Patreon Attempts To Deny That Their Banning Policy Is Ideologically Motivated

A video posted on 7/28/2017 provides a long-overdue explanation of Patreon’s banning policies. In the beginning, Jack Conte says:

A lot of people are just going to try to find holes in our logic.

Challenge accepted!

Patreon CEO on Content Policy, Lauren Southern, and IGD

He explains why Patreon shut down the accounts of Defend Europe, Lauren Southern, and IDG (It’s Going Down). He says all this was nonpolitical, based entirely on “manifest observable behavior”. He repeats this phrase often, sometimes flashing the words onscreen to drive home the point. He explains:

We’re talking about removing a person’s income. The authority to take away a human being’s income is a sobering responsibility. It is not something to be done on a whim.

No arguments here so far. Many people receive much of their income from online sales and donations, which need platforms (such as Patreon) to receive payments. Although my day job involves remodeling in partnership with one of my steady girlfriends, I certainly can relate to being subject to the whims of some corporation or other entity. Further, this is how several organizations receive their funding, so ideological neutrality is important.

His explanation for why Defend Europe and Lauren Southern got banned

He explains that they blockaded a so-called “rescue boat”. Quoting Lauren:

So this is a boat called The Aquarius that has been illegally bringing in migrants from the Libyan ocean for the last while, and they’re just heading out again to bring in more illegal migrants and we’re going to stop them.

According to a US News & World Report article—which doesn’t seem to disapprove of illegal immigration—these ships pick up migrants off the coast of Libya. They’re in vessels considered unseaworthy (I suspect this involves being overloaded far beyond capacity) which are operated by human traffickers. Then:

Virtually all the migrants picked up by charities are brought to Italy instead of Libya, which is considered unsafe, and about half ask for asylum. Almost 200,000 asylum seekers are living in the country’s state-funded shelters.

I’m not an expert on maritime law, and I doubt Jack Conte is either. Be that as it may, a few facts stand out about this Camp of the Saints racket:

  • Libya was good enough for the illegal aliens to come there in the first place, as the stepping-stone to countries with generous welfare benefits.
  • Libya is a rough neighborhood, but Tunisia and Egypt—right next door—aren’t as bad.
  • Even so, the best option is to send the illegal aliens back to their home countries.
  • Illegal immigration is a crime, and those assisting it are accessories.
  • The governments of Europe would stop this if they were working for their people. Apparently, they have other priorities.
  • This is an invasion. Although an invasion is usually carried out by armed soldiers, this isn’t necessary because the Eurocrats don’t defend their countries, a government’s number one job.

Therefore, it’s disingenuous to portray Defend Europe and Lauren Southern as wrongdoers, rather than illegal aliens and their enablers.

The truth about the “refugees”

A boatload of scientists, engineers, and industrialists

Still trying to keep the high ground, the video shows the heartstring-tugging photo of Alan Kurdi, the Syrian kid washed ashore (obviously not wearing a flotation device). What most people aren’t asking about this unfortunate episode is what a little kid was doing on an inflatable dinghy packed to twice its rated capacity. Also, most people are unaware that prior to the ill-fated trip, he and his parents were actually living in Turkey, which is still one of the most prosperous and enlightened places in the Middle East. Still, the call to greener pastures yet was too tempting.

I’ll grant that Jack Conte is concerned with migrants in dangerous conditions at sea, risks that they’re voluntarily assuming. Still, where’s the concern about the crime and terrorism that these migrants are bringing with them? There’s a reason why any European with a brain (a category not including their governments) doesn’t want them there.

The migrants may be fleeing violent and dysfunctional places like sub-Saharan Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. (Actually, many “Syrian refugees” are from elsewhere, and very few are women and children, but all that’s another matter.) When they arrive upon Europe’s “magic dirt”, they don’t want to assimilate; instead, they bring violence and dysfunction with them.

All these “humanitarian NGOs” would do better trying their luck at helping fix those societies, rather than enable overrunning stable countries. Am I just being a big cynic, or could there be another agenda?

More banning

Freedom of speech is meaningless if it only covers “approved” viewpoints.

Less than a minute of the ten minute video concerns the leftist outfit IGD, which he explains was banned for doxxing and encouraging the sabotage of railroad tracks. Then this:

There are probably going to be a lot of people who say that we’re just taking down IGD’s page just to seem like we’re being politically unbiased and fair, so I want to cut that argument off right here.

Following that, he explains how their content review polices work. Okie dokie. Am I being a big cynic again, or could this have something to do with Patreon being called out for hypocrisy a month previously?

Finally, he states what he’ll fix. One item is implementing an appeals process, because:

…[E]very creator deserves fair treatment and a second chance. We commit to building a more fleshed-out warning system.

I seriously doubt that this will be extended retroactively to Defend Europe or Lauren Southern, but we’ll have to see about the IGD radicalinskis. I must credit Jack for good rhetorical skills, though; he’d do great as a lawyer or lobbyist.

What he doesn’t explain is why Patreon banned Occidental Dissent—did they hurt someone’s feelings with a Confederate flag or something? And how about Wife With A Purpose? The most controversial thing this Mormon homeschooling mom said was that White families should have more children—oh my golly! She later explained that she wasn’t completely being serious (though it sounds like a fine idea to me); still, is saying so a criminal activity?

For that matter, why did Paypal ban Roosh? Did they consider his Kratom-powered Rasputin beard a weapon of mass destruction?

Why free speech matters

The left used to champion free speech, especially in the 18th century when liberalism was still a good thing. Even as late as the 1960s, they were still talking a good game about it. Then when the leftist power structure achieved decisive cultural dominance, they reversed course—funny that.

