How The Globalist Establishment Came Into Being

We are witnessing the United States and Europe become increasingly tumultuous. What we are not being told is a similar tumultuousness is building in China. While a number of us are aware that this is caused by the global establishment, we need to be aware of a few things about them.

Communism and fascism

Anyone can be a member of the global establishment. They little from whence members of their group originate. No global establishment insider has ever turned in another insider. The global establishment orchestrated the rise of communism, fascism, feminism and other ideologies. The books The Rise of the Fourth Reich by Jim Marrs and Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Anthony Sutton discuss how the Russian Revolution at the beginning of the 20th century was financed by American capitalists.

The authors of The Nazi Hydra in America, Glen Yeadon and John Hawkins, discuss how the rise of Adolf Hitler was financed by British and American Capitalists through various subsidiaries. Auschwitz was built with the understanding of American and British Capitalists that Auschwitz would be a slave labor camp for the making of products to be sold to the public and to world governments. The pinning of events and conspiracies upon certain groups or persons (Jews, whites, free masons, etc.) is also an act of the global establishment.

The global establishment is old. In his book The Creature From Jeykll Island, G. Edward Griffin discussed how they immediately tried to insert itself into the United States, at its inception, but the attempt was thwarted. Their efforts in the 18th and much of the 19th centuries was a struggle for the economic and political control of the United States government and the United States. That battle was ultimately lost with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 that established the Federal Reserve System.

Fear keeps you from acting against the global establishment.

After World War II, many communists in the United States would seek direction from Moscow. Dr. Bella Dodd was a member of the National Committee of the Communist Party in the U.S., and later stated to W. Cleon Skousen, which he documents in his book, The Naked Capitalist, “I think the Communist conspiracy is merely a branch of a much bigger conspiracy!”

Dr. Dodd was confused because when asking for direction from Moscow, the American Communist Party was told to contact one of three people in the Waldorf Towers in New York. Dr. Todd found it interesting that these men were neither Russian nor Communist, but were wealthy American capitalist and whatever direction they gave the American Communist Party, Moscow always supported and ratified it. In his book, The Making of America, W. Cleon Skousen documents how the ideas of Communism were tried before Karl Marx was even born.

Several authors, such as W. Cleon Skousen, who was opposed to the global establishment in his books The Naked Communist and The Naked Capitalist, have documented how Moscow and Beijing are under the control of a higher entity. Carol Quigley, author of Tragedy and Hope, documents how this elite group has been behind major world events. Professor Quigley, an insider that supported the global establishment, writes of how the global establishment seeks to control the entire world. Professor Quigley also boasts that the tide cannot be turned and anyone that goes along with the tide will eventually find themselves in a period of man-made peace and prosperity (under their control, of course).

Agents of the global establishment were the ones to advocate trade with Communist China during the Nixon era. There are few governments at this time which are not under their control or influence.

The wealthy advocate socialist

Yanis Varoufakis, a former Greek Minister of Finance, referred to the global establishment as ruling insiders. Yanis was told that no insider has ever turned in another insider, insiders are not allowed to make any significant changes, and outsiders are vilified and thrown out. This is why the global establishment hates Julian Assange. Forward to 01:02:00:

Why is it that men such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and James Dimon (CEO of JPMorgan Chase) advocate socialism? These men, among other wealthy people, are part of the global establishment agenda, whether directly or indirectly is irrelevant. The super wealthy hide their money behind layers of trusts, foundations, companies, and other legal organizations. They wish to remain hidden.

Their foundations are legal ways of shielding their wealth from taxation, not because they have benevolent hearts. They always advocate help be offered through government via more control andmore taxation of people such as you and me.

What you can do

The global establishment hates the idea of private property, for you and me. They would secretly own the whole world and make us work until we are no longer deemed of worth. They hate the U.S. Constitution and have been trying to overthrow it for over 200 years. No other nation on earth is offered the protections the U.S. Constitution gives to the people. The global establishment wants to break down national borders and implement economic zones.

The current system cannot be saved; too many laws and court rulings would have to be overturned. We must return to our foundation. We begin that move to the foundation by first becoming aware of our current situation. Most readers of Return of Kings are at least somewhat aware of our current situation. We know that feminism, political correctness, and various other ideologies are ways to convince the world population to accept the prison and eventual extermination of themselves and their neighbors.

Masculine men are a threat to the global establishment because those in power are more likely to be challenged by men. Hence the programs and other directives to feminize men. Most women are inclined to simply go along what is perceived as the established authority.

The global establishment frequently works both sides of an issue, for their own gain. It is time to stop thinking linearly. Trump is currently being worked. The global establishment considers Trump an aberration, hence the media is attempting to discredit and make Trump appear to be incompetent. While we are aware of some of the methods of the global establishment, be aware the opposite of something is not always what it seems. The opposite of war is not peace, and the opposite of slavery is not freedom.

Read More: The Establishment’s Narrative Is In Shambles

184 thoughts on “How The Globalist Establishment Came Into Being”

  1. Saying that “The global establishment orchestrated the rise of (… ) fascism (…)”, and that “(…) the rise of Adolf Hitler was financed by British and American Capitalists through various subsidiaries” is evidence that the author of this piece is a complete ignoramus about History or a tinfoil hat that believes that the Rothschild’s are reptilians who financed the NSDAP in order to create the State of Israel.

    1. Conspiracy theories are really fun because, when someone asks for evidence, you can claim that the reptilians, or whomever, destroyed it all, of course.
      When I was employed by the government in various roles I was sad when I was never told about the massive conspiracy that nearly every public employee on earth has to be involved with in order to support these wackjob nuts.

    2. You ever notice how nobody talks about how unfair the Treaty of Versailles was or how Churchill ignored the many peace offers Hitler sent him? Or about how millions of lives could have been spared had they just allowed Danzig to rejoin Germany?
      Nobody asks these questions because the Allies won the war, and that automatically makes them immaculate.

        1. “The victor will never be asked if he told the truth”

      1. I did notice that people are almost never willing to discuss anything in regards to Hitler and World War 2 if it strays from the usual narrative of “Nazis bad, poor jews,”.
        I haven’t researched much about this time period so I can’t confirm or deny what you said, but it’s definitely a noticeable trend that you are not allowed to question history in regards to Hitler.

