Are There Too Many People On Earth?

Western birth rates have been falling below replacement rates since the 1970-1980s. For more than forty years, Westerners in general and Whites in particular failed to produce enough children to maintain their own population. In all likelihood, this demographic collapse stems from an agenda of the globalist elite. Feminism, sex wars, the breakup of the family unit, promotion of childless “alternative” lifestyles, focus on consumerism and career instead of home building… All these trends have long been supported by the elite through its media and “culture,” and all lead people to sterility.

So far this agenda has been successful. Europe is in a demographic free-fall, childless German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder passed the power to childless German Chancellor Angela Merkel—and a titled Rabbi claims Europeans should accept their own disappearance. North America follows the same course. Interestingly, China, Japan, and even Thailand are undergoing what has been euphemistically called a “demographic contraction.” A friend of mine who recently toured the last of these countries told me that many Thai women seek an income supplement by casually selling their body to tourists—which is handy for Western travelers but disastrous for Thai men who want to run a family.

White peoples are the most directly affected by the elite agenda. Only we are constantly assaulted and invaded by non-whites “minorities”—who are actually more numerous than whites on a global scale—bombarded with adverse propaganda for anti-man hostility and race mixing, yet on a global scale we are not the only ones targeted. North Africans, for example are invaded by sub-Saharan blacks and Chinese, and their women either have much less children than their grandmothers or get notched by blacks who impregnate them quick and run away. If whites disappear, North Africans will too.

Because of what the current depopulation agenda is doing to us, we may be tempted to perceive depopulation as intrinsically evil. Yet, just as with managerialism, the current elite and agenda are not a fatality, and we could have another managerialism as well as another “population regulation” agenda without the harm of today. In my opinion, such an agenda would be justified—the current agenda and global elite methods are evil but not all possible versions of demographic vigilance are.

The rise of Big Population

Before Big Corp, Big State, McChurches and Big Pharma came Big Population. For most recorded history, the whole world went through with less than 500 million human people, and most of these were either peasants or pastors. Cities were small, meat was cheap—sparse population density means lots of free land to graze flocks—and although the world was full of economic growth potentialities, these were deemed less important than living according to a higher Law. Then came modernity, featuring both the discovery of uncharted big lands and greedy appetites. It was not such a problem then, as there were so much possibility for growth.

As the appetites grew, reflections on economics boomed as well, and many “important” people started to resent the medieval limitations on trade. In France, the eighteenth century physiocratic school laid a lot of the ground Adam Smith built upon. One of the physiocrates, Victor Riquetti de Mirabeau, published between 1756 and 1762 a long-winded essay, L’ami des hommes (“The Friend of Men”), where he argued that wealth lied in working force and consequently that governments should pursue pro-birth policies among agricultural workers.

Behind the “look at all this potential growth!” pose, Mirabeau’s essay showed a milestone on what later authors dubbed the reign of quantity—less land for animals, more space restricted to wheat and potatoes, more proletarians toiling the soil for someone else. Interestingly, Mirabeau insinuated that this numerous workforce could also be mobilized for war, thus tossing aside his own caste’s vocation and replacing the nobility of the sword with future bloodbaths. Although he devoted a lot of written space on moralizing his bidding, for example by idolizing the agricultural life or by confusing between more people and better people or life conditions, Mirabeau couldn’t help that his perspective led to consider workers and work as abstract commodities, void of qualitative value.

Then came the Industrial Revolution. Perfected along the eighteenth century, the steam engine became effective enough to turn into a powerhouse with a variety of uses, mostly in transportation and factory production. At the dawn of the nineteenth century, wealthy bankers were able to fund massive industrial projects: bigger and bigger factories opened their doors, while big steam-powered boats and trains sent the produced goods around the whole world. Of course, many manual workers were needed to run all these machines, and those whom Mirabeau wanted to see toil the land toiled at steel engines instead.

During the nineteenth century, the growth of factories was correlated with a demographic boom: Great Britain, then the most industrialized and wealthy country of the world, had its population jumping from roughly 7.750.000 in 1801 to 30.070.000 one century after—a fourfold increase in population—while Germans went to 22.000.000 to 56.000.000 during the same time lapse. People grew, and the economy did, too, as factory workers saw their standards of living increase during most of the century. The nineteenth century really looked like modernity was working, fulfilling its promises of “progress.”

An artificial, fragile, and polluting system

The industrial and geopolitical whirlwind of this convoluted time made people oblivious to an important thing: before the Industrial Revolution, European countries were self-feeding. National agriculture was enough to guarantee no one would starve. After the factory and population boom, however, not so sure: the agriculture actually went backwards because of rural exodus and a widespread despise of the peasant, deemed much less fashionable than the factory worker; and the proletarian masses actually depended from international trade for the outlets and food imports guaranteeing their subsistence. If the “delicate fabric of international finance and commercial exchange” got hampered, the factory workers and urban white collars would suffer.

This is exactly what happened with the First World War. The trade system was shattered into pieces by the reallocation of wealth to war effort, Allied blockade and sheer destruction of people and capital. In the aftermath of the war, millions of men found themselves jobless and existentially threatened.

Crippled by war-losses and cursed by persistent internecine rivalries, Europe has not recovered its pre-war industrial prosperity. But unless it does so recover, a large proportion of Europe’s urban population simply cannot make a living and will ultimately be doomed to disappear by death, emigration, or a return to the soil…
[T]he fate of Europe’s tens of millions of urban workers is absolutely bound up with the fate of Europe’s industrial system. It was this system which called them into being and which alone permits their continued existence. Should Europe’s industry decline, the urban masses will inevitably wither; should it collapse, they will quickly vanish away. (Lothrop Stoddard, Social Classes in Post-War Europe, 1925, pp.38 and 45-6)

Timid solutions, then, solve one part of the problem only to worsen it elsewhere. From the 20s onwards, European agriculture got “modernized” under the thumb of State managers and crony capitalists, intensive farming improved crop productivity and dropped food prices. Did it allow for better feeding? For sure, there is more food on the market. This food, though, is loaded with gluten, refined sugars, trans fats and other health-destroying components. Most peasants lost their lands, as they couldn’t rival against large scale holdings and were consequently forced to sell theirs, and most of them now have no employment anyway.

Likewise, economies of scale may allow to produce more cheaply and for a wider number of people, but those can only obtain by proletarizing most people, forcing them to slave work at McDonalds or Walmart instead of owning their means of subsistence, and the shattering of industry inside Western countries only worsened the situation.

If the primary and secondary sector need less people, what do we do with all these who were born thanks to the numerous employments these sectors brought on? Even worse, when non-Western countries want to undergo the same modern process for the sake of “development” and let their demographics loose, what do we gain beyond more pollution and potential substitute for white peoples?

Retrospectively, the blind growth of the past two centuries gave us a cumbersome inheritance. Both inside the West and outside, many people have become useless in a world where the “real” production sectors do barely offer any worthy, income-yielding employment—and where so many of us were born in an urban, pampered environment, shielded from any contact with ploughs and wrenches. Even if we forced Big Corp to un-automatize some processes and pushed an agrarian reform giving back the lands to small-scale owners instead of Monsanto soldouts, there would still be far too many people around. Imagine for a second that the managerial State and the self-serving, mostly parasitic service industry recede: that would be good news for real producers… but what about the millions of petty officials, bureaucrats, and even tertiary employees who’d get sidelined?

Whatever the solution, it seems that a world where the West is great and the middle class thriving again needs to hurt the undeserved livelihood of many parasites and raise the price of food and goods. Even if we manage to reduce the margins of the wealthy globalists, renouncing to scale economies by breaking down big factories and holdings will necessarily raise the prices of what they sell. You cannot both buy cheap frankenfood—instead of going to the farmers’ market—and support independent producers.

To put it more bluntly, I would appreciate far more a world where worthy Westerners are independent middle class or above, where women are women, where ideas are free, and where we can eat fine meat without breaking the bank, instead of a bloated planet full of two-digits IQs, masses of idiots addicted to tittytainment, and a cutting-throat competition for even unpaid jobs.

A depopulation agenda may be fine—the one currently in power, though, is deeply disturbing

What I would object to the elite’s agenda, then, is not depopulation per se but who is targeted and how. It is possible to practice birth control without violence, to make a careful and considerate use of negative eugenics on a legitimate segment of the population, such as natural born criminals, very low IQs, or peoples who are irresponsible enough to breed dozens of children without the least resource planning—just look at Africa. It is also possible to direct technological development for something else than pure bucks-hunting, and this would bring back many, many jobs, thus allowing millions to go back from the dreadful status of chronic employment-seeker to stable producer and pater familias.

Alas, the globalists tend to think otherwise. Pushing for world-scale managerialism through a network of global governance, they want to play God, control everything, micromanage the lives of most people and reduce almost everyone to the condition either of a prole—doing menial work for a small wage—or of a useless, do-nothing tittytainment addict. Instead of frankly putting forth the problem and accepting a democratic discussion, they have resorted to underhanded manipulation, pushing trends and issue that superficially seem unrelated but all result in making people unable to find a suitable partner or unwilling to reproduce. They also engaged in the most cynical cultural manipulations to wage a sex war, destroy the family unit, blast any trust between man and woman, and distorted the very “gender roles” normal peoples from all cultures always strove to realize. More profit, more individual atomization, more flexibility, more dependence from their power networks—such are the aims that the arrogant elite pursues at the same time than depopulation.

Moreover, their agenda seem to feature a part of Talmudic hatred against Christians and whites, for we are the first targeted and the hardest hit by an array of incredibly violent policies ranging from rewriting our history and pushing anti-white, anti-man hostility to downright mass invasion and population replacement. Other current targets, such as the North Africans or the South Asians, seem merely collateral damage on the side of what we are going through.

Population regulation can be a good thing, provided it is done carefully and with, if I might say, lawful—dharmic—discernment. The power-hungry, cynical, family- and culture-destroying, anti-Western civilization agenda pursued by the globalists is not.

Read Next: The End Goal Of Western Progressivism Is Depopulation

574 thoughts on “Are There Too Many People On Earth?”

  1. There are definitely too many people on this planet. The population should be kept to around 3 billion and reduced to that number through natural means. Not disease, war or genocide.

        1. I’m proposing to reduce the population through peaceful means. So what is the alternative? Are you seriously advocating genocide?

        2. “This Ain’t Rock and Roll, This Is Genocide!” – David Bowie, Future Legend, 1974

  2. Exhibit number 234.955.873 of why our technological /social development seems to be in a process of stagnation and in some cases regression, most of our current technologies are just ways to enhance our navel gazing habits. The lost of the will some would call it and it’s pretty obvious we in the West have lost it (not all of us but most). If there were a problem of overpopulation (which is simply not true) the real answer would be expansion either underground or to the space. In reality the lifestyles are the problem, not the amount, after all Al-Gore’s “carbon footprint” is greater by orders of magnitude than that of thousands of Africans, or even Europeans if you do the math. Should everyone want to live like an upper class middle American with an infamous “Mc-Mansion, 3 SUV etc. of course the planet wouldn’t cope, even one three times bigger than this. Add to that our dirty ways of manufacturing and pollution for which the public doesn’t care about (chemical pollution of rivers, genetic pollution with GMOs, underground water pollution etc.) and you got the perfect lethal mix.
    From an engineering point of view what would you call overpopulated? How would you measure quality of life? After all 200 years ago in a much less populated world the people used to die like files due to diseases related to urban living sans sanitation infrastructure. And the rural living was not much better, despite the green spaces. You had land and better nutrition, but lived in dirtier conditions and mortal disease was a common occurrence…An stagnating society seems to be the dream not only of the elites but for large chunks of the commoners these days, where everything is static, despite the fact that the West’s population boom enabled our technological revolution.
    I would surmise the French upbringing of the Author would imply a penchant for fatalism but I would go too far…

    1. “You had land and better nutrition,”
      Most people in the past (before 1960) were on starvation diets.

      1. Vegetables and fruits for a myriad of reasons had more nutrients than their current counterparts. But the problem back then was food distribution and availability.

