How The Globalist Establishment Is Smartly Adapting To The Rise Of Populism

We can safely say that the establishment is learning and adapting from their stupendous losses in 2016, so they’re adapting their messaging and persuasion attempts accordingly. Initial A/B tests like the panic over “fake news” flopped, but they quickly bounced back on their feet. The recent election in France, which saw a technocratic banker very competently astroturfed as a change-agent outsider, was the biggest signal that their field tests have been quite successful. What sort of persuasion tactics are now being used?

Linguistic Kill Shots

These are likely still in beta testing, but they were used to great effect in the French campaign. Notice that every time Marine Le Pen was mentioned, she was preceded by the term “far right.” Meanwhile, Emmanuel Macron’s name was accompanied by the “centrist” tag. Even in America, even on Fox News, these tags accompanied their names without fail every time I heard them in the media.

These labels, which Scott Adams calls “linguistic kill shots,” can serve a variety of purposes, but the overarching one is that they channel attention to a certain attribute. It’s a form of Pre-Suasion, where directing attention to favorable concepts creates “privileged moments” that increase receptivity to your major message. In this case, always calling Le Pen “far right” and Macron “centrist” planted the seeds to make it easier to dismiss the former as dangerous while increasing the credibility of the latter. The facts that economically, Le Pen’s program is quite far to the left, while Macron has signaled significant belligerence to European countries not towing the EU line, were immaterial.

These linguistic kill shots weren’t as advanced as the ones Donald Trump was using in his own campaign, which involved more sensual cues that were also more open to confirmation bias, but it is worth noting that the establishment seems to be testing these out.

Censorship and Selective Reporting

When the media tried to accuse its opponents of spreading “fake news,” the label quickly backfired because they engaged in selective reporting or outright hoaxes far too many times, a tendency that certainly hasn’t diminished since Trump’s inauguration. While this effort turned against them on the hot battlefield of persuasive language, the victory has only been partial, because it was the springboard from which they got their pretext to start censoring social media, which proved crucial in bypassing the fake news media to create favorable news cycles of our own while undercutting the establishment narrative.

Increasingly, the “fake news” excuse has been used by the big social networks to censor or demote information they don’t like. Self-appointed, so-called independent “fact checking” sites are now being used in Facebook’s algorithm. Google has made some noise about changing its own algorithm to filter what it calls “fake news.” Twitter, in the meantime, has (allegedly) throttled tweets they don’t like. Replies to Donald Trump get filtered so that only negative ones show up first. Trending tags are almost always hysteria that shores up the establishment’s narrative.

Who determines “fake news?” Who decides what you should get to see? Some unaccountable technocrat? You see where this is going. It’s a dangerous road which dovetails neatly with the next aspect of this, the heavily selective reporting.

In France, a couple of days before the election, emails from the Macron campaign were leaked. They were quickly authenticated, or most of them, anyway. Wikileaks didn’t find any false ones (last I checked). The fake news did everything it could to conceal the contents of the emails. The law in France prohibiting any kind of campaigning information in the 48 hours before an election complicated things, but you had American pundits and presstitutes openly calling for the concealment of this newsworthy information from the public because it would negatively affect their team.

Predictably, this was given the fig leaf of the “because muh Russia” excuse, with little or no evidence. Let’s also be honest – if Le Pen was looking strong and damaging emails were leaked, would the campaigning law be adhered to so strenuously by the media in France? Somehow, I doubt it.

The “free” press is a figment of the imaginations of “journalists” who envision themselves as sacrosanct guardians of the public good, but in truth, they will do whatever their masters tell them. Their job is to propagate the narrative, not report the truth. Therefore, we will increasingly see the media simply refuse to report on anything that undermines the establishment narrative, all the while, social media will be censored, as we saw a major crackdown on Facebook and Twitter accounts, blacking out many that were sharing the contents of the Macron emails. Jack Posobiec was singled out in particular in a torrent of hit jobs because he was one of the first prominent people sharing them.

How do we adapt to this? Roosh posited a while ago that Facebook and Twitter passed their peak of importance for information warfare and that new mediums would arise in the years before the next American election. The creation and boosting of new platforms like Gab and Minds seems to be the first answer. Monetization for counter culture figures and journalists may become increasingly difficult also, as the YouTube apocalypse is well underway, Return of Kings was shut out of PayPal, and even Dave Rubin, a relatively uncontroversial figure who is nevertheless a skeptic of the current cultural zeitgeist, had problems with his Amazon Affiliate account. This will be an ongoing battle that will demand constant innovation and adaptation.

