New TV Series “Confederate” Will Be Used To Browbeat And Humiliate Southern Whites

The developers of the massively popular ‘Game Of Thrones’ TV series, (((D.B. Weiss))) and (((David Benioff))), have recently announced that their next television project will be an alternate history dystopia called ‘Confederate‘. It will be set in a world where the Confederacy won the American Civil War, and the union of Dixie states are still fully functioning as of the late 2010’s.

Well now, if the Confederacy won the American Civil War, it just had to be a dystopia right?

Admittedly, at present there is only so much we can speculate on the project. However, if there is one thing that we know for sure, it will act as little more than a multi million dollar white-shaming and white-guilt showpiece. Over 150 years in the making.

The shows two Jewish developers will make sure that ‘Confederate’ will portray white Southerners as poorly as possible, sanctify blacks, completely omit Jewish involvement in the slave business, and hopefully get as many non-white Americans as possible to further browbeat Caucasians and reiterate the dangers of “white supremacy” in real life.

The Bullshit Premise

“Confederate” will be set in an alternate universe where the South successfully secedes from the Union and remains the Confederate States of America, and in it’s wake “gives rise to a nation in which slavery remains legal and has evolved into a modern institution”. Both nations will continue to have antagonistic relations with each other, with the Mason-Dixon Line serving as a “DMZ” of sorts between the two countries.

Furthermore, according to the press, “the story follows a broad swath of characters … freedom fighters, slave hunters, politicians, abolitionists, journalists, the executives of a slave-holding conglomerate and the families of people in their thrall”.

The Present Day Reality

The announcement of this show almost seems like prophecy, as little more than a month ago I penned an article called “4 Flagrant Lies About The American Confederacy“, highlighting some of the most preposterous myths that people on the (mostly) political left keep regurgitating about the Civil War. In fact, the very first point in that article was the classic dissenting argument “If the South won, we would still have slavery”.

While the Confederacy did indeed live and die with the institution of slavery (the country only existed for four years in the early 1860’s), the presumption that a hypothetical modern C.S.A. would still keep Sub-Saharan Africans as property is an absolute absurdity. Yet so many blue pilled African-Americans, liberals, or just those outright lacking in simple historical and international knowledge, vehemently refuse to dismiss the notion.


Wait what’s that? Brazil was the last western Christian country to abolish slavery in 1888? And a black Muslim country called Mauritania still practices it? Oh….. “I’ll have to get back to you on that one”.

As I mentioned (and history will agree with me 100%), the country of Brazil was the last western Christian nation to abolish slavery in the year 1888. A combination of sweeping changes in the moral zeitgeist of the west, and a series of major technological advances in agriculture, rendered chattel slavery both hopelessly outdated and 100% economically impractical at that point in time.

There is absolutely no reason to believe that a hypothetical Confederate victory in the 1860’s would also see the institution of slavery go the way of the dodo in a maximum of 25 years for similar reasons, or roughly corresponding to the 1880’s much like Brazil.

At an extreme, any notion of Confederate slavery seeing the first light of day of the 20th century is laughably preposterous, as there is no doubt the country would have faced severe international condemnation, isolation, and trade sanctions from the British Empire, French Colonial Empire, German Empire, and the now fractured (but recovered) United States. Simply put, both economic and public relations suicide with the world’s largest economies of the late 19th century.

Beyond the West, slavery did not finally end in Imperial China until 1910, and it took until the mid 20th century in many hopelessly backward Arabian countries (but it’s the religion of peace remember!). Furthermore, none of those non-white cultures are made to feel any ongoing guilt or shame for their late-bloomer / post-1900 manumission process.

But oh well, let the left live by their emotional hyperbole and virtue signaling, instead of factual and rational reflection on broader historical events. “The (first world) south would still have slavery in 2017″. Let me direct you to next weeks slave auction in Charlotte…

Calling Out The Cultural Marxists

confederate tv series

Oh look at all these “dumb” white southerners. They’re so “ignorant” aren’t they? 😉

Thankfully, a lot of people aren’t putting up with this crap, even if it’s ultimately fruitless online protest. People can read the fine print and damn well know this series is going to do nothing but tacitly humiliate whitey, attempt to turn African-Americans against whitey, and attempt to remind the whole country that “white supremacy” harms everyone. Therefore, massive non-white immigration policies must remain a national priority.

In the meantime, keep a look out for at least several of the following cultural Marxist attributes when this Hollywood diarrhea hits the small screen.

Southern Nazis: “Well suh (sir), I do have reason to believe you are hiding runaway slaves under your floor boards. Do you deny it suh?”

  • Insinuation that the C.S.A. maintained peaceful or even supportive relations (similar to or even beyond authoritarian Spain) with fascist Germany and Italy in the World War II era. This is despite the C.S.A. being a constitutional Republic, which would have despised any notion of authoritarianism/fascism.
  • The Confederacy is a true “white supremacy” the left always dreams about. All non-whites are 2nd class individuals who cannot vote and must give up their seats, tip their hats, step aside on footpaths, and open doors for whites without any expectation of reciprocity.
  • Slaves will be beaten with whips on a regular basis. Expect lots of close-up shots of bloodied backs, distressed and crying faces, and tear-jerking melodramatic music made to instill maximum white guilt and maximum anger among Hillary and Bernie bots.
  • Complete omission or mention of Jewish slave holders or traders, despite huge Jewish involvement in the slave trade. It must be 100% White Christians.
  • White southerners will be given atrocious and room temperature-IQ sounding accents.
  • Slaves will be bought, traded, or sold on Tinder-like smartphone apps (called it!).
  • Waffle House imitation chain will be staffed by slaves. “Mo’ grits suh (sir)?”
  • Chick-Fil-A imitation chain will refuse service even to free blacks (a literal interpretation of the joke that the expensive fast-food joint is a “white” place to eat).
  • “Dog The Bounty Hunter” like reality TV shows which follow runaway slave catchers.
  • White southern women having sex with black male slaves – (via love and mutual consent, and to get away from their boring and beta slave-owning husband).
  • White southern men having sex with black female slaves – (via rape only).

It looks like the efforts by those in Hollywood and the media to further divide-and-conquer the races will not cease.

Read Next: The Truth About Black Slavery In The Americas

488 thoughts on “New TV Series “Confederate” Will Be Used To Browbeat And Humiliate Southern Whites”

  1. Excellent article, and I think your speculation is all going to prove true. And thank you for providing another example of how the tribe continues to lead the charge in trying to propagandize the world to hate all things Caucasian and Western civilization.

    1. I don’t think that there’s any denying (((their))) power in the media and movie business by any sane, rational and observant person. That being said, (((their))) power is little more than paste, you can dispel it entirely by simply tuning out and stepping out of (((their))) matrix. All of (((their))) power in the media relies on your consensual participation.

      1. (((They))) choose their propaganda targets carefully though (e.g., minorities, kids, low-IQ masses) and simultaneously work to shut down free thinkers who will openly question the narrative.
        Hence their hatred of Trump, who has made it cool to be red-pill.

        1. Our way to combat that is to *have children* and raise them inoculated to this lunacy. Which is what I did. This is the path to victory. Once you withdraw from (((their))) propaganda the world turns into a whole new place full of possibilities and potential and optimism. I don’t know why people resist it so much except that they are hypnotized by the glowing screen.

        2. I LOVE Trump because he says what many truly think but are afraid to say because of the brain police.

        3. I hope he does accomplish his campaign promises, but personally I think his true value is his cultural influence on the world stage.

        4. The news networks airing post-military service trannies trying to speak like females has just played into his court. Very laughable & he played it wisely.

      2. Yeah but we are in the minority , you’ll be surprised just how significant the percentage of the population has been indoctrinated…Look at how the Democratic Party is practically communist, Hillary Clinton won the POPULAR vote, that shit shocked me to the core…We might see through it but propaganda is propaganda and should be fought tooth and nail. Don’t Black Americans get tired of being portrayed as slaves or sterotypical thugs by (((Hollywood)))…Its almost as if J*ws can’t imagine blacks being something else? Oh wait
        Aren’t White Americans getting tired of being portrayed as slave owners and evil? Its almost as if J*ws can’t imagine Whites being anything else? Oh wait

        1. There is hope however, insofar as the < 25 crowd has almost entirely and voluntarily not even wanted to watch television, and rarely even go to movies. The interwebs has filled that “entertain me” niche in their lives and has been there since they were born. Given the free wheeling nature of the interwebs and the lack of central control over “programming” on it, they have a much higher chance of not falling into this trap. For us, GenX and older, that trap has already sprung and only the strong minded types avoided it, but for these kids coming up now, the trap literally doesn’t exist in their world.

        2. I saw a great thing happen for the children coming up: their heroes were attacked by the menaces.
          Notch (creator of Minecraft), PewDiePie (YouTube personality), and others have been attacked for not goosestepping in formation. When teenagers see obnoxious and whiny old people full-court press their heroes, they rally. Fortunately, their heroes are red pilling them instead of RED pilling them, as it were.

        3. Pinning your hope on Gen Z being a conservative generation is like Hitler pinning his hope on the Volksturm and the Hitler Youth to win the war.

        4. Different kind of war. Imagine if it were more of a cold war – you think the Hitler Youth would submit to Soviet propaganda?
          Fight today, lay plans for the war that we fight tomorrow.

        5. Which reminds me of some less funny statistics (albeit, funny in their own way). The IQ curves show that men range the gamut between toe-eating retarded and phenomenal genius, but women are virtually all painfully average.
          They get real mad when you bring up that genius gap. The retard gap doesn’t seem to bother them for some reason…

        6. A friend’s 17 year old son was talking about politics at his house 2 days ago. I was blown away. He said he and all his friends love Trump, he was all over CNN fake news, ruthlessly mocked all television as propaganda. Good stuff. From South FL.

        7. I don’t know what people are talking about either. I chase a lot of college age girls. They have way higher percentages of libtards and are hopelessly dependent on technology in their lives. No way in hell that’s gonna change much as they age.

        8. People who live in your small, rural community are very different from those in large, urban areas. Your reality is not quite the same as majority of those who post here. All I see around me everyday are cucks and weaklings.

        9. It’s gotta start somewhere. Granted yes, it is different. And that’s a great thing. Copperhead Joe below notes seeing the same trend.

        10. Its an interesting one. I would say the programming on youtube and social media where most people are terrified to step outside the virtue signalling Marxist group think lest they be socially outcasted is even worse.
          Granted, atleast there are alternate sources of information/viewpoints one can find on the internet….for now.

        11. A slight majority of young whites did vote for Trump. He did surprisingly well among young Midwesterners.

      3. True, and as an individual I avoid their destructive garbage every chance I can. But most people don’t. Their control of the news and entertainment media is no joke. They have done and continue to do a lot of damage. They were very successful in gradually changing people’s attitudes about gay marriage, and now it’s the transgender thing. They are at the vanguard of the SJW movement in general, and have been since the 60’s.
        It’s not necessarily an issue for a certain group to dominate a particular field. I couldn’t care less that the NBA and NFL are dominated mostly by North American Pavement Apes. But when a group dominates something like finance or the media, and uses that power for nefarious purposes… with an agenda that is contrary to the best interests of me, my family, my country, and my kinfolk in Europe… well, I get a bit upset to say the least.
        I personally can avoid their tripe until the cows come home. But unless many millions more do it, the tribe have won a lot of hearts and minds that are not as strong and savvy as ours. And will continue to.

        1. NAPA. Haven’t heard that one before. I’ve heard of NAHA (North American Hairless Ape). My personal favorite is lobster. Because they always end up at the bottom of the pool.

        2. When The Tribe took control of Russia in 1917 – any perceived expression of Anti-Semitism was punishable by death. Thousands upon thousands of Orthodox churches were blown up, priests shot, Imperial monuments destroyed.
          Today, thet do similar things – obviously not as extreme. Southern monuments being removed, history is being re-written, whites slandered and villified.

      4. According to your logic exposure to degeneracy does not constitute any threat to the society on a larger scale sunce one can just choose to tune out of it?

        1. My logic is that you as an individual have the power to not participate in their lunacy and further, that you can quite easily talk to other people about this issue and convince them to drop out too. With the up and coming kids, they haven’t even entered *into* this matrix and are likely never to do so, so there is a pretty good chance that we’ll see this influence go the way of the dodo in our lifetimes.

