More Men Are Raped Every Year Than Women

By now, we all know the whole “one in four women will get raped” chestnut is a bunch of bullshit. That misconception stems from a 1985 Ms. Magazine survey conducted by Kent State professor Mary Kossa hardline feminist who once declared “rape represents an extreme behavior but one that is on a continuum with normal male behavior within the culture”—who intentionally inflated her percentages by including vaguely defined attempted rapes and sexual molestations in the final tally.

As some intrepid reporters at the Toledo Blade soon uncovered, the total number of survey respondents who were actually raped was just one quarter the number Koss reported, with roughly 73 percent of Koss’ counted rape victims explicitly telling her they didn’t actually consider themselves rape victims.

Alas, the dreaded “one in four” statistic—despite being completely fabricated—continues to linger on in the national consciousness. This, despite CDC data suggesting the number is much closer to 17 percent for heterosexual women nationwide and the fact the national rape rate in the U.S. has declined an astonishing 50 percent over the last 25 years.

But the way hardcore feminists and their hyper-progressive white knights talk about it, you’d think every woman in America was getting gang raped every time they go to the mailbox. Instead of the much despised “rape culture,” what America has really become is a “rape hysteria culture,” in which the pathological fear of nonconsensual sex has been weaponized for political leverage.

Yeah – I’d surmise “rape” is a much bigger problem in U.S. prisons than it is U.S. colleges.

How 2.2 Million Men Alone Experience More Sexual Abuse Than All 157 Million Women In The U.S. Combined

For all of the hubbub we hear about women being preyed upon by sexual deviants, how odd is that one seemingly significant statistical reality has been all but discarded by our trustworthy tastemakers in the media, entertainment and academia complexes. That is the incontestable fact that more men and boys in the United States are raped every year than women.

Oh, it’s true, folks. According to RAINN’s data—which, of course, should be taken with a tremendous grain of salt, if not an entire silo—approximately 192,000 women in the U.S. experience rape and/or sexual abuse every year. Good golly, that’s a lot of unwanted, nonconsensual and often coerced sexual violence, ain’t it?

Well, according to U.S. Department of Justice figures from 2008, at least 216,000 prisoners in the U.S. are raped and sexually abused behind bars on an annual basis. And since females only make up a scant 6.8 percent of the national incarcerated population, it’s probably safe to assume that at least 200,000 of those rapes and sexual assault scenarios involve male victims.

Talk about an inconvenient truth! Among a mere 2.2 million men in America’s fine and outstanding correctional facilities, there’s already more rape and sexual terror going on than there is for the 157 million non-incarcerated women walking about freely in these United States.

Huh. I wonder why that little mathematical reality remains so hush hush in this, the gilded age of the Pussy Hat Wearer?

Fun fact: if your son gets raped at school, there’s a nearly 90 percent change his abuser looks like *her*.

What About The Female Sexual Abusers? (And Don’t Ask Or Tell About Same Sex Rape In The Military)

Oh, but we’re not done yet. Let’s turn our attention to the juvenile justice system, where a 2013 U.S. Department of Justice report found that about one out of ten of the nation’s 70,000 or so incarcerated or detained youths have been sexually assaulted and raped while in confinement.

About 2,000 children were raped or sexually tortured more than 11 times in the study year. Meanwhile, an additional 1,000 children that year were raped by detention facility staff, with female employees representing an astounding 89 percent of the rapists and sexual abusers.

Then there’s the nation’s public education system. A 2004 report by Hofstra University found that the amount of rape and sexual abuse committed by school system employees was a rather tame 100 times greater than the amount of rape and sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests, but for some bizarre reason, that alarming finding never got circulated by the barons of big media.

According to that report, an estimated 44 percent of those sexually abused by school employees in the U.S. each year are male, with 84.8 percent of the attacks and assaults perpetrated by females.

And we can’t forget about the military, can we? Each and every year, an estimated 14,000 men in uniform are believed to be sodomized by other males, and that’s just the tip of the rape-berg: some calculations tab the estimates for the number of male-on-male military rapes that go unreported at an amazing 84 percent.

Hollywood: proudly abusing and sexually torturing minors and sweeping it under the rug for 100 years running!

