5 Things I Hate About Banging Women Over 30

There’s no escaping the stampede of fat, bitchy, American women. They’re everywhere you look, and everywhere you’re trying not to look. They’re at the grocery store, the mall, the workplace, the bar. They have become so common at this point, I would start a business selling them out of giant gumball machines if it weren’t for the fact that nobody would pay a fucking quarter for them. And worst of all, this fat is generally piled onto a very sizable portion of the single women out there who are available to date.

Over 160 million out of the 320 million people who make up the population of the United States are enormous blobs of bloated shit, and some estimates are showing that three out of every four Americans will be overweight by the year 2020—an overwhelming 75 percent.

One of the most common thoughts that will pop into your head when you’re out and about is, “If that chick would just drop 20-30 pounds, she would be a total smoke show.” It’s one of the saddest things to witness because you can really see the potential hiding beneath the blubber on so many of these women.

Such a waste.

So, what does a man do when he’s surrounded by a bunch of waddling fat-fucks and things aren’t looking up? He looks down, and what does he find when he looks down? The dreaded single female over the age of 30. As a rule, I typically view the vast majority of single women over 30 in the same way I view those little gnats that fly around horse cocks when it’s hot outside: they’re annoying, worthless, and probably have dick-breath.

However, exceptions can and will be made for the better pecker gnats among us. A woman over 30 who goes the extra mile to take care of herself and possesses a physique that resembles a female human being certainly scores more points than some 250-pound warthog in her early to mid-twenties. But dating these older women is a depressing concession to make because they are—without question—the most fucked-up group of people you’ll ever have the misfortune of interacting with:

Mental illness with an emphasis on Cluster B Personality Disorders? Check—and they’ve got the prescriptions and dead, soulless eyes to prove it.

Alcoholism? Double check—but don’t worry, “It’s only wine, and I only have a couple of glasses to help me sleep and ‘take the edge off’ after a hard day.” (Everyday is a hard day spent on the razor’s edge, apparently.)

Grotesque, degenerate pasts that would make prostitutes from previous generations seem like wife material? Check—Jimmy Dean hasn’t seen as much sausage as these beat to hell, cock snot receptacles.

Pathological lying? Big check—these women don’t have a clue as to who the hell they truly are or what they’re all about. And since they don’t know, neither will you.

Delusional or completely oblivious to all of these things and still think a jacked and shredded, six-foot-five space shuttle commander who moonlights as a hedge fund manager and has the magical ability to shoot two-month-long yachting excursions to the Côte d’Azur out of his 11-inch cock is waiting just around the corner to sweep them off their tatted-up, 30-year-old, dick-stained asses? Check—in La La Land, only the absolute best will do.

But it’s not all bad news: at least they’re easy to get into bed. Not that you should be excited about that, because you shouldn’t. And based off my sampling of single women over 30 in recent months—all of whom were white, I will add—here are the top five reasons why you should check your enthusiasm at the door when pounding out these societal dregs.

5. They Say Distracting Try-Hard Bullshit That Ruins The Mood

“Get it, Daddy!”

“Fuck that pussy good!”

“Oh my God, that feels sooooooooo fucking AMAZING!”

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Ah! Ah! Don’t stop, Daddy!”

Jesus Christ—shut up. Women over 30 have called me “daddy” so many damn times that I’m beginning to wonder if I owe back child support to the single mothers who raised them so poorly. But it’s not just what they say that gets on my nerves: it’s the trite theatrics that is the most irritating.

I’m sure some guys get off when a woman howls like a strangled cat in the bedroom, but experience has shown this to be salesmanship more than anything else. They’re trying to inflate your ego, to make you feel like you’re “the man,” and that none of the other two dozen “daddies” who came before you fucked with such dick-wielding precision. The idea is if they can get you to buy into their bullshit, then you’re much more likely to commit and stick around.

But the truth comes to the surface when you end things. Once you send the “I think this little thing of ours has run its course and it’s time to move on” text, you suddenly morph from a master cock slinger into a guy who can’t fuck for shit and has no idea how to “satisfy a woman.” Just a week ago you were an orgasm dispensing machine of vaginal destruction, but now you’re an impotent no-dick-having loser who doesn’t know what the hell you’re doing—it’s hilarious. You’ll seldom see younger women behaving this way when a relationship ends.

Now, despite the obnoxious sounds and transparent platitudes that come out of these aging creatures, the sex itself will be decent to above average in many cases—they’re trying to reel you in, after all. But it’s important not to conflate good mechanical sex skills with passion, desire, or—God forbid—love, because those things aren’t truly there. You’re only getting the illusion of those things, and it’s all by design.

It’s just good pussy: it was good for all of those other motherfuckers, too. You’re not getting anything that everyone else hasn’t gotten already. These women didn’t spend their late teens and early twenties learning how to cook or developing the skills that would make them good wives and mothers: they were learning how to suck a mean dick and becoming top-tier leg spreaders.

When the only thing you have going for you is sex, it stands to reason that you would be pretty good at it. So use these women for that one thing while disregarding their loudmouthed, ego stroking bedroom antics, and save your commitment for a younger, less tainted woman who will display genuine passion and affection during your intimate times together (if you can find one, of course).

4. The Dissipating Scent Of Youth

Women in their twenties, especially early twenties, have a certain scent to them. It’s the scent of fertility and youthful exuberance; it’s the scent of a woman in her prime. A woman over 30 has a smell that says, “Knock this one up, and the kid will pop out with a nipple where one of his eyeballs should be.” All of the soaps, perfumes, and lotions in the world cannot change this—it’s the natural scent of the “seasoned” woman, and it’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

This is one of nature’s ways of telling a man when a woman is over the hill. The chances of miscarriage go up drastically once a woman passes 30. The chances for birth defects—autism especially—all go up significantly as well. All pregnancies past the age of 35 are considered “high risk,” and that’s if these women can conceive children at all.

Hard living is normal living for the vast majority of women nowadays. A body that has consumed massive quantities of alcohol, recreational/prescription drugs, birth control pills and cocks, all combined with father time, is a body that is completely corrupted and polluted; it’s a body that is not suitable for motherhood. Your olfactory receptors can pick up on all of this, and you’ll more than likely notice yourself being slightly turned off whenever you catch a whiff of a woman whose better days are behind her.

3. They Feel “Different”

Not only do these women smell different, but they feel different as well. They are squishier, softer, and less firm due to their advancing age, but harder at the same time; it’s a strange sensation. Sluts always seem to have a rigid, inflexible feel to them. This is true regardless of age, but it gets worse with time and “experience.”

It sort of resembles a permanent “clinched” feeling, as if the muscles are constantly contracted or flexed—a case of rigor mortis in the undead, so to speak. Some may argue that perhaps this hardness is due to an inability on my part to make these women feel comfortable or relaxed, but I contest it’s due to their inability to feel comfortable or relaxed with themselves.

Imagine making life decisions that always result in unnecessary drama, calamity, and hardship as opposed to ones that would be ideal for you, your family, and your community. Imagine having an abortion or two after sleeping with a string of men whose first names you can’t remember, and whose last names you never knew. Imagine always taking the road most traveled: the road that leads to Xanax bars and empty bottles of cheap pinot noir.

Imagine doing all of these things from the time you’re a teenager all the way up until you’re on the wrong side of 30, and then try to come away from it all as a soft, lovable, well-adjusted human being who’s comfortable in your own skin—good fucking luck. These women feel hardened for a reason, and that reason is them.

If you were to describe the “thousand cock stare” or sociopathic/Cluster B gaze, you would typically use words like “empty” or “dead inside.” But if you really look at these women, you can see the tension stemming from their inner turmoil. You can see the pent-up contempt and self-loathing that consumes them. The aggression, the anger, the malice—it’s all lurking just beneath the surface, ready to unleash itself once the thin threads of sanity and civility snap for whatever reason.

All of this is not only present in the eyes, it’s on the body as well. You can truly feel the damage, antipathy, and tension when you’re in physical contact with these women. It’s not a pleasant experience, and it’s not something you should ignore. We have instincts for a reason, and one of the perils of living in a modern liberal society is that we’ve been brainwashed from a young age to ignore these instincts.

Women over 30 prey upon this brainwashing by using words like “judgmental” or “paranoid” in an attempt to elicit shame, which is why these words should always viewed as unofficial synonyms for “gut feelings” and “intuition.” Pay attention to these gut feelings—they will be amplified when you’re in the hardened, unloving embrace of a declining older woman who has been through far too much to retain her humanity.

2. Tattoos That Look Like A Freeway Overpass In A Bad Neighborhood

Tried to kill yourself? Advertise it to the world know with a semicolon tattoo.

Are you a fan of boat anchors, punctuation marks, or winged insects? Does your dick get hard when you see a raccoon’s footprints, a horoscope sign, or Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh? If so, then I’ve got some news that will make your day: on single women over 30, you’ll get to look at these things constantly, seeing as most of them have deemed it prudent to have some high school dropout with shaky hands and a drug problem permanently scrawl this kind of retarded shit all over their bodies.

And to make matters worse, looking at this “artwork” is just the tip of the iceberg, because if you’ve made it to the point where you’re looking at it, then at least you’ve made it on to phase two in most cases: the point where you’re getting laid. Phase one is much worse. This is when you get to sit, listen, and pretend like you could give two shits and a greasy fart about the stories that come along with their perma-doodles. An example:

Girl: “Yeah, so I decided to get a lion tattoo because I’m a Leo, and, I’m like, pretty ferocious, too.” (Lifts shirt to reveal jailhouse quality lion tattoo.)

Me: “That’s a male lion, though.”

Girl: “Yeah… so?”

Me: “You’d think you would have gone with a female. If I got a lion tattoo, it would be a male, not a female, you know, because I’m a dude.”

Girl: “What? Why not? What’s wrong with female lions? Besides, the Leo sign is a male.”

Me: “The females are total pussies compared to the males.”

Girl: “What? You can’t be serious! The females do all the hunting while the males just sit around all day!”

Me: “Sounds like a great gig if you can get it. If things work out between us I’ll quit my job and hang out at home all day while you do all the money hunting, deal?”

Girl: “Ha! Dream on!”

Me: “Why not? I’ll give you an allowance. The male lion shares his food with the females. I don’t see a problem with giving you a small cut of the money you earn. But really, though, you should be ashamed of that tattoo—just sayin’.”

Girl: “What? Never! Why?”

Me: “Because when a male lion takes over a new pride, he kills the cubs of his predecessor. The king of the jungle doesn’t date single moms and he ain’t no cuck. You have a child murderer tattooed on your body. You’re a terrible person, and you’re going to hell.”

Girl: “You’re fucking ridiculous! Haha, oh my god…”

As you can see, it’s a painful experience conversing with these empty-headed morons. And this was actually one of the more pleasant interactions because at least she knew something about lions, which was kind of nice. The worst one I’ve encountered so far was a chick with a semicolon tattoo, which, come to find out, represents when somebody has attempted suicide in the past. She was a real bundle of fucking joy to be around.

Look, here’s the deal with women and their tattoos: whatever reason they give you for having one, that reason exists just the same as it would without it. That idiot in the above exchange was born between July 23rd and August 22nd—she’s a Leo with or without the king of the jungle etched into her skin. If a relative or close friend has passed away, then getting a tattoo doesn’t somehow intensify one’s love for that individual, and it certainly doesn’t change the fact that they’re gone. If someone has accomplished something that makes them proud, a tattoo won’t make the accomplishment any more—or any less—significant.

When a woman gets a tattoo to serve as a reminder to be “strong” or to “persevere,” what’s she’s truly conveying is that she’s a weak-willed, simple-minded dumbass. Every human being who has ever existed has had to be strong and persevere on some level, and well over 99 percent of them managed to pull it off without some lame-ass motivational quote or Bible verse (Leviticus 19:28, anyone?) scrawled all over their bodies.

“But-but-but tattoos are common in many cultures and have been for centuries!” argues the 32-year-old strumpet who got a meaningless butterfly tramp stamp back in ’04 during one of her many alcohol and pecker fueled evenings at college, but says it’s to honor the dead grandma that she never called or visited at the nursing home located just down the street from her house. Correct, whore, tattoos are common in many cultures: savage, third world, haven’t-accomplished-shit cultures.

Heard of any groundbreaking technological breakthroughs or feats of engineering coming out of Western Samoa or Papua New Guinea recently? Yeah, me neither, but I’m sure they’ll get around to it—as soon as they’re done building houses out of doo-doo, and chucking rocks at coconut trees to knock down their fucking dinner.

Primitive people do primitive shit, which is why tatted up women have become so common in degenerate modern America. They’re doing what feral, uncivilized people have been doing all along: going backwards, not forward, and this is the direction things will continue heading for the foreseeable future.

Living the good life in Tattoodistan.

A single woman over 30—or any woman, for that matter—with tattoos is showcasing the fact that she makes bad decisions. Not only are these rapidly fading out symbols of sucking at life an eyesore, they’re also a clear and definitive indicator of when a woman is to serve strictly as a warm slab of meat for a man to temporarily stick his dick inside. As for any single women over 30 who are thinking about getting a new tattoo, allow me to make a recommendation:

Unlike all of your other tattoos, at least that one wouldn’t be bullshit.

1. Really Dark Buttholes

If you were to look through Ray Charles’ eyes at a piece of sunburnt licorice trapped inside a smoke-filled car with tinted windows at midnight, then you would be well on your way to replicating the pitch black abyss that is the dookie dispenser of the average white woman over 30. It’s absolutely disgusting.

You’re probably wondering, “How the hell did you find out this information, A.V. Yader?” The fucking hard way—that’s how. Now, I always practice safe sex with aging skanks: with the lights out, or, worse case scenario, very dim. This is so I don’t see something I don’t want to see. Taking this precaution has served me well for the most part, and has gone a long way in concealing all of the unsavory features that unfortunately exist in stronger lighting.

However, one day I met up with one of the chicks I was seeing for an afternoon sex session. She was acting a bit insecure and even said that she didn’t want me to see her naked in the light. I took her hand and placed it on my semi-hard dick so she could feel it through my pants. I find doing this coupled with saying something like, “See what you do to me?” really diffuses these kinds of insecure moments when older females come to the realization that there are no Instagram filters or angle tricks to disguise the fact that they pretty much suck in real life.

Anyway, we started going at it. Everything is moving along as expected and I decided to finish things up doggy-style. I get her flipped over and start doing the “pronated two-handed grabber” on the ass-cheeks and spread ’em open a bit as I’m nailing her. And that’s when I saw it for the first time: The Darkness. I slammed her ass-cheeks shut like they were my front door when a battalion of Watchtower wielding Jehovah’s Witnesses show up looking for a new convert.

“Dear God… that wasn’t shit, was it? Please tell me that wasn’t shit,” I thought as I closed my eyes while continuing to pound away. I did a few quick sniffs but didn’t smell anything other than number four on this list in the air. At this point, I had to take a few seconds and calm down because I knew I would lose it if I looked again and discovered this woman hadn’t showered or at least wiped her ass before inviting me over. After about a minute had passed, and after some additional mental preparation and feeling sorry for myself, I decided to take another peak at The Darkness.

I slowly parted her ass-cheeks again, my thrusting now reduced to a snail’s pace…

“What are you doing back there?” inquired the owner of The Darkness.

“Uh, nothing, just fucking you…” I replied while staring in bewilderment at her diesel smoke tinted anus.

“You’re looking at my ass aren’t you… Mmmmm… it’s all yours if you want it,” she said while cocking her head to the side so she could see me through her peripheral vision. A mischievous looking grin emanated from her face.

“Not right now,” I said while attempting to look like I would love the opportunity to bang her char-grilled, chewed-up bubble gum looking asshole at some point in the future.

“Mmmmm, well, whenever you want it, you got it, Daddy.”

“Well that’s just fucking great,” I thought. I gave her a slightly sardonic grin in response, closed her ass-cheeks, and continued banging her with severely diminished avidity. Eventually, I finished. Afterward, we chilled on the bed and discussed the possibility of doing something together in the evening, but I was distracted: I just couldn’t stop thinking about The Darkness…

“What the hell was going on there?”

“Well, it wasn’t shit, so that was a plus… I guess.”

“I can’t believe she wanted me to stick my dick in there… Bitch is out of her mind.”

“God… there’s no way that was normal.”

“How is something like that even possible?”

As you can see, I had a lot of questions, and, at the time, no real answers. But later on in the evening, it hit me: all the anal sex this woman experienced throughout the years had more than likely darkened her sphincter. After all, she thought nothing of letting me just “stick it in” if I wanted to, so it certainly wasn’t her first rodeo.

In Closing

The type of women discussed in this article all think they’re “great catches.” Don’t believe me? Just ask them—they’ll be more than happy to tell you how great they are. And you know what? The truth is they’ll all end up married if that’s what they want. They’ll all end up with men who truly love them and worship the ground they walk on. This is the case for any marginally attractive female over 30, not just the ones I’ve dealt with directly. So, in reality, I guess they really are great catches because the majority of men out there are willing to prove them right.

This isn’t to say these men will be dreams come true (they won’t be), but if you’re clinging to the notion that these women will hit “the wall”—that there will be abject loneliness, cats, and dildos with (really dark) butthole ticklers serving as the only things keeping them company, then I’m afraid you’re mistaken. The wall is nothing more than a chain-link fence at this point, and there are desperate and clueless men sitting at the ready with bolt cutters in hand, just waiting for the opportunity to cut out a nice hole for these low-rent skanks to pass through.

This can be extremely frustrating. If men won’t hold these women to any kind of standards, then what incentive is there for them to become something that resembles decent human beings? Things will never get better until men collectively tell these women that they’re straight-up not fucking good enough—because they’re not. When I see men rewarding these women with committed relationships, or, worse yet, moving in together and marrying them, I often find myself thinking of this quote from Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four:

He wondered, as he had many times wondered before, whether he himself was a lunatic. Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one… But the thought of being a lunatic did not greatly trouble him; the horror was that he might also be wrong…

Chances are this will strike a chord with you because often, out in the real world, you’ll be the only person you know who actually thinks about anything beyond the topical and the frivolous. You’ll see men shacking up with society’s unflushable turds and find that you’re the only one saying, “What the hell is wrong with all of these guys, what are they thinking?”

The fact of the matter is they aren’t thinking. Much like Winston Smith lamented how he was possibly the only man to see the Party for the sham it truly was—that only he possessed the common sense and clairvoyance necessary to see deep into the truth of things—you may also find yourself feeling similarly isolated and disillusioned. You’ll be “a minority of one,” an army you, and you alone.

This is not something that should cause consternation, however; it’s something that should be cherished and held dear. I used to be of the opinion that happiness was an emotional luxury afforded only to those with an inability to cogitate—that the more a man thinks, the less happy he will be. This is not the case at all, provided you equate truth with happiness. It can be easy to assume a negative outlook when you’re the only man not playing the game. But take solace in the fact that all of those other guys aren’t playing the game, either—it’s playing them, and there are very few winners when it’s all said and done.

The men who marry these degenerate women and prop them up don’t have the truth, and, therefore, they don’t have true happiness. They’re living through a carefully constructed ruse, an act where the female is the star and director, and only she decides when, where, and how the curtain will fall—and fall it will. Never covet the lie, and never feel despondent when observing those men who buy into the lie displaying their mock happiness: their emotional currency is counterfeit, and their time is borrowed.

You will never be one of those men so long as you choose the truth. The truth serves as a shield against the machinations of the malefactors and the interlopers: you can’t be fucked with when the truth is in your corner. And a man who can’t be with fucked is a man who has all he needs to make it through this hell called the modern dating scene while still living a happy, fulfilling life. Whether he’s perceived as a lunatic by the bystanders doesn’t mean shit—because the bystanders don’t mean shit. And that’s the truth.

Read More: Never Date A Woman Who Takes One Of These Prescription Drugs

1,382 thoughts on “5 Things I Hate About Banging Women Over 30”

  1. I have to read A.V. Yader articles VERY slowly just to lap up all the hilarious prose.
    “And that’s when I saw it for the first time: The Darkness. I slammed her ass-cheeks shut like they were my front door when a battalion of Watchtower wielding Jehovah’s Witnesses show up looking for a new convert.”
    “(Fat women) have become so common at this point, I would start a business selling them out of giant gumball machines if it weren’t for the fact that nobody would pay a fucking quarter for them.”
    “Heard of any groundbreaking technological breakthroughs or feats of engineering coming out of Western Samoa or Papua New Guinea recently? Yeah, me neither, but I’m sure they’ll get around to it—as soon as they’re done building houses out of doo-doo, and chucking rocks at coconut trees to knock down their fucking dinner. Primitive people do primitive shit, which is why tatted up women have become so common in degenerate modern America.”
    Solid post Birdman.

        1. This article is nothing but trash talk and is hardly a work of art. Tap any bully on the playground and they could write the same article. Putting other people down to make yourself feel better is a sign of insecurity, immaturity, and a lack of self awareness. Adults take responsibility for their life, they don’t sit around whining about women and blaming half the population—the very people who gave you life—for their problems.

