When The Horse You’re Riding Dies, Get Off

Found on Reddit: Q: How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?

A: It’s actually 12: One to screw it in, one to excoriate men for creating the need for illumination, one to blame men for inventing such a faulty means of illumination, one to suggest the whole “screwing” bit to be too “rape-like”, one to deconstruct the lightbulb itself as being phallic, one to blame men for not changing the bulb, one to blame men for trying to change the bulb instead of letting a woman do it, one to blame men for creating a society that discourages women from changing light bulbs, one to blame men for creating a society where women change too many light bulbs, one to advocate that lightbulb changers should have wage parity with electricians, one to alert the media that women are now “out-light bulbing” men, and one to just sit there taking pictures for her blog for photo-evidence that men are unnecessary.

A number of years ago I read a small book what is similar to the title of this article. The exact title of the book is, If You’re Riding a Horse and It Dies, Get Off, by Jim Grant and Char Forsten.

Proposed solutions to ride a dead horse successfully

Grant and Forsten give some proposed solutions to the problem of a dead horse not going anywhere. All of the proposed solutions simply deny the horse is dead.

  • Maybe a bigger whip will help.
  • Use an electric prod.
  • Visit some schools that are successfully riding dead horses.
  • Try a more experienced rider.
  • Assemble a committee to study dead horses.
  • Testing the horse.
  • More federal assistance.
  • Give the rider a competency test.
  • Try team riding.
  • Categorically denying there is anything wrong with a dead horse.
  • Evaluate the horse’s reputation.
  • The horse is lazy.
  • Raise the standard for riding dead horses.
  • Adding an additional saddle.

Although the idea of the dead horse can be compared to many things, for the purposes of this article the dead horse is progressive ideology. Western civilization has been sick for many decades and is becoming sicker. The diseases of multiculturalism, feminism, diversity pandering, and emasculation of men are killing the horse of Western civilization.

Compare the list of proposed solutions of riding a dead horse to the problems and proposed solutions in Western civilization. Most business leaders, politicians, and most academics advocate that the societal diseases in Western civilization are good and preferable. I have yet to encounter a progressive snowflake that does not believe in the supposed virtues of the previously mentioned societal diseases. Progressives are telling people that cancer is a good thing.

Any ideas contrary or people opposed to these societal diseases are treated as a problem. These diseases create illusioned societal hysteria. Those that believe in these societal diseases see sexism, racism, homophobia, weightism, and about every other ism they can conjure out of their butt holes. Oregon State University is offering “Fat Studies”. We are seeing colleges offering courses on problems with being white. Additional examples are the ideas of manspreading or mansplaining.

Catering to the weak-minded

Our businesses, political leaders, and academic institutions are catering to the weak-minded, the progressive snowflakes (which melt under the slightest pressure or heat) in our culture. The weak-minded are easily influenced by emotion and the straw-man arguments pushed by progressives and the global establishment. Progressive snowflakes will not acknowledge their own shortcomings, failures, and weak-mindedness. Instead they look for problems that are minimal in scope, do not exist at all, or were never problems in the first place (such as the “wage gap”).

The weak-minded are easily controlled by those seeking for power. Obama and Clinton both pandered to the weak-minded. They offered “solutions” similar to what is advocated by those in the book. Instead of acknowledging the horse is dead (the problem does not exist or individual shortcomings), they push a narrative that appeals to those that desire no responsibility and want to externalize their personal issues, stupidity, and laziness on other people, typically men.

Peter Theil, one of the founders of PayPal, discusses in a video on YouTube how people begin to see things that do not exist or blow things out of proportion. Feminists begin to see lamp poles, traffic signals, pens and pencils, light bulbs, air conditioning, snow plowed streets, and hockey sticks as “symbols” and “signs” of female “oppression”. Progressives begin to see white paper, white walls, white skittles, white statutes, white cars, and milk as racist.

The divisions will be continually and deliberately exploited by the global establishment to destroy the remaining foundation and framework of Western civilization. There are people in Venezuela eating dogs and going through the garbage while here there are people more concerned about having sex changes.