Where’s #HeToo?

How odd it is that the #MeToo movement has all but ignored the objective reality that, by all reliable statistical measurements, more men in the United States are the victims of sexual abuse than women? If Hollywood’s upper brass were as horrified by the indignity of sexual maltreatment as they’d like the masses to believe on Twitter and at awards shows, surely they’d be absolutely incensed by the staggering lack of publicity afforded to the male victims of sexual crimes, right?

Yeah right. Hollywood’s blase attitude towards its own pandemic of child sexual abuse encapsulates the entrenched misandry of the media-entertainment industrial complex as a whole.

Where is the furor over Disney hiring Victor Salva—a man who was convicted of forcing a child to blow him on cameraas soon as he was released from prison?

Where is the furor over Martin Weiss raping a preteen boy in excess of 30 times over just a three-year span?

Where is the furor over Jason James Murphy—convicted of molesting an 8-year-old boy in the mid-1990sbeing rehired to work on movies like Super 8 and School of Rock?

Where is the furor over Bob Villard working as a child talent agent scout for 20 years despite being indicted on federal C.P. charges and sexually assaulting a 13-year-old boy?

Why are the unfounded accusations of women like Ke$ha—who apparently lied about being raped to get out of a record contract—that were immediately embraced as truthful and enough of a justification for a widespread purge of unconvicted males without even the facade of due process, but the sexual abuse accusations of Todd Bridges, Corey Feldman, and Corey Haim (who have far more evidence to back up their maltreatment claims) are instantly written off as grandiloquent fabrications?

The answer, sadly, is self-evident: because the media powers-that-be only care about sexual victimization when the victims don’t have Y chromosomes, even if the hard math demonstrates men are much likelier to be sexually assaulted and abused than their female counterparts.

The media gives less than a damn about the pain and humiliation of male sexual abuse victims. In fact, they don’t even bother giving them a hashtag.

Read More: Women Will Never Be Taken Seriously Until They Fight To Be Included In The Draft 

69 thoughts on “More Men Are Raped Every Year Than Women”

  1. Rape in the military, male-against-male?! WHADDAFUCK?!
    Ive heard only about females being raped and recent(few years) news about it, but male rape?! I mean, is it straight males being raped by sodomists/homos or the other way around?
    Thats fucked up, military should be the last place for homo acts or sodomy to be active, ffs.

    1. Yeah, that sounds a bit strange.
      Especially with the weapons they have.
      If this was really happening, I would except a lot more military shootings. Victims going berserk and shooting the rump pirates that raped them.

      1. @automatic slim
        Try this thought experiment.
        Imagine a young man gets raped by his sergent, or by one of his fellow marines. Imagine the rapist is a WN, or he’s a Latino, doesn’t matter, except his rapist belongs to a marginalized social group that is known for violence, and he has a close knit circle of friends that back him (the rapist) up.
        Now imagine the young man goes to his authority figure and reports the rape. First, he’s going to have to provide evidence. Now if there isn’t tearing or clear bruises, this is going to be a problem.
        Compound that problem with the obvious humiliation. And also compound it that it will be a he said/ he said situation.
        Now lets add one more part to the problem. His rapist belongs to a close knit violent faction. If one of the rapists friends were to accidentally kill the victim, then the problem could be solved right then and there.
        OK, you say, but someone will surely catch it, and they will. And then they will offer the offender a deal “work for us from this day forward, and this will be forgotten”.
        All this is plausible, and it probably happens a lot.
        Hence why faggots and satanists should not be allowed into the military. I would even ban anyone with a record of criminal behavior prior to joining the military.

        1. “Hence why faggots and satanists should not be allowed into the military. I would even ban anyone with a record of criminal behavior prior to joining the military.”

    2. For most of history soldiers have had a terrible reputation. Raping and pillaging (and yes sodomy of captives) was routine. It is only recently, with the American media do we hear the propaganda about these wonderful men and women in uniform. The fact is, the best people do not join the military. So is it a surprise that they are abusing each other?

