5 Underappreciated Activities Every Man Should Engage In

While many of us are aware of the basic tenets of red pill philosophy and masculinity, such as lifting, learning game, dressing well, and earning an income, there are other less popular activities that are not featured much, yet still have a place in every man’s repertoire. The five activities mentioned below are, in my opinion, the best for ensuring one is a well-rounded masculine male:

1. Gymnastics

Can you do this yet?

While many men view this activity/sport as “gay” for whatever reason, I would have to disagree and maintain that this is perhaps one of the best full-body workouts that you can get, apart from swimming.

Numerous benefits I’ve noted since joining include: increased spatial awareness of one’s body; humility (after having done some bodybuilding for a while, gymnastics really makes you realize what you CAN’T do); and of course, contributing to a lean physique.

Haters gonna hate…

I challenge any man who thinks he’s strong but has never tried gymnastics movements to go ahead and give this one a go. You’ll be surprised at how many muscles many gym-goers fail to work when performing their exercises.

There comes a sense of pride when one is confident in their ability to control their body. Gymnastics helps to achieve this by teaching handstands, flips, balance, coordination, and flexibility.

2. Martial Arts

Block this, you degenerate Leftist!

Many guys lift and are into fitness, but can they defend themselves in a fight? Sure, girls might be initially impressed by your great physique and it might intimidate fellow men from picking a fight with you, but it is still crucially important to know at least the fundamentals of fighting.

These can be learned quickly in basic boxing and grappling classes. Although I love them, kicks are not very practical in a street fight, barring low kicks and knee strikes, but if you’re into that then MMA classes would be perfect for you.

Wouldn’t wanna be that guy on the Left…

I personally would recommend Krav Maga, having done it for three months myself. It teaches you no-BS street-fighting tactics and techniques that incorporate boxing, lots of knee strikes, grappling, and defending against surprise attacks from armed assailants (knife, stick, gun, etc.). Some schools also train students to defend against multiple attackers.

3. Running

Time to evolve, man…

Our Paleolithic ancestors, not having the modern luxury of cars and other forms of transport, had to run just about everywhere they went. Especially for men, to be able to able to run (fast) was an important trait in many hunter-gatherer societies, as these guys had to catch moving prey or else go hungry.

Left or Right?

I am a big advocate of both short and medium distance running, however I must emphasize the importance of short distance sprints especially, for its muscle-building, fat-shedding benefits. Middle distance will help build stamina and endurance and compliment the short distance sprint work so that your legs get properly conditioned.

Long distance generally leads to muscle catabolism which is bad for those guys looking to get ripped. On a side note though, long distance running ability could help you save money on transport costs.

4. Dancing

I can already see many guys frowning at this one. Nonetheless, learning to dance (mainly classical forms such as Waltz, Ballroom, Foxtrot, etc.) can do wonders for the masculine man.

What better foreplay can there be?

Good dancing ability in men almost automatically makes women visualize how you would be in bed, thus it is a useful skill to have. And in today’s world where it is quite difficult if not foolish to show our strength by fighting other males, dance is a form of passive demonstration of high value to females.

Granted, I cannot dance to save my life (yet) but it is in my plans in the future, after I’ve got my priorities sorted out in terms of finances, game, looks, etc.

5. Manual labor

Gym? Ain’t nobody got time for dat!

The last one on this list, and rightfully so, as it is perhaps the most important. Manual labor has long been a primarily masculine pursuit, and any self-respecting man ought to make a point of partaking in such, as frequently as possible (or necessary).

The cool thing about manual labor is that there are many different types so you’re bound to find something you enjoy doing, and also that you can get paid for this. Oh wait, there’s another one: you’re also getting a good workout in in most cases.

Most useful manual labor types:

  • House painting – ever painted an entire room? Your shoulders, neck and back will be burning like hellfire
  • Cleaning windows
  • Washing cars – my personal favorite
  • Basic car maintenance – changing tyres, removing an engine, etc.


The above five activities are those that I personally believe to be great activities for masculine men. Some of them are already well-accepted in the community, others not so much. Regardless, if you’ve never tried any of the above and you’re looking for new ways to improve yourself, I encourage you to do so.