The horse of Western civilization is not dead yet, but we must work to save its framework and foundation. First, pick your battles. A lot of energy and resources are spent on fighting and arguments. When progressive snowflakes engage others that disagree with them about their disastrous ideology, they have a sense of accomplishment. Constantly engaging such people is a waste of time and energy. Progressives will be further divided and we are seeing them begin to fight among themselves. Be aware of where your time, money, and other resources go.

When engaged by progressive snowflakes, turn the tables or ask for details and control your emotions. Be as sly as serpents and innocent as doves. When someone brings up “issues” turn the tables against them. One way is to ask for specifics, the more details the better. People will try to give general examples that lack substance. One of the best things you can do is get a progressive snowflake to question progressive ideologies.

An example would be the “scientific” research quoted by many people about sexual assault. What they don’t tell people, and people do not think to ask, is how sexual assault is defined. Sexual assault is typically defined as any unwanted touching. This can mean a woman visits a concert and has people who brush against her or accidentally touch her, which would be common at a crowded place. This would be classified by feminists and progressives as sexual assault.

Be aware of the activities and learn the tactics and strategies of your enemies, but do not spend a lot focused on the enemy directly. Tactics and strategies of war are good to learn, but we must take care not to become the same as our enemy. God uses the wicked to punish and destroy the wicked. In the words of C.S. Lewis.

There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight.

In 1964, James Clavell, wrote The Children’s Story… But Not Just for Children. The story was made into a short film in 1982. Watch the clever tactics used on children and compare them to modern progressives. Watch the methodology used to get the children to cut up the U.S. flag, destroy a belief in prayer and God, and even go against their parents.

Progressive can fight over a dead horse all they want; and whomever wants to fight with them about the dead horse is certainly welcome to engage them. How do you fix over 80 years of progressive ideological disease? Protect and rebuild the foundational framework.

Read More: The True Story Of A Carousel-Riding Military Wife

70 thoughts on “When The Horse You’re Riding Dies, Get Off”

    1. Anyone who hyphenates their American status with a racial/ethnic (or religious) modifier WANTS to be an outsider and part of a special interest group, to whom “the rules” do not apply.

      1. Google is paying 97$ per hour! work for few hours and have longer with friends & family!
        On tuesday I got a Smart new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
        ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobs456CashHomeShare/GetPay$97/Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★:::::!ap166l..,..

    2. Such a shame. She has gorgeous cheekbones but the septum ring makes her look like a cow or bull. Also, she has a dog collar on her neck.

      1. Whenever I was little and we would walk past a girl/woman/thing with a septum piercing like that my mom would turn to me and be like “people with nose rings like that remind me of hogs”. I still think about that to this day.

      2. You could disperse that crowd with a fairly powerful magnet.
        You think? Looks of Korean heritage, not that I’d look at her twice.

    3. Um, dearie you should change your name because we of the Caucasian race did not give you permission to use two fine English family names for yourself. Now hurry up and change your name to Dim Sum or Kim Chi.

  1. Another possible solution is to claim that horse death is a social construct and that horses live forever, unless the patriarchy has outlawed them because of sexism.

    1. Or the patriarchy outlawed them because horses are expensive to keep and it’s the men that have to groom them. Also, women get too friendly with the horses. I mean REALLY friendly. That explains why women walk funny after riding a horse.

  2. You say time spent engaging with Progressives is wasted, and we should focus our energies elsewhere more productively. I agree entirely.
    Your “Actions” section however contains no specific actions. How about giving some concrete examples that people can work with? “Protect and rebuild the foundational framework” is nebulous.

    1. Progressives are really regressive. If we didn’t have this political crap we would be building a colony on Mars right now.

      1. Oh we’d be well beyond building a colony on Mars by now if we didn’t all this SJW / Leftist social engineering shit going on. We’d be terraforming Mars.