        2. And yet, the article speaks truth. Truth you are apparently incapable of understanding, much less appreciate. Why are you even here?

        3. “This article is nothing but trash talk and is hardly a work of art.”
          Well he’s talking about the current state of Western women, who are pretty much trash, whores and skanks.. so trash-talk is exactly appropriate given the subject matter.
          As I’ve said many times before about modern WEstern women.. whores, all whores.

        4. Wow, you must be omnipotent to know the individual personalities of billions of women and reduce them down to one derogatory word. When you say Western Women, are you just thinking of the US, or all of Western culture, which could include Europe, Australia, North and South America? If you’re bashing women of all Western Culture, you’re condemning a pretty large population of the world. Surely you can’t be that certain, especially since it’s clear your emotional intelligence is lacking. I doubt you have the knowledge to truly make that claim about billions of women.
          You know, women are mothers. Someone gave birth to you. I’m sure she would be hurt if she saw what you write here. Or maybe she was a shitty mom, and that’s why you hate women so much. Either way, it’s a shitty situation and it’s a pretty shitty way to approach life.
          Women exist. They’re not going anywhere. They are people just like you who have thoughts and feelings, and sometimes have shitty experiences that leave them scarred and wounded, too. Whatever led you to this hateful place, you are clearly not alone. Maybe try being a responsible, thoughtful person, instead of blaming women for your problems. It takes much greater strength. Any half wit can sit around ragging on people, and calling people names. Just a suggestion. Go forth and be brave and stop indulging in this weak shit.

        5. How does the article speak the truth? The only truth I see is that yes, people age, and yes, some age better than others by current standards. But what this article overlooks is the fact that men experience every point this writer makes, so I fail to see your logic.
          All of the issues the writer points out also affect men, if not more:
          • Men can also get fat.
          • Men can also say stupid shit in bed.
          • Men’s dicks and balls can get wrinkly, bumpy and ashen.
          • Men can also get stupid tattoos.
          • Men can also have ugly buttholes.
          • Men actually have worse body odor than women, and to add fuel to the fire, women have keener senses of smell than men to smell it.
          • Men also abuse drugs and alcohol, only men are TWICE as likely than women to become alcoholics.
          • Men can just as easily become bitter old assholes if they don’t develop self awareness and put in positive work to grow as people.
          And then here are a few more aging issues that are just unique to men:
          • Men can go bald.
          • Men can experience erectile dysfunction.
          • Men experience more health problems, especially heart disease, with age.
          • Men are more likely to ignore their health and their dental hygiene.
          Bottom line: this article is SUPERFICIAL, SHALLOW NONSENSE! Every point the writer makes can equally be applied to men, if not worse.
          A better solution: how about we not be shallow assholes and appreciate people for who they are. How about we all learn, grow, and strive to be better people as we age. We should all take care of our health, and strive to be better people today than we were yesterday.

        6. The difference is that if a man has all those undesirable qualities he knows it and isn’t deluded enough to think he deserves 9s and 10s, and he won’t get them. Now quit your bitchin’, you sound like a woman.

        7. The two problems about this article: 1) It claims to know what millions—billions if you’re including all of Western Culture—of women are like and puts them down which is lame and 2) It’s just flat out shallow. Maybe a guy does still deserve a ten if he’s a awesome guy despite being overweight, bald, having a regrettable tattoo… etc. Surely we can value human beings beyond the color of their asshole…

        8. There are dynamics you are missing, something perhaps better spoken in person where real back and forth dialog can occur. You have a great understanding of many things, yet your view is myopic and you miss critical points.

        9. “How about we all learn, grow, and strive to be better people as we age”.
          “We should all take care of our health, and strive to be better people today than we were yesterday”
          Hey, All people here already knows and pratice that, contrary to the 30yo tattoed fucked up women this article was refering about.
          “… and appreciate people for who they are” hell, fucking no. That’s just leftist bullshit.

        10. To a lot of these guys, they think reality should be like “The King of Queens,” i.e. fat dude with disproportionately hot wife. In my experience, the people who are the most critical of their romantic partners’ appearances do not tend to be particularly attractive themselves.

        11. The point of the article is that women can’t grow much. They reach their peak at 24 and it’s downhill from there, unless they can become good wives, mothers, and later grandmothers. Their value will come from that.
          A man keeps getting wealthier, emotionally stronger, a better leader, and more powerful as he ages. He gains no value by being a father — his value is rather judged by what he accomplishes in the world and his standing in it.
          A woman’s sexual value, her attractiveness, and the part of her that wants attention and praise for her beauty is on the clock after 24. If she wants to continue being a valued member of society she must become a good wife, mother, and grandmother. Nothing a woman can do will give her more value than that.

        12. All the above is true. The author is as shallow as the women he criticizes.

        13. Oh but men DO think they deserve Victoris’s Secret models no matter how ugly they are.

        14. disherdish, one would hope. When you’re years deep into a relationship or marriage, compassion is what really matters.

        15. What society did you come from? A man “gains no value by being a father”… are you for real?

        16. In the eyes of society he really doesn’t, fathers with no other life purpose aren’t seen very well. A man’s value comes from his accomplishments and his power.

        17. Funniest thing is that fat ugly old bags like this think they are going to change anyone’s mind on here.

        18. no guy that is bald fat thinks he deserves a hot woman..unless he has money

        19. Not really. Just don’t want no scrubz, what’s wrong with having standards ?

        20. Ha! By all means soak up this attitude. Surely it will lead to you being a paunchy middle aged dude with a super hot 18 year old girlfriend. Only women age, men totally never do cupcake.

        21. The man who wrote this article shows zero self awareness of his own aging, saggy balls. Instead he brags (lies) about all the women lining up to bang him and suggests that he could have his pick of nubile twenty-somethings. Not. Terribly. Likely.

        22. Everyone ages. What are you talking about ? Lol she prefers her friends, let her have them ! By the way…

        23. So why does this author spend so much time sleeping with and then writing ridiculously long-winded articles about how much he hates sleeping with these women. Seems like a waste of time, doesn’t it?

        24. It’s called rhetoric, you dumb fuck.. it’s not meant to be taken “literally.”
          The point is that it is the contention of men here that feminism and female emancipation has bestowed upon women too much power and freedom at the expense of men.. and created a culture that creates overly-entitled, slutty, career-obsessed whores who are unworthy of marriage and commitment. Now you can see that as a good thing as a good liberal, feminist would.. but men here don’t agree with you. I think a lot more men than you realize feel the same despair and anger at the state of women in current liberal, feminist western culture.. whether they express it as honestly and scathingly as the author of this article does or not.. Now I get it that you don’t agree with our views.. good for you. Kindly fuck off to your feminist websites and stay there. We’ve all heard your tired feminist talking points before.. you’re boring as shit, and we haven’t heard anything from you that we haven’t heard a thousand times already in the mainstream media. You’re not changing anyone’s mind here.. just like we aren’t going to change your mind.
          So why are you here.. except because you find our views too threatening.. and perhaps realize there is a lot of truth to it. .and feel the need to defensively lash out? If your feminist world view is so true, then most men will arrive to your worldview naturally.. especially given how feminism is now so mainstream and boys are indoctrinated from a young age to believe women are somehow wonderful saints who are always right and innocent victims.. and that grrl-power and continually elavating the status and power of women in society (at the expense of men) is wonderful and magical and leads to great things. The men here know from bitter experience with dealing with women and in living in the real world what really happens when women are giving too much power and freedom.. So let the chips fall where they may. We make our arguments.. you make yours. Fuck off and go away. .and let men decide who actually speaks the truth and whose views hew closer to biolgical and empirical reality.

        25. Yeah but which came first: the whore, or the whore-master? What is the cause of the current problem and who is to blame for this: feminism which encourges sluttiness, removes the stigma of promiscuity and somehow makes it “wrong” to shame a slut for being a slut… discourages women from cultivating habits and natures to make them more marriagable… or the men who then make a rational choice in the current Western, liberal feminist culture to treat these women like the whores they are and nothing more?
          It’s an important and far deeper philosophical question that you are not capable of really addressing with a stupid one-line comment like that. Try reading the many articles here on this website first and understanding the arguments the men here are making if you’re really interested in finding out why the men here believe what they believe.

        26. I lived through the Women’s Movement & the Sexual Revolution. I know the causes & the fallout. I am a conservative. I deplore slutty behavior. I also deplore MGTOW. Get some gumption & go where the nice girls are. That means Traditional Catholic, Fundamental Christian enclaves and similar groups. A.V. Yader is as much of a pig as the women he describes.

      1. The end–about the truth and the ruse–was truly comforting.
        Thank you, and well said.

      2. Really, lots of shit on RoK needs to be committed to tomes for future youth to read at age 16. Humanity would suffer if this stuff is lost one day.

      3. My buddy read your independent woman article then swept web to see his ex “Dr” gf on Dr. Phil. He admitted, Yader nailed her behavior in every way.

        1. Favorite is Goldfinger, with From Russia with Love and On Her Majesty’s Secret Service coming in at number two and three, respectively.
          Skyfall is my second favorite of Craig’s films; it would rank outside my top 10 list, but I liked the film overall. Casino Royale is my favorite that he’s done.

        2. OHMSS is one of the most underrated bond films. To this day Lazenby, though he only made this one and then turned into a hippie faggot, is second only to Connery as far as bonds go in my book.

        3. Good choices, A.V.
          I think “Dr. No” really set the precedent – the gestalt of what makes a good Bond movie.
          Whereas I can resepect Daniel Craig’s acting, but he really put me off with his commercial spot he did for eeequality.

        4. I love OHMSS, and Lazenby did just fine as far as I’m concerned. He gets hate for being a wooden actor, but I’ve always thought he made a great Bond. He was no Connery, but who the hell is? OHMSS also honored the source material better than any other Bond film; it was Fleming to the core, so it scores a lot of points for that reason alone in my opinion.

      4. I’ll re-share my quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” It seems your writing falls into the “small minded” category. It’s nothing but bullying and hate that further dumbs down mankind, and is rooted deeply in insecurity. As this article eloquently points out, “the last gasp of anyone with a limited skill set – social, emotional, physical, or otherwise — is to lash out.”
        I really hope you all can find solace in your lives, because the hate and the anger you’re carrying around is only harming you. It thwarts your personal growth and your ability to have meaningful relationships, whether it’s friendships, family or romantic relationships. Emotional intelligence, empathy, and common respect are virtues. It’s baked into the golden rule: treat others as you’d wish to be treated. Its not a hard concept to grasp.
        I understand that there was probably some hurt in your life that led you here, or maybe you all just bonded over bashing women, but surely it’s more productive to bond over ways to advance humanity rather than hold half of the population back with your misogynistic rhetoric. Or maybe you all have a sense of entitlement who think women and the world are supposed to bend over to serve you. Guess what: no one owes you anything.
        Adults earn their place in the world, and take responsibility for their own lives, their own choices, and their own actions. Whining about women doesn’t make you a better person, it is a waste of time and it does the exact opposite. It just distracts you from dealing with your own shit, because I’m sure you have just as many problems as these women you claim to know.
        I truly wish you some enlightenment in your life. Living with so much hate in your mind causes cancer and many health problems. It’s no way to live. Your life will be better when you appreciate self awareness and stop blaming other people for your problems.

        1. The writer and the people on this thread are the ones wasting their time whining about women. I’m just trying to infuse some common sense and critical thinking into the conversation.

        2. Surely we can value human beings more than whatever the fuck the color of their asshole is… seems pretty ridiculous to me.

        3. Hmmm, not critical thinking, but certainly decent advice. That said, the problem is that you fail to understand the other side of the coin, and to understand how too many women act today. While I do not agree with all the author says, I understand where it comes from and why: You do not, or appear to not. If you live by the sword, you die by the sword, women need to understand this, but the media and courts all support their extreme modern dysfunction. This is not to say that many white men are not dysfunctional, it just that they do not receive the rubber stamp of approval of their bad behavior, by media, entertainment and courts.
          And who cares what Eleanor Roosevelt has to say?

        4. Stop blaming other people for our problems ? Just women and liberals have done, OK.

      5. It’s also a real shame that you quote a prolific writer, like Orwell, in your immature musings. You and he do not share a thought pattern. I’ve studied Orwell extensively. He was vehemently against the kind of brainwashing and hatred you spew on this site. You pander to the weakest in human emotion, exploiting young men’s disenfranchisement with no real solution, nor anything that is effective in actually society.
        Oppression never wins. No human has ever wanted to live in oppression. That’s what Orwell wrote about in 1984. You are preaching the oppression of women, you are claiming that one group of society is better than the other. That is what Orwell was against.
        With great freedom comes great responsibility. Stop whining. Take responsibility for yourself. Women aren’t to blame for your problems. Talking shit about people is the most base form of communication. To try and equate yourself with Orwell—an actual critical thinker, who bemoaned the encroachment of the British Empire, and mocked the men who felt they were so entitled—is laughable.

        1. -We don`t have great freedom in western societies because of women always supporting more Government.
          (This eventually ends up hurting women in the end though. Female happiness has declined massively since the 70`s because of Feminism and it`s many consequences)
          -Women who give birth at an advanced age often destroy the lives of their children via poor genetics, in other words they act extremely irresponsibly.
          -Men perform all the dangerous jobs in society and pay the vast majority of taxes, they also finance most of women`s consumption in private relationships, so this `live and let live` attitude you portray is BS as long as women totally depend on men for everything.
          -Women don`t “give you life” anymore than men do, try giving birth without sperm.
          -Men might have ugly buttholes, but women don`t do men doggy style.

        2. Yeah, sorry for writing about actual facts instead of sensational, shallow bullshit. Clearly you aren’t a “thinker.”

        3. -We don’t have great freedom?! And you believe that and then blame that on women?! Ha! Who runs the government and has for a long time… MEN! Also, perhaps female happiness has declined since the 70’s, because that’s when birth control hit the scene and birth control causes depression, anxiety, lower sex drive, and weight gain, to name a few side effects. When they tried to develop a birth control for men, the male test subjects whined and complained about the side effects so much—the same side effects women have been dealing with for decades. One guy in the study even committed suicide. (http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/11/03/500549503/male-birth-control-study-killed-after-men-complain-about-side-effects)
          This is what happens when you fuck with people’s hormones and it’s wrong for both men and women. It’s awful that birth control pills are still touted as “safe,” but Big Pharma is big business, and they spend more money on lobbying and campaign donations than any other industry, even fossil fuels.
          Because women experience such horrible side effects from birth control, guess what else Big Pharma does… PUT THEM ON ANOTHER PILL! So now women are suffering from the side effects of birth control AND the awful side effects of prescription drugs for depression, anxiety and mood swings. Talk about fucking over women.
          If you want to be mad about something, get made at Big Pharma for our prescription drug epidemic and the rampant overprescribing of pharmaceuticals. Most people don’t need psychoactive drugs, it’s not even a real science, they are just guessing. They are fucking over men just as much as they are women and it’s a serious problem, and affects more people than the shallow crap this article talks about.
          Most people can heal their minds and their body naturally, without drugs. I knew a guy who was on prescription drugs from his psychiatrist that made him homicidal and he killed his son. He was acquitted due the psychoactive state that the drugs induced. Once he got off the meds and rehabbed himself, he was a totally different, amazing person, and he now speaks all over the country about the dangers of prescription drugs. That’s a guy who is actually out there trying to help other guys.
          -Women have the right to choose when they want to have children. With the advancements of modern medicine, infant mortality rates have dropped, older women now have significantly less riskier pregnancies at an older age, and overall health, not age, is actually a better indicator of pregnancy risks. A healthy 40 year old who is fit, eats right and doesn’t have any health problems is much less likely to have a high-risk pregnancy or an unhealthy child than a young, partying, unhealthy 20-something. Lifestyle is a much better indicator of a healthy pregnancy and baby than age. There are certainly some 20 year olds you do not want having kids, like those with addiction problems. Plus, studies show that first time older mothers are generally more educated and more likely to have more resources like higher incomes than women of the youngest reproductive ages, which gives them access to better doctors, better care, and more resources to support their child.
          -Men do perform many of the most dangerous jobs of society. However, with the automation of a lot of these industries, many dangerous jobs will become obsolete. Many entrepreneurs, like Elon Musk, tout that we’ll need a “baseline salary” for everyone, as so many jobs will be automated in the future and many low-level skilled labor, as well as things like accounting, will be unnecessary.
          Women absolutely do not depend on men for everything, and some don’t depend on them for anything. Talk to many single moms who’s husbands or boyfriends walked out them and don’t pay child support. It’s much easier for men to walk away from their child than it is for women. Also, in 2015—the year for which the most recent data are available—42 percent of mothers were sole or primary breadwinners, bringing in half or more of their family earnings.
          -Women do more than squirt out some cum to give life. They put their bodies through hell during and after pregnancy, go through the pain of delivery, and if they are responsible, must eat right and be diligent about their health while they’re breastfeeding.
          -Men actually derive more stimulation from ass play than women do, due to the presence of their prostate. Many men, even heterosexual men, enjoy anal stimulation, so yes, their buttholes matter, too.
          So yeah, I like to cite facts instead of shallow and baseless opinions.

        4. Pls do me a favour and pick fewer subjects in one comment. I hate to address many huge topics at once.
          It means you can`t go in depth on anything. A strategy often used by people who want to avoid just that.
          (Not saying that`s you of course:)
          Because of our evolutionary heritage, most men will do anything to please women, hence women have most of the power. This is a common misconception among feminists. Men are the gender that has to impress and “get the job done” to get laid basically. It`s like that with many other species as well. Men act yes, but women move men to act.
          I can agree on birth control though, but I think the real problem is not having children, in addition to the negative effects of the pill itself. I`m not a friend of big-pharma, so at least we can agree on one thing.
          It`s a big jump however to conclude that the pill is the cause of mental and behavioural illness. Diet is a much more likely causative factor.
          It`s really a business that exploits people, selling them crappy and unnatural foodstuffs for humans.
          Sugar, grains, low fat dairy, refined seed oils basically, and then drugs to manage the symptoms of these foods. Symptoms which are pretty much all the chronic diseases of western civilization.
          (It`s a huge topic I can`t go into here.)
          The problem with the `women`s right to choose` thing is that they in fact choose for another person. There is no logical way around this. If the child suffers as a consequence of the mother`s actions, that is a separate entity. And also the modern medicine you hail are by en large the same drug pusher`s you derided.
          Elon Musk might be right, although I have no faith in it.
          If he is however, there will be little need for most of us, just useless eaters, so what will the elites do then?
          Not only did men build all the infrastructure the constitute civilization,(women of course did their part as mother`s, nurturers etc. so I`m not downplaying that.) they also made all the inventions and discoveries that where necessary.
          I maintain that women are totally dependent on men.
          Men are the plumbers, the scaffold worker`s, the carpenter`s, the garbage collectors. They maintain power lines, they fish, they do most farming, they maintain and repair subway cars and trams, they construct and maintain roads, often at night etc. I could go on and on. But again, women`s contribution is not less valuable, but we are very different.
          I makes sense that women are the sole breadwinners in families where she is the sole parent. But men still pay the most taxes by far, and women also initiate most divorces (by far). Why should he pay when he`s eliminated from the family by her?
          Men usually bring most to the relationship financially, but leave with less. (divorce rape)

        5. Your response had multiple bullet points, so I replied with multiple bullet points, that added to the length of my response as each point was unique.
          I’m glad we can agree on Big Pharma, and I certainly agree on diet. It’s really sad more people don’t realize you can control so much with your diet and lifestyle to the point that you don’t need prescription drugs. Taking care of your health and doing your research is extremely important. I certainly don’t support Big Pharma in any way, the modern medicine I do support is the research you can reference to keep yourself healthy. If women keep themselves healthy, they can have healthy kids. As I said, age becomes less a factor than things like addiction, obesity, and other health issues that come from not taking care of yourself. These things also affect guys, our testosterone, our sperm count and the quality of our DNA, as well. Bottom line: some people take care of themselves some of them don’t and both men and women who don’t jeopardize future generations.
          Could we concede that men and women are interdependent? I think life is better with a yin and a yang, for the same reason I respect political differences. We need people on both sides so we can have ideas that fall in the middle. Do you listen to the Joe Rogan podcast? If so, the interview with war journalist and documentarian Sebastian Junger is awesome and talks about this. Sebastian’s book, Tribe, is also amazing.
          Anyhow, I’m digressing again. Lastly, I think both men and women both experience things that are uniquely shitty for them. Men can bail on women with kids. Women work now, same as men, but also continue to do the bulk of childcare, elderly care and housework, as well. I don’t think it’s fair that men are expected to pay for women in a divorce, but if there were children and the women gave up a career to raise those mutual children, you are entering a contract where you are now responsible for these people.
          Women do initiate the majority of divorces, most often citing neglect. The articles that I’ve read that address this phenomena about divorce cite the ways men are raised to be emotionally unavailable, closed off… the male stereotype. I think there is a place for male strength, but I think past gender norms have harmed both men and women. It’s left most men feeling isolated and alone. I think articles like this one exploit this isolation to male bond over women bashing, but I don’t think that’s the answer, either, and why I’ve been commenting on this feed. It’s too simplistic and shallow.
          At the end of the day, women exist. Men and women have a symbiotic relationship. Hating on half the population doesn’t make sense to me. Surely we have things that we learn from one another. Surely there is a balance between the masculine and feminine. Surely we can respect each other, and surely common ground and understanding about what each other struggles with and is frustrated by isn’t attained when both camps post up in their corners and start talking shit. That is my perspective. Take it or leave it.

