White Liberals Love Getting Robbed By Black Men

As the proverb goes, a conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged, but now we’re seeing liberals using their mugging as an opportunity to preach for social justice. Not long ago, Oliver Friedfeld wrote an article for The Hoya (Georgetown University’s student newspaper) called “I Was Mugged, and I Understand Why“. If a couple of the article’s many scathing commenters are correct, he was a sociology major.

Here’s what happened

Last weekend, my housemate and I were mugged at gunpoint while walking home from Dupont Circle. The entire incident lasted under a minute, as I was forced to the floor, handed over my phone and was patted down.

The “understanding why” part begins right after:

And yet, when a reporter asked whether I was surprised that this happened in Georgetown, I immediately answered: “Not at all.” It was so clear to me that we live in the most privileged neighborhood within a city that has historically been, and continues to be, harshly unequal. While we aren’t often confronted by this stark reality west of Rock Creek Park, the economic inequality is very real.

I too am alarmed about increasing disparities of wealth in today’s society, but that’s not a good reason to stick a gun in someone’s face. More followed concerning income inequality, and then…

Dude, they could’ve shot you

His evening might have been ruined even more.

What has been most startling to me, even more so than the incident itself, have been the reactions I’ve gotten. I kept hearing “thugs,” “criminals” and “bad people.” While I understand why one might jump to that conclusion, I don’t think this is fair.

Not once did I consider our attackers to be “bad people.” I trust that they weren’t trying to hurt me. In fact, if they knew me, I bet they’d think I was okay. They wanted my stuff, not me.

I’ll concur with Will Rogers that a stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet (well, usually). Still, robbing people who might otherwise be your friends—or at least okay—is way not cool. More likely, they considered him and his housemate prey. In any event, the thieves certainly weren’t concerned about what was fair for their victims.

This illustrates an unfortunately common blind spot. Liberals (particularly moderates) tend to be gentle people and strongly prefer to associate with others like them. Thus, confirmation bias leads them to believe everyone is pretty much just like them. Regarding exceptions, they believe that damaged people must be caused by a damaged society.

As item 22 in Hammurabi’s Code puts it:

If any one is committing a robbery and is caught, then he shall be put to death.

One could argue that the traditional penalty from the 18th century BC through the 18th century AD was a bit harsh. Still, the point is that theft has been illegal since forever. It made it into the Ten Commandments too. Thus, a thief is by definition a criminal. Committing armed robbery does, in fact, make someone a bad person. That involves the threat of lethal force, which will be more than just a threat if things turn ugly.

It gets better (well)…

While I don’t know what exactly they needed the money for, I do know that I’ve never once had to think about going out on a Saturday night to mug people.

Being familiar with many dope fiends and the extremes they go to for their insatiable cravings, I have some ideas.

I had never before seen a gun, let alone known where to get one. The fact that these two kids, who appeared younger than I, have even had to entertain these questions suggests their universes are light years away from mine.

Pro tip: there are stores where you can buy guns, quite helpful for self-defense. Anyway, it all comes down to choices. Mr. Friedfeld chose to pursue higher education; the punks who robbed him chose crime. So different universes is about right. Then after some hand-wringing over his background versus their assumed lack of privilege:

When I walk around at 2 a.m., nobody looks at me suspiciously, and police don’t ask me any questions. I wonder if our attackers could say the same.

Well, anyone regarding the two thieves suspiciously is correct. And then:

Who am I to stand from my perch of privilege, surrounded by million-dollar homes and paying for a $60,000 education, to condemn these young men as “thugs?” It’s precisely this kind of “otherization” that fuels the problem.

Thug is as thug does. If those kids are concerned with “otherization”, they can find an honest way to make money. Finally, I’m afraid Mr. Friedfeld wasted $60K.

While speaking with a D.C. police officer after the incident, he explained that he too had come from difficult circumstances, and yet had made the decision not to get involved in crime. This is a very fair point—we all make decisions. Yet I’ve never had to decide whether or not to steal from people.

Here he’s close to making an epiphany, but it slips from his grasp. I’ve faced starvation before, first at 22 and again after the Superboy the CEO incident. I never stole groceries, but if death came too close, I might’ve swallowed my pride and applied for food stamps.

The conclusion, just when you thought it couldn’t get worse:

The millennial generation is taking over the reins of the world, and thus we are presented with a wonderful opportunity to right some of the wrongs of the past. As young people, we need to devote real energy to solving what are collective challenges. Until we do so, we should get comfortable with sporadic muggings and break-ins. I can hardly blame them. The cards are all in our hands, and we’re not playing them.

I’ll just say one thing here. The words that freed my mind from liberalism so long ago were: “It’s not your fault.”

Now for something more sensible

As Theodore Dalrymple put it:

The language of prisoners in particular teaches much about the dishonest fatalism with which people seek to explain themselves to others, especially when those others are in a position to help them in some way. As a doctor who sees patients in a prison once or twice a week, I am fascinated by prisoners’ use of the passive mood and other modes of speech that are supposed to indicate their helplessness. They describe themselves as the marionettes of happenstance. […]

As it happens, there are three stabbers (two of them unto death) at present in the prison who used precisely the same expression when describing to me what happened. “The knife went in,” they said when pressed to recover their allegedly lost memories of the deed.

The knife went in—unguided by human hand, apparently. That the long-hated victims were sought out, and the knives carried to the scene of the crimes, was as nothing compared with the willpower possessed by the inanimate knives themselves, which determined the unfortunate outcome.

Their evasions aren’t too different from the hamster logic that society (not criminal behavior) causes crime. The sociological rationalization removes free will and moral agency, regarding people as automatons.

We can choose good over evil—and indeed we should—but we’d better be aware that the world can be a harsh and unforgiving place. The instinct to defend ourselves and our kin is hard-wired into us biologically. If we’ve been attacked, it’s perfectly natural to feel anger, not guilt or bleeding-heart concern for the attackers. It’s difficult to imagine that ideology can short-circuit all this, but as we can see, it happens. The sociology professors are wrong: suicidalism is not righteousness, and they need to stop enabling criminals with these excuses.

Despite our different perspectives, I wish Mr. Friedfeld well, and earnestly hope that further reflection will clarify things and bring enlightenment.

Read More:  How Our Government Is Sanctioning A New Kind Of Tyranny

380 thoughts on “White Liberals Love Getting Robbed By Black Men”

  1. Oliver is still getting mugged by something even worse than a street urchin sticking a gun in his face and stealing his phone. Georgetown University is robbing him blind.

