How Western Women Trick Men Into Fighting Each Other

Imagine yourself talking to some chick at a lively, crowded club. Quite unbeknownst to you, she took something you said the wrong way. Then she says she has to go to the bathroom. Two minutes later, the bouncer gets in your face, and tells you—a paying customer—to leave. Naturally, your cover charge isn’t refunded.

Perhaps this has never happened to you exactly this way. Still, it’s quite likely you’ve witnessed this in some other form, directed at you or someone else. That was a Chickenshit Chick / Violence By Proxy incident.

How This Gambit Plays Out

A CSC/VBP encounter includes all the following elements:

  • Chick becomes “uncomfortable” around a dude, even if he’s done nothing objectively wrong or disrespectful.
  • Chick does nothing whatsoever to address this herself, like saying “Please don’t do X.” If she’d merely say so, it would end there.
  • All throughout, chick is in absolutely no conceivable danger.
  • Later, chick uses a third party to run off or otherwise punish dude. Typically that’s another dude, and sometimes an authority figure.

All throughout the interaction, usually she’ll give no sign that she finds anything amiss. Women throw out IODs and raise their bitch shields all the time, so why not simply do that? Alternately, to cope, she could just gossip or blog about it, or otherwise draw attention to herself.

The resulting confrontation caused by her discomfort will embarrass the guy at the very least, and typically also includes some form of official sanction (giving the HR Department something to do, for example), an implied threat of violence (like getting someone forcibly ejected), or actual violence.

Starting a fight is exceedingly vindictive and fortunately rare. However, less severe outcomes of this type of female misbehavior are abuses of power, causing him trouble (forcing him to alter his plans, or worse consequences), and even potential bodily harm. Since merely threatening to punch someone can bring an assault charge, then by extension, causing a potential physical confrontation without justification is a form of violence. Also, the unwitting proxy the “damsel in distress” uses is needlessly inconvenienced.

Making a scene herself is justifiable if she actually tries to settle a misunderstanding if he persists or does  something genuinely obnoxious. Only if she’s in real danger is she justified in involving a third party. Even so, none of those three elements are present in a CSC/VBP.

An Increasingly Common Phenomenon

The first time this happened to me was in college. I was at a dance talking to a girl, and for whatever reason, she walked away suddenly. I attempted to reengage, which was a bad move, though my goose was already cooked. Soon after, she got some dude to walk me out of there. He was surprisingly sympathetic, though it was a profoundly humiliating experience. A few months later, I saw her again, and she spoke to me without further drama. She didn’t remember that, but I certainly didn’t forget.

I was not talking dirty, drooling like a Saint Bernard, asking Clarice about the lambs, or anything like that. It was merely a polite conversation, and she certainly didn’t tell me what prompted her freakout. Furthermore, it was a crowded room. Therefore, the chance that I could’ve conked her on the head with a club and dragged her by the hair to my cave (not that I do things like that) was nonexistent.

The campus was a hotbed of feminism, possibly a contributing factor. She didn’t look like a feminist, but the propaganda saturation of our surroundings could’ve poisoned her.

Around that time, one of my old friends related an anecdote from Army basic training. After being asked to lead a chant during a march, he recited one about a child getting conceived during a hookup. I had heard it before; the language was a little salty, but nothing horrible. However, one of the babes in uniform complained to the drill instructor. If I recall correctly, the penalty was 200 extra pushups for offending that brave Amazonian warrior. (The way things have been going these days, would it be 1,000 now?)

As General Patton put it:

An army without profanity couldn’t fight its way out of a piss-soaked paper bag.

Looks like attitudes changed somewhere along the way.

However, two decades passed before I encountered anyone playing the CSC/VBP card again. I was talking with some chick, and she asked me very clearly to go somewhere with her. Upon arriving, she disappeared for a moment, and some dude came to run me off because I’d followed her. I should’ve told him exactly what happened and that she was being a drama queen and using him as a tool, but I was too shocked to explain.

Since then, I’ve seen an alarming rise in these events happening. The following is what they typically look like…

The CSC/VBP In Action

There’s an insightful series of interviews with young ladies about their thoughts on game principles. One in particular is called “Invisible Men,” concerning what types of guys are popular and who gets overlooked. It’s one of several conducted at a college. Unfortunately, he had the bad luck that day to be interviewing overgrown mall rats instead of young ladies. The proxy violence confrontation itself is off-camera (he’d just packed up his equipment), but it’s described beginning at 7:44.

The interviewer is never behaving improperly, the topics are pretty tame, the chicks are freely participating, they’re acting cheerful, and he’s not telling them to put the lotion in the basket. At any time, they could’ve refused to answer, said they found something objectionable, or simply walked away if they wished.

