The Red Pill Men Who Were Never Red Pilled

There is a certain subset of men I have lot of respect and admiration for. And admittedly, I’m jealous of them, too. They’re the men who have an unplugged understanding of life, but never actually unplugged. They’ve never read sites like Return of Kings. They’ve never studied game or the true nature of women.

All of this allows them to be (from what I can see) relatively happy, but free of most, if not all, of the pitfalls of actually being unplugged. They avoid the bitter years, the painful years of growth, and yet live the same life that many of us do now.

The subset of men I’m truly talking about are the men who moved abroad before it was cool and trendy to move abroad. I’m talking of the guys who did this back in the 90s, or early 2000s. As I live in an Eastern European capital city with a large expat hub, I’ve met quite a lot of them.

The vast majority of them are very cool, masculine guys with a lot going on for them. In many cases, they met their foreign wives years ago, and ended up moving out here because they wanted to make it work. For them, it wasn’t a case of them finding American women to be un-date-able, much less marriage material. They simply wanted to see the world, and happened to find “love” in the process.

Sure, it’d be easy to mock them and toss them in the same category as your typical American beta male married to the fat, demanding wife. In most cases though, these guys have hot wives who dress well and cook, behaved kids, and a nice place to live.

Now, Don’t Get Me Wrong

It remains to be seen what will happen to this subset of men in coming years. As rampant feminism continues to spread around the globe, and their children age, will these men have the understanding to put their foot down and steer their children and women in the right direction?

Or will the herd mentality simply spread, and create a younger generation of idiots who prefer to sit in crowds with labias on their head instead of doing anything worthwhile?

In my humble opinion, there is hope that the guys who moved abroad years ago have become aware of the issues that plague the Western countries of the world. Nothing proved this more than last year, when I was playing in a charity softball tournament in a middle-of-nowhere neighborhood of Eastern Europe.

A couple of my teammates, and their foreign wives, were talking about longtime RVF contributor and now Twitter superstar Mike Cernovich. While it’s easy to say that the internet has contributed to plenty of societal decay, there’s also the plus side that it’s served as a fair warning to people abroad.

What These Guys Have That Red Pilled Men Don’t

They have the blissful naivety (to an extent) that us men who have taken the red pill do not have. Sure, some of them follow politics and think the situation in the US is lunacy, but many of these guys actually look at their girls with a warmth that I don’t see often. They genuinely do believe in the concept of love and the family unit. And so far, their girls haven’t pulled the mat out from underneath them. Of course, that could always change—and I’m sure for some of them, it will.

For the most part, many of these men have build relationships from a generation that was devoid of social media, online dating, and “you go gurllll” empowerment. It’s likely that many of their wives were raised not to believe in divorce, and would be shamed tremendously by their families if anything happened to their marriage. Familial and societal shame (still very much intact in smaller cities and even the suburbs of the capitals) is a very powerful thing when women are so influenced by the herd mentality.

For Travelers, Seek These Men Out

I can’t encourage this enough if you are a digital nomad or traveling type. Find these type of guys. They’re prevalent in the American-style local bars (i.e. outside of the city center), at American sports meetups, or any other expat hubs. Many of them have built successful businesses and careers abroad. They can tell you the best hidden butcher shop to get American-style cuts, how to find a solid barber, and how to navigate the general up-and-down cultural shock that comes with moving abroad.

Overall, they are absolutely fascinating to talk to because they represent a set of people who you can never meet Stateside. They are the type that had the guts to move and find something different before the wealth of information on the internet, before the West became such a shithole (though admittedly, I don’t hear of any expats in Haiti).

Their knowledge is vast, interesting, and will give you a different perspective on life. With the internet, this breed of man will be completely dead within the next couple of decades. The man who moves abroad without tons of knowledge at his fingertips will be no more. It’s worthwhile for us to seek them out and learn from them while they’re still around.

Ready to get out of the west? Join the website for men looking to get abroad and find better at

Read Next: When You Have Everything But Are Still Unhappy

54 thoughts on “The Red Pill Men Who Were Never Red Pilled”

  1. One thing you forgot . They didn’t leave the states and move without money . Tell the whole story please . No such thing as a unicorn buddy

    1. Please don’t seek me out.
      Guys that have just come out of their home countries are usually completely cucked and marry the first hooker that bangs them. Then they proceed to tell you ‘theirs is different’ and hate you if you even hint they’re being conned.
      You can’t fix stupid.

