Game Of Thrones Is Successful Because It Reminds Us Of What We Lack

I’ve seen every episode of Game of Thrones. While immersed in the show’s dream of swords and breasts, my consciousness is mostly incapacitated, but periodically it jolts awake and I find myself thinking, “this is Dungeons and Dragons, except instead of playing I’m watching, and instead of being with people, I’m alone.” Perhaps I’m with my girlfriend but watching a serialized show with your girlfriend is a good way to feel alone.

Yet I keep watching because I sense a nutrition in the soap opera. Starving children eat the clay beneath their feet because it contains essential minerals. They haven’t analyzed the earth scientifically, of course, but ethereally they know they need what’s in the dirt. Post-modernity’s dirt is Game of Thrones. It may be filled with bacteria and disease and perhaps even crap, but it gives us what we need—what our psychologies crave.

George Martin, Comic Book Guy incarnate, is a history buff and so created the show as an homage to the War of the Roses. This was a 30-year period during the 15th Century in which the Lancaster and York families battled each other to reign on the English throne. The war probably seemed like a big deal at the time but it ended up being inconsequential. The fact that we can fixate on two families in a pointless gang war indicates two essential minerals for our psychology: family and values. Of course, family values.

Women need Game of Thrones more than men

The incessant stand-offs, boobs, and swords (which never not represent masculinity), would make us think the viewers are predominantly men. However, the most represented viewer demographic is single women located on the coasts (i.e., feminists). Except feminists, with their attachment disorder parading as independence, rebel against family values. Yet they need family values like they need Vitamin D. Game of Thrones bridges this gap of cognitive dissonance as a way for women to nourish themselves with something that’s supposed to disgust them. It’s a spoonful of sugar for the Huffington Post crowd.

The characters are constrained by family as their purpose is to fulfill the obligations of their family. But the obligation carries with it the security of structure. Postmodernity is the opposite. We have the cultural freedom to cut loose family ties, but we lack the personal freedom to become individuated. Without a properly formed psychology, we gradually enmesh ourselves in whoever happens to be nearby.

We equivocate and kowtow. Instead of definitive responsibilities, we have loose plans. We cater to middle managers. We’re free to do what we want, but we lack the psychological foundation to be free. The confines we create are invariably passive aggressive. Freedom means nothing without transcendence, which postmodernism’s mother, critical theory, has executed. Knowledge without responsibility is the bedrock of anxiety.

The character Daenerys is the feminist on the inside who gives the main viewer a foothold into the show. The man she loved, the man who could have made her happy, was placed in a world that would eventually kill him. She has since attracted only orbiters who pine for her but could never satisfy her. To fill the void of subservience she has three dragons that, not coincidentally, have the temperament of cats. They want to be left alone except on their terms. They give her the archetype of an alpha whose attention she can use her femininity to appease. In the meantime, her neglected libido drives her to conquer cities through power she’s gained for no other reason than she’s accidentally magic.

Without boundaries that would limit a lesser being, Daenerys develops a savior complex, and so feels the savior’s pain of being forsaken. Like a woman in the modern-day nonprofit, she tries to help people who don’t love her, with haphazard results. It keeps her busy, and there have been worse existences, but no one would diagnose Daenerys a happy woman.

Game Of Thrones provides a surrogate life

The feminist’s cubicle is makeshift, and worthy men become even more scarce as she ages, but she has outlets for her nature. Instead of organizing her husband’s finances she organizes her boss’s finances. Instead of taking trips with her family, she attends company retreats. Instead of making dinner for dependents, she goes out to dinner with codependents. She convinces herself it’s progress because self-deception knows no limits. But the truth of her situation is sporadically inescapable via the panic attack: no one loves her and she doesn’t love anyone.

For the male mind, to be released from family is unfortunate, but manageable. We still have our callings of science and philosophy and wealth accumulation. But for the female mind, to live for itself is an empty motion. The feminine achievement is the association. Without relationships, there can be no meaning, no reality.

Modern woman has not only forgotten about the water of feminism that surrounds her, but she’s anesthetized to the drowning. Then a television show comes out that subjugates women to the family and the code of masculinity, and she glues herself to it. It’s the opening scene in every dystopian novel: the hero stumbles across a relic from the past enlightenment.

The penultimate season airs this weekend. I cannot make decent predictions about what will happen because I have terrible instincts for that sort of thing, but I know what I would say if I were in that writer’s room: take out the Iron Throne, the Platonic Good, the ultimate ideal everyone is after. We know what happens when characters have something to fight for, now let’s find out what happens when the structure is removed. How will people act when there is no more code? Without a value, what could possibly be the need for the family?

Then the show will become, like all great art, a full-length mirror for society. At least then I’ll be able to convince myself I don’t regret watching it.

Read More: Has Game of Thrones Lost its Magic?

252 thoughts on “Game Of Thrones Is Successful Because It Reminds Us Of What We Lack”

  1. I’ve never watched this show. So I can’t say anything about it. My understanding is that it is some kind of “feudal” thing, which is not really my cup of tea.

    1. Don’t waste your time with TV. Masculine men don’t watch TV: we live our OWN lives.

      1. Precisely. I never felt I was missing out by skipping this and other made-for-the-masses drivel.

        1. I had the luck to see the South Park “Trilogy” (Black Friday, A song of ass and fire, Titties and Dragons) making fun of the show before even thinking about trying it.
          It cured me right there.

      2. We (my wife and I) “cut the cable” a year ago when we moved. I have not watched TV since.
        In all fairness, there have been some good TV programs lately. “The Last Ship” is one. “Tyrant” is another. Then there was that funky David Lynch thing (who else would make such a program?) “Bates Motel”. However, its not enough to pay a cable or satellite bill each month.

        1. Agree. The Last Ship is a good show…had a former Navy EOD guy at work recommend it after I let slip I had watched Jericho.

