Straight Men Will Soon Be Called Homophobic For Not Sleeping With Gays And Trannies

In 2017, straight men who refuse to date biological males dressed like women were shamed on a number of occasions for being “transphobic.” We should expect that at some stage, very possibly in 2018 or 2019, heterosexual males will also begin to be attacked en masse for not wanting to have sex with men.

Obsessions over “gender fluidity” and the rise of SJW brainwashing amongst kids, including those in elementary school, mean that expressing a perfectly normal and healthy heterosexual preference is becoming increasingly hard. In Australia, one notorious transgender Marxist, Roz Ward, went so far as to make up “statistics” saying that half of all teenagers are sexually attracted to their own sex. What will the claimed figure be in 2018 or 2019 and how will that impact on guys who know they are only attracted to women?

You don’t have a right not to date transgenders

Soon your lack of a right not to date a transgender “woman” will be extended to gays.

After straight men understandably began to report transgenders messaging them on Tinder, outlets such as The Huffington Post came to the rescue, decrying the rampant “transphobia” in the dating market. In another instance of typical SJW hysteria, a contestant on The Bachelorette got into hot water for verbalizing a common enough concern of men, namely that heavily dolled-up transgender “women” regularly try to pass themselves off as biological women. With this sort of putrid political climate, it is very easy to imagine a time when not being sexually attracted to Barry or Steve will be equated with anti-gay “bigotry” as well.

Indicating the warped social totem pole that is regularly putting transgenders above women, straight females are also being shamed, albeit to a lesser extent than heterosexual men. CNN, for example, just couldn’t figure out why the majority of women weren’t open to dating this transgender “man,” as if genitalia were a completely irrelevant part of sexuality. Who would have known!

The stage is set

GQ used to be geared towards men who wanted to dress well but were still straight. Not anymore.

SJWs do not want tolerance. They want a kind of uniformity, where the groups we are meant to accept and praise actually end up dictating what someone else can or cannot do sexually. The failure of most men (or women) to want to date a transgender is a setback, for sure, but this will not stop SJWs from continuing their agenda in the same and other ways.

Even “men’s” magazines are now part of the fray, joining a series of outlets celebrating supposedly straight males who screw gay guys. GQ continued its abysmal fall in 2017 by publishing “The straight men dating men and the gay men who fall in love with them.” Salon, however, is a very unsurprising offender for its long-term pushing of straight men’s “malleable” sexualities. All we are missing at the moment are widespread calls for men to stop being “homophobic” and give themselves to other men fully.

Just wait and see

An 8-year-old boy from Montreal who is forced to sexualize himself for LGBT audiences.

As a result of the negative reception most folks gave to the idea of dating a transgender, some might say that this article is alarmist. Well, I would counter that since we have already seen the sexualization of children according to SJW ideology, it is perfectly foreseeable that straight adult males will be encouraged or shamed into wanting sex with men. If this article is proven wrong, it will be either due to blind luck or because we see positive, long-awaited developments in the West.

Remember, probably well over 50% of discussions about sexuality nowadays concern lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender experiences, despite people of these orientations comprising perhaps 4% of the population. If this is not a sign that your heterosexuality is considered abnormal or not fully acceptable by SJWs and their enablers, I don’t know what is.

Read More: Studies Prove Lesbians Batter Their Partners More Than Straight Men

146 thoughts on “Straight Men Will Soon Be Called Homophobic For Not Sleeping With Gays And Trannies”

  1. Whether willingly or unwillingly, this article contributes to the problem by making us aware of it.

    1. I have no problem with ladyboys, but they’ve got to LOOK like real women. If they look like a 40 year old guy with six o’clock shadow wearing his mom’s frock ……. no thanks.

      1. You can’t change the DNA of a tranny from man to woman like that so easily. The DNA is still that of a man. Where would you fuck a tranny anyways? They still have penises. I’m not fucking any tranny in the ass because I’m not a faggot.

        1. TOTALLY agree! These twisted souls need psychotherapy and counseling, not indulgence. Unless their chromosomes are ‘XX’, they’re NOT female — no matter how much they ‘think’ they are, or how much they ‘want to be’.
          Besides, ‘being called names’ won’t hurt me as much as getting STDs like HIV/AIDS and Herpes from these ‘walking Petri dishes’. I don’t care if they want to screw each other, but don’t try to force me to join in their mental illness.

        2. There are whole branches of feminaziism around bashing trannies called TERF and radfem. We should work together on issues were we share common ground, such as bashing trannies.
          They also wish the annihilate whites men forgetting that we are the most egalitarian guys around. Based on the fact white women cant hold together any IR marriage based on data, they seem to have no other men who actually accept them beyond that short honeymoon period. Who the fuck decided to allow women to get educated?????

        3. Chromosome XX … Female..
          Chromosome XY… Male ….
          Doesn’t matter what you will do, have a penisdectomy, or a penis transplant, your chromosome you were born with, will remain ….

