9 Lies You Have Been Told

There are plenty of politically correct lies out there, regarding culture, history, politics, and biology, of which many have been addressed here at ROK. Here I’ll provide my own take on the matter.

1. Men are responsible for girls having weight complexes

A misguided concept is that men prefer borderline anorectic 5’11” model types. Although the preferred height/weight ratio may differ quite significantly within female groups, and a tall heroin chic model of course is better than a landwhale, many men are more keen on 20-30% body fat, fairly tight waists, broad hips, and on top of that a pretty and symmetrical face.

The catwalk ideal is in fact a product of gay fashion designers like for instance Gianni Versace, Tom Ford, Karl Lagerfeldt, Marc Jacobs, and Calvin Klein, who project their skinny boy-man ideal on female models.

2. Beauty is completely subjective or a product of cultural programming

As has been explained earlier on these pages, beauty is neither entirely subjective nor objective. Beauty ideals can also be altered over time and space.

Still there are unhestitatingly certain components that transcend cultural progamming, such as the above-mentioned hip-to-waist ratio, facial proportions, and long lustrous hair.

3. People are entirely a product of their environments

The environment a person currently lives in forms him in all kinds of ways. In many regards, people are indeed a product of their historical and cultural circumstances.

What the neo-Rousseaun cultural Marxists are missing, though, is that in modern meritocratic societies, people pick and even shape the micro environments that conform to their genetic profiles. As the behavior geneticist Robert Plomin and colleagues have shown, for example individuals and families with higher IQ levels own much more books than duller counterparts.

4. Homosexuality is only a question of consenting adults

A typical liberal contention is that homosexuals, roughly 3% of the population, can do whatever they want in private and should be left alone. While that is true in a way, it is also completely beside the point. The point is that the homo agenda infiltrates the public, pushes for further degeneracy, and homosexuals are significantly overrepresented in pedophile crimes.

5. Jewish influence is a false “conspiracy theory”

The JQ or Jewish question makes some people passive and pathetic. Most Jews seldom stand in the way for a man to succeed and improve, and some American Jews like Murray Rothbard, Paul Gottfried and Byron Roth fiercly oppose(d) mass immigration.

However, it is still the case that Jews use ethnic nepotism to increase social and political influence, like Hollywood, AIPAC, and the neoconservative movement. Furthermore, Jews push for cultural Marxism, porn, and other aspects of degeneracy.

6. There are no average psychological sex differences

Are the sexes equally smart? Men overall have the highest IQ and 4-5 points higher average IQ scores. Are the sexes equally competitive and assertive? Men are more competitive and assertive. Do the sexes have the same interests or inclinations? Men are more interested in things and ideas, whereas women are more interested in aesthetics, feelings, and people.

These sex differences are also magnified in gender-equal societies where the sexes are free to pursue what they want to focus on throughout life.

7. Right-wing populism is “authoritarian”

If someone says that right-wing populism is “authoritarian,” they may imply that such parties and politicians promote law and order, and more traditional ethics like discipline.

While that is the case, it is also true that right-wing populists are tired of anti-democratic tendencies being on the rise as a consequence of the proliferation and diffusion of leftist PC authoritarian ideologies, which severely curtail free speech. The only classical liberals left are among the “authoritarian” right-wing populists and a very limited number of semi-famous academics.

8. In pre-colonial times, non-Western people lived in peace

How was South America before the Spaniards arrived? They sacrificed people and slaughtered other tribesmen, women and children. How was Africa? About the same, but with more malaria and other diseases on top of that.

Has the West extracted resources and impoverished people in the peripheral economies? Well, particular individuals and companies indeed have, but as Peter Bauer, Michael ChisholmNiall Ferguson, Steven Pinker and others have shown, the contact with the West has lead to that poor countries, like Botswana, have improved their living standards, including to lower the share of people living in hunger, as well as death casualties.

9. Miscegenation will end “racism” and lead to equality among the races

Although the mixing of different ethno-racial populations perhaps will make things worse for whitey, as his numbers decrease in the demographic statistics, it is untrue that it will end “racism” and lead to equality among the races.

