Vegetarian Feminist Professor Says Eating Meat Perpetuates Toxic Masculinity

Anne DeLessio-Parson, PhD, has been on Tucker Carlson and Jesse Waters recently where she argued that the consumption of animal products like steak and cheese both contribute to producing too much aggression. Through her activism, she is hiding potential health risks of a vegetarian lifestyle.

Parson graduated from the Poison-Ivy League University of Pennsylvania, and in her academic bio she mentions her work is on the sociological effects of diet, particularly in the absence of meat. She references that in India, one-third of the people are lacto-vegetarian, but what she doesn’t mention is that India has crime just like everywhere else, where gangsters, bribery, and corruption are a big problem today. 

Vegetarianism Hasn’t  Stopped “Toxic Masculinity” In India Or China

Varinder Ghuman, vegetarian bodybuilder

There are male Indians who are vegetarian but still are bodybuilders, soldiers, and wrestlers. This diet did not eliminate their aggression, in fact the high amounts of dairy they eat would suggest it promotes it. In India, dairy is actually an essential part of their diet, not a sin like vegans want you to believe.

In the Shaolin Temple of China, monks regularly exercise and perform intense martial arts. They smash bricks with their hands and withstand dangerous blows to their body. This requires yang, the masculine energy. As per Buddhism, these monks are strict vegetarians, eating simple foods like rice, beans, and mung, but they are not wimps. They most likely have a lot more testosterone than the average hot dog eating American.

The passive nonviolence of these cultures is more derived from their religions while the diet is part of following the moral code. Peace is sought first, and violence is a last resort. In Eastern martial arts, physically defeating an opponent is viewed as the lowest form of victory. Trained men from such areas frown at overly aggressive behavior. It is not because of veganism.

Carlson tried to get Parson to explain how exactly meat consumption promotes aggression, but he all he got were book recommendations rather than clear direct answers. She appeared to be more interested in promoting rather than answering the questions.

Jesse Waters Eats Steak In Front of Her

On Jesse Waters, Parson said she wants universal healthcare for animals. Waters then ate a steak in front of her. Her argument was that eating meat leaves blood on your hands, and that killing to eat is not ideal, but there are studies that show plants also feel pain too.

We all know that there are vegans/vegetarians who do it for moral or religious reasons and don’t condemn others for eating meat, but this is just another tactic the feminists are trying to use to attack the male gender using silly reasons without providing proper scientific evidence.

Violent Vegetarians

Some of the worst monsters in human history were in fact vegetarian, Hitler being one of them. Vegetarianism didn’t curb his aggression. If Hitler had a German sausage, a beer, and some Aryan babes, perhaps World War 2 wouldn’t have happened. There are many other examples:

  • Roman soldiers and gladiators ate meat sparingly, yet they were more aggressive despite having meat less available than the modern man.
  • Having non-vegetarian food can be dangerous in Ahmedabad, because the natives can be extreme and become very angry if they see someone eating meat.
  • There are cage fighters who are vegetarian and yes even vegan. Why haven’t they chosen a more peaceful profession instead of unleashing aggression in fights?

The PETA movement and alike are more political entities than humanitarian. They are forcing their views on people much like religious fanatics. You don’t really see meat eaters forming groups to go to vegan restaurants and attack, yet it is the vegans who are showing the aggression by disturbing people during their meals.

A Wrong Message

While she may have good intentions, Parson’s claims are taking it too far and she has misrepresented the vegetarian philosophy. Normal vegetarians in Asia don’t force their sentiment on others; it is simply understood as an individual choice. Even in Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine, meat is recognized as food and even prescribed to build up one’s strength. However, like anything else, too much does more harm than good.

So if you want eat a steak, go right ahead, you’re not a bad person. It’s ironic that a vegetarian has to tell you that.

Read More: How To Gain Serious Muscle Mass As A Vegetarian Without Going To The Gym

82 thoughts on “Vegetarian Feminist Professor Says Eating Meat Perpetuates Toxic Masculinity”

  1. Humans that left Africa and evolved in Europe, N E Asia and even some native American indians who lived in frozen lands exclusively ate meat for 1000’s of years. These are the same groups that evolved larger brains and longer lifespans. Veganism is BS.