The left is in utter panic over recent developments. They failed to elect Hillary, a major setback. Further, the public is starting to push back and challenge leftist narratives that we’ve been browbeaten with for decades. This is why we’re seeing the increasing trend of “de-platforming” dissident voices, as well as cutting off funding to them. Doing this to everyone even a millimeter to the right of William F. Buckley is the Current Year’s big fad.

Social media companies are censoring speech too. Even governments are colluding with them. Further, Germany can’t control “refugees” running wild, but they can arrest people for political opinions, just like the Stasi once did.

The left is so well-funded that they can pay outside agitators and bus them into remote cities to raise hell. (In fact, that’s a good argument for charging the globalists and their front groups under the RICO Act, but I’ll have to let greater legal minds ponder that one.) However, the rest of us rely on grassroots support.

I can see that Jack Conte wants to assure Patreon’s users that they’re going to be fair and respect free speech. Unfortunately for him, all this “no-platforming” by Patreon and others like them is backfiring. Their overreach and nauseating hypocrisy are causing alternate institutions, such as Counterfund, to emerge.

Governments banning dissenting speech are tyrannical, but an oligopoly of leftist companies doing the same aren’t much better. Banks and phone companies don’t micromanage their customers over ideology, and neither should payment processing and social media platforms. Finally, orthodox opinions can flourish even under censorship, but free speech is a vital necessity for dissident opinions. That’s why this is important.

Read More: Afro-Islamist Riots Sweep Through Vibrant Suburbs Of Paris

139 thoughts on “Patreon Attempts To Deny That Their Banning Policy Is Ideologically Motivated”

    1. YouTube, Google, Patreon, Twitter… now Disqus? Holy taking back control of the narrative. Every voice that does not carry the approved message is a target for silencing.

      1. We need an alternative to Disqus ASAP. I bet 100 bucks than in less that one year, we are not talking thorugh disqus here.

        1. I believe it’s likely that Disqus will succumb to the pressure. Indeed, we may be commenting through another channel.

    2. “Or there’s the site Return of Kings, featuring an article called “Why Are Men Paying ‘New Car’ Prices For Used Women?,” which derisively compares seeking a partner to shopping for a car. The readers chime in with crude comments.”
      It’s nice to be reminded sometimes that our shitposting is really making a difference.

      1. I have to admit that Roosh is VERY good in selecting articles’ headlines. If you type random words and expressions on google about women, ROK always shows up in the top 5.

  1. Another low testosterone nu-male towing the SJW line. Kinda sad how you can easily guess a man’s politics by just looking at him these days. It’s almost as if the Liberals and the Conservatives/Libertarians/Traditionalists have taken separate evolutionary paths.

    1. I’ve been saying this for a while. If you look at pictures of Trotsky, Lenin, Gramsci in their youth. They are practically indistinguishable from your average hipster Starbucks faggot.
      They all seem to look like Leonard from Big Bang Theory.

  2. The point about government versus corporations is well stated and seriously weakens the classic free market, libertarian dogma that I tended to believe in in my early 20’s. What we’re fast racing toward now is almost like the Mark of the Beast – you are forbidden from buying or selling (or working, for that matter) unless you declare an oath of allegiance to the narrative. It’s actually similar to the religious tests in England that forced you to denounce transubstantiation or you couldn’t hold public office – but this is far worse.
    As an aside, speaking of my early 20’s and “refugees,” I actually worked with some real ones in 2010. And I knew immediately because of that that this “crisis” is a transparent hoax. Aside from it being a horde of combat aged males (in contrast to the…shall we say…diversity of age and sex groups I worked with), the way these “refugees” act compared to the ones I worked with was the biggest indicator. If you want to go more in depth on that story, I do it here.

    1. Wonder35f

      Google is paying 97$ always! Work for couple of hours and have longer with sidekicks and family! :!sw165d:
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    2. Sync34e

      Google is paying 97$ constantly! Work for couple of hours and have longer with sidekicks and family! :aa434
      On Tuesday I got an excellent new Land Rover vary Rover from having attained $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewardful I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable however you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it

  3. There once a region on earth called Europe that was inhabited by peoples of white races.
    What is happening to Europe is no different than the story of Planet of the Apes.

    1. Are you for real?
      You’re actually comparing non-white races with apes??!
      I imagine you wouldn’t be offended by being called a racist: you appear to be unashamed to wear this label.
      You are obviously so ignorant that you are completely unaware just how stupid and misguided you truly are… I wonder what period in European history you fondly romanticise as being a time when Europe was exclusively populated by white people. I imagine you further romanticise that, within an exclusive homogenous white society, white Europeans lived together in harmony and prosperity, and white culture unsullied by inferior non-white influences flourished in the Arts and science.
      Your ignorant racism is contemptible!
      Since you can write, I obviously also can read,… I really don’t know where you should begin,… but as a ‘start’ you could read an excellent account of Elizabethan England’s contact with the Islamic world – “This Orient Isle” – which describes the scientific knowledge and artistic skills Elizabethans learnt from Islamic cultures in North Africa and Asia. The book also describes the trade links and military alliances Elizabethan’s forged with Morocco and Turkey; and details the distinct lack of racism and cultural superiority in Elizabethan society.
      Racism, ideas of white superiority and fears of Europe being swamped by immigration by inferior races are all unquestionably late 19th Century / early 20th Century constructs.
      For example, in the late 18th Century the first English East India Company directors, who came to rule large swathes of India, fully embraced Indian culture and dress, and married into prominent Indian families. These early English colonists did not consider Indians or Indian culture to be in any way inferior; in fact, they a number felt that India, with its vast wealth, rich culture and ancient venerable history, was in some ways superior to England.
      Following the popularity of Darwinism, quasi-scientific racial theories in the final decades of the 19th Century began to be promulgated by politicians and demagogues for their own purposes. A number of fraudulent and alarmist conspiracies and fake plots were disseminated for corrupt and venal ends, and as a means to acquire political power by dividing the opposition and setting the energies of the masses against an imaginary common external enemy.
      Racial superiority, Manifest Destiny, Anti-semitism, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and the Kalgeri Plan (to debase European genetic stock by immigration and interbreeding with ‘lower’ races), are all fraudulent theories backed by completely falsified evidence and based on lies and falsehoods. They were used as the corrupt means to nefarious ends and immoral profits. Only idiots continue to lap up these falsehoods and only idiots are racist.

