The Black Pill

In this podcast, I examine the “black pill,” a frame of thinking that focuses on inaction and acceptance. After examining its core tenets, I describe the most common signs you are getting black pilled and why it’s inevitable if you happen to live in a declining society. I address the important connection between our internal emotional states and the external environment and also tackle the argument that inaction is a sign of weakness or cowardice. Lastly, I talk about where to draw the line in the sand when it comes to fighting back against wrongs that you encounter.
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Previous Podcast: How To Make Money Online

60 thoughts on “The Black Pill”

        1. Your mom comebacks . You get a whole week off next week from middle school , are you going to hang out here 24/7 little Johnny ?

    1. LOL!!! Roosh bin Laden now has “the black pill”. HOW MANY FUCKING PILLS DO YOU LOSERS NEED TO MAKE YOUR COWARDICE SUBSIDE? Honestly, no amount of pills you swallow will stop your Beta bloodlines.
      Kudos to you “Doosh”, you have cornered the beta-cuck market!

    1. BILL
      The US is not the only country in the world to live in and make a living in. Most men that complain lack the initiative to move to another state or city or country.

      1. Yeah becuase foreigners are so much more honest than Americans and opportunities abound in the republic of Congo . Where do you live ?

    2. If you are an expat and you see the United States from the outside that is a White Pill-everything is clear.
      A person has to stand at a distance to see things clearly.

  1. I would have described the black pill differently, more of a don’t give a fuck about any of it and will not hesitate to end someone in the way of my own goals. But to each their own.

    1. “Black pill” eh? “Don’t give a fuck?” As a lot of you are probably aware, this brings up a lot of questions. When I hear a man say, “I just don’t give a fuck about anything anymore,” I get very curious to see what he means by this. I have already seen what a lot of men mean by “don’t give a fuck.” Usually it means they are afraid to challenge their masters (women and brown people). When a woman is irate, it is much easier for the man to back down and let her have what she wants. If a black person is going off on politics, it’s much easier for the white man standing by to avoid challenging the man and say, “it’s all good maaaan, I don’t really give a fuck about anything.” And nine times out of ten, the same man will not hesitate to challenging a fellow white man because he knows the situation will be easier to deal with. One who didn’t “give a fuck,” suddenly gives a fuck because the situation is a little more convenient. There’s a name for this type of person, it’s called a cuck.

  2. Profound. Thank you Roosh. This podcast has lightened my load considerably. Feels like the “gun to my head” to do something is gone.
    I have been considering this for three years, but for sure I will be opting out next fall and living in a van. Travelling Canada and the U.S.. Doing what I can through writing and spreading the red pill.
    Bob Wells of has reached the same conclusions about our society, and lives his life on the road. Fascinating that Bob and Roosh see the world in a similar way, but with completely different backgrounds.
    Thanks again Roosh..

  3. It’s not just the jealousy aspect of trying to influence other men to take the “black pill.” If a large enough percentage of men went black pill, modern society would collapse.

    1. JOHN
      Certain races are born “black pill”. Blacks, Hispanics, Southeast Asians. Jews maybe.
      This is why they feel no remorse about what they do and are cynical.

      1. “Race” is not real, just hate is…
        Race will never be proven biologically. Race is a label people put on each other to discriminate the other. There is no cell in the body that can prove race is genetic or biological. During World War II the ideology of “race” and “racism” reached to Germany and led to a man exterminating over 11 million people. This man was Adolf Hitler. He believed that these people were of an “Inferior races” (e.g., Jews, Gypsies, Africans, homosexuals, and so forth). According to the Institute for Human Genomics, we share 99% of the same DNA codes with each other! So why are people so cruel to others just because they look different? This study shows that we should be able to stop racism and discrimination globally with these statistics and studies. In conclusion “Race” will never be biologically real, but it is still there under our noses each day of our life. I hope that our next generation will not have to grow up knowing the tragic word, that is Race…

        1. You’re kind of racist to cite only Hitler and other white maniacs.
          Let’s talk about Idi Amin. Ghaddafi. Both Africans.
          Also, you’re wasting your time a bit on this site with the PC spiel.
          Blacks never object to all the anti-Jewish sentiment either. I suspect that they share it, at least some of them.
          You’re probably 20 or 25 however. I smell youth and naivete all over you.

