White British Lord Sentenced To 3 Months In Prison For Mocking Colored Guyanese Woman

The West has reached a stage in its decline at which private individuals are able to criminalize other private individuals by taking offence at them. The obvious problem with this is that, although practically anyone can find someone to offend them for some reason, only those who are reputable and within reach of the law can become suitable targets for the offence takers. Thus, offenders tend to be selected much more for their material and social suitability than for anything they have actually done or said, while those claiming to be offended can be anyone simply seeking to remedy a vague sense of inferiority or victimhood.

The trial and imprisonment of Lord St. Davids was classic in this respect.

Lord St. Davids

Stage 1: Self Induced Victimhood

A year ago, when Britain voted for independence by a democratic majority, a former model called Gina Miller took it upon herself and her third husband’s massive fortune to question the constitutional legality of the Brexit process in the Supreme Court. For a heart-stopping moment, this woman’s tight-lipped smirk dominated the front pages of the press, emblematic of the smug manipulation of the nation’s legal systems by an elite minority of bad losers.

The Supreme Court’s ruling, however, not only provided Ms Miller with the legal clarification she sought but actually served to secure the constitutional validity of the process that Brexit would take. So she quietened down and was happy for a few months.

A woman can only humiliate herself so much before her whole life becomes a vendetta against her society.

Ms Miller is from Guyana, a former British colony, but is descended from coolies brought in from Britain’s larger colony, India. She claims to have suffered domestic abuse from her second husband, British philanthropist Jon Maguire, whom she divorced in 2002. In 2010, when the idea of Brexit was still hopelessly idealistic, Maguire stood as a political candidate on a pro-Brexit platform. I will let you ponder whether Miller’s recent attempt to manipulate the course of British self-determination was driven by a respect for due process or a vendetta rooted in something else.

In any case, Miller could only launch a legal bid to thwart the will of 15 million voters because Britain is an exceptionally tolerant society which believes in upholding the plea of an conscientious individual against the will of the nation. Even in Britain, however, a reasonably intelligent person should have anticipated that someone might say something nasty behind her back. Miller says that the abuse that she claims to have suffered in her previous husband made her strong enough to endure a torrent of bile directed at her by the public. She certainly wasn’t brave enough to handle the following:

£5,000 for the first person to ‘accidentally’ run over this bloody troublesome first-generation immigrant.

The comment was shared privately on Facebook by Lord St. Davids, a society rascal. It was accompanied by a description of Ms Miller as a ‘boat hopper’ as well as a suggestion that migrants in general should return to their ‘stinking jungles.’ I might not have said these things myself, but it would have been amazing if nobody had come out with something of the sort.

Stage 2: The White Knight Offence Broker

Normally, Lord St. Davids’ comments would have gone unnoticed. However, the opportunity to connect a litigious celebrity woman with another celebrity scapegoat for the scorn she had recently suffered proved too tempting for a desperate society blogger named Matthew Steeples. Seeing his chance to cream off some media attention for himself, this pathetic man picked up Lord St. Davids’ comments and forwarded them directly to Miller. She swallowed the bait, felt ‘violated’ by the ‘racist’ language, hired security guards and went to court. Lord St. Davids was handed a 12 week prison sentence and Steeples’ blog, a kind of low Testosterone Takimag, celebrated with the language of heroic vanquishment.

Matthew Steeples – a translucent invertebrate lurking at the bottom of London’s social ocean for a fragment of celebrity to fall from above

£5000 for a killer, advertised for by a private citizen on Facebook. Could this be taken as a serious threat? Of course not.

A distinction has to be drawn between renting bodyguards because you feel threatened by an individual and renting bodyguards because you are actually in danger.

Were Lord St. Philips’ references to “stinking jungles” and “boat hoppers” racist? Of course not.

For many, Miller’s intervention grated more because she is a foreigner – but the difference between treachery and invasion has never been described in terms of race and I doubt her critics could care less whether she were Chinese, Rhodesian or an Eskimo. (Even racist comments should be permissible when directed at a figure who deliberately thrusts herself into the public life. The legal suppression of true bigotry prevents it from defeating itself).

Stage 3: Trial By Press

This pathetic and hypocritical trial became a useful catharsis for many disparate personal interests, exposing more about the nature of Lord St. Davids’ critics than I think they intended. For starters, the judge passed the sentence with a tiresomely formulaic indication of her own cookie-cut conscience:

…you show hatred by publicly directing abusive threats at others, which is a criminal offence in this multi-racial society we are lucky enough to live in.

However, unrestrained by fetters of reality or legal formality, it was the press pillorying that truly let the mask of justice slip to reveal the underlying motives of the obstinate, bigoted and puritanical mob. In order to construe the criminality of fashion, previous comments of Lord St. Davids’, mostly on the theme of condemning immigrants, were dredged up by the courts and the papers. Few had the impartiality to concede that he had also called for Tony Blair to be tortured, because such a revelation would have risked exonerating him in the eyes of the public. The papers also wasted no time in listing his former convictions, foreign escapades and bankruptcies (which make for hilarious reading, by the way).


Predictably, however, the self-appointed inquisition overplayed their hand by broadcasting – horror of horrors – that Lord St. Davids is a supporter of Donald Trump. I don’t know which gallery of the coliseum The Mirror thought they were addressing with this attempted slight, but we all heard it and the only possible sane response is to ask why, if the outrage truly had anything to do with anything Lord St. Davids had said, did The Mirror deem this information relevant for its readership? Is support of Donald Trump a crime now? What kind of blinkered morons are reading this paper? Do they not understand that it was exactly this sort of pig-headed pillorying of the opponent that lead to Trump being elected in the first place? Although we must assume that Brexitland is on the right course, some commentators still display an astonishing level of naiveté about the spell of anti-white racism and class war that their propagandists cast over them.

