How Archaeologists Changed History To Herstory

Academic research on ancient Egypt is dependent on public interest. We call the Western public’s fascination with our subject “Egyptomania.” So in order to generate funds, researchers must be reactive to popular trends.

This means that every year, you will be informed of some monumental news from Egypt in order to maintain top-of-mind awareness. The problem with this scheme is that when there’s no new knowledge, Egyptologists will revise old topics and themes, repackaging them to suit contemporary trends like feminism, Afrocentrism or climate change.

So instead of getting conclusive answers to legitimate questions on the evolution of our God conception, the origins of writing, or the creators of civilization, you will be continuously subjected to archaeological discoveries related to female pharaohs, black African civilizations, and apocalyptic climate change. It’s an exercise in the revision of knowledge to ensure perpetual funding.

Tutankhamun has monopolized western Egyptomaniacal attention since 1922. That’s enough time to have established some certainty in his story. But it’s the current decade, and the West requires a change.

King Tut, Nefertiti And Akhenaten

The boy king’s story has been very boring for some time. Information is ubiquitous enough for him to have achieved a garish level of familiarity.

Is this the time Nietzsche spoke of? When “all the arts and sciences will be overrun and clogged up by shocking dilettantism.”

Nefertiti, however, provides some fresh mystery and romanticism. Her origins are enigmatic. That is, we have no idea about her life until she married the John Lennon of ancient kings: Akhenaten. From that point, she became co-regent and basically behaved like a feminist: warrior queen, artistic and religious revolutionary, divine mother and, as expected, she is considered a exemplar of Western beauty. Even her name means, “the beautiful one has come.”

Briefly, the royal couple’s official story is this: Egyptian civilization was held together by the idea of original perfection. Change, therefore, was understood as a decline from an originally perfect state. This meant that common people were extremely conservative.

Akhenaten and Nefertiti basically assaulted Egyptians with change in order to retain the aura of the crown. Their virtues and special relationship to their god had little relevance or appeal to common people because dramatic change contradicted their foundational principles. Consequently, efforts were made by succeeding rulers to remove the couple from Egypt’s cultural record. And that is when these liberal antecedents became history’s eternal victims.

Agreeable New Research

In Nefertiti, we have a character with a modern feel. Through her, we can refresh Egyptomania for the next century. All we need to do is create relevance, much like they did for Tut in the roaring twenties.

The best way to do this is to secure media interest by legitimizing a contemporary cause. Feminism needs to prove that women were oppressed by all men in all locations for as long as genders have existed and in the future.

So here’s some new research from the Cradle of Civilization: Nicolas Reeves is a British archaeologist who made world headlines for his agreeable narrative. There is a grey area between the reign of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun. A guy named Smenkhare took the throne and basically bowed to the pressure of the conservatives.

Smenkhare is an obscure figure, and since Nefertiti was a powerful woman, modern prejudices dictate that she must have been Smenkhare. This is despite the abhorrent nature of her initial co-regency and her later attempt to marry a foreigner.

Like the asteroid that murdered all the dinosaurs, Smenkhare (beyond the scope of this article) is a conveniently useful figure to fatten up any hypothesis. But essentially, Reeves is only speculating while pointing to another sealed room in Tut’s tomb. Like many others, it’s unlikely that the room will ever be opened. So what we have here is a recycled Howard Carter discovery for 21st century mainstream consumption.

Alternative History

With King Tut basically having “appropriated” all that was intended for Nefertiti: tomb, artifacts, and subsequent cultural influence (Reeves 2015:11), Tut Mania should rightfully be Nefertiti Mania, thereby ensuring that Egyptologists have another lucrative century to look forward to. All without having to actually make a new discovery or provide any conclusive knowledge.

The new narrative contains all the mystery, romance and ghost chambers that had faded from the traditional Tut story. By ingeniously weaving separate and inconclusive pieces of evidence together, this alternative history can be used as a rallying point for feminist social justice.

Although it can be convincingly challenged on iconographic, philological, and archaeological grounds, we have here a story of massive appeal. Today’s perspective on history is tied to gender politics so we can instantly gratify a popular public need while injecting cultural value back into Egyptology. With the goal accomplished, truth is not a requirement.