  2. Never understood why prisons are not segregated by type of crimes (violent vs non-violent) and gang affiliation (let the crips, bloods, ms-13, pagans and hell’s angels fight it out in the same prison).
    Also, racial/ethnic differences are a huge factor in causing violent conflicts in prisons. Racial segregation would seem to be a wise decision for prisons. But I suppose common sense takes a back seat to PC/SJW b.s. every time.

    1. @automatic slim
      It used to be that the US prison system allowed the guards a lot of leeway. They would have the prisoners generally police the prisoners with the guards mostly concerned that order was kept. Meaning heads were kicked in. From what I’m given to understand, if you wanted to mind your own business, you got left alone.
      Then someone decided that this was not proper, and the guards had to clamp down. The results are what we have today.

    2. Racial segregation makes perfect sense especially as if you compare the strength of a Han Chinese to a West African the differences are stark and undeniable. From a physical perspective you may as well be putting women in with men it makes no fucking sense You are giving a death sentence to these little men. Why not just openly sentence them to rape and cut the bullshit?

      1. The arguments against racial segregation are always along the lines of “I don’t think we are allowed to say that” or “that sounds wrong” rather than pertaining to their efficacy is would be huge. Jail wouldn’t be half as bad is we could be with our own kind rather than a group thats twice as strong as us and sexually obsessed by us.
        They aren’t even gay they just see us as white girls with shorter hair.

        1. Any male who attains an erection from looking at another male is gay. That’s pretty much the definition of homosexual. And then to act on that impulse is gayer still. They can frame it any way they like, but prison rapists are flaming homos.

      2. jack
        Chinese and Korean gangsters from the West Coast do not seem to have much difficulty defending themselves in the California prison system.
        It is not hardened Triads or Yakuza with 4th degree black belts who get ass-raped in the joint. It is the fishy-pale, lanky young white car thief or drug addict whose busted with his third count of possession with intent and a stolen property beef.
        Also Asians, like Italians, come from ancient and corrupt civilizations where bribery and manipulating bureaucratic systems is a way of life. Even Irish-Catholics.

    3. Because there would be much less infighting and much harder to control the inmates. Divide and conquer.

  3. While the premise was good, isn’t it already well-known that lots of male on male rape and sexual misconduct happens behind bars? I’m curious as to how that is generalizable to the broader, NON-carcerated population. Although the effort was there, I personally don’t think you can make a link between sexual misconduct behind bars to the general population. That’s just my opinion. The best thing this article has going for it is the stats on teachers and boy victims. The rest of the numbers are attempts to grasp at an idea that doesn’t really apply to regular people.

    1. It may not apply to “regular” people, but the homosexual rape in prison is most likely very one sided and directed towards non-violent criminals.
      Should a guy who can’t pay his alimony/child support, and an accountant who “cooked the books” be thrown into a prison with street gang members and career violent criminals? I say no, and this is coming from a very right wing guy. Some would say extreme right wing.

      1. I have no idea what prison dynamics are like. Your points are valid indeed but they are still deviated with the broader point the author made which is comparing female rape victims and male rape victims. To me, cherry-picking stats for male on male rape behind bars and contrasting that to male on female rape in society is nonsensical. If anything, the only thing this article has done is to perpetrate how males have no problems raping women AND men. In both scenarios the perpetrators are still male. I digress.

      2. We should keep non-violent criminals out of jail if possible. Modern prison systems are simply warehouses for those who cannot be kept in mainstream society. They are not “reform” systems. Nothing is attained from putting a bad bookkeeper in with Rufus the violent drug dealer.
        A century ago we would have just hanged the violent criminal and been done with that. Now apparently execution is immoral so the taxpayer has to fund their meager existence in a small jail cell until natural death. Rope is a lot cheaper…

        1. “A century ago we would have just hanged the violent criminal and been done with that. ”
          Yup, and I absolutely agree with that form of justice. Quick, efficient, and no chance of being a multiple repeat offender. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

        2. They need to be able to separate those with homosexual tendencies from the rest of the prison population. They can test for arousal fairly easily. Small pretty boys actually are being sentenced to rape these days.
          Reducing prison population in the USA they may as well just fire the cops because they’d be overrun.
          These African American leaders who want half of them out know that America would be Jamaica very quickly if that happened unless they take the guns first. Thats the order they want things done in.

