Baaa, baaa. King Shepherd, we’ve globally killed over 20 million men in our most successful slaughter ever! What should we do next?
Excellent, this world war was better than the last! Begin Operation Domestic. I want my shepherds to use these three tactics…
The issue with promoting a narrative of lies is that you must somehow explain the horrors everyone sees. In the decades to come, as our educational system and political machines come into greater fruition, the broken female population we create must have something for their insanity to cling on to.
- For lonely obese women, their lack of good partners is due to those around them not respecting the truth that every girl is indisputably, innately beautiful.
- For depressed single mothers, their solemn struggle is a commendable form of independence, female empowerment in resistance against the male savages.
- For self-scarring freaks, their uniqueness is worth more than any number of healthy relationships.
- For decaying, unhappy spinsters, their rigid acceptance of the doctrine of independence and materialism is necessary for them to not break down in horrid realization of ruined lives.
Flawed, illogical reasons are comfort enough for their failures. They are conformist creatures who aren’t even capable of mentally comprehending why the sources they’ve trusted since birth would want to lie to them. But they do still retain some amount of that disgusting spark of life called conscience, so we must block out anything too extreme, ahem, progressive. That is why we must use…
Baaaa, sir, I thought we were dominating the world. What could we want to hide?
Silence, sheep. There is a powerful minority of men we must crush first, and even though we shall become the most known force on the planet, there are still many sickeningly content people in First World nations that would be appalled at your, ahem, our practices and beliefs. How am I supposed to get their money and minds if—eh, never mind. As we grow we must still keep the most radical things out of the knowledge of our herds till we are at our final stages.
But maaaaass media reports on everything, doesn’t it, sir?
No, it reports on what I want it to! For example, in the Black Lives Matter movement I intend to create, if a white cop shoots a black man (even better, a teen who had so much to live for!) we need to raise a SHITSTORM.

Do you know what to do if a black cop shoots a black angelic savior?
Baaa, report on it because we objectively believe in equality?
NO! We don’t even think about it! It’s so simple, simply don’t talk about it and nobody knows about it. If you ever even suggest admitting to something like Muslim migrant rape without it being ABSOLUTELY necessary and not defending or attempting to cover-up or falsify it, I will turn your children into veal.
Baaa, sorry sir!
Now then, onto our final weapon, to use only when a culture has completely collapsed.
After a while, once we’ve achieved mental dominance through indoctrination of the majority of entire nations in our systems since birth, all we have to do is release constant confirmation distorting the truth.
Sir, about those Islamic domination plans for Europe, the Muslims have a real rape culture don’t they? Do you expect the people to not even be able to see rape for rape? Is that even possible?
Of course it is, silly sheep. It’s just wild sex in their culture. Hell, I don’t even have to directly tell them that. By that point they’d believe in multiculturalism so much they’ll do it themselves.
We will be able to shit on your faces, ahem, their faces, and teach them to not even bat an eye. As our majority swells, I shall become the supreme master of the world, able to do absolutely anything with my corruption after I destroy the expected resistance. My methods are unstoppable and shall grant me complete, pure power, as they have for generations of my ancestors. This time though, it shall be forever and over the entire world.
Sir, I don’t think we’re intelligent enough to understand these kinds of strategies!
Of course you aren’t! That’s the entire point! You sure do talk a lot for a stupid damned sheep! Now get out of my sight!
Baaaa, yessir!
I attempted to persuade the mad King to stop, but I couldn’t. By the way, this sheepskin is becoming somewhat worn. May I have another?
Absolutely. So, what did you learn?
He said their three weapons were ill logic, concealment, and distortion.
Three? Hell, all we have is truth. All we need is truth. Tell our brothers there is nothing new under the Sun. Tell them to continue to spread the light.
Well their chief weapon is surprise, suprise and fear…..
i though their main weapon was this
I don’t know about you, but I’ll go to war over this. I’m sick and tired of ugliness passed off as beauty, and annoying bitching passed off as comedy.
You have to give it a chance, some of her comedy is ok, check this one out.