  2. I too am alarmed about increasing disparities of wealth in today’s society, but that’s not a good reason to stick a gun in someone’s face.
    Why not, in an increasing selfish society you do as the Romans do, right?
    After all, it’s more masculine to do that than to try and earn money the feminine way like the most jobs today – banking, IT, blogging, all sort of clerks jobs, etc, etc.

    1. IT is hardly feminine. There aren’t many good female programmers/sys admins etc.

        1. Gah the only time I had a female superior I absolutely hated her and actually got fired by that ugly bitch.

    1. True. Diversity is preserved by separation not by mixing people together which destroys it.

    2. LOL to be fair, these colours are what you get when you separate white light into its components through a prism…

    1. I was thinking about, would he think the same if he was raped, too?
      Would a Liberal be feeling sorry for his rapists having to resort to raping a man, due to their lack of Game skills with women or looks or wealth or status or whatever?
      And honestly, I did not except this outcome.
      I could never have imagined.
      This is beyond me, makes no sense, does not compute.
      This is some Other. Inhuman.
      So, we are supposed to follow the leadership of these people and internalize their way of thinking, because this is “good”, this is “progressive”?
      FUCK THAT!
      And not only that.
      These people should be in no position to excert any sort of influence over us and our societies!

      1. People like this should be locked in a cell with their rapists so that they (the rape victims) can reach maximum masochistic virtue-signaling status by being raped repeatedly. Then they and their rapists should be deported together to the rapists’ home countries and never be allowed to return. Or better yet, hang them all publicly.

        1. I am starting to think that putting them together in a cell and NOT letting them rape him would be a much more severe and infinitelz more cruel but much deserved punishment…

  3. Perfect illustration of the cuck mentality: no will to stand up for integrity, plus unlimited energy to moralize against those who will.
    Anybody else think he got off on being mugged?

    1. People with this mentality are the kind of ppl who make excuses for open marriages and cuckolding. “Who am I to tell her who she can or can’t love?” Eww.

      1. And despite the outwardly meek standing many of them are also quick to dispense that kind of advice to anyone within range…the femme-positivist lecturing of insipid neutered pseudo-males reveals a grating talent of the weak-minded. That they irritated the shit out of you is all the “win” they were looking for. Ewww is right.

  4. “They wanted my stuff, not me.”
    LOL! If it were a woman, I’m sure she would say, “They wanted my pussy, not me.”

    1. If he had been raped, he’d have blamed the “evil white patriarchy” for putting his assailant in the position of having to rape him.

        1. “Who knows what horrible things that man has been through to be in such a state of sexual emergency! If he believes my body will provide him with release and satisfaction, I will be honored to comply! I will just put up some token resistance so that he doesn’t think I’m a slut!”

        2. Way ahead of you. I’m getting massive Botox injections in my lips this afternoon, man. And some skin dye…

        3. Take another look at the jaw and the hands… that’s a man, baby.

        4. I wouldn’t put money on what gender (sorry, there is no gender), uh, I wouldn’t put money on what any person is these days. You never know for sure until you unwrap ’em.

        5. I’d satisfy her desire by tossing her into a pit full of Somalian pirates.

        6. She’d probably like it, even if they killed her…these women have a death wish, I think.

        7. Yes just like that!
          That poor Iraqi refugee hasnt gotten laid in 4 months!
          Thank God that young boy was there to offer his mouth and anus to that poor Muslim man.

        8. a somali accent is very similar to a new england accent; probably why the state dept is dumping so many there- they will blend in more easily

        9. You can hardly tell the difference!
          “Clam chowdah” sounds uncannily like “click click click”

    1. low T for younger men is real, and no one is doing anything about it

        1. maybe you can be the physics/crossfit combo tutor? bring the sledge hammer and that giant tire along for every session

        2. How do these pussies get laid ? Shouldn’t a woman be turned off by the way he looks and the bullshit he spits out of his mouth ? I ask because these types seem to be doing fine with women in the universitary areas. It is enraging.

        3. Birth control pills?
          They make women prefer beta males. Tricks the women’s physiology into thinking she is pregnant, which makes her more interested in men who are no threat to her during the reproductive process.
          Didn’t know these guys were getting laid though.

        4. Have you never noticed how teen girls fantasise about “cute” guys? How did Justin Bieber become a thing?

        5. Maybe. Yeah these fuckers are getting laid. The “dreamy” liberal pencil necks get the college pussy while kebabs clean up the trash. That is kind of how the sexual market works in the German city I live in.

        6. I know. But it’s supposed to be different. It looks so shitty when you see these college fags walking hand to hand with women who look like they could be their mothers.

        7. Perhaps being dumb and weak has become a status symbol.
          If these kids can afford to be so stupid, they must be high status.
          Having to work and think is for plebes.

        8. Why does everyone think these guys are straight? He and his “housemate” are obviously gay.

        9. I think A LOT of what makes Bieber a sex symbol is wealth and fame at a relatively young age. I mean Vern Troyer (mini-me) has probably banged more 10s than many us have.

        10. I think there’s something to this. In centuries past it was a status symbol to be pale, meaning you weren’t outside doing manual labor all day. Larger women were also valued because it meant their families had wealth to feed their children a decent amount.
          So if a dude has a pencil neck and hasn’t stepped out of his ivory tower to experience the real world, then perhaps this could be seen as a status symbol by SWPL types.

        11. These guys are getting laid alright. Getting Charles Dickens-ed by each other while probably claiming they are just “experimenting”.

        12. Exactly this ^^^
          And probably close to 100% of college age girls are on the pill even if they aren’t sexually active.

        13. We went from Kid Rock to Justin Bieber, from DMX to Pharrell Williams

        14. Mini-Me Troyer is a way bigger alpha than Mike Myers ever was. Little man got some serious game; he made it cool again (?) to be a short stack.

        15. the times have changed: these seemingly gay males may in fact be hetero

        16. Well, they have to be, don’t they? All the white girls are being banged out by the Asians, right?

        17. Shit, even some dykes I knew in my college days were on the pill. You know, just in case they happened to be “raped” by an evil male. 😉

        18. Lol. Asians crap their pants around creatures other than other asians , let alone fuck white women.

        19. Exactly this. This is especially true for Asians. Asian male fashion / aesthetics are even more androgynous / effeminate than for whites. The more feminine and delicate a male appears, the clearer it is he is white collar and college educated (and hence higher status). They don’t want to look masculine (which is associated with being blue collar and poor).

        20. They want to be 100% sure they don’t reproduce: having a baby is seen as the worst fate that can befall them

        21. Who in their right mind would even consider raping a butch dyke? Maybe a gay guy? I don’t know.

        22. But this is like an alpha fucks/beta bucks thing, right? The pencil necks are for security, but the women secretly desire a blue collar brute on a primal level?

