The Amish Show Us What The West Could’ve Been

Three months ago, as I was walking by soccer fields in my local sports complex, I saw something that amazed me: two fields were being used by high-school aged Amish and Dutch Mennonite communities that were on a rare trip to the outside world.

Admirably, the young women played on one field while the young men played on the other. Here, there was no sign of an egalitarian, co-ed, genderless safe space. Gender differences were acknowledged and respected.

Even in the scorching summer heat, the girls wore modest squirts, that extended beyond their knees (in the same vein, the young men wore properly-fitting pants and shirts). The young girls also were healthy and fit. They had no tattoos, no piercings, no dyed, half shaven hair. There were no outward signs of brokenness. They were playing with a cordial innocence, the kind you’d expect from teenaged girls who haven’t been tarnished and soiled by consumerism, social media, and postmodern filth. They were beautiful, happy, and innocent.

On the adjacent field, the young men were playing an old-fashioned, no-nonsense game of footy. No whining and certainly no bitching. Every player was getting on with their task with gravitas and determination. The young men were playing with an incredible intensity. They were determined to score, and to win. All forms of masculine virtues were on display.

These scenes were bittersweet

As a first-generation immigrant to the West, I had never witnessed anything like this. Sure, I’ve watched many soccer games. I’ve seen genders segregated. I’ve encountered groups of young men and women, who had not been physically marked by the degenerate ‘edgy’ fads of SJW culture. I’ve even seen modestly dressed women playing sports. But this was the first time I’ve seen all of the above displayed by Canadians of European ancestry.

These scenes were bittersweet. Bitter, because it made me lament and yearn for a day and age when I too can take part in a society with such rich tradition and values. A society where men are not scorned or demeaned, but respected and esteemed. A society where women are not placed on an altar demanding to be worshiped. Here, there was an unerring feeling that these young women admired and even adored these young men.

In a few years short years, these young men will marry these virgin, pure, and chaste young women. Left to the pastoral, traditional setting, where no liberal welfare state exists to pacify the masculine instincts, these men will protect these young women, provide for them, and in return, the women will cherish them and love them for it. The lack of a welfare state also means that these women will seek masculine virtues in their men. In the absence of a ‘generous’ and ‘stable’ state, they will seek a generous and stable husband.

A violent diatribe against the modern West

It was sweet, because this was an enormous vindication. These scenes were a visually violent diatribe against the degenerate, failing, and weak West. Here was a social group that was purposely stuck in time.

After all, for many complex reasons, the Amish and Mennonite communities chose to be insular and rarely change their mode of traditional, pastoral living. Yet while they remain technologically “limited”, their social and group dynamics are superior to those of our modern Western Civilization.

Drawing this into stark perspective, was the third field, that was occupied by a co-ed (i.e. non-segregated) Canadian group of young men and women playing soccer. The women were fat, obnoxious, and foul mouthed. They sported aggressive, masculine tattoos. Meanwhile, the men were weak and effeminate house-pets, almost subjugated and controlled by these vile women. The women were barking orders, and the men would do as they were told, without batting an eye-lash. Such are the rotten fruits that feminism has produced.

The Amish however, rejected influences of the enlightenment, and by extension, all the false doctrines that came after it – Marxism, feminism, postmodernism. And because of that, they can bear the fruits of a superior existence. They are not afflicted by counter-intuitive ideologies that seek to disrupt the natural order of humanity, and create a deep-seated resentment, and fatal division. Instead, they are guided by Christian beliefs that not only bestow on them an abundance of virtue, but also social and group unity and cohesion. Men, women and children know their place in society.

The Amish, an image of the West’s former self

While we can always compare the modern West to pictures and movies of the its past self, why create hypotheticals and possible ‘straw-societies’? We can avoid speculation and introduce certainty into our analysis by drawing comparisons with communities like the Amish and Mennonites that are quite literally stuck in time.

It is true that pastoral Germanic and Dutch traditions of the Amish are not wholly representative of an ever-cosmopolitanizing impulse throughout Europe at the time. However, rural farming communities were still a dominant part of the landscape. These societies strongly resemble the post-reformation, pre-enlightenment state of Western Civilization. They are an incredible snapshot into this bygone era. By extension then, the Amish and Mennonites are an image of the West’s former self.

For these reasons, the Amish and Mennonite societies can be the control group when observing the Western experiment. The modern West, the test-tube that has been relentlessly inculcated with feminism, Marxism and postmodernism, is a decrepit and dying society, that just cannot wait to be conquered and subdued by virile foreign hordes. The control test-tube that has avoided these ideologies, the Amish and Mennonite society, has remained strong, self-sufficient and continues to yield an abundance of life-energy. Its people are self-assured and more alive. They are more human.

The Amish are culturally superior

How do we know the west has socially degenerated beyond recognition? Because it is far inferior to the cultural image of its former self. The Amish are far superior. They’re youth are alive and happy. Our youth are confused, sad and anxious. Their young men are brooding with confidence, testosterone, and masculinity. Ours are doubtful and weak. Their young women are feminine and willing to be led. Ours are aggressive and lack virtue. They’re posterity will inherit great riches, born about by tradition, patriarchy and God-fearing. Ours will inherit doubt and depravity.

Far after the degenerating West collapses into a matriarchal, egalitarian third-world basket-case, barbarian hordes will marvel at Amish and Mennonite communities as outposts of a once-great civilization.

Read more: The Purity Of Non-Western Thinking

516 thoughts on “The Amish Show Us What The West Could’ve Been”

  1. The grass is always greener, I guess? I was in Lancaster PA a few weeks ago and saw Amish youth using cell phones, lol.

    1. Lancaster is no longer home to any semblance of old order Amish and hasn’t been since at least the 1990’s.

      1. Ah ok. Never been there prior to this year, I just found it hilarious to see them riding around in their buggies with cell phones plastered to their ears.

  2. There’s a reason an ideological structure, often in the form of religion, is at the foundation of every civilization. It is required for weak men and women to be productive members in a society.

    1. You are correct, but I would say not so much just to overcome weakness as to provide direction and restraint on destructive behavior, depending on the ideology or religion, bad religion promotes bad behaviors as can easily be observed, good religion promotes seeking after truth, I am not sure about ideology.

  3. In many ways, I actually admire and respect the Amish. But, I think it is a stretch to think that they will be a redoubt against the barbarian hordes. Fundamentally, the Amish are pacifists and believe in “non-resistance.” If we are ever overrun by the caliphate, there will be no Amish “outposts”. Devout Christians like the Amish will be the first targets for annihilation because they stand in most stark contrast to the Jihad’s objective to subjugate infidels. And because they will not resist, they will cease to exist.
    So while I admire much about the Amish, they are not without their faults, and will not be the saviors of the West. The Amish exist now only because they do so in a society that generally leaves them alone and tolerates them. The ISIS invaders? Not so much.

    1. Yes, the Mennonites were decimated by Russian anarchists in the1920 during the Russian Civil War. Because they were pacifists, Germany actually had to send troops to protect them (in Russia).

    2. If the currently non-existant caliphate overran you, you’d get the same deal non-Muslims got for centuries. You’d pay the jizyah and then have semi-autonomous governance to rule according to Christian (or Jewish, or Zoroastrian or whatever) Law. The Amish would do fine under a caliphate and continue unchanged.

      1. No, because I would not pay the jizyah. See, I have the first amendment, so I don’t have to grovel, pay a tax or ask permission in order to practice my religion.
        And because I have the second amendment, anyone who thinks otherwise is in for a wake up call.
        Let’s not sugarcoat the caliphate. ISIS is trying to establish one, and non-believers aren’t faring very well. And even if it was as rosy as you make it out to be, I still say it’s a shitty deal and anyone who tries to enforce it on me can pound sand.

        1. First of all, ISIS has no legitimacy in the Muslim world. No major scholars support them outside a few Saudi kooks and they regularly violate a whole plethora of Shariah mandates – especially pertaining to the rules of war and the treatment of non-Muslims. Basically it’s a bunch of young men – most of whom know very little about the religion – taking out their anger on the world because they have an ideology that justifies their massacring people.
          Second of all, you posited the scenario that the non-existent Caliphate actually took over the West in which case I told you the deal that the Amish (and everyone else) would get. If you wish to not take the deal and fight instead then that’s a different question – we’re talking about what would be on offer.
          Your original assertion that they would be massacred is just not true (unless perhaps it was ISIS running the Caliphate, but in that case they would massacre half the Muslim world itself and the overwhelming majority of the clerics if they could). If anything the Amish are the ideal dhimmi community – they mind their own business and are pacifists.
          Personally I think you’d be stupid to fight – what exactly are you fighting for? A constitution which currently the vast majority of Americans themselves don’t believe in fully? Half the constitution has already been wiped out – the Civil War prevented secession and federalized governance – that’s in complete contrast with the idea of small government and local governance that the founders conceived. The US is effectively a colony of a gang of bankster thugs because they gave up the right to mint their own money. Every dollar that’s printed is more debt for you and your children. The government is currently spying on its people, and you have a shadow government that’s been running things for decades if not at least a century and assassinates any president that doesn’t toe the line. The two party system is A) stupid to begin with and B) broken. The culture has gone SJW and the universities are corrupt. And lastly – is the constitution some kind of sacred document? Why would you be willing to die for it – if you’re a Christian then it has no religious relevance and if you’re an atheist you think that you only live once so what exactly is the point of giving up your life? It’s just a code to allow people to live in a way that maximizes hedonistic pleasure. People have lived before it and people will live after it. Relax. You Americans are so brainwashed into this idea of “freedom” you don’t realize there are more way important things in life. Under a caliphate (which by the way, I don’t exactly support) you and your children would be better off, all said and done with. You’d be able to make an honest living without bankster scum taking 45% of your wealth (which is the total effect of usury on prices by the way), there would be no active promotion of sex positivism, and tradition would be put back in place. Of course all of this goes out the window if it was ISIS running this hypothetical caliphate because they would literally massacre people in the streets. I am talking more a traditional style Caliphate, which did not do that.

  4. The unmarried, single, childless women I know in their late 30s early 40s are out partying many times per week.
    And invite happily married mothers…
    It almost seems intentional on the part of the singles…
    All mums have same stories about the husband depressed. I say he is oppressed-by the screeching harpee…
    Anyway, there is no end to their desire to go out and have fun: family, kids, house be dammed…
    Love to share the photos- they do look hot, and at events which cost $200 per ticket(free for them)…

    1. I know married women who have gone on a “girls’ weekend away” with their single friends.
      sounds like a recipe for disaster, Im sure inspired by all those Real Housewives doing the same

      1. Oh yea. And i see those real housewives in same area…
        Its like the singles are encouraging them to get dicked and rape their marriage.
        Edit: which is opposite traditional community influence such as Amish

      1. yep only so far (at the time of his death). Still time for that number to go way up.