Fuckin’ A.
Kneeman you have to take one for the team and seduce Amy Schumer so she stops doing comedy
No can do homie.
To be fair, as far as I can tell she doesn’t actually do any comedy
I would bite the bullet if I didn’t know for a fact that Tercel had been up in there…
The fact she is even considered a “celebrity” IS comedy…
Like most female pop-stars, she’s only famous because she rode the correct dick. And her uncle is Cryin Chuck Jewmer.
but she and anyone can learn to be funny for a mere $375!
“what do you mean my script isnt funny? My comedy professor professor gave me an A-, so I gotta be funny!”
She defines deviancy down.
Now THAT Ian funny
Lol who is Tercel?
I think we’ve spotted the next big money-minter for the useless degree mills.
As in Toyota Tercel where his sorry ghetto ass was conceived…
I hope he at least knows to wish his grandma a happy Mother’s Day
Can I get a bigger shirt and more make-up over here.
If you put a bag on her head this pic doesn’t look to bad….wait…never mind this the bitch who said her pussy smelled like a “small barnyard animal”…
nice trap development
bits like this are part of the soft population control going on- you take your GF to see this crap, you really gonna be in the mood afterwards?
Dude her arms look like Whole bolognas from an old german deli and she has she shoulders of an injured linebacker who is letting himself go to fat
german bolognas? wtf?
I just ate, and you drop that?
I don’t know if she’s funny–never known a woman who was–but oddly enough based on this photo alone if I wasn’t wed I’d hit it. Then take her to Dairy Queen and leave her, she’s be distracted.
“Women aren’t funny”
–John Belushi
With some few very rate exceptions and even with them only particular moments it is true
and this
“I’d prefer a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition than to ever let a woman in my life.” Rex Harrison, My Fair Lady.
Shame….but that is getting old. From the 70’s through 2016, the crass and immoral have somehow been able to call names and alienate those who did not think like them. We are all bigoted homophobes, didn’t you know that?
Then the 2016 election changed that. If there is anything I like about Trump, it is his ability to throw it right back at them.
It’s funny, because they never seem to even consider that they’ll ever be opposed.
As a for instance, one of their chief weapons is “white guilt”. Since these are scummy people, naturally, one must oppose them…but what do you fight back with? The antidote to “white guilt” is…wait for it….”white pride”. Which, when writ large, is an extremely potent force.
Think about all of the things that we no longer even bat an eye over due to their hyperventilation: actual racism, sexism, sexual assault, violence, etc. is no longer even taken seriously. These clowns have handed their enemies the weapons with which they’ll be beaten.
Maybe, or maybe they want to invoke white pride while invoking fear of white pride on the other side.
Yes. Their diabolical psychiatrists figured out how to divide us right down the middle.
agreed, even good ol’ patriotism is a strong antidote. If the Americans, British and Germans were willing to stand up when some whiny liberal complains that their country is the “great oppressor”, it would go a long way to correct things. You know what the world would be like if those nations never existed? Think Africa.
I think the antidote for fear-based pseudo-morals like ‘white guilt’ or ‘white-pride’; is respect and empathy.
“If there is anything I like about Trump, it is his ability to throw it right back at them.”
I’ve been throwing it back at them all my life (52). Problem is they have support and I don’t. For some reason, every time I break on one of those fools and show them the error of their ways, everybody sympathizes with them. Other times, when I can’t show them the error of the ways, I insult them with a barrage of songs and nicknames and rhymes I make up about them on the spot.
They get mad at me. Many of them hate me forevermore. But you know what’s written in the Bible…Let the heathen rage!
Agreed, I have too. but it is rare in the media spotlight.
If their weapon is Bill Nye and that Rachel Bloom with that “My sex junk oh oh oh” disaster performance then I must admit I expected better adversaries.
In fact, that we have not defeated globalism and their degenerate movements is only due to us defeating ourselves first.
Do you think Roosh “sought approval” for his actions and life before setting out to create the sites he created and wrote the books he has written?
