How The Elite Manipulates Your Notions Of Love And Hatred

If some identity or group is on the side of the elite, it is framed as an underdog or ex-underdog who courageously stood up for its rights after having been unfairly persecuted. Muslim terrorists, anti-white murderers, and now invasive Buddhist killers are promoted as poor innocent victims with rights and a legitimate identity.

If some identity or group is on the target list, however, it is presented as “xenophobic”, “intolerant”, charged with being responsible for every problem around, and it ought to be trodden upon and vilified boundlessly. Note that it is perfectly possible for a group to fall from the first position to the second. In the 2000s Buddhism was the peak of kool-aid wisdom. You just couldn’t criticize so humane and enlightened a cult, or at least the lukewarm version of it that prevails in the West. Then the elite decided there should be a “Buddhist Hitler”, something unimaginable before, to justify Muslim exactions in Myanmar.

Psyops is all about manipulating ideas, identity, and feelings. It is about creating a narrative and making people internalize it so that they are steered into liking this, loathing that, being indulgent with some but overdemanding with others. The underdog-becoming-a-champion is a sham, not the truth. Actual underdogs who are not protected or supported by the elite are shamelessly repressed. Just ask the 80s’ pro-life activists.

I take care not to read too much about the occult elite. This kind of reading is absorbing and very informative, but when you’re dabbling too much in there forgetting to carry on with your own life becomes all too easy. It can also lead to depression due to how small and powerless it makes you feel. On the other hand, having basic knowledge about them and especially about how they manipulate helps you not to fall for their traps. Sovereignty on one’s mind matters crucially in life. As long as getting informed on the elite is beneficial, do it—otherwise focusing on your own ventures achieves way more.

An important tool used by the elite is appropriating “love” and “hate”—the words and the emotions. If the elite supports you, you’ll be identified with love or loveable things, hence you’ll be loveable. If the elite wants you out of their way, you’ll be identified with hate or disagreeable things, hence you’ll be despicable or hateable. This simple rule of thumb goes a long way.

Basically, both love and hate are moral and natural. If you were a Christian, you’d love and invest out of love towards God, your relatives, your friends, anyone who could rightly be considered a neighbor in the biblical sense. The internal emotion and the outward proofs of love were but one. Likewise, hate fulfilled a legitimate function: if someone willing to harm you knows you’ll hate him and likely hurt him, he is much likelier to refrain from harm.

The world, natural or not, is made of contraries. We have agonist and antagonist muscles so we can push or pull. Being able to love and to hate, and to act out of both, is part of a wholesome human nature. Now raising above feelings and being at least able to keep them at bay to take a conscious decision is something else. In any case, being capable of opposite acts does not mean self-contradiction but being balanced.

An artistic depiction of the love/hate equilibrium

Love and hate, though, were taken over and manipulated through clever means.

The first Trojan horse was modern (seventeenth century and beyond) romantic love. Before the modern world, the dating market was regulated by traditions that ensured a mix of sexual welfare and rewarding the deserving. Monogamy, negotiations between the groom’s and bride’s families, ensured that men could marry at their level, had a good chance to marry, and that potential brides wouldn’t be tainted by a number of premarital partners.

Romantic love was a mask for inflamed, unchecked male lust and freewheeling female hypergamy. Men starting running after women when they had no need to do so and women gladly inflated their social value. Look at the Belle Époque art. Yes, it extolls masculinity and femininity, and the artists cared about beauty. But look to the content: it glorifies female singers, dancers, all variations of high-valued courtesans, hooking up with wealthy, high-ranking men. Was Sarah Bernhardt really better than Kim Kardashian?

Thus, “love” was confused with lust, shortsightedness, forgetting one’s legitimate interests and frequently pitted against the traditional familial consciousness. The nineteenth century let us with a stock of bullshit in verse, usually written by incel, supplicating zeta poets, who have been appropriated and heralded as classics by official history. Eventually, after the second World War, the romantic love mask was discarded as unnecessary and the deregulation of the sexual marketplace took a more Marxist, or “emancipatory” as they say, turn.

Emancipation indeed

Although romanticism is not fashionable anymore, the Current Year media still use “love” rather heavy-handedly. They keep pushing a narrative where the globalists, along with their attacks and pet identities, are related to or identified with “love”, versus whoever or whatever is not siding with their interested must be associated to or identified with “hate”.

Kill whitey types are poor and oppressed, hence they should be indulged, empathized with, acknowledged as good boys who dindu nuthin—“love.” Anal marriage has been constantly branded as “love”, from the MSM to Ben & Jerry’s. Governments supported by Soros have been heralded as cool, progressive, edgy—“love”—and brave. On the other hand those not supported are accused of “hatred”, “hate speech” and so on.

