10 Essential Tips For Attending An Antifa Riot

The recent success of the Fourth Battle of Berkeley is a palpable sign of the shift which is underway in Western politics.  Since the election of Donald Trump, the peaceful men and women of the right have finally started standing up for themselves when leftist thugs try and disrupt their events through rioting and violence.  While Return Of Kings continues to advocate for peaceful assembly rather than political violence, it’s become abundantly clear that the modern-day left has no respect for rule of law, and that police forces are frequently failing in their duty to maintain order.

Should you choose to exercise your right to free speech, it is becoming increasingly likely that you’ll be subjected to a violent onslaught by the home-grown terrorist organization known as Antifa.  It is incumbent on you to prepare for this inevitability, so that you can protect yourself and others.  The following ten points will help keep you safe, while ensuring that the Antifa thugs scatter into the winds.

1. Do not initiate

It is absolutely critical that we maintain the moral and legal high-ground.  This does not mean pulling your punches, or bending over whenever somebody whines about hurt feelings – but it does mean that we eschew the barbaric tactics which our leftist enemies embrace.  This is the fight for civilization, and if we stoop to our enemy’s level then even if the battle is won, the war will be lost.  Let them be the initiators, let them be the vandals; if you simply stand your ground, and maintain a confident composure, it is all but guaranteed that they will lash out.

Remember: these are the infantilized refuse of a collapsing civilization.  There’s no need for you to initiate anything; the mere fact that you’re carrying yourself with confidence and giving voice to ‘hate facts’ will be more than enough to throw them into a frenzy.

2. Do not carry bladed weapons

From a legal standpoint, you have a right to defend yourself from assault: laws will vary from place to place, and in some areas you may be required to respond with proportionate force, but when we’re discussing a group of lunatics who are hurling bricks and throwing M-80s, it would be reasonable to assume that some of them have a blade or a firearm hidden about their person.  Legally speaking you would most likely be within your rights to defend yourself with blade or gun.

At the same time, your choice to carry a bladed weapon would speak to your mens rea; it suggests an intent on your part beyond peaceful assembly, a desire upon your part to maim or kill.

The reason men should carry a sidearm during peacetime is not so that they can use it in some sort of Action Hero fantasy; it’s primary purpose is to serve as a deterrent.  Open carrying wards off predators, who will seek out softer targets.  Concealed carrying protects even those who don’t carry at all, turning every potential victim into a potential threat.  A sidearm carried during an Antifa riot fails to provide this deterrence, since brandishing when threatened is no longer an option.

The mob will continue to race forward, carried on by their own momentum, and you will be forced to either drop your gun or knife (and risk having one of the Antifa turn it on you) or to employ it, and take on the responsibility of having used lethal force against a mentally-ill soy addict.  Stick to batons, tasers, and other such weapons (after consulting your local laws).  Your goal should be to defend yourself and others as effectively as possible, not rack up a body count.

The one exception to this is if the organizers specifically encourage everyone to open carry.  This goes back to deterrence, and you can be reasonably certain that the Antifa won’t attack.

3. Do wear a helmet

Protect your brain box.  The Antifas are in the habit of throwing rocks into the crowd, and your head is extremely vulnerable.  Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of modern protective gear.  The following video by Skallgrim demonstrates how even a motorcycle helmet can protect you against mauls and swords.  A batter’s helmet or a construction worker’s helmet will also offer you significant protection.

4. Do wear armor, gloves, and boots

Once your head is protected, the next three areas you need to worry about are feet, hands, and chest, in that order.  Boots will protect you from sprained ankles or other injuries (during the chaos of a riot this is a major possibility – and failing to protect against it could lead to you being trampled).  Your hands will be the next to get injured, and a pair of leather gloves will go a long way in ensuring that you don’t contract whatever new and strange viruses are leaking out of the bloodied Antifas.  Your chest is the the least likely area to sustain injury, but injuries there are potentially quite deadly, second only to the head.  There’s no need to visit your local SCA event to buy chainmail; any leather jacket, and motorcycle leather in particular, will keep you safe during this zombie apocalypse.

5. Don’t be a hero; work with your companions

The battlefields of the 100 Years War had an interesting dynamic.  The French soldiers were still following the romantic tradition of having a highly-trained warrior aristocracy, while the British were experimenting with mass, regimented militaries.  The battles would swing both ways, sometimes the French knights would win through their individual feats of heroism, while in other battles the organization and discipline of the British would overwhelm the heroism of the French.

The Antifas are the detritus of society, who’ve made themselves ill through veganism, self-abuse, and sloth.  Our side is superior in individual combat prowess and heroism, however the Antifas benefit from their mental illness and cowardice.  They’ll think nothing of abandoning an injured companion, and will inflame themselves with autistic rage during the attack like a smellier version of a Viking Berserker.  By ensuring that our side stays organized – by eschewing individual acts of heroism for organization and discipline – the injuries we suffer can be reduced to a minimum.

6. Do employ maximum speed and aggression

The left has been conditioned to believe that they can act out however they want, and that civilized men won’t offer any resistance.  For far too long they’ve needed neither organization nor planning, since they’ve been able to simply swarm and destroy any and all targets of their ire.  They do not follow any sort of Marquess of Queensberry rules; their methodology is to start spreading chaos, and to up the ante bit by bit as they’re emboldened by their peers.

Once they initiate, do not give them the chance to ramp things up.  Exploit their disorganization with swift and decisive action.  Maintain momentum, and capitalize on your victories.

7. Use the wedge formation

One of the methods which has proven effective during the previous clashes is the wedge formation; penetrate their crowd while protecting the flanks of the men to your sides.  If this is your first time attending a rally, find out who has experience and follow their guidance.

8. Go after their leaders

Your goal is not to beat the Antifa into submission; it’s to scatter and demoralize them, while maintaining your legal right to peaceful assembly and free speech.  The best way to do this is to find the individuals at the back of the crowd who are inciting the violence.  Penetrate with the wedge formation and confront their leaders, who will flee as their shame runs down their legs.  Once you have ensured that it is not just a tactical retreat, cease all pursuit; observe and ridicule.  The remnants of the mob will quickly grow placid as they submit to defeat.

Severely injuring Antifas allows them to reaffirm their victim narrative; the goal is not to injure, but to defend yourselves, and to expose them as the sickly human vermin that they are, both to themselves and others.

9. Carry a first aid kit

Their will likely be medics on hand for more severe injuries, but there’s no need to waste their time with minor scrapes and bruises.  Purchase a small first aid kit which fits on your belt to treat yourself and your compatriots.

10. If Pepsi doesn’t work, try Coke.

While the Pepsi Corporation has bravely attempted to quell the childish violence of today’s liberal scum, the field tests thus far have proven to be a failure.  Instead of Pepsi, try Coke, or perhaps Fanta.


It should go without saying that none of this is legal advice.  Any lawyer worth his salt would advise you to avoid any rallies where the Antifa plan to riot.  Remember that something as simple as an ill-timed punch can potentially result in the death of the hipster who receives it, as he falls and cracks his skull open on the cement, and that this will result in you being charged with manslaughter, or worse.

Be prepared for these violent cretins, but do not revel in the violence itself.  These are, after all, our fellow citizens; misguided children who need to be put in their place, not a mortal enemy to be killed with extreme prejudice.

It is imperative that we take back our civilization from the subversive elements that would destroy it, and that we stand prepared to defend our rights, but we must also remember the responsibilities that go along with those rights.  Your responsibility to administer first aid to all of the fallen once the melee is past.  Your responsibility not to maim or kill when subduing will suffice.  And your responsibility to stand for something higher than ‘Might Makes Right’.

Go out there courageously, and go out there righteously, men of the West.  Stay calm, collected, and cool, and stay faithful to your brothers in arms.  The times they are a-changing.

Read More: Antifa Gets Destroyed By Right Wing Safety Squads In Berkeley

596 thoughts on “10 Essential Tips For Attending An Antifa Riot”

  1. #11 (which ought to be #1): Never go anywhere near one of these tard-fests. If you show up, you were there to have a fight. That’s the end of any potential “peaceful assembly” defense.
    All of these “demonstrations” are conducted by pussies with the goal of getting attention. Ignore them and they will go away.

    1. “Never go anywhere near one of these tard-fests.If you show up, you were there to have a fight.”
      Your logic is flawed. If you don’t show up to fight these degenerates will rule the streets and terrorise your neighbourhoods.
      Besides , what on Earth could be more pleasurable to a man than beating communist fags to a pulp ? I only wish I was in US right now.

      1. My logic is not flawed; you merely disagree with my opinion. You can stick to dressing up in costumes and fighting faggots, and I’ll go about my business and defend my property as necessary. Don’t forget your beard oil, tough guy.

        1. I will absolutely ridicule those idiots cosplaying a revolution are getting into fights. They are total degenerates and just as bad as the absurd morons they are fighting

        2. I couldn’t be in closer agreement with you on this one.

        3. The real revolutions are thankfully outside of the USA and involve Molotov cocktails. Real revolutions to me usually means someone will not live to see another day. A couple of flyers saying you won’t grab my pussy isn’t a revolution but a display of idle hands going to waste.

        4. Irregardless of who is more or less correct in this discussion, I would like to express my appreciation of the riposte: “Don’t forget your beard oil, tough guy.”

        5. “are you boys done playing war? If so, here’s some cupcakes”
          –Marge Simpson.

        6. yeah, I’m sure that is it. I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I have a full life and am not looking for something to fill some kind of empty hole that my meaninglessness has left behind.
          The morons who are out there protesting and counter protesting are all in the same category. Absolutely useless homos who the world would be better without….also known as unemployable miscreants.

        7. The danger here, and I said it yesterday, is the fact that the Right is now fighting back. The Left used to go out, burn and maim and loot a bit, then disappear until the next rally. Now they’re finding resistance and they don’t know how to handle it. Since they are low impulse control emotion driven people, it wouldn’t surprise me if we start to see real dangerous type violence (to outsiders I mean), and Molotov cocktails being thrown.
          My thought here is that their masters want to get a real civil war going, so eventually they’re going to start exporting these mindless violent punks outside of their zoos, where we won’t have an option to avoid them. Hopefully I’m wrong, but these people can sometimes be *very* scary and dark. Nevertheless, if they find their way to my stomping grounds and I am just trying to go about my business, I have no problem at all with educating them on the error of their ways.

        8. I will say irregardless, loudly and often, irregardless of the fact that irregardless is not officially a word. I could care less if it aggravates the grammEr Nazis.

        9. hate to do it @Ainigmaris:disqus but I have to second WJ here.

        10. Point taken and personally I would hope it never comes to that. The red pill ideology is great in that it focuses on self improvement, but far too often, it brings out some people who just won’t improve their lives but still gravitate to the Rage and causes the red pill addresses.
          If it is anyone to worry about it might be them since these guys may actually be efficient in doing bodily harm with precision as opposed to the scattered damage of a BLM riot or Antifa moshpit of ‘feminists’ and scrawny faggots who don’t know what a gym is.

        11. Your elitist speech is starting to make me sick. You have this awesome life I get it , but it’s time you finally understood that outside your happy little bubble many men face a different reality. That’s why we sometimes appear empty and all.

        12. Men “men” ought to grow the fuck up and stop being little fucking children dancing around and getting into fights to quell their need for meaning. Sure, if you are walking around going about your life and you are accosted you should fight back but this isn’t that. This is just morons behaving badly. Left wing radical fucking lunatics meet right wing radical lunatics and all distinction is lost….all that is left is a bunch of faggots who have nothing better to do and who would all to the world a big favor if they would just commit a mass suicide.
          I am not the one living in a little bubble little buddy. I am the one who is living in the world as it is and not in some fantasy land. The fact that I am accepting, meeting and conquering the challenges of the real world is a testament to my ability to leave my day dreams and go out and compete every day while people like you sit in a bubble and imagine how great the world will be once the revolution, which is not coming anyway, is finally won and the whole world caters to your specific needs. Quite frankly I am the one who is starting to get sick, sick of the effeminate loser nature of people who rather than being part of the world sit around and complain and wish for some kind of massive sweeping change that will shake things up and leave them in a better position than they currently are. Maybe it is time for you guys to grow the fuck up and stop being such pussies whining and moaning that life is too hard booooooooo fucking hooooooo.

        13. In other words conservatives cannot put on speeches to spread their because the left will shut them down. You think the right should just stay home and allow it to happen…You’re an idiot.

        14. Right, I mentioned as much above. When we on the right act in violence, you better be fucking scared shitless. The FedGov was during the first Bundy standoff when actual in-shape, scary looking combat vets set up a perimeter around the Feds of trained marksmen who quickly set up a communications network and coordinated with frightening skill, to the point that the FedGov and all of its minions literally fled like little dogs. That shit could have went almost nuclear with one misstep.
          People equivocating both sides as the same are making a mistake I think. Loki dancing around raising shit is just what Loki does. When Thor gets pissed off enough and stands up and smites the fuck out of him, he means business.