Funny thing about our side is, we sit around waiting “for the right time” or “when the people are ready” when our ideals, the concept of “patriarchy” and the values (family, stoicism, etc.) in orbit around it do not need the approval of sheep and women. We do not need permission to be free. When someone asks me why I have a gun, I don’t cuck out and say “well, because criminals…” I say “Because I can”. Leftists who have asked just stared in wonder at this reply as they cannot compute it.
We defeat ourselves before the battle. We are like martial artists who practice in the dojo every day but then get surprised when someone without a certification in face punching gives us a black eye. Notice how the “others” do what they want whenever they want and do not apologize? Do the muslims do that? The Russians? Did the colonialists do that in the 1770s? Did the communists do that in their long marches across nations? Do the leftists do it now? (heck they push their negatives harder – they double down).
Just today I heard a “Conservatism Inc” radio host say “What Trump did to Comey had bad optics”? Looked bad? To who? The leftists who, no matter what we do, hate us and want to see the president and the United States fail? Do they care that we have a seething hatred back for them? No. Why should we care how anything looks TO THEM? Why should we care what they think? They have us conditioned to be self-conscious (in their words, notice the word game? Oh you don’t care you must not be conscious you shitlord!) of what they think.
Fuck these people.
What happens in any argument with a feminist? They say “what’s the matter, can’t get laid?” or my favorite “Have fun getting a girl after this”. As if the cunt at hand has some “Borg” connection with every other woman on the planet.
It’s us who are cowed by decades of brainwashing and conditioning. Look at men who just need some gym time with fatties in tow, taking crap from them, because God forbid they turn down “any pussy” they fear they wake up gay the next day sucking dicks against their own will and crying the whole time.
No more waiting for “the right time”. You make these times right and press on.
(oh and Free Kekistan)
If we wanted to, we’d have won this battle already. Instead of desiring, we simply wish and hope.
in Game, we learn that we have the power to make the moment appear. We can create the opportunities, if only we work hard enough at it. There is no “tomorrow,” only “today.”
Make a change today. If we all make a little change today, every day, the enemies of sanity and liberty will stand no chance.
EDIT: And FREE KEKISTAN! Too long have normies oppressed the humble meme farmers!
This, my friend, is why “game” is the key. If every man knew game, he would not wait for anything.
Think about how military service is talked up as “building you up”. I heard it all the time: “I have been doing things I never thought I could do!”
And I heard that from people who were BETAs to the MAX! Guys who could to wonderful military shit, but ended up with a big fat ugly wife who would divorce rape them anyway.
But game… finding yourself actually with the most intimidating thing in the world (a natural 9 or maybe a 10 if you find one) getting fucks and having none to give… THAT is better than being marched to some school and given orders.
Think about it. Heck Roosh tries to get men to meet up with each other and look at what the leftists did. I read the book. It’s plain and clear what the leftists are afraid of: they are afraid we might realize our chains are made of wet paper.
I’m building a small cell out in the liberal town I currently occupy. For a while it’s just been me and a natural-alpha veteran, but I recently stumbled across a couple of fans of RSD and have been working on them.
This is what they fear. From one to two, from two to four, from four to eight, and so on until the entire town is redeemed.
Redemption is paid for in blood…
“… they are afraid we might realize our chains are made of wet paper.”
The only thing that limits a man is the man, himself.
Your whole comment is true. Thanks for reminding us.
Hardly, showing up in the public square to demand an end to our Marxist Rule will do the trick. Hundreds in each town, thousands in cities and millions across the nation.
Idealism is great for Sunday mornings…
What is Kekistan?
Back to reddit, jewish normie.
Hey shitbird!
I’m not jewish. I don’t know what reddit is. And it’s an honest question…What is kekistan? If you can’t answer the question at least keep your fucking mouth shut.
Thank you.
Where can I get one of those flags?
