How The Dissident Right Can Topple The Two Main Pillars Of The Left

Postmodern leftism is not a coherent set of ideas. Much as we may hate the losing forces of “Conservatism, Inc.” that ooze timidity, we can at least say that they generally try to stay consistent with their overall philosophy.

The forces of the modern left are not this way. At the same time they decry an entirely imaginary “rape culture,” they can import a real one en masse. While shrieking in an entirely unpersuasive manner about the environment, they can invite mass illegal immigration that is terrible for the environment (among many other environmentally unfriendly measures). Furthermore, they can do this without any self-doubt or hesitation because they genuinely don’t see any contradiction in these beliefs.

Why? Because they’re motivated solely for the destruction of the social order of their own civilization, and in that one category, all of these beliefs are consistent. In their minds, they are pure angels surrounded by an ever-encroaching Zerg creep of darkness, with monsters everywhere charging against them on all sides. This is why leftists have increasingly become violent and demagogic since Trump’s inauguration and why they will likely get worse as the public continues to reject them.

How they see their opponents.

That said, while the public does keep rejecting them, don’t kid yourselves: the leftist paradigm is still dominant. Its orthodoxies have weakened, but are still supreme. Leftists still control the academic and cultural institutions and still largely set the parameters of political debate and acceptable thought, especially when you have cowardly Republicans who shrink in fear at the thought of changing the frame. Why is this? And what should be done to change it?

Leftists haven’t been dominant because of their ideas, which are merely an inconsistent clusterfuck masking the destructive impulse that drives them forward. Rather, they’ve been dominant because of these two pillars which we’re currently undermining, and here’s how we can continue to do so.

1. Make them Uncool

Since the 60’s, leftists have controlled popular culture. Given the stifling atmosphere that prevailed before then, it was understandable that the left would become dominant by challenging the prevailing attitudes. Being part of that effort was “cool.”

The right certainly didn’t help to change that attitude, with its older population, seemingly uptight religiosity, and endless 50-page white papers that nobody outside of “think tank” echo chambers wanted to read. Meanwhile, the left had all the artists and celebrities. Who’s gonna make more of an impact on the hearts and minds (and therefore, political beliefs) of the people – Kurt Cobain or the National Review staff?

You can cry and moan about it all you want, but the former is the answer, even if it is self-destructive (the analogy was, as you may surmise, deliberately chosen). Celebrity status, innovative art and entertainment, subversive humor, and attention-grabbing trolling will always be more influential than “think tanks” in determining the makeup of the Overton Window.

But recently, it’s been the left that have become the lames and the squares of the established orthodoxy. It’s they that have become humorless, spouting the same tired moral preening and driving toward censorship, which of course, only makes the humor against them edgier. In the same way that cultural elites raged at George Carlin’s infamous 7 Dirty Words, they now rage over CNN memes to the point of persecution.

Before, it was the religious right raging about scantily clad women. Now the left does it. More than that, they actively promote fat acceptance and blue armpit hair as being paragons of beauty. Despite pretensions to the contrary, this is decidedly not beautiful, and therefore, not cool. In the meantime, right wing people are more physically attractive and several prominent right wing social media celebrities that are physically attractive (like Lauren Southern) are quickly “red pilling” Generation Z.

Want to really make an impact and become more persuasive? Don’t try to out-logic the other side. Logic isn’t the most persuasive track by default (as Caesar knew), and the left won’t respond to it because, as we have seen, it has no internal logic. Instead, lower the social status of your opponents. Point out their ugliness and the ugliness of their women compared to your team’s physically attractive women. Want to get a hot girl, or, if you are a woman, be a hot girl? Don’t go with them, go with us.

Don’t produce 50-page whitepapers. Instead, produce comedy that mocks leftist “polite society.” Produce art and entertainment that pokes at the politically correct orthodoxy and promotes the values of the new emerging rightist counterculture. Point out that their work is merely derivative and full of the same bland, sterile, puerile virtue signaling rather than promoting anything new or thoughtful.

The current standard practice in Hollywood is merely to take an established franchise, produce a sequel or remake, and then repackage it with “social justice” dogma, often to horrendously disastrous results. The remake of Ghostbusters took the cake on that one.

Want to undermine leftist orthodoxy? Don’t explain why your side is better. Make fun of their icons like Star Wars (which they’ve appropriated with the derivative sequels) and create your own, new ones.

I suppose the best analogy I can give of what should happen, oddly enough, stems from the world of professional wrestling. During the 90’s boom period of the industry, both of the major companies (WCW and WWF) ditched cartoonish, over the top, “family friendly” products and launched a far grittier, edgier, realistic form of entertainment, with the nWo story in WCW, followed by the WWF’s Attitude Era.

The constant vulgarity, scantily clad women, bitter feuds, and high intensity, brutal matches and vignettes left primarily right wing moral crusaders, then on the tale-end of their power, highly offended. Yet, it was these same aspects that made this period of wrestling must-see TV that brought in tens of millions of viewers every week and had all the kids hooked, myself among them.

I believe we have the talent and the reach to create something very much like an Attitude Era of our own, with new ideas and new entertainment that gets attention, shatters the lame, boring leftist stranglehold, and changes the culture in our direction.

We now need the capital and the venues. Mike Cernovich has been whispering about a CPAC style “big event” for people in our sphere, an idea I pitched to him myself in February. Picture segments and workshops with Mike and Ann Coulter on humiliating the fake news media, Paul Joseph Watson on how to grow a big YouTube following, perhaps even Roosh and Quintus on reinvigorating masculinity and masculine virtue. The sky is the limit, and that’s what we want to aim for.

This is the kind of cool versus uncool dynamic that changes the political frame. The right just hasn’t been doing it until very recently. It’s time to expand.

It’s also worth noting that when Roosh did this kind of thing with his tour two years ago and the meetups at the start of last year, there was a worldwide outrage, which to me was a definite sign of fear. The leftist power structure doesn’t want this budding counterculture to go off the internet, and that’s precisely why it should.

2. Make them Immoral

Equally, if not more important than their stranglehold (until recently) on popular culture is the moral high horse that leftists try to put themselves on. Nobody wants to feel like a bad person, and this dynamic is the other big part of why leftists have controlled the terms of political debate. The right has been so pathetic in fighting back on this front, so cowed by leftist buzzwords, that “Conservatism, Inc.” gladly resigned itself entirely to economics while leaving everything else in society to the left.

The truth of the matter of course is that leftists are often completely immoral and depraved people, which is why they need to hide behind moral relativism. The way they’ve acted since the election of Trump should leave little doubt about their true character. And instead of being cowed by their pretended moral superiority, now’s the time to pounce.

They want to undermine Trump at any cost? Say that they want the economy to fail and for people to lose jobs. Say they’d rather see people in breadlines than getting jobs. Say they’d rather see people die from crumbling bridges than giving someone they don’t like credit for passing an infrastructure initiative.

They want to crow about Russia endlessly? Call them demagogues that would rather see American troops die in a confrontation with a nuclear power or in silly, needless interventions in Syria because Trump is in office. They don’t want Obamacare repealed? Say they want middle class families and small business owners to suffer and maybe die because they can’t afford health insurance. Laura Ingraham said it best recently:

Laura gets it. Paul Ryan and his kind of Republican don’t and haven’t for decades, which is why they’ve been losing.

