5 Ways Modern Colleges Have Become Left-Wing Indoctrination Factories

Academia has undergone a radical liberal makeover and is very different compared to even just a year ago. Just like when you enter a haunted house, you might feel a bad vibe in the air as you see all the trannies, feminists, and metrosexuals roaming your local campus.

Jumping in head first without protective gear into the shallow waters of college is dangerous, as you are a mere fish in the sea. You literally cannot afford to go to college without knowing a few things about it…

1. Liberalism Is Everywhere

Professors don’t teach, they preach. Prepare yourself for political rambling, and while it may not be as bad as what you see on the news, you’ll still get bits and pieces here and there. It all depends on which professor you get, but at some schools, even the president will publicly attack Trump for denying DREAMers. Expect to hear toxic masculinity discussed at lounges, and your professors’ social media will be filled with anti-Trump tweets.

The quality of education itself has also declined to disturbing lows. At one of my mandatory bio-seminars, there was a guest female geneticist from Rutgers who presented her research which sounded like a precursor to “scientifically proving” that women are superior because they make eggs. Some professors will check scores for their favorite sports team during lectures, and go off on tangents that have no relevance to exams.

If you need help, you’ll have to catch them during “office hours” at the pizza cafe. Make sure to bring your safety goggles while your teacher explains the material while munching on a slice.

2. Girls Have It Good

Opportunities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) are practically handed to girls, and in most schools, the student body ratio is 60 percent female or more. They know the system favors them and they’re milking it good.

For example, Rosalind Franklin is constantly glorified whereas J.D. Watson is put down for “stealing her discovery.” I found his Succeeding in Science: Some Rules of Thumb very inspiring, but it was dubbed arrogant by the girls in class, and the professor and soyboys concurred.

A genetics professor I had called Watson an “asshole,” and my neurosciences professor told a similar tale before ranting about how black students don’t get as much grant money compared to whites and that women are being held back in science, using the recently deceased transgender scientist Ben Barres as an example.

Got baby troubles? No problem: free childcare is available, provided by the professor herself. Good luck paying attention in class when the teacher is holding a drooling baby. Women are strongly encouraged to do research and advance their careers, so men and family are the last things on their minds.

Game is illegal. If he hasn’t already, expect the creep himself, Joe Biden, to visit your school and scold you about rape. You’ll be advised to rub one out to prevent yourself from pursuing the gorgeous babes wearing butt-high shorts in class.

3. Walking Whales

Despite gaining muscle over the last couple of months, seeing these girls made me feel small. Their flabby thighs looked like they could feed a family of lions, as their gargantuan physiques defied the laws of physics. It’s just anatomically impossible how they are able to walk with all that blubber.

4. Favoritism

In biology, an Asian guy and I, along with girls in our group, turned in identical lab reports yet got average grades, whereas the girls got near perfect scores. That’s what happens when you get a progressive lesbian professor. In a calculus class, a guy questioned a problem marked wrong on his quiz and after examining, the professor laughingly responded that he was drunk while grading it.

Grades are given, not earned with no feedback or explanation. You simply take it, comply, and accept, unless of course, you’re one of the privileged minorities. Then you can claim racism and be quickly issued an “A,” complimented with a letter of apology from the dean of students. Your odds at getting into Harvard Medical School are also better.

5. The Professor is Always Right!

Don’t even think about challenging them. They “know” climate change is real, trans-humanism is good, Donald Trump is bad, transgenders are normal, and only globalization will save the world. They’ll spit out whatever gibberish they want, and nobody will dare say otherwise.

Speaking against the establishment puts your grade at risk. That’s college, and it applies to just about every school. Even in India, one of the most academically strict countries in the world, a professor dismissed evolution, because nobody “ever saw an ape turning into a man.”

Is College Even Worth It?

Tuition prices rise while standards keep going down even though schools have parked billions offshore, and the national student debt continues to soar while job prospects flounder. They also don’t like staffers helping students save money and will replace them with incompetent workers.

Universities are run like a business and want to educate students at the lowest possible cost. Professors are hired not for their teaching ability, but how much grant money they can bring in. The opportunities promoted at college are vastly skewed and there are certain demographics and factors which enable some to do better, which they don’t tell you about.

Degrees mean nothing, but with everything said, I still say going to college is worth it. There is so much more to reveal, but send me your questions, because I want to help students before the globalists get their greasy hands on their brains, and churn out more globalists.