“Sie haben früher gelacht, diese Juden. Sie haben es für einen Spaß gehalten, sie lachen heute nicht mehr. Sie wissen, es ist ein blutiger Ernst.” – Adolf Hitler
Translation: ‘They laughed about it, these jews. They thought it was a joke, they aren’t laughing anymore. They now realize the gory seriousness of the situation.’
Hitler perfectly described memetic warfare.
True, they do not understand freedom, everything must be “because” well fuck that. This is a human battle, and in the end, everyone is stupid, so things get dragged out for unnecessarily long periods of time.
Yep. They were winning because we let them win.
The lesson from the past 3 years is: “It was always this easy.”
I like your entire comment here. And I agree with every word of it. Allow me to add an insight or two!
“In fact, that we have not defeated globalism and their degenerate movements is only due to us defeating ourselves first.”
I think for far too long, we would elect a leader like Ronald Reagan or, now, Donald Trump. As soon as he gets sworn in, we turn our back to the plow and start having fun, not worrying too much about the state of our nation, and trusting HIM to make sure that everything is going to be alright. This is how we defeat ourselves, in one way.
Go downtown and march with other decent citizens for your rights.
Upvote for the Borg reference.
They’ve got lots of weapons (click to enlarge):
Back at it I see. Keep up the good work don’t ever change Bob!
Grazie my good friend…
“It is horrible to think that the world could one day be filled with nothing but those little cogs, little men clinging to little jobs and striving towards bigger ones – a state of affairs which is to be seen once more, as in the Egyptian records, playing an ever-increasing part in the spirit of our present administrative system, and especially of its offspring, the students. This passion for bureaucracy … is enough to drive one to despair. It is as if in politics … we were deliberately to become men who need “order” and nothing but order, become nervous and cowardly if for one moment this order wavers, and helpless if they are torn away from their total incorporation in it. That the world should know no men but these: it is such an evolution that we are already caught up, and the great question is, therefore, not how we can promote and hasten it, but what can we oppose to this machinery in order to keep a portion of mankind free from this parceling-out of the soul, from this supreme mastery of the bureaucratic way of life.”
Max Weber (1864–1920), German economist and sociologist; regarded as one of the founders of modern sociology. In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904–05), he argued that there is a direct relationship between the Protestant work ethic and the rise of capitalism.
Oppose the machinery- escape, like hope, in one of Kafka’s infamous remarks, might be in abundance in the heavens, but, for modern man there is none.
I call it the “Indiana Jones Effect” because Indy (like many/most/all of us) had absolutely no impact on the outcome of the unfolding of Raiders/Reality. If he sat on his ass in his mothers basement and smoked weed the results would have been the same. The Nazi’s would have found and acquired the Ark, took it to the island, evoked the Wrath of God and had their faces melted off by the Angel of Death. Whether or not Jones cracked his whip, fired his .45 or fired up another bowl of chronic the end result would have been the same. Sad, fucking sad…
Do you really live in a log cabin? There’s a dude in Colorado who’s done this since 1975- got pissed off with the modern world and went to live in the mountains by himself since then- he seems to love it- and he keeps excellent (hand written) records of snow levels which the USGS now use for much of their work on climatology.
Totally! I built with my own two hands back in 1884. And yea, I knew the dude. His name was Jeremiah Johnson. Unfortunately for him I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti…
The only one of the founders of sociology I could stomach.
Glad I quit sociology.
CNN had lost a credibility
CNN is dead, or should be. Revoke their FCC broadcasting license.
“They” always win, by win I mean they always destroy.
The masses never listen to reason and truth because they cannot. After just over a century of coerced public education, the typical adult American deigns to even read 1 book per year. One. Book. A year.
After the last 70 years of being trained by television to never keep any thought in their heads longer than 30 seconds, the typical American adult finds it difficult to string a coherent sentence together, much less a paragraph, or follow a 2, 3, or 4 step logic sequence.
They can’t understand history; they never read it. They can’t understand any ideas based on logic; they never think about anything.
Truth wins after the calamity has befallen, but the victory is temporary. Truth is eroded by each successive generation until another calamity is engineered.