First, not all racial and national groups are equally prone to outbreeding. Chinese, Korean and Japanese people will likely remain predominantly homogenous. Besides that, racial hierarchies will follow a pigmentocratic pattern in the not too distant future: the more pale-skinned, the higher socioeconomic status.

Hence watch out for Eurasian hapas, which will have high average IQ levels and be regarded as some of the most attractive mixed racial groups, especially girls. Also mulattos will do fine, since they can claim everlasting victimhood and high social status simultaneously.

There are a lot of lies, or at least misconceptions, that fleet around in the leftist hemisphere. Our job is to inform potential friends that these are wrong. At least the truth is on our side.

If you want to read more of William Adams’ material, check out his website Syncretic Politics.

Read More: 4 Flagrant Lies About The American Confederacy

117 thoughts on “9 Lies You Have Been Told”

  1. Good topic and good article. There are so many lies lately, more than just 9, and some of them are hard to accept so I won’t even mention them.
    Here are some easy to accept ones for ya:
    10. Bin Laden, an old man in a cave, was responsible for 9-11 (rather than Mossad).
    11. The Mandella Effect isn’t just a case of people all collectively mis-remembering the exact same different version of reality. Here’s a good one that convinced me:

    12. Pizzagate is just fake news. I won’t link the video of (allegedly) Podesta raping a boy in Comet Ping Pong, but here’s Majestic Ape at Comet Ping Pong.
    That’s enough for now. And yes, as I said, these lies are easy to digest compared to the real lies I haven’t mentioned.

    1. I saw this movie when it came out in the theater in the 1970’s, and I don’t remember the girl’s teeth one way or the other.
      People probably misremembered it because Jaws wears steel dentures, and they confabulated braces on the girl’s teeth because the film makers cast and costumed her to look like a nerdy and awkward teenager.

      1. No, this one is 100% not down to mis-remembering. The WHOLE point of the scene, the punchline of the joke, was that she was meant to be scared of him when he flashed his teeth but she wasn’t because she had a mouth full of metal. And that’s why I linked this effect when I had 100’s to choose from. It defies logic and changes the whole meaning of the scene. What? So we must conclude now that she just has a fetish for men with metal instead of teeth? Give me a break.

        1. This isn’t even debatable and I won’t go in circles with you, if you choose to deny it that’s fine by me, but you’re just trapped in your own reality of what you believe is possible. The mandela effect is child’s play, your head would spin at the technology that’s been hidden from you.

        2. Very true ! I always tell people that they would jump out the nearest window if they knew all the other stuff ! There is just so much more to discover. The Mandela effect is indeed a very strange one. It gets you thinking …
          The Moonraker reference is new for me however. I am way too young as to have seen the movie when it originally came out 🙂

  2. “People are entirely a product of their environments”
    No. Mentality is influenced by the environment, but there is a lot of original thoughts. Mentality + opportunities = results.
    “Men are more interested in things and ideas, whereas women are more interested in aesthetics, feelings, and people.”
    Feelings matter most, they are often the basis for our “code of conduct”. Your moral code (provided you have one) is greatly affected by your “feels”.
    Of course feelings can be misleading, they can be influenced by propaganda and brainwashing. Here is where reason has to step in.

    1. “Feelings matter most, they are often the basis for our “code of conduct”. Your moral code (provided you have one) is greatly affected by your “feels”.”
      Individuals who let feelings sway their decisions and overall conduct are extreme liabilities. Ask any military personnel, physician or lawyer what they think about feelings dictating actions and code of conduct and they’ll tell you that those who let feelings get in the way of thoughts and decisions make the wrong ones. Now I’m not saying this is why some women can and never should hold strenuous positions that require razor sharp focus, it’s simply why some men are better attuned to make the right decisions in higher stress situations.

      1. @ Burton
        Don’t compare professional decisions with those you make in your private life.
        That said, even at work your feelings do matter. Unless it’s described in details and there is no place for improvisation, you can be influenced by “feels”.