Read More:  The Case For Minimalist Running

151 thoughts on “5 Underappreciated Activities Every Man Should Engage In”

    1. Agree. I see less race baiting, whining about women and enjoying the decline, more focus on trying to improve society / ourselves.

    1. Of course this is just a joke, and I realize that gymnasts are very strong…and also, I could not find the video of Al telling that homo “gymnast? that’s not an athlete…that’s…like a girl…”

    2. I always found this episode a bit odd. The guy is in decent shape and certainly a cut above the average man but when I think of some super hunk, I will picture Lex Luger or the late Ultimate Warrior instead of this guy. Could not they find someone more impressive?

      1. How about Hawk & Animal, or Axe & Smash, or the Steiners?
        Wouldn’t have been as funny I think, as it would be very hard to believe
        they would spend time with Peg & Marcy for any reason.
        They picked “Jim Jupiter” because he was muscular, but somewhat girlie at the same time. A perfect foil for Al.

  1. 1. Gymnastics?

    2. Martial Arts?
    Hell yeah!
    3. Running?
    That’s great too. But does evolution require a man to lose his clothes?
    4. Dancing?
    Agreed, as long as it is from a woman. Strip dance, lap dance and pole dance… Fuck yeah!
    5. Manual Labor?
    Ain’t nobody got time for that!
    BTW, solid article!

    1. You should clarify, cooking for ONE, not cooking for your “empowered” working wife

      1. You shouldn’t be around people who can’t appreciate a good meal. These people are usually trash and lack the appreciation for hard work in general.

        1. Interesting (sincerely). We see things different ways. I didn’t imagine a King would be happy to cook for his Queen, but each to their own – we all perceive things differently.

        2. A man must be austere, but compassionate to his people. Got to throw them a bone from time to time. The more skillful you are at cooking the better the company.

        3. I love cooking so much that I considered culinary school at one point. So I don’t mind doing the majority of the cooking for me and my wife. However, you do have a point, there is not much better than when she gets on a super-wife kick, sets the table and cooks me a full meal.

        4. Well, technically, the Queen wouldn’t cook for the King either. They would have a servant do it. 😉

      2. I’ve cooked breakfast for a few chicks that stayed over (I’d say they earned it). If you want to bang them again it definitely helps

  2. I combine weight-lifting, running, yoga and krav maga and I slowly improve my shooting skills. However, we had wide spectrum physical tests in our krav maga organization and though I was more or less satisfied with my results, my obvious weakness is swimming, where I´m average at best, so I would add that to the list.

    1. I thought “Krav Maga” was just Israeli for “kick him in the balls”.

  3. I’m more than sure that it has been discussed in many other articles but I reckon learning other languages is good for a man

  4. #6 Chopping Wood.
    My dad actually hacked a fucking wood stove into his chimney when I was a kid. So I grew up chopping logs in the middle of Cleveland haha. Saved us thousands per year on our heating bill, and I was the only 12 year old with huge traps. That’s one manual activity that men were born for.

    1. agreed on that, when you think about it chopping wood is just practice for swinging an axe into a mans head/body in medieval times, no fat soldiers around back then.

    2. On my last camping trip a bunch of friends and myself surrounded a pile of wood and axes and chopped the whole mound into firewood. It was a lot of fun.

    3. it’s a pretty masculine endeavour till it’s time to start splitting the kindling – guess a real man would just use gasoline

      1. I have rassled wid an alligator
        Done tussle wid a whale
        Handcuffed lightning
        Throw thunder in jail
        Only last week I murdered a rock
        Injured a stone
        Hospitalized a brick
        I’m so mean I make medicine sick

        1. When I was a kid my cat hated it when I poked him the stomach and he would respond by tearing strips of skin off my hands. So I kept doing it. My hands are like leather gloves now.

        2. I see. You could have just bought leather gloves, and saved years of pain and possible animal abuse! 😎

      1. There are more trees in square acreage now in the U.S. than existed in the 19th century. We’re tree heavy actually.

        1. Could you please share the stats/sources that support you claim?I’d like to know if this is true.

    4. Nice. A good part of my childhood was in the sticks. Chopping wood was a chore that never actually ended. Until June maybe.
      I distinctly remember one of my teammates my first year in college poking fun of what he called my “lumberjack” hands. I wasn’t much a weight lifter before then but I apparently had forearms and hands of a middle-aged laborer. Didn’t hurt that my job as a teen was in landscaping either. Things like shoveling and hauling gravel is what Crossfitters pay for these days.