More important than exposing leftist hypocrisy is exposing leftist immorality. We’ve gained in no small part thanks to the censorship drives and the Antifa ferals. This is something to continue and expand. When leftists try to dominate space of the political debate, don’t go for hypocrisy (which rarely works), go for showing the world that they’re bad people.


The formula is simple. The left has used two pillars to power – popular culture and moral preening. To undermine them:

  1. Make them uncool.
  2. Make them immoral.

Doing this will hurt them far more than any “conservative think tank” ever could.

I wish it wasn’t this way. I’d like a more genteel, logical, healthy level of discourse. But when your opponent is using total warfare against you with carpet bombing and long range artillery, trying to fight limited, gentlemanly battles with muskets and brightly colored uniforms and salutes becomes suicidal.

Read Next: 7 Methods The Elites Use To Control Us

261 thoughts on “How The Dissident Right Can Topple The Two Main Pillars Of The Left”

  1. Lefties are already whiney, bitchy, crying little weak turds, they are already uncool, that’s why I hate those MFers so much.

  2. I like just showing everybody what ignorant trolls and deranged fools they are.

  3. Why don’t we just let more mozzies in and let them sort it out. WWF Attitude era style Battle Royale.

    1. The Feral Rumble: Antifa vs. the Sharia law police in Germany. Eliminations by throwing your opponent off the nearest bridge.
      BOOK IT.

  4. Coincidentally, this comes out on the day that Trump cut off CIA funds to Al-Qaeda affiliated jihadists in Syria and the fake news media is preening hysterically that “that’s what Putin would want!”

    1. Somehow, I bet the state department makes sure those “rebels” get their support, anyway.

    2. Trump is really trolling the media hardcore without saying a word. His actions are a big “fuck you” to the globalists. And they fucking HATE IT.

  5. Read it again. Internalize it. Use it. This will strengthen and accelerate the movement to our benefit.

  6. Liberal people are mostly cucks and betas. The liberal ideology is essentially to take away from people that have earned and give to people who have not. A common pillar for all is wealth redistribution. Humans, like all pretty much all organisms operate in their own self interest. So the people who follow this ideology are the people who generally have not earned, or who make false promises to losers to get more power (the essence of populism).
    Ever see how a poor black person changes from liberal to conservative ideology once they make a buck? Look at how many more republicans there are in the NBA than in the black male population.
    Conservatives by their nature are independent, and they exhibit the alpha male personality. They aren’t unhappy with the system, and because they’ve earned there’s, they don’t want to give it up arbitrarily it.
    Generally speaking, the masses are poor and bad at life ( at least relatively speaking). The world is competitive. Being bad at life leads to resentment of those who are good at life (#envy). As long as conservatives are better at life, they will be uncool.

    1. If the conservatives are “better at life”, explain why the conservative base in 2016 was composed primarily of people lacking undergraduate college degrees.

      1. Explain to me how an undergraduate college degree pays for itself.
        Explain to me–how many undergraduate students pay for their education in this country?
        I have an undergraduate degree in economics that to me, is almost worthless. However the engineering and programming I learned at a bootcamp and on the job for a $9K investment (of my own money), earns me a very healthy living.
        Only a nitwit–or a liberal–would believe that an undergraduate degree in Basque Dance from Western Oregon is a measure of success.
        I also know a lot of men who don’t make a whole lot of money–a fireman for example–who are winners. They live a fulfilling life and do very well for themselves in the areas that men really care about–charisma, family life, richness of experience, skill in their craft.

        1. Exactly. Investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in a bachelor of arts is throwing money down the drain.
          Military men are predominantly conservative. Military men don’t often go to college right out of high school, but I’d say they’re winners. After all, every boy wants to be like them.
          Engineers and those that go to technical schools–I”m willing to bet are conservative more often than not. A practical mindset would tend to understand the benefits of the invisible hand.
          Pilots, farmers, electricians, mechanics, carpentersm fishermen, soldiers, firemen, policemen.
          Wallstreet is all republicans. Wealthy investment bankers tend to be winners.
          Men are predominantly conservative, women are often liberal. Who do you want leading when the chips are down?

        2. Anybody that brings me quality coffee is all good in my book.

        3. “Explain to me how an undergraduate college degree pays for itself.”
          Sure thing. I’ll even put a number on it: $830,000. That’s the average increase in lifetime earnings. In the next ten years, that number is going to grow as coming automation kills almost every clerk position in the U.S.

          You do everybody a disservice by characterizing college degrees as Basque Dance. But the Republican view of higher education has totally cratered in the last two years, so your opinion is in vogue, certainly on this website.

          However, I’ll give you this — it is undeniable that higher ed is in a bubble, and needs to bring its prices down. If it doesn’t, nearly half of the institutions of higher education may close in the next fifteen years. Who knows, by 2045, a college degree may be the sign of the elite class, like it was before World War II.

        4. I’ve pointed this out before, but conservative engineering types of people (STEM types such as yourself) often disparage liberal arts degrees. However, liberal arts people (such as myself) rarely disparage engineering degrees.
          Why is that?

        5. Because on average, STEM degrees are much more difficult to earn than liberal arts degrees.

        6. Because one is a tangible degree leading to building the world around us and the other is a fluff degree and teaches cultural marxism.

        7. Great comment. With you 100%. Meanwhile, every girl I know here in southern California is still paying off her college loan from 10 years ago by waiting tables, bartending (read: flirting with men for tips.)
          BTW, I love economics. Everyone should take some basic courses in business.
          It’s America’s greatest contribution to the world. It’s so fascinating and mindblowing that I’m even reading about Roman economics right now. But I definitely wouldn’t be able to get a job with a degree in economics.

        8. Because your ignorance is stunning. In your mind, all liberal arts = cultural marxism. Liberal arts have a 2000-yr history of preparing young men for central places in society. They’re a pillar of Western civilization.

        9. “But I definitely wouldn’t be able to get a job with a degree in economics.”
          You couldn’t get a job as a market research analyst, an actuary, a credit analyst, a financial analyst, a policy analyst, or a management consultant?
          What planet are you from?

        10. My son in law is an EMT/Fireman. He gets paid ok, but his benefits are great. He is well on track to retire at age 55 making basically what he is making now (not to include SS).

        11. What world do you live in? I went to an all male engineering school straight out of high school. The liberal arts majors ridiculed the engineering students relentlessly. They were the inteligistas and we were the plumbers, incapable of true intelligence or creative thought.
          Note that every Engineering student has to take tons of liberal arts course, while the inverse is not true. And I will add that the liberal arts teachers also had absolute contempt for engineering students. Their bias was obvious. I had my term papers checked by several liberal arts majors who said they were A or B papers. I never got higher than a C from any liberal arts teacher (except for a history teacher that was also a major in the Marines.) These teachers knew the engineering professors made more than them, and that I would eventually earn more than they did.

        12. Let me correct that for you. Liberal arts HAD a 2000-yr history of preparing young men for central places in society. The only thing taught in liberal arts today is to hate anything about western civilization as it is the product of the evil white male patriarchy. They teach nothing of the classics that define western culture and have in the past prepared men for leadership positions in our culture.

        13. My last two sons both have had multiple majors. Each of them included a degree in Economics, one to go with his degrees in Accounting and Business, and the other to go with his pre-law degree (I know. I did everything I could to turn him away from the dark side.)