New archaeological research offers the same old characters in a repurposed story suitable for current trends and garnering funds. History is now Herstory, and nobody has learned anything new.

If you still use King Tut imagery when thinking of ancient Egypt, you are dated. Cutting-edge research wants you to think of a strong, powerful, beautiful feminist icon: Nefertiti.

She was a victim of fate, buried behind a wall that nobody will ever open. We know nothing conclusive about her and we never will, thereby maintaining Egypt as the leading brand in the history of world civilizations.

I acknowledge the irony of my making Egyptology relevant in the trending manosphere but, like the organized tomb robbing that began almost as soon as elites decided they were taking their wealth with them to the afterlife, there has to be a counteraction for selfish nonsense.

Read More: The Biggest Rape Hoax In History

42 thoughts on “How Archaeologists Changed History To Herstory”

  1. Too much info not enough brain cells in the modern man.
    Only a calamity will get rid of this craziness.

    1. We wuz Kangz n Shieeet Niggaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
      Look at their skin man they brown man. dem egyptians r brown not crackas!!!

      1. Il give the black israelite crowd one thing.
        It’s quite obvious blacks were slaves most likely carrying out the heavy lifting. The Bible states the Jews were slaves to the Egyptians. Observation of the modern Jew is almost allergic to manual labor, more keen to exploit those that do and earn riches on speculation and manipulation. Their physical bodies in complete contrast to blacks that could handle arduous work under the hot desert sun.
        IS RA and EL are also symbols of Egyptian gods. Perhaps the ancient Egyptians also had their civilization corrupted and destroyed by (((chosen))) imposters.
        Like Egypt in a thousand years I wonder if the mulatto mix of peoples inhabiting the land wonder where these great city constructs came from.

  2. The only symbol worth worshiping is the phallus.
    It’s like the pure emblem for homo sapiens, namely an proud affront against the natural order, it’s vertical defiance, looking upwards, is in sharp contrast to the rest of the breasts, face down, and caught up eternally in the feminine “net” or matrix of birth, decay and death.
    Do not be afraid; henceforth, you will be catching men’ (Luke 5:10)

  3. Speaking of historical revision, Have u guys seen the so called “cheddar man” of the UK? The PC mob now claim he was black, yet DNA testing doesn’t reveal race, so it’s a wtf moment. Truth be told, cheddar man isn’t what past UK citizens looked like, but it’s likely a vision of the future.

    1. Yet the police is forbidden to use DNA test to determine race, because of racial profiling hahaha, since the 80s the race test is like 95% accurate, specially in murder rape cases. I don´t know how well the test work with thousand of years DNA, there are only bones left, remember even jesus was black, then why all modern jews are white?

  4. Schools produce to many historians these days and most of them write this “tabloid level” stuff just to stay relevant. No average mortal is going to read those giant doorstoppers real historians write.
    What’s interesting is that classical history in my school is (except for 3 or 5 girls) a giant sausage fest. But it’s propably because there isn’t much money in it.

  5. Hey, you dudes will love this. Working as a MAN MAID!
    I’m going to do it. Why not have women pay us for doing some dusting and vacuuming!

  6. Nevermind that the bust of Nefertiti portrays a Caucasoid woman. They wuz kangz n shit and questioning that (((narrative))) is a felony. Retarded Americans already believe that Kwanzaa is a real African holiday. Their kids will believe Wakanda actually existed and that Achilles was a sub-Saharan Negro (read about the upcoming epic Netflix series “Troy”).
    Recently starting watching one of the main Petra documentaries available on Youtube. Had to turn it off after literally two minutes. All the “researchers” were feminist hags and the whole documentary was claiming that women basically created and ruled Petra.
    Can’t watch almost any documentaries these days because they’re all rewriting history and aggressively promoting a distorted cultural marxist perspective.

    1. To be fair, the bust of her hsband, and his ancestors were negroid. She was likely mulatto, which is why this family gains mainstream interest. An agenda for sure, considering there were entirely African as well as entirely European rulers in ancient egypt.