Read More: What Every Young Man Should Know Before Going To College

71 thoughts on “5 Ways Modern Colleges Have Become Left-Wing Indoctrination Factories”

  1. Guess I’ll be the first to comment. College is worth it if you pick a good major . I make 47k right now which isn’t bad in the south. And will be approaching 60k in the next 4-5 years. I picked accounting . I also know people who are engineers and got job offers ranging from 59-73k. Of course if you major in Shemale Poetry you won’t find a job. Most people will pick something stupid and then get mad that no one wants to hire them for a sjw degree.

    1. shemale poetry lol wtf don’t give those liberal such ideas
      i don’t to hear an ode to the cock or a an asshole sonata one day. Please, no.

    2. YOUNG
      Your accounting job can be off-shored and so can engineering.
      As for getting a degree in liberal arts, that is awfully expensive training to be a Bistro.
      You’re just wasting your time and money with a degree in comparative literature.

      1. even in third world countries engineers are paid well some in countries like SOUTH AFRICA an engineerer has same living standard and someone in a first world country. outsourcing eng is hard

      2. Comparative literature? lol just because you don’t understand the art of accounting doesn’t mean you can bash it. Accounting is the language of business, most CFOs actaully have an accounting background when they first start out. If your talking about simple bookkeeping and data entry, yea that can obviously be offshored but complicated tax issues, as well as how a business functions, noone really understand it better than accountants.

    3. In 10 years working construction I’m at 90k working for a corporation. I fuck em every day. Spending most of my time looking for properties to invest in and reading about building wealth. College is a waste unless you’re using it to somehow advance your business, not your job

    4. Being a CPA is nothing to scream about. You have to live in a city with a decent amount of money or work for a fair-sized company or corporation.
      The invention of the internet separate physical and intellectual jobs so anything that does not require two arms can be shipped off to India.
      Look at engineers.

      1. he is not bragging he is simply stating that its better. a CPa IS BETTER most of them are not complaining are they?.
        as for engineers are u sure its engineering (ENG design) jobs or technicians/manufactuing that is outscoucred

      2. Stop pretending that all Indians can be engineers, the average Indian IQ is 85. Plus, a lot of engineers have to be on the job, and India needs all the engineers it can get for itself. Engineering has been diluted and is not as great as it use to be, but it is still a guarantee to getting a decent job, even if it is not in engineering. Engineers still have a pretty good grasp of math so there is always some opportunity out there.

      3. Lol you obviously don’t have a clue about how accounting works and how different accounting standards are in the US and India. CPAs are required by their individual state boards to stay updated annually on changing regulations, and tax reforms (which ever there practice focuses on). While in India they have completely different rules and regulations and they don’t teach US GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), so obviously there is no way someone from India without actually coming to the US and receiving the proper training, education, and passing the CPA exam can do the same job as a CPA trained here. Also his salary is entry level, CPAs have tremendous earning potential late in their careers compared to their peers in engineering who start high but don’t have as much earning potential late in their career.

    5. I have one of those. Might have been helpful getting me a job (I believe but not completely sure). Mine was in something useful: Computer Science. Or maybe it just got my resume and application past HR because the reason for my hiring was, according to my manager, my ability to take apart and rebuild computers. That is what I was told after I was hired. And you know what? If I hadn’t have put that on my application under the is there anything else you’d like us to consider, they would never have known. That was 20 years ago. Today I’m 100k IT professional.
      Keep in mind a college degree is not a magic bullet. It can help you but not like it used to since colleges are now degree factories. If you really want the job (any job) learn to sell yourself. Believe in yourself. Be confident. Know your customer (yes they are customers and you are selling your skills). Show them how you can help them solve their problems.

    6. Shemale poetry grads are in demand in San Francisco and Toronto….I think Canada accepts shemales because their Prime Minister finds it important to gender neutral everything when it comes to NAFTA. Canada is the bastion of liberalist shitheads!

  2. Women have ruined the schooling systems. All they do is whine and talk about how they want to be raped.
    They also worship their cell phones like this:

    Smack that away from her hands fam 😂
    Posted by $AVAGE on Thursday, February 1, 2018

    She obviously used the man for free food and now is probably on media speaking to other females about wanting to be raped by refugees, while complaining her women studies hasn’t made her a millionaire.

