Disqus Is Shutting Down ROK Comments Effective Friday

On Monday evening, I received an email from [email protected] stating that they are suspending all Disqus services to Return Of Kings starting on October 20, 2017. Here is the full email:

Hi there,

We wanted to reach out to inform you that your site has been found to be in conflict with the terms of use of Disqus. Because of this, Disqus is unable to offer your site continued discussion services past the end of this week.

Site activity or content that can result in the termination of discussion services include:

– Featuring copyrighted material, which results in DMCA takedown requests.
– Adult-oriented sites containing illegal content which result in abuse complaints, users with inappropriate avatars or behavior visiting other Disqus sites in an unwelcome way, or are otherwise misusing Disqus services.
– Using Disqus on pages that contain hate speech, which violates Disqus’ Terms of Service and results in abuse complaints.

Additional information on these Basic Rules may be found here: https://help.disqus.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1943775-basic-rules-for-disqus-powered-sites

Please be advised that discussion services for the shortname “returnofkings” will be terminated on October 20th, 2017 for one or more of the above reasons.

To help your site prepare for this change, we recommend the following:

Export your comments
Comment exporting is available in the Admin Panel at https://returnofkings.disqus.com/admin/discussions/export/) and will be available until 30 days after termination. More information on exporting is available here: https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/472149
If you have any issues exporting your comments, please let us know by replying to this email.

Sync your comments
If you use WordPress, make sure all Disqus comments are synced back to the native comment platform within WordPress. More information is available here: https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/663782

Migrate to a new commenting system
Disqus will no longer load on your site after October 20th, 2017. To ensure uninterrupted discussion, we recommend selecting and installing an alternate commenting system prior to the end of the week.

We hope this helps you prepare your site and community for this change. If you have any questions, please let us know by replying to this email.

Thank you for your time and attention,

The Disqus TOS Team

I replied asking what specific terms were violated but have not yet received a response. I’m guessing we were terminated because of their vague “hate speech” clause, which really means “speech our liberal employees disagree with.” Whatever the real reason, my priority is installing a new commenting platform. Within a day or two, I’ll roll out the first alternative, which will have far less frills than Disqus. Feel free to suggest alternatives in the comments.

San Francisco-based Disqus joins Shopify, Paypal, and numerous ad networks that have terminated their relationship with ROK because of the views it contains. While I’m not surprised that Disqus shut us down, I’m beginning to wonder how Silicon Valley expects to survive if they are so hellbent on censoring anyone who shares a politically incorrect opinion.

The Silicon Valley lawnmower

If you’re a dissident who doesn’t ever want to vote for someone like Hillary Clinton or raise your wife’s African sons, it may be best not to establish a business relationship with a Silicon Valley company in the first place.

Don’t Miss: Night Of The Digital Knives: Silicon Valley Launches Biggest Internet Censorship Purge In History

62 thoughts on “Disqus Is Shutting Down ROK Comments Effective Friday”

  1. Hate Speech? Lol. I guess people should start lining up globally and create a class action suing those libtard companies with “Hate Act” lawsuit…

  2. This is part of the problem with “free” services. They are much more likely to F with their users. Companies like Disqus are fundamentally opposed to freedom of expression. Five years ago it would have been hard to believe the left’s vehement hatred for freedom of speech would come out like this.

    1. The Left is running scared because they are meeting increasing opposition to their agenda. People do not get banned because they are a loud, tiny, ineffective minority. They get banned because their ideas are spreading and becoming a real threat to the status quo.
      It is a high compliment to be banned by leftard net services! It means you are making progress.

      1. They never dreamed for one second that Trump would actually get elected, and are still in denial.

  3. Dear Roosh,
    I want to sincerely thank you for such a timely, informative Red Pilled site. It truly has opened my eyes to the illogical behavior of my fellow naive women kin. As such, I religiously share links to ROK articles to many of my female friends and colleagues to ‘wake them the fcuk up’, as well as to my impressionable little brother and his friends who are living at an extremely vulnerable time in Western Civilization.
    I really can’t put a finger on it, but womanhood is deliberately being destroyed and I suspect it is to sour the milk for the authentic #2A masculine Western men who is itching to repel the AngloZio Machine. The world is, literally, falling apart.
    After learning of this Disqus treachery against ROK, I will definitely NOT be using its ‘discussion’ services on any of my client’s blogs nor will I even bother to promote it services from this day forward on new or upcoming web projects. Fuck you, Disqus!!
    BTW, whatever happened to IntenseDebates? That was also a good commenting platform.
    Anywho, I’m sure you’ll find a better commenting alternative. Actually, you have the opportunity to blaze a trail in creating a fair, authentic Red Pilled Commenting System. 😉
    Looking forward to more ROK articles.
    Lots of love from one of your biggest fans.
    -Rebel Eyes

  4. It wasn’t DISQUS that made this site great. It was the content and the people that left comments.

  5. Could we just move ROK to a Russian site? They get blamed for everything else. Problem solved. >=P

  6. I am so glad this is happening to you Roosh…and this is exactly how you censor people on your own forum…including people who actually sympathized with you but you thought their criticisms of a country that isnt even yours were “too negative “. You’re a loser.