  7. Reminder: Cleopatra was white.
    It always amazes me how black women see her as an ultimate strong sister.

    1. That amazes me too, especially when her ancestry is well recorded and clearly traced to the Ptolemies, and if we can judge from her facial features on coins, she clearly was not a Black woman.

  8. Nietzsche was right — the dilettante rats will overrun the ivory tower (and the entire city) if you let them. Facts, history and the concept of meritocracy are very painful things for the weak-minded. The internet has helped spread a “social (justice) contagion” — generally among women and African Americans, but not exclusively — that falsely empowers or validates people through a fictional world of make-believe. Seems the only thing that might bring them back from the brink is a sound thrashing (verbal or otherwise), and they know it. This is why they are now trying to invent new rules about who can and cannot criticize. Ironic that these “victims of their own delusions” have to first hide behind common courtesies and laws of a polite society created by the men and Caucasians they hate, then pretend they are beyond reproach. Keep naming and shaming, ROK…eventually it might sink in that true equality means “stop making shit up, and stop taking advantages of the privileges you’ve achieved through the ample generosity of your patriarchy, for we have built the entire structure of your world, as God and nature has ordained.” Otherwise, this will probably end badly.

  9. Everyone trying to steal the history: Africans,Arabs, Jews, leftists, conspirators and whites. Egypt is Egyptian which has its own culture and history. Also, fuck the Egyptian government which lets oligarchs steal our statues and sell it abroad to (((them))) and fuck the military junta controlling Egypt supported by (((them))) to oppress Egyptians

  10. All the old professors that used to teach history or anything else in the humanities have retired or died. They were awesome because they had a real passion for what they did, not like the rabid politicised one’s of today. They have no care for the most likely logical analysis of known facts. To them its all about changing the perceptions of students to fit their diabolical political doctrines. Women historians especially tend to aggrandize the minuitae of women and the lower classes like slaves, over larger broader more pivotal information.

    1. One of my professors is 80 years-old and still alive and kicking. When he isn’t teaching, he makes fun of modern politics and feminism.
      While gender is a thing in some classes, teachers don’t give a damn about virtue signaling. They don’t care, what you have between your legs. You have to shut up, respect them and study, like it should be.

  11. when the Anunnaki come back to the world from outer space and start laying waste to humanity I’m just going to step aside and let him have their fucking way

    1. I want to see all these fictional blacks and female Heroes Save the Day. not a single white man should sacrifice him for the sake of humanity

      1. Don´t expect the help of Mexicans, when 911 occurs thousand of Mexican return to Mexico, legals and illegals, like running rats, that shit was very scary and many Latino believed in a WW3. Many Legals quickly escape a potential draft.

  12. Narmer, why wrote that the hidden door to the possible tomb of Nefertiti will probably never be opened – but why do you say that? Please explain.

  13. The 5 standard stages of multiculturalism
    stage 1 multiculturalism – immigrants arrive and get job/poor and maybe petty crime if unable to quickly assimilate ( first generation )
    stage 2 multiculturalism – dating issues as they mate poach as often one sides manner. Also fights more equality and more rights and protests at grievences. May get educated and start doing well within society or start failing into crime depending.
    stage 3 multiculturalism – get political power and undermine the state – often they merely subvert for more migration or seek to weaken state to improve position of themselves. American Jews are proudly at stage 3. Seek to impose on culture and begin rewriting history according to their own ethnic genetic preferences ( like here ) and pushing own enthnic or religious agenda.
    stage 4 multiculturalism – divided nation democracy ceases to function as it degrades to being voted along tribal lines, racism very high, state weak, war possible, natives rapidly bred out and unhappy. Nationalism rises amongst whites
    stage 5 – death of host culture and genetics or civil war and explusion from host . Nazism arose as classic stage 4 multiculturalism and then moved onwards towards full blown stage 5.
    Muslims in Europe are stage 1 but will move through the classic stages. This is classic stage 3 muticulturalism.

    1. multiculturalism has this classic trajectory which you see over and over again. Its fight or flight for the hosts.

