How To Survive The Urban Hellscape

The Post-Industrial American Urban Hellscape is a dangerous place. It is dangerous not only for its lurking, JRPG random encounter-style violence, but for its persistent psychic assaults on your mental faculties. Statistically speaking, the Urban Hellscape will kill you on the inside well before it kills you on the outside.

Having lived in the real-world counterparts of all three cities featured in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, I believe myself qualified to write a brief survival guide on how to defend yourself both physically and mentally from the demonic horrors that await you in Urban Hellscape.

How To Leverage Situational Awareness To Avoid Danger

Let’s discuss the physical threats first. Much of this is common sense, but I recognize many college graduates who head to the Urban Hellscape for workhave led sheltered existences for much of their lives. Situational awareness is your best weapon. Don’t be a retard and stare at your iPhone while walking down the street at night. Always be on the lookout. Don’t hang out in your car or in parking lots/garages either. You should always be on edge and feel slightly paranoid.

I’m not going to get specific, but there are certain demographics you should always avoid. Families, groups of girls, and East Asian tourists are not among the groups that you should avoid. I was walking with a friend in downtown Los Angeles once and I thought we were being followed. I entered the lobby of the nearest hotel and sat down at the bar for twenty minutes. It’s better to play it safe than risk getting shanked in the neck by your city’s latest brand of cultural enrichment.

Don’t make eye contact with anyone on the street and don’t talk to anyone who tries to speak with you. They’re probably just selling their “fire” mixtape, but I can already tell you it’s not as game-changing as “Crank That (Soulja Boy)” was back in 2007. Don’t be afraid to bitch out and cross the street if a particularly vibrant group of youths are approaching. They’ll probably yell something at you, but at least you’ll still have your wallet. Make a point to always ignore homeless people.

As far as weapons go, they’re probably more trouble than they’re worth. Check your local laws and make your own decision. You’re not John Wick and you’re not going to gun-fu a gang of miscreants who cause you trouble. Same goes with knives. Life isn’t an anime series and you’ll probably end up dead or in prison. Be smart and avoid potential confrontations well before they occur.

Alcohol can be lethal in the Urban Hellscape. Don’t get smashed and wander around some area you don’t know. If you lose your group, go to a crowded bar and try to contact them on your phone. Borrow someone else’s phone if yours is dead. Call an Uber and go home if all else fails. Generally, if a place is crowded, it’s safe. I like to look up directions or use my phone inside bars or restaurants. Don’t do this in the middle of the street or at crosswalks.

How To Maintain Your Sanity

If you’re aware of your surroundings, you can avoid most trouble before it even happens. However, the dangers of the Urban Hellscape do not end at mere physical threats. Your mind is under constant psychic siege by the lights, sounds, and inane bullshit that you encounter living in a city. Here’s how to maintain your sanity.

Walk everywhere you can. If you live in a country with first-world infrastructure, you’re not American and you can take public transit instead. Driving is the single most mind-numbing activity we are forced to do. I cannot expound upon my hatred of driving with language alone. You haven’t died on the inside until you’ve been stuck in traffic on the 405. Hire a driver if you’re rich or cryogenically freeze yourself until self-driving cars are an option.

Contrary to popular belief, cities aren’t all that exciting. You can go to bars in all their various forms and incarnations or eat at restaurants, and that’s about it for entertainment. If you like nature, your only option is walking in a park infested with homeless people and drug dealers. Your apartment should be your sanctuary. Use it to recharge and do things you find interesting. Don’t be lazy. Learn how to cook. You’ll save a lot of money and develop a fun and useful skill.

The Urban Hellscape can be crushingly lonely despite all of its colorful characters. Most people have pre-established social groups and you’re probably not getting into their circles. I haven’t figured this one out yet. Just don’t go on the Meetup app or something sad like that to find friends. Have a bit of pride in your solitude. There’s always your Internet friends, and barring that, calling your mother every weekend.

If you still care about dating in 2018, the Urban Hellscape will make sure you don’t get laid ever again. You can certainly try Tinder or nightclubs or whatever. Girls tend to be better looking in cities, but so are the guys. If you think you can compete with seven-foot billionaire rock star investment bankers, you have another thing coming. You don’t really want a city girl for a wife anyways.

How To Escape From The Urban Hellscape

Work on your escape plan. Every year you stay in the Urban Hellscape is ten years off your life. I’ve run the numbers. Have a side-hustle going, preferably e-commerce, so you can become location independent. This is the dream. Once you have the money to live anywhere, get the hell out. You’re not going to miss the crime, the crowds, or the 9,999 different languages you hear on a daily basis. The house on Lake Erie or the ranch in Montana you’re saving up for will do wonders for your health.

The Urban Hellscape is a place to make money and nothing more. Nobody should live in these cities longer than necessary. Figure out what you need financially and plan an exit. You’re not going to raise a family here, and you’re not going to retire here either. Take a trip or two a year to a place you’d think you’d like to settle down. Claw your way out of the Urban Hellscape by any means necessary and make a move when you’re ready.