    5. Every agrees that we shouldn’t skip leg day, but no one talks about neck day! never, i mean, never skip neck day.

      1. Really, that’s the first rule, if you think about it.

        1. It may also be the second rule, but I’m not entirely sure. No one talks about this.

        2. Is it that you keep pretending you’re part of a fight club, when you’re actually some loser in a dead end call centre job or some nerdy part-time librarian surrounded by women who can’t get laid?!! 😎

  5. I can appreciate this list from a singular viewpoint(dancing and language learning are timeless and will open doors immediately) but I’m going to broad stroke it because there seems to be a lot of talk solely on lifting and martial arts in regards to the betterment of oneself in general outside of making cash.
    Do physical sport with a score. I like scores. Women love athletes. Men like the challenge and camaraderie. I like competition. Running or other against myself activities bore the life out of me. I see throughout the world young men and old doing activities that are me vs me and further slipping into their phones. Whether it be on a team or as small time as say squash. Put up points against an opponent and dig deep when you’re down. I think that speaks to every pursuit in life.

  6. “gymnastics really makes you realize what you CAN’T do”
    And I am quite content with that. Almost all the gymnastics moves are utterly worthless in real life. The rings? The splits? The fucking pommel horse? No thanks, it’s more of a waste of time than beach guy shit.

  7. Dancing , Gymnastics ?
    No , thanks. I’ll stick to my weights.
    Btw manual labor is the most manly and badass of all.

    1. Hey man don’t knock dancing!
      Lots of effimate latino “lover not fighter” types get more pussy than bodybuilders.
      Male Ballet dancers get tons of pussy.

      1. I don’t think dancing would help me attract the kind of woman I want to. I don’t like women who are big dancing fans. It’s a red flag to me. It’s also totally out of my character.

        1. Why is dancing a red flag? I think it would depend on the kind of dancing. Women who square dance or ballroom dance seem perfectly acceptable.

        2. Dunno. Some of the nicest girls I’ve met , hated parties and crowed places , and dancing as a result. They mainly liked to do some indoor activity , like a boring game or smth , with their family and close friends. Some of the biggest sluts I know , claim to absolutely love dancing. They go to Zumba courses with Brazilian Instructors , and go to discos at least 3 times a week. But hey , they do nothing bad there , they just “absolutely love dancing”

        3. That’s why I cruise the paraplegic wards.
          Chick in a wheelchair NEVER makes you take them out dancing…

        4. I would suggest it depends on region and culture. As an example, Salsa dancing in some countries or the Tango can make life a lot easier. Anything with deep cultural roots I’m for and have utilized here and abroad. Check shame at the door and you might just be checked out as a proper suitor either by her, the folks or the community in general. Now clubbing? Red Flag. Pull the lever and don’t look back. Debauchery lives in those places and is nothing more than Spring Break for the lowest common denominators.

        5. Sure, but instead of restating it, I’ll just say that Johnny Quid hit what I was getting at square on the nose.

        6. Even inside a community like a villave or smth where people are performing a traditional dance of some sort, the women who are the most enthusiastic about it , enjoy it the most and dance the better , are likely to be the village’s biggest sluts or with the highest T-levels at least. Good women don’t like to show off. This is ancient wisdom GoJ.

        7. The worst part about “clubs” is the cost. I once paid $72 for 2 drinks at an upscale west side club here in NY! Never again. Rooftop bars are almost as bad. $20/drink.
          Such a ripoff. Not sure how these places keep packing ’em in.

        8. Yeah man. NYC has more of a bar culture that’s stellar. Lots of hidden gems. Clubs are not where it’s at and I can’t be bothered screaming over ANY type of music. Way to ruin a good night? Walk into a cool bar with a tight vibe and then just as you are settling in and making acquaintances on comes some shite DJ or band pushing the meters to red. “Check!!!” 72 bucks for ‘rap’ and thirsty folk = no thank you

        9. Just to make you feel a bit better, clubs in the UK are the same, loud, full of drunks and often very expensive. And then the fist fights and random arguments sometimes leading to mass brawls, stabbings and occasional murders does tend to put one off taking the late night air and sipping the finest wines money can buy.

