On December 8, as I was musing on the computer before starting some usual Chris Pratt workout training, a strange video popped up on my Facebook feed. French outlet L’Obs, another mainstream left-leaning media, featured a short-haired womyn of Arab origin who explained sexual dimorphism—the height/weight difference between men and women—by saying that “men took over food and systematically deprived women of it.”
Admittedly, L’Obs published the video with the tag “Opinion—a hundred per cent cut” and an indicated quote as a resume, as if they were reluctant to suggest that this explanation matches their own position. But other French MSM outlets were not so precautious. Libération, a mostly Rothschild-owned Parisian version of the Guardian, as well as the public radio France Info, both promoted the theory as an established truth.
As ignorant of basic biology as it is, this “women are petite because they were harmed by men” theory is one of the latest ammo used by the French bourgeois bohemian foot soldiers in their war against masculinity and men. Several media, all influential and mostly State-funded—yep, in France the MSM receive millions of euros from the State, who tries to hide the real numbers—have been promoting the theory as legitimate while opposing absolutely no criticism or even the least tint of critical thought.
These media have been coordinating just as their North American counterparts did when they tagged one of Trump’s speeches as “dark” or went after gamers. Now the theory is so ridiculous many bourgeois bohemians rail at it in the comments sections, yet none of them dare to trace the evil back to its root, and the whole case shows how extreme the MSM has become, to the point of forgetting both basic science and basic respect for promoting accusatory leftism.
A Lysenkoist view of sexual dimorphism
Genetic science is clear: what runs through generations is genes. If acquired characters can be transmitted, this remains marginal, and nothing acquired can be maintained if there is no genetic basis behind. Genes are a more fundamental level of reality and tend to change at a much slower pace than culture, let alone fads. It is also well-known that some characteristics, like height, ab shape, collarbones size, and even the dimensions of the brain stem mostly, if not entirely, from gene expression. Female hypergamy is known to have been selected by evolution, too.
Real science can adequately explain what we see. But it also flies in the face of those promoting the idea that individuals are carbon copies where an omnipotent deity called “culture” could write anything.
Marxism has a long story of denying and evilizing human differences. In fact, it went so far at trying to destroy the complex substance of reality through make-believe it once denied genetics even beyond humans. In the 1930s Soviet apparatchik Trofim Lyssenko openly stated that genetics were incompatible with Communism and had to be rejected. He pretended to have invented “vernalization”, a method to multiply wheat production by tinkering with temperature. “See, it’s all in the environment!”
In fact, Lyssenko’s method only obtained marginal improvements in agriculture—so marginal they could be safely attributed to sheer randomness. However, the truth had no right over Soviet ideology. Lysenkoism became part of the mainstream Soviet position. Lyssenko headed the Academy of Agriculture, branded regular geneticists and scientists as racist jensenist supremacist “counter-revolutionary” and “reactionary”, and had Stalin deport them to the gulag.
Here we are witnessing the same phenomena applied to human sexual dimorphism. Genetics are denied, it is supposed false that everyone and everything were the same, and that differences are both bad and to blame on someone.
In 2005, a “social anthropology” student, Priscille Touraille, defended her thesis where she claimed that sexual dimorphism was “not natural” but created by “a thousand-year old venture of social categorization called gender.” Her main adviser, Françoise Héritier, is a denier of nature who was picked by Jewish anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss to enforce a constructionist/deconstructionist view of humans. Seems legit.
Muh gender!
As for Touraille’s doctoral dissertation, it could be described as a heap of falsities, sophisms and irregular extrapolations mixed with postmodernist logorrhea.
For example, it is claimed that, had evolution happened naturally, it would have selected taller and stronger women, as these are obvious advantages. Or are they? A smaller body is less expensive to maintain than a bigger one. Also, if your biological mission consists in giving birth, being fatter is advantageous as you have to sustain your baby—something men only did indirectly by hunting or growing food.
It is also claimed that in most mammal species females are bigger than males, which is false. All in all, Touraille clearly misunderstood the very nature of evolutionary pressures. Had she understood these right, she would also have grasped the obvious advantage of specialization, with women being selected to be better than men at motherhood—not to be taller or stronger—as this benefits both genes and tribes.
No biologist, nutritionist or actual scientist has evaluated Touraille’s dissertation. The panel was entirely filled with female social constructionists. Touraille was awarded a Ph.D, then two public prizes, which respectively claim to reward “thesis works… able to influence our scientific, economic and social environment” (leftwards of course) and to promote “gender equality policies”—in other words, poisonous blue-pill crap, not truth.