    1. Why do so many people commenting on this site peddle this Darwinian crap?
      Sick to death of it; it’s the bedrock of Marxist thought and has facilitated the current moral malaise in western society.

      1. Evolution is scientific fact which is what all red pill discussions should be about and based on. So I suppose you would rather believe that a supernatural boogy man in the sky farted life on Earth? And you probably beleave that Earth is also flat. LOL!

        1. Evolution is a scientific fact?
          Is it really?
          Because I’ve never seen the proof. I’ve seen theory. Good theory.
          But I’ve never seen the proof. Maybe it’s way over my head.
          I’ve never seen the proof of a moon landing either. So I can’t say that it didn’t happen, but I can say that it was never proven.
          So evolution may be a fact – but that doesn’t mean that is the way events unfolded either.
          Just for the ROK record, I WANT evolution to be the way events unfolded, but Catastropism, and genetic engineering from a more advanced (but as yet unproven) form of life cannot be ruled out either.
          Just because somebody doesn’t agree with the material you read in books doesn’t mean that they are wrong.
          Thank you for your fine opinion, by the way.
          In all sincereity

        2. Sorry evolution is not a fact, it is a theory, and the mathematical probabilities indicate it is a shit theory.

        3. Evolution is a fairy tail. It demands spontaneous generation at many levels.
          No matter to matter. Non living matter to living matter. Celular matter to multicelular matter. Multi celular matter to animals, mamals. Mammals instincts and reactive survival to man’s reasoning, and morality. It’s more pragmatic to think this is a creation. Consider Jesus teachings, or if you want to get existential, consider Pascal’s Wager. Bill, I watched your miscegenation vids, but I draw the line here. Darwin was like Freud; he stood to gain a foothold for a great and distructive apathy by posing theory as fact. Believing in a ‘creation through evolution’ is also becoming faulty thinking in my new and humble opinion, because if we happenned as a result of intelligence, that’s really what a God is right? And if we were started by design and evolved, without any intent or purpose, how distant are we from any responsibility to be held to, or higher-purpose to accomplish? All creation by evolution seems to do is allow liberals to do what they want irresponsibly and still feel comfortable. What do all your race-matters stack to if we’re all animals, Bill? Who cares if the world is Mules if it’s all meaningless, and what then would be the point of a red pill in the span of a million years or a man’s life? Didn’t Roosh say he turned from Evolution and Science to Religion to see why our ancestors had been so succesful in life? I’d add to that how visibly ugly America (at least) has gotten for a loss of God. I hope for you, man, that you will look for Him when you look again, and find something more astounding, familiar, and meaningful than you ever have expected. I hope that when you do, you will be transformed by the truth you discover, and will be made a very righteous and very dangerous man.

        4. You know, there is plenty of room to discuss this without childish insults and mockery
          You talk about science? Tell us Some? You cant, because THERE IS NO SCIENCE DISPROVING GOD. NONE
          Atheism is as gullible as it gets.

      2. Darwin is completely misquoted by Marxists to suit their ideology…
        That fresh smell of a grass lawn just mowed, it’s the smell of feat in the air… Plants feel pain 🙂

      1. Anatomically modern humans arose in Africa, however they didn’t become behaviorally modern until the advent of the Cro Magnon in Europe.
        Homo sapien sapiens may have arose in Europe, however most of hominid evolution did occur in Africa.

        1. No. You were brainwashed.
          “Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find”
          “Fossil discovery delivers blow to ‘Out of Africa’ theory”
          Is the Out of Africa Theory Out?

        2. I’ve lready seen that information.

          ” the new hypothesis doesn’t affect the later story of modern humans and their emergence from Africa. “That story is completely intact,” he told HISTORY. “This is about what happened millions and millions of years before that, when the human lineage in its entirety arose.”
          Again as I correctly stated most of hominid evolution occured in Africa

    2. I actually mix in with a vegan (cycling) community, and they are the most violent people I know. Always fighting with each other, complaining to the police and getting each others YouTube channels shut down. People who would claim vegans aren’t aggressive, are either lying, or don’t know any.