      2. Its well beyong talking point.
        The one republican woman i knew has leftist actor boyfriend, and is now parroting the poz…
        And she knows all our secrets-dammit
        Fuck mars, we need to colonize the West…

    2. 1) Restart Protestant Denominations with MALE ONLY clergy.
      2) Use Restored Churches to start schools (safe from the LBGTQ-pedos)
      3) Network within the Restored Churches to start a private association fund for the sole purpose of buying land to build a development with building lots sold to members only.
      4) Start Advocacy councils within the Restored Churches to politically protect them, the Restored Schools, and developments from psycho atheists.
      *NEVER incorporate any of this, as then it is regulated as a Corporation and less protected by the Constitution. (non-profit incorporation is a trap to be regulated by the IRS and state gov)
      **NEVER EVER store weapons of any kind together. (refer to Waco)
      ***NEVER EVER EVER have any beds (or couches) anywhere in the church, not for employees or even homeless (social services and the FBI will swoop in on a supposed rumor of child rape/child marriage/child labor and destroy the place)

  3. I can finally *see* why everybody thought SP Season 20 was weak, it was too true and truth hurts.
    Selling a dead horse to a dumbed down society, that is the capitalist dream!
    Congratulations Anglo Saxons you finally managed it.
    Who cares that universities have become advertisement/indoctrination centers?
    Your opposition is paleoconservatism.
    Your free speech ends on corporate doors (Google) and you military might ends at North Korea.
    Your law is cohend or coined by vampires.
    You Kaint always get what you want.
    But keep on trying.

        1. Hahahaha thank you, sorry but I have barely watched TV outside of a few series and when it comes to animated series it’s been years since I watched that one, I think a decade or so.

    1. Or Glue, to paste everything back together again in.. oh wait, that was Humpty Dumpty.
      Or to quote my daughter at 2 “Humpy Dumpy..” Why yes sweetheart, should have done that sooner to your mom.

  4. A dead horse is a dead horse
    of course, of course
    And no one can talk to a dead horse of course
    Unless of course that dead horse who talks
    da da da da da da da da da
    is the famous Mr Dead (Horse… that is progressive ideology)

  5. Actually I think progressive ideology is in serious trouble. It just sounds increasingly hollow.
    What sustains it is as google guy pointed out is the hermetically sealed echo chambers, and of course those are under attack.

  6. There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the saints. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a Catholic with the same delight.

  7. I don’t see how anyone can take C.S. Lewis seriously. To me he seems like Jack Chick with a few more IQ points and a more elite education.

  8. I noticed the picture of the Emperor there trying to make a servant out of my son.
    Are you calling me a dead horse??

  9. So much mental masturbation on sites like this, Vox Popoli, Counter Currents, etc etc.
    Here is reality, let it hit you hard in your face repeatedly. Pictures are worth a thousand words…
    (First and Second images below)
    “Free Speech Activists” at the Boston Rally
    “Counter Protestors” at the Boston Rally
    Any questions? It took 50+ years to walk into this forest. They played the long game after trying and failing so many times historically, this time it worked. 100 years of planning, and 50 years of manipulation. You ain’t walking out of this in a week, a month, or a year.
    Nothing short of a concerted psyops effort the scale of which was orchestrated to create the situation will reverse this or an apocalypse / collapse scenario.
    Fini. End of Line. You can talk yourself into circles and it will make fuck all of difference. Adopt the tactic of the enemy or lose. I get so tired of hearing ‘alt-right’ leaders wanking on about this or that strategy. Adapt or die, and in -one- entire generation you may see a reversal of this. No sooner, and no easier than that.

      1. Keyboard jockey— make all the cute smarmy comments you want but that “gay pride parade” was 30K+ people, and you will be sodomized by them until you “love Big Brother’s dong” repeatedly. Those are the facts today, so bend over and enjoy it because you won’t have any choice soon.

        1. “Any questions?”
          A few, actually: Why do you think those two pictures mean fuck all? Which group could feel assured of deference from the local monopoly of force? Boston is a deep blue cesspit, so why would anyone be surprised that the poz is strong there?
          “Those are the facts today, so bend over and enjoy it because you won’t have any choice soon.”
          You’re calling for abject surrender, and you really think you’re the hardcase?

        2. He’s not calling for surrender: he’s saying a few protesters holding cardboard signs aren’t going to reverse 50+ years of the slow march through the nation’s institutions.
          It took 50 years for things to get this bad: it’s not going to be quickly undone. It’s like walking to the middle of the woods and finding yourself fatigued and wanting to go home: if it took you 5 hours to walk there, it’s going to take you at least 5 hours to walk back out.