        6. I think you overstate with your continued use of the word “hate” to represent this article. You have many relevant points, you have a decent understanding, but still miss much, either by ignorance or willful, who knows. I do think you are wasting your time here.

        7. And yet, women still live longer than men. There are many problems in society, and much is socially engineered, typically by liberal policies which seek to weaken / feminize / men so as to aid the destruction of society. Weak feminized men do not resist take-overs of their countries, and that is the goal of the elitists.

        8. Take all the responsibility you like, the only people who will be held responsible, will be responsible people. Meanwhile, low-life takers and abusers, aiding and abetting the destruction of their own society, too often get a free pass… on purpose. You have a great understanding of much, but likewise miss much.

        9. The problem with our society is it has been run by women and feminized men for last few decades, feminism and marxism are our enemies.
          You are perfect example of why welfare should be done away with.

        10. I agree that it`s a symbiosis in all gendered species,
          like with most things in nature.
          And you make some fair points.
          However, while women work, they so not work as much as men, nor do they perform the risky jobs.(And neither should they be forced into that role.)
          The problem for most western men is finding a women that will sacrifice career (to some extent) for children/home etc.
          There are tons of men ready to support that type of woman, but the problem is that they hardly exist anymore.
          (As is often lamented on this site.)
          It`s also Feminisms pressure towards women to pursue career that make families and women, and in many cases also children, unhappy and dysfunctional.
          This often contribute towards divorce and single motherhood. And that is very much associated with less positive outcomes for children. Solid research there.
          It`s a misconception to claim that the “Manosphere” are anti-female. (There is always a degree of irony and hyperbole in much of the writing here, like with Roosh`s infamous `legalize rape` piece. Feminists have no sense of humour it seems.)
          To the contrary, we understand, based on history and biology, that women are being manipulated by these social engineers, where the real purpose is not “equality”(which does not exist in nature anyway)or helping women, but rather economic and political agendas. More tax and consumer slaves, depopulation,
          atomizing the community, making people more malleable etc.
          I also don`t by into the idea that women won`t more emotionally available men. Men`s experiences point to the contrary.

        11. “With great freedom comes great responsibility. Stop whining. Take responsibility for yourself. ”
          But it’s women that seem to forget this these days…
          If you really want to take responsibility, as a woman, then get married young and be faithfull. Form a pair-bond with a man before you run the risk of becoming un-attractive around 30. Sorry, but that’s how nature works.

        12. Whatever happened to the ban hammer for responding to females?

        13. Is that a real rule? That said, I think “disherdish” is male. It would also help to make such known to new posters BEFORE doing such.

        14. You know what else causes depression, anxiety etc ? Miles of dick and lying to oneself. You know what causes weight gain ? Food and lack of exercise.
          You do realize that no one is forcing anyone onto birth control right ?

        15. “…female happiness has declined since the 70’s, because that’s when birth control hit the scene and birth control causes depression, anxiety, lower sex drive, and weight gain, to name a few side effects.”
          Because women wanted the freedom to fuck freely without getting pregnant!! You know…like dudes who they are equal to! 😉

        16. “Because women experience such horrible side effects from birth control, guess what else Big Pharma does… PUT THEM ON ANOTHER PILL! So now women are suffering from the side effects of birth control AND the awful side effects of prescription drugs for depression, anxiety and mood swings. Talk about fucking over women.”
          Yep. Women were forced into it. Forced to go on BCP. Forced to go on pharmaceuticals. Forced. Forced. Forced.
          When do women take responsibility for what they do versus blaming someone else. If you don’t like it don’t do it. I know it’s frustrating when Marxists are telling you that you just aren’t with it if you aren’t fucking a number of men and need the BCPs so they can keep population check.
          And for the record I can’t stand pharmaceuticals and take none (not even OTC drugs like aspirin).

        17. The women these days are not feminine however; that’s the issue. They are like men with tits and ass and vag. They are rough, they compete with men, they belittle men. They are not feminine.

        18. It’s counter intuitive unfortunately. A woman often doesn’t come into her own inside a relationship but rather only by being alone and discovering who she is (this is not related to sleeping around) before she commits. Then she can be a conscious mover in life who takes personal responsibility and her own health to heart. Otherwise she’ll become an insecure heavy woman who was a young and naive married woman early in life.

    1. Cannot omit this absolute gem of cold-shiv truth:
      “Delusional or completely oblivious to all of these things and still think a jacked and shredded, six-foot-five space shuttle commander who moonlights as a hedge fund manager and has the magical ability to shoot two-month-long yachting excursions to the Côte d’Azur out of his 11-inch cock is waiting just around the corner to sweep them off their tatted-up, 30-year-old, dick-stained asses? Check—in La La Land, only the absolute best will do.”

      1. It’s only a SLIGHT exaggeration. Some of them genuinely believe that such a man will happily pay full price for what she’s been giving away until that point. Never underestimate the power of feminine self-delusion.

      2. Kind of like being an aging stone-cold misogynist who thinks that 18 year old girls will be lining up to hop on your dick? Because there’s nothing college girls want more than a paunchy middle-aged dude!

    2. Ever seen the behavior of modern blacks? I saw a video of two of them hitting an employee at a fried chicken shop in Georgia. This kind of conduct is common among most modern blacks, its not a surprise so many people view blacks with suspicion in America. The thing here is that whites and others are copying urban blacks in many ways, not all, but a good portion of the population.

      1. Media and entertainment wants to urbanize whites to emulate poor behavior of many blacks, so as to make whites as dysfunctional and broken as the black communities. It is on purpose. Social engineering.

        1. It’s a plan, muddy the gene pool (by those who are only marrying within their own tribe) of everyone else.

        2. Right, the people pushing misogyny (and bisexuality and homosexuality) are the same people who only marry within their tribe.

      2. Sad thing is though, much of their behavior is from a lifetime of welfare infused chemical crap food altering their body make-up and making them animals. Then yeah, whites mimic that shit. Idiots.

    3. My homie & I spent all day rereading his scrolls & quoting to & fro. Best author on here & needs to write more. Yader be like Bond & load up a 1965 Gillette Slim razor with a Gillette platinum blade….or get a gold Gillette Executive & thank me later. The game hasnt changed.

      1. Good choice on the Gillette, I just bought one made in 1963, and I love it.

        1. Watch captain murphy on utube if you want to dismantle it. Crimped bottom is no problem.

    4. Someone thinks his convoluted, hyperbolic, pretentious prose is awesome. Wow. Different strokes I guess.

  2. ““Get it, Daddy!”
    “Fuck that pussy good!”
    “Oh my God, that feels sooooooooo fucking AMAZING!”
    “Yes! Yes! Yes! Ah! Ah! Don’t stop, Daddy!”
    Jesus Christ—shut up.

    Dude, I love a verbal woman in bed, assuming she’s talking dirty and not, say, trying to discuss her work. I get that some guys don’t like this, and that’s totally cool, but I think that you’re taking your personal preference and extrapolating it to a universal reason to hold them in disdain. To me, the dirtier and more lusty a woman talks in bed, the better. Add in volume and screaming like a banshee when she cums and I’m thinking “Oh yeah!” I really don’t care if it’s fake or real, or some kind of ploy to “lure me in”, it’s just a turn on to me and I take it for what it is, a momentary “hey howdy!” that makes my dick do magic inside her. Afterwards, well, who cares one way or the other?
    The butthole thing, um, gross. Since anal sex is not something I find particularly appealing it’s not like I’d go searching around the old poop chute to determine is…um…freshness. Ugh. Doggy style also isn’t really one of my preferred positions (weird, right?) so I probably wouldn’t see that kind of thing even if I wasn’t into anal. I’ll take your word on this one.
    The tatts thing, yeah, that is wrong isn’t it? And GenX women started it, I was there in the early 1990’s when it suddenly appeared, and I mean freaking suddenly as in one day it wasn’t a thing, and the next it was. It revolted me on so many levels, even then, to see a girl with ink, although at the time it was usually something cute and endearing (this was the butterfly on the shoulder or heart on the ankle period when ink first appeared on non-biker women).
    No clue on the scent thing, you must have really good olfactory senses. I mean sure I can smell when somebody is stinking on ice, but normally a well cleansed woman with a bit of perfume smells normal to me generally and excepting any weird, likely genetic based reasons for bad odors. The only time I’ve noticed scents in relation to age is old people, who do in fact have a weird smell to them that I think all of us with grandparents or relatives in nursing homes can relate to.
    All in all it’s a good article, but I really don’t know if some of the things noted are just a matter of your own personal experiences and you got some bad joojoo from a couple of loons, or if you have really heightened senses? The way I figure it, if a woman is still hot, tight and wants to fuck 4 times a day, I’m good with that. It’s not like guys here are looking to marry up a single mom regardless of her general level of hotness, so for ONS or a STR, dunno, have fun with it and move on when you’re finished.

      1. right – its put there to be seen be as wide an audience as possible. Like a billboard.

      2. Tats by a cretin “artist” = branding of a whore. Natural skin ALWAYS better. Nothing shows age like a faded tat.

      1. Out? Sure. Maybe I’m like a minority here, but dirty talking from chicks in bed is a great turn on for me, assuming she does it right and doesn’t just repeat “fuck”. I like a little creativity here and there.

        1. I’m with you. In the sack is where I love the dirty talker. And if they are the Prim and Proper out of the bedroom, it makes the SlutTalk even hotter.

        2. That contrast is the optimal one, without question. She’s proper and decent and avoids slutty things in public, then turns into a total dirty talking little slut with you in the bedroom. Major coolness factor there for me (and you).

        3. Maybe, in fact, probably. But dirty talk far precedes modern internet porn. Chicks were doing it in the 1980’s and I can verify that with first hand experience. I think it’s always been a “thing”. Even if explicitly dirty talk wasn’t present in 1754, I guarantee you that were still girls who were quite vocal regarding moaning and such.

        4. You cut it off before she got to, “Well, OK. 7 always was my lucky number.”

        5. Okay, Ghost. I get you. To a degree, I agree. Thing is… two stories. 1. I once asked a 21 year old if she ever made out with a guy and called him daddy. Her response was priceless. Pure (((fake))) disgust. 2. My first wife always repeated my name while I was doing her. And I mean repeating. Seth. Seth. Seth.Seth.Seth.Seth.Seth. It was like how Pokemon only say their own name, but all she could say was mine. She also always used to ask if I’d come yet, which is more anoying than the name thing.
          But when you get a girl to moan, bingo. All worth it.

    1. I read Yader’s take on the “dirty talk” thing to mean he disliked it when a woman was trying too hard by just repeating things she’d read in the latest “How to Talk Dirty in Bed” article in Cosmo. Like an older woman, not used to talking dirty, repeating lines from some bad erotica novel or something.
      When a chick does that try-hard crap in bed, trying to act younger or cooler or sexier in a fake way, it can really kill the mood. You’re already fucking her and she is still trying to sell you on her being younger and hotter than she is, in a fake, clumsy way…

      1. Well try-hard or forced is bad no matter what she’s doing, whether it’s dirty talking or something else.

    2. at the word “daddy” its a cock killer…it invokes a thought that you are a pedophile….sorry, some words just shouldn’t be uttered EVER while have sex. If it makes you harder and better, you have issues…

        1. Not saying you are, just saying that if being called “daddy” works for you, you might want to really think long and hard about WHY it does…

      1. I think that’s a whole mess of assumptions you’re making there. Maybe it makes me think that she wants me to father her children, did you consider looking at it that way?

        1. Ill put it to you this way. I have two daughters, to hear a woman say “daddy”, well would be creepy in the extreme.
          I have ONLY TWO call me that, my kids.
          If you can’t see why its very wrong to hear that word from anyone but your kids, then you just don’t know how unsettling it would be to hear it in ANY other context, because it ALWAYS has that connotation, and I am not nor ever would be a pedo and I would bury anyone who ever hurt my kids. Parents should not EVER be having sex with their kids (as that word would imply) That word coming out of a mouth while having sex….should be an immediate erection killer, or you have issues. I stand by my comment.

        2. You’re taking this *way* too seriously man. The shit that comes out of a woman’s mouth, or your mouth, during sex is not meant for psychological analysis. It’s lust, heat of the moment thing, and if you over thinking any word said during dirty talking, then you’re doing it wrong. Sex is not analytical.

        3. from the Zombies, “What’s your name? Whose your daddy? Is he rich like me?”

        4. The father-daughter relationship , as in the modern sense , is indeed creepy. It used to be that daughters were quiet around their fathers and adressed them politely and in a reserved way. They would only consult their mothers about daily issues and it was the mothers who taught them the ways of a woman. Nowadays , when I see fathers spoiling their daughters , and the daughters being all at easy around their fathers and chatting them up about randon stuff like they would with an old buddy , I can spot the sexual tension. No wonder modern women have these daddy issues.

        5. Until what you say is used in court and the judge allows it to be used against you…or used against you in the media on streets of public opinion to support feminist agenda…i forget that there has been no cases of false rape claims ever, also….

        6. One of my favorites from the original British Invasion, 1964-1967. That and The Animals!

      2. At first, when we just got married my 25 year old wife to my 53 would call me daddy in bed. I put a stop to that right quick. I was getting called a pedophile enough without her pouring gasoline on the fire.

    3. He’s right on the scent, there’s just this scent that older women give off, i don’t think i can accurately describe what it smells like but I resonated with that paragraph, could be pheromones? who knows…Either way, I strongly agree with you on the dirty talk in bed, it just turns me into a beast when a girl does it

      1. We don’t have pheromone receptors like many mammals do so pheromones really aren’t a “thing”, I don’t believe, for us. Maybe some guys just have better sniffers than I do? Dunno. I was granted keen sight and keen hearing, so maybe God compensated for it by giving me a nearly useless sense of smell?

    4. I’m all about naturality. Some women are quieter than others. Some are potty mouthed, some are moaners etc.
      I’ve had few women start the ah aahhh porn sound as if they were in a set before me even going inside them. On those occasions I stop and ask if everything’s ok. In other words it really infuriates me that they are trying to manipulate me or that they think I’m stupid. It’s clear they’re faking it.
      On other occasions I’ve had women permanently damage my ear drum with their “music” and that was the hottest thing.
      Thing is, I only ever look for the things that don’t lie. Willingness to take my cock, enjoyment during the act, squirtings, shaky legs, dizziness et al.
      While I might not give a shit what women want, I do get great satisfaction for myself when sex is fucking awesome in every regard. I don’t know if it makes sense but i enjoy myself if they’re enjoying themselves, even if I won’t see them ever again, and that is for selfish reasons.

  3. “What are you doing back there?” inquired the owner of The Darkness.

    That’s where I lost it. Woke up my FwB from laughing so hard. Good work A.V., this is why you are one of my favorite writers on RoK.

  4. Just 5 AV? The neurosis and the debris of their past disastours scattered around them is enough to wave off any attempt of establishing a relationship.
    PS – Good to see you posting again.

  5. It sort of resembles a permanent “clinched” feeling, as if the muscles are constantly contracted or flexed—a case of rigor mortis in the undead, so to speak.
    I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s experienced this rigor whoretis.
    Great article.

      1. Eh, depends. Over 40 is where I think it really gets bothersome. It depends on how well she moisturizes, exercises, as well as avoids staying in the sun “tanning” usually. My wife’s skin held up really well up through about 45 but I can now see age taking its toll despite how well she takes care of herself. Age happens.

  6. Glad to see you writing again, man! This is one of the best articles in recent memory. Love the humor.
    In regards to the content of this article, all of these points apply to a lot of modern Western women. Just as how you find younger slutty tattooed fatties, you’ll also find older slutty tattooed fatties too. If you’re willing to suffer so much to bang relatively attractive older women, it might be better to find younger women who are attractive instead. Al least, they’re younger.
    Quality is never assured and is always hard thing to find, but older women will never fit the bill.

    1. Another problem I have found is that a female in her prime (21-25) tend to be girls and not women, and them they don’t grow out of the girlishness. The maturity and sense of responsibility necessary to really make a man happy, isn’t instilled in girls anymore because they are trained fish who don’t need bicycles.
      So they grow older, but never really seem to “grow up”. There’s no way I would commit to an overgrown child.

      1. My comment was in the context of flings. Better a woman who is girlish, than an empty, angry hag.
        Commitment, however, is an entirely different matter.

      2. It’s also really hard to get them to agree to commit at such an age now. They pretty much don’t even want to think about marriage until around 28-31. The “epiphony” stage as Heartiste calls it.

  7. Welcome back one of the best writers on RoK.
    Always witty and humorous, but also spot-on penetrating insight. Read and learn.

  8. What I dislike the most in women over 30, is their unrealistic self-perception.
    Their belief that they are giving you much more than they actually give.
    In reality, they are giving you much less than a woman in her twenties.
    In fact, they gave more to men when they themselves were in their twenties, than what they are giving you now.
    As they mature they think they worth more. Nothing is further from the truth.
    Besides, any woman over 30 who is without kids is crazy by default. Insane, period.
    And the problem is, you do not want a woman over 30 to have kids with you.
    She did not give you her youth, she did not give you her best years.
    When she will grow old at your side, you will never see in her the innocent young girl who gave you her best.
    You will see a cougar from the cock carousel who was already old when you met her, who is now a wrinkled hag.
    No. That is not the way any man should select the mother of his child.
    The older I get, the more I think the people of old were geniuses.
    If a woman does not go into marriage with you as a virgin, she cheated on you by default.

    1. The only way I would see such a woman as attractive is if she were my wife from years earlier and we had children together.

      1. loyalty and strong joint-relationships with your children is fantastic for couples over 40. Can’t put a price on it.

      2. Yep. When those stretch marks come from YOUR kids, I would imagine it is easier to ignore.

        1. stretch marks….eww..the words alone cause involuntary shivers….single m others also do the same.

        2. A woman who has stretch marks is a woman who wasn’t smart enough to take care of herself while pregnant. They’re easily preventable.
          Same with women who gain crazy amounts of weight while pregnant. Totally unnecessary. They’re just using pregnancy as an excuse to become a cow and not take care of themselves.

      3. True. Through the years I known her (she is in her upper 30’s), I still find her attractive. If I compare her to the other 20-somethings at church, she isn’t quite there physically, but she now has some maturity, patience, understanding that she didn’t have in her early 20’s. We have grown together over the years.
        Had she stayed single or whored around, she would still had the immature, snarky, and prideful complex she had back then, but coupled with the older physical body.

        1. You have summed up the vast majority of never married 30+ women. All the bad of the dried up old hag, and all the irritating qualities of the foolish young girl personality, all rolled into one person.

        2. Yup, there are things we learn in marriage that we cannot elsewhere. Even dating, there is being able to bail at any moment which you cannot in marriage, everyone has to learn to cope with it. Like an old dog, it will take long for her to learn it as she has grown accustomed to bad habits.

        3. I have seen a distressing number of young 20s hags of late: 100% of it comes from the inner life, not the body.

        4. + you can walk outta shower while she’s doing dishes, tap her on shoulder, & bang it out on counter like no big deal. Good girls turned out ftw.

        5. Newsflash: women do not need to be married to learn maturity, patience and understanding as they age. Both men and women should be striving to be better people with each new day. However, the comments on this thread prove that most of you all have stunted your emotional growth and are immature if you believe any of the vitriol being spewed here.

        6. You clearly do not love your wife unconditionally and view her as a possession, not a person. The fact that you are comparing her to other women is really sad. You mentioned going to church, but I fail to see how you’re honoring your wife as the lord intended with these comments and your comparisons.
          Are you also controlling and jealous, too? Do you get upset if she talks to other guys? Have friends of her own? Goes out without you? Makes her own money?
          These are all textbook behaviors of a controlling and abusive relationship. Men who behave this way are deeply insecure and find solace in trying to control others, because they feel so out of control within themselves. Men who behave this way and share the sentiments of those on this thread often come from abusive homes or rough childhoods themselves. The wounds of their past bubble over into hatred for others, because they can never actually address the issues within themselves. It’s easier to lash out at others than look in the mirror.
          Do you want to be treated with respect? So do women. It’s the golden rule: do unto others as you would have done unto you. That was the first thing I learned in church, maybe you should go back for a refresher course.

