the road to hell is paved with them) by thinking if we are all thrown together that hate, resentment, racism, whatever will disappear. If everyone is the same race and has the same culture then everything will be a big socialist utopia. However they work so hard at it that it just seems to create more divisions. In all their ranting about hate it turns out they hate anyone who disagrees with them. While I realize we all need to get along I also realize the world and people aren’t perfect and are never going to be. Having a world full of mixed race people doesn’t mean they will all hang out and sing hippy songs together. How many wars have there been between white people with similar cultures that slaughtered one another by the millions? Are there not wars in Africa between Africans? People are animals and always will be, it’s never going to be perfect and twisting people’s arms and telling them to love the others and get along or else is one day going to end badly when those who are continually forced to make concessions get tired of putting up with those who don’t.
    I’m sorry for all that I haven’t had my morning hit of Kratom yet, after that I will be ready to go to the hood and hold hands with somebody.

    1. “SING KUMBAYA WITH ME…”*Someone explodes**blood splatters over face*. Nothing to see here so move along.

      1. Just hearing Kumbaya causes me to have violent feelings of beating hippies senseless with sustainably grown bamboo sticks.

        1. Beat them by facts when you could make them hurt from it. Why bother by using violence since we are not willing to stoop at their level

        2. Hurting people isn’t a good thing…well, sometimes it is-Demolition Man.

        3. I dunno, our mayor wants to get all ex-cons jobs. Only career path that makes sense is your idea. No good

        4. hey, women love the iThug even though it doesn’t work

        5. HAHA women love so much dark triad men that they will use iThug as a dating site.

        6. it will probably work better here than in china anyway….when you hire someone in china to beat up your enemy chances are they will be hard to locate

        7. Puper? That just doesn’t have the ring I was looking for. 🙂

        8. call your enemy an antisemite on twitter and the AIPAC henchmen will get the job done in no time.

        9. Free Market Justice. I like it better than the monopoly that we are forced to deal with in the States.

    2. That’s one of the main functions of law in a society – “Get along or else.”

      1. The law says get along or else which I can live with, the left says kiss everybody else’s ass or else because it’s my fault they suck, that I can’t live with.

        1. I don’t know where you live, but no one tells me to kiss anyone’s ass.

        2. I don’t know where Academia is, do they speak English in Academia?

        3. winning. we need to get lolknee’s firm to build this city, ship em all there

      1. I’m not really sure if they lied or not but, I think some of those people could possibly be homersexuls.

      2. Why is mao celebrated in this video? (The man with the bugle theme, cap and carrying a red book) Scum commies make chinese look bad.

        1. “why” is not something I have an answer for but Benneton was super popular when I was younger.

        2. That means you must be atleast around 40 -50 years old since this ad was aired in 1987

        3. I do however have a slight obssesion with things in the 1980s such as male masculinity stereotypes, business suits, fast cars and plenty of action.

        4. I am still a yuppie just grown old….lol…im an Oldpie

        5. I cant blame you since i was born in the late nineties so there is an obvious age gap and due to the cultural marxism in my generation.

        6. I like the late 90’s. Most of the girls I date were born around that time.

        7. Shieet, old man you are dating what could be my potential mate in the future…..( well that’s typical Lolknee for you.)

        8. you could have ’em when i’m done. Teach your generation to pay more attention to girls and less to video games that they come around looking for us geezers 🙂

    3. I have a neat retort to the mixed race eliminating racism theory. Ready?
      The left loves to claim that “diversity” is essential to human progress otherwise we would have a big world full of “yes” men who say the exact same thing. There’s a valid point to this considering how different cultures have contributed new, original points of view.
      But then… what happens when all the races and cultures are mixed together into one big melting pot? Doesn’t that then become a mono culture no different than an all white white trailer park?

      1. I’ve thought the same they say ,diversity makes us stronger! Yet the want us all to be the same mixed race mono culture without diversity….. it hurts my head to try and make sense of it all.

