How I Date Girls From The Internet

In the spring of 2016, I felt absolutely great. I was preparing for a fitness show a few weeks later and my body fat was around 9%. That whole spring period had been predominantly good in terms of how I felt on the inside and how I expressed my feelings and behaviors on the outside, and single dating went very well.

I mainly worked with online game as a starting point, but since I hate to spend too much time on those local websites I used my five absolute best photos from traveling, fitness modeling, and casual settings, and a brief but interesting profile text so that I could actually get girls around 6-8 to meet me not too far after. Here is how I operate when going on a first date via the internet.

Phase one: showing value and making her feel comfortable

Once you have set up a date it’s important to show value and make her feel comfortable. That is why a nice cafe is a great place to start with. You cannot expect to have sex on the first date anyway so have a more platonic, friendly, and non-sexual introduction. Therefore I chose one such in the Old Town of Stockholm. Initially you just show that you are perfectly normal and talk about yours and hers life.

Moreover, you should look as good as on your pictures. Don’t put up fitness photos if you are clearly “off-season” and have a semi-chubby face. Be on point, that’s one of the prices we have to pay to get the more attractive girls. Secondly, you should probably dress better than her, especially if you have a disadvantage like being short. There are several levels of this, of course, but I wore dress shoes, dress pants, and a navy blue coat which were not exaggerated but gave the signals that I have higher value. Thirdly, I have a better job.

All of this make her feel that you are interesting and a potential relationship or at least sex partner. It could be that she has equal or higher value than you in terms of dress style and career, but then you just hope that some other factor can be to your advantage.

Fortunately, many girls, like this one, dress rather casually and work with semi-skilled or unskilled professions. If you have seen much of the world, while she hasn’t, that’s another icing on the cake. If she says that she wants to go to Venice some time in her life, then tease her about it and say that if she is nice you might consider bringing her with you. You plant a seed in her mind, but are not too serious about it.

Phase two: escalating by going to a “romantic” place

Secondly, you should probably already on the first date move to some location that likewise are public and make her feel comfortable, but has more of a romantic vibe and enables to kiss her if you make it that far. It could either be selected spontaneously or be pre-planned.

I took her to an area near the water where lots of people walk and sit. Continue with the conversation, don’t sit too close, but gradually try to find ways to make her feel more interested in terms of subject of discussion, paired with a less friendly and more sensual vibe. Obviously this is mutual and you cannot force attraction, but the strategy is important. Don’t be stuck in the platonic vibe and topics for too long, especially if she seems rather modern and liberal. Within about six hours she wants some fun.

What I did in this case was that when she talked about that she had been stalked by two guys (she was 28 and in the slutty dating phase after a four-year relationship that had ended a couple of months earlier), I stressed that it had happened to me as well not so long ago. This made her feel that my value was high, since girls are literally chasing me, and we also had something in common. I didn’t lie but if you want to do so I can recommend using this as a means to appear more interesting. It’s like a gender reversal of #metoo.

Maybe one or two hours later we were kissing, and before we left each other we had sat up a second preliminary date.

Phase three: meet at her or your place and seal the deal

Once you have moved passed these two initial phases, it should be relatively easy to seal the deal. This usually happens on the second or third date in promiscuous countries like USA, Canada, or Sweden. You have already shown that you are interesting and look good. Now you can just talk for 30 minutes and watch Netflix.

Before even half of the movie is finished you are embracing her and not long after you should have sealed the deal, smirking and feeling good about yourself for a while.

That is a feeling that you never can get from jerking off to porn or buying a prostitute. Dating requires effort and transcends the joy one gets from the intercourse. It’s not something that you want to do always and forever, but it’s something that you likely have to do if you want to avoid being an incel. And this is one solid way of doing it.

Regardless of you have online game as a starting point or not, show real value, make her feel comfortable, and escalate with gradual shifts from platonic to romantic locations and interactions.

For more of William Adams’ material, check out his website Syncretic Politics.

