The Movie “Brooklyn” Is A Sound Case Study Of Female Hypergamy

Nominated for three Oscars, and winning a BAFTA Best Film award, the 2015 movie Brooklyn might appear to be typical mainstream garbage. On the contrary! There is, in fact, much to commend in this piece, from its decorous sets to its resplendent cinematography. Yet the astute viewer notices something deeper and darker: ostensibly a film about a working-class Irish immigrant’s struggles in 1950s New York City, the movie subverts dominant cultural narratives about gender, and firmly reveals female nature for its ugly inner moorings.

In 1951, Eilis Lacey is a cute Irish girl who endeavors, futilely, to find good employment in County Wexford, Ireland. Her only wages come from working part-time at the bakeshop of Miss Kelly, the town’s cantankerous, gossipy old wench. Yet Eilis has dreams of becoming a bookkeeper and decides, with the Catholic Church’s support, to move to Brooklyn, New York. While there, the Church finds her work at a luxury Manhattan department store, and also pays for her bookkeeping lessons at a local college.

Eilis then falls for Italian beta-boy and plumber, Tony Fiorello, who declares his love for her before she does; this, of course, is a Cardinal Sin of Game. Regardless, they get married, for although Tony is a beta in the bedroom, he is an alpha of the world, having concrete plans for starting a home-building business and of buying Long Island property. Despite their happy marriage, Eilis avoids telling her family or friends back in Ireland.

In July 1952, Eilis’s priest informs her that her sister has died suddenly, and Eilis travels back to Ireland, without her husband, to soothe her grieving mother. While she is back in the home country, the economy has recovered, and Eilis gets part-time bookkeeping work. She also starts dating a wealthy local man, Jim Farrell, ignoring her husband’s ceaseless letters. Eilis, with her fairy eyes, wavy hair, and slim body, is what we might call a ‘solid 8,’ and she realizes that she can easily marry up, even though doing so would make her a bigamist.

Yet Eilis’s dreams of settling down in Ireland are rapidly dashed into fragments when her former employer, the curmudgeonly old Miss Kelly, beckons Eilis into her bakeshop for a private meeting. At the film’s climactic scene, Miss Kelly informs Eilis that she has received word from New York that Eilis is in fact Mrs. Fiorello.

What, therefore, is Eilis doing, gallivanting around with a local Irish lad like a common whore? Eilis storms out of the room, slams the door, and sobs, realizing Kelly’s implicit threat: her reputation, in town, could be ruined.

The next day, she packs up and returns to New York, to be with Tony, never to return to Ireland.

The Wanderlust Heart

Eilis has the atavistic female desire to aspire towards better things. She seeks to become a bookkeeper, a traditionally male discipline, and moves to New York for wealth and, perhaps, access to superior men. Back home, she appears more than willing to drop her Italian-American husband, Tony, for the promise of a wealthy Irish heir.

This breed of woman, blindly seeking ambition, comprises creatures contrary to natural law. Women are biologically inward-looking and spiritually reflective, delicate beings, who do not often attempt to usurp men’s labour. Return Of Kings warns against getting too involved with the capricious type of girl, who harbours poisonous feminist and social justice sentiments. You shall know them by their stripes: for they enjoy travel, fancy events, and take pride in shaming career men.

We belong to a time, unlike any other, in which all regulations constraining the unbridled sexual market have been loosened. The Church is powerless to act, and elders implicitly endorse hedonistic yearnings. The difference in Brooklyn is that Eilis was prevented from carrying out her fiendish desires because 1950s social institutions prevented her from doing so.

The Church, The Old Witch, and The Town

The Catholic Church still maintains some vestige of power in Ireland, which is why the country continues to ban abortions. Parenthetically, that might change, now that the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) is a gay Indian Millennial. Anyway, the Church had much more power in the 1950s, and was able to support Irish immigrants like Eilis, as they made their way across the frigid Atlantic.

Although the Catholic Church has been a net force for good, in Brooklyn its influence on Eilis is indisputably bad. The Church enables her to pursue her half-baked dreams in New York, and pays for her to qualify in a male profession. In this manner, Brooklyn’s Church is similar to Western governments today, who have opened their coffers wide so that women may open their legs. Needless to say, social programs and welfare have incentivized women to act badly, replacing the patriarchal, personal husband with a matriarchal, impersonal State.