“Guess Lord. St. Davids got a lenient sentence because he’s a white aristocrat – would have been longer if he was black and unemployed.” – Commentator

No. He only got noticed because he’s a white aristocrat. If he had been an unemployed East-London Somali waving a meat cleaver and chanting death to the infidel to a cheering crowd of brethren, there would have been no virtue to be signaled in relaying his comments and no social or material capital to be gained from feeling intimidated by them. When an outburst emerges from the ranks of elite white men, however, the culprit is pointed out like a tiny green shoot in the the Sahara: irrevocable proof once and for all that the sterile, peaceful, environment is under mortal threat.

Faced with the constant prospect of arbitrary punishment a person who – by wealth, standing, opinion, or accident of birth – finds himself in the camp of the offenders might as well consider himself on relentless parole.

The only question, then, is whether or not he should self-censure accordingly. Well, I think we all know the answer to that.

Double Down And Never Surrender

Lord St. Davids refused to stand in court until deputy chief magistrate Tan Ikram addressed him by his correct title.

Self-interested heroism which that is only displayed under state protection will stop when people like Steeples stop being rewarded for it. Until then, it is people like Lord St. Davids who preserve the extremities of acceptable speech.

Fortunately, the only person who the law is attempting to correct in this situation is the only person who won’t change a bit. The British aristocracy have mostly experienced life in a boarding school system which would make Guyana look like Switzerland and, as a result, are completely invulnerable to limp-wristed attempts at penal correction. When he gets out later this summer, Lord St. Davids is going to enjoy more goodwill than ever before. The legal order may bend toward social homogeneity and tyrannical kitsch, but the social order (that toadying court eunuchs like Steeples want so desperately to be a part of), will always follow Lords like Viscount St.David.

Where the party goes, the nation and its laws will eventually follow. That’s how civil society works in Britain, and anyone who finds our green pastures intolerable is free to head back to their fragrant woodlands.

Read Next: British Police Chief Will Prioritize Online Abuse Reports Over Burglaries

166 thoughts on “White British Lord Sentenced To 3 Months In Prison For Mocking Colored Guyanese Woman”

  1. If you think this can’t happen here, you’re dead wrong. It’s already happening in Canada, and it’s just a matter of time before it starts up here.

    1. His post: “£5,000 for the first person to ‘accidentally’ run over this bloody troublesome first generation immigrant.”
      Not familiar with their crimes code, but in the US, posts like that will get Terroristic Threats.

      1. I think that you have to prove that the threat implies intent of imminent execution and causes distress to the recipient. Facebook threats would probably have a hard time meeting that measure, especially if they’re supposed to be ‘private’ (i.e. not sent to the target).

    2. It was worded really poorly. Even in the USA such is so close to incitement that he could be charged.
      What would have been protected speech would have been “It certainly would be a shame if someone were to ‘accidentally’ run over this bloody troublesome first generation immigrant.”
      Wishing ill will on someone is protected speech in the USA. However the UK is far different. They do not have freedom of speech codified as protected. Hence quite a number of people are getting jailtime for “hate speech” from online rants.

      1. I think of this every time someone calls the US “backward” for not being like Europe. We codified protections in the hopes of giving them teeth.

        1. “We”? You aren’t white. Americas founders who created the 1st Ammendment openly debated either keeping your kind as slaves or sending them back to Africa. Don’t make out your people had any input into anything American, especially the 1st Ammendment.

        2. Actually, most American blacks are between 25 and 50% white (by DNA), as a result of breeding between American whites and slaves. That is why American blacks have lighter skin, and higher IQ’s on average , than African blacks.
          Assuming that “Taignobias” is a black American, it is very possible he has white ancestors who were alive in the Founding Fathers’ time.

        3. That is irrelevent. Ask even a mixed race individual if they’re white and they’ll say they’re black, even with a white mother. Watch any of those black videos showing ‘DNA results’ and they’re invariably pissed off to have European DNA (and openly thrilled when they have none). It is disingenuous and ludicruos to even suggest they are white or had any part in creating the 1st Ammendment just because a few of their ancestors were sex playthings for the slave masters.

        4. If Obama had been elected president of Kenya, he woul have been their first white president.
          Race is determined by DNA, plain and simple. It doesn’t matter if what someone “considers” themselves to
          be, or whether they “identify” as black or white. If a person have 75% African DNA and 25% European DNa, then they are 75% black and 25% white. It’s as simple as that.

        5. Oh look, you’re resorting to sardonic “LMAO” tactics to try and validate your lack of logic. Being mixed race does not make someone white. A dog that appears to look like a Spaniel, but is 1/8th Boston Terrier would in no way be called a Boston Terrier. It wouldn’t be called one if it was 50/50. By definition, being mixed, is to take away the purity of the substance so that it isn’t that anymore.
          Your logic is so ridiculous that you think African Americans lined the streets to celebrate their “First Black President”, but if the country was Kenya, he’d be called a white President?? Surely even you can see how fucking stupid that is, given the 1 country in Africa that has lots of mixed race people – South Africa, does not class them as white – they’re called Coloureds. No one on this Earth would ever think Obama is white – except you. Even Obamas mother wouldn’t call him white.
          America was founded by whites for whites, and even Madison, the author of the 1st Ammendment owned slaves. Many Founding Fathers debated either sending blacks back, or keeping them enslaved. You’re trying to attribute whiteness to blacks to give them validation for their complete lack of input into America as black, or mixed race people. The Founding Fathers were 0% negro, and were pro-white “…For Ourselves And OUR Posterity…”
          “But I’ve got 5% white ancestry, that means I’m part of the Founding Fathers Anglo-Saxon Protestant system” said no black, ever. Again, it is ludicrous to attribute credit to blacks for white accomplishments because a black has some mixed white DNA. In no other world would this argument stand as a valid argument, other than your fantasy world.