        1. He can have them.
          It takes more than just the weirdos alone. They need outside sipport.

      2. Lots of ladyboys flat out lie to men and say they are a ‘woman’ when clearly asked if that was not always the case. Knowing that most men won’t sleep with a tranny, even if “she” is a full op, they have to lie and create a scenario where they can at least get to 2nd base (going down on you) via deception because fully exposing themselves would sound the red flags in force.
        I ‘might’ have been played in this manner once before when I was in the Philippines. I’ll never really know for sure. But in any case, your tranny shield goes through the roof the rest of your life after any such incident, as well as your absolute disgust and disdain for them.

      3. Asian men pull it off quite well. White and black dudes less so. When talking of arabs the women can hardly pull it off as well let alone the men.

      4. Just to stick up for Mr Dodds for a second.. he didn’t say he’d actually smash a tranny. He only said he doesn’t have a problem with them aesthetically. I mean who knows, maybe trannies give the worlds best blowjobs. But the problem is this: to look like real women, and not some plonker with a 5-oclock shadow, takes a truckload of hormones and injections for life.. not to mention serious body sculpting. Anyone who follows Blaire White knows what I’m talking about.

        1. Quet,
          You’re right, I’ve never had sex with one, but I don’t have a problem sitting in a bar and chatting with one, if they’re convincing. I much prefer talking to men ……. woman are only good for sex, and bringing up my children.

    2. Hitting on a woman = sexual harassment/assault.
      Not hitting on a transgender = sexual harassment/assault.

        1. Man refusing to marry = immature ‘Peter Pan man-boy’ refusing to ‘man up’
          Woman refusing to marry = ’empowered’ ‘strong, independent woman’ who “doesn’t need a man” and is above criticism

    3. In the movie, Brokeback Mountain, how was the homo relationship initiated?
      Ennis: That fish you caught yesterday was good.
      Jack: The coyote you shot this morning was big.
      Ennis: Say Jack, how about you come over here and fuck me in the ass?
      I’m supposed to believe that Jake Gyllenhaal would rather run roughshod over Heath Ledger dusty cowboy butthole rather than send Ann Hathaway’s vagina home? Not in any universe is that going to happen. The premise of that movie was just plain dumb.

    1. eEEEww…unpleasant surprises like this is why trannies will be hated. Truth up front so a person can make an educated decision. if they lie like this they will lie about much more important stuff all the time. it also proves that these liars are incapable of being trustworthy at all.

    2. Guess he doesn’t want to ride trannies like a Pony, which is perfectly normal. Why do feminists and LGBT want to force masculine men to become faggots? If all men in the Western world become faggots, wouldn’t that make it easier for Russia or UAE to invade us and take the West over?
      Do you think I give a fuck if Russia or UAE militants invade the West and force these feminists, trannies and faggots into concentration camps?! Hell no. i don’t care.

      1. ” if Russia invade the West”
        Russia won’t even touch the shitty west unless provoked

        1. Given the current cultural decline of the U.S., I’d almost welcome a Russian intervention.

      2. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….the only kind of relationship “shamed” nowadays is a “cis-gendered” older man with a “cis gendered” younger girl. According to wikipedia, Ginuwine was born in 1970, meaning he’d turn 48 this year. Now, what do you think he’d get dragged through the mud for:
        Dating a tranny, even a 25 year old tranny (transwoman or transman, it really doesn’t matter)
        Dating a 25 year old woman (you know, those people actually born with a vagina and 2 X chromosomes)
        We both know the answer to that. In fact, he’d receive endless praise for dating a tranny, even one 23 years younger than him. After all, love knows no age limit, right? A 48 year old man dating a 25 year old woman, obviously he has some sort of mental issues, he’s looking for someone to control or he obviously can’t get a woman his own age because he has a small penis yada yada yada. Im 31 and many would consider it weird or almost borderline pedophilia for a man my age to even admit that a 17, 18, 19, 20 year old girl could be attractive.
        On the other hand, if a man my age wanted to date another male/tranny in that age range, well, love is love and we can’t help who we’re attracted to, right?

        1. Well said! Excellent point on the older man/younger woman dynamic. I’m 60, a lifelong consummate bachelor, and although I have no time for the vast majority of women out there, I find some of the younger early-mid 20 somethings quite fetching indeed. But you are right! Our twisted culture and media would easily endorse an early-mid 20 something tranny with a heterosexual old guy like me, but god forbid I be seen with a heterosexual attractive young woman in public. I once actually took a slender attractive 24 year-old to an upscale jazz club in my city. The nasty looks and curled snarling lips from the old sea hags hipsters with their creepy androgynous looking old husbands cut through the place like a slasher movie. Ironically, our hot young 20 something waitress gave me a complementary bottle of wine, and refused a generous tip from me. I looked at her puzzled. She gave me a sly smile and a wink. I just bet she went for older men, or endorsed it.

        2. @ Antonio
          What I’ve seen is that in older guy/young woman couples, the closer the woman is to the young woman’s age, the more accepting they are of such a couple. On the other hand, the farther away a woman is from the young woman’s age and the closer she gets to the man’s age, the more she hates the idea of younger women with older men.

        3. “…we can’t help who we’re attracted to, right?”
          That is ‘acceptable’ ONLY if you’re gay or ‘attracted’ to trannies.
          If you’re heterosexual, forget it.