The absurdity of Touraille’s theory should be obvious. If women’s smaller physique does not come from genetic causes, it must have been caused by men taking over food and letting less calories to women. This contradicts the idea of women being locked up in the kitchen, as food tends to be stored there—an idea feminists used for decades just like others used muh slavery and muh holocaust—and also supposes that all men, at all places and times, have been spontaneously conspiring to keep the food to themselves.
This misandric accusation should seem too absurd to be serious. How do you prove such a conspiracy? How do you even explain it, especially when you deny genetics? Yet the French mainstream media seem oblivious to the obvious and promote a hallucinated accusation against an entire sex. Neither coherence nor epistemological modesty, not to mention empirical evidence, are a rule as long as you keep berating and de-humanizing men. Leftists do not do research—they consider no alternative or only so and keep rewriting history according to an a priori given narrative.
Top-down promotion

Priscille Touraille
Touraille turned her dissertation into a book in 2008. It never made it into scientific reviews. Indeed, sexual dimorphism has long been noticed by biologists and evolutionary scientists, and the evidence weights unambiguously on the side of natural selection and genetics. So, instead of making it into real science, the men-caused-women’s-smaller-physique-because-all-men-are-evil theory was promoted by the System with no scientist around to give it the refutation it deserves.
After Touraille was awarded two prizes in 2007, her theory served as the backbone of a video documentary realized by two Jews, Véronique Kleiner, and Didier Deleskiewicz, both paid with the taxpayers’ money. The documentary was shown in 2013 on the French-German public TV channel Arte. As an astute critique noted:
The documentary features a number of specialists in biology, paleoanthropology and endocrinology. However, none of them truly supports the theory. Scientists answer to general questions about sexual dimorphism and parts of their answers are exhibited throughout the film. The magic of editing creates an illusion of scientific consensus, all under the patronage of [feminist adviser] Françoise Héritier, who speaks a lot. And the cherry on the cake—the voice-over was made by Sophia Aram [an anti-white French media figure of Arab descent].

Didier Deleskiewicz and Véronique Kleiner
In 2015, Touraille published a cosigned article together with other gender-believers in an “anthropologist” review. There she presented her theory, not as a hypothesis, but as an established truth. “The idea… according to which men need more protein than women… [is] false as demonstrated by the most recent findings in nutrition sciences”, she says. What findings? Here Touraille quotes her own dissertation as her sole “nutrition sciences” reference. I doubt that an unclear and hallucinated “gender” has anything to see with sexual dimorphism, but leftist autism seems to be a very real phenomenon.
Then, in 2017, the short-haired Arab girl I mentioned at the beginning published a book to say exactly what Touraille and other public-funded genderists said before, although with a bit less lingo. Then the media coordinated to promote said book lavishly. Oh, the evil patriarchy rewarding absurd misandric bullshit!
A couple of months after the book was published, adviser Françoise Héritier was complacently interviewed by Le Monde. There she spoke of “eradicating… masculine desire”, confused dimorphism with dismorphism and inferred incorrectly from an established social practice the nonexistence of genetic causes. Her interview also had that smug, full of hot air, and border demented-tone which has become so commonplace among media liberals.
Beyond the smokescreen of postmodern lingo, the theory even fails at being precise:
What were women deprived of by men for millennia exactly? We don’t know for sure. If you compare Priscille Touraille’s, Nora Bouazzouni’s and Françoise Héritier’s versions, the answer changes from one interview to another. Sometimes iron deficiencies are held responsible for the artificial smallness of feminine bodies, sometimes the blame falls on protein or fat deficiencies. Sometimes it is claimed that women suffer primarily from being petite, sometimes it is rather said that the lack of muscles or strength or bone mass are the substantial part. It doesn’t matter much anyway. (Source)
The only fake news around is leftist ideology
The theory of deprivation caused by men was not created on the basis of empirical evidence and with the aim of competing fairly with established theory, but invented as an article of fashion or influence and forced top-down on and by the media lackeys crowd. It looks like many other theories made up by leftists during the last century: these are vague, contradict each other, owe their success to fashion or pressure, and are all deemed socially normal because they are ammo for Cultural Marxism.