        23. I doubt it. As someone else mentioned, almost all these girls are on the birth control pill which not only kills their libido but also alters what type of men they are attracted to.

        24. An Asian chick told me that there’s a husband type guy, and a boyfriend type guy. Straight from the horse’s mouth what goes on in a chick’s head.

        25. These women believe their own narrative: there are plenty of masculine men who are also intelligent, well educated, hard working etc

        26. No, they don’t really believe they will get raped. They take the pill just in case they get some guy drunk enough to “accidentally” fuck while their bull dyke girlfriends are tuning up the 4×4.

        27. You are up to smth here. I remember from the English class that this huge slut Madame Bovary , from a famous roman with the same name , fell in love with a doctor and married him because he had white smooth hands like those of women , unlike the big ugly hands of the workers. So bitches don’t really care about masculinity , just status ?

        28. Why cheat a good lion out of a decent meal?
          This would be like giving him tofu…

        29. Because I get fed up with people saying white men have it the best when I see with my own eyes that asian males have it much, much better.
          It’s like your parents giving you a box of broken toys (action figures with missing arms, toy cars with missing wheels) and telling you that all kids have the same toys when I can see the kids across the street have a brand new shiny bicycle.
          I wouldn’t mind being given a raw deal (a culture that hates me, women who hate their own men and lack femininity, etc) if the reality were acknowledged.

        30. Yeah, next week, old Ollie is going to be writing an article about how getting ass-raped by two “unfortunate” in the park doesn’t make him gay, even if he enjoyed it and went back again for more.

        31. sigh…….
          Wally, you have a great many gifts and advantages. Focus on and cultivate them rather than stewing on what others may or may not have gotten.

        32. To quote Ralph Nader: “If you’re not turned on to Gooks, Gooks will turn on you.”

        33. The Peach Bandit doesn’t “cultivate” anything. He lets other suckers do the cultivating and then he swoops in and steals their largesse muahahaha

        34. Some dude I know says “you can have a german woman only for a night , so it’s not worth trying at all”.

        35. Very good Native Balkanian. That’s why they do it. It’s a reproductive strategy.

        36. You know…I’m high T as fuck and look werewolf with my chest hair…and all the girls that want to fuck me are using some fancy birth control and not the pills…Girls who take the pills are disgusted by my manliness and have small, slim boyfriends.
          There is some truth to this theory.

        37. go look up anonymousconservative.com/blog he describes it in detail. And I agree with you, no good comes of it. It’s very sad. Look at the photo of the person they are talking about, his eyes are dead. These are miserable, unhappy people.
          But knowing what is happening is how future generations will be able to short circuit the process.

        38. Yes and the girls who have been attracted to me were all against pharmaceuticals (favored natural medicines etc) and weren’t on the pill

        39. Women care about masculinity only at the time of the month they’re ovulating. That’s when they want the best genes. Betas are to help raise the bastard kid.

        40. Knew a white girl who was engaged. She wasn’t engaged anymore within 5 months of meeting an Asian guy who was studying with her in law school.

        41. Maybe these women want to stick with their own tribe. If their kid is a hybrid, her tribe would look down on her.

        42. yes, and the birth control pill makes it so they never ovulate hence they never feel attracted toward masculinity

        43. Hypergamy right before your eyes.
          Guys should realize that even though a girl’s engaged or married, she would still bang you on the side if she knows she could get away with it. AWALT.

        44. Shit happens. I’ve seen an asian male-white female combo maybe once or twice. I’ve never seen a white male-asian female couple in my life. And I hang around in a very multi-national corner. As a rule , very rarely do Asians interact with other types of humans.

        45. True. In real life it manifests into “I will stick to my white fag boyfriend , and blow a horde of Africans in disco that one weekend”

        46. Well then he’s never had pussy. He’s never been near it. He’s never been in a strip club. Take a good look at that princess. A stiff breeze would blow him over or break him in half. I’ve seen too many of these pussies these days. Usually their mother is the boss in the house and the father is a wimp that gets pushed around by her and this is what you get. I have a neighbor like this kid not college age but he’ll have a cock in his mouth before you can say Jack Robinson!

        47. Been noticing this as a thing more and more. Last married woman I met simply let me lead her after 9pm at night, alone, on an isolated street. Another married woman pulled me in by my waist when I asked her name, then stated we will likely run into each other again. My own ex, was cheating on me while I would go to work. No one is immune and all women have it in them. Especially when they are around other men in their field and you aren’t present.

        48. Same actually. I have seen many white black pairings, and more Asian men with white women over he opposite. For whatever reason I don’t see many white women spanish men pairings but I do see the opposite a bit.

        49. “I’m high T as fuck and look werewolf with my chest hair..”
          I have to admti, there have been a lot of hilarious sentences on this site the past few days- does your werewolf chest hair get you girls 60% of the time, all the time?

        50. Tight pussy + Easy + Lower BMI + Willful Harem Participation = Why tf not?
          Also, my U is packed chock-full of east-asians and the alcoholic white sorority girls tend to put on some midsection girth quite rapidly upon induction (and not the kind that increases national fertility rates and IQs).

        51. omg so tragic… Think Rolling Stones to fucking Mumford and Sons. Led Zeppelin to Cold Play.. Sam Cooke to John Legend. Van Halen (picture David Lee Roth in your mind) vs Dave Matthews…

        52. I assumed he got laid the old fashioned way; he’s gay and takes it up the ass.
          Apparently he likes being assaulted, so maybe he is into the rough trade as Oscar Wilde called it. Or like Milo he prefers giving up his ass to the minorities that are so under privileged.

        53. I was once involved in a mixed marriage wedding. One of the Jewish girls attending was called Randi, and a more accurate name there never was. She let me know that Jewish girls fucked the goyem guys, but then married the nice Jewish boys. As long as they were fucking out of their group, they could be as promiscuous as they wanted. In group they had to hold that aspirin between their knees.

        54. I had no idea. What if this has major significance? Troy needs to weigh in.

        55. hahaha
          “It’s totally normal for straight guys to fuck each other from time to time. “

        56. These dudes are not getting laid by anything we’d want near our cocks. Beautiful girls are attracted to the same shit as always. A confident dude who gets a lot of attention and isn’t afraid to take charge.
          Maybe after 30 the women start looking for beta, liberal pushovers to help pay down their credit card debt, but by then it’s too late. The WALL is right around the corner. After that it’s off to the cat dungeon.