        3. Execution is immoral and any true Christian knows this. Thou shalt not kill. The Golden Rule. Turn the other cheek. All in the Bible. I’m sure all the downvotes on this will come from pseudo-Christian overly aggressive gym rats.

        4. death penalty is mentioned in many places in the Bible. And after the ten commandments were give. Christianity long ago accepted that with little disagreement. Christians must also not join the military then if there are not valid circumstances when a Christian man may kill.
          Obviously that is not carte-Blanche but you cannot kill randomly or murder but there are valid circumstances where killing is ok. Raids and killing is mentioned in many places as are death penalties sanctioned by God.
          Opposition to death penalty is a secular thing. I don’t claim to be a Christian tho

      3. Rape in prison generally is committed by men who consider themselves to be heterosexual. A gay man who goes to prison is more likely to be a target for rape rather than being a rapist.
        In the 1970’s, a study was done in which 10 inmates were interviewed. Five of the ex cons were rapists in prison and five were raped in prison. Four of the rapists “identified as black” with one identifying as hispanic. Four of the raped inmates identified as white and one as hispanic. All were between the ages of 18-25 and all reported being heterosexual, at least before prison. But here’s where it gets funny, for lack of a better term. Rapists tended to be somewhat older than their victims.
        First, all of the rapist denied that they had ever raped anyone and that their victims wanted it. They referred to their victims as “boy-girls”, “fags”, “queers”, “her” etc. One said that he would arrange to be alone with the object of his desire and said that they knew what was expected of them and either complied or offered meager resistance. Another said the guy screamed for help so he hit the guy and told him if he screamed again, he’d have to hit him again and “I didn’t want to hurt the kid”. He said he told the guy to undress and lie on the bed, which he said the guy did. You can guess what happened next. He said he had the guy “2 or 3 times a week”. He said once he stopped seeing the guy, the guy approached him in the yard asking him why he’d stopped coming around and that “you get used to things”.
        The victims had different stories. They told of being slapped, punched and beaten if they refused and until they submitted or being so thoroughly threatened that they didn’t even offer any resistance at all. Remember that all of them identified as heterosexual prior to prison. All of them after prison identified as homosexual, all saying that they had “came out the closet” while in prison. And were even now free, continued relations with men. One worked as a male prostitute. As one said “you got to live and you get used to things and learning to like it was my way of getting used to it”.
        On the other hand, the rapists all still identified as heterosexual and vehemently denied any relations with men after being released. One was married, two were living with girlfriends and the other two were “playing the field”. In prison, they were never looked at as being gay, but as “real men”. The victims on the other hand were looked at as gay or as being “girls” or “women” and were regularly referred to as “she” or other words to describe females.

      4. AUTOMATIC
        It is interesting how the court system went after the whites I knew as a young man who refused to pay alimony.
        They would be thrown down and arrested at their workplace like they were Al Capone.
        Meanwhile, I knew Hood Rats who had 5,6 kids (Pimps mostly) and would never pay a cent.

        1. “It is interesting how the court system went after the whites… ”
          Because it is easy, and it satisfies the “white male bad” PC scenario.