      1. Where are you at John? Was it Thailand?
        I’ll head to a foreigner bar in China once a month to meet up with a few good American friends and shoot the shit. But god, the weird fucking stoners the place is littered with piss me off to no end, we inevitably head off to a whiskey bar, or vip at some nightclub.

      2. JOHN
        Completely cucked and marry the first hooker that bangs them.
        I know the type. In the Philippines most of them lose everything because they buy property in the hooker’s name.
        Me personally, I live overseas because I despise where I am from in Detroit and also I’d be on welfare or working a shit minimum wage job there so I would be worse off than I am overseas anyhow.
        It is funny how Americans believe that their country has the highest standard of living in the world and is the pinnacle of civilization. If you are making minimum wage or on welfare in the fucking rust belt you might as well be living in India. And parts of the Midwest or Appalachia LOOK like India. Some trailer parks are awfully close, only the weather is colder.
        With countries like Australia or New Zealand there is still a decent enough wage and social safety net that if you can walk and talk you can enjoy a decent standard of living but not the United States. You will live as badly as an Indian there if you have a GED or high school degree and made the mistake of getting Mary Jane Rottencrotch pregnant at 21. Living in an efficiency apartment.

        1. AUTOMATIC
          Growing up in Detroit I knew some white trash and Polish Catholic breeders who had kids at 20. Thinking it made them a big stud.
          They’ve never been anywhere the poor fucked fuckers. Their property is worth jackshit because the economy tanked and nobody wants to live in a cold bleak state with no industry and they shifted from low-paying job to low-paying job.
          One of them mentioned his daughter was in 8th grade and was fucking black thugs to fit in and got impregnated. Another one had a kid who became a crackhead.
          So that is the joy of being white and working class and having a family young in Detroit. You watch your kid get pummeled in public schools and act like Eminem and become a crackhead or pop out a little Brazilian looking baby that the father has no intention or capacity to pay for.
          Rooty Toot Toot.

        2. Dick,
          Australia and NZ are probably the most expensive places to live in the white world now. I know loads of guys from there who are totally ignored by their women, no work. Everyone seems to be on welfare. These two countries have gone from being the most desirable places in the world for white men to live to the worst in only 10 years. Amazing really!

        3. JOHN
          Minimum wage forms the basis of all other costs of living so the high minimum wage in Oz or NZ probably explains this to some degree.
          Also, the two countries in Asia so the Chinese can make every Kiwi live in his car by raising the property costs.

        4. JOHN
          If you were a Chinese businessman who wanted to invest in property would you do it in a place with an embedded Jewish and Irish over-class in rundown cities like NYC or Detroit or would you simply sweep up New Zealand.
          And that is what happened.

        5. Sorry mate. But India is 3rd world. Dead bodies floating int he rivers they drink and bathe out of, street shitting as a rule, and a host of other ills that White Appalachia cant touch. Despite being the poorest place in America, the crime rate of Appalachia is 60% Lower than the National average. Parts of TN, KY and WV are simply beautiful, its just cool to bash it, as J EWs love to do.

      It used to be possible and is still possible to make a living or get by overseas but if you have a kid or don’t finish college you are stuck.
      And if you are stuck in a lousy post industrial place with a kid you had at a young age I guarantee you all that will happen is that your property will be worth jackshit.

      If you are a poor white with kids and a GED or high school diploma you cannot go anywhere and your city or state is a holding pen for your ass, essentially.
      I was pink-pilled young in Detroit and my only thought was “I have to get out of this place” and I never got a girl pregnant. I always wore rubbers or pulled the junk out and shot somewhere else. Ergo I had no family and nobody cared when I got the hell out at 25.
      But all the young working class whites I knew who took that route are now stuck in Detroit and have been their entire productive life.
      When we sold our grandmother’s house there it was worth 1/4 of what we bought it for.
      So you really have to have an IQ of at least 105, some kind of skill flexibility, be adaptable, not have kids at 20, not be on parole or probation to leave your shitty rustbelt city and move overseas.
      When I did, it was a weight off my shoulders, that was for sure.