Astroturfed Candidates

During the Brexit campaign, the pro-EU Remain side ran on something they called “Project Fear.” The key message was that leaving the European Union would be a disaster and really, really scary. The same was largely true of the Hillary Clinton campaign, which ran more on fear of Trump than on any benefit that she was offering. Both campaigns lost. Partly this was because they weren’t running their fear-based messaging as well as they could have, but partly also it was because people want to vote for something, rather than just vote against something.

The Leave and Trump campaigns offered aspirational messages with clear benefits, while all the way to Election Day I still couldn’t figure out why the Democrats wanted me to vote for Hillary Clinton rather than just against Donald Trump. Meanwhile, the Leave campaign offered Britons to “take back control of their country.”

In France, the story was different. Emmanuel Macron was elevated and celebrated. Recall from Pre-Suasion that what’s elevated in our attention is what we think is most important in that moment. While Le Pen was dismissed as “far right” and Francois Fillon, who would have likely won ordinarily, was destroyed by massive attention paid to allegations of underhanded financial transactions (when attention was paid to him at all), the media gushed about how awesome Macron was.

He was being billed as a change agent, an outsider who would shake things up, in complete contrast to his history… and it worked.

Macron’s youth was also an advantage to him. One of the French regulars on the forum theorizes that there will soon be a trend of running Macron-like figures—young, good-looking men, particularly to shore up the middle-aged white women vote. Recall that the single biggest predictor of whether someone would vote for Donald Trump last November was whether he or she married (as is general for rightist candidates). It is possible the establishment could start running younger, more attractive men to peel off the married women vote.

It is well known that more attractive candidates get more votes than less attractive ones, which up to now has more often benefited right wing candidates than left wing ones, as it is also well known that conservatives are typically more attractive than liberals. Will there be a program of sorts to groom and elevate young, somewhat attractive candidates by the establishment going forward?

It’s too soon to say for sure, and for the time being, the Democratic Party in America is as heavily committed to identity politics as ever, so I don’t see any of these kinds of Macron-like candidates for President in the Democratic Party’s near future. One race is worth noting though, the runoff for the seat previously held in Georgia by HHS Secretary Tom Price. There you have a candidate that was heavily invested in by the party establishment, Jon Ossof, who at 30 years old, seems to fit the bill. He came within a hair’s breadth of winning the seat outright. A special election will soon be held.

We’ll see where it all goes, but I agree with the guys on the forum. We likely won’t be seeing any more Hillarys in the future. Instead, we’ll be seeing astroturfed candidates to try and capture the populist energy, but who are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Out-Grouping and Conclusion

The establishment knows it needs to innovate its tactics. The old paradigm is collapsing. As I warned in December, the Russia hysteria is highly engineered and has successfully turned every mundane thing into a constitutional crisis. The fake news media is working on overdrive to pay no attention to anything else. It’s also given the establishment a pretext to easily censor bad news for them, as seen in France.

Since calling people “racist” doesn’t work as well as it used to, they’re moving to something else, ironically playing on man’s tribal nature (what Cialdini would call the principle of unity in Pre-Suasion) and accusing their opponents of favoring an enemy out-group. In fact, Roosh warned some time ago that the globalist establishment would use nationalistic patriotism to favor their own cause, and to therefore not take it too far. Beware, they say: “the Russians are coming!”

I’m not sure how long this tactic will work, but it is new and has been effective, a sure sign of adaptation. Don’t assume the rules of 2016 will be the rules going forward. The last war is the last war.

Keep your eyes open in the years and elections to come. The chess game never ends.

Read Next: John Lennon’s “Imagine” Programmed You To Accept The Globalism Nightmare 

180 thoughts on “How The Globalist Establishment Is Smartly Adapting To The Rise Of Populism”

  1. Their single most dangerous tactic is censorship. We can’t change people’s minds if we can’t reach them.
    If we can replace Facebook/Twitter/Google, we will win forever.

    1. Agreed. The truth is not on their side.
      That’s why platform building is the biggest part of this. Twitter is actually in big trouble. Facebook and Google will never be replaced but they can be used to boost alternatives.

  2. Very timely considering that the lead on Drudge is that the investigator hired by Seth Rich’s family to investigate his death says he has evidence that the guy was talking to Wikileaks. To me, the most plausible story has always been that Rich, a DNC insider, gave Wikileaks access because he was appalled at what was going on. Basically, a guy put his country over Clinton machine politics and paid with his life. But yeah, ‘muh Russia indeed.