        1. I’d even beg to differ that basing even private life decisions off of emotions is detrimental. Feelings and emotions are fundamental to being a living, breathing human being that definitely makes life good, bad and ugly. That said, basing any decision purely off emotion and a feeling is never a good idea. Rational, pragmatic thinking always wins- always. People who base decisions (even small ones) off emotions make bad decisions. Gamblers, impulsive buyers- you name it- let emotions call the shots all day long. Emotions are great but be weary how much weight and influence you allow them to yield or you may find yourself in less than ideal situations.

        2. Dobri Wieczor Karolina.
          Regarding “confusing” professional and private decisions. I notice this quite a bit in the discussions about dating and marriage in how professional women (at least in the states) fail to be able to apply what they learned in professional life to their personal life. Many will say “Well, I can’t find a decent man!” when they didn’t do anything to actually find him (they waited for the perfect man to ride up). Imagine if you looked for a job by only waiting to hear from the ideal job email you with a perfect offer instead of going out and looking for one.
          This does certainly leak into professional life the other way as well. There was a recent series of studies about how women are paid less because they’re less aggressive about negotiating or looking for new work or willing to move than men are. This is because they do “confuse” their emotions in expecting men to take care of them in expecting their boss to also handle their career for them. Of course, this is all then argued that society should help women more to make up for this to make them more “equal” when it’s women’s own choices causing the problem. (Why is this inequality a problem of discrimination to be addressed when it’s based upon women’s own natural behavior?)

        3. @ Burton
          What do you mean by “rational, pragmatic thinking”? If I give money to a beggar or a charity, help a person in need, take in another stray cat or do some other things based on my own morality AND feelings, you might call me irrational. But to me it would be irrational to never take up a risk.

        4. @ PolishKnightUSA
          Hello there.
          Is it only nature or nurture? Females are raised differently than males, they are expected to be passive and submissive, especially in romantic relationships.

    2. Feelings are different then actions predicated on feelings. Women take actions solely because of their feelings. If they were wronged by a woman in the office they seek revenge. They don’t process the feeling then determine a course of action taking into account other aspects of the situation. Just to them bare feeling = action.
      Men have feelings too, but we rarely every just take action based off of them solely. Right now I am pissed at my boss because he lied to me about a time off request he told me he would approve and then just denied he did. I just switched my paid for vacation to the alternative date and emailed a client (ccing my boss) that I was going to have to cancel an engagement because my previously approved vacation request had now been denied and I had to move a paid for vacation. My boss came storming into my office and said “you didn’t tell me THAT” and my response was “yes I did here is the email…remember after I sent it you came into my office and said “oh yeah that vacation should be fine”. Now he has to go to North Dakota the first week in January while I’ll be on a cruise. What a shame…

      1. Feelings and reason are not mutually exclusive. Maybe women are more impulsive, but I doubt all of them are vengeful to the point of obliterating everyone who did them wrong. Much depends what kind of harm it was.
        Men can seek vengeance too, although I bet they are able to keep quiet about it, while women tend to talk a lot about their wrong doers.

      2. I wouldn’t lump all women into the feeling =action category. There are more calculating women out there than you think. You are correct though, the majority go on feelings. A man strives to be the best in his field. A woman tries to be better than the other women in her field. Men function better under pressure. It’s actually a motivator. Woman do not handle stress well, they’re brains weren’t built to work and raise a family. It’s too much. Men don’t handle their emotions as well as women do. That part of the brain is much larger in women. Think nurturing.
        Just curious , why did you email your boss if he’s in the same office. Were you that pissed that you could go into HIS office and tell him he forgot about approving your vacation. Were somehow trying to avoid a confrontation that you knew would probably come anyway. You were right, grab the bull by the horns!

  3. What a crock of shit. This article reads like something you see on Stormfront.

    1. This site is primarily a white supremacist stronghold if you will. You will find all manner of absurd ideas here.

      1. When have ROK writers or commenters brought up the idea of dominating other races? That is the definition of ‘white supremacy’ ya fool.
        If anything, they just want the right of white societies to be LEFT ALONE and not have to put up with ‘diversity’ garbage other than exchange students and foreign tourists etc.
        Hardly evil shit.