        15. Irregardless of my agreement or disagreement with all or part of your post, I do highly approve of the use of “little buddy” here.

        16. unregardless of your use or irregardless I thank you whole heartedly

        17. Exactly. All my life, TradCons played by the Queensbury rules. The new right are playing the left at their own game

        18. I saw that comment further up and couldn’t agree more. That should be in the back of everyone’s minds when it comes to a fight. If a person looks like a fighter and refuses to fight, it likely isn’t that they can’t fight, but that they have an intent to kill if forced to fight. This is exactly the person you don’t want to fight. Convincing these guys to be aggressive is much different than having them assert their right to a belief.
          To be blunt, if we have guys amongst us who don’t know the difference between assertive and aggressive, they should step off and learn it, since they will likely be the first labeled as criminals trying to destroy the land we claim to want to save.

        19. maybe he is right. Ive been hearing every other talking head pronounce nuclear as “noo KAH lur”.
          I dont know what to believe anymore.
          Also: there is a Perfect Strangers reunion tour! guys must be desparate

        20. You look disturbed bro , hence your need to write a fucking essay. The little buddy made you lose your cool.
          You really need to come over. I will gladly show show you a piece of the “real world” you keep talking about (read. real world = what reality feels like when you start from 0 nowadays.)
          A little hint. This is not comming from a geek loser hiding in his parents’ basement playing PS4 and dreaming about revolutions.

        21. the feminization of boys was deliberate- you are aware of this, right? This started in the 1980s…30 yrs later, and here we are

        22. ok champ, whatever you say. I have no problem with you playing dress up war time with your little friends. There really is no overlap and I am sure I wont be inconvenienced by you. My need to “write an essay,” you are correct, has to do with me being disturbed. I hate to see the last shreds of masculinity drained from the world by a bunch of role playing faggots who have taken their dungeons and dragons game to the street. But like I say, since you have no real impact on anything, least of all my world, I really shouldn’t care so much.
          As for you “little hint” I will accept the point that you are not a “geek loser hiding in his parent’s basement playing PS4 and dreaming about revolutions.” I never even accused you of any such thing. I mean you are def a geek loser and def dreaming about revolutions, but I couldn’t even begin to guess where you hide and play your PS4

        23. I understand your frustration. The highest number of 18-34 year old on record live at home right now, lowest number of married people in that age range too. The economy never recovered from the 08 meltdown. Its smoke and mirrors

        24. There was a deliberate effort to feminize boys, I agree. I don’t think it was so all encompassing and unavoidable as people make it out to be. Strong parents or hard situations raised strong young men. That said, it isn’t the little coffee house faggots in skinny jeans I am worried about. Everyone knows they are sissies. What worries me is the anti faggot faggots….the guys out there pretending that they are some kind of paradigm of masculinity while they are essentially playing the same faggot game, just in different costumes. Those are the ones that are dangerous because young men who seek a path away from the feminized wuss coffee shop boys but don’t know enough to realize that the antifag guys are also unrepentantly feminized fagholes will follow them. It is, without a doubt, the most effeminate of all actions to hide from the real world and wish things were different rather than accepting the facts you have to accept (looking at your hold cards and saying this is what I have) and then going out and trying to make the most of it.

        25. Yes, quite so. There are a lot of factors playing into this that make this far more volatile than some silly hippies getting their LARP on ten years ago. Taken on a point by point basis, outside of starving in the streets like French peasants, we’re seeing a lot of similar causes forming now which are not unlike the things that spurred on Bastille day. Not an exact analogy, but close enough in a horseshoes kind of way.
          I’ll say it again, that regular working right wingers are showing up means one thing, and one thing only, and that is that they want to crack left wing skulls. That’s it. There is nothing more to it. That level of vengeance mindedness can and will get played out on a much larger scale if the Left continues with it’s silly “Let’s protest and break stuff” LARPING. The difference in motivation is not only huge, but critical when analyzing this.

        26. Know exactly the guy you are talking about and essentially they are faggots posing as Alpha. They are fooling no one but themselves but they have all the reasons why they suffer and all the names of who to blame. Conveniently it is never the man in the mirror.

        27. bingo. These are the people who hear “oh, anti trump protest, let me get my MAGA had and rush on down there” The only place you are unfortunately wrong, and dangerously so, is that they are fooling others. They are fooling young impressionable betas who are just starting to turn the corner towards red pill and looking for role models, they are fooling other weak men who are longing to hold onto something that makes them feel stronger and, worst of all, they are essentially fooling the language to change what masculinity means — they are feminists in different costumes.

        28. younger people are frustrated, 41% of men 25-34 make $30k or less, roughly double what it was 40 years ago.

        29. I understand that. I would like to note, however, that these stats are often made by the same people who think there is a wage gap. These stats include college graduates with comp lit degrees working as baristas and women’s studies majors who are now working in a used book store praying it doesn’t close down. I am not going to say it is easy, but anyone who did a decent cost benefit analysis on their college major, made good choices, kept out of trouble and worked their ass off is doing better than that. Take a look at what, say, 1st generation Korean stem majors make in the 25-34 bracket. They aren’t making this because they are Korean they are making it because they don’t have that all powerful feeling that the world owes them a fucking favor that the boomers and later GEN Xrs gave to their kids.
          It is absolutely rough out there and ya know what….it ought to be. Having the world be hard is how you can tell the excellent people from the less than excellent people. For those who find themselves coming to certain conclusions after college it is even harder. Starting off with a running start is big. I did several humanities degrees and was in my early 30’s when I realized life wasn’t ever going to give me the shit I wanted. I had to make major changes, major sacrifices and work my fucking ass off to compete with better trained and younger people to get to where I am now and even to this day there are times when I sometimes just want to lay down and say fuck it.
          The prescription for young people who are frustrated is not to go out and chant, not to go out and get into fights, not to go out and drink, not to lay around and day dream or escape into porn or video games….the prescription is to remember what being a man means…think long and hard about a) what you want out of life b) the realities of the world and the playing field you are on c) how to make a happen inside of b d) being honest about which sacrifices are necessary to make to make a happen and accept that if you go down one road other roads are going to be closed off and, of course, most importantly e) getting out there and doing it and not looking back.

        30. That isn’t what I wrote — at all. Someone with your low level of reading comprehension skills calling anybody else an idiot is pretty funny.

        31. Everything you say is true, but what I think that you’re not factoring in is that a huge amount of guys coming over to our side were raised by single mothers for the current generation. While you may be factually correct, I wouldn’t call them names really, they have literally no positive masculine role models and are, at least, trying to wing it and make their own identities, however fucked up they’re going about it today.

        32. Bibi Babkas!!!!!!
          DO you think they got Susan from upstairs. I am way too thrilled by this

        33. That’s right, troll, the avatar is a photograph of me. Now you’re blocked.

        34. I tried to make allowance for just this and maybe it didn’t come across clear. I said that the real danger of the phony alpha is that the people who are just starting to red pill later in life and don’t know any better may get fooled into following them down a path which is essentially feminism just by another name. If that didn’t come through clearly enough my bad.
          I will say that I am uncomfortable with the idea of “our side” I don’t have an “our side” I only have a “my side”
          There are people I tend to see eye to eye with and who I genuinely like but when you start to make teams then individuality is lost to herd mentality which is the first step that leads to all this nonsense in the first place.

        35. I use our side in the sense of a set of loosely shared ideas and little else when I use it like that with you. We all join teams. You’re on a team technically because you work for a company, which is striving for a commonly understood goal.

        36. You know what is not masculine ? When you get all butthurt and start throwing insults around instead of giving arguments. Females and liberals generally do that. Also it is very unmasculine to act all high and mighty and like you know everything and are able to judge everybody.
          You can assume whatever you want about me. I personally never felt the need to doubt anything about the great stories you tell here. I am positive you are who you say you are in the real world. I believe we are all grown up men here. Making up stories about their lives is for kids. I am telling you a little bit about my life. Believe me or not , it’s up to you. I can’t post any facts since I live in the Socialist Republic of Germany. If I am discovered that I “contribute” in a place like this I lose my job , “friends” , residence permit (the reality I live in doesn’t let me freely express my views) etc.
          I left “the basement” on my own as I turned 18 and headed for Germany , in the other part of Europe. I study electrical engineering in a major German city and work part-time by Volkswagen. I share a house with a buddy of mine and we built our own gym in the cellar. I have a well developed body and try to dress well. I also try to look and act as masculine as possible.My biggest flaw are of course women (I asked you about your opinion on a really fucked up relationship I was in a while ago , and I am thankful still to you about your advice.). Which is strange on its own , since a young man who cares about self-improvement shouldn’t have this much trouble getting women. An anomaly in the sexual market , which you are not aware of or don’t want to accept.
          Anyway to sum up my essay , don’t act like you know everything man. Your image of me for example is fake.

        37. I keep trying to resist the urge to get into this and failing.
          You have a legitimate point, lolknee, but I think you are painting with too broad a brush. The kind of feminized-little-boys-playing-dress-up that you are railing against — they do exist and they are pitiful and worthy of all of your scorn, but they are not the sum total of the people pushing back against these Antifa fucks. Just by the very definition of the kind of guy you are talking about, he couldn’t be a leader or a member of the real core or spine of such an effort.
          The Berkeley thing is the perfect example. The antifa fags have been dominating Berkeley, shutting down anyone who dares say or do anything they don’t like with mob violence. The rally was organized to protest that. There were many people at that rally who were there to legitimately push back against the (ironically fascist) tactics of Antifag.
          These were men who saw mob violence and semi-organized hooligans taking away their rights and the rights of their fellow countrymen, and they decided to do something about it. Their freedoms and rights were threatened so they decided to fight back. They were men who were standing up for themselves and others. That is not exactly “unrepentantly feminized” in my mind.
          They knew the Antifa would come and challenge them, and would use the same violent tactics they have used before, so they prepared themselves. Did some of them look a little silly in their paint-ball armor and helmets? Maybe.
          But they went in knowing Antifa would be violent as they have in the past: throwing rocks and glass bottles, swinging bike chains and poster sticks, even throwing M-80s and other improvised explosives. Look at the past violence by Antifa at Berkeley and you’ll see they have beaten and blooded plenty of people doing this shit. But these guys still organized themselves and went other there to face it. Your average feminized beta LARPer doesn’t do that shit. Yes, he wants to go and pose, but the minute people’s heads start getting busted open, he’s calling mom to bring the minivan around and pick him up.
          Did the “little buddies” you are ridiculing see real men doing something and grab their LARPing costumes to come play along? Yes, they did, and they made asses of themselves. Were there phony alphas out there hiding behind the other guys who were actually fighting back? Yes, but there were still real men standing up and fighting back.
          Disagree with the effectiveness of what they did all you want. Shrug off the politics of it all. Point out the posers and fakes. thats’ all fine. I agree whole-heartedly that a phony alpha can totally fuck up a young beta trying to red pill his way into the real world.
          But I think lumping those fakes and phones in with real men who actually believe in standing up for their rights, and being willing to fight for those rights, is a mistake.

        38. Another thing being missed I think is that these Leftists have for the last year or so shown up at right wing events that aren’t even demonstrations, they just show up outside a Trump rally and beat on people trying to get in or out. We’re dealing with utterly unhinged hooligans here who are *precisely* trying to intimidate our rights away.
          I agree with your post, well stated.

        39. But that’s just it, I don’t have an image of you. THis was projection from the start. I never called you a basement dweller, mentioned your mother or video games. What I did was start out by saying that intentionally going out of your way (for anyone) to put yourself in a situation where you are in a fight with protesters is a terrible fucking idea and something that people who lack meaning, purpose and validity in their life will do. If you hear there is going to be 50 people chanting something you don’t like in a park that is across town and you put on a helmet and rush on down to tell them to go fuck themselves you aren’t part of a revolution…you are just as bad as they are. That was the total force and weight of what I said. The rest is just snowball. As for butthurt, my issue really stems from a true sadness to see masculinity, real masculinity coopted by people playing at war and focus taken from the men who wake up every morning and fight a personal war to make their lives matter and to contribute as best they can to the world while building for themselves something they love.

        40. To be honest , what drove me over the edge was the abnormal sexual market. I was failing with women even though I was working hard on self-improvement. Made me bitter as hell.