  8. Great article.
    HIIT like sprints is a very good method to reduce stress, burn calories, improve cardiovascularity but still keep your muscles – all within a very narrow timeframe. Long-distance running on the other hand will make most men weaker, although I have seen cases where a few men with good genetics keep most muscles as long as they do resistance training 2-3 times a week.
    As for the other activities I agree that they all have their place, even though it is hard to do gymnastics later in life. I have learned to dance a bit, more like club music rather than salsa and shit. Both girls and guys will be impressed.

  9. I’m glad you included dance. Though many people perceive it as a bit of a nonce pastime, I know for a fact the older ladies (saying 30+ ish) dig a man who can perform a bit of the vintage smooth dapper stuff like the waltz. I suspect with the younger ones it would be a bit hit ‘n’ miss. The “mysteriousness” aspect would surely appeal to some, and it may have the added bonus of also repelling the devolved feminist types.

    1. Western bitches can’t appreciate the classics. They might go for Salsa / Bachata depending on the culture, but no basic American bitch is watching Swan Lake or waltzing.

      1. “”They might go for Salsa / Bachata depending on the culture””
        Salsha / Bachata has good songs. Just Sayin….

    2. I would agree. I had a girlfriend who talked me into attending a dance class once a week in the evenings and we learned the classic steps (eg. Waltz, foxtrot). We enjoyed it and stayed for about a year moving up to intermediate lessons (eg. Tango).
      True you don’t get many opportunities to display it much, but when you are invited to a wedding or an upscale function and find a girl who knows how to dance— you turn heads.

    3. Dancing was always an accomplishment for men. It also trains in gender roles – dance moves are different for men and women, except in degenerate, meaningless modern dance.

      1. And the man always, ALWAYS leads. And women love it. Its a telling exercise to see how frustrated a woman gets when you are not a firm lead. A perfect physical microcosm of how being a weak leader is incompatible with female companionship.

  10. Milking cows – Ain’t nothing better than milking for those badass Popeye forearms and grips.

    1. Your post made me happy. Thank you. Heh.

  11. Playing guitar was a good return on investment. Being in a hard rock band throughout 80s attracted more young beautiful women DTF than the vast majority of millennial men will see in their lifetime

    1. That’s the drawback of a classical upbringing. My folks had me play the piano for 10 years.
      Unless you’re Jerry Lee Louis in the 50’s, You do NOT get pussy from playing the goddamn piano.
      The most Mozart / Bach will get you is applause from your grandma.
      Wish I could go back 20 years and focus on guitar instead.

      1. Completely untrue. You’re just playing lame music. Every pussy pulling song writer and musician known to man has played and composed songs on the piano.

  12. I’ve made jokes here more than once about dancing, mostly since I can’t as I was blessed with two left feet and can trip over a footprint. For those men who have any sort of rhythm though, I can see where it could be a good thing.

    1. I’ve seen men who are really good on the dance floor (albeit, the country/western music dance floor) clean up with the women. An aggressive highly competent country music dancing guy will have women queuing up to be seen dancing with him.

  13. 6. Warfighting. Fighting the nation’s wars.
    7. Philosophy, science and art. Almost all the great philosphers, scientists and writers/other artists were and are men.
    8. Keeping women alive. The only reason women have survived is because of the efforts of men. Reference: all ‘Battle of the Sexes’ experiments in reality TV

    1. Haven’t you heard? Warfighting is beta now because it’s all for the interests of globalist bankers.
      They sell you “national pride” and “fighting for your country” but then they make your country a place that hates your guts and doesn’t appreciate your sacrifice, while they make money off the poor saps you were fighting against.

      1. Not sure if you’re being facetious here or edgy, but the fact remains – being an active military member in the u.s. Or any NATO country effectively means you are doing the bidding of the globalist elites. That is NOT to demean or disrespect our warriors who do sacrifice much. Their motive and intent is genuine and honorable. It is not their fault that they are manipulated to doing the bidding of the globalist illuminati cabal. When shtf our armed service members will hopefully remember their creed and turn their weapons onto the right targets – the globalists.