Read More: How To Survive The Late Empire Period Of Your Civilization

95 thoughts on “How To Survive The Urban Hellscape”

  1. I never avoid vibrant enrichers when they approach me on the street. Walk straight through, because anything else will be seen as a sign of weakness and they will capitalize on your lack of aggression. Never show fear.

    1. I go out of my way to. Can’t fucking stand a pack of minorities taking up the pavement blabbering on.
      Mind you, I can’t stand my own countrymen taking up the road. What? Am I supposed to walk around them? Fuck outta here.

    2. Well said, Mr. Kelly! It’s important to stand your ground with ethnics, for the simple reason that it’s your ground, not theirs.

  2. Situational awareness is good. They’re should be a few boxing gyms around town and most offer knife drills to learn how to disarm and defend yourself- a must if you just HAVE to go to bars at night in a pos city.

    1. MICK You May Not be American
      If you are being beaten to death by thugs and stab one in self-defense you are looking at 3 years in prison. That’s if the knife was just lying around and you picked it up. Carrying a concealed blade and stabbing someone in self-defense is going to get you 5.
      The first thing cops will want to know if you are an average, working citizen is what you went into the dodgy bar for in the first place? Drugs? A Brawl? Presumably, you live in another neighborhood and you are another color. So the police assumption is that you are not a regular. They’ll ask the bartender and he will say “Never saw the guy before.” That’s the first strike against you. You’re mistake, as far as responding officers will be concerned, was entering a bad bar in the first place.

      1. I’m not. And I can only comment on my hometown as I’ve never been to Detroit. 1.5% according to the last census were black, so race attacks aren’t an issue. (God knows where they’re hiding, I never see them) They know it’s uncivil behaviour that’s why most manage an awkward ‘S-sorry!’ When I move one or two of their group out of the way.
        I know how to defend myself in more ways than one, and it’s fairly easy to either intimidate or incite and incriminate a low iq person.

        1. MICK
          The incident I know involved a hulking Polish sailor and Scott, who was what you would call a “Bogan” who always carried a blade because he was an irritating Appalachian.
          At someone else’s house party the huge Polish guy (A large ethnic group in Detroit) started stomping Scott in the kitchen of the third parties house.
          Scott stabbed the Polish guy once in the balls and fled. He was not trying to do anything but put distance between himself and the mad hulking Polish guy.
          The Polish guy was on cocaine and as Scott was in the front yard he jumped on him again from behind! Scott stabbed him 4 more times. Finally the guy let him go.
          To me this is a self-defense crime if there ever was one.
          But the judge sent Scott to prison for 3 years. That’s a hard way to serve time.
          My point is that a knife can cause trouble for you.
          As for blacks, I would not necessarily want to be in an Australian joint full of Aboriginals and Maoris.

      2. “You’re mistake, as far as responding officers will be concerned, was entering a bad bar in the first place.”
        Yuppers…under Ohio law (my state) you can’t claim self-defense if you are perceived as being at fault for causing the situation that led to your self-defense action; whatever they (the authorities) after the fact decide “fault” means. Doesn’t necessarily mean your actions have to be stand alone Illegal. Anything you did that in their view that caused/escalated the situation will do. In Ohio the assertion of self-defense is what they call an “affirmative defense”
        “The term “affirmative defense” means the accused, not the prosecutor, must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that he acted in self-defense or in defense of another. In other words, the defendant must prove that it is more probable than not that his use of deadly force was necessary due to the circumstances of the situation.”
        In other word your attempt at asserting self-defense starts with essentially you confessing to murder and having to work you way back from that.

        1. DETROIT BAR
          My experience was not IN the bar but outside because generally you leave the premises and they follow you. Most killings and assaults happen in bar PARKING LOTS.
          I went into a seedy hotel to make a pay phone call and as I was walking out the front doors a 6’3 black man asked me what I was doing there.
          I walked past him, ignoring him. He leaped in his old caddie and pulled out behind me. I saw him reaching for one hand beside the steering wheel.
          Gun. He got out of his vehicle behind me making whooping noises like, well, an animal. “Whoof ya, whoof ya.”
          I cut into foliage beside the road and crawled 10 yards to and ended up another street, brushed off my clothes and walked casually.
          The other time I was hunted was by Mexicans in Phoenix in a shopping mall on my day off. It was across the street from my condo and I was on foot and three of them in a truck shouted at me in Spanish. I kept my head down but I noticed their car following me and then they accelerated after me. This was broad daylight, lunchtime.
          Luckily, I went into my apartment. I could hear feet outside stomping.
          To this day, I don’t know who they were. I asked my roommate and he shrugged and said that sometimes Cholos did that.

        2. ZEY
          Actually the Polish guy lived and Scott lost some vision because the Polish guy was jumping on his head as he lay on the floor before Scott stabbed him in the balls.
          He still got on 3 years for first-degree assault.
          In real life the ref is not there to lift your arm in triumph. Your triumph for defending yourself are screams in the prison shower as blacks sodomize somebody.