        1. Of course. Digging deeper and asking too many questions would bust the narrative that the Nazis were cartoonishly evil villains.

        2. All of popularly known history has this problem. For example, you’d think the entire South consisted of KKK up until the 60’s, but in its heyday it was still a fairly small organization consisting primarily of Democrats like Barney Frank.

        3. Well, you would better start to do your homework properly from proper sources.
          Because the way WWII was started, conducted and finished, shaped the world, laws, societal conditioning we live in & have to this day.
          ,,If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.”

        4. And what would those “proper sources” be exactly?
          Thing is, there is a shit load of information out there, especially when it comes to WWII, so it’s difficult to discern which is authentic and which is not.

        5. First and foremost, when it comes to wars, in order to obtain truth, you need to construct your country’s perspective ( why did your country get implicated ) and after, to construct your worldly perspective ( why did other countries get implicated ).
          Only then, can you dare to have an idea on what the hell happened.
          Make no mistake friend, history has been fundamentally censored along the years and to this day, institutions exist that limit your freedom of expression and the content you can still find free online. In other words, history is being censored as we speak.
          Go forth and research, don’t slack off thinking somebody is going to come along and give it to you, because there are countries that still benefit from the fact the certain things remain hidden.

        6. That didn’t answer my question.
          You claimed that I should “school” myself from the “proper sources”, and since you made that claim, I asked you to back it up. Not to go on a tangent on how to study history.
          You are the one who made a claim and didn’t back it up, not me. I didn’t ask for your help, I asked you to prove yourself. And you definitely did, just not in the way you’d like to think.

        7. The fuck should I know ?
          What country / nationality are you ?
          Want me to give you a hand-out ?
          Get this : There’s no such things.
          For me to find out I spent 5 years of constant reading and researching.
          Because get this : it ain’t easy to find the truth.
          How would like for me to prove myself ? Sheesh.

        8. “you need to construct your country’s perspective”
          Good lord, you are years out of date. Decades. No one believes that countries are monolithic agents with one set of beliefs and goals.
          They are highly complex entities composed of a variety of actors.
          That is, for instance, the reason that you’ll have a hard time assessing the history of Lebanon. Why? Because it is largely driven by tensions between disparate ethnic groups. The idea that Lebanon has an ‘interest’ is preposterous nonsense.

        9. So basically you have nothing to offer… no evidence, no sources.
          Hint: burden of proof.

        10. Dude…you are talking out your ass.
          We were discussing WWII.
          Pay attention or stay off.

      2. The Treaty of Versailles was mainly the fault of France, which was compensating for the loss in 1870.
        Hitler was a clever bastard. First he tried to take over in 1923. ( Fun fact. Hermann Göring was shot in the ass, while running away from police.) When that didn’t work, he tried politics and succeed.
        There is also a politcs of Appeasement. Instead of fighting they fell back as much, they could. Long story short, they sold everybody they could ( The best example is the Munich Agreement from 1938. Hell, Chamberlain was waving with that cursed paper, while shouting, that he brought peace.)
        I am going to stop here, because this simple rant would turn into an essay either way.

        1. Now that you mentioned Goring, I always wondered why he didn’t send the Luftwaffe to bomb the Allied soldiers stuck in Dunkirk. Even before I knew the truth about the Nazis, I thought Goring was an idiot for allowing the evacuation to take place. Over 300,000 soldiers… That would have been the killing blow to the Allies.

        2. That’s really a good question isn’t it? Sure chaps, you send all of your ground forces back home safe and sound and we won’t bother you, run along now you little scamps.
          Strategic error of that century, to be certain.

      3. Hey mate, that’s an interesting comment about the peace offers offered by Hitler. Could you recommend any text books?

    3. Yeah that’s complete bullshit. They didn’t finance the NSDAP to put them in power, they came in later when the Nazi party was established and tried to make a buck by playing both sides. Something that is probably even older than the Napoleonic wars and hardly a conspiracy theory.

  2. Ya, I’m just going to continue climbing mountains, going to work, dating hot younger women and raising my kids to be badasses. I also tried really hard to out-breed the idiots (5 kids).
    Not sure I can do much else to overthrow the Illuminati, Rothschilds, jews, or whomever your big brother of choice is.

    1. Big toothpaste! It’s always been big toothpaste!

      1. Everyone knows Big Toothpaste is just a front for Big Silverware.

        1. I have a charcoal etching of the Quad-Lateral Commission’s report from 1939 laying everything out on Project Two Many Forks.

        2. It’s you, you smart-arses, you, with your silly words and goofy meeems, it’s you who belittle the terrible truth and allow the Brainwyrm Beasts of Boötis to hold sway over us!

        1. Explain to me how the napkin ring industry goes from 2 guys in a basement to a multi-billion dollar international megalith practically overnight? That doesn’t just happen! Things like that don’t just happen!!!

        2. They had backroom support from the placemat industry. That is a far older and vastly powerful group in the global luncheonati.

        1. miss that show. i wanna believe, and i did, until this guy was trotted out

    2. Pretty much this.
      I think it’s a good thing to be aware of what’s happening around your country and the world, but not to make the mistake that you can actually change something worldwide. Focusing on himself is the primary thing a man should do.

      1. I think the one thing a man must do to improve the world is always be improving something. One must not merely improve himself (although a man must always be moving forward), but also improve something wherever he goes.
        If you teach someone with the potential toward obesity about healthy diet, you take one more fatty out of the nation (and, who knows, they might spread the word). If you pick up a bit of trash when walking around, you take a little litter out of the world and make your town a nicer place. If you meet some college guy with the spark of truth in his eyes and teach him, you help reclaim the culture.
        I have not the power to change the world, but there isn’t enough time in my life for all the things I can change.