      2. yeah that’s great but they don’t mention how many of them were born with two heads………(minor inbreeding problem)

        1. They are very conscious of this problem. They have a genetic track to avoid too much inbreeding, and people able to really embrace their way of life are often welcome if they prove themseves long enough.

      1. I wonder if the doctors inherited his estate to pay off the medical bills that kept him alive so long, I’ll bet not.

        1. He probably lived that long through a combination of good genes and avoiding doctors.

      2. Work your all life, use your own strenght, use no stimulant, sleep at night, take care of your garden, love your wife, eat well…And you’ll live to 100.
        It was very comon to live a long healthy life in the middle age. Toddlers mortality was high, adults were stronger and healthier than nowadays.

  5. As much as I ADMIRE and RESPECT Amish society, I’d never be able to live there not even for a week. I’m too dependent of technology and too much of a sinful man to live there (well, I’m also NOT an american, but even if I’ll have a chance to go there, I’ll go there only as a tourist and nothing more) . These pious men and women are born in that community and are used with rules, hard work and the lack of technology. I’ll be absolute incapable to adapt, sorry. Great article anyway.

    1. The Amish are not perfect either, and you have identified some faults in yourself so you can repent and become strong. You don’t have to be like them, just be your better self, you can do much more than you give yourself credit for, I am not sure where you are from, but you are awake so you are needed there and can make it a better place. I hope I can do the same and help keep America a place that you would still want to visit. I wish you Godspeed.

      1. Thank you very much for your kind words, sir. I wish you the same. I’m from Romania and even if its painful from me to admit this, my country is even worse than America. At least America is rich, powerful and has some strong traditional communities. Romania is poor, nobody cares about traditions anymore (despite people calling themselves religious, they’re violent, they swear a lot, they’re alcoholic and kill each other for land or money or jealousy). The TV is full with whores who are described as “good and funny women”, only whores and favored people (nepotism) are successful, really talented and skilled people have no place here. Sadly. I’d visit America if I’ll have enough money, but right now, I can visit it only in my dreams.

        1. I have great respect for Romania, that is country that has been through a lot of hardship. I had a friend from Romania named Virgil, he made me a much better chess player, among other things. The faults you are describing are becoming increasingly prevalent in America as well, and we will not long retain our wealth or power if we do not find a way to overcome them, and return to our traditional values. You recognize this, so you can make a better life for yourself, and perhaps for others as well. I hope you can find the peace and prosperity you seek. Nepotism might be overcome in the marketplace of ideas today. Through technology you have global reach and you have very good English. Maybe someday we will meet in a better world, who knows, stranger things have happened in my life.

    2. “For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.” – Ecclesiastes 7:20

        1. Yeah, he was killed by sinners who claimed to be the most pious in their day

  6. You will see Amish all the time on Amtrak trains. I’ve talked to them. They’re nice, speak perfect English (with with an accent). They look happy: they travel with lots of companions unlike the atomized “Englisher” travelers who are alone and look fucking miserable.

    1. I saw some reality show on these amish chicks slutting it up with “englishers” in the city. AWALT. Amish Women Are Like That

      1. That’s only during Rumspringa. “Reality” shows are almost wholly fabricated and bear little resemblance to reality. On Duck Dynasty they were inserting beeps into conversations to make it seem like those ZZ Top looking dudes spent the day cursing. Turns out, there was no cursing, it was the producers trying to spice things up.

        1. you are probably right. I am not sure what rumspringa is but it sounds like spring break with rum. That said, AWALT and I am sure many of these amish bints are whores like everyone else. IT was fun to watch though. Watching the amish, like faggots, red necks (boo boo) or whatnot is like going to the zoo without having to endure the feces odor.

        2. there was another reality show called the Amish Mafia or some shit, hookum too? think it was their version of racketeering

        3. Rumspringa is the official “time off” that Amish get, once in a lifetime, to head out into the real world to experience it, in order to make their decision to willfully remain in the community or leave it. Most don’t do much during it except maybe take a trip in a car or something, but some go to extremes.
          With cultural barriers in place, your “AWALT” while true in theory, doesn’t apply. AWALT is a measure of potential, not a reality of action for every single woman, assuming that cultural and religious barriers are strictly enforced.

        4. cant believe how fake reality is- plz dont tell me The Deadliest Catch was all CGI

        5. the amish are a bunch of weirdos and if not tightly controlled by their men the women would immediately be filthy whores.

        6. “if not”
          Being the key words that I was talking about. What they have potential to become is not what they become under their adopted culture, by and large (I’m sure exceptions will always exist).

        7. Saw that too. I am sure that, as @ghostofjefferson pointed out, that all reality hows have a measure of hookum to them. That said, I am equally sure there is at least some seeds of truth. But really, I’ve no patience for the hasidic, the amish, faggots, boo boos or any of the other disgusting little fringe groups out there in the world. Honestly, I am generally offended by the existence of outliner groups and it is only because they are stuffed in meaningless pockets of the country that I don’t bother actually being upset by the fact that they are allowed to exist.

        8. of course. as long as they are chattle for men who watch over them their whole lives and they never actually develop any free will they will not become whores….also they aren’t particularly interesting. THe amish are on my list of groups that can be put against the wall

        9. If “aren’t interesting” means that they are not feral fuck toys who will ruin men’s careers and lives, then you can have interesting.
          Putting a group against the wall for living peacefully and not intruding on your life seems a bit extreme.

        10. living peacefully is fine…I don’t like outliner wierdo groups. I list them along with the transdoodles and hasidim and all the other useless fucks that mean nothing.
          As for interesting, no…not feral fucktoys…though like you i enjoy those as well. By interesting I mean have something to say or something to offer….something I don’t see in either the men or the women in communities that are anti social ranging all the way from INCEL MGTOWS to Hill Williams to Hasdim to Fags to Hippies and including these amish cunts

        11. I’ve had plenty of conversations with actual old order Amish. Some are boring but some of them have a great sense of humor and are fun to talk to. As to something to offer, their craftsmanship is second to none and people here go out of their way to buy Amish made furniture. If you buy an Amish crafted kitchen table, it’s something that will outlast your lifetime and can be passed down for generations. It may not be your style/thing, but they do contribute to the wider culture by offering their very well made wares to the general public.

        12. willingly being a social outcast puts you on my fuck you list. I really don’t care about their furniture or their beards or their customs. They can all die of anal cancer for all i care.

        13. Why do you care so much about people who are by their very nature not out to do you any harm? So they don’t live as you like, but they’re the last people who would ever petition government or society to infringe on your life. I’d prefer that kind of “outcast” any day of the week over the other groups you mention, most of whom are quite militant about forcing their lifestyles onto others.

        14. like i said below….thanks to the fact that they are a small community in a swath of land that is totally fucking meaningless to anyone I don’t really care so much…just happens to be the topic du jour.
          To me, people who strive to be outcasts are totally fucking worthless and if they want to be counter culture then they should gladly accept being shit all over by the culture. When I see someone who strives to be a “rebel” in whichever way they define that my first thought is that someone should dump a huge bucket of shit on them to make sure no one mistakes them for a valuable human being.

        15. Why would you care so much about that? It makes no sense. If you don’t want people fucking with your way of life, then it seems logical to extend the same courtesy to others.
          If a fringe group is in fact harming the greater society, sure, no issue, drop them out of helicopters. But ones out just being peaceful and going out of their way to not get in your face, eh, I’m ok with that. There is literally no reason for me to hate them.

        16. As long as they stay in the middle of nowhere I don’t hate them. In fact I don’t bother thinking of them at all which seems appropriate as they are useless shits. But like I said, it happens to be the topic du jour so I thought of it today

  7. Can you imagine what it must be like to live in an Amish community. There must be a new birth every week! Whereas in Western society a family or community might welcome a new birth once in many years. Amish = young and growing. Western society = old and dying.

    1. Their society cant grow because it is hemmed in by the western world around them, not to mention the fact that their ‘rules’ have painted them into a corner, developmentally.

      1. Yes, I don’t think they have the ability to think critically.
        I talked with some Amish elders while at Chicago’s Union Station. They said they are allowed to play dice games but not chess. They referred to chess as a game of chance. Seems totally the opposite of the truth (chess is a game of skill while dice games are games of chance). I watched 4 Amish adults (older probably in their 50s) play some dice game for hours at a table in the dining car. Not sure how adults could be fixated by throwing a pair of dice over and over…

        1. I think they have any curiosity conditioned out of them. They’re probably not very introspective.

        2. Its because so many of their rules are reactive to the world outside their community; ad-hoc prohibitions of things they would never develop themselves.

      2. its really like living in a fantasy world, aint it? If the US ever collapsed, the zombie hordes would slaughter them unfortunately

        1. Amish have guns. Just an FYI.
          And lots of us “English” would stand up to protect them as well. The Amish were clever, they’d move to places with high concentrations of Scottish people, and then petition the Scots to fight on their behalf, which isn’t hard to do because turns out, Scots love to fight. Crafty people in their own right, the Amish.

        2. Guns have been around long before there were Amish so there’s no real hypocrisy there.

        3. Doubtful. They also don’t make their own hammers and saws (although, who knows?). The point isn’t to craft every single item of life themselves from raw materials. It’s about rejecting worldly things that necessarily provide temptations to sin. Combine their pacifism with guns and they are consistent insofar as they only use them for hunting.

        4. They can also use hammers on other men. They can also pick up a milk container (the big metal kind) and bash in a skull.

        5. no, cherry picking is too modern. You need to stand under the tree with your mouth open and hope for the best.

    2. That is by the design of the enemies of the west. But there are those of us who are awake and they are not the only ones who can plan, my little corner of the west is very much alive.

        1. I was about to argue, but thinking about it you may just be right.
          White n Nerdy and The Saga Begins come close, though. And some of his original work is inspired (Bob, Your Horoscope for Today, etc.).

        2. How do I forget about Rico Suave? Every time it’s mentioned, the song plays in my head, but somehow I always gloss over it when listing Yankovich songs.

        3. h/t to whatever porcer calls himself for that one(too lazy to scroll up something34)

        4. Ah, shit. Went to pull it up on YouTube, and someone else wrote Rico Suave.
          Weird Al’s was Taco Grande. Which, as I relisten to it, is hilarious.

        5. thats why its funny. and yeah im getting old…its a gerardo song

    1. The idea that our choices are amish or limp wristed faggots and feminist cows kind of discounts the large swarth of people that are just kind of normal

    2. Eh, he seems pretty spot on. They have their own issues of course, just like any other group of human beings, but they are by and large far more at peace in life than anybody outside of their group.

      1. I would let the dark haired one churn my butter. Conan used to be great. Comedy died many years ago…08/09, just like our economy

        1. Honestly, I would let any of them churn my butter. But I admit that the mousey dark haired one would be especially fun.