      1. The worst people I’ve ever met are the Global Warming Alarmists and the Pro-Cycling tards (OR LCF’s as we call them in Australia – Lycra Clad Faggots)

    3. BILL
      Disagree about that Native Americans. They seem to have devolved somewhat from East Asians. Don’t know how close genetically they are to East Asians now but they ain’t achieving as much.

      1. Some of the genes for higher IQ arose in Europe and N E Asia after the indians split from Asians and settled America, so they missed out (I sometime refer to them as prehistoric gooks). I used the American indians only as an example, being some of them lived in cold regions and ate only meat much like eskimos or the inuit.

        1. BILL
          Prehistoric gooks. Good point.
          Some kind of genetic bottleneck effect of sorts.
          Actually American Indians resemble Filipinos or Taiwanese aboriginals more than they resemble Northeast Asians (Barring the Inuit who are only 1,000 years in North America).

        2. BILL Inuit
          The Inuit migrated from Siberia/Northern China around the Birth of Christ (2000 years ago) and are purely Northeast Asian as a Tokyo businessman.
          Vikings had a colony IN Greenland by the time the Inuit got there about 1,000 years AFTER they left Northeast Asia.
          If you put an Alaskan Eskimo in a suit and gave him a Nikon and set him down Disneyland how you know he was not a tourist from Japan, dude?

    4. *Bill Goode Humans never ate exclusively meat, except for groups of people like the inuits. On the contrary, meat was never the main food for the populations you refer to. Tubers, roots, starch was actually the most common food, the surviving food. Veganism may be BS for you, but it was the answer for your ancestors. There is tons of data, free for you to access proving why veganism works. This is backed up by science, it’s not a liberal hippie thing that will go away in a few years. If you wish to stay uniformed and ignorant it’s entirely up to you.

      1. Wrong, those that lived in the ice age environments had no vegetation to eat. You already conceeded the inuit and they alone make my point The Inuit also evolved larger brains and longer lifespans than the Africans that were always omnivorous.
        If someone wants to be vegan that’s fine, you could also elect to only eat vegetables and no fruits, it would be a shitty existance but so be it.

        1. Sidenote: the people with the longest lifespans today are Icelanders followed by Okinawan Japanese. Thier longevity is attributed to their consumption of FISH! (MEAT) Not vegetables.

        2. Well, there is evolution, anatomy, biology non of which support the idea that we are meat eaters. I can not, and I don’t wish to do the work you’re suppose to if truth concerns you one bit. I will however state that some fish is probably not the worst thing a human can eat, but not any fish, and mostly not today’s fish. It’s up to you if you wish to know more on this topic. Do yourself some good and watch “What the health”.

      2. Its not vegetarianism that’s a problem. It’s the holier-than-thou vegans to whom veganism is a religion.
        Who knows how many billions have been lost because vegans insist on an insane level of purity for the leaves and twigs they eat and attempt to force it on everyone.

    5. ohhh the old “humans are from Africa” theory, is one of those theory that you can´t question, is gospel in anthropology and a “don´t touch that topic” if you want to keep your anthropologist career. Yeah we are all black dudes who become white later. We are all migrant, the Europeans are in fact from Africa so is a birthright for new Africans to move to Europe. Can you see the logic? There has been scientific discoveries that are agaisnt the “humans are from Africa theory” but that shit is worse than saying that global warming is not man made.

    6. Recent research has also shown that vegetarians, on average, live longer and healthier lives comparative to omnivores. Now I’m not saying that if you’re an omnivore you’re destined to have atherosclerosis when you get older, it’s just what the research has found. I eat meat btw.

      1. It is also known that Man has the teeth for both. Veggies and meat. So, why would God put both there if half had no use. Or. If you prefer evolution, why evolve useless teeth.
        We are omnivores.

