Understanding The “Degenerate Triad” Of Irrationalism, Emotionalism, And Symbolism

Much ado has been made about the supposed “left-right” cultural divide. More recently, the divide has been explained in terms of genetics. The origins of the “culture war,” some people say, lie in the populating of the North and South of the United States by people from different parts of England, with those same parts having gone to war in the civil wars that rocked that country in the 17th century. The descendants of those warring populations, housed in their regional homelands, would roughly overlap in America’s civil war. So a case can be made that these are the origins of today’s “culture war,” with ideology only the projection of genetics.

But this viewpoint might be too constraining. More and more former constituents like Dave Rubin and Bret Weinstein (the Evergreen college professor hunted by the mob on that campus) are turning against the left and I remain convinced that adherence to “social justice” is mostly fueled by a desire for status. “Social justice” thus moves forward as a ghost in a machine, not by its own merits, which only the activist class really believes in. Hard genetic categorization may be a stretch too far.

Instead, the biggest left/right divide that I can see is in terms of language and information processing. Words, labels, and images control behavior far more than any kind of contemplative thought process, with leftists succumbing to this to a larger degree than their more conservative counterparts. Specifically, leftists process information in terms of what Roosh V Forum veteran AnonymousBosch calls “irrationalism, emotionalism, and symbolism.”

A Tale of Contrasts

As August began, President Trump introduced something that was vitally important to his most ardent supporters – an overhaul of the dated legal immigration system to favor skills and an inflow that protects American workers. The predictable opposition began that day, but it was drawn along two lines that showed a clear divide in thinking and information processing.

For instance, Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) came out against the proposal, saying the cut in the rate of immigration would be detrimental to economic growth, and that “conservatives welcome immigrants.”

I can’t find the video, unfortunately, but note that the label “conservative” is to a large degree controlling his thinking. Even so, paired with it is a reason why he thinks the proposal would be bad. Jeff Flake may be a contemptible, out of touch pussy, but at least he has a real world argument for his self-professed beliefs.

On the flip side was perhaps the fake news media’s biggest attention whore, CNN’s Jim Acosta.

Note that Acosta had zero reasons for his position in his diatribe. It was all irrationalism, emotionalism, and symbolism.

The symbolism came with Acosta’s processing of the issue through the Statue of Liberty and that poem that was added later. This led directly to the emotionalism surrounding it, with Acosta giving away the game by pondering aloud whether the RAISE Act was some kind of attempt to ethnically engineer who could come in – namely “can only people from Britain or Australia come in?”

This brings us to the third leg of the “degenerate triad” – the irrationalism that came when Acosta thought that only those two countries speak the English language, even though millions of people from every continent (Nigeria and India particularly come to mind), speak English as a matter of second nature, if it wasn’t their first language to begin with.

Statue of liberty trump grab

How leftists view the RAISE Act – a literal representation.

This is why Miller’s attempts at rebuttal, in my opinion, fell short. Don’t get me wrong, he did a great job, but he could have been more persuasive. If it were me, instead of responding with “cosmopolitan bias” (a term that almost no one will understand and that will certainly not be processed by those thinking along the lines of the “degenerate triad,” as Acosta showed), I would have probably said something like, “What are you Jim, some kind of racist? Do you think that only people from Britain and Australia are capable of speaking English?”

Not only is this a more potent attack and a better display of frame control, but more crucially for this post, it communicates with the leftist in his own language – irrationalism, emotionalism, and symbolism. In many respects, you have to communicate with leftists in their own language to stump them.

Talking Past Each Other?

When I said “communicate in their own language,” I really meant it. In many respects it does seem as though the left and right not only have political differences, or perhaps even genetic ones, but communicate in a different language using the same words. This is why so often it’s said that the two sides are “talking past each other.” They might just be, literally.

This is why to make the most of your meme-ing efforts, you have to recognize this “degenerate triad.” I would argue that a huge part of why the traditional conservatism of the past 50 years has been such a failure at conserving anything is because it often actively seeks to avoid the “degenerate triad,” but in doing so, it isn’t as engaging to the public, and allows the left to push forth their narrative unimpeded because it can’t respond to language it doesn’t understand. If the fake news media is going to be reporting in narratives, you have to communicate with those narratives to have a decent shot at disrupting the bad reporting. Facts are only secondary.