Read Next: 6 Steps To Dating A Girl With Borderline Personality Disorder

50 thoughts on “How I Date Girls From The Internet”

  1. 2018 rules for online dating
    1. Professional photos. Just lol @ men using phone selfies and thinking they can compete
    2. If you don’t have a good body, build one. It won’t guarantee anything but if you expect your partner to have a good body you will be disappointed at your results if you don’t
    3. Don’t focus too much on the text of your profile. Just don’t ramble on. Feel free to include your height if you aren’t short
    4. Be direct af about your intentions.
    5. If a girl atop replying don’t go googling how up revive convos. It’s 2018 boyos and some turbo Chad took her already
    6. Know the deck is stacked against men online. It is a sausage fest and most of the time we are all competing for scraps and leftovers
    7. Don’t expect to find good traditional women very much. Even on religious sites as early as 2010 girls were screeching about muh empowerment and muh independence on Christian café
    8. Know that if you got rejected that online guides for game are largely scams. Attraction is biological and once a girl decides you aren’t sexy enough to cum inside her then move on. Online is largely looks based
    9. Feel free to create fake profiles to screen out your competition. Also to run experiments if you want. Google tinder black pill experiments if you don’t want to do this.
    10. Lastly don’t expect stellar results. Quality women don’t hang out online most of the time. Instead it is full of women needing validation
    Online game is largely appearance based so if your results suck you need to work on that. I can’t emphasize this enough. Yes personality matters once your foot is in the door but if the door never opens your personality is irrelevant. Kind of like telling a starving African to invest in real estate

    1. I agree.
      1. I used professional photos, about 2 out of 5. A great investment.
      3. At the site that I used, Happy Pancake, I included height (170) and met girls between 155-170. By doing do this I was honest and knew which one that saw that as a flaw. The site wasn’t flawless but one of the best dating sites I have come across. Used it from time to time between 2011-2016. 6-8 is my spectrum.

        1. I mean that the girls are 6-8 in terms of looks/SMV. I have been with a few 5s and 4s between 15-33 but it doesn’t give me anything in return to sleep with ugly or mediocre girls so I am rather picky, but all is relative.
          First dates usually last 4 hours. The most normal scenario is to have sex on the second date, although it may sometimes happen on the first.

    2. In Asia all the online dating girls appear to be hookers, all I ever needed to score was $30. No need for my photo, they just wanted to see photos of Alexander Hamilton.

  2. I tell the girl to meet me at the Starbucks at an outdoor mall. When we meet, I skip the coffee and say “let’s go for a walk.” I do this for a few reasons; 1. It’s more easy going. 2. It’s costs $0.00.

    1. Phase Five: Your lawyer gets you six months in prison and a life sentence on the Sexual Preditor Database.
      Phase Six: Next time you jerk off into a potted plant.

      1. Its one thing to assess risks, take whatever precautions and preparations necessary, provided you make a move.
        Its another thjng to look at the difficulties and then decide its better to sit around and jerk off into a potted plant.
        In all seriousness, I would rather go out and risk my life doing anything else rather than be the guy that sits around jerking off.

  3. Mental gymnastics of a millenial boy to call prostitution “dating”, just because he got away without (financial or legal) charges.
    Unless sexual history is open sourced, only the ex-virgins know who were the players and who were the pitiful clients.

      1. It’s fine that we have readers that sleep with hookers. Just trying to get guys who are 18-40 at least, to take the right path before they become cynical.

        1. “before they become cynical.”
          Men successful with women can, do, and will, get cynical about women. Once you perfect your game and regrettably come to the realization of AWALT, cynicism is inevitable.

        2. I dunno who said this but, you can love women or you can undersdand women. but not the two at the same time.
          once you have your share of pussy and be convinced of AWALT , indeed, there’s a tendency to cynism.

        3. ” Just trying to get guys who are 18-40 at least, to take the right path before they become cynical.”
          That’s an awesome mission.
          I hope you are able to reach them.
          I sometimes post comments using myself as an example of what not to become.

