How To Meet And Date Mormon Girls

Men search the world for women that they can stand to be around with long-term. Narcissism, androgyny, obsession with pop culture—the problems with Western women go on and on.

Is there some place, a secluded land untouched by time, where women still make good wives?

Mormons are one of the few remaining groups with healthy women. Because Mormons retain old-fashioned values, Mormon girls are raised in a traditional environment by good fathers. They value femininity, motherhood, and masculinity in men. This makes them overwhelmingly successful wives and mothers.

How To Approach Mormon Girls

Where do you find Mormon girls? Not Starbucks but at traditional venues, like bowling and movies. Lok for certain things: sleeved shirts, a subdued character, long pants or dresses, and different mannerisms. Spend some time with a few and you will know what to look for.

Cold approaches on Mormon girls are challenging. She will be happy to chat with you, but unless you are Mormon yourself or make a huge impression, you won’t get her number. Overt sexuality and teasing are too much, due to Mormon girls’ high insecurity. But daytime game is the key. The standard principles of day game apply.

These girls are nervous around non-Mormons. Seclusion has served to preserve their desirable traits, but it also makes it difficult to gain rapport. A grandpa sense of humor and occasional clever line from an old movie go a long way. In many ways, these girls are stuck in the 1950’s.

Something that will help you stand out is a strong masculine frame. Be open and talk about your ideals. She will be surprised that a non-Mormon holds the same values she does and respect you.

Mormons have separate congregations for young single adults, which is very convenient. This is why you don’t see many 18-30 year olds in typical LDS congregations. But it is luck of the draw. A “single’s ward” may be full of great girls or totally empty. Single’s wards also become filled with weak guys, so a unique masculine impression and well-dressed presentation really stand out.

Social Awkwardness

Many Mormons stick to a small group of friends within the church. At parties, they drink soda and play board games. Their values and the values of popular western culture are wildly disparate, which can be tough for them to navigate early in life. This lack of inclusion within the general society makes them socially awkward, especially around men.

I didn’t date Mormon girls for a long time because of their social awkwardness, even though I am Mormon myself. Then I discovered that Mormons were a welcome exception to the degeneracy that pervades American women. As I grew and became confident, I learned how to deal with social awkwardness.

It is tempting for Mormon girls to become lazy because they have such a high standard compared to typical girls. They know that they are the best. Imagine if all the men in the world weighed over 300 pounds and acted like slobs. How would that motivate you to work out every day to get a girl?

Some Mormon girls succumb to worldly laziness. I knew a Mormon girl who got rides from her Mormon friends for casual sex dates with men she met on Tinder.

Other lazy Mormon girls turn feminist, many thousands of them. The Mormon university BYU is quickly falling due to these feminists. BYU was once the perfect place to find a great young woman and get married. But those days may be gone. The pressure is mounting for Mormon women to cave in to Western degeneracy, and men are at a loss for what to do about it.

With such high standards of perfection, Mormon girls want a man who validates their efforts and confidently provides direction—a man who expects them to be beautiful. They want a man who has navigated the stormy seas of the world, who has just a little bit of history, and has overcome the degenerate worldly culture, a man who has discovered for himself where peace and happiness lie.

Be A Patriarchal Leader

Since a very young age, these girls have gazed at handsome paintings of Jesus and prophets, and learned to respect men who have spiritual confidence in their eyes. They were taught that bold sincerity of purpose and a charitable attitude is what makes a man.

I knew a guy who joined the Mormon church because he thought it would help him date a certain Mormon girl, a girl who refused to date non-Mormons. This guy was orbiting so strongly that he changed his religion before they were even dating! Then the girl decided still not to date him after all. I wasn’t surprised.

Even if you don’t become Mormon, you can become desirable to the girls with spiritual leadership and confidence. Patriarchal leadership is something that most women in the world valued until recently, but it is still a chief value with Mormons. She wants the captain of a ship who can direct all aspects of a relationship, including spiritual direction.

What made the patriarchs of the Old Testament—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob—masculine?

Propagandists in the media throw around the word patriarchy as if it is synonymous with anything male. But what does it really mean to be a patriarch, to lead your tribe? In Mormon theology, leadership as a man takes you directly to godhood. She views patriarchy as a quality of God.

Princess Syndrome

Mormon girls are taught that they have a divine nature. There is a heavenly Mother as well as a Father, though we don’t know anything about her—Heavenly Father is the one we worship. In the Garden of Eden, Eve may have introduced sin into the world, but ultimately her actions worked out for good because it allowed all of us to be born and tested in this telestial state. Such beliefs make the girls confident about being women.

Typical American girls have the government to make them feel secure. They have heavy-handed laws, free handouts, unfair advantages for getting jobs—a loud feminist illusion spoon fed to them.

Due to their seclusion from popular culture, Mormon girls don’t have all this. They therefore have a high standard to work toward. They are stuck with a woman’s natural state of insecurity.

This insecurity is at the root of the princess syndrome. With so much pervasive degeneracy in the media, Mormon parents think they are safe showing their kids Disney movies. Unfortunately, this has led to a culture of Mormon girls who are absolutely obsessed with Disney and even as adults dream of being Disney princesses.

Disney gives them the fantasy where they can easily achieve a standard of perfection with low risk. Girls then struggle to reconcile degenerate popular culture with Mormon expectations. It will be up to you, her man, to support the positive expectations.

Many Mormon girls place the cart before the horse. They talk about having an idealistic family but don’t consider how to make it happen. As the patriarchal leader, it will be up to you to figure it out and to dispel her unrealistic fantasies. You will have to bring her down to reality.

Nurture Her Virtues

Usually, when Mormon girls marry non-Mormon men, these women forsake their religion and revert to ordinary American woman. It is like Cinderella’s carriage which transforms back to a normal pumpkin at the stroke of midnight. After twenty years, her behavior will be on the same level as any above-average American woman.

This is because they gave up the structure of what made them desirable in the first place. Those things don’t last if they aren’t nurtured.

I know a non-Mormon guy who married a Mormon woman and has kept her beautiful and desirable, by encouraging her religious involvement, even though he avoided Mormonism himself. He led the family as patriarch and actively supported his children’s spiritual growth.

This can be done. Mormon women greatly value sincerity of purpose. Beyond religious structure, it is important to recognize the peculiarities that make the Mormon women special or not special, and to encourage their growth.

One red flag I have for Mormon girls is if they drink coffee. It seems like a minor point, but I have noticed that every Mormon girl who disobeys the Mormon direction to avoid coffee has something majorly wrong with her. It would be foolish to acquiesce a Mormon girl to drink coffee. That would only encourage her to give up other standards that really are serious and to become like the typical Western degenerate.

As for her beliefs, the history of polygamy makes it easy for Leftists and feminists to weave sick sex fantasies into their narrative about Mormons. Mormon theology is peculiar, yes, but the media frequently takes things out of context and misrepresents the religion. Maybe there is wisdom behind some of the peculiarities.

Neomasculinity Works

Not long ago, I came across Roosh’s program for self-improvement and decided to apply it to myself. I also studied his advice for approaching and dating women.

I was skeptical whether this would work with Mormon girls– sheltered girls who would never step inside a dance club or be wooed by pickup artists. But what I discovered surprised me. I found that it worked just as well.

Game isn’t really taught in the Mormon community, and I think this has led to weaker and more unsuccessful men. This opens opportunities for all strong and successful masculine men to gain access to these women. Mormon girls are thirsting for strong, confident, masculine men.

I was not surprised to see Return Of Kings explore personal virtue with the neomasculinity movement. Patriarchal attributes are best for gaming women, so it is natural that this effort lead to other traditional principles of men’s success.

These same principles have helped build strong, successful religious communities for thousands of years. Masculine attributes attract healthy, beautiful women, no matter where they come from. It is fundamental that we focus foremost on developing ourselves as suitably strong men.