        14. I work in the finance sector (banking) and let me say a resounding no to those options. You might have a degree in Economics as well as a few others like a Master in Statistics, or Mathematics, or Accounting to get in as a credit analyst or a entry level actuary. As for the rest you need advanced degrees (not in Economics) as well as years of experience.

      2. because those people want to enjoy life, live in a place without urban vibrance, and get on with having children before they’re 40 fucking years old???

        1. You’re asking a fool to be rational. They just spent a quarter mil on natural light keggers and a gender studies degree. They love the sausage fest city, where the women are men and the men are women. Marriage to them would require them to give up their porn addiction and videogame fixation. Duty to country, the ability to build something with their hands, raising and supporting a family requires far too much testosterone for them.

        2. Keg of beer and a condom per day should be the basic allowance for a college student. ::joke:: Sorry I was just reading about how the royal navy got a pound of hardtack and a barrel of grog per day as allowance.

      3. You may have just, unwittingly, answered your own question by asking it in that very manner.
        We should skip ahead a bit. You should proceed to explain that you are the centrist, and everyone else will roll their eyes in silence.

      4. A massive amount of Student Debt is currently in default right now. Nearly half. Tell me how taking out a loan you’ll never be able to pay back for a degree that’s worthless is intelligent?

        1. Students know it, too. They take out those loans based on faith– not reason.
          This kills me. Unlike most here, I think the liberal arts are fucking indispensable. We’ll lose them for generations if the economic mess in higher ed is permitted to continue.

        2. At last, a kindred spirit. They absolutely are, and I studied them at a very conservative institution that shielded me from leftism.
          But here, liberal arts discussions always bring out the bullheaded STEM types who arrogantly believe that civil engineering is the only path for a man. I suppose they’ve sneered at every book they’ve ever read, every television show they’ve ever watched, as a waste of time.

        3. STEM is a part of our culture; so is jazz theory. Both need to be preserved, advanced, and defended.

        4. I’m a musician, artist, Web designer, videographer, writer, and graphic designer. I major in mechanical engineering. all those other things I learned from practice, youtube and books. you don’t need a college degree to make art, you just do it. I originallt was majoring in music until I realized how it would kill my originality and eventually saw it was a waste of time, other students just dreamers wishing to make it big. all my music/art idols were not formally educated though so why should I be? it’s the safe path to make mom and dad happy with you doing art when what would be even safer is use college and it’s resources (expensive equipment) to learn engineering and science. leave the art for your free time (make time)

        5. I would still argue that study would improve your art, but no, it needn’t be a per-packaged curriculum.

        6. STEM is all how and no why.
          Liberal arts and STEM are both indispensable. You need to have a mixture of both.
          Bagging on philosophy, history, economics, politics, logic, and rhetoric because it’s not STEM is the high IQ version of “reading is for fags”.

        7. How were lenders, who normally insist on a lot of collateral, guarantees etc also that stupid to keep churning out such loans?

        8. You’re confusing liberal arts with fine arts. I suggest you find out the difference.

        9. Upvoted a thousand times, Hoyos. Good luck making some of these knuckleheads understand that.

        10. oh yeah so you mean crap like sociology, “philosophy”, and woman’s studies? glorified high school classes? easy As (as long as you confirm the professors bias)? phd studies that are mearly surveys? biggest waste of time.

        11. No, knucklehead, by “liberal arts” I mean the 2000-yr-long Western tradition of studying history, economics, literature, rhetoric, logic, and philosophy. Read and absorb this article, particularly the first two paragraphs, to understand what you’re mocking:

          Would you like to change any of your comments?

        12. all of those things you are better off learning on your own online. all it requires is reading. I think we can both agree that the liberal arts which you romanticize (and liberalism in general) has been utterly coopted and destroyed in academia. that’s why i said easy As, because those classes are. even as a mech eng student I have to take a bunch of bac core classes, which are considered liberal arts. I have taken history, art, music, economics, English, foreign language and philosophy. all those classes are jokes. I’m not changing my comment because I see liberal arts for what it is NOW not what it was or should be. that’s why i suggest people who are truly interested in those things to learn on their own

        13. edit* foreign language isn’t a joke class at least because you need to speak to others to practice but even this is best learned in the native country or talking to people on Skype or Facebook

        14. “all those classes are jokes”
          We had very different college experiences. I worked my ass off in the liberal arts because my profs expected it. One semester I wrote 75 pages worth of original research paper. When you’re 19, that’s a lot to do in three months. It prepared me for my future careers in the liberal arts.
          Stop assuming that your experience equals the entire world’s experience. It doesn’t translate.

        15. lol. one semester you wrote 75 pages. 3 months. that’s not hard, just tedious. 2 questions what was it you researched? and what career?

        16. In the old days the majority of the “cost” of a college education was the opportunity cost of not being out in the workforce making money. At the time of my college matriculation the cost of a semester of tuition at my state university was $600. Any one could spend their time studying what ever suited their fancy, and living in bohemian poverty. It was a lifestyle choice. Those days are decades in the rear view mirror.

        17. I had my undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering. I bet I have read many more books than you have. I have known quite a few non-engineering degreed people that have never read any book outside of a textbook. I dated a Fashion Merchandising major just after I graduated, who had never read a book in her life (but she did have a great ass). My friend that is a Cardiac Intensive Care nurse has never read a book other than a text book, and he had a degree in psychology before he went into nursing (to make a living).

        18. Once again, let me point out that no one is teaching the 2,000 year canon of western civilization. I would be right there with you if that was what was being taught. But it isn’t.

        19. When a man was introduced to Samuel Johnson as someone who speaks 7 languages he replied, “But does he have anything intelligent to say in any of them.”

      5. Implying that having a college degree means literally anything these days…
        I graduated class of 2016 from a good school and 70% of the other grads were beyond clueless about their next step in life or how to pay off the massive amount of debt they incurred while getting their Comm/English/Biology degree. I would avoid making the blanket statement that an undergrad degree signifies any level of independent thought or intelligence anymore…

        1. Not sure it ever did, but at the very least an undergrad degree is a credential that you can use to get a better paying job.
          I’m in favor of people delaying college until age 21 or 22 — like my grandfather did — so that they are more serious and directed when they do finally enter. Our brains aren’t even mature until age 25 anyways.

        2. I absolutely agree with that. Once you are in the real world for a bit, suddenly you gain a different perspective on education and can apply what you are learning with what you have experienced.

        3. I used to teach in academia. I was appalled at the level of ignorance in our high school graduates and by the tolerance the university administration had for doing nothing to correct that ignorance.

        4. The reason for the credential being needed was racial litigation. Used to be that the employer could take a high school graduate and test him for aptitude for a job. This meant that most jobs did not require a college degree. Then a bunch of racial hucksters noted that this led to white men being hired more often than black men. So, they sued, and sued, and sued over the racial bias of the aptitude tests. The result was the employers eventually just threw up their hands and said, “OK. From now on you have to have a college degree to be a bank teller, or a cop, or a chef.”

      6. To begin with, the college degree of 2017 is not the college degree of 1917. It’s practically the new high school diploma. More particularly, for people graduating with degrees in the humanities and social sciences, I’m afraid that the programs they were run through for four years now resemble something far closer to the experience one would have at a rigid hard-line seminary or madrasa, than to the experience one would have had at a university in days of yore. For those graduating with degrees in the STEM fields, while their university education itself was of quality and more or less neutral on most ideological issues, the world they will live and work in is dominated, for historic reasons, by the secular Humanistic liberal worldview. This, in addition to the fact that it’s personally advantageous for them to hold these views.