  2. At first I thought, this is absurd, this will never happen, not on my watch. Well its amazing what (((they))) can push and make mainstream over a few generations. God help us.

    1. They will force us with their police.
      they own the police.
      We need to find a way to be stronger than the police.
      it’s the only way.

    Homosexuality, both male and female, is not a choice or a lifestyle but a mental illness.

    1. normal men will be reflexively puking on these liars. once it becomes a mainstream reaction, being trannie wont be a thing anymore….

      1. GOD pukes fire and brimstone on the SJW community of sexual orientations and gender identities as were the days of Lot. Vladimir Putin, under GOD’s command will send missiles onto any homosexual loving society under the power of the Lord to fight against immorality.
        GOD didn’t make a woman for man so that man can fist another man in the ass, or for a man-hating feminist lesbian to molest young boys and girls in lesbian duo rape acts. GOD will burn all of these fuckers down!

    2. False. It is absolutely a choice, like murder. Some act out on homicidal impulses, others are civilized. If you support the idea that how you “feel” is indicative of who you are, you are unfamiliar with the entire premise of western civilization.

      1. How can you compare sexuality to murder? Assuming the parties involved are consenting adults, there is no harm done.

        1. No intent to play semantics or feelings.
          Just to get a solution to a challenge.
          As somebody said:
          – Burn the heretics
          – Kill the mutants
          – Purge the unclean
          Terra must be cleansed.

        2. Alex G January 9, 2018
          In 2001 the German cannibal Armin Meiwes ate his gay lover Bernd Brandes. Brandes actually offered himself to be eaten via a website after Meiwes put an add on the site The Cannibal Cafe. Meiwes was sentenced to 8.5 years initially but after a retrial was given life in prison. Meiwes defended his actions by giving the argument of ‘consenting adults’. Although consenting the motive was sexual gratification (evidenced by him videotaping the ordeal) the court argued.

      2. False equivalence, @Tracy. The difference is that murder involves taking someones life without their consent. Homosexuality between 2++ consenting adults does not violate anyone else’s INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS(that’s the cornerstone of western civilization, not government enforced social conformity).

    3. …but being sexually repressed is a-OK if you just call it “being a MGTOW”, right?

    4. What’s with the rise of straight women sleeping with butch lesbians? And what makes it even more perplexing is that many of these butches would be considered by women to be very unattractive if they were men and not be given the time of day. For example, you can have a 5’2 chubby bulldyke with a double chin and crew cut or another bulldyke that could literally be mistaken for an 11 or 12 year old boy but they have an easier time getting so-called straight women (and not just bottom of the barrel one’s, women who are very attractive) than the average beta male who’s actually a male.
      On the other hand, these same women will then have the highest standards when it comes to men.
      Is this something to do with women’s biology? I don’t get it

      1. If they’re sleeping with lesbians, then they’re NOT ‘straight’ — they’re either gay or bisexual.
        No matter how much they tell themselves or anyone else that they’re not.

    5. It is neither a choice nor a metal illness. Homosexuality is not unique to humans. It’s been around throughout recorded history.

      1. @ Zenopede
        >It is neither a choice nor a metal illness.
        I beg to differ. And also it is an unacceptable behavior.
        But because many already have no God neither values, this degenerate narrative sounds “normal”.

    1. No, man. Females are more feminine. Just not all of them. Like how there aren’t heaps of deticated betas here. Trannies are psychotic men.

    2. In theory, you’re right, but I wouldn’t fuck a tranny because of that. No thanks. That’s an abomination to God, like Canadian Meme-Feminist Chanty Binx.

    3. … A woman who was not raised to be feminine will still start acting more feminine when she is around you if she likes you. A tranny… Is more like “wtf is this?!”

  4. Why should we give a flying fuck about what pozzed-out degenerates think of us?
    Yeah, I’m transphobic and I don’t give a shit. Now give my Ruger .357 magnum a blowjob.

    1. Over time, it will probably get to the point where it becomes acceptable, socially speaking, for a guy to have sex with a tranny and consider himself straight. Especially if you have many men who have trouble attracting a real girl. I’ve heard it said that human beings aren’t rational, just good at rationalizing. I used to work with a guy who was 28 and a virgin and trust me, not by choice. It’s not far fetched that someone like him could somehow rationalize in his mind how a tranny is no different from a real woman so it doesn’t mean he’s gay if he sleeps with one. At least he can say he isn’t a virgin anymore.

  5. That 8 year old will be an addict by 13. And most likely dead by 23. His parents should lose full custody….if he has parents. Also good job Ginuwine on not partaking in that disgusting trash.

    1. If a dem gets in the office, they’ll drag that addict in and out of recovery classes a few times at your expense, too. These people reject morality, a fast track to suffering.

    2. I wouldn’t be surprised if 8 year olds are having way more sex with adults from the SJW community, than normal legal hetero couples who are constantly attacked from all ends of feminism and LGBT.

    3. Probably the mentally mixed-up son of a single/divorced mom who doesn’t allow any contact with the father.
      This reminds me of the mothers who make their pre-adolescent daughters into underage ‘Beauty Queen’ sexpots.