      2. Not true good sir, I’ve been alive since 1405 and I can assure you I’ve always been well fed!
        I have a really hot wife who I keep in line too by the way. Always batting off looks and advances from 10’s (gender not specified), beating up fellow Alphas (but not king Alphas like me) at bars, and winning at Trivial Night at the local pub.

        1. See, that was at least worth a chuckle.
          You could riff on his “combat experience” too. There’s probably a lot of potential there.

    2. There have been some really awesome innovations in technology. The “toy” factors are just the ones that get the most press. The medical advances in the last 20 years have been impressive, and if you look back in the last 100 years compared to the rest of human history it’s been a miracle age. It might not be long before electric or hybrid cars are cheap and powerful enough and recyclable to start phasing out gasoline engines (however, nothing will replace that purring rumble of a Harley Davidson).

      1. I understand, I would have to check in medicine someday, but in the fields I know, there is zero disruptive innovation. Even electrical cars are no breakthroughs, just application of proven and true knowledge from years if not decades before. Just improvements upon improvements on proven and tested technologies. By the way if the toy technologies are the ones getting attention, one can guess they also get a larger chunk of the money and resources (Virtual reality, IOT, self-driving cars, etc.) since they happen to be anti-freedom technologies as well…
        There is a reason why air travel in our time neither faster nor more comfortable than that experienced by our parents. And regulations and other assorted BS is part of the problem. I am not the only one who has noticed this trend:

        1. So vulgar and idiotic, only a paid troll characteristic, no doubt your way lost is, since all you have left nonsense is.

        2. This was my favourite bit of your reply: “no doubt your way lost is, since all you have left nonsense is.” WOW I’M LAUGHING, WE’RE ALL LAUGHING HERE AT ILLUMINATI HEADQUARTERS!!!
          I honestly cannot tell, if you’re trying to sound like Yoda or if you’re genuinely retarded!!! Haha an Untermensch you are indeed peasant!!!

        3. It was a good movie that could have been great if the Reds had dragged Traudl off to experience their tender mercies at the very end.

        4. Consider just becoming a GOJ parody account with the rage dialed down for subtlety. Just my two cents.

        5. The new ghostbusters movie would make you sob like a child who lost his balloon if you were tied down and forced to watch it Alex from clockwork orange style

  3. Excellent article. I wrote something similar in 2011, influenced by Julius Evola’s Men among the ruins (“The problem with births” chapter), Richard Lynn’s Dysgenics, The Rome club and Alberto Alesina.

      1. We all know people on the far right must be knuckle dragging boneheaded know-nothings, right? 😉

  4. “many Thai women seek an income supplement by casually selling their body to tourists—which is handy for Western travelers but disastrous for Thai men who want to run a family.”
    Living out here, I can comment on this one.
    The Thai girls western men meet, are the girls so totally used and abused in the ’10 a day’ Thai brothels (starting at age 13), that no Thai man would touch them with a barge pole. Trust me on this one, as a foreigner on holiday, there is no way you are gonna even get to talk to one half decent Thai girl.

    1. I get fucking fed up with morons who love to spout, “Asian girls love white guys.” BULLSHIT
      High quality, good looking Korean and Chinese girls would rather date a 5 ft tall overweight Chinese guy than a 6ft2 white male model.
      It stings, it hurts, but one must acknowledge these things.

      1. So true.
        This whole ‘Asian girls are easy’ myth is fabricated by jealous, spoiled white sluts who don’t want white men to seek asian females.
        Therefore they shame both AF and WM into oblivion.
        ‘Hah, you are a white dude who dates a japanese waifu? That’s because you can’t get white girls, because aisan girls are easy! Shame on you! Grow up, faggot!’
        ‘Hah, you are dating a white guy? I knew it. Everybody knew it. You asian girls are easy. You are so shallow, jumping on every white cock, sluts.’

      2. This I agree with. As a white guy I have a much easier time dating Latinas and Whites than I do Asians. Proportionally Asians are the biggest flakes.

      3. This seems wrong to me but I don’t have a lot of experience in Asia. Here in Latin America white guys get top quality local girls all the time.

      4. A certain spectrum of Asian women are absolutely in love with certain kinds of white men. Usually the men who marry Asian women fit into that overall culture better. They tend to be quiet, not that funny, soft-spoken, studious, or otherwise bad at the kind of things Western men need to do to get modern white girls. And of course the Asians that end up with such men tend to be in the 4-7 range; if they had better SMV they’d seduce and end up marrying the more attractive men of their own race.

    2. White guys fail to understand that when they do get Asian girls, they get the bottom shelf jug wine Asian girls.

      1. Western men tend to have somewhat…strange tastes when judged by Asian beauty standards. Chinese men don’t like dark skin and large bone structures, and don’t care as much for T&A (especially A) as much. I think western men tend to tolerate slanty or small eyes, something that is a big turn off for east Asians.

  5. There aren’t too many people. The problems are:
    1. Population is concentrated in urban centers
    2. Free energy technologies are being suppressed.
    The second one would resolve the first one but the Jewish-Anglo-American elite makes everything possible not to allow it.

    1. I agree about energy but there are still too many people. I prefer quality over quantity and everyone else should as well. Like Nigeria would be much better if only a fraction (10% with education) had babies at this point.
      All of this is very theoretical of course, since we cannot change this, but for the sake of the argument…

        1. Progressives (white traitors/socialists/politically correct/cultural Marxists)

    2. There are too many people who rely on others to feed, clothe and medicate them. Natural selection should be allowed to take its course.

        1. I’m against genocide but people that call for it make me reconsider, atleast for them.
          Ps you’re trying way to hard chump.

        2. Historically, genocide has been the rule, rather than the exception. Most sane people would rather be the genocider than the genocidee.

    3. Its the jewish-anglo-american elite that made america a super-power. Give them some love.
      And ‘free- energy’ tech doesnt exist. But even if we assume for this discussion sake that it exists, how is ‘non-free’ energy a problem.

  6. If earth has a population problem then the solution is simple just move into space, the late professor Dr. Gerard K. O’Neill back in the seventies had the perfect plan in his book The High Frontier in which we move into space around L5 between earth and the moon to build self contained habitats from asteroids and comets housing anywhere from Ten thousand to ten million people. The question is if population is a problem why are governments not pushing this simple easy solution other than it puts people outside their control

      1. Why not just leave them here and let them ‘love’ each other while we start over.

    1. Moving to space would have to be a huge international societal commitment much like what happened in the movie Contact to build the machines. If that happens I think we could have colonies orbiting earth in 20 years.

      1. I agree, I could imagine the first Stanford Torus with over Ten Thousand Souls just like in the movie L5 and after that next generation in a Bernal Sphere with a hundred and forty thousand and then the Twin O’Neill Cylinders. It would the perfect place to start over with a strong male identity and a place for women to return to a more tranquil domestic life.

        1. We don’t even know what an entire generation in space would look like even if there was some form of artificial gravity. What is constant exposure to radiation, even at extraordinarily small amounts going to produce? Will muscle mass, height, and weight be the same for those who are born and raised in space? What about immune systems? Without being challenged by microbes constantly how will those develop? Humanity has only sent a few hundred humans into space and out of that only a few dozen who have spent extended stays there. We have computer models and some limited science on humans in space, but until you actually start testing there is just not way to know. I’m not saying it isn’t possible. Just saying there is a lot to do/know before it can be plausible.

        2. A lot of thinking has been done on the subject Gravity is easily solved by spinning the habitat and creating centrifugal force, an island with a diameter of one point two miles needs only rotate about once per minute to generate earth gravity, microbes won’t be much different than on earth and making the island with a thick outer shell protects against radiation. Truth is just as the people who moved to Jamestown and Plymouth there is only one way to find out the truth to the New World and that is to move there.

    2. I read that book years ago. I used to love the idea of space colonization. books by O’Neill, Heppenheimer, Oberg etc.
      But here’s the thing: it would less costly by a factor of 100-1000 to put colonies on the sea floor, the mountain tops, or the middle of the desert than on the Moon or Mars. And no one suggests we should do that.

      1. Read them too and you are right about the colonies under the sea and such other places. I guess the reason nobody talks about undersea colonies is there’s no group pushing for them as there are for colonies in space. There were some wonderful movies about underwater settlements even a cartoon series back during the sixties I think but today well nobody is pushing the idea. Frankly I believe space is the best bet because there is a great deal of room in which to expand and loads of material with which to construct space colonies, there are the asteroids, there are comets there is the moon and loads of space junk too.

  7. FIRST AND FOREMOST: The elite do not want to depopulate the world. They want to depopulate Christians! Duh. If they wanted to depopulate the world in general, then they would not have championed welfare for blacks and other scum to reproduce like rats. The elites were the ones that invented the “great society” so that free money could be given out to those that are nonproducers of society. The elite KNEW what would happen. They KNEW and did it with the intent of growing the underclass. Meaning, they wanted to grow the class that had the least morals and did not exhibit any Christian values. On the other end of the spectrum, they created feminism and the “career woman” and laws to destroy families to reduce the birthrate of the white Christian middle class. A 100 years ago, it wasn’t uncommon for a white Christian man and his wife to have 8 kids. Today, that IS uncommon. But it’s not uncommon for some single black female that is a nonproducer of society to have 5 or 6 black welfare kids all from different daddies as well supported 100% by the tax payer. By the time the black females of that welfare mama turn 15, 16, 18, they start getting pregnant as well so they can get that welfare check.
    As far as the world population is concerned. It’s underpopulated. Technological upshifts in terms of energy and infrastructure are what supports a growing population. That’s what the green movement is: genocide. To prevent technological upshifts thereby resulting in the white population to stagnate in birthrate in the future since the economic structure itself stops expanding. Whites will stop expanding in population. To add to it, taxes are stolen from the whites and given to kniggers and degenerates to reproduce for free.

    1. The reason why the welfare system and urban living are championed for non-whites is because they were exactly what caused the stagnant birth-rate among the whites.

      1. Lets clear the air. Everything that non-whites tried to build to sustain themselves was destroyed. Google ‘Greenwood, Tulsa’ as an example, Laws that persecute non-whites harsher than whites for the same crimes.

      2. European birthrates (as well as American) were in free fall long before non-whites were brought en-masse to our societies. The fault lies elsewhere…

        1. Feminazism. The whacky idea that women should compete for top jobs with the men rather than have babies and nurture them.

        2. Falling birthrates correlate very closely with industrialization.
          And total wealth.

        3. Well said. Honestly, this reason and femicuntism makes more sense than other reasons !
          I also accept the exploitation of Tax Payers Money to “unproductive and negative” Baby Poppers.
          But I really don’t understand why few guys here are blaming others !? Why don’t they try to “teach” the “Christian values” to the (shall I call white !) pussies !?
          Muslim MEN are not preventing/teaching the white pussies to abandon white males and family !
          Nigger MEN (as someone here called them) are not preventing white pussies from mating with white males !
          Whoever blaming others actually need to blame themselves and their pussies ! If your pussies are opportunistic, selfish and entitled; then why the hell you blame or accuse others !?
          Why can’t those who are blaming others see the reality !? (Majority of) women in the olden days are obedient and feminine because they don’t have any other way to survive or live without much hassle ! Now look at the current situation ! Can’t those few guys see the difference and the TRUE nature of a pussy !?

        4. There is nothing wrong with feminism. The problem is some feminists (again not all) are attacking men for trivial issues.

        5. Feminisim brought equal rights to women as women. You seem to be confusing feminism with todays (some) ‘self-proclaimed’ feminists attacks against men.
          Its not.

    2. On another note, if there were ever no more whites then there would be no more whites to mourn the absence of whites either. Let the remaining scum enjoy the cesspool they will have helped create.

    3. ”As far as the world population is concerned. It’s underpopulated.”
      World is underpopulated? Wrong!! Maybe the west is under-populated i dont know. I am not from the west and i dont know anything about the west. But the rest of the world is over-populated not under-populated. Visit countries in africa, india,china to know what i am talking about.