  3. I know it’s not quite University, but at my Sixth Form, there’s was a teacher who decided to throw liberal gobshite at us during an assembly. Yes, the Nazis were scumbags and the Native Americans were treated like shit, but it doesn’t give people the right to start relenting at white men for something that happened ages ago. They’ve also been trying to push for women to have more power than men because they “may be better than men”, pointing out a small handful of scumbags, which was completely laughable. It’s a good job I’m doing things like Maths and Physics, so I don’t get much liberal garbage tossed in my direction, but I’m sure they’ll figure out how to slot it in somehow.

        1. I have always been big on reading, and developed a love for Sci-Fi long ago.
          Back then, it was great, and much of it played out in real life.
          But now? It’s become very PC, what there is of it, and Tolkien ruined it with his famous trilogy. Now, what little is out there is all endless sagas
          But, when I am shopping for reading material now, I noticed the overwhelming numbers of authors are women. Often, I check the authors names before anything else, and even this is no guarantee.
          Collapse is imminent

    1. Wait… the fuck? Soon, there’ll be a women’s exam and a men’s exam, I’m calling it.

      1. When the Muslims take over they won’t have to change society much except forcing men to have beards and women to cover themselves completely. Other than that, we are on our way to becoming Islamic.

        1. Actually as this social marxism explodes in 20 years white men will be crying out for islam! Its like opening the door for it. The left will soon have men on their knees telling them about how great they have it. Islam looks awful but when compared to how shit men are fuxked theyll be grabbing it. This will lead to convertion when we go to full 80:20 and gynocentric societies

        2. Men will see that this whole nightmare of sodom can be finished in a day and women back in the home. Men need an alternative because theyll convert eventually eapecially as it will them a chance for a family! Feminism is temporary

        3. Upvote for the good joke. Islam will be almost as bad for you as a man as it will be for the women because you aren’t muslim.

    2. Thanks for posting that, I was going to search for this recent news story.
      Note at the end of the article it mentions the headline changed from the original, “Oxford gives women more time to pass exams”. This is how it initially came out, that only the women got longer times. AFAIK only the ‘manosphere’ objected.

    1. Bob Marley – Why did you write that in Russian? I think almost no one here would waste your time because it is unlikely to outrage anyone here.
      For anyone interested, it loosely translates to –
      “To hell with the f*ck*ng f*gg*ts.”
      I agree. I would recommend people read “Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of Psychopaths Among Us.” by Robert Hare. It is interesting how common
      rape, homosexuality and pedophilia are among psychopaths. What is interesting, is that the author never addressed homosexuality as a separate topic when analyzing psychopaths. It frequently just kept popping up in his observations of these people. Therefore if a professor really is a lesbian, then I would not be surprised by any shameless and destructive acts of theirs.

    1. Shame that school is compulsory. In the UK, you still have to be in full or part time education until 18, which is 2 more years of liberal shite indoctrination.

      1. DYLAN
        You can leave school at 16 with 3 O LEVELS.
        I knew some Brit yobs that did.
        Good luck getting a job.

        1. I wish, times have changed. You have to do at least 8 GCSEs (new O-levels) at my school, then when I was in Year 10, the law changed to require all to go into education until 18.

  4. Coursework in the aggregate is nothing less than an academic scam, at least as far as social sciences / humanities are concerned. Unless papers are marked against some strictly objective standard then all they will ultimately do is measure the particular prejudices of the marker. As the academy is increasingly politicized that means the particular politics of the marker, and by implication the degree to which they like, approve of or identify (by class, gender etc) with the student in question. Until there is a return to formal examinations for all subject or there are major efforts to anonymize marking then we should simply assume that any non-examinable academic assessment is simply corrupt, even – occasionally – with the best intentions of the academic assessor

    1. Very true. Only a leftwing faggot can pass a humanities degree these days as anybody else will fail. Social science is dogshit.

  5. College or University is a good thing if you choose a pertinent field of studies.
    I studied to become a high school teacher. I did it from 1994 to 2006, just long enough to pay my whole debt, but outside of a school, my diploma is worth NOTHING, and the situation is even worse for those stupid enough to enroll in Sociology, Anthropology or another field that leads to absolutely nowhere.
    If I had to start it all over, I’d be a plumber of an electrician.