The road to power over others is an appeal to emotion; always has been. Appeals to reason, logic, humility, and restraint fall to the ground, are pressed into oblivion by the tramping of the herd rushing about to the tune of their masters.
The reward of the few who provide everything needful for human continuance is the knowledge of their contribution. Nothing more. Few of them will be famous, or lauded by the masses. Obscurity awaits most of the remnant, but their efforts enable human life to continue; that is the reward.
This is the truth.
In fact, their 3 most powerful weapons are:
1. ‘Education’, especially ‘higher education’.
2. MSM
3. Hollywood.
It won’t be long before these fell beasts can no longer bear the burden their shaky foundations sought to build.
Turn them off. I ditched cable so I wouldn’t be paying for our sick Leftist reporters.
You are well behind the curve if you only recently ditched cable.
I saw this shit around my neighborhood lately. Apparently, we are glad to have you as a neighbor as long as you come from Mexico or the Middle East. WTF
That’s in your neighborhood?
Yeah it’s spreading out from around the greater DC area. I am outside of that, but I have seen 2 of these signs already.
Well, America is a nation built on welcoming emigrants. That’s the lacuna in your history and no matter what the status quo will always repeat this mantra to the red-necks! After all, you’re just racists, bigots and xenophobes, aren’t you!
I hope you can overcome the infestation of your hood, Darth Vader.
I wish I could say since I live in the Dirty South it can’t happen here. Truth is too many of my fellow Southerners are idiots, too.
Thanks for showing me the sign. Good weekend to you bro!
None of the above and in the beginning they (the Fed) were more selective of who could immigrate here. Nowadays, if you promise to deal drugs, murder people, and commit terrorism, then you can come here.
Thanks. You too Edward!
In the auld days any old jack could turn up on the new York piers and gain entrance. Hell, if you were white, you didn’t even need to know a word of the queen’s tongue!
I don’t honesty believe your last sentence- that’s just silly hyperbole- what’s wrong with hard working Chinese, Latinos who want to come and add value to the American economy?
I wish I had the copy handy, but for the first seventy or eighty years of the American Republic, TRUE white people were the preferred stock to immigrate to the US, but there were nationalities that the Fed preferred to let in; English, German, Swede, Irish, etc., at various periods of time.
As for hard-working Chinese and Latinas (preferred over Latinos), when they arrive here legally I have no trouble accepting them.
In fact, a very good friend of mine came here 12 years ago from Romania. He won a lottery the US State Department has for those who want to come here and live for a couple of years. He decided to become a citizen and stay in the USA. Sometimes, I would help him with US History.
Anyway, Smoking Jacket, I don’t smoke in the house. So I am going on my front porch and enjoy a smoke for about 5 or 6 minutes. Have a great weekend.
So, beaners and arabs are the pre-approved invasion force? I see…
Hey, enjoy the smoke and the clear sky above…great thoughts arrive in such spaces . Have a good one too,
Thank you. And after a day of storms in Louisiana, the sky is clearing up. Have a great weekend Sir.
There’s nothing wrong with those people who want to come here to be AMERICANS. It’s the whole multicultural BS we don’t like.
multi-ethnic is fine, multi-cultural is bad
in fact, those are pre-requisites. i have good friends from canada that have a great deal of trouble coming to America, but a Somalian gangster can waltz right in as if he owns the place. truly FUBAR.
oh and footing the welfare bill. and the healthcare bill. and paying for those that wind up in jail. and then paying for more police and security because of said immigrants. the list is just endless. this is the takedown of America.
I was goofing-off when I wrote those pre-requisites. I am sad to hear that maybe they are too close for comfort to be the truth.
Now I live in Thailand. Consider this: I have to pay $1,000 per year for a visa. This is a very effective screening tool. Also, working here as a foreigner is very difficult and obtaining a work permit is quite expensive. This basically rules out virtually every deplorable/economic “migrant” from coming here. Thailand actually looks out for the people of Thailand.
I intend to move to Costa Rica. I am learning more about the place and people. And I am learning Spanish.