        41. I get what you are saying and I am wanting to be sympathetic. However, UC Berkley has been a liberal hot bed forever. That is what it is. The guys who go to do a protest against antifa at Berkley would be like planned parenthood showing up on the campus of bob jones university. It strikes me that anyone who comes to Berkley to protest a violent left wing group known for its bad behavior are looking for news coverage. If you made this exact same argument about people protesting antifa at, lets say, one of trumps speeches I would say fine…you are right. The antifa dicks are showing up to a trump speech looking for a fight, found one and got their head stomped in?????? fucking great. Sign me into the “you guys are awesome” camp. But you will be hard pressed to convince me that a right wing group showing up to voice their concerns at UC Berkley is anything more than attention whoring and looking for a fight and that is why I say they are just cosplaying a revolution. Others here have pointed out that his stuff bleeds over into adult situations. I will be the first to say that if I am on my way to work and I am hassled by a left wing protester I will not hesitate to knock him right on his ass. I have done it before when OWS was being cocks here in new York. That said, the fact that I would knock one on his ass on 59th street and Lexington avenue didn’t mean I was going to go all the way down to the financial district, walk into Zuccotti park and call them a bunch of worthless faggots (despite the fact that that is what I truly believe).
          when you go looking for trouble you leave the realm of being a responsible adult and that goes doubly so in our world where you can almost guarantee that if violence occurs you will get yourself at the very least internet famous, if not network news famous.
          UC Berkley is not some battle ground on which a fight for justice is going to take place. UC Berkley is literally the most liberal college campus in America filled with faculty and students who are, for all intents and purposes, socialist activists. Many of them will graduate, grow up and move on. Some of them will become full time assholes as they get older. There are right wing schools like this too. THe School for Social Thought at the U Chicago is a Neo Con den. There are religious schools like the aforementioned bob jones. There are places where extremism happens and that is the cost of living in a free society.
          Again, when you see this shit in your home town have at it. But like they say, there is a time and a place for everything and the place for antifa morons to stomp about and act like the world is their own is UC Berkley. Going there and trolling them is like going to MIT and saying that engineering is for faggots or going to a KKK rally and bringing along your sister and her boyfriend jamal
          I am sympathetic to men who fight for what is theirs. I am not sympathetic, not even a little, to people who go out of their way looking for trouble regardless of the cause.

        42. I see your point, and I agree with it. I think there are just a lot of us glad to see someone — anyone — finally standing up and pushing back against those Antifa fucks, regardless of where or why.

        43. And the same hooligans call/blame “third world” Countries !! Aren’t these pussies (and who ever is backing them) aware of what kind of opinion & image they are creating about this Country ?
          Every rally of (now President) Trump was protested, apparently for no reason; other than that the person is MALE.
          So the pussies in this Country can do whatever they want, can shout/comment/blame whenever they want, can insult/belittle/abuse whomever (read: MEN) they want;
          and can go unpunished, no consequences, no accountability and yet play the victim card !!
          Shame on these kind of weak, pathetic, ugly, arrogant, slutty, bitchy & unfeminine females.

        44. I hearby upvote this based in no small part on the use of some form of the word ‘fag’ 6 times.

        45. when someone who is openly hostile to you gets punched in the face it is only natural to instinctually react by cheering. I loved seeing that bitch get punched in the face. lol it was fantastic. No different then when, at work a few years ago, this guy who was constantly trying to undercut me got caught stealing from the company. I fucking loved sitting at that conference room table while my boss fired him. It felt great. But ask yourself, is this truly masculine behavior? Standing up and pushing back occurs when they come after you, not when you go to them. Relishing in the misfortune of others, even people who wish us harm or actively seek to harm us, is human nature….but it is something that is base in us and ought to be over come by our greater angels. Yeah, smile knowingly, enjoy the moment but to treat this guy like a hero is just playing along with the problem imo

        46. I would totally agree with you if the antifas were holding a rally or smth minding their own business and the right-wingers attacked them just for the sake of not agreeing with tgem, than sure they would be scumbags. But these people are merely defending themselves. It had gotten to such a point (as far as I am concerned about the situation in the US) , where people couldn’t hold a rally or smth displaying not-leftist ideas without being assaulted and shut down by Antifas. Which is smth that should concern you too as a neutral. This is why I have a positive view of those men in costumes and sticks. You may not like their ideas , but you have to give them credit for fighting against the censure of thought and speech in this case. You may not join them , but at least don’t try to riducule them.

        47. Use the bitterness as fuel! Not as a conclusion.
          yeah, easier said that done….I’ve spent WAY too much of my life bitter and pissed off.

        48. the thing is I do generally like their ideas and I always give credit for people who defend themselves. This isn’t what I see in this case however. These are people who threw a rally in the heart of the most violently liberal socialist area in America. They went to UC Berkley to do this. Only reason for that is to pick a fight and/or be an attention whore. I am pretty sure if they threw this little party of theirs at Brigham Young or U Dallas or Thomas Aquinas College of California there would not have been any trouble — and not have been any news coverage. Again, I have no problem with their beliefs nor do I have a problem with people defending themselves. But if I get on a plan and fly to Riyadh and go to the sea of sands to partake in the Hajj and when I get there I start screaming about how all the sand niggers need to die and how islam is cancer I certainly wouldn’t expect anyone to pity me when I was beheaded.

        49. I would niggle a bit with what you’re saying.
          If something’s rough because that’s it’s nature fair enough. If something is rough artificially, it’s something else entirely.
          On a personal level you’re more right than wrong but STEM people have gotten jacked up by H1Bs, working class guys by illegals, and you know as a white guy that you will automatically get put at the back of the line if a protected class shows up. Combine that with an economy that has huge bubbles and we’re in for a rough ride.
          A guy who thinks he can never be put on his ass is the financial equivalent of a guy who thinks he would never lose a fight.
          You do the job that’s in front of you with the opportunities you have. Young men have been fed more bullshit for fewer opportunities. The whole stereotype of millennial men just playing games and smoking weed is horseshit, mostly. It’s not hard to be motivated when you have a path to success that you know will work.
          But you’ve got a combo of few real life building jobs and few women worth building a life with. And hearing yet another guy who came up during a boom tell a guy in a wheelchair to walk can be galling.
          That being said you’re not wrong wrong. A mans got to make himself useful on the terms of others if he wants to get paid. And that means sacrifice.

        50. I don’t disagree with this. I would say, however, that trying to change the world is just spitting in the ocean. The world will change, generation to generation, as it always has. IN the meantime, being honest about the ups and downs is far more important. If the world is positioned in such a way that the doors are inaccessible then look for a window. The second you look out at the world, notice the real inequities stacked against you and decide to complain about them rather than be creative and find another way you are already toast.

        51. remember ralphie…if your nose starts bleeding it means you are picking it too much….or not enough

        52. It’s also a bit strange to go from “I can’t change my life” to “therefore I must change the world!”

        53. No they are not and I don’t begrudge a hard working man’s will to have some whisky and blow off steam. But saying “the world is too unfair to me so rather than deal with that I am going to scream and shout and protest about why the world is unfair” is a different animal.

        54. I’ve been saying the same thing on some other threads. Now that the right is fighting back, Antifa will have to up their game or risk getting pummeled at every event. Expect knives, bats, locks, and eventually guns.
          Also, there’s a big scheduled Antifa event on May 1st. Everyone stay safe out there.

        55. You betcha! The best is when morons make up their own words–I saw this idiot news reporter on TV reporting on a death and he lacked sufficient vocabulary to come up with the word “Interred” or “buried” so he went with “funeralized” I swear to GOD I nearly peed on the floor. What a moron!!

        56. There is a right and a wrong way to do that. The right way is incredibly creative and when done with a master stroke can be really amazing. When done poorly it is a flop. Sometimes while you are languaging you just have to take some chances.

        57. There’s a difference between a grammar nazi and someone pointing out you are using a word that doesn’t make sense.
          I hate grammar nazis too.
          But be a man and take the correction.

        58. The Left will be annihilated anyway. Think of it this way-Patriots/Nationalists are gun-owners and have accordingly received training on how to use firearms to defend themselves so if the shit hits the fan it will be a massacre. All the more comical given the Left hates guns and will be cut down by them in a hellfire of bullets.

        59. Indeed-rabbit punches, shots to the kidney and butting are all in order.

        60. Loljew is the biggest phony on this site. His legacy will be the countless gentile minds he infects with his bullshit always peddling what is good for the (((tribe))).

        61. I’m not worried about protests being exported. The problem is that a lot of these people are right to be converted and trained into people who will be happy to ring the doorbells of doxxed conservatives before blowing them away with a shotgun.

        62. > The guys who go to do a protest against antifa at Berkley would be like
          planned parenthood showing up on the campus of bob jones university.
          You’re missing the point entirely. If PP went to said campus, they wouldn’t have explosives hurled at them, or be stabbed, swarmed, piled on and/or bashed across the head with a u-lock. And therein lies the difference, and a great part of the reason of why this movement is happening.
          > It strikes me that anyone who comes to Berkley to protest a violent left
          wing group known for its bad behavior are looking for news coverage.
          And you’d be correct. To get coverage and expose and make it into a problem that can no longer be ignored or swept under the rug. And make a statement that said behavior now actually has consequences, while they’re at it.
          > a right wing group showing up to voice their concerns
          Unless you consider free speech a “right wing” talking point, you mustn’t have been paying attention to what actually transpired and who attended the event.
          > they are just cosplaying
          All nihilism aside, a man of your age and experience is surely aware of the power of symbols, and, more recently, that of memes?
          > the fact that I would knock one on his ass […] didn’t mean I was going to go all the way down to the
          financial district […] and call them a bunch of
          worthless faggots
          And that’s fine. It’s incumbent upon no one to be a hero. There’s nothing wrong with sticking to defending your home and not being
          willing to risk one’s livelihood and well-being to fight for something
          that doesn’t directly impact you in the immediate future. No one can
          decry a man for that. But to ridicule those who do is unbecoming, and
          smacks of timidity or sour feelings of inadequacy. Or even both.

        63. History suggests if you don’t fight them off early, they will rise to power. Especially with the backing of bigger powers. Evil does need to be opposed. When good men do nothing it spreads.
          That said, I’m at home doing nothing because I live over 2 hours away from the nearest major city. So I as well will defend my property until the problem starts to get closer. But, if the problem leaves the cities, I won’t wait for it to get to my small town before I take action. My kids live here and I want them no where near action if it goes that far. Hopefully won’t but human nature suggests that it will.
          We haven’t had a war here in over 100 years . People just aren’t that nice. I think major violence is coming. The antifa have already escalated to using small, heavy metal blunt weapons like cycle locks. Someone’s going to get stabbed or shot soon. assuming they will go away sounds like hoping for the best without planning for the worst.

        64. But I don’t consider them heros. I think they are just s bunch of lame fags with nothing better to do.
          Sorry, but they are weak men with no meaning looking for attention.
          I do mock them because I think they are laughable and pathetic and hurting the world

        65. In Berkeley, an appropriate response would have been two truck-mounted M2s arranged in crossfire pattern to clear the area. Putting on bicycle helmets and throwing bottles is for children. I believe the enemy needs to be exterminated, wholesale, not hit with sticks. If no mass graves were needed, it wasn’t a “battle.”

        66. You misread my (admittedly long-winded) paragraph. I wasn’t calling them heroes, but men who are willing to risk their livelihood and well-being to fight for something that doesn’t directly impact them in the immediate future. It doesn’t make them heroes, any more that it makes you a coward for not doing same. Mocking them for doing it, however, is something else entirely.
          Care to address the rest of my points?

        67. I think mocking anyone who has gone out of there way looking for a quarrel is perfectly sensible. To be honest, I don’t really care to address the rest of your points. It isn’t that I agree or disagree….it’s just that I don’t care enough. The moment has passed. Harping on this stuff is kind of the problem. It popped up as an article, a conversation happened and it passed back into irrelevance with the next article. Like the “cause,” the people “fighting the fight” are largely just ridiculous morons who I consider beneath contempt and don’t really have the patience to think about too much.

        68. Going prepared because you expect violence due to threats and precedent isn’t the same as going looking for a quarrel. And refraining from doing something (in this case, holding a rally) because you’ve been threatened with violence only emboldens the perpetrators of same. Surely a man of your age and experience can see that?
          You don’t care, that much is clear. You also don’t have any answers, which may or may not be a consequence of the former. But, for all that show of jaded levelheadedness, you’re simply being a fence-sitting solipsist.

        69. “And refraining from doing something (in this case, holding a rally) because you’ve been threatened with violence only emboldens the perpetrators of same. ”
          So when I show up at Bob Jones University to demand that abortions are wonderful or if I go into a biker bar screaming that all bikers are attention seeking faggots or I go to a Marine Corps funeral and start chanting anti American slogans you are saying I should be thought of as a real hero when one of the religious students, bikers or marines tells me to shut the fuck up and I knock them on their ass?
          You like this guy because you happen to agree with him. In the end he is a fool and an attention whore for showing up at Berkley to yell about some meaningless cause. He was there SO this would happen not despite threats of it.
          As for what is clear to you, I am not sure. I don’t care, you are right about that. Mostly because it is all meaningless as sportsball. It is something to keep the rubes and hicks and morons busy cheering and booing while more important and relevant people go about the business of living life. As for me being a fence-sitting solipsist…you have no basis to say that. I am going to assume you just learned that word or possible the whole term on some dip shit message board where you go to pretend you are taking part in some meaningful revolution and just couldn’t wait to use it.
          Look scooter, you want to play war with your little friends go right ahead, but why don’t you reserve your petty and shallow judgment for boys who are closer to your level and not men whose shadow you live under.