        1. All racism is disgusting. Lazy, casual racism, especially lame efforts at humouring racism is also pathetic and allowing such comments to pass unchallenged is dangerous.

        2. Sadly, it may eventually have to come down to the point where you no longer utilize RoK as a reading and commenting resource, and seek your discourse elsewhere. I do regret if that seems like an extreme remedy.

        3. How many times did you use the word racist/ism?
          You’ve been programmed, your kind has no place here.
          When you have gone through the process of being de-programmed you might be welcomed back. Sadly I don’t believe that you have the mental structures to accept how things really are.

        4. OK here is a fact. Blacks commit a bit more than 50% of the murders in the us yet only constitute about 13% of the population. Please explain why that is?

        5. Racism doesn’t exist. It’s a made up word the left invented to manipulate weak-minded people.

        6. I can only guess that your rectum is really gonna need a balls deep oil drilling from your totally starbucks worthy main squeeze from Somalistan (formerly known as San Diego). Don’t let us stop you. No need to come back and give us details either. Just the fact that someone has been drilling you like a little bish, like your professors have been using your brains, is more than enough comic material for me to make fun of you.
          Meanwhile, on the homefront, I’m guessing your Down Low wife with the manjaw is gonna be looking for a new set of lovers since Somalistan is soon to replace South Cali New Mexico. I guess she got tired of cheating on you with latin lovers. Please do me one more favor, other than sparing me the above details. Have your new boy friend introduce her to some friends. I’m guessing she needs some diversity. Since she ain’t getting it from you.

        7. Christ, even accounting for the fact you’re trolling for a rise, your posts are incredibly puerile and idiotic. It appears that i’m exchanging posts with teenage boys, who prefer the status quo so they can post hostile abusive comments… it’s far easier and takes little effort to remain on the sidelines bitching and whingeing rather than make an effort to use your brain and make the case for men’s rights. You’re contributing nothing of value: your juvenile insults diminish the credibility and seriousness of the men’s rights movement, and are easily dismissed. What do you hope to gain from this?

        8. Is this a view that you happily share publicly when you’re not sat in front of your computer screen? How many people, not including those in your circle of friends, share your belief that racism doesn’t exist and is only a word made-up by the Left? As an attempt to be provocative and troll, you’re pretty unimaginative and especially idiotic. In remote chance you do actually believe this, I’m astounded by how comfortable you are admitting to your profound ignorance.

        9. It’s so nice that you whipped out your thesaurus on my account. But I know these words without it, thanks. Also, I thought you far left haters burnt your dictionaries first? You must of left yours at home that day. Lucky guy.
          Now you can still sound smart when projecting your severe butt hurt on others. Feel free to kick rocks, and choke on bleach. LOL

        10. A couple of questions to ponder:
          1. Do you know or have you ever heard of one single person, living or dead, who hates every member of a race? I mean this person wants complete genocide; he crosses the street to avoid them; he can’t even agree on something trivial like sports or share a common interest like weightlifting with a member of another race because he hates them so much. I won’t accept Hitler for an answer because the Holoco$t needs to be honestly looked at as a historical event, and Hitler worked with Herzl to remove the Jews from Germany.
          You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t even have a tiny iota of respect for at least one person of another race.
          2. Who are the people who equate ethnic self-interest to racism? What are their reasons for doing so?

        11. Having worked in corrections on both state and county levels, most on the county levels are idiots who don’t get that you are not going to be a gangsta rapper super star and you do have to work and get an education. On the state, and in particular the maximum security prison level, most blacks didn’t get the message that you can not shoot a store clerk in the head for $50 and then get away with the crime. Somehow, culturally, some blacks have missed that point.
          Most aren’t in prison for stealing the charity box at the donut shop. They are very familiar with the criminal justice system and it has nothing to do with the colour of their skin.

        12. Hey, When i saw the clip below and the scales fell from my eyes, and finally I understood the motives, principles and spirit behind the involvement of many younger alt-right activists…
          Motives = being purposefully obnoxious to piss people off, purely for a laugh
          Principles: absolutely none beyond those of a childish narcissistic nihilist.
          Spirit = sorely lacking in noble ideals, completely absent of all courage and without the strength of their professed convictions.
          Most likely to be a turncoat and traitor. Extremely pathetic and very sad.
          Although…. the clip made me laugh a lot. Ha! Ha!

      1. “to debase European genetic stock by immigration and interbreeding with ‘lower’ races” “are all fraudulent theories backed by completely falsified evidence and based on lies and falsehoods”
        Because is not happening?

        1. There are two issues here:
          – a qualitative one: whether in your personal opinion inter-racial breeding lowers white European genetic stock. Whilst there are some scientific elements to this, for example, the inheritance of both genetic disorders and genetic advantages from different races, such as the absence of the gene necessary for breaking down alcohol common to East Asians or the immunity some races have to certain diseases and conditions. But on the basis of culture or quasi-scientific and generalised racial attributes such as intelligence or strength, the question of ‘debasing’ white European genetic stock is purely subjective and definitely not an opinion I agree with.
          – the incidence of inter-racial families in Europe which is a quantitative issue; and I don’t believe the % of inter-racial families in European populations is significant

        2. It is not about hybridizartion, primarily, but replacement. If the US has 40% or 70% whites matter.

        3. To be fair to the movie franchise, the apes in Planet of the Apes *were* highly intelligent — capable of speech and using many human tools, including weapons. And the humans in the movie are not let off the hook for their complicity in allowing the ape rebellion to take place, by bringing in the apes for cheap labor in the first place.