        57. That’s interesting. I had a girlfriend on the shot once. She went bat-shit crazy, almost manic depressive as soon as she went on it.

        58. I personally know about dozen American men who married a German woman. All ended in divorce.
          Funny enough, a local English acquiantance of mine just told me he has become a father at the age of 49. The 32 year old German woman he was banging assured him she could not get preagnant.

        59. I also heard that contraceptive pill waste that’s urinated and flushed into our water system can never be filtered clean.
          Stick to bottled spring water.

        60. Better to be safe and make the switch. Even the realm of science is tainted and tough to be trusted. Can you Beleive that shit with Bill Nye the Cuckold Guy?

        61. 208 genders and 1 race… Yeah I saw it…
          I’m basically praying for collapse at this point.
          When I saw that I realized we’ve already entered peak Weimerica.

        62. Nah. Dykes are mentally ill; their want for dong cuts through the cunty bullshit rather frequently.

        63. Hmmm, you bring up an interesting point that I have never heard anywhere else.

        64. There have been recent advances in cheap reversible electrochemical filtering of pharmaceuticals, pesticides and other low-concentration molecules that may show up in water treatment plants in a few years.

        65. You should see the video of two guys, one fit and one out of shape with the dad bod, most people think the fit one would be preferred by most women. Nope, the slightly out of shape one, but then again we are talking about American women who have a screwed up mindset. When they asked the question, who would you sleep with? The fit guy won.

        66. What do they mean by “preferred” if they would fuck with the fit dude ?
          Women are all the same. You have to be an arrogant overconfident fuck everywhere to get women. In EE they only look better.

        67. I lived in the US, and found it easier to pull women in Europe. The kind of women I pick up in Hungary I would have to have a much harder time getting in the US.

        68. They thought one was better suited as a long term lover/boyfriend/husband. They all preferred the guy who was the out of shape dad bod as a long term partner, but when they were asked which one they would have a one night stand with, they picked the muscular male model. Women are always confusing the shit out of guys this way.
          I guess if you want a long term relationship with a white American woman, who will quickly lose her looks after one or two children, drinking oversized Starbucks coffee drinks, other processed “health” foods loaded in sugar, and hauling her lazy behind behind in an oversized SUV, then the dad bod is what you need to get them.
          So moral of the story, if you want to easily bang women in one night stands, you got to have the body of an Olympian.

      1. It’s all that low cholesterol myth the health industry is pushing to all of us. Testosterone is made from cholesterol. Lower it, then it lowers your T.

        1. Gorillas eat a low cholesterol diet and have lower T than men. Still they can exert 5 X the strength of a Human elite powerlifter.

        2. Your body, especially your liver, makes the cholesterol your body needs. If you eat more cholesterol, your liver just makes less.

        3. We’re not gorillas.
          Take horses for example. You can cut a horses balls off, it’s still a big strong horse, albeit less interested in mares or challenging the authority of the handlers.
          Do that to a human and he loses muscle and turns into a liberal (sorry, couldn’t help it)
          So a gorilla can have a low cholesterol diet and have high T, but we are not gorillas, nor are we evolved from them.

      2. This is more like “no T,” but point taken. He comes off in his quotes like a woman out of a Britcom.

      3. they’re not doing about it because it’s desired: men with Low T are compliant and pose no threat

    2. The genetics are pretty good actually. He could man up if he wants to.

      1. how can you tell from a headshot? or is a long neck and killer sideburns signs of strong genetics?

        1. The neck will thicken once he starts lifting.
          The more chiseled the face (less the estradiol) the more muscles the body can generate.

        2. Bullocks. The strongest men in the world are Slavic men with baby faces. They look like giant babies. Look at Brock Lesnar.

        3. I bet there isnt one purebred asian on earth who can grow a set of gnarly muttonchops

        4. asian men don’t look like that anymore … the drop in T levels is occurring worldwide

      2. Probably has the figure of a 12 year old boy even!
        (NEVER going to live this down….)

    3. How do these pussies get laid ? Shouldn’t a woman be turned off by the way he looks and the bullshit he spits out of his mouth ? I ask because these types seem to be doing fine with women in the universitary areas.

    4. Sadly, I think he can bang more millenial girls than I ever could hope because they too seem to have been brainwashed to like blokes like that with a good head of hair. Don’t beliebe me? Justin Bieber says hi…

      1. Most college age men already have either a receding hairline or are balding

        1. that’s what balding men tell themselves
          George Costanza had high T???
          No: most of the balding young men are definitely low T with cuck faces, no muscle mass, and no brow ridge

        2. Bald men’s excuse. If that were true there would be estrogen pills for hair growth. Male pattern baldness would be DONE.

        3. Well that would give that guy in the pic another edge.

      2. Sticking your dick in a Millenial girl is like sticking your dick in a hearse. So I have heard 😉

      1. But bem he won’t “understand why” you did it. You have privilege. 🙂
        These lefties are such hypocrites too. They think Bernie Madoff (who is an asshole, no argument) is somehow worse than a home-invader that kills a family of 3.

        1. Arguably, the damage done by Bernie Madoff, when measured in societal Man-Hours stolen, is much greater than the damage wrought by a murderer who decides to off three people.
          IMO both are heinous. Murder > Fraud. But there is always scaling, as well.
          Murder of 10 > Murder of 1 (all other factors equal).
          Defrauding 10 people > Defrauding 1 (all other factors equal).
          Don’t know what the factor is for comparison, but I would argue that someone like Madoff, who committed a crime of such scale, should be considered fair-game for capital punishment.
          The murderer should definitely be up for capital punishment, as well (and not after sitting on death row for decade(s), getting all of us to foot the bill for his room and board and healthcare).
          Edit: Spelling

        2. Madoff is worse to them because he stole from the rich and not the poor like any other Wall Street banker.

        3. If you kill one man, you are a murderer. If you kill dozens, you are a mass murderer.
          If you kill millions, you are the government.

    5. Dude looks like a fucking mark. I’m not all that big, but I tell you when I started lifting weights and adjusting my attitude and walking with my head high and shoulders back, I stopped getting fucked with by people on the street. This dude is easy prey, and something tells me he’s the type who will walk through a bad neighborhood with his phone in plain sight or with his wallet out so he can count his money.

      1. What do they call a guy staring at his iPhone while working through a bad neighborhood who is not aware of his surroundings?
        A: An apple tree that needs a good shake (punch in the face and grab his phone).