        7. It is remarkable how women seem to never develop any of the humility one would think they would develop once they lose some of their sexual power from their early 20s.. they just seem incapable of any self-reflection or humility or attaining any wisdom as they age.. they still retain the over-entitled qualities of foolish, arrogant young women .. and seem to get even more entitled and picky and demanding.. even as their looks and sexual power fade. The modern Western woman is a lost cause. They are badly damaged through years of whoring around and are not worthy or capable of any kind of proper relationship.

        8. she’s got nothing mate, trolls gonna troll & man haters gonna hate

    2. If a woman does not go into marriage with you as a virgin, she cheated on you by default.

      Generally that’s not a bad motto to live by, although I will grant a minimal exception to a woman who entered marriage a virgin and then was widowed.

      1. When a woman won’t give a man her best years then no man is obligated to be there for her worst.

        1. Are you telling me that there are women out there (in the west) that had best years to give?

        2. Probably not any more since they apparently get fat as teenagers now and cover their fat legs in tattoos at 18.
          But think of it this way: my generation still had the last of the NAWALTs (for that time – even the NAWALTs of the 1980s would watch too much Oprah, get fat, and turn into cunts in the 1990s) and hence we were told, and bought into, “do all the right things and you get everything good you deserve”. And the NAWALTs were that carrot on the stick. Be a good guy, work yourself to death, have a steady career, and marry that girl next door.
          10 years later she’s fat as a cow, demanding, raising screaming brat kids you can’t discipline because that makes you a bad father, and then one day, coming home from your 60 hour work week from which you just got outsourced or H1B’ed out of, she says “we have to talk”.
          But the younger fellows have it easy. The carrot is gone. They are being beaten with the stick. Indeed the women no longer even have “best years” in which to fool some sperm donor and economic mule (and not necessarily the same man). Your career prospects are shot to hell as well thanks to boomernomics.
          You guys have it easy. You know the score. You won’t end up spending 15-20 years like fellows in GenX learning the same thing the harder way (piled under tons of debt and despair). All of the ugly truth is laid out before you. That fatass 18 year old with the crap attitude is merely just 10 years ahead of schedule.

        3. Young men have such high hormone levels, even a banged out sloot of 25 is irresistible to them if she’s even somewhat hot.
          It’s probably a good thing too, otherwise the humam race would die out.
          Nope, Mother Nature knows how to bypass the young man’s rational brain. Now, if a man isn’t married off by 30, that’s a different story…

        4. Yup. I’m GenX and my mother was a second-wave feminist in the 70s. She’s also a lesbian and I had a sister. Growing up, I was fed a constant diet of blue-pill bullshit. Needless to say, I puked up the blue pills, was force-fed the red pill and walked away from all of it. Following their advice got me friendzoned or worse.

        5. It goes both ways, you know. Men also gain weight, go bald, get wrinkly dicks, accumulate stupid tattoos, and can’t get it up. Not to mention, men are more likely to suffer from health problems. Your argument really doesn’t make sense. Both men and women struggle to age gracefully. Both men and women struggle with obesity in the US. Both men and women can be assholes sometimes. Your logic is lost on me.

        6. Many women are single moms because a man bailed on them. Many women are the breadwinners in the family and I know many are not looking for a sperm donor or economic mule. Generalizations like this are dangerous and weak.
          Most women are pretty badass, work hard, and want the same things you want—to be treated fairly, not be taken advantage or, or be stuck raising screaming brats by themselves. Your argument is one-sided and not rooted in fact and is quite obviously rooted in your own insecurity from a personal experience.
          The traditional nuclear family model hurt both men and women. It totally sucks that men were expected to work and provide for women, and that women were expected to squeeze out a bunch of kids. Isn’t it nice that there is more flexibility in society today to craft a lifestyle that works better for you?
          The best part of any relationship is that it’s a partnership and you can tackle life as a team. One person gets laid off? No problem, the other person can cover. Need a guys’ night out? Mom’s home watching the kids while you blow off steam.
          Having this attitude toward women that you have does not lead to more teamwork, partnership, or sex, for that matter. It just sounds like you are butt hurt and looking for a punching bag instead of taking responsibility for your life.

        7. I’m a pretty big fan of the traditional family. worked out pretty great for the last 3-4 generations of my clan.

        8. Many women are single mothers because they are hateful, loudmouthed, foul cunts, and the man gets smart and dumps her.
          If you do not like single motherhood, learn how to keep your mouth shut and behave, and get your hellspawn kids under control.

        9. yeah, life it’s so easy when you ignore history, human nature and reality.

        10. Of course the logic is lost on you. You are a woman. Men that you described don’t go around thinking they are God’s gift Aging gracefully-I’m not sure what that means. If either sex wants to throw the towel in, then by all means, do it. But women that have thrown the towel in and walk around as if they haven’t and expect to be treated and viewed as such, is disgusting.

        11. You may have noticed this is a site for MEN. These are not debate topics. So, your claim of one-sided arguments is moot.

        12. Who cares what women “expect”? I have to agree that there is no excuse for anyone, of any age, allowing themselves to become obese, not only for aesthetic but health reasons. I also think that everyone should do thier best to maintain thier health and appearance at every age but if they don’t, that’s thier choice. Just don’t give them a second glance. They’re not going to get the attention they would if they took better care of themselves, whether they expect it or not.

        13. Your Mom is not a lesbian. If she were she wouldn’t have gotten pregnant with you. I’m sick of bisexual women labeling themselves “lesbians”

        14. I have noticed that any comment that strays from the Women Suck script this site promotes gets INSTANTLY deleted. Like within nanoseconds. It’s definitely a sign of insecurity and intellectual bankruptcy when you refuse to engage in discussion to uphold your views. Thats one of the main reasons this site is a punchline for the mainstream media. You would get a lot more respect and probably learn something if you allowed visitors to express opinions that are different from your own.

        15. I don’t give a fuck what you think. Me insecure? Now that is a joke. And BTW-your academic pedigree is worthless

        16. And I care less what the MSM thinks than I care what you think-if that’s possible

        17. you stupid, boring cunt. We are well aware of your tired, useless arguments already.. Feminist talking points and views are all over the mainstream media and are accepted already as the TRUTH. This site isn’t for those views. We are here for arguments and views that go against the current Western, liberal feminist dogma. We’ve refuted your tired, boring arguments on many occasions here.. whether individually in the comment section, or through the many articles by people here. Don’t come in here like some wild-eyed stupid bitch thinking you’re making some amazingly intelligent cogent arguments that you believe we’re all incapable or afraid of disputing. We’ve heard your stupid feminist shit before a thousand times.. and it gets boring after a while. Go back to Huffington post or Jezebel. We don’t care about you or your views. If you insist on staying here, have the fucking courtesy to at least read some of the many articles by authors here that already make intelligent counter-arguments to your boring, oft-repeated feminist talking-points.
          But beware: your liberal, feminist hegemony is coming to an end. More and more men are being exposed to our views and coming over to our side. Just like Trump took everyone by surprise, so will the reshaking of the current liberal, feminist world order. Men are waking up and realizing the true shallow, slutty nature of women, and how the current feminist and liberal culture is emasculating them and creating the conditions that make marriage and commitment to Western women a poor choice. Your stupid, boring feminist talking points aren’t going to change anyone’s mind at this point given the hard-won experience of men here with have had with women and how they operate. We can see with our own eyes and determine from our own experiences on what happens when women are given too much power and freedom, and elevated in society at the expense of men, and it isn’t good for most men, to put it mildly.. Nor is it good for civilization, as is the contention of the men here. Feminism and female emancipation leads to declining marriage and birth rates, which are signs of a declining and weak civilization. It could be we are wrong about that.. but it could also be possible we are right. You need to be exposed to our views more than we need to be exposed to your tired, boring, mainstream feminist drivel.. because the former are marginalized while your views and premises are well known, mainstream and treated as if they were religious truth and you never really encounter any actual, intelligent counter-arguments and rebuttals to them.
          So in summary: STFU already, you boring, feminist cunt. Read some of the articles here if you’re really interested in intelligent counter-arguments or just fuck off. Nobody here is really interested in your feminist drivel that we’ve heard a thousand times before already.

        18. It’s actually not. It earns me lots of money, allowing me to be free from financial dependence on a man and therefore not obligated to take any crap from them. Why don’t you cry about it? Might make you feel better.

        19. Name calling a stranger on the internet instead of engaging in grown-up conversation is a sure sign of a mature, developed mind. Thanks for reiterating my point so well for me. I have been coming to this site for awhile and I’ve read a lot of the articles. I actually agree with some of the points made, feminism has gone way too far and it’s getting ridiculous, but this site is not any better. If your articles were less fanatical and you didn’t have a Nazi-esque refusal to entertain any opposing opinions maybe you wouldn’t be considered such a joke and people would actually listen to what you have to say. By the way, you might want to be a little more succinct in your responses. No one has the inclination to read all that and it makes you look psycho.

        20. Forgot to mention, it’s hysterical when people refer to “declining birthrates” like its a bad thing. Our birthrates need to decline, we have a serious overpopulation problem on this planet right now. 7 billion humans and counting + dwindling resources = epic disaster looming.

        21. This is the kind of stupidity and ignorance that actually reading and understanding alternative viewpoints might help assuage.
          First, be careful about using terms like overpopulation. I agree we live on a limited planet with limited resources and at some point, too many people consuming too many resources is a problem. .but it is not clear what that number is. People have been predicting gloom-and-doom scenarios because of overpopulation for a long time.. and those predictions haven’t come true so far.. Technological innovation and actually having more minds to solve problems has helped. Furthermore, it isn’t clear that greater number of people necessarily is what causes greater resource consumption. People in the West have very affluent and wasteful lifestyles where one person in the West consumes as much resources as maybe 100 in a poor country.
          Secondly, we MAY have an overpopulation issue in some parts of the 3rd world (and again, that’s debatable) but certainly Western countries have the opposite problem. Wherever and whenever feminism is introduced, birth and marriage rates decline. Declining birth rates has serious consequences for a civilization, not the least which of is that it leads to societal, cultural and civilzational decline. The fewer people there are, the weaker a society and culture. The more younger a society is, the more dynamic, strong, innovative and productive it is. Demographics is destiny as they.. and the future belongs to those who show up for it. Western feminist and liberals just aren’t haven’t enough children, and guess what.. traditional, patriarchal societies where women are kept in line and controlled are the ones that seem to be best at cultivating monogamy and reproducing.. and those are the cultures and societies that will succeed and conquer those that don’t. It’s as simple as that, really.
          Finally, Western societies need more young people and need to keep importing immigrants from traditional, patriarchal cultures (and that comes with a host of other problems) in order to sustain the modern Western welfare state. Someone has to pay for all your pensions, social security, medicare, etc.. What you have in the West is a smaller and smaller pool of younger people supporting a greater number of aging people.. so declining birth rates in the West is a much more dire problem than you really understand or appreciate. Educate yourself first before prattling on and repeating cliches here.

        22. Ok, I’ll summarize because like the typical smartphone addicted Western whore these days, apparently your attention span is too short to digest more than two paragraphs:
          I repeat, you stupid boring cunt: We don’t care about listening to your boring, feminist drivel. Your views are well-known to us already, and have been addressed and debated over many times here, whether in the comments or in the articles themselves.
          Nobody is saying women suck.. well, maybe some are. What we are saying is female nature is what it is.. and that a healthy civilization requires a culture that constrains women’s worst impulses and nature, and that the current Western feminist culture does the opposite, and instead brings out the worst in women.. and makes them thoroughly unappealing and unsuitable for marriage and for commitment. That would be the succinct version of the many arguments this site makes about the current state of affairs regarding women and marriage in the West.
          We get it you don’t agree with this viewpoint. That’s fine. Kindly fuck off then. Let men decide for themselves based on their actual experiences about who is more correct about the true nature of women, and about the social and cultural problems facing us.

        23. There is no MAY about it, overpopulation is a massive problem in developing countries, less so in the West. However, the worst thing anyone can do for the environment is give birth to an American child because of the disproportionate amount of resources we consume, therefore it is a good thing that there are less of us overall. Several environmental impact reports have shown that overpopulation is our number one environmental problem. Humans are superfluous to the ecosystem, the world and every species in it would be much better off if the entire human race were extinct. And in my personal nihilist opinion, humans suck and human existence is bullshit so you’re never going to convince me how awesome it is that there’s so many of us and that there needs to be more of us. Oh yeah, and there’s a negative correlation between education and fertility in all populations- the societies in which people are illiterate and shitting out kids at a machine-gun pace are not the ones we should be emulating, in my opinion. But of course none of this matters to you, because people like you are more concerned with controlling women than building a better future for our planet and the people on it. You also haven’t explained how having less people makes a society “weaker”. Ever notice how wealthy people tend to have very few children while poor people have a shit-ton? Which group would you say has more power?

        24. What a bunch of boring, cliched feminist drivel.
          “One person gets laid off? No problem, the other person can cover.”
          Yeah except female nature doesn’t operate like that. Women say they want equality.. but what they really want is a man who is smarter, better, and more successful than they are.. who treats them like an equal. That’s very different from wanting an equal.
          Even if they do want an equal, as you say, they seem to be a lot more unforgiving of men who aren’t successful as they are than men are of women. Men don’t really care about a woman’s career or accomplishments and income when it comes to choosing a wife.. I mean those things may have some importance but they’re way down the list for most men. For women, those are at the top of her list. So it’s not all peachy and rosy and everything equal like you pretend in your fantasy world. Women are also far more likely to divorce men who lose their jobs, for example as this study reveals:

        25. You could literally take every sentence of what you just wrote and apply it to men and it would be just as true. Western men have impulses that need to be controlled and aren’t suitable for marriage either, for the most part. And yet despite these dire circumstances, people all over the US are getting married and having families. You’re obviously not looking in the right places if you haven’t been able to find a woman to settle down with. Maybe you should admit to yourself that what you’re really unhappy with isn’t Western society, it’s your own life.

        26. “You also haven’t explained how having less people makes a society “weaker”.”
          I actually explained quite clearly why that is the case. YOu just chose to ignore my explanation.
          There is a happy medium between unsustainable and irresponsible population growth. .and having a stable population that allows you to you know.. actually sustain your culture and civilization. The West is failing at the latter. Most of Europe has birth rates that are below replacement rate, meaning they aren’t even reproducing enough to sustain their population levels. And I’ve explained quite clearly the problem with having a shrinking group of younger people trying to support an ever increasing again population.. especially given the modern Western welfare state. It just isn’t sustainable without importing immigrants from cultures that are necessarily traditional and patriarchal.. and that comes with a whole bunch of problems and issues which Europe is having to deal with now.
          You are right though that in the short term, having fewer children might increase wealth.. but in the long term, below-replacement birth rates are a a demographic, societal and civilizational dead-end… quite literally. Civilizations and societies that actually reproduce and have more younger people, especially men, will conquer those that don’t.
          “Humans are superfluous to the ecosystem, the world and every species in it would be much better off if the entire human race were extinct. And in my personal nihilist opinion, humans suck and human existence is bullshit so you’re never going to convince me how awesome it is that there’s so many of us and that there needs to be more of us.”
          Who cares about the world if there are no humans in it? What use is that kind of world to us?! This is immature, childish nihilism and isn’t worthy of any kind of intelligent rebuttal.

        27. So what are your views? What are you complaining about here? You don’t like this article?! Maybe he touched a nerve and you identify with some of the women he described in the article. The author is well-known here for his acerbic, sometimes over-the-top, humorous descriptions and tone.. which is evident in this article..although I believe there is a lot of truth to what he says and describes (not sure about the dark asshole bit though). He’s documenting his personal experiences with women and he’s criticizing what he doesn’t like about these women. There are plenty of avenues, personal and public, where women disparage men and what they don’t like about men, calling them all sorts of names (broke, bald, loser, “creepy”, etc) and somehow it’s ok for women to disparage and talk about men that way.. but if men talk about women and what they find appealing, and what they don’t find appealing, somehow that’s some great sin and we’re all horrible misogynists?
          this is a place for men to talk amongst ourselves and figure shit out, whether it’s women or otherwise. There are plenty of places where men are subjected to the views of women, whether they like it or not. This isn’t the place for women and women and their opinions aren’t welcome here. So understand that.. and act accordingly.

        28. There is no intelligent rebuttal to nihilism. Human existence is literally pointless. We eat, fuck, shit and die like every other species, except we also rape the planet, destroy natural habitats and go through life thinking we’re superior to all other creatures. This world would be a lovely place without humans, no war, no pollution, and the animals would get thier planet back. It belongs to them anyway. But I digress. I fully support immigration to the West, from all countries. It’s not about conquering other societies, it’s about blending. I married a wonderful man from a Muslim country and I have three friends married to foreigners- one of them is married to a beautiful Vietnamese girl and they are very happy. I would think that everyone on this site would want an imported woman, since Western women are the pits.

        29. Western men are simply reacting rationally to the current cultural conditions, and to the kind of slutty, career-obsessed whores that Western feminist culture seems to cultivate, and acting accordingly.
          I agree that the worst of both male and female impulses have to be controlled and constrained for a culture and civilization to encourage monogamy and marriage but I repeat.. feminism removes those constraints from women, while constraining men and demanding men adhere to old norms and standards. This isn’t viable.
          People all over the US are getting married and having families.. but not enough of them. Marriage and birth rates continue to decline in the West.. so this isn’t just about me and my life. There are plenty of men here besides me who make the same observations and have the same experiences with women. It’s easy and simplistic to blame individual men.. and certainly, individually, we can make some decisions and take some actions to meet our goals but as Roosh describes in the well-reasoned, and thoughtful article I link to below, it’s very difficult to achieve the goal of finding a marriageable woman in a poisonous, anti-male, feminist culture that emasculates men, elavates the status and power of women at the expense of men, and encourages the worst impulses and nature of women. This is a problem that goes beyond the individual man and his actions… so spare me your pop-psychology. You know nothing about me.. and have no basis to make any kind of assumptions about me. And even if you’re right.. that I’m unhappy with my own life rather than Western society.. those two don’t have to be mutually exclusive, and in fact are related for many men.
          The Problems With Teaching Men How To Find A Wife

        30. I actually wasn’t complaining. I posted something satirical about his ideal woman being a prebuscent anorexic mute with a bleached asshole and that got instantly deleted. I posted something similar again and that got deleted as well. It seems like whoever runs this site needs to get a sense of humor. By the way women never as far as I know, dedicate entire articles to tearing men down by criticizing the way they look physically or that they don’t make enough money, etc. We also don’t delete comments from men or ban them from our sites because we like hearing what men have to say (most of us).

        31. I think that’s a lie-here’s what I think the truth is. I think you’re alone, with perhaps some cats. I think you crashed into the wall at light speed and now don’t get a second look from ANY man. You haven’t a had a good fucking put on you in ages and you hate young, attractive women.
          Pretty close? You bet it is. Like I said I don’t give a fuck what you think and don’t lecture me bitch.

        32. Gee not to mention it got us where we are today (or at least where we were a couple generations ago) over tens of thousands of years. I wonder how that happened.
          Jessie is intermixing religion (which was created to control) with male-female relations.
          As someone said earlier, the smartest of the conservatives are libertarian and they are usually not all that religious.

        33. A woman gets educated and suddenly for the most part is not at all interested in a man who doesn’t make as much as she does. So much for equality. With each advanced degree her pool of available men shrinks since she will only date “up” the economic scale. What a corner they have blocked themselves in.
          So they then settle for a man of lower stature and are unhappy or they remain single and alone and angry or they become dykes.

        34. I see all your posts Jessie – you just disproved your own poorly thought out theory.

        35. OK don’t bring up Trump. LOL he’s a puppet. But yeah to the rest. <3

        36. Overpopulation. Gee where did she get that. Have you ever driven across America? What do you see? Mostly wide open spaces. Same thing in Europe…Australia…mostly Asia though they have a lot of huge and densely populated cities, there is a lot of open space too.
          Liberals love crowding everyone into cities and then saying we have a population problem. Surreal.

        37. I for one revel in the wasteful spending of western women. 95% (literally) of my wardrobe/shoes come from thrift stores. I’ll let vapid bimbos spend their paychecks on retail – I’ll pick up the bargains at 95-99% off full retail thank you. And look like a million bucks doing it.

        38. You have the ENTIRE education system doing that! Do you want to own all the online sources of opinion as well??
          “By the way women never as far as I know, dedicate entire articles to tearing men down by criticizing the way they look physically or that they don’t make enough money, etc.”

        39. Do you need a lot of money to be financially independent? I don’t and I also don’t dig on men.

        40. Western men are only realizing now that the goal is to “blend” us out of existence.
          That’s what we get for taking our womens’ word at face value and treating them as equals.
          Liberals behave like psychopaths.
          Why not move to Mohammed’s Muslim country instead of inviting him here? Oh right… Muslims already know the score on women and act accordingly.

