After much delay, I’m happy to announce that the Red Kings Shop is open for business with a debut flagship t-shirt that features the iconic ROK logo printed on a high-quality 100% cotton cranberry red American Apparel chemise that is made in the USA.
By wearing the official ROK shirt, you will experience these benefits:
- Testosterone increase of 300% (more than what Kratom provides)*
- Induce mental breakdown of any liberal who sees your shirt*
- Rapid 3-inch elongation of your penis*
- Immediate 50-pound gain in your bench press*
- More ravenous attention from beautiful women of suitable breeding stock*
- Reduction of body fat by at least 10%*
* The above claims have not been independently verified, and may be an attempt by Roosh to sell more shirts
We’ve had two robust beta tests that have put our small size out of stock and medium size in limited stock. If you’re enjoying the articles on ROK and want to support our operation, visit Red Kings Shop and buy your shirt today. Your shirt will be shipped out within one week from when you place your order.
This is the best way to donate to the masculine cause while receiving a handsome shirt in return, especially on the heels of Paypal shutting us down in April for political reasons. Your support is much appreciated.
After you receive your shirt, use our form to send me a picture, review, or story from wearing the shirt and get a 20% off discount code by the time we launch our second item.
“We’ve had two robust beta tests that have put our small size out of stock and medium size in limited stock. ”
Love the shirt @Roosh but I think I will wait until you have done some alpha testing.
I really wanted to be the first with the beta test joke.
Or, you could try some omega testing:
does it come in pink
almost never
This is just…how do I put it…I can’t even…oh hell, it’s gay. It’s just flaming gay, like show tunes in the men’s locker room and that’s all there is to it.
very subtle!
I’m not sure what Jim is referencing. It’s just a shirt that says “Punch me in the face with the full fury of Thor”. How is that omega?
No kidding, It would be like a shirt that says “I dare you to take a swing at me”. Not for the timid.
That is an excellent point. Now there is another issue to discuss here. So about that Latina maid. Yesterday she walks up to the fence while I’m out by the pool and she tells me she’s bummed because she can’t socialize with any of the guests – it’s corporate policy. If she leaves the property after work she cannot come back to visit a guest, as socializing with guests is forbidden. She asks me what I think about that. I tell her fuck the policy, if she wants to fuck a guest, she should fuck them. She likes that one. So then she tells me she recently had a bout of stomach flu and it affected her plumbing but not her pussy plumbing – “My pussy walls are strong.” Then she asks if I’m still in the same room. Then she tells me she is going to stop by Wed. evening after going home from work to change and shower and she asks me what do I like to drink, because she will bring it over.
So it’s game on…and if I get shot, it’s your fault (and lolknee’s). But it won’t be my fault, because I am unaccountable, like an SJW or a feminist. Seriously though, there’s only so much a guy can stand and I am taking this bitch down…will report back after the deed is done.
Big Bob, playing some Domestic Help Game!
The only thing that kind of weirded me out, was the pussy walls comment. And the fact she doesn’t look like the girl above. And the fact she’s married. Anyway I’m going to break my policy regarding married women and go for it, largely due to your encouragement and lolknee’s.
And the fact she doesn’t look like the girl above.
This sounds like an invitation to keep trying until we get it.
Dude, if she looked like the young Vergara chick, I’d violate the marriage rule, several federal laws and quite possibly a few major scientific theories to make that shit happen.
Well, I’m all out of ideas..
I was thinking of
como se dice “oompah loompah” en espanol?
Ooompo loompo
Oh yes, nice.
I just did an image search for Latina MILFs and Latina maids and scoured a bunch of images and this is as close as I could find to what this married maid looks like. Tits are not as big. Mouth is prettier. She always sucks on things when she’s around me – pens, lollipops, etc. I mean, she’s done everything except point at her pussy and say, “Fuck me”…anyway, this is pretty close to what her face looks like.
Not shabby, man.
Plus, she has thick pussy walls. What’s not to like?
Ha! She’s got her beat…I don’t dip it in skanks, well, except for that one time. No, twice. Wait…three times, tops. I swear.
I dig the hello keedee necklace
That’s damn close. I might snap her pic after the deed and post it for like a millisecond here on Thursday…
Always a nice touch. I don’t think this bitch would wear something like that. More like a “Homies Always” necklace…or a small pot pipe on a chain, “Hey, ese”…she says that all the time. Homie-girl type.
Yuck. Even male pattern baldness in the front.
But I’m not sure she’s any worse than the Latino housekeeper that Arnold was boning. And impregnated.
So much for his standards.
It’s the married thing that puts the approach/avoidance fear in me. But I’m over it. She walked directly into my room a few days ago, didn’t knock. She saw I was on the phone. She apologized and licked her lips really slow and left. I mean…yeah. Only so much a guy can take.