  7. Yes, Disqus’ behaviour sucks,
    but I will also second the comment by Ask Me – writing as someone who was banned from Roosh Forum – with no warning – for “trolling” (for a comment which was merely flippant, and would only have caused offense to someone who was deeply and fundamentally insecure).
    I hope things work out well for ROK, and Roosh forum – but please, honesty and consistency will earn respect.

  8. Just another “me too” registering my displeasure with Disqus. All we need now is for someone to set up a competing site friendly to the political centre/right and disqus will become a less option.

  9. After looking at the articles recently compared to the ones written a year or two ago I can see why Disqus pulled the plug on ROK. Back then ROK articles were more focused on making money/leaving corporate slavery, workouts and proper diets, travel and relationships. Simply put wealth and health to make the better man. Now articles are mostly crap about trannies, homos and other forms of societal degeneracy. This is going to incite the kinds of response for “liberal” Disqus to go mommy mode and ground you. Disqus didn’t do anything for years and now the sudden mercy killing. ROK has no one to blame but itself for letting this happen.

    1. “… no one to blame but itself for letting this happen.”
      And Left-totalitarian Disqus has NOTHING to do with it, eh?!?
      Did you say the same to the girl with the short dress you raped Saturday night?

    1. Honestly I never liked Disqus. That was even way back I discovered ROK because I feel Disqus has this insidious Big Brother tracking element to their services. I am glad ROK is not involved with this online service.

  10. So much for being a “free” country. We have no right to use that f word for so many reasons, and this yet one of them. Freedom to vote and take business deductions is important but not nearly as important as speaking your mind in a harmless way without being shut down. How sad. Being “disquisted” with disqus is in order.

  11. I struggle to sympathise with you Roosh. This site was initially targeted at uplifting man and making real man out of boys (I was a regular comments until I got banned for disagreeing view an article). Anyone with an alternative point of view and cares to share it through your forum for the purposes of a healthy discussion and exchange of views is not welcome by you and your moderators. You changed it and it now consistently attacks anyone and everyone who is not a white male. I do sympathise with all the rubbish males, including white males it’s difficult for me to do so when any discussion about a different view is not tolerated just like you accuse the “liberals of doing”. While personally I have no problem with that as it is your view and you are entitled to it, I find some of the generalisations about Africans and non whites simply misinformed and taken from a very limited experience and any attempt to put this across is shut down. Anyways hope the siege mentality gets you where you want to be. I just feel sorry for all the teenagers reading this blog and forming a view of the based on its content.

    1. The funny thing about all the white supremacist crap posted on ROK is that the guy who.founded the site isnt even white. Roosh V is of Middle Eastern decent if I’m not mistaken.

      1. Oh? You consider THIS to be a white supremist hate site? How do you feel about Inforwars and Breitbart? because Disqus hasn’t shut down their comment sites! Such hypocracy! However, I’ve noticed also noticed that ALL comment sections on ALL news sites owned by Microsoft, Yahoo, Al Jeezara, and many other LEFT wing sites, have completely been shut down! They shut them down themselves too! Because the negative criticism comments calling them out on their Fake News hypocracy and lies were massively outnumbering the pathetic few that supported with their leftist lying propaganda! What was it you said about if everyone has a problem with you, that YOU are the problem? Yeah, you’re talking about yourself there.

  12. I am much better and stronger because of you and the discussions. Thank you. Fuck ’em.

    1. That’s why I’m not using Disqus.
      If you want to could integrate the FB comment plug in, but who’s to say if they’re not going to do the same thing.

  13. Man, hopefully the comment section used for this post is temporary. Seems inefficient and not very user friendly for both posters and content.
    But back to the main issue:
    – Unfortunately this seems inevitable given how SJW/leftist media influence is progressively stomping out free speech
    – It’s going to get worse, men! You better be ready, because I predict normal male behavior, thought processes, and everyday things we do and say will become “thoughtcrimes” and “actcrimes.”
    The signs are here already…the future for normal, rational men in the west is very bleak. I’d advise making preparations to get out starting now.