        41. It’s not about space, it’s about our rapidly diminishing RESOURCES, you moron.

        42. Its not about space, it’s about our rapidly diminishing RESOURCES, you moron. All you retarded conservative fuckwads, like the Duggars with thier 5000000000000000 children and counting, say the same thing- “Look at all the space!!”. Like that has anything to do with the ozone layer we’re destroying or all the trees we’re chopping down, or the oceans we’re polluting or the oil that’s on the verge of running out. Idiots.

        43. Resources aren’t the issue, resource management is. If we stopped feeding liberals, for instance, then we’d be doing just fine.

        44. His name is not Mohammad, and we don’t move to his country because neither of us wants to live there. He left for a reason. Westerners don’t actually know shit about Middle Eastern culture and it’s hilarious when they think they do. You know what the media in this country wants you to believe. If you think Western women are spoiled you haven’t seen anything. A woman doesn’t know what it means to be cherished and catered to until she dates a Middle Eadtern man. I have never been so adored and pampered, it’s a bit much to be honest but I can’t complain. All my friends who are married to Middle Easterners have had the same experience as myself. What’s your issue with blending by the way? Are you a racist Xenophobe trying to preserve the white species or something?

        45. As far as I know, conservatives dont feed liberals. If anything its the other way around (Red States always have way more poor people in need of government assistance). Are you talking about the fertilized eggs that conservative ‘pro-life’ zealots clamour to have brought into the world, by force, and then don’t want to provide food/education/clothing for once they’re, you know, born?

        46. “Are you a racist Xenophobe trying to preserve the white species or something?”
          Yes basically… I think the white race has a right to exist free from Marxist corruption.
          I don’t really have anything against middle-Easterners at all. In fact I get along well with them generally, and they usually do have more emotional depth than spoiled Westerners I agree.
          I simply love my own people, history, and culture. Some people want to save the pandas, I want to save my race.

        47. Yet the government tries to prevent them from subsisting on their own without connecting to the grid. Gee, I wonder if government wants a bunch of pathetic dependents.
          The trillionaires who actually run everything, including their tools – the world leaders and corporates heads, are all liberal socialists. Oh the irony…they are decreasing population through their stellar change men into women and women into men program. Nature doesn’t give a shit – you all will be refined out of the gene pool.
          And you are on board. That also makes you quite the tool.

        48. The white race has no right to anything. No one has any “rights” based on their color (or lack of color lol). Being white myself I’d just as soon forget our illustrious history of abusing and exploiting pretty much every other group of people on the planet (Native Americans, Africans, East Indians, Native Hawaiians, etc, etc). At least you admit that you’re a racist, not really surprising given the caliber of most people who lurk on this site. Didn’t know there were any KKK members with two Master’s degrees though, that’s a new one.

        49. “Being white myself I’d just as soon forget our illustrious history of abusing and exploiting pretty much every other group of people on the planet”
          At least you’re predictable. A white feminist who thinks Muslims are better than her native men and history but insists on living in a white country.
          I wish I was as original as you suggest, but there are plenty of educated white men out there who have a grasp of history and biology.

        50. Guys don’t bail on sweet, feminine (not doormats) woman who don’t let themselves go physically. They just don’t, unless those men have psychological issues but we are not talking about the hopelessly f*cked up here (and there are more messed up women then men IMHO). And when a women makes a poor choice and desires a “bad” guy, well that’s her mistake. Many (most) women LOVE to misguide other women in their relations – that’s why I don’t listen to them. I don’t know if it’s envy or what but they are guided that if a guy isn’t absolutely perfect he’s not deserving.
          I hear the wives of the men in my office when they call their husbands. With the exception of maybe one or two, they harp, nag and bitch constantly. Some belittle on a regular basis too. What guy wants to put up with that shit day in and day out?

        51. Human existence is pointless when you’re an Atheist feminist that thinks it’s an animal. You are what you think you are.

      2. Just a heads up: women don’t owe you anything. I know we live in the age of entitlement, but thinking anyone owes you anything is a big mistake; whether in relationships, at work, at school… You can’t control other people. It’s a waste of time to try to do so, and this article is a waste of time trying to state that any of this shit is real. If you love someone, you love them, end of story. Love is not conditional.
        If you aren’t a virgin it’s hypocritical to expect a woman to be. If you believe both parties should remain virgins until marriage, and you’re currently a virgin, that is your choice. At least you’re being fair to both parties.
        Personally, I think it is unrealistic and not a good approach to testing the strength of a relationship’s sexual chemistry to wait until marriage. Just as you have sexual urges, so do women. It’s absurd to think women are any different than you when it comes to sexual desire. Men and women both like to have sex. Some more than others. But, of course, you all want a woman who will satisfy you sexually, yet, deny her of having any sexuality of her own. That’s pretty shitty. You wouldn’t want someone to do that to you. It’s really quite immature and selfish. Again… back to the age of entitlement…
        Maybe think more about what you can do to improve yourself and the lives of others instead of what someone *should* be doing for you… you’re just setting yourself up for failure and disappointment when you live with unrealistic expectations and expect others to serve you.

        1. Men and the taxpayers do not owe you anything, so let’s get rid of welfare.

        2. You are deft at selling Blue Pill ideas, I will give you that.
          But this:
          “It’s absurd to think women are any different than you when it comes to sexual desire”
          Sorry, but it is so obviously wrong that anybody can see it. Women don’t have the same libido as men. Testosterone being the reason.
          And yes, women don’t owe us men anything in terms of sex… but we need them sexually more than they need us. So even when complaining is not the answer, it is perfectly normal to be mad at nature for such an arrangement.
          I agree with you however that virginity is not a good strategy nowadays. Abiding by those old social norms when they are no longer seriously enforced only puts you at a disadvantage. Your final point about self-improvement is also good.
          You mentioned marriage when talking about virginity. Do you think getting married makes any sense in our current culture?

        3. Don’t agree fully. My personal experience and also experience of my friends shows that there are men with high sexual desire and the ones with a low one. It is hard to tell why it is so, maybe a combo of hormone levels, (mutual or only one sided) attractivenes, age… Basicaly, problem arises if the woman is the one who likes sex more than the man. Then she virtualy castrates the guy. For this reason I wouldn’t anybody recommend to step into the marriage without knowing how things are.

        4. Up until about 50 years or so ago, society was set up in such a way that men needed women only for sex, and women needed men for absolutely EVERYTHING else. Now that we’ve gained a little independence after centuries of being in basically the same category as children, some men can’t stop crying about how unfair it is. If life has been unfair for one gender, overall, it has undeniably been women. However, I agree that the feminist movement has become rabid and over the top lately, to the point where it’s starting to annoy sane women like myself. Gender bashing from both sides is equally repulsive. There has to be a happy medium.

        5. Of course, not all _______ are alike, but generally speaking men are hornier than women. It is obvious.
          Concerning your friends, it might be the case that the ones with a low sexual desire simply can not find a partner and sort of “switch off” up to a degree. This is what I believe happened to me. The less sex you have, the less you desire it, and vice versa.
          The incel anger and sadness does not stem so much from a biological root as it does from social frustation.

        6. Women needed men more, but they were also more protected. A hundred years ago in the trenches of Western Europe it was men who were dying, not women. I doubt the male 20-somethings of today would be willing to do a similar sacrifice.
          Look, I understand that in a traditional society many women went through life without knowing what an orgasm was, and many others probably had unmet sexual needs. But as an upside, people worried about higher things than sex and were more productive. You can call it civilization. Overall a reasanable trade-off.
          Regarding feminists, I for one believe some of them might be sincere, but they are in the same position Lenin and other communist revolutionaries once were regarding workers: just as most proles did not want utopia but merely a more confortable living, most women don’t really want equality but less boredom.
          The feminist movement has become so over the top as you say because it has been so phenomenally successful they have few things left to conquer. They are literally dying of success.

        7. The difference is when a chick gives birth to a child and she had a propensity to slut around, the man has no idea if it’s his kid and he has to raise it and pay for it. THAT is why men have higher expectations for the women they choose as a mate. There is a huge disincentive to settle for an easy lay.

        8. Chemicals are destroying the man. These hormone mimickers (mostly estrogen) are destroying men. It’s heinous.

    3. Yep. Women think their credentials: academic, career, experiential (destinations they’ve traveled to) have value to men. All delusional.

      1. That just shows their solipsism and all the E-koala Tea they have been drinking.
        These are things they find attractive in man. So OF COURSE, men find it attractive in women. Cuz men and women are equal.

        1. this “equality” thing is a problem. not many obese women where I am, but Ive noticed on biz lunches and dinners women eating the same portions as men, drinking as much too. Apparently a man can get away with 2 drinks a day with little damage, women, only one per day. Bad habits die hard- you dont need that 3rd boubon and its okay if you cant finish that porterhouse

        2. hahahahahha.
          Whenever I see rental cars for sale I think of old slutty single women on the hunt….

        3. ‘Not many obese women where I am…” please reveal your location. Perhaps another planet or galaxy?

        1. My eyes glaze over when they start talking about their “accomplishments”.

        2. one blind date was with a 30 yr old returning to school to get a PhD. School in the suburbs, reverse commute. Already looked drained of life at only 30, and she was going back to school…

        3. Just what she’s “returning” FROM makes a huge difference.
          fukked up marriage?
          European cok-tourism?

        4. dunno, she was not attractive, never married. once she said “going back to school” I started to tune out- how long does it take on avg to get a phd?

        5. the worst part is knowing that “going back to school”could never be as fun as
          “Back to School”!

        6. never, ever had a blind date where I was pleasantly surprised. Women settting you up to help their friends, not to help you out. Lesson learned

        7. I really thought my girlfriend from university was one of the prettiest girls around.
          Blue eyes, blonde hair, killer laugh and smile, just the right height, pear-shaped bottom, load-bearing hips, perky b-cups, nice pussy and cute little pink asshole.
          Now 3 years into her psychology PhD she looks like a weathered scarecrow.

        8. I think too much skool does more to age you than working your drone gig- at least you can punch out

        9. Did she study psychology to figure out why men are such ruthless, insufferable,
          cis-gendered oppressors?

        10. For me it depends on things like commute time and time flexibility, but overall I agree graduate school can be a degrading experience. I forced myself into the gym and to eat well though, which made a huge difference.
          Now that I’m working I don’t think I could ever go back.

        11. She’s more on the cognitive neuroscience end of psychology. Giant fMRI machines, brain magnets, perception research, etc.
          It’s practically STEM, but the entire department is far-left wing regardless. Academia is a liberal cesspool other than the hardcore engineers and philosophers from what I could tell.

        12. Ah. So she wanted to use machines to find out if men are hard-wired to be ruthless, insufferable, cis-gendered oppressors.
          As far as boring and impractical subjects go, psychology has to take the cake.

        13. Actress from the 1980’s, Kirstey Ally (sp). She was fairly hot in her day then turned into something so pathetic that words cannot even express the sorrow.

        14. This is what a pin pulled on the fat grenade looks like..It doesn’t go boom unless it falls, it just makes this sudden “ppppfffluffft” noise..like a fart strangled by the cat she sat on…

        15. I used to date a girl that did a psych major, totally batshit crazy, im talking about sever BPD crazy

        16. Make no mistake, they will always try to set you up with the fatty/grenade of the group

        17. There is an area of psychology by Eric Berne, called Transactional Analysis, about transactions between people…interesting stuff, wrote a book called Games People Play…one of them is ‘the therapist’, where people go into councilling or psychology simply to play the therapist against other people, whilst avoiding the suffering of healing themselves.

        18. She supported Trump but backed off when all the Hollywood Marxists got in her face.

        19. You should see Yasmin Bleeth, she was a Siren back in the day. Look at her now.

        20. This looks like the cover of the upcoming book, “The Way of Women,” a companion to the beloved “Way of Men.” The Way of Women, however, is merely a picture book of before and after shots of females portrayed as “hot”, “cute”, “sexy,” etc. after their empowering careers have ended and the carousel has stopped spinning for them.

        21. About 4 years on average. I did time with one woman that it took 10 years. She only got her PhD by suing the school for, you guessed it, gender bias.

        22. Damn……every blind date set up I got was with a relatively hot woman. When women say they have crushes on you is usually when things go bad. Best places for a blind date are a wedding and another when you know a guy who gets quality lays who needs a wing man. Anything else may be bad news.

        23. She is 66 years old. Can’t expect much. When you think about it, compared to most women these days, she maintained herself good for most of her life.
          There are many women in their 20s and 30s who have Kirstie’s 66 year old body.

        24. Alcohol, stress, antidepressants, miles of cock and possibly meth will do that to a woman.

        25. No doubt she was quick to point out all of your flaws while trying to explain away hers in the most verbose and pedantic fashion.

        26. Not necessarily. I saw a very good psychologist at the VA hospital. Then again, he was helping veterans with PTSD while the girl he was talking about is probably freebleeding with her vagina hat on.

        27. Exactly. Never take dating advice from women or let them set you up with anyone. They never have your best interest in mind. I took advice from women and always got nowhere. Then it dawned on me that they don’t want men to be successful with women, they want another friend zone enabler for the sisterhood. I’ll never understand how women simultaneously hate each other and work together like they do.

        28. Their own greatest case study is themselves, although even a PhD Shrinkette is too tarded to know that about themselves.

        29. Many go into psychology because they believe that their mental illness can help others. They also believe that a little self analysis will cure them.

        30. Single friend means they need the package tied up in a nice neat bow. Makes them feel smugly satisfied that they accomplished something. “Now we can double date!!!” Just tell them you are not interested and watch the sparks fly.

        31. Yeah! That’s the face of radical feminism. No surprise all the women that follow feminism end looking like her.

        32. It’s really amazing how ugly women become. Roasties are repulsive.

        33. I had a great New Year’s Eve once, though. A buddy’s wife set me up, I met her friend for coffee one time before their New Year’s party, a nice slim cute blonde (single mom, albeit). Tramp stamp and a few other tatts I found out later, but I think the buddy’s wife had a soft spot for me. Maybe just wanted her friend to have a good night.
          New Year’s Eve house party for four, the girls cooked dinner (badly). A plethora of alcohol, midnight strikes, my friend and his wife hightail it upstairs. Before I knew what year it was, my date was on her knees with my wang in her mouth. Racked her over the couch, carried on our private party upstairs in the bedroom, on the floor, in the bathroom. A truly memorable night even if I never saw her again.

        34. She got sucked into the Toronto academic lifestyle and worldview.
          Working 24/7 to impress her academic supervisor while making practically no money, is surrounded by far-left liberal politics all day, surrounded by manginas and feminists.
          If you haven’t spent much time in academia, it’s hard to explain. But imagine an all-female workplace where no one is making any money.

        35. Yup, better steer clear of that dangerous “learning”, ” improving your mind” nonsense. It’s a liberal cesspool. You should be a guidance counselor for teenagers.

        36. Where did I condemn learning or her field of study?
          I’m condemning academia for pushing a political agenda.

        37. Educated people tend to be more liberal, this is true. Education is about progressing humanity, something you are apparently opposed to.

        38. I can assure you the cock had nothing to do with it. Sex does not age women (or men for that matter), where that idea came from I can’t imagine.

        39. I have two masters degrees and I don’t believe in the modern liberal establishment’s vision of progress, which I see as a dehumanizing and oppressive force.
          Correlation is not causation.
          “Liberal” and “conservative” are becoming murky terms now anyways. In truth, we might agree on some issues and disagree on others.

        40. It isn’t the sex itself. It’s the emotional baggage from the understanding they were used, set aside or generally unloved whilst getting pounded. That takes a toll on women that, largely though modern feminism, have an unrealistically-inflated view of themselves. When the wall comes, and it will, that baggage comes flying out all over like a plane hitting a cornfield.

        41. ‘Education’ in the US at both the High School and college level has become much more about learning the ‘correct opinion’ than about being exposed to multiple philosophies, concepts and opinions and being able to evaluate their merits. It has ceased being about learning how to think and analyze and is now about learning what to think and accepting it uncritically.
          Shout down any speaker who even dares utter a contrary opinion. Not just listen and critique, not skip the venue, — but insist they be banned from the campus and no one hear that concept.
          Recent surveys have shown college students do not develop critical thinking skills.

        42. I’ll be going for my masters in supply chain management which is mostly unrelated to to a liberal arts degree in anthropolgy. If you have any ideas or tips on this plan I would love to here it. My goal is to make a starting salary of 45k a year in a company with a ladder to climb. I like the idea of supply chain management because you can take that job with you wherever you go.

        43. Good on you. I don’t know that field very well and I’m in early stages of my career, so I’d rather not give you random advice.
          My main tip on graduate school in general is to prioritize the gym. If I didn’t religiously hit the gym the long study hours and lengthy time alone would have made me depressed. Making physical activity and decent diet a habit will go a long ways in preventing grad school burnout.
          I’m not the guy to ask about this field, but if you’re looking for advice I’d recommend throwing this question out on a new thread and if any of the guys on this forum have any experience with it, they’ll respond with some ideas and suggestions. rooshvforum is probably an even better resource for discussing career goals with some guys who might have experience with supply chain, or related field.

        44. Why are you assuming that the woman is the party that was “used”? It’s just as likely that she used the man. Women like sex too, you know.

        45. Yeah, except that over a third of people holding graduate degrees also hold liberal views on environmental, economic and social matters, which is true for only one in ten Americans generally. Multiple cross-cultural studies also show that educated people tend to be socially liberal while Conservativism and intelligence is negatively correlated. Which makes complete sense, to me. Red States (two of which I’ve lived in) tend to be piss poor in every measure of living standards, because education/progress and antiquated conservative values don’t mesh well.

        46. A man with two Master’s degrees ridiculing a woman for getting “sucked into” the academic life. Couldn’t make this shit up. It’s like you’re talking about someone who fell into drug addiction or prostitution or something. Those dangerous, horrible books. Lol. Seems that you were similarly sucked in, not once, but twice.

        47. Conservatism and intelligence is negatively correlated, until you start talking about libertarians, who have the highest IQ scores on average of all mainstream groups. And I’d wager that the people that used to be “libertarian” are now on the path to becoming radical conservatives considering the current political landscape. The higher average intelligence of either group also doesn’t necessarily prove that their ideology is the correct or most fit one either.
          I don’t even believe that intelligence per se is necessarily the most important virtue a nation or individual can have. Plenty of hyper-tolerant/liberal societies in history collapsed due to their naïveté and decadence, while many intelligent individuals don’t even have the spirit within them to reproduce themselves at replacement levels. I wont begrudge those “antiquated” conservative values so quickly in the name of “progress”.

        48. I genuinely think the PhD lab environment is a shitty place for many women, as comfortable and well-marketed as it is. I’ve seen too many girls hunkered down into PhD programs who end up on the wrong side of 30 at the end of it.
          And then they end up with some average job anyways because academia has churned out way more PhD researchers than are actually needed in the real world. Lots of these girls just do it because they complete their MA and just continue on because they can’t think of anything else to do.
          I got my second masters in an unrelated industry field and opted out of the PhD basic research track. The ivory tower is a scam, and yeah part of me does resent that I gave them as much time and effort as I did.
          You keep suggesting that I am anti-education. I am not anti-education at all. I just do not support what has become of the academy.

        49. So you see the purpose of Marxism. Men don’t want to compete or want rough and tough easy bitches. Women don’t want men in lace onsies who act like chicks.
          Marxism 1
          Happiness 0

        50. I won’t date men with dad bods. If you don’t give a shit about your physical health/appearance you won’t find me anywhere near you.
          I’ll be 50 this year and hot as fuck. Because I care and have a brain and can’t stand Marxist feminazis. I am hit on by guys in their 20s and 30s because the women their age are all about their degrees and “not needing a man” except for sex…until the delusion wears off (at around 35) and they realize, oops, yeah, they kinda do want a man and then their choices are milque toast pussy men.

        51. It’s the psychological mind fucking that is involved in the act of sex that causes the aging. Sex for men is sex, sex for women is so much more despite Marxists screaming in their ears that they are equal to men and can fuck as often and with as much variety as a guy…then nature rears its ugly head and they realize the lie and often become dykes.
          A woman who is out there fucking everything that moves soon despises herself and that will age you more than anything.

        52. Then why do they age from it Jessie? Women look like shit these days. I look better than many of them 20+ years younger than me.
          I also cherish who I am and what I have to offer and don’t give it up like a two bit whore (yeah feminists suck on that).
          It’s bullshit if you think it’s just as likely she used the man. I honestly know maybe three women in their 20s (and pretty much no women in their 30s or older) that aren’t on some petrochemical pharmaceutical taken to help them deal with their delusional lifestyle – anxiety, stress, depression/BPD.
          How’s that going for them? Not real well, obviously.

        53. Jessie one can be a free range study hound. You can then carry on a conversation and you don’t get all that feminist bullshit you get on a modern American college campus. It is a liberal cesspool.
          Just go lick some fat ugly pussy that’s the only choice you’ll have soon enough anyway or one of those she-hes that has the spine of a jellyfish.