Charles Murray’s classic The Bell Curve noticed that true anthropological science was stable because it was based on a solid body of observation, measures, and consistent views on heritability. Leftist “anthropology” and thought only has an abundance of contradictory theories, empty words, social pressure and failed policies, but whenever a leftist recognizes that facts don’t side with her, she still defends her ideology on the grounds that it is well-intended.
Is erasing and demonizing differences a good intention? Is creating weaponized social groups, a culture of resentment, a perpetual political war and killing whitey fair or moral at all? Is destroying the family unit, creating unmanly men and unwomanly women, both severed from their core, laudable? Leftism is neither moral nor true. And it needs a taste of its own medicine.
If we live in a “post-truth era”, as some mainstream pundits said, this comes from Leftism and the MSM. It is leftism that constantly imposed its own ideology over knowledge and its own criteria of judgment (political correctness) and expression over regular social norms. And here it is also mainstream Leftism that pushes its denial of biology to the point of blaming men for sexual dimorphism.
Thankfully, Lysenkoism died, and perhaps one day we’ll be free of this bullshit circus too.
Read Next: Special Snowflake Lashes Out At Oxford University For Not Accomodating Her Made-Up Disabilities
This all circles back to their core desire to be more mannish; inside their own female identities, their souls have already been crushed; now they want to mimic and behave as “inferior men.” Larger, athletic male lungs also process and use more oxygen than a petite woman. Oh, what have I done to deserve such privilege?
Dear eternally-triggered liberal cunts, please continue to waste more energy with your self-absorbed meltdowns. Enjoy your big adventure into a navel-gazing life of logical fallacies (and their abiding “logic traps”) and other mental dog shit.
These women need to be slapped.
Then the money trail supporting these leftist shitbags needs to be investigated and dealt with.
They can let their paranoia get the best of them and come up with nonsense like this, at the end of the day-it doesn’t matter, that pickle jar ain’t gonna open itself.
I live in a world where normal women weigh under 50Kg (110lb) and I’m happy with that. I weigh 76Kg (6ft male) and have noticed that many white women weigh as much (if not more than me), so where have these French people got the idea women are smaller? Not in the UK and not in the USA!
The average Americunt is 5’3” and 168 lbs. with a 38” waist. No chance that is attractive to most men.
“The average Americunt is 5’3” and 168 lbs. with a 38” waist. ”
The average waist size for men over 20 years old is 40″ …….. that can’t be right?
Women, or fire plugs?
And that’s average?
Where have all the slim women gone?
They are fighting the patriarchy by getting taller…horizontally.
Pure poetry
this is awful. feminism is a form of hatred and nothing more. There will come a time they are whipped up to genuine murder against men. They hate us so badly now and all for nothing. individually we only ever tried our best and yet they attempt to destroy us.
it will end with them trying to wipe us out have non doubt. The lesbians at the top of feminism want the pussy without our competition offering things they never can. It will grow and grow until men begin to stand against it properly. We are their ultimate hate objects actually because we steal women and partners from them and they are insecure because they cannot offer actual cock, children, fathering, money, non-bitchy steadyness, real masculinity, more status as partners, more stable relationships amougst other things. They thus wish to bring us down with constant attacks and will not stop until the level of hatred against us in the hearts of normal women is such we cannot maintain relationships with them. Who will be waiting to understand them?
we are blamed for everything but ultimately we took women with us from animals to these grand civilizations, which are falling yes, but we took them into these civilizations which science and knowledge and awareness. Men need to stand against feminism far more a it is the biggest threat civilization faces.
eventually that portion of the herd will be so mentally errant, they will have to be culled for our own survival as a species. thats a bitter truth no matter what your belief is.
Without men they won’t have any civilization.
Men make and maintain all the housing, utils and tech.
Freud called it “Penis Envy”. Appears that even a stopped clock is right 2 or 3 times a day.
What you are talking about is Lamarckism of which Lysenkoism is a small part and in terms of the field now called Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. This is making a comeback of sorts in science although it is limited.Mendelian classical inheritance is the main way we evolve. You are correct about that but more and more weird things over the last five or so years have been attributed to transgenerational epigenetic inheritance
including human height.
“Consistent components of complex traits, such as those linked to human stature/height, fertility, and food metabolism or to hereditary defects, have been shown to respond to environmental or nutritional condition and to be epigenetically inherited”
The issue with social science is they only allow research to look for conclusions they want and thus in an argument based space its hardly worthwhile as you only get the leftist’s arguments. Only feminist and leftist ideas may be researched and only such academics may employed. Social science is hardly worth the paper its printed. I agree.