  6. The article is spot on especially with number three. You will see a lot of hot girls in one spot relative to out in town but the vast majority are big whales. And the next most numerous are the PC girls with died hair and ugly flats. At least out in the mid-west group of schools most hot girls are still receptive to game.
    All this stuff is evident in Midwestern universities but I would not count out a good state college. All these points have a lesser affect because a lot of the schools have a large non-traditional student body and people are more concerned with getting a good job and many of the professors are there because they like where they live over getting lots of money. Even in some classes progressivism is non-existent.
    There are a lot of good programs with good professors but you should remember that there are also other options that tend to be better like construction or welding over normal college certs like k-12 teaching. There are a lot of good degrees they offer too like economics and finance, supply chain, engineering, aerodynamics and flight etc., math. State universities also offer a lot of blue collar certifications.
    My tip would be to major in something useful that cannot be replaced by a robot and get one or two minors in some liberal art like history or anthropology etc. The liberal arts are the stereotypical college majors and a lot of guys get FOMO and risk a good major for unstable employability in the future.
    Mid-west universities in the future might overtake the more prestigious colleges since the big name ones tend to focus on SWJ in the fields rather then knowing the field itself. Eventually the big name graduates will more then likely have poorer performances and their schools will fail to attract the best students.

  7. For discussion of modern college life, I like Professor Doom:
    “‘ A Purdue University engineering professor recently lamented the emphasis on academic “rigor,” calling it a “dirty deed” that upholds “white male heterosexual privilege.”’
    The reality is she’s a Social Justice Warrior with an Administration degree, and she’s head of a school of Engineering Education…not exactly a school of Engineering.
    Let that sink in: this department is not being run by an engineer. She got a Ph.D. in Administration, not engineering.”

    1. Professor Doom is brutally honest on the topic of remedial education:
      “The only thing that matters to administration is retention. They’ve known for years that remedial students are very hard to retain, but will never admit the obvious: a student that failed to learn material in the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades will generally fail to learn the material in college as well. Administrators don’t care, not with a sweet student loan check on the line.”
      “Fewer than 1 in 10 remedial students will get a 2 year degree within 3 years.
      That’s above a 90% failure rate, achieved (sic) after the student has wasted 3 years of his life in school, quite possibly after the college soaks up $20,000 or more in loans. All the growth in “higher education” is in remedial students, and they’re being horribly abused by the system.
      If there were any integrity to higher education, administrators would look at the 90% victimization rate and say “we need to stop doing this.” Instead, the bar just gets lower and lower and lower…administration responds to failure by increasing the amount of failure. One might well conclude they just want the checks and don’t actually care about the students at all.”
      Makes me think of the Baltimore high school that was in the news lately. A high percentage of the graduating class was admitted to college, despite the fact that a high percentage of students had skipped a high percentage of classes. An SJW comment I saw: ‘Well, there are other ways to learn things.’

      1. I think he teaches math at a community college. Some examples he gives:
        ‘Student: “How can you tell .02 is less than .05?”
        –this level of mathematical aptitudes comes after 12 hours of mathematical training in college, by the way.’
        ‘“1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 = 4/24 = 1/6”
        –most common student answer to a probability calculation on a quiz I gave (“what is the probability of rolling a “6” four times in a row?”), calculators allowed. Again, two years of college math to get to this level. It isn’t simply that the arithmetic is bad, the students can’t even address the actual material in the course.’
        ‘Me: “So, we take away 1/3 from 1, and get 2/3. I take this number and…”
        Student: “Wait. How’d you do that?”
        –Even in a 2000 level course at community college, every time a fraction pops up on the board, the class grinds to a halt. And that’s WITH a year of remedial coursework (run by educationists, but it’s still theoretically coursework).’

    2. Doesn’t that make her a sexist? I thought that girls are joust as capable as “evil men.” There is no one on the planet that did not get good at what they do without constant practice and discipline. It sounds to me she is only confirming what everyone already knows: women are not useful doing guy stuff. I don’t understand why those types of chicks can’t be happy being women. Guys like them, girls like being one. What’s the problem?

  8. And of course, the lower levels of government schools will still hammer in that if you don’t go to college, your only other options are McDonald’s or the military.

  9. Props to the Asian guy in the video above who posed as black in order to improve his chances in academia, and to expose this wretched state of affairs.