  8. I am inclined to believe that we are overpopulated or if not yet will be in the next 20-30 years.
    I also believe that our planet is “smart” in that for whatever reason (call it God, Mother Earth, etc) because it can heal and take care of problems such as that. It might take it a few hundred years to fully execute the cycle that needs to happen, but when it does the cycle happens.
    We are due for an “extinction event” anyhow. It’s been over 100 years since the last one. Who knows what it will be – drought, famine, disease, floods, volcano, ice age, etc. All of these have happened before and there is no reason they will not happen again.
    What does bother me is the liberal globalist agenda concerning depopulation. It is focused on depopulating whites who tend to be more freedom and liberty minded then say Asians or Africans. It is hard to “manage” a society if you have a subset that is constantly challenging your unilateral management of it. This isn’t even Alex Jones type stuff. It is actual international policy. Let the subcontinent of India’s population explode, keep the Chinese in check, let the Africans slaughter each other until the times comes to put an end to that because we will need them for labor. Get rid of the whites. That is basically the plan and that is what is going on right now.

  9. It depends. The sheer number of people on Earth is solely responsible for the civilization we have today. Arrogant Humans assume that it’s down to our superior intelligence and “progress” but it’s not. It’s down to the fact that we have shitloads of people to fill every job that needs doing which means shitloads of people can focus on different things which in turn benefits us all.
    If you like the natural traditional way of life then yes there are too many people but if you enjoy 21st century society then no.

    1. Technical society needs a large population of productive people. America is incredibly wealthy. Just look at how much we are soaked every year for welfare, foreign aid, etc., and still we have the highest living standard on the planet.
      This has been achieved by longer periods of peace, and the rise of technical civilization that the Catholic Church began promoting back in the so-called Dark Ages (read Rodney Stark).
      The problem (not including immigration of low value humans) is the declining quality of people within our own gene pool. As more people live longer and the quality people no longer breed large families, the lesser value whites, who are more prone to disease, stupidity, mental illness, brainwashing, drug use, etc. gain greater and greater percentages of the population. In other words, the gene pool becomes polluted.
      This has led to the leftist, SJW, feminist rot, as these stupid people have gained control of the levers of power and position along with the aid to them from alien groups. This is going to require, once the immigration problem has been deported, a redeposition of resources to promote those who are higher quality, regardless of their class, as leaders.
      Perhaps it may be as Heinlein wrote in Starship Troopers. There are not too many people, there are too many worthless people on the planet. They need to be allowed to fall to their natural levels of population through incompetence and inability.
      St. Paul’s rule that “if a man will not work, neither shall he eat” needs to be ruthlessly applied, along with Deut. 15:11 “the poor will always be with you, therefore I command you to stretch forth your hand to your poor and needy kinsman in your own land.”

        1. From Greensboro….Wooooo!!!!!….North Carolina! Take a RIIIIIIIDE on Space Mountain!

  10. Take a look at one of those nighttime images of Earth and tell me all those lights don’t look like a damn cancer x-ray. We are a virus that Earth (which I completely believe is a living creature) will eventually decimate.

  11. BS alert: “A friend of mine who recently toured the last of these countries told me that many Thai women seek an income supplement by casually selling their body to tourists—which is handy for Western travelers but disastrous for Thai men who want to run a family.”
    Not that the author is to blame. Any sentence that begins with “A friend of mine told me” is bound to be erroneous. However, 95% of Thai prostitution caters strictly to Thai men. That’s a hard statistic, and also I lived in the country for 10 years and I’ve seen it’s true. Prostitution has long been a part of Siamese culture. They have only themselves to blame for the sluttiness of their women.
    (Another thing one should be aware of is that the remaining 5% of Thai prostitution catering to foreigners is largely Malaysian men – relative locals – not Western tourists)

      1. We’re talking about prostitution. Did you even read it, or are you too stupid to understand it?
        What’s wrong with having mixed race children anyway? I have 2 beautiful mixed race daughters. I love them very much and they make me proud with their beauty

        1. ” I have 2 beautiful mixed race daughters.”
          Ew. They’re gonna have identity issues.

        2. Finally, someone who knows about evolution! Survival of the fittest is not only about passing on your individual genes (that is secondary), it is about the survival of your race! A Tiger isn’t a selfish individual it is a Tiger, if it dies without passing on it’s genetics, than the species itself is closer to extinction! If that Tiger has intercourse with a Lion and creates an abomination, a Liger. What happens to it’s genetic line? That’s right, wasted. GET IT NOW BO?

        3. A ligers behave really weird.
          They walk around confused as if they are trying to figure out what to do.
          Its a cruel thing to produce mixed kids.

        4. This is something I wrote before for ROK (wasn’t published). Perhaps you will find it interesting. Sorry for the formatting issues: it’s copy-pasted:
          “On Intra-Racial Miscegenation”
          (race-mixing) is one of the hallmarks of the modern world. It is enabled by
          globalization and the unrestricted movement of large numbers of peoples who,
          until recently, were isolated geographically from one another. Its prevalence
          and impact are fiercely debated on internet forums and message boards. Many
          traditionalists and members of the Alt-Right regard miscegenation as an
          existential threat, while others – including prominent race realists Jared Taylor
          and John Derbyshire – are themselves in mixed-race marriages and have sired mixed-race
          children. The intent of this article is not to reexamine the impact of
          interracial relationships on populations, nations, and cultures but rather to
          shine light on what may be a far more important and – to my knowledge – never
          before raised issue of intra-racial miscegenation; that is, the mixing of
          various ethnic sub-groups within the same race.
          Herein, I have adopted the neologism “intra-racial miscegenation” to describe the
          interbreeding of different ethnic sub-groups within the same race, e.g., a
          child-bearing relationship between a Germanic man and a Slavic woman or between a Nordic man and a Mediterranean woman or between an Igbo (Nigerian) man and a Somalian woman.
          many express reservations and concerns about or outright animosity toward
          interracial miscegenation, no one has yet expressed even the slightest amount
          of apprehension over the far more prevalent issue of intra-racial
          the face of it, intra-racial miscegenation may seem benign. After all, people
          of the same race are all basically the same, right? It is important to realize
          that the various races are themselves heterogeneous. They are not uniform.
          There is a tremendous amount of variation among the ethnic sub-groups of a
          particular race. This variation is reflected in the distinctive phenotypes of
          long recognized (classical) ethnic divisions as well as in the wildly different
          temperaments, intellects, and life outlooks of various ethnic groups. For
          instance, the Nordic look is typically characterized as being tall, thin, with
          fair (light blonde or even white) hair and pale blue eyes. The Germanic build is
          also typically gracile: tall, thin, and lean. Slavs are characterized by wide
          faces, high cheek bones, a pronounced brow ridge, and heavyset frame. Mediterranean
          people are characterized by a generally darker complexion, dark hair, dark
          eyes, and an aquiline nose.
          is important to understand that these characteristic traits arose over hundreds
          or thousands of years of breeding among isolated people. Certain traits were
          self-selected; that is, certain traits were deemed more attractive or imparted
          a survival advantage and became emphasized (selectively enriched) in successive
          is also important to realize that intra-racial miscegenation is a relatively
          recent phenomenon, becoming possible only with the advent of globalization and
          mass migration and becoming acceptable only a generation or two prior to the
          mainstream acceptance of interracial miscegenation. Even in the melting pot of
          the United States, with mass infusions of Irish, German, and Italian
          immigrants, the newcomers and their children generally married and formed
          families with others of the same ethnic sub-group: Italians married Italians,
          Poles married Poles, Germans married Germans. It was only relatively recently
          as the language, customs, and heritage of the motherland or old country were
          shed and mainstream American culture uniformly adopted that it became
          acceptable for men and women of various European backgrounds to date, marry,
          and form families. For example, in the 1977 film Saturday Night Fever, Italian-Americans in New York City are
          depicted as still maintaining their unique culture and customs and generally
          keeping to their own community.
          happens when members of various ethnic sub-groups within the same race mix?
          Well, you can the standard American mutt. The Heinz 57 lineage. A bit of this
          and a bit of that. In generation after generation of unthinking directionless mixing,
          the defining characteristics of the progenitor stock are lost.
          what will Future Man look like?
          can expect an erosion of prominent features: just as the forces of wind and
          rain combine to erode any salient outcropping that protrudes from the surrounding
          landscape, so will successive generations of intra-racial miscegenation
          obliterate distinctive physical features: the brooding Slavic brow ridge will
          be smoothed, the proud Mediterranean aquiline nose rounded, Nordic whitish
          blonde hair darkened. Essentially, Future Man will resemble a Mr. Potato Head: bereft
          of any distinctive traits.
          while individual features may resurface occasionally, the characteristic phenotypes
          – defined as the concurrence of several distinctive characteristics – will be
          lost to history.
          thing is known for certain. Once characteristic phenotypes are lost through
          interbreeding, they are lost forever and can’t be reconstructed. In the 1930s,
          German geneticists attempted to recreate the ancient Auroch (a type of large
          wild cow that roamed the primeval forests of Europe) from the various types of
          domestic cattle descended from it. While they were successful in creating an animal
          (known as Heck cattle) that physically resembled the Auroch, the resulting
          animal lacked both the formidable size and fierce temperament of the original.
          Just as all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty
          back together again, once mixed, an ethnic sub-group cannot be reconstituted.
          submit that the issues commonly raised concerning interracial miscegenation
          (resulting children not resembling the parents, resulting children lacking a
          group identity and sense of belonging, loss of true diversity in the name of
          promotion of diversity, etc.) are true of intra-racial miscegenation as well. In
          some cases, I suspect the offspring of an inter-racial pairing may actually more
          easily retain the defining physical characteristics of the parents than those
          of intra-racial pairings: for instance, both Slavs and Northeast Asians possess
          strikingly high cheekbones. Would not the offspring of such a pairing more
          closely resemble the parents than those of a Slav-Mediterranean or Northeast
          Asian-Southeast Asian pairing?
          evolved people masters the breeding of plants and animals. A highly evolved
          people masters its own breeding. And I do not think we will evolve far enough
          quickly enough to act to preserve our distinctiveness. Not against the current
          onslaught of globalization, mass migration, and pernicious liberal ideology
          that advocates unfettered individualism and rampant xenophilia.

        5. How so? They’re not confused about who they are at all. It’s you who sounds easily confused

        6. Human races aren’t so far apart as lions and tigers. My daughters are perfect, healthy girls. They’ll give me many grandchildren.
          In any case, natural selection selects in favour of those who further their own individual genetics, not their race. If I’m any judge, I’d dare say natural selection will select in favour of me more than you.

        7. Well that’s scientific. You obviously don’t understand how evolution and life works.

        8. Because it was artificially eliminated in the 60s by sick in the head lefties. We need to bring it back.

        9. people are not subject to the pressures, stressors, and rigors of falling victim to disease or predation

        10. I have no problem with watching the white race die if they’re too usueless to save themselves. All I care about is my own bloodline. Why should I care about others? It’s their own job to care about themselves, and most whites don’t.

        11. OK the 30s then.
          Yes FDR started the ball rolling, and LBJ turned a tennis ball into a wrecking ball.

        12. I seriously deserve an honorary doctorate for this … or at least an acknowledgment in wikpedia

        13. Why? It’s just your opinion and none of it is based in hard science. If people want to have mixed race children then why shouldn’t they? Why should they conform to the opinions of others? A person who forgets their own imagination in favour of the ideas of others is a weak-willed idiot. It sounds like you detest free individuals and prefer conformity and weakness. That won’t get any race far, mixed or not

        14. Yea, once they start to consider who they are, they are giong to run into issues.
          There isnt really a college course about how to reconcile your two lineages. Look at all mixed race people; they identify more strongly with one part of themselves and shun the other. Alicia keyes comes to mind.
          Mixed people must shun one part of themselves, because it is easier.

        15. My observation does not contain a judgement. It is the first to suggest that intra-racial miscegnation, mixing of different sub-groups within an ethnicity, may be as big a problem if not bigger, than interracial miscegenation.

        16. You don’t understand because you’re a little bit stupid. Natural selection is much broader than that. For example, if a woman prefers to fuck me instead of you because I’m smarter and better looking than you, then natural selection is selection in favour of my handsome, intelligent genetics and weeding out your stupid, ugly genes, and this will eventually affect the evolution of the human species.