        6. I’m a mixture of Scot, Dane, and Slav.
          My Scottish ancestor was here before the Revolution. His descendants include William Clark of the famous Louisiana Purchase expedition. My Danish ancestor was at San Jacinto when the Tejanos whupped Santa Anna. My Slavic ancestors are the most recent arrivals, and they’ve been here since before the Civil War.
          Hell, if about half of Britain were to up and die, I’d be in line for King of England (though I think GoJ and his children would be ahead of the line).

      2. Right. Once there is a specific amount of money mentioned for a specific task being completed, that falls well within the bounds of criminal attempt. It would be criminal conspiracy if colluded with a specific actor. Meaning legal authorities can take action. He made it far too easy for them.

        1. He meant it as a political statement or a macabre joke, but someone else who hears of it might not, and may want to try to collect on his offer. Hence why the way he worded it would be actionable by authorities nearly everywhere. Usually though a public statement is often made, and the actor gets a slap on the wrist. (IE: Johnny Depp’s making a claim that an actor needs to assassinate the POTUS)

        2. In depp’s case the macabre joke was the last time an actor killed a president was Lincoln. Ambitious attempt on irony

      3. No one applying a single iota of common sense would really, honestly believe that he was seeking to encourage anyone to physically harm her.

        1. Probably not if you could hear him say it, but in text the tone can be lost. It’s not those with common sense authorities are concerned about, but those that would consider running someone over for 5000lbs.

        2. The way I read it, he posted it to a private Facebook group of people he knew. It wasn’t like he posted it on a website on the dark web or something. And the fuck are the authorities doing on this piddly little shit anyway?

        3. Someone must have erased ‘context’ from the current Oxford-Cambridge edition dictionaries.

      4. I was seeing a brit a while ago and she told me about their polite laws. The example she gave was if someone got your order wrong you could be jailed for cursing or berating them like we might do here in the us…you are very correct about this gentlewanker’s wording. Pretty easy to argue incitement in court here or there.

    3. But we’re lucky aren’t we, to be living in such a multicultural mosaic? Sarc

  2. Speaking of inappropriate sentences, but in the opposite direction: (With apologies if this has already been brought up elsewhere; I hadn’t seen it.)
    Most of us will remember a mid-June article here celebrating the conviction of Michelle Carter, who encouraged her boyfriend Conrad Roy to commit suicide.

    Why Michelle Carter Was Properly Found Guilty Of Helping Her Male Friend Commit Suicide

    In case you missed it, she was sentenced yesterday, 2.5 yerars with all but 15 months suspended.
    Roy’s family is, predictably, unhappy.

    1. 2.5 years for what, according to our laws, is murder. Cold blooded, heartless, murder.
      A lone case would be outrageous enough, but this happens all the time. Women kill other peoples’ children while they’re supposed to be babysitting – slap on the wrist (one lady, IIRC, just has to write a “sorry” note on the anniversary of the kid’s murder). Female teachers commit statutory rape of their students – slap on the wrist. Female politicians allow foreign nationals to have unfettered access to classified information – well, that one’s still ongoing, but I expect no more than a slap on the wrist.

    1. Hey, for a lady older than my mom, Ann looks pretty good. She’s no Liz Montgomery, but she still registers a tumescent twitch or two.
      This Gina, though, I’m not convinced a handle of Jack can make her look appealing.

      1. I would bang Ann Coulter but would be sure to wake up before she does and leave quietly.

      2. Id bang Ann Coulter after making sure she isn’t a man. Although a paid troll told me that she looks much worse in real life.

  3. It might be wise to put on the brakes and think for a minute here. Does anybody really believe that a British Lord is doing time in prison, right now, for what he wrote about a woman on Facebook…

      1. Some Wikipedia connect-the-dots:
        “Lord is an appellation for a person or deity who has authority, control, or power over others acting like a master, a chief, or a ruler.[1][2] The appellation can also denote certain persons who hold a title of the peerage in the United Kingdom, or are entitled to courtesy titles. The collective ‘Lords’ can refer to a group or body of peers.”
        “A peerage is a legal system historically comprising hereditary titles in various countries, comprising various noble ranks. These countries are: Canada, France, Japan, as well as the United Kingdom, Ireland and the British Empire.”
        “The Peerage of the United Kingdom comprises most peerages created in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland after the Act of Union in 1801, when it replaced the Peerage of Great Britain. New peers continued to be created in the Peerage of Ireland until 1898 (the last creation being the Barony of Curzon of Kedleston).
        “Until the House of Lords Act 1999 was passed, all peers of the United Kingdom were automatically members of the House of Lords. However, from that date, most of the hereditary peers ceased to be members as part of Parliamentary reform, whereas the life peers retained their seats. All hereditary peers of the first creation (i.e., those for whom a peerage was originally created, as opposed to those who inherited a peerage from an ancestor), and all surviving hereditary peers who had served as Leader of the House of Lords were offered a life peerage in order to allow them to sit in the House should they so choose.”
        “The House of Lords of the United Kingdom, referred to ceremonially as the House of Peers, is the upper house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Like the House of Commons, it meets in the Palace of Westminster.[3] Officially, the full name of the house is: The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled.”
        “Unlike the elected House of Commons, all members of the House of Lords (excluding 90 hereditary peers elected among themselves and two peers who are ex officio members) are appointed.[4] The membership of the House of Lords is drawn from the peerage and is made up of Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal. The Lords Spiritual are 26 bishops in the established Church of England.[5] Of the Lords Temporal, the majority are life peers who are appointed by the monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister, or on the advice of the House of Lords Appointments Commission. However, they also include some hereditary peers including four dukes.[6] Membership was once an entitlement of all hereditary peers, other than those in the peerage of Ireland, but under the House of Lords Act 1999, the right to membership was restricted to 92 hereditary peers.[7] Very few of these are female since most hereditary peerages can only be inherited by men.[8]”

        1. Absolutely. Basically, you gotta be born into it. Or appointed via your peerage (which means you have Noble Blood, either way).
          “The membership of the House of Lords is drawn from the peerage and is made up of Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal. The Lords Spiritual are 26 bishops in the established Church of England.[5] Of the Lords Temporal, the majority are life peers who are appointed by the monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister, or on the advice of the House of Lords Appointments Commission. However, they also include some hereditary peers including four dukes.[6]”
          So much for that separation of church and state thing…

    1. why wouldn’t he? Not all lords are that important. Besides it’s just the same buggery they experienced in public school but with rougher sorts

  4. Is support of Donald Trump a crime now?
    Of course this is meant to be a rhetorical question, but it’s unsettling to think how close we are to being able to answer it with a straightforward ‘yes’.