        1. @ U_U_White and Justin Drake. A white society is one where all the leaders are white and the vast majority of the citizens are white.
          In case this is unclear let’s see if those parameters hold up if we were defining an Asian society. Does China fit that definition? Yup. What about Japan? Yup. What about every single Asian country? Yup.
          Okay, now let’s check if those parameters hold for an African society. Nigeria? Yup. Angola? Yup. Every single African country? Yup.
          I can go on and make this reply even more redundant if you like. It’s certainly tiring even writing this out because of the sheer stupidity of the question: What is a White Society? But I understand not everyone is equal when it comes to IQ.

        2. @Justin Drake
          That’s just a convenient (((myth))) and insulting someones intelligence is not a valid argument.

        1. Ironically anyone who embraces white supremacy is actually unfit to compete at any serious level, especially when it involves intelligence. It shows a true lack of intelligence when one embraces far right modes of thinking like racism.
          I can’t see why anybody would think this ridiculous ideology has any merit…..then again the majority of the planet believes that the Earth was made in 6 days.

      2. UUWhite
        Can you provide a detailed description of the white supremacy problem and a course of action? I’d like to help but unfortunately there’s not much I can do with the information you provided. What would you like me to do? And be specific. You say the ideas here are absurd, perhaps you’d like to share some of your ideas.
        While you are pondering, I will give you some ideas that are guaranteed to improve your unhappy situation. #1. Get into fitness. Don’t obsess over the long term goal of getting into shape. Just get active. The endorphin release and improved circulation will instantly make you feel better and refreshed. #2. Find an interesting hobby. Learn something new, get out of your comfort zone. The experience can completely change your perspective. #3…. I would continue but my gut tells me that you are the type of person who has been ignoring great advice most of your life. Is this accurate?

        1. I found Stormfront years ago and became fascinated with it for a while because I had never seen such absurd levels of stupidity before. It was entertaining in the way a trainwreck is….you know it’s bad but you just can’t stop watching.
          Through Stormfront I found what is now called Chateau Heartiste and then the rest of the manosphere. ROK didn’t exist yet. I knew there was a connection but it wasn’t obvious until I started bouncing around the manosphere. Took a while, but I realized that the manosphere just rehashes the same stupid ideas found on Stormfront. Stormfront gives you it raw, sites like ROK kinda dilutes the message to make it more deceiving or palatable, i’m not sure which is the main intent…but it’s the same message. The message is basically whitey is GOD, niggers are not humans, Asians are almost human and Jews are to blame every time something bad happens in your life. Bunch of nonsense. Entertaining nonsense but nonsense no less.

      3. There’s a big difference between ‘supremacy’ and survival.
        Do I resent jewish people wanting to have their own ethnic state? No.
        Do I resent them for regarding themselves as a superior people, genetically and spiritually? Yes.
        The only significant group of racial supremacists left in the world are the Jews. The Chinese and Japanese aren’t even serious about it these days. White supremacists are basically few and far between.

    2. Next thing you know the SJWs will be re-educating Lions to (please) stop eating the Zebras.. because that’s discriminating and uh-oh! Lion privilege(!) – well lions will be lions and zebras will be zebras there is nothing you can do about it, nothing short of exterminating the lions.. oh w8!

    3. If you can’t handle the truth you are a weak man. There is no supremacism in the article; that is just feeble-minded rhetoric to avoid these contentious and controversial issues and the truth that underlies them.
      Please explain how it is “white supremacism” that there is Israel lobby? Seems more like Jewish supremacy to me (if anything). Please explain how it is “white supremacism” because the West has helped some African (and Asian) to prosper?

      1. “because the West has helped some African (and Asian) to prosper?”
        lol please. Help them? The west got free labor in the form of slavery. What the fuck are u even smoking?

        1. Read literature and history, for example those works and authors who I referred to. Those African countries and regions which have had the most contact with Western people, culture and technology have become more prosperous, such as South Africa, Botswana and Gabon, while Liberia – completely non-colonized – has been a mess. In the Caribbean, Bahamas is the most prosperous country, which has had close ties to the US.
          Slavery is a secondary matter if one looks at the bigger picture.