You have opened yourself up to the “What took you so long?” mini shit test.
just make sure she doesnt have any ms13 tats. I dont want you dropped into an empty oil drum filled with acid
Any chick who tells you her pussy walls are strong, I gotta figure she isn’t interested in going to Olive Garden and the movies…she’s a slut. And I don’t plan on talking to her. It shouldn’t take more than 30 seconds to have her stripped down – that’s the plan, anyway.
Will report back regarding shit tests, etc. However, I am definitely going to slide her $50 to $100 after the fact. It’s just something that has to be done in this situation – preemptive strike. Works every time. Rules of the game are established, she fucked me for money.
“Punch me in the face with the full fury of Thor”
As it turns out, Thor is now a homo
I’ll check that out, amigo. I’m giving her cash after the fact, regardless – that always works as a boundary-setter.
“Punch me in the face with the full fury of Thor”.
Er, as it turns out, I am pretty sure Thor is a ‘Mo
This one would probably make a great wife. You could come and go as you please, beat her all you like and always expect a hot meal and clean clothes.
Good luck, Bob. Die well, my friend.
You would be surprised how many girls will mention that they are waxed within the first 20 minutes of knowing me. lol
How do you know she just isn’t a cat lady with a robust kennel for her pussies?
OT but I have straight up been laughing at this meme for like 3 days now
If I gotta go, I gotta go…and that’s as good a way as any, mi amigo.
Hahahaha! I won’t know until tomorrow night about 9:00 p.m.
dammit! now you have me snickering here at work. You will get me in trouble you bastard.
“Imma give that bitch a home depot gift certificate for her birthday….by the time I am done with her she is gonna need new walls.”
Still waiting to see the face….
i thought they cant pronounce the “r” ? now im confused
It’s neither. The japs have one consonant halfway between l and r so you always hear the wrong one since they’re actually dating their sound, not either of yours. For instance oh really sounds like the same consonant.
I would totally motorboat that kitty
Yes, and a hot bowl of Menudo every night! Te quiero Papi.
Hey I’m not wife shopping and have no interest in ever being married but a short, hard working, slightly chubby Latina who didn’t ask questions and coild take a punch would be number one on my list
No doubt! Your bed would be turned-down and there would be a Large pot on the stove every night… No shortage of clean linens and good food!
Don’t do it! I am warning you Bob and I love being right, but in this case you are going to have Javier at your door defending his defiled wifehoe.
Just make sure we know what local trauma unit you are in so we can send get well cards.
It’s not worth it Bob. I have a bad feeling. Not about the actual sex but the aftermath. Please don’t. We need you Bob.
Don’t worry. If she shows up with a gang of homies, I won’t let her in…
It’s not the homies m’dear, it’s the stray bullet or baseball bat.
Puerile…’stretches his eyes’? What next? Amu jokes with dates, pistachio and pumpkin seeds thrown in?
Damn you both beat me to it. lol
I was so pleased to hit it first.
Omega 3: not sold at the ROK shop
Not is Beta Alanine
Damnit, I walk away for 30 minutes and miss this opportunity to post that first.
Buy the small t-shirts for your chicks.
Capital suggestion! And save them for the most feminist of the bunch, make her wear it in public when with you.
This is what I plan on doing. Plus getting a box of them and handing them out for free.
If an alpha man tries that shirt on, we will soon have the second coming of Jesus.
It’s possible. This is why the shirt needs to be alpha tested and not beta tested
info wars business model…. when will you sell Return Of Kings Bone Broth?
I wanted to be the first to make a Kratom joke in the comments, but Roosh outdid me by putting a Kratom joke in the article. Shadilay, my dude, shadilay.
yeah! dude shut us down….
“made in the USA”… music to my ears
Good call on that one. No fuckin’ way I was gonna buy an ROK shirt made in floor-spitting communist China or shithouse Honduras like a lot of Walmart merch.
A made in USA ROK shirt means “we love greatness, we love strength, we love capitalism, we love the constitution, we love secure borders, and we love western civilization”. And we’re willing to pay a few extra dollars for that dammit.
I just bought some Georgia boots. Spent $140 on them. On the tag, I see “Assembled in China”. Aren’t any shoes or clothes made in America anymore?
“Rapid 3-inch elongation of your penis”…..This isn’t some medieval torture device is it? I ain’t putting my thing in no rack.
Just trust us. Penis will grow robustly.
Does penile gains come by way of girth also? You need some width so they can really feel the power pulsating through your loins.
I’d like to preorder a case of ROK condoms (size XXL). The pussy-tingling-shock-value alone would be well worth whatever price I might ultimately pay for the right to pull those puppies out of my night-stand drawer…
whats a condoms
Something other guys wear. (I always go for the joke if possible, even if it make me look like I do something that I don’t do…I thought you knee-ew this already, Chico.)
“con-dom” that sounds like what this one girl was saying before I raw dogged her. She stopped saying it once she came
In all seriousness, my wife experienced one once….about a month after our first kid. She thought it would be a good option before we got a better form of BC. Never again.
in all seriousness indeed. I won’t wear them. Fuck that. I have a pack in my drawer that I bought last October (before Halloween) that still hasn’t been open despite it being open season.
no fear of STD’s or little lolknee juniors running around?