  6. I don’t fuck fags or trannies and no one has called me a homophobe. In fact, I don’t hang out at places where there’s fags or trannies. Where the hell does the writer of this article hang out at? Simply don’t put yourself in that situation. Or is this more of that “white straight males are being persecuted” whiny nonsense? Get a life already.

    1. Did all of those Liberal SJW White American & Canadian feminists, LGBT fuckers magically grow up in Mexico City?! The SJW infestation is a cancerous disease. Trannies will travel to any country in the world to spread their filth, abomination, cancer, STDs and immorality onto locals.

    2. LMAO @ ILLEGAL,
      It’s funny, but times are changing. I’m 30, so I can remember when this stuff wouldn’t happen, but I’m deep down south, work with other good Ole boys, and we’re hiring queers for FUCKIN HR DEPTS. Keep living, you’ll run into it.
      But my advice is to politely not give one fuck.

    3. Have you been to a top university lately? Better yet, have you been to an elementary schools or public libraries where drag queens and trannies are invited to read tranny children books to young children? If you’re from a ghetto in a major city, you’ll find this junk there too because the public schools use these areas as social experiment laboratories since they know that the local residents there lack the funds or the sophistication to understand what being done to them and their children.

      1. In my day it was those “Frog and Toad” books or “James and the Giant Peach.”
        It wasn’t bad, being a little kid in the early 1970s still.

  7. Those images will always be hard to stomach. But their objective is to callous your conscience and your gag reflex. If the images on these photos don’t disturb or traumatize you anymore, then you have been successfully conditioned (i.e., victimized) to, at least, no longer resist but to acquiesce to this first stage of dominance and transformation of your conscience and mind. This is an assault and battery to your psyche no different than being mugged or sodomized against your will. Instead, they are sodomizing your mind and the minds of very young children. This is what sodomites do. This is the permanent and historical nature of a sodomite.
    Note how revealing this passage from Genesis 19:1-9 is of their nature: “1 The two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them and bowed himself with his face to the earth 2 and said, “My lords, please turn aside to your servant’s house and spend the night and wash your feet. Then you may rise up early and go on your way.” They said, “No; we will spend the night in the town square.” 3 But he pressed them strongly; so they turned aside to him and entered his house. And he made them a feast and baked unleavened bread, and they ate.
    4 But before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both young and old, all the people to the last man, surrounded the house. 5 And they called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, that we may know them.” 6 Lot went out to the men at the entrance, shut the door after him, 7 and said, “I beg you, my brothers, do not act so wickedly. 8 Behold, I have two daughters who have not known any man. Let me bring them out to you, and do to them as you please. Only do nothing to these men, for they have come under the shelter of my roof.” 9 But they said, “Stand back!” And they said, “This fellow came to sojourn, and he has become the judge! Now we will deal worse with you than with them.” Then they pressed hard against the man Lot, and drew near to break the door down.”
    To this day, the area where Sodom once existed smells sulphuric (i.e., it stills smells like ass).
    They’re like cannibals who don’t understand why the super majority of mankind finds their cuisine utterly revolting and repugnant. This is part of their SINdrome.
    But their own nature cries out to them that they are perverse when a male body fiercely attempts to impregnate the body of another male by humping and ejaculating into his esophagus or anal cavity, but their SINdrome prevents them from seeing and understanding this obvious

    1. Amen. This feminism and LGBT-ism is a disease upon society. In the days of Sodom, the Bible said “men, young and old”. It could be 8year old trannies like “Lactita” from Montreal who will become a militant SJW harassing and victimizing straight men.
      Which brings to what Roosh wrote in his book Free Speech is not Free. He complained that while feminists and LGBT are free to do what they want in terms of sexual immorality, he and his fans have to hide in a room in Berlin in fear of angry mobs who will resort to violence.
      The Western world is the WHORE of Babylon. It’s only going to get worse until GOD sends fire and brimstone v.i.a Russia, North Korea and China to nuke the fuck out of the SJW infested countries as the Lord permits.

    2. Ironically, if you actually read your bibble, you’d find that the story of Sodom was a warning against inhospitality.

      1. If you actually took off your Elton John glasses before you read, especially before you put yourself in the presence of the supernatural word and presence of your Creator, Lord, and Judge, you would see and understand, like the vast majority you of normal people do, that He does not destroy an entire city merely because it was inhospitable. The Owner of the universe destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because homosexuality is and always will be an abomination and was wickedly rampant.
        Do you think that it’s a coincidence that HIV is and will be a disease that primarily afflicts homosexual men?
        BTW, from what I understand, this website is for straight males. What are you doing here.

        1. If you actually took off your Elton John glasses before you read, especially before you put yourself in the presence of your Creator, Lord, and Judge and His supernatural book, you would see and understand, like the vast majority of normal people do, that He does not destroy an entire city merely because it was inhospitable. The Owner of the universe destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because homosexuality is and always will be an abomination and was wickedly rampant.
          Do you think that it’s a coincidence that HIV is and will always be a disease that primarily afflicts homosexual men?
          BTW, from what I understand, this website is for straight males. What are you doing here?
          EDIT: I had to repost because there were too many typos on the original. Sorry guys.