Trump consciously or unconsciously knows how to speak to the “degenerate triad.” The result is that the left constantly gets triggered, melts down, and is forced to be reactive, rather than proactive. It allows Trump to dominate control of the narrative and ultimately make the left look like idiots with nothing to offer besides being anti-Trump, partially because he has become the symbol of evil incarnate to them, forcing them to “resist” no matter how bad it ultimately makes them look.

This has been a year that’s seen leftists and their media propaganda apparatus whitewashing jihad coming from the lips of Linda Sarsour, ignoring, as much as possible, Antifa riots and an attempt at mass assassination on Republican congressional leaders, and generally excusing as much violence and violent overtures as possible, all because Trump is the ultimate symbol of evil to them.

Trump laugh

The face that launches a thousand ships of triggered leftists…daily

This streak was of course broken by the disaster in Charlottesville, which stemmed in large part because the idiots in that march both failed to understand the power that symbolism holds for their opponents and at the same time were motivated by the same degenerate triad that the “social justice” left is. As Samseau put it:

The optics were indeed terrible when you use images of the worst sorts of racists imaginable. Nazi and KKK imagery is pathetic beyond words.

Imagine if this rally had been done by Christians; organized with Cross imagery, asking for fair treatment for Whites. Then the antifa comes in and attacks White Christians. That would have been fantastic optics. Instead we now have to defend vile and repugnant people’s first amendment rights. The fact is, MANY of these WN’s are no different than SJW’s who will never listen or reason with you. They will tune you out or call you names. Go to WN boards and speak with them if you don’t believe me.

Not a word of this passage is incorrect. To Antifa, the symbolism Samseau mentioned would still be evil, which would trigger irrational and emotional responses, almost programming them to attack like robots…but it would certainly alienate the general public, again. Yet, because a merry band of Nazis decided to come out and cosplay in Charlottesville with their own symbols that were so important to them, Antifa now got to be the heroes in the fake news media, even though, as Trump said, both sides were essentially worthless thugs that deserve each other.

The lesson is clear: understand the language of irrationalism, emotionalism, and symbolism. It’s especially imperative when communicating with the left, and indeed, protecting yourself from their violent antics, which will get worse.

Read Next: How To Use The “Agree And Amplify” Tactic To Combat Degenerate Leftists

82 thoughts on “Understanding The “Degenerate Triad” Of Irrationalism, Emotionalism, And Symbolism”

  1. The problem at hand is that the looney tooneys on the left will attack the same way no matter what we do, so moving this way or that is not useful at all because, at this point, they don’t want to communicate, they want to exterminate.
    Thinking there’s a chance to talk with any of the more brainwashed ones is only wishful thinking, best we can do is to find people who are starting to see them for what they are and bringing them to our side.

    1. Exactly, the ones who have drunk the Kool-Aid are too far gone. They don’t want to be helped and no effort should be expended on them.
      Work on the normies who are slowly seeing the Left for what they are: hideous degenerates whose only goal is the destruction of society.

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      2. Exactly. Win them over by appealing to their better natures and turning narratives on their head-for instance when they talk about ‘compassion for refugees’ reverse it by pointing to how by doing that you’re not being compassionate to women because if even 1% of them believe in the Koran and FGM, burqas and the like then they’re being sexist and misogynistic and so forth. You have to play word games with them and try to pull at their heart strings-you can’t expose them to hard facts, you build up slowly. It’s analogous to rearing a child-you have them on milk and then wean them onto meat.

        1. Rock99j

          Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family!
          On tuesday I got a Smart new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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    2. They just need their noses bloodied like Disko Troop did to Harvey Cheyne in Captain Courageous.