    1. Assange said long ago that the source of the DNC leaks was internal, meaning, somebody in the DNC.
      This trail is white hot and points directly to the Witch Queen and her cronies. God I hope that the ball doesn’t get dropped on this, this could be the wooden stake that finally penetrates the cold dead heart of her entire corrupt empire.

        1. I strive to maintain a gentleman’s mien so as to provide a positive example to aspiring young men who arrive here with high expectations.

        2. My first response to you, is a sentence that has never once crossed my lips during rides with my pack or at biker events. Heh.

      1. she’ll never go to jail. rumor was she wired a few mill to an account in UAE or Bahrain a few months ago- one of those countries has no extradition deal with the US…she n Willy are too slick

        1. You know, if they flee, they can be easily…dealt with…by wet work operatives. Not saying this should happen (oh, no, this is all hypothetical and we don’t ever want to condone such things). But…it could happen.

        2. I’d honestly rather see her in prison, but only if it was an all male Mexican or Chinese prison.

        3. I recalled that former US Presidents always has secret service protection for the rest of their lives. How will that work if Bill and Hillary are in exile?

        4. dunno, they wont bolt, they aint goin down, but its interesting they have their “go bag” at the ready, just in case

        5. She will never go to jail, but she won’t run either. The Clintons have too much power, and know where too many of the bodies are buried, both figuratively and literally. Anyone who goes after them has to realize there is a good chance that not only might their careers be destroyed based on some half-made up bullshit by the willing lap-dogs in the press, but there is also a decent chance they will accidentally shoot themselves in the back of the head 8 times with a 6-shooter.
          Politically, the system will cover for her because she is part of the system, and revealing the worst of her crimes will show how corrupt the system really is. The Dems and Reps are really all part of one party, the ruling elite party, and they have much more in common with one another than the do with the rest of us little people. They will protect her to protect themselves.
          The absolute worst thing that will happen to her is that she will cut some plea deal to plead guilty to a handful of misdemeanors connected to the email shit. But it probably won’t even get close to that, because DC is as corrupt as fuck.

      2. It will never happen. Arresting the Clinton’s for corruption, treason, and murder would set a bad precedent for all the Washington insiders.

        1. Good point. I saw a video last night that said Comey had been fired because investigating Pizzagate and other Clinton and their foundation could implicate the Director himself. Not sure if it’s true, but makes you wonder.

        1. Man, they will not report this on the radio at all, just “Russians!” They’re in full blown stupid mode now.

        2. Da, it iz vell known dat “Seth Rich” waz truly Russian agent “Sethski Richinskivich” who iz second couzin to our dear leader Vladimir Putin.

    2. If Trey Gowdy get’s the FBI Director position I think he will look for a reason to go after her, until someone proves than can and will hurt his family. Then, probably not anymore. So, it will probably stay as muh Russia.
      I wish Assange would just prove it was Rich. The guy is dead. It can’t hurt Rich to prove it now and it would let his family know he died for a real cause. That’s just my thought. Most people already think it was Rich, which means any other whistleblower whom could be intimidated from working with WikiLeaks already is.

      1. Assange did mention in an interview that they don’t reveal their sources because blowing the whistleblowers’ cover would discourage people from coming forward with information to other stories. He did say that what happened to Seth Rich was precisely the reason, which hinted that Seth was the one who leaked it, not the Russians.

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    3. Seth Rich, slain DNC staffer, had contact with WikiLeaks, say multiple sources.

    4. Seth Rich was murdered.
      Its really difficult to wrap your brain around it and fully accept it as truth.
      There are people in our government who are so corrupt that they will murder a guy just to avoid the embarrassment of what he might be leaking out. They are willing to murder an innocent guy on the street purely for political power.
      You can go through the list of the 78 suspicious deaths connected to the Clintons, and most of them seem pretty iffy, kind of tenuous. Some are clearly just coincidence.
      But Seth Rich.
      They shot that poor bastard down in the street like a fucking dog, and didn’t even bother to take his wallet even try to pretend that maybe it was anything other than a fucking assassination.
      To make it clear that it wasn’t just killing a guy who was inconvenient.
      To make it clear that it was a fucking message:
      Seth Rich is what happens to you if you dare cross the elite. Seth Rich is what happens if you even think about turning on your masters, your betters.
      Fuck those sons of bitches.
      Burn it down. Burn it all fucking down.