        3. True. But out of a population of 3-5 million, it’s still not evidence of ideological hegemony. 1 out of 100 or 200 people in Boston showed up? They are politically active and always show up to be counted. I will give them that. While other people are working or doing family stuff, the Lest never rests. That’s why we’re in the present dire situation: complacency and letting the Left grow and grow unchecked for decades.

    1. THANK YOU
      We need a Motivation speech, because we are outnumbered, outspent, and F’d
      1) Make Babies
      2) Homeschool
      3) restart Male Only Clergy churches

      1. Use the right tool for the job and fight the war playing to your strengths. 300 Spartans held off 20,000 Persian troops, why? They played to their strengths. Terrain, training, discipline, ambush, hit and run tactics.
        This is no different. We are in the exact opposite situation they were in 100 years. Ago, direct and aggressive tactics got them expelled and thrown out of every single country they tried to sow this poisonous ideology into and that was not the first time. 1000 years or so this had been going on in some form or fashion. Then, they got smart. Because -we- had the number advantage then. So they Trojan Horse’d into academia, media, pop-culture, corporate culture. And here we are.
        You can do this very same thing using the very same method but its a method that seems lost on the *vast* majority of alt-right types. Subtlelty, ruse, manipulation, etc. Pour a little poison into anyone’s ear that is listening at all times. Instill a bit of self-doubt about the “righteousness” of the left’s cause. Keep them off balance, questioning, and also make it appealing and cool. (Because… hamsters!)
        Do you have the lifetime commitment to do this every single day you wake up without fail? Because they did… and it will take nothing less to reverse it.
        This is how you win the culture war, not goose stepping around with the f-cking [email protected] Nazi LARPers. They are a ruinous cancer and utter poison and should be treated as such.
        p.s. Scuttlebuttin’ re-read what I wrote, slower this time… at no point did I say abject surrender. I simply suggested don’t be a fucking retard and keep using tactics
        –that do not work–. I said it in my first statement. Adapt or die. If you cannot figure out how to do this, you belong in the 2nd category, the one after “adapt”

      2. Use the right tool for the job and fight the war playing to your strengths. 300 Spartans held off 20,000 Persian troops, why? They played to their strengths. Terrain, training, discipline, ambush, hit and run tactics.
        This is no different. We are in the exact opposite situation they were in 100 years. Ago, direct and aggressive tactics got them expelled and thrown out of every single country they tried to sow this poisonous ideology into and that was not the first time. 1000 years or so this had been going on in some form or fashion. Then, they got smart. Because -we- had the number advantage then. So they Trojan Horse’d into academia, media, pop-culture, corporate culture. And here we are.
        You can do this very same thing using the very same method but its a method that seems lost on the *vast* majority of alt-right types. Subtlelty, ruse, manipulation, etc. Pour a little poison into anyone’s ear that is listening at all times. Instill a bit of self-doubt about the “righteousness” of the left’s cause. Keep them off balance, questioning, and also make it appealing and cool. (Because… hamsters!)
        Do you have the lifetime commitment to do this every single day you wake up without fail? Because they did… and it will take nothing less to reverse it.
        This is how you win the culture war, not goose stepping around with the fucking faggot Nazi LARPers. They are a ruinous cancer and utter poison and should be treated as such.
        p.s. @disqus_Wc92cWichN:disqus re-read what I wrote, slower this time… at no point did I say abject surrender. I simply suggested don’t be a fucking retard and keep using tactics
        –that do not work–. I said it in my first statement. Adapt or die. If you cannot figure out how to do this, you belong in the 2nd category, the one after “adapt”

    2. I know, the stink of surrender to the left is appalling and nauseatingly too common…..

  10. Watching the short film “The Children’s Story” brought me back – I remember seeing it on TV when I was a kid.
    Seeing it now made me think two things.
    1. The commie teacher is totally freakin hot!
    2. That kind of brainwashing is exactly what we’ve been doing to the Germans since 1945. And it’s despicable.

        1. The two are associated because Germany gave the Nazis power (thus Nazis and Germany being synonymous), running the country into the ground,& causing a WW.