  8. Russia, North Korea, China and the African Union tells OBAMA to keep his FAGGOT agenda home!
    Vladimir Putin is not afraid to send a missile to any FAGGOT who dares corrupt the Russian Orthodox Church.
    No one messes with Vladimir Putin, FAGGOT! Vladimir Putin is a devotee of GOD, and he’s not afraid to send a NUCLEAR MISSILE to any faggot, lesbo or SJW who threatens the safety of the followers of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST!

  9. That´s explain the fascination with traps. And the Men trying to rationalize that having sex with a sissy is not gay. ((who)) is pushing that stuff?

    1. Hilarious right? What feminine logic, like it’s not cheating if I’m on vacation, or oral sex don’t count, or I’m a degenerate because slavery.

      1. Is only cheating if you are caught, Say this to a woman with that mentality, is not a crime to drive above the speed limit and ignore stop signs, is a crime to be seen by a cop speeding and ignoring stop sign not the act, then drive like a mad mad, then while you are at 162mph say it does not count if I rape you and kill you, it is only illegal if a leave evidence behind, it is only bad if you are caught too. leaving evidence is illegal not killing you, is the evidence that will put me on jail not the act. When she start crying about that it is morally wrong then you can say then fucking a guy on vacation is also morally wrong right?

  10. what’s interesting is how the rhetoric changes to suit the argument. When it was all about gay acceptance and gay marriage we were told that gay was how you were born. It wasn’t a choice, it wasn’t fluid, it was simply a question of accepting who you were (if you were gay) or accepting diversity of humankind (if you weren’t). Queer feminists never argued that to be honest, because a) they know women are like water and easily moulded in one or other direction and b) because it was always about a political project to change as many people (or women at least) as possible. Now that acceptance is a fait accompli (and I don’t have a problem accepting gay people as gay) though even the male gays are selectively abandoning the ‘born that way’ argument, because you can’t persuade someone to turn unless sexuality is fluid.
    The issue here is not really about the nature of gay people but about the cynicism involved in just arguing whatever is convenient to win the day. Again I don’t have a problem with gay or for that matter trans people but there is a longer term occult war against traditional heterosexuality (and by occult I don’t mean supernatural)

    1. To be fair, I do have a problem with gay, because it’s anti humanity. You can’t breed if you’re gay, to say nothing of the perverse logic associated with deviant behavior. Who else would sexuality a child but women and queers? Who btw, share ideologies, and we know that all women are at a minimum bisexuals with the right guy, at the right place, with the right environment.

      1. Female bisexuality is rare in the true sense of binary attraction. Women however have less issue with bedding a man at the same time just due to environment and genetics.
        Women who legit would see another woman as a sexual object for their own desire in the abscence of a man are the true deviants.

        1. All women are bi by nature, they evolve to be in harem, better be one of the many concubines of the king than to be the faithful wife of a peasant.

        2. Boys and girls are different. Girls like pillow fights, and “being with girls” as in giggling and splashing water on each other on the beach or in swimming pools- that doesn’t make them lesbians or bisexuals, just females. “But I’m A Cheerleader” was a good example of how people can get this wrong.
          The actual number of true lesbians, and I’m including those who prefer other women because of trauma (e.g. a REAL victim of a brutal rape), are scarce, but there is an effort to make normal “girls like playing (non-sexual) with other girls” into “proof” that lesbians are more common than they really are.
          And here’s the frightening thing few here are noticing: as women become more and more hateful and insufferable more men will prefer the company of other guys (again non-sexual) just to hang out with SOMEBODY- and that will be “proof” of more homosexuality, otherwise “why aren’t they in relationships with women instead of hanging out with guys?”
          If this was all planned out then it was very, very well done.

        3. What I don’t get is troll looking lesbians who are 5’2, pudgy and have a crew cut or butch lesbians that look like 12 or 13 year old boys getting very attractive women, many of whom consider themselves straight. And the most striking thing is that, these lesbians would have no chance at all with attractive women if they (the lesbian) was the male equivalent. I just don’t get it. An actual adult man who resembles a 12 year old boy is going to have a hard time with women, especially top tier ones. But a bull dyke who resembles a 12 year old boy will have a better chance with a cute college co-ed (who considers herself straight) than your average beta.

      2. I was speaking for myself. You have a right to your own opinion, but by the same token people have a right to make their own choices across the boards, allowing for legal constraints and such. There are lots of things that might be considered a social evil, or otherwise undesirable that should not be constrained by law. Also, complaining about increasing pressure to conform to the gay / transexual agenda sits awkwardly with requiring gays / tranny’s to conform to heterosexual norms. I’m sounding more liberal than I like right now, so I’ll stop

      3. Maybe homosexuality is natures way of saying “these genes should not be passed on”. The human population is in no danger of going extinct due to homosexuality. Male exclusive homosexuality is statistically an uncommon behavior and trying to coerce them into reproducing is a violation of personal freedom and individual rights.
        You see kid, sexual activity between consenting adults is None Of Your Business unless you are one of the people involved. Get a life.