    2. It’s fantasy, cannot even be called feudal. And it’s mostly not worth it except for the first seasons.

  2. I just watch South Park, Narcos, Fargo, and (even though it’s getting worse and repetitive) The Walking Dead. I can keep up with three or four shows and not feel like TV is taking up too much of my life when I need to concentrate on other things.
    ‘Fantasy’ realm things like Game of Thrones don’t capture my interest as much in the same manner as the red pill South Park, and the social commentary of Narcos and Fargo. Walking Dead just because everybody watches it and it’s sort of “water cooler” talk on Mondays.

    1. I finally gave up on TWD after a couple seasons ago when it became an endless rehash of evil white people and grrrl power. That, and the writing/plot are so bare as to be ridiculous.

      1. I can’t for the life of me understand the appeal of Walking Dead. Horrendous script writing ends any interest in a show for me, regardless of the genre.

        1. The Walking Dead is just a flat show. The stakes are small and the cast are generally unappealing. Plus the formula is basic. Team runs. They find shelter. Shelter protects them but wants them to conform. Members on a team die. Factions form and a leader becomes the enemy. Then original team needs to find a way out while dropping the least like cast mates at the end of the season. It works great for the actors in between movie roles but it is terrible for enjoyment as a viewer.

        2. I liked the first episode. The scene with the horse on the highway was a wow moment for me.

        3. First season is ok I guess.. But the show gassed out pretty fast.
          The comic is a modern classic tho

        4. I must have powered through the series until a character named Herschel was killed. Since then I would maybe catch an episode or two and then leave it alone for a year. Sad thing, the show is supposed to be about the growth of Carl, or at least the comic was. No way they get to that point with how bland the show is.

        5. No one can. Little twit is a dick but becomes relatable when he is older. Not sure what the show will do with the baby sister though. Thought she was supposed to die.

        6. It’s something about TV shows. All teenage sons are little shits who hate their father even when their father is an out and out hero. Rick Grimes, Jamie St. Patrick, etc.

        7. In the comics she died (as was to be expected) few days after being born. I didn’t know she was still alive. I guess she is an infant since the series has kept on going.

        8. If you guys like dystopian series, you should check out Jericho. Despite airing on network tv (CBS) it is quite good. It deals with a lot of real world issues after the shit hits the fan (nuke goes off) in a much more realistic way than Walking Dead.

        9. Jericho was good at the beginning but…a few things were off when it comes to surviving the fallout of nuclear detonations. Plus the end was too swift for my taste, ran out of money in the middle of the 2nd season.

        10. Nice.
          My buddy is obsessed with all things zombies and horror so I’ll suggest it to him.

        11. It was a pretty smart show. The opening credits to every episode spelled out something in Morse code that related to that episode.
          It makes you think about realistic prepping like: Do I have access to a car with carburetor, analog means of communication (ie radio, SW, HAM, morse code), food sources, actual books when the net goes down, etc
          It did run out of money and got cancelled so they botched the ending but it’s worth watching.

      2. It needs to stop at this upcoming season 8. The death of the evil white male Saviors and a rainbow network of peaceful communities run by women and minorities will be the end result that the social engineers want to create from the show, so let them have it.
        At least it will come to an end before the show turns to self parody.

        1. Note I’ve never seen it, but now everyone’s saying “doctor who” will be a woman, and I’m thinking: this show’s been on forever, collecting fans, so now everyone can belly up to the kool-aid bar and celebrate transexuality. I can hear someone yelling “everybody’s the same!” over the toot of a single party-kazoo.

        1. You got me there.
          “Here’s the two most virtuous and innocent people in the show! Oh gee would ya look at that, they’re gay!”

      3. Whenever I see a show or movie with a black in charge, I stop watching. Which means I watch practically nothing.

        1. That gives me a great idea, MTV should make Real World: Detroit and see how long those freaks exist in crime city, usa.

        2. Or “Survivor: Baltimore” and keep filming as the rapes and robberies inevitably occur.

    2. TWD was “that one good zombie show” until the incessant feminist shit, shallow meaning of life monologues, and straight up repetitiveness. I rooted for the zombies after season 2. Stopped watching it excpet for season finales. Not missing much there

  3. The books were better in not applying the libtard agenda. It’s a watchable show. Which is more than I can say for many projects.

    1. The show took a hard “girl power” turn last season. I have a feeling it’s only going to get more preachy.

      1. And in spite of that, feminists are still complaining about how poorly women are represented on the show!!!

        1. if the show does keep on with the “you go girl” bullshit than it will just be unwatchable pile of garbage. those feminists are never satisfied. its like a black hole just consuming everything until nothing of any substance is left in its wake.
          but was a damn good show before the “sand pussies”

    2. True. Although the Yara Greyjoy character in the book is a bit odd. The book goes on and on about Brienne’s struggles to be a female warrior and yet Yara has zero problems fighting men. Quite inconsistent.
      But a huge problem for fantasy novels for decades now is the feminist representation of women as being as physically powerful as men. Never understood that since the guys who write these novels tend to be well versed on medieval history – a time when women were as far from the battlefield as possible.
      I think only Tolkien and Moorcock got this right.

      1. This is a problem that is also present in the Sci-Fi genre. It used to be dominated with male characters but now chicks that can do a man’s job have taken the stage. In fact, almost every genre now of entertainment, from books to movies to tv shows to even video games have been infected with this obsession with female characters taking the spotlight. It’s one of the major reasons I’ve been getting into older stories, especially the Pulps, where this nonsense is almost non-existent.
        Glad to see another Michael Moorcock fan. I’ve read the first Elric book and found it addicting. Can’t wait to get the rest.
        Moorcock, Tolkien and Robert E. Howard are required reading for every man in my opinion.