        2. Charities have had an enormous impact on the disease and starvation rates in Africa in the last 50 years. Bill Gates by himself has had a huge impact.
          Horrible waste of money, considering they’ll never learn to stop spreading AIDS, but cant say he didnt try.

        3. Look, there’s really no such thing as white supremacy. Whites are on top and have been for the last few millenia, but other races have ruled the known world. Whites are the most recent rulers, and like most progressive things, are doing it best SO FAR. I say, if you’re not white and feel for whatever reason threatened or otherwise disadvantaged/outdone by Europeans, stop whining and start improving.

        4. the west invented slavery in africa did it?
          news flash, brainiac. The arab empires enslaved 80+ million sub-saharan blacks before Europeans were anywhere near Africa.

      2. Ideas like the ones in this article can be found in places like Stormfront. The subtext is clear to anyone who has been to Stormfront and other white supremacist sites.
        The only thing this article does is waterdown the ideas to make them seem more benign.

        1. So only white nationalist sites can discuss these topics? While ROK is associated with game it focuses on a variety of subjects that somehow concern masculine men. Red pill implies to understand both the ugly and beautiful truths of life.
          I don’t see anything negative with bringing these up. Jews can stop imposing shitty ideas on American people. African states can stop blaming colonialism and adapt more stable systems such as those in the West – likely with less good results but still better than currently. Women can stop blaming men for being emotional and gay model ideals. Lefists can stop being authoritarian and misguided beliefs that race mixing will solve all problems of racism and socioecomic inequality.

        2. Hey, buddy, the, “you’re racist,” thing you guys did doesn’t work any more. It did before and I can understand your willingness to still try this tactic, it was an easy win, I get it, but the conversation’s matured beyond name calling and labeling.
          If you want to try get the upper hand in today’s arguments I’m afraid you’re going to have to bring logic and facts to the table. I know, I know, it’s a lot of work, and that sucks for you, but times are tough for you guys. On the flip-side, you might learn a new skill, it’s called researching.

        3. @William Adams
          “So only white nationalist sites can discuss these topics? ”
          Point is, these topics belong in the land of the truly absurd. If the manosphere is really about self improvement, they should abandon these silly ideas like Jewish conspiracies and HDB nonsense. If you’re discussing the same topics as white supremacists, then you’re encouraging that kind of stupid thinking while goes against the idea of self-improvement. How can anyone improve their life by learning to hate Jews and non-white people?

        4. “The subtext is clear to anyone who has been to Stormfront and other white supremacist sites”
          Lazy ‘argument’. Basically you can’t actually provide any evidence, so like a weak spineless woman you start sniveling about ‘subtext’. What’s next, feelings? Tone?

    4. White nationalists have become the new freethinkers and humanists because of our willingness to explore ideas that normie society tries to suppress.

    1. You mean the Khazar Jew converts? Largely exaggerated and misguided idea. Genetic studies show that Ashkenazi Jews have partially Middle Eastern desecent, although often secularized and somewhat mixed with Europeans throughout the centuries.
      I don’t talk about JQ all the time, or even often, but everyone who has eyes to see with know that it is true. Even Swedish celebrities have said that Jews control Hollywood. However, that does not mean that Ashkenazi Jews have no real Jewish ancestry.

      1. William
        Russian Jews are converts of Khazars and you see this in a Rosanne Barr or a Leonard Nimoy or a Steven Seagal or Harvey Weinstein. They are OBVIOUSLY Asiatic.
        They migrated West INTO Germany from Russia.
        Polish Jews were from North Africa and migrated into Eastern Europe after being invited by the King of Poland in the Middle Ages.
        German Jews migrated West from Palestine and apparently intermarried with a great many Italian women en route.
        Jews are a mixed race. Their paternal DNA might be Middle Eastern but their maternal will have all sorts of different influences.

        1. Russian Jews are mostly nothing else but Polish Jews who lived on territories that at some point became part of Russia

      2. Do you research properly and come back with an article about it.
        Thank you.

    2. It doesn’t matter where Ashkenazi Jews came from. It matters what they have done to subvert white societies in the here and now.
      Collapse the Jews, not ourselves, because white men have done nothing wrong.

