The Mainstream Embrace Of #MeToo Puts Us One Step Closer Towards The Enslavement Of Men

The progenitors of the #MeToo meme have been elevated to that dubious plinth of social endorsement, the cover of Time magazine.


These women did not “launch a movement.” However, the current wreaths-to-laurels victimhood craze does bear out the completion of an important cultural cycle.

Free Love Wasn’t Free

A core premise of our sexual dystopia is:

‘My body my choice.’

Within the bounds of legality, we are supposed to believe that neither sex is more damaged by their coital decisions than the other. The retro-active outrage now mounted by women at men on account of mutually consensual sexual intercourse (and calls for the bounds of legality to be shifted accordingly), reiterates that this is not actually the case.

The struggle of many a post-prime girl for exclusivity with a series of increasingly inferior suitors, must be a brutal way to discover that it is still impossible to raise a joyridden car back to its factory-new price.

Men are checking out of monogamous commitment, leaving two generations of women wandering a widening bimbo-limbo between settled life either as a housewife or denizen of the increasingly cash-strapped welfare state (the overwhelmingly administrative sector jobs provided to ‘career women’ being a manifestation of the latter).

As an institution, marriage is only debased further by social and legal efforts to enforce commitment from men to polygamous women who spent their bloom years in promiscuity. Although such an iniquitous contract could be excused by a myriad of exceptional circumstances, the unprecedented glut of women beneath the male investment threshold turn the exceptions into clichés.

The Gynocentric Interpretation

A defining characteristic of corporate and clickbait discourse is the effort to sublimate readers’ frustration into outrage while bypassing the question of accountability. Time and others are now under huge pressure to find mythologies to both explain the dissatisfaction of their female readership and serve as the basis for corrective political action. Someone must be to blame for their problems; anyone but themselves.

What Time has produced is a fairy tail without a prince. It begins:

‘Movie stars are more like you and me than we ever knew.’

We are then introduced to a wide range of women who were:

‘brought together by a common experience.’

They were actually brought together by Time, at great expense, to confirm the biased premise of their leading article. Time then chews over each of these women’s testimonies, droning on and on and on in a tantric, mantric, incuntation of its utterly banal and predictable conclusion:

Time have revealed their straw man – and he’s called Donald Trump.

I suspect that the feminist Trump-tantrum is not caused by Trump per se, but by the part of American society which voted him into office. It’s an important distinction because it means that, as a political instrument, Trump is needed the most by the very people who like him least. Without Trump, the outrage would be revealed for what it truly is: a million personal vendettas against a million brash, powerful and wealthy American men who these women consentingly gave their bodies to.

Trump’s appeal to the free market and private capital (as well as the string of hot women who have let him ‘grab ‘em by the poosy’), is more than just a refusal to push the envelope on welfare policies which enable sexual liberation—it is an exposition of the gulf between what is conventionally true and what is actually true about modern female sexual opportunism.

The self-deception may be genuine, but was revealed nonetheless when #metoo was triggered by the loss of societal contingency plans to ensure female sexual freedom (alpha fucks and beta bucks), by constraining that of men. The fat child screams not while it is happily eating itself to death but when the cookies are taken away.

Feminism’s Finale

The premise of #metoo has now been twisted by various degrees to its own complete inversion. Nearly a year ago, I was told by a County Court in Britain that I owed money to a woman whose sexual advances I had gently rebuffed some years before. Neither I nor the court had any idea why I owed her money or what her claim was, but I still had to defend myself.

A case that would never have come to trial twenty years ago dragged out for months as she gradually patched together a claim (without evidence), which gradually escalated to an allegation of sexual abuse.

My trial was the direct result of her assumption that society would stand behind her in extracting resources from the man of her choosing. I was lucky that she had a legal history of ‘choosing’ other men before me, and the judge sent her howling from the courtroom.

But what if I had been her first shot? What if she’d gone to the Crown Prosecution Service?

I add, for the sake of completeness, that I am a strict adherent of pre-marital abstinence and, in the case of this particular woman, had never kissed, hit on, made a pass at, nor been in any form of romantic relationship with her. #Iwouldnt—and that is precisely what enraged her.