    7. Predators are smarter, because it doesn’t take a lot of brains to sneak up on a blade of grass

  2. Vegetarian ? No thank you !
    Feminist ? Major red flag checked !
    The only reason she says that, cause she wants to kill the male libido ( T – Level ). just like we saw the soy boys faggots.
    T- hormone is an essential part of your masculinity as a man. and you need ANIMAL products to further enhance your performance in weight lifting and your daily physical activities.
    It is no surprise these feminists bitches wants to lower the man standards so that they can be equal to women’s one so they achieve the equality myth.
    You can be vegetarian and build muscle but the overall performance is nowhere near than a man who eats whole food.

    1. And there is no such thing as Toxic Masculinity !!!
      only fags thinks like that lol

  3. I’m a vegetarian (albeit not vegan).
    I can’t stand political correctness as other posts have indicated and have caught some serious flack about being that way elsewhere.
    I shoveled out the property in sub-zero (-40F) conditions here for over ten hours straight. I don’t oppose guns, quite the opposite, although gun CULTURE is ridiculous- did it ever stop us from ending up where we are now, where bakeries can be shut down for not wanting to bake homosexual wedding cakes and transsexual bathroom “rights?”
    So- not the definition of a “soy boy.”
    Sorry, Anne- us “misogynistic, sexist, Generation-Xers” are just that way, clearly. If the Left wants to stand by Darwinian evolution and “science” then things like men and women are the same except for social constructs, 52 genders, etc. have no place in their world either.
    Now- just how often do SJWs eat meat like at fast food places? Very often.
    Obviously her “theory” is rubbish. Plus, if those rumors I’ve heard since the mid-1980s are true and they are putting female hormones in meat, then the opposite might be true!

  4. While I appreciate ROK showing the world what true diversity is (intelligent, cogent perspectives from different racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds together for the improvement of all ), I have to agree with Mr Bill Goode above.
    White people absolutely love meat and cheese, always have. White people globally are generally meat eaters, and also generally have the lowest crime rates despite the most weapons and cunty women.
    So, WTF? I mean for real

  5. I need to arrange special hunting trips here in the Redoubt where the first deer killed gets dragged back, gutted, the antlers and whatever other trophies preserved, deerskin is used to make moccasins or gloves, and before it needs refrigeration we have one big feast on venison. Maybe too far away to livestream, but record the whole thing to totally trigger vegans.
    An alternate idea would be how fast you can go from chicken in a basket to chicken dinner in a basket – live. At least at first. Especially if we can have some of the old school pioneer women do it.
    It was Hunter-Gatherer, and even when agriculture started, herding (ranching) was also practiced with winter hunting. There were never Gatherer-Gatherer. The Inuit (Eskimos) don’t have much if any vegetables so are hunter-hunters. This extends to my area which is reclaimed desert, but the original women who moved here went hunting too, it was and is sort of a family affair. Think pack of wolves.
    Even more ironic, is it is a healthy low carb diet.

  6. Just like you assholes pretend to control the lifestyle of all women. It sucks to be the object of attempted control, right, shitheads?
    Well, great. That’s how your existence sucks for us, too.

    1. Yes, our existence sucks for girls I meet. They’re always on their knees for me, sucking away while looking up at my face to see if they’re doing it right.

      1. You mean the Zulu you pay for in your Johannesburg ghetto with “Tig”?
        Or you would purport that they look like Theron.

      2. asdasda
        Dutch prostitutes were among the first colonists in SA so it is no surprise the real Dutch South African girls suck penises on a first date.

  7. If I girl says, she does not eat mean I instantly dump her – there and then. If you use this important red flag, you’ll save yourselves 80% of the problems with girls.
    These nutter are crazy because their bodies are toxic. Vegetarian diets are very low in the important sulfur-bearing compounds such as taurine, cysteine, carnitine and methionine. This is serious. These sulfur products are essential for removal of heavy metals and of all toxic chemicals as well. No matter how clean your diet is, without them the body cannot remove toxins as well, and this shortens the lifespan in all cases, in my experience.