    2. stage 3 is when they start attacking the host culture trying to destroy it and undermine it. You can see that across the more advanced multiculural states in Europe and America. Many of the migrants children openly say how much they hate the host people. That is very common.
      Really the classic stages need mapping with evidence and classic effects. The pervading and incorrect media narrative is that it will usually work when clearly that is rarely ever the case and history keeps repeating itself as with 109 explusions as evidence of that for one group we are aware of. That is because it doesn’t work.
      stage 1 and 2 is where they fight nationalism and rascism of the host. Small amounts of exchange may have some beneficial effects but swamping is the new modern genocide.

  14. Rhiana is Mulatto. Its peculiar that mulatto’s seem to always be the specimens pedestalized by Africans or black pride groups.

    1. Exactly when there is always a list of beautiful black women is always full of half white, or quarter white women. It´s seems that white with another race mixing can result in beautiful people, like the Hapa girls, half white, half Asian.

    2. Today is her birthday!!!
      Happy birthday Robyn Fenty!!
      Jk, I’m not a brain dead normie cuck who lives and dies at the whims of celebrities who don’t give a shit about them.

  15. The tomb will not be opened in the forseeable future due to Egypt basically atopping all foreign researchers from taking anything from tombs. Don’t remember specifics but the want their government to have first crack at everything now. So they told everyone else to it was important cultural land marks and to hit the bricks.
    Now that the Muzzies are incharge no one will want or be able to safely go their, and we know how much the Sons of Islam love to preserve monuments…eapecially those built for some one other than Mohammad.

  16. I’m still making my way through R.A. Schwaller De Lubicz’s The Temple of Man. It is the singlemost thorough and radical investigation into Egyptian architecture. Aside from John Anthony West no-one seriously investigated or embraced his work. Yet Zahi Hawass is treated like a genius for regurgitating what he is told to.

  17. Every other European male is related to King Tutankhamun, the celebrated boy pharaoh who ruled Egypt more than 3,000 years ago, according to researchers in Zurich. REAL King Tut DNA Test = WHITE 100% Scientists at Zurich-based DNA genealogy center, iGENEA, say they have reconstructed the DNA profile of the pharaoh, his father Akhenaten and grandfather Amenhotep III. The researchers didn’t evaluate the DNA themselves; they say they made their findings “with the help” of a film made for the Discovery Channel. The researchers say they believe King Tut belonged to a genetic profile group known as haplogroup R1b1a2. More than 50 per cent of all men in Western Europe belong to this genetic group as do up to 70 per cent of British men. But among modern-day Egyptians, less than 1 per cent of residents belong to this haplogroup, according to iGENEA. Researchers say it’s likely that King Tut and Europeans share a common ancestor who lived in the Caucasus region about 9,500 years ago.