Let the irony of this case serve as an illustration of the extent to which feminine imperatives can now be exercised to strong-arm men into compliance. If you have earned a #metoo assertion like I did, you’re probably doing something right.

What for men in 2018?

The dregs of women will always preen their sexual worthiness in a sensational light by announcing that a man once made an unwanted pass at them, just as feminist Phrynes like Emma Watson will always lend a pretty face to their ugly cause (phoney outrage is her profession’s prerogative. I bear her no grudge).

The trial of Phryne – who was vindicated on account of her beauty

Our toxic tributary of sexual realism to the mainstream discussion sees the feminist victimbragging for what it really is: another attempt to circumvent rational analysis and keep society plugging the feminist narrative. Soon, #metoo will become as passé as ‘Trump Bedroom Backlash,’ but these phenomena are mere symptoms of a deeper social condition.

As private debt piles up and resources cease to flow, society will have to find new ways of demanding that men judiciously restrain their own behaviour on behalf of the unfettered dualistic sexual strategy of women—sexy badboys and stable providers stepping up and down as and when women demand it. The contradictory messages that this sends to men are now compounded by the constant possibility of being criminalised for making a faux pas.

Today, as trials move from the courtroom to the press and to Twitter and Facebook, the degree of kafkaesque reassurance that I had—the basic certainty that I was on trial—is starting to ebb away. A lot of men who don’t grasp the underlying biomechanics behind the sexual victimhood phenomenon are doomed to be spirited on a windowless train of THOT thought from false premise to final solution: their enslavement to women, either directly or via the state.

The chaotic disconnect between the claim and the truth is not a means to an end but the end itself. This climate of fear is the West’s way of forcing the marriage of mankind to womankind, joylessly mandating social responsibilities without providing any privilege. The carrot has gone from the sexual contract and only the stick remains.

It can still be a beautiful life for men who don’t answer to society. Careful though, the beta version of this man is Smeagol Gollum.

The harder men try to opt out of commitment to women, the stronger the social effort will be to drive them back, until escape from women will turn into escape from society itself.

Don’t Miss: The #MeToo Sexual Harassment Hysteria Is A Pretext For Women To Take Power And Money From Men

53 thoughts on “The Mainstream Embrace Of #MeToo Puts Us One Step Closer Towards The Enslavement Of Men”

  1. Brace yourselves !!!
    The Victorian era is coming back again.
    And the funny thing is that most of these bitches fucked their ways to the top then they started to play the victim card.
    IF it happened why they didn’t go to police in the first place ? instead of sucking up for money and fame.
    They are all whores and fags in Hollywood.

    1. The Victorian era has never left. That’s exactly the problem.
      The pre-victorians understood the nature of women, and supported men to use physical coercion to keep their women in line. That was the era of dunking stools for shrews. And of course, they supported the rights of fathers and husbands to kill outside men who were sniffing around their women.
      The victorians on the other hand, decided that it was all about culture. They were the original pedestalizers of women, babbled about their chastity, their innate holiness, how the women only wanted nice men, etc etc. Basically the diametric opposite of what women actually are.
      The thinking was that with extensive social brainwashing, they could get people to do anything. If this sounds like they were the forerunners of the modern liberal, then you have it exactly right. Because that is precisely what the modern liberal is, a puritan who has gone over the rails with his own ego.

      1. The Victorian era was ruled by Queen Victoria, hardly surprising that she valued women above men.

      2. Two things I hate about the western past !
        1-) The Victorian era where everything have to be a consent even if you wanna fart you have to ask for it.
        They also made a huge restrictions on art, masculinity and poetry cause they don’t believe in diversity of thoughts ! ( just like the modern liberal now ! )
        2-) And the french philosophers who invented the PC culture. basically upper class fags telling the rest how society should be ( a form of dictatorship ).and the idea that violence doesn’t solve anything even if it means you are defending yourself.
        that’s why you see now so many beta cucks that preach elegant and classy behaviors over pure masculinity where in reality there are times when you have to stand up for yourself.
        Intelligence with masculinity is a great combination for men and always will be.