This lady may possibly be correct or not I am unsure and its unlikely logically to account for most of hte difference between sexes i would imagine. The fact that each generation gets taller and populations cannot make super fast leaps but at only a pace and that selection clearly didn’t make the dutch suddenly get taller does mean it sounds plausible.
Genes can be switched on and off and some DNA in cell components such as mitocondria are directly passed to offspring by mother ( not made from the zygote cells ) and thus changes are then passed epigenetically to children. various other weird mechanisms by which it can be done.
Dude they aren’t THAT dumb.
Well this article is clearly true, since I prefer to fuck short girls and, if a girl is the same height as me, or taller, I stay the hell away. Therefore, patriarchy!!!
Nah, I just like stretching vaginas and the shorter the girl, the more likely is her vagina to be small… or so I think (don’t have any science to back me up on this). One thing I do find a correlation with is the larger the breasts the deeper the vagina. Or is it the longer the fingers the deeper the vagina? Eh, whatever. They’re all cunts.
“…since I prefer to fuck short girls…”
Yeah me too.
4’10” to 5’4″ and 90 to 105 lbs is perfect, IMO.
I’m 6’1″ 170.
Love me them short petite girls…….
Fun sized…they like to be called “fun sized”.
‘Spinners’ rule!
I suppose we also made them this stupid.
A french feminist ….. the core of filth in the europe.
One of the cuckiest country in the world. their french philosophers invented the Political Correctness ideology. so that the upper class faggots can tell the rest of people how to think and feel instead of reason and scientific facts.
French women are privileged cunts who you can Never have reason with them.
No offence if there are french men here on this site !
but when in the whole history France displays a masculine figure or principles in their society ???
I am French and I agree with you. I was raised outside of France but have met many French women. They are crazy. I recently had one spit in my sandwich because I did not reciprocate her smile. She made me sick, sale pute! I’ve also had French women scorn me for not asking them out on a date despite them having boyfriends. These bitches really need to be bashed and kicked into a dark room.
When I feel retarded, I read this article to make sure I’m still fine
Very interesting !!!
I’m a Caucasian Arabic ( Ex-muslim ) who got my VISA rejected in many Europeans countries and Canada too !!!
one of the employers of the Canadian embassy told me you are too white to be Arabic !!! in a very condescending way. i was really surprised by his remarks.
The truth is : they don’t want white people in the western world. they are literally killing the white race with homosexuality, race mixing and bringing a thousands of brown and black immigrants.
Wake up white people and defend your race.
The only caveat is when it comes to crimes. Many Latino criminals are thrown in as ‘white’ to make the white crime rate appear higher.
That’s true. they’re just looking for anything to make their strawman arguments that whites are evil. while in reality they are the least violent people in the world.
You sound confused as fuck. What the hell is a “Caucasian Arabic”? Great thing that your VISA got rejected. There already is a surplus of idiots.
White from northern arabia !
not my problem if you dont know that there actually white people not only in europe.
You truly are an idiot. Stop claiming something you’re not. Makes you only look pathetic.
What a fag !!! lol
forgive me for being white ? !!!
Ace you’re a dumbfuck. There are plenty of Caucasians in the Middle East and Central Asia due to migration and the slave trade.
Ace, you sound stupid as fuck.
Whites are not only from Europe.
Go read some books. Jesus. Your stupidity is beyond belief, you’re humiliating yourself.
Brown “immigrants” !!??
Are you referring to Satya Nadella, Sundar Pichai, Ajay Bhatt, Dr. Samba Reddy etc. etc. By the way, when did this Country started “immigration” for Browns !?
It’s called The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.
The EU was created for one reason: White genocide.
This is documented fact.
Merkel should be in prison. Lots of MEPs should be in prison.
i had no idea that idiocy on this level existed. But itnproves the theory that leftists always find the most brain damaged or retarded people to carry out their agenda so that they are not directly exposed for their own mental diseases. the left absolutely grooms retard to he their useful idiots, easier done when they own vaginas apparently too. i can’t say its theory at all, anecdotal evidence what it is and all.
Leaving aside that the conspiracy can’t be demonstrated at all, that’s not how evolution works according to any theory. Even lysenkoism will admit that a plant is inherited from both a male and female plant. No amount of selective pressure on women could change the genetics of women relative to men.