  18. stage 5 – Modern day Egypt and any once great civilization that engages in miscegenation(race mixing)
    Today European built South Africa is stage 1 but will move through the classic stages of so called “multiculturalism”. This is classic stage 3 multiculturalism. It took Europeans 300 years to built the today’s wealthiest country in Africa(South Africa), and it took less than 20 years after the communist mendella and his black ANC party to destroy it. In fact most blacks living in South Africa were born elsewhere, mostly migrants escaping civil war and many were fortunate to keep their arms and legs as a result of failed states due to black leadership in sub-saharan africa. These blacks will always gravitate to places Europeans built. The same is happening in Deutschland (Germany) and Sweden, now the rape capital of Europe with South Africa the rape capital of the world. White-Caucasian-European/European-American Peoples of the world are the only people on earth who form or join organizations 100% dedicated to the welfare of other races.
    *Recession: when your neighbor loses their job.
    *Depression: when you lose your job.
    *Recovery: Now that incompetent-usurper-islamist cultural-marxist- ‘barack hussein obama'(barry sodomite soetoro), and hishis ugly-drag-queen ‘wife’ (Michael) have been exposed and embarrassed as total-failures lost their jobs.
    When a Caucasian-White European/European-American Man finds a desert, he turns it into an oasis.
    When the yellow man finds an oasis in the desert, he maintains it.
    When the black man encounters an oasis, he turns it into a desert.
    If you worship your enemy, you are defeated.
    If you adopt your enemy’s religion, you are enslaved.
    If you breed with your enemy, you are destroyed.
    From the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of races;
    from the confusion of races, the loss of memory;
    from the loss of memory, all understanding;
    and from this – all chaos & all evil.
    (ancient Germanic proverb)
    White people invent, develop, and develop.
    Yellow people copy and imitate(i.e. Japan/China..).
    black/brown people do neither.
    To quote the book “It’s a Wonderful Beautiful-Race”
    “Even the industrious Japanese and Chinese people had to rely on the Europeans and European American to build the modern Asia. It is possible that without European influence and technology even China and Japan might still exists exactly as it did before Commodore Perry’s American naval ships arrived in Japan in the 1850s. There’s no industry, no technology, no Fuji film, no Sony, no Hitachi, no Panasonic, no Toyota, no Honda, no Yamaha, no Suzuki, no bullet-trains. No Sushi bars, no baseball…none of the trappings or comforts of modern life. These things possibly wouldn’t exist in Japan or anywhere else if Europeans weren’t there to create them and share them with the rest of the world.”
    The EU and the UN knows that miscegenation(race mixing) always destroys the races which engage in it. Race mixing is genocide. A mixed people are a controllable people often missing that special ability unique to European DNA to be first to create something useful out of nothing. It was Celtic-Germanic-Nordic-Caucasian Peoples the original inventors and developers of the technology to travel among the stars & beyond over 50 years ago, the only people to put their footprints on the moon. Today, others only attempt to follow in our footsteps.
    Here is what a prominent journalist friend of my father wrote about ‘obama’:
    “Complete-failure as “president obama’(barry sotoero) was a Harvard Law Review ‘president’ who never published a word, the community organizer who never organized a thing, the state legislator who very often voted ‘absent’. And then came the day when it wasn’t enough simply to be, he had to do, and it turns out he can’t. Not even when being fully backed by both a Democrat-controlled House and Senate, and just about every media networks backing him. And even though he had not done anything, Obama was treated like a “savior’ on his trip to Noble Europe, and even won a European Nobel Peace prize for what? Being ‘half-black’? He didn’t earn that Nobel, someone made that happen.” (Open border-globalists like ‘George Soros’).
    Marxist Intellectuals” in the colleges, they sneer back with a long list of Negro “achievers” who are statesmen, writers, geniuses, etc. They trot out Senator Edward Brooke, Adam Clayton Powell, William White, W. E. B. Dubois, Ralph Bunch, etc.
    This is one of the trick arguments that looks good until you slow down and examine it critically. Then you will see that it is pure madness to judge “Negroes” by the likes of such “Negroes.” They are presenting a MIXTURE to try to prove the qualities of one INGREDIENT. Dynamite is made of sawdust and nitro-glycerin. So, in a sense, you could say that dynamite is “made out” of wood.
    But would anybody be mad enough to contend, therefore, that wood is explosive? When two things are mixed, the resulting product cannot be used to prove the qualities of either single ingredient.
    When we try to discuss the natural abilities of the negro, the leftist-cultural Marxist instantly start pointing with pride to creatures which are anything but real Negroes – men who are almost always WHITE men with a small amount of Negro blood in them.
    * Fact is that if you deny the exceptional characteristics: intelligence, originality, beauty, and natural diversity that already naturally already exists only in the European-Caucasian DNA, you deny homogeneity, you deny human rights. Every body else looks pretty much the same; same hair color and eyes; that is, unless they are fortunate enough to possess European DNA(Colin Powell, Mariah Carey, Beyonce….)