In the West, the police will make sure you only very quietly and politely protest the No Borders anarchists, and if you literally or figuratively raise your voice, they will arrest you for inciting violence, or will look away as people in black bandannas wreck your car. If you punch a leftist, you incited violence with your fist. If a leftist punches you, you incited violence with your words. (Social Matter, “Right-Wing Activism Always Fails”)

As long as you’re not siding with the anti-male, anti-white, anti-western, anti-family, anti-middle class elite, whatever you do will be blackwashed and associated to “hate” or other disagreeable stuff.

1997: Buddhism is cool, Brad Pitt plays a Buddhist monk
2017: Buddhism = terrorism and swastikas

The opposite is also true. When Jewish leftists tried to browbeat Richard Spencer’s mom into selling her flats below the market prices and leaving her city, the alternative media uncovered their nefarious actions—and these leftists presented themselves as members of an organization called “Love lives here.” Robbing, threatening, swindling people is “love” when you’re a Leftist and your target victim is even tangentially related to a dissenter.

In France, bourgeois bohemian youtubers associated to promote themselves giving money to the pseudo-victim Muslims of Myanmar. How did they present themselves? As the #LoveArmyForRohingyas. I remember of a mainstream, vaguely new-age French writer who used the motto “love as a spade and humor as a shield.” This looked innocent—until I realized this just meant weaponizing parts of normal life and propagating chaos. At the same time, people who notice the Arab-Muslim violence are stigmatized as “hateful” or pronouncing “hate speech” and so on.

Years ago some leftists used to conclude their messages by the word “peace.” A feel-good, positive vibes word. But just before that they’d rant against white males, and “the rich”, and “the far right”, and this, and that. There was an obvious contradiction between their “peace” pose and their hostile deeds. The contradiction wasn’t an accident—the framing serves to maintain a narrative, a shared illusion Leftists keep trying to impose through extended violence.

Problem glasses, dyed hair and a fishmouth mean LOVE. Believe that, you white males!

Is the love-versus-hate narrative Manichean? Of course. (Way more, I would say, than the Stocks vs. Bitcoin issue.) Yet it works better than the mild-mannered conservative viewpoints. Most issues are complex, most people are lazy or have no time to dive deep. Issues must be condensed to be communicated. And, no matter how much you enjoy freedom of speech, strong symbolic pictures, fashionability, an easy-to-grasp narrative and peer pressure works better on most people than half-deep ponderings.

Having Brahmins to steer the opinion isn’t a problem per se. The problem comes when the Brahmins start working for the Rothschild and begin to destroy their own relatives—us—instead of leading them.

The narrative must be undermined. We can be successful, happy, in a way that makes us palatable and cool, even when billions are invested into shaming and blackwashing us. We can chide their hypocrisy, for example when they talk about “love” before berating and dehumanizing people. And it can be fun too.

Read Next: How The Perception Of Disgust Is Manipulated Over Time To Break The Human Spirit

48 thoughts on “How The Elite Manipulates Your Notions Of Love And Hatred”

  1. ROK used to be about genuine practical everyday common sense masculine wisdom. Now this site has descended into one big beta/omega make articulated rant of the boring extreme. ROK needs to bring back the folks who actually lived life instead of living a world of some angry bitter sex deprived idealistic make believe.

    1. 1) Reality is boring
      2) anyone talking of beta and omega is Omega; you re omega period you lose at life
      3) you’re tarded
      4) everything you think and believe is not correct
      5) to you, all intelligence is boring
      6) boring isn’t a problem
      7) you consider valuable many worthless things
      8) you dont decide what has value or not, what is true or isnt, and thats a fact
      9) if you deny that fact it remains a fact and youre a fucking loser
      10) youre tarded, fact not thought
      11) Article is factual reality, you are tarded and lose, article wins because its fact.
      TERMINATE YOUR LIFE, SON OF TWO RETARDS. Christmas is tye right day to do it.

    2. ‘idealistic make believe’….YOU ARE TARDED.
      YOU ARE MEGALOMANIAC, THIS PATHETIC. you think you understand life, you dont. Fucking retarded loser.
      Also kill your retarded parents first, they are retarded, fact not insult.
      anything who thinks like is tarded and has no right to life.
      And make sure to make it boring — LIFE ISNT ABOUT FUN, RETARDED STUPID ANIMAL.
      What is fun isnt real, retard.

      1. Value you have not, you’re such a fucking sperg, look at that, having to post multiple spergy posts. You’re the usual fucking idiot. What’s the point in worrying, if you aren’t living? You only get one chance at this game, dumbfag.