        17. Females absolute do not fuck because of “smarter”. I can vouch for this first hand.
          More muscular? Check.
          Better looking? Check.
          But “smarter”… way!!!!

        18. That isn’t at all true. You’re referring to a divided American culture that we’re not a part of. In the end, all that matters is the quality of men who think my daughters are beautiful and want to marry them. I assure you, as I’ve already stated, my daughters will give me many grandchildren. I’m very happy about that. If I had bread with a white woman then likely my daughters would become dumb sluts on contraception who don’t give me any grandchildren, because whites are generally an incompetent, failing race right now

        19. Pabst, this link contains a study comprehensively showing that while intra-racial miscegenation is slightly problematic, it’s nowhere near as bad as interracial miscegenation:

          If you don’t trust the link, here’s the name of the study:
          Estimating Ethnic Genetic Interests: Is It Adaptive to Resist Replacement Migration?
          Frank Salter (Max Planck Society, Human Ethology, Von-der-Tann-Strasse 3, D-82346 Andechs, Germany; e-mail: Salter [at]
          Population and Environment, Vol. 24, No. 2, November 2002.

        20. Both result in destruction of the unique phenotypes that define and characterize populations.

        21. Abstract: Analyses of the costs and benefits of immigration have not considered the dependence of an ethny’s reproductive fitness on its monopoly of a demarcated territory. Global assays of human genetic variation allow estimation of the genetic losses incurred by a member of a population when random fellow ethnics are replaced by immigrants from different ethnies. This potential loss defines an individual’s ethnic genetic interest as a quantity that varies with the genetic distance of potential immigrants. W. D. Hamilton showed that self-sacrificial altruism is adaptive when it preserves the genetic interests of a population of genetically similar individuals. Ethnic genetic interest can be so large that altruism on behalf of one’s ethny—‘ethnic nepotism’—can be adaptive when it prevents replacement. It follows that ethnies usually have an interest in securing and maintaining a monopoly over a demarcated territory, an idea consonant with the universal nationalism of Bismarck and Woodrow Wilson.

        22. It doesn’t matter. The point is, whatever drives living things to reproduce and whatever facets that cause them success or failure, this is natural selection at play. Those who believe natural selection’s influence is limited to surviving predators and disease and famine are stupid people who clearly have read fuck all on the subject. Natural selection is alive and well – it is the very essence of life and reproduction and always will be

        23. BS They don’t fuck muscular or better looking guys. I see the most mismatched young couples: good looking girls with short, weak, schlubby guys.

        24. But how am I genetically dying if I’m having a fuckload of children? More dumb assness

        25. Your punishment: you have to write the 14 words 100 times on the chalkboard after school

        26. Sure it is. But it is now artificial. I will only speak on American society, as that is where I am from. From the 1600s till the 1950s, females chose males who were good providers, because their lives would be SHIT otherwise. Since the 60s, they choose “bad boys” because they have been brainwashed to crave “excitement” instead of hard working, honest, intelligent, industrious “boring guys”. Eliminate AA and females and their offspring STARVE with the tattooed shitheads. I have no problem competing, but let’s do it on a REAL playing field, without gubmint intervention.

        27. The essence of life is change. Do you believe we should all be single called organisms because change would be wrong? That’s stupid. How can life move forwards without change? You obviously fear change – you are a coward. I am ready for the challenges of the future

        28. I am in NYC and I most certainly do NOT see that. Was in the “meat packing” district clubs on Monday night. Go there and you’ll see what I am talking about.

        29. That’s not artificial. The playing field has changed, that’s all. We’re still free to compete as we always were, so go get ’em, tiger

        30. In germany you see 2 stereotypes of couples:
          a. The girls with migrants
          b The girls with weak, short german males
          The big, strong white males like me are usually alone. If you visit a public swimming pool most good looking shredded dudes are sitting on the edge of the pool desperate for female attention.
          It’s really weird. You can really see how german females are selecting the worst genetics.

        31. Why would they reject their English heritage? That’s just your opinion. If I bring them to NZ – a multi-racial society with an English queen – they will fit in quite well here and embrace our great Western culture. I am proud of all this. Unlike you guys, I actually like the West. I am a true Englishman – a patriot – and I don’t seek to destroy the nations our forefathers built and the freedom we strive for

        32. Change isn’t necessary good. We’re not moving in the right direction as a species or civilization

        33. Holy Crap!!!!
          Not Artificial?????
          Those laws are completely UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!
          Let’s see where this country is in another 20 years, and how you feel about the gang bangers your daughters are dating, while your sons are alone.

        34. Ah yes! But there are fundamental differences on a genetic spectrum so to speak sire!!! Let me demonstrate with a quote from the study I’ve linked to you (which I highly recommend you read if you truly wish to know about miscegenation):
          “Applying this formula allows us to estimate the impact on the genetic interests of a random Englishman of 10,000 ethnic Danes replacing 10,000 ethnic English (or vice versa). To simplify, let us assume that this is a neat replacement, so that over succeeding generations all the immigrants survive to reproduce.3 We also assume that the Englishman loses no genealogical kin in the process. Replacement involves two effects, the removal of 10,000 Englishmen and the introduction of 10,000 Danes, who in the mathematics of population genetics have negative kinship to the English population. Removal of the English in this case reduces genetic interests by 10,000 X 0.0021 = 21. The replacing Danes bring a negative kinship of the same magnitude. Subtracting the latter from the former gives a loss to a random Englishman’s genetic interests of 42 units. Now we express those units in number of children by dividing by the parent-child kinship of the English, which is
          f = 0.25 + (0.0021 x 3/4) = 0.2516
          The number of children lost due to the immigration of 10,000 Danes is therefore 42/0.2516 ~ 167 children (or siblings). This is a large family indeed. Repeating the scenario with Bantu immigrants, the loss to a random Englishman’s genetic interests of replacement of 10,000 English is 10,854 children (or siblings).4 Bantu suffer the same loss from 10,000 English immigrants to a Bantu territory.”
          As you can see, genetic distinction is a scientifically quantifiable THING! 😉

        35. I disagree about asian male hapas being undesired. Elliot Rodger was good looking (no homo). He had that male model pretty boy look. He had mental issues.

        36. Your own bloodline? What bloodline? HAHAHAHAHAHA You’re bleeding it down the toilet you fool. If a Tiger breeds with a Lioness? The following cub is a Liger? Correct? At what point does the bloodline transmute back into it’s majestic Tiger form? So it is with the Lioness good man, both have been wasted by diversity. Ah such a shame, although as a sadist of the highest level I find it highly amusing!!!

        37. Sure, I hear you.
          Some girls go for the slightly built types. BUt they get the 7s at the best
          The 9s & 10s, they’re with the “Dan Bilzerian” bad boy types.

        38. I’d take both those women for wives. What kind of sane man wouldn’t? The racists here are plainly degenerates who probably fuck their own cousins

        39. You know, I’ma victim of cognitive dissonance.
          On the one hand I know whites are superior and I need to preserve the white race.
          On the other hand white countries are flooded with lowlife scum (thanks J’s!) and white women are completely brainwashed into being the worst whores on the planet (thanks again J’s!).
          I really don’t care anymore. The only requirement I have for my wife is: if she’s not white, she needs to be japanese.

        40. My daughters won’t date “gang bangers”. That’s not the sort of life-style my family is involved in nor even exposed to.
          The problem is you’re refusing to admit that the society we built is the product of our biological drives and therefore is natural.

        41. wtf? lol, why do you think we hate the west?
          And what makes a race mixer, a destroyer of his culture, so high as to accuse others of hating the west>?

        42. Now you’re defining the word “good” to exclude everything you dislike. You’re not a sensible person. Change will happen no matter what you want anyway. Humans as a species are a living, constantly evolving organism. It’s impossible to preserve life in a single state. Even with eugenics, genetic drift will eventually make all things unrecognisable by their ancestors.

        43. I absolutely refuse to admit what you say because it is not true. The 60s were not the result of natural evolution. They were the result of the leftist, mostly Jew agenda. It was their plan all along to subjugate traditional White Christian values.

        44. Gods you’re stupid. The genetic differences between human races and lions and tigers are nowhere near similar. I told you that already. You’re obviously too stupid to learn, which I honestly knew to begin with bu whatever

        45. I wasn’t comparing the two silly! I was merely comparing them on a mammalian level, oh such a peasant you are! I’m glad you’ve muddied yourself up permanently I don’t see why you’re so hostile.. We are in agreement, that you having mixed race children is a good thing!! It means your bloodline is DONE! Tell your little Ligers, your Mules I said HELLO *rubs hands together menacingly*

        46. Even if your anti-Jew conspiracy were true, the fact remains that the desire to control and dominate others is a natural, biological urge. The dominant group of males forcefully imposing their ideals on others for their own personal benefit is completely natural. Men have been doing it since the dawn of mankind and even before that.

        47. yep they got that refined look, pretty boy look, but girls today eat that shit up big time: big burly macho dudes are out

        48. We’re not in agreement. You fail to explain how my bloodline is done. The problem is you now appear to be defining the word “bloodline” to exclude people who actually possess my DNA. This is the final straw. You obviously have some sort of mental handicap and I’m done talking to you

        49. Yes, you are right.
          Just don’t complain when the pendulum swings back.
          BTW, I have nothing against mixed race couples. I have had 2 Korean SBs/girlfriends.
          But I DO have a problem with mixed species couples/children. Let Shaquanda stay with Tyrone.

        50. I believe it. The big strapping dudes I see in the US are usually alone or are with women several points lower than them on the attractiveness scale.

        51. That’s cool man. Race mixer here myself. Don’t waste your time with the spergy alt.right guys. You’re never going to get anywhere with someone who lis essential sleep at night over who other people are sleeping with.

        52. isn’t collective responsibility the hallmark of civilization? Being our brother’s keeper etc?

        53. This is a point where the alt.right just doesnt make a lot of sense. I know you guys have a visceral emotional reaction to race mixing but in real life I’ve known plenty of mixed race people who are fine. The big exception would be male Asian white mixes. Those guys have it tough.

        54. I disagree. Male hapas look dignified and refined. That slightly androgynous, non-threatening aesthetic is popular. Not big burly woodsmen with a hard glint in their eyes and calluses on their hands

        55. I reside in New York City and most attractive White women are with White alpha males.

        56. Glad for your parents. They must have realized they had an idiot child, but at least he was smart enough to take their family out of the gene pool. Now at least your children will have a reason to be as stupid as you are.

        57. My son will be impregnating the girls by the hundreds …… my line will easily outbreed yours Bo!

        58. Yeah, the only flaw in your ‘natural selection’ theory being ………. the descendants of drug dealers will populate the world. Because those are the men most women want to fuck.

        59. My wife and her family are almost all gang bangers, the rest are police.
          Completely normal over here, I just have to remember to never argue with her brothers ……..

        60. Hahaha!
          I haven’t seen any ladyboys on 14th st. since the 80s!…and I stayed the hell away from them back then too! It’s not their territory anymore. Hasn’t been for a long time.

        61. My ‘fu manchu’ baby looks nothing like his mother, and exactly like me.
          In the maternity unit, none of the nurses had to check names, I walked in, they handed me the pink baby with red hair.
          I have four 100% white children as well, no point putting all your semen in one womb.

        62. Do you have any empirical evidence to contradict me? Serious question. I’d like to see it if you do. For example, my supervisor is a zebra and has commented a few times that it was hard growing up mixed race, mainly because of mistreatment from blacks. However, he’s a very intelligent guy and a great leader, and very happy with how his life has worked out. I’ve got a lot of stories like that but yeah, they are anecdotal by definition.

        63. Civilization rests on the integrity of a people, on a social fabric. If the fabric is pulled away because of individuals’ overly selfish choices, then society crumbles and whole peoples can disappear. This already happened in history. We want to survive and thrive for the centuries to come. Our collective survival is much, much more important than some assholes’ desires. Fuck girls as long as you need to be a PUA or know of no girl you can really trust, settle down and take care of your kin once you have a suitable/valuable partner. At least that’s my view.