        1. Elric… Also known as Woman-slayer…
          Yeah it is bizarre. Women as strong as men but with no explanation. I think that part of the problem is that these books are written by nerdy men who have zero experience of real life while at the same time being bred on a diet of feminism as children.
          I mean I actually have arguments with people about this stuff. I am a subject matter expert in hand to hand combat having trained both men and women. A 13 year old boy is stronger than a grown woman. But apparently I’m full of shit and TV is real.

        2. I’ve had plenty of arguments over this as well, and many times with the same knee-jerk reactions.
          People telling me that I’m suppose to suspend disbelief and just enjoy it. I tell them “I can let it slide when it happens once or twice, but it’s constantly present today, female kick-ass characters, and I just can’t buy it anymore. It’s just ridiculous beyond belief. And you can feel the anti-male bias behind their writing as well.”
          Or my favorite “Hurr you don’t complain when Men do it!” Of course, because it is actually believable that a man can beat another man in hand to hand combat, but not that a woman can beat five men much larger than herself.
          You can’t argue with these people though, they are so entranced in their TV viewing they can’t tell fiction from reality. Same with the writers, they genuinely believe they are helping women but they are only giving them a boost to their already inflated egos.
          Thanks for the recommendation, will check it out.

      2. Strange too as Brienne is the bigger, more brutish girl. Probably her fighting style. Yara uses throwing axes. Perhaps more suited to her smaller frame while Brienne wears mail and fights with the style of a male knight.
        I’m digressing and being pseudo analytical about a male feminist’s stray thought though.

        1. Honestly mate, I don’t think it would matter what Yara used in a fight, she wouldn’t stand a chance against a man.

  4. Guys, I can’t BELIEVE this. They made Doctor Who 13th a woman. So, one of my favorite SHOWS EVER (besides Supernatural, Lost, Game of Thrones, Z Nation, Doctor House and Walking Dead- don’t question my tastes, ok? Everyone with their preferences, after all) will have a woman as the Doctor. WTF???? They made even a cool show like Doctor Who feminist by making the Doctor woman…”sighs” But I will watch it because Jodie Whittaker is pretty hot and this show is KICK-ASS anyway.

    1. Doctor Who has been chock full of degeneracy and feminist influence for many years.
      You should really watch less TV altogether.

      1. I noticed this (I watched it from the first season, the ooold series) but I didn’t complained because at least the main hero was a man, while all others were secondary/less important characters. But now, they turned the main hero into a woman. But still I’ll watch. Thank you for suggestion but I can’t really do much except watching TV, spending some time with my buddies in city (I don’t have money to travel or do some really cool activities, I’m just a student and my family/friends are not rich either), studying and spending few hours on internet.

        1. Hey man, which Dr. Who has a hot red-head as assistant? Honest question, I don’t watch the series but sometimes I’ve seen promos and trailers and she shows up.
          Edit: I’ve found it, Karen Gillan or something like that, hot for a Scottish.

        2. I think you’re referring at Amy Pond, the 11th Doctor’s companion. Yep, she’s attractive as hell.

      2. The last good Doctor Who was Peter Davison. I stopped watching it after him.

        1. I actually liked #7 for some reason. Maybe they just finally gave the series a better budget by then. Can’t beat Tom Baker though!

    2. The new star trek series coming out features two women as captain(Asian female so at least it’s plausible) and first officer. It’s also being told from the pov of the first officer. Heresy.

      1. But Star Trek already had a woman captain, Kathryn Janeway (who kinda sucked as captain btw) so its not the first time when they’re doing this. I’m glad at least she’s asian because asian women are generally more intelligent and disciplined and have more dignity that other women (I have a fascination for asian women who are miles better than american and most european women).

        1. Yes, Janeway did suck as a captain from the first episode til the end of the series which is why it should not be repeated.

      2. Plus they’ve got an openly gay actor playing an openly gay science officer. Yep, the rainbow flag brigade marches on, I suppose…

    3. That’s the trap in a nutshell, Manuel. The world spent a long time setting it up, selecting the proper bait, and making the spring-loading look like scenery, but here it is. You know what you’re dealing with now. So either quit the show as a standard, or take in that entoxicating rationalised transexualism ‘Jodie Whittaker is hot.’ Nothing personal, of course, because everybody says she is, but I wouldn’t touch their propaganda with a ten foot pole: metal conducts and their leftist thinking would telegraph.

    4. I haven’t watched much of the new ones, except the first new doctor (Peter Eccleston?) and the second one (David Tenant) How do they explain the female dr? Did the doctor actually become female, ie can he have children and everything, or is he just “exploring his feminine side”?

      1. Well, since the Doctor can regenerate in any form, maybe he regenerated as a female not because he wanted but because it happened (accidentally) -this is how I explain why it happened. I’m sure that even he will be surprised seeing how he looks now, I’m very curious about his reaction. And he already HAVE CHILDREN and wives, he shouldn’t become necessarily woman to have children.

    5. Would have been more psyched about a female doctor had they gone with Tilda Swinton.

  5. Speaking of swords and tits, I liked Starz’ “Spartacus”. Any Spartacus fans here?

      1. MMA is a good start. When you are ready, prepare to move on to the next stage.

        1. I aspire to be the greatest Sumo wrestler in the world. I will ascend through the trials of trans fats and the gauntlet of glucose until I am of worthy size.

        2. A sport like MMA can help prepare the mind and body for fighting but eventually it is best to progress to an art that prepares you for an actual, outside of the ring, combat situation where your attacker may actually be trying to kill you.

        3. what do you have in mind specifically? Krav Maga? Systema? Why do you think MMA is not sufficient? Because it doesnt teach to kick someone in the balls?