    3. did your female owner give you permission to post here? shame on her. you snuck away while she was opening her gifts didnt you? but she never gave you your balls back like she keep promising….

      1. How dare u rapist!!!!!
        I knw Bloodz who will dump ur rapey body over a cliff!!!!
        Don’t fuck with women u rapist!!!!!
        I will personally get hold of a gun to shoot u!

        1. I wasn’t going to get involved until I saw this post.
          So you slander and lie about Roosh being a rapist, and then in the same breath talk about your connections with the Bloods? Vile, animalistic, subhuman rapists and murderers, not to mention hideous, perverted fags on the “down low” who chomp at the bit to go to prison and practice their degeneracy.
          If you know filth like the bloods, that only shows where your allegiances lie. Go back to BLM and Antifa where you belong, troll.

        2. haha with your nickname and your misplaced pride to be a lgtbqxyz ally, it is you, dumbass, who will be dumped over a cliff when your beloved muslims brothers of peace will take power in your country.
          and you know what ? i’ll be happy to see that.

      2. ur a dead man walking rape supporter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i find out where u live i will teach u a lesson!!!!!!muahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    4. Bul-Krapos just helped strengthen our resolve with the “angry bitter sex deprived idealistic make believe” comment.

    5. what you fail to understand is that once you have write or/and read all the stuff about self improvement, game and lifestyle, the next logical step to red pill awareness is to look upon policies and forces who are changing the world around you.
      You can stay in your happy-merry-going ignorance and stay oblivious to the fact that every fucking thing in this world is about, at the end of the day, politics.
      But know that leftists, sjw and feminists have perfectly understood that. But idiots like you, no.
      By the way, if you’re not happy with the content of ROK, why are you constantly bitching here ? grow up and stop it.

  2. “The first Trojan horse was modern (seventeenth century and beyond) romantic love. Before the modern world, the dating market was regulated by traditions that ensured a mix of sexual welfare and rewarding the deserving. ”
    Agree 100% that this “love” bullsh*t has played a major factor in the fall of the west.But I think 17th century is way too early. Seems to me that here in the US, this “love” crap starting coming into the picture after the 1920s, and then really took off after WW2. And then was the 60s came along, perverting male/female relations even further, to the cesspool that it is today.
    The time honored tradition of male providers needing female nurturers work for over 100 thousand years. It never should have changed. If I can afford to support a family’s daughter, and her father approves of me, then I should get her. End of story. This “romance” crap only degraded into girls becoming sluts chasing after useless “bad boys”.
    Will take a whole lot to reverse it though. Like a “Mad Max” scenario or something similar.

  3. Mr. Roosh the Douche raped a 4.year.old girl in Maryland….He also masturbates to images of girls of the same age.

    1. dude if you are just making this up then you are sick and its all the liars like you who mean you must question the stories of real victims which is horrifying and allows some real rapists to walk free. its people who lie about rape who along with rapists cause the rape because if nobody lied then anybody who was raped would come forward, be believed, and the rapist jailed but many idiots like you undermine this.
      If you arent telling the truth you are as much a problem as anybody in terms of rape happening. If this is true you shouldn’t be shit-posting in comments sections but going to the police.
      Typical lying leftist trying to use rape to smear people and thus destroying actual efforts to catch rapists.

  4. This magazine is rapidly moving right-wards and now articles themselves are filled with with racial slurs. look at this quote ” dindu nuthin—“love.” Anal marriage ” dindunuffin is what the far right call blacks instead of the N word these days.
    Hmmm if too many articles blaming Jews for everything ( BS ) , and using all these racial and homophobic slurs it’ll be not far off the daily stormer in tone. I am pro freespeech and admire tthis publication for its free speech view of comments, and maybe even of articles, but all the racist cuss words in actual articles seems a bit nasty to me. I don’t think antisemitism is always true and that they are some mystery pulling the strings everywhere i think this is an idiot trying not to blame himself. Hope i don’t get blocked i genuinely liked many of the other articles.

    1. Leave the racial slurs for the comments which is where the better and richer content usually is

  5. Mr. Roosh, tell your fans how you sexually penetrated a 4-year-old girl in Maryland. Rapist!!!!!!!!! Why did you rape her?

    1. dude if you are just making this up then you are sick and its all the liars like you who mean you must question the stories of real victims which is horrifying and allows some real rapists to walk free. its people who lie about rape who along with rapists cause the rape because if nobody lied then anybody who was raped would come forward, be believed, and the rapist jailed but many idiots like you undermine this.
      If you arent telling the truth you are as much a problem as anybody in terms of rape happening. If this is true you shouldn’t be shit-posting in comments sections but going to the police.
      Typical lying leftist trying to use rape to smear people and thus destroying actual efforts to catch rapists.