    2. If there’s one group I despise in Hollywood with the exception of Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick is the Cursed (((Tribe))). For the past 10-20 years the tribe has consistently put out shitty SJW movies, instigating racial stereotypes of both whites and blacks, bringing about long forgetten wounds etc…Seriously, the Civil war happened 150 years ago, blacks also fought on the side the Confederates…I wonder if these degenerate J*ws will ever depict that? I highly doubt it…I’ve just had it with these race baiting movies.
      Arab Muslims worst slavers in comparisons to White Christians…Atleast Christians fought to end the practice around the world in the 19th Century, whislt Muslims were forced to stop it…think about it….I’m just tired of this “blame Whitey” narrative thats been going on in overdrive since O Bummer took office. Solution? Evacuate non- participants in the Hollywood industrial complex and nuke it. This is actually getting out of control. Goddamn Kikes

      1. It’s very simple once you understand their motives. Hell one need only read their holy books to hear about their genocidal pervert god jehovah and how openly hateful and jealous he is.
        The jew will always agitate and always seek to destroy what is not jewish. The jewish mind is a constant state of fretful anxiety that yet more goyim might get wise to their scheming. The jew is not content to leave people alone. He must use any and all means to bring down his neighbor.
        It is possible that their hatred and disdain for everyone else has a genetic component. Regardless the entire religion of judaism is a religion of revolution and hatred against all other peoples and tribes. A religion which states no less that it would like to see the entire earth destroyed and all non jewish peoples subjugated under their will.
        The jew loves to destroy and he would destroy the world if he could but rule over the ashes.

        1. Wise words. I am currently looking into the talmud and it is basically the Quran for the intellectual. One could say that for thousands of years the Jews have been inbred for amorality.

        2. There is a lot to discover if you go down that rabbit hole. Make sure you read from the Babylonian Talmud.
          The Talmud is all of the Jewish Halakah, or their oral law. The rabbis believed they could put a hedge around sin. They made so many numerous sub laws within their oral tradition which basically is jew speak for them to get away with breaking the commandments.
          Also if note is that the Talmud, the sayings of the rabbis are considered more holy and authoritive than even the Torah.
          When you really begin to have an understanding of Judaism you realize their god is an egregoire.

        3. that’s interesting, and I’ve heard that idea before, but egregoire is a specifically occult idea. Do you consider that jews themselves could understand their God as such? Would it not conflict with monotheism, which in judaism admits of no division?

        4. Look into the Kabbalah friend. I’m sure that you may have some knowledge of it already but Kabbalah is considered their highest teaching. When you get into that it’s all there.

        5. To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.
          Libbre David 37
          A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.
          Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17

          Hmm sounds innocent doesn’t it, heh

        6. Good to know. I had that feeling too that they took the word of their rabbi too seriously.
          I’ve got the babylonian talmud and I already found some shit but I can’t seem to find libbre david and others specifically.
          You know anything about that?

        7. I have found their apparent sentiment that it’s okay to violate a three year old to be the most telling (Aboda Zara 36b-37a). It goes very well with what I have heard what seems to be a rite of passage.
          However I cannot find the book Libbre David, albeit the mentioned quote sounds very familiar to one of another book (Synhedrin 58b-59a), nor can I find Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17. Not that I don’t think that they could exist however.
          I have found another quote to be quite fascinating.
          “The baraita states: “Unawares”; to exclude from exile the one who kills with intent. The Gemara asks: With intent? It is obvious that he is not exiled; he is subject to the death penalty. Rabba said: The reference is to exclude the one who acted with the intent to kill an animal and he killed a person inadvertently, or one who acted with the intent to kill a gentile and he killed a Jew, or one who acted with the intent to kill a non-viable newborn and he killed a viable newborn.”
          Makkoth 7b
          Fascinating indeed. Goes perfectly with the entire sentiment of the talmud that Jews are human and goyim is not.

        8. Unfortunately I don’t have knowledge of that particular verse. I would suggest that you do some digging after you read a solid portion of that. There have been many people, jews included who have spoken out against these things, however much of this knowledge has been suppressed.
          There is many many other things I can speak of regarding this but the knowledge is out there for you to find. Also I would suggest you do some studying of the kaballah as well.
          There is a really good book by a catholic man named E Michael Hoffman called The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit which is definitely worth reading.

        9. yep, the kabbalah is full of mysteries. I’m not quite sure where in the kabbalah such ideas are propagated though. I’ve only found them referred to indirectly, and not necessarily with regard to the kabbalah. I’ve heard the (I think less than friendly) claim made that the jewish god was an egregore of some kind. I do think that orthodox jews though take monotheism – however they define it – very seriously though (i.e. injunctions again idolatry etc). I don’t quite get how an egregore god could be compatible with a transcendent deity of whatever nature (including say the kabbalistic ein sof)

        10. Henry Makow, a jew who speaks out against zionism and judaism wrote an article about the jewish god being an egregoire. I’m pretty sure you could find it archived on his website.
          I don’t agree with all of his stuff but he has put up a lot of good info with sources as well.
          I’ve read that among kabbalists they consider themselves(jews) each individually to be a manifestation of God in physical form and all jews together collectively make up this deity. This may sound far fetched but consider the teachings of Jesus and Saul the Pharisee, that the christian believer is part of the living body of christ on earth. Sounds similar does it not?
          I’ve been seriously contemplating how a racial/national deity is more or less the collective psyche of it’s people. Carl Jung had some theories along similar lines regarding racial memory and such.

        11. I hadn’t read the full henry makow article before, but I recognised quotes from it, including the anecdote about George and his classmate, a rich rothschild family level girl called Leah, who concedes that the jewish God is an egregore. I would say Henry Makow is sincere in what he writes about, but obviously he is a controversial and not exactly an authoritative source. Makow’s article – which I am assuming is ‘Are cabalist jews their own God – Egregore) quotes from wikipediea to define egregore as “an occult concept representing a “thought form” or “collective group mind”, an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. ” He continues that “George speculates that elite Jews created the Jewish God as their “egregore,” i.e. an instrument of their collective will, i.e. their desire to vanquish the heathens and rule supreme”.
          You seem to be right about the origin of the being found in the kabbalah, although again I haven’t found where in the kabbalah it treats of this. I would also note that Leah is supposed to be an elite jew, possibly a sabbatean from an old elite family, in which case the question might arise: even if the report was accurate and she was telling the truth, would she necessarily be representative of jews generally? It’s a difficult question, sabbateans were sometimes excommunicated, typically on the fringes, although there ideas, as well as the kabbalah more generally gained greater currency indirectly through reform judaism (etc).
          If the idea of the egregore has significance amongst orthodox jews etc, i.e. through the influence of the kabbalah etc. there is still a need to explain how such a reality might relate to the idea of a monotheistic conception of deity, which as far as I am aware religious jews take very seriously indeed, although the question might be asked on what basis. It seems to me then that the jewish people as egregore might be a meaningful concept in kabbalah but might not necessarily be meaningful for all jews throughout time. Or maybe it’s a mixed economy.
          what complicates things I think is that the notion of the chosen people, which insofar as jews may end up seeing themselves as the instrument of God, might also lead to some at least believing they are a’manifestation of God in physical form individually and [where] all jews together collectively make up this deity’. Again the question for me would be if it is the case at all, which groups would it be true for: the orthodox? the chabad (lubavitchers), all of them? To be honest I think some of the answers lie in the Lurianic Kabbalah, which develops concepts of the holy and unholy (qlippoth) and complexes ideas such as Adam Kadmon, which the souls of jews (only?) partake of. The implications are considerable and complex – I recently encountered a book by a jewish author entitled ‘everything is God’. If you consider that assertion in the light of what we are talking about then we are moving from a situation where God is separate (and above) Man, to one where Jews partake of God (but gentiles don’t) to an all inclusive one where everybody’s holding hands under a godly rainbow. There is an interesting boundary issue here.
          What seems clearer perhaps is that many politically activist jews, including those who work for social justice (or ‘tikkun olam’) etc do seem to have this sense of themselves as having a historical mission, and (secular jews aside?). For all intents and purposes if you (believe that you) are doing God’s will, are an extension so to speak of God’s will then your own status as human or deity may not matter that much. I don’t think the majority of jews think of themselves as Gods but on the other hand I do think there is a type of jewish activism that sees itself as functioning as God would function i.e. to act in the world, but to do so invisibly so there is little if any trace (at least in that capacity). I do think this officially invisible (but actually very visible) functioning as a God function to fulfil some kind of historical (divine?) mission accounts for what gentiles perceive as the hypocrisy of jewish activists who for example may happily hammer white heterosexual males in some or other respect, but fail to see how the same logic might apply to themselves. The hypocrisy is possible because for such jews there is no analogy between jews and gentiles across the range of comparisons. Gentiles are not by this reading agents of God’s will whereas jews would be.
          I think its inadvisable to draw strong conclusions here. Kabbalism (and messianism) aren’t the whole of judaism, and are often extremely controversial parts that sit awkwardly with the rest of jewish tradition. Likewise, as you say, the egregore doesn’t need to be understood only as an occult concept, even it its origins are rightly identified as such. If judaism is an egregore then as you say nation state, religion etc might well be one as well, and the difference here would be a question of understanding the mechanism involved, and the relationship to individual / collective will. I suppose also Pepe the frog, who has been more typically associated with chaos magick could be seen as an egregore and of course if so, then he is a a very effective egregore indeed

        12. Here is the dictionary definition
          “the ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the
          Bible, first transmitted orally and using esoteric methods (including
          ciphers). It reached the height of its influence in the later Middle
          Ages and remains significant in Hasidism.”
          It can get very complex the deeper you get into their mysticism. Suffice to say they took it from outside sources like Babylonian in a copy/paste sort of way and then renamed/reworded or reshaped it to make it seem a wholly jewish thing.
          The Kaballah is a method of “magic” or manipulation that the jew will use to confuse and bewitch gentiles and edify himself as superior and “godlike”. One of their chief books is called the Zohar.
          In fact according to the Kaballah every jew is a physical piece of god on earth. Together the jewish people make up this physical body of god on earth. Their purpose is Tikkun Olam, or to reshape the world according to god’s(their) whims. Which in effect means destruction of the material world and enslavement for all the goyim.

        13. Got to look into that indeed. It does fit with some of the rest I have found. As such a Goy deserves death for merely striking a jew (Sanhedrin 58b), striking a jew is like striking God (Sanhedrin 58b), and it is permissible for a jew to kill a goy but not vice versa of course (Sanhedrin 57a) as Goyim is comparable to cattle (If a jew kills another jew accidently but he had the intent to either kill goyim or cattle then he is not accountable for his action.).
          Not that you don’t strike me as red-pilled about the Jews but I think it’s a good idea to make a habit of always sharing such quotes whenever we find them.

        14. Simply put gentlemen – Kabbalah has been around for a long time, before the Jewish people. It is the oldest lie in existence. The doctrine of that old wily serpent. “You are your own god!” Where else do you see this? New age (chakras eventually leading to the kundalini or “serpent” spirit), Buddhism (ascending to bodhistavta), Mormonism (apotheosis upon ascension after death), masonry (more cabalist, kemetic, Memphis mistriam, Babylonian mystery school deception), levyan satanism (literally, there is no god but you – do as thou wilt), athiesm (naturalism and materialism at its finest), and so much more.
          Just Satan’s old trick – nothing less, nothing more.

        15. That’s an interesting – comparative religion – perspective. I don’t know enough about the creeds you mention to affirm such an equation / comparison, although it does make a certain prima facie sense, particularly the comparison with the kundalini serpent / chakras etc, which often seems to be embraced by kabbalists and theosophists and the like as an equivalent oriental schema.
          With this issue God or the Devil, as you choose, is very much in the detail perhaps. You are your own god and do as thou wilt seems clear enough about where it stands, and where it’s fealty lies, however there is also a long tradition of seeking mystical union with the Godhead, and sometimes the desire to return to God, or unite with God, or some equivalent principle is less obviously as hubristic as what you find with say Crowley. Neither is it entirely clear to me that such hubris is written into judaism in its essence (puffed up rabbis aside) although it seems nonetheless to be a vulnerability one might associate with the idea of chosenness, or acting as though one were – on whatever basis – the instrument of the will of the deity i.e. just as soon as you see yourself as fulfilling or even incarnating the will of god then the potential for usurping deity itself becomes real.
          My point here is that seeking mystical union, or in a more material ways seeing oneself as the instrument of the divine will is fraught with peril but if it is so, the question might be asked whether it is so necessarily, or because in doing so one opens oneself up to emotions such as (unrestrained) pride. Leaving aside any supernatural aspect if it is wrong to think one is a God and that one can do as one wilt, there is both the issue of whether that is an intelligible position to hold, but also – and I think this is the more serious one – whether holding such a position will do some kind of irreparable harm to ones soul or to use a more secular term one’s integrity and potential for good. I don’t think you would disagree with the idea that pride is an or the central issue, but I do wonder if all of these alternative religions etc are essentially ‘demonic’ in that (secular) sense or whether there is a danger of throwing the baby out with the bath water. For instance, while I know rather little about buddhism for example, I do not exactly associate it with ego and pridefulness
          One other thing about the kabbalah, it arguably claims to be older than it in fact may be. I am aware that these traditions are supposed to have been carried back from the Babylonian captivity, and maybe there is something in that, but leaving that aside much of the kabbala – perhaps the sephyr yetsirah aside (?) seems relatively modern – the zohar is from the early medieval period. Lurianic kabbalah is from the 16th century safed school, and the rest is 17th century and beyond. These later developments seem to be largely responsible for having taken things in a different direction – in particular messianism, zionism, transgression / transvaluation of older values etc., including with regard to feminism / gender etc.