    6. No brow ridge at all – it’s all smooth above those eyes = low T for sure

    7. Wow, now that is a face.
      Notice there are no wrinkles by the eyes, that’s a sign of a fake smile. Take your hand and cover the lower mouth and ask yourself if that looks like a smiling face.
      There is a song or poem that the Irish have and the line goes “when Irish eyes are smiling”. Or something like that. But it’s true that a smile is in the eyes.
      this is one fucked up son of a bitch.
      AnonymousConservative.com would have a field day with this clown.

    8. Liberals/progressives/leftists prove every day that they are mentally ill. We must remove them from our society.

    9. Just another effete little jewboy attending an expensive American university. Then he gets mugged, and does just what we’ve come to expect from his tribe. Tries to justify the actions of the knuckle dragging criminals instead of supporting the rule of law in his white Christian host country. If it had been white skinheads that had done this to him, he’d have written some anti-white, anti-racist screed, and been very quick to mention his judaism as being the probable motive for the “haters.”

    10. I have a button-up that looks very similar to what he is wearing.
      I will have to throw it away now.

    11. Its uncanny how you can look at someone and instantly know if you can mess with them. Some people just have that “pacifist” Beta look.

  5. latest faux outrage: Trump held some sort of event at the WH, not sure for what, but everyone got one scoop of ice cream, and he got two! this was a story on cnn

    1. He’s the fucking President, he can have an extra scoop of ice cream if he wants.
      My family works in government. High-level politicians are divas. This ice-cream stuff is such a non-story compared to some of the stuff I’ve seen them demand.

      1. “He’s the fucking President, he can have an extra scoop of ice cream if he wants”
        would be great if sean spicer lost his shit and said this today at the press briefing

        1. Oh, that’s it. That’s the last straw! IMPEACH THE TREASONOUS BASTARD! Two fucking scoops! Who the hell does he think he is?
          Worse than Hitler, I tells ya.

        2. Right? Sure Hitler gassed a bunch of Catholics, but at least he never bogarted the fucking ice cream.

        3. Solid advice. I’ll get back to you and let you know in detail how it goes.

  6. Black men, Muslim men, government men, asian men, women, tranny men. White liberals love getting robbed by everyone equally and dont discriminate you racist cisgendered pig.

  7. Send me USD 100 to prove you are not bullshitting, to prove that you really make that much money.
    Then I will hear you out, promise.

  8. The incident wasn’t merely the property crime of larceny, but the violent crime of robbery against the person.

  9. This is truly one of the scariest aspects of leftism… these people believe that they’re doing the right thing by being on the business end of violence by their preferred minority.
    We saw the same with people like Amanda Kijara and Corrina Mehiel. They willingly compromised their own safety because they wanted to virtue signal that they were doing the “right” thing.

  10. Yes, kid.
    Your muggers were HUMAN BEINGS like you and me.
    They have emotions, they have families, they are also mortal, they are yearning for love, to love and be loved, and when in mortal pain, they cry out for their Mothers.
    They are not bad people per se, by birth, by whatever.
    But society does not punish you for being BAD PEOPLE.
    Society punishes you for COMMITING CRIMINAL ACTIONS, as laid down in the motherfucking LAW, irrespective of your reasons and motivations to commit said criminal actions.
    Jesus, are people really that stupid at that age, that basic things like this must be spellt out letter by letter?

    1. Would it be too much to ask if this could be made required reading for every young dik out there?

    2. It’s the same bigotry that the left continually pushes: you can’t expect poor people of color to have morals or obey the law. They are too poor, too uneducated (i.e., stupid) and too disadvantaged (i.e., they were born black) to understand things like civilization, virtue, or right and wrong.

      1. They actually have the audacity to nearly exonerate Islamist migrant rapists of young European girls and boys, because supposedly, nobody told them to commit rape and livestream it on Facebook is a big no-no, and they did not understand the victim saying no because they do not speak the language.
        I mean, it is not as if at their homelands in most cases rape results in death penalty or life-long vendettas, no. Apparently, they heard about rape being wrong the first time in the courtroom…

      2. Just said the same thing – you’re spot on, all this is is racism pretending to be higher morality.

    3. Not only that, but this fucking retard has really just made an argument that blacks are inferior. They can’t be held to the same standard as a superior, white privileged Georgetown student because they’re poor and dumb and don’t know any better. What he’s saying is actually very condescending to blacks because it treats them like animals without any agency for their bad actions.

      1. The Racist motherfucker. I would be crucified if I openly declared the same.
        Jews are the greatest Racists, but it is true that theí do not disciminate based on skin color. For them, every non-Jew is stupid Goyim, period. Quite democratic, Yehova fuck them all!

        1. So true. I know a dozen of ashkenazi jews and they all have ashkenazi jew partners…their selection is racist to the core but it’s okay because they are jews and they make the rules.

        2. I’ve seen a trend lately in which they marry white sperm-donors under the pretext of being “non-religious”, ruin the man’s life and create offspring who are genetically superior yet “sympathetic to the cause”
          Most disturbing.

        3. Oh yeah, the Trump clan is all jewish and Trump even said that he is proud that his grandchildren are jewish.

        4. You do not apply for conversion. They select you if you want something. If you are an adult, and was not yet approached by them, bad news: you will never be one of the club.

        5. That has ALWAYS been their modus operandi. Look at the British royal family. Or Trump’s kids.

      2. Agreed. The condescending attitude is pretty common. There’s a video floating around about how requiring IDs to vote is racist. The white kids basically said that black people can’t figure out how to obtain an ID over the internet or get themselves to the DMV on their own.

  11. I wonder how many libs were reading the article by {{{Friedfeld}}} and thought, “It’s so sad that he actually had to spell this all out – everybody should already know that it wasn’t the young black men’s fault.” (Too many. That’s how many.)

  12. In a way it really isn’t their fault. Can Blacks blame themselves for having an inferior IQ? Maybe they were simply not meant to have been ‘civilised’ by former colonialists and to live in advanced society. Just look at black architecture, infrastructure etc before the colonialists came… (and after they left lol)

    1. “There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people to
      the idea of indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black races …
      A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of
      amalgamation, but as an immediate separation is impossible, the next
      best thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together. If
      white and black people never get together in Kansas, they will never
      mix blood in Kansas …” – Abraham Lincoln, June 26, 1857

  13. Modern liberalism has devolved to a mental disease, these pathetic self hating clowns deserve no sympathy just the boot.

  14. You must realize that as much as black men are fuck ups, for the most part if it wasn’t for decades of leftist / commie politics, they would not be close with white cities / major urban areas and pretty much confined to their own communities. Don’t believe me, check out demographics in major cities from the 1950s to now, for example, Detroit was nearly all white in the 1950s, but look at it now, 92% black a wretched and accursed place.
    The 1860’s politicians had a good idea about sending them all back to Africa. At least they could have progressed there at their own pace, and there would never be the rejection you have today from forcing our two peoples to mix even in proximity of living.
    I don’t like them but I don’t hate them inherently like the jews want all white people to so we can inaugarate their little race war. Blacks just need to be permanently separated from majority white communities.