        70. Your analogies are as poor as your understanding. Nobody went to the event to say that antifa are faggots, or that the left are pussies, or that Bill Clinton is a rapist. You’re confusing cause with consequence, running things through that timid mind of yours and making an even bigger mess of the whole matter. And, again, nobody would throw explosives at you, stab you or bash you across the head with a u-lock at Bob Jones University just because you’re saying abortions are wonderful. Get your premises straight before casting aspersions in such a clumsy manner.
          Don’t know who you’re referring to as “this guy”, as we weren’t talking about anyone in particular, and you still fail to grasp the really very simple concept that going prepared because you justifiably expect violence isn’t the same as seeking it out.
          As for your barracking of the “rubes and hicks and morons” and their “meaningless causes”, you might be aware that this is slowly becoming a national matter, that Berkeley U is about to get sued, that the totalitarian behavior of the faculty is now well under the watchful gaze of the public eye, and that antifa is now being exposed as the domestic terrorists that they are. All because a bunch of able-bodied patriots didn’t share your solipsism and pusillanimity (another new word for you – you’re welcome).

        71. Ok terrific
          You must be like the dungeon master or a high elf or something

        72. ‘I did several humanities degrees and was in my early 30’s when I realized life wasn’t ever going to give me the shit I wanted.’
          I’m 30 now and just starting to realize how much precious time I have wasted. I average probably around 30k a year. It’s encouraging to hear you made it though. Any advice for a young man who would be happy making a solid 100k a year?

        73. Make a Venn diagram with there fields
          1) jobs that would pay a salary would would want
          2) jobs you can realistically obtain
          3) jobs that wouldn’t crush your soul
          Find the intersection
          Pick a job and work on attaining it

        74. Simple!!! It’s the soul crushing part that’s hard… I want a job owning a harem. There’s got to be one of those around that pays right?

        75. Ha! I know what you mean. I have tried to get a position laying in a hammock on the beach, drinking rum from a coconut while two sisters fellate me but no one seems to be hiring

        76. That would make you the village idiot, then. Better luck on your Intelligence rolls next time.

    2. I’m not going — but may walk into one…need to always be prepared…
      And totally support those who are standing up to these useful idiots of the communists…

      1. In all honesty I’m happy to see Leftists get bloodied up. It’s about time and it’s great catharsis. But I’m not going to be actually seeking these looney toons out in any way. Should they somehow find their way to my neck of the woods though, then it’s game on.

        1. i still reckon they have new tricks and tactics — rightist guys are playing catch up.
          In any case will be interesting to watch…

      2. Good point. That’s why there’s a cut-down 12-gauge in my truck, and plenty of good things to put in it.

        1. damn – nice – I’m jealous of your locations/permits (@ghostofjefferson:disqus
          i regularly drive thru NJ/NY/CT – have to move thru some nasty areas…with kids -and no weapons.
          worry about their road block tactics…
          to accelerate, or not?!?

        2. When I was a lad, my Old Man would ALWAYS have Commander Colt by his side when we had to traverse the BadLands, NYC or not!

    3. Exactly! Every other weekend there are protests and demonstrations since Trump has been elected. Most of the time it is people with half hearted messages looking for someone to chant along with, or some sexually frustrated ‘feminist’ who found some thirsty betas to follow her in their social chanting. Best to leave all of that faggotry alone, build your life, enjoy your loved ones, fuck hot bitches, etc. The possibilities to spending your day in better ways are endless.

    4. yes. yes. and more. yes. This should have been covered in #1 “do not initiate” The moment someone goes out of their way to be an “anti protestor” or whatever these faggots call themselves then they have already stooped to the level of the antifa protesters. Meanwhile, both “antifa” and the “anti-antifa” protesters look exactly like the queers who show up for paintball as if they are ready to storm Normandy. smh at all this foolishness.

        1. this is EXACTLY what I see on both sides of this protest only on one side the helmet says grab this pussy and on the other it says make America great again.

        2. I think equivocating them is a mistake. The Left are utter LARP. It’s their main hobby as an ideology. The Right is not, we have jobs, which means these right wing guys showing up are looking to actually crack skulls out of some sense of vengeance. They are by far the actual more dangerous, not because of violence, but because of intent. The Left is just playing its silly games, the right wing guys are sitting around thinking of ways to form death squads and are starting to take actions not entirely unlike the Freikorp. Given more time and the Left’s continuous agitation, that will come to pass, and then all bets are off.
          We are the more reality based and less emotional side, with a far higher degree of real combat experience, creativity and engineering, so if you finally get enough of us mad that we’re finally going out and cracking skulls, that should be reason for concern. It’s not a game to them, unlike the Left. I would take them very seriously, no matter superficial appearances.
          Not sure if I’m communicating the difference here effectively or not, but they are entirely different “animals” despite the veneer on the top of “violent people playing games”. The “helicopter ride” meme that is growing on the Right better concern the living fuck out of the Left if this keeps up.

        3. As much as I don’t want to get into this, I have to disagree to some extent.
          Yes, there are LARPers on both sides. And yes, that adds a degree of silliness to it all. Because of my personal bias, I tend to see the leftist LARPers as the useful idiots and keyboard bad-asses trying to play tough guy IRL, while I tend to see the right’s LARPers as more like trolls and guys IRL shitposting the leftists.
          But there is more going on here below the surface. The LARPers and useful idiots are being used to accomplish specific objectives by the people funding and organizing them, and there are people with very serious intentions and motivations hiding behind the Antifa masks, just as there are a lot of very serious and committed people opposing them.

        4. “..the right wing guys are sitting around thinking of ways to form death squads and are starting to take actions not entirely unlike the Freikorp.”
          We must run with the same crowd. I lost count, but last I checked there are over 2 million war vets in the US who served down range since 2001. Half of them did more than one tour.

        5. No doubt. And take this article. The Left just shows up to harm and loot and sometimes wear V for Victory masks or bandanas over their face to avoid identification, and their only “organization” is a bunch of sobbing and “this ain’t fair” discussion boards with the resolution of “Let’s protest and riot weeee!”. This article is detailing proper methods for arming up and armoring up and is discussing battle tactics. There is a huge difference here and once enough on the Right get motivated outside of this spear tip, fuck if we’ll see any more LARPING (which it really is right now).

        6. The left is willing to carelessly perform demographic replacement and theft in order to gain permanent power. When people try to democratically bring up their concerns, the left physically attacks these people and sides with whoever is willing to finance their agenda.
          I think many are beginning to view this as treason.

        7. does anyone get charged with treason anymore? A fed immigration judge knew ICE was coming for this guy, and she let him sneak out via her chambers. how is this not treasonous?

        8. Relevant to your post_
          “Let’s really turn this into an old-school Communist revolution! I dare you. I double dare you. A whole lot of grunts would absolutely love to get a stateside kill, and the fact you shitbags always vote against us and protest our existence makes it that much sweeter. We kill people, and you aren’t even people – you’re communist heathens.”
          His profanity laced tirades are hilarious as well.

        9. “so if you finally get enough of us mad that we’re finally going out and cracking skulls, that should be reason for concern. ”
          Lolknee does seem concerned. That’s why he and the left resort to feminist like shaming tactics.
          “Silly dressups”
          “be a real man”
          “violent fool”

      1. Now if we could settle our differences with paintball….
        THAT is an idea I might just participate in!

        1. Paintball is supery dupery fun. I love that activity.

    5. More than anything, they are merely seeking attention and some form of self-validation. Their “cause” is indicative of their flaws. Ignoring would cause the majority of them to just burn out and fade away. It’s best to abstain from feeding into their megalomania and giving them power. However, us sensible folks should truly be prepared to blot out the ones that are incorrigible despite this, through any necessary means.

    6. No just getting the attention, but to somehow highlight MASCULINITY (in general) and President Trump (in particular) as “Sexists”.

  2. “Remember that something as simple as an ill-timed punch can potentially result in the death of the hipster who receives it, as he falls and cracks his skull open on the cement, and that this will result in you being charged with manslaughter, or worse.”
    Wear a mask, then you can kill or main with impunity. (works for both sides). To win any battle you have to be prepared to be the most violent and ruthless.

    1. Account created at April 17, 2017. Private. 10 Comments. Instigating illegal acts.
      Paid Troll/Shill detected.
      You paid troll/shills need more training or more brains; it is very easy to spot you.

      1. I wish someone would pay me!
        But on topic, I don’t believe being passive will ever win anything. The left know this and are never passive, they win through their willingness to use violence.
        The night of the long knives was a turning point in history, and if you want to win, you will need your own ‘Röhm Putsch’.

        1. You utter ignorance of history and politics betrays you again.
          The Night of the Long Knives was a purge against the leftwing sector inside the NSDAP who was trying to stage a coup against the Fuhrer, and that attemted coup was the Rohm Putsch.
          Don’t you have some history classes at the SPLC/FBI/IDF/JDL/ADL/Mossad before coming here to be bait ??
          גיין באַרען זיך

        2. “Rohm Putsch” took out both Nazis and anti-Nazis. It was a consolidation of power. If we were to apply the same idea to modern day USA, now Trump has won the election, it would mean culling both antifa, and the (((people))) within the Trump government.

        3. You are trying too hard. Go back to training rookie.
          Say Hello to Schlomo on your way back.

        4. Cheap ad hominen against my pen name? lol
          Go back to training, really, you stopped being funny and now you are just pathetic.

        5. lol
          Really, stop it, you are only embarrassing yourself and confirming what you are….

    1. i watched a bunch of video about Ukraine – no idea which side is which…
      but it escalated quickly from that photo of haphazard helmets and masks to full blown well equipped civil war…
      leaders probably signed away several generations to pay for military equipment…
      A Ukrainian guy confirmed the movie “Lord of War” where the stockpiles of munitions were sold of to African War Lords…and joked that now Ukraine has to buy them back

    2. Tip 11

      A: While not nearly as emotionally satisfying it’s ultimately far better punishment for them than beating the shit out of them.
      If they aren’t arrested and charged at the very least they’ll be looking over their shoulder for the rest of their lives.
      This is strong deterent to engage in antifa activity as they very, very clearly don’t want to show their faces (I’d bet dollars to donuts that more than a few of them are professors at college or high school or have other ‘important’ positions).
      It’s really an achilles heel hiding in plain sight like Poe’s “Purloined Letter”.
      B: It’s something you can do to them that you absolutely cannot get in trouble for.

      1. Hence why I am of the mind that when dealing with these punks, you use the wedge formation to smash them and go straight for the ringleaders-you then beat them, unmask them and interrogate them while recording their confession of who they are, where they come from and who paid them and upload the evidence to go viral.

        1. That’s a mighty tactic only to be used who are Shitlords of the highest calibre.

  3. I disagree on the wedge. Use the V formation. Let those fucks come into the middle and close the flanks in around them. No escape.

    1. I think the choice between application of wedge versus V formation is dependent on the ratio of aggressors to defenders.

      1. Normally, I’d agree. But look at these pussies. This is like 300 Spartans holding the line against 100,000 Persians at the battle of Thermopylae.

      2. There has to be an element of entrapment in group formations. I think we should have drones up, and other allies/groups waiting out of sight to come onto the scene to encircle antifa, just as riot police do. Nothing is as scary, and fatal, as being surrounded by an enemy.

      3. Does forming an organized wedge require more training that choosing a point man and people falling in behind staggered left and right?

    2. I’d go with the west coast offense at this point. wedge and V formation are so Knute Rockne

        1. My father had the games on all weekend in the 70s, so watching guys like Dick Butkus or Mean Joe Green bust people up became apart of my childhood. Heh.

        2. whoever invented astroturf should be arrested. you ever play on it? played baseball on it once, its essentially a green carpet on top of concrete.

        3. Nope, all the games I had were on grass, but I heard about it. Sucked to get tackled on it.

        4. Playing soccer/football on it can be pretty bad also. The ball is insanely quick, bounces high and when jumping for challenges or to head the ball you feel like your knees are going to buckle on landing; don’t even mention trying to tackle on it.

      1. Water balloons filled with a nasty concoction of something similar to pepper spray but at a lighter dose to avoid prosecution.

    3. Nah.
      Triangle is best.

      Put the best fighters at the corners.
      If shape is maintained, it will win

    1. it has been named and doxxed — maybe arrested?
      college professor – teaches ethics – lol

  4. regarding blade – one guy was stabbed – when he went to rescue 24 on 1 – so even though it was now 24 on 2 – they stabbed him…
    mostly not legal to defend yourself CA NY – besides they are utilizing provoke – then plead victim – and have free lawyers (because the commie leaders are lawyers)
    open carry in – CA NY? seriously cannot be done – and so illegal no matter what the “self defense” issue…
    they re using effective ancient tactics combined with women as first rank – -fake “peace” while criminals hit from behind first row…
    baseball helmet – cheap — designed for protection against thrown objects.
    eyes – combo face/breathing paint respirator — probably illegal — so weird when they freely use mace…
    steel toed work boots
    shin guards…
    moto-cross stuff is good…
    motorcycle helmet — probably provide good spray protection, but I think is too much – too heavy less vision…
    the ring leaders have been pointed out -standing in the front lines directing – falaca (teacher) and two college professors. other you tubers are now advocating punching out anyone in first row…they are complicit in the premeditated violence.