        1. Feminists who walk nude on the street or in front of young children would be charged for obscenity in the Victorian era….What the Victorian era promulgated was that anything related to sex is taboo….you wouldn’t find a lesbian with an artificial penis teaching Sexual education to 5-year-olds in the Victorian era.
          Homosexuality was also illegal under the Victorian era (well to be fair homosexuality was illegal in every part of the world, but SJWs cherry pick Victorian England in order to convince Jamaica that the criminalisation of buggery is a colonial imposition that persecutes feminists and homosexuals).

        2. Again !
          its a form of dictatorship just like the muslims retards !
          you think if you do that you will stop the immorality ? Nope.
          take Saudi Arabia for example, they have the biggest sex scandals in the middle east because they are too restricted on everything. you can check Iran also.
          i visited these countries and their women are HUNGRY for sex ! lol
          there have to be a balance between open minded and complete sharia Victorian law.

    2. They’re adopting central themes to the Victorian era, but they are incorporating those neo-SJW stuff like naked feminists in public, promotion of feminists to pose naked with their underage sons on camera (which would be considered obscenity in the Victorian era), female teachers sexing 8-year-old boys while claiming that they are victims of rape culture, etc.
      The Victorian era as based on the ideals that sex is taboo, including nudity. Feminists view nudity as “free expression” as long as they show it to an 8-year-old boy.
      I’m beginning to understand why the current inhabitants of the former Babylonian empire still stone women brutally for sexual immorality. It has to do methinks with feminism.

  2. No, it will not lead to the enslavement of men. it will lead to a racial backlash war because quite simply there will always (THANK GOD!!) be men who will not simply roll over and submit and will fight this abomination to the very last bit of life they have left.

      1. Like everything? Feminism rarely criticizes Muslim or other racial “minority” violance. weden wants to force married couples to form a (at least verbal) contract for any intimacy, in pain of rape-charges – but why? What happaned? Sweden is the country with the lowest rape rate on earth – in regards to its Swedish male population, but has the highest ratio of rapes per women in Europe, in regards to immigrants. So immigrants, Muslim immigrants, rape Swedish women, but instead of addressing the race issue, which is politically incorrect, its faked into a gender issue, which is politically correct.
        Now what about #metoo in the US. Hollywood is controlled by what ethnicity? Who started to grope blonde women, as they are worth nothing to them, already in the 1920/1930s? Who started what feminists now call “rape culture in Hollywood”?

      2. You cannot enslave people who do not can not and will not work. When that happens the “slavers” just kill off the useless people. History tells that story with every single societal rise and fall.
        I do not need to say more. Study history. When slaves quit working they are killed. Nobody EVER kept a population of useless eaters breeders and bleeders slaves to be. When you will not serve the rulers, they get rid of you in the easiest fashion. End of story. Proof…EVERY SINGLE COMMUNIST ASIAN AND DARK SKINNED RULER in history. Pogroms..look the word up. and quit being a fake with your intellectual dishonesty or ignorance.

  3. Have you looked at the staff photos of so many companies in the U.S. nowadays? They are like 75% female.
    The female dominated HR departments are just hiring whatever guys they liked from their “feels” and reject any guy they deemed as introverted and shy despite clearly being suitable for the job via skills and experience.
    Having half of men J.O.B. (just over broke) is a vital component of this orchestrated power exchange.

  4. “I add, for the sake of completeness, that I am a strict adherent of pre-marital abstinence and, in the case of this particular woman, had never kissed, hit on, made a pass at, nor been in any form of romantic relationship with her. #Iwouldnt—and that is precisely what enraged her.”
    You too, huh? I’ve actually experienced workplace sexual harassment for not reciprocating the attention of a skanky co-worker who wasn’t nearly as attractive as she thought she was.