        2. X as in “Malcolm X” young brother.
          I understand. You’re probably 20 or 25 and still young and idealistic with a desire to battle racism as an African-American with a few years of university behind you.

        3. X
          You be coming to this site to preach the love or equality young blood?
          You must be tripping, my brother.
          Sorry, I am a white man who left American nearly 20 years ago to escape Non-Asian minorities and PC so my street slang is pure 90’s.

        4. Malcom X was homosexual fyi.
          Anyway, yes, they can prove differences between races. And that’s a good thing for all races. Sure, most black people don’t like that their average IQ is 85, but celebrate how their testosterone levels are higher allowing them to build muscle mass easier than, say, Asians. Asians don’t like that their average penis size is around 4.2 inches, but do like how their IQ is, on average, higher than other races.
          What about melanin in the skin. Black people have higher melanin giving them darker skin, but also a higher resistance to sun-burn.
          What I’m getting at is there are pro’s and con’s to all races. Celebrate that rather than try to deny what’s in front of your face.

        5. I’m not sure if anyone thinks homosexuals are a “race.”
          Your description of World War II sounds like a cartoon. And you need to get your facts straight. Hitler did not kill 11 million people. He killed 900 trillion people.
          “So why are people so cruel to others just because they look different.” They aren’t.
          Lol at “juss-becuzz.” How old are you? Jesus, lol.

        6. You sound like you’re about ten years old so I’ll give you a break. Here’s some advice; When you hear stories like, “once upon a time there was a guy who just really hated people with different colored skin so he killed them all, the end,” you should immediately be suspicious. It sounds like your teachers in college have failed miserably and it’s unfortunate that your parents had to pay money for such a rediculous education. That, in itself, is a crime that should be punishable. You can talk about race and hatred til you’re blue in the face but at the end of the day, all you have to do is go outside and see for yourself. You’ll find the most hate filled people on earth are your emotional snowflake friends, butchy bitter feminists and minority excuse making losers. You want discrimination to stop so you fight discrimination with discrimination ten fold toward people who are perceived as a threat but really aren’t. It’s very Hitleresque.

        7. Total bullshit. Dna can prove someones ethnic background. Many ethnicities have proprietary diseases too. Hundreds of race based studies have been done suggesting different ethnic groups have different IQs, hormones, skull shapes, brain sizes etc.
          Theres a book called Sapiens that even shows caucasions and asians have up to 6% neanderthal DNA. Thats 6% a different specias of human.

    2. Absolutely. If you’re stranded in a survivor situation, try being black pilled. There’s two roads to becoming black pilled – either becoming exhausted from being under too much attack, or idleness and acceptance from everything being too easy and handed to you on a plate.

  4. I’m 37 and am here. I took the black pill about a year ago and, literally care about nothing, except my own wellbeing. Don’t care about helping people, especially women. Don’t care about politics, nationalism, environmentalism, game, women, none of it. I am basically detached from humanity and certainly detached from starting a family. Sex comes and goes. If I want a whore, I just go on Tinder and get one. Plenty out there. I do no-thing that does not directly benefit me.

  5. Transgenderism was promoted in the final centuries of the Roman Empire. It was connected to declining fertility and rates of family formation among the core national stock of Romans, increased mercenarization of the military, increased cosmopolitanism and “globalism” (not in the sense of the whole globe but everything from Scotland to Morocco to the Caspian Sea), and the rise of a new “virtue-signaling” religion designed to flatter the weak and disparage the strong. I suspect there was a huge empire-wide decline in testosterone, though biohistory has yet to prove this. It all happened together, and of course we know what happened — what had to happen — next.