      1. Damn it ! even the Tissue Paper was invented by the Nazi, so these SWJs can’t swipe their ass holes !!
        Who are Nazi’s according to the SWJs !? Every MAN who wants a feminine, loving & obedient woman !!

    1. Lace their drinks with laxatives. Put a mole among their ranks to serve them drinks laced with laxatives and if they accuse the mole the mole will explain that someone else spiked the drinks.

    1. 4chan is highly underrated. Weaponized autism is a very dangerous thing.
      EDIT: The work they did trolling Shia LaBeouf was absolutely fucking epic. Literally, I think that was the greatest troll job in the history of trolling, and will be recognized as such and studied by advanced civilizations in the distant future.

      1. yes — they immediately went for sun angle — airplane flight paths in background…genius

        1. And that was just one step in an ongoing troll saga. Don’t forget that they trolled the original location so hard that it made him move it in the first place.
          They studied the flight patterns and contrails of the airplanes flying behind the flag, and cross-checked them with flight radars and shit. They studied star patterns, etc. Then they sent some autist out there to the general area they identified to drive around and periodically honk their horns while they listened to the livestream to narrow down the area.
          Season 3 was just as epic in how quick they found and figured how to access the flag.

      2. Indeed. The Left doxxes by doing searches on the web. We dox by analyzing star patterns, contrails and discretely triangulated sound patterns. The difference between us and them on almost every front is a complete 180.

  5. Another tip: wear a gas mask or some other kind of mouth/nose protection. Those Antifa fucks smell like old, moldy buffalo ass.

    1. You’re being generous. Some of these hipsters haven’t seen a shower in so long they smell like decaying flesh. And Heaven only knows what manner of vermin are breeding in those dread-locks…

      1. Very true. Also, their women usually smell even worse than the males. I suspect they are breeding entire new strains of STDs in their va-jay-jays, as they appear to be all-access to any form of human, subhuman, animal, or subanimal.

    2. The problem is not the smell of the Antifas, the problem is tear gas or other substances that could be used by them or even by the Police (which in the case of Berkeley supported passively the Antifas).
      If you have knowledge of chemistry, you can make poison gas in your basement. The guys at Berkeley were lucky that those antifas are dumb (or cowardly) enough to not do that….

      1. Maybe go all Herbert West on their asses too-or maybe use the essential saltes like your namesake 😛

        1. That’s alright-we are after all a rare breed being of the 1000 young.

    3. Stop with this fucking shit please. It’s because of all this talk of dirtiness and shit I had to see what I saw last night.
      I had a dream about mouldy locks. I was fucking pussy in a cab when the guys holding mouldy locks who was beside me suggested fucking mouldy locks’ pussy. I know it was her because she had those stupid black arm socks on and her patented mouldy locks.
      It was YELLOW around the inside of her labia. With bubbles of bacteria colored white and yellow lining the labia and blood pulsating through them.
      How you like them apples?

  6. “7. Use the wedge Formation”
    Find a guy who has done riot control training (eg. ex-cop or military– cough, cough) and give him a few hours to learn the basics. Stomp and drag; smaller second wedge to finish-off/ subdue the punks who fall behind the first wedge; skirmershers and support flings projectiles from behind the main wedge; reserve team to fill gaps and stop from being flanked, etc…
    Practice is key.

    1. they are using women as front shield (because we don’t hit women)
      they guys behind spring out to hit. then fall back while the women block…
      must say very smart, effective and well trained…
      but, I reckon some of these women will feel counter-affects

      1. Using women and children is old hat. Blitz over the chicks and snap the pencil necks. Once it is demonstrated that it doesn’t who you hide behind, we will stomp you, that will cease.

  7. Avoiding rallies is the best course. Don’t seek them out. However, and this is something that some fail to grasp, these Antifa faggots are sometimes showing up at our political demonstrations and rallies and causing issues.
    Overall great advice except the one on carrying arms. If I’m not seeking out their rallies (and I’m not) then they show up, a case is easily made for self defense, up to and including deadly force, when they charge in and start assaulting me. I do and will carry my firearm to demonstrations as is my right in Ohio. The legal distinction between a baton and firearm is vapor if you end up killing or maiming somebody with it, insofar as if you can legitimately claim self defense, then you’re absolved (in my state) regardless. Other state laws may vary. Instead of worrying about the weapon, I go for the most effective and ensure that I never, ever draw it except under very rigidly defined circumstances that would rarely if ever be met. Keeps things clear.
    The jab at Pepsi was gold, by the way. Funny as hell.
    All this being said, I rarely find an actual real life need to demonstrate these days. It’s kind of a pointless activity except in a very small set of circumstances. When Obama was making big noises about re-instituting gun control after the 2012 school shooting there were lots of GOP types who were very nervous and might have voted for Obama’s preferred legislation if it were not for the countless thousands that poured out in every state capitol that February, armed locked and loaded in states where it is legal, to inform them that we had their backs. Other than that, most protesting is playing a silly game and end of the day your voice really doesn’t matter that much if you’re marching around with ten hippies protesting the U.N. Moon Treaty.

    1. Exactly! Whether if it is honk if you support our troops or honk if you hate feminists, same deal. One may be funnier but won’t change much at the end of the day.

    2. I’m suspicious of antifa’s support and payroll department. There are certain world powers that would benefit from the US tearing itself apart in civil upheaval, US citizens bashing each other over the head. No doubt it originates from some crazor US liberals, but I wonder if some of them aren’t planted “advisors.” What a coup for the US’s enemies if the archetypal adversary/oppressor in leftists’ minds could be shifted from the old standby of the police to “anybody with different political beliefs.”

      1. Well, we know for a fact, because he doesn’t hide it, that Soros funds a lot of these hooligans.

        1. Unfortunately he has this jack shit ugly son right behind him who plans on doubling down.
          Now if an airplane wreck were to occur with both on board…

        2. The most trustworthy newspaper in Greece (Estia)presented evidence on Soros’s funding of the leftist party SYRIZA, that currently rules Greece. That party was the one that opened the route for the migrant crisis, after Mutti Merkel called the whole of the Third World into Europe, precisely Germany.
          The group that took control of politics during the 60’s, back then known as hippies, on the concept of some vague and uninformed utopian ideas will destroy the work, themselves and all their enablers with it as long as they can have the idea that they do it to fix the world.
          Soros just wants chaos, ruins national banks to cause financial catastrophes, from which he benefits… Although I believe that after that he believes that he makes the world better in his demented mind!

        3. Russia has a multi-million dollar bounty on Soros. A few Blackwater operatives should snatch him up and deliver him to Vlad. Problem solved–and profited from! A win-win!

        4. Which is where when the wedge formation has destroyed their ranks and the leaders coordinating all the attacks are cornered they need to be filmed on their knees confessing their identity and who funds them-then switch off the equipment and beat them to a pulp.

        5. Greece needs a General Patakos to run things again. SYRIZA are vermin and my understanding is that they desecrated the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at some point with fire; if so and I were privy to that I swear on my blood I would have murdered them with my bare hands.

        6. What’s your source for that? Not doubting, just looking for info for lefty friends who roll their eyes anytime I bring up Soros and dismiss it as a conspiracy theory.

        7. The worst of it all is that there are still people who vote for them! In the coming elections (probably they ‘ll be this year) the ones that will vote for them again need to be thrown out of the country, the very least at least!

        8. Minimum. They really should be thrown out of helicopters.
          I hate Leftists-after what they did in the Civil War and how they tried to murder my grandfather and what they did to my great-uncle I would love nothing more than they squeezing the life out of them with my bare hands.

        9. My grandfather nearly lost his father due to them! The fact that the post-war government did take measures to protect that filth utterly enrages me! You know what? The patriots always were saying that the Slavs in Greece were all commies and they did these things, I would want them to have been correct (they were for the 5% of the commies), as that would have excused them somehow, but that bubble of theirs has doomed our country to this tragic trajectory! In the end they even welcomed them from the U.S.S.R.! Many of them might have stopped being commies but most still did embrace leftist ideas! For the scum that would still support SYRIZA I’ d say force them to work ’till death (will take a week the most) so that they will be fixing the country they so much hate!

        10. Well, SNOF and the like were but then those that collaborated with Tito to partition their own nation deserve to burn for all of eternity along with their wretched progeny. How they let Vafiafidis back and into PASOK was sickening-if it were me running the show I would have tortured the prick to death on national television.

        11. You’re giving the early hippies too much credit.
          Look into the background of the early movement leaders like Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey. A lot of them had close familial connections to the deep state, so it is naive to assume that the movement was just an accident.

        12. I don’t but most people are not prepared to hear the C.I.A. was behind the proliferation of leftist ideas. I prefer them to simply blame the hippies that not blame anyone at all… I prefer to be the firt
          st step to red-pilling (truth-seeing) than none at all….
          You are right but most people are not prepared to hear the whole truth yet. They are though more prepared than before.

        13. Wherever you see the star or clenched fist, you have jewish power.
          “Some call it communism I call it judaism”.

      2. Antifa originated under gladio.
        These faggots are the reason Germany is so cucked and now they are here.
        Theres a REASON the cops wont help you-because they HELP ANTIFA

    3. “Avoiding rallies is the best course. Don’t seek them out.”
      right? I mean why go LOOKING for trouble.

      1. Because if I go looking, they know they havent intimidated me and they wont have enough time to get to the punks with their heads down.
        Id rather be the tip of the spear than hiding in the back.

      2. If you don’t go looking for trouble now, trouble will come looking for you soon, when it’s too late.
        You might not be interested in war, but war is interested in YOU. THIS IS WAR. These are just the first skirmishes.

    4. Yes… virtually all of the Antifa riots are predicated upon them disrupting our events. The right has tolerated this for too long. Vi

    5. I agree with what you say, and I’d take your advice on firearms even further. Going out of the way to choose a club or knife over a firearm arguably could show that you WERE looking for trouble. As you point out, in the eyes of the law, a weapon is a weapon. It doesn’t matter what the weapon is. So if you end up being the dude who cracked open Scuzzy-McSkankyskank’s dreaded head and kills her, you’re going to be the dude who thought it would be fun to go looking for trouble and crack open some heads, and carefully chose a weapon for that purpose, and your best defense is going to be that, yeah, you intended to get into a violent confrontation, but you tried to choose a weapon that wouldn’t cause that much damage. But deadly force is against the law if you don’t actually perceive yourself to be under such a threat that you need to kill someone. In other words, if you didn’t think you’d need to kill this person, you shouldn’t be using a weapon that can kill them. And you specifically went out of your way to seek out trouble and bring along a deadly weapon when you didn’t really think you needed to kill anyone. Result – prison time, ruined life.
      By contrast, if you carry a firearm all the time, you’ll be able to say “I always carry it, and unfortunately I found myself in a situation where I had to use it.” It won’t be something you carefully considered and plotted to do beforehand. It’s just something you always do, and it happened to serve its purpose.
      And hopefully it won’t come to actually having to shoot someone, which is another reason to carry. Some Antifag with his own stick may decide to fight if all you have is a stick and he also has five buddies, but when faced with a gun that can take out not just him, but his five faggot friends who would jump in to help him too, they will probably all run away. Which is the whole point – avoiding violence by being prepared to serve up an extra helping of it and making clear that you will do so if necessary.

      1. Absolutely. I’m a 20 year plus CCF permit holder–I don’t go visit my MOTHER without a gun and everyone who knows me knows I am never unarmed. NEVER. A violent mob = In fear for my life. Remember those words if you have to use your gun: “I was in fear for my life.” Then you STFU and ask for a lawyer and DO NOT SAY ONE WORD unless your lawyer tells you to. As a cop-wife I’ve seen countless people talk themselves into LONG prison terms when they should have STFU and they’d have walked. Everyone thinks they can “explain it to you” and they are WRONG. Let your lawyer explain it to them–you SHUT THE F*CK UP.

        1. FWIW, Massad Ayoob (did I spell it right?) recommends telling the police essential information to preserve evidence/identify witnesses. Then, STFU until your lawyer shows up.

    6. Nice post GOJ. I am a firm believer in peace through superior firepower. I seldom attend political rallies, but when I do you can bet I’m carrying something that begins with 4.

    7. Very true but in the context they described best not to carry and I think over all very sensible article. Stand your ground while maintaining the moral high ground and being legally covered because we all know what side the law will come down on !!!
      Pepsi was gold,the hairy bitch getting punched was orgasmic and the whole affair uplifting !!!

      1. Could not disagree more. See NemisisEnforcer’s post just below this.
        As a CHL holder (concealed handgun license) easily make the case in court that I carry every day (because I do) for personal defense. If I were to show up with clubs or mace however that looks like I’m itching to bash in skulls, and guaranteed, I’d be on the hook for that even if I acted in self defense.
        Best to always be armed, AS LONG AS, you only act in true self defense. In Ohio, my state, the law always comes down on the side of the person exercising self defense if it was proven actionable self defense.