      1. Agree. I could care less who are the true jews. I care an awful lot that the people who are actively trying to destroy western culture and the indigenous peoples of europe are all jewish of some extraction. It isn’t Japanese people forcing legions of inbred rapacious pakis on the west.

        1. jbwilson
          British India is why UK has paks.
          Jews in the US won’t be changing immigration laws to ensure it is easier for them to enter the America anytime soon.

  4. While it would be absolutely intellectually dishonest to claim that no mixed race people are attractive, I still think, believe, and personally observe that natural homogenous beauty is superior.
    Most attractive I’ve seen is European and African (think Dominican, Braziluan), but true and ultimate beauty is in variety.
    Great points, great article Will.

    1. Although I don’t have any interest sexually, I think south african blacks are the most aesthetically pleasing people on the planet. Tall, long limbed, symmetrical faces, great teeth, etc etc. Not the brightest group around, but beautiful.

      1. jbwilson
        Not all of them. They have that Dutch-Belgian Frankenstein monster look-big buckteeth and large protruding block forehead and square faces.

  5. 10.) Check’s in the mail.
    11.) It’s a cold sore.
    12.) I’m not gonna cum in your mouth.

    1. 13.) I’ve never done this before,
      14.) Of course I will respect you in the morning,
      15.) Trust me, I won’t say a word,
      16.) You look great in that outfit, very flattering.

  6. Great piece, all true, except this:
    “A misguided concept is that men prefer borderline anorectic 5’11” model types.”
    Guys, c’mon now. Every manosphere blog promotes tiny, skinny, no-hips/boobs women as the ideal. The Kate Moss type is the preferred type among manospherians (just look at any game article on ROK, or any other game blog).
    Other than that; great piece.

    1. There are nuances and many of us like several types of girls. No one likes the extremely skinny, though. I can like 5.1 petite Asians but also a bit taller white women, and somewhat curvy ebonies, Latinas and white girls with fake tits and bigger asses. Fitness girls are also okay as long as their muscularity and vascularity are not too extreme.

      1. Point well taken Sir, but if you scan all manosphere blogs, the photos they post of the women you should aspire to to be “alpha” are all Kate Moss types.

    1. The main difference is that cosmological and existential questions/topics such as if god exists, or what the meaning of life is, cannot be answered. However, these nine (and other such) can be understood with research, facts and common sense.

        1. Because the principles make sense, and encourage civil behavior, which promotes peace. Anyone against that is likely some kind of psychotic.

    2. A cure for cancer does not exist now. Therefore it CANNOT possibly exist, ever. Prove right now it can without faith that it does exist and just has to be discovered.

      1. People beat cancer all the ti.e. if by cure you mean “magic eraser pill medicines”, then you’re into fantasy and not reality. I’d add that belief in the possibility of curing cancer led to treatments which, in fact, cure cancer.

  7. I would add “Christianity” to the list.
    Because Christian beliefs don’t make sense even if you accept the cult’s own assumptions. The world view offers NO EXPLANATION for why god’s creature can rebel against him, nor what keeps this from happening again and again.
    For all we know, some Christian reading this post has drawn the short straw in the next stage of god’s plan, and god has doomed him to become the next satan.

    1. The easy answer is that it’s all bullshit.
      Think about the story of Jesus, who was God himself.
      In the beginning God creates the world and it’s perfect and has a divine plan. However, a snake fucks his plan, even though He knows about it and can stop it, because He’s omniscient and omnipotent. He then punishes his creation for the way He made them. Later, He impregnates a virgin with Himself, then later sacrifices Himself to Himself to forgive Hinself and save His creations from rules He created Himself.
      And all of this is part of his plan.
      It’s all bullshit.

    2. Nah, God created beings like him, free thinkers with creative power, but limited ability since free thinking creatives have the ability to really fuck things up. See: America, Europe, Africa, Womens studies, etc.
      You yourself are indeed proof; ask yourself honestly: don’t you like friends that think and act like you, flaws and all, for better or worse?