  8. That Shaolin temple looks like a cool place to learn how to box. But it would be cooler still if those boys had a professor of Game to set them on the right direction

    1. It is the best of the best but Shaolin monks are required to be abstinent from sexual intercourse and/or pleasure.

  9. I saw the Jesse Waters show. He made fun of her and she had a hard time keeping a straight face. She was laughing at her own bullshit. It looked like two people flirting which ultimately made the whole thing look like a joke…. because it is. I’m sure this girl gets enjoyment out of making up nonsense to get a reaction out of people. Jesse had the correct response. He laughed and ate a steak in front of her.

  10. Stop peddling counterarguments to these feminist banalities. It is irrelevant that Hitler was a vegetarian, that was his personal life. He wasn’t a monster, he was the only one trying to rid Europe of the cancer that it is now dying of.
    The best response to something like this is to just continue to eat meat and ignore the hysterics of talking vaginas.

  11. wow, i watched the videos. she’s actually carries a pleasant and feminine nature, despite her leanings. would not have expected that at all.

  12. Being a vegetarian is a good excuse for a lot of women who don’t know how to cook.
    When I was in Africa, I had to put my aircraft down on the ground due to engine problems. Alone and minimally armed, I had to huff it to the nearest village.
    I was then surrounded by a pack of hungry hyenas who thought me an easy meal. I took out my gloc, and shot at the ground in front of them, scarring all but one of them away. The alpha, much bigger that the others, was not so easily routed.
    We looked at each other eye to eye, we both knew that this would be a duel to the death of at least one of us. I wasn’t backing down and neither was he. When he lunged at me, I took out my blade. I sidestepped left, shanked him once in the neck. Pinned him down as he bled out. He did not suffer long.
    Once he passed, I then, with my blade, skinned him, gutted him, cooked him over a camp fire I made with my bare hands and I ate him. He was very tasty. I ate my share of this hyena, and then took the rest to the village, upon which I was greeted as a hero and celebrations ensued. Apparently, these hungry villagers were being terrorized by this pack of hyenas that were eating up all the local game.
    I was then made village chief and given a harem of 12 black African brides.
    Cuz that’s how I role. I eat meat. All my wives know how to cook meat and they cook it well.

    1. the best part is that hyenas are a matriarchy. Bro, you killed the matriarch and ate the bitch. God bless you man.

    2. “Apparently, these hungry villagers were being terrorized by this pack of hyenas that were eating up all the local game.”
      Your story is another example that africa people always need a white guy To rescue them from a shitty situation because they suck. Lol. Every fucking time.

  13. “If Hitler had a German sausage, a beer, and some Aryan babes, perhaps World War 2 wouldn’t have happened. There are many other examples:”
    No need. You have won the interwebz

  14. It probably does contribute to it more than being a vegan, because a huge amount of vegans are small, weak and girly.
    BUT.. if eating meat does contribute to aggression, then that’s a good thing. Great reason to keep eating it.

    1. Being vegan DOES weaken men, of course there is examples that go against that but this article is presenting it as being vegan makes no difference when that isn’t true.

  15. Stupid cunt with zero accomplishments shills for her own books and “expertise.” I say this quite aggressively, yet have not eaten any meat today.

    1. Unproven theories based in leftihs pseudoscience and no will to proof it in serious experiments.

  16. My #1 plate is vegan and it’s been interesting learning about it. She is mainly about it because she loves animals but also for health reasons. She never gives me shit about eating animal products and the vegan shit she cooks for me is actually fire. She is really healthy and her pussy tastes like water, so I’m cool with veganism as long as chicks aren’t a SJW tard about it. As far as meat goes, I love meat and I think it is crucial for a male diet but I think nowadays with all the bullshit with processed factory farmer products that it’s important for men to be wary of what kind of meat they consume (grassfed organic meat is ideal).