    1. “There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people to
      the idea of indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black races …
      A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of
      amalgamation, but as an immediate separation is impossible, the next
      best thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together. If
      white and black people never get together in Kansas, they will never
      mix blood in Kansas …” – Abraham Lincoln, from a speech given in Springfield, Illinois, on June 26, 1857

    2. Even in white countries like the U.S. (yes it is), minorities feel the right to come in and demand we pay for that privilege in our own land. It’s funny, I’m still waiting for my white privilege check to come in. I had to struggle to get to where I am and never had it easy.
      Nothing wrong with wanting to live around your own race, even if you are white. Nope, not at all.

    3. Blacks enjoyed safer communities under segregation and Jim Crow, ironically, because the better quality blacks had to live next door to the lumpen-blacks, and they tended to keep their dumber and more violent neighbors in line.

  15. I’d love to ask Oliver Friedfeld if he would be willing to have the two, young, disadvantaged black men who robbed him, move in with him. (***Crickets***)

      1. How could he say no? If they are underprivileged, and if Friedfeld has so much, and they have so little…it’s a no-brainer. Right? Right, Ollie? (***Crickets***)

        1. I live near Cambridge MA, one of the most “progressive” cities in America but guess what? All the “People of Color” are cordoned off in a small NW corner of the municipality in shitty housing projects.
          The conservative motto is “Don’t Tread on Me”
          The liberal motto is “Do as I SAY, not as I DO.”

        2. The whole thing is kind of strange on so many levels. Sociologically, it’s a proven fact that birds of a feather prefer to flock together. Blacks prefer to live with blacks, whites prefer to live with whites, etc. But somehow, we’re all supposed to override this quite natural proclivity and mix everyone together in the same location…which doesn’t work, and never will.

        3. I think people of different races can get along quite well, but they all have to embrace the same culture. If you notice, whites in America and 2nd to 3rd generation Asian Americans seem to get on alright.

        4. I agree – I think they can get along quite well, but they prefer to live among their own kind. Which is probably why we used to have discrete countries with discrete peoples – ah, the good ole days…

        5. I agree that it is a lot more about culture than it is about race. It’s just that there is a high correlation between culture and race.
          Culture is contagious, but bad culture tends to be more contagious than good contagious.

        6. If you lick it, they will come.
          And then it will smell much, much worse.

        7. That is some ghastly shit, right there…looks like art got co-opted by The Usual Suspects…

        8. But even in a race you have various nationalities and cultures in them. Hell look at the asians. They tend to be the most racist(nationalist i guess) against other asians. Look at how much the various european nations fought each other over history. Hell even in Africa the various tribes and whatever are constantly at war with each other which is one of the reasons why they havent left third world status. The whole all people of the same race are equal thing is a fairly new concept.

        9. I had a really good, almost profound, point there… and it degenerated into stinky pussy banter. Got to love RoK.

        10. Well, like the man said, there’s two things worth having, and one of them’s money. It’s natural that we revert to talking about the other thing worth having…

        11. That would be a good, almost profound, point… except nobody wants stinky pussy.

        12. This artist is also responsible for the design of Edmond de Rothschild’s catamaran.
          Yeah, you heard right.
          They are playing with the White Genocide theme right in front of us.

        13. Why doesn’t that surprise me (rolls eyes). It’s so blatant. But I guess they figure the average person won’t even notice…and they are probably right.

        14. The ironic thing is, white people are probably paying for this with their tax dollars…

        15. The ironic thing is artsy white liberals are visiting museums to see this and are like ‘Wow, this is so inspiring! What could this probably mean? 🙂 It’s probably about how we are all ruled by our darker side and shit like that :-)”

        16. You may have just invented a new Alt. Right cartoon character. Mr. Art C. White – Liberal…

        17. Check out the white woman, bottom-left, who is getting manhandled by three black dudes…looks like a mixture of subliminal sex messages for the Galactically Malleable.

        18. Asians attempt to fit in in greater society though, look how many Asian kids are named Harold or Steve or John and have a regular Asian last name. Look how many soul brothers have names that give them away as thugs when you read their name- Tonight on EyeWitness News, Demarkevious Johnson is wanted for armed robbery and about 30 other charges….

    1. Sure he would! As long as he got a grant to do so and possibly a reality tV show deal.
      The important thing of course would be that people SEE him being so inclusive,

      1. It’s all about signaling that virtue with these people. Put up or shut up? Well, uh…look at the time, great question, but, gee, gotta go…

    2. He’d be sucking their cocks within a week… if he hasn’t already.

  16. The dude’s article title should be changed to “I’m a Cuck, and I Don’t Understand Why.”

  17. Fiction, if he was in Israel he’d be yelling “get some” while mowing down kids throwing rocks

  18. This kid probably wasn’t even mugged at all. This sounds like some shit he made up just to write a virtue-signaling SJW article for the school newspaper.

    1. I was thinking the same thing when I first read it. Either what you said, or it was invented in some Fake News think-tank…

    2. You are right he is to cool about it, Sound like a lie invented by a woman to get attention. If this really happened he would be in PTSD in fetal position with medication in his safe space for a month or two, Then he will start to develop an actual phobia not that crap they claim to be phobia, everyone piss their pants when the gun is in the head.

        1. it´s like those fags painting Swastikas and MAGA in their own property, or those women claiming that there is a plague of dude in MAGA hats taking their hijabs of their head, all lies.

    3. Too many of these so-called ‘crimes’ – hate crimes, rapes, muggings – turn out to be hoaxes staged to get attention. Attention-whoring is what this all reads like. When there’s a gun in your face, you are not all ‘rational, I wonder why he’s doing this? I think I understand.’ You’re having a brown-trousers moment – unless you’ve been trained in self-defense and disarming an armed robber.
      I wonder how this piece would score in a ‘gender guesser’ analysis – probably come out as female.

      1. Turns out to be weak male to female. Weak male for informal writing, female for formal writing.

  19. Come on, man. How gullible do they think we are. A Jewish dude, willingly and happily giving up his cash and possessions. Bwahahaha…

    1. At least change your damn last name from Fieldman. They are either getting sloppy or don’t even have to bother anymore.