      1. From the Fox News article:
        ” “I have seen and read the emails between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks,” the federal investigator told Fox News, confirming the MacFadyen connection. He said the emails are in possession of the FBI, while the stalled case is in the hands of the Washington Police Department.
        The revelation is consistent with the findings of Wheeler, whose private investigation firm was hired by a third party on behalf of Rich’s family to probe the case. “My investigation up to this point shows there was some degree of email exchange between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks,” Wheeler said. “I do believe that the answers to who murdered Seth Rich sits on his computer on a shelf at the DC police or FBI headquarters.”
        The federal investigator, who requested anonymity, said 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments between Democratic National Committee leaders, spanning from January 2015 through late May 2016, were transferred from Rich to MacFadyen before May 21. “

        1. “I do believe that the answers to who murdered Seth Rich sits on his computer on a shelf at the DC police or FBI headquarters.”
          If it wasn’t already ‘misfiled’, it is now.

    5. Almost entirely ignored in the MSM. Saw it on Zerohedge otherwise I wouldn’t have known. Had to do a specific news search for Seth Rich, and one of the main articles listed as ‘highly cited’ alludes to the family’s criticism of the allegation in the headline. What the hell happened to investigative journalism? Oh, wait the MSM, that’s what

      1. investigative journos tended to die under murky circumstances. Cant imagine many men have the stones for that these days(doesnt help that the a lot of $$ would be spent on those investigations and they wouldnt necessarily raise paper sales)

        1. you hear in the MSM about journos getting whacked in russia, the question is whether you would hear about it if it happened in the West. I think the fact that questions about the death of Seth Rich – who was performing a similar kind of function – are getting swept under the carpet suggests the MSM wouldn’t even back it’s own up, if a reporter went off script and investigated actual ‘power’ or actual corruption. Having said that people like Carl Bernstein & Woodward didn’t get whacked for their role in exposing Watergate scandal, and surely Nixon was at the same level as the Clinton’s? Unless the power elite wanted him gone, and that’s actually a conspiracy theory I’ve never even heard suggested. Another thing, if you think about it the casualty rate amongst war reporters / foreign correspondents is pretty high. Given that the entire function and integrity of the fourth estate is at stake you’d think there would be intrepid John Pilger types who’d be prepared to take the risks. Do Russians breed a better standard of journalism in that they are actually prepared to take on power?

  3. Trump’s success was due in a large part to his treating the media as if it is the enemy, which of course is true. He continues to get around the constant drumbeat of fake news from rackets like the Washington Post and New York Times by tweeting directly to the people or using other direct mechanisms to get around the mainstream media.
    Part of the globalists’ success is that too many people still give them presumed credibility in the presentation of what they call facts. For example, look at how far too many people bought into the Washington Post’s claims that Trump supposedly leaked classified information when:
    1. Any president can do this and other presidents have done it.
    2. The “news” came from “unnamed sources.” How many times to people have to keep falling for this when we all know that this is code for “the author inserted his own opinion into the story.”
    I think if we are to build on our successes, we must at all times delegitimize the mainstream media. As more people see them as propaganda mills than reporters of fact, the inbuilt advantage that their candidates have at the ballot box will decline.

    1. Yes, I read an MSM article yesterday with a hysterical headline about Trump sharing classified information with Lavrov. In the very article it quotes John McCain of all people as saying that it’s well within the president’s rights to do that.

      1. They are literally flinging shit like insane apes at this point, hoping anything sticks. I heard that story before the reveal this morning about the DNC guy communicating to WikiLeaks, so what they’re doing makes sense, they’re in full overdrive histrionics hoping that the DNC murdered dude story doesn’t get traction.

        1. I see a lot of people on my Facebook feed freaking out about Russia, describing them as enemies from the Cold War.
          Looks really bizarre and I don’t get it. It would help if they could bring up something specific.

        2. The Left has always adored Russia. This entire hyperventalating kabuki theatre is absurd on its face.

        3. I take it upon my return to the sod, me wearing a russian/ Putin T-shirt this summer won’t go over well?

        4. I really don’t think people actually care, outside of the media.

        5. Well, sort of.
          The goal of the left was to take down USA capitalism and saw the cold war era USSR as an ally in that endeavor.
          What changed the left’s attitude towards Russia in the past 20 years or so has been “love tourism” where aging American career women jealously saw “loser” American men go overseas and come back with women prettier than themselves. Russia also become nationalistic and was perceived as being in many ways more capitalist than the west (due to the oligarch plutocracy). So now the left hates Russia for undermining the diversity agenda and also not being socialist (in their view.)

        6. They will never mention any specifics because there are none, and they wouldn’t know or care about them even if there were any.