        4. Then why don’t you tell your fellow white men to find a wife and start breeding then. Tell them to have a nice brood of children. Also tell them to stop supporting the rapefugees.

        5. Oh @juansalar:disqus, your reading comprehension is woeful. No one compared coloreds to apes.
          Further, you seem so stupid as not to know what racism means.
          Racism means living by preventing another from trading property for property through law or through collusion because of another’s race — being one of people of common descent. As I do not do that, I can not be a racist, by definition.
          If there is no deprivation of property (right of ownership) because of race, it’s not racism.
          Good luck dummy!

        6. Having multiple white children is not going to solve the crime epidemic of blacks, it’s more likely to create more victims.
          Women are largely responsible for a lot of the current shit, if it was up to me, I’d take away their right to vote, and tell them if you want your right to vote back, they will need to fill in 50% of the military, and when half the crosses in the military cemetery are pink, you get your right back.
          You have to remind white men to look around, and ask them to show you things that weren’t made by the white man, their ancestors. Being proud to be white is not racist.
          Every time he’s reminded of the atrocities made against other races by whites, he should remind the accuser that if whites were as evil and racist, there would be no natives, blacks, Hispanics, Asians. The word magnanimous comes to mind.
          The clear solution is to limit or stop the influx of non whites, and coral the problematic races, and exterminate the criminals that cannot live in a civilized society. That is something that has been done through history by every culture and race. For some reason we think we’re too civilized to do it now.
          Getting rid and imprisoning the social (((manipulators)) will help.

        7. WTF?! Obviously you’re taking the piss…??! Since you don’t provide a reference for your definition, I did google it to discover its origin, and I can only find it referenced in the True Dollar Journal (which also doesn’t reference the definition). What authority is this definition based on? Why don’t any dictionaries, including those widely accepted as the final and definitive word on definitions (such as the Oxford Dictionary) use it as the definition of racism?
          You can’t seriously believe that your definition of racism as being concerned with trading property is accurate…?
          I’m confused….

        8. i’d just add that black and mixed race people comment here too, and I’m one of the latter. Not all the opinions expressed in articles are held in common by the readership as you seem to think. Why would they be?

        9. WTF? Are you truly this stupid?
          1. Dictionaries are mere collections of usages.
          2. Entries in dictionaries often are wrong and merely reflect usages. Ask an dictionary editor.
          Clearly, you need authority to tell you how to think.
          I have rendered the most accurate definition of racism — living by preventing another from trading property for property through law or through collusion because of another’s race — being one of people of common descent.
          You seem to believe that racism means being prejudice or merely expressing views about races. It doesn’t.
          Stating that various blacks races live life as savages precisely because they suffer from low grade intellects as measured by IQ ( IQ < 66) fails to make anyone a racist.
          Advocating that such persons should be enslaved or be put into a caste system and controlled would make such a person a racist, however.
          There are hundreds upon hundreds of races on this earth. I do not like most of them. And yet my preference not to live as they live does not make me a racist.
          If I do not like rap music, wearing my pants down to my ankles, eating Cheetos, drinking grape soda or Old English 800 and smoking Kools, that does not make me a racist. My not buying crappy rap records from some guy named Jay-Z or some gal named Nicki Minaj does not make me a racist. Even if I called her Niggy Minaj, that still would not make me a racist.
          If I conspired with my neighbors to run the only Polish family out of town by getting everyone to deny them work, well, that would be racist.
          Having preferences for things and people does not make anyone a racist. Not liking Arabs and especially Mohammadan Arabs does not make anyone a racist.
          Preferring not travel to Chad and to be among the people there does not make someone a racist.
          Not desiring to share the territory where I live with those of my race with another race does not make us racist. Self-preservation isn’t racism.
          Good luck!

        10. Sure, you can ignore the ‘tyranny’ of dictionaries and refer to yourself as the authority for the definition of words; but if you happened to get arrested for inciting racial hatred, the judge presiding over your court case is not going to buy your plea of innocence based on the fact you define ‘racism’ solely as “preventing another from trading property… etc”. Whilst it’s true that dictionary definitions are the subject of debate, a definition needs to be universally recognised to have any validity: you can’t just select a definition you prefer.
          …so where did you get the definition from?
          I can’t find the definition you use anywhere except in the True Dollars Journal, where it appears with the exact same wording,.. so is this journal the source? None of the major dictionaries, referred to by the vast majority of English speakers, contain that definition.
          I made no mention of about what I believe racism means. For me it’s a moot point: I accept the definition everyone else does (well almost everyone else…)
          You’ve felt it important to clarify that just because you don’t like many races and numerous aspects of popular culture that are associated African Americans etc it doesn’t mean that you’re racist. I completely agree. Your long list of dislikes only suggests that you’re intolerant and have a very narrow perspective and restricted aesthetics.
          What does suggest you’re racist (and what was my original point), is your apparent comparison of what is currently happening in Europe with what happened in the fictional ‘Planet of the Apes’.
          Whilst you’re careful to state that you’re not comparing black and Asian people with apes, what are you saying? I accused you of being racist because I assumed that you were suggesting that the growing influence and numbers of Asian and African immigrants in Europe is equivalent to the growth of the influence and power of apes in The Planet of the Apes, i.e. contemporary Europeans are wrecking western culture by allowing immigration in the same way as the fictional humans destroyed their civilisation (with the Statue of Liberty buried forgotten in sand etc) and thereby allowed an inferior species to take over control of the planet. I assumed you were equating the threat of the influence of immigrants with the threat of the power of a lower species, apes, who go on to enslave the now mute and uncivilised humans.
          If this is not what you were suggesting, what is it you’re comparing? I don’t get it.