      1. STFU! HOW DARE u assume my gender!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMFG……………………….I’m a Professor and Proud Intersect Feminist and LGQTIB ally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr. Roosh did rape a 4-year-old girl!

  6. Mr. Roosh is a child molester…..he was caught raping a 4-year-old female at Silver Springs,Maryland…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..RAPE. SHUD. NOT. AND.NEVER.SHUD.BE.LEGAL!
    U fucker rapist!!!!!! I hope u die from a gunshot wound!

  7. TIS THE SEASON A Yuletide Rap Parody
    Tis the season to be jolly
    Media is the low IQ rube’s Molly
    Produced out in LA LA LA LA Land
    Rubes will believe what the producers say
    Even when the studio head is pedophile gay
    The Cholo and the Hoodrat do not give a shit
    But of reality TV nonsense the dumb white American needs hit
    Will Charlie get off the drugs
    Or Armenian low IQ sluts have a group hug
    The rube whites Dad watches The Osbournes cause he was a head banger
    His son watches Eminem because he wants to be a gangbanger
    The pallid white is nothing more than a mass consumer base
    Even cheap videos where Negros shoot loads on the blonde girl’s face
    All it takes is a camera crew with nothing more to do
    And a money-made distributor marketing directly directly to you
    Movies made in 85 seem like total cheeze
    When Stallone alone made Communists drop to their knees
    And Chuck Norris invented history
    Cause we all know history did not invent Chuck
    Chuck Norris makes it up
    A 5’7 karate expert driving a big pick up
    The the 90’s arrived and wall came down
    So the slacker came about with his cynical Seattle sound
    The public suddenly admired the anti-hero
    And 80’s action star fans dwindled to a near-zero
    The 90’s man was cynical and jaded
    His expression decadent and faded
    Then the media decided to endorse Bush
    Putting the dumb public behind their Iraq push
    White rednecks favorite television becomes yesterdays cheeze
    Mostly dreamed up by LA sleaze
    But those rubes and proles so from LA
    Believe whatever the coke heads say
    It is all because of the you
    And his impressive verbal IQ
    He’ll make any loser a hero
    Any politician his Nero
    Because the rube ‘s options are zero
    He’ll make up some shit about family value
    Between snorts of whatever Mexicans will sell you
    Short Italian men with steroid muscles
    And bi-polar homos who studied ballet in Brussels

  8. A STAR IS BORN Parody
    On this day
    Out in LA
    A star was born
    In mob-backed porn
    Her name was Sally from the flyover
    She appeared in a video by Ben Dover
    From a small Midwestern town she soon ran away
    Thinking she’d go out West and be a star someday
    The LA porn scout found her near the bus station
    She could make him 10 million in his estimation
    He took her to his office and gave her some powder
    And into her mouth blacks soon blew clam chowder
    The white prole watched like he’d done all his life
    Believing porn instructed him what to do to his wife
    She balked at the anal and said that it hurt
    Complained to that porn made him treat her like dirt
    But out in LA for the porn star it worse
    As the mob guys decided to buy her a hearse
    For all the white prole jacking
    Led to an Italian whacking
    Sally was living with four other porn chicks
    And some mob-connected Guido came into the mix
    One of them saw to him what was done
    And a crime family decided it was accident or gun
    So they arranged a suicide in the valley that looked kinda suspicious
    And the media found the whole case so delicious
    But one reporter probed just a little to far
    And he too was found shot dead in his own car
    Another mob guy took a serious oath
    And sent his soldiers to kill them both
    The white prole finances this sordid biz
    Staining his computer with jizz
    Its pathetic and sad about the white prole
    But really he’s just a dumb Red State rural city asshole
    He grows the food and harvests the grain
    While the porn drives him slowly sexually insane
    One day he molests a young girl named Sally
    She joins other girls out in the valley

    Back in 81
    Before the 70’s were done
    Stallone played a weary penniless hippie
    Fighting the GOP
    Wandering through a Red State city
    It looked so incredibly shitty
    That for the locals I’d feel pity
    But some Irish drunk looking cop
    Told him he couldn’t stop
    And for this he blew up their local cop shop
    It was the right after Carter
    Before Reagan was a martyr
    But by 1985
    Rambo was a Right Winger
    Played by a steroid pumped man who looked like a Guido swinger
    By 1988
    The USSR was in a bad state
    The Afghani was celebrated
    13 years before 9-11 left him hated
    Stallone went away
    Finding other characters to play
    Until 2008
    When in Burma he came back
    Long after Tango and Cash
    With a single-man attack
    Credibility he lacked
    But no problem for white stupid viewers
    Whom Hollywood in First Blood skewered
    As stupid white hicks
    Who to hippies were just dicks
    Small town USA its writer Morell detested
    Where Canadian hippies were arrested
    But in their viewership Hollywood had invested
    The series is now truly time-tested