        1. I agree w everything you said. The liberal arts need to be fixed (i.e. made less leftist). They are essential. I also believe that the number of people who major in liberal arts should be limited to those who show a strong aptitude for them. This isn’t elitism; this is pragmatism. It is doing a favor to those who would suffer under such a degree, since they’ll never profit from them.
          In jammyjaybird’s ideal world, if a woman doesn’t know what to major in, she is automatically sent to nursing school. If a man doesn’t know what to major in, he is automatically forced to teach high school math. Both fields are understaffed.

        2. Quite so. The difficulty with the universities is three fold; 1) women shouldn’t be there at all, for a variety of reasons most people at ROK are well acquainted with; 2) most men shouldn’t be there, because they (along with a few women like the nurses you mentioned) are better off getting vocational schooling of some sort to make themselves marketable (I include in vocational schooling everything from doctor to plumber); and 3) the classical curriculum should be centered around the best of what has been written or said. It should not be an indoctrination program for atheistic Humanistic liberalism. None of these solutions is likely forthcoming in the foreseeable future.
          And I have a feeling I know why those fields are understaffed. I suspect it’s because nursing is hard and not always well paid, and that most HS math teachers are eventually driven mad and commit suicide.

        3. Nursing is understaffed because the feminist movement demonized nursing as being one of the patriarchy’s “acceptable” occupations for women. So women avoided it, all aiming for med school or law school instead.
          Math and science teachers are understaffed because anybody who’s good at math or science generally goes into a STEM career that pays a lot more. Obama talked about this at the beginning of his presidency, even stating that he’d like to see math and science teachers paid a hundred grand per year.

        4. Feminine jobs like nurses and flight attendants are now taken by super obese pigs and wrinkled old hags

        5. Almost all of the American flight attendants are the ones that have been unionized and have gained seniority (i.e. they are old). I travel to the Far East fairly often, and have an observation that when you fly, say Delta, that the change of planes at Narita (Japan) involves having the fat cranky grannies take over from the slim Asian flight attendants. The cohort of flight attendants that have managed to litigate successfully to retain their jobs way past when they should have been pushed out all started in the 80s (give or take). They are now starting to either die or retire in large numbers. The result is a bunch of much younger flight attendants (male and female) are starting to appear. I just flew on business (domestic) this past week, and not a cranky grannie on any flight. This was the first time I had noted this in a long time.
          At the start of the air travel age the stewardess was assumed to be a job not a career. The assumption was that they would meet a man in short order, quit their job, and become a SAHM. This would have resulted in a huge turnover, with the new replacements being attractive and pleasant young women on the make.

        6. My wife is in training for her degree in nursing. There are very few men. But this is better than it used to be. Back in my Navy days (70s) I lived in an apartment complex near a Navy corpsman that was getting out. He really wanted to get into nursing. He got tons of rejection letters from nursing schools with the reason for rejection being openly stated as they only took female applicants. It was a segregated and closed shop. One of our friends is a male nurse that I met when I was in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit way back. He is a dog and swims in pussy because most of his coworkers are women (and therefore sluts).
          Also note that when I got out of the Navy I had several job interviews where they asked if I was married. They followed with the fact that they didn’t hire single men. Things have changed a lot more than most of you know.

      7. >implying college degrees is intelligence
        Taxpayers vote Republican. Jobless ANTIFAGs who graduate in wimmins studies and live at home with mommy vote Democrat.
        If voting rights were limited to taxpayers, Democrats would never win another election again.

        1. I totally agree with limiting voting rights to taxpayers only. But of course the Democrats would NEVER allow that to happen.

        1. Generally speaking the “over educated” types with degrees in “(something) studies” are utterly miserable sods who can find no joy in life and whose sole measure of happiness is the amount of “outrage” they can find to experience on a daily basis. If that’s a “better life” then they can keep it.

        2. I lived a good portion of my life in the South East. They have many down to earth wise sayings. One that applies here is, “He is educated way beyond his intelligence.” I found this to be an apt description for a lot of current college graduates.

      8. Because we start businesses and hustle while libs major in theatre, art appreciation, and women’s studies.

  7. Yes, I remember the NWO era of WCW and the Attitude era (Degeneration X) era of WWF.
    Notice how wrestling isn’t even a shadow of its former self? It was hugely popular in the late 90s. Can’t have men, especially not white men, expressing unbridled masculinity now can we?

      1. Yep, I remember being 10 years old, playing on the playground, friends and I doing the crotch chop and yelling “suck it”

  8. What is going on right now is that the West has not experienced a single war since WWII. Violence puts certain things in its place. Especially women.

    1. In many ways the West has been larping since Tours. We haven’t faced a genuine existential threat in hundreds of years. Regardless of coolness or morality the crucible of the coming decades will redefine the world in our direction.

    2. Now you see why 3rd worlders seem to be more content and grateful. Dire situations brings out our true nature.
      The harsher the environment, the harder you cling onto the things you care about.

  9. Your allusion to professional wrestling is a good start, but you need to examine it more. The late 90s / early 2000s was the last time masculinity was not just tolerated but celebrated in America. Professional wrestling was an almost exclusively white male sport: think of Hulk Hogan, HHH, Shawn Michaels, Scott Steiner, Lex Luger, on and on. Think of the music that was popular then: all white male bands. Hell, even WWF Raw used “Thorn in Your Eye” by Anthrax. White men peaked late 90s / early 2000s: Korn, Kid Rock, Limp Bizkit, Papa Roach, Blink 182, Sum 41, the Offspring, Smashmouth, Slipknot, Eminem …on and on. Metal (an almost exclusively white male genre of music) was very popular.
    Notice how white men have basically been scrubbed from pop culture over the last 10-12 years?

    1. Think if we still had the Heartbreak Kid as a white male role model, we’d even be discussing women screwing migrants???
      This guy was ripped, could fight, looked like a model, and could sing!

      1. The Steiners were great.
        Two of the baddest badass brothers who ever lived.

        1. Wrestling was an almost exclusively white sport: both the wrestlers and the divas … almost 100% white. Can’t have that now can we? Now it’s all about the NFL and NBA.

        2. Iron Sheik, The Flying Hawaiian.
          Heck the Turkish Oil Wrestling is predominantly brown?

    2. Watch this clip. Look at that swagger and bravado. White men have been deliberately robbed of such role models for the past 15 years.

        1. I think you’re a fag, m’kay?
          Maybe you prefer the NBA? The Negro Basketball Association?

  10. If you really wanted to fight dirty then the best way to win would be infiltration and subversion. Embed yourself into their communities and organizations and push their BS into extremes. Put fake Antifa flyers around the city demanding all white women abort their babies and that all white men must date trannies or some shit. Demand mandatory Sharia compliance at your Uni so as to not offend the Muslims. Go nuts.
    Remember 4chan’s #CancelFathersDay twitter prank? Normies thought that it was a legit feminist thing and recoiled in disgust towards the feminists, creating a minor backlash. By the time 4chan was found out only a few lefty bloggers and newssites cared. The right needs to be doing more things like this, not stupid frog memes or autistic ‘kek’ faggotry.

    1. Yes, false flag operations.
      Put up flyers for balls or mixers for American women and migrant men (no American men allowed). Stuff like that.