        1. And the really hilarious part is that they want the end result to be the worst of all of them: They praise Europe but want to replace them (and us) with people from cultures with behaviors they despise: Patriarchy, religious intolerance, crony capitalism, consumerism.
          So this may be why they dress up with pussy hats and write slut on their naked bodies and run around naked and think that makes sense. Because in this crazy universe they made for themselves, it’s about as sensible as anything else.

      2. The problem isn’t the “Melting Pot”, I don’t think. The theory is that if you have a strong base culture, then those from outside that culture must conform to the culture that they join. In doing so, they “Melt” with their new culture while retaining some of their native culture. The result is a stronger “Alloy Culture”. Personally, I think it has some merit because while it might be “diverse” of demographics, these demographics are united by IDEAS.
        When outside cultures accept and adopt the central ideas and axioms of the native culture they assimilate to, whatever positive aspects the outsider brings to the table from their previous culture, will incorporate into the strong native culture that they assimilate with.
        What we are seeing today (and the last 20 or so year’s really) isn’t and example of a Melting Pot Culture. It is more of a Salad Bowl Culture. Which would explain why the West has become so weak. I mean, which is weaker? An alloy of various cultures Incorporated into a strong native culture of ideas, or a pretty little salad where all the fruits, nuts, and veggies are all thrown together in a cultural and geographical bowl?

        1. The dominant culture in the USA for the past 50 years has been “white guilt” and therefore non-white immigrants would be insane to assimilate (why wouldn’t you want to be a permanent “oppressed” minority entitled to perpetual privileges?) It also explains why Western and even Eastern Europeans are in no rush to emigrate to the USA.
          If an alt-righter calls out the left on this, they use the shaming play projection tactic of accusing them of being “racists” out to justify discrimination against “minorities” and perhaps they have a weird kind of point. Human history HAS scapegoated minority ethnic groups before to unite politically but never has it been by the host culture against it’s own people.
          It begs the question: How will this work when they achieve “majority minority” status? We all know the answer to that: It’s like the Bernie Madoff pyramid scheme: When there aren’t enough “privileged” types to rob, how to keep the system going? And rather than becoming “tolerant” and guilt-ridden like liberals appear to be, they dream of “doubling down” and then going to stage 2 in the ethnic cleansing process.
          Heck, I overheard (ok, eavesdrop but they have it coming) leftists chuckling before how this was the final “gasp” of working class whites and then they’d be irrelevant. Yeah, really checking their “privilege” there. This is why they went into spaz mode, wore pink pussy hats, wrote “slut” on their bodies and danced in DC. Because they were making a protest against the irrational right. 🙂
          I don’t take it personally anymore than a gang targeting my car to be jacked if it’s a Toyota and Toyota parts are popular on the black market. Heck, just imagine how this happy little “diversity” party would break up when there either aren’t enough white males to blame OR they can’t target them anymore. How well do all the various diversity groups get along in general? Ever see Bladerunner?

        2. You’re absolutely right. The Melting Pot Theory went out the door once the commies got more control of the cultural hegemony. What we are seeing is the Salad Bowl Theory and all its negative results.

        3. I hate the commies for their murdery ethnic cleansing policies, but capitalists are little better in that they would eliminate humanity itself for the right price.
          Basically, people in power want more power and it doesn’t really matter what economic/political paradigm got them there.

  8. VICE article reports that Bannon called Jared a “cuck”, and created tension with Jared on major issues like immigration, trade, and [terrorism].
    My impression is that Bannon was the one who understood the American population well enough to drive the populist movement, and Jared is just another pro-Israel neo-con.
    Can someone explain to me why “populism” is considered a dirty word? Isn’t democracy supposed to represent the will of the people?

      1. I heard Rush Limbaugh talking about it yesterday, I don’t know if he can be trusted either though.

        1. I never believed in sacrificing yourself for being kind rather whose interests does it serve primarily to begin with

    1. “Can someone explain to me why “populism” is considered a dirty word?”
      Well, I mean, if you unscramble “populist” you get “pimp soul” so that may be why don’t you think hmmmmmmmmmmmm

        1. just tell me Clark, did you spend even a second double checking me there?