    1. Well said. A healthy mix of meat and vegetables will do just fine. I do enjoy my occasional steak but too much of it and/or diary products will lower the bodys pH. This in turn will pave the way for cancer very soon.
      As for the processed food, well that isn’t food anymore but crap with colorants, aromes and perfumes to make it look, smell and taste like food but it actually isn’t food. And hence you can’t possibly benefit from it. But its cheap you say … All in the name of profit …
      Todays meal will be vegetarian but tomorrow theres pork on the plate 🙂

  17. This has to be the 1st article related to Veganism on RoK. Finally! As a vegetarian myself I didn’t aspect to read many pro veganism comments, and I find this normal, as it’s something related to liberal views by most readers here. This is not the case. Veganism is not a trend that will go away at one point, like Tinder, Facebook, Feminism, SjW, cryptocurrency, etc, this trend is here to stay. Some do it for ethical reasons, others for health reasons, others for curiosity, or for being cool and hippie( I don’t quite get this last group), but this diet is here to stay cause it is proven to work(youtube-nutritionfacts). Sure, eating Doritos, Mars and drinking Coke is technically vegetarianism, but obviousley this has nothing to do with the principles it stands for. In the end would like to mention that the only regret I have, shared by the other vegetarians, is that I didn’t start this diet earlier(a way of living actually). Best!

    1. Word. Honestly the nerds out there give it a bad name. Without trying to sound like a fucking libtard, these kinds of diets are good for the environment (I do think we need to start taking better care of the planet, overpop is a big source of the issue) as well as really good for your body (personally I want to be fit, healthy, and good-looking well into old age and not deal with doctors, treatments, etc.) Full disclosure, I still eat meat and dairy products but in serious moderation, I’m strongly considering at least trying to go veg for a bit.. I’m eating some vegan pizza and protein that my plate left over right now and it’s pretty good. I’ve been hanging out with this girl to often lol…one really good argument she made was “do you really feel ok eating the same food that the peasants (poor uneducated scrubs) eat?” Didn’t really have a good counter-argument for that haha…You should write an article about this Soyboi

  18. When DeLessio-Parson said that eating meat takes up more space, I was thinking she was talking about “manspreading,” then she told Carlson that “it’s helpful if men… choose to consider how much meat they put in their bodies.” Her inability to answer the fundamental question pertaining to her research is indicative of her need for meat in her body. Good luck finding someone who would do up that nutjob.

    If you had to go vegan Hummus and Chicken Shawook is the way to go. I love Arab food.

    1. The biggest animal on the planet is the blue whale, and it eats tons of krill and copepods each day. Furthermore, most elephants are assholes.

  20. no hatchet gashed free bleeder is going to dictate to me what i will f**king eat.. any khunt that gets in your male face and tries to force you deeerved a violent beat down. end of story. you let em do that shit, you deserve thier sadistic control.

    1. Neal, this is the manosphere. You can say “fucking” and “cunt” all you want. In fact, those terms are widely employed here, especially “cunt.”

  21. i know that, but my work computer monitors all word traffic and instantly blocks outbound traffic if it catches it and our internet police will come visit and take my access card and possibly my job. such is the world rules on DoD computer networks. we can use them to browse within reason but traffic monitoring is thorough and very picky. if they decide content is objectionable, sudden the website becomes permanently blocked. They also frown heavily upon surfing from smartphones on their time card, but cannot restrict their usage unless they are work issued phones.

    1. not to mention very heavy handed HR dept…..they allow no opinion they do not support.

      1. When my boss would catch me surfing the web at work, I would bring up the hundreds of employees that stand out in front of the building and suck on a cancer stick. I would say that I was taking a mental smoke break. My boss was one of them. She got pissed off every time. I got the last laugh though as she turned in his lunch pale early. F*%k that dumb khunt.

  22. Honestly, it this what people are concerned about these days? Men eating meat?
    For the record, when it comes to Beef, Chicken, Fish & Pork; I eat all of these things and I trust no one who does not eat meat, particularly those who don’t eat pork.

  23. Been Vegan since 2000 and am a lifelong conservative and despise most Vegans and especially Vegetarians. A couple of points to mention. 1) Hitler was not a Vegetarian, that is a myth. 2)Plant Based is the term for one who abstains from consuming animals, Veganism is the lifestyle of choosing not to use animal products in any ahape or form or at the very least not knowingly. 3)This woman who is spewing the toxic masculinity crap is condracting everything she says. No one should try to force anyone to eat or live in a specific manner. If a non emotional, fact based conversation can be had then that would be the most ideal.

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