    2. I am surprised that Twitter hasn’t yet suspended Trump’s account. They did it to Milo Yiannopoulos for wrong thinking.

    3. I agree. Anytime I hear unnamed sources, I assume their is an 80-90% chance it’s complete utter bullshit and a 100% chance it’s at least partially bullshit. Unfortunately, this means I can’t trust anything Alex Jones reports on either. The only source I’ve ever heard him quote whom isn’t a shadow is Roger Stone. But it also means 99% of MSM stories are out the window.

  4. It should have been repeated ‘Greedy Tax Cheat’ Macron and ‘Champion of the People’ Le Pen. But alas, the tradionalists do not have the media outlets and coverage the globalist Left has.

    1. I’ll submit that the MSM was always like this and it is only the rise of independent media which has shown this.

      1. Of course, it has been like this for a long time. But now, the bias has become more blatant and in-your-face. It’s as if they know the public won’t do anything about it.

      2. I read “George Washington’s Secret Six.” Absolutely fantastic historical novel that reads like a modern spy thriller. Same tactics, just different tech. Anyway, this historical novel confirms that even the press and the media at the time of our Revolution were completely, purposefully, biased. Basically, each news paper either supported independence, or the crown. And all stories they presented supported their respective narratives.

        1. Right, back then, there were different media outlet pushing different stories. Now, all of the media outlets push the same narrative, and attack anyone who dares try to voice a different opinion.

      3. No, the media wasn’t always like this. There has always been partisan media and there has always been propaganda. But there used to be different voices and different opinions in the media. One newspaper might be all in for Truman, but another was all in for Dewey. Never before in the US has so much of the mainstream media, the political sphere, the corporate sphere and the entertainment industry been controlled by so few people with such closely-aligned interests. That has changed somewhat with the rise of the new media, YouTube, etc., but they are doing everything they can to squash that.

        1. The earliest example that I cite is the New York Times’ reporting on how great Joseph Stalin was back in the early 1930s. They even got a Pulitzer Prize for it. In reality, they covered up one of the most horrific genocides in human history, the Holodomor.
          All media are like that. Always.

    2. Frankly, I am glad they stopped hiding it. Now there is a healthy skepticism.

        1. I remember when I was a kid, listening to Barbara Walters or Tom Brokaw thinking that something doesn’t jive, couldn’t put my finger on it. Then, my parents got me a subscription of MAD magazine. Soon, I learned that 90% of the jokes were making fun of one political persuasion, and supporting the other, going against common sense, and I started seeing it everywhere. News, textbooks, television, etc. It all had some common agenda. Some guys find the red pill through the nature of women, I found it in a cartoon magazine.

        2. I demand you tell me where you found a working version of the They Live sunglasses!

        3. I remember the day I found out Peter Jennings wasn’t even an American, he was a damn dirty Canadian. That’s when I knew it was all a bunch of bullshit.
          F’n Canadians.

        4. The truth is: we all know they are lying to us, it’s just much easier to keep sleepwalking through life and ignoring it. It’s easier to accept it as “close enough” to truth and get back to mowing the yard or worrying about the taxes.
          Just about all of us have had the experience of attending an event live or being part of something that was later reported on by the media. Maybe the local newspaper did an article on a fundraiser that you were part of, or maybe the local TV station did a segment on some local issue you happened to be on the inside of.
          When you saw the newspaper article on the event or whatever, you read through it and saw all the things wrong with it. You saw how the reporter over-simplified things to such a degree as to be wrong about the facts. You saw quotes taken out of context, attributed to the wrong person, or maybe even seemingly made up completely. You realized the people reporting on the story knew nothing about what was actually going on, either because they were too dumb to figure it out or because they didn’t take the time to try to understand it. You also realized that anyone reading the story got a false impression about it.
          Maybe you got upset about it. Maybe you called your wife or friend over and told them how wrong the story was. Maybe you just shook your head and thought what an idiot the reporter was.
          But then you turned the page of the paper and started reading the next story. Then you listened to the next segment on the news. And you didn’t turn your brain back on long enough to realize that the next article, the next segment, was just as much bullshit as the one you happened to personally know about. And so was the next article, and the next one, and the one after that.
          The vast majority of people who are “journalists’ in the mainstream media today are there for one of two reasons: (1) because they really aren’t bright, driven or intelligent enough to be successful somewhere else, and/or (2) because they “want to make a difference” and “change the world.” Neither of those things leads to the honest, diligent and truth reporting of complicated facts and circumstances.