  10. To supplement my income from full-time day job of 5 years now, I’ve also taught for 5 years–2 nights per week as an adjunct instructor part-time in a 9 month welding program at a community college. The extra money is great for only 5-6 hours per week during the 9 month school year. They also offer programs in millwright/industrial maintenance, machinist, electrician, heavy equipment mechanics, plumbing, etc. Programs are 9-18 months long, you can go nights, lots of free grant money, you accrue little to no student loan debt, jobs go begging (literally), and employers are coming to the school with more decent paying job opportunities than there are graduates. I’m 60, and I tell these young 20-something (and even older) guys in my 2 classes that they are in the cat bird’s seat with all these old guys retiring and going out of the trades, and the demand for these skills are solid. Many of these young guys are sharp working class boys, not the knuckle-walkers or dullards that the many elitists portray them as, and they have not bought into the koolaid of how you need a piece of paper and tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt for a worthless degree to make a living and survive. Plus, these kinds of skilled blue collar jobs are mostly free of SJWs, women, feminists, liberals, white knight manginas, and flaming homosexuals. The vocational technical teachers I teach with are 99.9% traditionalist/conservative guys. The liberals, feminists, and SJWs are more in the administration and support rolls. I’m fortunate to not interact with them other than some asinine mandatory, but thankfully short, “Take Back the Night” curriculum sensitivity classes (ugghh!!). I don’t get these snowflakes with their BFAs in Bongo Drum Circles, Street Graffiti, or Lesbian Poetry, being $50K in student loan debt, or a life of minimum wage jobs at coffee houses. If a person is dead set on doing the 4 year route, IMHO, I’d do the first 2 years at some low-level cheap community college, then transfer to a school like Hillsdale College, Mid-America Nazarene University, Brigham Young University, and a few select others. I know theses schools are private, and pricey, but they do give a fair share of grant money, bang for the buck high good academics, plus they are known strongholds and bastions of traditionalism, and you don’t have to deal with all the leftist/libtard/SJW shenanigans of the state universities.

    1. ANTONIO
      A guy with a (semi) useless degree in advertising and economics and minor in film agrees.
      Back when I got into my trade it was still possible to make a living at it and I was a business editor and later an advertising copywriter but to be honest you might as well be a plumber.
      But the attitude of young people is that they do not want to wrangle turds out of toilets or hope the steel mill does not shut down or even something interesting like underwater welding.
      They want to be the next Quentin Tarantino. How many films school graduates end up in coffee shops?

      1. I’ve worked in film festivals and I’ve seen white students who are convinced, I mean *truly* convinced, their garbage documentary about “living in the hood” will make them the next big time director. Or female students who believe their short film about how hard being a woman in the West is super relevant.
        Then there are others who just want to learn how to edit so they can try a Youtube career.
        What all film students I met have in common, though, is how pedantic they all were.
        Film schools are a joke now.

        1. SKULLOMANIC
          In the old days when I worked as a Film Reviewer in Dubai you could still make a film for $40,000 of the Evil Dead variety and Home Video market would hold it and even earn you a profit.
          These days you borrow a load of money you cannot pay back to show your film free on You Tube and it gets 500 views and you owe $60,000.
          Good luck.

        2. SKULL
          Now that Home Video is gone there is no money in independent film making.
          Borrow $100,000 to make some Evil Dead type horror film and show it free on Youtube or maybe earn 10 cents on advertising.

    2. ANTONIO
      Gen Y all want to be the next Quentin Tarantino. They don’t want to be a welder in a steel mill.
      Also, they want to migrate to urban centers on the East or West Coast.
      They do not want to do honest, manly work.
      I can understand this. I stupidly got a degree in Advertising with hopes of being a Mad Man on Madison Avenue.
      Did shit for me, although I did manage to remain employed (Marginally).

      1. Dick, Nucor Steel is opening a new mini-mill just 90 miles from where I live in a town of 20,000 population this coming summer. Average starting wage is $68,000. 300 jobs, +benefits and bonuses out the wazoo. In a small mid-western town, that’s comparable to $80,000+ in other areas of the country. I imagine they will pull their labor force from the local small towns, and off the farms, where a work ethic and getting dirty still has some semblance of respect. But, in the big city I live in, the local yokel snowflake hipsters would never degrade themselves and get close to a steel mill, let alone any type of manufacturing or a trade. How’s the Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Street Graffitti, Bongo Drum Circles, or Lesbian Poetry from Leftist State University, and $50K in student loan debt, working for them? “Do you want an extra shot of espresso with your drink”, “do you want fries with that burger”, or “why doesn’t $8.00 per hour go very far”?.

  11. When I went to university it was too get a degree, get laid, having hilarious adventures while smoking marijuana and drink beer.

  12. Back when I went to college from 1992-1997 guys attended a diploma mill to get some degree, get laid, drink beer under age 21 and smoke pot.
    What the hell happened?