  14. Regarding running, the last time I was running I was RUNNING, not jogging along.
    The ‘runners’ I used to see who were going long distance looked rough. They looked ill. They did not look athletic but instead they looked strangely weak.
    Run don’t jog.

    1. Long distance runners need to maximize endurance. Muscle mass increases faster than muscle strength, so adding muscle for long distance just means adding useless weight to drag along, slow you down, and decrease your endurance. For long distance, you want just enough muscle to lug your body at the pace you need, and no more. Sprinters need to accelerate hard, but don’t need to maintain their pace all that long. You can look at elite runners, and the longer the distance they compete at, the skinnier they are. It’s the difference between being a Corvette, and a Prius.

  15. Dancing, like really intensive hours long dancing, is very aerobic. I can’t dance a lick, but watching people on the floor going song after song and leaving the floor after an hour sweaty kind of is inspiring (if, well, gross).

    1. That sir is the gospel truth! And a key reason I learned to Two Step. I knew this one very personable drunk who was an absolute natural on the C&W dance floor. He was about worthless as a human being but he sure could give the ladies the tingles! I am a half way decent dancer myself, but I wanted some pointers from that dude. He just laughed and told me I needed to run a chainsaw for a couple of hours before I went out. I don’t think he was too interested in cultivating the competition, lol.

  16. I did martial arts for a while and still would like to but I have a theory that the more confident you get in your craft and hobbies of choice, the less attracted you’ll feel to martial arts unless you just plain love fighting. Martial arts attract short guys, bullied nerds and abusive scumbags that want to double down on their one track minded macho personality. My main hobby has been languages and it took me seven years of language classes to encounter the level of douchehood I found in a few martial arts classes. Having to deal with other guys’ egos and chicks fighting their penis envy through masculizing competition can be tough…I guess I’m just a wimp. I still have a soft spot in my heart for martial arts theoretically but I’m not sure if I can be made to go through the motions (literally) again. The reality of violence is only a reality in nightlife with its drunken blue collar turds that inevitably show up the longer you spend in the game and if I had a GF, you can bet I would love to give up on clubbing but sadly it’s pretty much the only opportunity for me to meet girls at the moment. Dancing is a great alternative for men who want to learn physical skills without having to deal with other people’s egos as long as it’s individual dancing instead of pair dancing (very big difference). The biggest problem with dancing is that it’s a bit expensive and measuring your progress can be difficult depending on where and how you train.

    1. “”Martial arts attract short guys, bullied nerds and abusive scumbags that want to double down on their one track minded macho personality.””

    2. That’s why I stopped going to pubs and particularly nightclubs. Too many arseholes, men and women, playing mind games, looking for trouble, causing trouble etc. Personally, mate, I think it’s generally very difficult to find and meet genuine women in places like that. Try dating sites, and maintain right from the start that friendship is important first. Depends what you’re looking for, of course. You might get a few sleazy snogs and a few drunken lays in pubs and nightclubs, but finding a decent women is much more difficult.
      Good luck skipper!

  17. Until you are injured… it’s gonna happen to you.
    Hopefully, new technologies will allow us to bounce back from injuries like it’s a stubbed toe instead of the retarded advice doctors give and charge lots of money for (i.e. “RICE” method, which is like telling someone to look both ways before crossing the street… it’s so obvious). PRP, stem cells, and such will allow men to keep up their fitness in case of an injury.

  18. I have to completely agree with dance as a physical activity, but also for a second and probably more important reason. To succeed in ballroom dance, the man is absolutely, positively, without question in charge of the partnership. If the woman second guesses, or tries to be in charge, the partnership will not work and it is impossible to dance well. The man leads, end of discussion. This is good practice for a man to be in total control, and also for the woman to be submissive and follow her man’s lead.

    1. This is absolutely correct! One of the things that really turns a woman on about a man that knows how to dance and can lead, is how good he can make her look. I can take a marginal dancer and if I am doing my job and she is relaxed, make her look like a pro. Of course I have run into a few that simply had no aptitude (or were sloppy drunk) and it didn’t matter what I did. But most women love to be shown off as they are led and twirled. It will definitely give you an edge over guys who can’t dance.