  14. It was time for Disqus to go. My account with them is now closed and my comments retained in my own files.
    It was also time, about 500 years, for sugar to go; as voiced this past week, we need to realize that white sugar causes many and feeds all cancers;
    People at Disqus, Facebook, Tinder, Instagram, etc. etc. cause brain cancer and STD’s.
    Time for all of them to go.
    It so satisfying to clean out the closet and under the sink.

    1. I agree. I am seriously contemplating getting out of facebook, twatter and the rest. Disqus’s only advantage is having one account across multiple fora, but to hell with them for not servicing rOK. peace out. OG

  15. Any proof Orthodox Jews shutting you down? No? Silly picture, then. Those people support traditional views on marriage, family, racialism, ethnic separation, and indeed nearly all the values promoted by RoK.
    For your further edification, perhaps this clip form an Amren conference will provide some perspective.
    “Rabbi Mayer Schiller – Saving Our Civilization”

  16. The Orthodox Jew pic wasn’t necessary…why don’t you ease up on rattling that cage a little and quit masturbating raw to goebbels filmography. Chill out!

  17. Fuck you, Disqus!!
    I’m a programmer and I’ll deactivate Disqus from all my client websites and will never recommend it.
    Keep it up Roosh

    1. Are you going to take similar action against Paypal, Shopify, and the many other networks that refuse to associate themselves with ROK? This site and those behind it seem to have an awful lot of enemies. I can’t figure out why that is. Here’s a hint though- if everyone has a problem with you, chances are good that you are the problem.

      1. Corey, you must think that everyone
        to the right of THINK PROGRESS
        is “part of the problem.”

      2. OH? Well, I don’t use any of those services anyway, but also got so fed up with the hypocritical lies and virtue signaling from Hollywood, the NFl, and the MSM, etc, that we cut our cable, cancelled our sports packages, all our news and streaming subscriptions, and vowed never again to buy, rent, or go to another movie theater, ever! I do the math, always! These actions are saving us approx. 400 per month, costing those smug little rats a loss of $5,000 per year, on my household alone! Over a million other households have followed suit, so far this year alone, and yes, it’s having a significant impact on their bottom lines. If you imagine otherwise, you’re only fooling yourself. Our rooftop antenna picks up 73 channels in crystal clear, digital HD! Years of arguing with liberals over what their imaginary “entitlement” to piracy has taught me one thing. Conservatives apparently are the only ones who pay, so if they want to but the hands that was feeding them, they can die of starvation.

  18. Who banned RoK from disqus… it’s not the woman with short hair and a manjaw, is it? Naw it couldn’t be!! When she’s not looking to thought police the internet, she’s arguing online how women should be valued “at every size,”
    “The people around me come in all shapes and sizes, and so I would like models to come in all shapes and sizes. When flipping through a magazine I’d like it to look more like a school yearbook (all shapes, sizes, looks, backgrounds, etc.) than a family photo album.
    Also, for the record, I find this poll offensive. It sounds an awful lot like camouflaged prejudice to me. Hiding behind advertiser’s decisions doesn’t absolve you of it. If the question were about which “type” of woman you’d rather date, just imagine what people’s reactions would be to this poll.”
    Also look at the woman who is VP of People and Culture:
    A mommyblogger.
    Shorthair feminist reports it to mommy, mommy bans RoK. Ez to see how this happened. A company full of beta males, especially the CEO, and two domineering females hired in order for the company to “not look sexist,” even though the women literally contribute nothing to the product development. They are just there to “keep appearances,” a value-judgement system based only on their immediate circle of family and friends.
    For them to ban a site like RoK is just how they show their “value” around the office, and supposedly justifies their paycheck (read: LOL). This is classic diversity politics in action, but of course for every person they ban 5 new voices pop up (just look at the SPLC’s lists). This means they’ll need to expand their diversity operations, and these operations become a cancer within the company until it finally dies like Yahoo did.

  19. To live in a world where most people litteraly bug like rusty robots and turn themselves into mini kim jong when confronted with not progressive speech.
    fff, where is the manual, guys ? Or the rocket ?

  20. Personally, I LOVE to see Roosh, who is himself , or rather was, one of the most ban-loving prolific censors of free speech on discus, get a little taste of his own medicine. Sweet karma.
    (I wonder if I will be banned for writing this.)

