4 Leftist Strategies The Right Should Emulate

Leftist ideology has been bankrupt for quite some time now. Things seriously took a wrong turn with Karl Marx. Even moderate liberalism hasn’t been much to write home about for the last fifty years, as the negatives outweigh the positives. Despite all that, some of their strategies are on the right track.

Planning ahead

“Dear Mr. Alinsky, I’m your number one fan. Can’t wait for your new book! I want to be just like you some day. XOXOXO, Hillary”

Even when leftists aren’t in power, they’re busily planning how to get there. Afterward, they figure out how to retain control. I must admit that some of their plans were fairly brilliant, even though what they did afterward didn’t work out so well.

For some examples, consider Lenin’s 1902 revolutionary blueprint, What is to be Done? The Bolsheviks started here from the ground floor, and fifteen years later they took over the largest country in the world. During the 1930s, Max Horkheimer and his Frankfurt School pals developed cultural Marxism; in time, it spread throughout the universities and strongly influenced the 1960s counterculture.

Also during the 1960s, the Democrats introduced some major changes into American federal law which created voter blocs beholden to them. Although the Soviet Union fell, Western progressivism took on a life of its own. “Communism Lite” became PC orthodoxy, assuming nearly religious dimensions despite being complete nonsense.

Naturally, the world would be a better place if leftists made as much effort figuring out things that actually work to improve society. Fortunately, our job will be pretty simple; we don’t need to devise radical and untested policies, or even do much theorizing. We can go quite far simply by pointing out how leftist policies failed, and (when we’re in a position to do so) replace them with what worked in the past. Until then, we should start planning the road to victory.

At long last, leftist narratives are slipping. In fact, through their dysfunctional behavior and policies, they’ve delivered to us a truckload of rhetorical ammo. We should keep discrediting them mercilessly. For just one example, imagine the results if the public understood what feminism was really about and recognized how they’ve wrecked society. Their spell is fading already; let’s keep stamping this—and other nutty leftist narratives—into the ground.

Further, the media’s stranglehold on information has been seriously challenged. We can do our part as individuals by helping to Red Pill the public. By striking while the iron is hot, we can achieve critical mass. After that, great possibilities will be within reach.

We should make other plans as well, to handle any possible contingencies that might develop along the way. A few examples include censorship (particularly in Europe), political violence directed against us (the Antifags, among others), government repression (like domestic spying), or establishment politicians throwing the public a bone but changing nothing (Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkel, etc.) For too long, the right has been on the defensive; with proper planning, we can change this.


In many respects, the radical left is much more diverse than the alternative right. Some leftist alliances make no ideological sense, and the only purpose is to build a coalition opposed to Western civilization. There are vastly conflicting agendas on the left. Smoldering resentments sometimes reach the surface, but for the most part they’re managing to keep everyone in lockstep.

Sometimes it’s quite ridiculous, but they don’t care. For one example, some feminists cozy up to radical Islam, despite the highly regressive nature of Sharia law. Sometimes these silly people even say that wearing a ninja suit is “liberating”. It’ll be an utter disaster for feminists if the jihadists they’re trying to empower take over, but that doesn’t bother them either.

On the right side, things have been much more fragmented for ages. Unfortunately, armchair Caesars are partially at fault. I’ll just say that those who dream of recognition should earn it. The left certainly has its share of armchair Lenins, but we don’t have the time to waste with big egos and big talkers.

Other fragmentation is from ideological disagreements. Granted, there are genuine questions about where we want to go that eventually will have to be resolved. The good news is that the alternative right isn’t purely reactionary as some believe, or bound to dogmatic theory; we’re pragmatically interested in what will be best for our people.

In any event, petty squabbles aren’t constructive. We should let our various factions develop naturally and keep sniping to a minimum. Those with the best ideas will come out ahead. Let’s save our rhetorical firepower for leftists whose misguided and often malicious policies are harming society.

This includes avoiding declarations like “I’m not an extremist, unlike this guy a little to my right.” Republicans have fallen for this again and again. This greatly limits their effectiveness and assists leftist “salami slicing” tactics.

Consequentially, mainstream conservative discourse isn’t allowed to stray an inch outside of the Overton Window of “respectable” opinion. (Who gets to define what is mainstream and respectable? Think about it.) When have liberals ever rushed to denounce one of their own for ideological heresy, or even for being too chummy with radicals (like Saul Alinsky or Bill Ayers) or hobnobbing with foreign dictators (like Fidel Castro or Muammar Gadhafi)?