    1. It is absolutely amazing how compliant even a big dude will become when you have an iron grip on his balls and start twisting. I ended a fight that way one time before it even got started. Let’s see here: Fight dirty or get my ass kicked? Hmmm. That’s a no brainer.

      1. While such a hold would doubtless be dangerous, I think any MMA fighter would chew up and spit out these ladies’ self-defense guys without breaking a sweat and by ladies’ self-defense I mean krav maga and other ‘watch out for the boogey man he’s coming to get you’ shit that feeds off people’s fears.

        1. First you should use the element of surprise. Second just grabbing someone by the balls without a follow through isn’t enough. You have to weigh out the situation (quickly) and determine what kind of adversary you are up against and how bad you are willing to injure that person. In a street fight (which at my age, I hope I’m never in again) all bets are off. If you don’t incapacitate the assailant, you may die. So I would not hesitate to use a potentially lethal move or blow against an unknown assailant.
          In the case I described, the individual was an a acquaintance whom I did not wish to do permanent harm to. He was a bit drunk, a lot bigger than me and attempting to playfully “rough me up”. But due to his inebriated state what was intended as playfulness, ended up injuring me. At that point I grabbed his “package”, lifted him up on his toes and planted my left elbow into his throat and under his chin to put his head back against the wall. He knew that I had drawn back on the elbow strike. I informed him if he tried it again I would break his fùcking neck. It had the desired effect, eliciting a “Hey dude, I’m really sorry!” response.
          Had it been an unknown assailant in that same situation, I would have put my elbow into his larynx hard and shortly thereafter my fingers in his eyes and as soon as he was vulnerable probably taken out a knee. Nowadays after a double hernia operation, years of low back pain and an incipient hiatal hernia, in a street fight I would shoot you and be done with it. As I’ve seen written before, don’t fùck with an old guy, he will just kill you.

  19. I’ve never been a gymnast but I agree that the other four are fantastic. All very manly and all are great ways to boost your T.
    You WILL stand out among average men.
    Nothing like being in a fight to:
    A: Inoculate you to stress and teach yourself to think clearly under stress
    B: Teach you what you can endure and still survive. Losing a fight teaches you even more.

  20. I recently decided to give bodyweight exercises a serious shake. I’ve always desired utter control over my body. I’ve lifted weights for over half my life now but doing a handstand push up or a one arm push up is quite a feat for a guy my size.
    Out of all of these I’d personally recommend the first the most. Your motor skills will reach their potential along with your coordination. That will assist with all the others on the list. Fitting for it to be first.
    Also, doing bodyweight workouts are the least likely exercises to cause injury. If you have weak points that you are trying to iron out they can be extremely beneficial.

  21. Manual labor is definitely a great way to stay in shape. I still cut and split firewood. I thought about buying a hydraulic splitter, but I will stick with the maul as long as I can.
    Right after I graduated high school, I took a job on a survey crew. Each of us were expected to learn it all from cutting line to operating a theodolite. But there was a lot more line cutting and monument setting than there was “gun” work. Every day we hiked for miles, swung a bush axe, drove iron pipe with a sledge hammer and set concrete monuments with old school post hole diggers. I was in shape and strong as an ox.
    I got into a fight one night with a guy that was probably twice my age and out weighed me by a good 30 lbs. He punched me in the face and I literally (Hitler) saw red. I instinctively snap kicked him in the solar plexus and kneed him in the balls hard twice. But he was so drunk he didn’t go down. So I grabbed him right below the shoulders and put him down on the ground like a leaf.
    I will never forget the look on his face. Even drunk he couldn’t believe this skinny white kid was able to do this to him. I realize some of that was pure adrenaline, but the foundation has to be there for that to work. Once I got him down I pinned his arms with my knees and started choking him (it doesn’t matter how drunk they are if you cut off their air). He managed to get out “Let go of me you muthafu…” as I felt my fingers meet behind his adam’s apple. I was so pissed I probably would have killed him if one of his friends hadn’t reasoned with me to let him live. I probably wouldn’t have done well in Virginia state prison at seventeen and thank God I realized that.
    But up to that point I had no idea how strong I really was. No lifting, no workouts, no supplements, just good old fashioned hard labor every day. In a way I do miss it.

    1. “Even drunk he couldn’t believe this skinny white kid was able to do this to him.””
      Was he black?
      At my last job I had 2 Black coworkers who were total dicks….