    1. As the ocean is big enough to filter out some amount of pollution all on it is own it is good that there is enough buffer and enough culture and few enough of these freaks to have any real impact

        1. Much like the Zeppelin it was just fine for it’s time. Trying to relive it now as a way of life is just fucking stupid.

        2. I don’t know, last time i was on one I saw a valet punch an officer in the face and toss him right out the window….apparently “no ticket”

        1. some of the world’s greatest bowlers were amish(eg, earl anthony)

  8. not sure if true, but I read these some of these communities had telephones early on. The men decided to get rid of them bc it promoted gossip amongst the ladies

  9. are any of the amish on foodstamps or medicaid? or is it against their code?

    1. They don’t pay in so they don’t get benefits. Amish also do not have SS numbers or cards. The only taxes they pay are sales tax on goods and property taxes.

      1. fascinating. wonder what they will do in the future when cash is a thing of the past

        1. Ole Doc Bem still only charges 1 chicken for a leeching

        2. Cash will never be a thing of the past. Even cashless folks will tell you
          that $20 bills and lower will remain for daily type transactions or
          giving as gifts, etc. A totally cashless society would probably see the
          Amish adopting silver coins that they mint themselves, I’d wager. Or
          moving out of the U.S. entirely.

        3. “With leeching prices so low, were practically GIVING them all away!”- Crazy Edward I

      2. Cash will never be a thing of the past. Even cashless folks will tell you that $20 bills and lower will remain for daily type transactions or giving as gifts, etc. A totally cashless society would probably see the Amish adopting silver coins that they mint themselves, I’d wager. Or moving out of the U.S. entirely.

  10. The thing about the Amish (pronounced “aye-mish”) or as my grandfather called them “those jews from Pennsylvania” is that being amish seems to really, really, really, really, really, really fucking suck

    1. there are cobblers and vhs rental shops in dutch country (hadda dust that one off! been about a yr)

      1. Cobbling is a noble profession! The VHS place is really fucking batty.

    2. They seem pretty happy with the “suck”. Their houses are top quality constructions, very beautiful, hand crafted and you could not afford one anywhere near NYC without investing most of your retirement portfolio and half of your stock options. They are clean, tidy and hard working and don’t seem put off by it at all. While it may “suck” from your cosmopolitan view, from a traditionalist point of view, they seem to have found the secret to living a life of deep contentment that few outside of their circles will ever obtain.
      This is said as somebody who has spent most of his life around the Amish. The old school (Schwarzentruber? I may be spelling that wrong) are the picture of contentment and peace. Of course being human they have their own social dynamics and gossip etc. but on the whole they are far more at peace with themselves and the world than anybody here or anywhere could ever hope to obtain.

        1. That’s because you can’t conceive of a lifestyle outside of your own. Objectively speaking, they seem to enjoy it so clearly it’s not “suck” by their standards.

        2. oh i can conceive of it….i can conceive of it totally fucking sucking

        3. For you. And only you. I could get along pretty well in their world if I had to. Hard work and fresh food, high quality crafting and conversations with others in the fields wouldn’t suck at all, to me.

        4. lolknee vs. GOJ on matters of cosmopolitanism vs. agrarianism is one of my favourite recurring themes on this site.

        5. agrarians are one think clark. That is merely a different lifestyle. This is intentionally being a misfit. Can go back and forth on cosmo versus agrarian but in the end they are codependent opposite sides of the same coin. Misfits, on the other hand, are worthless.

        6. You’re saying the Amish are misfits? Because they rejected the modern world and have some hokey beliefs? I don’t get it.

        7. I am saying that you either are a part of the culture or counter culture. You want to have beliefs about the direction that culture should go in that go against the main stream that’s great…especially now….but my patience for people who just drop out of society is nil

        8. They don’t drop out of society. In fact, as has been noted on this thread, they show up to aid others who are not part of their religion, for free even. They are quite keen on lending assistance to others. They also contribute to the larger market by offering their hand made and high quality goods to the general public. Just because they don’t want to use iPhones or watch Breaking Bad on the tele doesn’t mean that they’ve dropped out of the larger society.

        9. sorry bro, from where i stand they are social misfits and they are social misfits intentionally which means they get no quarter. If they didn’t want to be shit on by society they would conform to it.

        10. I don’t think I agree.
          To drop out of “society” and start living on your own terms is to take your counter-cultural beliefs seriously.

        11. That’s a very closed minded view of this. They are no more “misfits” than any other group that doesn’t run the rat race at a deathly pace. And they don’t get shit on by society, because they do offer many things to society and they surely don’t stop you from coming into their stores or communities to have a look see. They contribute to the larger society in their own way and it is a positive way at that. Saying “conformity or death” is myopic.

        12. well i will give you that…I am a close minded person. The reason the are merely mocked and not actually shit on is because they are in the middle of nowhere and are more or less harmless. But if you took the whole vest bomb aiaiaiaiaiaiaiai bullshit away from the terrorists and made them actually peaceful they would still be miserable shits…just more easy to tolerate.
          Coformity or death is a little extreme. Conformity or go to the middle of fucking no where and occasionally let us make a reality show about you so we can point and laugh is much better.

        13. Correct. It’s us who dropped out of the market. The market of sanity and moral living.

        14. Hell, I dropped my cable connection some time ago. One of the best things I ever did.

      1. You might be generalizing a bit yourself there. The ones I’ve interacted with were rather akin to ‘carnies’, kind of bottom-feeders constantly trying to game their own rules.

        1. Pennsylvania Amish are a far cry from what they used to be. Most of the hard core traditionalists left PA a long time ago. I’ve met and interacted with PA “Dutch” and most of them are AINO (Amish In Name Only) on most counts.

      2. When we were rebuilding Houston after Hurricane Ike, some Amish families came to pitch in. There were eighth grade boys with hands the size of baseball mitts almost singlehandedly roofing houses while the locals worked in multi-man teams. They took over janitorial duty in the church while they camped in the auditorium, and the place never looked so good.
        Now, I don’t doubt that there are many AINO’s out there (great term, GoJ), but I’d trust those guys over just about any other man I’ve ever met.

    3. Your grandfather recognized they had the same tailors as the brooklyn diamond merchants.

      1. and do i detect a subtle Blues Brothers reference in there?

        1. damn you’re good….
          I saw one at Lowes last night and that phrase (in Aretha Franklin’s irritated voice) has been stuck in my head ever since…

        2. 4 fried chickens and a coke.
          BTW Aretha’s irritated voice is exactly how i read that

  11. Not the kind of lifestyle I want but I can understand the appeal to it. Just remember that like everything else in life, it has its downside and it’s not for everybody.

  12. One of the main reason why the Amish have managed to preserve their traditional way of life is because they don’t use electricity. Electricity brings light but it is also the foundation of all modern technologies. Technologies bring too many distractions, eliminate the need of relying on others in one’s community and rob the children of the ability to learn the value of hard work.
    Without electricity the Amish woman can not have the “time-saving” gadgetry and most of her time is consumed by doing the domestic chores. And she’s happier because when woman’s brain is idle it gets confused and disorientated.
    Sadly, lately the Amish have succumbed to the use of cell phones. This is a BIG mistake and it’s going to cost them dearly.
    The fault lies with us men though. Esther Vilar says:
    When a man sees a woman spending hours cooking, washing dishes and cleaning, it never occurs to him that such jobs probably make her quite happy since they are exactly at her mental level. Instead he assumes that this drudgery prevents her from doing all those things which he himself considers worthwhile and desirable. So he invents automatic dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, and precooked foods to make her life easier and to allow her to lead the dream life he himself longs for.

  13. You are romancing the ideas of the Amish. The truth is far from the pedestal you view them on. I live near a large Amish population, they have many many problems. Birth defects do to inbreeding, crooked business practices. No regard for animal populations. They will decimate wild game populations. Child abuse and pedophilia are rampant.
    I can see the appeal to some Amish ideals, but they are as broken as any culture and in many ways worse.

    1. Oh horse shit. Granted bad things can happen in any community, but “rampant”, I’m calling shenanigans here. Or you live in a really, really fucked up area with “modern” Amish (not old school). Do they have buttons on their shirt, pray tell (serious question)?

        1. They actually are. They basically are moving forward at near light speed (for them) towards modern life. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if they start driving cars soon, if they haven’t already (the Mennonites have large segments that basically do that now).

        2. No, it’s just a plain fact (pun intended). Lots of Amish have skidaddled to Mexico, believe it or not, as of the last 2 decades. Lots of government meddling was starting to infringe on their world, so they packed up and scooted. Ohio has large pockets of Schwarzentruber (sp) old school still, but in PA I really don’t think I’ve encountered any old school whatsoever. Granted I haven’t toured the state from border to border, but the Amish I have encountered there were more or less borderline on the edge of hooking up their homes to the power grid.

        3. They also have very different views of technology for personal lives vs business. And really weird loopholes.

        4. The ones who are not old order, yeah, I’ve seen that.

        5. I took some old doors out there to get stripped because I knew they had no qualms about dumping solvents all over the place.

        6. The one that stumps me is tractors = bad.
          Horse pulling a wagon with a gas powered hay baler = ok.

        7. interesting about mexico- I was watching a show on amazon called “old dogs” and there were some mennonite or amish farmers in costa rica…

        8. I’ve not seen that yet. That would be silly.

      1. Compared to “normal” western culture, the rates are much higher. It is hard to get a statistical analysis of the abuse because the Amish are so closed doors. Also being married off as a teenager is common. The Amish actually have a lot in common with the Muslim population, minus the blowing people up and whatnot.

        1. That’s basically what I’m saying. One cannot claim most of the things you did since there really is no way to measure most of it (outside of inbreeding, which is a function of community size more than their lifestyle).
          Being married as a teenager isn’t a bad thing. I’m betting that if you go back three generations in your family, all of your grandparents for generations back were married as teens.

        2. I am sure that is true, but that does not make it correct. I 100% believe that a woman in a relationship should take the “traditional” route in the sense that their duties differ from that of the man. The man is the head of the household and she needs do understand that. But I also believe that it is the man’s duty to protect the women under his care, his wife or any female children. But the Amish (from what I have seen and accounts I have read) truly treat women like a commodity to be traded. That is too traditional for my beliefs.

        3. Eh, never bothered me how they treat their women. I’ve helped Amish build things before and sat around shooting the breeze with many of them, and they don’t seem to treat their women as slaves in any respect. They treat them differently than we do, but it’s not like they regress back to Ancient Greek treatment of women that I’ve seen.

        4. Hell, my father’s folks married as teenagers. Their siblings married as teenagers.
          You don’t have to go back very far, at all. Up until 1920-ish, it was legal in every state as young as 14 (and was true in Hawaii until 2001, IIRC). Something happened in the early 1900’s that brought us feminism, Marxism, socialized schooling, and then-anomalous ages of consent.