All told, not everyone on our side will see things the same way. Constructive debate and even limited criticism aren’t bad. Still, we should seek to have no enemies on the right. For example, some might see the “alt right versus alt lite” schism as separating the wheat from the chaff, but we’d be better off opposing our common foes who’d be happy to censor us all.

If from the beginning we’d struggled against our real enemies as much as we were fighting each other, we’d be much closer to the finish line. For these reasons, we should focus on commonalities, and beware of “purity spirals”. Never let the perfect be the enemy of the good.


“Those unruly peasants are criticizing my policies, Zuckie! Do they think this is a free country or something?” “Don’t worry, Angie; they know too much, so we’ll shut it down.”

Quite remarkably, the Weathermen had ties to dozens of radical organizations (Communist and otherwise), not just in the USA but in several countries abroad. This enabled joint operations, and they even were guests at a conference in Havana. How did fugitives, holed up in one grubby hideout after another, do all that?

They were active mostly during the 1970s, when they would’ve had to rely on pay phones, snail mail, and private conversation. It’s unclear how exactly they acquired and maintained all those contacts (though I have a few ideas), but they were remarkably successful at it.

We should be organizing and building our contacts too. It’s very easy, because Al Gore invented the series of tubes we call the Interwebs. Not only will this help our short-term efforts, networking is a major part of how things get done in politics. This has a greater role in history than most people suspect, from personal friendships to shadowy globalist clubs.


More fun than going to the gym

I’ll have to credit leftists for being very highly motivated. Moderate conservatives are all too often “Joe Sixpack” types, trusting that everything will be peachy once their candidate gets elected and cleans house. (Maybe taking a more active role toward shaping their destiny might could be prudent?) Meanwhile, even moderate liberals often get involved in demonstrations and other activism.

Rightists tend to be more concerned with self-improvementcareers, and our social lives. Indeed, some leftists have quite a bit of free time on their hands. We will have to close the gap by using our time judiciously. Every day, we should be doing something to advance our cause, even simply a conversation to enlighten someone.

Another thing holding us back is fear. Many are afraid of what their friends might think, or their employers, etc. A friend who can’t tolerate a difference of opinion isn’t much of a friend, and an employer shouldn’t pry into an employee’s private life, but still these are legitimate concerns. Even so, we’ll have to take calculated risks; the stakes are too high to conform to petty tyranny.

Read More: The Argument For Adopting Leftist Tactics To Defeat The Left

138 thoughts on “4 Leftist Strategies The Right Should Emulate”

  1. “Leftist ideology has been bankrupt for quite some time now. Things seriously took a wrong turn with Karl Marx”
    Love the understatement. Unless you were referring to the cannibal holocaust film from a few years back, and seriously what’s more scary, a few mutant flesh-eaters or the satanic abyss of communism?
    “Imagine the results if the public understood what feminism was really about”
    The Mallory Millet article needs to get more exposure, but beyond those wilful feminists / progressives who will buy anything (women mostly) an increasing number are well aware that feminism is a weaponised wrecking ball that has very little to do with equality in any substantive sense. The problem here is that people generally don’t connect radical feminism with the stuff they encounter on the telly etc., just as they don’t connect everyday progressive madness or PC as it’s always called as the offshoot of formal super-evil communism that cost so many millions of lives.
    A lot of people though are genuinely gobsmacked by the transmadness going on right now, something you will notice if you read comments on the British governments proposal to let people simply choose their gender (without any medical constraints e.g. diagnosing gender dysphoria).
    As an overarching strategy leftism, progressivism, should where possible be demonstrably traced back to its roots in twentieth century communism – whether leninist etc or the more slippy cultural marxism (the melding of marxism with freudian theories of sexual repression in particular). The left is particularly adept at hiding itself, and mutating, and amongst other reasons like justifying the means in terms of the ends etc as the article suggests it can do that, because it is always very clear about what it wants to achieve, or rather more or less the same thing, what it wants to destroy.
    The issue of going on the offensive is a trickier one. It’s true that leftist theory is in decline, but at the moment that largely means there is a vacuum. Until there is adequate theory to challenge the leftist hegemony, the right (of whatever nature ….and I don’t identify with it across the board necessarily) will remain mainly defensive and reactive, something which won’t do in the long term.