Based on your comment here, it looks like Thailand does look out for its people. The US government should try that sometimes.
I hope you enjoy living in Thailand. And thanks for your comments. Good day to you Sir.
Destroy them, if you can get away with it.
There’s probably a warehouse somewhere with thousands of those signs printed up. They were probably prepared pre election. It was the plan with Hillbeast for I-95 to look like this:
It’s still a plan with NGO’s, churches and other globalist traitors to try to force the sanctuary designation regardless of Trump’s declaration to de-fund sanctuary cities. I’ve still got one or two fingers crossed that Trump will beat (drain) out his insider establishment cronies and roll ahead with the draining. Otherwise whoever puts up the signs needs followed up the chain and exposed. #never Trumpers are rabid to deal with and are to the globalist left like what the soverign citizen is to the alt right. Taking that into account, the line in the sand has already surpassed requisites for civil war. These are strange days never before seen when such a divided populace lies idle with record breaking amounts of doping, bread and circus and awash in total virtual stimulation, propaganda and lies. It’s like a big black widow’s web everywhere.
The hope is nice to hold onto. That Trump is just playing along right now until the time is right to double-cross his puppet masters in one fell swoop. He has everything to lose and nothing to gain for doing so. But only a man his age would be apt to do something so incredibly courageous. He would be risking his family including his milfy wife and his billions of fiat dollars. His planning needs to be more calculated than 9/11 to even win one battle. If a bunch of cave-men successfully committed history’s most devastating attack on the west, this should be a piece of cake, right?
Waiting for the world to end or for a saviour to save us? You’ve already lost.
People have always been terrified of things they couldn’t see/explain. That’s why religion is such a powerful tool for controlling the masses.
In retrospect, the imaginary/invisible power was always the real power while the “real” power was nothing but a puppet so that people had someone to blame.
The most important weapon of the Globalists is being organized as an invisible government, which makes them even more powerful, terrifying and unreachable.
Just imagine Kafka and his Castle.
I’m gonna say it…I’m gonna say it…….”Niggers!”
Religion uses all three.
It seems like the major weapon of the left and the right is the same: saying mean things on twitter. The whole things seems thoroughly rediculous. People should use the weapon of growing up
That’s actually a good advice. And honestly, I can’t phantom how anyone can stay on twitter or facebook for more than a day without their head exploding. The level of condescension, narcissism and moral high ground people take on those platforms is off the charts.
I don’t have either twitter or Facebook but when I hear people talk about twitter they are so passionate about what some stranger said and their response and the response to the response. Frankly it frightens me a bit. I’m all for some good fun trolling but the levels of seriousness this shit is given really shows a dangerous undercurrent and how so many people both right and left are really just a bunch of losers
People need to get mad as hell:
I guess that’s one way. I think better to not get so mad, to look around and see all the great stuff the world has to offer and to enjoy it. It’s a lot better out there than the doomsayers and lunatics on either side seem to think
I like your optimism. Guess I’ve been hanging around Daily Stormer too much.
That’s a problem, really. If you take a couple of bad things and just bla bla bla about them to death you can really get a sense that things are terrible. Meanwhile, its angreay world out there
Good point. If you look through shit-stained glasses, everything will look like shit.
Majjhima Nikaya 19, “Whatever a monk keeps pursuing with his thinking and pondering, that becomes the inclination of his awareness.”
It’s true and I’m not saying the world is perfect but I would remind you that time is a finite commodity and there is enough good to busy you for a lifetime
I’ll keep that in mind.
Arguing is a waste of energy. Anger is a motivational energy, but is a draining one. Be happy, enjoy life. Everyday above ground is a great day.
Well said.
Not a bad idea. If the ideological fight between Americans and leftists came to blows it would be over in a matter of minutes, as the latter suffer from hopolophobia.
Meh. I think they are all pretty lame
The people saying mean things on twitter aren’t fighting any battles other than the battle for their own meaningless self-gratification, imo.
If you want to fight, stop wanking online and actually fight.
For the Canadians on board