    1. Criminally insane fags were the last 6 rulers of Rome and this is why it collapsed.
      Nixon was remarked that Homosexuality destroyed Greece. He could have been correct.

      1. Yes but it’s an incomplete picture. The question is, how come during its early period Romans prevented such people from rising to power, yet during its decline period Romans embraced having such leaders? I suspect in the latter case, the oligarchs wanted spectacularly insane figureheads whom they could blame structural economic and political problems on.

      2. Nixon was smarter than anyone wanted to admit at the time, and even now. He doesn’t get the credit that is due. He fell just short of greatness due to the fact that his underlings fucked up.

    2. The problem was Matriarchy. Roman Empire was pretty wealthy for females to take control (similar to modern western Europe) Basically women had been secretly running the Empire since Nero.

      1. Yep. More specifically: massive estate fortunes, built up over many generations, flowed to heiresses who refrained from marriage and procreation, opting instead to blow it all on short-term thrills and conspicuous consumption.
        During previous generations, the heiresses would never have been given this kind of power. Instead they’d have been married off so as to help build coalitions between the powerful families and estates.

  6. Blacks, Hispanics and Jews must take the Black Pill at birth.
    They are cynical and nihilistic as hell.

  7. It all depends. Some groups have a stake in Western Society particularly White men and Asians were others have absolutely none, Blacks and Latinos.
    My thoughts, if you have a stake defend it, probably in vain. If you have none watch in hilarity as society falls apart by the seams and do your part to remain neutral from all that ensues. In the end it doesn’t benefit you (Blacks & Latinos) one way or the other so why waste the precious time?

    1. STOIC “Stake”
      The good news is that if society really fell apart the Asians and Jews would be the first to leave and by citizenship in New Zealand. Rich Anglo-Saxons would decamp to South of France.
      Latinos are descended from Spanish males who fought the British and later Red Indians who fought the American children of the British-what “Stake” do they have?
      The majority of blacks and Latinos are penniless except for what the government feels like giving them so their only stake is in Democratic Admins (Though they are incredibly un-PC) who will redistribute a bit more wealth.
      Both blacks and Latinos are born at a disadvantage-single household or divorce, poor, usually (Though not always) lacking the Asian or Jewish capacity to become a technocrat or modern-day merchant within the framework of a British-settled society.
      Additionally, Asians and Jews and South Asians and Iranian-Americans come from ancient corrupt civilizations ruled for eons by Kleptocrats and they are incredibly cynical anyhow.
      Ron Jeremy once mentioned that he never watched porn, for example, believing it rots the brain. Jews don’t believe the bullshit the write in Hollywood over 5 lines of cocaine and a bottle of Tequila and some Russian call girls. Asians don’t either.

  8. wow, Roosh your podcast on black pill is me 100 percent…i didnt think i was red pill anymore, but now i get it.

  9. I cannot devote 45 minutes to this shit. Either you stand for principle or you do not. Black or red or blue pills are not absolute… Maybe the (((scum leaders))) of the world are about to pull it… but in every US city there are some surprisingly wealthy people having a great time of it… Are you gonna give up and let them triumph over you>>>??

      Cities like London or Los Angeles have not reached the Late Stage of Supply-Demand yet and they can support some hipsters and bankers and a police force to keep them from going into a cannibal’s pot.
      But check out Detroit for example. At a certain point, when the wealthy just find the city unable to support them or their desires and they leave…the government cannot be fucked at all.
      Its over.
      Sometime in the technological future this will take place in more cities and more whites will flee and vast regions will look like Detroit.

    2. you can stand for principles and live them, but when the socety around does not, respects them not at all, one doesnt stand in the path of garbage and debris of that society wuth your principles expecting to change the path of the flash flood of gabage and stupidity. you get the hell outnof the way and let the flood do its thing. its not surrendering to the few rich in an area. who the fuck cares about their “winning” when they are kings of dumpster fire that just has consumed them yet. you dont “win” by burning with them. you win by getting your own ass and your concerns out of the way until it passes and build anew out of the rubble, if at all. dystopian? maybe but realistic given how humans really are.

