10 Racist, Sexist, Xenophobic, And Homophobic Countries Ignored By The Left

All sorts of sub-groups of the regressive left, whether they are ‘anti-racists’, feminists, ‘Black Lives Matter’ advocates, or just lazy armchair activist social justice warriors, repeatedly pick on the same handful of countries whenever it comes time to criticize whatever they perceive to be an “injustice”.

The United States (racists!), Russia (homophobes!), Germany (Nazis!), the United Kingdom (colonizers!), France (you too!), and Australia (also racists!) always seem to bear the brunt of these criticisms, while by extension just about every western country can be held accountable for a firm scolding from the righteous finger of SJW indignation.

However, this article will expose their selective bias and explore ten different countries which are mostly ignored by all the aforementioned leftist subgroups, and furthermore give a rather simple explanation of why.

1. Jamaica (Homophobia)

jamaica runners

I love you guys! (No homo)!

Several human rights organizations have declared Jamaica to be quite possibly “the most homophobic country in the world“, with high levels of physical violence directed at LGBT people. The U.S. Department of State also shares a very similar sentiment on the matter.

Even in fairly recent years, public opinion is highly against granting homosexuals equal rights and privileges in the country.

In 2008, a poll of 1,008 Jamaicans was conducted that read, “Whether or not you agree with their lifestyle, do you think homosexuals are entitled to the same basic rights and privileges as other people in Jamaica?” 26 percent said “yes”, 70 percent said “no”, and 4 percent did not know.

While 2015 did see the very first LGBT Pride celebrations on the island nation, there was not any parade. It would have been deemed very risky for the marchers to take part without risking violence or severe verbal harassment.

Now imagine if this was the current scenario for homosexuals in any western country at this point. Furthermore, look how close Jamaica is to the ‘social justice’ obsessed United States of America on the world map. Why does this country largely get a free pass on criticism despite this reputation for rampant bigotry?

2. Liberia (Racism)

Liberia. Not only super racist, but clearly a “cultural appropriator” of another famous countries flag…

Liberia was founded in 1822 as a repatriation nation for freed black slaves from the United States, who wished to return to their (roughly) ancestral homeland in west Africa. The irony of the countries name, meaning “land of the free”, is that only people of black African origins have the liberty to obtain citizenship in the nation.

Article V, Section 13 of the 1847 Constitution which states: “The great object of forming these Colonies, being to provide a home for the dispersed and oppressed children of Africa, and to regenerate and enlighten this benighted continent, none but persons of colour shall be eligible to citizenship in this Republic.” The phrasing “persons of colour” was changed to “Negroes or persons of Negro descent” in a 1955 revision.

My goodness, even Israel allows dark-skinned Ethiopian Jews to immigrate to their country despite their vastly different appearance and cultures from their Sephardic and Ashkenazi counterparts, so why the free pass from global criticism? Now just imagine the thermonuclear reaction from social justice warriors if the United Kingdom, Germany, or Sweden implemented “White Europeans or persons of White European descent” nationality laws next week…

Three… two… one… initiate global Tsar Racista!

3. Japan (Xenophobia)

Leftist/Diversity/Tolerance crowd loving on the flag of Japan!   (Fun Fact: With this same national flag in effect since 1870, Japan committed almost the exact same fascist atrocities as Nazi Germany in WWII and more than 10 million Chinese were made to endure forced labor by Japan for 8 years between 1937-1945. An astounding figure, and twice as long as forced labor existed in the Confederate States of America.)

Interesting how Anime loving SJW’s can love on Japan so much and hold it’s national flag to a completely different set of standards, as compared to how they would otherwise treat the Nazi flag or the Confederate (battle) flag which they hate so much.

Anyways, the world’s 2nd most populous 1st world nation almost completely shuts it’s borders to refugees, and grants an incredibly small amount of permanent residencies and passports to people of non-Japanese ethnic backgrounds every year. Additionally, there are countless stores, shops, saunas, spas, and bathhouses which prohibit non-Japanese people from entering their premises all across the country. Japan is truly a 1st world nation like no other. So how do they get away with it?

japanese only

You mean the land of my ancestors is actually way more xenophobic than the American whites I am always trying to guilt-trip? OH MY!

4. China (Racism & Xenophobia)

Just trying to imagine this in any western country…

It is next to impossible for a foreigner to get citizenship, let alone permanent residency status, in Mainland China unless they are of Chinese descent. The best you could ever hope to be is a guest worker on a one or two year visa, which could be revoked at any time. That’s pretty racist considering it’s (insert current year) right now, wouldn’t you say?

Unfortunately that doesn’t stop Chinese-Australian and Chinese-American SJW’s from wanting to browbeat and guilt-trip the majority white population of their respective countries, particularly by constantly rehashing Chinese exclusion laws which were put in place in the late 19th century but have otherwise long since been repealed.

They completely and utterly fail to grasp their own hypocrisy, taking into consideration how their ancestral homeland would treat would-be Caucasian immigrants here in the 21st century. Access denied round-eye!

5. Bhutan (Xenophobia)


You pay now! Now!

Foreign visitation to the Kingdom of Bhutan (population 775,000) is extremely regulated under the seemingly Orwellian decree of “High Value, Low Impact” tourism, which is intended to minimize it’s impact on the country’s unique society and environment.

One of those regulations is an exorbitant fee just to be in the country, at anywhere between $200-250 U.S. dollars per day depending on the season. While it’s admirable of the country (any country in Asia, really) to want to keep out loud, drunk, profane, and degenerate Australian lager louts with such rules, the measure is quite extreme and just a tad hypocritical.

Just imagine the uproar if small western countries like Iceland (population 330,000) suddenly implemented such rules in order to minimize foreigners “impact on the country’s unique society and environment.”

6. Laos (Sexism & Xenophobia)

“Keep Your Hands Off Our Women” – Laos Government

The relatively quiet and uneventful country of Laos stipulates that foreigners may not have any sexual relations with Laotian women unless they are married. Accordingly, this also means that Laotian women may not have sexual relations with any foreign men (at least on paper).

Not only is this law very petty and somewhat reeking of jealousy, it’s also incredibly sexist and authoritarian by nature, as it forbids local women from having full control of their own bodies and how they choose to use them, right down to something as personal as intimate contact. I mean come on Laos, you’re not even a Muslim country and it’s (insert current year)!