  10. Return of Kings
    How is it that Jews and blacks get women and it is mostly whites Christians that cannot?
    Blacks are in fact taking white women and Jews often too.
    What is wrong with white men that statistically less of them are able to get Jewish or black women than black men or Jews white women.
    Are out dicks just small?
    Is it our dorky demeanor?
    Our lack of street cred or wired-in power?
    The black negro can have a white hick girl smoking his pole. So can a Jew.
    But how many Jewish or black girls not bought and paid for will smoke the white pole?

      1. SOME GUY
        True, or a Jewish woman. I don’t think Jewish girls (I mean real ones with those typical Sarah Silverman looks are hot either).
        But whites do not have access to them.
        How many black women want to “do an Amityville” (Go after a Great White”.
        Black women find most white males to be small-dicked pansies.

        1. Black women are dumb and ugly. I get approached by them but have no interest since slavery has ended in the West. The better looking ones love Whites more than blacks, most are disgustingly ugly. Arabs were smart to clip their “ni99ers”.

  11. Psyop is exactly what this site does to women, gays and other ethnicities than white. Labeling all of them as something that needs to be marginalized and humiliated. So ironic that you complain of precisely the things you help spread.

    1. IRONY A Poem
      Asian brown butt hole in a firm Indian ass
      Staring white man’s eyes as the tropical woman goes past
      Asian brown butthole and a dark pubic patch in front
      Perfect for a long white penis to insert with a pleasurable grunt
      She has long dark hair
      Pubes stuck to white underwear
      Nipples dark and breasts so firm
      Covered with the white man’s sperm

    2. regardless of one’s politics I would say referring to what you refer to as ‘psyops’ is pushing it. The left already has ample ways of describing the ‘marginalisation’ you speak of, for instance ‘Othering’. What you may be alluding to is the left analysis of false ‘binaries’. The critique in this article could be seen as relating to the historical push by the left to destroy old (good/bad) binaries and create new ones to advantage favoured groups, in this instance the rather silly ‘love’ versus ‘hate’ binary.

  12. IRONY
    More than a few males on this site actually live in Indian or Southeast Asian and are white men married to Desi or Asian women (I cannot deduce which you are, probably Indian).
    See, white females have the highest standards in the world. This has resulted in a rather advanced Western society as frigid white women demand top-of-the-line standards to give away the pink pussy.
    But then some of us white men say screw it, the Jews and blacks have the money and big dicks do we will drop out of the West.

    1. Wtf are you talking about? White women are trash and they have no standards. Only thing white men can do to put them back in line is few slaps in cunt face as I expirienced this many times. White men are pussies and this is only reason why women behave like that.

      1. “White men are pussies”
        The rest of you cannot even run a decent First World country except for a few British former colonies like Singapore.
        White people do what they want-like Trump cutting half the UN budget simply because he gets pissed at a decision.
        Democracy is a farce and reality is whites making brown, yellow, black, red dance for some crumbs.
        White women act like trash because they can do so in a country where Negros don’t starve.
        Indians and Asians are still coolies depending on white technology to do coolie jobs.
        Arabs have to sell oil.
        Your IQ’s suck and your countries suck and your facial features suck compared to whites.

  13. Interesting article on an important part of the current discursive control system – and a faltering one at that. Another critical commenter alludes to the dindu nuthin / anal marriage reference. I would have to agree that using such terms may limit the article’s utility: you can’t survey the conflict from above and partake in the ground war at the same time so to speak.
    Also, that article linked to on the Endgame, its rather disappointing that so few disqus comment comments could be retrieved: only two out of I wonder how many?

  14. Any group or affiliation that represents white interests or protection as a people is labelled “White supremacist” without fail.
    Actual Jewish supremacist groups hold huge lobbying power over white governments. In business, education and entertainment they hold majority power that would be severely frowned upon if they were white gentiles.
    Other racialist groups of blacks, Arabs and mestizo’s are also are encouraged to promote their own causes amongst white populations. The irony of the phrase “keeping the black man down” when it is in fact the regular white heterosexual Christian white that is being forcibly held down and eradicated.

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