        1. @Zenopede
          >You see kid, sexual activity between consenting adults is None Of Your Business unless you are one of the people involved. Get a life.
          It is, and also it is my family and community interest when this degenerate agenda is pushed onto us.
          If deviants want to engage in depravity in private and in secret, good for them.
          However, the present marxist agenda is meeting resistance, and it is granted we are fighting back.
          Not only to shut it down, but to suppress it for ever.
          One way or another “progressiveness” will end, and a radical traditional society will show up.

    2. In other words, their entire movement (arguments, justifications, defenses, etc.) is not based on principles. Therefore, their foundation is not built on rock. Instead, it is built on sand.
      But deceptions and lies are part of their nature, as your main point illustrates very well.
      What we’re witnessing is the aftermath of the opening of Pandora’s Box by the US Supreme Court. It is undeniable that what has been crawling out of the box since then has become weirder and weirder, grotesque and more grotesque, scarier and scarier.

      1. My friend, it’s just natural this would happen.
        If I took this modern laptop with me back to 1977 and first described what things would be like four decades later- such as this- nobody would’ve thought I was sane.
        Then I take out this laptop, an undeniable product from the future, and use videos, articles, etc. as proof of what’s happening now, nobody would want to believe it.
        The fact is, we did not get here overnight. Why do you think we have all of this #metoo whining? Because the Left has nothing but moving more to the left. It can never be satisfied. Even if what this article says is 100% true AND the Left gets it, do you think it’ll stop there? Of course not. This is why the animal rights movement did so much better in the 1980s: it had clear-cut goals but when it merged with the leftist movements (originally it was an outsider movement- I knew devout Christian Reagan fans in it) this changed.
        The difference between the left and the right is that the right, obnoxious and desirous of censorship as it is, has limits. If an Archie comic has ultra-endowed Betty and Veronica in string bikinis the right would object, but once in less-revealing swimwear and not as buxom that would be that- they’d leave you alone.
        But the left would object to the “objectification” of women, and wouldn’t stop until Betty and Veronica were two Trigglypuff transexual men-homosexuals while Archie and Reggie (now non-white) were running into the water holding hands and now-butch tattooed Cheryl was beating Moose in tackle football…and they still would find something to complain about.
        This is what many are waking up to- there can never be any satisfying them. This is why male feminist Al Franken, who wasn’t even guilty of anything, ended up in the crosshairs. Many are waking up to the fact that the friend of a tyrant is simply the last victim. Question is, is it soon enough?

    3. look homosexuals are dudes who suicide sexually by aiming at the wrong hole. Its clearly a malfunction somewhere in the brain to aim at the asshole and dream of that rather than the vagina. I have nothing against that but its like those birds who think some some socket puppet is their mum or those randy dogs who hump legs.

      1. yes, they are, but sexual aims can and are fairly easily re-programmed, particularly at the cultural level. “Straight” porn programmes straight men to want to penetrate women’s arseholes, often as the ‘final aim’ in a coupling that demotes vaginal sex to something slightly elevated above foreplay. I sometimes think porn is arsehole training in fact. My point is that it isn’t just gays who have ‘unnatural’ sexual objects. We are all encouraged to aim for everything but knocking women up. In fact going back to the issue of porn spilling your beanz in a woman – the natural aim of male sexuality throughout all time and history – is within porn, reduced to a sexual fetish – the ‘creampie’. We all live in pornoland now, and it’s not just gays who are fucked up

  11. Wow, these weenies have nothing better to do but to corrode the civil society to the point of a hopeful collapse because they’re political persuasion didn’t win. “Enemies, foreign AND domestic..” And they can call me what they will. Granted, I’m stronger than the lies and witless name calling. “Stick and stones.., ” But I bet if you continue to push this mentally ill s**t up under my nose and tell me to smell it I can guarantee my sticks and stones will definitively bust their skulls.

  12. “The straight men dating men and the gay men who fall in love with them.”
    What the fuck. I can’t even unpack how fucked up this is.

  13. It’s not like the average reader here gives a rat’s ass what some soy-contaminated freak society thinks. I’d rather sleep with one of those waifu pillows than some man-to-woman Frankenstein experiment. They want some dick, there’s plenty of faggots to choose from but they all hate themselves anyway so to hell with them.

    1. That’s the trannies dilemma apart from their mental disorder: Nobody likes them. They desperately want a straight man to accept and to treat them as a woman. An impossibility without some form of deception. They know that gay men only screw them because they are really men, and that will never satisfy a tranny. Therefore, they have to resort to deception and lies to trap what they really want. How? By getting governments to become complicit by passing laws that allow them to change their sex on their birth certificates for the sole purpose of fooling straight men. With so many advances in medical technology, some of these men can pass as woman, and now, armed with fake birth certificates, they’re ready to infiltrate your local pub, church, or anywhere else and come after you or your sons.

      1. Funny thing is, lesbians- REAL lesbians, not “just because it’s politically correct” lesbians- will not have sex with “transexuals.”
        Should they get in trouble then? If regular men must accept “transexuals” as women, then why shouldn’t lesbians?

        1. Yep. I want to see an article where butch lesbians are taken to task for not being attracted to trannies. Won’t hold my breath though.