        54. Hey Jessie have you ever looked at a breakdown of intelligence and type of degree sought? You might (or not) find it interesting…social sciences are not too far down as a whole but psychology, for instance is quite low on the intellect scale. Education/business (that shocked me) are the lowest…social sciences and humanities are mid-range and engineering, computer/physical sciences and math are the highest.

        55. Don’t equate education with intelligence because they are often not at all correlated. You are confusing exposure to diversity of thought (living in an area where you are introduced to a broad range of ideas or coming from a household where your mind is constantly challenged and your thought processes constantly refined) with political views.
          I live in California and I am drowning in idiocy – it’s all around me.

        56. Yes they gave up the ghost on critical thinking a long time ago and it became about PC – thinking “properly” versus learning how to process thought correctly.

        57. The perfect example is how Johns Hopkins University is being lambasted right now for their scientific study on transgenderism. They want to silence scientific thought if it doesn’t fit their paradigm.

        58. I don’t care about what women want too much since by and large they’re utterly ridiculous and irrational and the laws and society today are gynocentric beyond redemption, but hey whatever. More than enough simps to compete for what are essentially spoiled rotten crazy whores with a sense of entitlement only similarly matched by daughters of the wealthiest men in history. Man up for trash? I think not.

        59. I would think a highly educated person like yourself would be above the laughable hand-wringing over “declining birthrates”. We have seven billion people and counting on a planet with finite resources. Medical advances, best health in human history meaning people are living far longer than they ever have before (average human life span was once 35. Now it’s 80). Wars and disease no longer wiping humans out in massive numbers like they used to. Trust me when I say that the very last thing this planet needs at this present time is more humans. If only 10 percent of us chose to procreate we’d still be fine population wise and a lot of societal issues (like climate change and unemployment) would disappear. Anyway, around 80 percent of most societies are still procreating, you can’t throw a stick without hitting 5 pregnant women, everywhere you go. Population decline is a fictitious issue that is completely stupid and pointless to even discuss. I am however interested in specifically which liberal societies you’re referring to that have ” collapsed ” throughout history.

        60. Depends on the type of intelligence you’re referring to, which varies as well.

        61. What you’re suggesting is that your ex girlfriend’s academic career is what caused her to age badly (And ostensibly, somehow, ruined her asshole- but we won’t go there), when it’s much more likely that she just didn’t know how to take care of herself. We’re all going to hit 30 at some point no matter what we do, and getting educated is not a bad path to choose in life. Of course on this site women get ridiculed for desiring any experience other than getting married at 18 and shitting out 5 or 6 kids.

        62. Interesting analysis, even more interesting that you think you know how every woman feels about/experiences sex. Creepy that you have such an intense interest in other people’s sex lives. Not getting any yourself?

        63. Reducing the world human population would probably be a good thing.
          What I am against is that Western countries in particular are encouraged to reduce their birth rates for supposedly moral reasons (e.g., environmentalism, overpopulation, feminism, etc.) only to get blind-sided with mass-immigration because “we don’t have enough workers to maintain the economy” and other hypocritical nonsense.
          I think it is unjust to Western nations. I value our race, culture, and history. You don’t. This is likely just an irreconcilable difference between us.

        64. What’s wrong with immigration? Other countries have too many people, we have a lot less. Seems like a win-win to me. You seem to be speaking from a position of xenophobia or White supremacy or both, otherwise I don’t get what your issue with foreigners is. I married one myself, he built a successful business from the ground up, pays taxes and employs Americans. What’s the problem?

        65. Some immigration is fine. Especially when it is high-quality personnel as you describe your husband to be.
          But I believe that mass-immigration that threatens the integrity of the native people who have deep history to the land, who developed the culture and country from the ground up, leads to the foundational grounds of morality beginning to break down. If bloodline, history, family, culture, tradition, and nation have no meaning, then I don’t see what meaning there is to be found in this life to be quite honest.
          You probably agree, but you have just adopted for your children the race and tradition of a foreign group. If I have no nation and tradition to offer my children on the other hand, then what do I really have to offer them? Men are by nature xenophobic. If I walked around in a Muslim country, I would probably be attacked for peacefully walking the streets, and frankly they have every right to eliminate a foreign element and protect their nation and culture.
          All men of all cultures and history have committed atrocities.
          White countries have simply become so prosperous and comfortable that people take it for granted, and attempt to find meaning in whatever propaganda is made available by mass-distribution (i.e., media, academia, corporate sector). I’d wager that if you were born in a white country that demonstrated pride in itself and did not tolerate modern feminist nonsense, you’d be just as happy, if not moreso, than you are now starting a family with a man who will break the continuity of your family’s history. Not to mention the identity issues that will likely result in your sons.

        66. LOL. Yes one photo with a glass of wine while in Vegas with my husband on vacation and I suddenly have a drinking problem (in fact I have a couple drinks a month socially and that’s it). Meanwhile you don’t dare show a photo of yourself – why is that? Always safe to be anonymous on the Internet isn’t it? Hiding something?
          As for not looking good, let’s compare stats, shall we? But first put a photo up or might you be embarrassed?

        67. As for how often I am getting it, in my 13th year of marriage still four times a week. What say you?

        68. Claims of “xenophobia” are only applicable to low population growth countries, is that right? THAT in itself is xenophobic as fuck.
          Do you also feel that people with money reserves/assets tucked away and no debt should pay for/subsidize those who are leveraged to the hilt after making shitty decisions in life?

        69. Children don’t come from dark assholes. FYI. Though it’s clear how much you value children…and why not? I mean, you feel it’s OK to have random sex with guys, to use them, and then if irresponsible enough about it can just get an abortion. Get rid of that piece of shit, right? It’s just glorious what feminism has done to values and valuing human life.

        70. Nothing more repulsive than old man syndrome, except modern narcissist woman entitlement syndrome.
          The butt and hair falls off and finds a way to reattach above the belt line as moobs and beer gut, and I agree, if a man gives a schit about his looks and fitness and does his best to fight off “dad bod” syndrome, he deserves a look, but don’t be surprised if he is divorced and broke because of the 5 he settled for @nally raped him in divorce court. He has a lot of drinking and guilt to get over for being forced to give his kids to that lying weasel ex. Then again most just give up and become desperate human turd piles like Chet from Weird Science…

        71. Every road driven hard in all sorts of weather degrades and falls apart tragically. Willing whores are no different.

        72. “If I walked around in a Muslim country, I would probably be attacked for peacefully walking the streets, and frankly they have every right to eliminate a foreign element and protect their nation and culture.”
          Dude, where do you come up with this kind of nonsense? It really takes away from an otherwise well argued case. Islam has interracted with every other civilization and race on the planet except for the Native Americans and Aborignees for the last 1400 years right? You do reailze that for centuries many Muslim countries had majority non-Muslim populations. You do realize that as we speak there are hundreds of thousands of foreigners in Dubai and other countries and there have always been non-Muslims in Muslim lands. If you were in a Muslim country people would be mostly friendly and somewhat interested to know what Canada is like.
          Muslims are not barbarian hordes. They are people and they have a civilization.

        73. “Islam has interracted with every other civilization and race on the planet except for the Native Americans and Aborignees for the last 1400 years right?”
          Yes. They took Constantinople. They invaded Spain and other parts of Southern Europe. They captured and sold our women as enslaved prostitutes.
          ” If you were in a Muslim country people would be mostly friendly and somewhat interested to know what Canada is like.”
          You’re right that not every Muslim country and person is dangerous. But I already made that point by paying respect to your husband, who you describe as a successful hard-working businessman. I have Muslims working for me now and they’re all pretty nice people. I was obviously speaking in generalities to make a broader point that you are avoiding.
          I would not begrudge Muslims for fighting to keep their country and nation free from potentially dangerous foreign elements.

        74. Hey CMG read this message as an addendum to my previous message to you. I thought you were a different poster who has been arguing with me on this point for a couple weeks now and I responded with agitation.
          Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against Muslims or their civilization, I really don’t. I’m just pro-European and want Jews and white-liberals to stop promoting a population spill onto the West.
          I don’t mind helping refugees, but whites have been under a propaganda campaign by their governments to hate themselves and forget their racial/cultural identity for decades now, and it’s reaching a fever-pitch. If you have been paying attention to American politics you can see a political divide forming in the country that very well could boil into civil war between the right and left.
          Basically, I think too many refugees in Europe with a degrading European culture and shrinking population is a ticking time-bomb. Once the economy can’t keep up, and once there is too much threat to Europe’s cultural and racial identity, I think racial and cultural hysteria will ensue.
          I know that not all Muslim countries are wastelands of barbarian hordes. As I understand it some of the war-torn countries are dangerous though, and I meant to use these as an example only to make a broader point. I never supported America’s invasion into the middle-East, which we can see now has only led to cross-continental conflict and horrors within the middle-East itself.

        75. “But I already made that point by paying respect to your husband, who you describe as a successful hard-working businessman.”
          Evidently you thought I was a chick hahaha. Or a gay Muslim?
          Anyway as i said in the original reply “It really takes away from an otherwise well argued case.” My issue was you adding that nonsense about being attacked for peacefully walking in the streets because you are a non-Muslim. War-torn countries excepted because that’s dangerous for everyone and you can get kidnapped if you look like you’d be worth a decent ransom.
          I will say one thing though – I do not think that all men are inherently xenophobic in respect to race and tribe. I think the West (since the fall of Rome) just has never really had to deal with multiculturalism (neither has China, really) and so they don’t know how to deal with it. I think Islam and India both came up with far better systems than the current postmodern degeneracy that’s being promoted with force, and which clearly is not working. There are alternate models of how a multicultural society might work, which I would caution you to remain open-minded towards.

        76. I regret I have but one upvote to give to your comment based on the last line alone. California academic environment is particularly bad..

        77. The super-progressive USSR had the highest living standards of all.
          Oh, wait…

        78. The root of practically all unhappiness is the disparity between what we would like reality to be and what it really is. That being said, think about what happens when women who have indoctrinated by Disney princesses, romcoms, feminism, etc. are confronted by reality. The disparity also grows the older they get. That kind of stress will age anyone prematurely.

        79. To be fair to Walt, all of his princesses were pretty, toned, young and chaste. Why women would think that they could leave that part out and still have the narrative play out the same way is beyond me.

        80. Ancient Rome believed they were “progressing”, right up until total societal collapse. Every story’s been told before yours sweetheart, try switching your arrogance for humility, it will do you the world of good.

        81. Let’s not forget the ultra left wing Red Guard who “progressively” eradicated their classically educated academic establishment and sent China back a century or two.

        82. Here is just one of many, they haven’t paid into the tax system for the first and most productive part of their lives, they will however benefit from that pool of tax money in their least productive years in the form of end of life care etc. Only a leftie could think up such a colossally stupid solution to a declining population.

      2. Women who have traveled a lot are a major red flag. Too much carouseling of arrogant Australian alpha cock on her “semester abroad” or Eurotrips makes them cringe at the nice beta boys when shes back in U.S. or Canada.

        1. i have lived in 3 different countries, shitty men like you exist everywhere. women just want someone who will, i dont know, respect them and treat them like the actual human beings that we are?

        2. I have to agree. An awful lot of women have zero interest in nice men. Particularly western white women, who seem to prefer men who are emotionally unavailable, etc. I think that _eventually_ they want respect, but it appears that this is not reflected in dating preferences to a great degree.

        3. They like men who treat them badly so they can complain about how badly they are treated. Women hang on to bad men and relationships like Titanic survivors clinging to the last lifeboat. Then when it’s really bad, women make the stellar decision of having a baby with these goofs.

        4. You guys are so misinformed. What’s wrong with a woman who’s traveled? Have you not traveled? Maybe that’s why your perspective is so shallow and limited. Critical thinking clearly doesn’t wrong strong within this group.

        5. my dad always told me “son, women aren’t happy unless they have something to complain about”.

        6. if women want respect and good treatment, maybe they should try giving some.
          I grew up with 3 generations of shitty, frothing at the mouth, man hating feminist harpies.
          As painful as it was, it did give me an excellent education about women like you.

        7. Personally I don’t blame her because fucking those guys would be the equivalent of fucking a retarded girl.

        8. My friend’s old school pop says, in his thick Scottish brogue “aye, laddy, it’s a woman’s job ta nag ya”.

        9. And you let those experiences shape you into a shitty, frothing at the mouth misogynist. Congratulations on learning nothing.

        10. It pertains to the conversation. Women who “travel abroad” typically sleep around a lot, diminishing trustworthiness, attachment, and increases divorce risk. This is why Hubert Cumberdale calls it a “major red flag”. Because she did not reply back, I can only assume she slept around, saying “shitty men like you exist everywhere” and asks for respect (where none is deserved).

        11. I fail to see how a woman’s past lovers decrease her trustworthiness. Unless she lies to you about them. Can’t get around the fact though that it’s creepy AF that you’re so obsessed with the penises that came before you and how the ghosts of said penises are somehow a threat to you and your relationship. I mean it’s cool to be obsessed with penis, if you’re gay, which you’re not- right?

        12. said “penises” linger in her mind. Stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum. You will be spending your entire marriage competing with the Chads of her youth. It is a statistically verifiable phenomenon. As the number of sexual encounters goes up (for both men and women), so does divorce rates. You can dismiss data all you want, but the fact is, guys everywhere look at this and consider it as they are choosing whether or not to commit to a LTR.

        13. Hmm, well I won’t go into how sad your imaginary competition with the men she’s slept with in the past is- I mean there’s nothing more masculine than feeling inadequate compared to men you don’t know, whom she most likely never thinks about anymore- but according to your logic women should be equally concerned about the number of lovers her husband has had in the past, right? (As if there’s any way to definitively verify that number, from either party)

        14. Sorry, but you can’t turn a whore into a housewife. With actions comes consequences. Some tatted up, carousel riding, gold digging bimbo is not worth any sort of commitment.

        15. “women just want someone who will, i dont know, respect them and treat them like the actual human beings that we are?”
          ha ha ha. Thanks for the laugh.
          Women want tingles not respect.. They’ll take the exciting bad boy or over 6ft tall, “hawt” alpha dude who treats them like shit any day over some boring beta male who like.. “respects them” and “treats them like actual human beings.”

        16. actually… “it did give me an excellent education about women like you”
          he did learn something

        17. He did learn. His mother taught him.
          Our archetype for the opposite sex is our opposite sex parent. While the parent that is the same sex as us does provide a model for behavior, if we don’t like it or find it flawed we can believe they’re not typical of our sex– because we aren’t like that. It is easier to reject them being the definition for our sex.
          However, the opposite sex parent defines that sex to us. He did learn, he learned from direct contact with his mother every day what women are.
          It apparently, was then reinforced by other women.
          He did learn, experience is the hardest lesson to overcome.
          Want your kids to have high standards for their spouse or boy/girlfriend? Set high standards and expectations in the way you define your sex for them.

        18. My father is a sick degenerate abusive pedophile who after years of beating the shit out of me sexually assaulted me one night, or tried to anyway. I ran away in the middle of the night in the winter snow and was picked up by the cops and put in Foster care (a situation I managed to pull myself out of, by myself, when I turned 16). My mentally and emotionally abusive stepfather was almost as evil as my father. I had the pleasure of growing up with these two lovely models of the male gender. Do I hate men in general because of them? No, I don’t. There’s good men in the world, and bad men in the world, just like there’s good women and bad women. It’s sad when someone lets the negative experiences they’ve been through turn them into a hateful person. It means that the evil people from your past are still controlling you.

        19. He learned what his mother is like, not what all women are like. If I used my father as the archetype for men I would hate all men, but that is stupid and emotionally immature.

        20. Given your own limited experience with women, you’re not exactly an authority on what women can or can’t be “turned into”. The most happily married, doting,devoted wives and mothers I know were not virgins when they married- some of them very far from it. Please join us here in the 21st Century.

        21. Holding a low opinion of the opposite sex doesn’t imply hatred. It is the acceptance of that standard of behavior as the norm, as reality. And then living with that knowledge and acting on those expectations. Not hating women for what they are, but accepting what they are based on what you’ve been taught.

        22. Do they want to be respected before they fuck them straight away? Because women are just like men, we’re equal, right?
          Let me tell you, I am never disrespected by men; in fact they hold me in the highest regard. Why? They can have an interesting conversation with me on just about every topic and I don’t spend the night encased in a me-me-me POV. My knowledge was and is self-generated study on my terms, not some Marxist factory churning out identical, very sad, vapid women.

        23. He’s trying to prove a point. And I see you helped him make it by your evasiveness. Good job. He’s obviously smarter than you are.

        24. Yep. If a woman sleeps with you right away she sleeps with everyone right away. Yuck.

        25. I feel sorry for you brainwashed women. You truly don’t get it. And I understand that. I truly feel sorry for you.

        26. No she doesn’t think about them anymore because she was an easy slut. LOL OMG you should step back and see what you write.
          It is different for a guy because women don’t pay for mistakes the way men do. You women want equality but then you want your future nest egg by divorcing a man and getting half of what he has!! Derp derp. He fairs far better with a woman more chaste and with MORE SELF-RESPECT than the likes of brainwashed women.

        27. Slutty women are the fuel for misogynists sweetie. You do realize that right? If there were no sluts there would be no playground for misogyny.

        28. And your mother had nothing to do with who she chose to fuck and have progeny with, correct? Got it. No responsibility at all for choices.
          Now we understand.

        29. “It’s sad when someone lets the negative experiences they’ve been through turn them into a hateful person. It means that the evil people from your past are still controlling you.”
          You are speaking about yourself in the third person. I bet you’re on meds.

        30. I bet she was a slut and your father and step father were all she could get. There ya go.

        31. I bet your mom killed herself after realizing she spawned an alcoholic ranting psycho Sarah Palin wannabe. How much have you had to drink tonight Ma’am?

        32. No. But I believe it can’t help but color your definition of men. (I also wouldn’t blame you if you did hate men. Would be kind of logical)
          I think it will be highly likely that you would have nagging doubts and discomfort in having a man, relative or not, babysitting your female children. As much as I would tell you that the vast majority of men don’t abuse children– you know very well it happens. And your experience would skew you towards considering it and taking steps to avoid it.

        33. Parents married 52 years until my dad died of the treatment for Pancreatic cancer. Try again.
          I haven’t had a drink for a week, then I had one drink, Belvedere on the rocks with lemon and lime.
          Sarah Palin is as dumb as she is hot.
          Seriously though, why did your mom choose such lousy fucking men that abused you? And I am sorry you were abused but it was your mother’s fault for making poor choices.

        34. Still harping over a glass of wine seen in a photo taken three years ago I see.
          Hey where’s that photo? 😉

        35. Why are you on a website for masculine men attacking them? I am on a website for masculine men because I love them. Don’t flatter yourself, I am not stalking you.
          None of us are on feminist websites attacking feminists and then asking why they are stalking us; your behavior would indicate that you’re the one possessing stalking tendencies by haranguing men and the women who love them in their own forum.

        36. As long as you are honest about the numbers you’ve racked up and give the guy a fair opportunity to next you then I think its all good.

        37. “I fail to see…”
          its called google dipshit, some lovely scientists were kind enough to make some graphs, they are both linear and exponential, women who have fucked more than six guys have appalling success rates. Only in the modern world would you actually need a graph to show you something so fucking monumentally obvious.

      3. Academic–that liberal arts degree from whatever college(Ivy League or not, it does not matter)…useless!
        Career– most likely going to be pushed out of that financial analyst position after hitting 30
        Experiential- probably someone will care if she got gang-raped in India

      4. The best part of their credentials is that their parents funded all of it. The white ones love travelling on daddy’s money and taking free university internationally, gift from daddy of course. Then they lecture white men about privilege. Ugh, seriously can’t stand these entitled skanks.

      5. Wow, so what men really want are helpless, useless freeloaders with no education or job skills. I hope you’ve got a high-flying career to be able to support a family all by yourself, Moneybags (good luck in this economy). Here I thought I was a quality woman for wanting to pull my own weight and not expecting handouts. I didn’t realize men were so fond of financial pressure.

        1. One can contribute to the bottom line in a family without being a bitch about it.
          I have my GED and have no qualms about mentioning it – I don’t need a degree to hang my hat on and feel worthy, I am awesome by loving men. I make close to a six-figure income. Is it a lot of dough? No. Does it pay the bills? Yes. Am I self-supporting? Yes. Am I in debt? No, not a single dime. And I thrift store shop and I look awesome without being a burden on myself/my future or anyone else’s.
          You can be all those things you mentioned without being an utter slutty cunt about it.

    4. That is why I refused to marry a woman 5 years older than me: her best years were behind her. She didn’t give me her best years so why I should sign up for the downhill sled ride?

      1. Why were you dating a woman older than you for long enough that marriage became an issue, if you don’t consider her worth your time? Not razzing you, I’m honestly curious.