What ultimately stops Eilis in her tracks is community: in a small Irish 1950s town, even the tiniest secrets are openly dished about, encouraging proper behaviour. After all, one does not want to be known as the town drunk, or, even worse, the town slut. Miss Kelly, who awakens Eilis to the reality of the young girl’s immorality, is the archetypical Old Witch of literature – that elderly woman who keeps young women in line.

Indeed, when Eilis lives in New York as a single girl, she inhabits a house with young women and an elderly landlady. The landlady enforces strict discipline, forbidding the girls from having men call in the evenings. The importance of older women in policing young women’s choices has always been recognized, except today of course, when such a role is brushed aside as ‘slut-shaming,’ hence confining old women to a withered state in nursing homes.

A final point should be made about the men: Tony is a beta male, but he is financially shrewd and business-savvy. Jim Farrell, Eilis’s wealthy Irish boyfriend, is more of an alpha, but his wealth is inherited, and he has no real-world skills. Society, at that point in time, motivated young women to marry a stable man like Tony.


Is it any surprise, then, that the globalist elite intends to immolate community so that they may attain power and wealth? Instead of men’s gymnastics clubs, and women’s knitting circles, we now have Facebook and Instagram, which simply encourage narcissism and hyper-consumerist mores. Women sleep with several men, leading to mental illness, while men refuse to marry, knowing that divorce portends alimony slavery.

Brooklyn’s Eilis is a warning to young women of today, and perhaps its spectre lives in all of us: that dangerous, ugly, savage human evil, squirming and struggling to break loose from heaven, much like Lucifer’s erstwhile shadow.

Read Next: The True Nature Of Female Hypergamy

181 thoughts on “The Movie “Brooklyn” Is A Sound Case Study Of Female Hypergamy”

  1. It really is a wonderful movie, I enjoyed it but to the point my old man was born in New York during the twenties and spent a good chunk of his early life around that area until he moved out west and decided to stay after leaving the army. He told me a lot about those days. One of the things he told me was Italian boys were extremely fond of Irish girls for some reason, he talked about several.

    1. During my days in NJ I knew a number of individuals of Irish/Italian descent. However, a number of them had Irish names, so it would appear that Irish men had a thing for Italian girls too.

      1. Possible, my old man told me he and his brothers routinely beat up Italian boys got into lots of fights with them but he also told me of Irish girls who married italian boys told me they were better cooks than Italian girls and he didn’t go beyond that. He had some wild stories about those days though the ones I recall best are his time during WWII, he was too young to enlist so he got to watch it from the shores of Long Island. He certainly mixed with a lot of odd people though.

  2. The description of yet another woman who would benefit from my three-part program: Beating; Circumcision; Burqa.

    1. You wouldn’t possess the savagery or the know-how to implement that. Don’t kid yourself, mate. Islam isn’t the answer for you, but I reckon western elites would be very happy with your attitude (((wink wink))). The threat of a good belting, in the right circumstance, should be enough to keep a woman in line. People are scared of the unknown – fact.

      1. I have already invented a machine to perform female circumcisions at production rates. Even includes an instrument for cautery.

        1. Agreed. But if you need to curcumsize, beat and cover a woman to subjugate her I’d suggest a rigorous course of self improvement

        2. “Subjugate” was the wrong word in that context. Utter degradation and humiliation is more accurate.
          And as far as “self improvement” goes, you can start by having your teeth pulled and sucking my cock.

        1. It crappy field promotions like this that makes commander crunch go around impersonating a captain

  3. I wonder, when is the manosphere going to get a bit introspective and acknowledge the bitter truth that it takes TWO to tango?
    Every woman instinctively inherits this black widow spider knowledge—tempting her man and sucking out his juices. Men sense the danger, but they are drawn to fulfill the mysterious and original promise of a life of glory implicit in a woman’s love.

    1. That very issue is often discussed here, specifically that if a woman steps out of line its because of the absence or weakness of men around her.
      The late great Hipponax waxed philosophic on this theme in the past…..

      1. I have yet to see anything on that. I heard someone say he got banned, but I don’t know why. He’s been on here forever. I must’ve missed the shit storm. What happened?

        1. Wow. I thought I saw someone had said that he was “banned”. Of all the stuff I’ve seen people say on here and the things he’s said before, I was rather surprised he could say anything that would get him kicked off.
          If he just left on his own, well, I’ll miss his nihilism and friendly rivalry with GOJ, but it happens. If the Romanian Sisters got him, I hope he enjoyed it.

      1. Revoking the pussy pass is one thing, refusing to take personal responsibility is quite another. Women are followers. It is just your brand of weakness that creates bad women.