      1. They already do shit like that in Germany, and not as a joke, and nobody seems to mind. I simply can’t understand how men can be so cucked and not fight back.

      1. Nope, because the ones you can beat up aren’t the shot callers. They’re an expression of power not the ones in power.

    2. The kek stuff has value, because its fun and brings in the normies. Camp and irony can be use to push a non-ironic position, because you are what you meme.
      protip: If you can get into as position of influence in a converging organisation, you can wreck it by making it converge harder and faster. Go insane of the social justice signalling and purge the moderate liberals first. Then sit back and crack a beer while the blue hairs and trannies make it crash and burn.
      I am proud to say I did this to a local social club I was in which was starting to converge.
      Most entertaining.

        1. He won’t tell us. The first rule of social club, is that you do not talk about social club.

        2. That means alot of you have been breaking the first two rules of social club.

        3. It began as a simple group of men who pooled cash and went out for dinner or drinks. Then guys started bringing their girlfriends. Then a vote allowed new non-related women to come. The club began to do some ‘socially responsible’ stuff like charity drives and crap. Soon the club was run by chicks and the original members began to leave. We were getting more and more blue hairs. So I proposed a social justice code of conduct for the group, and it was voted on.
          I ensured that people who voted against it were ostracised from the club for intolerance. I quit soon after. The club disintegrated in glorious fashion in a few months after a fight for power between two factions of blue hairs.

      1. I agree. “Normies” who see liberals screaming about a cartoon frog and the mythical land of kekistan think they’re insane. It’s actually done a lot to delegitimize progressives.

    3. I don’t think we should resort to their tactics if we wish to hold the moral high ground.
      We should most certainly be more aware and diligent that they are employing these methods against us.

      1. If “holding the moral high ground” as you put it doesn’t seem to achieve results, can you blame people for wanting to move to what works, even if it’s what the enemy has been doing to them?

        1. You’re a Zionist though. You have convinced yourself there is no depravity or destruction too great to achieve your goals.

        2. You’re not really talking to me though; you’re talking to this straw-man tagged “Zionist”. You don’t really know what I think or what I would do to achieve my goals. Heck, you talk like every single Jew is some evil subhuman parasite trying to take over the world.

        3. I don’t see Israel taking in any refugees or installing tranny bathrooms. Maybe they have a point and we should use their tactics.

        4. Eh, not this argument where you jump up and down calling me a Nazi again and parade supposed Jewish victimhood.

        5. Sure, but they want you a (gentile) to have those things. Just not them, oh and guess what. You’re paying for it. America’s biggest foreign aid budget is given to those Israelis running their genocidal ethnically pure desired super state.
          Ironic considering that’s what they accused the Nazi’s of and what they bank a majority of their victimhood on that has convinced weak minds they may do as they please above reproach.

        6. Have I actually called you a Nazi? I’m pretty sure I haven’t.
          All I’ve done is basically said “Not all Jews are evil monsters plotting world domination”, and in your book that makes me a Zionist. Fair enough then. You’ve dehumanized them as an entire group, which incidentally is what Hitler and every other mass murderer did with their victims. I don’t deny that there are evil Jews out there who are trying to remake the world in their image. Does that also make me a Zionist?

        7. The Talmud is pretty clear

          That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful. That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general. A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be perceived by him, otherwise the name of God would become dishonoured. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat, 348

        8. “Your time would probably better served joining your local Nazi party and shooting Jews in the street.”
          Id say that’s close enough.
          Once again you’re pigeon holing me into this weird Jewish victimhood narrative you like to parade. Its a common Zionist debate tactic.

        9. Eh, fine, I called you a Nazi once, and I apologize. “Nazi” and “facist” are too abused today to be thrown around lightly.
          OK, fine, I’ll ask you directly: Do you believe there are Jews who are not a direct threat to you?

        10. Ha, that’s an interesting if not a little condescending question you ask.
          No I do not believe all Jews are a threat to mankind. In fact I believe some are quite admirable and some perhaps just know not what they do and merely victims of herd mentality.
          But lets not litter this board with meaningless conversation.

      2. This is exactly what cuckservatives have been doing since the 60s, and they’ve lost every single culture battle ever since. “Moral high ground” is for cucks who love to lose.

      3. Adopting their tactics does not mean giving up the high ground.
        For example, killing someone in self -defense is using their tactic (violence), but is not morally equivalent to murder.

        1. Killing someone in self defence seems perfectly reasonable and justifiable.
          Killing a man’s child because he killed yours is probably a more comparable analogy.

      4. Famous last words: “Don’t fight fire with fire. You’ll be just like them.”

        1. I can see the rationale behind using their underhanded methods or ‘fighting fire with fire if you will’.
          Perhaps we should it’s probably what they deserve.
          I guess my conflict is if we use evil to fight evil doesn’t that just mean evil wins. How low will we go and what are we willing to sacrifice. At what point do we look in the mirror and wonder if we’re still the good guys.

        2. Perhaps when we reach the point where there’s no one trying to tell you what to do, anymore, buy claiming that it’s a “shared sacrifice” for “the community.” Communists are absolutists, Classical Liberals are absolutists, too. We have to be willing to fight to the end, because if we lose, we lose everything worth living for. They’re “fighting” for the right to exist as a member of the lowest common denominator. Fuck them, I, for one, refuse to live that kind of existence.

    4. Despite how much you guys hate Sharia Law, feminists should hate and fear it more. Becoming a muslim basically gives you the license to find traditional wives and they’re required to not only be obedient to you but all their property belongs to you on a complete twist to western couples.

      1. no they don’t, the thing they hate most is Christianity, hence, islam is an ally.

        1. He said “should fear”, not actually fear. It’s the whole irony of the feminist movement.

        2. We fight so our victory may result in more freedom and a return of our Fundmental Natural Rights; they fight for a Pyrrhic victory of their own murder, rape, and enslavement. This is illogical, however, that’s the point of the article, we need to stick with the EMOTIONAL battle, where our rage (while logical) is based more upon the heroic deeds of myth rather than the moral superiority of Free Market Capitalism.

    5. hahaha that’s a great idea. How can we spread this message?! I remember “draft our daughters” was a hilarious meme in this direction.

  11. Over the bridge scene… why everything in America needs to be so fake? If you enjoy violence, in Europe we have hooligans. Anyone can join!

    1. English hooligans should put that energy into flipping halal food carts rather than assaulting their Russian brothers over which team kicks a soccer ball better.

      1. I agree, although Islam in the UK is serious shit. I don’t think that hooligans could do that much against it.

  12. Great article BTW. I think the idea boils down to Ron Paul’s argumentation vs Trump’s bad hombres/Rosie Fag pig… you get the idea…

    1. Agreed.
      I always thought Ron Paul was the voice of reason, but to modern liberals he was easy to ignore.

  13. Let’s think:
    If professional sports and the music scene still featured / was dominated by high T, aggressive, confrontational white male artists / performers, would we be wringing our hands over women sleeping with migrants on dirty mattresses in refugee camps? I think not!
    If you put on your critical thinking caps, you will soon realize that White males were at a cultural / societal peak circa late 90s / early 2000s.
    Why, it’s almost as if there’s been a deliberate and concerted effort to remove such depictions of white males from pop culture over the past 15 or so years … ALMOST 🙂

    1. I will say this.
      Before Y2K, IT offices were 90% white.
      Now they are 80% Indian.

    2. it’s been as systematic as the process of de-Nazification was in Germany after WW2

    3. White males in the west, because last I check the Hindudes wasn’t big on Backstreet Boys.

  14. Antifas are complete and total wackos…
    …and they are also, not coincidentally, very small in number. I can’t help but think that sometimes RoK overstates their influence upon society.
    Much bigger in number are the great masses of hard-working lower-middle-class white people. They lean liberal in the upper Midwest and the coasts; they lean conservative in the South and rural West. They vote regularly but don’t have an ideology beyond “can I get health care for my kids”.
    What the dissident right does, what the leftist wackos do, has little effect on this great mass of people.