        5. I lay the blame squarely on the television show Friends.

        6. Her too. Hated that cunt at the time. Still do.

        7. She looked like a number 2 pencil to me. I need curves on a girl, and I don’t mean curves in the “BBW” way, I mean curves as in “you can actually detect hips and tits” way.

        8. I have to go back further. The “Golden Girls” planted all the seeds for what you see now. Four hot, single, mature ladies… all living the wild party life without all the baggage of kids or husbands. Yeah, once young women got a glimpse of how good the Golden Girl lifestyle really was… well, that was the beginning of the end of traditional marriage and families.

        9. You know my taste in women man. Bikini model/fitness model, with nice titties and nice legs and ass. McBeal had zero of that going on.

        10. Well since its ALL in the realm of fantasy for me, I indulge in some whimsy now and again.

        11. That makes me think: ROK still hasn’t done a gerontophilia article yet

        12. great idea
          no. 1 how to attract a woman like barbara bush. We could get Bill Cosby to write the article

        13. You’re worried about how they treat their women? Look around you cuck and look where we are now. Shit, the cuckery never ends. If “men” don’t change their thinking on this VERY soon then we can kiss our collective asses goodbye.

  14. The Faustian spirit of the West cannot be ignored. We cannot ge back to pre-modern ways of life. Try to find a synthesis between tradition and modernity instead of being nostalgic. Guillaume Faye’s book Archeofuturism is a much better source of inspiration than the Amish. But I respect these types of articles, of course, and tech-skepticism is sound in many regards.

        1. also handy getting the pitch on a window air conditioner just right.

        2. Wait…they still make window air conditioners?

        3. they do and they have actually started making them very well. Can get a 45k BTU window air conditioner than is a real work horse, isn’t terrible (for what it is and what it does) on electric and really does a fine job pushing out cold air over decent square footage without the cost of duct work, a compressor and wall drilling of a split unit or the abysmal performance of PTAC units.

        4. Huh. Well there we go then. The only window AC’s I’ve seen in the last decade were in trailer parks and they all looked like they were imported from the year 1974.

        5. I’ve never seen a trailer park. They are a good option for rentals where you want them to work (so PTAC is out) and you don’t want to spend the money on split units or central duct work.

        6. I *think* that you’re joking, but if you actually are serious, then we’re talking about two entirely different types of Amish here, and my observations about PA Amish are in fact holding up to reality. If you’re serious.

        7. I am first and foremost fukking with you.
          and I do recognize the cult of the AINOs as being different from the Amish you know.

        8. Yeah, more or less that’s spot on.

        9. Heh, yeah, on an old farm too, I’ve seen them out in the country but they always look like the old school things to me. Maybe they aren’t, but it’s not like I drive up and ask the residents about their window AC.

        10. Man I dont miss those things…..god knows my back wont!
          I put central air in my house and can never ever go back.

        11. True, and its usually country music rather than rap music. Perhaps “hick hop” in some areas.

        12. “hick hop”….
          Exception – they leave during tornadoes, which are caused by trailer parks from what I understand

        13. Tell you what, though, I’m keeping one in the basement in case my A/C goes out again. It took entirely too long to get that fixed (I wasn’t paying big bucks for some guy to swap out a $30 capacitor behind a readily-accessible panel, but the local supply shop was closed).

        14. They only leave “during tornadoes” when the tornado actually throws them out of the trailer, I think.

        15. Thanks. I have about 68 GB of window unit AC pr0n on my hard drive if you want to trade.

        16. Look up the Roman Chimney. It’s how people used to do “air conditioning” back in the olden times. Basically draw air up from the basement slowly and out through a black painted chimney (which causes the air at top to rise, which creates the vacuum necessary to draw cool air from the basement). You can do that today by cracking a basement door about an inch open, closing all windows but one at the top of your house, and putting a fan in that window blowing air *out* of the house. Actually rather effective and it does in fact work, I’ve done it before in cabins.

        17. I’ve seen that system as a means of ventilating mines. Neat stuff.
          AKA the poor mans central AC

        18. I went with the “redneck AC unit” concept – cut some holes in a styrofoam cooler, filled it with ice, and used a fan to circulate air over the ice and onto my couch/office chair/bed.
          Your way sounds better.

        19. My son did that in his dorm last year, lol. They don’t allow open windows and they keep the buildings heater on all the time, so it got hot. He froze gallons of water in pans and blew fans over them.

        20. I did notice that my old dorm windows couldn’t be opened. I don’t know if it’s because they think we’ll all commit suicide (in which case, why were my friends’ windows on the first floor sealed?) or what, but it didn’t seem like a good portent to me.

        21. Stop telling people what I mean. I mean what I say, and I say what I mean. Mostly.

      1. technically i don’t think anyone can walk a talk unless it is some new form of sign language.

        1. Technically you’re not Hipponax but lolknee who in turn technically is someone else who technically …. technically.

        2. Well there you are right. I am not a 6th BCE century greek poet…but really I am neither…I am someone altogether different with a real name and a real life and everything

        3. They go with “Current Era” these days.
          It doesn’t change the fact that the calendar dates from Roman estimates of Jesus’ birth, though.

        4. Yep. It’s a huge SJW “science” thing now to do that to virtue signal.

        5. Just a flip of the bird to Christians from those who can’t control their hostility towards Christians. It means Before Common Era. Invented purely as an in your face to Christians.

        6. it is not a flip of the bird to Christians at all and I would be the first one to call it out if it was. Christians do get the bird flipped at them regularly and it is shitty. But the fact is that christ doesn’t belong in academia any more than academia belongs in christianity (with the exception of theology and philosophy) Before the common era is merely a non religious way to talk about a standard of telling time. I understand christians get a raw deal at times with people pissing on them and there is reason for the sensitivity, but it does get over blown at times and this is one of those times. I was discussing a time 600 years before christ, a field that has no connection to religion and BCE is a standard which I can support. Not everything has to suck christs dick just like not everything has to piss on christianity. Case by case basis and in the case of using Before Common Era rather than Before Christ.

        7. Yeah, I guess it’s one of the not so subtle attempts to hide the fact our civilization used to be Christian.

      2. Of course we can:
        Visions of the future
        Bodybuilding and/or physical discipline
        Intellectual improvement (each to his own abilities)
        Pragmatic market economics
        Ethics and influences from the greco-roman culture (not pederasty)
        Ethnic balance instead of ethnic purity and multiculturalism
        Religion and spirituality
        Nation states co-operating
        A mix between democracy, authority and meritocracy
        Complementary sex roles instead of “equality”

        1. All on paper and nothing put in practice. Btw, purely theoretically how are high tech and religion going to work together?

        2. even on a smaller scale WA….we can write a poem, learn to play an instrument, build a ship in a bottle, grow tomatoes. Not everything has to be globally “important” or meaningful (whatever the fuck meaningful is supposed to mean).

        3. Of course it is in practice. At the individual and family levels one can do a lot of things. Many of things are already there on a social scale. It is just about doing proper measures.

        4. Science does not invalidate religion. That is a false assumption, based on faulty reasoning.

    1. I disagree with you on Faye’s Archeofuturism but you are right, the clock can’t be turned back.

      1. I don’t agree with everything in that book either. But I like the synthesis. Ferrari cars as a manifestation for European prowess.

  15. I can respect those folks for sticking to their guns and the left REALLY hates them so they must be doing something right. That being said though, they still farm with draft animals and bale hay by hand and stuff, that’s too much like work.

    1. And ironically, Amish and Mennonites are by and large pacifists, which goes against what leftists end up doing at the end of the day, which is inciting chaos and violence. They just want to be left alone, just like the rest of us.

      1. In Tv shows The Amish are always unhappy. In the feminist show orange is the new black, The weird drug addict in jail was Amish. Yeah she was oppressed by the Amish patriarchy is funny how they describe women as miserable but Muslim women are brave for embracing Islam and wear the hijab. If an Amish girls leave the Amish community nothing happen, her family will stop talking to her that´s all, if a Muslim girl leave Islam her family will honor kill her.

  16. One measure of a civilization is it’s military power. By forgoing technology, groups like the Amish are nothing but an echo. The ancient Greeks, Romans, Goths, and Renaissance Europeans were great because of their ideas AND their power.
    If Western Culture is to survive, it has to do so with technology – while fixing the degeneration that has happened to our society.

    1. Faith is greater than ideas or power. That’s why the Amish have outlasted any of the civilizations you mention (if they are a true representation of Christianity as it was meant to be 2000 years ago).

        1. Somebody needs to make a meme of all the gay ass religious hats people wear. Starting with the Jewish yarmulke that looks like a bra cup, the Muslim whatever it’s called that looks like a doily and the Amish hat that looks like a UFO. And somebody tell the pope to stop wearing that fucking vase on his head.

        2. The Hare Club for Men knows the truth! The Catholic Church has too long hidden the fact that Peter Cottontail was the first pope!

        3. but wouldn’t it be a better world if we could all wear gay ass religious hats regardless of race creed colour and gayness quotient?

        1. Just because popular Christianity is dying doesn’t mean the Church is dead. In hidden places in China they still seek Him. In remote areas of the US they still seek Him. On the Internet many still seek Him.

    2. You’re putting the cart before the horse. To survive a civilization has to have common, shared values, such as religion. The rest will follow. Without this, you can have as much tech and weaponry as you want; it won’t help you.

      1. Michael Savage is kind of a nut, but he has one theme that is remarkably poignant and true: borders, language, culture. Without those three things, you don’t have a nation.

      2. Look to the Middle East. Until very recently, most people there were basically trapped in the Iron Age technology-wise, and their weapons were pitiful by modern standards. Yet they’ve maintained a culture for over a thousand years.
        Cultures live or die by their myths and common codes. Myths teach complex philosophical truths via rhetoric, so that even children can understand them; common codes ensure that everyone knows what they are to do and can enforce that code amongst themselves.

  17. Even in the scorching summer heat, the girls wore modest squirts,

    I like exotic, extravagant squirts, personally.

    1. Brazilian squirt porn? Come to think of South Park and the “ghost” (of Jefferson).

      1. They say squirt is not urine but comprised of a different fluid. I’m not sure. Either way I want her to taste it for me and tell me it tastes amazing.

  18. My family originated in Northern Mexico, next to a thriving Mennonite community. These are some of the nicest folks I’ve ever met. Very simple folk. And the women? To this day I haven’t seen a Mennonite girl who I could label as drop dead gorgeous, but they do have a sort of humble, rustic beauty to them, which makes them attractive. Or maybe it’s because I’ve never, and most likely never, seen one naked.
    And one thing to note. While Mennonites in Mexico have but and large learned Spanish and gotten along with the locals, they still retain their customs and their German dialect. In a world where the concept of immigrants integrating into a society is still debated, Mennonites have shown us how it’s done. What happened was, the Mexican government gave them arid land and tries them, if you can make it productive, it’s yours, and they did. At the end of the day, I’m not opposed to immigrants keeping their own customs and language, as long as they make an effort to integrate.