        1. I actually agree with what you say.
          My point is that men shouldn’t feel responsible for something that is out of their control. A lot of people today(mostly those who follow the news or frequent the internet) have a tendecy to feel guilty about certain events happening around the world and want to do something about it(as if it is their responsibility), and I think that’s a bad mentality to take, because you’ll spend a lot of time sacrificing yourself for others and rarely if ever get anything out of it except wasted time.
          There’s also blaming other people for your problem.
          And the reality is some people can’t be helped, they must do so themselves. Fat people, for example(and I’m talking as a fat person myself) can only change if they themselves act upon it. Sure, some guidance is good, but ulitmately your own willpower is what will help you lose weight. Too many people are used to being helped these days and seldom try to improve things themselves.
          If you can be of help to people, great, but do it only if it’s in your power, is all I’m saying. Don’t feel responsible for the bad things happening around the world.
          Put yourself and your family first, and the rest of the world second.

      2. The ONLY thing you have control over in this world is yourself. Sitting around and crying about how the world isn’t the way you wish it was is the biggest waste of your time and energy… both of which you should be using to improve your immediate life situation. That world you “wish for” is right around the corner, it just takes personal effort to get there.

      3. Of course you can change things worldwide. Butterfly wings do it all the time. You just have to do the right thing at the right time.

      1. Ok.
        How about complete free access to worldwide information ?
        How about free communication ?
        Maybe the world has changed but your constantly finding out things that only confirm that is extremely difficult to change fundamentally.
        How about some fucking quality input, Mr. Historian?
        …not just whining…

        1. Free access to worldwide information, which can be changed with a press of button.
          Free communication with people from all the world at the cost of your privacy.
          Keep in mind, that history books are heavily influenced by their authors, their philosophy, politic backround and etc.
          If you study or read about history, you are going to find out, that everything is a copy of another copy.

        2. Can you blame me? The whole history of my country is about how we were fucked by both West and East. And don’t get me started on the European Union. They wrecked our economy and they are going to put sanctions against us, because we only accepted 12 refugees ( all of them later left for Germany).

        3. Dude, don’t get me wrong but I think you are terribly, but terribly miss-informed.
          I’m Romanian and I identify as best I can with my people.
          I’ll let you know on some things that you will not hear over the TV, not in the next 10 years anyway.
          1. Average romanian people, the dumb ones, who all day watch TV, are fed the idea that the EU destroyed the economy. When actually it’s the KGB that infiltrated every single decision making sector in my country that privatized and sold to scrap iron, ENTIRE NATIONAL INDUSTRIES !
          2. the EU is a successful Union & experiment, but again it is infiltrated by the KGB to make Europeans hate the EU, that with combined TV propaganda.
          3. Merkel, the architect of turkish europe and the reason we have the islamic invasion, acted as the gate opener for Erdogan to send in millions of savage monkeys into europe, that want to slit your throat and rape & kill your sisters.
          Merkel is KGB.
          Russia’s main goal was always to destabilize Europe so they can conquer it easier. Why the hell not use turkey to brake the gates ?
          For calling yourself a historian, you’re pretty much a sloucher.
          Do your homework, or change your name.

        4. Britain and France sold us out to Hitler in 1938 ( Munich Agreement). In order to fight with the British against Nazis we were forced to give them 26 tons of gold from our gold reserves. Also Britain sent 23 tons of our gold to Germany before the war, because they asked for it.
          During the communist regime from 1948 to 1989, West carpet bombed our fields with Colorado potato beetles to destroy our food source ( for long time, it was considered to be communist propaganda, however it was later revealed to be true).
          In 1989, Václav Havel ( our president during that time) gave the West our weapon markets and reduced the overall production in our factories.
          We had to brutally reduce our sugar beet industry, which we had since Napoleon the first, so we could be accepted to European Union. ( some sh*t about quotas and stuff like that)
          West or East? It doesn’t matter, because they f*cked as both.

        5. You think you got it bad ?
          Try having wars with every neighbour for 800 years, be it russians, hungarians, the ottoman empire..
          Please be aware of the below public condemnation, which is part a declaration of friendship from us to you :

        6. In a way, it’s a good thing that you found out.
          The number one rule for countries – Don’t trust anyone and be prepared for war.

        7. We had so many wars with Germany, that I lost count. All of that thanks to one drunk bastard, who made Bohemia part of the Holy roman empire.
          Out of pure curiosity, how people see Ceausescu in your country. Do you consider him a strong leader or a evil bastard?

        8. a strong evil bastard to our enemies and a overprotective father to us.
          all of the evils done in the country ; Securitate tortures and imprinsonments that were done under his rule are 51% his fault [ because he did not interveene ] , and 49 % [ but with initiative ] by bolshevik-russians-jews that only wanted to eradicate us from these lands.

        9. I think the quote from marine general James Mattis fits this perfectly: ” Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

        10. Props to Patton, props to Mattis.
          We also had a guy with a similar viciousness – Ion Antonescu.
          But the guy got betrayed by the king of Romania – a german unworthy family H.S. – with 2 exceptions of Carol the 1st & Ferdinand the 1st.
          Somehow the romanian elites from 1900’s thought it would be an awesome idea to bring a german family to rule over us…went great but only for 1+1/2 generation. Afterwards…it all went to shit.

        11. “Austrians are not to be taken lightly”
          Today’s Austrians strike me as being total pussies.

        12. Uh-huh, how many wars did you have with them ?
          They murdered our national poets, some of our most beloved intellectual elite.
          On many levels, Austria acted in identical fashion to russian-jews, visciously satanic.

        13. “Uh-huh, how many wars did you have with them?”
          WTF? Try thinking pragmatically. I’m speaking of today’s Austrians, not the Austrians of previous wars; this is what matters.
          Today’s Austrians are total wimps, and they are so in a time when the european political elites have sold everyone out.

        14. ,,WTF? Try thinking pragmatically. ”
          So I give you information that caused many of my close ancestors to get murdered and you tell me ,,Try thinking pragmatically”.

          Hiding under hypocrisy is becoming a viral trend around here.
          Today’s Austrians are total wimps, but yet they – or some of them – did those things not 100 years ago.
          If you limit your perception to a single generation when we are talking national history, your vision is obscured.
          Try a different approach.