Ever heard about any western feminists fighting for the rights of Laotian women to be foreign notch-collecting sluts if they want to? Yeah, I didn’t either.

7. Malaysia (Racism)

work discrimination

“Bumiputera Contractors Only” means only ethnic Malays can take this job. Clear racial discrimination against Chinese or Indian Malaysians.

On the surface, peninsular Malaysia is racially a lot like the United States in many respects. There is a majority race (though like white Americans a minor majority race) occupied by the ‘Bumiputera‘ or the ethnic Malays, and the two smaller but still highly visible Chinese-Malaysian and Indian-Malaysian communities. Both roughly corresponding to U.S.A. blacks and Hispanics, except generally of higher socio-economic status compared to the ethnic Malays.

The key difference between the United States and Malaysia is how the dominate race treats it’s minority brethren. The Muslim ethnic Malays give themselves the highest degrees of civil liberties and privileges, while there is repeatedly light-to-medium discrimination faced by the Chinese and Indian communities in regards to work opportunities and housing benefits etc.

Meanwhile, mostly Christian white America repeatedly does everything it can to prop up it’s statistically lower performing minority populations with affirmative action, relaxed college entry standards, and round-the-clock sympathy from the liberal news media.

‘Ethnic and religious enrichment’ would best describe Malaysia’s scenario regarding the Bumiputera, while ‘pathological altruism’ from American whites would be nothing short of an understatement.

8. India (Racism)


Give us that “H1-B” work visa or whatever you racist Americans/Aussies/Kiwis/Canadians/Brits!

The title of “most racist country in the world” can be rather subjective, but nonetheless India has never particularly had a reputation for wide-ranging tolerance and a sense of brotherhood. Research and surveys have shown that over 40% of Indians would be reluctant to have neighbors who are of a different race, while it was less than 4% in the United States by comparison.

Within the country itself, India’s caste system is also very racist in nature. Dark-skinned ‘Untouchables’ are generally relegated to be the dregs of society (ie. shit shovelers), while fairer skinned north Indians and Brahmins are top of the social totem pole.

9. Mauritania (Slavery!)

Come on “Black Lives Matter”! Why aren’t you getting them freed?

Mauritania’s endless sea of sand dunes hides an open secret: An estimated 10% to 20% of the population lives in slavery. But as one woman’s journey shows, the first step toward freedom is realizing you’re enslaved.

Western countries, and only western countries, are repeatedly reminded and guilt-tripped of any past experiences they had with slavery, despite the institution coming to a full close in 1888 with Brazil freeing it’s last remaining slaves that year. By comparison, China would not follow suit until 1910 and many Arab nations maintained slavery until the mid 20th century.

Unfortunately, the north-west African country of Mauritania, which is inhabited primarily by black Muslims, is the last major holdout of the barbaric practice which still exists in the world today. Yet western SJW’s, feminists, and ‘Black Lives Matter’ activists simply do not care about their plight. Does being both black AND Muslim grant a ‘social justice’ get-out-of-jail-free card or something?

10. Saudi Arabia (Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Terrorism)

Paul Joseph Watson accurately describes Saudi Arabia as one of the most, if not the most, bigoted countries on Earth. A nation run by hardcore Muslims (that religion which western liberals seem to absolutely adore), there are innumerable features of the societal landscape which would have SJW’s triggered beyond belief if they were taking place in any western country.

Women cannot drive and must wear ninja garb in public? Sexism! Homosexuals will be hung from cranes if they are caught? Homophobia! Saudi’s are paid a lot more than foreign workers who are kept in near-slavery conditions? Racism!

What a festering turd of a country. Why does the left keep putting up with their crap when they would rather just attack Return of Kings in their spare time? We envision a world that women and homosexuals would be absolutely thrilled to live in compared to Saudi Arabia.

It’s Because These Countries Are Not White

white men

Countries predominately run by men of white European descent are the freest and most tolerant on Earth. They grant LGBT, women, non-whites, and non-Christians the highest levels of civil liberties, protection from abuse, equality before the law, and economic opportunity. Yet they are repeatedly browbeaten and demonized by the Marxist left and anyone who they infect with ‘social justice’ and victimology.

The image speaks for itself. The regressive left is constantly on the hunt to demonize, and only demonize, white-majority western countries and white South Africans for the sins of the past which are still widely practiced in many non-white countries around the world today.

They claim to preach “equality” all the time, which should also include equal opportunity in regards to dishing out criticism, but picking on Russia and the United States (the only two countries on Earth with white populations in excess of 100,000,000) constantly seem to be their prize targets.

Instead of coming to terms with their hypocrisy and cultural Marxist subterfuge, they would rather just continually point out how awful Russia is for not taking in migrants or treating homosexuals like nothing short of Gods. Furthermore, they would rather show white Americans yet one more picture (in a rare incident) of a black man being lynched, in an era so long ago that cameras were only capable of taking their photographs in low-resolution monochrome.

Read Next: Only White Countries Are Expected To Let In Hordes Of Illegal Migrants

237 thoughts on “10 Racist, Sexist, Xenophobic, And Homophobic Countries Ignored By The Left”

  1. And this is the result of the plague of Free speech…
    It allowed traitors, without brackets, mentals, degenerates and loonies on the loose and all else law-abiding citizens to pay for their country to become like the one that those “people” accuse it to be. Stupid ideas should never have been tolerated…. The fact they have is the reason why life sucks now…

    1. Freedom of Religion! ‘Merica! The Anglo World has betrayed the white race and destroyed Christianity.

      1. For this reason I wish that the U.S. should break so that it would be many worthless countries but the white and christians that remain in them still alive and maybe better protected from white genocide…
        The U.S. acts on the doctrine of liberal expansionism ’till it stops or ’till it can’t further pursuit it we will be in a dire situation… not only us the whole world. I believe that we are in danger of facing a bronze era like collapse (most probably it was the trade of tin that led to its end) , today though it won’t be trade but the furtherance of destabilising ideologies in the world.

      2. Good, christianity has been the scourge of mankind for 2000 years.
        Freedom of religion, and freedom FROM religion.

  2. These criticisms do hold true for some countries outside the West (I.e. India and Saudis Arabia). However, many countries outside the West have views on sexuality that are actually healthy. Some achieve a good balance between open borders and total isolationism.

  3. Oh, come on, whining in the manosphere? It is OUR fault. NOTHING that most of these countries you pointed out is reprehensible: it is just common sense: protecting your women from foreigners, FAMILY, public projects and labor market. It is OUR fault, we swallowed liberalism and now we are suffering the consequences.