      3. If you go a weapon in self defence at least you are more likely to be alive, even if you do need to face a jury. As the saying goes …Judged by 12 or carried out in a coffin by 6.

  3. Your taxes pay for illegal immigrants, welfare, debt, war, curfews, gun bans, NSA wiretapping, checkpoints, forfeiture, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, torture, kill lists, no fly lists, searches without warrants, private prisons, mandatory minimums, 3 strikes laws, DNA databases, CISPA, SOPA, NDAA, IMBRA, FBAR, FATCA, TSA groping, secret FISA courts, and Jade Helm.

      …Not mine. The next time I get a check from the US will be social security. My working life was spent outside of the US.
      No regrets.

      1. You don’t get SS in the US unless you work and pay SS taxes for a total of 10 years or are married to someone who has worked for ten years.

  4. End Up in Prison
    Detroit Advice
    1. The Simia Africanus or Beanbag is not worth inflicting serious violence upon because he called you some meaningless insult like “punk ass bitch”. For that matter, neither is the trailer trash.
    2. These idiots are fucked anyhow. How would you feel if your mother was a crack whore or a slut and your Dad was some lowlife who did not give a shit about you? You’d be pissed off that you were born too.
    3. I spent 12 hours in jail for a Frat Prank in college in Detroit. You do not want to be in jail if you are white, much less prison. For a serious assault you are going to be held no-bail until the authorities see when he is going to get out of the hospital. You’ll lose your job, ruin your credit history, never rent a decent apartment again, never handle cash because it is a felony.
    4. “White bitch”. What does Simia Africanus or Beanbag know about European culture-Bach, Rome, whatever? They advance the opinion that their own history on the savanna in the stone-age or Aztecs was far superior to Britain or Italy or Germany. The best punishment whites can inflict is to leave, and then the place looks like Haiti.
    5. Hassles of court. You’ll end up on probation and your officer will probably be the same minority as you assaulted. That’s a load of fun. Miss a court date or community service and its a bench warrant.
    6. AIDS and Hep C. Hep C is a big one with minorities. They get it from the “down low” in jail or sharing their needles. Who wants their dirty bodily fluids on you.
    7. “Words, words, words” Society would collapse when the oil needed changing if it were not for males. SJW women can talk about white privilege all they want…who gives a shit what the hideous jungle primitive Indian whose 5’4 or the Hood Rat says to you?
    Finally, and this does not apply to Detroit because nobody would live there anyhow, but if you have to live in low income areas than is living in the urban jungle worth it to begin with?

  5. And watch out for urban growth. The city will send it’s ‘best’ to congest your small-town streets as soon as a rich developer buys up a lot and stacks houses upon it. Surely a kiss of death to small-town culture. Not to mention the sewage infrastructure.

    1. Indeed. The Boston area used to have suburb escapes from the leftist filth created by years of liberal control. Leftist ideologies breached the gates of Boston proper some time ago and now those historically conservative leaning suburbs have invited scum that can’t afford even the cheapest flats in Dorchester and Jamaica Plain. With that has come the transformation of once pleasant neighborhoods in the suburbs to rows of sectioned affordable housing where one family dwellings become 5 or 6 unit apartments crammed full of anchor babies and chain migrators.

  6. You could (do the world a favor and) kill yourself. That’ll definitely solve your problems.

  7. The future of the cities is bleak, try to escape ASAP.
    1. Water scarcity is going to become the norm and the drinking quality of the available recycled water will be very poor. The 11 cities most likely to run out of drinking water –
    2. Cities are attractive to females and soy boys are they have herd mentality. That means more feminism, sexual perversion and general lunacy.
    3. The food supply is very vulnerable to disruption. A small glitch in the logistical system could send people into panic and into dog-eat-dog mentality
    4. We entering into a Solar Minimum and quite like going to experience a little of full blown global cooling or ice age. Whilst the urban area are usually slightly warmer, being stuck with a bunch of other hungry human animals is very risky.
    5. Cities compromise of people from different ethnic and racial groups, which means that they will no coercion between people when the shit hits the fan.
    6. The air quality is going to get even worse when people start burning wood for heating during a crisis.

  8. To think people won’t fuck with you in a bar is naive. Depending on the bar, this is where fights and the chance of some drunk idiot saying something to your face will happen. And that drunk idiot has his 3 juiced buddies right there with him. And what the hell is a 7 foot investment banker? What if he is a small investment banker at 6’5, he still has an advantage over you, monetarily speaking. And you’re a dwarf compared to him…You might be 5’11. Lol

    1. The majority of bars have CCTV so if some shit does start, and you reasonably have to defend yourself it will go in your favour if you make it alive to court.

      1. WILLIAM
        As far as bars are concerned, usually a serious attack is outside in the parking lot.

        1. If you put up your hands before an altercation and “look” submissive for the cameras, that will work in your favour down the line.