        16. Very well rounded comment.
          There’s not much I have to add here save my personal assessment at this point in time. I will attempt to summarize here.
          ” I do think there is a type of jewish activism that sees itself as functioning as God”
          This is the quintessential “heart” of the matter. This Jewish activism by your account and historically speaking in relation to other nations vs(israel/jewish people), this is the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit which E Michael Hoffman did a great job addressing in his book.
          We can look historically and say that as a whole jews behave in a manner one could call…parasitic in regards to other peoples.
          Solzhenitsyn’s “200 years together” attests to that fact. A book which has been forbidden to be printed in the west.
          You cannot separate these “activists” from the larger jewish people any more than you can separate the heart from the body and still live. The revolutionary/ethnocentric/talmudist/qabalist is the “breath of life” to the entire organism. The word or Logos of their entire system. Once you understand this, many things in your mind will open up.
          Now back to the Kaballah, regarding the Zohar and other texts this is the key to understand about them. It is stated explicitly that jews will destroy all non jews in the name of their god “through their mouth”
          They admit they are not capable of physically annihilating their enemies. They will do so as “worms eating through the ships of others”.
          That is what this con game is all about.

        17. Very well rounded comment.
          There’s not much I have to add here save my personal assessment at this point in time. I will attempt to summarize here.
          ” I do think there is a type of jewish activism that sees itself as functioning as God”
          is the quintessential “heart” of the matter. This Jewish activism by
          your account and historically speaking in relation to other nations
          vs(israel/jewish people), this is the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit which
          E Michael Hoffman did a great job addressing in his book.
          We can look historically and say that as a whole jews behave in a manner one could call…parasitic in regards to other peoples.
          Solzhenitsyn’s “200 years together” attests to that fact. A book which has been forbidden to be printed in the west.
          cannot separate these “activists” from the larger jewish people any
          more than you can separate the heart from the body and still live. The
          revolutionary/ethnocentric/talmudist/qabalist is the “breath of life” to
          the entire organism. The word or Logos of their entire system. Once
          you understand this, many things in your mind will open up.
          back to the Kaballah, regarding the Zohar and other texts this is the
          key to understand about them. It is stated explicitly that jews will
          destroy all non jews in the name of their god “through their mouth”
          admit they are not capable of physically annihilating their enemies.
          They will do so as “worms eating through the ships of others”.
          That is what this con game is all about.

        18. Thank you. I have dipped into the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit previously, although I have to say I don’t remember it that well. The author is a bit of a zealot, and – I just checked – uses ‘the Synagogue of Satan’ motif, which probably doesn’t bode well for his non-partisanship. You can probably trace something like a revolutionary spirit in the jews back to the maccabees and their revolts against the romans etc, if not back to jacob wrestling with the angel etc, but the danger here by making it an almost trans-historical phenomenon you just tap into ‘world conspiracy’ theory of judaism. In other words If there are groups of jewish activists functioning to change the world according to their messianic vision, and potentially doing so from a god-like, or god-building perspective that is not a problem because allegedly ‘they killed christ’ (i.e. some metaphysical rebellion against the true God) or were always pissing off the romans but because they are getting up to mischief in the here and now without perhaps a mandate to do so. The first focus – the author’s arguably – potentially invalidates concern with respect to the latter. I’m not saying everything that has gone before is irrelevant, far from it, but it seems to me to be a mistake to try to argue that everything is of a piece, particularly if there is evidence of discontinuity as well as continuity.
          Even if one can perhaps trace a spirit of discontent to the destruction of the temple and diaspora you don’t seem to get any kind of clear historical mission until messianism takes hold in the 17th century. The kabbalah, lurianic kabbalah and the zohar are certainly a part of that but it isn’t a seamless process, nor does it sweep all jews along, necessarily. Sabbateanism for instance splits off, goes underground and then reappears arguably with reform judaism and other movements (Antelman). Zionism, no doubt has done a great deal to give historical purpose to jews over the last couple of centuries, yet it has divided as much as it has united. I would say the kabbalah – and more generally a variety of gnosticism – does underpin a great deal of this, including the idea that only judaism is holy, and that the sparks must be gathered up (tikkun olam), but there is still a need to establish what this means, and what it means to one person may not necessarily be what it means to another. The book of Deuteronomy can be worrying with respect to the injunction to tribal domination yet if you read some of the utopian literature of the 30s etc – Higger for instance – there may be more subtle meanings at play. Activist and messianic jews often see themselves as the ‘light unto the nations’ i.e. that they are leading the way, judaising in terms of values and ideology, or perhaps “gathering up the sparks”. Whether that makes it better or worse isn’t necessarily clear, but the idea that jews simply want to kill everybody seems wrong-headed. There certainly may be a destructive side to this process though, and I would say that may relate to the idea of the god function: creation requires prima materia / order out of chaos etc

        19. It still would seem you are dancing around the issue though. The Torah permits slavery and the gives the ok for jews to act like parasites in regards to gentiles(usury).
          Btw for proof that the god of the old testament is a different god from the new, you can hear it from a rabbi himself in regards to the jewish concept of satan. This is what I have been saying all along.

        20. jews take monotheism very seriously, and have sometimes considered christianity to be insufficiently monotheistic or even idolatrous, but you can also overstate the difference. God in christianity is God. Satan is not his equal. Christians have tended not to worry unduly with the inner workings – the psycho-analysis of God – as do say jewish kabbalists so the ultimate unity of God and God’s purpose is not as readily apparent, but even with christianity evil is necessary. I would say the article – which is certainly interesting – puts a bit of a spin on the difference, but in fairness the undifferentiated nature of the haShem makes for a more direct encounter if you like with both good and evil or if you prefer light and shadow. Regarding the article I would say considering Satan to be merely something one struggles with to overcome as though Satan was some kind of vehicle for personal development is both reductive and disingenous (see the 3 amigos link below), unless of course a clear distinction is being made between Satan and evil itself – which would complicate things quite a bit, although occasionally this is done for instance where Satan is seen as a force for ‘enlightenment’ or progress. There are nasty and cruel things in the world, what are they to be attributed to? They are not all means for overcoming the limitations of the self. We might then distinguish between say a murderous war – neo-con war-mongering say – and tempting the resolve of someone with blandishments or material things.
          I am still not convinced that the embracing of satan as a good and as a (direct) instrument of God for instance is quite so central or longstanding, although the kabbalah is probably an exception here (I am prepared to be corrected if I am definitely wrong). For instance Isaac Bashevis Singer is clearly condemnatory of what he regards as a ‘satanic’ turn following the embracing of sabbateanism and an embracing of transgression (redemption by sin). Singer references for instance the eating of the flesh of a live animal for instance (a bird) as something that would violate a commandment / mitzvah prohibiting the consumption of flesh from a living beast. I am not suggesting that sabbateans did such things, but the point is here that a traditionally jewish author is indicating such a thing would be wrong precisely because it would violate God’s law and moreover he is associating such a violation with satan (satan in goray is the novel). The same is true with regard to say adultery, incest etc etc
          So is judaism necessarily tolerant in the sense indicated? Has it become more so? Has it become more kabbalistic, or sabbatean? I don’t now how it could be said that it was always so. What the talmud is often accused of is of being a record of how cunning rabbis sought to circumvent the halachic law.
          What is the case later in history or today though is another matter. I’ve heard people talking about say radical monotheism, which would presumably differ from the idea of the jewish faith Bashevis Singer had

    3. Who’s going to watch it? People who are interested in that era of history will soon discover it’s a hit piece and stop watching. And SJWs are probably not going to want to watch it either, unless it is really really over the top bashing, and even then it’s unlikely to hold their interest long.

      1. This is just one stupid show out of the thousands of shows and movies cranked out by (((Hollywood))). Doesn’t matter if only 20 people watch this specific program. You either intentionally or unintentionally missed the bigger point.

        1. I think I was unclear about my query. Why would you make a show like that that isn’t going to have much of an audience. I’m trying to fathom who they are marketing it too, other than left leaning producers? Who is their target audience for such crap?

        2. I kinda agree with you there, but they can’t help themselves. They are genetically-programmed to confuse and propagandize their host white countries. Even if this show falls flat on it’s face, they will feel good that they tried and just chalk it to more “white racism.” But they won’t stop. Have they yet?
          It’s *possible* this show will do alright with minorities, brain-dead white liberals, etc. And I’m sure the critics and reviewers will give it high marks if it promotes the “bad south,” “racist whites,” or “poor, oppressed blacks” narratives.

      2. Like that show about the black female baseball pitcher, Praise by liberals but no one watch it. Then they blame racism or sexism for low ratings. It´s not about ratings is about exposure, like interracial porn, is the least profitable form of porn and yet is everywhere, exposure is the key, but they are going full retard like BBC roman times common family depicted as interracial Black dude with white wife..

        1. Who would watch that show except for a tiny minority of people who might be black female baseball pitchers?

    4. It’s backfiring on them. They are polarising the people , wakening the sleepy white masses to the horror about to come. If they kept things smooth and played liberal and cuckservative politics a little longer while avoiding the so obvious war on Whites , the brainwashing would be complete and the whites would voluntarily accept extinction. They did a huge strategical mistake here. You don’t win against Whites by reminding them everyday that they are white and evil. You win by making them think race doesn’t exist and all people are the same. Seriously this makes me think how could these Overmasters be so stupid. Maybe smth more complicated is going on here ? I don’t know. But at this point I think propaganda shows like this are useful to us. Everything that polarises people and makes them retreat to their tribe is useful to our cause.

      1. They get tired of the long march, they began to run instead of marching, they are desperate to finish the march, stupid Marxist they don´t even know how to Marxist their shit right. You are right with a slow pace they will win probably in more 20 to 30 years, but no they want their Marxist revolution NOOW. So it becomes too obvious what they are doing.

        1. Soros and the other old farts wants to see it done , so they can die in peace.

    5. I lived in Atlanta for 4 years and I can tell you that Southern white culture needs to be humiliated and made extinct. Just because they hate everyone that isn’t white doesn’t male them the poster boy for conservative whites. Ignorant, uneducated, bitter lowlifes are not to be celebrated in any culture.

    6. Another article to trigger the nigger/kike-loving weaklings at the Turd Flinging Monkey YT channel.

  2. Quite a few Jews fought for the Confederacy but I doubt many people will be watching that piece of liberal garbage.

  3. The most obnoxious part is going to be the beautful southern belles who can’t enough of that Mandingo love. And its stupid to believe that back then some southern white women weren’t attracted to black man even without the Jewish media telling us how they all wanted black cock, but as usual they will take it to a place that never was never close to existing.

    1. I don’t know why people think black slaves were the only ripped and shredded men back in the 1800s. Practically all whites were physical laborers: either farmers or blacksmiths. White men were not pudgy soft cubicle dwellers like so many are today. They would have have been even more physically imposing than the slaves (picking cotton can be and often was done by children and women).

      1. The idea that all slaves looked like the dude from the Green Mile is absurd. It did not require great strength to pick cotton. It was tedious as fuck but not very difficult.

    1. Generally speaking, Pennsylvania through Illinois and over into Missouri. Most of it prior to the civil war.

      1. Around the Southern Succession War timeframe, they settled in Texas. That’s part of the reason they housed so many German POWs there (who, according to grandma, were pretty friendly men – just ordinary guys happy to see children playing outside the fence).

        1. Yes, Texas too, forgot about that. In fact they settled almost everywhere, but the heaviest concentrations in the sense of “they are still speaking German as the official language of business and government through the 1940’s” was more or less the midwest I think. Once travel became night affairs instead of two month affairs, it was all up in the air.

        2. The way I hear it, the World War propaganda is why Texas Germans don’t speak German anymore. There’s actually an archive project at UT to catalog the particular variant spoken in Texas because the last people to speak it are in their 60’s or older.

        3. The town where my farm land is located stopped officially using German as the language of business and government in *1947*. Even today some of it still persists in the slang that the residents use (spoken English with a German word thrown in here or there unconsciously).

        4. That’s all the German I know. I use words like gemutlich and say things like “schmecktes?” (apparently slang for “how does it taste”), but I can barely ask a German if he speaks English in his native tongue.

        5. What’s funny to me is that it happened *after* WW2 was over. You’d think that they would have put the kibosh on that, at latest, in 1942.

        6. There’s a little suburban burg out where I grew up that was originally called Breslau and was filled with German immigrants. In 1917 it became Lindenhurst.

        1. The opposite. Rural Pennsylvania can get quite rotund.
          Except the Amish and Mennonites, who generally work harder.

        2. “Where the women are robust, the men are pink cheeked, and the children are pink cheeked and robust.”