    3. The aim, I think, is not the left itself, but the general public that still stands on the middle ground.
      By keeping the left reactive, you can attract more normies to your side, which is imperative in the current cultural war.
      This is what memes have been doing, if you stop to think about it. Memes can communicate ideas to everyone regardless of their political stances. While they will just trigger the irrational leftists, their effect on the normies will be far different. They will, to say the least, get the attention of the more irresponsible minds, of the people who “are not into politics”, even thought it is such an important topic. Keep the normies interested, bring them to our side as a consequence, that’s the whole point of the meme war.
      Understand the “degenerate triad” is a similar process since it has the same goal.

    4. That and if necessary crushing their skulls. You cannot reason with a rabid animal.

  2. Hey can somebody post a link for Unite the Right’s ACTUAL beliefs? Were they alt-right, white nationalists or nationalists who just happened to BE white. Mostly. Anybody?

      1. Noooo..not according to Antifa… CIS white and male. You cannot ignore the lefties perversions and alternative facts ahem… lifestyles…

  3. For God’s sake, will someone here please admit the blindingly obvious: That there are irrational lunatics at BOTH extremes of the political spectrum.
    Extreme leftists communicate with symbolic propaganda. Extreme rightists communicate with symbolic propaganda. BOTH of them shortcut rational thought, and appeal directly to emotion.
    Take a couple minutes and look carefully thru this infographic:

    1. It’s interesting how many of the qualities listed on the left side are all absent from the behavior of the antifas and your regular SJW, you know?

      1. Yup. And likewise on the right. That chart is what America used to look like before we started radicalizing as a result of new social media.

        1. It’s still interesting to see what they wish they actually were, versus what they actually are.
          Current leftist have no moral center, but worse for them.

    2. Dog we have eyes and ears. For more than a year now we have been watching as liberals punch people, light cars on fire, smash windows, call people nazis, leak classified info in support of a moronic plot to smear the POTUS, disparage our beliefs in free speech/democracy, etc.
      We have also watched as your political/cultural patrons have excused your behavior.
      The violent uncivilized nutjobs are squarely in your corner. Don’t EVER come out the mouth with any moral appeals again. You have unmasked yourselves.
      But don’t worry, I won’t punch you or light you car on fire because I disagree. I learned not to use violence to deal with my problems in elementary school.
      The End

        1. Its OK you can punch me in the face to alleviate your frustrations. Don’t worry I will just sit back and take it.
          I am civilized.

        2. Eh. I’m only civilized to the point where someone feels the need to put hands on me, then that goes right out the window.

        3. Same. If anybody touches me I’ll mutilate them. They forfeit their rights if they lay a finger on me.

    3. The Right vote for aggression, what?. There are extremist everywhere but the left is being RUN by the extremist, like how the moderate peaceful Muslim do exist but the religion is being run by the jihadist, So yeah you maybe are not a violent antifa but I´m sure you smile when you read that they are punching fascists. So what are you, a moderate leftist? On the other hand, the right is not being run by neo nazis KKK as much as you want to believe, 99% of the right disavow them when 99% of the left condone and support BLM and antifa domestic terrorism.

      1. I largely agree with your points, but I think that if the left were not so powerful the nationalist right would be less inclined to condemn radical nationalist parties and activists. They might even collaborate with them, both politically and in activism-related endeavours.
        An example is Hungary. Its largest political party, Fidesz, gives “silent support” to Jobbik.

        1. Power corrupts, there’s is fascism on both extremes. Being more center is more logical, corrupt people and sociopaths will climb the power ladder does not mater the political spectrum. But As I see it, a sociopath will feel more comfortable manipulating the sensible left than a conservative right the conservative wants to stay the same without giving to much reasons, the leftist will want progressivism without asking where they are heading, I believe a corrupt manipulative person will feel more comfortable playing with the left good intentions than trying to convince stubborn conservatives, And that´s how you get Free speech advocate censoring free speech that hurt their feeling that also happen to hurt the globalist intentions of the sociopaths running the show in the left extreme.

    4. Who are the lunatics on the extreme right again? Oh the Nazis? The National socialists? As has been said on so many occasions already Nazis are socialists…. big government and control of the individual through misguided nationalism. They are of the left, same as communists.
      Who are the lunatics on the right again? Those who don’t believe in diversity? Those who believe in strengthening and implementing immigration law? Those that want their countries to remain demographically homogenous?