    1. Tell you what – I have gotten the distinct impression that my job is in danger since the election…..
      Or maybe its the non-stop ROK commenting….

      1. pretty sure the latter takes place outside of space-time, like alien abductions

        1. I’ll need to retain your services as my legal representation at my inevitable firing.

        2. well, lots of troll jobs going according if the comments on the other article are correct. Otherwise happy to oblige

        3. I work for myself now and I am thoroughly disgusted how much time i waste here. I suspect a stern warning may be in order and if that doesn’t do it, I must fire myself.
          I may need legal representation as well.

        1. Even if you don’t think knee was, which you don’t, don’t you think its real? Do you not think there are paid trolls here or elsewhere?

        2. If there were any paid trolls here, they would be hardcore gasface Nazis and “rape advocates” trying to make RoK look as KKK and pro-rape as possible. They would be all about advancing the mainstream narrative about RoK by filling up the comments with as much racist and sexist “hate speech” as possible, not bothering trying to influence the way RoK posters think.

    2. Well the world is getting closer to a major geopolitical storm unlike any since the 1930s. It’s die on your feet or die on your knees
      Remember what we do in life is forever in the hereafter.

    3. Trump isn’t the be all and end all, he is only the beginning. You will see others rise up.

    4. Who cares, they will find some way to screw us over! Thank God for MGTOW and how the womyn are going nuts over that. Just think, pretty soon it will be a crime to be a bachelor. I wonder if I can wire up one of those sex dolls to act like an annoying wife?

  5. You’d think these immigrants would be so thankful to the country that took them in but they are just the opposite . Ingrates . If I came from some third world hellhole and the UK let me in I’d have the Union Jack tattood on my ass. Also cool addition of the pic of Harry Flashman of the Flashman Chronicles. The Flashman series by George MacDonal Fraser is must reading.

    1. Hospitality treated with contempt
      Charity received with disdain
      Kindness taken with hostility
      Freedom used to promote tyrrany
      What a world.

      1. It’s time to wear the pants. That’s I don’t fight for “liberty” anymore: people don’t appreaciate it or if they get it, they will use it against me..

      1. Have you read the books?? I may re read them. Ol’ Flashy and his “tart catcher” side burns. Reading Flashman I learned that “roger” could be a verb and not a name….

        1. yes, I’ve read quite a few, although my memory’s a bit vague. Some set in the british raj. The one in Schleswig holstein. There are a lot of them so and I certainly haven’t read them all. Great character. Totally amoral

    2. Lol thankful immigrants? Don’t be commenting if you’re not familiar with british colonial history buddy. The british literally drained India (where this women’s ancestors were from) of all its resources for 200 years. Only now do we see India making a come back in the world stage.

      1. Nonsense. Spare me. “Draining you of resources ” is just an excuse for Indian failure and underperformance. You guys got the call centers though.,bravo! You should be grateful the British colonized India . I bet you’re writing from the UK too which is ironic

        1. I’m commenting from the US buddy, also I’m an US citizen. Where are you commenting from? And Indian failure? Please the british got us at a time of our weakness. Empires rise and fall. Remember there was a time when the British were considered uneducated barbarians too. Also Call Centers? Notice how Indians are so well represented in the US, in professions like Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Accountants, and Financiers. Yet we’ve only begun our immigration to the west in the last couple of decades.

        2. Really , India was so awesome you left . You’re another ingrate. You ought have the American flag tattooed on your bum . Hypocrite. btw you need to go back. You’re a “paper american” only….

        3. I came here when I was 8 years old didn’t have a choice. Also I’m not Indian, I’m Bangladeshi but if you knew the colonial history and how India and Pakistan (bangladesh was part of Pakistan at the time) got its independence from the British you would know the only difference between the different countries is basically religious. And quit your yapping your ancestors are prolly Irish who fled because the potatoes ran out lmfao or the goddamn I-talians who fled the mafia.

        4. You have a choice now.
          Whites in America are so bad and racist. No racism back in Bangladesh for you. Why not go back and help lift your people from grinding poverty?

        5. Do you know how to read? I never said whites are so bad and racist in America, don’t put words in my mouth like the fake media you fool #fakenews. This guy claims that immigrants and more specifically Indians should be grateful to the British, when that’s most dumbest thing ever. Why would a nation that colonizes and subjugates an entire nation as 2nd class citizen and drains all of its resources for 200 years expect their former subjects to be grateful to them? Also Bangaldesh is a relatively new nation ( 46 yrs old) and obviously its going to struggle initially.

        6. My reading skills are not so good actually.
          If the White Brits were so horrible to India, why did so many Pakis and Indians move to horrible Britain to be with all those bad White people? Oh right, it’s because their home countries are dumps with shit running in the streets (pretty sure the shit streams are not a legacy of British occupation).
          Nothing personal to you Charles. It’s just that I’m tired of non-Whites moving to White countries and telling us how racist and bad we are. (No, I’m not claiming you said that. You just triggered me.)
          I’ve come to the conclusion what races should stay in their separate countries. Indians stay in India, Bangladeshi’s stay in Bangladesh, etc. Europe and North America for European peoples, etc. Then we won’t have all these BS racial problems.