    1. Id love to see a streetfight between a tranny and a middle eastern migrant. That is all.

    1. Ok ok ok BUT quick question: have any of you ever in your life had sex with a woman?

      1. Please solicit elsewhere thank you. If you’re as hairy a feminist as I think you are I would suggest you try grinder

        1. i JUST shaved don’t get distracted!!! I just wanna know if any of you have ever gotten pussy in your entire life

        2. are you like from some kind of super slutty charitable organisation. It’s really kind but we really don’t need handouts

        3. Hahaha no I would absolutely never go near any of you obviously but actually tho have you ever touched a woman

        4. your question is as old and tired as you are. Between us we’ve all had just one woman. But she’s a thoroughly modern millie so yeah, we all get laid several times a night every day of the week

        5. you need to get banned so you can can return to whatever slutty kindergarten you’ve come from. See ya

        6. I’m not old but I am a lil tired thanks for checkin in! Also, Millie seeks men out for money which y’all obvy don’t have hahahah

        7. I’m not even trying to be funny I 100% believe none of you have ever slept with women

        8. @disqus_SPtabed4rX:disqus
          Personally I never have. As soon as I’m done, I always towel off Big Jim and the Twins and get the fuck outta Dodge.

        9. Fucking women is no big deal. It costs 20 € where I live. I don’t see why any man would not touch women unless he chose it to be so.

        10. Where do you live? I’m from the balkans as well originally, I know how much our ladies of the night cost

        11. Show Us your pic and We will decide if you are worthy of Our intimate attention.

        12. @disqus_SPtabed4rX:disqus I’m not saying I’ve never had sex—–I’m just saying that I’ve never slept in the same bed as the women I had sex with…….

        13. It is too! Don’t get salty just because you haven’t banged anyone yet, your time will cum

        14. Hahahahah fuck ok I’ll give it to you honestly that’s not bad and I haven’t gotten it before

        15. Ahhhhh ok then @disqus_SPtabed4rX:disqus
          Don’t tell me that you and Lady Arya share the same body type………:-(

        16. Oh yeah.
          The crazy eyes.
          I know it well.
          This b*tch is “Lorena Bobbit” in the making.
          Stay clear.

        17. A female troll who was dumb enough to post her actual pics on here?
          I can’t wait for Hipponax and co to arrive….

        18. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !pv71d:
          On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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        19. they might not even be her own pics. It’s not hard to ‘borrow’ photos off someone’s social media profile for instance

        20. That’s very true. I doubt most girls think about where their selfies could end up.

        21. I was ready to do some charity work and give her a good rogering. Just need the results of both a VD test and DNA test to make sure she has two X-chromosomes. And travel expenses paid by her.

        22. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !pb127d:
          On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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        23. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !pb226d:
          On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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      2. Only immature girls in there Teens/20s who think they are grown, but I wouldn’t call a grown women. It takes responsibility, accountability and maturity in order to be called a woman and sit at the adult table in life.

        1. I’m looking at your picture and I most definitely would not! But glad I got everyone’s attention, enjoy the rest of your sad day <3

  2. All we have to do is take control of all the banks and the corporations and the politicians. This should be very easy to do. We’ll just hire a very small group of empowered Super Women and several strong black men (just like the type in the SJW Hollywood movies, you know, against whom no evil can stand), and we should be able to get it all done in a matter of weeks.

  3. We are at war. Not a war for lands, but a war for the very soul of our nation. We have refused to notice this truth while our enemies have pressed forward.
    The ground they have taken is immense. Sexual deviancy is no longer abhorred but celebrated. Individual strength is despised and whining to authoritarian powers is lauded. Our nation’s history and culture is not celebrated and honored but denigrated and despised.
    We will not triumph overnight. Our struggle may last generations, and the fruits of our labors harvested by our grandchildren.
    Now is not the time for petty infighting. For the sake of our posterity, we must stand together. Brit and German, Jap and American, Christian and atheist, scholar and tradesman, shoulder to shoulder in defense of our peoples and nations against those who would destroy us.

      1. Bob’s rhythm is tight as fvck.
        I would also add that be a dick and don’t hold back on your opinions. Just go out there and be an instigator.

      2. She used to run track back in high school, now she turns tricks on the track right by the school

      3. I liked it better when pole dancing was a niche. Not only the girls were hot, but the dancing was actually quite entertaining. Not at the level of old school burlesque shows, but still good. Oh, and other than your random hot Goth chick, very little tattoos. And of course, it was just college chicks, a few still hot single moms, and the ramdom barely legal high school senior.
        Not anymore. If there was a nice thing about being back to bachelorhood was going back to strip clubs. But the quality has gone down. Too many middle age women with saggy skin, fupas, and tattoos dancing horribly. Well, not dancing as much as twerking like baboons in heat. Stripping has become another victim not just of mainstream culture, but of economics. And they still trying to charge me $20 for a lap dance. Fuck that. I’d rather invest that on a passport and a ticket to Caracas so I can bang all the impoverished Venezuelan women and pay them with toiletries and cans of tuna.