        1. Men have been taking responsibility for far too long.
          In order to stop cucking, men have to stop worrying about consequences and start dishing it out, like leaders do.
          That means you too captain cuck.

        2. It’s starting to work….why do you think your feminine masters are shitting their pants?

        3. My guess is that nothing you have ever done has ever started to work which would explain your attitude perfectly

        1. Exactly. Anyone who chooses to whine about how unfair the world is instead of improving themselves is a loser.

        2. Wait, I thought the manosphere was about learning how to properly stir fry shrimp?
          Shit….here I’ve been seeking wisdom at the wrong source for a couple of years now. Damnit.

        3. Which part of the word “self” did you not understand? The world is not your responsibility.

        4. Danger is my soul.
          I am nuclear winter for the feminine imperative and leftist cuck fetishes.

        5. yeah, im the faegiest of faegs…..i also like Trump. I suppose that will cause some screeeeeez

    2. Too extreme? Know the risks. Know your objectives. And chart a course. I don’t think you have to give up the game entirely.

  4. Notice – when it comes to Jews and Catholics – Hollywood has a special place for those two. For the most part it’s usually positive on the larger scale. The rcc are portrayed as heroes (valient crusader warriors fighting jihadists, or spiritual badasses waging war on beezlebub), and if it’s any negative – it’ll be against usually a straight white male (think Phillip Seymour Hoffman as a white pedo vs the vigilant Godly woman nun of Meryl Streep’s character).
    Reason? My theory is because the RCC is plagued with Zionist/Talmudic/satanic (hence the kiddie f*ckers), pagan Masonic individuals front the top down. Remember st. Ignatius Loyola was rumored to be a cryptojew and his order wrote the Masonic code. The rcc will gladly be a “controlled opposition” evil in film portrayal when necessary and even pretend to be outraged! Ask Mr. Donahue of the American catholic association or league, (not even an official or recognized catholic organization!!)

    1. I think Vat2 has a lot to do with this. From what I understand, a lot of foreign influences started settling in with that, culminating in our current Pope, Francis.

  5. A movie that takes people back to when humans actually had some level of standards and values. Now wonder it is refreshing when held up next to what society actually is. Too bad it is treated like a real homemade custard sherbert ice cream cone, a rare and vanishing bit of unique and meaningful freshness, to disappear into the quickly into todays sordid cesspool reality. Humans will never go back to that, they love the septic tank stink they live in today. They scream, “your privilege, my entitlement!” because it would too truthful for them to scream “My Hypergamy!” Can’t spit enough to the get foul odor out of my nostrils.

    1. Capital70a

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  6. That movie was Crap. Had nothing to do with Brooklyn and that whole “Guineas vs Mic” thing was a lazy cliche….

        1. UFC fight night doesnt start til 11 on the east coast, so yeah, makes sense

        2. If I was a “gay homosexual” … wouldn’t that make me straight? Like a double negative?

        3. Gay can mean lighthearted and carefree. A gay homosexual is thus fine with being (((asstonishing)))

        4. Nah, Italians. The Fertitta brothers grandpa was a big time mobster in Galveston back in the day. I dunno about Dana White though..

  7. So let me understand this: you watched and were triggered by a movie targeted to young women. Cool story Bro

      1. Lol. Sorry. Let me know when you review the spice girls. I hope they don’t startle you too much

        1. Eh, I love snowflakes… the more I get him to post the easier it becomes to dox him.

        2. Are you reading directly from the official FBI script of “Cool Intrawebz Terms to Use When Infiltrating a Neo Nazi Website” handbook?

        3. What do you mean “we”, Secret Agent Danger, you got a mouse in your pocket?

        4. if you just put down the twinkie and stopped blaming me, youd get that family you so badly want…..

        5. thinking about my sack? again, if you just put down the twinkie and stopped hating men, you could get that family you ache for….

        6. What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

        7. i hear she likes a finger in the bum. if you can find it between those two giant pillows.

        8. LOLLLLL! Exactly what I envision when lefty neckbeard men and feminists get all butthurt.

        9. It would’ve been better just to make good on your threat without actually mentioning it.

  8. I did like this movie for many reasons, but one of them is simply, at least the girl sees the wrong in her ways and does feel some sort of remorse. That being said, it took place in the 50s, a stone’s throw away from the 60s, and you can see the calm before the storm.