    1. A great grandfather of mine left his family who were Dunkards. He was a drunk SOB. My grandmother had a very hard childhood as a result. One time I met his Dunkard side and they were as well very kind and decent people. They did have modern technology, but mostly dressed and lived like the Amish.

  19. OT: “Trump Announces Ban on Transgender Servicemembers in U.S. Military”
    From BreitBart.

    1. So rare to see something that makes sense, I actually didn’t believe my eyes at first. His comment that our guys need to be too focused on victory to “accommodate” tranny demands was so reasonable, it was like the calm after a storm of stupid.
      I just wish his idea of victory meant packing up and getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan and Syria.

      1. If we back out now, they’ll go back to their despotic ways and our boys will have died over there for nothing. The only logical option is to have more of our boys die for nothing.
        Seriously, though, what’s the point of going to war if you’re gonna make it so our boys can’t fight back? I’ve heard the stories – five seconds of sustained gunfire required to be allowed to shoot back, waiting for approval to open fire in a hot zone, accounting for every single bullet fired. What the hell do we bother training them for if they’re never going to be allowed to, you know, fight wars?

        1. We should do the world a favor and bomb the entire country out of existence.

        2. Our boys have already died for nothing. If we stay another day or another 100 years, the Afghanis will pick right up where they left off after we are gone.

        3. I was under the impression Trump was giving more leeway to our generals to actually fight. You would think some of that would trickle down to Infantry guys.

        4. My buddy served during the Oh bummer years. I can only hope he turns his military over to military men, as Sun Tzu prescribed millennia ago.

        5. The Afghans will still be wiping their butts with their bare hands in 2117 while we will be building colonies on other planets and mastering interstellar space travel.

        6. On our current path, we will either be dead (due to a great war of extermination) or rebuilding our cities. Our current civ will not reach the stars.

        7. “Your world shall burn until its surface is but glass…” Should be our one and only wartime strategy.

        8. Your children shall die in agony. Your women will scream your names as they burn. Your daughters will service our men and bear our offspring.
          Your lands will be as barren as the deserts. Your fields will be sown with salt so that nothing shall grow on the fields of your fathers. Your tombs and graves shall remain unmarked.
          History shall forget your names, and no map or archive will record your people.

          Interestingly, much of this sort of talk can be found in the Mohammadan Hadith.

        9. Well that is if the West continues on the Talmudic path. Lots of whites waking up to Jewish duplicity.

        10. Trump reminds of Reagan vs Carter, when Jimmuh wrung his hands for 400 days, but terrorists could not give the hostages back fast enough after Reagans election.
          The rules of engagement have changed. No more mentally ill
          It can only get better

        11. I seem to remember something from Sun Tzu about defeating the enemy with his own weapon…

        12. Although there are some limiting (and stupid) ROE’s, what you mention are exaggerations.

        13. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !pm157d:
          On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
          ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash447GroupBoxPay$97Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★:::::!pm157..,…

        14. So, bring them home. Get them cared for as needed. And don’t send our people to war for bullshit anymore.

        15. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !aw142d:
          On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
          ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash432ShopLittlePay$97Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★:::::!aw142l..,……

        16. Sadly, we never should have gone there! Hell, this is the ONE thing POTUS Trump has NEVER wavered on believing it was a bad idea! And what does a ban of transgender have to do with backing out of Mideast conflict? By the way, are you of fighting age? Maybe you can replace those transgender warriors?

        17. Your suggestion has already happened, 🗣👂🏼hello…
          The country is already a tear-down, by anyones definition. Doesn’t the evidence show(pics/frontline video) that wiping the whole place out was the plan, if not from the beginning, at least has been for awhile now.
          I’m not mad about it, either 😉

        18. Those “stories” you’ve “heard” from our troops aren’t stories, Taigbogias -you silly thing, you. Shocking, that of the 100’s, listing only 3: 1. Wait 5sec’s to fire. 2.Account for every single bullet fired. 3. Wait for approval to open fire in hot zones. Those are some of the most mild/lenient “Laws of War” that all “Civilized Nations” attempt to obey, because being a permanent member of the “United Nations”, whether you’re a plain ol’ civilian or a troop in the US military, whats called the “International Court of Justice” will prosecute you.
          And, thats just one side of it. Im not even talking about the separate jurisdiction of our US military, where “troops must make every effort to act in chivlry, or be deemed incompetent”. In other words -a scardy cat that shoots unmethodically at anything that moves is a coward.
          Start by looking up the “Nuremberg Priniples”…It’s clear you have no idea what you’re talking about. Also, adults don’t tell “stories” as if our imaginary friends were still real, anymore either. We aren’t your mommy, Taigey darlin..
          I can only say what my grandfather (a highly decorated personal+unit general from WW2) would think about what you just said, yet I think it might be a unanimous opinion about your kind. In his honor, I must now send you off to coincide with the only other group that is most certainly -Your equivalent. They call themeselves the feminists. Heard of em?
          Now, if you’ll excuse me, dear sirs…I must rush off now, to get freshened up. My man’ll be home any minute now and he expects his cocktail + blow-job -ready & waiting👄
          Ta-ta 😉

        19. Dave from Oz, Reagan from Bedtime for Bonzo, Trump from Apprentice… Yoo-hoo, Dave in Oz..
          By your own admissions, to actually reveal that in essence, you sleep better at night knowing that one of your favorite “characters” has been cast as the REAL President of the United States, is mentally ill -both in admitting it and thinking it.
          Coming from a man who describes himself as being in Oz, whether you meant living in a prison or in an imaginary land, logic tells us your mentally ill reference could only be a Freudian slip, a projection..If you don’t agree with what I just said, it proves I’m right, for REAL mentally ill people don’t consciously know they are.

        20. Dave from Oz, Reagan from Bedtime for Bonzo, Trump from Apprentice… Yoo-hoo, Dave in Oz..
          By your own admissions, to actually reveal that in essence, you sleep better at night knowing that one of your favorite “characters” has been cast as the REAL President of the United States, and its gonna get better, is mentally ill -both in admitting it and thinking it. Wake up
          But, as the same person who describes himself as being in Oz, whether you meant living in a prison or in an imaginary land, cpled with calling others mentally-ill….Freudian slip, a projection, comes to mind.
          If you don’t agree with what I just said, remember: REAL mentally ill people don’t consciously know they are.

        21. We remember what we agree with, don’t we, James? That’s great advice for those who can’t think of anything better. Outwitting isn’t your thing -at least you know yourself.

        22. To kill children and women? You’re a big strong man, aren’t you, Josh? Sexy

        23. Geek! Uh, huh-huh..Uh, sub-uh-tle is uh, my midduhl name… You’re hot, Beavis

        24. Impressions are deceiving aren’t they? Unheard of, but, Generals don’t listen to the current president. Our Intelligence officers confirm that daily. Go back and read how they respond to his tweets…

        25. “Millennia ago”, I quote you. Your hope is not a plan. It’s not reality either. Check it out by noticing what you’re typing on right this second. In line with your thinking, you might try killing yourself and quickly jump on an astral plane or a carpet, back in time to the dark ages.

      2. Ahem…80% of the world’s Opium comes out of Afghanistan. The Opium trade is as big as oil. Do you honestly think that the CIA (et al) is going to give up that huge cash crop? Pigs will grow wings and fly away first…

        1. You ever known any CIA officers? You ever met or/and spoke to anyone in any of our intelligence agencies? Ever watched any declassified documentarys, or read any of the documents released in 2012? How about finished a book any retired agent has written? Pigs oink and oink around, in a pen of mud for no other apparent reason beyond being angry and bored, cause they’re powerless to escape. But, they’re animals. The pig -is your reflection.

        2. Yes I knew two retired CIA agents. Both of them owned very nice water front estates, well beyond the means of mid-level bureaucrats. One of them had his house furnished in Asian fine art and high end Asian furniture. But what I’ll never forget (I was a teenager at the time, I am nearly sixty) was the absolutely exquisite gold and malachite opium pipe he had prominently on display in a bay window. His teenage son took me on a grand tour ans showed all of this finery off to me. I also have a good friend who flew for Air America back before the US was openly involved in Vietnam. Part of his job was flying bags of “rice” to be air dropped for “humanitarian aid.” Oddly, he said every time they loaded his air craft, he had a “spook” overseeing the operation. He questioned one CIA man about the actual contents of the bags and was told “It wouldn’t be in your best interests to find out.”
          It is no coincidence that when the Taliban was in charge, opium production in Afghanistan had dropped to an all time low. Then, after only a couple of years of US military occupation (with the forward operating bases being run by the State Dept.) that opium production has never been higher. I have friends that were active duty over there and they wondered why, when they found opium fields, they weren’t allowed to burn them. And our heroin addiction rate has quadrupled in this country? Opium is as big as oil. Someone is going to control that money. Who has the manpower, resources to move the product and connections to distribute it? I’m not saying that all CIA agents are dirty. It just takes a few. Oh, and government troll is your reflection.

        1. I wish sometimes that I had Twatter so that I could observe this kind of thing. But the cons far outweigh the pros I’d get.

        2. Yeah, I’m looking into it right now. Fucking comedy gold, man. Feels like the day when Trump was elected all over again.

        3. I cultivated a list of people worth following and ignore the rest of the site, for the most part. Every so often, though, it becomes hilarious.
          Recent examples include:
          – The banning of Milo and subsequent #JeSuisMilo madness
          – GamerGate (they’re still going crazy about it – now the guy who kicked it off was a Kotaku editor or something)
          – The election, all of it
          – Every time Trump says, does, doesn’t say, or doesn’t do anything

        4. I saw one just now saying something like, “Those transgender soldiers could have saved this country.” Assuming the highest stats I’ve seen, there can’t be more than a few thousand real transgender in the US (mostly living in places like California).
          Even if they all decided to join and were accepted into the military, they’re still pretty much a piss in the wind.

        5. Like I said, that’s assuming the absolute highest stats I’ve seen. And, based on those fruitcakes I’ve met (thanks, college), none of them would risk their lives for their own sakes, much less for others’.

        6. In semi-related news, a former acquaintance finds her soulmate or something in a best friend who decided she’s a trans-man.
          Tumblr. Not even once.

        7. Ain’t that the truth. The girl fattened herself up, cut her hair and dyed it outrageous colors, bitched out every person she met so only degenerates would spend time with her, and then was surprised when the best candidate she could find was another ugly chick.
          EDIT: Oh, and she’s into popular chick anime and television shows. You know, the ones with effeminate men who live to empower women and idiot children of all ages.