        3. I remembered the obesity map wrong around. You’re correct.

          Still interesting. Parts of my family are in the industry for sweets and I worked a short while for Mars.
          Very interesting how different the sugar consumption is.
          Here in the lands of chocolate it is the lowest in Europe.
          For a while I enjoyed watching those sweets eating videos on youtube.
          Seeing some american kids eating HARIBO Gold bears or Milka chocolate.
          And the best was always the surprise, when there is more than air in a bag of potato chips.
          Anyhow, I digress, big time.

        4. Keep in mind when viewing things like this, that these rates come from the highly flawed government standard of BMI, which has no basis in actual reality in regard to actual fat content on any given human being. That being said, I’d also advise that when a state is a given color, that doesn’t actually mean that the actual state is in that range of body fat. Upper Peninsula Michigan you’d be hard pressed to find a fat person who was not a tourist, southern Ohio you’re going to find amazingly huge Kentucky sized hogzillas whilst in central Ohio you’re more likely to find svelte type people. The South I think is fairly accurate insofar as it seems to be generally distributed from what I’ve seen, outside of some of the big cities (Nashville, for example).

        5. Most processed foods in the US contain TONS of sugar, even if they’re not something you’d consider a “sweet”. And by sugar I mean corn syrup of some kind. We are awash in that crap.

  4. Well, I won’t be watching it for two simple reasons:
    1) I’m tired of racism being on the core themes of so many movies and TV Shows these days. We get the message, racism, sexism, and othersism is bad, get the fuck over it.
    2) The same hacks behind Game of Thrones are working on it. This should sufficient enough of a reason not bother with this series. If their writing on GoT is any indication(the part where it isn’t directly taken from Martin’s books), the writing on this show will be filled with shit, although they probably don’t care whether the writing is good or not, so long as the message is absorbed by the people watching it.
    If you don’t like this kind of propaganda, there is really nothing else to be done outside of not watching or supporting the show and encouraging other people to do so as well. As the author said himself in the article, people being angry on social media won’t mean a thing, the only difference you can make is with your pocket.

    1. They were losing me for a while, but they lost me entirely when Jon Snow failed military tactics 101. “Here come the horses – quick, withdraw the pikemen!”
      Now I clean my kitchen when my friends come over to watch. See enough each episode to know how little I missed.

      1. The show has turned very predictable. For me, the worst part was how they dealt with the Dorne situation. The idea that some ugly chicks assassinate the king and his guardsmen like they were children was the last straw. Haven’t watched any episode from season 7, and I probably never will. From a production value it is amazing. I admit that the Battle of the Bastards was an absolute joy to watch. But the story has turned shit.
        I’ve gotten tired of the series anyway, both the books and the TV Show. I don’t know if Martin will ever publish his sixth book before dying. Hopefully it will be better than the fifth one, which was a bit of a snoozefest.

        1. I hope he doesn’t publish the last book. I only managed to get through 2.5 of his books before walking away bored (“Stanis marches through snow…again…and again..when does the book start?”) – I think he lost the thread at some point.
          I heard that he’s not writing the last book because fans figured out his “surprise” twists several years ago.

        2. The Arya arc in A Storm of Swords was filled with that shit and was legitimately snore-inducing.
          Given that he kills so many of his characters, it isn’t hard to figure out the ending.
          “And they all died happily ever after,
          The end.”
          “P.S: Here’s some one last paragraph painstakingly detailing tits and sexual intercourse. Cause why not?”

        3. The shocking twist we’ve all figured out: Jon Snow is a Targaryan and the prophesied something something firepants. The crazy dragon lady and he will stop the bad people, because it’s Martin’s wish-fulfillment character and his beta fantasy of a strong, independent woman joining forces.
          Sansa will continue to eat, breathe, and bitch (her three favorite passtimes). Arya will something something badass magic assassin. Tyrion will continue to be the only reasonably written character in the show.

        4. Agreed. Fantastically filmed, but so feminist, utterly ruins it. Likewise that Dorne shit was the last straw for me.

        5. Tcheah–the only kind, moral, strong ethics, “good” man on the show is a dwarf. F6cking kikes.

      2. THATS why you stopped watching? Some armchair-warrior military-nerd reason? And not the fact its a cultural-Marxist juggernaut?!

        1. Hey, the only thing left was the quality of the writing, not its content. Such a basic tactical blunder is indicative of a decline in writing quality, and with that there’s nothing left but CGI dragons and lots of snow.

        2. Funny how we can have different experiences–to me the dramatic production as a whole was and is superb–but it got completely poisoned by kult-Marx, after suckering in the core white audience in the first few seasons. This is what they do. Nobody cares about military-nerd (which i am to an extent) level details.

  5. It will feature even more of the degeneracy of Game of Thrones. A show whose utter improbability and stupidity took television to new lows. But give ’em hot sex, and give ’em gory plot twists, and unprincipled characters living in a world free of morality. Then watch them sit, mouths agape, until they can go on about how awesome it is at the water cooler. It’s like the Lord of the Rings if everyone, from Aragorn to Frodo, simultaneously decided that they must own the Ring.
    And now the public will start to think that Lee won at Gettysburg because of the sheer tactical brilliance of Pickett’s Charge…

      1. I seem to be the only man out on that kind of thing. I’m all about a threesome and stuff, no question, but the idea of lipstick lesbians having a little party where I’m not invited does nothing for me at all, outside of the quick prurient thrill I get seeing them naked for a few seconds. Homosexuality just generally repulses me at a visceral level.

        1. Watching drunk straight girls make out is alright by me, so long as I’ve got a shot at one of them before the night is through. Lesbian stuff, much like gay stuff, gives me the oogies.

        2. Hey man, a little kissing between girls when they’re both down sucking my cock is fine. Because I’m there as one of the participants. Sure. Watching two dykes scissor though and I’m supposed to get something from that beyond a few seconds of evaluating how good both look naked? Nah. Pass.

        3. I can and have explained this very simply:
          we like girls
          we like girls being sexy
          what’s sexier than sex?
          what do you NOT want to look at during sex?
          So, remove the male anatomy from the picture and its pure gold!
          Again, this assuming you’re only a spectator and not a participant.

        4. I’m talking more real life than porn, which I tend to avoid. If you’re talking porn, I think that the male component is there to help the viewer live vicariously through him (just guessing).
          Just not into homos, man. Sorry.

  6. They won’t have white Northerners or from other countries going to the CSA to get organ transplants, nor slaves used as a crop for medical research like unborn babies are today.

  7. I actually think it’ll be interesting. There is a difference between highlighting an issue and directly shaming someone. Since this is set in an alternate, fictional universe, this seems like more of the former. Furthermore, this is alternate history fiction so of course it’ll be speculative. Game of Thrones can be complex and make people see the humanity in members of opposing sides, so I’ll give this a chance.

    1. Why bother?
      Honest question. Why bother participating in this voluntary hypnosis? The whole of the media now is dedicated full time and full throttle against you. What’s the incentive to allow them free access to your emotions?

      1. I generally give a chance to content from HBO. These days if someone recommends a show on one of the mainstream networks like NBC/ABC/CBS/FOX/CW (basically anything on normie TV) I don’t watch it. However, I give shows on Netflix and HBO a chance. They have more leeway with cursing, violence, etc. and I can’t stand the cheesiness of network TV.

        1. I honestly still don’t understand. When I get a series recommended to me to watch on Netflix it almost always starts good but by Season 2 the “programming” becomes really evident and SJW bullshit is shoved down my throat. The last series I saw where it was more or less devoid of SJW shit was Breaking Bad (and Archer). Everything else has failed the test, and failed it pretty quickly.

    2. Fuck that, I can already tell this is gonna a cringey race baiting series with no historical accuracy.

      1. Isn’t the point of dystopian fantasy a deliberate break with historical accuracy?

        1. I can’t speak for Psquare, but I would argue that any series that has slavery in the 21st century by Christian nations is taking an absolute holiday on reality entirely. Per the article’s mention of Brazil.

        2. But why choose the Civil War?…You know there are actual countries that still practice slavery TO THIS DAY isn’t that dystopian?…Why not an HBO documentary on that instead of this filth they’re about to release.

        3. I get that we white folk don’t like the idea of a show that’s about slavery because it’ll no doubt distort actual history for the purpose of manipulating emotions. I certainly have no plans to watch it.
          But to criticize an admitted alternate-history-dystopian work as being historically inaccurate is just silly. Historical inaccuracy is the entire premise.

        4. There are already documentaries about modern day slavery, yes? The writers probably know more about our civil war than they do India or the Democratic Republic of Congo. They write about what they know. Both the documentaries and this filth can peacefully coexist.
          There are numerous books, videos, and articles about primitive survival skills, but the “reality” show Survivor still exists.

        5. Generally alt-history has to have some basis in reality and also follow the trends of the world in which it sprung. The world in which the Confederacy was hatched in history was already throwing off slavery voluntarily due to it’s utter economic infeasibility. To suggest that a world with iPhones and every other major and minor convenience and time saving invention in it exists side by side with a nation that has slaves, doesn’t even begin to pass the smell test on realism, let alone historical accuracy.
          Good examples of alt-history are books like The Fatherland, and also The Guns Of The South. They take the rest of the world in context and also the realities of what would and would not have happened had thing changed at key points in history.
          That modern nations have slavery now is a function of them being backward nations that invented nothing and whose day to day existence is still, for the majority of their populations, hand to mouth. A flashy high tech society where everybody eats and nothing needs done by hand due to automation cannot possibly be suggested to have full frontal slavery as existed back prior to the 1860’s.

        6. I suspect I’m going to regret asking, but: What’s with all the Jew hate? Who hurt you, babe?

        7. You’re right. This show is likely to be of horrible quality and hopefully short-lived. It would have to be some spectacularly good storytelling to overcome those logical holes.

        8. In short-your last paragraph sums up the state of the backward inbred retard states in the Middle East like Qatar where slavery is for all intents and purposes alive.

        9. Yeah, the book was good, and the show wasn’t half bad either, although they did take some, of course, artistic license.

        10. Yes the book was superior. The only thing memorable about the film were the visuals of Albert Speer’s Berlin.
          You ever read “The Day After Tomorrow”? Silly premise, but gripping.

  8. This show might have been successful pre-2014. But American culture has shifted away from social justice. The naked race-baiting and virtue signaling will be rejected.
    Also these two guys are mediocre storytellers. Just look at the last few seasons of Game of Thrones. Ever since they ran out of GRR Martin’s source material, they’ve been shit.

    1. “But American culture has shifted away from social justice.” – I’m interested in how you came to that conclusion. From where I sit, it seems SJWs have only gotten shriller and more pervasive.

      1. They have gotten truly unhinged, but I actually take this as a sign of desperation on their part. The fact that Antifa exists telegraphs their desperate attempt to regain the initiative.

      2. I think he meant to say shifted “towards” social justice. His entire comment makes more sense that way.

      3. I see the confusion. I mean the public mood has shifted away from social justice. It has lost influence. Which is why the powerful SJWs are pushing it harder than ever. Desperation.
        i.e. “Culture” that is pushed onto the public is more SJW. But “culture” that is accepted by the public is less SJW, or even anti-SJW.

        1. I see him failing to accomplish any of the things he claimed he was going to do.

        2. That is irrelevant.
          He keeps winning elections he should be losing. If you look at voter registration stats, he’s massively gaining voters in swing states, while the social justice party is bleeding voters. Why?
          Because despite his low approval rating, the approval rating for social justice is even lower.

        3. I disagree. Trump squeaked by with his victory. And that was largely due to older and white demographics. The younger demographic (who aren’t even old enough to vote yet but soon will be) are much more likely to vote against Trump (Gen Z is like less than 50% white).

        4. He should’ve been destroyed in 2016 considering how hard the social justice machine came out against him. And voter registration should show him losing voters as time passes. Yet he actually manages to win and then gain.
          None of these things should be possible in a world where social justice has great influence.
          Trump is very defeatable. But not by social justice.

        5. If it seems the pace and intensity of SJW activism is slackening, it’s only because the Left controls every institution and aspect of society and culture.

        6. But where are all these “brown” gen z? locked up in urban ghettos. Also a huge portion 8% is due to illegal immigrant births which is about to end. Most of this is just fear mongering. 55% of births are now white non-hispanic. Another 9% don’t answer. 55% of them actually turn out to be white. So actual number is more like 60% currently. The current low birth rates are primary due to economics. If we bring back jobs from China and people can afford babies, they will have them. It could be back to 75% within a few years.

      4. SJW marketing fails every single time, for every single brand that tries it. It resonates ONLY with the people who already believed in it, wins zero converts, and alienates the sane.

        1. I’ll have to take your word for it. I don’t know much about marketing.

      5. The SJW’s public nervous breakdown shows that they know the border of the wrong side of history has shifted in their direction.