    4. To find the guys like this that didn’t have family money go to the midwest. I’m in my 50’s and he’s talking about most of my friends.

  2. You must realize that there are more natural “red-pilled” men than men who were “red-pilled”, especially men of minority status. I, for example, already know most of the secrets & topics many writers here post before reading them. We’ve already known for a long time that “bitches ain’t shit but hos & tricks”.

  3. There are a few ‘old hands’ around and two have made for great mentors for me.
    However good luck finding them at some shitty American bar full of glassy-eyed noodles who can barely handle their angst at lack of anonymity in Asia as a westerner, let alone their laughable job as a kindergarten esl teacher.
    Eh, they inevitably leave after three months anyway…

    1. MICK
      In order to survive overseas you have to
      a) be from a shithole like Detroit that is really not worth going back to. I lived in India at one time and that was better than Detroit. Or safer at least.
      b) be streetwise. Being from Detroit and growing up lower middle class is a good preparation for living overseas but suburban guys will not make it.
      c) have nothing to return to.
      d) truly despise wherever you are from.
      e) helps if you leave young. I’ve been overseas for nearly 20 years. I left at 25. When you suddenly move to Philippines at age 45 you are going to face a steep learning curve.

      1. You describe me to a T, Dick. I live between a few cities and am working all day and networking all night, but if I’m ‘home’ on the first Friday of the month we’ll try to meet up together. That’s the only time I’ll go, and then we swiftly change venue.

        1. MICK
          Not like the US got any better since I left in 1999. I don’t know what it was about Bush but during his tenure the place went to shit.

    2. MICK
      Why go into “American Bars” if you are going to live overseas? The entire point is to be away from your country, in my mind.
      In the beginning I hung around some other Americans but ultimately those Americans who arrive overseas deep in middle age have such a learning curve that most of them will go home soon enough.
      To survive overseas you have to have arrived young, been totally stripped of any interest in your home country and red-pilled. This requires working and living overseas for 10, 15 years.
      You cannot be living in Iowa in the suburb and just land in the Philippines at 50 and adapt.
      Some of the guys who did a bit in the military in a foreign country are different.

      1. Dick,
        I made it arriving age 52, but it was a steep learning curve, the most important thing being don’t trust anyone, not other white men, and especially not the woman you love.

        1. JOHN
          Tales of the Philippines Crypt
          LAIGHTON was a Vegas scrap dealer who met a Filipino woman online. Their romance was still in cyberspace when he bought her a house in the Philippines with his savings and bought appliances to move there for retirement. Her husband was drinking beer in the living room when he arrived. Of course legally it belonged to her.
          Like most foreigners who have been screwed Laighton hung around the Philippines because, well, he was now too broke to retire in the US anyhow. He would sing the same song about hating Filipinos everyday in the foreign dive bars. He whiled away the time fighting her in the Filipino court system and lost the rest of his money.
          Kareem dated a Chinese-Filipino businesswoman, claiming women wanted him for his virility and masculinity so to prove it he shacked up with a well-connected woman from the Chinese merchant class. Then their relationship went bad. She had him deported.
          Steve was a bit of wheeler-dealer English con himself. Eventually the Filipinos refused to give him a business permit. By then he had invested considerably in the Philippines. He was rich anyhow, but lost 50% of his worth.

    I was living in Cebu and I met a homeless American named Clinton Macbeth in the internet cafe. He was from Connecticut but chose to be homeless in Lapu Lapu.
    I asked him why. He told me that his wife had kept the condo after their divorce and he had nowhere to go there and it was cold. Now in another country like Australia or Canada with an adequate social safety net things would be different but the US is raw this way.
    He had been in the army and then a steel worker, but now he was unemployable at any decent wage because he was 55 and dyslexic.
    “I want some respect in front of my kids” he explained.
    He lived on the street for a long time in the Philippines. A Norwegian guy who liked him at one point gave him $100 but he spent it in a girly bar and was back roaming the streets again the next day. There were days in a row when he would not eat. Maybe three at a time. When he arrived in the Philippines he had been a strapping 220 pounds but lost 80 pounds because of his diet of no food and rice or once in a while a bit of money from another foreigner.
    By the time I met him he was slowly losing his mind. He wandered the Philippines roads all day, penniless.
    But what was the alternative? Be 55 and penniless in Connecticut with no house and staying in a homeless shelter with addicts who would steal shoes?
    This is underscores not how fucked this American was but how fucked America was.
    He had been born into a middle-class suburb in a middle-class country.