    2. One part of being a “real woman” is being validated as such by being sexually desired by masculine men. Trannies can take hormones to their hearts desire, they can insist to be referred to as “she”, they can wear makeup and high heels. But it’s all in vain if they aren’t accepted as women by straight men and they know it. That’s why they want to all but insist that hetero men desire them. It’s the final piece of the puzzle to them being equal to a “real woman” in the trannies mind. Notice how they’re trying to brow beat straight men into desiring trannies, yet curiously enough, no one is trying to browbeat gay men into desiring trannies.
      They really can’t go to homo men, because they’re deemed too feminine. The best bet for trannies desiring masculine men who consider themselves straight is to go to prison. A man doing 50 years or life who has no chance of being with an actual woman ever again may find it in himself to look at a tranny as he would an actual woman.

  14. The end is near. We are living in the Last Days. Let those femborgs, sodomites and trannies enjoy their decadence on earth for they will not be allowed to enter the Kingdom of God.
    May God send ballistic nuclear comets into any city that’s 100% sodomite. God is merciful for he will not send a nuclear rocket into a city where there is even one righteous person.
    My fellow worshipers of God, it’s time to leave the decadent cities in USA, Canada and Europe so that God will send his nuclear rockets into those cities once all of the innocent and righteous are out of the cities of the decadent West

  15. LISTEN UP!!!

    1. Many already know.
      A confrontation with the ZOG is coming, and its ZOGbots will be at the front lines.

      1. Strange how your name references a line spoken by a black dude in a film made by Trans persons. Can you get any more unintentionally ironic?

    1. Yeah….obviously that no longer applies to straight men. When will we see an article shaming women into dating socially awkward , obese nerdy guys? And insisting that they have some sort of phobia if she refuses?
      Or an article of how a girl owes a man sex if he spent a certain amount of $$$ on her?
      I won’t hold my breath.

  16. If we can just get a large community of cannibals to live within some of the major gay communities, maybe then they’ll understand how we 98-percenters feel about their behavior.

  17. That might just as well be the moment the whole SJW movement jumps the shark because that will be the point where guys will freak out and start pulling real triggers.

  18. If the slippery slope continues, then we should expect human-animal couples in 10 years, and zebras and other pals on the savanna having “rights”. Put those carnivores to jail.
    If you think otherwise you are a speciephobe.

  19. Not “straight men who refuse to date”. “Straight men who harass, bully and publicly humiliate”. Acceptance of gays and transsexuals never meant anything else but letting them be. Considering that they pay taxes like you losers do, you should have zero word in what the fuck they’re doing anyway.
    Who would date sore losers like you anyway?

    1. Don’t you understand that the pendulum is coming back?
      Degenerates, supporters and (((promoters))) will pay a hefty price; one way or another.
      It’s going to be ugly.

    2. Assuming you’re real and not a “troll,” haven’t you ever noticed how it’s only straight white men who are told to be “tolerant?” Blacks, women, hispanics, jews, muslims, etc. can all hate white men- no media backlash, in fact with media cheering violence against white men- but white men can’t even object to that?
      If you are a leftist you’d best take a long, logical look at what makes up the Left- groups that aren’t ripping each other apart only because of common hatred against white men. Your victory would mean your destruction the very next day by one of your now-former “allies.”

    1. But how do Boomers explain their behavior during the 1960s, especially at Wood(rape?)stock 1969? Where was all of this then?
      What you should have said was that the Left doesn’t believe straights are born that way NOW, in recent years.
      This Generation Xer pities Millenials.

  20. Extending the same logic, we can say it is hetro-phobic for lesbians not to sleep with straight men.

  21. Funny how, except for Slippery Slope fallacies, these sexually-repressed butthurt righties never provide evidence for their claims?

  22. I think we should concentrate on how to reframe the argument in case a radical liberal would reframe you on being a “humorless conservative who can’t enjoy life” and thus can’t have a social network or a sexual life, and thus have no social influence whatsoever. This is their preferred argument.

  23. Deviants continue the thought shaping in their attempt to normalize any and all perversions. I do not care how they dress or how vehemently they insist they are a “woman.” If it’s DNA is not woman, I am not interest. I don’t care what the cretins in mendacious skat-eating media or the communist SJWs call me or what they say or do.
    Keep up the fight for normalcy. SJWs can make up what ever names they want to for hetero guys like myself in their vile attempt to destroy us.
    But a man will never be attracted to another man, regardless of the trans’ mental illness driving them to pretending to be women.
    In the mean time, a “progressive” website was writing about the so-called “noble” pedophile, in a disgusting and transparent attempt to thought shape this atrocity against children.
    David, keep up the fight against these monsters attempting to destroy the fabric of our society.

  24. I just wish there were a means to flag and report trolls here for removal since I see a few here. On this article well Modern Liberalism has truly become a mental disease and a pathetic façade which clearly is in the process of imploding and when that happens all these perverts like everything else on which liberalism is based today goes into the ash heap of history.

  25. I am sure that trans people WANT more dates… Who doesn’t if you are single.
    BUT.. So does the fat boy sitting around playing WoW living with his parents at age 25…
    Bottom line is people date what they want and no amount of whining is going to change that.