Read More: ROK Undercover: What It Was Like To Spend A Day At A Mormon Church

290 thoughts on “How To Meet And Date Mormon Girls”

  1. AWALT. I cringe everytime when I hear guys saying; “game doesn’t work on …. girls”

      1. Hijabi girls though… Afghan girls, Iranian girls, Saudi girls…

        1. My exec admin was a Pakistani in a hijab. She wasn’t cute but I got her cousin a job and the cousin was a smoking hot girl. Hijab, nice little body, beautiful face and rarity amongst rarities, a blue eye paki. Full on arranged marriage for them but I would have definitely gutted either or both of them….especially the blue eyed cousin.

        2. They’re lovely creatures. Married to a Pathan, awesome cooks and great maternal instincts. Brother-in-laws can be problematic though.

    1. the thing is, the Mormon girls that it does work on are on the fast track to become some of the loosest girls around. They are the rebels going against their daddy.
      18-19 year old Mormons are like that. By 23, they will be like any other slut. The good ones will have gone on missions, and will get married off.

      1. A Mormon acquaintance from back in the day once told me he got the most pussy of any time in his life when he was on his mission. Stands to reason, I guess.

        1. When I was on my mission, girls everywhere were biting their bottom lip, staring directly at me, and moistening themselves more than I ever experienced in my life. If I were a rock star, I don’t know if there were any difference. But, I held to the church standards. Your story is plausible, not all guys hold to those standards.

        2. When I got home, I had this letter waiting for me from this cute Irish girl that I baptized. It basically said she wanted to drop everything and come meet me in the states if I wanted to split the plane ticket. I almost took her up on it. But, I had other prospects.

      2. That seems to be the case. Mormon girls who hit late 20s/early 30s, aren’t married, and enjoy their alcohol are big time sluts. That’s my experience anyway. Anyone else have the same?

        1. There are exceptions. A few that I know just never married, but still hold onto the church standards. My wife’s ex-roommate is 35, and I am 90% certain she is a virgin. Good looking enough, but the career type. Within the church, there is a surplus of women.
          Yes, there are rebels like you describe, but to me, they have lost their LDS status. I would rather date a typical nightclub wench. At least they didn’t break their standards in the first place.

        2. But if they go over the cliff into alcohol and sleeping around they go waaayyy over the cliff.

        3. Yes, most Mormons who fall away from the church seem to think they have to break all the rules with a vengeance.

  2. Yeah not looking to date a lush, but I need to date a girl that once in a great while gets loaded and wants something drunken and darkly kinky in the bedroom. 🙂

    1. I’d gut a curious Mormon chick if she was looking for it, but I am with you on dating one. I suppose the best bet if you are desirous of dating a Mormon is to become a Mormon yourself. I am with you though. I need a girl to get drunk, argue, try to slap me in the face, get knocked down, find it hot and get dicked down while screaming like Nicole Brown Simpson.

        1. Hey, I used that line this weekend. Hot chick in a tight dress — she was obviously going for the spunky, badass girl look. I don’t usually go for that type but there was something about her “tough girl” look that I said fuck it.
          The bar was too loud, too trendy, too full of d-bags. She had like three orbiters right around her. I watched them bring her a drink and then do a round of shots.
          I sauntered right over to her in front of those d-bags, and she looked at me like WTF are you doing. I smiled, said hi. She said “hi” in a sarcastic way, and actually gestured at her orbiters like they should do something.
          Then I leaned forward and said right into her ear, “So, can you take a punch?”
          Fucking gold. The look on her face… I could almost see her tingling.

  3. Funny thing is that those mormon girls, or any other girls with strict (religious) parents always want to rebell.
    If the father says; never date black guys, you will see a bukkake porn of her with 12 black guys. The more they try to control her, the more they want to rebell.

    1. Not all, most probably listen to their father. But, it they decide to rebel, they rebel big time.

    2. it is the nice side of strict education imo. And it seems to work both ways.
      A morally strict generation breeds a depraved one, a depraved one breeds a morally strict generation and so on.
      Example : gen Y bred gen Z

  4. Due to their seclusion from popular culture, Mormon girls don’t have all this.

    What seclusion? I had practicing Mormon neighbors growing up, their daughter decided that she was transgender when she was about 14 years old.
    Even in Utah, or the Romney clan compound in Mexico, these gals aren’t being cloistered away from all negative influence.

    1. There is a huge (and wealthy) Mormon community on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. I see them going to church every sunday. Some lookers.

        1. You’d be surprised. The jewish community in new york and israel has many lookers.

        2. Every community has a few. But that particular community has a whole lot more lookaways than lookers.

        3. always exceptions…I am generally averse to the rodentine, swarthy, curly-headed variety…

        4. Bullshit…a jewish man may marry a Ukrainian chick and therefor she is now ‘jewish’ and a looker. They aren’t true jews. Truely jewish women can only produce their kind – ugly hook nosed parasites with hereditary chronic IBS.

        5. Yeah, I can tell you’ve spent exactly zero time near a jewish community because most jewish girls aren’t even like that

        6. Grew up in Long Island.
          Live in Philadelphia.
          Went to college.
          yeah, I’ve run a cross a few here and there.

        1. I knew one from out in Massapequa if you can believe it – her parents married her off to Utah before she finished high school

  5. This shit is getting ridiculous but hilarious . Aftet a major dryspelI i approached an HB8 face 8 latina at the Ritz last weekend and scored . She was walking around by herself because her friends left her. I said “hi” she said “hi” back. I asked her to sit with me , she complied. She was obviously attracted to me. I told her to come with me to get a drink. We had one thing in common, brothers with the same name. We laughed. Last call at 150 am . I pulled the number and got a hug. Got a coffee date last wednesday .then yesterday we spent all day yesterday with each other . We walked, drank, joked and fucked. We teased each other and made each other laugh. Simple. Keep things simple.

      1. We got one called hotel Zaza in dallas, it’s so money… it’s so vogue and sexy in there… here’s an altered pic of her she gave me …

        1. yeah, in manhattan there are a few. No better way to roll imo. Dress well, go to a nice high end hotel, drink in moderation, be friendly, get laid.
          Nice looking girl. This is how women should dress when they go out. I’ve said it before but I will not speak to a woman who is wearing blue jeans. It is a hard no from me.

        2. I hate the ones that come in with yoga pants in a high end hotel bar… gross

        3. Honestly men with value are becoming taboo so you know these women want something rare and different. The tides are changing . Bad boy losers are too common now

        4. yup. Had this convo just the other day with buddies. I will talk to girls at the gym, going to the gym, coming from the gym or at a café or juice bar near the gym….or in the park….wearing yoga pants. Denim and exercise clothing do not belong on a girl going out. It’s the foulest of heresy. Put on a dress and some heels. I have all sorts of rules for myself and that one is high up there. I also won’t talk to women who are drinking beer.

        5. Why shouldn’t they accentuate their best assets, long hair, long legs, nice smile, seductive personality .? They should also be polite . Drinking beer is for butch lesbians

        6. that is exactly correct. When I go out I either have on gym clothes (going to the gym/running pedestrian errands) am in slacks and a shirt with a jacket or in a suit and tie.
          I think that the way a man presents himself says a lot and that dressing casually is a huge mistake. The lolknee definition of casual is no tie or a knit tie and a shirt that doesn’t need cufflinks. I find more and more women are seeking that out.

        7. My suits are from banana Republic . They fit and look like Daniel Craig James Bond suits for around $500. If you looked hard enough you could find cheaper with the same fit.

        8. correct on all counts. Also, a woman who has put some effort into what she wears is showing that she cares about it. That girl you showed me the picture of, I can already tell, just from a quick glance, that she was perfectly groomed and probably smelled like angel twat. I would bed, not even being able to see them, that her finger and toe nails were perfectly manicured and not a single chip on the polish (chipped nail polish is another lolknee hard no) and that she treated you well and asked more questions about you than said things about herself.

        9. I leave them to you pabst. when you back in the city or are you here already?

        10. Gettin a suit tailored is usually worth the money. My physical configuration is such that it is kind of necessary.
          BR suits are great and fit is on point. As I got older, became more established, made more money etc I’ve started buying more designer suits — not necessary, personal vanity. But BR was my go to before that was possible

        11. Damn brother you are good. Spot on. She was so engaging i thought she may be a hooker. Ha. Every date she was dressed sexy yet not slutty, perfect, she is bubbly and understands men. She asked me if I thought she was cute. I said yes and she smiled from ear to ear .