        1. All the SJW themed movies except for some comic book movies have failed. Most notably Alien Covenant, which the studio acknowledges is a failure. All the heady nonsense didn’t sell tickets.
          I guess Hollywood needs to go back to making watchable films rather than press their social agenda on the masses.

        2. The Ben Hur remake bombed at the box office, for example. I guess white audiences have had enough of movies which show evil white men persecuting harmless Jews.

    2. Couldn’t agree with you more on the source material. I hope they learn from their GoT experience and hire a good writer for this so they can focus only on the other stuff.

  9. We had the CSA movie when Bush was in power, now this with Trump. Liberals seem to think the South is behind every Republican victory.

  10. I have an idea for a dystopia about slavery being widely practiced today, but someone already stole it – it’s called Islam, and you can watch it every night, even on MSM fake news coverage.

    1. I got another one: young people borrow thousands of dollars to partu for four years in exchange for being paid pittennence for the rest of their lives.

      1. “Young people borrow tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to party for four or more years while being brainwashed with liberal platitudes that strip their ability to reason logically in
        exchange for being paid pittance for the rest of their lives while some angry xyr land-whale in HR acts as overseer of the cubicle plantation.”
        Fixed it.

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    2. Islam and Judaism are two sides of the same coin. They’re both united to chop YOUR dickhead off. One celebrity testifies there’s not much difference between the two doctrines.

    3. We (US) didn’t steal anything. Islam was the ones selling them to us! They “invented” it!

  11. War of the Planet of the Apes literally beats you over the head with this shite, I’m in awe of blatant it is and I love good sci-fi. Here we have no sympathy for Harrelson’s and humanity’s understandable dilemma as to how to beat a virus that is causing humans to lose their speech and higher faculties. They don’t even have the balls to have the apes wipe out what’s left of the human army as that would make the apes even more obviously cunty than they already are; so they have natural disaster do the job. The blond girl/child that they carry with then goes to love with the apes, dumb but happy…….and humanity’s downfall is complete. Even they exalt the child’s beauty early in the film!
    What great moral lesson was I supposed to glean? That humans are so terrible that we should walk quitely into the night? Oh look the apes are thick…..but some of them are funny Totally worth it!
    Bonus points for cultural marxism is when the blond child cries over the ape who is killed that she has known for two scenes, but doesn’t even flinch when her father is killed by said group of apes.

    1. I have avoided that entire series because I think it was pretty clear from the outset where it would go. The original story (on film) was an analog for slavery and was known as such even during the original movies back in the 1970’s, so it’s not a huge leap to consider that this is about black people wiping out and enslaving white people, given the premise of the movies in the first place. That they do so as you suggest makes perfect sense, given the current state of propaganda we see in day to day life. Had the little *girl* not been blonde haired and blue eyed and not have adored the apes would have been the real surprise.

      1. I can’t say what the analog of Lancelot Link was but it sure wasn’t slavery. Maybe it was a take off on the bad teeth of GB or the hagging out of middle aged women.

        Maybe the theme was “we’re all just a little bit monkey” “can’t we all just get along”. It sure was better tv dinner watching than Planet of the Apes. It was all variety and no PC.
        On that note they should do a spin off show where either saucer lip Ubangis or western hoodie gangsta thugs and their fat welfare queens have dubbed over tropical animal jungle soundtrack noises taken from ‘Wild Kingdom’ dubbed over their mouths moving. Motherfuckers bitch slapping their hos dubbed over with animal roars and tropical macaw bird squealing sounds as feathers are blown across the screen.

  12. An accurate portrayal would show Confederate America with lower crime rates, increased property values, and higher school standards.

  13. Good thing southerners don’t care much for this shit.
    They too stubborn and thick skinned to be bothered
    City denizens on the other hand….. Well….I suppose time to polish the Virtue Signal.

    1. The southerners will never watch this show and the city-dwellers have already pre-ordered the series. At this point, there really is no new audience for these shows, it’s just the same social circle jerking itself off.

      1. Hence why they’re spasming and being violent-they’re not converting anybody to their warped ideology and if anything, the youth are recoiling because it is their wont to do so against authority and given how traditional media is failing to engage them.

  14. Why am I not surprised that these fucking Heeb pieces of shit are behind this.
    Why don’t we make a comedy about Bergen Belsen? It’ll be a gas! 😉

    1. Better yet: a tale of forbidden love in Auschwitz between Jewish female prisoners and the Aryan camp guards.

      1. I’ll go one even better-The Biggest Loser:Auschwitz Edition.

        1. In readiness for Eisen Koch:Dachau Delicacies.

    2. Why don’t we make a comedy about Bergen Belsen? It’ll be a gas! 😉

      That would be hilarious, and (((they))) would Nazi that coming!

  15. My comments on this were going to be close to word for word as Connie Chastains pictured post above.

  16. Harry Turtledove wrote Guns of the South like 25 years ago. In it, time travelers go back to the Civil War with AK-47s and help Robert E Lee win the Civil War. But it ends with slavery being phased out gradually. Very realistic.

  17. The Confederacy lost the war for the same reason the Axis forces were defeated: weak coordination and weak centralized control. The Confederacy was a patchwork of state military forces that lacked a centralized authority. The Axis powers did not cooperate and often had conflicting goals (the pact between Germany, Italy, and Japan was nominal and they did not coordinate the war effort).

    1. bullshit.
      the South had neither the manpower nor the manufacturing base necessary to contend with the North.
      had it not been for McClellan’s flagrant incompetence the war would likely have been over in half the time.
      the primary reason it took as long as it did bring the war to a conclusion was that the various Southern states weren’t going to surrender until an army showed up and started plundering them.
      and the Irish weren’t particularly happy with being drafted into Lincoln’s War.
      oh yes, you can also thank uncle Abe for the un-Constitutional Draft. the US had never had a Draft before the Civil War … because the Draft flagrantly violates the 9th Amendment and makes *every* male citizen a Slave of the Federal government.

      1. Very few people see the irony: enslaving white men via the draft to liberate black slaves

      2. The northern generals were pretty bad at their jobs (and it didn’t help that Lincoln was pretty micro-managerial over the war, something he had exactly zero experience with). They made it the South’s war to lose, not theirs to win.
        Can you imagine what Lee – one of the greatest men to ever come out of West Point – could have done with command of the entire CSA forces? He and Stonewall merit intensive study, both as generals and as men.

  18. Little known fact: more black children grew up with both parents during slavery than do today.

  19. The butthurt grievance is already strong in this article, and the series hasn’t even been made yet.

    1. So are you suggesting that this is *not* the path that the series will take, potentially?

      1. Correct.
        There are 500 series produced each year, across all television platforms. There is a lot more thematic variety than you would expect. But nobody here wants to admit that.
        Also, Benioff is behind Game of Thrones. I haven’t watched it but am confident there wasn’t an SJW angle in THAT series, lol.
        What I do know is that HBO made a mistake in announcing this because they’ve opened the door to hypothetical bitching that right-wingers like yourself are doing.

        1. Dang dude, is it that time of the month or something?
          Your comment about Game of Thrones is hilarious. Just read the comments below, it is a total Grrrl Pwwrrr franchise now. Geesh.
          I think the reason you see so many “themes” is that most of television produced today, except for things like cooking shows, are heavily propagandized by the Left. So while you may enjoy the contrast between a Fabian and a Communist or a Nazi and a French socialist revolutionary, the rest of us say “Oh look, leftists” and walk away.

        2. However, Benioff is more than anything a purveyor of shock-entertainment. Given that, and the synopsis of this show, how can one expect anything less?

        3. Hey, you’re the one doing the bitching all over this page. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
          I haven’t seen Game of Thrones, so correct me if I’m wrong, but a pretty right-wing friend of mine loves that damn show. It’s like church whenever it comes on.
          Have you seen The Man In The High Castle? Alt-history. I watched Season 1, and was surprised at the depth of character among Nazis, Japs, and Resistance characters. Hopefully you can expect the same with this series. Also, HBO features the best writing in all of television — The Sopranos and The Wire were about as far away from leftist series as you can get, lol. So I expect this will be pretty well-rounded.
          However, your obvious bullheadedness will never, ever, ever allow you to keep an open mind to most of this stuff. You really just want to bitch that ALL entertainment doesn’t conform to your viewpoint. So I’ll end it here.

        4. I don’t see the point in continuing this discussion with you since you have come in on the rag and felt it incumbent to fill every post to me with ad hominem. You can do better, try harder in the future.

        5. You’re the one bitching all over this comment section about how “the whole media is turned against us waaaaaa”, so if anybody’s shrieking and on the rag today, it’s def you. All I did was point out that your butthurt is a BIT premature. Wouldn’t you think?

        6. “I havent seen GoT…”
          its not right wing- at all, here is a recap:
          the dudes of the north are now lead by a bastard who is a bit naive(the stark daughter will become the power behind the scenes)
          a nutty broad is the evil queen of midtown Westeros
          a woman with dragons is leading an invasion of downtown westeros; she is partnering with two families now led by women, one is a lesbian, the other is bisexual, the other is a miserable old woman who is somehow in charge of her family
          hell, one of the stark daughters just encountered a wolf pack, lead by a female.
          but no, no sjw/feminism in this show. Im still hoping the future king of the realm is chuck norris

        7. GOJ, a friend of mine watched GoT from day dot, he told me that when it started there was lots of fighting & sex scenes to get the people interested, then the subtle messages were pushed in, then they went full retard like the show now.
          im guessing they will do the same with this show, start slow, so people think it may be kosher, dangle the bait, then WHAM in your face evil white family men, strong white women held back by those white family men, cowardly white men scheming behind the scenes, super intelligent blacks itching to unite a nation, patriarchy is oppression etc.

      2. You say “potentially,” but it would only be a surprise if they didn’t go that route.
        They can’t help it. It’s in their nature to write what they think they know and inject what they believe into it.

  20. you missed the primary reason why Confederate slavery would be impossible to perpetuate very long past Secession: the Fugitive Slave clause was no longer going to be operative between the North and South.
    Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3
    No person held to service or labour in one state, under the laws
    thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or
    regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labour, but shall
    be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labour
    may be due.
    of course, this also points up the fundamental Perfidy of the North. for all of their mewling about how awful slavery was and crying about how they were being “forced” to shoulder the bill necessary to return slaves to the South … they had agreed to do EXACTLY THAT when they ratified the Constitution.
    every Northern State law which was passed in opposition to this clause was explicitly Treasonous and anti-Constitutional and violated the fundamental Law of the land.
    and every Northern citizen who participated in the Underground Railroad was likewise committing Treason and flagrantly violating the Law of the land.
    no one held a gun to their head and made the Northern States ratify the Constitution. they did that voluntarily. most of those states still held slaves themselves in 1790. but less than a hundred years later the Radical and Progressive Republican party, through much shrieking and public panic, demanded the ‘right’ to UNILATERALLY change the Constitution to force the South to live according to the North’s *new* mores.
    do you wonder why the Republican Party does such a pitiful job defending ‘conservative’ values like women’s rest rooms? that’s because the Republican Party is, natively, a Radical and Progressive party. always has been.,_1912%29

  21. I imagine the inspiration here is the Man in the High Castle which was about a similarly counterfactual history scenario where Gandhi / Hitler won the war and America was run by the Nazi party. Counterfactual histories can be interesting but the purpose here, as with High Castle, doesn’t seem to be any kind of historical thought experiment but to reinforce the mainstream / official narrative by saying look how terrible, racist, sexist, homophobic the world would have been if pinko liberals hadn’t been victorious. I would not also note that in a way Game of Thrones is also a counterfactual history, where a kind of feminism triumphs. So counterfactual histories / fantasies can be used for both cautionary and subversive purposes – i.e. to re-write “history” in the way the writers would prefer it to have ‘happened’

    1. Didn’t they cancel Man in the High Castle because people liked that dystopia better than they liked the perfect world the SJW’s are creating?

      1. I didn’t actually realise it had been cancelled. I thought it wasn’t going to be make it to a second series, and actually stopped watching it half way through. Audiences are unpredictable. They often prefer the company of the intended bad guy / hate figure

        1. You had a show with a bunch of attractive blonde women happily married and raising children of honest, hardworking men. Who cares that they were in the Third Reich – that’s still the dream.

        2. they cancelled that show? glad i stopped watching. just read the book, short n sweet

        3. that’s true. The show producers were probably hoping people would look at that and think, “oh, what a waste, that nubile young mother could be working as a CEO or lumberjack.”

      2. No, they fired the show runner.
        Im sure the new showrunner will beat everybody over the head with the anti Nazi stuff, instead of alluding to it like the last guy did.

  22. Gettin’ the feeling that some people be takin’ tv shows a little too seriously. It’s July fellas. Go outside an play. Don’t worry, the sofa will be there when you get back.

    1. And even then there are books. Turn off the Talmudvision.

      1. really man. Like, it’s nice out. Girls are pretty. Wine is plentiful. We live in a wonderful world abundant with fresh fruit, clean water, delicious food, nice weather and an all you can eat pussy buffet. If you are obsessing over whether or not there is a social agenda in tv shows then you are a fucking loser. End of story.