        4. First and foremost MMA is a sport with a historical focus on bringing someone to the ground. The worst place you can be in a street fight. Secondly, it pins you to your enemy, another place you do not want to be.
          Essentially, MMA is tactical and technically deficient for a combat situation. It naively assumes an unarmed one on one fight where you can fight safely on a soft surface with a ringside doctor. “Winning” in these situations really just gives you a false sense of security.
          Combat based martial arts like Krav Maga and Systema prepare the mind for the additional stress for a combat situation, allowing you to make sensible decisions. I currently practice Systema but I practiced Muay Thai for 17 years. Additionally I am a Black Belt in Aikido and practiced Karate for many years as well.

      1. Yep. I have a good time with Spartacus.
        But i highlty recomand the serie ‘Rome’. It’s also about the conséquences on women’s power about society, and not on the feminist side…
        Spartacus is an EXCELLENT guilty plaasure.
        Rome is another league.

      2. The blood rains down From an angry sky…
        My cock rages on …My cock rages on…
        Till death is found My sword swinging hot…
        My cock rages on…My cock rages on.
        I put you down, I give you shit.
        I piss on your grave
        for the sport of it.
        …expect no less.
        My cock rages on!

    1. The first season was excellent, like the next one, used as a “filler” when the main actor was sick with cancer. Afterwards, it was still OK but to me, it became quickly repetitive, but still good though.

    2. If you haven’t yet, check out HBO’s Rome. It only had two seasons from right before they did GoT, but it essentially laid the groundwork for what GoT was supposed to be.

        1. Both seasons were better. They had no qualms about showing how evil and power hungry people can be especially women. If you can find it, check out “I, Claudius” a BBC production from the 70’s. There are numerous familiar faces in the production and follows up to what happened to the Octavian’s family afterwards for several generations.

        2. Both seasons were far superior.
          And yes to I Claudius. You can see Patrick Stewart when he still had hair!

        3. Actually, Patrick Stewart started balding in his teen years. That was a wig.

        4. I had I Claudius on VHS tape for decades. Then my final VHS player died and I could find no replacement. It is a classic and a must see for all men. Claudius is kind of a MGTOW when he is advised to accentuate his stutter and play the fool all he liked. The reason was to survive the royal family internecine warfare by flying under the radar. Which is exactly what he did. When he was placed on the throne, and had to face an angry Senate, he said, “You feel that I am a cripple. Which I am. And moreover a half wit, but I have survived where many of you with all your wits have not. Perhaps it is not the quantity of ones wits as much as it is the quality.”

        5. I thought that was one of the greatest political speeches in TV history. Augustus’ wife is, was and always will be the greatest TV villain of all time given how she worked behind the scenes to ensure her son would ascend to the throne. Because of that I didn’t blame Claudius one bit for not tolerating that behavior from any of the women on his life.
          That series was definitely a study in the 48 Laws of Power.
          Now I have to find a copy on blu-ray or DVD to watch it again.

    3. ‘Spartacus’ started off pretty good. But it didn’t take but two or three episodes for it to take that inevitable hard left turn into Sodomania. These gay directors, writers, and executive producers all use the same ploy. Look back at “True Blood” and “Banshee.” They’re smart enough not to come right out the gate with full-strength fruitiness. No, they start off with stuff they know you like, even though they have no interest in it at all. They throw in a lot of top-notch action and hot chicks engaging in porn-level sex stunts, with boobs and bush all over the place, and then, out of nowhere, they throw in a tranny over here, some buggery over there. You’re so focused on the blood and boobs that you don’t see the subliminal programming so surreptitiously tucked within it. Clever bastards. And by the way, I still haven’t forgiven Starz or the bald-headed schmuck who spearheaded ‘Spartacus’ for having Lucy Friggin’ Lawless on the show for all those seasons, and not putting her in a single full frontal scene. Just about everything they shot of her was either in a tub or covered up. All those scenes of dudes’ tallywhackers swingin’ in the breeze, and not a single shot of the warrior princess’s treasure box? I demanded my money back. Followed by a trial by combat.

    1. More like raise the cocks of all of Bill’s pedorast buddies on the Lolita Express.

  6. And I’m sure that the new season of Game of Thrones is going to be so awesome. Tyrion and Jon Snow are the perfect alpha and red pilled MEN that every man should dream to become. Also, my favorite characters

        1. Well, when I like something, I’m always a bit over the top. I’m just an enthusiastic young guy.

    1. I’m not sure how serious you are, but…no. Maybe Jon Snow (high beta, at best) but Tyrion?? He got oneities for a whore — red pill alphas don’t do that. And he refused to consummate his arranged marriage with Sansa because it would not be consensual and he felt she was too young for him.
      IMO, the most red pill alpha character was Tywin, Tyrion’s dad.

        1. i think Benedict has better quotes than that Bob… “I should tell you, that I have killed people smarter and younger than you.”
          hell yeah

        2. yeah, Last Action Hero, another fantastic Arnie flick full of one liners aka ‘the Arnie acting style’

        3. Last Action Hero is criminally underrated. My favorite Arnie flick by far. A fun parody of 80s action movies, but also a love letter, with a surprising good and touching story. I can qoute that movie all day.
          “You think you are funny, don’t you?”
          “I know I am. I’m the famous comedian Arnold Braunschweiger.”
          Benedict: “Hello? I’ve just shot somebody, I did it on purpose!”
          [listens some more, still nothing]
          “I said, I have murdered a man and I want to confess!”
          Random Douchebag: “Shut up down there!”
          “You don’t understand. You just solved the entire case. you just revolutionized the entire history of police training. I mean all these years at the academy, studying human character, psyche of the terrorists, fingerprint analysis, all the courses that I’ve taken in surveillance, hostage negotiation, and criminal psychology, when all I have to do is drive around the neighborhood, point my finger at a house, and say, “the bad guys are in there!”?”
          Love this movie.
          Also, fun fact: it was directed by the same guy who did Predator and Die Hard.

        4. ha, dam skippy! well done sir!
          Arnie did some good (cheesy but funny) movies around that time in the 80s, Predator & Commando of course, and often overlooked gems Last Action Hero & The Running Man as well, now there is some serious one liners in those two alone!