        4. Cynical is all part of the game. In fact, it’s the only realistic end result. At first (when you’re starting out) women are mysterious and hard to conquer, and when you do start getting success you feel some sense of pride. Then when you’ve been around the block for a while and know every single trick, know how their mind’s work, you lose all respect for them and their mental gymnastics.
          I wish I wasn’t experienced with game, I wish I could jump into a time machine and start over from scratch, it was fun back then. Now it’s just a charade. I’ve started introducing new rules to make it more challenging/interesting like the 15 minute rule (if I don’t get to stage 1 within 15 minutes I move on). The 7+ rule (6 and lower’s are invisible to me). The no tattoo rule (self explanatory). The no feminist rule. The no tall girls, the no blacks, Indians, or any sub-species rule (which also falls under the 7+ rule). And I think that’s about it for now. I have introduced a new challenge which I find interesting, I’m now trying to pick up girls that don’t speak english (since I’m living in a non-english speaking country right now).
          But it’s all just a joke to me, I hold zero pride in one-night-stands or my up skills. I have no end game in mind, no marriage, no kids. And, frankly, I’m just bored of all of it.

        5. @asdasda
          “The 7+ rule (6 and lower’s are invisible to me)”
          You had to make a rule for that?
          That always just came natural to me.

    1. Jay, I think in essence you are right. We seem to think dating is non-transactional, two people having fun (banging each other), going places, hanging out etc. But a vast majority of the time the man is transferring wealth to the woman while she provides access to her vagina. So if the intent is not courtship, where really they shouldn’t bang unless at least engaged, then it is simply prostitution. So what if it happens on the third date and she is “comfortable”. Hookers are just comfortable quicker. Like Michael Meyers pointed out, even hookers get wet, so if your “date” is dripping wet, so what? Either she’s a hooker or you are.

  4. This article is genius. I’m amazed it didn’t also include reminders to breathe and beat your own heart.

    1. Yeah, some of the articles deinitely have a little bit of (or much, depending on how you see it) the stating the obvious syndrome. But those do in fact get many views, while the more unique and complex philosophical articles get much fewer views.
      If I figure out something more unique in regards to game I will share it.

    2. Teaching about dating is mainly being obvious. You’ would be suirprised by the numbers of men in total ignorance of the ‘basics’.

      1. Yeah, I agree about that. Many guys have decent potential but know nothing about push/pull, drinking optimally, optimizing looks and style, parallel game, relocation, pipelining, selling a positive image through being honest AND vague, and so forth.

    3. Man, I laugh at you fucking haters. Ooh, so fucking edgy. Wow, such wit. Much impressed. All hail your genius.

    1. Yeah, I refuse to use social media so I can’t sign up for any online dating. Oh well, night game for me.

  5. Great article OP. You were clear and to the point. You gave enough detail to be practically useful, but not too much to be boring or confusing,
    Looking forward to your next one.

      1. Best contribution I’ve seen in a while.
        What I like about your writing WA is you can go all the way from Esoteric Apollonianism to day-to-day pickup tips.

  6. As a 60 year-old single white male, I find these ROK “game” articles by writers such as Troy Francis, Kyle Trouble, and William Adams humorous at best, but questionable on the validity of the alleged success rates they boast, and on the appearances, and character, of such young women they claim to conquer. I’ve seen first hand this ROK “game” methodology played out in the trenches more than once, and frankly, it didn’t pan out so well, from my observations. An example, occasionally I stop at an upscale bar on my way home from work for a drink (since going gluten free, I drink Tito’s vodka in extreme moderation). For the record, I’m no player, never have been, could care less about women at this stage in life, and on a very-very rare occasion, do a relaxed date with an agreeable woman young enough to be my daughter (I loathe old sea hags in my age range). The place caters to a more urban professional crowd in the 20s-30s, but blue collar working guys like me are also patrons. The bartenders are mostly early-mid 20s, very shapely, and very pretty young women. As an older guy, with no agenda other than to enjoy my vodka in peace, and be left alone (most bars in my crime infested/black infested city are chalked full of young genital swinging thugs looking for trouble), I enjoy exemplary service, and occasional complimentary drinks, from these fetching young ladies. In return, I act like a civilized white man, enjoy my booze, mind my own business, and tip commensurable with such behavior exhibited. I’ve watched young men talk amongst themselves, tuning in on them quoting these ROK PUA’s methodology, often by name, then applying it on these young women. These young vixens play these boys like a fiddle, and work them for tips. I watch these boys leave the pub dejected, and the women laughing all the way to the tip jar. Although this isn’t online dating (which is demented and futile IMHO), it still clearly exhibits the questionable validity of this PUA ROK culture mentality. There has to be other respectable options for traditionalist young men to meet traditionalist young women (if they even still exist) other than these online brothels, and using these inane ROK PUA shenanigans.