  4. The dirty truth is we have little data on rape involving men because all the social studies, data collection, and data analysis has always been “female-centric”. The prevailing social science opinion has always been rape is an act of aggression and power, and the issue of consent has always been secondary. And since rape is an act of power from one party over another it must 99% of the time be man over woman. In their minds it is not that men can’t be raped or are not raped, it was just so rare given the power dynamics interpretation of the motivation to rape there was no point in exploring it in an academic manner.
    The other excuse for not bothering is the issue of consent. There is still a large contingent of social “scientists” that believe a man always will consent to sex because innate biological and social factors in a heterosexual engagement. (Most will however say that is not true for homosexual ones). So even if a man “says no and doesn’t want it”, these people still think that he is, deep down inside, consenting to the encounter. The concept of “consent” is reserved to that of women and men engaged in homosexual acts. That removes 98% of sexual encounters, as far as men are concerned, from the table almost immediately. Even if you had six beers, blurry vision, and would not have had sex with that land whale that climbed into your bed as you were passing out if sober. Doesn’t matter. The fact that a man had sex is enough to show he would have consented even though, legally, he was unable to do so and would have just passed out had land whale not taken an affirmative step to jump into his bed. Flip the script where man climbs into bed of drunken woman incapable of consent and we all know what is the final answer.
    Also, there is the social aspect that men are far less likely to complain about unwanted or unpleasant sex. Or use rape as a “power play” or excuse to avoid legal, social, and/or moral liability. A bad lay to a dude is just a bad night out. Thirsty betas, even if they might have passed on sex with an ugly woman, are almost never going to openly complain even if their friends are mocking him for having sex with said ugly woman. In fact, deep down inside, the beta might be happy he just got off his rocks off in a deep dark dank hole instead of whacking it to porn, he just won’t vocalize that. (An alpha is going to be smart enough to cover his tracks and to let undesirable woman if she ever wants another ride she better shut her trap about the entire thing).
    This whole concept that women might be equally culpable when it comes to consent and rape in quite new to the social “scientist” brigade. By that I mean it really did not start popping into mainstream literature until 2010. And if women can have sex with a man who cannot consent that begs the question if data collection and analysis models must be completely overhauled to actually gather evidence about the question.
    I think, if we ever get to the point where an honest answer can be found, we will find that women engage in behavior that results in sexual encounters where men would normal deny consent just as often, if not more often, then men. But, only time will tell.

    1. Feminism and most academic social science is about by effect about subjugating men by not researching or covering issues affecting them. Until a somewhat palatable/begrudgingly acceptable version of the MRA fills the halls of academia that’ll remain true. Feminists will not ever allow this.
      Society will eventually need either to completely fracture, as I see probably happening, or to ban all identitarianism from black, muslims, whites, men and women. The alternate is to allow every group to have their academia ( You need to generate data to have your arguments accepted ) and advocates but thats a recipe for arguments.
      This society allows minority identitarianism which has created associated industrial complexes and pressure groups. These need feeding financially and minimize all issues that occur to competitors in the victim hierarchy, especially the new enemy group of heterosexual white men
      There comes a point where men and whites need advocates to bring up and explain and research issues affecting them. Other than the rich at the top – who are in another world – most aren’t all doing so great. They have much lower birthrates than white women, who are cu-klding them with arabs/blacks across the EU who don’t return women or even send them, and they are also less happy as well.

  5. Yo I just want to put this out there: Professor Koss was totally right. I am a proud alumnus Golden Flash and when I was at Kent I must have raped 7, maybe 800 girls. It’s really just an integral part of the Kent State experience. Me and my boys had a very successful rape team, and we were very competitive in the KSU Intermural Rape League, which still exists to this day. Kent State’s rape program is so strong that they don’t even worry about fielding any other quality sports teams. In the rotunda at Tri Towers there is a very moving memorial to all the greatest rapers that have passed through over the years, showcasing such legendary names as Jack Lambert, Arsenio Hall (highly underrated), James Harrison and Antonio Gates. It is the greatest dream for any freshman Flash to one day get on that wall with the best of the best. God knows I tried. I used to rape girls right on top of the May 4 Memorial, to the raucous cheers of passers-by; and more than once my rape game was so tight that dozens of other guys would get inspired and just start raping chicks right then and there. The administration absolutely loves the entrepreneurial spirit of the Kent State rape culture and it’s got a long long history and tradition there. Many are unaware but the whole May 4 thing itself began as a rape by a few of the ROTC guys, who were jovially, as boys will do, trying to set a girl’s pussy hair on fire. The novelty & creativity of this move set off a massive chain of gang rape parties all over campus, and when the Feds arrived they were simply unaware of Kent’s storied rape tradition, and sadly, they managed to stop 3 rapes that day.
    I don’t know how it is at other universities but it sounds pretty boring to me. I mean, if there’s no rape league, then what exactly is the point of college then?
    Porch Dogs forever.