    1. Well said. Racism is only a problem when you have to live with and work with other races.
      I’ve only been to Japan, out of the listed countries, so I’ll use them as an example. The Japanese are a distinct people with a unified culture, and the combination of these elements is called the “wa”. Foreigners who try to embrace the culture will never fully grasp it and will never be a born Japanese person, so they cannot have the “wa.” It’s not a real problem, though – if you speak the language and try to keep their customs, you are tolerated and often welcomed (though you will never be Japanese, and that’s alright).
      What the Japanese absolutely do NOT want is to be a country instead of a nation. They like being Japanese, living in the Japanese way, and living among other Japs.

      1. Well, the Japanese (around 1870-1945) thought that they would rule the world, so that kind of Shinto-based imperialistic and nationalistic racialism was actually a problem for Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos and so forth. But peaceful national conservatism with an organic ethnic base and a slight willingness to negotiate and compromise (let in some immigrants, allow people to assimilate and integrate) is a requirement. All research shows that – ethno-cultural hegemony and a not too high degree of ethnic heterogeneity is what works.

        1. Very true. It’s comforting that the Japanese have set aside imperialism (though history shows that every culture is vulnerable to the call of conquest).

        2. Right…the Japs are the model. They love themselves. They have cultural confidence. They would no more import foreign doctors or labor even if it was economically advantageous to do so. They know that a country is their people not the dirt or some “constitution ” . Japan will be Japanese in 100 yrs whereas our country will not.

        3. Yes but they have to make adjustments, because otherwise their people might lose hope in the system. For instance the men need to be more masculine in a good way and work less hours. In South Korea men have copied the Western fitness trend. That is a good first step. Japan should do the same.
          As for Westerners we have to carry through much more drastic measures. But to have more kids is one step that everyone should take. Just breed for God’s sake. Even players can contribute. Impregnate lots of girls after charming and manipulating them.

        4. Maybe your country will be. The Japs might be the last ones standing after the West bends over for Islam and gain their imperial moxie again.

        5. By now, probably, yeah. And there are guys here who would hold the position that they “help the conversation.”

    2. gotta do something about that guilt gene which seems to go with whiteness..

      1. It is not guilt gene in this case. It is our fault for stop wearing the pants.

  4. I have some experience with Indians, and their racism usually comes with them when they leave India. They date Indians (though the girls seem to like white guys better – no surprise, given how beta most of the Indian guys I’ve known are), they hire Indians, and if given any choice they only spend time with other Indians (of the same caste, if my observations are close to accurate).
    On the other hand, they do seem to set great store by family. Most cases of nepotism I’ve seen were Indians, and it seems to be largely consistent even when they have shed the racist attitudes.

  5. Terrific article. Generally there is a pigmentocratic structure worldwide. In Asia that is related to the different, more pale-skinned sub-races, mixed races and/or northeast Asian presence, and can be quite diverse and kaleidoscopic in countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. Chinese merchants and/or European settlers have dominated the region and thus fairer skin is associated with higher socio-economic status (SES). In the Caribbean and Latin American countries, the level of Caucasian admixture – if not completely white – is the equivalent.
    As for the question whether or not Western countries can learn something from these 10 countries (or other ones for that matter). Not really. Just do all the proper measures which have been discerned by people like us. However, it can be an eye-opener for blue or purple pillers to point out these facts.
    Remember, though, once again that the regressive leftists generally do not use logic and coherence; they will always find a way to get around this by pointing out that there is still a global asymmetrical dominance due to the – generally and statistically – automatically higher positions of white Westerners, that the West is responsible for most if not all ills in the post-colonial nations, and so forth. But if a person is latently logical something can be done.

    1. Left liberals. Please don’t confuse the genuine left, who simply want(ed) better opportunities, jobs and life chances for working class people like myself, with the PC/identity politics ‘left liberal’ white privileged types, living in affluent suburbs, talking out of their arseholes! Thankyavrymch! 😎

        1. Agreed, I was one but there is no pro-environment, pro-education, pro-jobs pro-health and happiness Left anymore.
          It was a slow death that began when the parties switched positions a couple of decades ago. I live in the southeast USA and remember when we elected our first Republican since the 1860s. I was a Southern Democrat which was more of a populist, there is no party filling that space now. Trump did.

        2. Indeed. The Left has mostly become little more than a rabble mob of useful idiots unknowingly shilling for the Globalist elites. Of course, this already happened to the mainstream Right long ago but with the rise of Nationalism and Populism in the West the dynamic has shifted.

        3. The working class will always exist, but Labour in the UK became a vehicle for the ‘left liberal’ middle class who wanted to be a bit nicer and a bit less economically right than the Tories. The politics and terms are slightly different in every Anglophone country, but there are many more similarities.
          The term ‘working class’ used to mean good, it meant community, solidarity, decent jobs, unions and workers rights. When British people talk about left politics and the Labour party, then as now, we were concerned with bread and butter issues, buying a house, going on a yearly holiday and social mobility. All the commie socialist stuff, quite frankly few ordinary people could give a rat’s arse about. I suspect it’s not that different in the US, but I think the term ‘working class’ means something different in your neck of the woods.

  6. Actually the left does mention those countries about those issues that you mention. The big difference is that white men tend to cave into their demands . Look blame the illuminati, blame the Jews, blame the nwo, blame whoever but at the end of the day the only reason these Marxist degenerate policies are getting through western nations is because the majority of men caved into their demands and accepted these policies.

    1. It’s the big SJW-femino shit test. I chalk it up to our religion having mutated from Christianity to secularism to materialism. Too many of us are afraid for our jobs to tell them to go fuck themselves when they screech with their childish bitchy demands.

  7. Africa for the Africans.
    China for the Chinese
    Japan for the Japanese
    Mexico for the Mexicans
    Europe for every idiot with a heartbeat.

        1. What do you mean? As far as I am concerned, Afrikaaners have been seeking for asylum as a group to the EU and they got denied it.

        2. I mean Afrikaaners are rejected exactly because they are white. And the EU is against all whites. So, remind me you are an American?, not even you or any white from the U.S. is welcome here and we natives are seen only as taxation money…
          In short if black south africans want to come here they will be accepted immediately as refugees even if they are the ones that perpetuate violence..
          My comment is satire of the governments here not against Afrikaaners

        3. And the US too.
          There’s no such thing as a white refugee, haven’t you heard?
          No matter how many home invasions, gang rapes and murders, no such thing…

        4. No, the privileged are against working class white people, same as in the rest of the Anglosphere, including the US.

        5. I did not know that? Do you have more information and sources you can share, this is utterly uncovered by the news, even right wing news.