        64. Yes, but as a National Socialist (I’m guessing you consider yourself one, correct me if I’m wrong) you and I would probably disagree on the degree to which the collective is important. That is, whereas I imagine that you see the well being of the white race as your highest ideal, I am more concerned with myself and my family, while agreeing that, for example, the way the MSM and Democratic party constantly tell black people that all their problems are white people’s fault can’t possibly end well.

        65. I don’t think they do well with women though. That’s the main downside. I could be wrong though.

        66. I don’t believe we need a suitable or a trustworthy partner (just as well, cos I never met one). I’m happy to create children with any fertile womb I meet. I’m not all that bothered about caring for the resulting kids either. After all, my great hero Genghis didn’t. Conquer, rape, move on.
          I’ll create them, your collective responsibility can pay for their upbringing.

        67. I respect your views, I think we just disagree on the degree to which race influences character. In my opinion, I can do more for society by raising a solid family with good values with my Latina wife than with taking my chances with most white women. As Heartiste has said, single white women are the main problem in western society nowadays. I don’t know how you fix that, but I don’t want to sacrifice my happiness trying.
          Matt Forney wrote a good article on this a while back:

        68. Wrong.
          You really have no idea what you’re talking about.
          I mean, seriously, you don’t.

        69. Yes, but do you understand me and mine aren’t degenerates in the same way you are?

        70. How is that a flaw in “my” theory? It’s a flaw in natural selection’s method, if you choose to believe in such things as flaws. You’re shooting the messenger. I’m just stating reality. It’s not my fault if you disagree with how the world works

        71. How? If what you say is true then I’m genuinely interested. Please share. However, I feel you are lying

        72. Kind of like Russia, which…oh wait. They’re one of the last sane European countries, despite being rather mixed with Asians.

        73. You are too young to know what happens around you.
          Really, I’m not trying to insult you or pick a fight, I didn’t have a clue how women were manipulating me until I was over 50. Then I realized my mom had manipulated and controlled me (until she died), my wife had manipulated and controlled me (until I caught her fucking the gardener), and even my daughter had been playing the same game (conspiring with her mom against me). It was like, what the fuck, what did I ever do that was so bad, that all these cunts were lying, cheating, and whoring around me, while absolutely caring nothing for me (only caring for the money I could give them). Sadly it appears AWALT. Been looking all my life for one that was made from a different mold, but never seen one (mine or anyone else’s). I guess it’s possible that at age 30 you have found two completely different ones, but fuck, how unlikely is that?

        74. I’m half Chinese, I don’t shun that part of myself. I speak Mandarin and have a wife from China. I study Chinese and East Asian history. But I speak better English, spent 10 years learning German, and understand American practices and customs better than Asian ones.
          I don’t see how your point holds water, except perhaps in confirming that mixed race people are likelier to have bad parents and families.

        75. How old are you? I’m 30.
          In any case, I know quite well of the fidelity of my Thai wife, and my Filipino concubine has thus far passed all the necessary checks. I have no sensible cause to doubt, and you have not suggested any sensible cause to doubt, therefore I must assume you are a complete idiot

        76. The fidelity of your Thai wife was zero, that’s the way all Thai girls are. Looser knickers than white women, if that’s possible. You’d be amazed how many guys swear their Thai wife was faithful while they were away, some of whom I’d banged the night before. They never are faithful, not seen one ever, and neither have any of my pals. Whenever a guy protested how virtuous his wife was, me and my mates would have a little competition to see who could bang her first, never took longer than a week to get the job done.
          Not so sure about Filipinos, but suspect the same.
          PS. I’m 61, had way more time (4x the time) to see shit happen than you.

        77. Can you please explain how I – knowing my Thai wife is 100% faithful – should subsequently view your intelligence?

        78. Yes… but I’m developing a gripe with RoK. See, this place is run by ROOSH V – a Middle Eastern immigrant – and I have absolutely no problem with that. However, I have been banned multiple time for saying that I, as a multi-cultural person, accept Roosh V, and I support his idea of travelling internationally to fuck foreign girls.
          Figure that

        79. Okay. So you are an aging man who women are no longer interested in because you have failed in your life to accumulate superior wealth, status, and power. I understand

        80. The problem is I have 2 daughters who visibly look like me – I was not cuckolded, they are mine. Can you please explain how I have been cuckolded when actual fact is clear that I have not been cuckolded? And can you please explain how you re an intelligent person and give the specific reason why other RoK members should follow you?

        81. So you don’t like fucking chickens. I get it. But that won’t result in a mixed species baby anyway, you dumb fucken douche

        82. I meant “agree” with you. You display no semblance of intelligence, yet you seem to expect your opinion is valid. I ask for the explanation as to why?

        83. I guess you could say the modern ‘diversity’ and ‘multicultural’ slogans are an oxymoron when its results yield a generic mass and destroy variation.

        84. Mixing races isn’t a good idea. Both close inbreeding and far outbreeding can cause birth defects, though for different reasons. Close inbreeding can result in the reinforcement of recessive genetic abnormalities, which can then appear in a child as a handicap or an early death.
          For example, if a man from a small race mates with a woman from a large race, it is possible that their child will grow up to be a large man with a small heart. The offspring, once out of his tender years, would have a heart that couldn’t pump enough blood to meet his body’s needs. He would be bedridden almost all of his life, and he would probably die young.

        85. Maybe I am a “dumb fucken douche” and maybe not.
          But I’ll tell you this, I have never met a chicken named “Shaquanda”…

        86. “The most common explanation for the high-risk status is the struggle with identity formation, leading to lack of self-esteem, social isolation, and problems of family dynamics in mixed-race households.”
          This I buy. My current supervisor is a zebra. He’s mentioned a few times that he was severely mistreated by black people when growing up, and that one reason he avoided getting into trouble is that he would have no in-group to protect him if he ever went to prison. That said, he’s married, just had a little baby daughter, has a great job, and seems very happy with his life. He’s highly intelligent and one of the few supervisors I’ve ever had who’s actually good at his job.
          In the case of my children, here in Latin America there’s just no way that you can argue that more European blood is a downside. It just adds status. People constantly comment favorably on how my daughter is “blanquita” and obviously has “no Indian blood in her.” I could see the argument for the black guys who race mix with local girls, but you could argue that that’s a social construct.
          What I’m saying is, I don’t see proof that the hardships mixed race kids face are genetic. They seem mostly cultural to me. Based on all the happy, successful, and highly intelligent mixed race people I know, I think they can be avoided. For example, just by having a dad who will stay with her mom, my daughter will be far better off than most “pure” race children, and one of the reasons I feel confident I’ll stay with my wife is her traditional, Christian values and inherent femininity. Given the current state of white women, I would be unlikely to feel as confident with a woman of my own race:

          40 Images Of The Grand National’s “Ladies Day” That Show How Low Western Women Have Sunk

        87. “realized my mom had manipulated and controlled me”
          Boy, oh boy. Been there done that!
          Mine refuses to die though.

        88. Hypothesis, you rube. Theories have ample evidence. The only thing above Theory is Law.

  12. I posit living on Earth prohibits one from being able to objectively answer the question. There might exist an actual correct answer, but it is unknowable to us.

  13. “In all likelihood, this demographic collapse stems from an agenda of the globalist elite.”
    Isn’t it likely that, since the demographic collapse coincides with the introduction of effective contraception, then the culprit is likely the blaringly conspicuous anti-pregnancy pills and rubber penis sheathes?
    I mean, come on, it’s not as though people are having sex any less than usual. It’s that the sex no longer results in pregnancy. I think this is an issue of red-pilled men refusing to take responsibility for their actions.
    If you place a condom on your penis for sex or have sex with a female you know to be on the pill then you are the direct cause of the demographic collapse, not some globalist elite half a world away.

    1. Interesting how my post on inter-racial prostitution got a hundred replies, but the one post calling for whites to take responsibility for their own demographic failure is utterly ignored. Inconvenient truths are difficult to chew indeed

      1. Dude, the issue with us not having more white babies is much much greater than just contraceptives alone.
        I’d contraceptives are a good thing considering we don’t want babies out of wedlock – that’s what black people do.

        1. I’ll assume you get a bit of sex, right? Let’s just assume you’re a sexually competent guy, whether it’s true or not. Now, how many girls have you fucked in the last 2 years? Let’s say 10? That’s really good for a casual sex kinda guy. Now, how many of those girls might’ve gotten pregnant from that? Well, if we average it out against the time of month a woman is actually capable of getting pregnant, we’re at about 3 out of 10.
          Let’s forget all that and assume you’re an utter douchebag who barely gets any sex. But you still get SOME sex because you don’t have down syndrome, right? So maybe you get 1 girl pregnant per year?
          So now I want you to take all those number of pregnancies you could’ve had if you hadn’t used contraceptives and delete it. Just hit the fucken delete button in your brain. I’m not asking you to “divide” it by anything or shit like that. Just hit delete, man, because you use contraceptives.
          Now the number you came up with at the end of that sum is the total number of children you could’ve had if you hadn’t used contraceptives. Now times that number 0 by all the white guys who are just like you, and there’s your answer for the Caucasian demographic collapse, you dumb fuck

        2. Your entire post is nonsensical and dumb. No respectable person in this generation or any past one wants kids out of wedlock. It’s shameful.

    2. The problem here is not sex. The problem here is the choice of not having children. This choice is easy to explain: wages are low, the job market is unstable, most millenial women are commitment-phobic and the laws allow them to divorce-rape us if we every marry. Our forefathers never had such a non-supportive, anti-man, anti-family environment. I know several men, myself included, who managed to find a girl they can trust outside the West (Eastern Europe, South America). The stock of decent girls is crumbling. Men are adapting. If you want us to have babies again, help us to make the girls decent again.

      1. If you want us to have WHITE babies again ……..
        Fixed it for ya, although I’m perfectly happy producing slightly off-white babies.
        (I’ve actually managed one that looks whiter than me, with red(ish) hair. Everyone used to assume that his mom was his nanny)

        1. If your wife is Asian even the whitest of the children are going to have a somewhat Mongol look to them, like most Russians.

      2. You still fail to accept reality. “Choice” in having children was never an issue in pre-contraception societies. There were no choices. People got horny and they uncontrollably fucked – the desire to fuck was pursued relentlessly by everybody, and the ultimate result was 99% of the time offspring. Surely you realize that sex has this wild element to it? We can’t control the desire. We’ve never been able to control it. Our lack of control since the dawn of mankind has been our primary method for sexual reproduction. Yes, we’ve tried to impose order over the chaos through marriage, but are you seriously going to say martial infertility is new? Disorder is new?! All of a sudden we have control over the chaos of sex through contraception. Mankind as we know it ends.
        That is it.
        There is no questioning this reality.
        The invention of contraception is a mass extinction event for the human species, not unlike the ice age that wiped out the Neanderthals and homo erectus. It’s an extreme selective pressure that aggressively destroys the genes of anybody who engages in the behaviour of using contraception. This is scientific reality that should be apparent to anybody who understands how natural selection and evolution works.
        Of course, “mankind” will not end. Contraception is a bottle-neck – in the same way that stromatolites creating oxygen for the first time was a bottle-neck for all life on Earth that resulted in a mass extinction event – the only human bloodlines left standing in 1,000 years will be those who prove resistant to the genetic traits that lead to the usage of contraception. Humans will remain, but all traits associated with the usage of contraception will be eradicated from the species by natural selection, and a new species shall emerge. Id est, contraception is causing the rapid evolution of the human species into a new species capable of rejecting contraception. By all the scientific laws of our world, this is absolutely inevitable.

      1. Well North America is quickly heading that way. The largest immigrant group entering our country each year are Indians from India. They have already invaded parts of Africa (Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, and Nigeria), Australia, New Zealand, England, and Canada. India is on track to over take China by population count. With Birth Right citizenship being a striking point for them in the United States, they quickly try to have as many babies as they can while on temporary work or student visas.