  20. You know how when you read quotes you hear a “voice?” Those sentences you quoted from him come off sounding like the yammering of a 70-year-old British woman, not a younger guy. Whatever they’re teaching boys today, they need to stop. Could you all imagine a ROK writer or forum member using this voice?

    1. Only if a criminal actually killed his parents, and it’s not just some bullshit he made up to write a bunch of SJW propaganda and signal how PC he is.

  21. I agree with Oliver Friedfel. The black males who robbed him were driven to do so out of desperation.
    I wasn’t always the Peach Bandit. I didn’t just wake up one day and decide to be the Peach Bandit. I resorted to looting rural unattended fruit stands in the UP out of sheer desperation. I’m not proud of what I’ve done. And let me tell you: sometimes when I don my bandana, a tear rolls down my cheek when I see what I’ve become.

  22. Until we do so, we should get comfortable with sporadic muggings and break-ins.
    Among numerous other problems, this is also a way to rationalize taking guns away from law abiding citizens. Sure, the victims-of-society will still have access to illegal guns, but they are the ones who need them.

      1. It isn’t a crime if the underprivileged need it – what is wrong with you. I am going to report you to the Thought Crime Police. Maybe I’ll get a few thousand Facebook likes…

        1. For God’s sake don’t type ’em out…you might not get invited to that SJW rally this weekend…

        2. Fuck. I’m literally Hitler then and they’ll be coming after me. I can’t help that the thought of SJW and Globohomo scum hanged off lampposts is so deliciously enjoyable I get goose-pimples all over.

      2. That’s the first step in criminalizing self-defense, which is the norm in many other countries.

    1. The have the media, we have the guns. They can stroke their clits all day long in the editors column and get used to getting mugged. They chose to be victims, so laugh at their demise.

      1. You need guns, you need integrity, you need a good long term strategy, and you need to have honorable allies who understand what the situation is.

        1. Indeed. But I noticed that Americans have purchased +100 million firearms in Obamas 2 terms and the public hates the media and trusts the federal instiutions even less.
          Interesting times.

  23. Mr Freidfeld spent a lot of time and money educating himself beyond his level of intelligence.

  24. This is classic r-selection. The idea is that there are two basic reproductive strategies. The first strategy is K-selection. Build yourself up, act with integrity, support your friends while expecting them to build themselves up as well, acquire for yourself one (or two) high quality women to mate with permanently and invest heavy resources into raising your young. The standard K-selected individual is likened to a wolf, in that he exhibits much the same behavior of pack loyalty, strength, ferocity and order.
    The second strategy, r-selection, is to pump out as many young as possible with as little investment as possible. Someone who is r-selected will think nothing of getting the wives of other men pregnant, would probably even prefer that. They are characterized by having a low threshold sexual engagement, preferring masculinized women (who are more capable of raising children alone), heavy conflict avoidance (such as our good friend Mr Friedfeld), and sabotaging the strength of other men, especially those in their circles. The classic r-selected individual is likened to a rabbit in that he lives in a high resource environment among a warren of equally expendable rabbits who have zero loyalty to each other and are mostly characterize by conflict avoidant behavior and sabotaging.
    To drive it home: the r-selected personality is a traitorious, lying, gutless piece of shit that will stick his wretched dick into anything he can, has zero integrity although will profess to be a paragon of virtue. Prefers to psychologically mess with others and if called out to fight will usually find a dozen excuses to be anywhere else, even while exhorting his own fellows to engage in pointless conflicts (so they can be killed or sent out of the warren while he gets to maximise his time fucking the local female rabbits).

      1. Funny, I live in a country filled with jews and most of them don’t act like this.

  25. May I suggest that this proves that the more dangerous enemy of civilization is The Liberal, much more so than all the muggers in the world? For a long time now I’ve hated the people who make lame excuses for the criminals than I ever hated the criminals themselves.

    1. People in general would love to swiftly take care of miscreants. But the communies are so heavily policed with checkpoints and frisking of ordinary citizens to let the community know who’s the boss – the state. Vigilantes, no matter how trivial their actions are, typically get sensationalized in show trials to further show you who’s the boss. The treatment is very heavy handed for anyone who upstages the power racket. Criminals create business and justification for the expansion and bloating of the ‘protect and serve’ protection racket.

      1. Wouldn’t you love to be on a jury for someone on trial for justified vigilantism?
        That’s one reason why if we’re ever called in for jury duty, we must never pass it up.

  26. “.. my housemate and I were mugged at gunpoint while walking home from Dupont Circle…”
    DuPont Circle is gay central in DC. Of course he loved it.

  27. What a fucking loser. He needs a good beatin’. An effeminate Jew that feels guilty about being white, Jewish and well off. A week living in the ghetto would change any lefty loser like this. A month for the slow learners. These are the kind of leftist fags that go into “journalism” thinking they are going to change things. The fact is blacks are not going to change and they will take everything you have and more if you allow it. He is your typical Montgomery County Jew who grew up in Potomac MD. They all think the same way. Ask Ted Koppel about his drug addict son who grew up there and died at 40 years old.

    1. There was an article I read recently about young liberals moving into D.C. ghettos because they thought it was cool and gave them something to talk about at parties. I kid you not.

      1. I believe it. Not much surprises me these days. Until one or two get robbed, raped, beaten and or murdered. They are still so brainwashed into believing that if they are just “good” people that they will be fine. Wrong. There was a lefty girl about 21 years old went to the Congo a couple of weeks ago because she thought the same thing “i’ll just go and help these poor people” and was raped and murdered not long after arriving. The Congo and DC or name any city run by blacks in the US are basically about the same as far as dangerous for whites.

  28. Robbery is different than theft. Your article conflates the two.
    Robbery convicts should get a long sentence for 1st offense, say 20-40 with a mandatory minimum of 10 yrs served before parole is even an option.
    2nd offense? Live without, or deportation, or in the extreme case, death.
    If they even make it to the 2nd offense, seeing how Americans do carry.

  29. Fuck that. If a goddamned jigaboo pulled that shit on me I’d round up a posse and hunt them down. I use the slur because when you commit shit like that you don’t deserve to be treated as a person.
    That said, I call bullshit on this and it’s all a fabrication so the little Kike faggot gets his minuscule pecker hard at the thought of being frisked by a black guy.

  30. >”I trust that they weren’t trying to hurt me.”
    Dear Street Negros: Please shoot more of these liberals in the face after you steal their iPhone.
    – the Management

  31. The millennial generation is taking over the reins of the world, and thus we are presented with a wonderful opportunity to right some of the wrongs of the past.
    YES but unfortunately NO.
    Gen X will soon be taking over many of the Boomers power positions and inheriting wealth as they die off. It will be competitive between both generations but not some massive millennial change that everybody is waiting for. The only change will be the rude awakening for the millennials that Socialism will never function unless everybody contributes.