    5. Sorry not both sides ..it’s LEFT , Prog , liberal that’s causing most of this discord…

    6. The difference is, radicals, nazis and white supremacists make up about .00000000000000001 percent of the population.
      On the other hand, anti-white, anti-male, anti-christian, anti-capitalism, anti-family rhetoric is spewed from 95% of the news stations and news websites, celebrities, as well as every college professor in the country.

    7. You totally fail to admit, as is your typical intellectually dishonest modus operandi, that the entirety of the political violence seen in the US is being committed by the Left and aided and abetted by Globalists and their handlers like Soros et. al. At no point whatsoever has the Right initiated violence, destroyed property, attacked otherwise harmless or defenceless people, thrown urine at police, doxxed people or called for others who are hostile to them to be silenced, attacked or killed or denied people’s right to freedom of peaceful assembly or speech or thought.
      You have absolutely no right whatsoever to speak of ‘lunatics’ when clearly the lunacy is being exhibited from one side exclusively and your attempt to take the moral high ground is disgusting. How you can even try to legitimise your inane view is absolutely beyond the pale and is shameful.

  4. Are there seriously still KKK members in America? From here in the Pacific Northwest it just seems so silly and cartoonish.

    1. Nope – the Democrats keep the minorities in line these days with welfare and affirmative action.

    2. The republican party was the party of the black people, the democrats do everything to stop the blacks for voting republican, now they keep them in the welfare plantation and poor, being dependent on them so there is no need for the KKK so they do what they always do, blame other for their crimes, Muh Racism it was the southern strategy! It´s easy when you control education and the MSM you get the lie straight.

    3. Actually if all the paid informants and agents provocateur dropped out there wouldn’t be a Klan anymore, lol. The government is about the only thing keeping a lot of these groups propped up. If you don’t have enemies and bogeymen to scare the public it’s very difficult to justify bigger budgets, more people and more power for your alphabet soup agency.

      1. yep, I think Im 45% blind at this pt- does O care cover preexisting conditions like stupidity?

        1. You can correct bad eyesight. You can correct bad hearing. You can correct an irregular heartbeat. You can replace a missing limb. You can (mostly) correct the effects of a stroke. But you can’t fix stupid.

        1. I start a new Job tomorrow. Old onitis called me a couple days ago. She still gets right to my core. I need to either marry the girl or walk away. Everywhere I look, people are saying the sky is falling (politically, financially, socially), and it’s not. Meanwhile, I’m a week into no beer, a month into no porn after a lapse, and three weeks into no pop. Exercise is going well, hobbies daily, and I’m cutting through a new book. I can’t shake that something important is missing in my life, and since I know it’s either a woman or wanderlust, I try to shake it. Every day I wonder how the world’s men were steered into these beautiful cages we trap ourselves in. That’s where I’m at, anyway. Good article, Louis Stewart, though I sometimes feel like our dangling right-wing tid-bits in front of the left is putting pearls before swine, or stubborn asses (which we all know is too politically on the nose).

        2. My social life has seen an uptick (thanks red pill!) and I’ve been focused on that and not too much on internet stuff. But im hoping to get back into the swing of things. not that anyone really reads my comments ha.

    1. Sacrificing goats for the eclipse….well, we didn’t have a goat so we substituted a cat

    2. I have been fighting with an Allen-Bradley industrial network card most of the day. That is where I have been. So far it’s PCI card 1, Boothe 0.

    3. Thats a good question. Have other posters besides the former poster Lolknee been banned? If yes, have the admins or Roosh mentioned what and why?

      1. Care to tell why the lolknee had been banned ? I asked some people here but got no answers.

        1. The amount of rumors men spread here are disappointing. I never banned lolknee, he left on his own. This week I banned two people, and one was a girl.