        7. My reading skills are not so good actually.
          If the White Brits were so horrible to India, why did so many Pakis and Indians move to horrible Britain to be with all those bad White people? Oh right, it’s because their home countries are dumps with shit running in the streets (pretty sure the shit streams are not a legacy of British occupation).
          Nothing personal to you Charles. It’s just that I’m tired of non-Whites moving to White countries and telling us how racist and bad we are while they take advantage of the lawful, orderly, advanced societies that Whites built — societies that they were unable to build in their home countries. (No, I’m not claiming you said that. You just triggered me.)
          I’ve come to the conclusion what races should stay in their separate countries. Indians stay in India, Bangladeshi’s stay in Bangladesh, etc. Europe and North America for European peoples, etc. Then we won’t have all these BS racial problems.

        8. “I’m tired of non-Whites moving to White countries and telling us how racist and bad we are while they take advantage of the lawful, orderly, advanced societies that Whites built”
          good post & good point

        9. Uh yea India being shitty af immediately after independence was a legacy of the british occupation buddy. That’s why so many talented individuals left following independence. Furthermore when they split the country into two (muslim and hindus) they left both the countries weak since everything had to be split up. India has only recently recovered from that and have been doing quite well. In fact their ex-colonizers (the british) come to play in their prestigious cricket tournaments in this “dump” that you refer to annually to get paid more than anything their home nation can afford to pay.
          Also I’m actually christian and originally near the border state of Bangladesh next to India, so I have quite a lot of relatives that are in your words “Indian”. The whole muslims go to Pakistan and Hindus go to India didn’t apply to my ancestors. There are almost as many bengalis that live in India as they do in Bangladesh. Don’t comment on an issue that you don’t have a single clue about.
          You seem to project a hatred on me based on two things totally unrelated. Your focusing on purely race relations while I’m focusing on nation history. News flash the british are not Americans. I’m actually quite proud to be an American citizen. America also gained independence from the British and hated on them for quite some time after. You just seem like a race baiting hater that needs to #stayinyolane

        10. Exactly. Indian problems are all the fault of those British. Indians are not responsible at all for the condition of their country.
          To be fair I don’t know the history (besides seeing the film “Gandhi”) but to blame all problems on someone else sure seems like scapegoating to me. Who’s blaming whom for their problems?
          The Indian adventure with Marxism didn’t help, and the Brits had nothing to do with that.
          I have no problems at all with Indians or other races. I just happen to believe that races/cultures would get along a whole lot better if they were separated (see India and Pakistan, or Palestinians and Jews). I’m also sick to death of Whites like me being demonized for everything (“privilege” yada yada).
          And no, you didn’t mention anything of the sort so no implication you believe those things. You point out correctly that you are discussing history and I brought up race. Just one of those days. You seem like a fine chap.
          Humans are tribal. I do not believe a truly multicultural, multiracial society (where no race/culture is a majority) can work. There are *zero* historical, lasting examples of such a society. With no common culture or values it would degenerate into competing tribes with no unity. Maybe it could work if America had the backbone to insist that immigrants adopt our culture and ways (which we used to do — my East European great grandparents worked like hell to “Americanize” themselves). Instead we “celebrate” our ethnic and racial differences far more than we celebrate what we have in common as Americans. It’s a path to disaster.
          The only countries that must be “multicultural” happen to be historically White countries. No one complains that China or Japan or India are not “diverse.” Dunno why that is. If millions of Europeans moved to India and started calling Indians “racist” for not changing to accommodate them no doubt Indians would push back on it. That would be natural.
          I realize I’ve gone off on a tangent here. Glad you’re proud to be an American.

        11. Lol first of all the British did it to themselves. They colonized India (present day India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan) and made them follow all of British customs for 200 years. The British extended their empire to half the world and so after independence the former colonists migrated to the country itself. Which is why now they are the multicultural society they are today. As for India, it is actaully quite a diverse nation where people speak a multitude of languages, not even dialects as many would first assume.
          Secondly India has changed quite a lot in the last 2 decades, I think you need to update yourself on the current geo political issues. They’re doing quite good at the moment. And again your poor reading comprehension skills show, but the Romans did think of your people (eastern europeans) as uneducated barbarians back in the day lols. I said that the British left (in 1947 NOT PRESENT DAY) India in ruins splitting up the country and sucking it dry for the last 200 years. Churchill even caused artificial famines during ww2 in the Bengal region. As such the British deserve no praise in their rule of India. Please educate yourself on the issue and understand why I’m not happy over British rule over India and not such a grateful little former colonist as the OP suggest I should be.
          Also dude your Eastern European, your not even considered aryan white. Most would have doubts about you being a gypsie as soon as you would utter that line. You should see the movie Sarajevo, which details the killing of Sir Archduke Franz Ferdinand that caused WW1. The german Austrians treated the Eastern Europeans as bad as they treated the jews. So if your gonna go purely based on race, America was originally created for the Anglo-Saxons. And you certainly would not be welcome if everything was based on race Mr.StormFront. Go on Storm Front right now and see if they would accept you as part of their White Aryan Nation.

        12. Your are very proud of India and your tribe. That’s a good thing. I applaud you. Why don’t you live there? It’s a serious question.
          You are fond of bringing up Storm Front. I don’t understand. I don’t care what people at “Storm Front” think about what “White” means, whatever it is. You seem to be an expert.
          My point is that mixing widely diverse peoples together in one nation will be a disaster. It’s never worked.
          Europe is a large continent. It contains diversity from Greece to Portugal to Germany to Finland. Yet European peoples do have a common heritage, common values, common culture. They mixed together in the USA and created the greatest nation in history.
          Importing large numbers of people from totally different cultures will not work, especially when Americans no longer insist they adopt traditionally American values, customs and beliefs. For God’s sake Halloween, a wholesome American tradition, is not being canceled in US public schools because it makes some immigrants “uncomfortable.” Well hell, if you’re “uncomfortable” with our traditions and unwilling to adapt you can go back.
          By all means keep calling me a racist Storm Fronter if labels make you feel better.