  9. Basically, as a self-proclaimed king; I go where I want, do what I want, and arm myself as I please.
    Step aside?
    You step aside.
    I seduce any women I want to use.
    But I agree.
    Stuck in rush hour on the 405 drains away your soul.
    City life, for the most part, is proof the devil is real.
    But the city is the best place to make your fortune quick, then beat a path out of there. Just don’t look forward to making life-long friends in the city. If you do your are the exception, not the rule.
    Today is Mardi Gras. I live close to New Orleans but I am not going.
    Glad to see my friends on ROK again.
    And I like the article. It is pertinent.

  10. An article that would be titled Whiny C*nt Not Coping With Everyday Life.
    My asshole just shed a tear.

    1. Honestly. Guy needs to stop whining. It’s really not that bad. Also, I actually enjoy driving. Different strokes?

  11. Situational awareness is king but sometimes you just can’t avoid trouble. Then you need to have skills and knowledge how to act to defend yourself. The best solution to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Be clear that you won’t always be saved by cooperating. Sometimes you get stabbed or shot either way. That’s why you need to be able to defend yourself before it’s to late and not wait and see if you die or not.

      …If its on the street, run for bushes and crawl through them. Blacks/Mestizos will not go into a culvert or through Spruce trees or bushes because primitive races fear bushes (Campfire tribal mentality). They will kill you but won’t get their feet dirty. Go home, wash your clothes, that is the end of that.
      Blacks are terrible shots. After 20 feet they cannot hit you. Shootings are up close.
      Once the offender follows you, its no longer a manslaughter beef. If you are running away and he is following you, its attempted murder.
      Most situations with blacks and Mestizos are ambush crimes. It is not like a wild west movie where two men have duel. They shoot you or stab you in the back or creep up on you anyhow.
      NB I had a friendly black acquaintance who was pissed off at me for walking up from behind and saying “Hello”. Blacks are sensitive to the ambush.
      Mestizos will follow you in vehicles. Blacks won’t.
      Most trouble you’ll have with Mexicans is related to drugs. If you are going to buy drugs, should be a white guy.
      When confronted or called out by blacks, don’t respond. Go silent. Waiting. Wordless.
      Usually the black/Mestizo has about 40 felony convictions. If you are followed and defend yourself-and remember they intend to kill you-the law will be on your side. Chances are, they guy committed the same crime 4 other times. Cops know all about him.

      1. You are emasculated. Running through bushes at the first sign of trouble.
        They didnt run through bush after you because they likely found you not worth the fucking effort and hilariously pathetic well either that or still hundreds of year’s later they still have instincts that tell them the bush is detroit might be camouflaging a pride of fucking lions !!!!
        But of course blacks and hispanics prefer to hunt on their ancient hunting grounds “the car park” hahahhaha
        Not to mention you take comfort in the fact that if they do chase you they’ll be done for attempted murder. Even in mortal danger you take satisfaction in having the law on your side ??? that in death or mutilation at least the perp will get a worse charge from the law ??? You are completely domesticated,emasculated pussied. You sire are fucking NEUTERED and a MODERN “man”.

        1. GERARD
          If a re-doubted Crip found themselves on a country road being chased by Leatherface and his family they are going to run like their ass is on fire.
          “Not worth the effort”
          Let us flash back to the summer 1991.
          Mike was going into the Navy and he later would use his GI Bill to get a PHd. I had saved up enough money to backpack through Europe after graduating in 92 which was wonderful. I would graduate from college and get out of Detroit and live a fascinating life overseas that was reasonably productive in financial and productive terms.
          An 8 to 1 was not worth it. And if they were being pursued by 8 whites on 1 they would have torn off like their ass was on fire.
          “Thought we were pathetic”
          Most of them probably ended up in jail. If I saw some of them now in the hood, they would be sucking a crack pipe. Right now they are worried about whether Trump will make them eat canned food. Maybe one or two managed to join the military and become productive citizens. Maybe one or two.

      2. The biggest factor to consider here is that urban jungle boy has nothing to lose and you have a lot to lose in any kind of confrontation with the feral human animals like that. So you may be fit, brave, trained in fighting etc. still not worth it.
        If on the other hand, he invades your space in your neighborhood, street or home, you may have to confront the scum. And beware of the worthless scum following you to the suburbs and invade your home.

        1. nick
          “Invasion of Home”
          Kathleen was a poor little rich girl. Her Dad was in oil. Parents divorced. She got into cocaine in the 6th grade in 1983. Real young.
          Crack came to Detroit in maybe 1985. At 12 she was smoking it.
          She became a joke. She would go out with Hood Rats and get so fucked up on crack they would leave her in the middle of the road, aged 12, half nude.
          One time her brother was having a birthday party and some Hood Rats came with her. “We gonna trash dis place”.
          Her brother pointed a shotgun at them.
          The Hoodrats cursed him “YOO be pointing a gun at me”
          The hoodrats came back and trashed their house two days later.
          “Damn n***ers” her mother said as she swept the glass.
          But it was little Kathleen’s fault.