        11. “Your long list of dislikes only suggests that you’re intolerant and have a very narrow perspective and restricted aesthetics.” [email protected]:disqus

          You’re retarded. Anyone will have a mass of preferences, many of which will not match with the person next to him or her. That doesn’t mean the one who fails to match is intolerant or suffers from restricted aesthetics.
          You (stupidly): “What does suggest you’re racist (and what was my original point), is your apparent comparison of what is currently happening in Europe with what happened in the fictional ‘Planet of the Apes’.”
          Reality: Racism means living by preventing another from trading property for property through law or through collusion because of another’s race — being one of people of common descent.
          As I do not do that, I can not be a racist, by definition. I favor no laws that restrict citizens of one of the races other than mind from engaging in the purchase and sale of property in chattel, works, or future promises for property in credit or cash.
          Dummies like you suffer the pernicious effects of hyper-indoctrination. You have been led down slippery slopes of morphing word definitions. That enables your handlers so easily to manipulate your mind and your behavior when bells get rung and you’re triggered into action by them.
          Good luck dummy!

        12. For christ sake, step back and take a sensible look at how you’ve presented yourself. I’m merely playing back your comments to you…
          Preferences are one thing, a lack of toleration is suggested by the way you quickly start generalising about the tastes of African Americans and reduce their culture to a list of stereotypes.
          The way you generalise the habits and likes of an entire culture and millions of people can only be interpreted as dismissive and scornful of black culture. Equally, statements such as ‘various black races live life as savages’ because they have low IQs, not only make qualitative and derogatory judgements about different cultures living like savages, but also links IQs with race and makes sweeping generalisations about the level of intelligence of every member of a whole race.
          What’s that if not racism?
          Likewise, stating that you prefer to only mix with people of your own racial background, and you’re not willing to share ‘territory’ with other races, demonstrates your total lack of tolerance.
          And you continue to refuse to expand on what you mean by comparing Europe with the Planet of the Apes,… and still you won’t provide a reference for your ridiculous narrow definition of racism that flies in the face of all commonly held understanding of the term. What are you hiding from? Why are you kidding yourself by insisting you’re not a racist? You’re fooling no one.
          And it’s rich that you accuse me of being duped and indoctrinated, when you obviously live such a sheltered life and possess such extreme narrow points of view. There’s no way you could entertain the choice of living only with your own race if you lived in London, like I do… I can only imagine that you live in some remote isolated rural community, or within a segregated gated community in an urban area and you never go out 😉
          Why are you afraid of? Why don’t you just admit that being contemptuous and disparaging of black people, and believing some black races to possess inferior intelligence and have savage cultures, makes you a racist? If you truly believe black races are intellectually inferior and live like savages, why aren’t you proud to identify yourself as a racist? I can only assume that you are fearful and unconfident, and don’t have the balls to be public about your strongly felt convictions. You come across as conflicted and ashamed; all too ready to sprout off offensive racist nonsense when you sitting safely in front of your computer amidst your online community possessing similar views; but outside of this protected environment you appear too weak, cowardly and ineffectual, and without the strength of character to admit publicly you’re a racist or have the strength of your convictions.
          It’s also laughable that you have the temerity to accuse me of being ignorant and dumb(!) When you appear to struggle to form sentences and spew out a load of regurgitated, half baked ideas you’ve stolen from someone else. I mean, your intellectual position is ridiculous: you adopt a ludicrous definition of racism that no one in their right mind supports and you’re unable to explain where you lifted your definition from or demonstrate that it has wider support beyond just yourself.
          C’mon, it’s time to give up the ghost and admit that you’re a racist, and also admit that your definition of ‘racism’ as pertaining to the act of refusing to trade property with someone because of their race.
          I have the impression that your ignorance and weird adherence to bizarre claims that are obviously a load of bullshit, betrays your youth or you’ve just led an incredibly sheltered and ignorant life, and this is the key reason behind your gross stupidity. Regardless, It appears to be pointless admitting to have a discussion with you based on accepted wisdom and logical reason. But know that you would do yourself a tremendous favour if you were to open your mind even just a little and be more receptive to ideas that don’t conform to the narrow world you spend you life inhabiting.

        13. Why do you give a damn if someone calls you a “racist”? It’s just a word with so many definitions that now NO-ONE even knows what it means.

        14. Well, you’re interpretation of the DISQUS comments exchange is that I give a damn. So what?
          Facts remain. There is but on true, accurate definition of what racism means and I have rendered that definition.
          Good luck!

        15. Well, your interpretation of the DISQUS comments exchange is that I give a damn. So what?
          Facts remain. There is but on true, accurate definition of what racism means and I have rendered that definition.
          Good luck!

        16. Forcing segments of the population into a breeding war for survival is no way to properly run a state.

        17. So we should import the third world into all Western countries?
          I won’t agree with this ever. I don’t care how high the gdp numbers get.

        18. No, there isn’t. The word has been rendered meaningless as has so many different definitions to different people. If some-one uses the r-word the correct response is to shrug and to say that that insult word is not an argument.

        19. I never said or implied we should import the third world into western countries. Hell im against the whole import all the refugees, most of them are able bodied man so you can expect a Trojan horse coming soon. I’m just tired of all the crying and complaining on this site with no solutions to any of this. One practical solution to the whole white people dissplqcement is to get white people to have kids again. While you can’t mind control everyone to agree with you, you can still do it yourself and be an example. Simply restating a problem over and over again does nothing.