        5. Perfect!
          The pro-gun protests in Ohio in 2012, where we had well over 5,000 people show up armed, locked and loaded, were reported by the media as “hundreds turn up in support of gun rights” by every single media outlet. Meanwhile there was 1…ONE…stinking counter protestor and guess who showed up as “Also present was a counter demonstration” with no numbers mentioned, as their “source” to “interview”. It was such blatant bullshit that it was breathtaking.

        6. I see it all the time in my line of work. A lazy reporter will take a press release, reword it a little, get a quote from a PR person, and then print it. A dumb reporter will just report the bare minimum of facts, then reword those facts in a different order to make the article look longer, and throw in some quotes that don’t really mean much. A biased reporter will take the press release from the side he/she supports, get some juicy quotes from someone on the side he/she supports, and then put out a propaganda statement masked as a news article. It happens all the time.

        7. Yup, a couple years ago, we attended a pro-family rally at the State Capital when the gay marriage issue was heating up. There were some guest speakers and we were sitting in chairs. Surrounding us, were several hundred gays, chanting, carrying on, and making fools of themselves with mock weddings and such. Scared my kids.
          The next day, we saw an article in the paper, saying all parties were cordial and respectful of one another. We cancelled the paper that day.

        8. Are you perchance suggesting that I am excessively verbose in drafting my commentaries on the various articles posted on this internet website, Return of Kings, that we all enjoy so much?

        9. Yup, you notice a bias from day to day, but if you are in a position to directly compare what is stated with reality, you realize how bad it is. I think GOJ is able to concur with his story.

        10. Why say in 100 words what can be said in 10,000?

        11. Nah. They’re just prostitutes doing whatever it takes to earn their next paycheck.

        12. Dude, I of all people here has no standing to diss anybody for being windy.

        13. take a wild guess……who is to say I wasn’t one of the rainbow paraders? Me, the wife and our 5 kids at the time, yeah we covered ourselves in Vaseline and had a gay ol’ time.

        14. Yeah, saw this a long time ago in my teens, a very long time before I came across the Red Pill or anything connected to it. I went to some public event which was reported the next day in a ‘respectable’ broadsheet newspaper (not one of the trash ones). I didn’t recognise what they reported at all, it was just made up. I have not trusted the mainstream press since.

        15. I noticed that when I was a kid I was involved in something on several occasions , where the local paper or TV news would cover it and totally change the way the story or event occurred. I thought “How could they have gotten it so wrong?”. Eventually, I would be saying “How do they keep getting basic shit wrong in a story every time?”. I could have just chocked it up to my own perspective was off or maybe someone was in a hurry or something got lost in translation here and there; but this is systemic, and maybe even deliberate, on even the most mundane details. It makes for a good excuse when they get caught telling the bigger lies.

  5. You know, it’s not even defeat that bugs me. There’s no shame in going down fighting against a worthy opponent. But it drives me absolutely insane that we’re losing against such hubristic and openly malevolent people. I mean, if I were a member of Globalist Elite I’d have suggested we try to ride out the wave of Nationalism. Give everyone a few years of peace, let some of the wealth we’ve created trickle down to hoi polloi, and just wait.
    But no, instead they’ve just doubled-down on their agenda. Like this thing with Assad. It’s the exact same song and dance we heard the last two times the Elites decided to purposefully throw a MENA country into chaos because its leader wouldn’t play ball. And only a handful of us smell a rat. I’m starting to realize why they think we’re stupid. Most of us are.

    1. “the hoi polloi”
      just “hoi polloi” not “the hoi polloi” “hoi” in greek means “the” “The hoi polli” means “the the many”
      Sorry, pet peeve and my inner pedagogue get the better of me sometimes

    2. Remember, they’re doing this because they are AFRAID. The old paradigm is collapsing. The fact that they’re trying to adapt means they’re bleeding. It means they’re in danger.
      Never, ever forget this. How you think is half the battle.

  6. The so called Establishment are descendants from the old peerage of England i.e. mostly crypto-Jews. They always win through the control of both sides of the argument. It’s rather simple actually and yet very hard for the masses to figure out this paradox.
    Look Trump still keeps Hillary’s portrait in the White house. Why? Because they are cousins and all in it together but his supporters were shouting “Lock her up, lock her up” and the orange man just smirked at them.
    Some people never learn.