  9. winning a BAFTA […] award
    I want to make a joke about what BAFTA could be an acronym for, but I can’t come up with anything for the AFTA part.

      1. “Listen to me crinkle this tissue paper as I murmur into the camera. I’ll pretend that you’re not wanking off to my tits” .

        1. Exactly, and notice how they all dress like sluts and moving around the microphone like they’re getting ready to give it a blowjob.

  10. The real message is Tony needs to get alpha. I say this as a guy named Tony who did just that.

  11. Nicely written piece. There is an art in perspective, and an art to truth. That bit of writing is good cloth.

      1. Jackpot!!! 😉 😉 😉
        This is why women love cities so much. They can sell their pussy anonymously and get infinite attention.

        1. Yeah, it’s slowly dawning on me that big cities are, on the whole, detrimental to men.
          Players are cleaning up, sure. But, let’s face it. Most men aren’t players.
          I’ve also seen a trend of late-30s women leaving the mega cities for the merely big cities to try to adjust to life with declining SMV.
          So, NY/Chi/LA men get the fresh deals and then there’s a surplus sale in KC/Sacremento.

  12. This movie shows the importance of the collective aspect of masculinity. Self-improvement is OK, but controlling female hypergamy and making the West progress is a matter of all men as a whole.

  13. “We belong to a time, unlike any other, in which all regulations constraining the unbridled sexual market have been loosened.”
    Indeed, ultimately we traded relational security for freedom. Boring but stable relationships for fleeting excitement. Connectedness for isolation.
    The Hivemind offers in response a similitude of community, but for the price of laying down your truths for theirs. A community of mask-wearers.
    Still, authentic relationships are possible. Just a lot harder than it used to be.

  14. The book was written by a sudo intellectual homosexual…..I don’t know if he even meant to demonstrate female hypergamy. Maybe unconsciously it made its way into the book.
    Saoirse Ronan isn’t even an 8…..I’d give her a 6 on a good day. Now that she has matured she’ll go like majority of Irish women…..beef to the heels like a Mullingar heifer by the time she’s 30…….

  15. Great take on the movie. Though some may interpret Miss Kelly’s confrontation to the main character that she has made a new life in “America” and has a commitment to it now, even though she has felt homesick, as leading to a crisis of conscience. But I think both levels could be at work in her psychology, since women are not simple creatures.

  16. Interesting take. I also wonder if the human aspect of bracing a culture and tribe comes into play too? Ireland must have felt like home to her. I think it is an interesting view of not only woman nature but human nature. And yes shows a society with standards in best for us.

  17. Sounds like a really plain plot more like a subplot, side story of a bigger story. Or is it trying to isolate it to make it seem bigger either to demonize the Church or to bring female hypergamy to attention?

  18. Hypergamy might not be a big deal if the girl’s father preserved and protected his daughter’s virginity to be wed to a wealthy or higher class man without her hopping from dick to dick.

  19. Women will leave their men to marry someone of a higher status. Men will leave their women to marry a woman who is more physically attractive. Why is one bad (hypergamy) and the other not?

  20. For godsake, how much would you have to drink to be known as “the drunk” in a small, poor Irish town?

  21. I saw this movie in the the theater with my wife. About 2/3 of the way through I was wondering what kind of a slut she was turning into. Then she got mad at the crone who shamed her into honoring her marriage vows and I walked out shaking my head at what the fuck I just watched.

  22. I never thought of it but I did really enjoy that movie because it is a good period piece and it really does kick the modern female degeneracy to the curb.

  23. The movie takes place when American cities were actually livable. The so called comeback of the cities these days is hipsterification. Just absolute bullshit.

  24. Not a big fan of the Catholic Church, being as how it’s been an evil and corrupt institution since the beginning. Read up on the Magdalene Asylums (also called Magdalene Laundries) in Ireland and other countries, a Church-run institution named after the eponymous Biblical character always portrayed as a reformed prostitute. They took in outcast girls (unwed mothers and ex-prostitutes), poor girls and also any social misfits (girls deemed too beautiful or intelligent to fit in to their conformist society) and had them working in forced labor – often in commercial laundries. They were run like prisons and the women were often confined for life, to be buried in unmarked graves.
    That being said, if the only way to keep girls like her in line was the clergy and a crabby old busybody, so be it. When people got married, 85% of them were happy and only 15% were not, and most of the latter were men.
    I’m not a fan of divorce, either but if your in an unhealthy relationship that’s not getting better and can’t be fixed, then that should be your only option as a last resort.

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