    1. That’s a sad story. Although, it does sound like this is more than the lack of social security safety net. It reminds me of someone I knew who met a British woman begging outside a shrine in India. She was a heroin addict. She once came from a good family and had been to an exclusive school. But … mental illness is the ultimate reason why these lives are undermined. One cannot help them and they can’t help themselves.

      1. TITUS
        Most of these foreigners will tell you they are trapped overseas and this is a lie. The fact of the matter is that Embassies will repatriate you and most foreigners claiming to be “trapped” in foreign countries are in fact simply choosing to stay in that country whether for heroin or in the case of Clinton Macbeth because it is more shitty to be homeless in the US in someways. Asians won’t usually kill homeless white middle-aged men but if you are homeless in a US city feral packs of young minorities might.
        Carlos was a Portuguese heroin addict in Goa. He’d been there for 20 years by the time I showed up in 1999. He got by ripping off other foreigners. He would befriend them, get into their hotel rooms, steal their stuff and sell it for heroin. The Indian authorities did not care although they knew him well.
        If you are into heroin you are going to be in a bad scene wherever you are.

      2. TITUS
        Heroin addicts who go to India actually die quick. The heroin is SO CHEAP and their money goes so far that many OD within a month of getting to India.
        Same USED to be true of tweakers who went to Philippines for Shabu (ICE) which was the purest Meth in the world and cost 50 cents for enough to keep you awake for 2 weeks running. I knew some bad US tweakers in the Philippines. They looked like death.

    2. @ DB
      I agree this is sad, but I disagree regarding the cause.
      This guy was fooked because he was divorce raped.
      Had nothing to do with America’s “safety net”, or lack thereof.
      IMO, the US has WAY TOO generous of a safety net. That type of thing should be for cripples, blind people, retards, etc..
      What we have now is a black, mestizo, and low rung white breeding program. Welfare, food stamps, head start, medicaid, public housing, school lunch, even public school (really just day care for this crowd), drug addict programs, and all the other social programs simply allow the parasites to breed like cockroaches. End the great society programs now and maybe, just MAYBE, the US will not end up like the movie “Idiocracy”.
      It’s a long shot, I know.
      BTW, good for you on getting out of Detroit.

      1. AUTOMATIC
        Funny Disability Stories
        Cedric was a Chicago baggage handler living in the Philippines on a disability. He claimed to have hurt his back on the job. From the load of fucking he did every single with local bargirls I saw nothing wrong with his vertebrae at all. Actually HE BUILT A BAR mostly by himself.
        British and French welfare receivers can get their check anywhere in the world and the British druggies often move to India where a 500 dollar a month welfare check is enough to live like a king.
        I knew a couple of blacks from the US that did this in the Philippines. Somehow they got a brother or something to cash their check.

      2. AUTOMATIC
        “Getting Out of Detroit”
        I lived in Canada, Dubai, India, Philippines, Thailand and London for a short time. None of these places are dangerous. The only time I came close to getting seriously injured was by Hoodrats and Mestizos. I hear posters on this site go on about Middle Eastern toilet bowls but Dubai is safer and cleaner than most US cities. London has some bad Muslim areas but if you are an American from Detroit you are not intimidated by a fucking Indian! wannabe thug on the street who claims to be a Crip.
        There are welfare wasters in Finland and Japan but they are mostly derelict single male alcoholics and they do not reproduce because no female wants to have a baby with some vodka drunk in his filthy apartment drunk all day watching hockey games.
        Fecundity seems to be a trait of subtropical races, frankly. Black men have warned me that even WITH a rubber it is easier to impregnate black woman. This must be true because the average US black has the equivalent of one white grandparent.
        As for the white trash, they are kind of lethargic. In the DEATH WISH movies with Charles Bronson the worst street scum is always a white guy and SONS OF ANARCHY depicted biker gangs taking over California but in real life white trash are really too lethargic to actually pillage and rape, it seems.