  13. Something that’s not being mentioned here, is how the cost of all of this is being passed on to us, the taxpayers—the ones who are busting our balls trying to earn a living after already being taxed through the nose.
    Remember when Obama and other politicians before and since him have promised free college? Ever heard the idea being floated around of having student loans and debt being “forgiven.” Just like amnesty, it punishes the people who sacrificed and did it the hard way, who went through the proper channels, who worked several jobs to pay for tuition, or ate ramen noodles and lived like paupers until they reached their goal. Free tuition and forgiving student loans? Who’s going to pay for that?
    There’s so much waste going on with our tax dollars, and same with tuition. Just like we’re paying for congress members to jet around, give themselves pay raises, have lavish parties, live the high life etc., the same goes with universities. I’ve worked at various colleges over the years, and see people who don’t do shit, barely show up to work, but make six figures or more.
    A lot of corruption, that’s all I can say.

    1. HEYWOOD
      For college graduates who did it makes it truly hard to sympathize with 40 year old wasters who moan on and on about being the oppressed working man with no options in life.
      In their teens and twenties they were lying around after high school graduation smoking pot and fucking their girlfriend with direction in life and now about 40 they are fucked.
      Since I knew these types of people in the 90’s it is hard for me to get worked up over their plight.

      1. Dick, I remember watching some news clips of the Occupy Wall Street miscreatants a few years back. One guy was near tears as he described how he had a Masters of Fine Arts Degree, and was over $30K in student loan debt, but couldn’t find gainful employment. The reporter asked him what his degree was in. He replied “Puppeteering”. What??? Are you kidding??? What type of half-wit would accrue over $30K in student loan debt for a degree in Puppeteering? Then there were the young women who had racked up tens of thousands of dollars of department store credit card debt, and bawled like babies because they were unable to pay it back, and were being squeezed by bill collectors. Really??? Hayward’s comments are right. It’s going to be us that are on the hook for these defaulted foolish loans.

  14. This isn’t just colleges. It’s teachers at all levels. They believe their classrooms are dictatorships.

  15. Universities need cleansing at the deepest levels. Most of the teachers are lazy slugs doing nothing relevant.
    The problem is that the consequences of the garbage they’re doing now won’t be felt until in a decade, when all these “wonderful super women” do what women normally do and give up on their careers because “it’s, like, hard” and you’ll end up with a society full of mediocre female doctors, engineers, scientists, etc. who won’t care one bit about their jobs. I’m mostly concerned about a medical field dominated by mediocre female doctors, by the way.

    1. Don’t forget tenure. Its near impossible to terminate a tenured faculty member (emphasis on near impossible). Harley Davidson is closing a plant in my area that was built and opened in 1999. Teamsters shop. Union can’t retain their jobs or keep the doors open. Moving everything, except 500+ workers, to Pennsylvania. Private sector is ruled by at will employment. Deck is stacked in the employer’s favor, and they can fire you on a whim. Some of the most slothful, decadent, and inept people I ever encountered in 60 years of life were university professors I had many years ago. UAW, USW, Teamsters don’t have the muscle to save workers bacon, good or bad, anymore. But educators are nearly untouchable. Plus, their covens stick together and defend each other until the end. Reduced enrollments from students boycotting these hook & crook liberal epicenters, and legislators cutting their funding, may be a good starting point.

  16. I love it when brown people try to play Conservative.
    The fastest growing section of the American Right, the Alt-Right, refuses to call Nikki Haley by any name other than her birth name, just so people know that she’s not white.
    You had something going there when the likes of Jindal, Haley, and other Indian Americans were welcomed into the GOP during the ’90s and early ’00s. But Trumpism is going to be the (probably literal) death of you.

  17. I believe establishment academia is going to go through a massive transformation driven by technology. With it will be a much needed reformation that will, I believe, remove the current cult of progressivism. The future I see is a highly decentralized academia. We’ll use apps to design custom curricula and choose from a variety of world wide teachers. As for the teachers, ratings and up-votes will help push the best to the top. This will be very bad for tenured who will be forced to compete.

  18. I’ve heard York University and Ryerson University are the incubators of militnt feminism in lower Ontario, and that University of Ottawa is the feminist headquarters of Canada where feminist laws are discussed under the radar and behind closed doors.

  19. Its often been that way where profs who’ve never been part of the real world teach fresh high schoolers who have never been in the real world. Thats how a real fantasyland can get created. For example to anyone who has done anything difficult, safespaces
    are the surest formula to make you weak not strong. Its like telling someone to avoid pain at the gym to get stronger. A better formula is the one Olympians use-optimal stress and optimal recovery. Too much of either is harmful.

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