  5. ‘Movie stars are more like you and me than we ever knew.’
    This belongs in the “CompleteFuckingNonsense” file.
    Movie stars are disconnected from American life and lead a life of extreme privilege. At the end of the day, they don’t really provide *anything* of value to the culture, sans some low-brow entertainment for the masses. Pro athletes fall in this same category.
    They aren’t like you or I. They are woefully misinformed and rarely well-read. They demand millions of dollars for themselves while demanding a socialist dystopia for their fans.
    I don’t begrudge them anything. But the charade that they’re just like regular people is absurd.
    While fact that #MeToo is pointing the finger back at a bunch of mostly male feminists is highly entertaining, the reality is that these men will pay no price in the long term for any of their alleged crimes. The Average Joe, however, will be seen as a predatory figure, in need of draconian Deep State Social Justice.
    We went from sexual freedom to sexual paranoia. We went from consent laws (sounds reasonable) to affirmative consent laws (which criminalize normal behavior) to now a call for “Enthusiastic” consent laws (WTF?!?).
    And there is no justice when the claims don’t go through the justice system, but the court of social media public opinion.
    Even nuttier, we can’t even talk about this in polite company. Opposing the idea that a woman deserves a cash settlement because someone had consensual sex with her decades ago–which she now misremembers or regrets–is a faux pas at best, an outrage at worst.
    The ultimate challenge is to get centrist guys to have enough balls to stand up for due process. What they don’t realize is that sooner or later, a disparaging tweet will be directed not at the rich and famous guy… but at THEM!
    “Average Joe touched my boob back in 1994. I am a survivor. #MeToo #ReadyForMyCashSettlement”

    1. “We went from consent laws (sounds reasonable) to affirmative consent laws (which criminalize normal behavior) to now a call for “Enthusiastic” consent laws (WTF?!?).”
      Wrong, we went from force/violence laws to coercion laws to consent laws to enthusiastic consent laws, and only the first one is a reasonable definition of rape. Is this community so indoctrinated with feminism that you grant them consent laws???

    2. Three fucking college kids with a camcorder and no acting experience had the world asking “is this footage real?”
      The Blair Witch Project exposed movie “stars” for what they really are — talentless, unskilled shills, usually from connected families, for the international banking elite peddling agitprop and cultural marxism.

  6. Write to Trump. He is not a feminist. Remind him of his duty to Make America Great Again. Remind him of the attacks by rampant lunatic feminists against HIM. Make him do something against it. He has the power for that. He cant change the world in a year, Roosh is right on that, he cant roll society back to 1950 as if no technological and economic development took place, but he has the power to turn the tide on some issues, purely mind-constructed nonsense without base in hard facts like economics or technological development, nonsense like radical feminism.

    1. yeah, right and he will listen to you/us. You ever heard about his little darling daughter, (((Ivanka)?

      1. He gets attacked and hated on by feminists all the time. Its his self-interest. If many people remind him of that and back him, he might just take heart and do something.

    2. Trump has no power. He can’t do shit in spite of his good will. Facebook , Google , CNN and the likes have the power.

    3. I agree with the eastern European sounding avatar on this one….Trump is the stereotypical baby boomer….they grew up in on of the most prosperous times in america, they never lived in our culture, and they ALL worship their daughters…seriously, I bet most baby boomer men would vote for Stalin if he promised to make their selfish little daughters happy.

  7. Iran shows you can govern with a preponderance of military aged men, rather than a democratic head count.

    1. We have a lot to learn from Iran. It is probably the only independent country in the World with regard to the International Finance Mafia.

  8. Question. Those who have been subjected to this treatment I would like to ask, where do you live? Big cities? I’m from a small town in Ontario Canada and much of this nonsense (so far) is not prevalent at all. Just to be clear I’m not calling anyone a liar. I’m wondering if this is all bigger city crap where progressivism flourishes or if people have had experience with this infection creeping into small town Canada and America. I’ve noticed major differences in personal weiteups by women on Plenty of Fish and when it comes to their locations (Toronto/Windsor/London vs my area of Chatham Kent)

    1. Can you discipline your wife without the interference of the state? If no, then the shit’s seeds are sown is in your neck of the woods too.

    2. I grew up in Worcester, the second-biggest city in New England. The smaller rural areas, particularly the ones in the South, have been slightly more immune to Progressivism.

    3. Dude, even in rural towns women are coked up whores, and selfish hypergamous sluts. It is not obvious yet since they cannot afford to be to open about their behavior (word spreads in small towns). The internet and cellphone age has pretty much connected everyone to the big city degeneracy. I grew up in a small, SUPER conservative, Texas town and let me tell you, the women were trash whores. Many would travel to the big city or surrounding towns for sex with strangers at parties. A lot would make their pilgrimage to California. The average Chad in the town probably fucked half the school in the back of his pick-up truck, and if some new bad boy moved to the town than all the girls would throw themselves at him. There are some good girls, but damn dude, the average good looker (like a 7+) in a small town has had so much dick in her I am surprised they can still walk.