      3. “Blacks/Mestizos will not go into a culvert or through Spruce trees or bushes because primitive races fear bushes (Campfire tribal mentality).”

        View post on

        Boy, you must be the dumbest motherfucker that ever lived.

        1. ALPHA
          You’re 20 and grew up in some suburb in a medium-sized city so you would not know.
          The answer is that causing serious harm or worse is no different than removing a beer from a fridge. Of course some whites too.
          They do not want to get their shoes dirty and those are more interesting than your life either way.
          But you go ahead and fight the good fight against armed feral blacks or mestizos. You’ll be seriously injured or killed in an urban landscape. They’ll never be caught. End of story.

        2. ALPHA
          Maybe I would have been better today if I had fought the good fight with 8 blacks in 91 at age 17, living my life as an invalid in my mother’s house and a metal plate in my head. Dead from a stabbing maybe. A forgotten plot in a Detroit cemetery-I would have never graduated high school, gotten laid all over the world, worked in various countries.

      4. Marz, you have more faith in the ” primitive races are afraid of bushes” thing than I would. Maybe they were less aggressive when you were in the States, but most thugs I’ve been acquainted with would be be likely to sprint around the bushes and wait for you to come out than to give up on chasing you because you ran into bushes. Admittedly I wasn’t there and don’t really know, but your encounters in Detroit and Phoenix read to me more like people trying to scare you for whatever reason than people who really had bad intentions. Detroit guy apparently wanted you to know he was following you, hence the whooping noise, and the cholos followed you to your apt. You didn’t mention them trying to get in or get you to come out, or ever coming back. That and your roommate nonchalantly telling you that’s something they do sometimes gives me the feeling they weren’t really after you.

    2. More advice.
      Smoking crack will put you in bad proximity with blacks. Cocaine is a bit different, as is free-basing. I stay away from drugs but most whites I knew who got into bad situations with blacks in Detroit smoked crack.
      One straight guy I knew was smoking crack with some blacks in his apartment and they gang raped him. He came out afterwards claiming he was raped but nobody cared.
      If getting blown by hookers, do so in your car. Motels in bad areas are a death rap.
      Blacks will usually blindside you in attacks.
      Don’t use racial words or other blacks will attack you. If called a “swamp guinea” “Muhfuggin’ Polack” whatever, don’t respond.
      Ultimately after a black or mestizo population reaches a certain level, whites leave the city anyhow.

        1. TRACY
          In all of these incidents, I never knew the blacks nor saw them again. They forget quickly, whether they do something to you or not. Their short-term memory is limited.

        1. AUTOMATIC
          Crack was really only popular with whites from 1985 or 1986 until 1989, by which time I was fifteen and being a “crackhead” was a slur.
          My own generation of white trash was swept up by crystal meth in the 1990’s.
          In Detroit I never heard about meth and it was not until I was in university in a rural area that tweakers were everywhere. I worked a variety of jobs to get through university with white trash locals and everyday one of them was busted-“Did you hear about Mike, the judged bitched him and he got 28 years (Habitual offender). They caught him with an ounce of meth and stolen property.”
          The white trash hicks would steal your radio out of your apartment or your leather jacket.

      1. Would you write an article here in ROK on what you posted? I never thought about the various shortcomings, that you pointed at. (Though could South Asians ever be afraid of bushes, or just be “a keystone subspecies” for other primitive folks?)

        1. ESTHER
          Respected Sir
          When I was 17 I was trying to hitch a ride with a Sicilian kid at 10 PM on a road outside a project and he said “don’t hitch a ride if they are black” and then we heard scrambling from the apartments and he said “they heard us.” The idiot had said the word “Black” in front of a Section 8.
          It was the tony suburbs but the government had just built this Sec 8 right in the middle of Leave It To Beaver land and he said it in the wrong place.
          At that point we ran across the street as blacks emerged and we went into a backyard and crawled on all fours into the dark shadows of the bushes and thankfully it was all leafy suburban woods. They did not follow us.
          Hood Rats and Mestizos see the woods as a jungle full of dangerous animals. They are tribal people and it is a bush instinct. That is why they dislike the rural life in general. Also in atavistic terms Northern Europeans evolved in forests. The average white can easily pick off Bloods or Crips in a woods aka FRIDAY THE 13th.
          Jason or Leatherface are what blacks fear. A huge white inbred retarded giant dancing with a chainsaw on a dirt road as the sun rises over rural America; a tall muscular goon in a barn jumping off a hay loft (As the black thug goes on the offensive with the machete).
          SOUTH ASIANS
          “South Asians” in the US are mostly (Physically) harmless Brahmin from old money. Maybe their distant ancestors were Slavic warriors but their own tendencies are white-collar crime and office power struggles. They are not going to physically harm you.
          Lower castes never got to the US.
          Some Gujarati in New Jersey have adopted the behavior of blacks but it is kind of a joke.
          Indians in Canada, though they have gangs, are an urban phenomenon. South Asians congregate in Anglo-Canadian cities.
          BOTTOM LINE
          Most attacks from blacks and Mestizos occur in the open on concrete or park grass. This said, unlike white trash, Mestizos and blacks will follow you into public buildings, malls or anywhere in a frenzied pursuit-charge.