  10. Really interesting perspective. Thank you. And I say you’ve already made a great positive impact, especially on many men.
    I could identify some black pill traits in my own behaviour, and yeah, as I suspected it, it’s mainly a (rational) reation to the external environment in the west where I am. But it’s also reassuring, that my&our situation it not completely our own fault. (Actually many people from previous generations worked hard, to bring us in this idiotic situation.)
    So I know I have to take action. But parallel to that I have to reverse all the stupid brainwashing I got and which limits me.
    But what countries would be suitable to emigrate to ?
    Switzerland ?
    Russia ?
    East asia ?

    1. Perhaps circular migration and traveling is something for you. Stay in the US and use this first-world country – despite all its flaws – to your advantage. Perhaps it is more appropriate to reside in a more rural area or smaller city, and stack up cash. Then go for weeks or months to various nice locations like the Caribbean, Thailand, Colombia, the Philippines, South Korea, Poland, Malta and Sri Lanka.

  11. You can’t immigrate to most countries. Australia used to be easy. Not any more. Canada, I tried this country. Russia? Worse problems than the US. East Europe?
    You have to have money as wel

  12. This is going to be a ridiculed post. So what (black piller here). I found this lady on youtube two days ago and have been watching her videos still trying to work out what level sane/crazy she is. I’m still undecided.
    Regardless, this video deals with the 5 levels of truth. Level 1 is what you’re taught in school, what you read in the newspaper, see on tv. Level 2 is when you realise the propaganda (red-pilled). Level 3 is when you become quantum with your beliefs. This one is hard to understand/explain, but hearing this black-pill podcast I think this mindset fits nicely into that (I think). You can watch the rest of her videos to find out the other layers of truth.

    Side note: check Billy Corgan on youtube (lead singer of Smashing Pumpkins). He talks about the black pill mindset that we’re in on the Alex Jones show. I don’t like Alex Jones, but I do like Billy Corgan.

  13. I appreciate you putting into words what I have been struggling with for the last two years. I’m not completely black pill, but it was seducing me.
    I have already taken positive steps toward moving back into a productive lifestyle and mindset that optimistically works for the self regardless of the choices of the world around me.

  14. I find that as I get older, I steadily swallow a pill that is a darker shade of red. I used to care about politics, nationalism, society and women. But I just don’t care about any of that anymore because it’s a waste of time. Politics changes nothing, people don’t give a shit about you and your efforts, women do nothing while expecting everything, and even your kids might grow up to hate you if you get divorced (or not). You have zero control over most of these things.
    There is only one thing that you have absolute control over – your own life. Thats why I try to stamp out anything that hinders my quality of life – since it is the only thing I truly own.
    Once a woman’s love spells and magic enchantments stop working on you, then you begin to see the world more clearly.

  15. While the premise of the narrative was good, the inclination of acceptance and surrender on the very issues causing all this toxicity was disturbing. It’s almost like quietly rooting for the cancer since your demise is inevitable. Benjamin Franklin was in 70’s when he helped pick a fight with the Worlds 18th Century Super Power. And I don’t accept the notion that there are no good fights or men now to stand up and start shoving back. Maybe because I’m a generation ahead of you that on a genetic level I have hope.

  16. Much like when South Africa fought a 30 year war, without loosing a battle, they lost the war.
    Because the public were never informed who was behind communism.
    When you take the red pil, you’re suppose to shit out the j-pill.

  17. I hate to break it to you, Roosh.
    I understand all of your sayings in the pods. But your description on “Black Pill(er)” is already invented years ago.. It’s called: Depressed.
    Black pill, by your definition, IS depression.

  18. When you’ve been RP’d for a while, you gain other things, and they don’t include depression.
    As far as evil and manipulation: that gets taken care of too.

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