        2. The Nazi Party held their parliament hostage to vote Hitler his special powers.
          Only 10% of Germans were Nazi.
          The end result of Nazism and Hitler was the complete destruction of Germany, bombed into nothing, conquered, divided, and occupied for decades.
          Now the Germans have guilt rammed down their throat forever, never forgiven for what a bunch of dead psychopaths did, making their great culture suicidal, and what has happened in Germany is what they are trying to do to America, to erase Americana using “White Guilt.”

        3. “White guilt”? This is not an issue for me. My problem is letting the Nazis take you over. Were the Germans too civilized to put up a fight? Here in the states we, the majority, keep our guns close. You have to put up a fight.

        4. No. I think the end result of International Jewry was the destruction of Germany. It wasn’t Nazi bombers that incinerated Dresden and Berlin and Hmaburg in massive firebombings.
          People who blame Hitler for the destruction of Germany are like school yard bullies who make someone punch themselves with their own fist and mock “Quit hitting yourself.”

        5. Civilized? You mean they should have defended the hyperinflation and moral turpitude of the Weimar Republic?

        6. Recovering from Nszism is showing itself to be impossible. I’d rather attempt recovery from hyperinflation and moral turpitude as opposed to a recovery from a visit by the allied Forces.

        7. Good response… “The poor little, helpless, Germans! Let’s say a prayer for then tonight.”

  11. Just a comment on terminology here. ‘Progressive’ is supposed to refer to things like free health care, college, financial support for single mothers, etc.
    As has been written about on this website, this is unrelated to the out of control liberal SJW rage, which itself is no more than a distraction being amplified by the elites to deflect from the lack of social programs in my above paragraph. Conflating these two things is, in a sense, playing into the hands of the elites.

    1. “Conflating these two things is, in a sense, playing into the hands of the elites.”
      Damn straight.
      When combined, it’s what’s empowering the whole movement to point the finger for instance and say:”Look you’re all the same on the Right. Gotcha. You must all be destroyed.”

      1. Seems like there can be a few motivations to try to lump unrelated sets of ideas together. One, like you say, is for the media to say that Republicans house racists, therefore republicans are bad mkay … the fiip side is the democrats, packaging all the weird social justice ( which is nonsense to me, but essential for a certain set of people ) together with pro-war, corporatist agenda, so the liberals take a certain percent of s**t in their sandwich to reach their must-have goals

  12. #13: someone to write an article for Vogue/Glamour/Cosmo/Bazaar about why women make better light-bulb changers.

    1. …Because they can sympathize with the lightbulb. Especially in how it is ignored and marginalized by men.

  13. Hold on a sec, there are some “triggering” items in this article. First of all, the picture of Anita Sarkeesian shows her with hoop earrings. Did she get permission from the Black community to wear those? That could be considered cultural appropriation. Second, the video about James Clavell’s story “The Children’s Story” does not show the true atmosphere of a grammar school in 70’s America. First of all, there are no longer any women who are working as teachers up to their sixties or beyond. Second, that schoolmarm would have jumped up and screamed “Healeluah! Thank God I’m free from this hellhole” and she would go running out the door in glee! Third, that teacher from the other side would at first find that the kids would be compliant and obedient. After time, the kids would figure out how to manipulate and screw with her mind or they would all jump her and beat her up! Las and not least, the conceit, beating a dead horse, may promote harmful stereotypes about deceased Equines. Let us not subject our four-legged co-planetary hosts in ways that can marginalize and stigmatize them. Just wanting to create progressive and tolerant society.

  14. Feminist: I don’t need a man.
    Feminist: This is too heavy. Hey you men over there help me carry this.
    Feminist: It is sexist that women are not allowed to be firefighters.
    Feminist: This being a firefighter thing is hard and dangerous. I quit.

  15. Did anyone else watch that video and was like “no 23 year old I know acts like that. I know 30 yr olds that act less mature.” ?

  16. These long term trends are not reversing any time soon. The West is in its descent, if you cannot acknowledge there is a decline you deny reality. Maybe decades from now things will reverse but I don’t see anything soon.

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