    1. Yeah his MO is to immediately censor/ban everyone who voices opinions that he doesn’t like, then he whines when the same thing happens to him. It’s actually really funny.

      1. This isn’t a public forum. It’s privately owned and geared towards discussion of a certain bent. If cuckies come to dissent with their white knighting antics, Roosh et al is more than within his rights to “censor” whatever he wants. I’m sure there’s a Tumblr page out there more to your liking.

        1. Right! If he wants to be sad hypocrite on his own website that’s his right. Doesn’t mean we can’t fault him for it, though.

        2. Nice try. Everything on the internet is in the public domain. Disqus, however, is a privately owned network and they have the right to terminate their association with any forum that promotes misogyny, racism, homophobia, or any other hateful rhetoric. Just like so many other networks have done (I can’t for the life of me figure out why ROK is so durned unpopular). I wasn’t commenting on whether Roosh has the “right” to censor his website by the way, just on the fact that he is so insecure that he won’t even engage in discussion with anyone who shows the teensiest bit of opposition to any of his ideas, all he can do is delete their comments/ban them. Pathetic.

  21. First comment from a year-long reader who wouldn’t comment before because of disqus.
    ***Good Riddance!***
    The pussyhatters and man-jegging’d betacucks finally took their leftist marbles and went home so the men can talk in peace 🙂

  22. This is hilarious. You might want to look up the definition of hate speech. Suggesting that women should be bought and traded among men like cattle (an actual word for word comment I saw on ROK) and that a couple adopted African children so that the wife could have sex with them, definitely falls in the category. The really funny thing though is that the admin of this site refuses to engage in discourse or answer questions from people with opposing views, he just instantly deletes thier comments. Talk about unfair censorship. How does your own medicine taste?

    1. Corey, MOVE TO NORTH KOREA.
      You’ll be much more comfortable there.
      They don’t bother to accept that
      speech with which you agree NEEDS NO PROTECTION,
      but rather, it is exactly that with which you DISAGREE that requires protection.
      Not that totalitarians like YOU would ever be able
      to wrap your little minds around that “problematic” concept.

  23. [I’m guessing we were terminated because of their vague “hate speech” clause, which really means “speech our liberal employees disagree with.”]
    Is this Roosh guy competing in the Olympics next time? Because those are some mighty impressive mental gymnastics! OOOOOHHHHHH…. BURN!!!! ~the crowd goes wild~

    1. Lyka, EXPLAIN the “mental gymnastics.”
      Exactly WHAT is too difficult for your retarded mind to comprehend?
      We’ll gladly clear things up, while your happy wagon
      comes to get you and take you back home to your safe space.

    1. …said “Stan,” who probably riots with AntiFa
      to fight “fascists” with totalitarian methods.

  24. Not a major concern to me. I killed my account and added Disqus on my browsers block filters for a good few months prior to the US presidential election last year. Anyone of reasonable intelligence could listen to the rails and know that this was inevitably going to happen. I just hope someone puts together a service to run the race with the existing ones and provide site operators an alternative.

  25. Why have you set random Disqus employees as your feature image? What have those individuals done exactly? You have a couple engineers and an office manager there, they’re hardly people who call the shots about which sites their service supports. Grow up. It’s no wonder no one takes this site seriously.

    1. Trolling, “Adolf”?!
      This site is JUST FINE.
      YOU, on the other hand, might want to seek a “safe space” site…
      …like the kinds that only call for the death of those on the Right.

    2. Not random employees, they are the sum total of Disqus’s staff, which also appears on Disqus’s website, so what’s the big deal?

  26. Dear Roosh,
    I knew about this episode years ago, when i reply that you should not change to disqus, anyway Rok and Roosh website are already on a block polixy worldwide, ive tried to see these websites from free wifi hotspot here in Italy in many places and they are blocked already.
    Keep on fighting Roosh, im with you.

  27. Evening househoⅼd devotions haave been one of thhe most іmportant parts
    off Lee andd Larry?s day. Daddy learn ɑ part oof the story ⲟf Jesus comіng аt Christmas which is where he learn every year thrfough᧐ut December
    ѕo thеsу would know the actual purpose for Christmas, to
    have a good time the beginning off Jesᥙs. On the
    end of it, Lee requested, ?Daddy, ɗid Jeѕus get a birthday partyy every year with pгesents and a
    clown too?

  28. Roosh buddy, fix this wack shit. It’s terrible and it will definitely sink the ship. I see comment sections dwindling since the plug was pulled and the material is being recycled. Don’t give up bro.

Comments are closed.