        5. Yeah, I love 80s action movies. Cheesy sure, but good cheese, and most importantly entertaining and memorable. They had some magic and charm to them that modern action movies severely lack.

      1. Well, he RESPECTS women (at least Sansa is a woman that is too/was too innocent to not be respected), this doesn’t make him less alpha. Drogo was also super in love with Dany and still he was super-alpha (and don’t talk about the rape at first cause it wasn’t any rape. It was only a little brutal sexy play between them). And, despite being ridiculed all his life for the way he looks (read his height), Tyrion always preserves and fought and never let anyone bring him down (not even his father, who btw, was an ASSHOLE that I was glad when he died like an asshole he was. Tyrion also killed his bitch without any mercy when he found out what a BITCH she was). He’s exceptionally smart, NEVER GIVE UP and is a role model for me (at least).

      2. Tywin rocked! Read the books so I knew he was going to be a goner; too bad. Unlike Ned Stark, he wasn’t taxed by false notions of nobility so he had true nobility. More than a bit stupid of him to not recognize that even small lions (Tyrion) are lethal antagonists, but it’s not like hubris isn’t a fatal flaw.

    2. Well, I can tell that you’re not studying history. In between watching your serials see if you can cobble together £10 and buy yourself ‘The 48 Laws of Power’ by Robert Green, get the unabridged version.
      Alt. Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

      1. I took that book from the library but couldn’t get into it at all. Remember what Rabbie Burns said about practicing to deceive.

        1. Badass library to have either of those titles. Which one did you pick up, sweetie?

        2. While the stories were always interesting I didn’t care for the footnotes interrupting them on every other page.
          If audiobooks are your type of thing, you may want to try the audiobook version which is narrated well and much more concise.

        3. It was the cyncism that I objected to. Becoming a manipulative ‘courtier’ seems like too much work to me. I believe that ‘honesty is the best policy’. Several years ago I read a biography of Cesare Borgia. What an exhausting life that man lived! Becoming another Fu Manchu may seem exciting but I suspect that it would be physically and psychologically exhausting. Remember that saying that a liar must have a very good memory.

    3. The red pilled men of the show are tyrion (if he stop whining after useless whores) that it, littlefinger, varys, the mercenary guy that worked for tyrion and jaime lannister.
      Jon snow lake too much of selfishness and cunningness. Maybe after one or two another betrayal he will wise up.

  7. I never got around to watching the first season until this year, never felt like I was missing out

  8. Season 1 was the only good season. I agree with you to an extent Mr. Derian, but the feminists and SJW’s have hijacked it like many other shows. It seems to have become a caricature of itself. Tyrion is the witty midget with funny-clever lines, Dany wants to help the brown people, Petyr wants to rule the ashes, etc. It was a good show, and I’ll stick with it to the bitter end, but the money made the writers lazy. One thing the show does impeccably though is the cinematography and choreography of battle scenes. haven’t seen quality like that since lord of the rings

    1. I’d say it was good until they ran out of source material. The last season (season 6) that aired kinda sucked because they had to make it up as they went along.

      1. They still had source material (GRRM has the whole thing mapped out) but yes it did suck. TBH they deviated strongly from about the third book onwards.

    2. Don’t forget the eunuch who’s pulling the strings in the background. Kinda funny in a way.

      1. LOLS…I almost forgot Mr. Sackless and his antics. I always thought it would be hilarious at the end if the person that ended up ruling the world had no balls.

  9. On a (female) friend’s recommendation, I watched a couple of episodes. Came to the conclusion that it’s a show for women. It reminds me of a bodice-ripper romance novel written by somebody who plays a lot of Dungeons and Dragons.

    1. calling bullshit on this line:
      “On a (female) friend’s recommendation, I watched a couple of episodes. Came to the conclusion that it’s a show for women.”

      1. Game Of Thrones is def a feminist series, (the books, not so much). It whore-ships power hungry female leaders and it’s portrayal of women destroying men in single combat is epicly laughable!!!

      1. They watch tv while we build society and they have crazy expectations because of all the bs they’re fed with.

        1. They are being fed alright… Our women are being cucked right in our own homes through the boob-tube! Cucktastic!

      2. There used to be the WWF, also Monday Night Football used to be a thing until that idiot with an Afro started making his dumb political talk. Amazing how Kapernick destroyed his own career opening his mouth, he was already making millions. Maybe it was his contract that got him to start opening his mouth, they promised him $126 million and then reduced it to $26 million but still, that is way more money than the 99.9999999999 percent of Americans will ever see in their lives.

      3. Agreed. Tried watching the show ‘Shameless’ on the recommendation of a male colleague. Gave it up within 5 minutes, when it became painfully apparent the show was about willful degeneratecy. A year later the wife took a liking to it. I’d occasionally sit and watch some of it with her and soon concluded that not only was it nothing more than a series of contrived occurrences, but its main focus was on the women and two fags. The adventures of their drunk, druggie, degenerate, father were just a lure to draw you in.
        At nearly every turn the hetero-males trials and tribulations are resolved within an episode and always portrayed as petty…even when they are life threatening. Where as the females and fags have their drama portrayed in a serious manner as if every new romance, or relationship is some major life crisis, more important than anything else in the show. ALL of the men defer to the women. Even when they are demonstrably wrong in every way. The women are all raging sluts in the show as well. To the point that half the drama evolves around the consequences of their sluttiness and how they are trying to avoid it.
        Emotional crack for bitches, nothing more.
        I will say this, the show is one of the most unintentionally red-pilled shows on tv. To the point of making a “woke” man mad at the accurate portrayal of the mentality of those of the ‘welfaremindstate’.