        1. I wouldn’t go so far as say that. It is a concern and if you allow the cultural zeitgeist to be infected by such it’s cancer spreads and will cause great damage. Already there is enough degeneracy and mental illness-i hate to think what the next generation will be subject to.

        2. I would and did go so far as to say it and stand by it. Go outside. It’s television. Stop taking is so seriously.

        3. Well, I don’t watch that shit anyway. But it’s still worthwhile keeping abreast of such.

        4. it really isn’t worthwhile keeping abreast of it. It is literally (hitler) the least worthwhile thing you can do. Running in a park with a kite is a million times more valuable a thing to do. Sitting around bitching about how you don’t like tv shows is fucking pathetic. Welcome to being comic book guy.

        5. Hmm. I see what you mean. I don’t obsess-more like to be aware of what’s going on. I haven’t watched that idiocy in years otherwise and have no reason to do so.

        6. Yeah but most of us are currently stuck at work – no harm BS’ing a little about this stuff.
          Kites later.

        7. no harm in bs’ing abotu it obviously. Hell, I would be quite a jerkface if I was that much a hypocrite. I am here. But the difference between bs’ing about it or even trolling it for fun and seriously taking it into your soul that this is a problem that needs to be on the front burner is pretty big….

        8. “Everything in moderation” is inherently contradictory. “Nothing in moderation” or “Everything in excess” however is self-consistent.

        9. hey man, you mentioned food cart licenses are around $100k- is that dependent on location?

        10. quite. No way to know who’s idly BS-ing and who genuinely has their dik in a knot

        11. I’m becoming more intelligent with each passing moment on ROK. Surely bossman will benefit from that somehow?

        12. I’ve used Seinfield’s line before with girls:
          “So, do you date immature men?”

        13. No, no way to know….but there are better and worse guesses.

        14. I read the article about it a long time. I do think it said something about being infront of the Met Museum is the highest price ones. The article was in the NYT a few years ago about how there is an exception for Vets and how vets are making money by getting paid to sit around near hotdog carts.

        15. Just how firm need one be in thier idle discussion of TV shows? Did I miss the revolution again?

      2. “talmudvision”……how have I lived this long and missed that!
        consider it stolen!

        1. “Your theory of a donut-shaped universe is intriguing, Homer. I may have to steal it.” – Stephen Hawking to Homer

    2. I agree. Reality is what you experience yourself, not what you see on the media. Some people have their heads so deep in their TV sets they can’t tell the difference anymore.

      1. “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one.” – Albert Einstein

        1. “Reality is a persistent bitch who never leaves you.”
          – Erwin Schrödinger

        2. “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” Philip K. Dick

      2. But, but, Sarah Jane is in love with Jack who’s in love with Rose and Jim Bob (he goes both ways, and that’s fabulous)! I must know how this will be resolved, and whether Martin is carrying Jack’s amnesiac clone baby!

      3. We can know the difference between reality and media but still really enjoy a good story. Storytelling is an art and there’s no harm in talking about it.

        1. Simply talking about it is fine, but I still think it is a waste of time. Complaining about how bad it is and the agenda it is trying to push is simply stupid. There are always more important things to do.
          These shows have no power over those who don’t watch them.

        2. We could all get by without complaining about shows. Or books. Or any literature, really. There are always more important things to do than watch, or read, or discuss literary themes and nuance. I don’t know if I’d want to live that way.

        3. Absolutely. But there is a world of difference between enjoying a good story and obsessing over it as if it were reality. Hell, this dates back to the days when Homer traveled the Peloponnese spittin’ some freestyle rap. People who get caught up in stories to the exclusion of reality, whether they are merely dreamer poets, or video gamers or people obsessing over cultural influence of some tv shows are, and have always been, worthless little shits who all die ignominious deaths with lives even more meaningless than the rest of us

        4. Are you expecting deep philosophical themes and nuances in modern TV shows?
          I never mentioned books or literature. In fact, books are a treasure trove of valuable information and perspectives.

        5. You remind me of Teddy Roosevelt’s famous “Man in the Arena” speech:

          It is not the critic who counts; not the man who
          points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds
          could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is
          actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and
          blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and
          again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but
          who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms,
          the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at
          the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who
          at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so
          that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who
          neither know victory nor defeat.

        6. This is a discussion that’s been going on for less than one day. I’m going to deem it less than obsession. Besides, most of the shrill noise seems to be centered around the civil war/jew hate than the show. Heck, the show isn’t even available for us to criticize yet.

        7. Good stories can happen on TV just as in books. And not all TV has to be a good story all of the time. The Simpsons had several good stories although not all its episodes were winners. Lighten up. Some of us do enjoy a tale that makes us think, regardless of the media from whence it came.

        8. It is actually a discussion that has been going on, on this site, for at least as long as I have been perusing it and has been going on in general for thousands of years. Yes, it is taking the form of civil war joooos hate innanity, no different than how Gozar took the form of the stay puft’t marshmallow man, because that is one big particular fear of many of the resident cowards here…but obsessing over bullshit like tv shows is a dangerous past time that too many “men” have been getting sucked into as of late….especially a sorry thing in the summer when there are, ya know, beaches and parks and boobs and stuff out.

        9. Not to pick a nit, but it’s beautiful outside and you’re here on the internet obsessing about other people obsessing. Heh.

        10. fair enough. However, I am avoiding work and my level of obsession is mittigated by the fact that I am just waiting for the horn to sound and to slide down my dinosaur so i can enjoy the real world and forget all about 99% of the jackasses here until monday whereas i get the real sense from some articles and comments here that a lot of these guys are going back to their basement to figure out how gilmore girls might be controlling the federal reserve or some shit. It’s a frankly unhealthy and pathetically sad way for men to enter their world

        11. I used the Flintstone analogy for work ending yesterday. -2 demerits for fast turnaround of same theme.
          Personally I just like hashing ideas out. That one show has a particular slant, yeah, who cares. When all shows do and your entire culture worships everything coming out of the places that produce it though, actually causes real life consequences. Denying the power of propaganda is pretty pointless, if it didn’t work it wouldn’t be a tool used by everybody from tyrants to marketing firms to advertisers across the centuries.

        12. Hey, Don’t be dissing video gamers! I explored Pripyat without becoming a Glowing One all from the safety of my home. Time spent playing games is time well spent.

        13. I think that it is fairly easy to tell the difference between idea hashers, time passers, trolls and people who are obsessed to the point of lunacy and it is only the last that irks me.
          No one is denying that propoganda works. But obsessing over some radical hidden social agenda to the exclusion of living ones life is fucking pathetic and, what’s more, I know you agree with me so I am not even going to bother.
          As for “tyrants” whatever. Since cavemen drew on walls some tyrant or another has been in charge and hasn’t given a shit about regular folks. As it turns out, our current tyrants have found, I think, a nice balance where, if you play your cards carefully and well and you luck out a bit you can live a very, very, very good life inside their tyranny without having it encroach on you all that much. Compared to some other forms of tyranny we have seen historically I think 2017 USA is at least benign and, I would argue, benevolent tyranny. Granted, the reason are to keep us just happy enough not to revolt, but fuck it…as I said in the original post, there is plenty of money, plenty of women, plenty of wine and food and clean water, plenty of sunshine and plenty of fun things to do with plenty of opportunity….not taking full advantage of that because a small cabal of fuckers is secretly ruling the world is fucking batshit insane. Some small cabal of fuckers has secretly always been ruling the world and the current instantiation lets me be rich, well fed and have my balls drained.

        14. I was reading “Best Served Cold” by Joe Abercrombie last night and a passage struck me.
          One of the protagonists was a female mercenary who was left for dead but she luckily survived and is out for revenge. She’s dressed as a whore and is talking to one of her former comrades.
          He says something to the effect that we are all whores in one way or the other. We all pretend to enjoy things we don’t and be things we aren’t. It’s just a matter of when we do them, either early in life to get what we want or later because we don’t have any other choice.
          Goes to show you can find little pearls anywhere. Louis L’Amour has a lot of great philosophical nuggets sprinkled in his books as well

        15. Tyrant does not mean “leader” or “hierarchy”. You know I don’t give a shit about 1% stuff, I recognize it as natural and part of being a human being and a social animal. Real tyranny does and has happened in the past, so it is always at least something of a concern. Turns out, living under real tyranny sucks ass. In any event I meant tyrants in the past tense since they (and religion) were the first ones to latch onto propaganda.

        16. I’ve been meaning to get into Louis L’Amour. I’ve been watching a lot of older Westerns movies, particularly John Wayne movies, and I have a growing fondness for westerns. I want to get into Western books as well and Louis L’Amour has been recommended to me. My question is, is there any place where I have to start, or can I just hop in anywhere?

        17. I haven’t watched a single episode of that show, so I have no idea what’s in it. In regards to dating, it is possible to notice the dynamics by observation.

        18. All of his books are pretty much stand-alone although there is some loose tie ins with some. The Sackett series are the only ones that really build on one another but even those don’t “require” reading in order. They are all good. My personal favorites are The Lonesome Gods, Reilly’s Luck, and Last of the Breed and the Sackett Series.
          Sackett Series in chronological order:
          -Sackett’s Land
          -To the Far Blue Mountains
          -The Warrior’s Path
          -Jubal Sackett
          -Ride the River
          -The Daybreakers
          -Mojave Crossing
          -The Sackett Brand
          -The Sky-Liners
          -The Lonely Men
          -Mustang Man
          -Treasure Mountain
          -Ride the Dark Trail
          -Lonely on the Mountain

        19. I get you dont like people complaining about tv, I agree , it is dumb.
          But you’re complaining harder about them than they are about tv prop.
          Seems like the shit a woman does.

        20. My complaint is not just that they are complaining about tv. The source of my complaint is that on a site dedicated to recapturing a sense of masculinity in a world that is, at times, openly hostile to it we are going on about how tv shows trigger us. That’s inane. Maybe I blow a little out of proportion hyperbolic at times, I tend to do that at work and it’s not a good trait but my underlying complaint that we should be promoting values of strength and masculinity and that complaining about some tv show and its social agenda is counter productive to that stands

    3. It does look a bit silly, doesn’t it? I mean, I sure don’t like seeing homosexuals too freaquently in TV shows but, I don’t watch that many TV Shows(they are way too time consuming and take some amount of dedication), so I don’t really care that much since it is not affecting me one bit. There’s a solution for everything: don’t like XYZ show because it features something you dislike? Stop watching it. Simple as that. Plenty of opportunities. I used to be like that, and occassionally will do that in the present as well, but I catch myself once I realize I’m whining over something insignificant.
      This reminds me of a friend who once told me that the reason he buys phisical copies of video games is because in the case when the internet goes down he can still play them. Wow. Just wow. It’s almost as if he couldn’t find any other activity if that situation ever happens.

      1. I’ve given up on you frodo. Weak men like you are the reason for the troubles plauging society. I used to pity you. Then I felt angry that your weaknessnand faggotry was hurting this world I love so much. But now I just feel apathy. I have come to understand that sad and weak men will always exist and it is enough to know that you will live and die a sad failure and never taste from the cup of glory

        1. I stopped reading after your second sentence. You come across like a nagging, progressive middle aged woman trying to berate her husband.
          Run along and continue your attempted derailing of this thread with your chums.

  23. You can bet your bottom dollar they won’t mention the free blacks serving in the Confederate army, just like they have ignored them for a hundred years or more (racists).
    I’m guessing that the North will be a modern magical wonderland full of fairies and unicorns compared to the South. Forget that the North punished the South for 50 years after the war; forget that the North segregated mixed units (white, Mexican, black fighting together – a Leftist dream?) when captured; forget that the North treated their all-black units as cannon fodder. The North will be prospering on its diversity, while the South suffers under the weight of all its inherent evil.
    Ironically, they’ll probably fail and make the South look more appealing.

  24. i hope they cast honey badger as the engineer on the modern day underground railroad

      1. take tubman’s head off the shelf, put it on a robot body. watch as nixon screams “wait, what about me?”

  25. I heard this show was not going forward: the creators caught a lot of flak from blacks on social media who claim (((whites))) should not be allowed to depict slavery in any manner. Blacks are higher on the victim totem pole than (((whites))).

    1. What is the offical criteria in ranking for the Oppression Olympics?

      1. Well, a good heuristic is to observe people on a sidewalk or walkway: the person who gets out of the way of the other is less oppressed than the other.
        Not sure if a more oppressed person should be deemed higher or lower on a totem pole…
        But watch people on a crowded walkway. The big able bodied man will get out of the way of an able bodied small man, who will get out of the way of an able bodied woman, who in turn will get out of the way of an invalid.