        1. It’s one thing to date an older woman for some companionship; it’s another matter to be legally tied to one.

        2. Once when I was 23 I was dating a 33 year old divorcee. But she was an extremely broad minded nymphomaniac. I learned many things. And she never saw me as a potential provider. I was just a young hard cock with which to play. It was a win-win situation.

      2. 5 years OLDER than you???
        Jeebus, I don’t even look at females that are less than 20 years YOUNGER than me…15 for Asians…

    5. The absolute worst part of the unrealistic self-perception is when they act like they have some manna-from-heaven treasure between their legs that is so special that you should be groveling on your knees just to have a chance to buy her a drink. It’s like, I know you are deep into the double digits by now, sweetheart, it’s not exactly factory fresh and in pristine shape, and it sure as hell is not an exclusive club of only a very few lucky VIPs. Nobody is thankful for the chance to be “allowed” to walk into a McDonalds and eat the same shitty, over-processed and over-cooked burger that a billion other people have already eaten.

      1. Too bad most don’t realize they smell like rancid garbage cans when you get in their disturbed wake by accident….cant imagine that wake by McDonalds customers though…been many many years since I walked into one…personal hygiene these recent years has gotten much worse…

      2. You can talk shit about dudes with Asian mailorder brides, but theyre 98% of the time doing far better than you. Petite, no bullshit wife vs this rubbish.

    6. They might try and over-state their value hoping you’ll believe it, but my wife works with many women, and lots of them are single 30 and 40 years olds, and they are all in a state of emergency/ panic over still being single. Some are even resorting to getting their first tattoo in their 30s – full leg and arm tattoos, hoping it’ll impress a tattooed male their own age, not realising it’ll merely signal they’re desperate and open to be used. In my wifes workplace only 2 women have had children (one each), out of dozens of women. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and the amount of them going hunting for naive 20 year olds is just fucked. A colleague of mine’s best mate has just got engaged to a woman 24 years older than him (21-45).

    7. Women are masters at creating (and believing) their own myth from the inside, and usually right at the inflection point where reputation has failed them on the outside.

    8. Except most guys really don’t actually want to marry virgins. There is a huge gray area between virgin and slut….which is actually what most men look for. Virgins are usually super rigid.

    9. Yader sees the beauty in foreign women, Im the same. American women are porta potties, that he utilizes like a prodigy.

    10. What’s sad about dating past 26ish is the hard law that no matter what, zero exceptions- there will be more baggage attached to her than a 747. All could be great, but her past will without a doubt have major hang ups.

    11. “And the problem is, you do not want a woman over 30 to have kids with you.”
      I agree, in the vast majority of cases, but there are exceptions. My wife was in her late 20s when I met her and still a virgin. It does happen sometimes, with devoutly religious women. We didn’t get married and we didn’t have our first kid until after she hit 30.
      Things are good, but the one piece of advice I’d give younger guys is that if you want kids, it’s still ideal to have them with a woman who is under 25 because pregnancy and childbirth cause a lot of physical damage after a woman is 30.

      1. Agreed.
        I also have an exception clause about dating them, when I meet a woman before 30 but we do not get together by no fault of hers.

    12. Cougars are the exception. Some of the best sex I had in my early twenties was with women in their mid-thirties.
      They have to compete some way. All sex is economics. Get used to it.

      1. I understand that over 30 women are for 20s guys and 50s guys for sex, and I have no problem with that.

    13. So which would you rather have- a 32 year old woman who eats healthy, works out, never smokes or drinks (makes a huge difference in how a woman looks) and has attractive genetics, or a 22 year old who hits the club every night, smokes and drinks, tans, eats fast food, whose genes aren’t that great to begin with and has only youth on her side? Age is not the only factor that determines attractiveness. I know women in their mid-to-late 30s who put girls in thier 20s to shame.

      1. No contest. Pump and dump the 22 yo party girl would be my preference in that situation.

    14. That last sentence is powerful, stare out the window type shit. Well done.

    15. Wow, HUNN. Your picture says so much about you & your words speak volumes. What in the hell crazy life-altering shitty thing happened to you to have you say the things you have said? You are terrifyingly bitter & way off the mark & the 78 losers who agreed with you are probably either underpaid trolls or closet homos living a big fat lie & extremely frustrated, angry, & resentful. You seriously are INSANE to say a woman over 30 without a child is “CRAZY BY DEFAULT”…..says whom? YOU? Get over yourself, jackass. Since when is 30 even old? Oh, I see, the double standard, you’re one of those assholes. It’s old for a female, but not a male, right, sure.

      1. The prime years of a woman is between 20 and 30.
        That 10 years is her best years when she can give the most to her man.
        After 30 that changes.
        For a man, his prime years are between 30 and 40.
        That 10 years are his best years when he can give the most to his woman.
        That is the reason why a woman over 30 is old, while a man over 30 is not, and not some unjust double-standard. It is according to the SAME standard.

    16. Plenty of women younger then 30 are NOT married, so WHY would they have children if they have never been married? Oh, if they were fuck ups & stupid little whores who were busy fucking guys, trying to find the love their deadbeat and/or absent Daddy wasn’t giving them, purposely lying about being on the pill, knowing full well they are a manipulative, psychotic, pathelogically lying whore, desperately trying to trap & subsequently ruin the life of a guy who has the potential to go somewhere in life & find a woman much better then anything she or what’s between her legs will amount to being, both of which are NOT WORTH IT? To state a woman over 30 without a child is damaged & fucked up is so completely ignorant & something you can in no way whatsoever back up. You say this based on your own LIMITED & personal view based on whatever your OBVIOUSLY negative experiences were & ARE & this is not at all a valid reason to color other women this way as a result. Plus the fact it just SCREAMS you are either young & extremely immature & think 30 years old is 100 years away for you, which I can assure you it truly is NOT, or if you are older then it screams YOU are the bitter one who got played badly & have a seriously huge chip on your shoulder & have told the world you have given up on women because you have become seriously & permanently psychologically damaged as a result!! Wow, very sad for you, if I gave a shit, which I do not, but to think someone like you could pollute a young mind is quite scary.
      What a joke to think YOU would be deserving of a young innocent “perfect” virgin. Keep dreaming. She doesn’t exist & if she did she wouldn’t be saving herself for someone as ignorant as you, unless she is a totally naive dope, and in that case, you would be getting what you likely want & can only handle, a woman dumber than you. Just go rape & kill a young woman & get it out of your system already, you know you will anyway, cause you WANT TO, angry misfit boy.

      1. Why would I want to hurt a woman??? What a crazy idea!
        But based on your comment, I suspect you are a childless woman over 30, so that kind of explains this crazy idea of yours.
        Because, as I said, childless women over 30 are all going crazy. Yours is one prime example to prove my point.
        Childless 30+ women going crazy is an actual observation of mine, which is backed up by the similar observations of other men.
        And no, I am not young, I am over 35.
        And I have never loved women more than I love them now, albeit I am not blind anymore to their true nature.
        I accept this as a fact of life, but that does not mean I have to lie about it so that women would feel better.

    17. There are chicks worth dating, and there are chicks worth banging. NONE are worthy of the liability of marriage, unless they come with a 7 digit dowry. My last girl was a virgin when I met her. Most boring chick ever. Sweet. Would do anything for me. But the thought of spending my life with her or anyone like her makes me want to jump off a building! Fact is, you’re gonna be hard pressed to find an adult female who’s a virgin. I’ve taken 2 V cards as an adult, both were smoking hot, but both relationships were chock full of drama bc such girls come from psychotically religious families, who typically don’t want their daughters dating strong, attractive alpha males. I’ll take a chick I can have good conversations with over one who never fucked anyone. Then again, I’ve got a 300+ notch count, so my standards are probably a little different from the average.

      1. But wait!
        If you have already claimed the virginity of 2 virgin girls, while I have claimed 0, does that not mean then, that it is entirely possible, that you took one that was supposed to be taken by me?
        I mean, mathematically that is so. 🙂
        Be that as it may, I missed young and innocent love from my life during my youth altogether, so probably that is why my greatest sexual dream and desire is to take the innocence of a sweet virgin girl.
        I really, really do hope God will grant me this one wish, this one beautiful privilege, during my lifetime…

        1. Ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. I’ve fucked over 300 women in my lifetime, and fucking a virgin is awful. They cry, they don’t know what they’re doing, and it typically takes a few attempts just to get the whole thing in.

        2. And I’ve claimed many more virginities… actually, I’d put my total V notch count at around 8. I think… 2 on Boot Leave, God only knows how many in high school… Been lifting weights since I was 15 years old, and bitches love muscles, ball and brains. I was blessed with all three, though somehow too stupid to finish my degree LOL Need to get on that…

        3. So you are ex-military, too? That is cool!
          I was a cadet at the Hungarian military university. But my fate turned out so that I did not graduate as an officer. I became a civilian.
          But those were great years. As a young man I had the time of my life!
          I would advice to every young man to serve his country for one year in the armed forces. I say it would not hurt if it was made compulsory by law. It is a life-changing experience which has very positive effects on a young man’s life and attitude. It was for me, that’s for sure.
          And true, girls like men in uniform, I can attest to that. 🙂
          Ok, so you say taking a girl’s virginity is not a high energy affair?
          I could live with that.
          So, I would like to try once.
          But it is not easy to find a virgin girl among the 20+ years old crowd these days. Mission impossible, more like…

    18. Where were the men losing their virginity if the ones you marry are virgins? Oh yeah, Marxists have made sure women are slutty whores who can fuck as well and as easy as men.
      And not all women over 30 are fat and wrinkled. 😉

      1. In a normal society, there are three ways a woman can live her life, whichever she prefers.
        As a nun, as a mother/housewife, and as a slut/prostitute.
        The third type of women are there for a man to lose his virginity to.
        Unfortunately, yeah, cultural marxists are promoting sluttiness and mudsharking.
        That is why we must return to slut-shaming on society’s level. We must take our cue from Feminists: it is not a coincidence that Feminists decry slut-shaming. The reason for this is that it works.
        There are hot women over 30, however a woman can give zou her best before age 30, so why even bother with an over 30 one?

        1. If it’s just sex I agree, though experience and comfort with yourself and your body in the bedroom is priceless and a 22 year old just doesn’t have that. And confidence soars as you get older if you didn’t fuck things up when you were younger, though they usually also have a sagging ass and tits. I am the exception.
          There is nothing like a woman who is comfortable in her skin and doesn’t need to be told she’s beautiful and worthy, not requiring a lot of attention and feel goods. When I was in my 20s I was excessively confident as well.
          I’d buy my own drinks and hang out (ahh the life of an introverted loner who still needs to be in the vicinity of people once in a while) as an observer. Every once in a while I’d care enough to check to see if I had it going on (self-monitoring is crucial to remain in reality). I was at a nightclub and Scott Erickson (with the Twins at that time) was there with Kirby Puckett. So I walked by him a few times with hips swaying and he reach out and grabbed my arm on the third pass and introduced himself and Kirby. I shook their hands and said, “It’s nice to meet you,” smiled and was on my way. The jaw hitting the floor could be heard for miles – nobody walks away from Scott Erickson in Minneapolis. Of course he pursued me and we ended up going to lunch…chemistry was there but the timing was not. The next week the World Series started and yeah, they won. That was it. Never heard from him again.
          Months later I was set up by my agent with Mike Modano (then with the North Stars) and we met up at a sports bar for dinner and drinks. He assumed of course I’d go home with him, so I imagine when he asked, “So are we going back to my place?” and I laughed, he didn’t know what to think (he was really young and immature, a few years younger than me). Of course not! I don’t know you and could care less if you are a professional athlete.
          I didn’t want unwarranted attention and wasn’t sleeping around, so I would wear “unapproachable” or intimidating clothing…it didn’t hurt that I was 5’11” either, and would wear 4″ heels. The guys my age wouldn’t touch me, just gawk from across the room while the 45+ lounge lizards with loaded wallets would make attempts but get shot down (again, I wasn’t there for free dinners/drinks or to get laid, they had nothing I wanted).
          There was that one elusive guy…17 years older than me though, who was equally hot, stand offish and over confident – yea he had game. He was the financial planner for pretty much the entire Minnesota Vikings football team and did “distinguished graying” modeling gigs on the side for fun. I fell hard for him but of course he had the experience (read: smooth player moves) to kick my sweet young ass. It was when he bluntly came out and said, “look, I am attracted to you but not interested in you,” in response to my youthful pestering. OUCH.
          Ahhh such is life. Now he’s old and in a senior housing complex LOL and I am being approached by guys 15 years younger than me and am in the best shape of my life (including when I was in my early 20s) yet still don’t spend hours a day at the gym (the secret is short <30 minutes but intense strength training & cardio 3x a week x2 a day). I am cool and unassuming and not demanding (life’s too short for that shit).
          I still don’t give it up easily and have a number of men pursuing me.
          When you are confident with your emotional & psychological ducks in a row and excessively healthy you simply do not age much – it is not an absolute as everyone thinks.

        2. Are you married, do you have kids? If not, you have already wasted your life. Sad.

        3. You said sad before you allowed me to answer. Why is that? Preconceived notions? 🙂 So you also attack people who are cool and not bitches.

        4. OK to answer your question yes I am married (13 years) but separated, he is too beta for me and expected me to be the cool headed “guy” and that’s just not me and even more so now – plus he’s very liberal and that just isn’t my thing anymore. How do you define a wasted life? To me it is one full of regret and anger – I have neither of those so I didn’t waste my life, in fact I have quite a life ahead of me. 🙂

        5. Do you have kids? That is the main question, everything depends on it.
          The second question would be, do you live with the father of your children?
          If the answer to both questions is an enthusiastic yes, then it is a life well lived.

    19. It’s hilarious that old men think they can just walk into any room and start demanding virgins and “the best years of our lives” as if you even have any of that to give. What do you bring to the table?

      1. Stop right there!
        Are you a young woman whom I find hot and sexy, a girl I would want to fuck?
        Because that is the first question: are you good enough for me, based on my requirements?
        If not, then do not even ask questions about what I might bring to the table, just fuck off already with your mouth shut!
        However if the answer is yes, then we might investigate what I can offer. But not before.

        1. No. Did you not understand what I have written? Let me repeat: unless you are a hot young woman whom I would like to fuck, it is no concern of yours what I have or haven’t got to offer, period. Capisce?

        2. Can you not read? And what the fuck does it matter what the voices are whispering in your head?

  9. Off topic here Yader, back in 2000 when I was taking lessons, my CFI used to tell me ‘trim is the key’. I thought he was talking about something else.

    1. Forgetting that “trim is key” can result in a lot of “back pressure.” Nom sayin’?

  10. Tattoodistan! hahaha
    for some reason, I picture you putting the plane on auto pilot and then you just bang out an article while sittin in the cockpit

    1. At least you know to get the hell out of dodge when you see one. Attempting suicide is a bad enough sign, but to actually showcase it by permanently branding yourself is a whole ‘nother story.

      1. I didnt realize the semiotics behind that. Just thought it was another bit of ‘smart’ virtue-signalling about something.
        Kinda nice, getting a warning before hand.

      2. It just screams, “Ask me about my tattoo so I can tell you the story about how I tried to kill myself. It was the lack of attention that made me attempt suicide”. Yuck.

  11. Yeah but most of these women will still find a man to settle down with. We’d like to think they will get their just desserts but it’s really wishful thinking. The thirst is too high. They may not get a man they want but they will get a man.

    1. Yeah, they will most likely find someone, and to me, that is some pretty sweet revenge too. I have run into some plates later when they have hooked up with a new guy. It is ALWAYS with some Blue Chump. So even if they are finding a guy thirsty enough to commit to them, they know they are settling big time. Then the constant conflict between the knowledge that their emptiness prevents them from being able to find fulfillment in solitude with themselves, and the knowledge that the have to settle for an AFC in order stave off that loneliness.
      That mental dialectic is a recipe for bitter old shrew syndrome. I love it

  12. Damn, this guy can really write.
    He hit on my two huge pet peeves with the current crop of American women; fattiness and tattoos. Maybe I should call the latter “tattiness.” Fattiness and tattiness. I like it.
    For a while yesterday, while waiting for my wife, I spent a while people watching, at a venue with shops and services that largely attracts women. I was seeing fattie after fattie… from youngish to older. Very rarely anything nice to look at. I’m a guy. I like checking out nice-looking girls.
    But that small pleasure in life is disappearing. And I find myself falling into the trap of thinking a girl is fairly hot, when in my previous life she would have been a 5 or 6, maybe. Cuz the pickings are so slim. Too bad the chicks aren’t.

    1. In the grocery store yesterday and noticed what would have been a very attractive and emphatically shaped woman– with sleeves and tattoos of stars across one cheek and on up to between her eye and temple. Sad.

  13. The author and the women he talks about deserve each other. Sad guy. Sad culture.

  14. Damn Man! Stone cold article and hilarious piece of writing! Well worth the wait! What gets me now is the drug abuse of these women. If it isn’t weed it is alcohol. If it isn’t alcohol it is cigarettes and coke. If it isn’t coke it vicadent and percocet. Sleeping with women in their 30s is fun training but the better women are in their 20s by far.

    1. 19 is a woman’s peak. Heck, the optimum marriage going back to antiquity was like a 37 year old man with a good nestegg and a nubile and fertile 19 year old wife to make his big brood.

      1. Right now is a good time if you take care of your health to snag a hot young girl between 19-25. Summer gets all the ladies wet and it is easy to get a relationship if you can nail a 9 for a month and a half. Women in their 30s are best for getting over a dry spell.

        1. I’m 34 now though, the early 20s crowd (in the US anyway) is getting difficult to game. the 28-34 crowd however, is like a turkey shoot.

        2. I’m 33. Definitely noticed some similarities, although this is my paradigm. I can date somewhat easily within the 20-23 age groups. A 19 year old slips in as well every now and then. They are no where near as easy to bed as the 28-34 crowd but almost none of the 28-34 crowd are worth dating long term. Or at least the ones I am running across aren’t. I’m USA based as well over in Illinois. Out here it feels by default the marriage age girls are going to be between 23-26 and roughly those girls are the ones I can usually stand to date for more than a week.

        3. I actually only set my biggest youth gap a little over a year ago. A 22 year old when I was 32. A 19 or 20 year old chick at this point would be quite an accomplishment.

        4. That’s pretty promising. Most of the colleges are near my location so I’m in prime hunting grounds. Just have some luck there where the girls I tend to like are usually at worst 50/50 of liking me back with more in my favor than not. Only precarious aspects are trying to find a high quality lady for marriage but it should be easier around the 20-23 age group.

        5. like already stabled nags ridden hard an left wet…shiver. just stand at the exit gate at the fair and watch em come off the carousel,, now realize you are at the club, internet dating on Tinder or other apps…same thing, all of them muffin topped and wearing “summer” clothes they absolutely should not be in EVER, with those sexy bra straps covered by the string top straps…I struggle to not retch when the age groups insist on wearing clothes they shouldn’t ever wear and ignoring basic hygiene because they think its NOT themselves doing the stinking…

        6. Society is turning…after you get a little older and the attractiveness of “daddy” is all about the “sugar” part…Them young un’s love their permanent vacation recreation role part of their lives but HATE like hell to work when they can live off someone else’s resources. Play that weakness and then you don’t have to like them after a week, just bang em and ignore them until you wish too again, they will stay for an easy soft bed shower and meal..send em on their way…walking sperm receptacles just never give them an opening to ensnare a civil contract with you or a criminal charge based on sudden “remorse” about her using her sex as leverage.

        7. I had a couple of 19 years old at age 38. It didn’t go very well. There was no chemistry at all. I had a 22-yr-old the same year, and things went much better. Make of that what you will.

        8. So, leave the US. No man should ever pursue, much less marry, a woman over 25. My last marriage, and I do mean it this time, is to a 25 year old virgin when I was 52 (I turned 53 a month later). She was a simple religious girl from a patriarchal small village in the south of the Philippines. Never assume these small village girls don’t know what they want and use every trick in the book to get it. She wore me down and got a yes out of me after 2 years.

        9. When I was 30, and separated from my first wife, a similarly situated (same age and divorced recently) work acquaintance suggested I come to his house for a party he was throwing with his girlfriend. I went through the night surprised that this tall, thin, really well built, sex bomb was all gaga over me. Eventually after many vague responses to questions she replied, “Well, I don’t have a favorite bar to hang out in as I am a high school senior.” I found out that the guys girlfriend was also a high school senior, and these were all her school friends.

        10. Plenty of 19 & 20 yos need help with college tuition, rent, & such.
          That is one way to do it.

        11. Admittedly it probably was not difficult for a 25 year old to wear down a 53 year old…

        1. actually life expectancy was around 50 in Roman days. Lowered to 27-30 in the Middle Ages because people went backward and had far worse hygiene.