Modern feminists have the insane idea that men and women are separate populations. They pretend like they don’t mix every single generation. This isn’t blacks and whites here.
My black ex-wife ate way faster than me. Not always more. I know I regularly starved her on purpose because I’m white and we’re all racist out of privilege, most especially if we didn’t know we are. I’m at a restaurant and a black man is playing rap music on his phone so load I can hear, but I’m what’s wrong with society.
He put down the phone and talked to the server. He talked about the problem with minimum wages (they’re too high) and the value of workplace appreciation on job satisfaction. He was actually a fine and sociable man. Hell, he might be one of you. I guess he was just phone rude. Go figure. Guess I am racist. Oh, well. I’m’a keep starvin’ wom’n ta keep ’em down for gen’rations anyway.
How stupid could these twats be?
In the wild, the male gorilla is larger than the female. The male polar bear is larger than the female. The male elephant is larger than the female.
The problem is that these idiots can still get normal men fired via their accusations alone.
You’d think they’d notice that male cats are always bigger than female cats. Or maybe their homes are safe spaces for female cats only.
And that’s the way it is, December 31, 2017. The last day of the year.
Ass-clown bitches without a lick of sense grab headlines, and everyone listens. Men who have to go to war and defend the societies that spawn and protect theses bitches are marginalized, except when they’re ignored.
People who work hard, earn next to nothing, and pay taxes against their will, support a system that applauds these shallow bitches.
Have a great 2018 everyone.
This is your friend Ed signing out.
Great thoughts, Ed.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more ridiculous, this springs up…
There has to be an end game to this thought, right? How much more irrational and illogical can this stuff get?
Perhaps in 2020 people will see more clearly.
Funny you mention taxes.
I just got hit with a 30K tax bomb because I had the audacity to actually save money and my investments incurred a certain amount of “capital gains” this year.
So my accountant advised me to fork over 30K to the fed & state to avoid paying even more on my personal return. And I take NO public services. Imagine that. I am completely self sufficient but I have to fork over UNGODLY amounts of $$$ to fund people who contribute nothing. Disgusting. I get up at 5:20 every morning, commute 65 minutes to work, work a 10 hour day and don’t get back home until 7:15/7:30 and I have to fork over more than 40% to the fed & state to fund the lives of lazy losers who sit around in the projects eating Popeye’s and drinking Colt 45. Or living in a trailer park smoking meth. What’s the point? What the hell is the point of working hard when I don’t get to keep the fruits of my labor???
Aw, hell, sorry for the new year’s rant. Just had to vent a little I suppose. At least I have a 1.75L bottle of Old Crow to drown my sorrows. Have a great new year everyone.
Yes AutomaticSlim….But Wait!
You work and invest. Your investments are money that works for you. So as more money works for you, less you’ll need to work for money. Now you’re pimpin’.
The folks living on the generosity of others can only do so as long as others provide. When the economy sinks they will fade into oblivion. Money doesn’t work for them because they don’t work for money. And they don’t invest, they consume.
In the end AutomaticSlim, you are free of that fate. You’re golden years will be golden. They shall never have golden years, they will never have enough.
“Fade into oblivion”
No they won’t Edward. To fuck with yourself. Black females have been known to drag white females in Detroit down the street to get a string of pearls back before every white left the city.
Now crack cocaine creates a powerful need for more crack cocaine and this caused crime to rise in the 80’s now imagine NO FOOD.
You or SLIM are going to tell me these folks will all get jobs as computer programmers with an IQ of 91. My guess is that MOST posters here have an IQ of 110, some 120, a few MENSA. You have a high IQ. Slim probably has an IQ of near-MENSA.
So you are too intelligent to comprehend how stupid and mindless people become under the IQ of 80. Which about 25% of certain groups have. They are not going to be re-trained once welfare runs out-they are going to enter the suburbs and cannibalize people. Africans and Aztecs are cannibals or were for thousands of years. It is in their genome.
Most Hispanics doing the labor jobs are US citizens and have been in the US longer than Donald Trump’s family (His father was conceived in Germany, his mother born in Britain). Do you think these barrio cholos are going to immigrate back to Mexico?
The only thing that will happen is what happened when crack hit the ghetto in the 80’s x 1000%.
Hoodrats would roam the roads gnawing on the cooked severed limbs of suburbanites.