    4. I was living in a very small rural town in the UK when it happened to me.
      Curiously my family all came from Chatham Kent.

    5. Feminists and faggots prefer to live in 80 story condos at downtown Yonge Street or at 5th Avenue in NYC.

  9. Enslavement of men? Men have always been enslaved throughout history – the blue piller 80-90% that is. Whether it was fighting the wars, tilling the fields and filling the tax coffers, elites and women happily forced men to work themselves to their death. Oh, religion, laws and society forced the remaining non-elite men that didn’t willingly submit. What we had recently was a brief, unique window in history where both women and men were freed. That has played out for the Elite’s benefit.
    What we have now is the Elites, using the masses of women, are now trying to put men back where they have always been – back to enslavement, serving the elites, via state power. Now women were also “enslaved” historically. Their utility was to bear and raise children, and they were protected for this utility. But now, the elites don’t want women (at least not white western women) back to their form of enslavement.
    The masses of men go back to being enslaved, but the masses of women get to retain their freedoms – CC, BS admin jobs, laws in their favor, welfare to make life cushier. Men – it’s your job to learn all the red pill concepts and fight this shit where you can, be a mercenary for yourself, and take a NFG mentality for the rest.

    1. The feminization of human society began 8000 years ago when we abandoned hunting and gathering for the joys of agriculture. The “King” was the first feminized man. He wore dresses, garnished himself with jewelry, perverted the hunters into soldiers to guard his castle full of stuff, and all in all, behaved just like a woman. He was rich and powerful – which women admire. And he set a feminized, materialistic standard for what men should be like.

  10. The fact that you said you’re abstinent until marriage made helps me feel better. It feels like a personal hell sometimes, and I get really dark about things, but I feel like I just have to keep going, because a lot relies on it. It’s good to know I’m not alone. Thanks for being transparent.

  11. If one has any extensive experience with the the society/country club set, one soon realizes that they hold liberal and conservative views in equal measure. The beauty of being a male in these elite circles is that you can afford to be the alpha and the beta at the same time, and their society functions just fine! I mention this because although filled with highly perceptive observations, this article fails in its conclusion. The aim of this cultural offensive is not that men are ultimately enslaved to women. Men (and the women who come in second) are being set up for enslavement to other men. Women are just doubling down on the role they’ve been sold on competing with each other for -for over a century now, namely that of the lady of the manor, secondary rulers of the fiefdom. Truly there is nothing new under the sun.

  12. Working in marketing, I’ve worked at or interviewed for a lot of these companies.
    And what I see these days is companies that are at least 70%+ young women that make up the staffs of these places. These women are 3 years removed from college and yet they have titles like Marketing Manager.
    Oh really? You’re a Marketing Manager? Because why…you update your Facebook feed every day?
    They don’t know Search Engine Marketing, SEO, or anything like that and yet they keep getting handed these jobs. Who is hiring these broads? Some feminist cunt who hates men or some overweight loser boss who thinks he might score with them one late night at the office?

    1. 0% INTEREST RATES by the (((central banksters))) so that (((investors))) pool billions of dollars in start-ups even though the Grade 11 accounting student with an F grade would see that these start-ups are not profitable.
      Bring back Ron Paul to audit the Federal reserve!

  13. So long have passed since this kind of high-qualitative articles have been posted here. Look forward for more articles from you.

  14. I’m happy to see a writer who believes sex should happen only within marriage. Will check out more of his articles

  15. Ok guys here goes a story I went through In seventh grade. When I was in seventh grade I was dating this girl and her friend wanted me but I didn’t and her friend was offering to have sex with me. Since I didn’t want her and told her no, she went with the asistant principle and told her that I sexually harassed her and told her that I wanted to fuck her. By my second period class they called me to the office about the accusation and I told her that I didn’t harass her and my principle didn’t believe me. So I went to my locker and found a letter this cunt wrote to me saying how she wanted to fuck me and do all these things to her. So I showed to my counselor and she showed it to the asistant principle and proved my innocence. And thanks to that letter I avoided serious trouble from school and lawsuits.