        1. By this rationale, you shouldn’t be wearing a helmet, either.
          I’m an old man, I need this walking stick. It just happens to be a blackthorn shillelagh.

  8. Both Antifa and their opponents are paid by the government.
    Do not join neither of them. In fact, if you are truly red-pilled, you have to realize: if an individual or a group has political views and gets airtime in the media , they are probably part of the system. (It does not matter if their “ideology” seems to oppose the current governments official views. ) They are all part of the system, no exceptions.
    Focus on your own life and your family`s life. That`s all you can do.
    So, next time you and Antifa group battling another group near your campus, stay the hell away from them.

    1. That’s part of the pacifying propaganda that arose in the 20th century, based entirely on trying to foment a sense of paranoia that then prevents action.
      I’m all about not seeking these dillweeds out, but “everything you see anywhere is staged” is silly paranoia of the first order.

      1. GOJ
        If you think its just paranoia, think about the following.
        Roosh is celebrated by most RoK reeader as some kind of hero. He used to get quiet some media attention a few years back.Yes, if Roosh and his ideas are so dangerous, how come this blog has not been shut down yet?
        Also, how do you think Roosh finances his alleged long term holidays in Eastern Europe? I`ll give you a clue: it`s not the income of posting those silly adds (“Better than Botox? One trick to…”etc) on this blog…

        1. Because 1st Amendment. No conspiracy required.
          How he makes his money is his concern. I’d bet he makes more than you think on silly ads.

        2. Well, maybe he is paid by the people many Rok commenters hate and despise? By the very establishment Roosh claim to be against?

        3. Or maybe he sells books. All conjecture, and conjecture without proof being crafted into declarative statements such as “they’re all paid opposition” is pointless.

        4. GoJ
          Making millions by selling independent books in the times of recession? Sure.
          Roosh is a shill. Face the reality
          So is the whole of the so-called alt-right movement
          so is Alex Jones, David Duke, Louis Farrakhan,
          The National-Socialist Movement, the Black Panthers…and everyone else
          and many individuals/organziations that claim to be “the only ones really opposing the establishment”

        5. I don’t make millions per annum but can afford to take weeks long jaunts to exotic destinations. All it takes is ample vacation time, and a bit of discipline in saving foe the goal.
          If all opposition to the establishment is establishment, and establishment is establishment, then all is lost and we’re left to sit in our rooms, utterly atomized, incapable of action, alone, and helpless.

        6. GOJ
          “If all opposition to the establishment is establishment, and establishment is establishment, then all is lost and we’re left to sit in our rooms, utterly atomized, incapable of action, alone, and helpless.”
          That description is not far from the reality.
          Don`t join groups. Focus on yourself and your immediate family.

        7. This is an embellishment. Louis Farrakhan definitely was a shill, but the Black Panther movement was not. I know people who are no longer here who would say the same thing. The whole movement lost it’s teeth when suddenly members started doing interracial dating and developing drug habits. And the ones who didn’t wound up dying mysteriously. Read up on America’s history of infiltration and propaganda on that topic.

        8. I reject your premise on this alone. If the powers that be are that competent that they run every single niggling detail in reality, then maybe they are more fit to run my life than me.
          ….turns out that human beings are grossly incompetent in almost everything at some point or the other. Major corporations fuck up and fail all the time, and they’re nowhere near the vast scope of some kind of all controlling government which is staffed, wouldn’t ya’ know it, by human beings as well.

        9. Yep, it’s a facetious premise.
          Some A = B
          Because B then All A equals B.
          It makes no logical sense. Some philosophers are Greek, therefore all philosophers are Greek? Doesn’t computer.

        10. Albeit there is some truth in your logic, the government these days operates in way that leaves very little leeway to human errors.

        11. The government is rife with errors. Rife. Every department is in a petty war with every other department, little fiefdoms exist inside every office group, and competing forces all vie for their own little slice of power.
          Do not attribute to malice that which can easily be explained by incompetence. Being in government doesn’t remove human fallibility.

        12. Exactly. Complete logical fallacy that is best suited to robbing yourself of hope over seeing facts.

        13. Which Black Panthers? The old one disbanded in 1986. IIRC there was a law suit to stop another group from jacking their name.

        14. “Being in government doesn’t remove human fallibility.”
          It amplifies it as they are protected from the consequences of their incompetence. The answer to rectify is always, “we need a bigger budget” which perpetuates the problems.

        15. Exactly. If government employment gave me super duper ultra powers I’d be there in a heartbeat.

        16. The old one. The crack epidemic hit them hard as well as CIA implants. Those who didn’t convert to being spies then were arrested on trumped up drug charges or implicated by their newfound interracial lovers. This infiltration likely helped spread more distrust between the black and white citizens at the time. It did accomplish the Government’s goal of removing armed black citizens from public eyesight and paved the way for black gang citizens to become the accepted norm.
          This is not even addressing the direct hits on the Black Panther members who were still believers in the cause and assassinated on American soil. Men like Malcolm X was only one of hundreds who were picked off by implanted CIA agents.

        17. who cares. Whatever the intent, this site seems to put a lot of the right kind of people in contact with one another.

    2. Antifa shuts down right wing speeches over and over for decades, finally the right is pushing back and you call them paid by the government? You’re a f****** idiot.

      1. You are an idiot. If your heroes on the “right” would pose any real threat to the establishment,they would not be operating. They would get arrested long before they could even think of an organized counter-protest.
        Nevermind, some people like yourself rather believe that the establishment is there to protect them. Keep dreaming.

        1. The establishment only protects itself, I doubt they even consider the ‘people’ who elected them.

    3. I have to agree with @ghostofjefferson:disqus here. Thinking that there is a shadow force behind everything is just as dangerous as seeking out the trouble. That said, the typo “doe snot” is my favorite thing ever and I intend to use it frequently. I also agree that you shouldn’t “join” either side of this argument but not for the reason you gave, just because I think people should do something useful with their lives instead.

        1. nooooo don’t correct! I LOVE it. I wasn’t being sarcastic. I think “doe snot” should be on the (literally) hitler list. I don’t think it was a spelling error, I think you accidently struck gold. Trust me, spelling doe snot matter.

        2. When you type a comment on Tablet, sometime the machine tries to complete the sentence you started writing. When I noted the error, the comment had already been posted.
          if you really find it funny (you shouldn’t), credit Google with it it.

        3. Yeah, autocorrect sucks. It’s great fun though what sometimes pops out. I don’t think he was dissing you so much as saying that he loved what autocorrect did.

        4. Hey, lighten up, deathwish. “doe snot” is funny no matter who you are.

        5. It took me about three weeks of saying “RahPEY Kul-Kur” in my head before I got it….

  9. Following on from yesterday … I don’t think these are your average student riots.
    There’s something else, deeper going on here. 2 completely irreconcilable views of the future of the West are existing side-by-side; and there’s not enough loot to buy everyone off.
    If the notion of this particular conflict spreads and becomes part of consciousness of just enough people, then shits gonna get messy and then some!!

    1. Exactly. This can be ignored with flippant denial of importance, but there’s more to it than meets the eye.

        1. Like I said, I’m not buying it. Sell your fear mongering wares elsewhere, fuckin’ vermin.

    2. Finally someone who sees it. Clearly, muricans here are not used to this shit.

  10. Awesome article. The Battle of Berkeley is one of the most fascinating and potentially impactful cultural events I have ever witnessed.

    1. dafuq people using to record this shit with an iPhone 3? Only marginally better than the blair witch project.

      1. Say what you will about Blair Witch, but man, they had some of the best battery technology ever invented. Like little fusion packs or something. My recording equipment dies after an hour or less, but with their Mr. Fusion they were able to record hours and hours of film and sound.

        1. lol. they must have had those cameras powered with a flux capacitor.

        2. It’s always the technical and historical things I notice. Going to the movies with me has to be utterly frustrating for other people. I won’t pick it apart during the movie, but in the discussion afterward I have a list of shit that they utterly got wrong. I’ll suspend disbelief for things like the supernatural and whatnot, but if you try and tell me that you can interface with a Mac to an alien computer, I’m basically going to sit down and give you a fifteen bullet point summary on why you’re a dipwad. Heh.

        3. Yeah, they should have just sent Black Widow up there to front-kick all those aliens to death with her high heels.

        4. mental note: do not see movie with GOJ.
          I have an uncanny ability to suspend disbelief in movies. I will give you the fifteen minute bullet point list of internal contradictions or problems where sequels go against canon etc (why is Lando wearing Han’s clothing, why the fuck Gandalf didn’t tell the fellowship about the enormous eagles before they fucking walked to mordor — I have a million problems with Gandalf ) but when Han says he made the Kessel run in 12 parsecs I am usually able to let it go that a parsec is a unit of distance and not a unit of measure (not so much with literature as the fact that you can’t be 20,000 leagues under the sea because a league is distance and not depth…20,000 fathoms under the sea is what they should have said) but generally the logic in the movie that contradicts with the logic in RL doesn’t bug me.

        5. I believe that I noted that it was a mac.

        6. If it’s not integral to plot advancement then generally I don’t care, although I will notice it. When it’s how the good guys “win” then it does kind of stick in my craw.

        7. It really sticks in my craw when the strange accidental one-in-a-million coincidence that happens at the exact right moment to defeat the bad guy and save the day in the final act of the movie… was actually pretty much the only plan the good guy had all along.

        8. O I am absolutely impossible to watch a movie with in this regard….
          Particularity anything mildly historic.

        9. If I see a 1965 Plymouth in a move set in 1962 I lose my shit. DO YOUR FUKKIN RESEARCH PEOPLE!!!!!

        10. That’s basically every Star Trek episode from TNG forward. Deus Ex. Machina shit ticks me off.

        11. In Watchmen, Silk Spectre’s high heels retract or something during the ass-kicking scenes in the prison.

        12. hahaha people point shit like that out to me and I never make those connections.

        13. you mean like the fact that in Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark that if Indiana Jones wasn’t in it the ending would have been exactly the same?

        14. I’m okay with a little Deus Ex Machina. I detest when the plot is the heroes doing 47 inexplicable things for no apparent reason, with no plan, with no motivation… only to set up the Deus Ex Machina miraculously happening.

        15. that really is one of my all time favorite “goofs”
          The fact that indy is 100% inconsequential to the outcome of that movie is just spectacular….especially considering that I love that movie and if not for Connery being in the last crusade it would be my favorite IJ

        16. It’s just a cheap cop out with the TNG->forward ST stuff though.
          Picard: “OMG, we’re going to be blown apart by the Mennonite fleet!”
          Jordy: “Wait, I just remembered, if I recalibrate the Transversal Ionic Sparkdangle to 0.01 neetflaps, that will reset our shields and we’ll be saved!”
          And never once before, ever, in ST history, have Transversal Ionic Sparkdangles been discussed, nor their calibration unit of measurement, neetflaps, until that first time Jordy mentions them I just quoted. They did that shit *all the time*, it got to the point where I just stopped watching it because it was such a lame way to end almost every show.

        17. Right, lol. And not only had Transversal Ionic Sparkdangles never been discussed before, they were never, ever discussed again, or used in any other similar situation.

        18. Possibly the greatest comic book flick ever, and you focus on that hahaha

        19. I believe Verne meant to imply that the journey, of 20000 leagues, was made under the sea. Sort of like a circumnavigation of the earth flight is X miles in the air.

        20. Phantom Menace was one of the worst movies I have ever seen, but I never really thought about why other than general notions of terrible acting and just a car-wreck of a plotline.
          I saw a video where a guy when and broke down, in a detailed way, everything that was wrong with it from a formal, structural, story, etc. point of view. Like the fact that there was no basic story arc, and there was no actual protagonist, and several other points. So it wasn’t just a bad movie, it was actually lacking in the essential, fundamental elements required in telling a story or making a movie.
          It also really made me laugh when he broke down how every action taken by the main villain was actually against his stated goals and best interests, and he only “succeeded” in reaching his goals because he failed in every step he took to accomplish those goals.

        21. People really don’t know how to spin a good yarn any longer. From script writers to jokers at a bar, it’s like we’ve all forgotten the fundamentals of what makes a story, a story.

        22. Hate watching shows like ‘Criminal Minds’ where they treat a shall-issue state as if it has the same laws as the no-issue states. Writers just have no idea there are places where folks who know there’s a very real threat could and would actually tool up.