        2. ESTHER
          Dealing with white trash.
          If a white trash goon has a beef with you, the best thing to do is to report them for welfare fraud. Nine x out 10 they are working sporadically off the books and drawing a welfare check.

        3. @ MM
          “A huge white inbred retarded giant dancing with a chainsaw on a dirt road as the sun rises over rural America; a tall muscular goon in a barn jumping off a hay loft”

      2. I once knew a guy in college..veteran of our war in Somalia. He was a white hick who was totally fearless. I got along with him…and he got along with me. But, I was under no illusions he had the capability to do very bad things without any remorse. Anyway, he was the only guy I ever knew who would drive into Hartford at night to buy crack. The occasional times he would do it, the hood rats never fucked with him once. To this day I still wonder about that guy. I expect to one day read about a serial killer in the news and find out it was him.

  12. Having spent the majority of my 60 years of life in big cities, I simply submit, don’t live in big cities, period! The juice is not worth the squeeze. I’d love to flee Kansas City, the endless murders daily, the slothful workforce, the pathetic liberal run public schools (give kids a piece of cardboard and a color crayon-literally!), the feral blacks and obese street mammys, the hipsters, the fat delusional women (grossly lardered from a diet of barbecue, biscuits & gravy, and booze), the whitetrash hillbilly tweekers, and the corrupt rogue gangster police and local politicians. 30 years of a third world style hell-hole. I recently visited a friend who lives in the country outside of a town of 800 pop. in Podunk, Iowa. Guy is 62, got divorce raped a few years back, and now lives with his dog and cat in a decent house on 6 wooded acres in the middle of nowhere. Bought it for next to nothing. Has a a Morton Building for his shop and welder. Restored a 1970 Baracuda with a 440 Hemi. Built a shooting range on his property too. Makes $20 an hour doing estimating and CNC programming at a Metal Fabricator, and lives quite well in that rural area on his wages. Hunts, fishes, lives a quiet sedentary life. Only way to go. I’m planning my exit strategy.

    1. ANTONIO
      If you have $500 a month you can live in the Philippines. Thailand is more expensive.
      Getting away from the US is a weight off your shoulders. The poor whites, Cholos and blacks are not there. Jews of course, go to their own country of choice. Never met an Asian-American.
      And no white women.
      You’d be amazed how pleasant a country is without these assholes or the climate they create.

      1. >Escape from 3rd world savages by going to a 3rd world savage country.
        Checks out bro. The Philippines are a trash heap and it’s inhabitant retarded monkey people. Pleasant my ass unless you’re used to living in a dumpster and have never generated female interest in your life.

        1. DUNNO
          You’ll get a much nicer house for $200 a month in the Philippines than in the US.
          Section 8 is not safer than Manila.

      2. House for $200? Where are you living? The jungle?
        Housing costs are largely on par with Europe for absolute trash tier quality (remember: 3rd world people can’t build good things).

        1. DUNNO
          If you call the average wooden clapboard house in the Midwest attractive.
          Personally, I think they look like shit.

  13. You know, reading this article, if taken seriously, leads me to believe that our 1st world cities are rapidly becoming 3rd world. I see the symptoms are vibrant diversity, tattoos, fat single moms, etc., but who’s behind it?

    1. TRACY
      The latest generation were born in the dawn of PC in the 1990’s between the Cold War and the War on Terror in an era of boundless prosperity.
      At that time globalism was in its infancy and the internet was not the eroding middle-class jobs.
      Effectively their mores were formed.

    2. how do you ignore all the public communist scum that constantly tear down the US in the media everyday? cognizant dissonance much, or just plain complicit denial of the glaringly obvious?

        The public Communist scum are mostly unemployed fags and hideous Dykes in the street. Carl the Cuck can skip the pretense and simply fellate blacks for all I care.
        I’m glad I am a fucking white male-My Dad paid for my university. I was raised in a nice suburb. I did not have a “baby’s Momma” at 19 because Negros do this. Nor did I smoke anything stronger than weed and get addicted. I’m glad to be a white male.
        I left the country in 1999 when Clinton was president.
        We get Star Asia over here and US television costs more money so I don’t bother. I’m not interested and watching some fat ass Armenian mudsharks whose Dad helped OJ hide his murder weapon getting followed by a camera.

  14. i did even better;
    i left the JYC area
    BEFORE i made
    all my money
    and i haven’t
    looked back
    even once!!