    1. White men should get credit that almost none of those accused of heterosexual abuse in the #metoo like 10% maximum were white men, which is a massive underrepresentation. #metoo has nothing to do with white men who clearly decided when allowed to not abuse women if you look closely at the actual data of who actually did it, and needs to get their own house in order. But if we gonna get blamed … may as well have done it fuck it lets write ironic BS like this.
      We are just the fall guys here

      1. This metoo scandal is very much like Rotherham Abuse scandal over in the UK and is targeted abuse towards the white community by nonwhites. Similar to that scandal it is also clear that it is perpetuated by a politically correct refusal to join the dots and say what is actually going on before our eyes.

        1. metoo women that got abused are upset, but the also upset are the women that got ignored. Thats like saying they weren’t sexually valuable enough to swap sex for promotion. There are women claiming racial abuse like mentioned in ROK that they weren’t abused.
          Clearly feminists in societies like Sweden are angry because they have these white gentlemen at the top of their media who didn’t abuse. That disgusts them because they all crave victim status in a subculture where status is decided to an extent by position in this weird victim hierarchy.
          White feminists biggest fear is that the other victim groups look at them as something other than a fellow victim of some discrimination. The perverse incentives created astound.
          They now see sexual abuse allegations as a glorious victory as you cannot be a MLK/Mandela hero in the struggle without a struggle, unless yo invent one. How many women offer sex for promotion vs are asked for sex for promotion? the ratio is probably 10:1

        2. One of the reasons that they are tip of the spear wildly shouting is that they know that they are fakers and are compensating. They grew up in nice homes with nice dads they hated and with a nice car given to them at 16 and never wanted for anything as the most privileged class in the whole history of humanity to ever have existed. Will any class in the future ever rival the easy lives that they have?

  6. I think it is important to state the reasons why men and women engage in heterosexual activity vary greatly.
    Reasons why women have sex
    1. Attract a prospective mate
    2. Maintain a mate’s sexual and romantic interest
    3. Use as “currency” to obtain a goal
    4. They are “horny” (but real answer is probably actually above)
    4. Procreation
    Men why men have sex
    1. They are horny
    2. Procreation
    Pretty big differences.

  7. Just to play devil’s advocate here:
    Most prison “rapes,” as far as I know, are actually weak men agreeing to become someone’s “bitch” in exchange for protection inside the prison. Fucked up, but technically not rape.

    1. Surely if thats under some sort of cohesion involving the avoidance of violence thats still rape. Many women agree to fellate men when a knife if held to their throats but thats still considered assault.

    2. MATT
      A great many of the whites doing hard time are junkies who had sold their bodies “in trade” on the street anyhow.

  8. ” despite CDC data suggesting the number is much closer to 17 percent for heterosexual women nationwide and the fact the national rape rate in the U.S. has declined an astonishing 50 percent over the last 25 years.”
    The national rape rate (reported forcible rape in 2016) appears to be about 30 per 100,000 women, which for the whole population would be something in the region or 50,000 women per year. That might translate to about 4 million women who have been raped at some point during their lifetime, assuming rapes are evenly distributed between women (which I doubt they would be). or perhaps more if the rate has declined by 50% as suggested . As far as I can tell even that figure though would be nowhere near the “1 in 6 heterosexual women (17%) who have been raped in their lifetime.” The CDC methodology (telephone survey) might need to be looked at carefully. It sounds suspect

    1. As Rape definitions are constantly expanded by BigLesboFeminism rapes will keep appearing to go up and up…

  9. The Old Testament criminal code would make a lot more sense. Kill all rapists, murderers, molesters, etc. Thieves would have to pay back what they stole 4x or 5x and maybe receive a beating. Under the current system, if a thief gets arrested, the victim gets robbed again by the state to pay for the thief’s confinement. Under the OT Law, the victim would gain from their loss if the criminal was caught. Locking people in a cage doesn’t solve problems it just makes people worse.

    1. Much of what we’d consider rape today was approved of in the bible. For example, in Judges 22, the tribe of Benjamin didn’t have enough young women for the men to marry. So the single young men were told to raid the neighboring town, kill all of the men, boys and non virgin women and seize the virgin girls as wives. It’s not far fetched to assume that these girls weren’t wined and dined and given the opportunity to “consent”. Their still weren’t enough young women for the men. So they were told to go to another town during a festival and if they saw a woman they wanted as a wife to seize her and bring her back. If their fathers and brothers came looking for them, then kill them. Again, if they were taking these women as wives, I don’t think they waited for consent to have sex with the woman.
      Of course, today we’d consider the above murder, kidnapping and rape. And because the tribe of Benjamin was one of the 12 tribes of Israel, it is assumed that God was with them or giving his approval on it. He certainly didn’t stop them or issue any sort of rebuke.