        6. The fucking President of SA, Zuma, even sings “Kill the Boer”. How is this a “Rainbow Nation”?

        7. The whites don’t even have influence in South Africa anymore. Why do they hate them so much?

        8. Easy scapegoat for why Black SA sucks so much. Not that hard to understand.

        9. I found this, UK’s Sunday Express, 2015:
          White South Africans ‘fearing for their lives’ ask EU for right to ‘return’
          “Rodrigo de Campos, who started the campaign, is gaining support for his belief that the ‘white South African population currently faces ethnic cleansing and persecution’ at the hands of the ruling ANC government, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party and ‘various individual anti-white aggressors’.
          He also says: ‘Over 4000 white farmers [2015] have been brutally murdered, often including torture and rape and mutilation.’
          An increasing number of supporters believe the solution to this is for white South Africans – and white Zimbabweans and Namibians – to be allowed to ‘return’ to whatever nation the majority of their ancestors are from – which in most cases is the Netherlands or the UK.
          The petition compares white South Africans to Jews being allowed citizenship in Israel.
          It says: ‘Based on the Israeli government’s policy of allowing all Jews the right to return to Israel, we believe it is not only advisable but morally obligatory that Europe should allow all white South Africans the right to return.’
          So this petition was asking for citizenship status, not refugee.

        10. Not hard to see that SA when to shit after the Blacks took over. What I find hard to understand is why they hate a people comprising only 9% of their population who hardly possess the political and financial power they once had. Just can’t wrap my head around it.

        11. For one thing, they want to eliminate the remaining white farmers and grab their land.

        12. Racism.
          In the South African Parliament:
          “Groenewald said in his speech that the ‘world’s average murder rate is 7 per 100,000, while in South Africa it is 33 per 100,000. For white farmers in South Africa, it is 133 per 100,000.’”
          “Groenewald said that many of the attacks are so extraordinarily cruel that they cannot be classed as ordinary crimes.
          ‘It is no ordinary crime if people are tortured to their death, where women are raped for hours on end while their husbands are forced to watch, where peoples’ heads are crushed, where they are set on fire, or where an electric drill is used to drill holes in a woman’s feet after she had been tortured.
          ‘In one case, a farmer’s testicles were cut off, cooked, and eaten by the attackers. These things are shocking and this uncomfortable truth can no longer be ignored,’ Groenewald said.
          It was while recounting these horror stories that the ANC shouted out ‘bury them alive,’ to laughter from the government benches.”

        13. Germany takes some in– I know a few, but you will never read about it in the press. My mate SA says the ANC is pretty open about white genocide… they talk openly about it.

        14. The effort for me to migrate to a European country would be tremendous. The effort for a 3rd world raghead is trivial.

        15. Blacks in America are still malignant “due to slavery” that left the record 150 years ago.

        16. Man I saw some of these victims in a video the other week, traumatic to look at. Was set to the tune of “This time for Africa”. Fills me with rage at all the hypocritical champagne socialists trying to fill Europe up with Africans

        17. I’ve seen a documentary on impoverished Afrikaners, but never heard anything serious about it on the state broadcast. A multicultural succes-story no western media wants to write, let alone talk about.

        18. South Africa would have been a good addition to the original article. I think most leftists probably think it’s a big success story.
          They usually say blacks can’t be racist because they don’t control the (racist) institutions. How about South Africa, then, where they are racist and control things? I guess then it becomes a case of ‘Africa for the Africans’, instead.

        19. I wonder it it’s still on, they had a garbage strike that left Johannesburg with piles and piles of garbage (on a trivial, but fitting note).

        20. The best thing for the Afrikaners would be to flee the country to Europe, Australia or the US and then leave South Africa to the savages. I”ll bet they will then cry within a few years about the bad economy, just like they did in Zimbabwe.

        21. Similar to how Muslim Syrians are routinely granted asylum with little trouble, but Christian Syrians are routinely denied asylum, in both the US and the UE .

        22. Flee if they can, but many can’t afford it, also no place to go, all those places you mention have immigration restrictions. Of course the farmers especially should qualify as refugees whose lives are in danger, but somehow they don’t.
          Also it’s tough for them to leave their ancestral homeland.

        23. That’s why we should help them. There is no way European countries will ever see the whites in Africa as persecuted, but bringing the murders in the media can already help. If a country like mine, the Netherlands, can house thousands of Syrians, we surely can do something for our fellow whites I would say, especially because they almost speak the same language (95%) as we do.

        24. Yes, even liberals who think whites don’t belong in Africa should go along with this. It’s terrible, but perhaps they would actually prefer a genocide!
          Traditionally when European countries lost their African colonies, the descendants of colonists got to go back to their ancestor’s country. Why does that not apply here?

        25. You must be stubborn to go to Africa being white in the first place. But the possibility some black thug will kill you for some few Rand may help the decision to emigrate to Europe.

        26. Remind me never to take a holiday in South Africa. I think I’ll stick to Llandudno.

        27. Recall very brief media story of a young, white European descendant, girl in SA who was very promising runner a few years back. Her family were poor and displaced, living in really bad conditions, and in the interview her father indicated they had been unsuccessful in meeting requirements for visa application process to emigrate to any major western country. This despite the fact that culturally and ethnically they would slot into the majority western population with ease – and had promising athlete as daughter – latter being something all western states usually willingly import. Whilst it was single story, it seemed to anecdotally suggest there is noteable prejudice in play against white SA families trying to emigrate to western states.

      1. Ah, the white Afrikaners. Since they are persecuted by the blacks they should get the right to immigrate to Europe. We surely have enough trash we can kick out to house them properly. Then Africa is 100% black again and Europe wins also.

    1. *Places with certain values for people with those same values.
      Fixed it.

    2. europe for every scum and trash people who don’t or won’t fit anywhere else in the world

  8. Great article… And we let these folks from these countries emigrate/ here?? Inexplicable…

  9. “Anyways, the world’s 2nd most populous 1st world nation almost completely
    shuts it’s borders to refugees, and grants an incredibly small amount
    of permanent residencies and passports to people of non-Japanese ethnic
    backgrounds every year.”
    Good for Them!!!
    We can learn a thing or two from the land of the rising sun.