      4. Most TV content is made for women, now the same thing is being held for films as well. The estrogen count in TV is high, its going up in films as well. I noticed all the Alien films, the main character is a woman, it was Ripley in the first four films. Then in Prometheus it was Elizabeth Shaw, then another female in Alien Covenant. Seems like the newer movies are aggressively pushing a social agenda, while the older ones were merely sci fi horror films.
        Ridley Scott has made films like Gladiator but now he seems fixated on making Alien prequels, all of which are nothing like the original film, which was a low budget 1970s horror movie in space.

      5. Hear the story that TV rots your brains? Wonder why so many women have rotten brains? Its all the crap they watch on TV feeding them all sorts of horrible thoughts.

    2. It does seem to now lack any real good strong male leads. Jon Snow is a doofus that sometimes stumbles into the right decision, but tends to seem constantly bewildered by his circumstances. He’d be dead if his sister hadn’t bailed his moronic butt out. Most of the strong male leads outside of Ned, and Robert Stark have been villains (I guess Jamie swings back and forth between villain and hero, but he still seems way to much of his sister-lover’s errand boy).
      I do get a guilty pleasure out of Aria though, and her final revenges as a magical assassin. However, if they ever get rid of that hard and cruel personality and have her ever get womanly weepy I’ll be disappointed.

        1. I suppose there still is The Hound. I have a feeling he’ll meet a bad end though.

        2. In the book, the Hound beats the shit out of that man/chick… lady braya or whatever. In the show she beats him… I almost died laughing at how ridiculous feminist tyranny and feelings have become.

    3. The little woman went ballistic when she heard the new episode was out. Naturally, I got to spend an hour watching it with her.
      Holy cow, has the show fallen. That first season or two was great – good men suffered at the hands of evil men, good women tried to keep their sons alive and well, evil women were playing the games of politics instead of trying to be men…and the little blonde girl was believable.
      Fast forward, and we have a red-headed girl backbiting her brother and king (!!!) and acting masculine, the little blonde girl is literally worshiped as a liberating goddess of war, the little brunette girl is some kind of magical assassin, the evil queen has just gotten bitchier, and the literal fat cuck is more or less the main male character left.

  10. GoT must be the most feminist, pro-homosexual show on TV. Its a shame that they perverted GRRM’s books into a political message instead of leaving art to stand on its own feet.

    1. According to his tweets, GRRM is a proud libturd, embracing PC/cultMarx in real life.

    2. They did have a nice lesbian scene although the fisting portion was not fully visible. Or did I imagine them fisting each other? It doesn’t matter, hot tits and lesbos always gets my vote.

      1. Lesbian scenes are just a method of grooming the male audience, to ease you in to homosexuality.

        1. You mean it’s subliminal conditioning to accept homosexuality, regardless of whether it’s gays or lesbians?

    3. wait till the episode where Jon Submits to dany
      no male leaders in a patriarchal society lol

  11. This article was much better and much more insightful than I expected after reading the title. Kudos, great work.

  12. For the male mind, to be released from family is unfortunate, but manageable. We still have our callings of science and philosophy and wealth accumulation. But for the female mind, to live for itself is an empty motion.

    Parents in traditionally Catholic countries probably showed good judgment when they sent their unmarriageable daughters into convents to get them out of society, instead of taking them into the woods and abandoning them, like in fairy tales.

    1. Or send them to their grandma’s for an old fashioned crash course in feminity and house manners.

      1. The grandmas are fully corrupted, too. They spend their days absorbing daytime TV, wishing they had had their turn on the carousel, watching “Ellen,” and vowing to give lesbianism a whirl in the next life. They are the cheerleaders shouting, “You go, grrl!” all the way into the gutter.

        1. And that’s the sad part. In the old days, which at least for me, was not too long ago, grandmas showed true “female empowerment” by putting order in the house and going alpha bitch on you if you didn’t wash your dinner plate, or if you did not close the door behind you, or if you carelessly wasted all the hot water. Oh, and you were a boy lecherously looking at the neighbor’s hot but respectable daughter, she would smack the shit out of you and kill your boner.
          Or maybe it’s American grandmas that are fucked up.

        2. I have never met an American woman age 40-or-younger capable of “putting order in the house,” regardless of her background/race/ethnicity/socioecomonomic-status. They have become little more than mass consumers, debt creators, and units of taxation. I don’t say that out of bitterness, but out of dread. It’s a pathological nihilism.

  13. I really have to commend you for your BS tolerance. GOT was at its best in the 1st and 2nd season, afterwards it went downhill and truly became a show for women after the 3rd season. A few chapters of the 4th season and I was done. I didn’t watch anymore and still not watching. The source material had potential but its development was meh, and as far as I’ve heard the good parts of the books have been watered down if not removed from the TV series…sorry no GOT for me.

    1. After Ned Stark (always like Sean bean) died, masculinity and patriarchal benevolence died along with it. Maybe that’s a statement of its own

  14. I did watch the first 5 episodes and, having read material on both The Wars of The Roses and the Hundred Years War, I immediately caught the hint. Especially in the part where the houses fight for whatever spoils are left over, which is what happened after the English got kicked out of France and that’s what partly caused the Wars of The Roses. And while the show didn’t catch my attention quickly, because of the historical parallels, I planned to keep watching it. Now I just don’t care, too much you go grrlism in it. Plus I hear they killed the big Samoan looking dude who was banging the blonde hottie.

  15. Have only seen it sparingly.
    The one scene I remember the most was the big guy gauging out the regular sized guy’s eyes and then exploding his skull. Was quite gruesome.