    1. “When someone abandons himself to being a victim, he’s gonna have to be one.” – Ed Kemper

        1. “I sold Ghandi crayon wrappers stuffed with Kratom. I don’t know what he thought they were.”
          -Vinny Pringo

        2. preface that with, “in Russia” crayons sell ghandi….”
          and you’ll have a Home Run!

        3. It is the circle of life. – Simba
          If there were no birds and bees, there would be no cigarette trees. – Me

    2. ‘ They vote regularly but don’t have an ideology beyond “can I get health care for my kids”.’
      Sure they can.
      By paying for it themselves.
      Or by using County hospitals & clinics if they cannot.
      But they have absolutely no right to my hard earned money to get it.

      1. They aren’t the ones wanting your money. Democrat voters are the ones who want your money.

    3. Antifa seem shockingly numerous in Europe– check out some pictures from the G20 a week or so ago.
      As for the American population of middle class, they are disenfranchised from the politics of today. Your example question, “Can I get healthcare?” is met with a fat “no” by dems and repubs. The democrats created a system where people are required by law to pay insurance companies for policies that cover next to nothing, and are functionally the same as no coverage. Republicans respond to this crisis by grunting at each other like pigs, before drooling in front of news cameras and declaring failure. The portions of the US population that actually have representation in Washington is basically reduced to the super rich, investment banking, and unionized government employees. The rest of us vote in vain.

      1. The US form of democracy has pretty much petered out. A new constitution would be a good start or a breakup of the Union. Poland just forced all it’s judges into retirement. If the US did that we would significantly increase our freedom.

        1. I think the form of our democracy is as revolutionary and brilliant as it ever was– it’s the application that has failed. And, it *has* failed us. The means of fixing and analyzing the problem is in how we answer this question: “What are the reasons our government no longer represents the interests of the people?”

        2. “The US form of democracy has pretty much petered out.”
          If by “petered out” you mean “hijacked by enemy agents,” then yes, I agree.

        3. Thank GOD for Poland! All those judges were probably communist holdovers anyway.

        4. The government shows cronie favoritism in hiring activist bureaucrats. The spotlight is on activist judges but the bulk of bureaucrats that are party favorites for their activism are a very numerous bunch that needs snubbed.

    4. Most hard working lower middle class white people think government run health care is the dumbest thing they ever heard of.

      1. Most hard-working lower middle class vote for either the carrot/stick, or vote based upon what daddy and grandaddy and great-grandpa voted for. They might think govt healthcare is stupid. but they’re terrified at ‘losing’ something now that they have it. It’s the master con of O-Care. Create something destined to fail, but make it too scary to take away. No different than Social Security, honestly.

        1. I don’t see it, none of those types that I’m around would vote democrat under any circumstances. Lower middle class working people aren’t terrified of losing anything because they aren’t getting anything anyway other than a tax bill.

        2. I don’t know what kind of foolishness you’ve been reading but a lot of those middle class working folks have more of an understanding of what their elected officials are up to than either the rich or the poor most of the time. Also since most of that demographic is pretty good at having a job, they had health insurance before Ocare came along and it cost less then too.

        3. You do realize that the lower middle class (with a push from the Dems, and some bipartisan fuckery from the Republicans) was what sent us into the 08 spiral right?

        4. It’s a lot different than social security. SS as originally set up wasn’t too bad if a deal. You paid in, it went to a lockbox for lack of a better term. It was placed where it drew interest and when you got old enough you could draw yours out. However our fine politicians started looting the lockbox and replacing the money with IOUs. Then they started buying votes with that money by coming up with ways to give SS money to people who never paid in
          (Disability etc). Now it’s been turned into a big Ponzi scheme where the money that working people are paying in now is used to pay the people who are drawing it now. Now that our workforce participation rates are the lowest they’ve ever been the scheme is starting to fall apart.
          SS as it was originally set up would have been fine, Ocare was designed to fail so they could bring us single payer government run health care.

        5. The Community Reinvestment Act(democrat feel good legislation that forced banks to make unsafe housing loans to people from low income areas and minority’s) was what started the ball rolling.

        6. You are on the money about OCare, but dead wrong about Social Security. It was a Ponsi scheme from the very beginning. There was no lock box, and the money was going out as fast as it went in (to people that had paid in nothing) right from the start. It was never envisioned as anything but a pay as you go tax system to support the indigent poor elderly (who they mostly thought would be decently dead by 65). Now, it worked for a long time, and might have been sustainable, up until LBJ and the great society screwed the pooch. We have known since the 70s that the whole system was actuarially unsound, and doomed to failure. My sons assume that they are the ones that will be screwed by us baby boomers (again). However, the system should be ok by the time they turn 65. What it will absolutely do is fail when I am about 75, and incapable of finding a way out of its lack of support. It will become sound again about the time I turn 95 , if I live that long.

      2. Even the ones on Medicaid or Medicare? Or veterans? They think government-run health care is stupid? Govt-run health care is keeping them ALIVE.

        1. Most people who work for a living aren’t on Medicaid or Medicare. Judging from most of the information about the VA over the last few years, that wouldn’t be a good example of government run healthcare either.

        2. Having a program for the truly indigent is not the same as an all encompassing system.
          In a free market, if you don’t have the money you can raise it or go to charities. If some bureaucrat crunches the numbers and they want to let you die, you’re fucked.
          Trade offs, not solutions. No perfect system but one gives you a chance.

        3. Judging from my dealings with the VA in my former life as an ER nurse I would be hesitant to send anyone there for care.
          We transferred a patient there once and they sent a fraking minivan with the back seat taken out to transport the patient.
          This is the thanks we give men who gave up so much for us? Makes me mad remembering that

        4. As a veteran, let me say that if you are pitching a VA model of health care to vets you will get first a horse laugh, then pelted with rotten tomatoes.

    5. It has enormous impact. Liberals have already taken control of the cultural and social vehicles that shape the way people think, and they have inculcated the basic tenets of their faith in the minds of two generations already. This matters, and its bearing fruit. Yes, the SJWs you see in the streets and on Twitter represent the most ardent believers of the new faith, but with the possible exception of abortion, the younger generations are already on board with the basic applications of the faith. Sure, they’re not out in the streets raving about the latest logical application of these beliefs, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t already accepted the premises upon which these new causes are founded. Given enough time and pressure, they will come to reflexively accept as natural tomorrow, what today appears radical and half-insane.

  15. Conservatism’s biggest problem is its entire selling point. It’s slow and inherently resistant to change. Time to adapt, or die. The orthodoxy was content to nominate Jeb! (or any one of a host of NeoCons) and continue their same old strategy of resisting necessary change. They need to be dragged into the fight.