        2. I listened to about 30 seconds of that, it made me want to kick a puppy.

        3. I might be addicted to this song more than kratom.Thanks for the song though.

      1. Israel is very happy about Trump’s bombing of Syria, apparently.

  9. Liberals are by nature irresponsible, they’re like drunk drivers, as far as they are concerned all bad things are everybody else’s fault especially when it comes to the fault that liberals still exist.

  10. I stopped reading at “men who abandon their wives…”
    80% of divorces are initiated by women. you def are a liberal, all feelings, not facts

    1. Yeah, that’s the one point where I’ll give the article some credit. I’m just trying to say that gender relations are messed up on both sides.

      1. No, white women mess up ‘gender relations’ by stealing our homes and children in divorce, and denying us sex within marriage.
        Not to mention all the false rape accusations, informed consent accusations, and retrospective rape accusation because they felt guilty for acting like sluts, or being caught acting like sluts.
        Outside the western world this isn’t the case,I can have sex with my wife whenever I want, it’s part of the marriage contract she agreed. Most women wouldn’t even report a ‘date rape’, and the police would just laugh if they tried. ‘You don’t want to have sex with a man, then don’t go anywhere alone with him’. That’s police and court policy, easy and fair on everyone.

  11. It’s good that we’re allowing these maggots to play their game unchecked, so we have no doubt which are their real intentions. Making sure they are really insane animals who are up to destroying everything will make it easier to get rid of them when the time comes.

    1. I’m afraid you overestimate the intelligence of the walking turds we are surrounded by.

      1. Truly, and without any joking about it, I have to say that you have a way of turning phrases that makes me smile every time. Well done.

        1. you are obviously an intelligent and well-read guy, so I consider that a complement. fedora tip

        2. do you see many hipsters in NYC Kneeman?
          NYC seems like it would be “ground zero” in more ways than one in this fashion (travesty) movement.

        3. Nyc is if you go to the right areas. However, the circles I travel in it just doesn’t happen. I work on Madison Ave and live on upper east. I see very well dressed people.
          I know exactly where to go where everyone and there mother is a hipster but I have no reason to go to those places. As I always say, nyc is a city where segregation is alive and well.

      2. Yeah, but there are enough people that won’t accept the turd way of life and they are just about ready to flush the human toilet.

  12. Liberal mindset = if you are not a completely disgusting degenerate, it must be because you are repressed and you are afraid to express your real self.

      1. The False Dichotomy is built into the very fabric of the dialectic that constructs their ideology and Identity. It’s Proletariat vs Bourgeouisie writ large across varying degrees and platforms.
        I swear if I had a time machine, I’d go back and shoot baby Karl right in the crib. Right before I make Mr. Marx take a shot between the eyes.

    1. Wow John… jewfucked? To respond to your point, I think people don’t need to be disgusting degenerates if they don’t repress themselves so severely.

      1. People were no degenerates like that before modernity. Times that have been scorned by licencious liberals as “repressive” were much healthier than now, families were equilibrated, there was no sex or culture wars. Now we’ve got both the anarchy of licentiousness and the tyranny of so-called political correctness.
        Liberals creating desires out of the “you need to do XYZ thing or you’re ‘repressed’” creed, then making life much poorer than in traditional times (80% men competing for the lowest 20% tier of women, bludgeoning nice guys and healthy sexual desires as “sexists” or whatever negative adjective they can throw at them). Liberals pretending they want to “free” or “emancipate” whereas they create the worst kind of ideological and actual repression.
        If you look closely, you can trace most of the problems we’re coping with now to the almighty Left. Cuckservatives are a weak opposition with no real cultural power.