        15. “So I give you information that caused many of my close ancestors to get murdered and you tell me”
          I’m sorry to hear about your close ancestors, but that still does not apply to today. If today’s Austrians are so vicious then why do they let their political elites bring in tons of sharia apes? Why do the police never respond quickly to a call when a migrant chimps-out and gets violent or rapes? Why did a migrant eho raped a 10 year old boy have his sentence greatly reduced and no outcry from the Austrians?

          Get with the here and now.

    3. Don’t forget: there is a cabal of evil wizards plotting global domination.

        1. This is ROK. Witches will be stirring the cauldron, not stirring the masses to overthrow the govt.

        2. Bitch, get back in the spooky woods behind the haunted house, put your pointy hat back on, and brew me up some damn potions like a good little witch.

    4. Well for starters we could stop giving them trillions of dollars, in actual resources (not just money), which they squander and waste and then use against us in a great display of irony.
      Maybe we could could at least hope for governments that generally seek to act in the best interests of humanity, and who are consistently held accountable to that standard by the people?
      Why does this always have to be such a pipe dream?
      It’s extremely sad and demoralizing.

      1. “we could stop giving them trillions of dollars, which they use against us in a great display of irony”
        thats a great passage right there

      2. 1. I don’t have trillions to give.
        2. I vote
        3. I teach my kids to be decent humans with traditional red pill values
        Getting online and spouting conspiracy bs is a waste and does very little

        1. You don’t but people collectively do. Have trillions of dollars that is.
          People don’t have to vote to change things. If large amounts of people were angry about something and pushed for and demanded action or answers, then people would be forced to respond.
          And if people in power run from it or act unfairly in response, then it only further infuriates the people and legitimizes the cause and emboldens rather than weakens it, since their real nature is gradually more and more exposed.
          How do you think movements like feminism operate?
          How come the red pill doesn’t do that?
          Why are they so impotent?
          As for saying getting online is useless, an individual comment might be, but don’t underestimate the power of a campaign of information upon the minds of people.
          After all if it was useless then the government wouldn’t invest so much effort into it.

    5. “Not sure I can do much else to overthrow the Illuminati, Rothschilds, jews, or whomever your big brother of choice is”
      Yup, my take as well. Especially when the vast majority of men either don’t care, or are clueless. There is something to be said about trying to enjoy life a little, while not forgetting what is going on.

    6. well with respect that’s pretty defeatist. If there is rottenness in the fabric of society surely you owe it to your kids not to be passive about the whole thing.

  3. “…the media is attempting to discredit and make Trump appear to be incompetent.”
    Trump is making this pretty easy for them.

    1. In other news, MSM is trying to pain a picture of umbrellas as useful in the rain

      1. Only if that report is paid for and vetted by their sponsors, Big Umbrella.

    2. I don’t view Trump as a savior or anything. I voted for the guy because I found him the much preferable alternative to Hillary, and I agreed with his platform. That said, I acknowledge that there is an element of truth in what you say. But. I wonder if some (or even most) of this is not intentional. I cannot help but notice how many times Trump has appeared to have been clobbered by the media or political establishment only to turn it on them and come out on top. By any measure of conventional wisdom, Trump should not be the president, and should not have lasted more than a week in the primaries. Yet, there he sits in the oval office. Realistically thinking about it, I wonder if I was in Trump’s shoes whether I would WANT people to think I was a retard. Then, while they were busy underestimating me and making snarky jokes on nighttime TV, I would be quietly getting things done. Plus, think about how low of a bar this has set for Trump. People talk about him as if he’s such a retard that we should be amazed if he doesn’t start WWIII. Under such a standard, all he has to do to get reelected is to not nuke Russia.

      1. Yeah, I’m not really Pro-Trump or Anti-Trump. I probably lean more Pro-Trump because I like the Trump meme, and I love the way he pisses everyone on both sides of the aisle off so much, they just completely lose it. He makes me laugh. And at least he pretends to like the country. And his daughter has a gorgeous rack. I’m a pretty simple guy, I don’t need much. I’m willing to cut the guy some slack on a lot of crap. But he has shown a tendency to consistently shoot himself in the foot, which I have a hard time respecting.

        1. I will say he leaves lots of kill shots in the magazine, which annoys me. If you’re not going to play the political game and will say crazy/real shit, you may as well say all of it. If I was running his Twitter feed, it would be epic. I fucking hate Twitter and view it as useless for virtually anything meaningful, but I would take that job in a heartbeat.

        2. The best we could hope for in the last election is to buy some time. No one man could fix the massive problems this country faces, not in decade, much less 4 years, and certainly not one with the remarkable lack of focus Trump displays. What I voted for is a chance at a bit of breathing space.
          And his daughter is the archtype NYC limousine liberal. She and Cheesely Clinton clearly share a spine.

    3. I was ready to cut him some slack, but all the apparent television watching and tweeting about it is just bad. Presidents should be reading books and not publicly commenting on every damn thing in pop culture. Even if five hours a day is a high estimate, that is still too much. I maybe watch 1/2-1 hour of Netflix a day, usually less, and my job is way less important.

  4. It’s a globalist! It’s a Reptilian in disguise of a human! Get him!

  5. “Masculine men are a threat to the global establishment because those in power are more likely to be challenged by men.”
    Not a shred of doubt about that one…neep.
    (Yeep and neep are colloquialisms for yep and nope…and I like ’em.)

    1. Wow, they really want to buy a lot of cash, don’t they? I wonder if that means they think the market is going up.

      1. Dunno…but they are poised to muscle in on the individual savings account market, that’s for sure…

        1. They are offering like 100x the interest rate of their competitors for the same product. That is very significant. Hard not to read something into that.

        2. Agreed. They are a financial juggernaut and if they are making a move like that, they aren’t doing it for the hell of it…

        3. They certainly have my attention. Rates are so poor elsewhere I’ve been thinking about CDs or Bonds instead of pouring more into savings accounts.

        4. I’m no economist, but that suggests to me that they want a lot of cash in a short time frame.

        5. Even CDs suk for the most part. Though I would recommend credit unions over regular banks for (slightly) higher interest rates.