Soon afterward, some of them found some security guards—two men—and tattled on him. They said he’d been “making them uncomfortable [and] asking provocative questions.” Believing these immature chicks, the burly security guards gave him the bum’s rush.

What really incited the drama?

Reading between the lines, my Chick Logic analysis is that they began feeling cognitive dissonance, realizing for the first time that their past personal choices had been irrational. It’s also possible they felt ashamed, remembering they’d blown off perfectly decent guys in the quest for a long and meaningful relationship with Chad Thundercock.

Either way, their Rationalization Hamsters jumped onto the little wheels, spinning out the conclusion that they felt bad because the interviewer had wronged them. Then they wasted the time of two security guards to punish him.

Feminist Indoctrination

That interview took place on a campus. Therefore, it’s very likely those girls had been marinated in feminism, which constantly pushes gender antagonism. It certainly was bad enough when I went to college (back in the Pleistocene epoch), and it’s only gotten worse. Every year, women’s studies professors turn masses of decent, normal young ladies into blue-haired harpies. They get paid to brainwash students, funded by government grants, massive debt, and Daddy’s money.

Even those not indoctrinated in these classes can be affected. I personally witnessed the propaganda getting around by osmosis, the hostility following not long after. My university experience made me realize that feminism isn’t really about equality. In a healthy society, women are charming and delightful, but feminists encourage bad attitudes in girls. This leads to the increasing incidence of many flaky behaviors like CSC/VBP. This psychological warfare even can turn men into tools and useful idiots.


Chicks who create drama like this have a lot of growing up to do. Pulling a power play is not empowerment. Today, we’re constantly reminded of how strong and independent women are, but then women like this act like delicate flowers needing special protection from… basically nothing. Well, they can’t have it both ways! It’s neither strength nor independence to run to another guy because something vaguely disturbs her, all because she doesn’t have the ovaries to settle things gracefully.

It’s time for these damsels in distress to woman up, and for guys to quit letting ourselves be tooled in these immature games. Using proxy violence to deal with a nonissue that a chick easily could handle herself is, of course, chickenshit. Consider anyone who does this to be toxic. Avoid, avoid, avoid.

Read More: Why Feminism Is A Terrorist Movement

39 thoughts on “How Western Women Trick Men Into Fighting Each Other”

    1. Watching this filled me with bliss. Hope we had the same police who will treat such bullshit people (feminists, zadists, antifa, femen and all that scum) with the appropriate response in France too !

      1. The way France and other Northern European countries are going, you may was well hope Smaug chases them off.

  1. What happened to the guy in the video is textbook of the type of crap that has innocent guys arrested when they have done nothing.

  2. All one has to do, if confronted with such a situation, is to get the “ultimate last word”… when walking away, simply state that this is why women are not equal to men, they still have to run to men for help. It will infuriate them to no end. You win , and now you know never to deal with that particular cunt again.

  3. “Embrace me, slave,” the Princess sighed; and as he did, she screamed.
    The guards rushed in and cut him down, as twenty sabers gleamed.
    Poem by Moondog

  4. I’ve been escorted out of clubs/bars/hotel rooms in the past.
    As the author states, it is annoying and embarrassing.
    My advice?
    Avoid females with sever borderline personality disorder.
    No matter how pretty they are. Even if they are a 10.
    I finally learned my lesson last August.

    1. My sister has BPD, I think. It is not pretty to deal with. I mainly deal with it by having moved 1000 miles from her.

    2. ” sever borderline personality disorder.” > which now accounts for what ? 70-80-90% + ? Funny how we now live in a world, where there’s risk just talking to a girl… Just silly.

  5. On fighting or obsessing over women:
    Most of you Gen Y have never been able to drift around but if you had used prostitutes than you begin to realize no one one mouth, vagina abd anus are really that important. You can simply go and find another though of course most of you are probably from smaller towns or suburbs and trying to get laid in the dark on ladies night.

  6. tattle-tailing of whatever kind is a pretty fundamental strategy for women and it reflects their perception (across the board) that they are at a power disadvantage in any one to one male / female encounter. Men see this as somewhat low and unjust but ultimately it’s just the unpleasant end of how women relate and relate particularly to men, which is through talk, gossip and social comparison. It is a risk management and power strategy and now the whole of machinery of the state and global surveillance apparatus has been roped in to keeping them cosy and fluffed up in their safe spaces

  7. So many women are obsessed with the victim card. And wonder why they are single. If she is a 7 or above and single, run. Run far away.