      1. I had a whole WWII thing happening, and I went with it.
        Honestly, I like what they’re doing over there. Our enemies are also their enemies, and I’ll take all the allies I can find.

        1. What do they have to lose? It’s not like they haven’t allied with foreign powers in the past, and that was when all that was at stake was spreading their empire.
          They don’t want us as overlords or cultural powerhouses, I can tell you that much. However, since we don’t really have a notion to subjugate their culture, either, I think we could work something out.

        2. I have nothing against this idea. Unfortuntely , I don’t think (((they))) plan to take over East Asia before they are done with the West.

        3. The global domination agenda inherent to the Marxist-derived philosophies will not be satisfied with the West, just like they were never satisfied with Moscow or Beijing. They are a parasite that destroys, replicates, and spreads.
          The Japanese are still more Japanese than Americans are American, but they already (wisely) fear this parasite. I think it will be easier to ally with them than one might suspect.

        1. The ones I bang do.
          At $400/hr, they better!
          At least for the hour, anyways.

        2. The same destructive ideologies that are eating away at us are working their madness over there. Because of their immigration policies, though, it just shows up more clearly there.
          – Declining birth rates of the native populace
          – Decline in cultural heritage (though, admittedly, they’re doing a better job than we are in most ways)
          – Lambasting from the SJWs over their nonconformity
          They don’t have to be all chummy with us, nor we with them. We just need to stand together until the common threats are banished. After that, we can go back to calling each other slants and gaijin if we want.

        3. “We just need to stand together until the common threats are banished.”
          Agree, agree, agree!

        4. Let’s be honest man. You’re not fucking Jap/Korean women with those money. More like Thai/Filipinas. hehe

        5. Always honest!
          Jap escorts are very rare here in NYC. Its Koreans and Chinese.
          The upscale Koreans are $400/hr.
          The Chinese are $300/hr.
          Up until Spring 2016 we also had mid-scale Korean AMPs (7s) for 200/hr, but for some reason LE declared war on those places and now they are gone.

        6. Yeah, we can get that here too, 60 for the house & 60 for the HJ, but the 400/hr girls are 8s and 9s and they treat you like a king.

        7. Damn man all that money. If there’s smth I don’t envy you Americans about , it’s the quality and the price of women. You can buy a bunch of them for the night for 400 $ over here in Europe.

        8. The best is when they can crack your back. Some can even crack your neck, but you really have to trust the girl for that.

        9. ” You can rent a bunch of them for the night for 400 $ over here in Europe.”
          Yeah, I have heard that.
          I have to give it a try sometime.

  4. The thing to notice his how rigidly the Left runs things in their organizations. In the Dem party, they no longer have a place for pro-life, and they will destroy their own who don’t toe the pro-abortion party line. In congress, you know Pelosi and her lieutenants and Schumer and his deputies tolerate NO dissent, unless they authorize it. The repubs – if someone disagrees, so what. As a result, conservatives in Congress who could have done something years ago are effectively neutered by playing nice and allowing differences in their party.
    If the Republicrats wanted to be effective at leadership, they would take a page from the Dem playbook – “we don’t care how you got elected, but once here, you WILL do what leadership says.” The fact that they can’t illustrates that they don’t care about leading, but instead only care about their comfy jobs and the perks.
    David Horowitz, a former liberal, has written for years that conservatives need to take off the gloves and fight the loony left. He could as well have been farting into the wind.

    1. If the Republicans want to be effective they must let go of the moral crusade mentality and stop catering to the religious right.
      The repeated refusal to separate church and state has alienated moderate conservatives and forced them to become libertarians.
      Like the bible says, a house divided will fall.
      The insistence persecuting anyone that does not fit the religious reich’s christian jihad mentality will be the death of the republican party, just look at the demographics. In every generation of young people fewer want anything to with christianity or conservatism, because they are all sick and tired of the being told what to do in their own bedrooms.
      The republican attitude that the government is the churches enforcement arm is the root of the problem.
      Our current crop of republican politicians is a perfect example of why our founding fathers separated church and state, they knew that religious people cannot be trusted with political power, Kim Davis and Judge Roy Moore are proof of this.
      The Republican party needs to get it through their ossified skulls that it not Ronald Reagan”s era any more, we can no longer count on white christians to carry the election.
      To those who think that I do not know what I am talking about, allow me to point out that Obama won the white house by a landslide, TWICE, Hillary won the popular vote by a wide margin, and Bernie came close enough that Hillary had to cheat to stop him.
      If the Republicans insist on pushing the next generation off to the side and ignoring them, the Democrats are assured of eventual victory.
      The Republican party can no longer afford to throw away votes from those on the christian taliban’s non approved list. If the republicans insist on rejecting these kind of voters, guess what they will become ? DEMOCRATS.
      The Republican party needs to realize that gays, atheists and people from other religions have rights to, AND THEY VOTE.
      The republicans need to stop using the government shoving christianity at others.
      If the republicans would let go of religion controlled politics, they could sweep the democrats from power for decades, if they do not, the Democrats will do it to them