        13. Ofcourse I’m proud of my heritage, as you are of yours. If Italian-americans can proudly call themselves guido and rage out with themselves in the jersey shore and irish people proudly partake in St Patricks day parade and get hammered what’s wrong with me being proud of my origins? That sentiment seems very hypocritical of you.
          Also I don’t get where you get this whole argument immigrants more specifically my people Indians & Bangladeshis don’t assimilate to American culture. We and East Asian americans (since we’re lumped in with them in the census) are on average more educated and and make more money than any other ethnic group in the USA. Also we commit the least crimes of any ethnic group. We are just as American now as you are today. And probably took less time to assimilate than your great grandparents and grandparents did since we’ve been here only the last couple of decades. L
          Last time I checked central and western europeans hate eastern europeans like yourself, like the slavic peoples and russians. You guys basically started a world war all by yourselves (Serbia in ww1) and run a number crime rings around europe making money off prostitution and drugs. Eastern Europeans do not in fact share the same cultural history that you seem to suggest. You guys are a lot less modernized, speak a completely differnt set of languages than western europeans who speak the indo-european languages.
          Gosh your terrible at reading and mentally slow af. Again when I did call you a racist? Your talking about making America into an all white nation and thats what storm front the largest website promoting white nationalism advocates. I don’t think your racist just really really slow.
          PS. I love Haloween, was my favorite holiday in college cause skanks really let them selves go.

        14. Ofcourse I’m proud of my heritage, as you are of yours. If Italian-americans can proudly call themselves guido and rage out with themselves in the jersey shore and irish people proudly partake in St Patricks day parade and get hammered what’s wrong with me being proud of my origins? Why do you suggest I go back to my country when I am just as American as you are? That sentiment seems very hypocritical of you.
          Also I don’t get where you get this whole argument immigrants more specifically my people Indians & Bangladeshis don’t assimilate to American culture. We and East Asian americans (since we’re lumped in with them in the census) are on average more educated and make more money than any other ethnic group in the USA. Don’t believe me? Also we commit on average the least crimes of any ethnic group. We are just as American now as you are today. And probably took less time to assimilate than your great grandparents and grandparents did since we’ve been here only the last couple of decades.
          Last time I checked central and western europeans hate eastern europeans like yourself, like the slavic peoples and russians. You guys basically started a world war all by yourselves (Serbia in ww1) and run a number crime rings around europe making money off prostitution and drugs. Eastern Europeans do not in fact share the same cultural history that you seem to suggest. You guys are a lot less modernized, and also speak a completely different set of languages than western europeans who speak the indo-european languages.
          Gosh you really are terrible at reading aren’t you? Again when did I call you a racist? Your either like the leftist media putting words in people’s mouth according to their agena or you just have the reading comprehension skills of a middle schooler. Your talking about making America into an all white nation and thats what storm front the largest website promoting white nationalism advocates. I don’t think your racist but I do think your terrible at english lol. Oh the irony.
          PS. I love Haloween. It was my favorite holiday in college cause the girls really let them selves go.

  6. I am part guyanese I don’t know whether it’s a stinking jungle, but I believe it is pretty jungley, so half accurate. I would challenge that society rascal Lord St Davids to a duel, but he’d probably just have me whacked. BTW nice pic of dashing Harry Flashman, who true to form would have bedded Gina Miller before calling her 1st gen immigrant (or rather worse) and then having her run over to avoid any kind of complications

        1. Full blown on this end. Been there A few times. Beautiful place. Guess you grew up stateside then.

        2. no, I live in UK. I’ve heard mixed things about the place. It’s quite poor and ethnically divided I believe, but I would love to go there one day. I envy you the experience

        3. It is very much a mixed bag. Must have been the mid eighties where everyone up and left there due to the poor economy. You could still live there but if you didn’t have a farm you were in the red. Hell, even if you did have a farm you were in the red. Some of the family migrated North and to the U.K. The vast majority of people are relatively poor by American or European standards, but it is by no means all jungle. The place should still be raw with most of the country still operating off of centralized power making it a shit show if power lines go down.
          With all the bad, still extremely proud to have come from there, intrigued by the progress they have made over the years to lead the South American union and fully expect them to push for more stability in the future. Would love to trade notes on your U.K. Experience as I only visited but am curious if any of your relatives are full on Guyanese.

        4. my father always spoke about the potential guyana had in terms of natural resources etc but that the government was corrupt and squandered its potential. He came to the UK in the 50s. We always meant to visit but it’s a long way. He supported his family back there though, once apparently even sending a tractor to some relatives who were farmers although I have no idea how he could afford that. I wouldn’t mind going there one day, but on the few occasions I’ve researched the idea or gone on to forums I’ve kind of been left with the impression that there’s still a lot of ethnic strife and dischord. My dad was of asian descent, but his mother re-married a black guyanese when she was widowed so we have both asian and black guyanese in our family, although they are dispersed now, including a few in the US etc. I am glad you are proud of your background. It’s a small place, and in some senses barely features on the map, but it might well have potential for the future, if it can overcome those few rather intractable problems. My mother’s swedish. I rather think sweden has as many problems as guyana in its own rather progressive way

        5. “We always meant to visit but it’s a long way.”
          That, and it’s a dump.