You tough guys are going to all say how much you can bench and “bring it on” but the zombies in Dawn of the Dead were not strong either.
Correction. I mean to say you are messing with yourself if you believe certain groups will fade into oblivion.
Because the reason they rule the streets and whites leave in the first place is that they are stronger, more feral, more aggressive, more willing to commit murder.
So of course when welfare stops they will simply say “Oh, that is fine.”
Watch the KFC MANAGER get even.
“Ass clowns”
Think about any bio you ever saw. The most famous would be celebrities, serial killers, morons etc. Nobody remembers the guy who cured polio and we all know who Manson was.
If you wanted media coverage you have to do something really stupid or sensational and even then the public is fickle. For example the Menendez brothers only killed two people and 5 movies were made about their life.
Now the guy who shot 500 people in Vegas is already a bore. Nixon is famous for being a monster but Obama has already faded into the obscurity of deadbeats. Bill Clinton is remember, his wife is a candle in the wind.
Michael Myers
You again.
I’ve helped you all I can. There’s nothing more I can do.
Happy 2018 to you.
Hi Edward, Where have you been man! I am missing my all time favorites on ROK, including you! Time to be regular again. Wish you a very ** Happy & Prosperous NEW YEAR 2018 **
Thank You Ravi Macho.
I been writing. I been working. I been doing everything I can to get out of the rat race.
And it is good to see you again Ravi. Happy 2018 to you.
Did anyone notice that the woman from L’OBS resembles former governor Matrin O’Malley of Maryland? Maybe coincidence or some kind of cloning plot? Any ideas?
I want to knock that bitch out and take her food!
In a round about way they are acknowledging that being bigger and stronger is better. Well… I will tip my hat to that. I agree.
This is funny because it falls in line with typical female argument structure;
“You’re not not better than me because you’re bigger and stronger.
You’re not better than me because you’re bigger and stronger.
You’re not better than me because you’re bigger and stronger…….
…… well it’s your fault we’re smaller.”
First it’s, “no it’s not true.” Then it’s, “okay it’s true but it’s your fault.” Hahahahaha. Bless them and their tiny brains.
“Multiculturalism is wonderful.
Immigrants enrich our culture.
Diversity is a strength….
…well you DESERVE it.”
Many ghetto female dwellers would be almost an even match for me and I am average sized at 5’9 and 180 pounds-a Mark Wahlberg type stocky German-American who is naturally muscular.
Your average 250 pound ghetto inhabitant can fight the average Anglo-Saxon dork. Germans, Irish, Italians are a little stronger on average than the pallid lanky Afro-Saxon Eminem types but two female hood rats would take them.
Again you tough guys on here are going to talk about being 6’5 and full of muscle but the average man is 5’10 or 6 foot and 170 pounds.
“…180 pounds-a Mark Wahlberg type stocky German-American who is naturally muscular.”
Good for you. You are lucky.
I am a 6’1″ 170lb natural ectomorph who has to do pushups and dips and stuff to maintain a certain amount of strength. But being naturally / genetically strong (mesomorph) trumps that every time. But I do have a very nasty attitude when pushed. I can be a real mean bastard. Like I told you the other day, I keep something special in my laptop bag for the miscreants if they ever decide to direct their “diversity” at me.
“Laptop”. You want to make sure its clear self-defense if inflict serious injury to a black on the street or you are going to jail with that jacket. Of course the Nazi jail gangs will accept you but then you are a gang-member for life.
Female hoodrats are not that much weaker or smaller than the average white male is my point. There’s a lot of ghetto females as big and strong as the average white guy.
When I was hanging around with strippers who were white in my drinking days they all told me that jail is a place of torture for white women.
I won’t argue whether you deserve to be in jail but simply that black women are so much stronger and more aggressive than white women that the point feminist is making is null and void.
A man of your intellect and obvious education probably lives in the suburbs and is able to send his kids to a decent school. If your suburb declined you could afford to move.
Now bear in mind I did not come from “The Hood” of Detroit. My father was a doctor and my mother an architect and I lived in a neighborhood of mostly Germans, Irish and Jews. I attended a Catholic school after the 6th grade however after being jumped in a elementary school.
I’m not even racist particularly. I’d rather be around some middle-class Black man than a Hell’s Angels biker or mob guys or whatever.
But physical reality is physical reality.
I don’t need to be big or strong, I’m a really good shot.
I’m unaware of where you are from in the UK but for an American from Detroit the idea that outside its border is a dangerous hellhole is ridiculous.