        12. No, not back yet. I’ll hit you up when I am. But rest assured, I’m not enjoying myself at the moment haha

        13. It would fade with time of course, AWALT, but a woman who cares about her appearance in one way reveals other facts about her/
          I tell people all the time, look at a girls hands. If her nails are immaculate you can reasonably expect other things to be equally cared for

        14. Before her I dated a former stripper ..well the mentality of strippers never cease even after the money pit dries up

        15. When I come out to NYC next time, I’m swinging by and hiring you as the coochie consultant we will do nothing besides drink and pull hotties.

        16. He can’t get laid. The great Asian Conspiracy thwarts his every attempt! Those damn Asians!

        17. American universities exist for the education of Asians. I sure hope you aren’t even thinking of setting in foot in an American or Euro university snow nigger

        18. Keep swiping on tinder snow nigger.
          Hear that sound? That’s the sound of Asian couples sitting down to a nice pleasant dinner with their STD-free spouse.
          feels bad man

        19. Not familiar with BR, at least suit-wise. They had some decent looking stuff for decent prices when I was in the Manhattan store. Find it interesting that their spokesman right now is a 6’10 basketball player.

        20. Finally you guys linked up! Was wondering how that didn’t happen while you both were in NY.

        21. He was just in the White House having dinner with Trump… He and TED fucking Nugent!!

        22. i always felt the oppisite. i make fun of guys who dress up all fancy for regular activities… i dress for function. if you see me out wearing something other than a pair of dungarees and a t-shirt,that means you just spotted me on my way home from a funeral or a job interview.. keep in mind i was born in raised in a VERY rural area of america.. so part of it is my culture. the only men here who wear suits are politicians and preachers. lol

        23. To each their own. It’s quite opposite from me, true. I don’t know why you mock those who are different from you though — that seems wrong.

        24. just the way we see things here…”city folks” dont make any sense to us. we occasionally get a people who move here from the big city and we usually think they are really weird for a while until they grow accustomed to the new environment. dont get me wrong,we welcome new people with open arms as long as they dont come to harm us. but their way of life is entirely different than ours and we consider it really weird.
          imagine being a hindu from india in 500BC and waking up one morning living in ancient Israel….youd think “man these are some weird people” and they would think the same of you.

        25. I understand the lack of understanding. I certainly don’t understand your life style. The difference is that you find it natural to mock lifestyles other than yours

        26. eh…some of it is just all in clean and innocent fun..though there is truth behind it. big cities are viewed here as centers of vice and excess,as well as the fact that people forget how important rural america is. there is a phrase we say here that goes “the country can exist without the city,but the city cant exist without the country”. the same concept tends to apply to “white collar vs blue collar” workers…

        27. wait…are you speaking as if a $500 suit is cheap? thats what id call a fine suit… ive got only a handful of suits…got them from grandpas closet or from goodwill. suits my purposes just fine. lol.

        28. That’s a cute saying. Well, you enjoy that sheltered life.

        29. with all due respect,i think you’re being a hypocrite…you claim not to mock those who dont live as you do,but you’re clearly doing so now.

        30. lets just address some facts…
          you and i have butted heads a few times on more than one occasion due to your beliefs and lifestyle with fornication and adultery….its painfully obvious that you dont like me,and i sure as hell dont like you. but…what are we gonna do,the world isnt a giant “safe space”,and we dont always like people or their lifestyles and we may even find them repulsive as do you and i with one another. we have different worldviews and religious appear to be a bit of a nihilist,and im assuming an atheist from things ive seen you say.. i personally am a christian and therefore a monotheist,so i have an objective moral code,as well as seeing most things as black and white. this causes me to view things as being wrong or right,as opposing viewpoints cant both be right in my linear reasoning…
          so that being said…can we address things here objectively and argue while not making this stuff personal as you and i are clearly doing right now?

        31. I’m mocking you for being the kind of person who lives a life where he needs to point at people who live diffeeently and mock them. That’s an incredibly effeminate and weak trait.
          You live a very casual and rustic life. I get that. I can respect it even. It is different from what I do but that’s fine, it’s a big world and there aren’t Lots of people and lots of paths.
          However, weakness and insecurity in men is shameful and something I will openly mock

        32. You really aren’t much of a Christian to be honest.
          I don’t think I have enough respect for you as a person to really have a debate with you to be honest.

        33. ok,well you arent much of an atheist either then. lol.
          seriously though,ive got to know…why am i not much of a Christian? i know that i fall very short of being a reincarnation of Christ himself,but whats the deal breaker you’re referring to?

        34. Sorry please re-read my last comment for reference to all future comments

        35. about not respecting me enought to have a debate? i dont want a debate… honestly,i wont even bother arguing a point. just want to know for the good of my own soul and the good of my fellow Christians soul what that big thing is about my conduct that makes you think “man…this guy is nothing like Jesus”,that way i can examine myself and make penance as needed.

    1. Latinas are great for white guys…smoking hot, good fun, extremely affable, and they know they are trading up in a big way dating whites.

  6. This excerpt from “Bang LSD” was brought to you by Kratom, now with extra Kratom!

  7. Somebody already said it, but AWALT. I dated a Mormon girl for a short while. It was only a short while because she wouldn’t let me get into them magic undies of hers and I had better things to do.
    Also, do you really want to date or marry a girl who believes in magic plates and all the stupid shit that Mormons do?

    1. Morman women think that if they divorce they in the afterlife of having their own planets go on a moon of their husbands yea i’m totally not joking my grandma is morman and most Morman women are actually hoes and addicted to drugs like xanax, adderall, and SSRI’s. I have known many and not a single one was happy about being red pilled or any of that shit.

    2. Does any religious shit not sound retarded when you remove the name of the denomination from it? Is golden plates any more ridiculous than a 900 year old man getting a couple tablets from a burning bush on a mountain 6000 years ago?

  8. Thinking of doing TRT looked online:
    *$395.00 per month is a discounted “self pay” price due at the time of service, and which reflects administrative savings due to reduced costs of insurance claims processing and associated overhead. ^ that’s low T center problem is that’s with some insurance so like $700 a month no insurance for 200mg of Test a week. Good luck with that.
    Levels are shit I’m literally functioning at 25 with booze, snus, and 11 oxo the 5 hour half life of 11 oxo is killing me. want to go on TRT easily quit booze and snus need some help with it. Test is about 396 without hormones literally can’t get out of bed or do a god damn thing mentally without intaking 3,000 calories worth of sugar and processed foods staying in shape is fucking impossible but i have done a good job i guess. Only 15 pounds over still can weight lift pull ups push ups getting physically stronger at least tho. Yea total buzz kill anyone know how to help? Sorry this unrelated thanks for advice

    1. oh yea that’s 396 with NO free test at all and that’s eating a healthy diet working out 5 days a week whole nine yards lol.

  9. I knew a Mormon girl who, when I asked her why she would drink so early in the day, casually told me that she and her mother were raging alcoholics who would bail each other out of jail over DUIs. I later learned that she died (age 28) from an overdose. Drugs and alcohol don’t care if you are Mormon or the Pope.

    1. You know what else don’t care if you are a Mormon? Fucking hypergamy, that’s what.
      Hypergamy don’t care.

        1. Highly likely that the honey badger also does not care, but at the time of posting, he was unavailable for comment.

  10. Knocking on the Mormon Tabernacle: “You know why we’re here. Yes, that’s right. We’re here for your women. Ours suck so we’re taking yours!”

    1. Careful: while there are many betas in the church, Mormons are not to be confused with Quakers. The doctrine is VERY specific about defending one’s family -to the death of pretty much everyone else if needs be. LOTS of 2A enthusiasts in the Mormon church.

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  12. One thing, if you are not one yourself, and you manage to pull a Mormon girl, you are pulling a girl that, by definition, is willing to compromise her standards. Same thing as if you pull some dude’s wife. Not the girl you want.
    I was not dating, orbiting, or had anything to do with any particular girl when I joined the church. What I saw was a pattern. Fed up with the nightclub scene, I decided to use day game and find the cleanest, most virtuous girls I could in my college classes. In an area of about 10% Mormon, three dates in a row were LDS. (That year, I developed a belief in God through other means, but was uncommitted to any religion)

    1. “I would never wanna belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member.”