        6. look up what rehypothecation is. prepare for mind to be blown

        7. Although I am not an economist, I did go to college back when they had subjects like Economics and Business, so I already knew about rehypothecation.

    2. GS has no physical branches or ATM machines, right? Unlike the other 4?
      alrighty then

        1. are CDs insured? My grandparents went all- in on CDs in the early 80s, made a buncha money

        2. From that link I posted above your comment –
          “FDIC insurance up to the maximum allowed by law”
          Minimum deposit – $500.
          From FAQ section –
          The interest you earn on your CD will be added to the principal balance of your CD. If you’d prefer, you can transfer the monthly interest earned to your GS Bank Savings Account or to one of your linked external bank accounts. You also have the option to withdraw penalty free any interest credited to your account at any time during the term of the CD. Please call us at 1-855-730-SAVE (7283) to set up interest disbursement.

        3. How can I fund my CD Account?
          There are three ways you can add money to your Account:
          Transfer funds between your GS Bank Accounts and external bank accounts that have been linked in Online Banking.
          Send a domestic wire transfer from another bank. You will need to provide the GS Bank Routing Transit Number, wire transfer address and your Account number.
          Routing Transit Number (RTN):
          Wire Transfer Address:
          Goldman Sachs Bank USA
          200 West Street
          New York, NY 10282
          Send a check by U.S. mail (please don’t send cash).
          Goldman Sachs Bank USA
          PO Box 4571
          Carol Stream, IL 60197-4571
          Please make the check payable to your name (make sure the name is the same as on the account) or Goldman Sachs Bank USA. Please endorse the back of any check with the words “For Deposit Only” and include your Account number.

        4. Will I receive an actual certificate for my CD?
          You will not receive a certificate for your CD. However, we will
          send you a confirmation letter ten days after we have received your opening deposit. This confirmation is your official record, so please save it for your reference.
          What fees are associated with my CD?
          There are no transaction fees associated with your CD at GS Bank. However, if you withdraw the principal from your CD Account prior to maturity, except in limited situations, you will be charged an early withdrawal penalty.
          What is a CD ladder?
          A CD ladder is a group of CDs with varying maturity dates. CD ladders allow you to take advantage of favorable interest rates and maintain access to your money more frequently than with a single, long-term CD. Click here for more information about CD laddering, or call us toll free at 1-855-730-SAVE (7283) Monday through Friday, 7am to 11pm CT.
          How do I build a CD ladder at GS Bank?
          To build a CD ladder, simply open a combination of GS Bank CDs with varying maturity dates.
          For example: If you have $20,000 to invest over four years, you would open a 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-year CD and fund with $5,000 each. At the end of each term, you would renew the maturing CDs into a new 4-year CD. By choosing to ladder, you are able to take advantage of potentially higher long-term rates.
          Call us toll free at 1-855-730-SAVE (7283) Monday through Friday, 7am to 11pm CT to learn more.
          Can I add additional funds to a CD once it’s been opened?
          You have 30 days from the day you open your CD Account (opening day plus 30 days) to fully fund your CD Account. You are not permitted to deposit additional funds into your CD Account after it has been open for more than 30 days from the day of opening.

      1. USAA has no physical branches or ATM machines and their rates are 0.05% to 0.15%.

        1. what does that tell you? how can GS pay out 1.2%? and for how long?

        2. long enough for their competitors to take notice and emulate them, I hope

      1. Excerpt below taken from
        “Goldman Sachs Bank USA – The brand name GS Bank was established in April 2016 when Goldman Sachs Bank USA completed the acquisition of the internet-bank portion of GE Capital Bank. GS Bank continued to serve the former customers of GE Capital Bank with the same savings account and CDs as before the acquisition.” (At the time that Goldman Sachs took over GE Capital Bank, the interest rate on savings accounts was 1.05%.)

    3. Still not close to even the lyin’ “official” inflation rate, so you’re losing money every minute.

    4. As interest rates with normal banking (savings/checking account) is a sucker’s bet at best, this is clearly a call for the lumpen to come out and deposit into savings accounts to finance…whatever it is that GS is trying to get financed. Anybody with economic sense knows that you’re not even coming out even at interest rates like 1.2%, let alone the paltry 0.01% of many places. Savings accounts are a losing bet until they exceed the rate of inflation and even then, good luck.

  6. “Why is it that men such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and James Dimon (CEO of JPMorgan Chase) advocate socialism? These men, among other wealthy people, are part of the global establishment agenda, whether directly or indirectly is irrelevant.”
    The above is the question that we need to keep on asking, not directly to power in the first instance, but to all those who buy into the progressive fantasy that the world is becoming a fairer more egalitarian place and that history is flowing towards equality. How is it that the rich who had advocate socialism and redistributive politics always seem to get richer themselves, while the wealth gap between the rich and the poor grows ever larger and the middle classes are progressively broken (zero / negative interest rates, ridiculously inflated assets, debt slavery (the expropriation of private property through debt inflation) etc. etc.?
    One has to be careful though. The problem with so much of these absolutely legitimate questions is that they are so easily dismissed as relating to conspiracy theory. This is an interesting article and includes some excellent source material: the varoufakis interview, anthony sutton, griffin’s jeckyl island are as far as I can tell absolutely legitimate, and well argued and sourced attempts to work out the hidden history behind the manufactured narratives the establishment, and the MSM would have us believe. Carroll Quigley likewise is an absolutely legitimate scholar, who opened a window on the behind the scenes shenanigans – although one might wonder whether he said everything that he could have given that he was in bed with the “conspiracy” he exposed and simply believed it should come out from the shadows.
    Other sources, we should be more careful about, not least because their controversial or questionable nature may result in the easy dismissal of all of this as ‘conspiracy theory’. The basic strategy of the establishment today is not suppression of information but disinformation. A secondary and related strategy is too contaminate reputable or at least well-researched and sourced work with the kind of ‘stigmatised knowledge’ or stimatised knowledge claims that can easily be dismissed as conspiracy theory, or worse, as a form of dangerous extremism in its own right. Some conspiracy theory experts make very sure that conspiracy theories or any kind of fundamental questioning of the establishment line are easily dismissed by associating it with alien / lizard conspiracy theories i.e. the kind of thing that can easily be dismissed as the product of a diseased or irrational mind. David Icke is one example of this, insofar as he often makes very reasonable and believable claims but then vitiates it all by referring to ‘reptilians’: try using David Icke as a source of information. Try citing David Icke in an academic essay? Probably won’t work out very well. Likewise with Texe Marrs whose basic position is pretty dodgy, and tends to involve unkind things said about jews, usually in relation to a conspiracy that goes back to the beginning of time.
    The point here is that any kind of controversial claims, particularly those that could be classified as conspiracy theory, need to be carefully backed up, and evidenced, ideally with research that meets academic level standards, or thereabouts (there isn’t much of it at the moment). That doesn’t mean that conspiracy theories that can’t be demonstrated on such a basis are necessarily wrong, merely that one needs to show responsibility in advancing controversial claims.