      3. AUTOMATIC
        All the whites got of Detroit or they got killed. It was like Haiti that way. The Cholos will sort of tolerate whites and I lived in a Cholo area in Phoenix but one day three Mexican gangbangers in a Chevy chased me for no reason as I was crossing the street on my way home from work. The US is fucked because of Mestizos and Hood Rats.
        As for white trash for the most part they are too lethargic to do much in the way of violent crime. Once in a while you get a maniac like Charles Manson with a cult and also you have the Tony Sopranos who kill people stupid enough to borrow money from them but most white trash are too lethargic to do much. They just don’t have the aggression or machismo of blacks or even the stones to rape a woman in a nursing home.

    3. You’re over exaggerating based on 1 rare case but that’s cool you love Asia . You don’t need to justify it for your own peace of mind

      1. HAMMER D SHIT
        The smart ones pull a disability fraud. Then you can live like a king in Southeast Asia. Like Cedric the Chicago O’Hare baggage handler. He claimed to have hurt his back but from the number of bargirls he fucked every day there was nothing wrong with his vertebrae.
        The British and French can draw a welfare check anywhere. So they move to India. Especially the hardcore addicts. You can shoot up a lot of heroin in India on a welfare check.

      2. HAMMER D
        If I had to live with a choice between a) getting zero pussy and jacking off to porn all day like a teenager and b) risking arrest and having my face on a billboard and getting robbed by crackheads just to get a blowjob I would be pretty unhappy.
        yes, Asia is better.

        1. When I don’t get laid by a regular girl I can pay for an escort $400 for 4 hours , easily a 9. Not a big deal

        2. @ Hammered
          $400 for 4 hours, with a 9???
          Where do you live?
          Mississippi or something?

    4. DIck,
      UK is the same, after the divorce she gets your house, and you get to be homeless with no help from the state as ‘it’s your own fault’. White men are treated like shit in their home countries these days. You’re better off in the UK arriving as a male Muslim Somalian refugee than being born a white male Christian.

      1. JOHN
        Most homeless people in the West are middle-aged white males if you subtract the druggies and the winos.
        I’ve spent some time near Brixton (Earl’s Court) and Afro-Caribbeans do nothing but have children. They do not seem to pay a lick of child support.
        Maybe the problem is legally marrying. I mean if you “hit and run” you still have the same amount of fun but lose less in the long run.

  5. Natural red pill men are getting rarer. When you see one you know it straight off, and if you have developed your inner strength and masculinity they recognise it in you. If you are a recovering beta it is very important to analyse the way these guys behave in their mannerims and with women . Don’t be jealous of their success and don’t try to ape thier personality if it is not suitable for you. The idea is to become what they are through hard work and development, but in your own way. Being yourself in other words, but be something worth a damn first.

  6. Kyle, your view of the red pill awakening phenomenon seems focused on the current generation. You’re lucky you exited the propaganda theater before they turned on the silly gas. You left the corporate disneyland before they hosed out the building with sleeping gas seriously.
    Most pussy hat wearers when laid out on a psycho shrink’s couch will admit they never knew what hit them or where they got the notion to put on a pussy hat.
    HERE’S what’s going on. This current generation – as well as several generations prior – were educated and propagandized in a confined environment where exact same age peers were segrated and separated from their elders. A typical public school breaks down all the age groups into one year increments and rounds them up from the entire city/county. Each individual classroom or social group that forms is the same exact age. Each group is incrementally propagandized more and more in graduated form. This is why it’s so hard to ‘break out’ when all you know is the mindset of others who were given the same motherload of culture wipe bullshit propaganda. You learn to tolerate HR in a corporation the same as the hirees who are the same age too, fresh out of the propaganda mill. You got propaganda 6.0 and the year before you got propaganda 5.0.
    In the traditional ‘little red schoolhouse’, all ages were combined where you as a 1st grader would sit next to a 60yo farmer from the village just learning to read. The tradition from elders was passed down easily.
    IN THE current system, the best I can describe the ‘red pill awakening’ is when you put a big shaggy dog through an auto matic car wash. They’ve been givn the motherload of ‘treatment’ and it is an overload. The dog shakes off the gallon or two of water droplets contained in it’s coat.
    That’s basically a red pill moment – when a millennial shakes off an annoying coat of gunk that has been dumped into their brain.