    1. J Wright
      Zeke was your average Beastie Boy. He summed up the species. The female variety looks like Amy Winehouse.
      They look like Cholos but generally affect black fashions. I knew them in the 90’s.
      Beastie Boys usually drink hard liquor like vodka. In the old days they would roll up one leg on their track pants. Their hair is usually unwashed.
      Their drug of choice is marijuana and cocaine. Like blacks, they do not really take to crystal meth or Oxy.
      Jobs include collections agencies (Used to, this went to India) for banks and drug dealing on the side. Females will usually hold low positions in hospitals.
      Some work in pawn stores for relatives.

  15. Jesus christ,the fear on this article is palatable. The author is going around like a nervous fucking wreck. Absolutely battered and broken by regular modern life. Pathetic. Yeah big cities have rough areas but its not fucking EVERYWHERE. The vast majority of people live safely in our cities. Thats just a fact. Crime is largely localized and centralized. It’s actually relatively easy to avoid crime hot spots.
    And as for all the middle aged men shitting themselves everytime they pass someone in a baggy pants with a tan fucking man up !!! Yer the problem with society not criminal elements who have always been around. Before they were black and Hispanic they were jews,irish and Italian again a fact easily verified so man the fuck up and walk down your own fucking streets and stop making different races into the boogeymen. Yer fucking pussies.

    1. GERARD
      I wouldn’t borrow $50,000 from Tony Soprano either.
      Sicilian gangsters usually live into middle age like Tony before they are jailed or whacked. They are far more cunning than blacks or Hispanics.

    2. Those baggy pants tanned types this middle-age man slugs it out with daily working in the urban core of Kansas City like to pop a bullet in your back when its turned after looking at them crossways accidentally, or for your sandwich you picked up at the Jewish owned deli.

    3. Growing up in Philly during the early 80’s was hard. I got a few ass-beatings by some dindus, and wounded twice in a brawl where I was actually in danger of losing my life.
      I got older, bigger, and smarter.
      Now I walk around looking at the dumbasses who don’t possess situational awareness; mostly the soibois and Anderson Cooper-lookalikes and laugh. I get silent with a MURDER YOU look with those types (and there’s plenty of these pussies out there).
      Remember that these phags, (actually most people) DO NOT KNOW violence or the threat of violence. Those who do know can recognize it in others. I get left the fuck alone now. Especially by the dindus. They know just by looking at me I will bring it to their doorstep. They don’t want any trouble so they go for soft targets. Don’t be one.

  16. GERARD
    “Stop making other races into the boogeyman”
    Tyrone the Crip or Vasquez the Mexican Mafia guy would not want to run into Leatherface and his family of white trash animals on a dirt road in Texas either.

  17. Cities are overbuilt, over populated and overated. I predict the country and suburbs are making a big comeback.

  18. I thought this article was describing the cityscape as depicted in the film “The Omega Man.”

    1. Detroit is actually about like Escape From New York. Parts of it, anyhow. The film was actually shot in St. Louis.

      1. But Snake landed his glider on the world trade center right? Lol
        Great flic.
        I guess if i lived in that type of city, my apt Really would be my sanctuary. No doubt about. But id die trying to gtfo. To greener pastures yonder. Living in fear is poison in yer veins

  19. “Your apt is your sanctuary”
    Really? I mean ffs
    You could get shot up in math class in a florida high school as soon as walking through the barrio. So just stay inside watch tv and cook. Talk to yer cats all day. Who needs friends when u have a chat room!

    1. NOBODY
      School shootings are tragic but blessedly rare. Being robbed or simply beaten up by Cholos in the barrio or Hood Rats is about a 50/50 occurrence depending upon area/time of day.

  20. NOBODY
    Crus’s crime is very unusual for a Hispanic-thought the dude looks white. Most Hispanics have violent outbursts in public for no reason whatsoever or mug you on the street. Not necessarily the barrio, but in lower middle class areas bordering on the barrio. Sometimes the crimes are for gain but of times just out of boredom.
    Chances are you won’t know them. Never saw them. Its a street situation.

  21. > I was walking with a friend in downtown Los Angeles
    You must come from really sheltered suburbia to do that. It’s not a place where you walk around unless you are a poor looking negro or a hobo.

    1. DUNNO
      San Fernando Valley Experience
      Business sent me to LA from Dubai on a hiring trip. Expense account was low, I stayed in a Motel 6 and went back and forth to interviews. Took public transport.
      A homeless ex-con got on the bus with me, followed me around. He was an ex-junkie and out of prison. Wanted $5.00 and a beer. I gave it to him.
      Another white drunk on the bus asked me for a quarter. I gave it to him.
      At the hotel in the morning I saw a pack of hillbilly looking tweakers scavenging through the hotel dumpster-they resembled the scavenger packs in films like the road warrior. Several were women.
      A Jewish looking woman approached me (I was a fit 34 year old then) outside a building with cards saying she represented “Male Talent” for “vanilla”. I made her for a porn scout for the vast adult industry.
      Finally the last day I bought a coffee and a large (Maybe 6’2, 220 pounds) young black man followed me screaming “You’re nothing but a bitch! All you’d do is cry like a bitch! I’m sick of your shit!” as I was walking to the bus stop. He might have attacked me but for the fact that I was BOARDING the bus. As I entered he shouted that I was a “coward”.
      I was given a glimpse into the future of the United States, or its current state in Los Angeles 2007. The only whites were homeless ex-cons or tweakers, Mexicans seemed normal enough, blacks were openly hostile and aggressive.
      I was glad to get back to Dubai. Morons will talk about how “dangerous” the Middle East is but in most Arab oil producing countries it is safe enough for Michael Jackson to live.
      It struck me how fucked the US was since the Clinton era, though he was shifty snake-oil salesman. There was a bankrupt, Banana Republic feel about the place.