        20. Well I’m in agreement with you then… must have read your comment out of context.
          You’re right that things need to move past the theoretical and into the real world. Are there even any more red-pills to even take at this point?

        21. True. That’s why I tend to enjoy the self improvement articles more than the articles reporting leftist degeneracy. Self improvement articles give me something to apply to my life instead of an article pointing out something I know already. One thing I really enjoyed was the planned meet up. Sure it was canceled in the end due to butt hurt leftist but we were taking action.

        22. I’ve met up and been making connections with some guys that live nearby, but I know even that isn’t enough. It’s a start though.

        23. True it’s gonna be baby steps. The decline of the west didn’t happen over night and the same applies to its restoration. The good news in all of this is more people are taking the red pill and realizing that a lot of the things we believed were a lie.

        24. That’s exactly why the word “racist” should be ignored. It has too many definitions to know what one is meaning when someone shouts it as a silencing tactic.

        25. And that is why exactly I have rendered my definition, the only definition that captures the truth about racism. So when dummies try to label me a racist, they can not do so without looking foolish.
          Good luck!

  4. This article is exceptionally selective when choosing ‘facts’ to support what is largely a polemical statement of opinion. Using Defend Europe as an example of a respectful organisation committed to protecting Europe from hordes of illegal immigrants, is an extremely poor choice in light of recent news exposing the criminality of some associated with the cause.
    Worst is the barefaced deceit and hypocrisy of those criminals, who are bereft of morals and unprincipled in extreme.
    A large number of the untrained ‘apprentice’ crew hired by Defend Europe were caught with fake documentation; there were about 20 Sri Lankans on board attempting to be smuggled into Europe. At least 5 of the ‘apprentice’ crew accepted bribes of 10,000 Euros.
    The charge of ‘hypocrisy’ plastered across the photo heading this opinion-piece is a textbook example of the ‘pot calling the kettle black’!
    This barefaced unscrupulous hypocrisy of the Defend Europe ships crew ‘s breathtaking: the shameless, illegal exploitation of immigrants for profit destroys the credibility of Defend Europe. Even if the organisation and its leaders were unaware of the criminal plans of the ship’s crew, like any other organisation, they are culpable for their actions. At the very least Defend Europe is guilty of not ensuring sufficient checks were made on the legal situation of all crew members and whether they had a criminal background (the same precautions and responsibilities the organisation accuses European authorities of neglecting when it comes to policing the flow of immigration). Defend Europe is seeking a scapegoat and currently is blaming NGOs of offering the apprentice crew the opportunity to stay in Europe in exchange for bribes and money.
    I am completely supportive of freedom of speech and believe that everyone has the right to voice their opinion. I also believe freedom of speech comes with moral obligations. Everyone – not just the mainstream media – who publishes opinions to a wide audience presented as statement of fact has a moral and civil duty to not knowingly deceive, and especially not pick and choose information in order to mislead and present a bias opinion as ‘the unquestionable truth’.
    As the author points out, freedom of speech is under attack… I would add that the duty to uphold the truth and the moral obligation to present all the facts is increasingly being ignored.
    I appreciate the dilemma faced by mainstream media, and particularly social media, outlets who are faced with a tsunami of fake news presented as facts. I acknowledge the challenge of always getting the balance right, and accept that often poor judgements are made and opinions and self-expression are wrongly suppressed, I am grateful that the management of media outlets has seen fit to make public their editorial guidelines and the criteria used for banning the publication of certain ‘news’ items. At the very least, by publishing their editorial guidelines and making public their decision-making, their detractors have the opportunity to question mainstream media’s methods and challenge decisions to suppress publications. However, more should and can be done to ensure the media’s influence and exercise of power is more transparent and accountable. This is particularly crucial where media monopolies exist and a single editorial opinion dominates the portrayal of news, as is the case with Fox news and Murdoch’s media empire.
    The existence of small, niche publications like ROKs is important for the freedom of expression of minority groups and fringe causes. However, the ostensible commitment of large media organisations to ‘inclusivity’ and transparency, contrasts sharply with the uniform viewpoints expressed on ROKs website and its restrictive editorial policy concerning what is published and what are the facts. Although ROK contributors are vociferous in their opposition to any restrictions on freedom of speech, the views represented on the ROKs site are exceedingly homogenous in tone and political opinion. Articles published conform to a narrow vision of what is right and what is important: there is no room for the opinions of any minority groups and no space available for any shade of politics that is not a deep conservative blue (or in the case of the USA, ‘red’). This is to be expected from a platform for fringe viewpoints, but there is something undeniably hypocritical in the professed support for freedom of speech and the reality of the intolerance of any viewpoints that stray from the bias of rightwing, white caucasian men.

    1. Juan, you have offered some well written criticism of some the content on ROK, recently. However, your promotion of “automated factchecking” via, created in conjunction with Google is really quite objectionable. It promotes Google as a final arbiter of truth, and removes human oversight from the nuts and bolts of what remains of the editorial process in journalism. It is unbelievably undemocratic, and undermines the role of the press as the Fourth Estate.
      When corporate-owned machines become the barometers of truth and the boundaries of free speech are constrained by what is “advertiser-friendly,” then we are truly, truly diminished.

      1. Thanks. I’m grateful for your helpful contribution,… and yes, you’re right, if the barometer and custodian of ‘truth’ turns out to be Google, I would equally be horrified.
        I’m not aware of what data sources the software references; to attempt to approach some level of objectivity, academic dBs, multiple search engines and independent research companies and statistics inter alia would need to be cross-referenced.
        From what little I know of the programme, it appears that it checks simple, easily proven facts, e.g. how many additional nurses were employed in 2015/16.
        It’s worth repeating that I fully agree with your note of caution.