    1. “For the record, I’m no player, never have been”
      Then your input on the topic is invalid. If you don’t like getting laid, don’t judge the rest of us for being men. Feel free to visit

    2. For one, trying to pull working girls (not hookers but girls that work on tips) is generally not advised. I don’t think any man that has developed much “game” would fall for those women’s game.
      And secondly, as has been point out many times, men are at a disadvantage in the modern era as our objective is sex and women’s objective is attention. Men have to give up attention to get sex. Women can get attention without giving up sex. I’m a pretty solid player that checks off most the boxes, and chasing western women is a major commitment for all but the most elite of men.

    3. I get absolutely nothing in return from lying or exaggerating. When I am single I usually meet 5 girls each year. I only met 1-2 each year when I had less confidence and experience. Hardly any PUA master or at the same level as the super-famous guys. It’s more like, at the age of 33, has accumulated a lot of experiences and knowledge and like to share real experiences and ideas/hacks/methods/information.
      In my writings you find very little of PUA/game bullshit. Much more of common sense, maximizing looks, choosing appropriate locations and apps and so on.
      As for evidence I have posted a couple of fitness photos in the comment section of some earlier posts. Perhaps I will also put in a couple of girl photos which cover the eyes, and send some pics to trustworthy readers/writers that can confirm my writings.

      1. In addition. Many must understand that there are multiple levels of this in regards to your own value, results and how the girls look. I have to work pretty hard to get girls who are 6-8 (although some luck might be involved as well, since I don’t really do day game and that kind of stuff) while some guys have more quality and quantity, likely because they are taller, more handsome, have larger social circles, more Money, status etc.
        When I studied at a university I was hanging out with a couple of guys who studied various economic subjects, and one of the guys was everything that I mentioned above: taller, more handsome, from a wealthy family, had more friends, big apartment etc. I asked him how many girls he had slept with in March of 2010: he answered 20. While I had slept with 0 girls that year.
        I was on a diet and had only been focusing on increasing my looks/value before this trip:
        At the end of the year I had slept with 4 girls.

  7. Not too long ago I was at a grocery store and a girl squeaked out a greeting. Almost got washed away in the flood. I’m busy prepping my invention to go public so I have no time to chase tail, but its nice to know I “got it”.
    Internet-based courtship is skewed in women’s favor: the value of a woman is her looks which can be conveyed in pictures. Looks are a factor for men but also a major component is attitude, which is a bit more challenging to depict in pictures in text.

  8. It’s certainly a good article, but the tail has to come to you faster than in phases. I date mostly EE women through dating sites, and 60% of my first dates end in a bang. The idea is to build a strong attraction up until the meet. And don’t take too long to make that first meeting. 3 weeks is the sweet spot for me. On top of being fit and handsome, you should possess spontaneity. Waffling about in your decision to meet quasi-quickly will have her finding another guy who will meet with her soon. As Daniel Plainview said, “…those areas have already been drilled.”

  9. A lot of girls don’t like guys who show off their bodies too much. I would suggest a pic in the beach or of you in a tank showing off your muscles (if you have any ofcourse) in a “in the moment” type pic. Heck I would argue having a nice body doesn’t even matter these days as opposed to just looking like you have fun, as we’ve seen with the craze over the “dad bod” recently. Have pics of you doing fun things i.e. travel, out with friends, eating something crazy like a snake. Its all ‘vibes’ with girls in the online game (especially younger marginally attractive girls), they want someone whose fun, interesting, and keeps the party going. Not some bum whose had tons of real life experience, has a stable job, and etc but just looks like a boring person. Although this will work with post wall reformed hoes looking for marriage.