  32. “The knife went in—unguided by human hand, apparently. That the
    long-hated victims were sought out, and the knives carried to the scene
    of the crimes, was as nothing compared with the willpower possessed by
    the inanimate knives themselves, which determined the unfortunate
    See how the leftist media will say “The SUV jumped the curb and ran over the kids” or “The gun killed 5 people”?
    It’s brainwashing. They know exactly what they are doing and are doing it on purpose.

    1. It’s called passive voice. IN journalism school we were taught specifically NOT to ever use the passive voice.
      None of this shit is happening by accident.

  33. The journalist guy was a shitlib writer so he stretched the shit out of the story. He took the opportunity to turn a case of some dark complected bum junkie crackhead aggressively asking for pocket change into a call for more white guilt and for whites to further embrace self immolation upon a globalist altar. The only way to get your shit printed in the MSM and the local jew cabal policed rags is to make pleas for whites to further let down barriers and to allow for implementation of the global non white demographic replacement agenda that’s being rolled out.
    In a mentally and culturally healthy community, there should have been a resounding war whoop from bystanders and the bung ape mugger should have been hoisted by the community and impaled on the statue above the Dupont Circle water fountain with the sounds of beer can pop tabs popping. With the mugger’s limbs a wiggling like a cockroach crucified on a toothpick, the crowd then breaks into a male bass chorus singing good old popular ditties from the soundtrack of ‘Birth of a Nation’.
    (Sidewalks of New York)

  34. fuck this guy. whn you work 12 hours a day to provide to your family and some fucker robs you, it is not ok. fuck the guy

  35. Leftists are sick, both in the depraved degenerate sense of the word, and in the psychotic delusional sense of the word.

  36. I’m stunned, just stunned. Had to click and see if the article was real. I have worked in ER’s and seen the victims of crime and I work now in jails/prisons and see the criminals. Can we get a run down or follow up of the background of these unfortunate waifs? Single parent is my bet.
    I guess for me this is job security.

  37. Do all of you really still believe liberals are that naive? Most of them placing themselves to be robbed/raped/killed by ghetto blacks are doing so intentionally to justify their own prejudices against all blacks, basically self-imposed confirmation bias.
    Look at places like San Francisco and Lower Manhattan as well as Brooklyn and DC in the near future. Notice which race of people are or will not be present in these locations? If anything, the SJW left and the Alt Right have the same agenda when it comes to blacks, the former are just better at making blacks look like savages via supporting the welfare state and placing themselves near the worst of blacks, whereas the latter is borrowing tactics from Dixiecrats of being overtly racist and making themselves look like Nazis.

  38. That lack of agency on the parts of these savages is why I think I will not hesitate to shoot if I am threatened.

    1. Yea these street thugs will kill without even giving it a first thought, much less a second.

  39. Funny… Well over 10 years ago, I remember hearing two low-IQ black women talking about a kid shooting another where “the gun went off”.
    I wanted to scream at them “Guns do not go off unless you pull the trigger!”
    Damned idiots.

  40. Apart from the ultimate virtue signalling, he’s a leftist. and presumably Jewish, white-hating racist who writes things in support of black criminals because he supports those criminals assaulting, robbing, raping and murdering whites, particularly muddle and lower class whites. His iPhone is acceptable collateral damage in keeping that racial terrorism going. Certainly he would never write an article like this if he had been mugged by equally poor and disadvantaged whites from Appalachia.

    1. I would be extremely interested to see his reaction had it been some hicks or white trash that mugged him.

  41. Liberal mugging equality pro-tip, get a pick up truck or a large van, get some ski masks, a tazer, a baseball bat or two, and two or three guys, and go trailing around the inner city at night. You see a black dude walking, you jump out and rush him, taze or bat him down, check pockets and wallets,, and you’ll make a nice penny. You’d be surprised how many of these lazy gooches are walking around with hundo’s a-plenty in their pockets, ripe for the picking. I know a guy who made close to 5k in one night just rushing a bunch of unprepared oblivious ghetto fools.

  42. The pill is ruining the beta male. All too often, girls are encouraged to take it, it makes them think they are pregnant so they fancy low- t guys then whoosh!! At the age of 30 they want to get pregnant so they come off it and all of the sudden that construction worker with a few tattoos and scars with who would have been considered a bit crude before seems to be the sexiest man alive.
    Mr beta is chucked or, worse, cuckolded into bringing up another guy’s child.

  43. Let us pray that Oliver Friedfeld get mugged, again & again & again & again & for the cherry on top get raped by a big black doodah ?? Ooops !! What am I saying ?? He may enjoy it ??

  44. If I’ve learned anything from tje Vlinto campaign its that Liberals don’t learn, they just double down on the same.

  45. Someone needs to explain to him, that indeed his privilege is huge. Very huge. So huge indeed, that he better steps back and let less privileged white men help minorities, because they have a better understanding of what really helps.
    Maybe that’s simple enough, so even a leftard simpleton can understand it.

  46. “I also realized, when he was raping me up my ass, that he needed sex, and I kinda liked it.”

  47. In my experience white liberals do not like being robbed by minorities when its them of their families being robbed. They will vocally raise support for minority causes like Black Lives Matters, but many of these same people will walk to the opposite side of the street if they see a black men walking in their direction. The same people will also call the police if they see minorities in their gated communities.
    What is jarring about them is they voice support for policies that tend to disenfranchise minorities, like open borders, where jobs wind up going to immigrants that demand lower pay and benefits. They also support counterproductive “civil rights” movements like BLM which ignore black on black violence.
    When they or their family are not the victim they will rationalize the behavior of a minority who commits a criminal act. They never offer any kind of solution for minorities to better integrate into society.
    White liberals are behind a very insidious form of 21st century segregation known as gentrification. If you go to many large American cities, you will notice that young white professionals are moving into areas dominated by poor minorities. The result of this is that greedy real estate developers raise prices and push out minorities in preference of these young whites known as hipsters.

  48. black people don’t even make excuses for other blacks for this shit.

  49. I actually don’t feel bad when I hear of a Libertard cuck getting robbed or shot by one of his dundu nuffin pets and when a knuckle dragging follower of Mohamed blows up a crowd of Marxist progtards in a major city I shrug my shoulders and say “well they got the cultural enrichment they sought” so yea I’ll get the popcorn you fools keep denying the default conflict resolution of your friends (violence). Just don’t expect the same from me, assault me and you get a free high velocity copper jacketed lead shower, gnome-sain?

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