  7. Guys, red pill is just the perspective our grandfathers had on life. Men in other countries are still like that, as long as feminism never came to town.
    The West is culturally gone. Trump might give us 4-8 years to start a business, save some money, but after that, some liberal pussy communist will get voted in and implement total socialism.
    Several of you would vote for a socialist based on your anti “rich people” attitudes. Read a book called the millionaire next door. You dont realize 50% of american millionaires are first generation. These are mostly european small business owners, contractors, grocers, etc who come from ex communist countries excited to do their own thing. They save their money and buy everything cash. The most popular vehicle of an american millionaire is a ford f-150.
    Im sorry if you didnt find success in the US, but you wont find a better place to start a business. Especially after the corporate tax cuts.
    I do agree culturally, its time to leave the US. American women who respect the men in their lives are a needle in a hay stack. Id rather bang young foreign sluts than risk my savings and my time on a creature designed to be miserable.

    1. DAVID
      “Ex-European Immigrants”
      Nah, the real entrepreneurs in the Northern industrial axis came in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The US was not an agrarian backwater when Slavs started showing up after the Wall came down in 1990.
      The Koreans and Indians actually replaced the Jews as the pawn store owners and corner shopkeeps because they were burned out of Watts and Detroit in 1967.

    2. Feminism would leave town quickly if the divorce rape grid were taken down. Not the ‘grid’ grid – as in the power grid – but the divorce rape apparatus itself needs to be uprooted and tossed in a rubble fire, practitioners, support boosters and all. Or marched into the sea – it’s their choice.
      Frivorce is all too available and accessable. It has no part in a civilized society where the females are pivotal in their function as BREEDERS, TIT FEEDERS and SERVANTS unto their patriarchal masters. Frivorce services run on tap and on demand like public water fountains. This particular system must be surgically removed and dismantled. Think of it like a tonscillectomy or an appendix removal. “ZAP!” A removal of diseased tissue.
      Without the frivorce option being fanned into women’s faces at every turn, malcontent women would bite their lip until the frivocity passes like any other polite girly pillow fart and the women would turn and settle as they always have throughout the history of our great species. They return to normal and commence plugging away to the standard beat which they are most familiar and which is encoded deeep into their bones. And the women resume – you guessed it – to BREEDING, TIT FEEDING and SERVICING their patriarchal masters.

  8. Perhaps a bit off-topic, but back in 2016 I came to the conclusion that plenty of men showed up at ROK having already been naturally red-pilled, alpha and socially dominant before they even knew about such categorizations, game, etc. I think most of us did not even “convert” here or in the manosphere, at all. We arrived this way and were further buoyed by Roosh’s writings and his stable of high-quality writers/thinkers. The vast majority of articles and comments here at ROK are a “high five” of validation to the life we were already living, and so we come to give and receive nuanced philosophical contributions amongst the like-minded. We learn new things but our core personalities have not been altered. ROK serves as a reinforcement and echo chamber for what we already knew. Nothing changed simply because a 21st-century name/meme/website was tied to it after watching “The Matrix” (ersatz origin of the culturally-adopted “red pill” label/meme). Together we pay homage to the old timeless rules and forge new ones for the 21st century.
    I would think that such a desirable, strong and masculine way of life would live on in perpetuity with the natural order of things, but around here there is a rising fear that red pill is in short supply, and scarce in America. I don’t believe this is so (strictly IMO), or perhaps I suffer a narcissistic delusion that there are millions like us, even in the state of California. Ever forward…

  9. See, I thought every male thought the way I did in North America because I left in 1999.

  10. Yeah but if they are baby boomers you should wish them dead. I learned that on ROK forums.

  11. lordy your blog is quite the study of self hate projected on ‘your next victim’ mentality.
    get laid.

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