    2. ” The software checks facts against verified online information and soon will have the capability of fact-checking in realtime”
      As a machine learning scientist, I’m kind of laughing here. What is ‘verified online information’. Verified by who? Back in the day, software could have ‘verified’ that Saddam Hussein had nukes by scanning all the CNN, NBC (etc) sites. Trouble was, he didn’t.
      What’s your argument that this works?

        1. No, not true. I object to misinformed and wilfully ignorant articles. My beef is with one-sided arguments based on universally discredited ‘facts’ and faux scientific opinion. I am scornful of those hypocrites who criticise minority views as being bias and selective in presenting facts, whilst supporting the coverage of news by rightwing mass media outlets, such as Fox, that represent monopolies and powerful corporate interests.
          I’m especially critical of opinion pieces that set out to be deliberately offensive and vindictive to minority groups. And I think those who publish blatantly racist opinions are ignorant and contemptible.

        2. The problem with the commenter’s statement is that it is not true. There are “minority”, non-white writers (and commenters) on this site with black, colored (South African, American hybrids), Indian, Israeli and other kinds of background.
          Sure there are overlaps to the alt-right and white nationalism, but guess what, the Western world is primarily white from a historical viewpoint so it is perhaps a bit logical that white interests are taken into account. If minorities want to contribute even more, they can write articles instead of whining. Articles might not always be 100% accurate, but that is still better than the opposing team which is often less than 50% accurate. Their whole worldview is largely based on false premises and assumptions.
          As for liberal viewpoints there are already ubiquitous in the West so it would be sad if ROK became more liberal. With that said, there are sometimes palpable overlaps to classic liberalism, regarding for instance free speech and economics.

      1. I’m no scientist, but I can appreciate that ‘verified facts’ entails an element of subjectivity,… so I’ll refer you to The Guardian’s article on it:
        The software does not aim to provide the ‘truth’ or offer conclusions; rather it ‘fact checks’ by cross-referencing with available data and verifying based on the best available evidence.

        1. Are you millenials so attached to a screen that you think Google should decide what truth is and isn’t?
          Fucking idiotic generation. Everyone is paying for your lack of testosterone and your love of niggers and faggots.

        2. Juan you have to realize that ROK is a place where a lot of white men can get together to vent and cry about the world’s problems. They would rather blame shift instead of realizing that the main cause of the west’s destruction is their own self. They are no different than the MGTOWs they ridicule. Now you do have some guys who are taking action after swallowing the red pill such as GhostOfJefferson, Bob Smith, Lolknee(formerly), Jim Johnson, and some other people I can’t think off the top of my head. These guys are actually applying their solutions to imrpove their own lives l.

        3. Thanks for engaging. I do realise this site is used to vent and I can see that some look for affirmation and value the sense of community above all else. And I can see evidence of pack mentality that encourages insults and exclusivity, rather than constructive discussion.
          Like other web forums there’s a juvenile element that secretly prefers the status quo and their role as disaffected ‘outsider’.
          It’s easy to stand on the sidelines throwing out insults and dismissing opinions you disagree with,.. but this narcissistic behaviour is easy to dismiss and does nothing to further the cause
          Men’s rights are commonly ignored and men are often vilified as the cause of all wrong. The treatment of young white working class men is particularly harsh and they receive very few opportunities, whilst at the same time they’re seen as fair game to be targeted by those identifying as minority or disadvantaged groups. .
          The reality is young white working class men in the UK are amongst the most disadvantaged in society and their welfare is ignored by all political parties. Understandably this leads to disillusionment with the ‘system’ and resentment towards immigrants, homosexuals and minority groups who constantly appear to have their needs met and views prioritised over the white working class.
          Until recently no organisation or group existed to champion their rights or represent their views, other than far-right political parties, association with which only compounded their alienation by making it easier for liberal elites to dismiss them as racists.
          My point is, if you’re going to advocare for the rights and views of white men and especially white working class them, and you don’t want to be dismissed as an extremist and racist, then you have a responsibility to present the rights and voice of white men effectively and avoid tying up rights with racism and anti-social behaviour.
          Puerile abuse does a disservice to efforts made to have white male rights taken seriously; and casual racism distracts from rights and only serves to allow the liberal classes to dismiss white working class male rights without a thought.
          So I appreciate the sentiment in your comment about taking action and applying solutions, which is obviously far more constructive and useful to the cause than firing off thoughtless provocative insults for no purpose other than to gain a reaction.
          Judging from some comments, the issue of race is equally if not more important than the issue of rights. If this turns out to be the dominant view held by ROK readers then this isn’t the organisation for me.

        4. “the ostensible commitment of large media organisations to ‘inclusivity’ and transparency, contrasts sharply with the uniform viewpoints expressed on ROKs website and its restrictive editorial policy concerning what is published and what are the facts.”
          (response to your original comment)
          You are contrasting an ‘ostensible commitment’ to ‘inclusivity and transparency to ROK’s not an actual one. ROK and other ideologically dissident sites exist because there is nothing inclusive or transparent beyond the claim. If the MSM were in any way inclusive most of the comments on sites like this would be found on MSM forums rather than in less patronised forums like this. The fact is that even for viewpoints far more mainstream than are found on sites like this commenting is highly constrained if it is available at all. You link to the Guardian but you complain about ROK being ideologically uniform (which it isn’t) – yet Comment is Free (CIF) will ban or remove comments from anyone who is off message. As for fact checking software, while the principle of fact-checking and limiting scope for misinformation isn’t necessarily wrong-headed do you honestly believe this would be done fairly? Have you considered the political biases of wikipedia for instance? I agree that deliberate misquotes or verifiable disinformation is a problem, but why do you identify that here (without giving examples as far as I can see) while giving the lying MSM a free pass. Only today I find myself reading a Bloomberg article (and bloomberg is usually pretty good) about how Jame’s Damore, the google engineer, had said that women aren’t as good engineers as men (or something like that – I can’t find the source). He didn’t say that, and the inaccuracy lies in the evaluation and the paraphrasing. This software will be a joke, and by the way did you notice that “Full Fact software [is] backed by George Soros”, who also appears to be heavily involved with the Guardian too. Facts are political. It is only basic factual information that might possibly benefit from something like this, and it would still be a tool for abuse to the extent the sources – like wikipedia – were politicised.