        1. I see. I keep thinking black Muslim feminist translesbian paraplegic is at the pointy end of the medal table.

      1. Heh. You’re confusing Dots, who work their asses off, with negros, who…not so much.

    1. You’re late. All the relevant Simpsons clips have already been posted.

  26. I haven’t seen The Man in the High Castle, but I gather that many viewers warmed up to the Nazi Dad character because he expressed sensible views based on traditional wisdom.
    I have to wonder if viewers of this anti-Southern propaganda would love a similar character intended as a villain, but instead they see him as an embodiment of time-tested experience for surviving in a harsh and dangerous world that doesn’t support our fantasies about equality and social justice.

  27. I’ve heard about a series of science fiction novels based on the premise that many of the world’s pissed off, hierarchical white people over the last few centuries – Loyalist Tories fleeing America after the Revolutionary War, French Aristocrats after the French Revolution, Southern slaveholders after the Civil War, etc. – gathered in South Africa, and they formed a really formidable world empire from that base.
    Because you have to assume white superiority when you condemn it; no one worries about the nonwhite equivalent of Nazis threatening the world because we all assume nonwhite inferiority relative to whites.

    1. Because you have to assume white superiority when you condemn it; no one
      worries about the nonwhite equivalent of Nazis threatening the world
      because we all assume nonwhite inferiority relative to whites.

      Holy shit, that is actually a really excellent point. I think we can take this and run with it….

      1. I’ve been turning that one over in my head over the past couple of years. If you look for the biases implied by the left’s arguments, you find all the things they condemn.
        – Why do they hate jokes at other races’ expense? Because they don’t have as good a sense of humor as white folks.
        – Why do they want trannies in the military? They want them to commit suicide at a higher rate (50% more vets commit suicide than civilians, and 50% of trannies attempt it already).
        – Why do they want to take care of student debt, etc? Because 20-somethings are children without the ability to make decisions for themselves.

      1. He was ultimately repelled, so I’m not thinking that’s such a great example.

        1. He died of a disease and the Mongols went home to pick a new Khan, but not before chucking the bubonic plague at Europe.

        2. No question one person did a great thing (in the sense of conquering a lot of places). The exception does not the rule make, and in regard to the point he was making, he’s spot on. If you don’t assume that white people are superior then you wouldn’t give a rat’s ass about whites thinking that they’re superior. What would it matter?

        3. Lots of interesting stuff about the Mongolian culture in the days of Genghis Khan. For example, if a city elder came to him to surrender in defiance of the city’s wishes (say, he opened the gates and sent the army away from the hordes), the city would be spared but the elder would be executed for treachery.

        4. Because white people thinking they’re superior and will win out no matter what is the same as the rabbit thinking he could take a little nap and ignore the turtle back there.

        5. See? You’ve just assumed white superiority (the rabbit). The rabbit didn’t lose because he didn’t have the superior skills. So there we go.

        6. In any event, whatever. His point stands and you have not even attempted to refute it.

        7. Think about that for a moment. You’re saying the turtle was too stupid to challenge the rabbit to a race he would have any advantage in.

    1. but at least we’re free to choose among our masters, and able to become free of them entirely

      1. I’m a renegade
        A runaway slave
        I’ve been dreaming about my freedom
        On the underground train

      2. Your government and its people owe a private institution to the tune of twenty trillion dollars.
        Repeat after me “You are free”

        1. In the words of Pinocchio – “aint no strings on me!”
          I personally dont owe any of those parasites anything.

  28. Do you think they’ll be historically accurate enough to show that the majority of the slave-holding Southerners are Democrats?

    1. The first slave owner was black. And he even went to court to be the first person demanding to own slaves. Anthony Johnson

    2. You mean the Democrats who got mad at a Republican president that didn’t even win the popular vote?

      1. Popular vote has never been the determining factor on how a POTUS gets elected. That’s a silly thing to even suggest and shows a complete ignorance of how the Constitution is structured.

        1. I love how the so-called enlightened Leftists use that. They look so idiotic when you have to explain it to them slowly.

  29. The southern census determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves.
    Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves).
    The figures show conclusively that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters in pre-Civil War America.
    The statistics outlined above show that about 28 percent of free blacks owned slaves—as opposed to less than 4.8 percent of southern whites, and dramatically more than the 1.4 percent of all white Americans who owned slaves.

  30. Oh,you mean “Confederate” will FINALLY tell the truth about white Southerners during that era of treachery and murder?RIGHT ON,BOYS!!!

    1. Confederate is a fictional account of what happened after the South won the war, there’s no truth in it…..cowboy.

  31. I’ve never watched Game Of Thrones and have no plans to watch this junk either.
    The main most reason the producers have for making this is to rake on some cash, I can’t fault them for that. However, knowing nothing about these guys I can assume they are out in left field with the rest of Hollyweird and will never miss an opportunity to slam white men in general and southerners in particular .
    They are also among the crowd that says America is racist, is full of racists,racism blah,blah,blah. While their kids go to a private school and there may be one family of token negroes in their gated community.

  32. Victor Davis Hanson compares today’s California to the Confederacy:
    Basically in California you have a relative handful of really wealthy people who made their fortunes in technology or entertainment and live in secure enclaves on or near the coast; a small and declining middle class; and a whole lot of poor, mostly nonwhite people available for the dirtiest jobs at low wages.
    Yet the Jews in the entertainment industry accept this kind of society as “normal,” while they project their grievances against white people in imaginary alternate realities where Nazi Germany conquered most of the United States or the South won the Civil War.

  33. Miles Mathis has a new fascinating paper out.
    BENJAMIN FRANKLIN – Premier British Spook
    And what this means is that the founding fathers were actually from the highest reaches of the British
    peerage, closely related to the Monarch and the peers they were allegedly fighting in the American
    Which should make us ask if the American Revolution—like the other wars we have unwound—was managed. We always see the same families on both sides of these fake revolutionary wars, indicating a large manufactured event. I will have to gather more proof as we go, but it already looks to me like the War of Independence was largely faked, with the same families controlling the United States both before and after the alleged Revolution. The US has never been independent from the beginning.

    1. Well at least ‘it’s all a British conspiracy’ is one I haven’t heard yet.

      1. {{{British}}}
        I’m nominating braces as the official enclosure to deal with the topic of British conspiracy.
        As an aside, the whole “British control everything and America is just a tool of the Monarchy” thing has been around for a while. It’s as loony as it sounds on its face.

        1. I’ve no doubt it’s loony. I’m just bored with the usual conspiracies and this one sounds so polite.

        2. In 1941, Friedrich Wilhelm Euler, Nazi Germany’s leading expert on Jewish genealogy, published a lengthy article entitled “The Penetration of Jewish Blood into the English Upper Class.”
          Virtually all of his 148-page article consisted of a catalog of Jewish conversions and subsequent marriages with non-Jews, starting in the fourteenth century.
          Find the book and read it if you’re so bored.

        3. Being an actual part of the British Empire, should such an Empire exist today (and it doesn’t really at all any more) wouldn’t suck. Of all of the societies in history, they really came out on top and changed the world for the better.

        4. Yeah yeah, I know. Scotland is Jewish, England is Jewish, hell, I’m even going to go so far as to suggest that *Israel* is Jewish, if you can believe that. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Zimbabwe was Jewish, to be honest.
          Confirmation bias man. When you see Jews everywhere and under every bed and in ever dark shadow, then you convince yourself that everything is run and caused by Jews.

        5. Man, now I’m thinking we need some kind of enclosure for other cultural conspiracies.
          Maybe &#x1f4bbRussia&#x1f4bb, &#x5350Hitler&#x5350…

        6. The upper class is and your ridicule is not a substitute for your ignorance.

        7. If the upper class is all Jewish, are we suckers for not converting and reaping the riches?

        8. If you can’t trust a Nazi author from the 1940’s on matters of Jews being everywhere, who can you trust?

        9. I get called an anti-semitic conspiracy theorist for pointing out that Jews are all over the media. I don’t go around saying a big Zionist conspiracy dictates the government – I just say, “Hey, all these directors and actors are Jewish.”
          That unfounded accusation is the only reason I’ll give most ((())) conspiracy talk any credence: just to piss the knee-jerk busybodies off.

        10. The book on the Jewish roots in the Scottish nobility which I have already referred to you was written by two Jewish writers.
          So let us hear you smart ass remark on that one too. Go on ..

        11. Oh no question, you know I’ve mentioned the same thing. One can note reality without having to invent new realities out of whole cloth.

        12. I’m just saying, that citing a source that is admittedly from a 1940’s proud Nazi, regarding Jews being everywhere, is probably not going to be taken as an authoritative source. For what I consider pretty obvious reasons, n’est-ce pas?
          The two Jews and their Scottish claims are laughably funny. But we’ve had this discussion already.

        13. According to L.G. Pine, the Editor of Burke’s Peerage , Jews “have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual. So closely linked are the Jews and the lords that a blow against the Jews in this country would not be possible without injuring the aristocracy also.” (Tales of the British Aristocracy1957, p.219.)
          You want more?

        14. Elizabeth II is Anglican, as are her descendants and heirs. But I’ll bet Anglicans are actually Jews too, so you may have a point.

        15. Although, there is one “conspiracy” I’d very much like to resolve. Martin Luther and I.B. Pranaitis (among others) have written that the Talmud teaches some very derogatory things about Jesus, Christians, non-Jews in general, and more.
          The only reaction I’ve ever seen is outrage, but the Talmudic writings they reference are hard to get your hands on. I would very much like to read those texts and finally know if Luther was completely wrong or at least partly justified.

        16. See, that kind of thing I find interesting.

        17. Right? They cite particular passages, so it should be fairly easy to refute if they’re wrong, but I haven’t seen anyone actually do that.

        18. Ah yes, cryptos. Keyword for “I can’t really prove it so I’ll just insinuate it and you’re going to have to take my word on it”. Got it. Thanks for the heads up chief.

        19. As usual you just resort to ridicule. I gave you lots of references to go by but your mind is lazy.

        20. The best you came up with, in the end, is inventing “crypto” when I cited the actual religion of Elizabeth II and her heirs/family. When it gets to that, I consider the argument over because you’re resorted to basically nothing more than sly insinuations that have no actual backing or proof. I have no doubt that there may be a Jew or two among the nobility in any given Western monarchy, but you always seem to want to take it to the n-th degree of absurd.
          Get back to me when you stop using Nazis from the 1940’s as your authoritative sources for Jews Be Everywhere.
          Hope the rest of your day goes well.
          Slainte mhor

  34. Its time to make a TV series about Israel’s horrific crimes against the Palestinians and its apartheid state. Segregation ended in the South over 5 decades ago, Israel has become even more extreme than Nazi Germany. Germany at that time did not ask for DNA samples to determine if someone was “Aryan” but Israel requires any migrant to provide DNA to prove they are Jewish.

  35. This isn’t new… some Canadian indie filmmaker made a movie called “Confederate States of America”, which did all of the things mentioned in the article… to supposedly raise awareness to “racist” icons like blackface or whatever.
    My best friend from law school, a buddy from law school who SJW’s would see as “racist”, and myself would watch it while getting drunk strictly for the laughs and absurdity.
    I would do the same for this.

  36. If you want to know how slavery would end up without the civil war, just look at what happened to horses. First there were tons of them everywhere because they were worth while. Then as technology improved, machines were cheaper and didn’t crap in the streets. Nobody had to outlaw horses, they just didn’t have much demand so their owners didn’t breed them as much. Now today a few keep them as pets like dogs or cats. A confederate win would mean everything would be pretty much the same, except with 99% less black people around (and therefore 50% less crime, and way lower taxes due to hugely less welfare, prison, and police expenditures).

    1. Horses are by and large useless in a modern world, unless you live in a rural area. I live in an area where people own horses, but they’re just there, majestic animals idle and sad. Every now and then you’ll see someone taking their horse out for a walk, but that’s about it. I think mostly people here own horses either to keep in touch with their rural “roots” or just as a social status symbol, just like owning a Hummer or pussy.
      Of course, we can always send surplus horses to the knackers and turn them into steaks and meat for delicious stew. But I bet Americans, both front the left and right, will find it icky and inhumane. And yet they’re willing to stuff McDonald’s in their faces. Go figure.

    1. Or look for black alpha stud slaves they think they can own and parade around on Instagram and Facebook….until the slave rebels from under Massa’s yoke and goes full Haiti on her mudshark ass. Hilarity ensues.

  37. Cultural Marxists are relentless.
    I don’t see any other response than to WALK AWAY from Hollywood. It’s not like there’s a couple bad apples in an otherwise healthy barrel. 98% of it is pure cultural rot designed to demoralize YOU. To add insult to injury, we pay them to undermine us.
    Walk away from Hollywood gents…

    1. Exceptions can and should be made for quality white man films, few and far between, such as Dunkirk. Also shows them what we will pay for.