  16. The books were way better, i stopped at Feast of Crows.
    They did have many female characters but the author never rammed that feminist, liberal, anti-religion message into your head like the series do.
    I mean they’ve squeezed all the testosterone out of the story and turned it into an orgy fest of degenerate valkyries and homos where all the male characters are clumsy, unsure and completely dependent on all the other female characters. This is usually what happens when a bunch of jewish producers get their hands on a good story. They turned a medieval, alpha male, military and traditional story of good vs evil into a feminist crusade.
    Give me one example (apart from Gibson) of a recent movie or TV serie that is not soiled by this ideology? There is no getting away from it anymore, even a decent historical strategy app game (pic) is infested with this junk. Makes you really want to crawl under a rock sometimes.

    1. Only 2 that come to my mind are the Ranch on Netflix which makes fun of liberals pretty well and Last Man Standing with Tim Allen

      1. Does Ranch really make fun of Liberals? It has Aston Kutcher in it, and besides the fact that I can’t stand him as an actor, he’s also pretty liberal himself.

  17. “For the male mind, to be released from family is unfortunate, but manageable. We still have our callings of science and philosophy and wealth accumulation.”
    Plus most men are destined to be ‘sterile’ on an historical level.
    Through history, most women had a descendance, and few men pass their genes.
    The Feodal society, with his communal villages, tried to fix that, with a certain amount of sucess.
    Note: i find it quite ironic that the closest thing to the Leftist ideal Communist society was the christian medieval village ! The counsel (not the Lord !) decided most things, the cultivable land was given for one generation, the product was divided among all, and you can send the collective surplus to ONE chosen merchant, the Young men have often special collective houses, and were given one when they married, there was few money but a codified exchange of services…
    Of course, women were not allowed to marry who they want, (or they would all have left with the few passing merchants, become the mistresses of the local gentry… but were kept for the most deserving of the Young men (from near villages), who were incited to behave to receive all the benefits of the village ‘social security’.
    By the way, there have always been schools (managed by the local priest), then trade training.
    If you were blessed enough to live outside times of plague and war, it was by all mean a very joyfull lives… PEOPLE WORKED LESS THAN NOWADAYS. Harder, but with much, much vacations times (holly days were célébrations, pilgramage from time to time).
    And there was NOT any ‘droit de cuissage’ (codified right to fuck local women for the Lord). It’s a ‘modern’ invention from the 18-19° century to villify the ‘ancient world’.
    Oh, and people lived as long as today. And were healthier. Babies died more. Statistics, as ever…

    1. Thank you. I couldn’t agree more. Sometimes, it seems the damage of the “Enlightenment” to the human knowledge of prior generations seems unsurmountable.

      1. You’re welcome.
        The ‘enlightment’ created the very circonstances that rot the lives of feodlal villages, making the Revolution possible.
        (Mainly, deregulation of prices, and speculation on grain => that leads to poverty and starvation.
        The funny thing is that the Revolution ‘ban of privileges’ were mainly … little people privilèges (minimum wages, right to go on strike, ends of ‘unions’ (corporations)… making lots of poor defenseless people welcomed to work 16 hour a day in factories…
        If you study who were the ‘enlightment’, you find: bankers, speculators, war suppliers… the very scum that runs us today.

    1. I like it too, but I have definitely lost a lot of my excitement with it after the last season.

  18. Only Game of Thrones episodes I watch are the montages of each season’s naked bitches that some worthy soul spliced together for the enjoyment of all.

  19. This was a damn solid article. The commentary on the modern psyche and how this show is a reflection of our soulless post modernism contains some very deep insights.
    You articulate very well how human’s, especially female behavior/biology draws them into many elements of the show. Perhaps that is due in part to your studies in psychology?
    I don’t read ROK as much as I used to but this site still gives out quality articles with intelligent writers. Mark I look forward to reading more of your shit.

    1. Absolutely! I look forward to more insights into the female mind, and the nihilistic pastiche we call culture .

  20. the MSM and radio stations here push GOT (mainly to grrrlz) so that tells me alot about the show

    1. This is like The Walking Dead. There’s no real need to watch. All your friends on various social media will post updates.

    1. I hate political ideology being ham-fisted into a show as much as the next person, but I don’t know if the show really is feminist simply because some cunt on the internet writes a condescending article about it that’s clearly created as bait. The real problem the show has is that from season 4 onwards its writing has become very weak. Season 6 was chock-full of predictable plotlines.

    1. It’s full on 100% “you go girl” feminist propaganda. Every male submits to a “badass, tough, intelligent woman” who if the show was in any way accurate, would have been burned at the stake back in those times. Martin is a self proclaimed feminist and it shows. It’s hard to watch if you’re in any way woken up to leftist feminist agenda.

  21. Prius and Mini Coopers are also popular with feminist single females. They also love Whole Foods and Chipotle. Singlehandedly they created the mediocrity of consumerism we have today.
    HBO lost its relevancy when Tony Soprano went off the air. They started making all sorts of edgy shows after that but nothing topped the Sopranos.

  22. I’ve never watched a single episode of this show, but for me to do it “legally” it would require me to subscribe to HBO and put money into Bill Maher’s pockets.
    No TV show is worth that.

    1. Eh just do it illegally and take money out of HBO’s pockets against their will. Win win.

  23. “men become even more scarce as she ages, but she has outlets for her nature”…
    She becomes an epic sl ut. (you still got it girl) NOT

  24. I read the novels in the early 2000s when I was blue pill and drowning myself in Martinesque fantasy worlds. Even then, though, I found it hilariously ironic that Daenerys derived her power from mythical beasts she did nothing to earn, all of whom are of course male.
    Frankly the best part of the the novel (and the show) is when Drogo plows her from behind.

  25. The “girl power” on the show has gotten so out of hand that I’m at the point where I hope Uncle Euron Greyjoy just kills off all the female characters and wins the Iron Throne. I kind of doubt that it turns out this way, though.