    1. The orthodoxys problem is they listen to the msm instead of their constituents.

      1. The real issue is that they’re content just to offer token public resistance, so that they can get nominated again, and loot the public coffers.

        1. When this whole ” guaranteed minimum income” thing starts to catch on (and it will), that’s going to be a grand vote buying scheme that will be the straw that breaks the camels back and will bankrupt the US. We’ve been crawling along at 1-2% economic growth for a long time now, it doesn’t take much to turn things upside down. When we had 5-6% plus, a little blip didn’t matter that much as growth was still happening but, at 1-2 a little blip can send growth to near 0. A crash is coming.

        2. Sorry to be the one that tells you, but the US has been bankrupt for about two decades. We are in debt so deep that we soon will be unable to pay the interest, much less the principle. Default is inevitable. But we won’t be the only ones. The whole US centered world economic system is going down.

        3. We are already in a mess, hence the quote ” the straw that breaks the camels back”.

  16. Problems with these solutions.
    1. While the “un-cool” approach can be effectively deployed to undermine an existing set of moral beliefs of a population, for it to be successful, the moral beliefs in question must be held as mere habit by the target population. That is, they must no longer be genuinely believed in as grounded in absolute truth. This was the case with Christian morality in the USA in the 1960s. By that time, genuine Christian belief had receded to the point that it was no longer believed in as truth by a majority of the American people, Boomers and the WWII generation alike. As a consequence, the moral beliefs held by most people, grounded in the Christian faith though they were, at the same time were only flimsily held to as mere cultural and social habit. This weak basis made them susceptible to subversion by subversive tactics, such as making them appear uncool.
    2. You can’t attack the innate morality of a religious faith while that faith is still believed in as absolute truth. Try convincing a young Moslem of the innate immorality of Islam. What worked on Christianity in the 1960s won’t work on the atheistic Humanistic liberalism of today, because it is the genuinely believed faith (truth) of the majority of the Millennial generation. To be subverted, a people have to be open to subversion.

    1. True, however, I think that a lot of leftist assumptions are being heavily questioned or even rebelled against by GenZ. Not the population at large, but the < 25 crowd. I’ve never seen so many new converts to the Right as I’m seeing in that demographic. They are the future and they seem utterly open to our ideas, even going so far as adopting them on their own in many cases without prodding.

      1. Gen Z from the cradle got their info from browsing and pop ups. They never understood the celebrity of Oprah or Dan Rather. Even Lady Gaga (recycled Madonna) requires an effort to locate or even attend a concert. It is easier to drift on the web to a right wing source and glaze over stuff for hours. The shitlib commenters on popular sites are arrogant with their screams for the banhammer and come across as being an older sibling pantygǎǎrd, an older dweeblike lame horse. The divide with gen Z being the ‘previous’ generation that fucked up. Previous generation fuck ups get rejected very hard at first. The shitlib single parents and step parents of gen Z’ers are being rebelled against currently. MSNBC and CNN are so pre 2008 and so boring and uncool to the Gen Zs. MSM lost its coolness long ago.

  17. 3. Have viable alternative solutions.
    We need big picture solutions for the expansion of opportunity and the improvement of economic life, in the home and in the public sphere.
    We need big picture solutions that take the financial pressure off the majority of the working population.
    We need specific roadmaps to implementation that identify the obstacles, and present a satisfactory means of overcoming them.
    We need visionary, ballsy leadership to end the scourge of perpetual war, and return our military to the mission of defending the citizenry and the rule of law.

  18. Make them weird. They are all a bunch of weirdos. Weird art. Weird tastes . Show them for the weirdo degenerates they are…

    1. I do just this. If I see blatant orange/red/blue clown hair I make it a point to laugh and ensure that they see me laugh. Same with massive piercings, gauges, etc. Makes me feel good and the glares I get for not “accepting” their “lifestyle” are priceless.

  19. “Point out that their work is merely derivative”
    Pointing out that someone’s work is merely derivative is merely derivative.
    Better think of something creative to denigrate about it.
    Oh, and don’t choke on your aspirations.

    1. You’re the only reason I even bothered watching the snoozefest that was Rogue One, lord Vader.

    1. Got to keep inflaming the negro to hate whitey and psychologically cripple those white goyim dogs with guilt.

    2. Since they is no more systemic, real racism, they need to create artificial, fictitious one. It is disturbingly sick.

  20. Relevant ideas.
    As a complement:
    1. Stay in great shape and dress cool. Not just those in the rightist media outlets but also regular dissidents. Easier to mock the uglies and gain support.
    2. For those who are academic types, focus on that. Just see what Jordan Peterson has accomplished. We need logos as much as ethos.

  21. I can tell you exactly what powerful weapons the left has at it’s disposal but you look like a Trump lover.

  22. Give them what they want. Give them a large stretch of land (California for eg) where they can all congregate and live together with their feminists, their rapist migrants, their fags, their transgender kids, their pedophiles, their lawless and degenerate ways and watch it inevitably and slowly burn and crumble from the outside.
    You can then sterilize the land and claim it back in a century when they and their culture hve gone extinct.

  23. As for as #1 is concerned I’ve been working on something that would match that for year and a half. A book, the first of five. It’s not meant to be propaganda, but it came out red pill anyway.
    I was going to put it on Amazon, but I have no idea how I’d get the word out. I do not have Facebook or Twitter, but I’d be willing to make a Twitter. Any suggestions on promotion?

    1. You could send advance copies to like minded people already in the public sphere and ask them to critique your book, and maybe plug it on their social media.

  24. “two main pillars of the left”: if that isn’t a masonic reference to the temple of Solomon I would be very surprised.

  25. It is impossible to make work hard, be responsible cool and make ‘free stuff’ uncool. All you can do is make the former more rewarding and the latter less rewarding.
    You can point out that taxation is theft till you’re blue in face. People will justify any morality if it benefits themselves. The only thing the left understands is deadly force. That is why they hate gun rights and love big government so much.

    1. I don’t agree. If you phrase it like you just did, ok. He problem then is in terminology and attitude. Don’t make “hard work” cool, instead, laugh at and mock as feeble little simps people on government aid or who are trust fund babies. Make taking “free stuff” something you laugh at and mock as “only for the weak” or “I guess since you’re not aaaaaaable…” or whatever.

      1. The problem is people dependent on government(e.g. welfare queens, women’s studies students and government workers) don’t socialize with the rest of us. So no such social pressure can be applied.
        We might check out a leftist web site to see what they are saying. Their propaganda is that anyone has more than themselves did so by stealing it, taxation is just taking it back. But they immediately stop reading this site because it is all “hate”.

        1. Exactly. To be honest, I don’t the Alt Right has any effect on politics and culture these days. If I know about, it is because first The Atlantic (its clickbait material) and then ROK.

    1. Changing the culture non-violently isn’t larping. It is very easily demonstrated that this is what the left did from the 1920’s through the 1970’s. It has made a serious impact on how our nation and culture is structured. Doing the same thing back but in reverse is just good common sense, especially since we are already organically being considered the edgy “cool kids” now. Take the opportunity when it presents itself.

      1. Good luck at it King Canute. I am sure those tides will change any time now.

        1. Who said anything about “any time now”? It’s a long game, you play for posterity, just like they did. Why wouldn’t we do so? Maybe you like where the culture is going, but some of us with kids, not so much. So I’ll work to help change it to a more pleasant place for my kids and grandkids to live. The Left did it, the evidence is staring us in the face every day, so we can too. Really it’s just that simple.