        6. That’s a pretty profound history. To think, spent a few years talking with you on and off and didn’t know we were kinsmen. Go figure. Sounds like growing up in the U.K. must have been brought you a lot of ideas on how many people live or choose to live. I’ve often stated I am first generation American but been back to Guyana on and off before I could say my first words and well after since my family were still emigrating to America at the time.
          Would say it is an expensive trip to head down there for sure, and you definitely need friends or a guide since people may try to take advantage of you being a foreigner. But you will see a very beautiful serene country that is quiet but trudging along without much overt criminality. People are heading down there to get engaged to their partners now.
          My pride comes from having several family members deeply entrenched in building the infrastructure the best the could from being teachers, military officers, police men, secret service for the president, they were deeply entrenched in protection of the land and people. It sits with me since I saw a lot of it first hand growing up.
          Who knows? Maybe we should probably speak about this stuff offline at some point. Just know we are lucky in that our lineage is an interesting and eclectic one. But you probably have many cultural attachments that have molded you.

        7. yeah, that’s strange isn’t it. There was a bit of a guyanese diaspora in the second half of the 20th century. A lot of my father’s family went to the UK, but it’s strange to think he might have ended up in the US or Canada etc where some of his other family members ended up. I don’t have any plans to visit at the moment, but it’s something we always said we would do one day. Not sure I have much in the way of relatives left there though.
          I have heard it’s beautiful in places and saw a documentary on it not so long ago. Think that might have been based around the kaieteur falls area. It’s great if you and your family are helping to develop the place. My dad always said it had the potential to develop along the lines of venezuela (allowing for that country’s difficulties), although obviously it’s a smaller country. Always interested to compare notes

        8. well you’re not going to visit to see the sights of georgetown, it’s the habitat, the rainforest etc that’s worth visiting

  7. Democracy will always lead to oligarcho-tyranny because capital decides who gets elected and what laws get passed as a result. But whats the alternative? National-Socialism? Patriarcho-dictatorship?

  8. I would probably get a life sentence for some of the stuff I said on the interweb.

    1. Don’t worry, I’m sure the hate speech laws will be retroactive, so it’s really only a matter of time.

      1. Well if that’s the case, some interweb spy agency probably already has me at the front of the queue.

        1. I hope they aren’t still serving cock-meat sandwiches courtesy of Big Bob.

  9. OT: I don’t want anyone to panic. In fact, everybody stay real calm and act completely nature.
    I’ve been informed by a reliably paranoid source that “we” have been fully infiltrated by paid trolls. I mean, balls-deep infiltrated.
    So everybody stay frosty. Go to channel 32 and use the double top secret codes from now on.
    The lion flies at midnight. The cloud is in the barn. The candlestick is in the library. Treehouse, elephant, igloo, twelve, nickel, Trapper John MD.

    1. John has a long mustache
      John has a long mustache
      The chair is against the wall
      The chair is against the wall

        1. Well, since I don’t speak Russian, I’m not sure what that — wait, Russian! RUSSIAN AGENT! RED ALERT! RED ALERT!

      1. bem, what did I say? What did I say, bem? I said don’t panic, bem. I said stay calm and act natural. Be cool, bem. Be cool.

  10. Judging from what her face looks like, somebody already ran over her with a bus.

  11. At first I read that Lord British was sentenced for the crime. The penalty for not producing any more Ultima games in a long time.

      1. I appreciate it. I hear if you get to 2000 upvotes, Roosh gives a 200% pay increase.

  12. I don’t have a list of British Lords that I like, but if I did, this guy would be at the tippy top.

  13. Funny Guyana is mentioned… Venezuela was going to take back a chunk of land back from Guyana while Chavez was alive.
    All these races in the Americas that have their own country makes me mad. The Africans and Indians in the Caribbean, Guyana, French Guiana, Belize, Surinam…if the white people didn’t protect these non continental races, they would have been taken care of decades ago.
    Funny thing is that the Blacks and Indians hate the whites, little do they know that the whites are the only reason why they are still in the Americas.

    1. Sounds like it worked out well for Venezuela. Can’t help but feel you sound victimized in some way about this. No one should hate anyone but those who bitch.

      1. I’m not black, I’m far from feeling like a victim. The blackies take pride in being black and being victims.
        To the Victor goes the spoils, but should their servants and slaves get a fair share… I don’t think so.
        It appears that the Europeans are spoiling the spoils.

  14. Murky green henley over a pinstriped button down, complete with a donkey’s face and an oversized gray fedora…
    …add in some fat, glasses, and a neckbeard, and Steeples will completely evolve into beta cuck living in mom’s basement.
    He’s getting there.

  15. “judge” and “her”….. who’d a thunk it! The judiciary is a joke in Britannia. 12 months for a guy that left a bacon sandwich outside a mosque who promptly dies in prison. While a mohammadian gets off from raping a girl because nobody wanted to be termed racist…..shit better get real real fast…..

  16. He put a monetary unit on the price of her death online and she felt threatened. That’s enough to get him, in my opinion he was stupid to even comment such specifics. You won’t serve jail time but you can get in trouble for making such threats online here in the US. Keep in mind this is in the UK where free speech laws are very different.
    Edit: Also what’s up with all the butt hurt white ppl on this? This place is turning into storm front.

  17. I’ve had people tell me how lucky I am to live in a multicultural society. I read and hear it on radio and tv. I hear it in speeches delivered by politicians to social justice rats and yet all I can think of is to ask the question, why am I lucky? What inherent advantage is there to sacrificing your own culture in favour of many? The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind…..

    1. The only thing immigrants bring that benefits a society is food. Had a friend of mine who was very right wing and he thought that was the only advantage.

    2. You’re lucky to be surrounded by vibrants who hate you because you’re White.

  18. A woman in America who got into an argument with a Somali immigrant was forced to apologize and later lost her job. This is happening in all Western countries.
    Also it was the Somali who started the fight.