        1. Dont take this the wrong way(and dont respond of course if you dont want to) but I remember bill maher(of course!) making fun of you guys bc you beleived we came from another planet(I dont remember the name)- any truth to that?

        2. no, what you may be referring to is our concept of God is different than the Nicene creed established. We believe that God has a body of flesh, but in a glorified state. He resides on a glorified planet and will visit here from time to time.

    2. Curious how do you deem a girl clean & virtuous? Does it start with conservative, respectable appearance?

        1. Yes, clearly. I suppose my question is addressing the chameleon-like nature of women, who pretend or act conservative.

        2. I suppose that is what the first couple dates are for. Yes, there are some who pretend otherwise. I think age is important to tell. The first year out of daddy’s house, they can still be clean, but are on the road to corruption. By 22-24, the slutty girls will drop out of church. The remainders will be at church regularly, and you will get to know them. The young single adult wards (18-32) will have all sorts of meet market activities, trying to get couples married off within the church. You will have a huge social network. People talk.
          By 30, you will see the recently divorced types coming into the family wards (where I am now). For that, it would be tougher to tell, but I think you can tell with your intuition.

        3. On our first encounter, my mormon girl paused at the door leaving the music venue so I could open it for her. She wasn’t demanding that I open it but she let me and sort of expected it.

        4. But never let yourself be fooled for one minute. Always stay on top of that ass. It’s work, but I like it though. Keeps a man sharp.

        5. My wife did that when we first dated, me being brand new in the church, didn’t get what she was doing. I don’t mind when we go out on dates, the chivalry is fun. If we are going out to get groceries, it is over the top, and adds to the princess complex. We finally agreed to do it on dates, or if I feel like being romantic, but not day to day errands.

    3. Same argument can be made for white men dating asian women. The kind of
      asian women who are willing to date a snow n*gger aren’t the kind I want
      to date … feels bad man

      1. took me about a year before I was able to date any quality Mormon girls. I was able to date some early on, but they lacked self respect. They are the type that dropped out of the church and ended up with blue hair.

      2. Ive dated 3 asians, 2 of whom were catalog models. All three went on to marry white guys far wealthier than me…just sayin

        1. I would agree on this. Lots of people don’t feel any exclusivity to their own race. However, when it comes to religion, if they are willing to cross, they are weak in their beliefs. Might as well date your typical night club wench.

        2. Yes. Of all the girls I’ve banged most have been European but also quite many Asians, from both East Asia and Southeast Asia (some from Iran also, West Asia). Sure, some have been sluts not much better than 6s, but I’ve also banged 7s, 8s and 9s from Japan, South Korea, China and Vietnam. We’re talking about the kind of well-educated girls who could be in a K-pop group. It’s not that hard if you have game and good grooming.

        3. Damn I just realized that I haven’t fucked any girl from Singapore, partly because I’ve only been there for like a day. I met a really cute lioness in Beijing who was there with her mom but I couldn’t really bang her in that situation. There was also this super-pretty Singaporean girl whom I meet in a Gangnam club but we split up so I took a Korean hottie instead.

        4. yep…interracial marriages are allowed in my sect of Christianity,but you have to marry another Christian.. basically replace “race” with “religion” in most things and thats what we believe. lol.

        5. no,at least i certainly hope not…
          it seems as thought you are boasting about seducing a bunch of women other than your wife,that makes you a whoremonger….

        6. fair enough question…assuming you are not a Christian, i should not expect you to conform to Christian morality norms…

      3. I don’t believe any woman, you describe as worthy of being dated/married, would marry someone who posts in this forum. Gentlemen, you are doomed to the dregs, white trash, Asian hookers, etc.

        1. Wrong place, woman. There are no gentlemen here. Only thugs, rapists, racists, hicks, murderers, Muslims and Jews.

        2. Why is your avatar the English actress Billy Piper? Strange choice for a female. Are you sure you’re not a mangina/ whiteknight male pretending to be a female?

        3. Out of the 57 available sexual orientations available to me, I have chosen to project one that is sexually neutral.

    4. “One thing, if you are not one yourself, and you manage to pull a Mormon girl, you are pulling a girl that, by definition, is willing to compromise her standards. Same thing as if you pull some dude’s wife. Not the girl you want.”
      This is exactly my experience with wanting to date Indian or Pakistani girls as a white man.

      1. not only that…but you run a big risk of getting your ass kicked. attempt to seduce my wife,another church members wife,or a single virgin woman at my church and see if somebody doesnt beat your ass.

  13. I think the best way to get laid, if you’re a young guy, is to get tatted up and join a biker gang. Grow a full beard, too. After you have a pretty good-sized prison record, women will wait in line to fuck you. Because they’re masochists with a death wish, just like biker dudes are…like attracts like, water seeks its own level, etc.

    1. I strongly disagree. That may have worked 50 years ago, but I don’t think young girls today crave “bikers.” The Hells’ Angels thing was huge in the 1960s and the James Dean Rebel Without a Cause thing in the 1950s … no longer.
      There were tons of biker movies back then. How many biker movies do you see today?

      1. Pabst: I guess a broken clock is right twice a day. Absolutely correct here. Women are looking for something much different and looking at main stream movie archetypes is a very fair way to figure out what they want uhem dark triad abusive wealthy corporate type hem hem hem

        1. dude, this guy spends way too much time inside his head- you should invite him over so he can admire your chainsaw collection. I dont get what his problem is

        2. Abusive / sadistic man in coveralls = texas chainsaw massacre
          Abusive / sadistic man in suit = 50 shades of grey

        3. At the bottom of most of your wrongness on this topic you are correct about the movies. Main stream movies are porn for women. The leading character trope of the times is indicative of what women are looking to fuck.

        4. You mean Leatherface?
          I’ve seen all the movies, and he’s never once been laid. RL Ermey as the Pappy of the clan, I believe, had a line that said “Leatherface makes sweet babies”, but still in none of those films did they show any proof of it.

      2. In the US, quiet a few biker gangs are still out there , but I guess they attract less people (and less women) then they used to. The mainstream media is no longer obsessed with them like they were in the late 1960s.

        1. In the late ’60s my own 1%er Old Man wound up with my mom……
          Be Warned gentlemen……

        1. Sometimes Waldemar sees things too literally. Other times he sees what he wants to see. He’ll come around, eventually. He is a good guy, fundamentally. This is why we tolerate him.

    2. That may work if you are ok with the silly, White trash type of girls.
      Particularly in the US being a 1% -er is a violent world. If any club allows you to join, you will be expected to commit crimes for the club. A criminal record is guaranteed and you even may risk some jail time. An they often turn on their own. If they suspect you are a police informer, you are dead.
      Is some White trash woman really worth that much to you?

    3. problem is, while building that prison record, ‘others’ might be waiting in line to fuk you…..

    4. Would you really want to bang a nasty hairy tattooed biker chick though? Join a classical music choir and you’d be outnumbered 3-1 by young women, and all the men are old…and the chicks all clean, attractive, cultured. Granted, it is a far more difficult game, but people should be aiming high, not scraping the barrell banging biker trash.

  14. “They value femininity, motherhood, and masculinity in men.”
    They also have the most whacked out religious beliefs on the planet, Islam notwithstanding. Regardless of whether you think of all religions as crackpot schemes, take a closer look at actual Mormon doctrine and then ask yourself if you should spend time or money on a girl who willingly believes that kind of crazy.

    1. I would. She can believe the earth is flat for all I care as long as she’s a good feminine girl

    2. They also have the Oath of Venegence, whereby they are committed to destroying America because their Freemasonic leader was allegedly killed by a Christian mob. It is the core of their version of Christianity, to not forgive their enemy, but to destroy them. It is far closer to Islam than Christianity. In most regards it is Islam repackaged for America.

  15. “Game isn’t really taught in the Mormon community, and I think this has led to weaker and more unsuccessful men.” – Agreed on that, lots of betas, lots of princesses.
    But, in retrospect, if you are willing to commit yourself totally and life the life, that can serve you well. If you know game, and are perceived as a man of integrity that lives his faith, you will do well.