        8. which rams home the point that what they are buying into is typically an entire package of stupid. Even if there’s no package involved so to speak

        9. That Twitchy site features the top ten or so most-fucked-up Twitter exchanges, edited to the meat, so you don’t have to waste too much time on them to see how crazy/stupid people are. Then again, you can get all you want of that by merely going out into the world.

    2. Next hopeful win – Trump revokes medical support for Bradley Manning. Bigly.

    3. First a SCOTUS appointment, now this. Some common fucking sense. Score 2 for Trump!

    4. Some epic comedy gold in the comments on the NYT article on this:
      From someone named Cameron: “Listen, guys. I understand the impulse to announce “this is a
      distraction, don’t fall for it!” and I understand, I really do. But for
      some of us, this isn’t petty. I’m a young transgender American. This is
      more than small potatoes for me: this is my future, my rights. For many
      transgender people, this is their careers and their livelihoods as well.
      I thought things were turning around for us. I thought we were
      moving towards safety and hope and normalcy. This may be smaller than
      healthcare, but it’s still pretty hard to stomach.”
      Poor snowflake. Notice that xyr never says that xe wanted to, or would, join the military. That tells you all you need to know right there – this is not about real world implications, but theoretical positions based on a mental whackjob’s hurt feelz. But yeah, I should be ashamed that my son now doesn’t have to risk his life in some third world shithole with some unstable and undependable fuckadoodle in the hole next to him. Blow that you your distended ass, snowflake.

      1. amazing how they allow comments for articles that advance their agenda(and Im sure they are heavily moderated)

        1. No shit. Here’s another great one:
          From some sadshit named Jack: “As the father of a brave college-age trans son I am deeply disappointed by Trump and Mattis for their call on this. The military has long been a force for advancing minority rights and this action stains that legacy. I had far higher expectations for Mattis. But I am especially livid at the way Trump handled this matter as a political football rather than a serious personnel matter. His willingness to abuse 1+ million Americans, only the latest in a long string of minorities, is wholly unworthy of his office.”
          Where to start?
          First, your son (or is it actually your daughter) is not “brave,” he’s mentally ill.
          Second, you are a sick child abusing enabler who is allowing untreated mental illness to destroy your child because you prefer virtue signaling to your friends over the hard choices involved in real parenting. You are a “father” in only the purest biological sense, and perhaps not even there, because you sound like a fucking cuck.
          Third, the military is not a force for advancing minority rights. Full stop. Go read Clausewitz to understand the true purpose of your military and don’t open your ignorant piehole again until you have done so.
          Fourth, he’s “disappointed.” Oh no, however will our society function without this fucktard’s twisted approval?
          Fifth, he expected more from Mattis. Fucking LO-tripple-mutherfucking-LLLLLLL! I served under Mattis, and have actually personally met the guy three times. If you think Mattis was down with this shit, you are a full on retard. Mattis got in trouble for joking, during a public speech, that it was fun to kill people. Yeah, he gives a fuck about your son’s desire to be a eunuch. More likely, he thinks your son is someone that would be fun to shoot.
          Sixth, pot meet kettle. Who played political football by trying to forceably integrate these freaks in the first place irrespective of real world consequences or considerations? Maybe Trump is just playing political football, but he’s advancing the ball in my team’s direction.
          Seventh, 1 million americans are trans? Haha. What planet it this fucker on? That’s 1 out of every 300 people you meet. Yeah, your 2000 person high school – 7 trannies. Your 600 FB friends, at least two trannies. The 10,000 people you passed on the way in to work, at least 30 trannies. Complete and utter horseshit.
          Eighth, being denied the ability to serve in the military is “abuse”? Funny, I thought dems didn’t like the military and thought it was a tool to project evil colonialism at the expense of poor helpless disenfranchised minorities who are sent as cannon fodder to satiate the white man’s lust for power. I guess we’ll have to tell all the senior citizens they are being abused since they aren’t eligible to serve. Same for Kindergartners. And don’t forget the down’s syndrome kids – they would have made an awesome line of infantry advancing against machine guns with fixed bayonets, prepared to use retard strength to crush final resistance. But nope, they’ll have to suffer the abuse of being told that their skills are not required.
          /Rant over.

        2. You want a brave son on campus? Let him be a straight, white, non-leftist male and unashamed of it.
          On my old college campus, we had our few hundred LGBTABCDEF… students, sure. They had more than ten student organizations up before I left, and that number’s probably only increased. There was no white group, but every minority was represented (including minorities not actually attending college and one made up one – Palestinians). We had fifteen leftist propaganda organizations on top of those.
          We had one group of Young Republicans not allowed to meet on campus.
          And this was an engineering school in Texas, for Pete’s sake!

        3. The good news in this it that it makes the decision to tell my kids that they don’t have to attend college if they don’t want to that much easier.

        4. Assuming college survives that long, I’ll tell my kids they’re not getting a dime from me for college. I’ll help them cover trade school, and maybe even engineering if they find a non-converged school, but I ain’t paying umpteen thousand dollars for a less-than-worthless piece of paper.

        5. Heard on the radio today, that trans are 3/10 of 1% OF population, with 6000 in the military

        6. Only way I will pay 1/2 of their school (that’s the agreement) is if they maintain a 3.0 in a STEM type field.

        7. who is this “son” you keep mentioning? isn’t it a girl?
          use correct grammar.

        8. See, the problem with these whackadoodles is that I have no idea what this thing really is. So your guess is as good as mine.

        9. Retards are great FRONT LINE INFANTRY!.
          do it like the ruskies and give a gun to only half of them

        10. Texas, huh? Eeh.. Lonely nights saw you a lot of moonlit goats, huh? I know your type…As you say, stereotypes are true, aren’t they Mr. Buy An Eastern Bride?
          Here is Taig: Prob had Zits in high school, or was wimpy skinny or super fat, which led to no sex at a crucial time, which made you hate girls, or your mommy was mean, I’d bet everything you think your dick is small -leaves a toxic complex, btw…You got addicted to masterbating, to porn, which left you desensitized, so, you blamed the whores in your fav tv screen scenes…Misplaced, obviously. Dad beat your mom? Are you super buff, with lil pencil legs that don’t match your chest? Hmmm..
          Please post a pic? I only care about the “data”.. Just the facts.. Your opinion won’t help my poll.

        11. That’s called, “Sour grapes” You’re gonna give your kids a lesser life, based on your opinion of a type of minority somewhere on the planet, possibly at a school, maybe?
          Move out of your small town and go see the world. You are on the “world-wide web”, btw..Why do you go places where people of the world hang out? Put a fence around yourself and your kind, but wow..You are really missing out.
          I’m wishing you an incredible adventure, a weird moment that you go out of your mind and just say “F-it all and everyone” and you run away from your life and explore without a care in the world..And, I hope you love it so much that you never look back..Smiles

        12. There are so many incorrect assumptions built in to what you have said that I cannot address them all. So I’ll just tackle the fundamental one – college does not necessarily equate to a better life. I know plenty of college grads who are miserable, unable to find jobs in their field of study (because their schools have not equipped them with any valuable skills that would make them employable) and they are shackled to debt slavery. Conversely, I also know plenty of non-college grads who are actually doing better than I am as an attorney at a top firm (there’s something to be said for not having debt and knowing how to fix an electrical issue in a “knowledge economy” where no one else does). There are no sour grapes here – my kids can make their own choices. But they will do so with the benefit of my honest guidance, which will simply tell them that there are alternate paths in life, and that they do not have to conform to the current popular option in order to succeed.
          You seem unfamiliar with my comment history, but I don’t live in a small town – quite the opposite – and I have had more than my fair share of adventures. So my guidance comes from a long set of life experiences and observations on the world as it is, not simply how we wish it to be.

        13. You forgot “lives in the basement and snorts Cheeto dust while pounding back Mountain Dew during all-night Call of Duty sessions, calling everyone a ‘little pussy whose mom I fucked last night’ while sobbing about how no one likes him.”
          If you’re gonna insult me, don’t stop short.

        14. Yeah, gotta watch out for those dangerous college republicans, who knows WHAT shit they will start with all their privilege in one room….God forbid, I’m triggered! I need a safe space!!

      2. You should read the one about a 6 foot 200 pound black guy who claims white women shove him off the sidewalk.
        They really are a failing paper.

    5. I want to see him take jobs back from China and other low wage countries before I say he is winning. Also fix immigration which is still a giant mess.

      1. 6 months man. 6 months. Give it time. Most of that stuff is to do with Congress, not him. Presidents don’t write laws, they only sign what Congress puts on his desk.

        1. Yeah but kind of sad he has to deal with stuff like that. Years ago everyone knew Trannies were deviants that should not even flip burgers let alone serve in the military.

        2. FDR should have been drawn, quartered and his body parts sent to the four corners of the nation in order to set an example to future POTUS minded folk. Lincoln too. And Obama.

        3. Go back further and there are a lot of examples we should have made. Lincoln for dismantling the Bill of Rights before and during the war, John Marshall of the Supreme Court…

      1. And that part is bad.
        I only expected a SCOTUS pick from him when I voted for him. Everything else I figured would be a wash.

        1. To me, the SCOTUS pick was actually a bonus. I wanted him to so polarize the enemies of freedom, ethics, reason, and the nation as a whole that everyone would know what crazed monsters they are.
          And, hey, he’s definitely doing that.

        2. I’m not writing it off yet. Possible that this is a bad decision, but his play could be something like get rid of 50 shitheads we have already granted status to and so now owe process in exchange for taking 1200 shitheads we don’t want (and next FY if we ever get around to actually taking them) then deny them official refugee status and send them home.
          Maybe I’m wrong. But don’t crush my good mood in the middle of the transpocalypse!

        3. Sadly, our country is still going into the gutter thanks to endless third world immigration especially from India, Pakistan, Middle East, and Africa. I was shocked to see how disgusting Colombus, Ohio has become with third world immigrants.

        4. There are so many excellent ways it can go down. Maybe he lets fifty stay because, after rigorous review, they actually made the cut – then it’s pretty much a wash immigration wise and shows that the screening process can and does work to the sniveling socialists.
          Or he could let them all in. It’s a piss in the ocean compared to the unregulated immigration that needs addressing, anyway, and there’s always ICE.

        5. Seems perfectly fine. It’s 70% white in Columbus, and 90%+ in all the counties outside of it. I do think we have way more Hindudes than any one place should have and I’m not fond of that, but overall things are still mostly decent here. We could do without the Somalis however, deport their nasty stinking asses back to the hellhole from whence they came. Fuckers can’t drive to save their lives.

        6. You live in Columbus? Is the Hindu population extremely bad as some guy who took video footage in a park in Columbus showed how it was overrun by Hindus?

        7. It is not overrun with Hindudes. My guess is that he was very selective about where he filmed and when he filmed. That’s called cherry picking and people do it all the time. I can walk through Schiller Park this evening and will be surrounded by white people (as I was last weekend) and only a small handful of minorities.