      2. Peak? 19 is in the end of the good years, peak of women is 14-16, the age of consent on almost all the world. At that age Secondary sex characteristic are fully developed. Men banged teens since the beginning of mankind, is in modern times when society decide that it was morally wrong, there is a reason it is being called jail bait, the temptation is too great and you are not allowed to touch. It funny to see my coworkers waiting for the latest sexy teen to become 18 so now they can openly lust after her, is sad, as if magically from one day to the other she become a sexual being.

        1. Try it but becoming Tyrone’s little bitch in some stinking Alabama jail isn’t really fun.

        2. I’ve mentioned this before, but the founders of the OKCupid empire place a woman’s peak at age 22, according to the data entered into their dating sites.

        3. dating sites are for adults 18+, My ex girlfriend was 18 when we start dating and her sister was 15, My ex look younger like 15 and she was legal. There was always old dudes with no game trying to fuck her and her sister, like 40yo and 50yo dudes. I was 30 at the time. Girls from age 13 to 25 get a lot of attention from men, like a lot. It´s not rare, it´s very common for a cute 14yo teenager to be opened by older dudes in a daily basis, specially from the really old guys, like if they don´t give a fuck, the grandpas seems to be happy just for the interaction, if that shit was not illegal imagine how much more attention they will get. women knows how this work they too got the power when they were young. In reality age of consent is another form of male sexuality control, because the plan for you is to marry a post wall, cock carousel rider when you hit 35. And have the kid that will replace you when you become useless.

        4. You’re disgusting and clearly not a mature adult who can handle a mature relationship with someone who has a fully developed brain.

        5. Maturity is a social construct, we don´t need a fully developed brain to reproduce a healthy human baby for a reason. it´s natural normal sexual behavior. In 200,000 years of human history of having sex with girl as soon as they bleed it is only in the last centuries when society decide that it was immoral. Of course when human invent the concept of society some aspect of the primitive instinct needed to be in check, my only problem is that after the sexual liberation it was only the female sexuality that was uncheck but not the male sexuality, women are free to lust after the 20% of the top men. But ohh shit to dare to express normal male sexuality desires, like saying a don´t date girls over 150lb or I don´t date girls over 25. There is not much difference between a 15yo and a 18yo, the body and mind are similar if she is not a drunk party girl or a teen mom, Why are you mad bro that I am fvcking young fertile, fit, full of joy 18 years old girls? They are so similar that there is hard to differentiate a real 18 from a 16 pretending to be 18. You need to be cautious

        6. Women’s brains are fully developed at age 14. Yours too. That’s why high school never ends for them.

      3. 19 is hardly anyone’s peak. Every day you get older you should be learning, growing, wiser, better. Your brain isn’t even fully developed until you’re 25. I find people under 30 to create a lot of drama, both men and women, because they are still trying to find who they are, and they aren’t really financially secure or sure of themselves yet. Also, If you’re 37 year old dating a 19 year old, you’re kind of sad and pathetic. It means you probably didn’t mature into an adult and weren’t active in developing yourself as a person.

        1. no, it means you don’t want to fuck worn out 37 year old pussy. Can you please get the fuck out? I mean really, I’m pretty sure this is the wrong place for you to be bullshitting around on. No one likes you.

        2. The words of a real critical thinker… eep! Surely you can come up with a better debate than that. “No one likes you.” I’m pretty sure that’s what little children say on the playground. You’re the one bullshitting around if you think this feed is anything but sensational bullshit used to to exploit disenfranchised men. Are you really that superficial and shallow, mate? Surely you want build the depth of your character beyond this nonsense. And, I mean, 37 year old pussy isn’t any more or less worn out than 37 year old dick. Get real. Use your brain. This thought cycle is ridiculous.

        3. Ah yes, I forgot, you are just good at wielding insults. You’vd clearly demonstrated that you aren’t emotionally developed enough to have a mature, logical conversation.

        4. And you’ve clearly demonstrated that you are a fuckboy posting in the wrong place. Why are you here?

        5. Welcome to the internet… and the world, for that matter, where there are billions of people who think differently than you. I’m here to share another perspective than the shallow and baseless rant that is this article. Real men don’t need to put women down to feel good about themselves.

        6. It’s kind of funny, in a pathetic way, that a single bitter old hag thinks she will change anyone’s mind with hundreds of posts on one thread.

        7. oh no a 35+ year old hag thinks its wrong for me to date younger hotter women…I must start dating 35+ year old hags then…lol…women live in fantasy land think their shaming will change what real men think

    2. he’s right on the money about wine. Most women over 40 I know working slave jobs drink almost every day, “to cool off”. And of course they think the zumba classes on Saturday mornings will fix their fat asses.

      1. Seen that mess too. Like clockwork on Thursday and Friday at your neighborhood Wall Greens or CvS, post wall ladies line up at 5:30 to buy their wine before they get on the train to texxt their way on home. Like clockwork.

        1. people are getting more brazen about smoking in public- how is it by you?

        2. Hard to say really. Policy on smoking in public has been atrocious since I got here. People do smoke weed in front of their buildings and sometimes on the trains. The trains are a shit show so I don’t notice any uptick in public smoking but every woman who is a 27 or older seems to swear by weed now so I almost expect them to have dime bags, nickel bags, and to be using it as some sort of side hustle.

        3. Vegas will have legal recreational weed available starting July 1. Just in time for the Independence day holiday.

        4. And men line up to get their craft beer… your point? Alcohol and drug addiction affect men and women alike.
          In fact, men are twice as likely as women to become alcoholics. Researchers from Columbia and Yale universities studied the underlying biology of how drinking affects the brain. They found that consuming beer and wine on a night out gave men a far greater ‘pleasure rush’ than women.

        5. Men are more likely to become alcoholics, because women drive them to it.
          I watched it happen to my stepfather, who was actually a pretty cool guy.

      2. I read an article describing how smoking weed after work or ‘with the girls’ is becoming acceptable among the wealthy, hollow, and overworked female set.
        Imagine that – your neighbor’s watching your kid after work, you go to pick him up and its a fukken Cheech and Chong movie in there….

        1. I see that shit *at* work. Women go sit in their cars during their lunch breaks and smoke breaks, and get high together. No shame about it either. Ride up in the elevator with them, high as fuck and smelling like “incense” and shit.

        2. Its funny because we all know the ones that do it. Most of us don’t care what they do after work or whenever, but if you can’t make it through the day, you have some issues.

        3. I was pretty sure my posting history made it clear to everyone that I was a brain surgeon…

        4. You think women over 30 ever see a brain surgeon? Naw, man, the only surgeons they see are plastic surgeons.

        5. It wouldn’t be so bad if they were only smoking weed but it’s usually in conjunction with alcohol, heavy duty antidepressants and xanax. Years of that causes irreparable damage. The unhappier they are, the more they turn to various substances and the more substances they do, the unhappier they are. It’s a cycle that could be broken if they could ever admit they were wrong about anything.

        6. Do they even have doctors do abortions anymore? I thought an RN with a vaccuum cleaner just comes in, shoves it up there and sucks the little bastard out of there.

    3. Its usually alcoholism from my experience, I remember messing around with this 35 year old cougar that had one of the best asses I have ever seen on a girl and when we were out she would gulp tequila shots like it was the last tequila bottle in the world, can’t tell you how many times we had to leave the bar/club earlier because she got too wrecked in such a short period of time. She was a single mother to add on

      1. I know a 35+ Asian woman that is a heavy drinker. She is skinny as a rail and has a great ass. How do I know about the ass? Well, when she gets drunk (which she almost always does) she likes to flip up her skirt and show off her ass and pussy in tiny lace, G-string, panties

    4. Men also abuse drugs and alcohol and take prescription drugs. I hardly see this as a female-only problem. Prescription drug abuse, in particular, is a nationwide epidemic. Blame the pharmaceutical companies, who spend billions in advertising, lobbying, and political donations—even more so than the fossil fuel industry—to poison us with their bullshit.

      1. You keep trying to place the blame on “Big Pharma”, then rant on about personal growth and responsibility. Pick a side. Does the mental dissonance not strike you at all? The fact that so many women and men are all hopped up on shit has to do with no one wants to take responsibility for their own emotions. So what if the commercials tell us to take pill X for this and pill Y for that, if all it takes is some well placed ads to convince you, then talk about weak-willed. Despite your previous glowing hope that Orwell speaks to something deeper in most, the fact is most people want to live in cages and have someone else in charge. As long as the toilet flushes and it’s always someone else fault, then most people will gladly ignore the noose around their necks.

      2. Nope I blame the drug takers not the pushers. Just fucking say NO. Stop blaming others for weak minds. Nothing worse than a weak pathetic mind.

    5. Men abuse drugs the same as women and are actually twice as likely than women to become alcoholics.

    6. Well I happen to really enjoy cannabis. I also respect it highly and don’t call it weed because it’s so much more than that. <3 It’s medicine. It’s food. It’s fun. It’s safe for the body. It expands the mind. It (sativa) assists with lung expansion – that’s why the most winningest Olympiad ever smokes cannabis, Michael Phelps and is therefore my pre-work out gem. It’s all good.

  15. The “really dark buttholes” segment made me question if this article was a joke or not.
    Shit is still funny though.

      1. I have seen…some things.

        Have you seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion? I’m assuming that you also watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate?
        It is such a tragedy that all of those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

        1. Haha. Nope. Never seen it just kinda pulled it out of my ass. No pun intended. Haha.
          But I love the obscure reference. What the hell is that?

        2. Blade Runner, Roy Batty’s speech at the end.

        3. It is one of the most perfect monologues to come out of the 20th century, with regard to performance plays/movies. And Hauer ad libbed it.

        4. Oh shit, THATS RIGHT! Damn, I forgot about that. Im gonna have to go back and watch that movie again. You always come up with the good references. Thanks!

        5. To this day I still remember that scene with the rain pouring down on them.

        6. It is, without exception, my tippy top most favorite movie. I have the whole bajillion DVD set with Director’s cut and various editorial versions. It just never gets old.

        7. I’m sorry bem, but you can no longer be my friend. Out. Just get out.

        8. That’s how I am with Raiders of the Lost Ark. Seems sacreligious, but it is what it is.

        9. Want a fun spoiler? Raiders Of The Lost Ark would have had the same exact outcome whether Indiana Jones was in it or not. He literally did not affect the final outcome of the movie.

        10. Is that a documentary or something? The only blade runner I know is Oscar Pistorius.

        11. So many of the best scenes in movie history are at least partially ad-libbed. Quint’s speech about the Indianapolis in Jaws, for example.

        12. Except- his presence when the Nazi’s managed to get themselves killed opening it ensure it would go to the allies, and that they’d avoid opening it.
          I think my favorite scene in that movie is the guy putting the boxed up ark in the government warehouse.

        13. True… maybe my favorite too. I even had the laserdisc version at one point. There is supposed to be a sequel soon, but without Hauer…. it will be missing some magic.

        14. 2nd that motion. It’s shameful really. We’re talking movies with masculine virtue here. There’s no date limit for this.

        15. And I will do what I do with all remakes and modern sequels, I will not go see it, ever. I don’t want to see a 95 lb female “badass” blade runner shooting up an army of conveniently white male replicants.

        16. hahaha. True. but if it was 95 lb replicant kicking-ass, nude, in the rain, of course…. hey. why not!

      1. Yeah, the Angry Brown Eye is…is…well…you know. It’s quite unsettling. Those that haven’t encountered it just don’t understand.

    1. The “Really Dark Buttholes” section was trimmed by over 1,000 words during editing (the original article was 5,200 words long).
      I actually conducted a study that would have made it clear that I wasn’t joking. It was decided that a separate article should be put together on women and anal sex. Expect that at some point in the future — it will clear things up.

      1. I am giddy with anticipation. I am still laughing because as I was reading the article, the subject seemed to sneak up and tickle me, But also because it is SO FUCKING TRUE! An asshole should NOT have “lips”. Hahaha

      2. This is getting into some inmate shit.
        I once heard an ex con tell another man:
        “I like your eye, not the one that blinks, but the one that stinks.”
        Oh dark eyed vixen!

  16. Man, I fucking hate older woman smell. It sort of has an acidic smell to it that truly repulses me. There is nothing like young girl smell, so sweet and intoxicating.

  17. If you were to look through Ray Charles’ eyes at a piece of sunburnt licorice trapped inside a smoke-filled car with tinted windows at midnight, then you would be well on your way to replicating the pitch black abyss that is the dookie dispenser of the average white woman over 30. It’s absolutely disgusting.
    You sir, are a poet.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. The encounter with the Angry Brown Eye (or its evil cousin the Angry Red Eye), is something that deserves a great description, and he nailed it.

  18. Unless she’s a real stunner, I don’t bother with women over 30. Let someone else deal with all their baggage and dark buttholes.

      1. Oh hell yes. Sexy as all fuck when she was doing that dance. That scene is on par with Jessica Alba’s dance in that skimpy Western outfit in Sin City in regard to absolute hottness.

        1. Wasn’t really about the age, but ok. That cowgirl dance she did was nearly divine perfection. Every woman should learn how to do that. But Hayek’s sultry hot dance in D2D was nearly perfect too.

        2. As if any guy wouldn’t bang hayek’s brains out at her current age of 50………………………

        3. Any guy would… but we’d all be thinking of her dancing in that scene from Dusk til Dawn, not as she currently looks.

        4. When I first saw Desperado I was around 8 years old. Had to watch it when my pops wasn’t home because my dad wouldn’t (understandably) let me watch stuff like that at such an early age. Definitely have a soft spot for Salma Hayek, first real crush as a kid haha.

        5. Nah, 50, no thanks. Sorry.
          30 though? Any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

  19. Above all, i think women above 30 years old, just have all the bad shit that defines women, but intensified. The drama? 100%. The lack of honor or discipline? 100%. Hyper-gamy? 200%. I work with women all above 30 years old, and its a living nightmare. The only ones that are less insane, are the ones that are happily married and with children (go figure!).

      1. When you say single what do you mean? These women i know, usually dont have a boyfriend or even a solid partner, but fuck around “slut walk style”. I know this 31 years old attractive girl that is fucking a guy and yet, you dont see it on social media and she is never with him…Its the “strong independent women” style gone wild.

        1. Single means not in a relationship that could develop into marriage.
          Fuckbuddies definitely don’t count.

  20. From where I am–the wall does exist. You all have just misplaced it. It isn’t in a women’s early 30’s–this is a mild obstacle. It is in there 40’s–and let me tell you, it is real. Very real. In fact it is so real that you don’t even bring these females into your equation–they aren’t even female to you. Your body knows there is zero reproductive capacity, and so your mammalian brain immediately files them away right there with inanimate objects. Don’t believe me? Next time your bored, go to some run down tavern where 80’s butt rock is on the jukebox, or better yet, being played by a cover band. There will be gaggles of them, but you will still have to work to “see” them or dare to scale them at all.

      1. YES! so many female heads would explode “Scanners” style today if this tune was on the radio

        1. Cause they are 47 and wish they were 17 again when the world opens the velvet rope for them 24/7.

        2. You can redeem yourself by watching Blade Runner at the nearest available opportunity.

        3. ooh i remembered another one:

          “I saw him dancin’ there by the record machine
          I knew he must a been about seventeen”

        4. Too many video posts make page loading rather tedious man. Can you consider just selecting a few top choices and not posting every video made from the 1980’s forward please? Lots of guys posts from their iZombies.

        5. You’re missing the theme all of these videos share: they focus on underage targets of amorous intent

        6. No, I’m not. I’m suggesting that you not make page loading overly burdensome for our brothers here who post from iPhones. Just as a courtesy.

        7. well they should use a desktop or laptop instead of like a tapir poking a touch screen with its snout

        8. you jelly of my YUGE hand shoe mouse, brah? You pecking at a screen with a palm pilot stylus lolz

        9. I got this sweet RGB corsair tactile keyboard over here: every keystroke so satisfying

        10. I went off on him about this very same thing in the “6 Lessons about Women and Relationships from the Law Code of Manu.” Absolutely zero effect.
          It’s miserable. He just shits random YouTube videos and GIFs all over every thread. He will post the same one multiple times, or even different versions of the same one over and over again.
          I think he has some legitimate Aspergers or something going on. A grown-ass man should not be sperging out like this so consistently on the internet.
          And for me, of all people, to complain about the quality or quantity of another poster’s posts… damn, you know its bad.

        11. will do.
          By the way, I’ve also delved into the Brother’s K per your recommendation. Enjoying it.

        12. Also, my posts are far from random: they have an overarching theme or motif

        13. [Fred:] You call yourself a singer?
          [Jon:] Yep.
          [Fred:] You’re more like Jerry Springer.
          [Jon:] Oh cool!
          [Fred:] Your favorite band is winger,
          [Jon:] Winger?
          [Fred:] and all you eat is Zingers.

        14. It’s all about you WP. Thanks for tip about what the rest of ROK should be utilizing.
          Me thinks your banishment is nye.

        15. I just put together the definitive John Podesta soundtrack. You welcome!

        16. The overarching theme or motif is that they are all shitty and pointless to anyone who doesn’t have the sperg-asms firing off in their brain like you do 24/7.
          You are an adult, use your words and quit shitting all over every thread and making them harder for everyone to read and enjoy.

        17. its a simple request, really. Just stop clogging up the works with EXCESSIVE video links.

        18. Four Five times already in this article, Disqus has locked up on me and I’ve had to reload it. That only happens in these threads where *someone* shits out 47 YouTube links and other garbage. And I’m only a computer, I can’t imagine what it is like for the guys on phones and tablets.

        19. “Now I’m singing all my songs to the girl who won my heart
          She is only three years old and it’s a real fine way to start.”
          Led Zeppelin – The Ocean

    1. What is “butt rock”? New term to me.

        1. 80’s Hair metal was the final time anglo-saxon men could brag about the good life [money, power, women] and not fear censorship. Self loathing SJW themes became popular with the rise of 90’s grunge and rock has been impotent since.

      1. I think it means fecal impaction.
        “A fecal impaction is a solid, immobile bulk of human feces that can develop in the rectum as a result of chronic constipation.”

        1. I learn something every day from ROK.

    2. Yes the true wall is somewhere between 40 and 50 depending on her upkeep and genetics. Granted some women in their 30s look like aged shit, but those girls generally did it to themselves. The ones who upkeep, cannot prolong it forever, no amount of working out or makeup can change biology. I watched one at 45 still looking 30, start to look 60 at 47. Body still nice, but the face has went grandma in two short years. It was like her DNA decided to throw the switch at 46.

      1. I know a 45 year old (I attended the last several of her birthdays) Asian woman who has a body any 16 year old would kill to get.

        1. Yeah I know a 47 year old with a similar kind of body, but it stops at the neck up.

      2. I’ve noticed that too and often wonder why. Is it just genetics? I’ve seen it happen to women who are much younger than 47 too.
        I have aged a little too over the last 3-4 years, but not as much as the women around me in my cohort i.e late 30s

        1. I’m sure it’s a combination of factors. I know people that smoke cigs (or had smoked for several years then quit) generally age quickly in the face… some in their 30s who smoked all their adult life looked much older than they are. Genetics probably fills the rest of the equation.
          Stress will do it too I think, for all of us. I recall aging pretty quick over a very stressful 2 year period, I remember looking in the mirror and thinking wtf. So I culled that stress factor out, back to normal rate it seems, but cannot turn back the clock and regain heh

      3. Honestly guys? I think it’s belief. It’s all in the head. I stopped celebrating birthdays (and anniversaries…really, any holiday) at 35. A diamond means as much to me as one of those cute monkeys you get from the dispenser at the door of a cafe that comes in the little plastic container – when your priorities are in the right place everything else falls into place as well.
        When we celebrate time-based milestones (Including having children before we “come into our own”), our bodies appear more than happy to oblige and it starts a downward trend of degeneration physically, mentally and emotionally. My husband obviously stopped as well because, well it’s a hard party when you’re all alone. We are now separated – I have been the breadwinner and the emotional/social/familial support system and not by choice – I’d prefer it be a shared endeavor, because both of you should give it all in a marriage, right? Fortunately I was smart enough to not have the marriage recognized statutorily so no alimony for me after 13+ years married with me supporting us almost the entire time
        I have aged maybe 2-3 years in 15. People are floored when they hear my age. And as for reproductive capabilities, I see no fertility issues at all as insane as that sounds (wasn’t Sarah something like 90 when she had Isaac? Of course longevity was insane back then – no chemicals, no environmental or much social degeneracy, etc.). I am as regular as a swiss watch. Of course I also don’t drink much, smoke, eat crap food or allow much stress in my life, including accepting external opinions or attitudes that attempt to control my life and future. I don’t use chemical based products – essential oils and natural products are the only things I will consider. If I do drink which is maybe a couple times a month and only a couple drinks max, I take copious amounts of glutathione and other antioxidants both before and after consumption.
        Bottom line is it’s not an absolute but if you drink the kool-ai