    1. “Why is it that men such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and James Dimon (CEO of JPMorgan Chase) advocate socialism?’
      Because they’re advocating “Not My Shit Socialism”, the most popular strand, in which it’s always somebody else who has the “responsibility” to pay for every dumbass government program.

      1. well there is that, but it isn’t a complete answer. It doesn’t us anything except that rich men insofar as they dabble in politics and social causes are self-interested hypocrites, no better or (necessarily) worse than the politicians who front their interests for them
        I think we need to look deeper than that. If the hypocrisy is systemic, an actual means of getting rich, obtain power, then it’s not ‘just’ hypocrisy, it’s a system reflecting how power operates these days, through deceit and misdirection and through riding popular movements typically against the interests and spirit of those movements themselves. When even someone like Bernie Sanders pulls in a million dollars (or thereabouts) in a year he campaigns on a quasi-marxist platform that hates on the rich then it really is time to look harder at the monetisation of progressive politics

    1. A lot of the article was alright, but as it’s the Denver Post the last paragraphs were all about the struggles of womynz. They hold 60% of bachelors degrees and, according the the article, seldom drop out of college with “despair and dejection”, but boo-hoo wage gap patriarchy oppression.
      I think I’ve met that Adam Stark fellow outside the DJ position. He’s smart, too smart to waste money on college for skills he could gain online. No degree, but I’d sure as hell hire him over most of the Computer Science graduates I’ve known.

      1. I think Aaron Clarey touched on this yesterday, but most of the womenz get worthless degrees and even if they go into STEM, most will drop out of the career fields to have kids eventually, so the ROI is always skewed.

        1. He’s been saying that for years, and he’s been right for years. Hell, my own mother was a STEM graduate who left the working world to take care of me and my sisters. She lost a decade of potential earnings over us, a choice most educated women end up making (correctly).
          On the other hand, her degree cost her something like $1200 in 80’s money (so $2400-ish today).

        2. So… she gets a degree in STEM. Then she gets a decent job, pays off her student loans, gets married, has kids, leaves job to take care of kids. Sounds like a pretty nice life.

        3. If your goal is to whore around during your most productive and fertile years, I guess.

        4. A goal of being a whore or slut is not a good goal to have for a human being with a soul and a conscious.

        5. It’s true and I stand behind it.

        6. No, not at all. She gets a decent job, but she hates it, so she spends more than she makes. She never pays off her student loans, and runs up her credit card bills. She marries some poor bastard and, because he has a good job, spends even more money because she deserves it. Then she’s 40 and wants to have kids, so she and the hubby dip into his 401k to get the $15k a pop for IVF until she finally pops out twins. She takes maternity leave, and then 6 months after the babies are born, she decides being home with them sucks, so she makes hubby hire a nanny so she can “get back to her career”. She goes back to her former employer, who has to reshuffle everything after her being gone for a year. She works at that for a while, then decides that sucks, so she quits and gets a part time job at a retail store where she spends more than she makes on the merchandise she’s supposed to be selling. Meanwhile, hubby is working overtime to cover the cost of the kids, the nanny, her spending habits, and the country club dues. This pisses her off cause he’s never around, so she starts fucking the tennis pro. Then she decides she’s bored, so she divorces the husband, takes half his shit, and sues him for full custody of the kids along with enough alimony to keep supporting her spending habits and enough child support to cover the cost of the nanny because she sure as fuck doesn’t want to have to spend any time with those screaming brats. She lives out her life as a cougar in a bar getting pumped and dumped by a progressively deteriorating line of random men while her kids are raised by strangers and her ex-husband works his ass off to be able to afford to support her, his kids, and have enough money left over to buy a couple X-box games just in case he gets to see his kids one weekend a month.

        7. All of that sounds suitably awful, but I’ve never met anyone like that in real life. Is this the story of someone you actually know?

        8. I know multiple people who have been through very similar scenarios, and a few more who are currently in the middle of them.

        9. Good god that sounds horrible. I’m sorry you have to witness that.

        10. That’s really really fucked up for the man. There is a point where the man must throw the old donkey woman into the recycle bin and redress his mantle with a fresh nubie consent-age breeder tittie-feeder woman. Just like you trade in your old smoke belching car with collapsed fart cushion seats for a new rod with a little more spring to it.
          Now I fix cars but I’m only making the comparison. I’ve got nuts and bolts in my head and a cotter pin once came out when I sneezed. The point is though that some women aren’t fixable past a certain point. I used to say that point is when another penis penetrates them within a marriage, but with your example above, the moment she left the hospital with her newborn, and being a ‘professional’ woman, she should have been right then put onto the mothering/tit feeding gridiron permanently. She’ll make threats to get her way and return to work but you mustn’t budge. Work towards your 1st victory over her wild and feral willpower to do dingbat work. She will retort by being just plain pissed off all the time and many men recount how their bitch is just pissed all the time and triggered by everything under the sun. It’s because her dingbat working woman hamster willpower was defeated.
          Keeping her career woman hamster capped and suffocated at this point is another victory that requires hard ass dread game. Be fully prepared to chuck her if she fails this time. It’s either “fully domesticate or you get pitched”. She’ll be a 50/50 risk of no return sure, but a strong willed professional working ‘mother’ is too high risk to accomodate. She may bolt or jump off a bridge. Be prepared to assist her in projectile ejecting if she proceeds to eject. Dread game her hard. If she still twitches to flake or desert the nest, It’s because you got your way with a damaged piece in the first place. It’s a real bitch fully domesticating a professional working woman but it is doable.
          So after baby, it’s NO RETURN to career after that. It’s a hard bargain for the compromised modern working bitch woman. There can be no looking back to bitch career after motherhood.
          The best medicine is preventative. Knock the mother up early and before college can spongeoform her brain. Then keep her stuffed and serially producing until she’s spent. But it’s true, she never should have dipped her toes into career bitchwork in the first place.