        5. There are that’s why I put that last bit about more that I couldn’t think of off the top of my head

        6. Crudely put but after running into a couple of American Millennials just the other day….
          You sir, are DAMN right! 🙂

        7. “the main cause of the west’s destruction is their own self” Yeah, we let a million left-hand butt-wipers into Germany.

        8. Curry house chef prepared food after wiping his bottom with his bare hands because he doesn’t use toilet paper for ‘cultural reasons’
          Mahbub Chowdhury, 46, from Swindon, ran the Yeahya Flavour of Asia
          Inspectors found bottle in kitchen that was covered in ‘faecal matter’
          Chef filled it with water from kitchen taps before using it to clean backside

        9. “imrpvov[ing] [sic] their own lives” does nothing to halt “the west’s destruction”!
          What action did Lolknee take, for example? He seemed politically apathetic to the extreme. As long as he had nice clothes, fancy bars, and hot babes, he was all set. Did he even vote? Didn’t seem to care.

        10. It wasn’t up to individual Germans but the political leadership, Merkel and the EU.

        11. True but who put those leaders and power. And there are still a lot of Germans who support Merkel( though probably not as much as there were thanks to the rapefugees).

        12. I mentioned people like GhostOfJefferson who does care and lives a life of self-improvement. The point I was making is that crying and complaining doesn’t do a thing. Take action and become the red pill guy you want to be then share your testimony with others. It would also help if you found like minded red pillers where you live

      2. If it’s on the net, it’s true! I also know that aliens caused 9/11 and Hillary is actually related to the Swamp Thing.
        Ok, the Hillary thing may be true. 😉

  5. Why don’t we start our own online platforms and then ban liberals when they spout of their opinions?

    1. Then you’re no better than them.
      The net has to be impartial, emotionless. Not a platform for childish tantrums.

      1. No there’s still 99 reasons why I’m better than them. All opinions are not created equal, many should rightfully be banned.

        1. Nope, freedom of expression should not be suppressed on any platform in the west. It’s the very basis of western culture. It’s what separates our tribe from the likes of North Korea, China, Middle East.
          Let the will of the people dictate what’s good for it.
          Besides let the left cannabalize itself.

        2. “Nope, freedom of expression should not be suppressed on any platform in the west. It’s the very basis of western culture.”-
          You have no idea what western culture is.

    2. An echo chamber becomes boring very quickly you let them enter then crush them with your arguments, there is a reason leftist hate to debate, they only debate in uber leftist universities with an uber leftist moderator with an uber leftist bias an uber leftist audience, so then can interrupt when the opponent talks and the moderator will change subjects instead of hearing the opponent counter arguments.

      1. Good point which is why we should swat the mosquito buzzing in our ear rather than debate it on the finer points of malarial pathogy.

  6. Not a fan of Southern but F youtube/google. Using duckduckgo for search and Brave for browser.

  7. This is why we need crypt-currencies. No politically motivated intermediaries can kill your business if you get directly paid in crypto. Even the governments can’t get to you for now.

  8. Here’s a revolutionary idea: If you don’t like the content on a particular site, don’t view it.

  9. In my humble opinion, when you give money to someone who makes videos online, you are a piece of shit that is wasting your income. YouTube already pay content creators and they likely have jobs in real life, no need to give even more money for them. Money didnt make the greatest artists. Its their own will to entertain that did.

  10. guy told me that another 10 mil refugees may be on their way to europe over the next few years…

  11. One more corporate faggot who doesn’t have the balls to admit the truth behind his actions. The West has fallen to the mercantile class, and when your society is run by corporate goons, sniveling lawyers and day traders, you know you’re sunk.

  12. Fascinating that people in the “Alt Right” whine about Patreon’s “biased” banning practices, while members of the “Alt Right” are notorious for mounting “flagging campaigns” on Patreon and YouTube against people they don’t like – Karma is a bitch!

  13. The good thing is actual free speech supporting platforms like have popped up and will probably wind up burying the bigots in Silicon Valley. I love how the regressives say Goggle is a private company and can do what it wants yet when it changed its content filter and LGBT videos where getting blocked and demonetized the LGBQ people were screaming they were going to sue Google for discrimination.

  14. Maybe I’m a day late and a dollar short, but since there is an underserved market, why are not more individuals stepping up like apparently the creators of Counterfund have and creating alternate sites? I’m not bashing or trying to call out, I’m actually curious. I would think that if there is a large enough market, then rivals set-up to take on Paypal and the like could thrive, but I’m not extremely well versed in CS enough to know if Paypal has so many patents and the like to exclude competition or just if none in the manosphere care to deal with the stress of carrying that mantle.

  15. Creating counter institutions is essential. Relying on Patreon or YouTube (owned by fucking GOOGLE for God’s sake) is existing only at the whim of your enemy. Their narrative is weakening and ours is strengthening. We need as many platforms to spread the message asap.

  16. Unlike phones and utilities, much of the world of Patreon and every other web service, app and tech product springs from Babelesque shit shows like Silicon Valley. They truly believe they’re smarter than everyone else and that their views are superior. Any talk about equality and rights to be heard, etc. are window dressing, passed through a globo-homosexual elitist filter. It isn’t fair, but neither is life.
    One day they will have a comeuppance.

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