  16. Whats is RoK`s obsession with Mormon girls?
    A few years ago made a mistake by dating a Jamaican girl who had been raised as a Mormon.
    If you all Mormon girls have mentality and morals she had, I would give them a wide berth…
    On the side note: she was a non-observant Mormon and I did not convert to Mormonism either. I don`t know, maybe US-born and raised Mormons are different, albeit I doubt it.

    1. “Whats is RoK`s obsession with Mormon girls?”
      That is what I wonder about the entire “manosphere”
      A non-observant Mormon is essentially a non-Mormon.

      1. If non-observant Catholics are non-Catholics, then there are probably less than 1 million Catholics in the US — of European decent that is.

        1. Well, there is a big difference in lifestyle vs. what church has your name in its records.
          My brother-in-law is a Mormon by lifestyle and by record.
          However, because he was sprinkled as an infant..I’m sure he is listed as a Catholic too.

        2. I was not only “sprinkled”, I was an altar boy for 5 years as well. The only time I go to Church now (and for the last 30+ years) is for funerals.
          But I still consider myself Catholic. And proud of it too.
          PS. & Catholic Grade school, High School & College! K through 16, I suppose.

  17. Didn’t think good Mormon gals went outside of the community, and if they’re going outside of the community, then they aren’t good Mormon girls, now are they?

    1. Yup, speaking from personal experience, the only way you can get to them is to jump in with both feet, and show them you are not just doing it for a ruse.

      1. I used to sit across from a relatively cute (in a High School way) Mormon girl in school. Sweet girl. Her friend, however (not Mormon) was the biggest bitch in the school (and it was an extremely big school). She stopped talking to me after I called her friend a cunt to her face.

        1. I remember back in high school, the LDS girls I knew had a horrible princess complex. The culture puts them on a pedestal. By the time they are to marry off (22), they lose that. They come to realize that there are not so many good guys out there. Once I became a returned missionary, those “princesses” were falling all over me, trying to seal the deal prior to getting out of college.

        2. You’re a Mormon yourself, no? Don’t have much experience with the males, outside of the field. Had one attempt to recruit me in a barbershop in the middle of 3rd-worldistan. Occasional experiences with far-flung Elders on missions and such.

        3. I converted at 23, went on a mission. Largely, the guys are ignored until they go on their mission. It is a right of passage in the culture. The guys are typically taught to be a beta. Honest, dependable, and all around good guys. But, they will not understand how a woman’s brains function. I understood game when I was a return missionary. That year was easy pickings.

        4. Hey Jim, I follow a lot about what you write about mormons and your experience. I grew up as a devout mormon but left the church when my parents divorced when I was 14. Now, after taking the red pill and leaving one of the most liberal universities in the country, as a 23 year old I see more and more that the LDS church was right, about everything.
          However, I don’t know if I believe in everything it teaches. I think religion is flawed because men are flawed, however I see that it is one of the final remaining strongholds of a strong patriarchy that can save the West from its own self-destruction. I dropped out my senior year of college. I just got fed up with the liberal dogma and its more of a statement for me in that I don’t believe in what that institution represents than an inability to contend intellectually. I’m now going home to help care for my mom (has MS) and help raise my 12 year old brother into a red-pill man as my mom is mentally unstable and her bf is a loser–a Cuban immigrant who got fired from Uber (just to give you an idea). And my dad is a good father but is a blue-pilled af.
          I am now contemplating whether or not I should serve a mission or just live my life as a red-pilled man.. I found that most mormon guys growing up were beta cucks. I remember reading about Nephi and Alma the Younger and those dudes were fucking MEN. Not those sorry pencil necks I’d sit next to in priesthood.
          If I decided to get married I know I want it to be to a virgin mormon girl who comes from a strong intact family. I guess my question to you is your testimony in the church genuine or is it more for the family moral values?

        5. I had a Mormon friend back in high school who did his mission in Amsterdam.
          Can you think of a more pointless, futile place? That’s like doing your mission in Las Vegas!

        6. I hear women are kinda shy to being called a cunt. Oh well. You saved yourself a visit from missionaries.

        7. I sent that bitch into maximum wookadrive. She followed me around for 2 years harrasing me, shit-talking me and calling me names whenever she could. Probably liked me or something.

        8. You know whats ironic about Las Vegas? It was founded by Mormons! And also my hometown.

        9. “However, I don’t know if I believe in everything it teaches”
          I’d say DON’T go unless you are 100% into it.
          It’s much better to be a non-RM then to be the guy who left the mission early.
          It sounds like will perform valuable service for your mother and brother.
          I believe you will be greatly respected by others for not going on a mission if you were to stay to take care of them.

        10. It is possible but there is a lot of competition to get in and all must pledge to live Mormon standards no matter what their religion is.

        11. Thanks Pabo. I definitely resented that aspect of the church the most–the hypocrites. I want to live in the truth as much as possible and if I don’t believe in the teachings 100% than I’d feel like a charlatan preaching and pretending otherwise. I just have an urge to save as many blue-pilled men and families as a I can. I don’t want what happened to my family to happen to anyone else. But I guess I can find other avenues to do that..

        12. I’m in the same boat with you; ex-Mormon that respects and even misses some aspects of LDS life, but I just couldn’t believe the doctrines anymore.

        13. Jesus said the physicians go where the sickness is. I’d think Amsterdam and Vegas are in sore need of a doc in that case.

        14. “Not those sorry pencil necks I’d sit next to in priesthood”.
          I think that is demographics. Go to some small town church in cattle country, and you will find few weaksauce betas. Go to some city, and that is about all you will find.
          I grew up in a rural community, I was the type that loved to go play in the mountains, go four wheeling, large bonfires, break stuff, etc. I am still that way, although family life has tied me down to some extent. I kept wondering why they always put me in Scouts or Young Men, no matter where I moved. Then it dawned on me. They are looking for masculine role models for the boys, not the guys you refer to. We need men to be men. Some guys just don’t get it.
          As far as your question about my testimony being genuine, I would say it is. I don’t think I would have been able to maintain this lifestyle had it just been a show for my family. I grew up agnostic, perhaps atheist. I believed pretty much the science as taught in schools. Then, my sophomore year in college (22), I had an experience that made me question the existence of God. Soon after, I picked up the Bible and started thumbing through. I came across a passage (Matt 7:16) “By their fruits, ye shall know them….” It got me to think about the role of organized religion. At that point, I could have become Amish, had I been living in Pennsylvania. But, where I lived, the Mormon community stood out far and above any others that I known as having traditional family values, minimal hypocrisy, and living the gospel. Earlier that fall (my third year), was when I took out those three Mormon girls in a row by accident. The following day after reading that passage, I called up a Mormon childhood friend of mine and asked if I could go to church with him. Shortly thereafter, I was baptized. The whole process took about a year. It took another year for me to get into the dating pool of traditional women (beyond obligatory first dates).
          The reason I tell you this long winded story is to say that I did it for me. I liked the Mormon girls, and the traditional life they represented. But, you cannot change your life because of a girl and expect all will be hunky dory. If you go that route, you will eventually fall away and have family problems. You have to do it for you.

        15. and they will boot you out for breaking curfew rules, growing a beard, fornication, drinking or whatever. That being said, it is deemed the safest campus in the nation.

        16. If you decide to live the standards and go, despite being a non-member, chances are you will graduate as a Mormon. Happened to a good friend of mine.

        17. I was a teenager in the Navy at the time. I had read a book called The Mormon Murders… about the guy faking historic documents and selling them to church officials and bigwigs in Utah, then using pipe bombs to kill them off and cover his tracks. Anyway, that started me on a path to digging into the background of Joseph Smith, the founding of the church, etc. With what I found I just didn’t believe in it anymore. Like I said, there are things I miss…. the sense of family, the almost Jewish kind of clannishness (“We take care of our own” , that kind of thing), but I just couldn’t believe in the doctrines anymore. I went through my agnostic phase in my 20’s (to the point that my sister in law actually thought I was an atheist), and have since circled back to a kind of Arian Christianity, as I don’t see any real Biblical evidence for the Trinity.