    1. The world.. logical…. western… white…. European world needs more Mark Collette

  19. You know what the next step is, right? The next step is that they’re going to excuse the killing of acceptable targets (white, men, wealthy, etc.) under the guise of reasonable force for feeling “threatened” or “harassed” from vague language like this.
    And as the public continually rejects them, they’ll rationalize their mission to destroy society even more. This is what’s always happened from these kinds of movements for 3,500 years, and it always winds up in the same place. Guess what happens afterward? You have your Napoleoons and your Francos that come in to purge the radicals because all other avenues have been exhausted. Here’s the history and psychology: http://masculineepic.com/index.php/2017/06/15/why-are-leftists-getting-violent/

  20. This kind of thing will not stop until the troublemakers like this negro parasite start getting their brains blown out the back of their head, and then others like them will have a legitimate reason for fear and maybe stop f*cking with their Superiors.

  21. Guyana is a cesspool. Merely calling it a jungle is actually charitable.

  22. 100 years ago that Guyanese woman would be toiling in some field. Today she got a British lord thrown in prison for insulting her.
    Can you call Britain a free country?

    1. Read up what happened to Barbara Fielding during the Stoke by-election. Britain’s political and legal establishments have been taken over by the cultural marxists.

  23. The only more blatant example that freedom from govt persecution is a sham in democracies throughout the world, is the Holocaust denial “crime”

  24. Finally had a chance to read the details of the case of the Lord who made those outlandish comments (no reasonable man could call them a threat, they were as absurd as the comments that other man made about blowing up Doncaster airport) about Gina Miller and the women judge in the case let the cat out of the bag with one remark – she said the posts would “cause apprehension in a reasonable person reading them in this multi-racial country we live in”.
    I won’t defend the man for appalling language, unpleasant words and an obvious lack of chivalry when writing about a lady. And I openly admit that I despise Gina Miller – and yes she is a good example of why immigration is bad. But he should have behaved as a gentleman and not written in such crude termsm.
    But the lines about offering a bounty for someone to kill her were so self-evidently a joke that is is wrong, in a free society, for the state to prosecute a man for saying such things. Had he gone to Gina Miller’s house and said it to her, of course that would be different. But he didn’t. Also the trial was a sad spectacle with him having to insist he wasn’t “racist”. What a curious thing to have to do – why should it be any business of the law? The judge found his post about Gina Miller to be “racially aggravated” so a thought crime that risks him doing time in prison.
    The left read 1984 as a guidebook. We used to say that as a joke. Now it isn’t funny.
    Remember the polcie and the feminists and liberals who run our institutions virtually all turned a blind eye to the mass rape of thousands of English schoolgirls by Moslem immigrants. But a few absurd and self-evidently joking comments on facebook? No, they’ll come down on you like a ton of bricks. Remember, as the judge pointed out, we live in a multi-racial country. Are you feeling enriched?

  25. If you want to see how far the rot has set in I urge you to read this article:
    It is a summary of the sentencing of Vicsount St Davids, sentenced to 12 weeks in gaol for the nonsense he wrote on facebook. See the sinister way our freedoms are being lost. In convicting him the judge brought politics into it, declaring that the context of Britain now being “multi-racial” apparently having some impact on the case.
    Well in sentencing him the woman judge outdid herself, revealing herself to be yet another person who appears to have read ‘1984’ as some sort of guide.
    A few choice quotes:
    The judge accepted his belated remorse for the harm he had caused was genuine, but did not accept that he had changed his views on race: “You have had an epiphany. This was a sudden conversion after many months when you have expressed racist views.”
    Did you all know your political views are now the business of the criminal law? And that if those views are “racist” then they will count against you in a criminal trial? Worth remembering the left considers even modest reductions in immigration or enforcement of immigration laws to be “racist”.
    The judge expressed doubt when, in mitigation, Philipps’ lawyer Sabrina Felix told the court of her client’s remorse. “It is quite a change in two days, isn’t it? Two days ago, he was explaining to me his racist views, as one might say,” the judge said.
    Again, when did it become any business of a judge, even a left-wing woman judge, as to what political opinions a man holds or whether she believes he has stopped being a thought-criminal?
    And to top it all off, the judge went into full on snowflake mode with a paragraph that could come straight from a SJW twitter account:
    Philipps had also “proudly” told the judge his family’s motto was “love of country”. Instead, she told him, he had attacked people who disagreed with him and who had recently arrived in the UK. “You showed this hatred by publicly directing abuse at others, which is a criminal offence in this multicultural society we are fortunate to live in.”
    Ticks all the boxes – double think by claiming those who oppose immigration aren’t really patriotic. Then remind everyone of the good fortune we have to be enriched. Almost unbelievable that such words were spoken by a judge. A couple of generations ago she would have been roundly criticised for it, these days it will help her career.
    We have to constantly remind ourselves that freedom of speech includes those who are vulgar and those we disagree with etc. I think almost everyone here accepts the right of leftists to argue for, for example, socialism. It’s an evil ideology that has killed millions of people but they should have freedom of speech. Do not think they will extend the same freedom of speech to those who oppose immigration or mutli-culturalism. So the Viscount is sent to gaol for a crude joke on facebook – how long before any of us finds ourselves reported for a conversation with friends in a pub or expressed at home with family? We are on a very slippery slope I fear.

  26. British are committing cultural suicide by letting in hordes that hate their culture and emigrate for the purpose of taking over and destroying it.

  27. “This f***ing boat jumper come to the country, then believes she knows better than the people of our country, what is best for us”
    Asked the Judge to refer to him as Lord which she laughed off.
    “I wholly accept my comments were unacceptable, they were
    unnecessary, I wholly accept this was self indulgent expletives of anger
    that I couldn’t control at the time.”
    He added that his comments were “deeply unchristian”, adding: “I accept any sentence without reservation.”
    Hahahaha fucking little cowards, always sorry, with their usual ” I love my black friends bullocks”

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