  7. Wait wait…
    Dave Rubin is catching flak now? His interviews are spot on and about as unbiased (for a guy that openly states his position, but lets his guests fully state theirs) as you can get.
    I mean damn, the guy has openly changed his mind in the middle of an interview after someone hit him with facts he wasn’t aware of.
    Damn the left really is eating itself alive. As Dave frequently likes to say: “Defending my liberal views has become a conservative position”.

  8. Linguistic kill shots, astroturfing, centrists vs extreme right, mental cues, media censorship. Your vote is nullified 10x over by idiots who fall prey to this suggestive thinking. Still think democracy is a great system? Still think your government is elected by the “will of the people?”

      1. I cant believe how many dummies here in nyc, VP-level and higher, think abolishing the electoral college is a great idea (“Hillary won the popular vote!”)

        1. It’s only a good idea to abolish the electoral college because their candidate lost. If their candidate won (like Obama in ’08 and ’12), then it would have been just fine.

    1. Yep. I live in the “bluest” of “blue” states and yes, any vote I cast is going to be cancelled out by at least a factor of 5-10.

  9. Hey, men, hate to break it yo you, but none of the following gives any damn about you, The Man:
    the Government,
    the Political parties
    the Non political organizations
    the Left and the Right
    the Corporations
    the Kings & Queens
    the Church,
    the Religions,
    the Media,
    the Courts,
    the Police
    the Army,
    the Schools,
    the Women,
    the Gays,
    the Trannies,
    the Manginas
    and last but not least … your MOTHER.
    Why? Because they are all bearers and protectors of feminine values – control, manipulation and materialism.
    The whole society is against you.
    Sadly, this has been going for thousands of years, in fact since the beginning of agriculture and somehow we never saw it coming.
    Chew on this new meme for a while and then we can start having a proper conversation.

    1. “They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by
      an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can’t get away from us now!”
      – Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller, USMC
      From here:

      When the Marines were cut off behind enemy lines and the Army had written the 1st Marine Division off as being lost because they were surrounded by 22 enemy divisions. The Marines made it out inflicting the highest casualty ratio on an enemy in history and destroying 7 entire enemy divisions in the process. An enemy division is 16500+ men while a Marine division is 12500 men.

        1. my favorite marine is still Srgt. Horace “Flapjack Titties” McGilicutty. a great man with an unfortunate nickname

        2. I don’t have any problem with nicknames like that. I was called “Cooter” (referring to Dukes of Hazard) in high school from my mannerisms. It started off as poking fun, but I lived up to it, and I wore it as a badge of honor.

        3. Zombie Marine Corp- fighting for brains, more brains, and the American Way- SUMMER 2018

        4. I was dubbed “fukknuts” at part time job in HS. Not sure if I met or exceeded expectations….

        5. My brother (6’2, built, and crazy) was nicknamed “Thrasher”. He got that from some fight, and continued to live up to it.

        6. The guy who named me was a 45 yo drunk who lived in the bowling alley his father owned. He died within a year, so I didn’t put much stock in it.

        7. cant believe you worked at that alley btw(no need to name it again)
          small world

        8. HA!
          I TOLD you we’ve crossed paths….
          So you’ve been there? I was pretty much a fixture b/w 89 and 93.

        9. were you the kid who liked sniffing the bowling shoes? Honestly, we prob did cross paths….we kids all crowded around the Gauntlet video game, it was like the best game ever. what else did they have? Street Fighter, right?

        10. haha. Only when the girls from NCC had their “class” there.
          I worked in the back, except for a brief tenure up front.
          Dont remember the video games, except for the Addams Family pinball game. There was one we busted open and got the cash box out of…..Probably a stupid idea considering who owned and ran those games….

        11. I was in a kiddie league when I was 12 n 13, so that was 88 n 89, so we def crossed paths. was the manager a white chick with short hair and blue eyes? small world!

        12. Hmmmm. White chick doesn’t ring a bell…..
          To confirm, we’re talking about a place that was open 24 hrs, yes?

        13. no idea. doesnt the web reduce 6 degrees of separation to 2 or 3??

      1. Have you guys been listening to K-BILLY’s super sounds of the seventies weekend?

        1. I am sure you spend a lot of time talking to the men….most likely in fag bars. Lol.

        2. Drop a quarter in the slot and make an Apachebaum happy.

        3. Said the idiot with 25K comments in a men-only forum!
          Get a life loser!

        4. Checking this one- 42 thousand comments!
          Oh, wow, what a keyboard warrior!

        5. Oh PJ, you poor, destitute, old, whore buying pathetic beta dude, really, is that all you got?

        6. It really is all he’s got.
          I have no problem with it. I’ve secured a job that gives me 7 out of 8 hours a day free, work from home, and have nothing to do but sit around bullshitting with others, for a very good salary. Seems to me to be the ideal, and something to be proud of. Heh.