  26. All this replay of Sodom and Gomorrah would not be possible without the explicit support of MSM and Hollywood. Take a look at its (((owners))).
    Not only that, it is a very telling the pattern that (((liberals writers))) have when they push the deviant narrative.
    The name of these writers and also teachers and professors brainwashing the youth usually are: ___cohen, ___berg, ___man, ___mann, ___stein, ___neider, ___wartz, ___katz, ___baum, ___owsky.
    But all this depravity is not new at all, it is the modern repetition of Austria and Germany in the 20s and 30s, but then it met the swastika flag as a effective answer.
    Google “degeneracy Weimar” for a history lesson, and probably you will get pretty good ideas how to tackle the problem.

  27. So if a woman doesn’t want sex with a man she’s misandrist?
    If one is, in any way, bullied into having sex with a homosexual or “transexual” (e.g. insane man) wouldn’t that count as rape? Whatever happened to “no means no?”
    Hypocrisy x 20.

  28. Sorry, powers-that-be, what I find attractive is what I find attractive, not what someone else says. I’d always have a poster of Kathy Ireland before Andrea Dworkin on my wall.
    And no men. End of discussion.

  29. People- can we cut down on the obscenities here? That’s one problem with our society.
    Not being prudish but instead of “s*** my ****” it can be “drop dead, moron,” “get lost loser” or “go play in the freeway.” We can start reversing the rotten social trends starting right here, right now. It has to start somewhere, so why not here?

    1. @allanon
      You are a female or a soyboy, there is no way a man would want to use afeminate language among men.

      1. Excessive swearing is part of a society’s degeneration and coarsening of popular culture. Even Ben Franklin warned about that. Why do you think I cut down on it- to practice what we preach.
        I’m from an earlier time and have seen the “slippery slope” in action first hand. How do you think we got to this point- overnight?

  30. Haha, ironic timing. Some rapper guy just got labeled transphobe because he wouldn’t let a whatever kiss him because she wasn’t a real woman. Yesterday or day before I think.

  31. Fuck this I wouldn’t sleep with the fags or trannies they can try but I’ll go down fighting and wouldn’t let this disgrace of human beings to force me to date these abominations. I know god will end this shit. Brothers we need to fight this and not let ourselves.

  32. GQ? hahahahahaha i remember reading GQ for style purposes mostly i did not care their liberal crap publicity but after Colin Fagpernick was named:”Citizen of the year” i stopped reading that shit an unemployed who was not even a good player(Garoppolo is a lot more better even Niners fandom forgot about Colin) is citizen of the year just for kneeling lol

  33. There is something else I wonder about, and it’s doubtful those behind all of this ever considered it:
    There are already cases of “transsexuals” raping or at least hassling (which these days feminists call “sexual assault,” including fanny-patting) women.
    Now, the Left has only two choices here:
    1) Screech about how a WOMAN was sexually assaulted by…uhhh…another “woman…” Uh, hmmm, uh, not politically correct…
    2) Insist it was a man. Given that some of these assaults took place in girls’ locker rooms and bathrooms then the Left would either have to admit that they were partially responsible for allowing this sort of thing or that the whole “transsexual” routine is fake.
    Even if they try to save face by saying it was only a man pretending to be a transsexual that still doesn’t let them escape responsibility since they insisted such people be allowed in female-only places.
    Either way they lose, so the only thing they can do is never report it. But that’s not going to work well either. Do any of these people ever consider the logical consequences of these sorts of things?

  34. I decided to read the article on “GT” (The straight men dating men and the gay men who fall in love with them). I didn’t see it pushing homosexuality on straight men, rather if a gay guy tried to date a straight man they won’t get what they want. It’s obvious and true through the ages.
    I disagree to a point — straight guys will not be harassed. PC ideology harasses straight dudes in real world ways (ie Affirmative Action), but most gay or bi guys don’t harass or care. You guys just need to say to the PC police, “Look we are dudes and we have our own safe space. You don’t like it suck it”. Man up and take their judgment & opinions and stop caring.

  35. All I can tell you is this, and it is as sure as the sun setting in the west {and on the west!}: THE WEAK ARE DOMINATED BY THE STRONG. That edict will never change. As western culture becomes more and more feminized, it will be taken over BRUTALLY by masculine culture, just not the one anyone in the west wants. But it is what you will get, because it is a direct result of our rejection of Christ. That same demon that has lied dormant for centuries is rising from it’s slumber. It is the same evil that tried to conquer Europe for centuries before, and now is, all without having to fire a shot. There will not be enough good Christian men to stop them this time. Many secular western men won’t lift a finger to defend this warped, sick culture, and believe they will have it better in what is to come, but they won’t. You will see this come to pass in your lifetimes. I give it only another twenty years at the most. There will be so many beheadings that Ralphthe blood will literally flow like rivers. These feminist, homos, and other perverts and progressives will pay for their religion: TOLERANCE.

  36. It begins.
    Families are fleeing the satanic West.
    “FAMILY VALUES: German Family Flees “Degenerate” Germany For Family-Friendly Russia”

    If you were so sure of your sexuality you would not need to be affirming it all the time.
    This Blog is SO GAY.
    Uncertain Kings LOL

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