        2. Wait you banned a chick? I thought you loved your female fans. Was she a feminist or something?

  5. The true reason why the liberals are upset is because, Trump didn’t say grap her by the dick.

  6. A better thing to do would be to escape from the concocted system itself, no more left or right, although some elements of the right are the only vestiges of sanity left within said system. Stop playing their hegelian divisive game. Go independent. Nothing will ever change until the dichotomy is destroyed, either through a multi-party system, complete collapse, or a power group that does not capitulate to 95 IQ average israel and their age-old cult with the end of days proclamation being the destruction of all White Christendom and the subjugation of all others to a banking cartel.

  7. Good article, though I wouldn’t waste a lot of time attempting to communicate with the left. Destroying them, sure. Communicating? No.

  8. Great post. Problem is these libs/progs millennial types literally see another reality. Disagreement =violence , Free speech = hate , enforcing immigration laws =racism , disagree with global warming and you’ll lose your job.. You can’t reason with these folks…

  9. The Alt-Left (and Nazis) are comprised of insecure losers with massive inferiority complexes and extremely fragile egos. They are all looking for someone to blame for their own real or perceived inadequacies.
    Trump’s genius is that he induces massive cognitive dissonance in the Left, thereby mercilessly crushing their egos and this is something they cannot stand, and respond by squealing like a cornered pig.

  10. There is no reasoning with people who are living solely to make the USA “ungovernable”. They don’t want good govt or bad govt they just want no govt at all so they can rule the roost as nihilists so they can kill anyone at will for any reason. You don’t communicate with pschotic, you lock it up where it can’t hurt anyone or you kill it. End of story. All the mental masturbation of “communicating” with mindless destroyers is futile and wasted effort.

  11. Emotional stories are the answer. Pretend you are speaking to a woman. Example:
    “You think opening the boarders is compassionate? Is it compassionate to the women in your community if even 1% of those refugees believe it’s okay to pour acid on a woman’s face?”

  12. what I’ve learned from politics is that you gotta be objective, use reason and logic. Not with emotionalism and irrationality, backing up ideas that looks good on paper (socialized medicine, open borders, trump is racist, etc). we gotta be realistic whether these are ideas worked or not. As we can see, it hasn’t.
    This whole idea of “respect other people political believe” has gone way out of touch. So we should “respect” someone’s belief because he/she believes in socialism, when socialism has failed countless times?

    1. An ugly feminist face (a big face with short blue hair and piercing) sucking the cock is a missing piece of this picture which summarize all of those degenerates groups working together.

        1. when those type of people speak & voice their opinions on things/ideas/concerns, does ANYONE actually listen or take anything they say seriously?
          i have always wondered this.

        2. Notice he can get away with wearing a swastike simply by pretending the red line over the top removes it completely from his anarchosickfuck costime

        3. Not much different from the punk scene in London in the mid to late 70’s. I lived thru it there.

  13. . In many respects, you have to communicate with leftists in their own language to stump them.
    Alinsky’s Rule #4: “Hold your opponent to his own standards”.
    “What are you Jim, some kind of racist? Do you think that only people from Britain and Australia are capable of speaking English?”
    Alinsky’s Rule#5: “Ridicule is a powerful weapon”.

  14. I’ve found that I can’t even agree on what are politics and government with leftists. Politics is of course deciding when deadly force(i.e. government) is to be used to force people to follow a set of rules. To leftists, politics is deciding that government should wave it’s magic wand to make a problem instantly disappear and never return.
    To them, I am just mean and hateful because I want to keep government and mass immigration from easily solving all the problems in society. They can not understand concepts such as moral hazard or untended consequences. For instance, they can’t understand that raising taxes and minimum wage will change people’s behavior.
    No point in debating these high delusional people. When civil war comes, they will be easily slaughtered because they just can not understand how the real world works. For instance, they march along side Antifa thugs and then are in total shock when they get caught in the crossfire because they were being peaceful.

  15. irrationalism, emotionalism, and symbolism…also the primary language of the female

  16. Never would I think I would see the day where a married liberal gay man would be procescuted by the left.

  17. Article somewhat misses the point that the freedom lovers in Charlottesville were infiltrated by Obama minions and lackeys who one suspects interjected the lone Nazi flag into the event. Thus cleverly controlling optics that otherwise would have been fully Christian.

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