Funny how bitches are like that – so sure regarding what they think they want until daddy shows them what they really want.
Speaking of “want”, I want to see a line of ROK sex toys for women. Think about it. It would be the ultimate slap in the faces (and pussies) of feminists. I would buy ROK sex toys for known feminists and do it anonymously, and ship them right to their places of employment. And they would open them, offer up an embarrassed laugh, and then they would take them home and plow their holes with them.
Yes. Yes they would.
I don’t think that heterosexual vaginal intercourse with attractive women can lead to anything serious and others may say otherwise but I have 30 years of sexual promiscuity and clean tests to support my claims. A lot of it is in the choosing but unless you are a sodomite I think that STDs are generally very rare and if you stick to a set of people who are unlikely to have them, young, professional etc I think you can pretty much avoid it.
I have had to deal with 3 byblows in my day. not pleasant, but not the worst. Most women in NYC are on some form of birthcontrol (the implant being my favorite) and between that and pull and pray I seem to do alright.
Dude, if a guy is sucking your cock you’re gay, not by.
I had a friend get the clap once. He said the test was the worst. Had a pipe cleaner stuck up his urethra, but all they did after that was give him some antibiotics and it was done. Prior to marriage, I always wore a condom.
Funny how the really nasty ones (Hep C and Aids) are all either gay or drug related. I suppose it would be because of being a blood borne pathogen, and not some local infection.
yes. while not pleasant if it can be cured with antibiotics I’m not really afraid of it….but yes…there is pretty much nothing incurable that I believe I can get from having heterosexual, vaginal and oral sex with girls who tend to be picky
It’s this thing girls make guys wear on their penis. You may have heard of them when the girl says, “Like I swear to god this is the first time I’ve had sex without a condom… like seriously like ever.”
Lol. fuck that noise.
,,Rapid 3-inch elongation of your penis*”
That’s it, I’m hooked !
When will the smalls be back in stock?
When will the small be back in stock?
When will the smalls be back in stock?
In about a month.
good, good
As a King myself I have to respectfully decline this attire as I only wear my own crest. Which is fucking awesome…
All the smalls are out of stock…lol. I hope all of you buy one so you’re easier to spot and avoid.
I hope you fucking die
there is no cure for hydrophobia
Troll trolls. Film at 11.
There are No Smalls… just buy a XXL and grow into it!
WTF, Roosh, those pics of you modeling this shirt look to have been taken last October. I could have used a bunch for Christmas gifts if you’d not waited seven months to get ’em to market.
Good stuff bud.
I move slowly, but the job always gets done.
Got it. The old bull v. the young bull.
only boys start fast and finish quick…you’re doin’ alright Roosh
Nice shirt. Maybe the words ‘trigger warning’ could be written on the back?
you should put out a line of fake beards; it would sell like hotcakes
thats a real beard tho!
Maybe a Roosh mask? SJW love to hide behind Guy Fawkes masks, why not have a Roosh face mask for our side?
If I purchase a pair, can I ask for a free sample of KRATOM attached?
*Kratom not included
Looks like Roosh has been hitting the weights a little!
Let’s see how many now will put their money where their mouth is!
Always better than one’s foot I suppose….
I’m gonna make a mousepad of that pic of Roosh
Dude, go back to your pornsite. You are not amusing.
Ok daddy
my feelings are fragile and you’re being very hostile
we have fun
Do they come in sleeveless variants?
It has an option for manual conversion.
Scissors sold separately.
Just flex, Big Time.
Please don’t!
That’s on our list of products for the future.
I love the blood red color. So the stains won’t show.
CRANBERRY red!!!!!
Do you anything for the blue pill man with an inverted pee pee? I know many who would benefit from that.
Soon as I clear up a little space on the card de credit, I think I shall purchase a couple of these fine articles of clothing.
Is there any way to buy this shirt anonymously? I would not like to get tracked or doxxed in the near future.
Then where would we ship the shirt to?
You got the stuff man?
Nice shirt.
I like that the sleeves aren’t too long.
That’s the way tee shirts should be.
im waiting for Roosh to start selling condoms, RoK quality, XXL, guaranteed not to break.Made in Texas
Because nothing says “I’m an internet-addled pussy boy like an ROK T-shirt.”
I also have a shirt available!
Aaaaaaaaand, bought.
I havent had a shirt that shade of red in 10 years. It looked great on me for years and I was wearing it on my second notch and first ONS.
Got it
Thank you!
….but which razor does Roosh recommend??!!
Enjoying my ROK T-shirt. Will send a pic or two when I get the chance.
Roosh … more info about the sizes is needed. Also do you ship outside of the US? I want 2 for a 6 inch elongation ..lozlozlz
XXL? These shirts should not be available to fat asses.