  10. Females are overwhelmingly raped by a known person(s). In many cases mom’s new boyfriend…or mom’s brother or nephew. The man hiding in the bushes is largely a Hollywood creation. By far the safest place for a girl to grow up in is an environment with the biological dad present. Ironically these unsafe rapey situations are created by the same people decrying them – feminists.

    1. Even a white MAN who is hanging around the Hood (Either was a wannabe or a crack head) can be gang raped by blacks. This happens in Detroit.

    2. Nearly all rape is a fantasy. Jeez, who said she had the right to change her mind an hour, a day, a week, 20 years after the event.

  11. Actually, the CDC data is that 1 in 5 women are victims of rape or sexual assault, and 1 in 71 males are so victimized. The data on prison rape is that approximately 1 in 10 male prisoners are sexually assaulted —- in other words a man in prison has less chance of being raped than a woman out in the world outside of prison. Data rules.

    1. He does link to a guardian article from this article which made the allegation originally based on some study.
      Basic conclusion we can draw is that since its close and homosexuals are like 2% of the population we can say that they commit around 50 times the number of rapes per man as straight men, from that data.
      If straight and gay rapists commit similar numbers of rapes then it would also make sense that gay men were 50 times as likely to be rapists. Thats probably all of them if that was true. Although its likely that gay rapists just have far more victims and that some gay men are not rapists.
      Not all should be considered rapists but obviously many are which is weird since they get it consensually very fucking easily.

      1. Certainly another arrow in the quiver of the predominant mental illness theory of homosexuality/transgenderism

        1. I know personally of 3 women who lied about being raped and none who actually were raped so any statistic that is self-reported from women is not worth listening to.

        2. My view is that transgenderism is just like a even more full blown version of the same sick mental illness around sexual attraction mis-assignment. Its obvious to anybody that homosexuality is an illness that needs more research or should be criminalized.

        3. If legalization/promotion increases rates of homosexuality and homosexuality is so clearly linked to vastly higher rates of rape and pedophilia we face an apocalypse of rape and paedophilia.
          why is this legal?

        4. The MSM is so controlled and anti-free speech even discussing the criminalizing something so clearly wrong as this is banned. Many countries that pretend to have free speech like Spain you can even get arrested for this kind of talk. They should get the death penalty by hanging.

    2. You may as well just say “science.” It would sound as pretentious to these ears. The answer to the problem of people getting raped is not in comparing victimhood. The solution is communities with vocal and coordinated dangerous-men, family men. Good men are the solution.
      Tall order in a society that thinks good and evil are social constructs.

  12. A man in my church is a chaplain at a hospital. He works with men who’ve been sexually abused. Their lives are wrecks, and they’re victims of something they never asked for. These are everyday heterosexual men, not prison population or homosexuals. You’d be surprised the number of men who’ve been sexually abused. He told me it’s kept under wraps, and callously dismissed. The attitude is “men deserve it”. Some support from the MRM. Evidently, womens issues are on the table, news worthy, and make better SJW fodder.

    1. What is MRM?
      What you say makes sense, as the mainstream media hatred of decent , traditional, straight white males is very obvious. But I have never heard of that acronym. Please elaborate. Thanks.

      1. Dick, I met some of the men in his group. These were not some whiney 12 steppers. They were young and old alike. Teachers, truck drivers, plumbers, doctors, all walks of life. Several were abused by women as young boys (mothers, step mothers, aunts, step sisters, female teachers, and crack whore single mommies who enabled their live in thug bfs like Rastus and Jemal to sodomize little Bobby). The men were really nice fellows, just trying to live normal productive lives now. Men are afraid and ashamed to report sexual abuse, unlike the Me-Toos.

    2. ANTONIO
      Every guy I ever knew who went to jail saw child molesters beaten up.
      Any male who has those urges should think about the sort of stomping he’s going to get in prison.