      1. Besides, I’ve lived among the white Christian Republican base, and let me tell you, these people are anything but moral. Heck, I’ve observed that, excepting dry towns or counties, there’s a fuckload of taverns and churches round here. The taverns to get shitfaced on Saturday, and the churches to beg for forgiveness on Sunday.
        And I’ve mentioned it on other posts, but many of the characteristic behaviors of leftists, but especially feminists (i.e, drunkenness, obesity, lewdness, foul language, tattoos, promiscuity, political correctness) have been a feature of white Christians for a while, especially in Southerners. What I’m getting at is, Republicans have lost credibility as far as morality goes. And considering they elected a man who has been married multiple times, is a loose cannon, and has been accused of bas business practices, then damn. I guess an extreme purge of some sort has to be done quickly.

      2. Oh, where to begin? Your totally leftist jeremiad about the republicans being the party of a theocracy is beyond stupid; it’s so canned and repetitive that you’ve exposed your cultural marxist core, comerade.
        The Republican party couldn’t organize a back-yard cookout, let alone a theocracy. And please, besides, spouting SJW talking points, please LIST and DOCUMENT these so-called jihads and persecutions. List for me, please, the number of LGBTQIJKLMNOP people who have been tossed off roofs or beheaded or …. oh, wait! You can’t! That’s your buddies, the anti-American Islamists, isn’t it?
        I don’t know a single Republican who thinks the government is the enforcement arm of “the church” – and besides, which church? Catholic? Baptist? Methodist? There are so many sects and divisions that can’t agree on the basis of the Christian religion – how in the hell do you think they could agree on what government “enforcement” would look like? Funny, but where I grew up, 99% of the people had the attitude toward government of “leave us alone” – hardly the stuff from which a theocracy is made.
        Kim Davis – let’s see – a woman who was persecuted for trying to live her faith. There happens to be a right of “freedom of religion”, but none of “freedom of marriage to whoever/whatever one chooses”. There is also Constitutional protection against a “religious test” for public office. Any but the blind could see that such a protection goes both ways – one cannot discriminate against a religion nor can one discriminate in favor of a religion for office-holders. Also, please note that the phrase is “freedom of religion”, not “freedom of Worship” (as your demigod Obama tried to convince people) – which explicitly means not only worshiping according to one’s conscience, but also living one’s faith (whatever that may be). And yet, the LGBTQQQQ crowd wants force everyone to accept their lifestyle, to impose a religious test on office-holders, and indeed, if one looks at the Colorado baker or the Washington florist, to every single person who deals with the public. This is the very tyrannical behavior which you accuse the Republicans of favoring. Pot, kettle, anyone?
        At best, I’d guess you’re a libertarian, but anyone who argues that a party should give up a core set of tenets is no friend of that party. Your advice relating to ‘saving’ the Republican party is as authentic as a Japanese officer in 1942 telling the US how to prosecute the war against the Japan, because, you know, they CARE about the US. It’s beyond ludicrous to think your advice is anything other than a suicide pill for whatever vestiges of conservatism are left in the GOP.
        I won’t even give you points for a good try. Your words betray an open hostility to any form of moral code, without which a cohesive society is impossible. We in the red pill manosphere KNOW that the total rejection of a moral code has led to the feminists and their damage to society and destruction of the nucleus of our culture. You may have thought you could pull one over on us, but BZZZT – nope. Your mission failed, comeradel
        Crawl back to your SJW cultural Marxist buddies and report on your feeble attempts and utter failure.

  5. Democracy lends itself to leftism. Those that don’t contribute to society should have no say in state matters. Until people realize this the left will be as insidious as kudzu.