    The United States Constitution and the private ownership of guns(2nd Constitutional Amendment) is the single greatest symbol of individual power, and therefore is despised by leftist.” “Leftist cultural Marxist have enormous compassion for criminal predators, and pedophiles but little for the victims. In the depraved thought processes of a leftist, abortion becomes necessary to guarantee sexual freedom and eliminate moral consequence. Their ‘god’ is government.
    “You may not like guns, and choose not to own one. That is your right. You might not believe in God. That is your choice. However, if someone breaks into your home the first two things you’re going to do are: 1) Call someone with a gun. 2) PRAY they get there in time.”-The Great European-American President Ronald Wilson Reagan – 40th President of the USA.
    “History has shown that the greater power of the gun is its power to deter. Bear in mind that the criminal, by definition, target only victims they believe they can overpower.” -Every police & military force in the world.
    When the intended victim draws a gun, the predator realizes that their potential victim has the ability to kill them instantly. This tends to modify the predator’s behavior without a shot being fired.
    There are millions of law-abiding gun owners in North America/Europe. The only misuse of guns comes in environments where there are drugs, alcohol, bad parents, ignored, & undisciplined children.
    Unconditional Gun control laws keeps lawful citizens unprotected, because criminals who wants a gun for a crime is going to get it on the black market. –The Great Ronald Reagan (U.S.A. 40th President).
    “You know why there’s a Second Amendment? In case the government fails to follow the first one(The law abiding citizen’s constitutional right to own guns for protections),” ~ Rush Limbaugh
    The cities, counties and states that have the strictest gun control laws have the highest gun related robberies, rapes, murder, and mayhem. – The Great Ronald Wilson Reagan-40th European-American- President.
    Washington DC, bankrupt-Detroit, Chicago have the strictest gun control laws in the country, yet has the country’s highest gun related crimes, murder, rape and mayhem. Blacks kill more blacks than any other group.
    “To disarm the people was the best and most effectual way to enslave them. –George Mason.
    “Every Communist must grasp the truth, ‘Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” ~Mao Tse-tung, 1938, inadvertently endorsing the Second Amendment(The right for sane non-criminal citizens’ right to bear arms(own their own guns for protection against crime, dictators, and foreign invasions).
    All non-sexual individual freedoms are despised by the leftists. Why? Because those kinds of individual freedoms, (such as economic self-reliance) demand moral responsibility. The leftist open border anarchist despises the United States because it is the premier protector and promoter of individualism in the world.
    “In half a life-time, many European-Americans have seen their God dethroned, their heroes defiled, their culture polluted, their values assaulted, their country invaded, and themselves demonized as extremists and bigots for holding on to truths, traditions, customs and beliefs Americans have held for generations.” Patrick Buchanan
    Western Europe/USA, and any other European/European-American built 1st world nation runs the risk of turning dark and bleak from the dark masses of illegal immigrants, it could turn into subsahan-africa, middle-east, or most of SE asia.
    *True Cost(Reasons for) of Open Borders:
    1) Miscegenation=White Genocide.
    2) Democrats need undocumented illegal & legal aliens to swing elections in Democrat’s favor, since foreigners will always vote for the party that promises them everything for free.
    3) Cheap labor for the rich as the American working-class tax payers & citizens pay the COST as middle class jobs are outsourced to China and India making them rich at the expense of the middle class of Europe and North America. 97+% all of inventions and technologies in the scientific inventory originated in the minds of European/European American in Europe and North America, and every 1st world country where Europeans(DNA) are a majority.
    Why isn’t wealthy Japan, South Korean, and are oil-rich muslim-middle eastern-states refusing mulism-refugees from Syria? They are of the same religion and mixed-arab-blood. Refugees welcomed by oil-rich gulf nations: saudi arabia: 0, emirates: 0, quatar: 0, Kuwait: 0, Iran: 0 and other wealthy Western-technologically dependent Asian countries: 0
    Mass invasions by 3rd & 4th world immigrants is a crisis for European/European-American-built 1st world Nations. It’s an open door for drugs, criminals, and terrorists to enter. As we are finding out with multiple islamist-terrorist-muslim attacks since 911 in the United States, Brexited-Britain, Germany, Sweden, France, Belgium, Spain…). What does Japan and Poland have in common? 0 terrorist attacks. Tokyo, the largest city in the world: 0 islmaist-TERRORIST attacks.
    Why? Almost 0 muslim middle-eastern & african migrants allowed into these two nations.
    By his words and actions incompetent-pro-muslim-Cultural Marxist-fake-fraud-piece of shit-‘obama’ acts on the believe that law abiding European-Americans are more dangerous than muslim-islamist-terrorists responsible for every terrorist attack since/before 911.
    Built the WALL!!! Just like Israel has. And like the Vatican did in the 1400s to keep out muslim-TERRORIST invaders. Pedophile-Papal-Hypocrisy.

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