  22. America sounds wild.
    In Australia the cities are some of the safest places to live. It’s the suburbs that are trouble.
    The only time the cities become particularly unsafe in on weekends as the emotionally unsatisfied drink themselves to death and become violent.
    In our major cities we have huge Asian populations, they mind their own business and buy up property instead of being violent.
    But the crowding, rubbish lines, poor public transport, gentrification and other nonsense does get old after a while.
    I plan on getting out of Sydney eventually.

    1. KA US v Aus
      Many Australian backpackers in the US will tell you “First Blood” horror stories of wandering through small US towns where some police officer brutally harasses them. I’ve heard loads of those from Australian tourists.
      On the other hand, Australian villains can terrorize an entire city. Try being Chopper Reid and scaring ANYBODY in Detroit where everybody is armed (Including me when I was young for protection, with a 22. that I loaded with hollows) and will another person who threatens them. A lone hard man in the US cannot walk around terrifying anybody.
      Muslims in Australia scare whites with their ruthlessness and so did Vietnamese. In the US where whites are armed and racist (Not good fun racism of Perth but the “Only good minority is a dead one” racist) no Lebanese or Vietnamese is going to intimidate anyone.
      Italian mobsters in Melbourne did intimidate police and court systems during the “Dino days” when Ecstasy made suburban street thugs Tony Montana’s overnight.
      1. Social safety net in Oz is pretty good. If US white trash and blacks and Mexicans lived in OZ they would probably do what Bogans do and sit around drinking all day.
      2. I would not wander around near Aboriginals in Alice Springs any more than the ghetto of Detroit.
      3. Minimum wage is high in OZ-why sell drugs or rob people when you can make far more doing a menial job. In the US the wages are so low that when you do a menial job the only thing you have money for is gas to go to work.
      4. You’d have to really be determined to join a gang or be a professional villain in Australia. It is harder to just slip into “The Bandidos” or some Melbourne mafia crew-to begin with, you have to kill somebody to get in.
      5. Australia was always a middle-class country that attracted working class English tired of the class nonsense and “tall poppy syndrome” of the UK. America on the other hand is “tall poppy” on steroids with attendant power struggles and winner/loser mentality.
      6. Italians and Greeks brought the mafia to Australia. No question about that.
      7. Crack cocaine never caught on in Australia to same extent as the US.
      8. Asian of some kind or another may become a hated market dominant minority but Jews never accrued the sort of power/influence to impose an undesirable agenda over a Christian British descended majority.
      9. No border.

  23. Sten,
    Thank you for the article, truly – this is exactly where my mind, body and soul have been urging me to do – GET THE HELL OUT!
    How this relates to me – I managed to leverage an in-job office transfer from Los Angeles (shudders) to Phoenix Arizona. I wanted to live in a more conservative area that was more aligned with my values. I moved to the downtown area so that I could ‘be a part of everything.’
    But boy was I wrong – downtown Phoenix is becoming the next Los Angeles – complete with feminist marches and “I’m with Hillary” bumper stickers (yes they leave those on their vehicles).
    The sad truth about urban development and gentrification is that, while it creates pretty things, nice restaurants and cool hangout places, they also become infested with left-liberal hipster twats. Downtown Phoenix became this quickly, and it is now a common complaint in my GOP group that Arizona is turning into a blue state, like Colorado and Nevada.
    Young adults love hip swanky joints, cocktails with silly names and fun places to get drunk at and talk stupid left-wing ideologies with. They also hate open space, owning land, independence, traditional relationships and firearm rights. On the topic of getting stabbed or hassled by homeless drug-addicts and drunks, well they love their cities don’t they?! On their part, it’s simply a marketing decision – more people to hit up for loose change so that they don’t have to do anything, and can just perch themselves at the most profitable off-ramp and save up enough to buy another cheap bottle of vodka.
    Fortunately since I moved to AZ, I have chosen to open-carry my firearm (which is legal here) on my hip, just so they avoid approaching me, which they do – it is a deterrent and nothing more.
    As we grow up in life, we want something else – and for me, I want nothing more than to move away from the shallow and hyper-stimulating nature of the city, into open land, open space and an open sky – minus the hipsters and homeless bums.

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