        11. Not really. As an employer, I would not waste time spending time training her up or involving her in the big Projects as she will leave and cost me more.

      2. Yep, that story is mostly a whine about how men “aren’t mature enough” and of course, the dipshit “sociology” professor (continuing the circle of “why bother?”) who spews the “womynz have to work a billion times more hard than penis peoplez!” bullshit, and her “sympathy” for own son amounts to calling them lying pussies.
        But in no way are colleges anti-male!

        1. True, and some hilarious comments about how modern American colleges somehow “teach you HOW to think”, which is true, but so not in the way they intend.

        1. Is it?
          I thought Big Pharma was gay.
          That’s why I love these sites……

  7. All of this is way off you forgot usury an old term for lending money. That is how globalists got started. They have been steering history ever since controlling the money of nations.
    Socialism and Leftist thought is popular among them because Western countries are diversifying their populations. So they are reprogramming the masses to accept this new society.

  8. You cannot change anything, any change has to come about through divine intervention because we are up against an evil force that is more intelligent than mankind.
    Ground zero for the origins of the globalists are the moneychangers from 2000 years ago. The ones Jesus ran out of the temple. Moneychangers were leeches that were non-producers. They changed out money and made continuous profits. Moving forward centuries later, a western civilization financial empire was the end result. Wars could be financed, strings could be pulled politically, banks were created. While anglos established countries and borders, the jews made money & banking their empire of which they spread worldwide eventually reaching into all countries and seeking to make a profit. Eventually the central banking system was formed in all western countries, owned and controlled by the same cabal to coin and print your money and make guaranteed endless profits. Wall street was formed, corporations formed, mainstream media networks formed, politicians bought and paid for. Laws financed. Special interest groups financed. You get the picture.
    We are fighting a spiritual war. And the only solution to winning the war is the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Once that is performed as requested, the whole system will collapse. Feminism will collapse.

    1. I wouldn’t rely on divine intervention because we have freewill. If it ever comes to a point where that freewill is impeded upon then intervention may happen. But don’t count on it.

      1. Except it has already been promised. Read about Fatima and the Miracle of the Sun.

  9. One element of the United States Constitution can be read in the piece “The Consitution of no authority”, briefly – contracts are only valid when the signers, are still alive, and bound by their words.
    As a convention or custom, laws can be followed, but the rights and freedoms afforded by the Constitution only apply to the original founders.
    You can agree or disagree as you decide best, but the legal people understand that death nullifies all obligation.
    I only mention it should you have an interest into looking into it further. I have no desire to argue after you have share your view via your article.
    So, thank you.

  10. Trump, at best, represents a mere 8 year speedbump in the globalists agenda – and even then there is a chance that he’ll get JFK’ed if he doesn’t fall in line with those who are running the World.

  11. The unholy trinity of the elites and banking clans running the US, Britain, and Israel make all the choices with the worlds money. They like to have their manservants in switzerland do some of the stashing dirty work, and the rest is taken care of in special trust funds the public never gets to even get hints that exist.
    They’ve got the human world by the balls and have put them in a vice with ever-tightening grip. In a few generations, the numerous progeny (and maybe the half-dead carcasses) of the current ruling elites will step in and keep the show running until its last leg. Only way to stop this is to find some way to destabilize the world economy and destroy the banks. Don’t need to kill anyone or topple governments or blow up anything, just fuck with their money. This is not their world. They’ve already erased billions of names from the earth in their heathen conquest, what difference does it make if a few more get wiped out by fucking with their plans. If you can’t beat them, then I would at least like to do what I can to piss them off. They’re all human in the end; fallible, corrupt, callous, and stupid, just like everyone else.

    1. It’s really funny because they don’t even actually do anything.
      Imagine controlling the whole planet with pieces of paper.
      Name one positive thing they actually do for anyone.
      It’s right in everyone’s face and they can’t even see it.
      Like being naked in a room full of blind people.
      It doesn’t matter cause they can’t see you anyways.

  12. I’ve fought this system by checking out of it as much as possible. I do so by:
    Avoiding debt and contract services at all costs ie; cell phone, cable TV etc. Pay as you go plans are the way to go. If I have to sign a contract, I pass.
    Forego the expensive monthly car payment or lease and buy a car you can afford to buy outright.
    Never use credit cards, not even in an emergency. Debit cards work.
    Keep $1,000 in cash at home for emergencies.
    Automatically deduct $100 a week from your pay right into a savings account.
    Avoid keeping lots of money in the bank, the banks will always try to rape you with fees.
    Stop eating out so much.
    Don’t waste electricity, water or natural gas. Why pay utilities more than is required to live comfortably?
    Stop buying stupid shit. Gadgets will not make you happy.
    Invest in tools and learn how to sweat a pipe, sharpen a mower blade and change a furnace blower. Learn how to run conduit and install a breaker. It’s all on YouTube, guys.
    Basically, live in your means and accumulate “Fuck You” money. You want to enjoy life and live it on your terms? Or would you rather be forced to work in a job you hate everyday because, well you’re owned by your lenders? Make your situation 1% better everyday. Look back in a year or two and wonder how you tolerated your old ways for so long.
    PS: Check out Dave Ramsey on youtube. Great, simple stuff.

  13. With all this talk of globalists, one has to ask, Where do the globalists derive their power and who do they serve?
    All of these can be yours if you do an act of worship to me.
    Please allow me to introduce myself,
    I’m a man of wealth and taste.