  11. Another tip, buy genuine police riot gear, and turn up looking like the paramilitary police…if not for any other reason that it’ll trigger the fuck out of antifa

  12. I think all of this is happening because the powers that be wanted to commemorate the centenary of the Bolshevik Revolution. October should be interesting

  13. This is such a game. It works this way. Pubs call a meeting with a controversial speaker. Dangle shiny lure to leftists who being completely dumb bite at once. Meeting gets canned and people see a bunch of antidemocratic assholes bent on violence to suppress free speech. Chalk up a complete victory – no one really cared about the meeting anyway. What could possibly go wrong? Well what can go wrong is a horde of dubious looking guys kitted out in body armour, self appointed defenders of FA. All people see then is one bunch of violent assholes wailing on another bunch of violent assholes, and wish they would both fuck off.
    The no platform thing has been going on forever, and tbh it’s student politics and IMO not that important. Also sorry to fly in the face of all the sage advice above but if you are daft enough to turn out to one of these things the people who will really hurt you are the police. Here in the good old UK if you turned up to a demo dressed in body armour you would be clapped in irons and on your way to court toot suite. Cops here like to feel they have the upper hand when it comes to doling out ‘baton rash’.

    1. The police are being instructed in the States to stand down most of the time, in order to let the Left loot and burn all they want. We also have our rights that you folks gave up long ago, so turns out, we can show up however we wish, even with loaded firearms if we want, and still be within the law as long as nobody hurts anybody. Your experiences there, are not our experiences here, you have no frame of reference to understand the U.S. and what’s going on.

      1. Please don’t make any assumptions about my frame of reference. Turn up and shoot the fuckers if you like, see where it gets you.

        1. I made precisely the assumptions that you communicated. You’re a Brit, you don’t have any frame of reference to be commenting on protests over here, since you live in a much more restrictive nation and apparently seem to celebrate it.

        2. Britain and the US are different. Having lived in both countries, I have to say I don’t feel unduly restricted in Britain. However I do admire the US constitution and the rights it guarantees notably the FA. Our government can suppress pretty much anything they like with no challenge, and we have much more restrictive privacy laws.

  14. This article reads like a boring health & safety manual in the office.
    This is what H&S has done to the police force. Watch!

    Notice how the majority are white men and women. What a disgrace to our race!

    1. Don’t think it’s so much as health and safety as them being a little sensitive about what happened with Mark Duggan in 2011. And also being acutely aware that they are being filmed.

  15. I prefer a metal kitchen colander tied to my head and a solid metal pasta lifter. It ups the crazy looking level.
    Good comment tip below about the professional looking riot gear.

  16. It’s a sign of the lack of any real manhood in a lot this country when boys refer to a 98 lb college girl being punched in the face by a bigger, stronger male as “The Fourth Battle of Berkeley.” I’m sure your grandfather who was on Omaha beach is really impressed with you.

    1. Avast, sir knight! We celebrate your arrival on the field and marvel at your gleaming armor! You have thusly saved the honor of m’lady and for that, she will reward you with her affections!.
      At some point! In the indeterminate future! Maybe!

      1. Decent people do what’s right for its own sake; not for a reward. I’m sorry if no one cared enough to teach you right from wrong.

        1. Get over yourself, Francis.
          A woman throwing bottles and then trying to throat punch a guy while wearing lead gloves is not spared any sympathy. She entered a man’s world and she got to experience equality. Save your simpering white knighting for actual victims, hoss.

        2. Rationalize beating women for your peers in ninth grade – some of us were raised better.

        3. We were taught right from wrong, a right jab and a left hook. Excellent two piece combo.

        4. Good fucking lord, you’re dense.
          You go ahead and let a chick with a broken bottle charge you, or a girl with lead gloves lunge at your throat, sir knight. I mean your armor will protect you after all.
          Freaking idiot.

        5. That creature looked like a woman to you?
          When you enter a fight, winning it the only thing that matters. Gender, race, age all fly out of the window.

        6. Yeah. I wait for all the best 20 something year old mom’s to come play. Thank Goodness guys like you weren’t around to get them impregnated!
          EDIT: I can’t even type that with a straight face. You? Impregnate?!? You can’t even impregnate a good retort let alone a woman!

        7. Broken bottle? Since you now resort to fiction, I guess we can both agree you lost this one, Phyllis. Good luck in your quest for manhood. You’ve got a long way to go.

        8. Right. You have zero principles. At least you admit that, unlike the rest of the cowards on here.

        9. I have only one principle. If someone attacks me, I beat the crap out of them.

        10. shes an over the hill grandma with a smart mouth. best to disengage target

        11. Apparently you’re a derp.
          I gave you an example of when it’s right to hit a girl.
          Nice talking to you Sir Knight. Be sure to contact this broad directly with a link to the comments section so that she can arrange to pay you back with sex.
          You people are your own fucking worst enemy.
          Slainte mhor

        12. Should have guessed by the handle. No sane male would put sphinxor in their handle.

        13. And, blocked. It’s “men” like you that have allowed and encouraged rabid feminism. Well done.
          I know you desperately need the last word. Go ahead, I won’t see it.

        14. c’mon…..she needed a smack. No celebrations here, just a please response to cause finally clearly relating to effect.

        15. “a smack” is right. I’ve roughed girls up during sex worse than that and they loved every second of it.

        16. to be fair, her tits weren’t bad and she wasn’t overweight. Even her face wasn’t terrible. Her natural potential to be an 8 maybe even a 9 is undeniable. Had she followed a much different path in life she would be quite high on the ole 1-10

        17. Aye, that’s what makes me particularly sad for her. Any other reasonable path in life would have had her turn out to be a pretty girl with potential. Fathers don’t let daughters become Leftists is what I take from this whole thing.

        18. Everyone else here will rationalize it, talk about self defense and how she wanted to be equal and now knows what that feels like…and they are all correct. I will take it a step further and tell you right now that there are simply lines that women cross that require them to be smacked around a little

        19. I don’t care even if she’s a 10. Any woman subscribes to liberal or leftist ideologies is not even human in my eyes.

        20. how old is this little twat? If she is still in her late teens and a college student there is still hope that someone will knock some sense into her, wax, her, get her some proper clothing. People do all sorts of dumb shit in college. If you aren’t even 21 yet there is always a chance to be turned

        21. I figured you would say something like that. I won’t argue. My grandma told me not to argue with idiots, drunks or ideologues.

        22. One hopes. I’m all about second chances when you’re that age. I’m thinking however, given all the white knight faggotry for her (some even on this thread aka SFC Sphincter), that she’ll probably choose whatever the “mattress on the back” equivalent there is for this action.

        23. The problem is not her appearance, It is her attitude. The same reasons why feminists are so repulsive. The only difference here is that chick is pretty and not obese.

        24. Pity she couldn’t make any money out of the hardcore fisting she received, lol!

        25. Well he didn’t teach me to be a sucker, that’s for sure. But lets not argue SFC Sphincter lets just agree to disagree. You will never see my point of view and I will never accept you as anything more than a laughable half man

        26. Where the hell is your pride, man? You’re siding with people who are clearly in the wrong.

        27. I’ve got plenty of pride – I’m not the one siding with the “white nationalist” beating up an unarmed woman.

        28. I don’t recall seeking your mamma….but that doesn’t mean she didn’t show up to my place anyway

        29. Sgt Sphinxor … and isn’t it interesting how many have mistaken you for a female? …. Mr Jefferson is correct, of course, but I appreciate your old school chivalry. The thing is, it’s misplaced. Clearly this girl has surrendered her feminine privileges. I’m not opposed to white knighting in the traditional sense. This is standard tenet in the traditional, patriarchal family I was born to. I’ve benefited from this and the protective instincts of men many many times. But that “women and children first” code of honor is half the equation. If a women chooses to renege on her share of the contract, and many (most?) have, can we fault men for calling the deal off? Can we reasonably expect men to patiently take a punch from these wayward, antagonistic, violent females? .. a punch you wouldn’t expect them to suffer from another man? Your argument is really sweet and endearing and all, but you’re not white knighting the fair princess anymore, Sgt, you’re protecting the local pub wench hiding a dagger in her skirts. I’m not sure that’s wise.

        30. No idea what a “mamma” is. Is English not your first language? Did you mean “mama?”

        31. oh, thank you for the correction. Sorry. I will do better when colloquially insulting your mother in the future faggot. Meanwhile, tell her I said hi

        32. I don’t see the point in replying to his guy unless you’re trying to sharpen your witty comeback skills.

        33. nah, you don’t sharpen a sword in mud. I just like telling him I am gonna bone his mother

        34. If I were you, I’d put my main effort into other areas – I bet you have all sorts of room for improvement.

        35. You’d make a good trial lawyer. The question being, what the hell are you doing here…work furlough? Bored? Or are you paid to do this. I’m pretty good at making predictions. I’m betting it’s the latter. Which is fine with me – a guy’s gotta eat. But you’re not fooling anybody…except yourself, maybe.

        36. Room for improvement? Absolutely! Like when I am boning your mom and she is screaming yes daddy I could figure out the right balance on my left hand so I could slap her in the teeth with my right.

        37. I don’t advocate unnecessary violence. If a man takes a swing at you, social convention allows you the option to swing back. Doesn’t really matter if the attacker is smaller than you. Common social convention frowned on you doing the same to a women. The average man of good mental health will hesitate to strike a girl … it’s a strong, deeply embedded instinct, yes? Its a good instinct. I’m suggesting that females have actively eroded social convention to the extent that I can’t fault a man for protecting himself and hitting back, whether he attacker be male or female. I would maybe go so far as to say he would be foolish not to. That’s a terribly sad and shameful situation to be in – but men didn’t bring us here, women did.

        38. Totally normal to fantasize about adding violence to the sex you don’t have. Who’s the maladjusted misfit? Not you!

        39. Interesting hypothesis, but I would suggest, “Immature boys and young men have so much resentment towards women for refusing to have sex with them that they celebrate a video showing a woman being punched in the face.”

        40. Yes, there is a fair amount of resentment to be found here. Much of it is understandable imo. And such glee over a girl being punched does say a lot …. it’s symbolic though, this little punch. I don’t believe at all that they’re just a bunch of backward, bloodthirsty cavemen cheering on aimless violence.

        41. How? Compassion, observation, hearing them out. I don’t walk into this hating men, and ive never really been given reason to believe they hate me. (Feminists on the other hand …) I don’t have a preconceived distrust of men, so I guess that makes it easier .

        42. Oh, so you’re just saying you understand it, not that you feel it’s justified?

        43. The punch I thought justifiable, though regrettable. It shouldn’t have happened simply because no woman should put herself in such circumstances. The resentment I think is sometimes justifiable and almost always understandable. I can usually sympathize even if I don’t agree. Of course resentment is not the healthiest, most profitable reaction, but who hasn’t indulged? You can’t acknowledge the impossible circumstance so many men find themselves in?

        44. I don’t see any impossible circumstances here, just a lot of racism, misogyny, and ignorance.

        45. I don’t mean the site, I mean our social structure. Obviously this site will in part serve as a place for men to air grievances. Bear this in mind as you read. But I guess we see what we want to see, Sgt.

        46. In a social structure where the #1 cause of death for pregnant women is murder, maybe celebrating young women being punched in the face by violent white supremacists isn’t that wise. If you’re not disturbed by the misogynistic comments posted in this chat, there’s something wrong with you.

        47. I would correct that with — if a man takes a swing at you the door is open for any and all means to effectively defend yourself.
          My mother, having been raised in Chicago, preferred a switchblade that her father made her carry. I prefer my daughters have firearms, where legally allowed.

        48. ” It shouldn’t have happened simply because no woman should put herself ….”
          It shouldn’t have happened because in the US we should not have groups trying to use force, violence, and rioting in attempts to shut down free speech and the free exchange of ideas in a public forum. She didn’t get hit over being a woman, she got hit as a participant in violence, arguably fitting the FBI definition of terrorism. To intimidate groups of people or the government in the furtherance of political or social goals.

        49. I don’t disagree, m a. If I understand correctly, SFC has suggested this woman be excused from the natural consequence of her actions by virtue of her gender alone. ie I guess it’s ok that men were punched -and worse? Whether men should or should not take part in this sort of protest, on either side of the fight, if there shold be a fight at all … well, I leave that up to the men.

        50. Oh sure.
          My family loves their guns, and my father and brothers taught me to shoot. A bit. I’m awful tbh. And I don’t enjoy it all. My dad’s belief is if a woman is forced to pick up a weapon in self defense, something has gone terribly wrong.

        51. But, folks are trying to make one rather ineffectual punch in one larger incident out of many the center, the focus. As if that’s the key issue. It’s a distraction and a trivial side note.
          Here in the US there are groups advocating and using violence to intimidate others and shut down political discussion. That’s the problem, her motivation for being there. The recent history over the past months of this movement of violent censorship prompting some to finally stand up and oppose it.
          The real villains here, in my opinion, are the government agencies and school administrations who tolerated it, and enabled it via their refusal to honestly report on it, denounce it, and control it via upholding the law and maintaining order.
          Note, the fascist anti-fas tried this last week at Auburn and the police shut it down before it even started. Simply via presence and upholding the laws on no masks in public.