  10. Great article. Plenty of Latin American countries fit this bill too. The former president of Mexico himself said blacks are lazy and don’t read just a few years back.
    It’s not too much freedom that gave these sjws and feminists so much power. It was special treatment from the authorities. It’s sexist to say” we need more women working here” in the same way it’s racist to say ” we need more nonwhites working here.” Somebody up top incentivized affirmative action to virtue signal in a big way and now it’s out of control.

    1. I believe I read that the age of consent , for sex , in Mexico is 12 yrs old for females.

      1. I think in Japan it is 13.
        Used to be the same in many southern states. Jerry Lee Lewis married a 13 year old in Mississippi or something. And I believe Ty Cobb’s mother was 12 when she got married in Georgia. This 18 business is quite recent.

        1. “Jerry Lee Lewis married a 13 year old in Mississippi or something.”
          He married his 13 year old cousin.
          My grandmother married at 16 and had 4 children before she was 27. The culture was a lot different in 1945.

  11. Know why they don’t go after these chinks, blacks, pajeets and arabs? Because they would rip these faggots apart, they won’t show mercy.
    They after easy targets, those who are reluctant to fight and will show compassion. This is why stronk independant womyn don’t attack the middle east or any other country with patriarchal leanings, they will get snuffed from the get go, because no one wants to hear their garbage in there.
    The left and sjws are the cowardly, insane zealots they bellow high and mighty when faced with no serious opposition, but see how they cower meekly when opposed harshly by people who are ready to stamp them out. They are weak of the highest order, yet they have a voice because we let them, but that won’t fly anywhere else.

    1. Left liberalism, feminism, PC culture, identity politics etc, is mostly wank by privileged, wealthy, connected, privately educated people who have been cosseted in ivory towers for so long, they don’t really know what is happening in the real world.

    1. There are Sanders-type leftists that complain about Israel. But yeah, I see your point.

  12. I’m for NO immigration at all for 50 years. Assimilate the folks we have here. Maybe exceptions for super models, Dalai Lama or sports stars….

  13. Xenophobia, racism, homophobia, sexism…
    All are words used today to stigmatize someone with an opinion of their own

  14. Jamaican’s get away with it because no-one could think the term batty boy was homophobic

      1. Where balls are concerned I think it’s more a case of reacharounds than an overarms

  15. “Homosexuals will be hung from cranes if they are caught? Homophobia!”
    But not if its a rich Sheik with his “bachi boy”.
    Muslims are the faggiest of all fags.

    1. When I was in Sri Lanka I met a Saudi. He said there were a lot of closet fags in SA.

      1. Even their clerics say it.
        I remember an interview on a news show (not sure if it was 60 minutes) where the “imam” said that an adult male sodomizing a young boy was a “mere foible” compared to the major sin of having premarital sex with a female!

        1. It’s only gay if you’re not married to a woman. If you’re married, it’s normal socializing.

      2. “He said there were a lot of closet fags in SA.”
        There is. Considering how the arabs take on mulitiple wives leaving poor men with little prospects, the culture develops very “peculiar behaviors.”

  16. “Within the country itself, India’s caste system
    is also very racist in nature. Dark-skinned ‘Untouchables’ are
    generally relegated to be the dregs of society (ie. shit shovelers)”
    There’s even a “rat eater” caste.
    I have been there.
    That country is a hell hole.
    But hell hole or not, the Taj Mahal was really quite something…

    1. Indians are as much Indian as the millenials are American.
      Neither tribe would be proud of these diluted degenerates.
      But people will always people.

  17. Let’s be honest here. Left wing politics of the working class/blue collar variety which wants the same advantages and opportunities as the middle classes, is good. The so called ‘left liberal’ stuff, almost always lionised by privileged hipster/middle class people, with a tendency to bang on about how great open ended immigration is, but in the same breath despising white working class people, is the bullshit pseudo variety ‘lefties’ we’re talking about here. Most of them are wankers!

  18. “Accordingly, this also means that Laotian women may not have sexual relations with any foreign men (at least on paper).”
    I banged a Laosian call girl here in NY about 20 years ago.
    She was cute!
    So cute that I still remember her…

    1. There may be a warrant out for you in Laos…call ahead before planning a vacation, just to be on the safe side…

      1. Nah, she’d be at least 35 or 36 by now.
        A great grandma by their standards…

    1. With the all caps, emotional response, and profanity, I think we’ve got either a woman or SJW here… probably both.

      1. Or just someone who likes to read ROK and is extremely disappointing when they say something so monumentally stupid.

        1. Then offer an explanation as to why only western countries are targeted for SJW words like racism, sexism, xenophobia, and the like.

        2. It’s true. As for now at least no non-white country except for small Singapore has these kinds of values.

        3. Good point William. And I’d argue that Singapore and Hong Kong are just the successful non-white extensions of the British Empire.

        4. If your going to resort to ad hominem, “I don’t know”, or subterfuge tactics to avoid the question, then you clearly have no argument.

        5. Well that is an open question to some extent. But race essentialism is obviously wrong because if races had no plasticity, then they would not have changed within small time frames of history. Ideological and religious preferences are largely malleable, within and between races.

      2. A little cruise around PRB on disqus will expose hundreds of ‘conservative’ men, high-lighting their expletive-filled, name-calling rants with all caps, and multiple explanation points…

    2. But if the U.S. or any other white nation did this, it would be ALL ABOUT BEING WHITE and the shitstorms and guilt shaming would fly fast and furious 24/7.

      1. The only reason the US is an immigration prize is BECAUSE we are a WHITE country. If this was a black/brown hell hole, it would be as avoided as Nigeria.

        1. The US is indeed a WHITE country, and if Germany or France are taken into consideration, it is in our best interest to remain a white country. This country is not the prize it is because of Arab Muslims. And they are a threat to our existence.

        2. Arab muslims don’t control your currency (((fed))) do not control your educational system, your media, dictate your war policy nor own your politicians.
          A symptom, yes. The cause, I don’t believe so.

  19. All the bitching about whites in the US, but the blacks actually hate gays more than any other ethnic group.
    In other news, color me shocked to learn Germany hadn’t already allowed gay marriage. Looks like Merkel’s party was saving it as a trump card in case their sledding got tough. A shame that she looks to cruise back to reelection.