    1. HOOS
      Not necessarily but if there is ever a conflict…the other guy can keep the bitch.
      Here’s some advice from an oldster of 43 who was hanging around fruitlessly at the college meat market back in 93 at age 19 when most of you were toddlers…
      The bitch is not worth fighting or agonizing about. You can take a trip to Amsterdam or Thailand and get action from hot women. Five years down the road…she won’t mean shit.
      An anus and a vagina and a mouth belong to every female. Don’t get one, there’s millions of others.
      When I was a young man and discovered getting my cock sucked by hookers for $40 I came to realize it was easy to shoot your load and the girl does not mean shit.
      She’s shallow and callow when it comes down to it.
      Just a mouth, vagina and anus.

      1. simply passing by to say that some mouth are more experimented that some others and some pussies are better to see and play with that some others.
        This must be taken into the equation, at least a bit imo.

        1- Do NOT go to clubs
        2- Do NOT ‘date’
        3- Do NOT join the military
        4- Do NOT ever act as a obedient, white knight, democrat slave
        5- Do NOT invest in real estate
        6- Do NOT use Crypto
        7- Do NOT “honor” fight for a woman
        8- Do NOT interact with Cops, Bouncers, “Authority” – AVOID
        9- Do NOT sign ‘unnecessary’ contracts
        10- Do NOT read articles on the internet and think of them as “real”

    2. That’s where my ex had her new friend try to kill me. Too bad he recognized me from a different social circle. He used to date my sister.

      So instead of the ass-kicking of a lifetime, I got a hug from a first-degree blackbelt in a cowboy bar.

  8. Like I said…advice to young guys is marry when you are 40 to a subservient woman…as a young ma…pay for sex and quick BJ’S.
    A mouth, vagina and anus are on every woman.

  9. Bad advice:
    “Be yourself. The right person will come along eventually.”
    Good advice (c.o. ROK):
    “Be the best possible version of yourself.”

    1. The VIDEO: Whatever the girls said in the video, do precisely the opposite and begin winning.

  10. The “let’s you and him fight” phenomenon, and the fact that it works, is again, a consequence of the overabundance of reproductive-aged males to females. You’ve got a huge proportion of 16-60 men over the relatively small 16-35 women. (35 is pushing it, I know) So you get fierce competition among brothers, a shit ton of white-knighting, police taking you to jail over domestics, courts taking your children and money (and sometimes freedom) away in divorce. All the red-pilling and getting swole will only amp up the ferocity of the competition. There’s always gonna be some jacked cop (or three) who will crush you over insults to Mi’Lady. The only way these problems will go away is when many millions of men are removed from the planet. This will happen due to world war (on its way), or by slow natural death of incels and unpaired men.

  11. My military experience was before any integration of the sexes. I cannot fathom such an environment. If things are as described and men have to stifle their behavior and instinct in order to avoid offending snowflakes, that means stifling their assertiveness and viciousness during times of war. It means if they are near capture they will surrender. Always taught to cower to the loudest naggers, in the coming great battles with the Chinese, Americans will easily surrender when given a simple brow-beating. They are conditioned to it since birth. It is not easy to hear but being red-pilled means accepting hard truths.
    There will be many brave fighting American warriors, but their number will not be anywhere near the masses of aggressive Chinese men (and women). If you’ve ever seen video of their childhood schooling you known that they are taught to be extremely assertive and to fight viciously for leadership. This starts at a very young age. Technology will help us for a while, but they have means to counterdict it. Once our tech fails, we rely on weapons manufacture and attrition. When that fails we resort to nukes. Yes WWIII will be a nuclear war no doubt.
    Best to prepare for survival.

  12. The problem is within men themselves, ever so willing to oblige. Men of all personality types, categories and classes. A simple abandoning of the worship of them would suffice to end this problem, but men of all personality types, categories and classes are still willing to oblige.

  13. At a strip club once, many moons ago, this stripper tried to get us tossed out of the club by going to the bouncer. We had bought drinks, tipped better than any of the human waste that was in the place, but she was mad that we did not all, one by one, get private dances from her. The bouncer yelled at her and told her to get back on stage and “do some f**king work for a change!” Now that, my friends, was a real bouncer.

  14. I’m in my mid 40s and am at the point where I’m just wanting to avoid women altogether. They’re simply not worth it anymore. I’m avoiding movies, TV, social media, sports, porn, today’s music, concerts, crowds, eating out at restaurants, bars, alcohol, and the latest tech gadgets that are dumbing everyone down. These days I just focus on eating healthy and working out, playing and listening to music I enjoy, reading ROK and other red pill sites, spirituality, self-improvement, and spending time with family and a few close friends. Everything else seems to be toxic and a raw deal for men, especially white men, dare I say. If only I had a time machine….

  15. Happened to me several times in the UK – kicked out from the club exactly as in the opening paragraph.

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