        18. Even with the so-called “beta cucks”, it takes some guts to give up two years of your young life, at your own expense, going to some far off place, and doing a job that’s mostly thankless and gets doors slammed in your face every day.

        19. “The almost Jewish clannishness”
          This is definitely something that I miss. Having that sense of community. Since having left that I have felt a lot more alone in the world.
          How long did you serve in the Navy? I’m actually considering enlisting to try to become a SEAL (I know, typical). I don’t like the idea of being a pawn in US military but being a part of a brotherhood really appeals to me. A real fraternity, not those fake ass ones in college.

        20. true, it is tough.
          But, you can have a beta be tougher than nails, and still be a beta. My dad was a shining example. We had a Dairy farm, he would work 10 hours a day, 7 days a week, doing anything from mechanics, welding, piling hay, milking cows or whatever. He was tough, still he let our mom run over him. She perfected the art of manipulation, and she ran the show in the home, made the financial decisions, and had him do more than 50% of the household chores. I honor and respect the good man my dad is, but I am sad that he has let her run over him like he has. Now retired, he does almost all the household chores, and she watches what she wants on the telly.

        21. I just did a single enlistment. And as for joining up yourself, well, I wouldn’t. One, if you have your heart set on the SEAL’s, be advised that the vast, vast majority wash out before they even reach midway through BUDS training. I knew some very tough-as-nails guys that went into BUDS, and none of them made it out. It takes a special kind to make it. Second, you should reconsider joining simply because the US military really isn’t in the business of defending the United States anymore. It’s a glorified Roman Legion patrolling the fringes of the Empire now, with young Americans dying in useless dirt wars trying to turn savage 3rd world nations into Kansas and Wisconsin because neocons do their own “I have a dream!” thing, and it involves you dying in some sand pit that will never change. When we finally leave Afghanistan and Iraq, it’ll be as if we were never there within a couple of years. Basically, that means our guys died for nothing. As I’ve said elsewhere, if I have my way, I’ll be the last in my family to have served. Because I don’t want my sons enlisting for a country that bans rebel flags and embraces Antifa, but sends our kids off to fight and die so Lockheed can sell more F-35’s and Marco Rubio can virtue signal about purple fingertips.

        22. Thanks for your reply, Jim. I was born in Cedar City, UT then we moved to Vegas when I was 8. I always wonder how my life would’ve turned out had I stayed in mormon country. I love sustainable agriculture (the only hipster value I can get behind) and have always wanted to be a cowboy so maybe a move to cattle country might be an option. I maybe could take on the mormon life similar to how the jew takes on judaism– for the cultural aspect of it. I just love the values and the focus on the family.
          My dad served his mission in Mexico where he met my mom and converted her from Catholicism. I think my mom was just victim to her hypergamy and saw a blonde haired blue eyed missionary as her ticket out of the slums of Mexico City rather than a genuine desire to join the church. She definitely claimed victimhood and discrimination when we lived in Cedar which is one of the reasons we moved. I was a little boy so don’t know how much of this discrimination was real or mere hyperbole..
          Also, you sound like an awesome young mens leader. One of my last influences before I left the church was a FBI Fugitive task force agent who I still think about as one of the most red-pill awesome guys I ever met. I still think about how happy and put together he was: awesome career, hot wife, great kids, in shape, nice house, community leader, always happy. I think living that way is the best F YOU to the system.

        23. There is good and bad in living in Mormon country. I grew up in Oregon (cattle country). Yes, there are less Mormons there, but at the same time, it was a much tighter niche. It was something that set you apart. Here in Utah, you can be next door neighbors to the guy you go to church with, and have little to do with them. Also, I have noticed for the kids, that it doesn’t mean as much. Lots of people go to church because it is the cultural thing to do, not because of their conviction. In Oregon, if someone goes to church regularly, you are fairly certain that they live their religion at home. This is important if you are looking for a girl in this group. A regularly attending girl in Vegas will be more likely the traditional virgin wife material you are looking for, rather than a regularly attending girl in Salt Lake. I know a few guys that got a raw deal by marrying a girl who was in the church only for the cultural aspect.
          But at the same time, Utah is much more kid friendly if you decide that route. Where I live, my kids are allowed to ride their bikes up and down the street, neighbor kids come by, the social aspect is much better in general. If they do something bad, we will hear about it from the neighbors (without the cops).

    2. They aren’t Mennonites, no one is going to shun them. They often date whomever. Do expect to be asked to go to their events though and one day two barely 18 year old “elders” will show up at your door and try to sell you on becoming a god.
      Some of their girls, I swear are used as bait to get you to join the LDS church and once you do they disappear. I have heard this story very often.

  18. A true, believing Mormon woman would not date/marry outside of her religion. Doing so would mean that she could not have a “celestial marriage” in a Mormon temple, and no rational, self-respecting guy would convert to a religion as transparently bonkers as Mormonism.

    1. I’m not a mormon, but I’d say their religion is far less bonkers than atheistic humanism, when it comes to producing whackjobs.

        1. Well, if you call running up a hill in the morning screaming “I’m gonna fuck your eyes out!!!” to a girl tethered to a tree, then yes. Yes he did.
          Certainly more than me, that’s for sure.

      1. You can (convincingly) make the case that Mormonism is a far more innocuous form of BS than leftism, but that doesn’t change the fact that Mormonism is appalling BS that should be viewed with derision.

  19. One interesting statistic is that Mormons have tripled in the United States since the 80’s primarily because they are one of the only white demographics having more then two children. Who would have ever guessed even 10 years ago that Mormons might be the saviors of the white race.
    You really can’t knock their culture that much either when compared to the degeneracy of mainstream Western society. Sure, they have quirky beliefs, but frankly I would take someone who believed Jesus visited the Americas and there was a big giant war between giants in the Mid-West over some blue haired feminist that believes there are no genders and every is equal as long as we just learn to discriminate against the right people.
    Plus Mormons are some of the nicest people out there. Had a friend who was down on his luck and one of his friends, a Mormon invited them into his house and let him stay rent free, also providing him with free board, for the better part of a year. They asked nothing in return and refused to take money when he attempted to repay them a few years later. They invited him to church, but did not pressure him. All they ask was that he respect the rules of the house which meant no smoking, drugs, caffeine, or alcohol. Even told him if he wanted to drink that was fine, please just do it outside the house.
    I don’t think I would ever convert to become a Mormon, but I do respect that they are as dedicated to their lifestyle and religion as they are especially in these modern times.

        1. From the words of Christ, “Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you”

  20. My new GF (three months so far) is an ex mormon but all her family are still practicing. They refer to themselves as LDS and grudgingly accept the term Mormon, though they don’t prefer it.
    To identify an LDS girl, you may hear the words “temple” or “ward” come up in convo. “Missionary,” while not discussing sex is also a clue if she uses it in a sentence. Mentioning coffee is a SURE TELL because even former LDS on the whole hate coffee. Mine has tats but the majority of them won’t, even if they sport other edgy styles like chokers or blue streaks of hair.
    I actually met my gf at a live music event as we both drank beer. She was drinking an IPA which was interesting. Mormons who drink beer and/or have left the church are called “Jack Mormons” btw.
    Those of you in the East probably don’t see LDS a lot but the West is infested with Mormons (conversely, we never see Jews out here).
    Don’t confuse these girls with Mennonites though, mine had never seen a black/white movie til l made her watch Casablanca with me (required viewing for my GFs). She also dresses like any other 27 yr old woman, listens to modern music and her granny, a practicing Mormon, eats 420 brownies like its her job.
    Still though mine hates coffee (she still makes it for me) and still doesn’t really understand the Bible as she was just taught Mormon scriptures and the Bible destroys the Mormon faith (this point is not up for debate btw) but she’s actually pretty rad. She cooks well, (I woke up to breakfast after her first sleepover) she can sew decently, she is super fit and not superficial at all. She wants a strong, alpha male and she is conservative but not political. She is super feminine and expects me to be a man. She also was not a SNL which, though initially a neg ends up being a good indicator since I see her as a more long term prospect.
    An added bonus is that Mormon women really work hard at pleasing you in bed. Many have their share of notches, though not nearly as many as an average modern woman. I’d say that seven to fifteen is a common notch range.
    In summary, these girls are into pleasing men, prefer to be treated like women, want to be led, are trained to be good domestically (not as well as a foreign woman I imagine but better than 90% of US women) and really want to be wives and raise children in a traditional family. The drawbacks are (for me anyway, I’m 41) she wants kids and I already have my own. Plus she really doesn’t understand Christianity but thinks she is a Christian; its hard to witness to someone who thinks they know everything.
    Overall I see LDS women as a really good option for guys who want a traditional woman but not a foreign one. You get a more traditional woman without having to send money back her family in country XYZ and no one gives you that, “Oooh, you are with a foreign woman” hassle.