    1. “but the blacks actually hate gays more than any other ethnic group”
      They hate them because the ARE them.
      After muslims, blacks are the second most homosexually inclined group. Just look at how they chomp at the bit to go to prison and practice their perverted activities. Ever heard of the “down low”? Even Farrakhan acknowlegdes this aspect about his own people. He condemns it too, and is smart enough to blame their high AIDS rates on it as well.

  20. well, this is a good article, it gives a good perspective of the hypocrisy of the states, though the problem is far more complex, it always is.
    In-group bias is natural. All species do it.
    We did not evolve to protect others, but to protect those in our own groups, specially those we have a bond with. Humanity comprises different sub-species. The state indoctrinated the idea of (false) altruism towards different groups as something natural. And with it equality became an ideology to support collectivism(the state is always collectivism).
    They reversed the natural meaning of things, e.g. “diversity” actually means the destruction of diversity, by mixing different groups together, which then causes conflicts(like men working or studying together with girls/women), and those conflicts then are used to attack groups and individuals(men). “equality” means the destruction of the relative equality of individuals within the same group. They destroy “the natural” disguising this destruction as human-rights, to invent an “artificial nature” that favors parasitism/opportunists(like feminism, google, banks, media, etc.).
    In-group bias allows us to protect our people from degenerates like sodomists/pedo-ists, etc, therefore by inventing rights for women, gays and other groups, men became less dominant and the state, omnipresent and necessary; it made society dependent, weak, unstructured.
    All societies with “states” have the same problem, it is inevitable, it is because of our nature that did not evolve to depend on a state, that this in-group bias is being redirected to the state itself, who depends on collectivism empowered with technology, resources, information, and unnatural mating rights(things that belong to men alone). We even let them corrupt/redefine or invent words, words that we then use too, thus validating them e.g.(extracted from this article):
    verbal harassment
    equal rights
    Black Lives Matter
    social justice
    control of their own bodies
    equal opportunity

  21. Nearly all Jews of stature today were heavily shaped by WW2 – they will do anything to avoid it happening again – they simply can’t have Europeans uniting. Everything they stand for and promote serves to cover their asses; open borders, racial ‘equality’, LGBT, feminism, internationalism/globalism… By blurring the line between right and wrong and by confusing the people with lies, they achieve the protection they want.
    It’s no mystery why these phenomenons only occur in White countries.

    1. I can’t say I blame them. Most if not all of those who endured the Holocaust were personally innocent. Undergoing such trauma that one views as personally and ethnically undeserved could very well drive one to rather drastic measures.

      1. Except the Jews were well versed in conducting acts of genocide, corruption and subjugation of non Jews well before WW2.
        In fact the ‘6 million Jews’ propaganda was published well before the holocaust machine came to be. Such a shame the Nuremberg trial evidence of shrunken heads, bars of soap and lampshades were ‘lost’ and can not be verified by modern science.

        1. Even if what you say is true, the vast majority of the Jews who suffered during the Holocaust were not ” well versed in conducting acts of genocide, corruption and subjugation of non Jews”. Most of them were normal people.
          You keep acting like every single Jew is an Adolf Hitler clone. It rather reminds me of how some feminists act like every man is a rapist and misogynist.

        2. Yet you don’t care that malicious Jewish actions are extremely detrimental to non Jews that had nothing to do with the ‘claimed’ holocaust crimes or Jewish real/imagined or deceptive victimhood.

        3. Yup, because demonizing the Jews as a group does your group a whole lot of good. Your time would probably better served joining your local Nazi party and shooting Jews in the street.

        4. The Jews have been demonizing outgroups for centuries and show little mercy in expressing and enacting upon it.
          They have a religion based upon it that is deeply rooted to their culture and identity as a people.
          Let me guess, you’re going to resort to calling me a Nazi again or some other deflective tactic of Jewish victimhood.

        5. You, a Nazi? Probably not, the Nazis were noticeably better at dealing with the Jewish problem. You apparently oppose the Jews’ plan to take over the world by saying mean things about them on blogs. Calling you a Nazi would be an insult to Ubermensch everywhere.

        6. The irony coming from an online Zionist peddling the tribes machinations.
          The only victors in world war two was Zionism. It has been very successful in eliminating its German problem and using it like a springboard to further its global agenda.
          As it turns out the Nazi Goebbels forewarning on the exploitative internationalist Jewish threat is coming to fruition, but he will be forever etched in stone as the great villain or evil and the Jew the eternal victim. The victors write the history.

        7. It’s almost like there wasn’t even 9 million in Europe to start with….

        8. It’s not that I don’t care that Jews like George Soros are a threat, it’s that I’m not seeing anything out of you beyond “Joows are evil, Joows are subhuman parasites, Joows kill white people, Joows banged my mom, death to the Joows”.
          It’s rather like poking a propaganda machine to see what comes out next.

        9. Awww, I was hoping to get more out of you; no worries. Hopefully next round you’ll have something more to say.

  22. No leftist ever threatens to move to Liberia if someone they don’t like is elected president. Says a lot, no?
    Isn’t Liberia where most of the population of the capital defecates on a perfectly good beach?

  23. So? You can call them whatever-phobia, or whatever-ism, they won’t give you even a slightest fuck. I live in a country that Westerners consider as not “homosexual-friendly” (they even reported us to the UN and Human Rights Watch! LOL) but we couldn’t care less. We stand our ground still.
    The fall of the west isn’t the fault of countries you’ve listed above. It’s definitely not my fault. It’s Westerners’ own fault.
    Deal with it. Stop pointing your finger at people with stronger will to stand their ground than you. It’s ridiculous.

    1. Not sure where you saw ‘pointing fingers at others’. Did you even read the article?

  24. Someone left out China — the Chinese notorious for urinating in carbonated cola beverages and then laughing about it afterwards

    1. Good God!!!
      Now I am worrying about that “extra yellow” wanton from the local chinese fast food place…

      1. A wittle somfing exra for you in wan-ton soup write boy!

    2. Pretty sure you’ll find China under ‘4.’

      1. Oh, no, sorry… what Mexicans put in your Coke is a lot worse than pee-pee, and it is not a joke.

        1. I tried that, then I quit and a crisis hit and I felt that ‘this was the wrong week to quit sniffing glue’.

    3. Those Oriental bastards and their piss-related japes-always have to be careful if imbibing such a beverage lest they try to relieve themselves.