    1. In Canada the “post-Ghomeshi law” would make that letter invalid and inadmissible as evidence in court!

  16. NOT ONE point in this article is accurate. Why do the sheep on this ROK site forget that dogshit Soros and Obamonky announced last year that hey had a pool of 18 BILLION dollars as an OFA fund dedicated to just fucking up the social narrative!?? Remember those pink-hat-march bitches last January? THOSE are the same trannie-pseudo-cunts who are now making fake grabass claims. ALL of the Hollywood “accused” are left-wing Satanic (((J))) who step aside without any argument and get to keep all sorts of leaving “bonuses”. METOO is FAKE. It is only real if you are dumb enough to play into it. Your enslavement is ECONOMIC. If you have money, can travel, and are not a cuck there is NO LIMIT as to what you can fuck. Articles like this promote helplessness.. and I am sick of it.

    1. The issue is that it’s very difficult to find a decent job without it being taken away by a fucking money laundering “international student from China”, temporary foreign workers, or feminist affirmative action.
      Furthermore, even if you earn over $50k a year, that doesn’t provide even a lower middle class standard of living in major cities of America and Canada, and worse in UK and several Euro countries.
      It’s not like 25-40 years ago where bag handlers at supermarkets earn what was approximately US$25/HR in today’s wages. Now even an entry level office job requires a 4 year Bachelor degree for only US$9.00/hr pay with sneaky unpaid overtime to boot!

  17. Don’t agree so much. Ordinaey men are living the gender war for years by now.
    Now, it strikes the ‘elite’. (The left eat his own people, mainly).
    As ever it beguins with women complaining about men. Then, ‘surprisingly’, gay men are touched too (Kevin Spacy).
    Then, women will complain about other women (lesbian domestic violence is a great deal)
    And then, the general public will ‘discover’ that women are not only able to be violent, but that they are the main perpatrators of violence against children.
    The Leftist narrative is getting out of control. We can’t stop it, but we certainly may help it to strike them back.

    1. (((Harvey Weinstein>>>666 IS PROBABLY HAVING THE TIME OF HIS LIFE in a foreign country like Spain or in his “homeland” of Israel after receiving a “severance check” from his handlers to push forward the narrative.
      Do you honestly think that a wealthy millionaire like Harvey Weinstein doesn’t have the capability or (((resources))) to intimidate or even eliminate false accusers who have libeled his name, even if a percentage of the accusations were “where there’s smoke there’s fire” type of suspicions?

  18. Roosh wanted to sell 100 tickets for his World Tour in Canada, and his family’s life was put at risk because of his website which was taken out of context by billionaire media corporations owned by: (((Thomson-Reuters))), and (((Shaw))).
    It’s not negative to point that out. If these SJWs and feminists want to legalize s0d0my on elementary school students, they will do anything to quash dissent. The only way that this can be stopped is through an ECONOMIC COLLAPSE and ANARCHY.
    It’s unfair that feminists wanted to act on vi0lent impulses to commit crimes on Roosh and his family, but should an MRA only suggest that female teachers be publicly shamed, a certain MRA (cough [email protected] [email protected]) was forced to take own a website related to Register-her com because it offended feminists!

  19. R00sh wanted to sell 100 tickets for his World Tour in Canada, and his family’s life was put at risk because of his website which was taken out of context by billionaire media corporations owned by: (((Thomson-Reuters))), and (((Shaw))).
    It’s not negative to point that out. If these SJWs and feminists want to legalize s0d0my on elementary school students, they will do anything to quash dissent. The only way that this can be stopped is through an ECONOMIC COLLAPSE and ANARCHY.
    It’s unfair that feminists wanted to act on violent impulses to commit crimes on R00sh and his family, but should an MRA only suggest that female teachers be publicly shamed, a certain MRA (cough P4ul El4m) was forced to take own a website related to Register-her because it offended feminists!

  20. This guy needs to learn to write. He takes the most simple of ideas and complicates it ridiculously.
    And that’s from someone who agrees with most of what he says.

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