    3. Because it was never meant to be taken literally. It’s like applying a book on how to write great comics to auto repair: the fact that it does not work does NOT mean the book itself is garbage.
      Joseph Campell’s “Myths of Light” is a book that needs more exposure.

      1. It wasn’t meant to be taken seriously? So then the 10 Commandments, the Flood, the Fall of Man shouldn’t be taken seriously either?
        Hamster alert.

        1. Hardly. How could a “day” have existed before any stars? A “day” to God at that point could have been a billion years, give or take a million.
          And I said literally, not seriously. Try again.

  8. I thought I was the only one who had figured out that the tall, anorexic “model” look was created by homos. I’m happy to see that I’m not alone.

    1. research backs it up… most men do NOT prefer that type of woman. They prefer women with some curves and boobs. Hence, most porn stars are NOT anorexic, save in Israel.

  9. @ U_U_WHITE
    Can you compreend that the “Jewish conspiracy” is not a conspiracy? The truth is out there, not the slightest hidden. It is important, though, to stress that Jews do not stand in the way for self-improvement. Further, Jews are not monolithic, and the culture can change. That would be an absurd and extreme idea, to assert that all Jews are like that, involved in everything, and cannot change.
    If you only want to focus on self-improvement that is fine, but many of us are also concerned about political, cultural, social and demographic aspects of society.

  10. Regarding anorexia, even before redpill discovery, I always thought gay men, who are the primary designers, either hated women and wanted to destroy them or they preferred looking at bodies that resembled 11 year old boys.

  11. The biggest lie yet. Only 9 lies told…..NOTHING that is conventional wisdom or belief is based in anything but a lie, but a discerning person can figure it out if they apply themselves a little bit.

  12. 5. Jews and SAT. Do they count as whites and at the same time brag about having a higher IQ?
    That would look like a typical scam.

  13. About beauty standards: I’ve noticed something curious.
    Typically when encountering images by anthro-artists, ignoring any porn or fetish, anthro females are typically drawn with basic shapes considered by men to be attractive.
    If you check to see who the artists themselves are, many of those who draw such anthro-female characters are themselves female artists! Maybe this is a way of getting around the rantings of the SJWs, by making the characters non-human, much as Aesop used animal characters and Gene Roddenberry used science fiction as a disguise.

  14. 10. Taxation is the price for civilization. Taxation is actually the transfer of wealth from the productive people(usually men) to unproductive ones.
    11. Economic growth is all good. It brings higher prices, housing shortages, traffic, pollution, waves of immigrants to fill jobs. It is only good for the elites and increases wealth gap.

  15. 12. If we abolished welfare all the blacks would get jobs in this late-stage industrial society instead of going on a rampage.
    Proud white men who are scared to be around to blacks in a Popeye’s take out would suddenly become fearless warriors killing blacks who were determined to essentially eat him.
    Not only that but China and Korea would ignore this development as it lead to instability (Look what one LA riot can do).
    A few of the big white boys here will bellow about fighting blacks. Perhaps they could. But a long war would result and the North Koreans would probably side with the blacks, or the Muslims, or Chinese. Perhaps funding them even.
    As stated Mexicans would seize the oil in Texas. Not to mention the number of Mexicans and blacks serving in the Military who have family ON welfare.
    And ultimately it would lead white people to the situation many are in now-in insignificant remote rural areas that blacks and Mexicans cannot be bothered with.
    As for Jews, who espouse welfare to keep their own urban locations free of such anarchic crime, they would be eaten quickly. As would felch-breath gays.
    You average white will say good riddance but blacks would take the East and West Coast ports of entry (Or Mexicans prompted by a huge black insurrection spurred on by no welfare) and this would create a situation where whites were battling it out for specific parts of the US that were valuable.
    Here is the thing whites in Iowa or Missouri don’t realize. In international terms, only New York and Los Angeles matter. The rest of the country does not matter at all except in terms of agribusiness food supply which is probably controlled by Washington DC anyhow.
    So good luck with the macho repeal welfare laws.
    I’m sure all of you on here are not skinny meatsticks.