    4. Wait. Is this kneeman? You changed your shit around, but I would recognize your Chinese Coke Pee Pee Joke anywhere! Haha

  25. Well multiculturalism is pushed onto white Christian countries. This is nothing new.
    Non whites are allowed to get away with behavior that would get them labeled as racist if they were white.

  26. I always always always bring this very fact up to the leftist libtards. I get either crickets or the most asinine, hypocritical attempt at a rebuttal. Pathetic!

  27. Not surprisingly, North Korea is very xenophobic. The increasing amount of race mixing in South Korea is a prominent feature in their propaganda.

  28. I’m racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic and I found this article to be very offensive! How dare you whiteys tell the truth!

    1. Well I’m racist sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, phobophobic, triskaidekaphobic,cis-gendered white. Take that!

  29. Trump jumped the shark for me when he grovelled to the filthy Saudi Arabian slime in the ridiculous “sword dance” a few weeks ago. He’s just the latest U.S. President supporting the massive military-industrial monetary and power structure ruling the world. Paul Joseph Watson’s short clip says it well. The world will be a better place when the corrupt, decadent, evil arab kingdom is wiped off the map, along with their hypocritical Western enablers.

  30. Liberia sounds the perfect country for sjw libturds. They can practice white guilt everyday in a country that will never accept them, never give them citizenship and always hate them.

  31. The prohibition on “luv u long time” in Laos is clearly a desperate measure to curb sex tourism. Especially child sex tourism. And it doesn’t prohibit married couples of any race. Come on, I thought this website was all for girls being in traditional married relationships.

  32. You really are an imbecile if you think Saudia’s racist and xenophobic. Homophobic and sexist? Of course, but not the other two things. Most of the immigrants working there are either illiterate South Asian laborers or Phillipinos with soft jobs like caretaking etc. I’m currently living here in Jeddah but with the amount of foreign people I’ve seen living around my apartment it does not indicate any sort of racism.

    1. Jeddah is somewhat more liberal than Riyadh. However, the Wahhabi doctrine hinges on Arabic, if not ethnic then cultural supremacy. But even Wahhabism is universal so it is a bit misguided to call it racist. But xenophobic is not far-fetched, given the palpable difference between Saudi citizens and foreign workers. Same pattern in all of the Arab-Muslim world.

    2. I am aware that there are a lot of foreigners in Arab countries. Maybe things are getting better but if you look on the net you can see horror stories on how these Asian workers were kept. Not all these Arab countries are the same. Foreigners for example in Dubai or Abu Dhabi will have a little different experience then a foreigner living on a base in Saudia Arabia.

      1. Well, you can’t obviously anticipate superstar treatment upon stay if the majority of the foreign influx arriving is uneducated and literally living inside their own social bubbles. Foreign Arabs have it pretty good here. Yemenis and Egyptians often have jobs of equal status with the indigenous Saudis. If you go down the ladder, you’ll see Filipinos having amazingly comfortable lifestyles. There’s not a single fast-food chain or gas station without South East Asian expats filling in managerial posts, except for Muslim-only cities like Makkah and Medina.
        I’m Pakistani, the country which forms the biggest mass of foreign laborers in Saudi Arabia, and I also had my own reservations about the country despite being a Muslim. My uncle works as a high-ranking official in a Saudi real estate company and he’s never recounted any major accounts of discrimination. Yes, there are several serious problems concerning laborers but not as stretched as media outlets make them out to be. The only group I can openly see being poorly treated are blacks. Their women mill around shops begging and their men barely make it above the post of a security guard.

  33. You know you are old when you read this list and your reaction is it’s their country, they can do whatever they want.
    Japan is smart.

      1. They do have a serious problem with a very low native birth rate, but that would be much worse if they altered their immigration policies.

    1. Yes, Japan is smart in handling their situation. The more I read about Singapore the more I want to find out about this fascist country. Strict rules but still not at all like living under the Taliban for example.

      1. Back in the 1980s, one of their presidents said flat out that for Singapore to work, the majority of the population must remain Chinese.

    2. The notion of absolute ‘freedom’ in America, ties so many Americans into little angry balls of fear, that governments manage to convince you black is white. The NHS here is pretty good, but I’ve heard Americans dismiss it as socialism or communism and therefore it is evil. How we Brits hanker for a US style health system where only the very rich can truly afford cover, the middle class pay about 40% of their income for health, and a massive chunk of poor people take pot luck. How they manage to sell such a system to most Americans constantly stumps people in Britain and Europe. The elites in America have convinced large chunks of people to vote against their own best interests, but sometimes absolute ‘freedom’ just boils down to millions of dispossessed, atomised individuals with no future.

      1. The USA wasn’t always like that. Health care became expensive only when politicians decided that for some people here, in exchange for their votes, it ought to be “free.”

        1. …and when health corporations knew they could make billions of dollars!

        2. Most health insurers only profit because they invest their money in stocks and other financial instruments. Most spend more in payouts than they collect in premiums.
          Private health care isn’t inherently evil and it doesn’t have to be as expensive as it is here. It only is that say because of intentional government policy, driven by a large bloc of voters who comprise the leisured mooch class in the USA.
          As for something like the NHS, if it works for the UK then good for them. However, we have many examples of government-run health care in the USA that don’t work well and which are awful money pits. That’s the reason why so many people in the USA don’t believe that a government-run system will work here.

        3. No, I agree it isn’t inherently evil, but it’s primarily about profit. The NHS was primarily about people. That’s the point I’m making. I prefer the West European system of health and democratic socialism, than the ‘winner take all, devil take the hindmost’ society America and most of the ‘new world’ countries operate under.

        4. Everything is about profit. Even systems like the NHS do things that would never see the light of day in the USA to keep costs down.
          For example, in the USA you can sue anyone for anything. This leads to tons of medical malpractice lawsuits of dubious merit clogging up the court system. Often these are settled and huge payouts are made to the plaintiffs. These costs get passed onto doctors in the form of insane medical malpractice insurance costs, which in turn raises the price of healthcare, which in turn raises the price of health insurance.
          In the UK and other countries with similar health care systems, malpractice damage awards are either capped in some way, or such lawsuits are generally not allowed or are otherwise restricted. As an American, I see this as a very good thing that we should emulate here.
          Sadly though, most legislators in the USA are lawyers by trade and they aren’t keen on taking a profit hit, so the odds of such restrictions passing here are slim at best.