  14. Man I hear this argument too much. It’s always some beta-loser-type guy that says “there are too many people and idiots breeding!!” I think we can all agree that overpopulation is a problem, but then again who should be the ones to go?
    “Not me of course, it’s those people that need to go…” Take a good hard look at yourself and see whether or not you are necessary to the planet.

        1. Let me ask you, if Europe gets over-run by Arabs and turned into an Islamic continent – thus proving Arabs are stronger and Caucasians are failures – then why should the weaker race (Caucasians) be the ones who “should” survive?
          I actually believe in a fair fight. The best man always wins in the end, and so he should

        2. An elephant can be devoured by a million fire ants. It doesn’t mean the ants are stronger than the elephant.

        3. Yes it does. The problem is you’re defining the word “strength” to exclude anything the ants are capable of. Through whatever means might be, the victor is the stronger

        4. The white hunter and the pygmy ……….
          A great white hunter pops his head out of the jungle and sees a dead elephant with a pygmy standing on it’s head and says, “I say old chap, how did you manage to kill that elephant?” The pygmy replies, “It was me and my club”. The GWH asks, “How big is your club?”, the pygmy replies, “There’s about 50 of us in it”.

        5. In a sense they are “stronger.” It depends on what you mean by “stronger.”

        6. And the white man pulls out an M-60.
          Your point?

        7. and THIS is a fantastic post!!! well done bringing this up CARP,
          i have thought this myself, why can the US military not beat some camel jockeys (aka isis) when the yanks have F16s, AH64s, M1A1 Abrams & nuclear warships (to name a few)
          thats just America, what about when Englands, Germanys, Frances, Aussies military are all thrown into the pot, if there really was such a force/threat called isis, could these military forces not beat some inbred dude coons?
          hmmmm, isis/al queda/teleban sounds like it was cooked up by the CIA/mossad/MI 6 to me.

        1. And people laugh at them saying that they have to choose their haircut from a list of state-approved hair styles. But don’t we here on ROK complain about girls with skrillex and pink and green dyed hair?

        2. Yes, of course. But the women in the N Korean military parades are beautiful too

        3. Sure, until KJU summons them to his “pleasure court”….
          Getting womped on by that fat little bastard is not so good for the looks…

        4. And…starving and in a straight jacket from head to toe.

        5. Hamster wheel alert! Another country is doing well, but “they’re decadent, not creative, etc.” My country is doing well because “we are superior.” Can’t have it both ways.

      1. But that begs the question, if it’s just about IQ then only Asians should stay. Only guys that are over 6 ft should stay. Only guys that have good genetics should stay. It’s a slippery slope if you ask me. The people who want to stay are always the ones that say that they are superior.

        1. Only races that invent or manufacture should stay.
          White people (invention) and Chinese (manufacturing).
          Thais for the hookers and hard drives.

        2. What about the top tier people from each race? Wouldn’t that be a superior and more efficient system? What if it shifts to Chinese (invention, as historically they have invented most things) and robots (manufacturing). That would leave white people in the dust. Hell it could be India that invents too. Do we keep them? Roosh is Persian, do we keep him? Restricting it to a race brings in the good and the bad.

        3. Nothing in Europe would have gotten invented without the foundations laid by the Greeks and Romans. But yes, you are right as far as modern times go. I would way rather own a mercedes or jaguar over a fiat…

        4. TL;DR on your link. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll read/skim it.
          But to your point, that would mean that only white Germans should stay. What about Brits? Americans? Spanish? Italians? French? As to the Chinese point, they invented the “Four Great Discoveries.” On wikipedia, it lists paper, gunpowder, printing, and the compass. They slipped up during the colonial era and are still recovering from Mao. As of now they aren’t afraid to take science to the next level (e.g. they have no qualms about genetic engineering like we do in the West). They’ve globalized pretty quick and now might overtake the West in inventiveness.

        5. Celts were forced out of Germany by the Romans, you clod. That’s why Bretagne was formed in France. The German (Saxon) exodus into England didn’t occur until after the Roman occupation ended in the 400’s.
          Christ, you don’t even know your own history….du fuq?

        6. Have you invented anything? If not then you might have to off yourself… according to your line of reasoning.

        7. Invention is a racial attribute, not individual.
          You want the inventions to keep flowing, you need the genetic line to keep producing.

        8. And many of the foundations of the Greeks and Romans came from Egyptians, Babylonians, ancient India, and ancient China. In fact agriculture is believed to have started in the Middle East. So are they the “true race?” This is where identity politics messes things up. It blinds the left, and now the right is obsessed with it too. If the whites are so great, then why are there so many dumb blue collar whites that are unemployed? Is it because they couldn’t cut it? According to them, it’s because of a globalist agenda. Now ask the same question as to why blacks are poor. Well now the answer changes to “they’re a mongrel race full of low-IQ people and are genetically inferior.” You can’t have it both ways, i.e. when my people are struggling it’s because of someone else but when other people are struggling it’s because it’s their own damn fault.

        9. Put an Appalachian blue collar worker up against a tribal African and ask them to solve an basic math problem. Wanna take bets on who wins?
          I get your point, but getting back to far away roots isn’t really the gist of the conversation. Of course we all share a common heritage and owe a lot to those before us of any race. But most of the world benefits from European improvements, and would still clearly be in the stone age without contact with Europeans.
          Case in point: Uncontacted tribes in South America (or Central, I don’t recall precisely).
          I’m not a WN guy. But realistically, we’re not all “equal”.

        10. Huh???
          Take away the un-civil rights laws of the 60s, with AA, EEOC, and similar things, and your argument goes straight down the bowl.

        11. Yeah I get what you’re saying, we aren’t all “equal.” I just think it’s a mistake to attribute your own individual worth to the great achievements of those who looked similar to you in the past. Your individual worth is shaped by you, not your ancestry. Relying on the glory of your ancestors for your self-worth is a form of entitlement, not too dissimilar to the ones that lefties want from the government.
          P.S. Your blue collar vs tribal African example is slightly flawed. You would have to have both of them take the same set of math classes and then test them to eliminate differing variables.

        12. And here, I agree.
          But, genetics plays a part in how we’re formed.
          Look, take dogs. You have some breeds that were created to do one task that involved, I dunno, physical labor. For example, Huskies.
          You have another breed bred to solve complex problems. For example, Border Collies.
          Both are dogs. They can both breed with each other and produce viable offspring.
          But one is smart, and one is strong.
          Both are dogs.

        13. Yes completely agree. However when it comes to humans things are a little muddy. Most races, except those that did not develop advanced agriculture, had a division of labor moment in their history. Certain people became scribes, certain people philosophers, certain people pre-scientists. At that point some kind of selection pressures began, but only minimally as these societal roles were largely determined by birth, not merit. It wasn’t until relatively recently in human history that merit based systems came into the fore. Even then it was only in developed countries in the West. Thus it’s too early to say whether a certain group of people should end up on the chopping block. The English ended up ruling the world, but in the time of the Romans they were considered an uncivilized, backwards people (I know I’m leaving out the distinctions between the Britons, later Germanic, even later Norman and Nordic waves but I’m generalizing). Seems to me like it’s an ideological shift we need, not a racial one. We all have people in our lives who aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but we like them anyways. The solution is to find a way to bring people up. Hopefully transhumanism will help out in this respect.

        14. I think we’re probably more on the same page than not. I believe in individuals shaping their own world. I think that a smart black man beats a dumb white man as far as my making friends, any day of the week.
          I just note that regarding things like impulse control, average IQ and such, some races do better, some worse. I rarely get nervous if a group of young white guys in my area (Columbus, Ohio) are walking together as a group at 1am on a Saturday on the same sidewalk as me. The FBI tells me through hard evidence that I should actually take precautions if they’re not white.
          It’s such a fence straddling thing for me. I don’t think we’ll ever get to a real place of understanding until we acknowledge that there are racial differences. Ok, so ‘whatever’ Jews hit here, white’s hit there, Asians hit there, and blacks hit there. Let’s just acknowledge it and move forward. Saying that that average black IQ is 85 does not mean that they don’t have smart people, and saying that the average white IQ is 100 doesn’t mean that there aren’t dumb whites. But let’s not pretend that we’re all essentially equal before nature. Before the law, yes, I hope so, but before nature, no, sorry, not buying it.

        15. “The English ended up ruling the world, but in the time of the Romans they were considered an uncivilized, backwards people…”
          Sure, but the “blackie-o’s” have never been anything of use. In all of history.

        16. Yeah I think we’re on the same page too. I just see too much pendulum swinging for my own tastes. I too get a different feeling from white kids on the street than I do from black kids, and I realize that depending on what city I’m in, the statistics may bear out to my detriment. I just don’t think it justifies so much hate and blame for one’s own individual problems. “Not charming or good looking enough to get attractive females… it’s the blacks fault, not your own insecurities or things you can fix.” I agree that we should be equal before the law and that we aren’t equal before nature. Going back to your dog analogy, a pit bull is stronger but dumber than a border collie, but that doesn’t mean you don’t love them any less. You may need to accommodate them slightly differently, but it doesn’t justify ill-will (e.g. I don’t get mad at a snake for biting me, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let my guard down either).

        17. Yeah on that I’m not particularly sure why. They technically had the head start as humans evolved in Africa. If I remember correctly, the author of Guns, Germs, and Steel said that Africa wasn’t amenable to farming and was bountiful in terms of hunting and gathering. Thus there was no need to think outside the box. I guess the closest you can get is the ancient Egyptians, who were the most advanced society of their time, albeit they weren’t African in the sense we use today. They were more of a Semitic people.

        18. Not sure what love has to do with it. But yes.
          Ideally I just want PC swept away. For everybody. No “words you can’t say” and no “you can’t question this” crap. This shit is destroying our civic identity. If we can all just be honest, with facts, not be assholes and try to get along and move forward, then I’m good.

        19. I mean love as in if you have both a dumb and smart dog, you don’t value the dumb dog’s “humanity” less than the smart dog.

        20. Sure, agreed. But you don’t refrain from punishing a dog, any dog, that does wrong, and you don’t excuse it. You train appropriately.
          What’s happening now is that the good dogs are getting punished because of the bad dogs, and further, made to “feel bad” (“no! bad dog”) because the bad dogs are out hollerin’ and hooting on the hill.
          Fair, just and equal treatment for all is all I’m asking for.

        21. I suspect that intermixing with Neanderthals had a hand in this. Whites and Asians have genetic links to Neanderthals, who lived in Europe (not saying they were European) at the time. I think they are also considered to be at least or more intelligent than the homo sapiens sapiens that came out to meet them eventually. Their genes seemed to have conferred a bit of higher intellect and altruism (just my observations).

        22. Perhaps environmental factors, such as cold winters, forced cooperation and problem solving.

        23. There is actual genetic proof of intermixing.
          Also, blacks have been in the north for half a millenium at least, in some places much longer, with no change.
          I don’t want to go down the racist path, but sometimes, I think we just have to fess up to facts and data.
          Maybe I’m wrong. But I’m not seeing any real cooperative efforts in minority communities except Asian, here in cold, cold Ohio.

        24. Yeah I’m with you on the genetics. It drives much of the evolutionary history. As to minority communities in Ohio, I’d venture to say that since they are relatively recent, they still maintain a sense of community. Why that doesn’t apply to Hispanics, who are just as if not more recent than the Asians, I’m not sure. They have a sense of community too, but aren’t nearly as successful.

        25. The minority communities came here at the same time as the whites (excluding AmerInds obviously). They have ZERO sense of community.

        26. Wut? Heh.
          Chinamen labored on the railroad and they’re intermixed with Neanderthals, Indians I assume dot not feather, are Indo-European, and thus, intermixed with Neanderthals at least incidentally.

        27. I know that Chinese were used to build the railroads, but the successful ones in America now aren’t of those stock. They came over during the latter half of the twentieth century, as doctors, engineers, nail salon owners, Chinese restaurant owners, etc. Most Asian kids today are first generation Americans. Same with Indians, at least the ones I knew growing up. Both those populations have done relatively well compared to other minorities.