You would see me in China anywhere at 3 AM before you saw me on the average London estate at the same time.
I’m an old guy like you, John Dodd. Fisticuffs are for the young Turks, meatheads, and half-wits. I have a CCL, and a 1911 Colt .45 short slide. Next to god and my faithful dog, I’d stake my life on John M. Browning’s great invention. Better to keep the thugs at a distance than to engage up close.
I am a small guy, and when threatened, I sometimes ask, “do bullets bounce off your chest?”
God made Man. Colonel Colt made them equal.
I once knew a reformed crack whore/stripper who’d managed to become a trophy wife to a rich half-Jew and in later life built a small apartment complex.
So I asked her what jail was like for white women.
“They eat black pussy until they puked.”
The strength and size difference (On average) between a female hoodrat and white woman is twice that of males.
If blacks were as smart as Jews they would rule the US lock, stock and barrel. But moreover, black women would rule over white women. There is less love lost between Hoodrat females and white women than the males.
Leftish: mocking creationists to belive in dumb bullshit, denied evolution and science to fit political bullshit.
Nowadays, the Left is antiscience too.
You make a good point. The obvious is this: The East Coast and West Coast have a high GDP because of Asians and Irish-Catholics and Jews whose IQ’s on average are high.
Gays are also doing relatively well because they have no dependents to support.
This is true and cannot be denied.
Valid point that gays are doing well. Like women, they’ve earned post-secondary degrees in droves, and have often been awarded higher paying made for work jobs, frequently enabled by sympathetic feminist women and guilt ridden bleeding heart feminized men. (Read a statistic awhile back where the average gay male has a higher level of education and a significantly higher annual income than the average working stiff heterosexual male). Jobs in the arts & entertainment industry, hotel & restaurant industry (ok, generally not so high paying there unless management or entrepreneurs), retail (again, like hospitality industry), government, education (especially), clergy in liberal mainline Protestant denominations, healthcare, HR and private sector managerial jobs. Have not seen too many openly avowed gays in the construction and manufacturing trades, or most nasty, dirty, and dangerous male dominated jobs. Also, many gays seem to be the children of wealthy old money liberals, like hipsters, trust fund kids.
When you thought all the feminist bs would just leave with 2017… Cue in 2018 with even more farfetched mental retardation.
I hope the feminist die out but that’s just a pipe dream of them diening out.
Hahaha! This is the funniest article on ROK yet.. I cannot believe how skillfully the writer invented fake J names and parodies nonsensical distortions of contemporary pseudo-science. Luckily NO ONE on earth could believe this batshit stupidity.. wait.. 🙁 you are claiming this is a REAL article about REAL people??? Uh-oh. 🙁
“Charles Murray’s classic The Bell Curve”
funny you made a point to name several Jews – while failing to mention that Bell Curve was co-written with a Jew. in fact, the Jewish name is mentioned first in the link you provided.
stick to LED lights maybe.
I do not deny that the J are very intelligent but how smart did whites have to be to have allowed them to bamboozle their asses?
I’ll tell you an old German joke: a drunk is sleeping in a park. One man walks by and sodomizes him and then feels bad about it and gives him $10.00. So the drunk buy more booze and the next night he is in the park sleeping rough and the same gay sodomizes him frenziedly in the rectum and then has a fit or remorse and gives him $10.00. The next day the drunk walks in the liquor store. “The usual,” asks the cashier. “Not vodka. It makes my ass sore”.
At a time when the J was in Eastern Europe or Turkey the Old Colonial stock American was a bold English sailor fighting pirates or gritty English Redcoat fighting Mohawk.
Now the J’s ancestor owns a publishing company and the Redcoat’s ancestor is an Afro-Saxon like Eminem.
For instance most of you guys are beating the bishop all day to big-dick Hebrew studs or sometimes for variety a black man. The females are most Anglo-Saxons whose ancestors had women in the Victorian era who would not have wanted their slip to show and now their eating feces on camera.
For a little variety, many Afro-Saxons will buy some drugs to sell to their friends from the representative of some Mestizo cartel.
Then goes home and watches more garbage on television.
As a result the East Coast and the West Coast have continued forward while the center of the US in some places looks like a third world country.
“French outlet L’Obs, another mainstream left-leaning media, featured a short-haired womyn of Arab origin…”
The irony. Can’t say I feel much sympathy for you André. Your country is central in this push for female ‘liberation’. Funny that it’s coming right back biting you in the ass. Hilarious.