      1. Is the pope catholic? Does a bear shít in the woods? Yes. There were six of them, late twenties to mid thirties. And three whites, myself, my fiancé and the old man that owned the place.

  22. im naturally skinny with a small frame, so manual labor returns me to that initial state. Although it feels good to do it.
    Once I have enough money I want to start taking dancing and muy thai lessons, since that shit would add upto almost 200$ per month.
    Luckily my gym membership is only 15$/ month.

  23. My grandpa used to work in a foundry, carrying metal all day. Never went to a gym in his life, he could crush anybody’s hand without thinking about it. Yeah for manual labor.

  24. I will skip number 5. There is no virtue in working yourself to death – just death.

  25. Basic car maintenance- removing an engine? How often? Every 3000 miles?

  26. I’d like to add cycling to that list ,I lost allot of weight in a short period of time riding bicycle

  27. If any red-pilled expats live in Krakow and want to do some light sparring/grappling on the Błonia or Kazimierz (I know a great place nearby the Wisla called the “smoczy skwer”) during the day, contact me: patrickdeskur -at- outlook.com
    I’m 6’3, 205. Basic skills. Nothing advanced, but I’m not afraid of taking a decent hit. Have mouthguard and MMA gloves (not ideal for sparring I know). Could buy boxing gloves if preferred.
    Serious propositions only. Let’s start a little expat fight club.
    All the boxing/MMA gyms are too far for me and I don’t feel like going through all the basic drills. I just want to take and deliver some hits in a relatively safe, controlled environment and of course do some “bro bonding”.

  28. I really want to learn how to dance. Dancing with a woman sounds really appealing.

  29. Say whatever you want, but gymnastics is gay. Elasticity to this point is not manly at all.

  30. Forget manual labour. That’s for peasants and slaves. Pre-civilisation man did a minimal amount of this. It is literally backbreaking and knee shredding work. Also, if you do martial arts you have gymnastics covered.
    One thing to add here. Drop the old man complaints about modern tech and learn how it can free you from the slavery of office work.

    1. This is true, my father was a manual labourer. He was in impressive shape in his 30’s but later needed knee replacements and his body was generally worse off for years of manual labour.
      That said there is a certain satisfaction to doing a bit around your own garden and house.

      1. Indeed. The same thing has happened to friends of mine. One guy spent his career going up and down ladders on a building site. His knees are shot now.

  31. Dancing, Gymnastics, & Martial Arts all have one thing in common.
    The longer you do it, the better and easier it gets.

  32. I have a lot of respect for ultramarathon, especially 100+ mile distance runners, and find watching documentaries and runners preparation journals on YouTube, especially for the Badwater 135 event held in July each year, strangely engaging.
    Many of the runners are actually interesting people, and accomplished professionally and other in aspects of life besides running, probably because there’s next to no money involved in ultramarathons, and many have saved for years to pay their own way to travel to and compete in events.

  33. Overall many good tips.
    I trained Krav Maga for a year, and it can differ a bit from school to school, but my main critique against it (the way it was done where I trained) is that you never really trained against resisting opponents.
    Because Krav Maga has no rules (kick in the groin, fingers in the eyes, throw sand, whatever you can), you can’t compete in it. But it also meant (where I trained) that no one really resisted fully.
    Compare it to boxing or Judo where you are more limited but you will actually meet opponents who will do everything they’re allowed to stop you… I wonder if that’s not better in the end.
    As for the long-distance runner vs sprinter, it’s not necessarily that long-distance running will eat all your muscles but that those who are the best at long-distance running are very thin. Having a muscular upper body is then mainly useless weight that you have to carry around and you can’t be the best in the world with such a disadvantage. But if you mainly care about running for other reasons (and are okey with not winning the races) then you can definitely have upper body muscles too as a long-distance runner.

  34. Quite interesting for points 1 and 2, especillay since you added the image of who I believe is GSP kicking Matt Hughes. Whether or not that is him (i can’t remember if they ever fought), GSP incorporated gymnastics into his training camp. As far as bringing Olympic level talent.
    My only qualm with (((krav maga))), just kidding – is that most schools outside of Tel Aviv or idf training do not include sparring or full contact/full speed free fighting.

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