        7. How many of those 42K are useless chatter like this? I’d guess 95%!

        8. wtf is that shit. And why oh why there is a french flag in there.
          disgusting !

        9. My 5% quality beats the entirety of your catalog of content though, so hey, I’m good with that. Heh.
          You are once again poking your nose onto a thread to demotivate. That’s all you do. It’s like….a mission of yours.

  10. Trump turned the national debate from fringe social issues like climate change and African poverty to the loss of middle class jobs and border security, massive third world immigration, issues that really affect people’s lives. The globalists have been distracting the masses with horrible pop entertainment and celebrities like Kim Kardashian for years. Now many people are realizing they are not famous nor live privileged lives but slave for an elite few. They also realize some dictator that “oppresses” their people in some far off country full of brown people really does not impact their lives either.
    While I am not sure if Trump is really going to change the power structure in the West, the movement has started, with or without him. I guess the main good Trump has done has put a stop to the state sponsored thought control.

    1. He will need to be followed up by “Trumpist” candidates. That’s why Cernovich and others are talking “Revolution 2018.”

      1. Here is the problem with Trump, he benefits from the current system, not just him but his family. So he has no incentive to shift America from neoliberal to nationalist rule. Its people who have a working class background, who actually struggled in life who have a real incentive to change America to work for regular people, not those who live in gilded towers.
        His only difference from Obama is the way he speaks, but in terms of policy and action, no difference at all.
        I already hear that he is planning to fire Steve Bannon, the left is going crazy over the Comey firing, watch his base fume when he ousts Bannon.

        1. That was a while ago, nothing’s been reported since. Cernovich has the inside scoops.
          Trump isn’t the end. He’s just the one that helped to blow the door down. If he doesn’t want to walk through it dragging the cart behind him, others will have to follow, particularly by throwing the slugs out of congress.

        2. Fuck Trump and ALL politicians, of WHATEVER bent. We are nothing more than a perishable product to the 1%….

        3. It’s not really the 1%, but the 0.01% you really need to be concerned with. They have more money and power than Trump or Soros will ever have and most people don’t even know who they are.

  11. look folks the globalist propaganda for the invasion of europe. Disgusting !

    1. They turned the fairy godmother into an anti-white, pro-migration smuggler.

      1. She’s too thin, though. I feel like the entire EU is fat-shaming all women.

        1. they could have take the horrible face of fucking merkel for this fairy bitch, it would stick more closely to the reality.

      2. they took a hipster bitch with glasses and the typical leftist face for the europe fairy. The sign “refugees welcome” is still missing. Those motherfuckers !

    1. I’ve noticed a strange paradox out there. Many so-called “Red Pilled” guys are still firmly jacked into the Matrix. They took the Blue Pill and woke up believing whatever they wanted to believe, namely that they took the Red Pill…

      1. Many so-called “Red Pilled” guys are still firmly jacked into the Matrix. They took the Blue Pill and woke up believing whatever they wanted to believe, namely that they took the Red Pill…

        You know, that ending of The Matrix Reloaded would have made much more sense.

      2. Now that you’ve successfully signaled to everyone here how “red pilled” you are and used analogies from a movie nearly 20 years old, I hope you’ll familiarize yourself with the persuasion tactics, the meat of the post.

      1. Yeah, if it wasn’t you i wouldn’t come to idea “they” actually exist in some field of interest, great job mate. Mind blowing. You should start writing articles regularly or something.
        But back to the topic, did you call the nationalist “populist” intentionally?

  12. “We can safely say that the establishment is learning and adapting from their stupendous losses in 2016” ~ Thump! Thump! Thump! – banging forehead on wall – Trump IS part of the Establishment…

    1. He finally caved into the establishment. No more border wall, no trade war with China. On the other hand he will increase immigration from China through investor visas.
      So much for creating American jobs. When Bannon leaves the Trump administration goes full globalist.

  13. Yeah, but Bernie Sanders should have won the nomination and he was a geriatric, physically unattractive Jew who doesn’t fit the Macron profile. He very well could have beat Trump in a general election and despite his many flawed ideas (and ideals), he is a helluva lot better candidate and person than crooked Hillary ever could be.

  14. Well written article and very insightful. There’s something odd with the election results in Europe, the supposed victories of the left don’t coincide with the supposed rise of the right. Very strange and it makes one wonder what’s really going on.

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