    1. I have heard that too over the years, and partly it is true, but if you have really good professional fitness photos and not just the random gym photos and mirror selfies it is a different story that you are telling them. Suddently you stand out from many of the rest and have a real interest. I often balance this physcial side with being slightly intellectual, educated, urbane and so on and suddently even 8 or 8.5 become wet under the right circumstances.
      Actually, when I was in Sri Lanka I did some great moves. First I number closed a relative Serbo-German semi-hottie (a hard 7) and then I was the alpha of the group in Hikkaduwa, where about 10 people from a hostel were drinking at a beach bar.
      A 26-year-old brunette from the Netherlands, who had a boyfriend and was pretty tall (170-72), didn’t look at me at all at first, but after I had told her about my language skills, education, trips, and told stories and jokes in front of the entire group she started to have the look in her eyes which conveys the message “I would let you cum inside my vagina.”
      So game and selling an image matter.

      1. I have heard that too over the years, and partly it is true, but if you have really good professional fitness photos and not just the random gym photos and mirror selfies, it is a different story that you are telling them. Suddenly you stand out from many of the rest and have a real interest. I often balance this physical side with being slightly intellectual, educated, urbane and so on and all of a sudden even an 8 or 8.5 may become wet under the right circumstances.
        Actually, when I was in Sri Lanka I did some great moves. First I number closed a Serbo-German chick (a hard 7), and then I was the alpha of the group in Hikkaduwa, where about 10 people from a hostel were drinking at a beach bar.
        A 26-year-old pretty brunette from the Netherlands, who had a boyfriend and was rather tall (170-72), didn’t look at me at all at first, but after I had told her about my language skills, education, trips, and told stories and jokes in front of the entire group, she started to have the look in her eyes which conveys the message “I would let you cum inside my vagina.”
        So game and selling an image matter.

  10. Phase One: Age 20, College hottie = Incall or Outcall?
    Phase Two: $100 – $200
    Phase Three: ATM (not banking!)
    Phase Four: Gone

  11. Sorry to be a dick, but I can just imagine showing up to a date with one of teen/early 20s sluts I like to date in a fucking blazer and suit pants…lol. Also, fucking on the first date is entirely achievable in today’s day and age and is what I go for.

    1. One single article cannot really cover all aspects. If alchohol is involved then it can happen on the first date. It happen’t to me as well several times, but not if you have a coffee date as the starting Point. And indeed you can dress down a bit but still look good. When you are with younger girls, it may be wise to mix a more youthful style with semi-fashionable style patterns, like dress pants, nice shoes, and a powerful yet classy shirt. It looks masculine. When it’s warmer outside I usuually show off my big, well-definined arms a bit.

      1. One single article cannot really cover all aspects. If alchohol is involved then it can happen on the first date. That has happened to me as well several times, but probably not if you have a coffee date as the starting point. And indeed you can dress down a bit but still look good. When you are with younger girls, it may be wise to mix a more youthful style with semi-fashionable elements, like dress pants, nice shoes, and a colorful yet classy shirt or t-shirt. It looks masculine but not too gentlemanly and over-dressed. When it’s warmer outside I usually show off my big, well-defined arms a bit.
        Ps. Need to stop writing on my phone as long as there are no edit function.

  12. I video chat every single person before I go out with them and screen accordingly. Rules out fake profiles also. Done properly, the seduction is already done before you even meet. My first date score rate since 2011 is over 90%. 2017 has been incredibly busy career wise, so I have only dated 5 people, all online, all 8-9s, all flaming sexpots, all under 30, the youngest was 22. Four slept with me the first night, three shot porn on the first date, all five came back for more and we’re still friends. I cannot stress enough learning proper seduction from those (preferably friends) who are great at it, out in the clubs, bars and coffee shops… NOT just sitting behind your computer. learn the tactics that work best for you, become a well fed lion with abundant options, & never appear desperate. I’m 49yo —

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