        2. Things will change. They always do. They won’t return. They never do.

        3. History is not a straight progression. The Right is not “the past”, in fact it can be easily posited that the Left represents the past world of feudalism, serfdom, dependence and various forms of slavery and bondage. They brought their past back, there’s nothing stopping us from doing the same. What you did was a variant of the It’s The Current Year, btw. Heh.

        4. it is the current year. logical fallacies aren’t always wong. Sometimes even post hoc arguments are correct. The idea that there will be a return to the values of yesteryear is silliness. Things pass and things change. What the future has in store is a mystery. We will see some of it which is nice. Thinking you can intentionally manipulate it or that in some way there will be some kind of reinvigorate of a value system long dead is wishful thinking at best and deluded nonsense at worst.

        5. Exactly correct. History is a pendulum, not a straight path. Eventually things swing back, as they are now. The left is r/selected, but now K/selection is starting to return. The left is freaking out because they can sense this instinctively and they know it’s very, very bad for them.

        6. That logical fallacy is wrong. It Is The Current Year is never, ever right.
          But, nobody wants yesteryear.
          However many want some values being held in society jointly.
          I stand by my position.

        7. I’m sure you do. That’s what I find most adorable

        8. How this can be ignored or glossed over kind of amuses me. Somebody wants to be apathetic, that’s fine, but suggesting that this is LARP is to ignore the very clear cultural markers shifting to our side due to people taking actual actions in real life to make it so.

        9. The left is Marxism or socialism (Marxism lite) and that is already on the dust heap of history. They are Venezuela. They are the past. They know that. It is why they are getting so desperate to achieve their goals by any means necessary right now. They see their glorious future slipping away.

  26. We can get traction against the left in #2 by pressing them on why they want policies which make white people’s lives worse. They have the burden of proof to show that diversity makes any kind of humanist or utilitarian sense for white people, when in fact it just erodes social cohesion and results in increasing alienation for white individuals.
    The Alt Right podcaster Mike Enoch, for example stated the other day that in his freshman year of college he found himself in a dorm full of East Asians and South Asians; he couldn’t befriend any of those people, despite the stereotype of college as a place where you can find and make new friends, often for life, along with your early girlfriends. Enoch wouldn’t have had that problem back when American colleges filled up with white youngsters every fall.

    1. Freshman orientation is famous for being a screw fest in state colleges. Today the PC matchmaking rules are led by the ‘progs’ and naive white girls en flock get their first boyfriends that are Indian, wog, rughead, anything but white. The frats usually have a little more class and have a box you can check on the invititions to rush parties and incoming freshman functions if you need a ‘date’. They will find you a good geneologically matching specimin to beau under your arm when you arrive at the function. That’s why I shudder at all the parents, dads especially that throw their white daughters away on a bus to go the full state program with open mongrel orientation. Most couples on campuses (bf/gf) who are freshmen, living in dorms and experimenting for the first time with all kinds of sexual positions with each other unmarried will state that they met their bf/gf AT ORIENTATION. It is an arranged fuckfest and campuses have a building annex nearby with reproductive ‘services’ (abortion included). That’s as good as ‘hetero’ gets on campus outside the frats/sororities. The campus co-ops are majority looney bin LGBTQ. There needs to be more red pill leagues on large campuses. The ‘Young Conservatives’ was a dead horse long ago – completely non aggressive and silent. They dressed like Alex P Keaton. Show up in lederhausens and club like a barbarian or like a Norse scout and they would ask you to leave even if it generated tingles in the female members.
      ALSO the scuffles like Berkeley are important to win like a WWE show. These are the ‘intellectuals’ that would have gone on to find posts in paid activist work in government and ngo’s. But when they get physically thrown like in a wrestling ring, their spirit is broken and their career visions are re evaluated. The campus scuffles may not seem like much in a military battlefield sense. Many of the antifas are artsy and liberal cultured, but when they get pounded, it tempers them in ways that will ripple into the future. When ‘conservatives’ politely sulked and avoided brute confrontation with them in the past, the shitlibs and antifas became swell headed and thought they could do anything. And they DID go on to confidently pursue careers that derided western culture. That’s why It is very VERY important to plaster them when they make a show. The campus protests are pivot events that affect policy in a much more far reaching sense. Conversely, if you body slam your neighbor who is a shitlib, it could be met with a quagmire of litigation and doxxing at worst. But a campus right winger body slamming a lefty agitator or promoter counts as a body slam on a much higher plane of the body politic. It raises the stars like a fist fight breaking out in the supreme court. Campuses and their protests are the court of popular culture policy and direction, and bigger powers and influences take their guidestones from them and vice versa.

  27. I just read Milo’s book, and he said the same thing. The problem is, for the last 50 years, the right wing conservative republicans stood up for biblical stuff that is just not fun. It’s not appealing to the youth. They are more spoiled and pampered with every generation. The only thing that appeals to them is being BAD.
    So the left managed to lump business owners, working class, and even middle class Americans into this “boring, religious extremist, somehow also racist, ignorant, homophobic, gun-toting, uneducated, white supremacist” label.
    Now, even the slightest libertarian type of outlook will get you called all of those names.
    But what do we do? I’m a musician. Do I suddenly start writing boring country music or gospel? That’s the only music that has a positive message. It will never be cool. Being cool, is being kinda BAD.

    1. No, start writing music that breaks every “ism” and “phobia” in the book. The masses have been brainwashed that these false “virtues” which do nothing other than eradicate European civilization are somehow the new “good” morality (despite not existing in any major prior moral code). You will therefore be seen as having a cool rebellious image, especially considering the fact that many of these destructive non-values are now enforced legally.

    2. Milo is a product of the moral relativism imposed by progressives.
      What we need is pure masculinity, absolute values and destruction of materialism.

  28. ” especially when you have cowardly Republicans who shrink in fear at the thought of changing the frame.”
    Repubs don’t want to change the frame. They are the same left-leaning uniparty that needs to be disposed of, literally, if they won’t go quietly. Enjoyed the article, though. Good stuff on RoK lately.

  29. Lothrop Stoddard wrote of these leftists in the 1920s in a book entitled: The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man
    You can get it free at, or at amazon

  30. Alinsky’s ‘Rule for Radicals’.
    Intended to be used against the Right ,can easily be turned around and used against the Left.

  31. The article is timely, and sculpted by a genius. I like the first point, best. Hot chics. The women on the Right are smarter, acerbic, and beautiful. Perhaps we never had Megyn Kelly, but we have so many others that the ranks of conservative women simply embarrass their slimy, fat, out of shape, Leftist counterparts. That’s where we should place much of our emphasis. The Right IS cooler, we believe in more freedom, not less, but we also can claim the moral high ground. Even if there is NO god, HE’S on our side, anyway.

  32. The right now promotes feminine sexiness haha. So true. This was always the case in the Bible as well.
    Gavin Mcinnes said – conservatism is the new punk (coming from a guy who was a influential person in punk movement). It is true. We must also savagely brutalize our adversaries when it comes to MISappropriating cultural works – such as Huxley, Orwell, George Carlin, etc. they all warned about the fascism that is the left today.

  33. I would add a third tactic in the culture war against the postmodernists: use their own tactics against them. Saul Alinski’s “Rules For Radicals” should be a must read for all activists.

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