    1. Look what happen to poor Theon. See the message here ? masculinity will be chopped off.

    2. You know what’s funny? Even as a big fat mangina cuck Martin is: he left the go grrlism to a minimum. HBO cunt writers are the ones who add the drivel

      1. Because Martin understands that Men and Women have different strengths and he writes his characters based on their specific characteristics. Like, women will use their beauty as weapons to achieve what they want, men will use their strength to get what they want.
        IMO the most alpha male in the series was Tywin Lannister who, although his battle prowess was never fully shown, his keen intellect and years of experience in politics left him unriveled on the field of battle.
        Martin can believe and say whatever he wants, the important thing is his politics are not present in his books. I mean, he writes females whose actions do have severe consequences(best example of this being Caitlyn Stark), that’s something you will never see in a feminist writing.

    3. Well, yout wish has been half-granted. Euron is probably the only male on the show who is not a pussy.

  26. Never saw it. I stopped watching tv, including SHOWS, about 5 -8 years ago. Now I love to read. While everyone else is watching this “empowering” drivel, which only makes them more sad about their real lives, I’m learning languages, marketing, sales, and other business skills that I can actually use to become a better man.
    … and leaving condescending comments on manosphere blogs…

    1. It’s a pretty good show, but honestly, you are not missing much. If however you feel interested, and since you like reading, try the books. They are genuinely good.

    2. WELL, you could read the books – you know, the original source material on which the show is based. They’re rather good, and interesting as a prolonged meditation on the different natures of power and how power can be wielded. Most of the characters have some type of power that drives from different sources: family connections, puissance at arms, sexual attractiveness, intelligence/cunning, deception, wealth, magic – but there are inevitable limitations on how that power can be employed and how far it can take you. The dragons are like the atomic bombs of Martin’s world – but they have to be intelligently employed to be effective as weapons.

    3. I’d recommend you give series a chance, but sparingly.
      Try the old ones : I Claudius, The Prisonner…

  27. GoT characters tend to be too Gamma to keep most men’s attention long before we start rolling our eyes. Women like it, I suspect, because Gamma and female behavior are so similar and so womyn can relate to it better.

  28. Concept of Game of Thrones: girls can do anything boys can do, except naked.

  29. Fucking great article, that’s why I visit this website! I especially liked “However, the most represented viewer demographic is single women located on the coasts (i.e., feminists). Except feminists, with their attachment disorder parading as independence, rebel against family values. Yet they need family values like they need Vitamin D. Game of Thrones bridges this gap of cognitive dissonance as a way for women to nourish themselves with something that’s supposed to disgust them. It’s a spoonful of sugar for the Huffington Post crowd.”
    Vitamin D – Vitamin Dick, Many think that we live in a world of philogyny but I think it’s the opposite. Its a hasty collage of Penis Envy and Phallic worship. Where women are just a faded paper facsimile of what a man should be, and anytime that they are reminded of this fact they use shame and scream ‘misogyny’! The short manish hair cuts, pants suits, the high powered jobs (that they really can’t handle because they have no leadership skills). The denial of their nurturing behaviour with statements such as ‘I don’t want children’ but then – a few moments later – ‘Do you like Cats? I have 12’ Are all stark (no pun intended) reminders that they are not men and can never be men.

  30. I too got that feeling when watching GOT at times and I think it definitely is related to the family and structure in the show which is almost completely lacking in modern society. I fell like it has been losing that quality more and more though as they make daenaerys into an independent feminist badass and goody two shoes who goes around freeing the slaves and promoting social justice in the land. I can’t stand her storyline, it’s so fake and doesn’t mesh with the rest of the show at all which is supposed to show that the characters are shades of grey but no with her it’s either black or white either your with her, i.e. supplicating/orbiting her, or you’re pure evil. I guess they don’t care if they ruin the show as long as they keep the feminist hive mind viewership, which seems to be their market strategy.

  31. From a Jungien perspective, there’s an interesting lesson in GOT.
    Good, down to earth straight people (in the traditional sense) are destroyed by powerfull people who have been devored by their Shadow (their dark desires).
    To survive and evolve, the ‘Heroes’ have to face their own Shadow (learn from them without being eaten by them), kill their own ‘naiveté’ (gullibility) , grow teeth, and fight back intelligently.
    People who refused to face their shadow are destroyed by them in dire time, or by people who enjoyed the jump ‘into the Abyss’.
    People who dare to look ‘where it hurts’ (in themselves) get tougher and wiser. And get a better anderstanding of their ennemies and of their ways.
    In a way, the proverbial ‘Red pill’ is anderstanding that were are becoming our OWN prison gard in this society.
    And if we don’t embrace and use this experience to ‘upgrade’, we keep being ‘angry kids in detention’, easy to fool, to punish, or to send to traps.
    We need to face, not only what society done to us, but also what we are doinfg to ourselves. To grow.
    This society FEARS growns up men. With reasons.

  32. Actually the women in G0T fck up as much as the men. Methinks the author needs to read poetry or something.

  33. Women love 50 Shades too which is about a billionaire grabbing pussy. But the same women are offended by Trump saying he grabs pussies.

      1. Figures that a fugly woman would have written such a horrible book. Same time women scorn men who watch porn.

  34. The main actress in GOT reminds me of a young Hillary Clinton, might be yet another reason coastal feminists love this show. If you take away her blonde wig, she is very fugly, a 4 out of 10. Makes all the fugly feminists fantasize they can be some sex Goddess. That is why they cast these types of women instead of traditionally beautiful actresses.
    British women tend to repulse me, and she is British so no surprise.

  35. I quickly realized this show was just a soap wrapped in fantasy clothing after season one.

  36. Ever watch TV from 20-30 years ago? It never had this kind of dystopian content featuring dysfunctional people. The most popular TV shows were sitcoms, and they were comedies that featured functional and happy people, not graphic violence and sex. I guess people like these shows because the characters are mirror images of their screwed up selves.

  37. Game Of Thrones is def a feminist series, (the books, not so much). It whore-ships power hungry female leaders and it’s portrayal of women destroying men in single combat is epicly laughable.

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