    6. This is the best thing Trump did so far (I’m NOT a fan of him and he kinda failed in many ways but THIS is his best decision). Here, in Romania, there’s no such thing as transgender people in Army (yes, they’re minorities, people from other religion, women, even gays- in every army department, but NOT transgenders. Here we don’t have these people who doesn’t make any sense in Army. The government banned transgenders in the Army). I really don’t understand them, they’re worse than gays and bisexual people, in my opinion. Why would you want to be a different gender than you’re biological? Why a man would want to be a woman and a woman to be a woman? Doesn’t make any sense. Hope I’ll not offend someone here but this is my opinion.

    7. Nice timing. I am at work and I just called a chick, “dude.” I had no idea it was a chick. Maybe it’s feelings are hurt now. Well that’s what you get for lookin so damn sexually ambiguous.

      1. I call chicks dude anyway. Even hot ones. Occasionally I’ll get it thrown back something like “do I look like a dude to you.” You just reply “hard to tell, I might let you prove it to me” or something similar. It’s all in the delivery, but I have had decent results.

        1. It’s getting harder and harder to tell chicks from dudes, by their looks and their voice alone.

        2. “Im so confused
          I can’t tell the chicks from the dudes”
          K-rino. — “I can’t tell”.

          Check it on utube.

    8. I’ll tell you GOJ I was just about to post what you did as soon as I finished reading the article. You beat me to it. The Libby Left are losing their minds over this.

    9. No free sex changes on Trumps clock. Bravo says the American family trying to put bread on their table in this slavery for currency system that is now society

    10. The funniest part is that you have to “ban” something that shouldn’t have happened in the first place. C’mon.

      1. Yeah, I know, but it’s not like Trump made the original admission happen, that was Obama.

    11. It will be winning if he gets rid of dont ask dont tell and bans faggots completely. Otherwise its just hegellian dialectic.

    12. “No Trannies in the Military” is pretty great, let’s hope he ennacts “No Trannies At All” policies and puts those people in mental treatment, as they deserve.

    1. Goddamn, the leftists are going to literally (Hitler) shit themselves…

      1. goddammit! Operation: La Cage Aux Folles has been in the planning for years. gonna have to scrap it

      2. I can’t imagine any of the other once-potential candidates having the balls to make such a decision. I still judge the benefits of having him in there outweigh the drawbacks.

    2. zerohedge reporting on the issue:
      “I felt a great disturbance in the Farce, as if millions of snowflakes suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.”

      1. I can almost feel the collective gathering of skirts, the sucking in of breath, the stunned calm before the entirety of the leftist horde basically does exactly the same hysterical screaming and shrieking.

      2. “Im so sorry…to my world.”
        sounds like a political speechwriter

        1. i wish i could take these ppl seriously
          i miss old-school liberalism… but dose dayz ahr ova fam!

    3. This is another thing, like the confirmation of Gorsuch, that if at the end of his presidency stood alone as the only thing he did would make my vote for him worth it. Given that he now has at least two such things (I actually think many more), I have gotten way more than I expected out of this presidency.

      1. He surely was. An impartial reading of his life, one not written by some fawning cock sucking Leftist, finds the man to be a nasty little twat most of the time.

        1. My favorite treatment was in The 48 Laws of Power, where they pointed to him as a military devotee who used British ethical codes against them.

    1. A man who used to sleep naked with litle girls can’t be so bad…or was he ?

    2. It was Gandhi who hated eskimos but it was Ben Kingsley who couldn’t stand Amish

      1. Um, Ben Kingsley and Gandhi are the same fucking person! Duh! Like Bruce Wayne and Batman. And you just doxed his secret identity all over the interwebz, so now the Joker is going to be able to find him and murder Robin to death. GREAT JOB ASSHOLE

        1. yeah, I get mixed up sometimes. On the other hand, re. the Attenborough biopic, Christian Bale should definitely have played Gandhi / Ben Kingsley. It would have been intense

        2. wait a minute, by this logic—Moses = Gandhi=Izchak Stern=Otto Frank
          (uh thank you imdb)

  20. I would rather look at Mormones. They have computers and cars at least.

    1. Mormons I get a lot more than the aye-mish. They seem like regular folk with a slightly different reading and level of commitment to Christianity rather than some social misfits.

      1. i have read that the women also get educated so they learn eough to educate their children and the men get employed among the ommunity so they are able to provide for a family.
        If you want that traditional constellation mabye that would be an alternative. I think polygamy is allowed too.

        1. I think that the Mormon route is a very good choice for people looking for the traditional route. @jimjohnson will tell you

  21. How many of you been stuck behind their horse drawn buggies on the road trying to get somewhere??? They also tend to be a bit aloof with those around them. I have a low opinion of pacifists, anybody who refuses to defend themselves from attack gets no sympathy from me but When it comes to Piety, Modesty and Simplicity there is much to admire with the Amish

    1. As a side note, I myself have seen black Mennonites. I saw two black girls with a white Mennonite family, dressed up in the garb and everything. They must have been adopted or something and raised in the Mennonite way.

    2. “I have a low opinion of pacifists, anybody who refuses to defend themselves from attack gets no sympathy from me”
      that in a nutshell sums it up right there, as someone else has pointed out these people only exist by the good graces of the host country, if the status quo changes they go the way of the dinosaur real quick.

      1. So true, I certainly don’t like bullies, I don’t like violence addicts and I respect people who are totally committed to their beliefs but at the same time anybody who can’t or wont protect themselves gets no sympathy from me. Pacifist thinking has got a lot of innocent people hurt where we have in our schools a system that claims it is against bullies but authorities hide from them afraid of being hurt, afraid of retaliation from the thugs or the ACLU or simply craves the façade of peace and takes its wrath out on those who dare fight back.

        1. yep, agree with what you said, the author saying the muslims will respect the Amish for their contributions to western society when they are cutting their way through useless white eaters is just, well humorous.

  22. The picture in the title of the article cannot be real Amish people. They don’t look like that. Those look like actors, especially that one guy who looks hispanic. Even the white guy doesn’t have Amish or Mennonite features. Same with the girls.

    1. You’d be surprised. They adopt a LOT of minorities due to their gene pool getting too small and certain founder effect defects like microcephaly becoming common.

      1. But why on earth would they adopt negros? The cheap cost? They spend more on an angus breeding heifer than they do for boosting their own bloodline. They could just as easily adopt a Russian orphan or Ukranian or Baltic which would all be far enough separated from their haplogroup to stave off inbreeding side effects for many generations. Finns too are the wild card of Russian/Scandinavian with links to northern Asiatic tribes. The Asiatic residue has woman empowering traits though. I recommend pure blooded Basque or Celtic orphans shipped in and donated to the Amish which are pure blooded Dutch for the most part. South African Afrikaans Dutch have maintained their bloodlines in the most hostile cross breeding environment imaginable. They’re very educated and skilled on average too. An unskilled white Afrikaner will have difficulty surviving in South Africa today, but the Bantu have racial hegemony as Bantus, so not many Bantu wish to start families with Afrikaner mudsharks – thus there are fery few Afrikaner mudsharks.
        The last ‘white’ Afrikaner Miss SA was Melinda Bam (2011)
        She paired with Adriaan Bergh, a white Afrikaner business enterpreneur. It would be no virtue signaling in SA for her to pair with a dindu of any stripe. In the US, you can imagine jews and marxists lauding her and throwing entertainment deals at her if she paired with a mongrel kafir hood thug wearing baggy pants and gold necklaces. It’s about the corrupt media image being portrayed to the younger set.

  23. Great article. I’ve always had a lot of respect for the Amish and Mennonites and it’s great to hear that they are in Canada too. Boy, do the canucks need them! One thing the author missed is the very high birthrate of the Amish. The numbers in the US are growing fast. They have chosen a culture of life (eternal life) while we have chose a culture of death.

    1. Eternal life is not a choice. Its not even proven yet. Unless of course, you think it has -and then, scratch everything I just said. It wld be meaningless (to you)

  24. For the longest time, “Christian literature” has consisted solely of Amish romance novels.
    Setting aside the romance novel aspect (because you try getting a chick to read “Ender’s Game” or “Dune”), there’s a reason the Amish are so popular among self-proclaimed Christians. They do what they can to actually live the life the Bible dictates, while most only try the whole Christian thing during the weekly Church concert.

  25. I wish you Christians would make up your minds. Catholic writers wouldn’t lavish praise on these Calvinist heretics.

        1. This makes something like ten replies to me, and thus far I have replied exactly once. What value are you personally deriving from your comments – do they relieve your boredom, or fulfill some spiritual need in your life? Do you want to fight, and thus allow some self-righteous anger to temporarily take the place of a sense of loneliness and lack of worth?
          Unless you’re getting paid for this – in which case I suggest you can find a better position that is more satisfying financially and emotionally.

    1. Yeah, what the hell is with all of these diverse opinions with Christians? Don’t they know that they should speak in one collective voice and act as a Hivemind? What the heck are they doing, having differing thoughts anyway?!?

      1. What your asking from any Christian, is for an unsound mind to think about something logically. Now, who’s insane?

  26. A 100 years ago, most non Amish women in America were not much different than the Amish today. America used to have high birth rates, high rates of labor force participation, strong social cohesion, a strong middle class. Do you see any of that today with “empowered” modern women?

  27. There is a significant Amish neighborhood nearby my farm in south-central Michigan.
    I’m here to report that the obesity epidemic has not bypassed them. Most of the young women I’ve seen in that community are visibly overweight. A shame.

  28. Sorry, the Amish are not “culturally superior.” Their cultural accomplishments are small; none outside their heritage adopt nor preserve their customs; none seek their influence; none seek their council. They struggle with drugs, and with health issues due to inbreeding/genetic homogeneity. The assertion that they are “superior” is ludicrous.
    Furthermore, the author bio blurb is the silliest and most ego-servicing thing I have seen in quite some time. A “leader of men” waging a merciless “war against evil?” Adjust your claims appropriately, please.

    1. We have different definitions for what constitutes superiority. I view a culture that exceeds demographic replacement rates as one that is superior to a culture that is in demographic decline. For what more important metric is there than a culture’s ability to stay alive?
      As to your second point – no.

      1. Your criteria for “superiority” place tribal Afghanistan in a place of prestige, just behind the ultra Orthodox Jews. No outsiders emulate those insular groups, either.
        A superior culture produces superior cultural products – art, science, history, literature, medicine, architecture, style, music. Cultural products that inspire their own people as well inspire emulation by other people. Longevity is one criteria for greatness, and every group such as the Amish has something else unique and precious to offer. But longevity is by no means the only one, and the absence of change and development is no different than death. Stasis and stagnation is not preservation.
        As to your second point, I am not an un-serious person– if you are as well, convince me sans puffery.