If we see this “men kept the food to themselves” theory actually realized in the real world by men giving girls money to buy food, it works out great for the quite sizable percentage of the feminazi population who are landwhales.
“If women’s smaller physique does not come from genetic causes, it must have been caused by men taking over food and letting less calories to women.”
Logic? You only can do this if you have an advantage in the first place. Physical and/or intellectual. How were men able to outsmart and/or overpower women from day one?
Chicks’ smaller physique and weaker upper body strength is due to the female hormones. Women’s bodies never fully myelinate some of the peripheral nerves as well as men do, and the end result is less strength. This happens because the female hormones and receptor locations in the female’s body shuttle most of the iodine needed to maintain the aformentioned peripheral nerves to her breasts. So she can feed healthy babies who won’t wind up developing cretinism or mental retardation.
Aren’t tits aweome?
Common dude! fed up of listening to pussies weaker “upper body”, as if their “lower body” is stronger than MENs !! Entire body of pussies is “weaker” when compared to MEN. A slight kick to c**t can bring a pussy down, in split second !
To hell with this fucking Hollywood, MEN can never deliver swift kick to pussies but the reverse can be found in every other movie !!
red pill about women from tamil movie
Women evolved petite because they’re more vulnerable while pregnant (easier to hide). During prehistory men hunted animals (the more active job) while women gathered plants (more often than not a higher yield than hunting and they could do it while pregnant). So the Men went out and adapted to fighting other animals, while the women adapted to gathering plants. Over time women noticed that the plants they dropped made more plants next season, and some unnamed person came up with the idea of staying put with your plants (and eventually to treat animals like plants). And to do that you need lots of people: so making kids was not only something fun to do, but reasonable and they could do it more often in an agricultural society than in a hunter-gather society (when you move around its hard to keep track of a bunch of kids). Oh yea, and someone figured out how to make alcohol.
Sex and Alcohol started civilization.
Why gringos in the First world care about what a fat feminist say or do? Sorry, I can’t understand that. I Care about hot girls that can make me happy.
I can’t understand gringos. Anyway, you guys are very funny, because feminists are no problema att all. Just leave them alone.
Greetings from Brazil.
Brazil is a mud slide.
red pill about women from old tamil movie
Any cuck mangina who is not deterred
and still wants to stick it in crazy,
will eventually find Lorena Bobbitt
Sometimes when you land a crazy post wall slut you can pretend to be slightly beta in order to lead them on . Keep fucking crazy until you find better that way your balls are drained
If all her whining WERE true, the plot failed utterly.
L One need not look beyond all the fat mental bimbos running around free on the streets spouting their mentally deranged garbage. If it were a plot by men to withhold food and shelter, there would be NO FREE WOMEN at all, you would be in cages and carefully tended and cultivated to be useful and intelligent…but instead, we see you are feral plotting conniving parasitical harlots destroying society. you think you are a revolution, what you really are is a complete failure of your fictitious plot to be cultivated at all into sane social people. You feminists are the result of men failing to obey Gods words and advise, and as such you are pox upon mankind and lewdly lovers of the great snake Satan. Other wise you would be wise adoring and humble, gracious and thankful for all men do for you, instead you are vile self serving self centered narcissistic unruly slovenly wh0res both in attention and action, who breed like viruses right down to not caring at all that you will kill off your own seed and brethren in your desire to be top parasitical consumers.
I think that mostly sums it up. I borrowed the Biblical representation because it is widely understood and easily referenced, but true none the least, religious beliefs or none.
Has it ever occurred to this dimwit that most men do not find big women attractive to procreate with? That’s where their family tree ends and go extinct.
Nonsense look at successful Italians like Stallone, Pacino…they all marry Brigette Nielsen.
Sexual dimorphism is a characteristic of a particular species. They are not just violating biology. They are trying to create an entirely new species of Nuwmen with an alternate history.
The theory in this case is more properly applied by speculating that women are smaller because only the women small enough to be caught, taken, and dominated by larger men were actually fucked. The rest did not propagate their genes. However, it is impossible to explain the female clitoris or the female orgasm in that scenario. All of it is junk science and fake news and the French dyke proponent is an idiot.
At some point in the future, the ideology of leftist “science” will be seen in the same light as the belief that diseases were caused by unbalanced “humors.”