  6. The only leftist strategy that should be adopted is win at all costs. You can’t beat an enemy who is doing that if you’re not willing to do it yourself.

    1. You remember long time ago, they used to say, a good communist, is a dead communist ??
      Change the saying from communist, to leftist ??

  7. Another strategy we could borrow from the Left is doxxing.
    They mobilize all their resources to gang up on an anduvidual they deem a threat to their interests to make him lose job, reputation, cause him embarrassment, even provoke physical violence against him.
    When every Marxist Cuck will know that his Leftist cuckoldry will have very negative, personal consequences – this will instill fear in his cowardish, rotten soul.
    We gotta make it very personal if we’re to win this fight.

  8. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !pv71d:
    On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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  9. I would argue we also need to write shit down and train each other. The left is very good at writing books on how to organise. The right needs to start writing books too. the successful organisers on the right need to tell us all how they did it.

  10. This is a well written article. However, any effort to understand “leftism” is a folly at best. You can’t “understand” something that isn’t based on logic. Leftism is a system of confusion and dead ends that keeps believers and opponents running around in mental and emotional circles. This is on purpose, and it’s been highly successful at destroying white, Christian culture.
    Strong, intelligent, moral men are the only thing standing in the Zionists way.
    When the before mentioned men are removed or de-legitimized to the corners of society, we won’t be ruled by SJWs or homosexuals or Muslims. These people will be liquidated as Hitler did his Brownshirts, and the Soviets did to their Worker’s Party. Useful idiots is all they are.
    Atheistic Jews will rule over you, as they already do, but they will not be restrained any longer. Look to the Russian Revolution to see the level of bloodshed and horror you should expect. You are not even human to these monsters. You’re cattle. Goy.

    1. I would add, it actually has nothing to do with Jews, but Atheistic is the basis.
      Those involved come from all sorts of religious backgrounds, Catholics, Mormons, etc… but the hatred of the God of the Bible, His commands, and those that prosper in Him is the unifying factor.
      Note that Jews are an early target like a Jewish girls school in England refusing to endorse Transanity and getting marked up for it, its all about destroying the Bible Thumpers, Jews included.

      1. I understand your point about it not being “just” Jews. Evil hides in all groups of people. History has demonstrated over and over that the ATHEISTIC Jew is the head of the dragon. Every social, financial and spiritual rot can be traced back to an Atheistic Jew. They’re like maggots in a rotting corpse. Slowly devouring the host till nothing remains. What can be expected of a group of people that lives within a sovereign country but considers themselves members of an alien country? We would all do well to arm ourselves with knowledge how the enemy operates and what their plans are.
        Be as gentle as lambs, but wise as serpents. You can’t defend against a faceless, nameless enemy because everybody is scared of being labeled anti-Semitic, which is exactly the environment they have created. Call a spade a spade.

      2. Atheists, satanists, new age, Kabbalist Jews, atheist Jews, Khazar Zionist Jews, luciferians, Roman Catholics, mormons, masons, etc, etc; anything not of the Bible is of the devil. It makes no difference. This is the same I tell brain dead edge lords who say “satanists don’t believe in god or the devil”. Troglodytes they are, not knowing that levayan satanism has no difference than theistic satanism because the devil does not need worship – he just needs one to NOT worship the Most High.

    2. Exactly – the Mainstream status quo we know of aka “liberal regressive” policies are not to be understood in the exoteric sense. We must observe it in the esoteric, in the spirit. To apply “logic” to it is folly. The Bible already documented the current climate. Go to God – he never lied to you!

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  12. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !pb226d:
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  13. “Education Control”
    What your reap is what you sow. Left understands this so well and has already 100% cornered the public education upto K-12 and now University education through IX-9 funds.
    If you control edu system you control what values get transferred over generation.

  14. while planning is great, they have total control of the media and the message. people keep sending their kids to the brainwashing factories and of course they COUNT the “VOTES”. So voting is a waste of time. Nothing short of a massive insurrection and bloodletting is going to stop them.

  15. Leftards succeeded because normies want to believe in hypocritical retarded (((marxist))) and (((commie))) crap (liberty, equality, fraternity, with emphasis on “equality”) and more importantly, because Allies won a war against fascists and nationalsocialists, sans Franco’s Spain although Franco was not a fascist but catholic-conservative.
    Leftards and libtards are losing cultural war they’ve won with long march through institutions, because their fix ideas and wishful thinking (race as social construct, identity and gender politics) proved to be wrong and epic fail.
    Mainstream conservatives are cuckervatives, cucks.
    Alt-Right is doing it right.

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