        1. I get your point. I said I’m a liberal but I also understand that society needs tradition and stability in order to survive, and so-called “progress” isn’t always what it seems. I believe we probably share these ideas. However, the right can be blamed as easily as the left for this. If we didn’t have ridiculous moral standards that are impossible to fulfill, people wouldn’t turn into degenerates to escape from them. The sexual revolution would never have been necessary had authoritarianism and discipline not developed in a totally unrealistic and diseased direction. We have big issues, but I don’t agree with blaming immigrants (I have Mexican, Muslim, and Asian friends, so these people are not outsiders to me), or for that matter with exclusively blaming liberals who’d probably do more for blue collar people than the conservatives who pay them lip service and screw them over the first chance they get.

        2. Lol, my suggestion then is stop reading. I’m not into flaming people on the internet. Your friendly neighborhood bar fight is frankly a better venue if you need to get out this kind of aggression.

  13. A lot of great points in this article and also invites criticism of the forum itself which teaches men how to succeed in a pickup culture. Most cultures that still have decent women don’t have much of a “game” expectation from the local women. The danger of game is that while it assumes you’re just pump and dumping ho’s who don’t deserve any better, the decent ones are even more susceptible. The primary purpose of game should be to find a nice woman and have children with her and raise them to improve the culture.

    1. “to find a nice woman and have children with her and raise them”
      Change ‘nice’ to ‘fertile’ and I can agree.
      If they aren’t nice, you can soon slap that out of them!

      1. We can view taming the shrew, so to speak, as just another level of game. If someone can spend months of time they’d put into a dayjob into learning how to manipulate women to let them into their pants, then the same can go for wifing one of them up.
        I often considered this back when I was hitting my peak in the states that I could have married a career woman in their early 30’s. They did have quite a bit to offer including many of them being fertile and having money. Think of it: If I earned decent coin (not great) and they even earned more than me, they would want the appearance of me being a provider (buying a few dinners, holding their doors, etc.) and after I get nookie (wearing a condom, of course) about a year, I could blow $500 on a cubic zirconia (with their ok) and set an engagement for 1 year out.
        And during that 1 year, the closer it gets to the wedding day, the more leverage I have. She’s getting older and the window for grooming a new guy narrow. I can demand a prenup including no child support if she leaves me and even a share of the marital assets. It’s the ultimate “frame.”
        Of course, I didn’t bother and got married to an Eastern European woman (13 years now) with a daughter but it’s still a life path one could take.

  14. I also have experienced leftist dishonesty and realized the most effective way to win a debate is to stop there and call them out on it. They thrive on changing the subject in order to deflect attention from a key flaw in their whole ideology. Here’s how to nail them:
    1) Tell them you can’t buy into economic marxism because the left hates white people. They love to then pretend they don’t know what you’re talking about as if they never heard of “white privilege”. They’ll try to act like they’re dumb because their precious narrative is that it’s all in your head. You’re “crazy”, you see, so they play this game of acting like you imagined it all on your own or Foxnews put it into your head.
    Response: Play along for a moment and show them a google search of “white privilege” and how it’s nearly always NOT foxnews going on about it. They’ll then RATIONALIZE the anti-white narrative and let them go on and then say…
    “What a minute? Didn’t you say I had made up this whole thing and you didn’t know anything about it? So now you’re justifying it! Did you just pretend that you didn’t know what was going on?!?!
    They’ll then hem and haw but hold them on it. They lied. They pretended to not know what was going on. Point out how them doing this makes them super liars to you and also to themselves.
    2) Other favorite lie will be to spread a common Goebbels type lie. The two most popular are:
    1) The 77 cents on a dollar wage myth gap.
    2) That Scooter Libby went to jail for outing Valerie Plame as revenge for calling out Bush’s WMD war justification.
    Explain to them simply that the wage gap is not only a lie, but also shows that women continue to demand male support even after they get paid for similar actual, real work meaning that women’s sexism is driving the gap! Or… for Libby, point out that it was the Washington Post that leaked the name and they got it from an aide to Colin Powell and that there was no motive for Bush or Libby to go after Plame.
    They’ll want to change the subject but hold them firm. Get them to admit that they were pushing a lie. Ask them how they didn’t know this was a lie that is on wikipedia among others. Are they ignorant? Stupid? Get them to admit this is a lie before continuing further. Note they know they were lying (it’s hard to get them to prove they aren’t just dumb) but from then on, they will have to admit they were stooges which is almost as bad for them because their precious narrative is that we’re all Foxnews drones. So if they’re the drone, they’ll feel like chumps which is effectively a victory lap.
    In other words, catch them in a lie or being a stooge and get them to confess to it before moving to a new topic for them to try to lie about. Refuse to move on until they admit what they did. Watch them squirm.