  14. ‘No other nation on earth is offered the protections the U.S. Constitution gives to the people.’

  15. “Why is it that men such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and James Dimon (CEO of JPMorgan Chase) advocate socialism? These men, among other wealthy people, are part of the global establishment agenda, whether directly or indirectly is irrelevant”
    As far back as my junior high school days when we studied about communism, socialism, capitalism, I had this crazy theory in my head about the possibility of the wealthiest people in the world getting together and creating a 1 world communist government.

  16. The whole we dont know why ww1 happened is nonsense. It was to indebt the world. No coincidence that America jumped into it shortly after the federal reserve was put into place. Even woodrow wilson later admitted to having destroyed his country.

  17. The correct question isnt Obamacare or not. Medicine needs to be decorrupted. Making it a monopoly makes it worse for everyone. The eight years of medical school is quickly forgotten by the average doctor and they rarely do additional research to keep up to date. That medical school cost and time keeps alot of great people out of the industry and keeps prices way up.

  18. People “blame the Jew” as the below commentator. I am a nationalist and resent the forces behind internationalism. Many Jews are behind this.
    But it is not that easy. For me, the essential question is biblical. Are the Jews the “chosen people” ? The sephardic Jews have a claim to that. With the Ashkenazis, I simply do not know.
    If they truly are the “chosen people, they have biblical rights to Israel and a prominent role on the planet. I would support that. But if they are Khazarians, they are likely those the apostle Paul warned us about……
    “Those who call themselves Jews…….”
    I simply do not know. I recently decided to convert to Orthodox Christianity because it seems to have a pro-nation-state underpinning in its outlook, even if not its explicit theology. I think the Western forms of Christianity are by nature internationalists. Protestants, who developed world finance before being replaced largely by Jews. And catholics who had the Pope over multiple Euroopean kings. Orthodox Christianity is closer to the nation state.
    I think many conservatives look to Putin as a nationalist “defender of the church. In a way that emerged after the Emperor Constantine. And has some roots in modern culture of the divine right of kings. But here we must be careful too.
    The world political situation is hard to grasp. It has political and theological roots. Very hard to sort out..
    I wish I knew the answers. All I can say is that my gut tells me to be eastern orthodox for view of the healthy preservation of the past and to defend tradition. And to lean toward the anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner for the proper approach to the future.
    I think the empphasis in anthroposophy on the “wholistic” in food, psyche, art, spitituality is the proper approach to combat the deconstructionism of post modernism.
    Looking at post-modernist art, philosophy, and even the genome, I see the hand of Satan. Or a better depiction, Shiva the Destroyer. Shiva statue is actually outside the CERN atom smassher.
    As the very atoms of our world are being smashed into chaos. Probably with the goal of reformulating it into a new dark order. An order out of chaos. Whether it is the family, the genome, the atom, the society, the NWO wants to destroy and recreate it all.
    For me, Roosh is a great guardian of tradition. I read this site for the same reason I am a nationalist and am attraccted to orthodoxy. Motivates me to get off my 52 year old derriere and go running, lift weights, study languages every day.
    The French Revolution was the beginning of the end for the old order of Christianity unless things get turned around. I am currently reading in French a number of books in French that explain how all this continued in the 1800’s and the decline of catholic Christianity accelerated. Edouard Drumont is a pretty good source. Even if he is very anti-semetic (or pro-traditional-France) or both.
    But all I can say is make your life one of purpose,as we never have all the answers. Common sense things like like being informed and self-discipline. And a spiritual life.
    YOu may not hAave all the answers, and it may not even be clear who the enemy is. But one thing is clear. They NWO is the enemy of the strong individual. Try to be strong yourself and support others in developing their strengths.
    What works for me.
    1)Get out of debt
    2)Get/hold down a job. (Or even better, start a business if you are able. I am not.)
    3)Garden. Develop skills. I am constantly revising and improving with new techniques and superior crops. If you have no talent, start with malabar spinach. Do a food-wall or trellis. It does not need much TLC and grows like crazy.
    4)Exercise like hell.
    5)Study languages and culture. (Or something that is useful. I wish I had the skills of auto-mechanics like the buddies I network with.)
    6)Join a church or perhaps even better, a home bible study or meditation group.
    7)Patch up relationships with estranged friends and family members. I admit here, I have failed in this area to cross the divide created by the last election. Liberals are too butt-hurt, and I am having a hard time avoiding topics like my brothers criticism of my Trump vote, my bible beliefs, and my gun collection. Which brings uss to number 8.
    8)Buy guns and learn how to shoot them.
    9)Get some shooting buddies. Am really looking forward to going shooting with my weekly pizza party buddies this week-end.

  19. This labeling tactic doesn’t work, because the leftists made the first accusation and control the premise. The bolsheviks were jews and were funded by western jews. Other parties were funded because people like Winston Churchill stood to make a lot of money engineering a war.

  20. George Carlin had some interesting takes on this subject. Sorry, though, I’m currently too lazy to dig them up.
    Also, it seems to me like a lot of problems come back to feminism. Whether it’s the main cause or not, getting rid of feminism would also get rid of, or at least minimize a lot of other problems.

  21. It will be stopped. It cannot help but defeat itself. When it falls, there will be no mistaking it. They have called Babylon down, and it wants blood – theirs.

  22. “Globalists”, ” insiders”, “communists”, ” the wealthy”, “bankers”, “internationalists”…a Jew by any other name.

  23. Call me crazy, but I say form small but tight knit local militia groups of other red pill, masculine men. Don’t forget to be sufficiently armed and prepared. Btw – my fellow Americans, the above *is* what a “well regulated militia” means in our Constituon. Don’t let degree (brainwashed) mouth breathers tell you it’s the national guard.

  24. Brilliant. Did you get the time and patience to read Quigley’s +1300 pages *Tragedy and Hope*? As for the (((chosen people))), there is too much overlapping between them and the global establishment (or, to put it another way, too many of the insiders are Jewish) for them to be innocent. The cradle of the global establishment is the Synagogue.

    1. Or the bank. Or the department of sociology. These are just different names.

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