  13. Get your facts straight. #Metoo was inclusive of all males who wanted to share their stories. YOU harass , shame and belittle men whom you perceive as “weak”, “beta” and “cucks”, not women.
    I know that rape facts are quite blurry on a website that brags about “gaming women” (as in harassing them until they put out.) When your mentality is that you are entitled to prey upon whomever you want, the mere notion of “rape” is devoid of any sense.

  14. This may sound a bit out there but I believe the public concept of ‘sexual assault’ is far too penetration centric and panders to women’s fears and concerns. I’m not saying prison rape is not a huge problem but this is just another issue that’s not brought up; I’m not about to make a guess at which is worse.
    Most people know that women’s plumbing differs from men’s but they don’t see how laws and common beliefs discriminate against men. If a man puts his finger in a vagina without permission, it can be charged as rape, which is a very damning word to come up on your record. But if a woman grabs a man’s junk either through his clothes or directly, it’s seen as mere assault and often trivialized as humorous or his own fault; needless to say that this goes for unwarranted hits below the belt as well.
    If a person puts their hand on a man’s genitals, it’s comparable to the violation of digitally raping a woman when you adjust for anatomical differences and the potential for injury is higher for a man as male genitalia is more vulnerable to blunt trauma, compression and shearing forces.
    The excuse that used to trivialize the abuse is to say that it’s not sexual and the offender simply finds it a convenient way to hurt or even disable a man but this is really no different than saying that a rapist rapes a woman to feel powerful instead of getting off; the consequences for the victim can be similar on a psychological level and if you dig deep enough into some of the messed up fetishes people (men) have, one of them is called ballbusting and the name says it all. In many cases the men who are into ballbusting were intimidated or attacked by females at a relatively early age resulting in arguably aberrant sexual development where they crave unhealthy abuse, not to mention that most women do not like to be dominant towards a man they agree to sleep with and thus these men are forced into frustration and nights of ‘dick in hand’ except for the occasional fix where some equally screwed up feminist agrees to abuse them.

  15. Okay, let’s get to the more disturbing facts. At the prison I worked at, every person that identified as gay was molested as a child. Molestation is a large enough part of gay culture that books that target a gay audience often refer to an older man that helps the person realize they were gay. Add this to our child molesters. If the child was a girl, The molester usually had one to two victims and almost always the girls were related to the molester. On the other hand , we found that sexual predators would have on average 50+ victims with the preferred target being boys. I asked a notorious predator (nicknamed Barbwire Bob because he’d tie his victims in barb wire) why boys and he simply smiled and said “Boys don’t talk. Girls have been trained their whole lives to tell but boys, they have to man up. You can damn near hunt forever if your prey is bous.” If that doesn’t disturb you, nothing will.

  16. And just in case anyone is wondering, men are never raped as shown in “It Couldn’t Happen To A Nicer Guy” (1974)

  17. It’s good that this issue is being addressed but notice that no one said anything about attacking male rapists or changing laws to protect men. Instead you spent the whole time talking about feminists and #metoo. You’re more interested in resenting women instead of actually solving the male rape problem. Great job at deflecting.

  18. The USA is now a bankrupt warmongering police state. The elites control the government, media, and the corporations.
    Americans either are ignoring the decay of the US or think that nothing can be done to stop the collapse.
    We sit at our keyboards and scream at our computers, but feel powerless to do anything about the decline. The struggle is immense and too much damage has been done to save the US.
    Even if we spent a year to fight to repeal mandatory helmet laws, new nanny state laws banning vaping, smoking, and hoverboards would be enacted.
    What can you do?
    We could protest and be arrested or killed.
    We could use our guns and be killed.
    We have the goddamn NSA wiretapping our phones, listening to our words, reading our emails, and recording our web history. The NSA has our pictures, knows our address, Social Security numbers, phone numbers, purchases, current location, plans, doctors, lawyers, and what we had for dinner yesterday.
    There really is no hope.
    The best we can do now is to just prepare, dropout, don’t comply, don’t consent, don’t participate, don’t vote, don’t buy licenses, don’t pay taxes, don’t call the police, don’t deal with the government, stop supporting this rigged system, and spread the word.

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