  38. I almost dare to have the smallest sliver of hope that the show will not do well, and that most of the viewers will only watch the first few episodes just to satisfy their curiosity of how they produce the show … but I know that all the viewers will be ardent ethnomasichists

    1. but… but… but dee jews dont do the oppressing they are the oppressed!

  39. Oy vey! Really, goyim, you shouldn’t stress over such things! It’s not worth it, this worrying about (((us)))destroying your culture. You should go out and fly a kite or something. Just don’t watch it! Worrying about (((the chosen people))) making movies to indoctrinate your children, monopolizing finance and law to destroy the banking system and turn your courts into avenues to force you to accept degeneracy, controlling your government making your “democracy” a mockery…worrying and commenting about these things just shows you are a loser and an antisemite. Go have another storbocks coffee or better yet a beer and watch (((our newest))) drama about a black-lesbian-marxist-scientist who tracks down and punishes people who won’t bake cakes for gay weddings! Or not. We don’t care! Oy vey!

  40. I recall there was one slave owner back in the day who bred his slaves like cattle. Probably out of contempt as he was a former slave who earned his freedom and became rich.

  41. I’m glad ROK writers are awake and not afraid to mention who (and what) is behind our shitty modern matrix. I was also spoon-fed Jewi$h guilt from a young age and it was a painful journey to understand how the elite of the tribe are manipulating us and destroying everything good and decent in our Christian-based culture. I wish it wasn’t so, but it is. To soften the blow, some prefer to call it Marxism, and that’s fine, but don’t forget these people have names and addresses so we don’t have to generalize and be apologists.
    As a side note, Game of Thrones is now completely unwatchable. Every female, even teenagers and prepubescent girls, are absolutely awesome and invincible, whereas all the men still bumble along and kowtow. Women physically and intellectually dominating the broken men in every scene. Filled with dykes, eunuchs and social justice warriors, the show has become a Jewi$h wet dream.

    1. I totally endorse ROK’s redpillness on the Jewish question. It is not an easy topic due to Jewish media control. I guess than in 10 years we could un-cuck the US white men on this matter, and even other races (opium wars and slavery).

      1. True, although I don’t really like to even use the term “Jew” anymore — not particularly accurate and turns too many people’s brain off due to years of conditioning. As such, I think in terms of this, which gives a nice historical perspective:
        ? –> Edomites –> Pharisees –> Khazars –> Sabateans –> Frankists –> Ashkenazis –> Satanists

  42. Good thing not a single southerner cares what two jews are doing in Hollyjew. Who even has cable anymore to where they can indoctrinate them anyway?

  43. “none of those non-white cultures are made to feel any ongoing guilt or shame for their late-bloomer / post-1900 manumission process.”
    A great point that is completely lost on leftists.

  44. As I have pointed out over and over on Twitter and in the copywriting world where I work, “SJW marketing fails every single time, for every single brand that tries it.”
    Dr. Who and American Horror Story will be the next franchises to massively lose viewership and revenue as a result of their marketing teams’ not reading my Twitter feed or having the ability to recognize patterns. MTV, Marvel, Amy Schumer’s career, Shia LaBeouf’s career, Starbucks–countless examples that the moment a brand starts its “social justice campaign,” it begins to lose money.
    The one and only one exception to this Iron Rule Of Marketing is Ben and Jerry’s, since their core audience has always known about their political stance and agreed with it. But, they were recently found to be lying about their ice cream being organic anyway, so they’re about to lose money, too.
    I don’t think this show will do nearly as well as Game of Thrones, but Game of Thrones is over-rated anyway and this premise at least sounds more interesting.

    1. Amy Schumer’s career
      To be fair, there was never a real basis for her career in the first place.

  45. If a successful Confederacy had kept all those black people within its borders, just think of the really advanced space program it could have had by now with the help of black geniuses!

  46. Automation and mechanized farming would’ve rendered slavery obsolete long before the present day C.S.A. depicted in this series.

  47. When it comes to movies – most people prefer new flicks, I on the other hand, watch older and older ones. The older the movie is, the more real it is.

    1. I’ve been watching a lot of older movies myself, particularly Film Noir and Westerns. Film Noir has a lot to show about the true nature of men and women and society, while the Western movies(at least the ones I’ve watched so far) are entertaining in a way that Superhero movies could never be, and also more inspiring. So many great movies that are overlooked today in favor of the CGI, lens-flare infested mediocrities today.
      And the males actors back then acted like fucking men and female actresses acted like women.

  48. They’re feeding the zombies again with this crap. We’re looking at another rough year dealing with the zombies. They won’t stop feeding and inflaming them. Every time some unstable campus freak impales or makes a human torch of themself in protest for the latest SJW cause, it’s because they got a whiff of the latest zombie crap being cooked up. If you’ve just got your kids to bed after Nick at Nite, they’ve seen enough powder puff propaganda. They don’t need driven over the edge with more zombification shit.
    To keep order in your house, don’t let your kids or wife get a whiff of any more zombie drumroll productions. It’s all designed to trigger the suggestable. Your kids will be peeling the paint off the walls and your wife will be stampeding out the door with a crazed look and a plate of brownies in one hand and smartphone in the other with tinder and map directions to the nearest sjw gala or stranded lesbian – or worse – a venue full of horny babboons that need appeasement.

  49. Leave it to the J3₩$ to peddle this degenerate anti white shit…for muh sheckles

  50. Its HBO. They have no trouble trashing America as a whole and whites in particular. I am just cringing at the amount of forced Homosexual interracial sex they will have.

  51. The White Nobility in the South was was immolated as an offering for The Great Work.

  52. Why does the left have such a fetish for the idea of blacks still being slaves?
    Sounds really racist if you ask me.

  53. Wonder if this is a reaction to all the people leaving blue states for the Southeast.

  54. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !aw142d:
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  55. After they ruined the Song of Ice and Fire books (GOT), i wouldn’t watch anything else by these two. It’s clear what their agenda is.
    If you want good Dytopian/What if/Sci fi just read Harry Turtledove.
    His books are not masterpieces but they’re highly entertaining like the Wilbur Smith stories.

      1. He wrote alot but these are maybe the best:
        Ruled Britannia
        Britain occupied by Spain in 16th century after a successful invasion of Spanish Armada. All seen through the eyes Shakespeare.
        The Great War Trilogy (“American Front” book1)
        Confederate states who won the US civil war joins Britain and France during WW1 to fight Germany who is allied to Northern Union states.
        There is also the Colonisation series where Hitler, Stalin and The US stop fighting and form an alliance to fight an alien invasion but it becomes little strange, far fetched and ofc completely unrealistic.
        Or if you enjoyed the George R Martin fantasy Books go for The First Law series (“The Blade Itself”book 1) it’s even better than GOT and not alot of magic or liberal bs.

  56. 2% of the southern population owned slaves. What % would that be of the whole country at that time. And why does the left continue to demand that the many pay for the crimes of the few?

  57. anyone who wastes their life watching modern TV programming deserves to be brainwashed.

  58. The democrats and leftist have nothing left of subsistence to say or do, no new ideas, so they go back in history and drag out some dead soldiers and beat them over the head. They are under the impression that a bunch of poor redneck illiterate farmers who felt their home was being attacked would actually fight for rich plantation owners to keep their slaves which kept the white poor unemployed.

  59. Excellent article, well presented.
    Thank you for the brief sigh of relief of ‘thank fuck I’m not the only one’ when reading this.

  60. It’s an interesting premise for a show – I’ll wait and see for how bad the anti white messaging might be.

  61. Chick-fil-A is expensive? Not in my part of the country. It’s on par with McDonalds and Burger King.

  62. Yes. The CSA was a nascent, far-right, totalitarian, undemocratic, sexist, fascist, youthist one-party state that should be reviled as a blight to freedom.

  63. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !pa163d:
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  64. It looks very much like Lincoln was fighting the central banksters as much as he was fighting the South. Was slavery their original divide and conquer?

  65. Let’s say in this alternative universe Lincoln had lived. Would these writers have had him go forward with his plan to deport the freed slaves?
    Do they even know that that was his plan?

  66. I eagerly await the day that Hollywood Jews make a TV show about the tens of millions of people their coreligionists murdered in the Soviet Union.

  67. ROK is speaking a truth that needs to be spoken. It is necessary to combat this postmoderist neomarxism BS. It has spread from College students into mainstream media. People Raging against the system which has provided them the most liberty, the easiest access to food, clean water, indoor plumbing, electricity and stable structural dwellings in the history of man… Not to mention is the most tolerant of differing religious beliefs, homosexuality, transgender issues, etc… Just aren’t justified. The rage seems to be based on the fact that in order to have the best versions of those things, it is expected they work hard at something of value to others. And they don’t want to do that.

  68. No surprise it’s ((())) writers. Funny, it was ((())) that spawned the slave trade in America. At least the Hoteps know this.

  69. A little education on slavery you won’t learn in school. The slaves were bought from African tribes and Muslim slave traders by the Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish, British and New England ship owners. Before Jamestown was even thought of the Portuguese, Dutch and Spanish were bringing slaves to the Spanish Colonies, the Caribbean and Brazil. Of between 9 and 12 million slaves allegedly brought to the west only about 700,000 ever came to what is now the U.S. The rest went to the other places mostly to Brazil where slavery didn’t end until 1888. Massachusetts (the land of the Pilgrims) was the first colony to make slavery legal, Connecticut was the second and Georgia was the last. The Corwin amendment which Lincoln approved of promised the South to make slavery legal forever if they would just rejoin the union. 25% of free blacks owned slaves and not always their family members. Some of the biggest slave owners were black. Ft. Sumter was begun in 1829 and was still unfinished and unoccupied at the time S.C. seceded. The Yankees slipped into it in the dead of the night. “Although Lincoln did not confess his part in provoking the Civil War with the cynical honesty of a Bismarck, he did speak certain revealing words. He consoled the commander of the Fort Sumter relief expedition for that officer’s failure: ‘You and I both anticipated that the cause of the country would be advanced by making the attempt to provision Fort Sumter, even if it should fail, and it is no small consolation now to feel that our anticipation is justified by the result.’ Shortly after the fall of the fort he was quoted by a close personal friend: ‘The plan succeeded. They attacked Sumter–it fell, and thus, did more service than it otherwise could.’ A few of his party friends congratulated him upon his masterful stroke. The New York Times believed that ‘the attempt at reinforcement was a feint–that its object was to put upon the rebels the full and clear responsibility of commencing the war. . . .’ Jefferson Davis, others exulted, ‘ran blindly into the trap.’” (Francis Simkins, A History of the South, Third Edition, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1963, pp. 213, 215-216, emphasis added)

  70. I suppose that a illicit love affair between a black woman and a white man which leads him to become a plotter and rebel against the CSA may not be a progressive enough story arc these days.

  71. There is nothing uglier on the face of the planet than Cultural Marxism, and every single mental midget that practices it. One could wish that that rabid lapdog would maul the face off of every single one of them.

  72. People are not protesting this nearly enough. This WILL result in whites being assaulted, harassed, and possibly killed. It will incite hatred against whites to an even greater level than has been seen before. There is a reason they are calling it “Confederate”. They are attempting to completely ruin the word and name. Anyone who flies a Confederate flag after this or honors Confederate ancestors will be associated with this incitement of hatred and will become targets. I fully expect to hear stories of more assaults. This is an open cucking on a nationwide scale. All Americans, but particularly southern ones with Confederate ancestors, should be raising holy hell about this. This is sickening and should almost be illegal, in my opinion.
    HOW MUCH LONGER will something that occurred 200 years ago be used to incite hatred and violence against a specific race? How much longer will we allow it to occur? There are laws that dictate our behavior, but at the very LEAST we should stand united and say, “This is not acceptable. This is targeted and incited hatred against white people, it is completely racist, and it will directly lead to violence. We condemn it, we boycott HBO completely, and will target each and every one of their funders.”
    If we as Americans, males, and just humans have any respect for our fellow people, for the concept of justice, if we stand against bigotry, the absolute LEAST we can do is launch a nationwide campaign immediately condemning HBO, openly stating this will lead to violence, and openly stating we will target any corporation that sponsors it with boycotts and financial actions. That is the absolute LEAST we can do and I fully expect ROK, Roosh, Cernovich, and others to lead the way or we are little more than complicit bystanders participating in this nationwide cucking which will lead to killings of white people.

  73. The Confederacy on its own couldn’t last a decade. The only thing that united them was their foe. In peacetime, the states will be at each others’ throats, and the CSA will literally die of States Rights like they did in the war. In the war, the President, Jefferson Davis, wanted to have the slaveowners free their slaves so he can draft them to the army and gain support from the Europeans, who would have helped the South if it wasn’t for the slavery issue. Instead, the slaveowners told him to go fuck himself, and they lost.

  74. Here’s the issue: they’re always using blacks as a pawn for the political and social propaganda through media? Why not make an HBO series that revolves around modern day Jewish people in Germany if the Allies forces never intervened in Nazi Germany? Oh no, can’t have that. It involves their kind.

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