        28. Only with respect to the ones that were used to build railroads. That would make them similar to the Hispanics now, i.e. only brought here/immigrated/illegally entered, etc. for labor. Whereas the ones that immigrated from China post 1960 or so were of higher caliber.

        29. I dunno about the Greek part. Only if it was “Greeks” who lived in the Balkans waaay before the Minoans and Myceneans. What we think of as “Greek” is the descendants of those civilizations. Linguistically the Egyptians were Semitic, and I would dare to say that genetically they are as well. Perhaps part Berber and part Levant.

        30. Actually you see the same thing with Indians as well. The smart ones came to the US and Canada, whereas the worker class is currently immigrating to UAE and Qatar and being used as bitch labor, not too dissimilar to black slaves in the US or Hispanics right now.

        31. Indian girls both for sex and cooking, Filipinas & Latinas for sex.

      2. Why do you consider the Japanese to be so much better than other Asians? I am just wondering.

      1. … but a few.
        Newton, Einstein, Planck, Gauss, Pythagoras, Bohr, Schödinger, Tesla, …
        The world would be a lot more primitive if they were never born.

        1. You’re speaking about society, not the planet. If every human on this planet were gone, including those you mention, this big bitch will not stop spinning. Humans are no more necessary to the planet than parsley to the side of a plate.

        1. They’re strikingly ineffective. No one has the capacity to kill like white people.

        2. It depends on what you mean by kill. What about demographic change? Whether it’s caused by alleged “globalist elites” or it’s just a natural course of a developed society flooded with immigrants, does that amount to “killing?”

        3. I don’t know…the chink-a-doodle-doos are pretty good at it too. Ghengis Khan, Mao Zedong and what not…

        4. Well, Weyland-Yutani was named such for a reason. Of course, I don’t think they realized just how far the Brits would fall, nor how quickly.

  15. I have an announcement to make, you’ve had an imposter in your midst for a while now. He claims to be an alpha, tall, rugged, strong, lifts weights, attracts women, keeps his 11/10 wife interested et cetera, but this is all a mask, a lie lived vicariously.
    A tragedy. Well no more! We must free ourselves from Omegas such as this “man”, otherwise we will never free ourselves from the Jews! Who “he” is but a part.

    1. No, you filthy cattle-goyim, we are your greatest ally.
      You have to breed yourselves out of existence to survive!

        1. Yeah. The motor cycle gang thing was big in the 1960s. Any 1%’er would be damn near 80 years old today.

        2. 8 dressed like that. Most likely 7 under closer inspection

        3. No. He’s a troll.
          He’s devoting hours of his energy to try and harm a person he’s never met.
          Let that sink in for a bit.

        4. Disagreed with his premise on another thread. Basically, that’s all it takes with some of the more…touched…types.

        5. It’s happened a couple of times before. I tend to attract the really weird types for some reason.

        6. It’s strange really. I’m not into Asians or extra “parts”, but she looks oddly erotically hot.

        7. I thought my split screen VR goggles were broke. They’re what they appear and I wasn’t going cross eyed. I find three breasts more attractive than three eyes. You have to have a top notch face and bod to wear three titties without looking like a freak. No Asian prejudice but she looks a tad slant eye. She’d be a A-9 or ‘Asian 9’. Pygmies are really the only race that can’t be entered in any beauty contest. It’s like comparing apples to oranges or a monkey to your mother. Beauty contests should logically be segrated by race and hair color. A Nordic 9 is not comparable to a Zulu 9 or an Asian 9. Redheads too are in their own club. Saucer lips too belong in their own caste of pageants. Imagine entering one saucer lip against all the other world contestants. Nordic maidens losing out to some jew rigged show where the only saucer lip negress wins?? You can’t even compare if her saucer lip is any good. You need all the saucer lip pickininis together lined up in their own contest and then you’d see what a winning saucer lip looks like vs a shoddy one.

        8. 1%’er exist today. You really should stop commenting on things outside of your bubble.

        9. Oh god…..
          No. Just no. Try going to one of the bars where they hangout and double check that assumption, that is of course if you’re capable of just buying a beer, sitting near a TV with football on, and shutting the fuck up while you’re in there.

  16. “Are There Too Many People On Earth?”
    Didn’t read the article.
    Didn’t have to.
    The answer is of course YES!!!
    F the 3rd world.
    Let nature take its course.
    Let natural selection take its course.

        1. Sure. Makes sense. And Muhammad Ali’s thoughts on black/white relations – I agreed 100%.

        2. Oh, I’d like to chuck him alright.
          Chuck him right into the dumpster where he belongs.

      1. you wouldnt by any chance be “proud jewess” that attempted to drop filth around here a while back now would you? you do have all the hallmarks of that troll/poster.
        BTW, you do know that you upvoted yourself, dont you?

      2. Problem is too many of them want to come to Europe. There will be 4 billion of them by the end of the century.

    1. Yes, we need to stop sending money/food overseas to 3rd world nations. Let them either sink or swim. Either they will survive or they won’t. I don’t care either way.

      1. We should have Apache helicopters circling the Mediterranean sea to shoot and sink their boats.

        1. No, that is a job for the Euros.
          Our job (assuming you are American here) is to build the wall, deport the illegals, repeal the 1965 immigration act and correctly interpret the 14th amendment by eliminating birthright citizenship.
          Oh, and end welfare, food stamps, public housing, medicaid, head start, affirmative action, etc..

        2. Why? Explain yourself.
          I can go back 3, and I can tell you that my grandfather, father, and myself were all at or near the highest tax bracket. Contributing mightily to the American system, which has betrayed us of course.
          Are you an American Indian? What’s your beef?

        3. Well said. Can’t understand why the original comment directly talks about 3rd world. Why can’t the person see & accept the reality !? Majority of the females in west (maybe in the name of religion, govt. benefits or whatever) keep popping out kids ! I have seen a minimum of 3 to 4 kids in almost every (american) family where I live !

        4. I had European ancestors here back in the 1500s. Then there’s the documented connection to a guy whose family was here maybe 20,000 years. So, OK.

        5. Ridiculous.
          White Americans (ie. REAL Americans) are depopulating. Only the 3rd work underclass of blacks and hispanics (Ravi Macho?) are populating. The world does not need another Venezuela.

        6. Yup. Europeans were the first Americans.
          The Francisca was not invented by those who crossed the Bering straight.

        7. Nope. We won the war against the Injun. Tough luck.
          This is out land now.

        8. End welfare, food stamps, public housing? Probably end retirement pensions, unemployment benefits and all that too?
          If you want disadvantaged people to be miserable and starve before they start to loot and even kill out of desperation then that’s probably a good idea.

        9. Why can’t they work?
          Deport the illegals and there will be millions of jobs. Low level? Of course. But the people you describe are perfectly suited towards that type of work.

        10. Yes. Why reward those who think making and squirting out numerous children should be supported by taxpayer money. Two child limit if you are on social assistance or starve.

        11. To be fair it was US and russia that ‘meddled’ in syria because of pipe-lines..which led to syrian destruction and refugee flow into europe. Google damascus and syria before the war, its not a ‘refugee producing’ country.

    2. “Didn’t read the article.
      Didn’t have to.
      The answer is of course YES!!”
      Meanwhile the elites are imploring that all of us stop having kids, while the elites have as many spoon-fed larva as they want.
      Honestly if the Mankind does itself in by contaminating the environment beyond its ability to sustain the human animal, in a few million years the planet will bounce back – and be in a better position to survive because, Man, that marvel of the universe, that glorious paradox, will no longer be present on the planet to fuck it up while trying to kill each other.
      Animal species come and go, it’s normal in the vast nature of things, so I accept the mortality of homo sapiens, as long as I can also see the elites dying, caughing up blood from too much sulphuric acid in the air (or whatever) I’ll consider that some kind of vindication.

    3. Fuck the 3rd world, i agree, but..
      what annoy me the most is people in the west who don’t procreate anymore (for philosophical shitty reasons like “it’s selfish blablabla”), faggotry and lesbianism promoting sterile lifestyles, massive immigration of savages to replace native population and last but not least, people who decide to adopt a child… but who opt in first case for a foreign child from a poor shithole country instead of a child of their own country (fucking virtue signaling treators).
      fuck to all those people, too !

      1. Honestly I believe that these people should be removed from life with a very disgusting, painful and humiliating method. Third-Worlders gonna do their own thing their makeup forces them to it and they have no inclination any longer to fight it. But those who want to emulate them or refuse to do what is right are far far far more below them.

        1. or, a more gentle way to prove them how wrong they are, threw all of them in a any shithole “democratic” 3world country and never let them back.
          yeah, what remains of my humanism is my weakness lol

        2. Would there be any real difference? In the end it is who chooses to do what terrible to them. I believe though that no matter how demented we might become due to a thirst for revenge won’t be as monstrous as whatever their human pets would have in their primitive minds for them!

        3. you’re right, there will be no difference at the end. A tough lesson for them and a sweet revenge for us. And at least, we’ll keep our hands clean.

      2. To be fair, procreaction has been greatly decentivized. Starting a family is hardly a viable option for 20 somethings who barely have enough money to scrape by on their own, especially after being scammed by colleges (where they basically go into debt to get socially programmed.)

    4. The answer of course is no. Earth is scarcely at a fraction of its human maintaining potential. The most densely populated land mass in the world (Japan) is 70% undisturbed forestland. If Japan (that tiny island housing 127 million people) is not even at a third of its capacity then earth is not even close to overcrowded. Just watch Planet Earth for about five minutes and you’ll see what I mean. This whole movement around saving the planet by not having children was likely invented by anti-white racists and willfully perpetuated by idiotic hippies.

      1. Ideally you need 70% forest land. Also, more than the lack of food,water, etc its the lack of jobs in the third world that is the issue.

    5. Exactly. Another famine/war in Africa. This has been going on forever. My mother told me to clean my plate and eat all my food because, “children were starving in Biafrica”. When are they going to make themselves extinct? Surely UN bowls of gruel dropping out of the sky can’t sustain millions.

      1. Famine and disasters are the best thing that can happen to these countries. Which is why I donated not one cent when Haiti had the earthquake a few years ago.
        The worst things we can do for these countries is to send food and aid. “Plumpy nut” was a horrible idea. Yes, send them food so they can continue to reproduce geometrically. What could go wrong?

  17. In the late 1960’s to 1970s they said the maximum population California could sustain was 19 million. Today it is 39 million. That means 20 million have to go back.

    1. thats why its become a shithole. my formerly shitlib friends out there are waking up- they are FINALLY acknowledging there is an out of control homeless population, and they have been posting pics of garbage everywhere in the SF area, comparing it to a third world shithole.
      Too late dummies, too late

        1. Nope, although I dont understand how you can upvote your comment before you post it. Its like magic

        2. Modern morality:
          Captain Alvin York kills dozens of German men in WW1 = national hero
          Jeffrey Dahmer kills and eats gays = monster
          Dahmer was performing a noble social function: like a carp eating the scum from the surface of the water

        3. I think he just had a thing for head cheese. I heard a story where he went off on someone for implying he was ‘racist’ for having preference for some race or another. The prions from eating nervous and spinal matter finally got to him.

        4. like a carp getting a stomach ache from eating bad pond scum … selfless in a way

        5. You can never be (entirely) sure what you purchased until you unwrap it in your bedroom.

    2. Maybe that’s why they’re talking about deporting anyone who’s not 70% of British or Dutch descent on some alt.right sites now. Got to make some painful cuts I guess.

    1. Bill Williamson:
      “It’s a downward spiral… to the end of all times and uh… there’s no chance that we can survive. I mean 70 million people every year are brought onto this earth. What are they doing? Sucking up our resources. There’s too many people. So, what do we do? Just keep them around? Let’s kill them! Let’s get rid of them! Good, thanks for coming out! But, uh, you know what? We’re at capacity. We’re at capacity now.”