    1. i’d be like, “hey gran gran, pass some of those pot brownies over to me”

    2. “Jack Mormon” – named after Jack Dempsey, the world champion Boxer from 1919 to 1926. He grew up Mormon but fell away from the church.

  21. If you ain’t an RM you won’t have much chance with a hardcore Mo chick.

  22. I knew one Mormon chick when I was getting my education in the medical field. She seemed happily married and had children. She loved to read the book of Mormon. I was born and raised a Baptist so I was not offend by her beliefs (I just believed in the Bible) so we would not see eye to eye on everything when it came to religion. I was invited to attend a Catholic church by a Catholic girl who had no children etc when I was in school. I think she was raised Catholic. As someone born and raised in the church I had no issues with them. Personally, I prefer most men to stay away from conservative women unless they are serious men and stable. I just see a bunch of men in the world who may just want to find and corrupt these women. The men would have to be a leader TAKE ON GODLY BEHAVIOUR and would have to accept religion is part of her life and the children would be raised spiritually too. In the end when it comes to Western religions YOU HAVE TO PUT GOD FIRST if you are serious about it.

  23. Without multiple wives the religion is pointless and spoiled.
    Communal living is almost perfect, 4-6 adults don’t need any more ‘stuff’ than 1 adult, so the savings on living costs and accommodation are enormous. Then you have the advantages in constant company and shared child care along with the reduction of chores, cooking, housework, and multiple wages coming into the home. It’s all good.

    1. Multiple wives is a great idea, especially for well off males.
      But it only works well if you string them out over many years.
      I have been telling people this for a long time.
      Here is my idea:
      1) When the male is 18, his father brokers a deal for his first wife, who would be 14/15/16 or so.
      2) When the male hits 30/35 or so, and if he is financially able, he gets his second wife — which would always be the same age range – the traditional marrying age for females until about 100 years ago (hmmm, I wonder what happened around 1920?).
      3) Then again at 45/50, and so on and so on until he’s had enough.
      In this manner, the most financially able males (the best providers) are able reproduce, and the older females can share the duties of taking care of the kids and cleaning the house, while the husband goes on vacations with the youngest wife. Everybody wins!

        1. I guess that is why it is better to have more females than males.
          A 10 to one ratio would be good.
          As long as they can never, ever vote.

        2. And how do you suggest we do that? Genocide? How do we determine what males to keep or not to keep? Why can’t you handle just having one wife? Most importantly, can I have threesomes with my multiple wives, which is pretty much the only potential benefit of polygamy, but most polygamous societies seemly don’t permit that which makes the whole institution pretty much pointless.

        3. I have no idea how to achieve that ratio given today’s societies. Perhaps some form of the Spartan Agogi? Of course, in that system, I would have been weeded out as a weakling child.
          Why not one wife? I suppose that would work, if you get rid of alimony and child support, so the 40 yo. bag can’t divorce you and take your money when you fool around with hot young poon. Unless you are happy with a 40 yr old bag, in which case you are either a liar, or a freak with a mommy fetish. Most guys, the overwhelming percent, want hot young girls. Even at 70, or 80. Any guy would choose a 16 yo hottie over a 40 or 50 yo bag any day of the week, if it was available to him. So why not let it be available without the fear of losing all your stuff? You win, by getting the young girl, she wins by getting a good provider, and her family wins when you pay them a fee for her. I don’t see a downside.

        4. “Perhaps some form of the Spartan Agogi? Of course, in that system, I would have been weeded out as a weakling child.”
          Yeah, the system doesn’t seem so great when YOU are the one being weeded out.
          “So why not let it be available without the fear of losing all your stuff?”
          Because the trade off is that you also have a chance of having NO wife.
          “I don’t see a downside.”
          *facepalm* Have you ever considered that maybe YOU might not be the guy getting the wives?

        5. You seem to be under the impression that in polygamous societies these rich men will be better “providers”, but in fact the opposite is true. In historical Mormon society, the rich children have higher mortality rates because the high status males are less invested in their children, here is a quote from the Canadian ruling that upheld the countries ban on polygamy: “The study of historical Mormon polygynous communities showed that the children of poorer men (from the bottom 16% of wealth in that community) had higher survival rates than those of the richest men in the community (from the top 2%). The poor men had an average of 6.9 children survive until age 15. For the rich men, despite having more total offspring than the poor men and having over 10 times the wealth, only 5.5 children survived until age 15 on average.”
          Here is the Canadian supreme court decision btw ( There are plenty of other reasons why it is bad too.

        6. OK. Interesting info. That does make sense on some levels.
          But I see you did not comment about Guys of any age,no matter how old, wanting hot young teen girls. That is not something that will change.
          I can understand a guy “loving” a woman in her 40s/50s/60s out of loyalty, but he will still bang a young girl if he has the chance. Polygamy would be natural in that those urges would not lead to the breakup of families.

        7. Well, income/net worth is the only area in my life that is not a total disaster.
          Yes, I am an omega loser/outcast/reject/misfit/defect of a human life. But I have a certain amount of introvert “intellect” that has allowed me to have a long career as an IT consultant in the Finance industry. Making money is the only thing that has ever come easy to me.

        8. That still doesn’t guarantee you getting a wife. Polygamous societies are typically very corrupt and nepotistic, which means you have zero guarantee you would do as well in one, and it is not just about money, its about connections.

        9. “Guys of any age,no matter how old, wanting hot young teen girls. That is not something that will change.”
          I know it wont, but the solution is to just say no. You can’t have a society like that without an excess of women (which we do not have). The younger people will start rebelling because they either a) don’t want to be paired with an older person or b) want to have a partner but can’t because they are going to a select few of the older people.
          “Polygamy would be natural in that those urges would not lead to the breakup of families.”
          It might. What if the older wife doesn’t want him having sex? What if he gets killed by a younger guy who was in a relationship with that girl? There is a reason monogamous (even serial monogamous) societies are advanced and polygamous societies are generally backward fÜckholes. I mean gee, if that is your idea of such an amazing society, why don’t we just act like bonobos instead? Then EVERYONE gets sex.

        10. And sure, it doesn’t breakup families, but it just ruins them. As the Canadian government showed in their report, there is a statistically significant higher rate of mortality among children. How is that desirable outcome? Maybe old rich men should stop being such fucking wankers.

        11. If your life really has that many problems I would suggest perhaps using something like psychedelic therapy (in a legal setting/jurisdiction of course) to try to reflect on your life.

        12. Interesting.
          An escort I was friendly with for a few years once suggested I do acid with her. I have a certain aversion towards drugs, but I did consider it briefly.

        13. Something synthetic like LSD I wouldn’t do without a drug testing kit though, too often it’s actually meth or some weird home-made shit.

      1. Everybody wins except the 80% of males who have no wife, and the now neglected older wife.

        1. Yep. Read up on the Lost Boys from the radical LDS splinter groups like Warren Jeff’s bunch that still practice polygamy. Basically the old men terrorize the young and chase them out of the compound to keep all the young female flesh for themselves.

        2. My dad who lives international has talked about this. In the modern world polygamy can make unhappy wifeless young men and unhappy women. It made sense in the ancient world. Men went to war, women could die of child birth etc. Therefore the system allowed men to have children and allowed women to have husbands. For example in the Bible if a married woman’s husband died (lets say in battle she usually ended up with the next male relative who would take his bother’s kids as his own).

        3. Exactly. In many of those polygamous societies, those 70% of men end up flying 747’s into lower Manhattan skyscrapers because they have nothing to lose. Monogamy gives everyone in a society something to work for.