      1. For the same reason you ask someone to cover their mouth when sneezing: They are spreading germs.
        Consider how the average leftist is made: They are indoctrinated when they’re young or vulnerable to believe that there are devils out there (right wingers) who are stupid and ignorant and they’re cool and smart (which makes them feel good about themselves) and they spread the word like a gospel but it’s more like a germ. Like a sneeze, they don’t necessarily care that it will get you sick (they know they can’t convert you but they can’t help themselves and even enjoy it.)
        So by making them NOT enjoy it and perhaps getting them to at least feel a sense of shame and shut their mouth helps to undermine the whole cultural leftist thing.

  15. The 2008 financial crisis resulted in Obama and the federal reserve to wage 8 years of financial repression against financially prudent and productive people. This continues under Trump. Obama came into office telling the banksters he had their back and he did everything possible to rob the people for the benefit of the wall street banks.

    1. To quibble, per Wikileaks, Citigroup chose 0bama’s original Cabinet, so he didn’t have the backs of the bankers so much as they were pulling his strings.

        1. Which, thanks to Wikileaks, we now know was grossly misrepresented back in 2009 by Politico.
          0bama wasn’t a socialist crusader going against the banks, who needed profit motive explained to him much like FDR did in WW2, instead he was a Crony Corporatist who punished the opposition to Citigroup…and who pushed out that Politico puff piece to pander to his then-still-enchanted socialist voters.

        2. Yes, the mainstream media glossed over his cronyism, but this was so big it was still obvious to those not under a spell.

  16. We are coming close to the time for extreme violence. Liberals, anti-white whites, insane evil jews and raPING, THIEIVNG MURDERING, COWARDLY, CRIMINAL, parasitic, terroristic, genetically evil non-white subhumans need to die! Brother Kasidiaris shows how to deal with mouthy, evil leftists cunts! 14/88!!!!

  17. THIS. “Without manly solidarity, game merely increases intra-masculine competition and the women’s value.” This is what I despise from all the PUA shit. We are shooting our feet, gentlemen!

  18. We all live in complex world getting increasingly complex all the time. So how or where does the right coach the left into personal responsibility?
    Turning around 50 yrs of liberalism is certainly not going to happen overnight.
    This wold be most interesting to revisit in 50 or so yrs time and see if anything has really changed.

  19. Do you have any links to stories on that Theo guy that are in English? I cannot find ANY.

  20. Question- can someone link me an article in ENGLISH that shows Theo lied and was supposedly raped by a drug dealer as pointed out in comments? If this is so, I want to see if French media will do the right thing and cover it.

  21. It’s all happening by accident.
    Pay no attention to that (((man))) behind the curtain.

  22. “Without manly solidarity, game merely increases intra-masculine competition and the women’s value.”
    And this is exactly what I been saying all along. Alphas lift up your benevolent beta brothers. Sigmas, keep doing your thing but put women in the right place – make not one woman feel as if she is due the man of her dreams while men have to settle. If anything – the reverses Is the only truth. We built everything, we guided everything, we created everything, and we are due everything we want.

  23. The problem with modern society in general is that nobody is responsible for anything. There are no norms or standards of behaviour that people are expected to live up to and being hold accountable. Particulary the female responsibility avoidance is widespread.

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