  34. Sorry, but I automatically discount anyone who uses manufactured terms that end in “…phobia” as a blinkered SJW who is incapable of critical thinking or introspection. A negative preference for something does not constitute an irrational fear of it.
    For example, I dislike fuckheads of all stripes, but that doesn’t make me “fuckheadphobic.” I’m just tired of dealing with them and wish they would go away. It’s cultural Marxism in action. If I disagree with you, you apply a label to me and denounce me as being mentally ill. That’s how the gulags were filled up.

  35. This weekend I went to a German Beer Festival in Leicester (UK).
    Part of our small group was a sjw.
    I said to friends,
    ‘No. Sorry. I’m just not wasting my time talking to a sjw about culture/politics etc.
    They have nothing to say. Nothing to contribute.’
    Who cares what sjw think about anything?
    Just don’t hand your children over to be raised by them in state schools and you should be fine……….

    1. Just don’t hand your children over to be raised by them in state schools and you should be fine……….

      It is irritating that even in this day and age where things are so out in the open that anyone who loves this country would still consider sending their children off to be indoctrinated to hate it.

  36. Hey liberals are hypocrites more interested in destroying society than having any values set in stone for themselves.

  37. You see every country protects its land and sovereignty viciously even if it is actually racist, sexist, or xenophobic. But they do it with no fear.
    But why we Americans and Europeans have to be the dumpster of the world? I’m not saying that we should act like those countries, but at least enforce our immigrations laws, deport illegals, no refugees, etc but we are labeled as racist?
    Why so much hate for white people since liberals preach love and tolerance? Why hate white people for events that happened hundreds of years ago? Aren’t progressives about progress and advancement in society? Isn’t that what being a progressive is all about?

  38. What’s hypocritical about Bhutan limiting foreign influences within its borders?
    Bhutan is one of the nicest countries in the world, if you ask the Bhutanese (they have famously ranked #1 in happiness, and make decisions on a Gross National Happiness quotient–ie if I install a traffic light here, does it actually make traffic safety better, and what are the negative costs to people who are frustrated waiting at the red light?)
    They have tight controls on foreign media and degeneracy entering their country. I was unaware of the financial tax they impose on foreigners, but what’s wrong with that? They have a good way of life and want to preserve it. That’s frankly a fairer border control situation than the US has, where any ex-Cuban border guard with a bad attitude can deny a visitor entry, even if they have a valid visa, and hundreds of thousands of visas for legitimate tourism purposes are denied every year.
    I understand the article’s main point that feminists are hypocritical, but really nations like Japan, Bhutan, and Laos are making the best decisions for their people. Sorry if that makes it harder for you to bang a nice, thin, feminine Laotian woman, but if they allowed that, then eventually there would be no more thin, feminine Laotian women.
    These nations are making wise decisions for their people. Instead of criticizing that, we should be applauding and learning from it.

  39. Japan is not ignored by the left they continually try to censor Japanese media that is exported, they just realize they will never be able to infect that country with their immoral cancer of social justice ideology.

  40. The Judeo-Globalist Left could give a flying fyck about “equality” or “hypocrisy”. They are anti-Christian, anti-White, and anti-Western, i.e., White Civilization. They promote anything and everything that will tear us down. That is it.

  41. “Now just imagine the
    thermonuclear reaction from social justice warriors if the United
    Kingdom, Germany, or Sweden implemented “White Europeans or persons of
    White European descent” nationality laws next week…” – And yet will see exactly this in our lifetime. Maybe a decade of three from now, but come it will.

    1. I really doubt this, only way I see it happening is if the white birth rate turns around dramatically, white birth rate has been dropping for decades. Main reason the politicos rubber stamp the Muslim immigrants even with the obvious risks are the demographic decline of whites.

    1. Saudi Arabia is rich. Very conservative but the average Saudi lives better than the average American. Saw some videos about a Saudi family and was amazed how well they live.

      1. If your a member of the House of Saud I’m sure it’s great. Ask people around Ft. Rucker Al what the Saudi’s are like away from home.

  42. Leftists start hating on Japan after they have been there for a while. They are used to trashing their own countries and do so as a twisted form of virtue signalling. But the Japanese do not reciprocate by trashing their own country. As the Japanese are not poor, the leftist is offended that they do not take the same self-loathing masochistic view that they have taken for themselves.
    I hope the Japanese continue to keep out the SJW ethos.
    It was a joke that it is the multiculturalist majors who could not adapt to Japan. It was like their degree made them too stupid to relate in multi-culturalist context.

  43. Women do not deserve any sort of freedom.
    They hate freedom and will do anything in their power to destroy freedom in their countries because of their submissive nature. Giving them rights was the real mistake.

  44. Japan might be xenophobic but its a pleasant country to visit, and they tend to be polite people and tend to deal with you honestly. Go to places like India and it will be very differently, cheap dirty and very shifty people.

  45. Out of all those countries, Japan is actually a nice place to live, in fact, Japan easily beats any country in Europe. All the others are not nice places.
    Also Japan is not so bad as long as you are from a first world country.

  46. I’m not white – but being born and raised (and being afforded all the benefits of) a western “white” European built country – I say thank you white man for building what you built.
    Now get your balls back.

  47. These days when I hear someone getting called xenophobic (or homophobic, or a litany of other buzz words) my initial reaction is: “Ah, somebody that has a brain?”
    Besides, liberals are constantly whining about (insert moronic topic here). It’s no wonder they’re all depressed. Maybe if they’d quit whining about “injustices” for 5 seconds they might be able to relax.

  48. Believe me, the leftist in India are as retarded as those in the US. Although they do not get much news coverage, but they would say anything to stay relevant. Also, the caste system has been abolished and in fact , the people, who had ancestors belonging to backward classes are given special preference in government jobs and colleges. There are quota for these people and minorities. Just like how minorities get special preference in US college admissions. Recently, this quota system of reservation of seats has been rather unfair to the majority, because the diaspora of backward classes are economically equal to the diaspora of upward classes.

  49. One of my friends, who is a Hispanic, is married to an Indian woman. She said she would never date Indian men.
    Indians are so racist, they are racist against their own race.

  50. This list is a little silly.
    Who the fuck, of any race, wants to go to Liberia?
    All the Asia ones are doing what the West should be, so why try to throw them under the SJW bus? We already know that SJW Always Lie, and the “Dems r da real raycists” is a pointless, self-defeating argument.

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