        1. You raise a good point. However, I disagree with you. Here’s why:
          I never wrote that birth rates are the only metric. I’m stating that all the superior cultural products mean nothing if a culture has stopped producing offspring. What good are cultural products if the culture that produces them has stopped believing in itself and its own continuity?
          Note – I am not assessing cultures based on their entire histories. My approach is to view the culture as it is in it’s current manifestation. Perhaps herein lies the reason for our disagreement. It seems that your approach is to view the culture through the prism of its entire life-span.
          Not surprisingly, our different approaches have yielded different answers.
          I do not see it as “longevity.” For me, it is cultural confidence here and now, a factor that is – in my opinion – one of the most important when assessing how superior a culture *IS*.
          A society that produces the best art, architecture and medicine yet suffers from a severe lack of cultural confidence, is inferior to one that is less sophisticated, but retains this confidence.
          I put it to you, that tribal Afghanistan IS superior in civilizational terms than the modern West. Its people have a will to live, to fight and to defend themselves. For all their barbarism and filth, lack of knowledge, poor technology and architecture, the Taliban believe in their culture, their religion(s) and themselves unapologetically. …its no wonder Afghanistan has become the graveyard of great Empires over the last century.
          Having said that, a culture that believes in itself, that also happens to produce the cultural products you speak of, would undoubtedly be superior to the Afghans.
          As for your second point, my answer will appear as an article this week.

  29. The Amish and Mennonites are my neighbors. While certain aspects of their culture are great, I wouldn’t idealize them, either. Many of them are just as messed up as anyone else. They have teenage preggors, drunks, drugs, and everything else. There are some crooked and dishonest tradesmen. If you ‘opt in’ after rumspringa you are expected to carry their banner. If you screw up none of your relatives will ever talk to you again. I would not want to be one though I respect those who endure. Frankly many of us accustomed to 21st century lifestyles would not thrive in their culture.
    Christianity wise they also likely made some big mistakes of doctrinal interpretation.
    A good unbiased documentary of Rumspringa is “The Devil’s Playground.”

    1. “The Amish and Mennonites are my neighbors”
      was that in Return of the Jedi?

  30. I used to think that Amish people were terrified of electricity. As in, freak out if they see a lightbulb terrified. Kind of like Chuck in Better Call Saul. Then the movie Sex Drive made me think they were kind of cool. Honestly never met one in my entire life.

    1. The only time I ever saw Amish people was when I was a kid in Florida on vacation back in the 70s. My parents had taken us to the “money jungle” or “parrot jungle” or some place like that. A family of Amish walked by and I honestly thought they were part of the show, like those Jamboree Bears at Disney.

  31. There seems to be two kinds of Amish women, the fit and trim
    And in a crowd there’s always one or two big fat senior BALLBUSTERS
    I’m always curious about the big fat one. I’ve known skinny families where one member manifests an obesity trait. The individual with the obesity trait should avoid grains completely. The Amish women with fat propensity have no chance to avoid grains being their staple crops. If I were to marry one young, I would keep her on a beefstick diet. The high metabolizers/water retainers among them are the survivors during catastrophy and blight. The purpose of genetic fatties is to carry the DNA chain through ice ages and calamities. We must thank the fatties that we live today. They can survive on a handful of raisins, nuts and BEEFSTICK per day. They’re efficient and are very cheap maintenance if you manage their intake. A young virgin pre-blimp high metabolizer is an excellent investment provided that you starve her of 90% non benificial foods. They have this urchin like attractive smell when they’re ready to wife. It’s the smell of being extra fertile, ready to pull the cart and put on muscle but don’t let them get a whiff of Mama Bear’s porridge or any other grain based food. They have the energy of a workaholic when kept leaned out. Kept lean and sinewy, she’ll never morph into a slob. Their bones tend to be excellent and their pussies are rubbery and ready to expand and start plopping out progeny. Yes, WB and marry and I’d put chips down on one. They guarantee the survival of our species. I have fat relatives and am experienced at food policing and could handle one and keep her starved, fit and producing like a race horse.

    1. Are you quoting the bible, or some other new-age desert dwelling scribe no one has heard of yet? Science of biology and laws against slavery has happened over here in our world. Have you thought about Afghanistan or Iran? They’ll believe you’re right if you also lie about loving Thor, er, I mean allah, jahovah -oh, whatever they call their, whoever they worship. Its all the same.
      Are you fat? Or, do you just have lil hands? Or, was it that you had acne during puberty years? Its always 1 or 2 of those 3 reasons that, speaking of biology, makes a guy like you.

  32. One of the best articles I’ve read anywhere so far this year. Excellent job Amator. I felt invigorated just reading it. The contrast is impossible to ignore.

      1. You’re validating some fucking flip that blindly falls for the bullshit about an achieving an “American Dream”…….and will lick the dirtiest of boots to satisfy the delusion that white people will accept him as one of their own.

  33. Even in the scorching summer heat, the girls wore modest squirts,
    I like exotic, extravagant squirts, personally.

    1. Why did you copy my post (and I’ve noticed, you crib other people’s posts as well without attributing them to the original author)?

  34. Amish makes tons of money by sticking together and not paying taxes. Their stores are mile long and offer from banana to rockets. Only bad thing is their rotten teeth due to lack of dental services.

  35. I hate to be the guy to pop the thought bubble here – and perhaps I’m not, maybe somebody else has already said all this. But….
    I live right on the edge of Amish country. Big Amish country, not a little enclave. I’ve heard it’s the biggest Amish area in the nation, although I don’t know if that’s accurate or not. And I can tell you with absolute certainty, things with the Amish ain’t all peaches & cream. For many, sure, they follow the example set out by their ancestors & live pretty wholesome lives. But a huge percentage of Amish are off-the-chain crazy. Alcohol & hard drug use is a major problem, as is sexual promiscuity. Their proximity to the English (as they refer to all of us) and our degenerative culture has really worn down the fiber of their communities; in fact it’s probably had an even stronger effect on them, in a lot of ways. It’s like an even more pronounced version of the one kid we all knew in high school, who was so straight-laced and came from such a conservative family, only to go completely ham once they went away to college…except, when an Amish kid goes off the rails, he or she goes ALL THE WAY OFF. A few months ago an Amish kid here got arrested, picked up for DUI. They found hard liquor, pot, and coke on him in his buggy, which was incidentally outfitted with a boomin’ set of 12″ subs. No fucking kidding. A few years back, a big Amish coke ring got popped here, and a few years before that, there was the whole beard-shaving incident. They’re pretty fucking crazy in 2017.
    None of this is to say I don’t respect all the Yoders and Masts and Wertzlers and whatever fun Germanic names you like to call them. I definitely do, and I hope their culture holds together & rides out this tide of hedonism. I’ve often wished I could move out amongst them in the country, and have myself a nice off-grid farm. And some of the hottest fucking girls I’ve literally ever laid eyes on have been bonnet-headed Dutch girls. So God bless them. Maybe they’ll survive the great decline and repopulate North America, instead of the coming Mudslime invasion.

  36. We have Amish friends. Everything you have observed is true. One time I commended my closest Amish friend for his lifestyle and family (nine blue eyed, light haired children). He looked me in the eye and said “I have all the same passions that you do.” You want to talk about convicted! Boy was I convicted! His statement was clear: I struggle with self control the same as any other man. The difference is he is winning where a lot of my contemporaries are not. Are the Amish perfect? No! But they are an example to the rest of us…a benchmark. If you aspire to be more like the Amish, then I applaud you.

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  38. “Far after the degenerating West collapses into a matriarchal, egalitarian third-world basket-case, barbarian hordes will marvel at Amish and Mennonite communities as outposts of a once-great civilization”
    Respectfully, but man, are you fucking kidding? The amish will be killed, raped and plundered by whatever animals (most likely sharia apes) that the globalists give the country to.

  39. The Christian churchians could learn something here from the Amish but won’t because they to are locked into political action instead of local action. I’ve asked a number of Christians over the years whether they be Baptist, Catholic, or whatever why they won’t home school their kids or use their church facilities for education. These groups have educated people including teachers and such but won’t do anything about it. If they were smart, they would homeschool in their church organizations, marry off the young men at 18 to a virgin and encourage them to stay together and start having children. Create a community support network. But they can’t because they are just as lazy and hollow as the left.

  40. Good article! The Amish are increasingly becoming a pivot point for discussion in our circles, as well they should. The system is going after them more and more , in large part because of the sort of points you’re raising in this piece. I just completed a story on the sentencing of Sam Girod for American Free Press, in which the outrageous way he was railroaded is detailed.

  41. “Far after the degenerating West collapses into a matriarchal, egalitarian third-world basket-case, barbarian hordes will marvel at Amish and Mennonite communities as outposts of a once-great civilization.”
    One problem with that assertion: as pacifists, the Amish won’t stand a chance against our own marauding hordes fleeing the dead cities, never mind the foreign invaders.

  42. and yet, there is that thing those from the lands of the Amish/Mennonite who came to America did that benefitted their culture to the degradation/slaughter of others, such as the Trail of Tears, indentured servitude and the most hypocritical Christian practice, the enslavement of others. Those lands were secured with a lot of bloodshed of those on the north American continent for hundreds/thousands of years. Otherwise, the bucolic lifestyle you discuss above never comes to fruition.

  43. “Protect their women” No, they won’t. The Anabaptists take non-resistance and pacifism to an unbiblical extreme, the only reason their culture still exists is because the culture around them had men willing to die in their defense. If the nation ever falls it would only take one evil man to wipe them all out.

  44. “First generation immigrant to the West”
    Let me guess, you’re one of those Flip bootlickers that glorify even the shittiest aspects of American life, like being Amish. Go back to your country.

  45. I wonder if countries might cultivate similar communities as “fertility reserves”. I’ve once heard of the Ultra-Orthodox jews being used like this.
    In this scenario, some people leaving such communities would be part of the design, bringing red pilled traditionalist values to renew the dying society.

    1. Oh buddy, us Mexicans fucking your white girls is happening at a much higher rate than those “fertility reserves”. As if those backward ass communities stood a fucking chance. Dream on homie.

      1. Well, these are not *my* white girls so whatever. I prefer my women like I prefer my chocolate: Dark-coloured.

  46. Why have all amish women such an ugly protruding chin? Is it a result of interbreeding?

  47. Living is in the 19th century and having recessive genes show up like 6 fingers with inter-breeding is not my idea of a model community.

  48. You’re looking at people you admire in a world that exists. If you genuinely admire them so much, why not join them?

  49. You do realize what many of these Amish innocents do before deciding to stay Amish right? Let’s just say they make a few mistakes. LOL

  50. Yah. The Amish. The West could have been the Taliban without the bombs. Cool. Include me out.

  51. The author is an idealist. These people are frozen in time, that’s against the indo-european drive to constantly innovate and explore. There are ways to live a harmoinious life in small country side villages without the ridiculous outfits.

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