      1. I don’t think we are anywhere near capacity, even with existing agricultural technology.

        1. What we need are good creative and industrious people eating that food, not dumb zombie slaves that work, shit and die. It’s like a meat farm existance the dumber you are. There are crowds of first worlders that live to shop, eat and die and third worlders that live to scrounge, eat and die. A culling of locusts is on the horizon. I remember a few years back, a cicada invasion where these bugs crawl out of the ground every 17 years or whatever. They were everywhere, so many of them that some only crawled a few feet after hatching and just died. Kaput! I would walk to my car and they would crunch under my shoes everywhere like someone spilled a box of cheerios on my sidewalk. But I ponder the ones that died within munites of crawling to the surface. 17 years of incubating just to crawl up and then die and have their guts stinking up my yard. It is bewildering. God probably had an unbeknownst reason and has the answer to that one.

        2. “I would walk to my car and they would crunch under my shoes everywhere like someone spilled a box of cheerios on my sidewalk.”
          Awesome imagery.

  18. There are certain populations that need to be reduced undoubtedly (Africans and Muslims principally). But the elites today want to use the low thinking and corrupt populations to rule easily lootable nations.

    1. Beauty contestants need saved and their sisters too. I have farm hand work for them all.

  19. City people are often too wasteful. Technology can support many more people but due to abundance, much is wasted. American children consume around 40% of all toys manufactured, for example.

  20. Yes, definitely. Let’s put 100x MOABs on India. No one needs this huge pile of human garbage. Incest, (REAL) Rape Culture and shitting on the streets. No thanks.
    The worst thing is that they grow and grow nonstop, surpassing even China.

  21. I came here to say something or other about gnosticism and the depopulation agenda but reading the comments I think it’s clear everybody here loves the depopulation agenda …. selectively.
    Seriously the NWO or whatever has won.

  22. Race specific bioweapons and forced famine will solve, mostly, the overpopulation problem. Real death camps will do the rest. And, the remaining global population 500 million, all White, advanced human beings will accomplish great things. Genetic enhancement will turn our race into Gods! 14/88!!!!

  23. I just wanted to say that it’s still sort of Good Friday so can we all be on our best behaviour this evening, and remember to share good christian feelz with our brothers of all races and creeds……or at the very least have the decency to use a euphemism instead of saying ‘we must build death camps’. Even Hitler didn’t call his death camps death camps

    1. I think he referred to them as Carl Jr’s didn’t he? Where Jews could go to order Big Ass Fries?

      1. I just think “death camps” is a tad negative and accounts for a lot of the critical feedback on trip adviser

    2. Actually, the Germans never built any “death” camps, though they should have done so.

      1. well if they were holiday camps they sure had some serious health and safety issues

  24. You can fit the entire world into a very small land space and still have room to stretch your legs and arms. The amount of agriculture needed to sustain all humans is nowhere near capacity, and even if it were, technology continues to improve (I have farmland, I see it first hand).
    I think humans should get off of this rock and get out to the planets and stars, because really when society starts taking “let’s kill ourselves!” seriously, then we’re on a path to extinction.
    To the planets, moons and stars, and fuck the stupid self-limiting leftists.
    Excelsior! Heh.

    1. The “we” you are talking from is an artificial, illusory point of view. And the technological headlong rush is just depleting and tainting the land. It’s not “self-limiting”, it’s intelligent management. And thanks for the space consideration but we (a true, genuine “we” this time) living on fine land or cities free from overcrowding, hyper-competition, traffic jams, unethical animal treatment and the like would be better. Fuck the reign of quantity, viva quality.

      1. Sorry, not into self extinction. Call me a traditionalist.
        How about instead, we, you know, expand to the stars? Might be better. Might be more ethical. Might be, you know, more beneficial to the species.

    2. The food we eat come from atrocious factory farms and GMO experiments by Monsanto. Most of us don’t have the luxury of eating something not tainted by chemicals, hormones, genetic modification, etc.
      Even if we find a habitable world some place in the galaxy, we still have two problems: it’s impossible to travel faster than light and only a very small group of people will be able to embark on the colonization that may or may not work. If we have the resources and the technology to colonize a planet, it’s probably easier to fix the one we have already. With the current population growth rate, the world’s more likely to implode and go extinct before any colonizable planet can be found.
      And it’s actually the “stupid self-limiting leftists” who are the most delusional about the prospect of humanity overcoming all future challenges through the power of technology, even in the face of contrary evidence.

      1. I’m a subscriber to the “not all of your eggs in one basket” view of life.
        Stars are the end goal. Planets (here, our solar system) or, more ideally, moons around those planets. We’ve made it to many of them.
        What I do know is that sitting here on this rock, waiting for socialists and tyrants to “fix our problems” is suicidal. I mean goodness, we have a “Hey, why not reduce our species?” article here.
        We need to have some insurance. Get to other planets or moons. Then we can debate stars and feasibility.

        1. Yeah, and I don’t hide the fact that I’m an unabashed pessimist. I just don’t see space colonization happening; at least not before we start WW3 to fight over the last scraps of resources left on Earth.
          I agree that it’s nightmarish to wait until the elites engineer our population as though we’re cattle, but I do think our current population growth is unsustainable. Simply put, I agree that population should be reduced, but not with who does it and how, which is the conundrum I think the author was trying to convey as well.

        2. Corey, I know where you’re coming from and understand your point of view. It does seem unsustainable. We were meant to expand, that’s what all life does, expands to fill its niche in nature. Our niche is more than here. We’re not going to solve “being human” with all of our frailties, and trying to ignore this will result in a war where those who want us gone, will be put against the wall.
          We have an infinite (almost) ability to deal with the universe. It’s no more unfeasible to reach out to the solar system than it is to convince 90% of the population to stop having babies.

      2. The rice I eat is fairly naturally grown, mostly by hand from planting to harvest. The fish are farmed locally, and killed in the market in front of me. Not so sure about the chicken and pork though.
        Impossible to travel faster than light? I already see a glaring error in that theory. Speed is relative, if I stand on the earth and a spaceship travels at .75c in one direction, and another ship travels at .75c in the other direction ……. they have a relative speed of 1.5c. Speed of light broken!
        Once artificial wombs are perfected, no need for real people to travel anyway. Store some DNA (or frozen eggs/semen), send it with robots, regrow the human race at the end of the journey.

        1. And…demonstration of lack of knowledge about actual physics confirmed. Dude, you’re on a roll tonight.

  25. Heres an idea: anyone who thinks theres too many people should go kill some useless eater scum or five, and then themself.

    I think its a wonderful system that will bring results.

  26. Everybody keeps saying WW3 is just around the corner, that ought to thin out the population pretty quick-no problem…..I think I have Zika.

    1. Country homestead in a state nobody wants to bomb, 50 acres of land to grow, and lots of guns and ammo, plus heirloom seeds and the ability to actually grow crops.
      Ain’t skeerd.

      1. Unless some Monsanto seeds blow onto your land.
        Then PLENTY to be scared about…

        1. After a nuclear war?
          Lawsuits then, well, they’re handled in a way beneficial to me.
          Assuming that there are any lawyers left.

        2. In the context of the discussion, if we’re in WW3, it really doesn’t matter what they think, assuming that they’re not bombed into dayglow orange radioactive grit.

        3. Ooohhhh Monsanto is the devil! If those seeds blow on your land then nothing will grow there except plants.

        4. They can’t sue you if seed blows on your land and germinates lol

      2. I can just see GOJ sitting on his porch in his dungarees and red tartan shirt smoking his corncob pipe and plucking the banjo and singing ‘How’ya gonna keep’em down on the farm now that they’ve see Paree?’ while the cannibal armies are rampaging through the rest of America.

        1. Yep, that’s precisely the image I project. I are Cletus.

      3. While I was goofing around and not being serious, if the big one did happen boy would I be screwed, there’s a military base not very far from here in every direction….BOOM!

    2. Not really, the world population and standards of living went up after both world wars.

      1. Not here in Britain. The 50s were not called ‘The Austerity years ‘ for nothing. Britain was very close to being utterly bankrupt and things were rather grim until at least 1956 or 1957.

        1. And then socialism and utter societal collapse. And now you import brown hordes to keep your welfare state alive. Talk about grim.
          You have one to two generations tops and then you’re extinct.

      2. When I said I think I have Zika, that was supposed to be an indicator that I’m not serious.

      3. That would be because of technical advancements brought about during the war effort. Antibiotics were developed around the time of WW2, before that if you got an infection you either got over it or died. Diesel engines and hydraulics also became common after that making it possible for the large farm and construction equipment we have now among other things.

    3. People have been insisting that the sky was falling in for an extremely long time and yet here we are. Americans though they constantly tell us that they are living in God’s own country seem very prone to Doomsday thinking. This is bad as it only encourages other Americans and others in the Anglosphere to a lesser extent to assume an ‘I’m going to get mine and the devil take the hindmost’ attitude.

      1. It keeps our powder primed. Better to be a bit paranoid than complacent. Europe has had dictators and kings countless. We tend to flinch at the first signs of that.

      2. It was kind of a tongue in cheek sort of comment not meant to be taken literally….

  27. Walking through Walmart and hearing Spanish is one thing.
    When I must encounter monkeys out of boat from africa speaking in clicks, well my friends that is another thing entirely.
    Rise up white man.

  28. Walking through Walmart and hearing Spanish is one thing.
    Encountering monkeys fresh off the boat from Africa speaking in Clicks is something entirely different.
    Rise up white man.

        1. Sir, you are quite possibly, after Andrew Jackson and Calvin Coolidge, the 3rd greatest American president.

        2. Thank you, kind sir. I simply did what I said I’d do. A quality impossible to find in these days of snakes and rats. I must say that I am very angry with how my legacy is being treated right now though…. I surely thought the white man would have conquered all of South America by now, displacing browns and wiping them from the hemisphere. Instead the land I gave my progeny is being taken over by the browns!!??!!?!

        3. Disgusting, is it not?
          What you did in 4 years is now impossible in 400.
          I envy you, and the time in which you lived.

        4. My friend, with the advances in technology, if only the white man grabs his balls and puts the bitch and the Jew in their place, we can do what I did in two years.

  29. If you think the Earth is over-populated, you have clearly never driven across Texas, let alone the rest of the Earth. Cities are over populated, but the Earth itself has plenty of room for everyone.

    1. I think the term overpopulated is used in the sense that there aren’t enough resources for the current population. Large parts of Texas as desert, as with much of the world.

      1. Ever been to El Paso, Texas or Phoenix, Arizona? Nothin but dirt, but they survive somehow. The Earth has plenty of resources, even for those in the desert (exception: Sahara Desert). The earth does not lack resources. It lacks skilled people who can harness them.

        1. Been to both. I’ve seen most of the Southwest. Beautiful land, but not too good for farming. The best you can get is ranch land like in parts of Utah. You can irrigate the land, but that takes precious water.
          PS. El Paso kind of blows. Phoenix does too. Flagstaff is much better.

        2. Quite true.
          But most of Ohio, Indiana, Nebraska, Idaho and other states are severely under populated too.

        3. Canada is mostly forest, same for Thailand and large parts of Asia and South America. All farm-able land.
          Not that you even need land to grow food these days, a big warehouse and hydroponic set up will do well enough.

        1. Never said that. In fact a lower population would be good. The problem is who would volunteer to have less or no children? Would you? It’s the classic problem of who should we kick off the boat. Draw straws? Vote? What if it ends up being you? Whenever people say that the world is overpopulated they discount the fact that their own birth is contributing to the overpopulation. It’s post-hoc armchair philosophy to support their own existence for nothing other than the fact that they are alive and don’t want themselves or their offspring to die.
          “We’re overpopulated so people other than me, my family, and my tribe gotta go. Why others and not me? Well… because I’m alive and I like it, so you gotta go.”
          The problem is everyone is going to use that argument. They’ll make up other ones like “I have a higher IQ” or “It just so happens that I’m English and many smart people in the past who weren’t even remotely related to me were also English, so by dint of that I get to stay.” But what it really is is just justification based on race. Some ignorant trailer trash will say that his “people” have invented the modern era, yet that person has done nothing to contribute.

        2. It depends. Certain demographics are already in a negative growth rate hence while the world population is rising plenty of parts of the world the numbers are actually falling.

        3. Q: “who would volunteer to have less or no children”?
          A: Almost all white women.

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