        4. Better: man doesn’t get married until 30-35 or so, and marries one woman who is 20-25.

      1. What percentage of males do you think currently end up with no wife?
        (And most of the married and divorced would have been better off never having)

        1. It’s at an all time of high of 18% of males never getting married. But of those, only a fraction are involuntarily celibate, most simple choose not to get married, or choose not to persue a romantic partner/sexual interaction, or in the case of gay people, simply couldn’t get married until very recently. If you think there wont be a shortage of females under polygamy, you are out of your fucking mind.

        2. The divorce rate is around 50%, so if you add 18% never marry + 50% end up single, you get around 70% of men are single in the end.

        3. That is a misuse of statistics, that statistics still counts all the idiots who have 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. marriages, and these MASSIVELY drive up the statistics. First time marriage divorce rate isn’t even 33%. Anyways, divorce rates are due to people having too many sexual partners, people lacking cooperation in relationships, and divorce being too easy to obtain, not monogamy.

        4. You can co-operate as much as you like, but when she wants rid, you will be gone.

    2. Prtiarchy – i.e Western civilsation (and Confuscian Chinese culture) excelled above others for the single reason, that each man was given the chance to have a mate and create a family/ lineage, and it motivated men to put their sexual energy into productivity for their children. Polygamy creates an underclass of unmarried men who are losers; just look at Islam. Polygamy is really a matriarchal form, as it is created by females and their short-term thinking, where they fail to see tat lowering their standards and having an average man, would give them better long term prospects, as the men in society are all being productive. Watch any ideo of polygamy on YT, including ones with Mormans, and you’ll see the dynamic is the wealthy male is a vassell for the collectivist females. This is why oligarchies are polygamous, and why oligarchs are such tyrants, as they express the will of the collective of women, which is always based on greed and malice. Our system is patriarchy and Christianity, which promotes supressing females stupidity and short-term thinking, and gives the superior male the means to plan for his own legacy. The women in this system are socialised to realise that men can plan better, and it pays for them to not be whores/ sluts/ polygamists in exchange for a more productive society, ergo they supress their natural whorish nature in exchange for toys, goods and the like made by men to make living standards better. Look around you; polygamy creates backward societies, and even drags them back into the Stone Age, literally.

    3. Hey, where are the comment section mods? We gotta woman here who needs to get out of this space!

  24. Poll: what do you consider a low notch count ? I say 3 but some of you guys even say 10…

  25. Article A: White Women Are All Filthy Whores There Are No Good Ones Left
    Article B: How To Despoil The Last Few Remaining Good White Girls
    Article C: How I Be Gettin Me Summa Dem White Wimminz?
    Article D: Do You Even Lift, Bro?

    1. Stop whining. Look down and you will see where the blame lies. See it? Good. Own it now. Forgive yourself for letting it get so bad. Cry a little if it helps. Then see the change you want to be. It’s easy to say, not fuckin’ easy to do. I know. Keep at it. Soon enough you will attract that which you truly want. It’s a science.

      1. i agree…the blame for our problems with women lies on men,because women can only get away with what men let them… however-lets remember this. its not just us personally…in some cases,we as men would love to make women act properly by slapping them back into line. BUT,we have a government(made primarily of men) that blocks us from doing so. so,while its mens fault on a universal level,its not necessarily mens fault on a personal level.

  26. If you follow Wife With A Purpose on Twitter, you’ll discover very quickly from her own female Mormon haters that Millennial Mormon girls and Mormon women in the cities and colleges have gone very SWPL Leftist, very fast. There is no church’s women that feminism cannot infect with rot. Mormon girls are becoming as much feminist harpies as anyone else, especially if they’re going to college. Not even BYU is safe anymore.

    1. One only needs to look at Mormon church buildings and motifs to see that it has aways, like JWs, been a Freemasonic sect (to subvert the American system). They’ll be on the cutting edge of every Freemasonic cultural scam.

  27. I thought the same things as mentioned in the article. However, during my Grandfather’s funeral service they complimented him on how much money he gave them. I avoid Mormons at all costs. They are as bad as fundamentalists…

      1. As he should be. She is cute as a button, and she’s well-trained in both ballet and violin. And for a Metal aficionado like myself, many of her fast violin riffs affect me the same way that Metal does.

  28. I had a townhouse once and only rented to Mormons because they pay the rent and keep it clean. Always got tenants to find a church person when they moved out and offered a special discount. Quit advertising publicly after having the place destroyed several times by non-rentpaying but highly entitled moochers.

  29. Well, it looks like somebody finally did it. Finally managed to merge traditionalism with PUA snake oil shit. Had to happen sooner or later

  30. You suckers are going to find out the hard way, that woman is not what she pretends to be.

  31. My grandpa isn’t Mormon, but he married my Mormon grandmother. Even after all these years, my grandmother is heavily involved with church and community activities. Though my father didn’t end up being mormon, my both of my aunts did. Though I wasn’t directly raised Mormon, the family values and Mormon community have definitely influenced me for the better. I have thought about joining the church and finding a husband through them, as I want to have a family one day. The men that I meet are so heavily influenced by American culture and social justice, we seem to be on a different wavelength!

    1. Scroll down and look at the comments about my experience. It is a viable option, took me about a year to go from being agnostic to getting baptized, and another year to get ingrained and accepted into the culture. But, keep in mind that you have to do it for you, not to please some guy.

  32. “The pressure is mounting for Mormon women to cave in to Western degeneracy, and men are at a loss for what to do about it.”
    Like the men aren’t =P.

    1. Tell me about it. Lots of simps in church. Not all bad though, makes it easier to stand out in the crowd.

  33. To the author: As someone from a Mormon background, I am tempted to discourage dating Mormon girls if you are not Mormon.
    I appreciate traditional values, but being a Mormon is way more than just traditional values. It can lead to a life full of misery if you don’t have religious faith. The Mormon church is VERY time-demanding and very invasive.

  34. Your Joseph smith has much in common with Walt Disney. Both members of occult societies – masons. Joseph smith also was a Druidic practitioner.

  35. You’re a genius, but spreading this information risks polluting your own culture. I’m not a mormon, but I’m honestly tempted to convert because I believe their cultural values lead to a better, more successful life.

  36. how about you stay the hell away from the mormon girls if you arent mormon?
    im no fan of mormonism,but as a devout Christian,i(along with the other men in the church)would light a fire under your ass if i caught you trying to come into the church and take away and sexually corrupt our young women(especially the pure virgins),you evil devil!
    a message to Godly men: its time for us to start standing in front of what few good women are out there and protecting them from vicious predators. we men are to be leaders and protectors of the women and children! and a woman cannot become a whore without a man being involved! there are wicked men(and women turned aside after satan) out there,seeking to devour the innocent! these evil people come into our churches to corrupt and defile the innocent! when you see them-confront them,and call them out before the church,and cast them out of the house of God!
    Matthew 13:25
    But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

  37. I’m not certain Mormon girls have a Disney princess complex. Disney movies aren’t unique to Mormon culture – lots of kids (Mormon and non) watch Disney. I think it comes from the fact that in the church, men are taught to respect women. Mormon men generally (or SHOULD, if they’re living the religion the right way) respect their wives. They also respect their daughters. By doing this, young women grow up expecting to be treated the right way. You can’t walk up to a Mormon girl, tell her she has nice T&A, and expect her to fall all over herself for you. Most Mormon girls don’t drink either, so you can’t get her liquored up and then have your way with her in the club’s bathroom.
    So how do you get a Mormon girl? Old fashioned courting. The kind your grandfather probably did with your grandmother. Most non Mormon men won’t be interested… You won’t get to second base until at least a few months out. Then she’ll feel guilty about it. No home base for you either with a GOOD girl, unless you want to marry her. And that’s the way it should be. Good Mormon girls grow up to be good Mormon wives and mother’s, who don’t generally raise little whores. And you don’t want to marry a whore, do you?
    Please, all you man whores out there – don’t use your “game” on these girls. You’ll just end up destroying her. She’ll hate you in the end, but worse, she’ll hate herself for letting you do what you do. It will kill her inside.

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