        52. If you need to beat a woman just to get a sandwich, you’re probably just a repulsive loser.

        53. Any implication that men murdering pregnant women is common or indicative of the average man’s psyche is unfair. It’s ridiculous actually.
          Let me see if my feeble female brain can get the rest of this straight. You, a man, are telling me, a woman, that this site is full of woman hating comments I should find disturbing, and if, after having this pointed out to me by you, I do not agree, than there is no other explanation but that there is “something wrong with me.”
          Is that right?

        54. The ‘average man’ isn’t a maladjusted kook who hates women, but that’s what you see on ROK. Do you not read the comments posted? If your brain is feeble, it’s not because your female. Maybe you’re just feeble-minded. It’s not a gender issue.

        55. As a woman naturally I’m utterly incapable of ascertaining the level of misogyny emanating from you or anyone else on this site. Further, I’m apparently a self hating misogynist woman because I, too, think the fool woman in question is responsible for the light punch she was given.
          I’m not sure you’re fully reading the comments, Sgt. Certainly you’re not reading without prejudice. I wonder if you, much like your above reproach damsel in distress, is just looking for a fight. That’s no way to understand.

        56. You’re unable to ascertain misogyny? How come? People post words, which represent their ideas. It’s fairy easy for any reasonable person to read misogyny into a comment like “she just needs to get her ass kicked and get fucked good.” It’s loud and clear.

        57. That is the worst you could find? lol Well, I assume that is a direct quote at least? If so, it is a crude statement, yes. Obviously I don’t speak in those terms, but neither do I necessarily clutch my pearls when I hear men speak so. Call them on their rough language if you feel the need but I think you’re wrong to assume true misogynistic motivation for the post. Many antifa men at this little riot were also punched. Ask any of the posters here if those men deserved it. Do you think the leftist men will be defended just because they are men? No, it will be said, I am most certain, that they deserved a beating too. She deserved what she got because, like the antifa men beside her, she’s a hostile protestor causing trouble. Because if show up at a riot, looking for a fight, probably you will get one.
          I’ve said that the girl does not belong at these rallies because she is a female. Females should not place themselves in potentially violent situations with the intent to do violence themselves. It’s stupid for one (as you say, we are weaker) but I will go further and say it is also an affront to her womanhood. Is that misogynistic?

        58. Why pretend the denigrating and dismissal of women is “rough language?” It’s not rough language – it’s insisting that this woman isn’t entitled to an opinion, and that a man, through violence, could make her submit. Who says she shouldn’t be at a rally? You? You seem to be the one who thinks women are weak – I certainly never said it. Should all womens political speech be quashed with a punch to the face?

        59. This is typical far left rhetoric now. Same old same old and you’re not really saying anything. It’s not a genuine conversation.
          It’s been a long a day packing up my apartment. Have a good night, Sgt. 🙂

    2. Should women suicide bombers be shot and killed by our marines before they detonate their bombs? The answer to that should satiate your concern

      1. Sorry – trying to compare an unarmed girl being punched in the face with a “suicide bomber” is ludicrous.

        1. She was wearing illegal gloves and was throwing bottles. She had weapons

    3. she thru bottles, and M80s at innocent people.
      she then punched him in the throat with weighted gloves (throat punch – attempted murder).
      she stated intent previously
      she is a dometstic terroist – just like the women from the manson family.
      he merely tapped her on the forehead and pushed her back to prevent her further acts of terrorism.

        1. It. I always used that because it is apropos-I rate such on the level of inanimate objects.

        1. Yeah, unfortunately the way it is reported in the media and the way 99% of the ill-informed masses understand it this is how the story comes out.

        1. all this girl needs is a good Asian spa, a decent fag hair stylist, a good ass kicking or 3 and to be fucked properly and she would be just fine.

        2. Cootch shave too. She’s one of them Hirtsu bitches.

        3. she needs to be waxed head to toe. I don’t believe in cootch shavings. It is 2017. Twats need waxings. Hence the Asian Spa

        4. Oh you know what I meant, Captain Pedantic. Heh

        5. technically Major Pedantic … I gave myself a battle field promotion

        6. Kneeman’s not Captain Pedantic, he’s Captain Fornication, superhero of Gotham.

        7. I root for the bad guys, too. But have you noticed, they can’t shoot a gun worth a shit in the movies…what’s up with that.

        8. True enough. The bad guys own the movie studios – and everything else that isn’t nailed down…

    4. Let me fix that for you. A committed socialist Tramp promises to take 100 Tea Party scalps and brings wine bottles with firecrackers in them, reportedly, to a riot to cause injury, Takes on someone twice her size, and get’s the snot knocked out of her.
      No mercy for communists and my give a F*(k is all gone.

      1. Yeah, your version is a lot more credible when you’re allowed to just make up totally fictional parts.

    5. But warrior women can take punches and kick men’s asses. Movies have shown us that for years.

      1. It’s true any woman can beat up a man Hollywood tells me so. Watch out for the real pretty ones they’re the toughest.

        1. And women start to believe it, so they badger men they don’t know and try to impose their will on them. Proving they need constant supervision and guidance, yet again…

    6. “I’m sure your grandfather who was on Omaha beach is really impressed with you.”
      He, and his generation of men, would approve of putting a woman in her place when she acts up. Ask you grandma. Regading those WWII grandfathers, alot of them were firebombing women and children in Europe and Asia, so punching a cunt wouldn’t have been a moral dilemma for them.

      1. This conversation is about manhood, so I’m afraid you’re not qualified to comment, Phyllis.

        1. I demonstrated a flaw in your logic, but I understand if that is confusing for you.

      1. When they do it out in public…that’s when they cross the line. Beta males are almost as vindictive as feminists.

        1. Betas sicken me. I wish I could crush their skulls but sadly one cannot go all Conan on their asses.

  17. Is there an over 40 handicap at these events ? I’m sure my old ass could even beat some skinny Jean freakoid

    1. Some? You’re being too modest-at least 15-20 singlehandedly.

  18. So is there going to be more protester hippie porn pics or can I just start ignoring these articles?

    1. unfortunately the typical black slimming qualities of the antifa costumes are overwhelmed by the girth of most…

  19. Also try to record the skirmishes on your smartphones to show what really happened.

    1. Or, if you’re feeling really practical, just hook a go-pro to your motorcycle helmet which leaves you hands free.

  20. It’s a damn shame us folks can’t hold a peaceful rally to support our President without these left wing jackasses having to ruin it all but if we don’t fight back they will walk all over us which won’t help the cause either by just taking the beatings and putting on fake smiles afterwards. It’s funny how these pricks like to believe they are the “heroes” while they are the ones picking fights,attacking folks unjustly,rioting,and intimidating those to push a political ideology (sounds like terrorism to me)and we’ve seen this throughout the entirety of 2016 (especially when Trump won the Presidency) and in the beginning of this year when these assholes turned D.C. into a warzone during the Inaguration and when they rioted at UC Berkeley shutting down Milo’s lecture event.
    Like Roosh said the left have fallen into complete and utter chaos to the point where they will whatever they think is necessary to force their poisonous views further into our already damaged society whether through violence or censorship and we have to defend ourselves and fight these bastards to show them we are not going to put up with their bullshit anymore.

    1. You could hold a peaceful rally. Go to brigham young university and organize something. Doing it at Berkley is just attention whoring.

      1. But, Berkely still exists in these united States and they are not allowed to shut down freedom of speech or dissent like they have through thug violence. It’s one thing if they just protested and that was it and big deal, but these people are acting like they’re their own little country that is above the Constitution. I think that’s where a lot of people take issue with this. Nobody is going to Harvard or Yale and protesting that they’re predominantly Leftist, because nobody there is trying to physically silence and intimidate opposition.

        1. Fair enough, but Berkley is its own little planet. Harvard and Yale are left because a good deal of people avoiding the Vietnam war did so by getting advanced degrees and becoming professors. Those people will die off eventually and Harvard and Yale will become something new. These old schools have always withstood the test of time.
          Berkley exists specifically as a hot bed of socialism…..violent socialism. We don’t have to like it but that is what it is. Whether it is these Antifas, the IMF protests 10 years ago, the black panthers running the campus in the 70’s or the violent anti war lunatics in the 60’s. I am willing to say that Berkley is the cost of a free society and should be off limits to people of sense. Isolate them. Maybe my NYC experience helps me with this. I know that the south Bronx is not a place for me and I don’t go there. When some virtue signaling liberal twat moves there because its hip I don’t care if he gets murdered in the streets. He didn’t belong there and people with decent values, much less right wing activists do not belong in Berkley. When the antifa protests break out in OSU you have my full support if you want to go down and “peacekeep” and if it turns violent I get it. They are going where they don’t belong. But on the campus of UC Berkley the conservative activists were the interlopers and while I did take some satisfaction in seeing that bitch punched out I wouldn’t have had one shred of sympathy if the guy wound up in the hospital

        2. Own planet or not, they are not allowed to use violence to shut down dissenting opinions. The 1st applies there just like everywhere else. But the “law” and the “mayor” don’t think that this is important enough to enforce, even though it’s codified not just in the Constitution, but in law. There are no exceptions to the Constitution, there is no “well, except for Berkely and maybe USC”.
          I’m not suggesting that I’d hit Berkely to protest or anything, nor would I advocate it, but it’s not just “Hey, let’s fuck with Leftists derp derp”. Berkely is now and has in the past shut down legitimate conservative speakers with impeccable credentials due to thuggery. That cannot stand in a free nation, I don’t care what “little planet” you think you reside in (not you, you).
          They have every right to throw their little protests and chant and march and be silly, but no American public institution, mayor’s office or student body should have the illegal ability to use violence to shut down dissent on public land, I don’t care who they are.

        3. Precisely. Yale and Harvard and other colleges have become incubators for Leftist idiocy but to their credit there hasn’t been a situation whereby having exercised your Constitutional right to express yourself even where it goes contrary to their worldview, you have a situation that has amounted to institutionalised violence.
          Berkeley needs to be razed to the ground because they knowingly and wilfully break the law and all faculty are aiding, abetting and formenting domestic terrorism. They are entitled to their political ideology no matter how distasteful I may find it personally but the second where they react violently and try to shut down dissenting views is the time someone needs to drop the hammer.

        4. Exactly. And as much as I hate the Left they are entitled to voice their opinions also provided they do so peacefully and not resort to violence to shut down a countering opinion.

      2. “Doing it at Berkeley is just attention whoring”
        I can see why you say that, but I disagree and here’s why.
        In the mid to late nineties I worked in a psych hospital. Occasionally, we would have a patient that you could tell was “winding up” and getting g ready for a violent outburst. These outbursts could become fairly predictable based on past behavior.sometimes the “winding up could take hours as they slowly pushed boundries and rules while becoming increasingly antagonistic with each interaction.
        A lot of times we would just cut through the bullshit and put them in restraints instead of going through the “winding up”. The problem is, ya can’t just initiate a restraint situation unless the person is actually violent. Not just being an assholes. So they would send me in to escalate the situation through “therapeutic use of provocation”. I would very calmly talk to them in such a way that it would trigger a violent response and give us justification for taking them down. Ya write up your patient chart to say, “Violently attacked staff with toothbrush shank when given therapeutic coping options”, and go about your day.
        I think a lot of people here can agree that these Commies are in dire need of a helicopter ride. While we can’t do that (and I am against that principlely speaking), but I think they do need a violent response to their initiations of aggression. I have no problem triggering them into a violent response for the purpose of beating the shit out of them. Any destruction of them keeps me safer so, whatever.
        I think having at Berkeley is what this was. Therapeutic Provacation. Just showing up triggers the crazy and by doing so it shows the world how far down the Left has become and shows the hypocrisy of supporting them.
        I see your point about the Attention Whoring, and I don’t think it is completely off. I just think it’s MORE than that. Way, way more. Picking Burley for this shit is actually the PERFECT venue for Therapeutic Provacation.

  21. one idea we often used with bar security.
    2nd or 3rd guy on scene:
    lift his feet of the ground (hook behind knees).
    The End…
    carry guy outside – place carefully on ground. return to bar.
    jostling with someone skilled, or lucky, is too fair and can end badly.

  22. I’m just wondering out loud here…how many guys here would actually attend an Antifa rally – not me…

    1. I will never attend any “Rally” of any description.
      Shit I dont even like to wait in line at the deli.

    2. I’m with @disqus_tj7gjZttfg:disqus Rally? I wouldn’t even go to a parade…even a ticker tape parade….even in my honor.

    3. You know, every time I see your name, I can’t help but think of Agent Smith.

    4. See one of Bernard Chapin’s YT videos on that. He advocates avoiding such areas where those scum assemble.

    5. I’ve attended NRA / pro-gun rallies in the past. But think about it, practically everyone there was armed. Other than the media, there wasn’t a left winger of any stripe within ten miles. Hmmm. I wonder why?

    1. Jesse the Body always is good for a chuckle. He’s crazier than a shit house rat on some things but alright.
      The second video was great-we had balls the size of cantaloupes. And think of this way-what other race of people are crazed enough to send 300 so to speak against tens of thousands of Persians? Pound for pound the Greeks are the greatest asskickers in the history of everything-Herodotus should have made a championship belt.

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