    1. If it all came down to simple fighting in the streets, I agree the blacks would likely reign supreme for obvious reasons. However, the vast majority (read: more intelligent)Whites aren’t going to be meeting them in that arena in the first place. I feel like repealing welfare would lead to social collapse very quickly. In which case Whitey and his far superior skill set/logic/resourcefulness would inevitably utterly crush the Blacks. How many Blacks do you know who can wire a house or program PLC’s? Set up solar or hydro power? Frame a house?Fix basic mechanical shit? Skilled marksmanship? This is white boy territory. Special Forces, Navy Seals etc. All overwhelmingly White. White’s are on another level of crazy combined with commitment. Basic example- Majority of extreme sports athletes are White. Honestly, I think many Blacks would deal themselves out of the game because of abject laziness and mental retardation.

  16. “A misguided concept is that men prefer borderline anorectic 5’11” model types. ”
    I prefer 5’1″ 95lbs.
    & Under 29. That is very important.

    1. Jeez, I was a ticked off marshmallow, and now I am a ticked off triangle…is that better or worse?

  17. Did you take a look at that hapa subreddit that you linked to, Bill?
    Seems they also inherit Asian betas famous neuroticism and White beta whinyness.

      1. WILLIAM
        So why does Japan look better than Africa or Israel (The purported masters of the world have a 2nd world country)?
        What “mankind” exists outside of the Eurasian landmass without whites or Asians.
        Since whiny East Asians and Western Europeans are unable to create anything of value.
        Are they as good at making babies? Perhaps not. Blacks do this better. Can they run as fast? Maybe not (Though I would pit many Japanese Karate against the toughest black yard bird in any US prison).
        In point of fact blacks are equally liable to begin shouting in public. An Emo having a chimp out does not scare as much as a 6’5 black man in KFC having a chimpout.

        1. I have nothing against whites and Asians in general, obviously. Just pointed out that whiny such are a disgrace. Northeast Asians and whites do have so many opportunities in life, yet some whine about this or that.

    1. Of course they inherited the white beta whininess, daddy could not get a decent white woman so he was relegated to going halfway around the world to find and marry an asian prostitute.

  18. “with higher IQ levels own much more books than duller counterparts” Yeah, and they talk gooder two…

  19. The biggest lie I’ve been told and unfortunately believed back then: Girls don’t care about money or looks, its all about confidence.

  20. The biggest lie is
    The Jewish Conspiracy
    does not exist.
    It does, and the goal is death of whites.
    What they don’t tell you is they are allowed by their Talmud
    to take pleasure in goyim murdered in absolute horror and terror.
    It feeds their demon that they worship. It’s sick and it’s real and it’s
    worse than any of us really know. What’s the single most common
    and overused word in their Torah? BLOOD.

  21. If Jews make films like “Obsessed” where some Jewish woman stalks a black man (NEVER HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE) and white people believe this they deserve to pick cotton for Jews.
    Here is a secret Latin American countries have. The whites that have stayed at the top have stayed white. They imported women from Spain or Portugal and their kids like Castro or Fox where whites who convinced Mestizos and Indians to tow the line as their serfs.
    Jews won’t be “mudsharking”. That is for sure. The new Brazilianized underclass of the US which is part white trash female and part black stud and part Central American jungle Indian (This point was arrived at in Brazil 200 years ago) will not include Jews.
    Not long ago Irish-Catholics and Italians sneered at Jews. Arabs still sneer at them.
    Yet the Anglo in a nowhere state lines up to pay tickets for crap starring Beyonce who was named by the Jewish agent she sucked off to get her start in the music business that portrays white women stalking blacks.
    The Anglo dresses like Eminem or if female she is a mudshark who is transformed into a crack cocaine whore with an out-of-wedlock kid.

    Good list, but basically the whole of liberalism is based on lies.
    The tenets of liberalism is that all races are equal. Other tenets are feminism, open borders, homosexuality, attack on traditional family and marriage, etc.
    That is why I call it lib-barbarianism.
    These are all promoted by the Judaists, as admitted by Joe Biden, who thanked his Jewish masters.
    See: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/349155
    Why? This is because Judaists hate whites and want to exterminate them and this cultural war is their tool.

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